Newspaper Page Text
i! i MWWUH. i ijj i ^H^liuirX VOL. 1. iAfO 19. PrVat Jadre, Register of DM 1, Anditor, Treasarsr, Sheriff, Alto HPT, 6.-aoo 3npariateaie f)rar, *arvyr, t'.SjT i,J5.a--.'.trin.-Uia SUJ(?t4i:C OFFICIAL. W. JS. Waskbara, MinncanQ)!* DISTRICT COURT, jXatriet Jaige, O. P. Sterna, Dulnth. 3TA.TB SSX.iTOR. An4rtw JfoCrex, I'erhara. RErRESXNTATIYXS. a. S. Cwwstoek, Moorhead. wnrd Saaspsoa, Ctooketon. oovxrr ornsixs. John W. Slee. Thus. Cvsgg O. T.wl-ri J. B. Titus. W. T. LaL-kCTi A. E. Flint: J. At. Brown. Wra, Csrres-e. T. JE*. Nelso's. OWTT oomsissiossas. 1st Hist: ict A. V. Melmyra, Warren. DistrictIT. D. Kcje, Louisa. fci DistrictA. Diaaaona, Stephen. KaliffisraR KOUM, Rfcligien* services in tke school hoaSe eveiy Swauy at a, m.j anl at, 7:30 p. m, Society. Tmperweo Society organisation meet every Fri '.ay evening *t school house. BUSOfESS CARDS. 0. TAYLOR. COUNTY AUDITOR. Pays Taxes for Non-residents. J* P. i^g&on, ATTORNEY. ff$a! Estate. Pays Taxes. JOHN W. SLEE, JUDGE OF pROBATJj. Jridictiou in HOMESTEAD' arid FINAL rAoOF eairio. Sptjcil attiition to locating Gov ernment j.nd R. R. Land* A. E. Johnson & Go^ RAILROAD LAND. P. A, X3UF0UR, Counselor and Attorney at Law CR00KST0N, MI^N. Cro3fk9t0rt Hous, rTM. BOX, Proprilor. Crockstoii, Mihn*ota? Um^uarUn for Marshall County Pebplt. MSAT MARKET W. J: Mclntyre MERCHANTS. McCXSA JiSOTifJCMi' SALOON. Frra Drtdy. LUU.SX.' E. W. Kossaaa, Jwbns^i, Alli A Cai AfllWCULTURAL TOOL*. C.' M#Usr TTAttUJ-t MAKKK AND JOSSEK. HOTEL*. "^TitrrsH Marie 5teliiri*' Maltajir. CAKFINTXR. R. Davis ELACKSMITHS M. ifisCaa, C. L. Wabar. TIK AND HARDWAKS. Xir.Cre* Bros': X^OSJASA.. MXKCKANTS.' Kaye, A D. V*ik.Mr: r. HARDWARE. J'i Aa^uatia*. LAKD AaCNT8 l[luaiB tTi: ATTORHET: #ar{t \T. Hokonte: i^SICULTURAL UACHJjfZSr.' T. D' Ky. SOTXL. Carl McfltMl ^usTica: or TH* PSACS: O. larkar, ?EY*IOIAN AND DRUaS.' Dr.J-.Latad. *ALOOi. X. Kirel, 9. Coutr TiaceHJS]r MERCHANT. John HatUu. HOTEL &.TMQM Hugh*. Mi*t 0 fa^ixAAryn^^dJo r"UU/ Lgcal Brevities. Wheat.80 cents. The si^ts and enas of Ed. blee'a new buil 1- perience of on of my neighbor ing are up and the roof w.U be on hi a day or _.i--- i..Ti _._M_- li two. Te Presbyterian minister, did not get here oti Sunday, we suppose oh the account of the unpleasant weather, jjnd the long drive he would have to take acairist a n.rth wind* In the naxt iat of horses Mr. Murry brinps move his machinery from Minne- 11 be a thorough-bred Noruian t*lLon* The horses are expected in a few day*. T. I Keye, aul John Kivcl passed throush to.wn Tuesday totriirds home, the former gen tleman just returning from a business trip to St. Paul. Sportsmen, will please all turn oatj and attend the meeting Saturday evejiinjr, at H. J. Beimewitz's harness shop, us it wauted to per fect an .organization. The pftpcrs hate been full of. praise of 'the cn'erprise of the Pioneer Press, in getting con trol of a telegraph wire to the east, we have special wire which rtms from our office to the depot, and we are now able get the very iatcst newgj A train f fifteen cars of stock, household goods and seven coaches loaded with emi grants, bound for Manitoca psissed through at six o'clock this morning, and about, two' hours afterwards anothtr equally iis large fol lowed it, none stopped off this time. W.- W: Wood, Esq., manasjer of the Lock hart and Keystone farm*, was in tbi city yes terdayj he has ju*t returned from a trip through Iowa and Missouri, purehasiog horses to work their frirms this summer.' He says they are very scarce and high. "Breaker," in List week's Crookston Jotmul in writing up onr town, left out two of ourbeginning most prominent business firms, McCrea Bro'/\, general merchants and E.W: Rosswan, lumber dealer, these gentlemen are am'ong the soli.! business men of town. W. McIntyT?, took a trip to Graritl ForkB on Sunday, with a team, he returned by the train, Mac is great in his praise of the Forks, and gAve' the reason for returning by train, because the