Newspaper Page Text
:$. i \**i IX7IS:L.IC OJT^XCIAI^. MBMBHK or OOKOnijIS. "W. Washburn, Minneapolis DISTRICT COCltT. Pi*rieW,4go, O. P. Steams, Dnlnth. STAT* 1BJJATOR, Aadrew MeCrea, Feirh&no. RXrilBMKTATl*"' jL C. Comstoek, Moorliead. kWr Salopian. Crookston. cwtrifTY orrcsjt 7rhate Jdre, ioha W. Sleo. ^Register f Deeis, Titos. Cregg. Auditor, O. Taylor. Treaanrer, J. B.. Titus, ilheriff, W. T. Lackey. Attorney, A. E. .Flint i*kool SVptrlSteader.t, J. M. Brown. Crnr, Win, Carrot, Smrreyt-r, J. P. Nelson, eOCHTT 00UM19II0KXM' IstDiatricWA/P* Melhtyre, W*rrsn. *t Diitrietrrrr. D,. keys, Jxruisa. *4 DistrictA, Diatneni, Btephsa. Religious service* ifr tk* school hoHie every t t 10,10 1,, y Socloty. Temytranef Society organization meet every IfrUtay evening at tk school hoiiat. BUSINESS OAEDS. WA,TXJ\H:?S. O. TAYLOR. COUNTY AUDITOR. Pays Taxes fog Non-residents. J- Pa Nelson. #$a/ $fofe. Pays Taxes. JOHN W, SLEE, Abstract and Land Examiner, AgeitFerK. It.- Li* I* JfoLK, MAX- IliM A* KltTaOJt COBKTIII- ^Special attention to locating GOT ernment and R. R. Lands. A. E. Johnson & Co., AgeaU for RAILROAD LAND. P. A. DUFOFB, (Counselor and Attorney at Law CROOKSTON MINN. Crookston House, 1VM. BOX, Pfoprietdr. Crookston, Minnesota. ^Headquarters for Marshall County PtopU. BUSIH SSS Pi RECTORY. WARJREX. W. J. Mclatyre. MERCHANTS. Sk*s*., Alls* AC*., M. P. Qilkert, A Co] MrCrealrts. SALOON. TarrtB A Daiy. LUUBIR. at W. Rtssaaaa, Joaaaoa, Allan A C. AGRICULTURAL TOOU. H. C. Meatier WAOX MAKJCR AMD J01IXR. It. Csayder. HOTILS. ""Warre* Xtase. Mark Stephens, Manager. CARPINTIR. T.R. Davls.v, lLACKtMITHf. M. McCai, C. L. Wehar. TIM AHD HARDWARX. MrCrsa Bros. LOUISA. MIRCHANTf. Ktya, A. D6 Verhoaetmr. KARDWARI. oka Awgustlaa. 1ASD Aax^TJ. atolcomb A level. ATTORXXT. Cktffge W. Holcomi). AtRICntTURAL MACIliMIRT.- Ti D.- Keya. BOTIL. Carl ktnU^ JtiTICJB OT THR PlACl O.Btrktn ipHTWCUK A*D DRUdii Dr. J'. L*Tul: ALOOKS R. Xiral, t. C#*fr.- SSTJBpitJBIf* MERCHANT. J*ha ataaaa. HOTBL. "W ^^tisn7 Whe^t SO cents. Friday, Feb. 25th. Almost every day' there one or more carloads of bound for Winnipeg $ X. 1, NO, 13, ?WABSEN, MARSHAL COUNTY, MINNESOTA, FEBRUARYS Looal Brevities. passes horses Where will the nest sociable be The last one at the Warren House, money enough was grren to pay off the indebtedness on the orfja-n. Wc had a pleasant call iroai Mr. U. L. Craig, of Middle Riyer, last evening. He reports everything do^ ing nicely considering the weather, i etc., in his neighborhood. As we are going to have a drug store, why don't we have a good physician and sugeon also. There is an opening for some enterprising young man in this viciuity. Entertainment, Friday evening. mi i 11 *r i The little blow of caused a blockade on the railroad,' iew hours late. 5 both north and south of us, yester- v. i i. A T- being cleared,four dancing day, but both tramsb got through a ^i-i i i 6 passed through on last Thursday's train. They report having very successful trip. Thishad week| they will be in Fargo and vicinity. The St. Paul and Minneapolisceed* tourists are passing through town almost every day. Last week H. L. Pitts, the hardware traveler, and McManus' confectionery and cigar man, stifed ovr one day, and to day we noticed