Newspaper Page Text
I VOL. 1. NO. 18, WXtlJlC OFFICI^l^S. MSMBKR Or 0O!?EB, fF. B. Wash bars, Minneapolis mrrxiOT qqujRT. District J3ge, O. P. 8iearas, 6TATB SIMATOK. tslnw McCrea, RSrKEJ?KTATITM. t9 lH}utb Pcrjjajji. Corastock, Moorju?ad. retrd Itaanpe**, Crqpkjiton. citVKT? oTFicme. Frbate Jadse, {U^ieter of t)t*lt. Auditor, Treasurer, Jaeriff, AttorafY, Seawol Superintendent, S3frtaer, JBrveyr, OKTT COMMIBSIOXZKS, letDiatrietA. P. Mclaiyre, U. District*. D. Keye, DistrictA. Diacton4, Religions services the school bowse crcry jhiT *t 10.M a. si. Soelatr. TisipirwM Society organization meet every fhdday eveaing at the school house. BUSJPSS CABDS. ^TA^JXRV^^. O. TAYLOR COUNTY AUD.TQR. fays Taies for Non-reqidents. J, P. Nelson. ATTOKNE^, ##a/ Estqte. Pays Taxes. JOHN W, SLEE, pROBATJJ JUDGE OP Jnrisdjction in HOMESTEAD and FINAL PROOF entries, jSpeci*] attejitJQn to locating Gov ernment amd li. R. Land*. A. E. Johnson & Co., A ts fer RA3LROAD LAMP. Counselor and Attorney at Law CROOKSTON, MINN. Crookston House, WM. BOX, Proprietor. Crookston, Minnesota. JT$*dquarters for Marshall County People. BU$!iS3 DIRECTORY. WARREJl, MKAT MARKET. W. -T. Melatyre. MfiKClUNTS. MflCSSA SSUTiliCRS. SALOON. Farrea & Dkij. LUWJt^K. S. W. KSSIKS, Jahasoa, Allea & G. AOWCULTURAL TOOU. li. C. Mcatztr WACOM MAKI& AND JOB1IJC. K. C. Kayier. KOTEIJs. Warrea Xse, Mark Stephens, Maaager. CARPJENTIK. T. K. Davis. lLACKSMITHI. C. MeCai, C. L. Weber. TIJf AND HARD WARS. MeC:a Bros. XOU1I9A. M1XCUANTI. Seye, A. D. Vtraaaeaar, jr.. MAKDWARI. Jha Aagustia*. LAND AOXNT*. Xl**Ba Jk *jTi. ATTORNIT. eorg V\'. Ilolcowa. AtXJC'JLTUitAL MACHINWr. F. D. Eeye. HOTEL. Ctrl MeaUel. JUITICSC OF THS P2ACX. i "0. Barker. PHTMCKAH AND DXUQ3. Or. t. UToarf. JALOOMI. B. Kivei, I. Caaar. gTXPHXN. M2XCXAXT. Sit** Xaasva. Raanewail, After Thursday the 31st, Tint'SnBAT will pecupy, office room in the sain* building with W. Rossman'e Lumber olUee, the front room down stairs. We eau be found at that place until the ground settles enough to enable'us to bull J. John W. Sl. Thoa. Cregg. 0. Taylor. J. 6/Titus. Aaca/ Brevities. Wheat 80 cents. W. T. Lackev. A. E, Flint. J. M. Brown. Win, Carrcse. J, F. ^elson. Warren. Louis*. Stephen. Klfsrlma nie. We now have for sale a lot of old pers, suitable for wrapping purpose?-. newapa. The first Monday in April will tht 4th, and it does not come qn Sunday this year, Mi. G, S. Barnes of Glyndon, the great wheat buyer of the northwest, past through on hst Thursday. The principal qnestion now being risked it, "Do ypu know where we can Hud stable room for our stock?' There will be preaching by Her. J..P, Shell, Presbyterian minister, next 8unday at '2:80 p, m., in the School house. Piilmer did a l)ig thing cuttinjr lumber for himielf tljjs winter. Who w.lj put ip a saw mill and cut for the. public Oars of machinery for our machine agj^nt arc arriving steadily, last week he had a car of plows and harrows come, plows of a{l disjjjip tion, sizes and kinds. Noti* Alt parties interested in organizing a sports men's club, are requested to met at Mr. Ben newitz's store OB Saturday evening atT:3 sharp, The attention of all is ci.lh-d to the card* of Luther Furs, which appears in to-days paper. He can be found at B. C. Snyder's shop or orders will reach him if loft with McCrea Bros,, for any and all kinds of house and sign g^od enough for Hrick work painting, paper-hanging or graining. an evidence of his thrift and good judgement, and it meiins that he wants you to call au looked over the 1 irjest stock of stoves and hardware in the valley, before purchasing else- where,.