horse* did not want to come back' arid the sleigh is undergoing rej^airs a1 a carriage shop II. Mentzer, says he'expects his SON tif the later part of the season, when his service* will be most nee'ed, and Breaker in last week? Crookston Journal in the mention o: &- me oi our busixiess men, misunderstood him in re gard to h'ib son being in partnership with him in the agricultural implement iftsincss: E. W: Rossman, has the agency for tho cele brated Waukegan Star Putnp, manufactured at Waukegan Wisconsin: This pump is one of tli. ba*i manuiacturs J, he lias a iple one^tanuing in front of his office: If any of our readers are in need of pump, give him a Call, ask the price of it any way arid see Mow cheap he sell-* .1 4Si A gentleman, looked ortr our town ohTues- .':ay and examined the lots set apart fur a mill site, he was afraid there wouli not be water enough in the river in the summer to Jurnisli w..ter so a* to run at all times, btit we ih nk with asmull :am thsic woul i good aupilv, until cistern :-ufficienlU large otuld be dug, anu he coiili iri on that when the river wa? low F." L. Murry, our 1 very and sale stable pro prietor, is bu.lding she is oh each side of his barn, so that he til huve more room for the next lot of ho-ees, that are now on the ron-i, the new bn 1 iug will be used for, the main barn wili have an oihee, harnesi? room an I ulso arranged to keep his buggies in he has pL-nty of room' for any "transcient teams. The little drug store, not around the corner, but on Front strlst, is now in running order, Messrs. Titus & Whitney, intend to keep onl? the very best kinds of drugs and medicines. They haw opens up a full line of pjtent medi cines of all descriptions al.^o hair oil, perfume, combs and brushes, writing piper, pens and ink, wall-paper,* etc., and sdirie of the beat cigars in town. A full line of choice mixed candies ulways on hand, try sohi'e of it. Dead! Letters/ remaining uncalled Letters in the Warren Audet, Jean Hith, N E for 0.. Apr. 1, 1881. Bnrgesi,H.A.-(3) Veunt, Levile Wright, C. C. In calling for th above letter* pleas* say "Advertised." ETHAK ALL**/ M* Ft. R^mson Corre*pondnt Fargo Bepu^llcan. 'The question how to make break ing renumerativc the first season is rners of Dakota. Perhaps the ex? wh.oi lives half? a mile we^t. of Fort Ransom, inay be interesting^ George H. McCr.a, was on the ick iit for has just finished threshing his crop, i a few days the liter part of Uat week, but in Wound again now all right. On account of the lateness of th spring, and being compelled to April "\Vsiatiri Mr. Hsnry G. Vennor, the Th* C*auic Law. The' following is the new game .aw in regard to shboting or trap ping birds as passed by the legisla ture at .the recent session. SEC. 1. No person shall kill or pursue with intent to Sill any woodcock, saving only during the month of July, after the third day of said month, and during the months' of August, September and Octobar, nor any prairie hen or chicken, nor any wfriti-beasted or sharp-tailed WAHEEN. MARSHALL COUNTY, MINNESOTA, APRli 6, 1881. on Sod. Sif|-'-' xr~ sota, his seeding was necessarily late. He commenced breaking en thel5th of May and has threshed p2 bushels of good wheat. Had tie breaking and seeding been done 'f}** .u- A.^,-I 4.1^1- i.i,_ _:.u shall county, gives pre-emptors early iv, April I think the yield would have been five bushels to the acre more. But even thirteon bushels to the acre is better than to allow the land to lie idle for a year. Th sod was thoroughly rotted and pulverized, and the land in much better condition for a crop this year than land that was not seeded on the sod. I believe that farmers would profit very mater-! ially, seeding as much of their1 breaking as possible either to wheat or oats. Mr. Jackson Har ris, of this pl*ce, raised 35 bushels of oats to the acre on sod last year wheat in this vicinity, on old ground, yielded from 22i to 35 bushels to the acre, on new ground from 22j to 25 bushels. by April i5th. t"loodi may be ex pected in Chicago about the first week in A.