Newspaper Page Text
VOL W 1. NO. 14. .viimmFiEiaMiHBitfaBWamiiiuiMiTiH rtri*x,ie OFFICIAL. MEMREK OF COKORES3. W. TVghburu, Minneapolis DISTRICT COUKT. piakiet Judge, O, P. Stearns, Buluth, STATE SENATOR. Aadrew McCrca, Fcrham. REI*RESKMTATIT?(5. V, G. Comstock, Moorhead. Barnard Sampson, Crookston. CODJfTT OFFICERS. Probate Jadpe, Jlsgiater of Deeds, Auditor, Treasurer, Sheriff, Attorney, School Superintendent, Drner liarTejor, John W. Slee. Thog. Gregg". O. Taylor. J, 13, TUus. W, T, Lackey. A. E. Flint. J. M. Brown. Wm, Carrcsc-., J. P. Nelson. COUXTT COMMISSIONERS. 1st DistrictA. P. Mclntyre, ad DietjrietF, D. Keye, Sd DiafrictA, Diamond. Relirrlotis Notice. Religion* services in the school lionse every Sunday at 10.30 a. na. Swcicty. Tamperanee Society organization meet every Friday evening at the school house. BUSINESS CARDS. AVAxwsKrsr. 0. TAYLOR. OUS^TY AUDITOR. Pays Taxes for Non-residents. Ja P.o Nelson,. r.r rr N 13 A. fteal Estate. Pays Taxes, WN"W7SLEE^ JUDGrE OF pilOBATJ JurUdiclion in HOMESTEAD and FINAL PKOOF enWM*. Special attention to locating Gov* rnment nnd R. R. Lands. A. E. Johnson & Co., Areata for RAILROAD LAND P. A, BUFQUE, Counselor and Attorney at Law CROOKSTON, MINN. Cirookstdn House. *WU. BOX, Proprietor, Crookston, Minnesota. Jltudquctrters for Marshall County People. BUSINESS Dl^ECTOKY. WABBEN. MIAT MARKET* W. Ji Mclntyr* MRC HANTS. haao_, Allsa &V*., M. 1*. Gilbert* Co, MiCresi 8r. SALOON. Tamj-B Sc DaUyi LiniBKK. I W. F.o:aiB, Johnson, Allsa !C Co. AGRICULTURAL TOOLS. H. C. Mectier WAGON MAKER AND JOStiSKt K. C. Snyder. HOTELS. Warra Ha6, Mark Stephens, MahagBr. CATIPSNTER. T. R. Davis. ILACK8?^ITHS. li. 4 McC*a, C. L. Weber. TIN AND HARDWARE JleCrwi Bros. LOU18A. M2RCIIANTS J. Ksye, A. D. Verboatoun HARD WAKE. Jolan Au^uatinv. LAND AtJINTS. Hiaosib A Keval. ATTORNEY. G*orge W. Holcomb. -A.6RICULTURAL MACHINERT-. T. D. Ksye. HGTIIA Carl Menud. JU8TIC2 OT THE 1TAC1-. O. Barker. PimiOIAN AND DRLVG8. Dr. J: Lafou i. SALOO^Sv H. KiTtl, 8. Coitflcr. MS8CA5T John Haaafe ROTISJ,. & Zk"i* Local Brevities. Wheat SO cents. Lent begins to-da^ Mails very irregular now. A little more of the beautiful yes terda3% Mr. F. Stem come up to pa Warren. Louis Stephen, of 'Middle jji 1 a good Co 2T\ why wili he not make: mi v- rn- rL i i and they offer part, of it for sale, Monday, March 21st the county m1 we 3 A town meeting and election took place in township 155 range 46, S Men of nerve are needed to illl the offices of Coaitableg, and our V/arren Smith equally as well in tomorrow as th moon will reach the conjunction or nearest point with the three planets Juni per, Saturn and Venus, at eight o'clock the display will be at its height. A caucus will fico of J. P. Nebon, Esq., on Fri I Turn out all you Totera, and help to place a good board in office, and then on election day, Tuesday, March 8th, eiect them. Place men r^-^i ty&ZZr**^. "*'i^y^| One of the most important' offices yet to fill, is that of Assessor, and it needs .a man who is a good judge of every thing in'general, End cur butcher W. J. Mclntyre, seems to fill that bill, as near as any person. For Justices of the Peac.c,!|Ir. E. Everything, seat of this county was located at, 1 .1 i 1 !on the whole it was a good prefor- thia point by tne legislature, i Thi.s settles the dispute- about. the county seat for a while at least. The Index saitli well We are in clined to smilo when a man tells us an cc Feb. 22d, the officers elected to' increasing the value of his property, serve until March 8th, they will probably be re-elected for the com ing year on that day. Deputv Sheriff J. S. Brigga, PresidentG Hayes tep down and make a good one for the town and I out another term, and a\ _' JR. Ross who has so acceptably f.ii- IiaY ve his taxas last Tre^k! od thte for tho past year, he ou S -v vro.may need cue in the village, Messrs. A. I Stephens and S. I Mr. T. R. Crai^, .would till that of- Fletcher of Fisher's stopped over, flee exceeding well. night Monday. _i..._ ._.__ In" other places of to-days paper Here arc just the men for Super- W9 visors, E. W. Rossman chairman, the different parties, who we flur.k Peter Dalquist and Frank Searl. A dance vrill take have suggested the ..'.names cf would make good ofiicera to fill the "7 offices for'which they are mention mace' at the ed, and tie caucus cast your residence of 1'1. J,. Tripp on Friday! .,in vote for them and- thev will be evening, every bodv go and have a.1! i nominated.. good time. Mr. J. C. Bennewitz, of Red J. B. Titus, makes Treasurer as good one we have. -n i i tVing ia again witn us, he come: in Judge Slee came very near hav ing a serious fire yesterday, the roof of his back kitchen caught from come back again, Mr. B. the stove pipe. j- Z~Z~ advanceplacseveralthem: a iown* Ireasurer, as any i prepare a lo HT in prepare a pi tends having some buildings built upon the.farms that have been, se cured for them. near town. Wcl* wce town yesterday on a beging exenr-'j bina^ Farm Co*s., sion,-they were a nbvel^ sight toi nexfseasonr some, to see those dusky warriors take his departure to his new place around on their snow shoes. of famiiiss, i ___ I Mr. M. Twiford of Owatonna, How does A. P. Mclntyre's name Dodge Co.,-.has-been in our midst Strike you for the office of Town- for the passed few days, he is look- ship clerk, we think he is the right ig &> business site, hi the hard- man in the right place. ware line, and should he decide to _____ locate here, he will probably find Mr. S. C. Marsh of Minneapolis, this as good a business point any in the senior member of the. farming jtlie northwest. firm of Marsh &, spent a _-.-_ few days in the village last week, Mr. L. B.^ Wood and family, ___ brother of W. W. Wood arrived last Six Chippeway Indians were in k, to take charge of the Pern- allt i Th JNorthern Tie outfit hasj _. been bought of Mr. Chase, by the The entertainment, at the War- Journal and. Chronicle of Crookston re e(\} this is the last of that paper. -as net very a favorable one for it, but quite a number was thcro. intere'sts^ibr Mr. W.W., will soon as Superintendent of Lockhart Keystone farms.the House, was given, as advertis last Friday evening, the night moved off smoothly cn tii tii* *n i ihe members of the cabinet have tne country. Get youevening spy-glassc3e ready for i pected to the cfcState. and ^^K-i WAEREH, MABSHALt COUHTY, MINNESOTA, MARCH 2, 1881. rt 1. 1 mance and the receipts were $10. he cannot take his local paper be- lle A communication in regard to the organization and settlement of ?r* cause ne want3 a city paper, town 15o range i-6 ha a been hand-1j 7, 1 may as well say he can have breau notices, andp the local paper 0I 1 building the place and It is not manly, and we say with out hesitation, that there "is some thing out of joint with a man who does not support his local papera.n ."rt UP Next Frid' isinauguration day. ste Gaffiel an fou ea fox nex v. not ail been cnosen, Blaine :3 ex- JudgebFolgerSecretary Treasury. IJAND I i i J. ii. I Tl^i R*S in Marshall county Minm with be lie la at the Ol- a view to the csnceliatioh of sa'id entry the said parties are hereby summoned to an ear at thia office on the 17th day of March 1SSI, at i-V. U^wl iil 4-lr i,-.4-Mf nT, ,T:tS8, 48, in Marshall county Mtnm *ith a On the board Will taKe interest in ^iew to the cancellation of said entrv the su'd "this matter TllO present board P*Hks are hereby summoned to app.-arnt thia 1, ni CD Secretar the OFFICE-. Crookston, Minn-. Feb. 9, 1SL Complaint having been entered at 1h\ fTc by Irene Hoyoz against Sofuo M. Hdr for i abandoning his 'homestead entry 7o l.VJi dated August 19 1878, upon the n]i nvj, sec AND OFFICE, Crookston, Minn. Feb. 21,1881* Complaint having been entered at this offi**e by George Darveaux against Andfevr -L Sette -rs, hol for his homestead I v^5mdatedabandoning have denwe but orae 01 them do ovwu n. m. to f-.poud andfumishtestiniohT 4- 4--..,... -r 1 concoraiag said allecod abandonment. "1 1 May u, 1S7 upon the n*entry^Noi, ACI RO* the 25th day of March 1881 at 10 SSst'i^SSS^ I ZP^J^L 'J ^s.'S*! __J .-ItJ-^^J =-1- 1 jflToRtvy to Lonu, ^On improved farms. Long time aij^ at reasonable rates. IT. C. MEXTZEH'. I J. P. NELSOM, Attorney andCounseScratLaw, I 'barren, Marshall Co., Minn. XOTAET PL_LIC, COUNTY SL'XVEYOX I' ih^urnxioo ayicJ Keal _dtote. Choice Lands Selected a_d i Entries Made Notice oS Chnttle Mortgrajfc Fos- clOMiire tvitd Sale. N\tm- of Mortpnor, M. A. lTlther. Name ol Moitpa{ ee,r. T. Bo-nleu. ikue of Mortgage, May 28,1?K0. JtiortiMs:" rcH-orded the ii'Jth day of May 1^0 in the office ol the town lorkI unJ for the town of Tnmiirac, Marshall County, State.of M'.iiiKtioli!, at "i o'clock r, m. DiKijription of niortgii^eJ propcrij" on? cer tain 'franu? lni lding built by M. A. "liolthero'i ne-Ji section 5, Town 157, U. ngc 48, Marshall coinity Minnesota. Tlie amount el limed to be due upon said tleht .secured hy Paid mortgage at the \lat.- of this notice is the sum of two hundred aiid f.ev enfx-aeven dollars and fifty-two cents (i277.52) ancl'Jio proceeding l.uv or otherwise has been instUiiicd for the recovery of said mort gaged debt or any part tli"ieor'.ind defauV.hav ing been mad* in the payment of said sum of money cLtinied to be due as aforesaid. jJotice is b"-pby given, thnt the said chat:In nioStgagn will be foreo' sC..l aiultlwt lliv said mortgaged proi)ert--- by viriure of powe: of saift in said chaiilo'mortjj*e contained aci ^^^^9^ r~'-\*& "~t$,iv&'*%r DEEDED LANDS FOR SALE. $ PRAIRIE AND WOOD