the Minneapolispantomine, spice and tea man, Mr. ShattUck, interviewing our merchants. Go early and avoid the rush, Friday Feb. 25th. ]em on The person who borrowed John son, Allen & Co*fi ax, last etening between the hours of 9 and 10 p.m. without asking, will please return the same and save trouble, as theReaper party is known, and the habit dis-and,Dance.,\Sunset pisable. Letters. Letters remaining uncalled for in the Warron P. 0., Feb. 1, Aniodt, Andrew Atkinson, Rev. Lewis Dew, Mrs. C. J. In calling for the above letters please say ''advertised." ETHAN ALLEK, P. M. One of the mUctl needed additions to our Huiiness community, is a good boot and shoe maker. Dur ing the early part of the wiuter a party was ifl town looking for a location, but not being able to find a building or even a room to rent, left town again. Let some man put up few small buildings here for rent, they would &wl a troublein always having them dddnpied. The lumber for the sale-stable of Mr. F. Murry, arrived on Monday, and is being drawn to the building place. J. C. Mclntyre has tlife con tract for the carpenter work, and will commence work upon thdi building immediately. The staW| will be located Oh the' lots directly* i in the rear of M I*. Gilbert & Co's.-1 The building will bf 2^i40 feet^ foot corB*j About April 1st Messrs. Titus & Whitney will open up a stock of Drugs and Notion's, in the building between M. P. Gilbert & (Jo's., general store and the Senate saloon. We are pleased to learn that these enterprising gentlemen are intending open one of the most needed line of goods in this coun try and we wish them great suc cess in their undertaking. See elsewhere for the programme pf the entertainment on Friday. Tb pnaxefe. It eomo Qff, on last Wednesday riight. That long looked for social hop, at the ^arren House. The I musicians arriving rather late he report was circulated that there" would-not be a dance, and quite a number did not prepare for it,: before *.n MondaJM night, & Mr but as it was there were some 15 or 18 couples present, they danced until 12 o'clock, when an elegant repast wasdset them,eand all had one ofihos supperfell-tooh9&it wJiie an,Mrs. Chanson know so 1 well how to prepare. The rom tmue until I The Bryton-Carver combination, mgrto otll# atten a cloc*,was'eon-- alltbop 1. be permitted tod attend n- bo long, an anyway to house, about April 1st. Spaces will not permit us to describe the toilets of those present. Everyone enjoy- Mrs. C., on their retiring from the We understand that there i* to td themselves immencely. We be a dance given in the building, cannot help but praise the dancing in lately bought by Messrs. Titus and Whitney. It will probably take place within the next twor. Greeks, as they expect to have their drug stock here by the fifteenth of next month. of a young married lady, it wap ex cellent. The following is the programe an entertainment which will be given at the Warren House, on Fri day evening, Feb. 25th. The pro of which are to be donated to the Venefit of the church. The entertainment will .consist pf plays, tableau's, songs, readings and instrumental music. Follow ing is the caste of the first peice, a entitled ROSETTE on THE SILKIN PUKIE, Mothtr, Rosatte, Witch, Villaree, Sailor, Fob, Servant, Mt'Sic Mr. Mclntyre. Misa Chan^or.' Mr*. Stebbln?.' Mr.. Stcrtos! Mr. Ferran. Mr* Whitney. Mr. 8tcvens. MT, Ray Palmer and Othera, TABLEAU IT: LittleJack Hornerj Sculptor Boy Matrimony Faith Cow Slip. So.vo, Mr. II. G. Stebbin?. and Flower?