\.-ti\, with high winds al so prevailing in the ta'rly. psrt of the month.' Snowfa'lls are prob able about April's. Navigation is likaly to open on Lake Ontario ibout April 7. The St. Lawre'nce will opsr ibout the 9'th or 11th. and the first +te'amihip will probably arrive about the lTtli or IStL The weather will be very stormy in the. lower provincei about the j&0th rrith very high water prevailing '.u in the west, April will .Dea'drj uonth. There will warn weather just following the 50'th. ending in thunder-stormi on the Mill and 25th. Snowstorms an probable iii the fir west on the 25ii. md 26th, and snowfalls are not un Likely to occur in England at th close of the month. Themoiitl. /ill end wet and cold, but on thr whole, it will be like a May month." grouse- or prairie chickens, save only' during the monthai of September October and November, nor any quail cr par tridge nor any ruffled grouse or pheasant, save only during the months of September, October' and November, nor any aquatic fowl save only between the first day of September, and the fifteeth (llth) day of May succeeding in any year. Any person or p*rta* offefidiiif ^HV?-. d', f&aisai&rs&JSM&ki ^SkJBdEMWii^ Jwf. :t, i w-* i- .1. -'4'" *~M against any provisions of this'kcfc Shall be pnnished by a fine of not lsss than five dollars nor more than fifty (50) dollars and by the for feiture of in a^d all pf the above nunied game birds, found in his or #heir possession, and by the far foiture of. any gun or g-uns and .sporting implement*, and any dog Lor dogs in. his or their possession, together with the costs-of prosecu fiion, or both, in the discretion of the court. Tt th* Public. The recent appointment of District Cotrt. for Mar- ,and homesteaders local facilities for securing homesteads and making jfinal proofs. Hereafter, J. Nel son, the clerk of the District Court for this conuty, by authority ves ted in his Gilice,. can take "applica tions for or final proofs in home stead and pre-emption claims, at his ofiice in this place, excepting when the District Court is in ses-home sLn when the presiding judge will fr open court, take final proofs. ALcns who wish to become citi- ,4ns cf the United States, as they must btfore taking government land, will go before the same offi cial, take the oath of.alitgi?nee Mid receive naturalization papers He alone can issue marriage li cense for this countv. J.-P. na- dian weather prophet, makes the following predictions for Aprilt "There will be sharp frost in the of April, with snowfall on the ith or 5th, but the spring will op*n favorably, and every-'i thing will be pretty will a^tf^^ Attorney and CouslSelof at Law, 41 ^--Marshill..Co, Minn. NOTARY PUBLIC, COUKTTY SUBV.S:YO* ta^Ui-aSo'i and JElc*l JStat. DEEDED LANDS FOR SALE. PRAIRIE AND W00E LANDS. Choice Lands Selected aid Entries Made. AND Choice liquor^ and igarsa SpecMty Lager 6n Tap. English Ale and Pdrler, adttjed Beer and \i\hee A Qm\\$m^$ Ptea ^f Resort. TAKEJHE_BEST! THE FARM, THE FAMILY, BUSINESS OFFICE. The Farmers' Union and Minneapolis Week Jy Tribune is now the leading and per for the Farm, the Family and Man, published in the Northwest. In size and in quantity and quality of reading matter, it is without a superior, The News.Jt is a compKs ITew* nper* jiving All the News from All the Work. i' summary of State and Northwestern intelli gence, is particultary full. The Farm.It is a ftrst-cU^s Agricultural Journal. With the aid of that veteran Asrri- cuLural clitor, of Minnesota, Col J, Stevens The Farmers' Union and Weekly Tribune is specially adapted to the wants of Fanners in the Northwestern be!.. In this repect it is greatly superior, for practical use, to agricul tural papers published further east an 1 south, and designed for a different latitude, diflerent climate, different soil and different 1ms of farm products. No farmer in Minnesota, Western Wisconsin, Northern Iowa, