Newspaper Page Text
VOIi, 1, HO. 16, PUBLIC OFFICIAIiSI. MBMKKK OF CCJXSItESS. W. B. Washburn, Minneapolis IHS'TJUCT (Cpj/RT. j&istriet Judge, O'. P. Stearns, Duluth. STATS SXJtATOR. Andrew McCrea, ,I?erh:im. fL. 8 Comstoek, Moorhead. fiarnerd Sampson, Crookijton. COKXTT OFFICERS. Probate Judjre, John W, S|ee. Agister oi' Desas, Thos. Cregg. Auditor, 0 Taylor. Treasurer, J. B, Titus. *heriff, W. T, Lackey. Attorney, A.'E. Flint. 'School Superintendcr.t, J. M, Brown. iOeroner, Wra, Carrese. ^nrvtyar, J. P. Nelson. COCHTY COMHISSIOXKR*. 1st DistrictA. P. Mclutyre, Warren. _M DistrictF. D. Keyc, Louisa. M DistrictA. Diamond, Stephen. Rellfflous Ttotice^ Religions services in the school house every jSunilay at 10.30 a. in. Society. Temperance Society organization meet every jjTriiay evening at the school house. BUSINESS OAEDS. iVA-xartiiaHj-, O. TAYLOR COUNTY AUDITOR. pays Taxes for Non-residents, J. P.oFfle.son,. r.r K, p* E A. Real Isiqfo BUSINESS DIRECTORY. "frjv.R.KJEx. MEAT MASRlCtX. W. J. Mclntyr*. MERCHANTS. McCREA BROTHERS. SALOON. Fa rre a & Dady. LUMKEK. 35. AT. Rossmin, Johnson, Allen fe Co. AGRICULTURAL TOOLS. H. C. Mentxer WACkOS MAKER AN JOBBER. R. C. Snyder. HOTEL*. 'Warren House, Mark Stephens, Manager. CARPENTER. T. R. Davis. BLACKSMITHS. M. MeCiii, C. L. Weber. TIN AND HARDWARE. JtCeCie* Bros. LOUISA MERCHANTS. T. D. Keys, A. D. VerVisneour. HARDWARE. Jhn Augustine. LAND AGENTS. HolcoHtb fc level. ATTORNEY. Heorge- W.. Holcomh. AGRICULTURAL MACHINIST.. T. D.Xiyc. HOTEL. Carl MeuUel. JUSTICE OF TH E PIACZ. O. Barker, FHTMOIAN AND DRUGS. Dr. J*. LaFoni. SALOONS. B,. Kiyel, S. Caaaer. MERCHAXT. J"*kn Saaas. 20T2L. \J ftdMrri^^^^ SJ Paus Taxes. JOHN W. SLEE, JUDGE O pROBATJP"' Jurisdiction in HOMESTEAD and FINAL PROOF entries, Special attention to locating Gov ernment and R. II. Lands. A. E. Johnson & Co., Agents for RAILRO AD LAS^ID. P. A, DUrOUR, Counselor and Attorney at Law CR00KST0N, MINN. Crookstcn House, WM. BOX, proprietor. Crookaton, Minnesota. Jle&dquarters for Marshall County People. local greyities, Wheat 39 cents. The Connfy GommissiqnQvs are n i? gos A, No. I., pat'kwlbuit*r at Mi'Crea Bro's., price 25 cents per pound. The sale ataldo is linished, and v.v. Murry with his occupants are iooked'for everyday. ^Irp. Chanson, who was so severely hurt short time since, is steadily improving, and it is hoptd will be out in a short time. "St. Patrick's day in the morning:,'3 tomor- row iB the day, for "the weo.ring of the green." That is St. Patrick's day Maseh 17th. Town 154 range 47 in Polk county lias Iwcii named and will hereafter be known as Brislet. Names must be scarce. What will be next? H. G. Stebbens and family, who have for the past few week, been stopping in tow, rturned to their sulurban resmence, the early part of the week, Mr. Dewey Rass son of one of our Justices of the Peace., Mr, E. R. Ross, returned on Tuesday, to be here a short time, he reports plenty of &now in the southern part of the State. Mrs. Rosa Defoe nee Chanson, is now on a short visit to her parents at the Warren House. She arrived last week and will remain about three weeks. Her many friends welcome her back affain. Charley Menzle, mine host of the Men .l House of Middle River, passed down to Red Wmg and Lake City, to buy horses for the comhic summer's work, he will bring up a ear of horr**, and is expected to return in a week or two. .Mr M. Twiford, who was here a short time ago looking for a location, writes to partic* fiere that he will arrive in a few days, and put up a building about 22x40, to be used exclu sively for hardware, stoves, and tinware. They come and "still there is moretofoiloAV." Hon. J. P. Xel.