Newspaper Page Text
MXMHXR OF GONGRK3S. W. B. Washbtjrn, Minneapolis IU8TRICT COURT. pisirict Judge, O. P. Steams, Duluth. STATE SENATOR. Andrew McCrea, Peruara. RErR*8INTATITES5. 9, G, Comstock., Moorhead. 3mrd Sampson, Crookatun, COBXTT orrtCERS. John W, Sice, Thos, Crcgg. O. Taylor. J. B. Titus. W. T. Lacker. A. E. Flint. J. M. Brown. Wm. Carrese. J. P. Nelson. ?robate Judge, JUgister of Deeds, Auditor, Treasurer, Sheriff, Attorney, School Superintendent Jroner #urrtyT, COCXTT COMMISSIONERS. Ut DistrictA. P. Mclntyre, Warren. SM DistrictF. D. Xeye, Louisa. *d DistrictA. Diamond, Stephen^ H.U(rlour tlco Religiams services in tie school house every an4ar at 10.30 a. a Society* Temperance Society organization meet every fcrilay evening at the school house. BUSINESS CABDS. AVA.HXt.13^. 0. TAYLOR. COUNTY AUDITOR. Jays Taxes for Non-residents. J. P. Nelson. Jk. r.r OKNEY. fieal Estate. Pays Taxes. JOHN W. SLEE, JUDGE OF pROBATg Jurisdiction in HOMESTEAD and FINAL PROOF entries Special attention to locating Gov ernment nd R. R. Lands. A. E. Johnson & Co., AgtaU for RAILROAD LAND. P. A.DUF0UR, ^Counselor and Attorney at Law CROOKSTON, MINN. Crookston House, 'WM. BOX, Proprietor. Crookston, Minnesota. Headquarters for Marshall County People. BUSINESS DiaeoToat. W-Avintja:*. MEAT MAKKET-. W. J-. Mclntyre-. MERCHANTS. McCHKA BROTHER* 8ALOO& Farrea A Daoiy. ^LUUBElfc X. W. Sos8tnan\ Johnson-, Allen & Co AGRICULTURAL TOOLS. H. C-. Meatier WAGON MAKBR AND JOBBER. R. O. Snyder. HOTELS. ^Warre House, Mark Stepltffcris, Manner. CARPENTER* T. K. Davisi BLACKSMITH*. M. McCan, C. L. Weber. TIJf AND HARDWARE. MrCre* Bros. I.OU19A. MERCHANTS, ~t. 9. Ktye, A. D. Verboneenr. HARDWARE. J.ka Augustine-. LAND AtJENTI. H*lanato it Keret. ATTORNEY. Ceore W. Httfcomfe. ^RICCTLTL'RAL M-kCHINEltv D. Keye. HOTEL. Carl Ulentarr. JUiTICE OF THE TEAC& O. Barker. '*HY*ICIAN AND DRt. ^D^. J. LTci. SALOON*. R. live], S. Cosier. TKPHBN. MBRCHAXT. Jalin Haiuu. HOTW,. ftenn?8 Efttgfcs. Local Brevities."' Wheat Si cents, 8upt. Copeland of the St. P., & M. called for a moment to*dav The County Commissioners have a meeting on or about the loth. Mr. J. F. Biirritt, "circut.itor" of the .St. Paul Globe passed through town Wednesday, Hon. J. B. Nelson has been absent about two. months, returned Friday. His health is much improved. Seven Scotch lads, direct from the land) where they have "as guide mon as ere trod the| sod," arrived at Euclid to-day. There will be an actire demand for clean seed this spring, there i so much new land ready for a prop. County Treasurer J. B. Titus put a clean collar under his hat band and started for that dulchtnan's paradise,the lager beer fountain Milwaukee. We have received a communica* tion from one township in the coun ty, vre would like to hear from thej remainder. J.-C. Benneiritz Esq., returned to Red Wing for a short time, bat will return by April 1st and bring back several families with him. Settlers throughout the timbered sections bordering on the Red River are soenrtng their seasons wood, and preparing for an early spring. The Temperance society will hold their regular meeting next Friday evening, The play which they have been rehearsing for the past three weeks, ia on the pro gramme. President Garfield appointed the following cabinet: Elaine, Secretary of folate Win. Windom, Secretary Treasury McVeigh, of Pennsylvania, Attorney General James, of N. Y-., Postmaster General .Kirk-wood, of Jowa* Secretary of Interior Robert Lincoln, Seere tary of War Win. II. Hunt, of La-., Secretary of Navv. Money, to the amount of ^7.", was voted at the town .in*etlnjr, for a railroad crossing on the public highway near the depot. This will enable parties receiving goods to reach the depot with teams, and do aw*y -\\k\\ all the laborious put-king across railroad and ditches so annoying and requiring so much time. AN BNTHrSIASTfC *OCr RVEHT uiii*oi2wjr AtirrtE lHtJL,ITICAI..CU\ aOU' AS A COi\DI3IEIXT. 