LANDS. "iir^|^JIl4j^rsjj^ittollie:-pTm ision ^K3Ts*^W:fi5i*nrfinci) cn^-ni:7de"rri'd" |)rovid'ed befl at public vendue by the sherifTof .M:r shall county or his deputy" at the front door of the section house at Stephen station in Mar shal! county State of Minnciotu on the tfsftli day o jriarcli, 1881, at 1 o'clock p. m,, to satisfy and pay th uinouut then due on Maid mortgage del)t to gether with cos-ill and disl'ursnientfvof said sale with $10, stipulated in said chat tie mortgage to be paid out of the proeeds of such'sale to mortgagee in ease of a foreclosure of said chat.le mortgage as and for attornej'ji fee. 12-56 F. J, BOWLEN, Kzvw. ct Iloi-covn, Mortgagee* Attorneys for Mortga ."JSP -fW-T*^-^'"''if*^ O. N JN Vj 5 X Q5 03 5 s^ CD marKei!1Steel W. J. MQWTYRE, IN THEIR SEAS0& M? DEPOT i-oa Faasa WMmMAMmmUiJHHS,J.!WJ,.|t'ail~ISJIlWIIIIIIHIIPI Boots and Shod.: i OTSTSSI. Corner 1st and Johnson Avenue, ftaiiroa'd'Timo Tab.'e. St. Paul, Minneapolis & Mani toba Railway. WAIIREN.. 'VL I Will |i I On the East side of Urilroad Track, you will _iw. ja fi^d us roady to show you Goods, giTS you prices, and to soil you any-' thin^ ycu want in ft4 11 SSL -a: mm IIII I I si 11 liihsi SASH, DOOR S AM BUILDIHS PAPIS. J. 15. Tlius, Station Agent* Leave South* Leave North. Passenger, 3.SO p* m. Passenger, 1.2S p. Freight, 12*45 p. 1:1. Freight, 11.00 a.m. LOUISA. Leave South. Leave North. Passengers 2*57 p* m. Passenger, 2.00 p. m. Freight, 12*00 m. Freight, 12.00 m. Henry Lane, Station Aj -ent. Leave South* Leave North. Passenger, 2.S0 p. in. Passenger, 2.30 p. m. Freight, 11.20 a* m. Freight, 1.00 p.m. General Dealer in' rd Sovc3y Oar Iron, and Builders* Materia!* Ornamental 'or Practical, usu ally kept by the Trade I A-entforthe |v Warren, Minn. CELXS2ATS MO3TITO2 PLOWS. ^ishBros'.&Milburii Wagonsr Deere & Monitor Hows, Everything in Tin, Iron cr Brass, McCormtck Twilie and Wlrd Pr:ces Eadu-csd. r'KS^SSTOW, .VJFlf, $2.00 rER YAE. ii iai.8iuB^Mfaian*ti.^eiBttgj.'Ma UEyS fist si If nit i^ffl %T a\ _ri WMV J_nn_ BiT.-Vet ar jv* jtm ^___k. ____H_k irnimm itmh i iiP%IMllliH 1 Crockerr, filass^arc aail Lxmps, Pamis, C-il, &., R.s-xv:!v *V\e*l Pw Hats and Caps, Dry Goods and Koticns, lores and Mittens, WE HAVE..'TIIE GENUINE SCREW I50OT3AND SII0S3."" CALL AND EXAMINE THEM. o We have a Tin Shop in connection with our Store. Auything 1 he'Tinware line made and repairing done neatly and warranted. Don't forget Hie Place: BTiffalo Coats, &q.,'4tc Warren, R^t,m morris, De..L'r In WfiiraI WJfMS hlwhB1 Crookston SVSinn- Fine Watch Repairing Care fully Done and Guaranteed, The Famous RocWord Movnnc-iU are our especial Stock. Th's is the culmination of Mechanical In genuity in Watcher They are cheaper, beiivr hence roor* accu rate and durable than any other yet inveaUtfv Alar^o and we!! seiectee! stock of Clocks from $2 up to fancy pricoz. A practical Watchmaker myatlf, I guranf*9 fill mal rial sol.l as represente"'. And all work undertaken as perfect as can be ionr. Watches or good* for rens-ir can be lift at the SHEAI* Oiice in Warrei-, ''WD Deiler in FAR Si JTTRT?.V Binders, Harvesters and Mowers, J Case Engines and Threshers, Superior SecdTEf jawam8- tmrnzsmmm-iam