-son lws been appointed Clerk of Court for Marshall county, and now all yon young men who contem]date entering a life partnership, can signify your intention of so dome, without going.down to Crookaton for your papers. Our genial P. M., Ethan Allen Esq., is airay on a short yisit, he Said to Crookston, but we understand thit it is a short distance, farther, as he had a bundle of furs under his arm, and tbfy were marked for St. Paul. He may bring Mrs. A., back with him when he returns. Mr. Bull brotlier-iii-l.iw of H, O, Stebbens received a ear of lumber on Monday, and has two more on the way, which will be here in a short time. He intends building a houe on his cliim near town. Mr. T. R. Davis has the contract, the size of house we did not learn. Messrs. Swanson., and II. B. Imsdihl from the lower Snake, were in attendance at the county commissioners meeting with a pe tition for bridpc oyer that stream between town 155 and 15C. They got their request, and returned as they came on snow shoes, which is vciy good now. Everyone is repairing and fixintr up their houses, this spring, and are expecting all their relations "and their cousins and their aunts." Let them come, Marshall county is Urge enough to hold them all and room to spare. Come to Warren the county seat of Marshall county, and one of the finest towns on the line of this road. Wm. Reep, a No. 1, harness maker arrive! yesterday, and will at on-te take a bench in the shop of TT..T.Bcnncwttz, with this help Mr. E., will enabll him to turn out harness for all the teams in Marshall and adjoining counties. Come and see the speeiracn6 of work he now has hangintr in his shop, any thine in the har ness or saddlery line he can do it for you. Car loads of stock and emigrant effects pass through every day now bound for Manitoba. N-^xt summer they will be coming back to settled at Warren. Why not stop here, and save all the neccessary expense of goine up and coming back. There is no better place in the Red River valley to procure a home than In Marshall county and Warren. There i* considerable complaint being m?.de by thfe settlers on the lower Snake river, in r.-vjsrd to tha cutting of the timber along that stream, and if it continues for a year or two, the settlers on tho prairie will suffer for fuel. It should be stopped, and we are in formed that the parties who are cutting it have no authority to do PO. "WVWi,- *"i^sStt*''^*1"3^iiWSH^W3 & ~~HII Ml iM'HMHliM llll'^tF"" II. C. Mcntzer, tfcc boas machine man in Marshal county, h&s justreeeived a car of those fine seeder*} the Superior, and is now frusilj engaged in setting them up and taking .orders for them and more. He al.^o received a number of A No. 1, bay rakcp, Leave your order JW'W with him for either of the above machines, or for a mower, reaper or stli'-bin- de'r so that when th? time comes to use either he will have them on hand for you. Tha Czar of Russia was assinfit ed on Sunday March' 13th, killed by the explosion of a jiito-^Iyc'er^ne Vomb, whiclj. yas thrown sit lum While returning ^o h^castM from!-^ a rerieir of his soldiers, ho lived but a f*w picments after the s plosion. ed thei.r voices- blending as i.f. it/I were only one person delivering the piece, "The psalm of Life.'' The dialogue, "A scene in a rail way station,'' was given by request, having been acted at the last school MIDDLE RIVER. Supervisors, 0. Barker, chr'n, A. D. Verboncour,Poter Jarvis Clerk W. R. Hayes Treasurer, A. D. Verbomiour Assessor, U. L. Craig Justice, Geo. Peck Constables, Frank Rumrnoh, West Humphry. TAMARV?. Supervisors, Alfred Diamond, jchairinan, Dennis Hanna, A. Bi. Brown. i Clerk, W. S. Campbell. Treasurer, O. Ishatu. Assessor, A. M. Brown. Justices, Dennis Hanna, James Brown. I Constables, Henry McCulock, R. A. Whitney. i COMSTOCK. Superrisors, Frank J. Ml, Ph*'n ^Tf1'^a 1 ^^ngJ^^ii,,^{a iM7iTy,7,r' ter^-fetei WARREN, MARSHALL COUNTiMiMSS0TA MAlien i6, 1881, Rnswe Now a good phj-sician, also a (good boot and shoe maker are ganized under this name. It was waited to make a full business rep i sent&tion in our midst. "We now have two lumber yards, throe geri- S %*9 the only one who inade any era! stores, and another contem- ifiiproTctnents. In the spring of plated, two blacksmith and wagon HB'79, a few more claims were taken maker shops one each of machinery aiid some breaking done, but no ATarehcuse, hotel, saioon, harness crops were raised except a few pota- shop, printing oilice, meat market. [^oe?. The spring of 1880, the re- cabinet maker, painter, 3ale stable, mainder of the settlement nan two attorneys, three land agents i Piade? consisting of some twenty- j'and six or eight carpenters, and i there will be built in a short time a drug store, hardware store and a.vwas mill, the latter Ave understand will I be built this summer. I As per notice in a late issue of the SHEAF, the Temperance society met at the school housa. The pro gramme being a good one, the house, was$ many -haying to stand in the aisles. The dia logue, !'Don't marry a man to re form him," was well rendered, ground is in good condition for a Each acting their part to the satis- and playing by Mr. and Mr3. BroAvn! and Messrs. Whitney /and Brig was good and received many com-i_, Lard Beans...:., xVpplesperbbL...., Potntoee. Pei" ren has as good talent as any town g^XS'r en this line of railroad without ex- stek board* per M. The following officers were elect ed last Tuesday, at the elections held in the different organized townships of the county: WASKEXTON. Supervisors, E. W. Rossraaifn, chr'n, W. H. Gilbtrt, P. Dalquist Clerk, Geo.. H. McCrca: Treasurer, T.R.Craig Aasessor, Wm.Peachy Justices, J. B. Titus, short term, E. R, Ross, long term Constables H. J. Bennewitz, Goo. Elliott. wa- Cor exhibition: it was received ipith Hay.".'.".".".','."'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.".'.'.'.'.',' hearty applause, and those taking} JJi'ek pw part personified their parts to per- Wood dry-. fection, .and we must yay that War- M'.l ".Ml)' 'M. German, John Nelson. Clerk', F. J. Tripp. Treasurer, Robert Krawzcr. A-ssessor, Mikff Leslie. J^istiGes, Peter Reci A. W Shorey. Constables. Theo. Bender, Gus |Iocvcr. 'The following communication -w^ handed us, hy on of the sub stantial farmers in that town, it is to a request of otjji for short sketch of each township in the county: C0MST0CK. Town 155, range i6, recently or- fcr3t settled in the spring of 1878, by a few germans, but Peter Reet? fife homestead and pre-emption, and twelye tree claims. Last year the first crop that wag raised, ai|d.'was not a very large one, but do not think it was any fault of tiie land or the season, but the }*te breaking, poor and lata seeding. We hope to tell a differeat .story next year. There was about 160 acj-ei of wheat 9,rA 50 acres of oats last year. For the coming season there are 700 acres to be sown to wheat and oats, and most of the fi^ faction of the audience, and to the flax will be sown this spring, bu credit ofthemselvca. The singing! }1QW plimeiics which tlu'T deserved. The standard flur \y understand that some mmh_ hav not heard _,, FlourNew process lour reading in concert by, tho class in IdSL-^^p.r^covWmoitirt. the fourth reader, was well render-! MeatSalt Pork Hams. flhouldets Butter ['_ Dimension .per caption. Square Timber per Flooiing per Siding per Shingles per Lath per 15 ii ....,..