} Cottnty Courtahip Sun rise Noon afld Midnight Music, Song SONO, Mr. Kay Piimcer. Ceries arid the Seaaofl Flower of the -Fahiily Shcild ofInnocence Magic Mirror. Reading, Mr Geo. IL McCreai Kock of Aget BBAfftioXy being led to frison the Nuns Inshnad,l J. P. NELSON, Attorney and Counselor at Law, Waffeh, Marshall Co., Minn. NOTA*T PUILIC, C0i*TT SlT*TlTQX XiSs)u.rsi9 aixadL Xtakl Xtt. DEEDED LANDS FOR SALE. PRAIRIZ AND WOO0 LANDS. Choiee Lands Selected aid Entries Made SHSAV aad the Piouwr !**tf tma^wff,T15. Farmera daairiRg aTnumpk Ssedar for 1*11, can bay* tfca aaaaa of W. H. Gilkrt at Warraa. Triffctas. 3fi1tlcc of Chsxttl* ?Iorti Aso elmuvre and. Sale. i Parting ball to Mr. and i 'w i LA5f $hanty. SONG, Mr. KaJ Palmer ADMxS'SION, Adults, 25cts. Chitdren, 15 cts. Doors at 7, pefformanca commences promptly at 7:30. mm^fmmmmmmummmmmmmmmmmimmmmmmm OFFICE. r Name ofMortgagor, X. A. Holilier. N'anfe of Mtrtgjsee, P. T. Bonjea. Dal of Mortgage, .M.nj 2S, U80. Mortgaa-e ri*ordel the 2th dsy of May 1S.R0 la tho ofii-e of tin" owti i firk in and for tlia town of Tamarao, Maraliull County, State of Minnesota, at 7 o'clock p. in. Dlserjption of jnorttage.l property onr ofr-1 tail) lra,mii bullJing built by M. A. llolthtroi nc sections, Town 157, Kauge 4* jMarahal] county Minnesota. The amount i Uime:l to bf due upon said I debt stcured by said niortjias a at th* dat? of tbis notice i 1be sum of two hundred and 6o ^nty-aeret) dollars and fifty-two cents (S277.W) and no procacdintr by Jiw or otherwise Una been iuatitutfd for the rtcot cry of *aid mort jra^ed debt or any part thercof"xnddtfai.n hav ing been mada in the payment of paid of mnney claimed to be dii ^s ^foreiaid, Notice h'-rcby given that the Raid chattfe mortgage will be foreclosed and that tho .ud mortgaged property will by yirtufe of power of sale in said chatile mortgage contained and ,t*ereih recorded, and pursuant to the provision %f the statute in such case made and provided be soli at public vendue by the ehf riff o,f Mar ahall county or hia deputy at the front door of tat section houae at Stephen atation in Mar ahall county 8tate of Minneiola on tha tittU ayflllareh 18Sl, *t 1 o'clock r- m to aatiafy and pay lh% amount then due on aaid mortgaga debt to gether with, coata and dijburementa of said together with $10. stipulated in Raid chat- tT niiortgagc to be paid out of the proceeds of eiic^fii-sale to mortgagee in cuae of a foreclosure of said chattle mortgage as and for Attorney'*! fee. 12-16 P."J, BOWLEG, ILKVIJ, & HOLCOMB, M0rtgn|e*, Attoraey* for Mortgagee. i Crookston, Mint. Feb. 9, 1SSL Complaint having been entered at this offlce by Edward Laberge against Charfes Larne for abandoning hie horoestaad entry No.- 2U-S 6t*ed May S, 1870 upon the sw* aefb 157, Ii4?* in Marshal! county Minn, wit* view to the cancellation of aaid eatry tljff mid prirtie*' are hereby summened-to appear at thU ef^ce on the 17th day of March 1W1, H0 o'efock t. TO. to respond and furnish testimony coacern ing said alleged a.1)andoriment- THO?. C. SHAPLJtiftir, Register. 