'Vondarcd the I*n IVvleon hj th Approelatlv* Public, AVar r*ii start Vicinity, in acltnovrl ifedgenaent and Ayprccii ti*n of liis Sttrvicas at St. **mttft\ Minn. At the reception given last even ing, in the parlors and commodious dinning room of the Warren House, the pcoplfc of Warren and *urround ing country seemed to breathe in the inspiration of the hour, end gathered *w a body in hone* of the return of the fclon. J. Nelson, and in feknowledgeme^% of his triumphant success in securing ut the late session legislative action the interest of Warren end Mar shall county. It must be assented to, by any Observer, that the body assembled on this occasion equaled in intelli gence and bearing *ny gathering of like numbers in the northwest. It would surely prove a surprise to any spectator not familiar with the character of our immediate set- VOL. 1. NO. 15. WARREN, MABSHALL OOUffgY, MIMESQTAV MAIliJH 9, 1883 Mr. Bullis, brother of Mrs. II. G.j'him Stebbcns, arrived oa Tuesday, with a ear of household effects and stock, he will have another car or two of stock here in a few day*. The dance at the residence of F. J. Tripps last Friday evening, was an exceedingly pleaearlt affair. Just enough were present to have a good time, and they all had it. tlemcntjto have witnessed the supj ior addreas and attractive manner! of those assembled. And itr'ia'VijjjL truth, the.mdst -convincing-fact'fop intelligent families seeking western homes to cast their lot in this highf ly favored! locality. V""^'-"^:v.|^ On the subject at issue,our people tare as a single body and. fulljf [realize the nececasity of alert, coii tinuous and united action in the de fence of their rights and pro pert}*. And this meeting will convince the most sceptical, that -Warren is determined to hold the county seat, so long as the majority of th voters of this county say'aye and, in the language of one speaker: '4The* county seat is now located, the door closed, the lock turned and the key destroyed." In short, the question ia emphaticly decided" Let it rest, and give us peace. After an hour's social chit chat, the meeting was called to order by:political i the chairman, Ethan Allen Esq., who in a short, well spoken, and eulojistic speech, in behalf of the friends of Mr. Nelson, 'iuvited Mr. 1 N to take the platform and tell bin *'plain unvarnished talc" cf our most interesting local story. Ill plain but unmistakable lan guage he gave the incidents of his work and our success, he $oH of the commanding influence in the. senate of our distinguished state i senator, and of our obligaiipna to he thanked our Honorable legislative members, and paid Mr. Frank DeMers, of Fisher's a high compliment for aid rendered con cluding by summing up the results as follows: The passage of an act detachinf the northern tier of townships of Polk county and attach ing same to Marshall county. An act declaring Warren the county-seat of Marshall connty. One authorizing the county to h,l court at its own county seat, ,Ow anlhoriziajr the County Conunissioners to fund the bfidge debt at a low rate of i- teresK And one giving State aid in th coa?tructfon of abridge across the Lower Snake river. With some general legislation of interest to the. county. All