-,,.85 to S5 35 2 50 to 7b S 00 to 4 00 50 to 75 to 50 S 00 to 6 00 SO 11 i 0 S 50 to* 50 ,,1S 00 Lumbeiv. ss a 81 00 ,,.17 5J io oo 21 CO it 00 ...2(5 00 to 3S flO ..3i0to3 00 5 85 to S 25 li 20 PROBATE MOTIC3E, is STATE or MINNESOTA, COUNTT Or MARSHALL, In Probate Court, Special Term Feb, 10, 18S1, In the matter of the Estate of Hugh C, Diamond, Deceased, Letters of Administration on ib*. estate of said deceased being granted unto Alferd Dia on:l of said County. IT IS OHDERfcn, tlut all claims an demands of all persons against said estate be presented to this Court for examination and hearing, at the -Probate Office, in'Warren on the following days, yiz: The firat Motility of Slaj-rXj, April. and 3Cay next. IT IS/FI'HTHER or.DSKin, that three months from the date hereof be allowed to creditors to present their cbiims against said estate, at the expiration of which time all claim* not pre sented to said Court, or not uroven to its satis faction, shull be torerer baned, unless for i cau.e suown further time be allowed OUDKKXD further, that said Alfred Diamond AS aforesaid, shall cause notice of the fun's and place of hearing andexminationof saidcUims and demands, by publishing a notice thereof for four weeks successively, in the WAKKEN SIIXA? a newspaper printed and published at Warren in Said County- Dated February 10th 1881. By the Court, 12-15 JOKV W. SLEE, Judge of Probate. I AND OFFICE, Vv Crookston, Minn. Fe'o. 2t,tSSi- Complain having been entered at this office by George Darveau'x acaHift. Andrew J. Setter holm for abandoniii his hoinesTead entry No. 2^25 dated May 14, 187'? upon the nw* sec 30, 15!5j, R4S, in Marshall county Minn, with a y'tew to.the cancellation of said entry the said i parties are hereby suminoirfcd to appear at thin ofhye on the 25thfe day of March 1881 at 10 I o'clock ra. rtpond and furnish testimon -tbahdoument,. *itdo- Ile 15 17p* T5lO.^. '!n\riTi*.TT.K"gifter. TAKEJHEBEST! THE FARM, THE FAMILY, /BUSINESS OFFICE, The Farmers? I'nion and Minneapolis Week ly Tribune is now the kading and the best pa per for the Farm, the Fm :1V and the Business Man, published in t}i? Northwest, In air.c and quantity and'quabty-ol' rca.iiiig mattsr, it i! without a superior. The News.It i* a com !'te IT*'.vsraper giving All the News from. All the Wo:!'.' Tf8 sumniary of State and Northwestern ink-lli gence, is particultary full. The Farm.It is a first-cl.tss Agricultural Jo'irnal. With the aid of that veteran Agri- ciiHurai editor, of Minnesota, Col J, IT. Stevens The Farmers' Union and Weekly Tribune is specially adapted to the wants'of Farmers in the North western bo! In this repeet it is greally superior, for practical use, to agricul tural papers published further east and south, end designed for a dilF.'rent latitude, ditttirent climate, different soil and different hue of f.vm products. No farmer in Minnesota, Western Wisconsin, Northern Iowa, D:tkt or Mani toba cat'afford to be without the hading aeriv cultural journal of this region, The Market.Our full, accurate and imn:F tial reports of Wheat and General Market^ at home and abroad, in'dispensible to the grain grower, the stock raiser ^ncl the businessman. Published at Minneapolia the l:adin*r citv of Minnesota and the Northwest, where'!he bulk of the Minnesota wheat'crop is now mtrketed and turned into flour, the Farmer*' Union and Tribune has facilities possessed by no oth*r journal for making its market intelligence full and trustworthy. In matters of this' kin! it is always economy to get the be^t. The Family.'As a weekly 'v:si(or'to ror $4 00 5 i &> 12 resdrsrs of all ii^es are c*r- fully snd s'pci-lly prt- a'- and constitute al most s, family library. The Fa'mers' Union and Weekly Tribune not growded with tical chaff to t!ir exclnsio of more imuortan-pol and more readable matter, The paper i's clean Nothing is permitted'in either HR reading or advertising columns that ca demaralize or offend the reader, Weekly, one year post*ge pid, six months 1.15 .0."") Dally and Tri-weelily Trlban*. The Da.l/ Morning Tribune, ie now the lead ing Republican daily of the the. Northwest and is unsurpassed as a cwspaper: Da'ly, one year. $12.00 per month. l.Oo Tri-Weekly, one year. t?.00 six 'month?. S.00 three month!', i.^j IPi-euiiiiusa. 