- ':^.i:__^j^. T. W. Woodward, one of our lirgfet far mev^, west of town, eent two car loads of raules, (3S in all) with which to work tils farm the coming summer. They arrived on Sun day evening, and when turned out, were a sight Bel lorn witnessed in this country. They are all beauii?*. The side track near Barnes fc Go's, elevator hafi been the cause of several cars getting off' the track, WAS the case Ust week, when a train was backing in-on that track, two cars got oil but w.ere toon replaced, and since that then tb.e sectionmen have replaced the old ties with new ones,.and it is now better, Emigrant trains by the wholesale, have been passing through here for several days pant, on Friday a train of seven coaches passed at noon, and during the afternoon and evening, t*o more followed, extra freight trains pass every day and leave from one to live ears at this sta tion. They contain mos !v emigrant effects. H. J. Bennewitx, our harness- maker, conies to the front with his spring and summer ad vertisement, in this isgue. Mr. B., being a thorough workman, he can sell you a better harness for the money, than you can buy any where in ihis country, and when lie gaurran tees you a No. 1 article, yon may depend on your getting it. Wc understand that a shoe maker will soon be here, and will have a shop next to Site Brother's new store, also another blacksmith, who is not so much needed as the former tradesman, as we now have as good a work maa in that line at) can be found in any town west of Chicago, we refer to the "oldest worker in iron" in Marshall county, M. J. McC'an, Taq. As per notices posted some time previously of a meeting to organize a cemetery.association. ie peo ple met at the office of J. P. Nel son, on Saturday evening last and organized. The name of the asso ciation will be known as tha War ren Cemetery Association. The business is to be entrusted in a board of fire trustees to bo elected by the association annually on the first Monday in April of each year. The following trustees were elected to hold office until the next annual election, which will b? held on Monday, the fourth of April next: A. P. Mdntyre, H. C. Mentzer W. II. Gilbert, Ethan Allen, -O o. H. McCm. c-aji all our aid from Crookston, and it i vefj i.iconvcuient and expensive. A good No. 1^ physician CJ}H have plenty of business in this neighborhood, and with ihet drug 'store: apif. opening here, "his" prescriptions couMb coin* pounded uader his direction. ?**$ *|f the law does not protect at seme season of the year, is wohes, of which we understand there are quite a numbey north .and east oi town. ::i .Uv-. -i scatch coating, and not until some practical mechanic has given it a want of high finishing properties. and we arrived at our destination, in a short time. A few hours lunch Wa sprvefi of whirWll rvv i Cidents. Every One enjoyed them- selves immensely, and all hoped to be able to attend another so pleas ant m evening in the near future at the earn* ^vr* Parties 100*1-1^^ acre, will bear in mind that our dealers can sell them outfits for less money than they can purchase below and ship here. The reason is plain when you re member that they buy largely and by the car-load. In the particular of lumber alone, Mr. Rossman general dealer in building material and by the way a most reliable young man, satificd with a small profit, keeps all grades of lumber and can discount any individual purchase. The same may be said of the McCrea Bros., in general