of this has been secur$, mahilr by Mr. Nelson's large experience in and knowlidge of legislative work. After the speech making the tables were spread with a delicious repast to which some two hundred 'handsome ladies and brave men1 did double honors. This part of the pro gramme was followed by appropriate toasts, with replies by Rev. Flint, Smith, George McCrec and otherr. The pleasures of the oc 1 caeion was greatly enhansed by charming voen'l and instrumental music. Then dosed one of the most evtntful *ven incs in the-history of our sprightly village.' Alihough our town is in the first flush.of set tlemant, eearce'ly two yetirs old, asseml1y gave promise of its social and pol.tical iuiln ence in the future. A promise verified in the bright ryes, fail com] "lections, and the robust hcuUh of its maids and matrons, the vigor, in tell.gencc and Sjlen.Ud physicpics ot its men, in the prime of life,hopeful and deliant. A painful and annoying accideut occured on Saturday to Mr* Chanson^' She had taken her seat in a cutter, with Mr* II. G. Stebbins for a ride, when, one runner of the cutter broke through the crust of the snow and it was capsized, the horse ran awaydraging MTP. S., some distance by the lines. In the over throw Mrc. C, had her ancle brad'ly sprained aud it will be gfcvera'l weeks before he ean get about. Come to Marshall county, on of finest counti-s ia Northern Minne sota, and when yon arrive in the county, stop at the county seat, which is Warren, and you will iGnd gentlemen here ready to give you all the information you may wish to know in regard to any business and if you are looking fbf land can find you seme of the bett in the county. Come to Marshall county the garden of the lied River Val ley, and you will never regret it. Idoaey to Lsm On improved farms. Long -time and at reasonable rates. H. C. MEXTZEO. The columns of a paper are the publishers stock in trade, and ths parties who ask to use them for iheir special benefit must expect to pay for the same. Every publis spirited cititzsn of a-place should have a pride in seeing his. town and surroundings improved every new house, every road, every new man ufacturing establishment erected, every. new business? opened, en hances the value of property in our midst. Every reflecting mind knows this to be'true, and it should lioi be forgotten that the local newspaper adds much to the gener al wealth and prosperity of the placio, as well as increases the repu tation of the town abroad. It ben efits all who have business in the place enhances the value of prop erty, besides being a desirable pub lic convenience, even if not con ducted in the interests of the ruling power. It increases trade it cautions imposition, it saves you from loss, it warns you of dan ger, it points out different advan tages, and increases your profits. The local press is the power that moves the people therefore sup port it by advertising in it liberally subscribing for it, and paying for it JKAlfKET REPORTS. i ^lonrNkW process flour a Standard flour ixxx tl Ess Coal 00 Lumber. Common per 81 00 Sheathing per 18 CO Stock boards per .4S 00 Dimension per It) 00 Square Timber per ,..i% 00 flooring per M. %1 00 to S7 00 Siding per S5 00 to JO 00 Shinies per S 25 to S 50 Lath per if. 4 GO J. P. NELSON, Attorney and Counselor at Law, Warren, Marshall Co., Mittn* NOTARY PUBLIC, COUNTY"ScariToa Xii*vit"aivc and JReal.l3.'iit5ito. DEEDED LANDS FOR SALE. PRAIRIE AND WOOD LANDS. Choice ka&dte Selected and- Entries Made. PItOBA'*JE NOTlfCii]* STATE OF MINNESOTA, COUXTT Or MAKSH.tJLL. $ S S In Probate Court, Special