'To each new yearly subrcriber the pul.riherr. will send, postare paid and free of :1I cost any one of the followiug named p-emiums: 1. A superb, correct and cr^yo/- lithograph ]K)rtrait of President Garfiflj, 30 inches by 2i\ in size, and a handsome orament to the home, 2. Either of the following famous and stand ard books, printed on good, paper, with tljar hapdsomc type and paper binding: History of Nineteenth Century. R. McKenzie. laneEyre by Cha-i ,tteBronte. Last Days of Pomneii by Bulnrer Lvtton. John Halifax, Gentleman bv ss Mul-.ick. Pickwick Papers by Charles Dick?'1 Wordsworth's Selected Poems, 07 ArnulJ. l?ih o.5iJ Agenta. Besides furnishing any one of the abov named valuable p-erijiums to eacli n* yearlv subscriber we will present theGarfivl 1 portrait or either one of the books t- any old subscri ber or other person who will send us the n.imos of three new subscribers for one year accom panied with the cash (=?:Vt:V, Any one who sends us a club of twenty-five now"#ub86ribers at $1.15 each will receive for his Servians the Gari-ieU portrait and all'he six books named in the list. No offer no liben-1 as this is made bv any other paper in America. Send in the clubs. Remittances shoul 1 be made by Pnst-ofiiee Money Order, bank check, or registered letter Sample copies will be sent frccon application by postal car I. All postmasters are authorized to receive an I forward in the above, manner, .subscriptions to The Farmers'" Union and Weekly-Tribune and th Daily aad Tri-Weekly Tribnne. Ad Ireas all letters, to THE TRIBUNE CO., Minneapolis, Minn. Farm for sale, onlj- a short distance from town. For further particulars cxll or write to this office. The SHEAF and Minneapolis Farmer's Uiiion and Weekly Tri bune for the sum of $ .75 per year. J. P. NELSON, Attorney and Counselor at Law, Warren, Marshall Co., Minn. NOTARY PUBLIC, GQUJSTT SURVJSTOK Insurance a/iitS. JEtaJ E5tkt. DEEDED LANDS FOR SALE. PRAIRIE AND WOOD LANDS. Choice Lands Selected and Entries Made. $2.00 TiLi Y&Xa.. On improved farms. Long time an-*, a' reasonable ratss. H. MENTZKK. Farmer-: desiring a Triumph R-Jr for 1SS1, can have the same of W. II. GiloertaJL Warren, Freight $0. E.M.Walsh, General Dealer in Hardware the home and the fireside, this journal is invalu able. Its' editori-ils disctis 11 current qii-= tions fearlsssly and eandiuly. Tiis horns ciivl Department the young folka de-.iar'meut the' complete story" each week the l.-ttsr-box, in which everybody's questions are answered and the sevral iiager. of interesting and instruc t-ive miscell tny Tinware, 8tove3, Bar Iron, Steel and Builders' Material, A/rent for the ?Ui4t2jjAyj$p jifoKiTo? PLOWS, Everything in Tin, Iron or Brais, Ornamental or Practical, usu- ally kept by the Trade, Pricps Reiucd Ciioox3Tsr, Miifir, Dealer ia Crooketon ffilnn. Fine Watch Repairing Care fully Done and Guaranteed, The Famous Rock ford Movement are our especial Stock. This is the ci.lmination f Wecaaoiesl I ^ecuity in .W*itoi. They are cheaper, better heuce mo^ Mf/m rate and durable tha any other yet invents*, A l^rgs a^rf vyeij s^ecteri stock of Ciocxs fro S2 up to fancy prices. A practic:.! H'aichtnaker myto]!, I'gw ran tee .ll mat. -id *ol 1 as repre*enteV. And all work undertaken as perfsct'as caH'be done. Watches rv .good-* for repair ear. be left at .ilh SiiK.u- Cilice in Warrer. R. C. SNYDJEB, Wagons, Sleighsand Cutters MADE TO OPiDER, Jobber and Repairer! Mattresses and Spring Beds FOR SALE. Neck Tokos and Whiffletrecs Ironed lieady for Use. Anything wanted in Wood done en Short Notice. O. MBNTZER, Desler in FAR1 arren, Stiginn. FishBros'.&MilbnniYv7'agoiisf Deere & Monitor Plows, McOormick Twine and VYire Bhders, Harvesters and Mowers, J* I. Case Engines and Threshers. Superior Seeders, s.lUd* ^Ajk^j^^JSk^S^S^^S^*' ^U^SySULU^iV^,^^- J-aLilUXiLijaii'L'JlJ1 J^'tBttaLBiiB!