12-iGpd P. C. 8I.XTTK?,-, KcceiVer. LAND OFFICE. Crookstom, Minn. Feb, 9,1SS1. Complaint having len entered at tiii* office by Irene Hoyoxagainet fofui M. Heir* for abandoning his homestead entry No. 15ft4 dated August 1U 187S, upon the nw sec 2, 157, R4S,i Marshall county Minn.- with a view to the cancellation of sa'td tt'rtry tfce :iid parties are hereby summoned f^apnrar a this office on the 17th day of Mareft lSlf 10 o'clock a. m. to retivond *.nd fSrhiah teat mony concerning said alleged abaudonm*tt.- TKOS. C. SK*M.IO, Regisser.- 12-16pd P. C. SLUTTKX, Receiver. I AND OFFICE, Crookston, Minn.- Feb. 21,156L Compfaint having been entered at tHJs office by (feorgeDarveaux acain.-t Andrew Setter holm for abandoning his homesteadfcjtryNo. ffJ2fi datei M^y 1-t, 1.V7' upon the nw.^sec ^0. 15K, R4S, in M*r-'.lu!l county Minn, with a view to the citnccll.itioii ofsaid etitry the aaid parties are herein- nvimmorted appear at this office on the 25th day of flarch 18M at 10 o'clock a.- m. to respond'and ftffhish testimony concerning said allcired abandonment. 13-I7pdi Tab?. C. SiiAPiMoti, liegister. SVMCRIDE ?6R THE SHEA F, Onttha East sids, of Hailros.d Track, yoawill. xlv-yi find TI roady to glio^r you Q-ood?,g^IT yon-prices* *nd to sll you asy thing yon vaat in SASH, DOOR S AH BUILSIM PA.PI8. 'Croclierr, Slasswsrc mi lamp, Paiafs. Bocti and Slioss, I Ila,t and Csip*, i CD -''Readj'MhLfi Paiat.. Pry Q-oodt and Itotion*, G1OT3 Cottier 1st and Johnson Avenue, Rallroftd Tlrrta Ta*Si# St. Paul, Minneapolis & Mani toba JtaHway, WARREN. E. We have a Tin Shop in eonnsctioa with ur Store. Aay&iag m. the Tinware line made and repairing done neatly asd warranted. Don't forget the Plate:' J. B. Titna, Station Aget. Leave South. Ltav ?forth. Pas**ger, S.-30 M. Pteteager, 1.S5 p. m. FreigSt,- ilap. a. Freight, 11.00 a. m. LOUISA. Leave o*th. I^ave North. Pf(8fljger, 9.57 p. m. Passenger, *.00 p. nt. Freight, 1S.0O Freight, 1S 00 ua. .STEPHEN. .Henry Lane, Ctatioa Ageiitj Leave South. Lave North. PasstBger, 8.50 p. m., Passmger', S.S0 p. m. Freight, 11.SO a. aa. Freight, 1.00 p. m. ish, General Dialer in Hardware, Tinware, dtovoc, Bar Iron* Steel and Builders' Material. Ageiil f&r the i CLJB*ATK* MONITOR PLOWS. .00 PES IIAS. and Mittn8 J*-_ Buffalo Coat, leo-, efeo^ WE HAVE THE GEXUINE SCRE W BOOT S AND mOM CAL AND EIAMINX THEM.. Crookston LVIinn. Fine Watch Repairiftg Care* fully Done and Guaranteed, The Famous Rockford' Mortnitnt 'our tsptcial Stock. This ia the cuiaitttio* f Keehasioal In- geHMity ia Watches They are cheaper, better Ue* more acw rate ahd drabie that asy ther yet inventai/. Alarg* end well seSectcs) stock ef Clock* from *2 up to fancy prices. A practical Watchaaksryself Igmraniae all isaUrial sold as rtprssanittj. And ii wrk uodartaksa j*trfet ra I* dour. Watekts or foda fr rapalr CM be iaft at tka Sasuf Oataa Warrea. H. C. MENTEBR Dsaler FAR jXTerythifi* ifi Tin, Iron or Brass, McConfiick Twine and Wir$ Ornamifetal or Practical, usu- ally* iept by the Trade. Prices Reduced. Y. fafiinn. FishBros'*^Milburn Wagons^ Deere & Monitor Plows, Binders, Harvesters and Mowers, I. Case Engines and Threshers. ifcperior Seed*?,*,-