Term F*-b. 10, 1 $81. In the mutter of the Estate of Hugh C. Diamond. DeeeasecK Letters of Administration on the estate of said deceased being grunted unto Alferd Dia mond of said County. IT is ORbEKftb, that ah claims and demands of all persona against *aid estate be presented to tins Court for examination and heading, at the Probate Office-, in Warren on the following day*, riz '4rie iiffet 3lndar ot ^larcli, April, and Stay next. It is FVKTHTCR OUDEKK, that three months from the date hereof be allowed to creditors to present their ekims against said estate, at the expiration of which time all claims not pre sented to said Court, or not proven to its satis faction, shall be forever 'baned, unless for cane shown further time be all ted. OniiEKEn further, that said A1red Diamond a aforesaid, fhal cause notice of the tint's and pl.iee of he.-tring and ertmination of said tUims and demands, by puLlishlnp a notice thereof for four weeks successive! v, in the WAHREX SKKAF a newgpnper printed and published at tN^rren in said Countv. Bat\5d February 10th 16SI. By the Court, i*l6 JOBV TV. SLEB, Judge of Probi'te. Boots and Shoes, .u oo ...3 SO ...3 35 Oatmeal-i el*, per lb. cornmtal Sjcts. per lb, feed $o MeatSalt Pork 13 Hams 13 Shoulders Butter. ,ste to *8 Kg* 35 Lard.... ifj. Besns 50tol7S Apples per bbl .15 00 to 4 00 Potatoes \Corn per bit. Oats HaT........ Wljeat A No He*:-JperJM[-.".. \Vobd dry. 50to 75 50 3 00 to 5 GO SO :':-=s-ft-l-^-i-.-.v-....*5- .11SOO S 50to 4 O Don't forget the Place:' On tho East side of Railroad Track, ycu. will alw. yp find us ready to show you'Goods, -giy$ you prices, and to sell you any* thing you want in SASH, DOORS AND BUILDING! PAFIE. ReaJy Wxti Paini Hats and Caps, Dry Goods and Notions, Corner 1st and Johnson Avenus, Railroad Timo Tabi3( St. Paul, Minneapolis & Mani toba Railway,'. WARREN. E.-M. Walsh, General Dealer in Hardware, Tinware, Stovss, Bar iron, Steel and Builders'. Material. A:ent for ths CELEBRATED MOKITOR PLOWS. Everything in Tic, Iron or Brass, Ornamental or Practical, usu ally-krfpt by the Trade. Prices Reduced. CS^MCPT^JT, Gloves and Mittens, WE HAVE THE GENUINE SCREW BOOTS AND SHOES, CALL AND EXAMINE THEM. We kav a Tin Shop in connection with our Store. Anything ifi the Tin war* iiae made and repairing done neatly and 'warranted. J. B-. Titiis-, tVHUm A-ent-. Leave Sou'tli. Leave N^Md:h% Passenger, 3.30.p. m. PaftVefl^er, Lxfi m% Freight, .12.45 p. m. Frt-i^lrt-, 11.00 n'K LOUISA. Leave. South. Leave North-. Passenger, 2.57 m. PasScft^cr, 2.00 p. m. Freight, 12.00 m. Fieighty 12.00 in. STEPHEN. Henry Lane, Station A*nt. Leave South. Leave North, Passenger, 2.30 p. in." Passenger, 2.?.0 p. m-. Freight, Frcijflit, 1.00 p.m. Mnrx". $2,00 rER YEAE. r^m a a kery, Glassware and Lamps, f&\rA% Gils, k&t. Bufialo Coats, &c-, &. Warren, mm, Tom Morris, Dealer in &WW} mm i*ulnlffYj Crookat&n M\nnm Fine Watch Repairing Can fully Done and Guaranteed, The Fanmis ftociford Movement are 'Our especial Stock. This i's i'b'e elimination f Mefijani*t la jjen^ity ih Walclie.,. They are cheaper, better bene* more aecw rate anA durable than any other yet invented Alfirpr and Well a^iected tock of Clocks from $2 up to fancy pricoe. A practical Watchmaker myself,! guran!e ::11 rnaSriul soli as represented. And all work .-undertaken as perfect as can bt done. Wat'.-hes or goods for repair ean be left at the SKKAF Ofiice in Warren. Dialer in sun. FishEros'. & Milburri Wagtmsy Deere Monitor Plows, McOpriuick Twins and Wire Binders, Harvesters and Mowers,! J, I. Case Engines and Threshers. Superior Seederc,