merchandise, stoves and hardware, or Mr. Mentzer in agricultural goods, or Mr. Bennewitz harness maker, or Mr. Snydtr wagon-maker or Mr. Nelson, in town lots or farm lands, all of which advertise in this W4BBEK, MARSHAL OOUNliy, MINNESOTA, MARtH so, 1881. Let some one who has a friend who,Ma I good physician, try to induce him to comer and settle with As it i. now wc havl Tke lime stone found five m|ie|l east of town, and only used in onf instance for a hard finish, then un|| der the most unfavorable circurnlj stances, should not be condemeof a T. .7^' -f .mM We have all heard of jolly Tom Worr'. ttoVkrtOT ji'wtlte" Tom"makers JecVitf if that-wonderful achievement of ingenuity ,'.iie finest watch yet invented, "The Rockfor'4 quick train movement." Bince his removaltq the Dobson block, he has added a large assort! ment of fine jewel.-y and elegant goods in his lme. He i* also a careful and skilLul repairer of watches. Goods eent to him for'repairs will be made as-perfect as can be.- Try him Those parties who are now vising their shot-guns so freely on the favg prairie phickens which are aroun| this spring, had better "look ajcel^their tie out," beaause the law is rpr^||^ strict on that point, so gent" or boys, which prer yen are plcaa*^ refrain from the sport until aftcjr Sept, 1st. The only game whiefcj of fall would of itself make it blis|r*fd m5 car xr*ovnovv awaitine his in tV (id rde RU^ A pleasant little party took place! zens of the United States, as they at the residence of Mr. 11. M. Steb-1 must bafore taking government ':^rnsX Thes want'of lipck hate no need of go ing to Cr'c/okston or any^other point jr Mr! IvL, bound to command the trade, with sutih stock as he intends to keep. Go and examine for, yourselves. has already soldmand 0? those'bee brought with hi -f and yet this community is not half supplied. After the snow goes and sowing commenced his busi ness will he lirely. Mr. M.-,will also fuifuisK teams and drivers to land hunters at a reasonable price per day. Trarelingmen and ethers who wish to \Q conveyed to any point on pr away from the railroad, will Jftnd him always ready to attend to wants. Give him a call. Four hundred acres of first -class land, Mdy foj* seeding, will be let for cultiratioii on shares by ["Chicago parties. Apply to the un dersigned at barren. J. P. NXLSOK. Te t|kc Public. -i| The recent appointmont of a Clerk ocouuty, the District for Mar 8n 1 1 givesCotrt, pre-emptor- homesteaders local facilities for urin na S homesteads and making I proofs. Hereafter, J. P. Nel clwk of the District Court t31 ih tcr and crack^ tt has proved to bipioiisfor or ana^il*^0*^ ili i applic a caj witha single experiment. The fraWf ^i* conuty, by authority ves. a.! proofs in home !-ymption claimti, at tiis office in -this place, excepting vvhen the District Court is in ees- in open court, take final proofs. Aliens who wish to become citi- ahttat fourimlferitb^ of the lid, wilfgo^ before, the" same offi- city, on last Monday evening, cial/'take the oath ofallegienee A.bout half past seven, six or eight and receive naturalization papers, couples in three sleighs started out, Ho alone can issue marriage li- the night being very pleasant, cense for this county, the distance was soon passed over i -Mtasiswuwi i .wiiwsiiiiji..iij-j .sii.suiia_'uiiM LAND OFFICE, were passed in amusements of dif*- i named aeUter has filed notice of his i'Uentioh i. i i to make final proof in sup:lortoJ his clam and terent kinds, When a SUraptlOU3 that **:!d prootf willtbetmade iUUCn was SCxVCCl, OIWlllCll ail pa*- Minn, on the 2h of April lSel.vix: JAMES took heartly. At 1 a. m. the-B. TITUS, li'dNo. n.-ua, for he w* of sec 32, t' i i 1T155, R47.. He names ih-: foil iwing witnesses llOrSCS Were again headed towards to prove his continuous residence upon and cul- linm- nvrivinnr eufAlv wiilt n tivition of s-id lmd vii: Win G:lMrt, Geo. nonie, arrn ing s,iieiy witii no ae- j, Crookston, Minn. Mar. 35, 1CS1, Notice is hereby piven that the following {MoCr before the tbe Distric Cour a VV-trre MarshalClerk. Co A1jer McIntyre Warren,Marshall Co. M'inn. i i, 1 IS-S2 Taos., Herister.1 gteTcns aI Tax SHUT acd the Pivaeer Press fer tee smail sum of |S.7i. Sub3crib for the Sxair. New Harness SHOP Ja.T paper These men are known and HenrilJ. BWMWitZ, PrOD respected for tnere enterprise and reliability. A new business opened in War ren. A Livery, Sale, Feed aud general jobbing stabtc,in fall blast. F. L. Murry's first lot of horses ar rived last Saturday. Good judges pronounce them the best lot of horses ever brought into this park of the country. At demanded, *h*y Till bs forwarded her.e, h# h*sl #'*?& ?'$ 'f%dp^ i :^I?f. TAKE THE^BEST! TH^ FARM, THE FAMILY, BUSINESS OFFICE. The Farmers' Union and Minneapolis Week ly Tribune is now the leading and the best pa per for the Farm, the Famdy and the Business Man, published in the Northwest, In size in quantity and quality of reading matter, it is without a superior, The News,It is a complete Nrws paper giving All the News from All the \Vo:iJ," Its summary of State and Northwestern intelli gence, is particuhary full. The Farm.It is a first-class Agricultural With the aid of that veteran Agri cultural editor, of Minnesota, Col J..H. Stevens The Farmers'Union and Weekly Tribune is specially adapted to the wantsof Farmers in the Northwestern belt. In this repect it is greatly superior, for practical use, to agricul tural papers puLLshed further eat and south, and designed for a different latitude, different climate, different soil and different line of farm products. No farmer in Minnesota, W-esrtrn Wisconsin, Northern Iowa, Dakota or Mani toba caa aiford to lie without the leading agri cultural journal of this region. The Market.Our full, accurate and impar tial reports of Wheat and General Market!"', at home and abroad, indispensible to the grain grower, the stock raiser and the business man. Published at Minneapolis the fe-uliag citv ol Minnesota and the Northwest, where the ljuU of the Minnesota wheat crop is now marketed and turned into flour, the Farmers* Uaion and Tribune has facilities possessed by no other journal for making it market intelligence full and trustworthy. In matters of this'kind it is a)w*ys economy to get the b*t. The Family.As a weekly visitor tq the home and the fireside, this jou~n] i invx'u ab!. Its ed'torixl* discuss all current ques tions fearle.&)y and, Thr hom'e ei e'e Department the young folks department the complete story each week the Piter-box, in which evervbody'* questions re answered and the sevral pages of interesting aijd instruc tive miscell.ciy for readers of t-.ll ngek are care fully and specially prepared and constitute nl moat a family library, The Fa'merV- T'nion and Weekly Tribune is not crowded with pol tical chad'to the exelusioa of more important and more readable matter, The paper is clean Nothing is permitted in either its reading or advertising columns that can demr*l.e or attend tiie reader. Terms of Subscription. Wceklv, one year postage psid. six months Dasilr f-ia* Tri-*veKly T.ribun*. The Daily Morning Tribune is now the lead ing Republican daily of the the Northwest and is unsurpassed as a newspaper: Da'ly, one year, $lj?.i!0 per month, i.Ou Tri-We'kly, one, f.00 six months. 3.00 three months, 1.50 PrtmiuiMa* To each new yearly subrcriber'tne pubt'sheriT will send, postare paid and free of all cost any one of the folt-.wiug.nam,d Ctubu and Agents Besides furnishing any one of the abov named valuable m-eniiums to each n:w yea-1 subscriber we will present the(! rii'l! portrsii or either one of the books ny .1. subscri ber or other person who will send us the names of three new subscribers for one year accom panied with the cash tr) Atiy one who sends us a club of twenty-five'new'aubsenbers at $1.15 each will revive for his services th- GitrhVil portrait and *11 lbs sir books name' in the list. No offer so liberal as th's is male bv any other paper in America. Stud in the clubs. Remittances ehoul.1 be made by P(.st-offlcf Money Order, bs'ik check, or regi*ter latter Sample copies will be sent free on application by postal card. All postmasters are authorized to receive and forward in the a?xv manna'-, subscriptions to The Farmers' 1'nion *n Weekly Tribune and the Daily aud Tri-Weekl Tribune. Address all letters, to THE TRIBUNBCO., Minneapstlis, Mmn, Farm for sale, only a short distance from town. For further particular call or write to this office. SUSSOIISZ FOK THE SHEAF saly p* Teiaur. The well known firm of BENTON, COVE A CO., TYPE FOUMDERsT MHwsiukoe, have established a Branch Foundry at Wo. 30 Minnesota Street, SA1WT PAUL, MINN,, and eoHolt your orders. ft JO rEK Till, Tom l.U .65 premiums: 1. A superb, correct and crvon lithograph portrait of President Garfi* IJ,'JO inches by 28 in size, and a handsome orament to the home, 2. Either of the following famous and sttiui ard books, printed on-good paper, with clear handsome type and paper binding: History of Nineteenth Centurv. P. McKenzie. Jane Eyre by Chai'otteBronl". Last Days of Pompeii by Bui wtr I.vtton, John Halifax, Gentleman bv Miss Mulock. Pickwick Papers by Charles Dicken-. Worisworth's Stlscted Poems, by Arhul Wmiimmmt^mmiWawSI On improved farms. Long t.iis* and at reasonable rates. N H.C.Mtwii. Farmers desiring aTriump's *?derfor lStl can have the same of W. 11. Gilbert at Warrea. Freight*?, E. M. Walsh, General Dealer ia Tinware, Stoves, Bar Bron, Steal met Builders' Material, Aj^ent for the ClLMEATXD MpKIT0|t ?L0wi. Everything in Tin, Iron pr Brass, Ornamental or Practical, uaa- ally kept by the Trade, prices Ra&'4psl. CBOOESTOK, Usv%, Morri0f Dealar ia Crookston Minn. Fine Watch Repairing Care fully Done and Guaranteed, The Famous Rockford Movement mre our especial Stock. This is the culminatioa af Mechaaiaal geuujty in Watches, They are cheaper, better heace aiore ae -ate and durable than aay other yet iaveatec*, large nnd well s&i*ct*d stock ml Clocks from $2 up to fancy pricwa. A practical Watchmaker my.'el/, I yMratee 11 ina~'a sol i as represented, And all werk underiakcn as perfect as caa be aoas. Watches or goods for repair c*a ke left a| the SUKAF O/Jce ia Wanes, R. C. SNYDE R, Wagons, Sleighs and Cutters MADE TO ORDER. Jobber and Repairer! Mattresses and Spring Beds FOR SALE. Neck Yokes and WhiSetrees Ironed Keady for Use. anything wanted in V'cod done em Short Notice. Wheel-barrcTrs For Sale. H. C. MENTZBR^ Dealer ia ARm MACHINERY, Warren. Minn. FishBros'sdcMilburnWagons,, Deere 4 Monitor Plows, 'vicConnick Twine and Wire Binders, Harvesters and Mowers, Jc Caf Engines and TLTes.ers. Superior feedtr*,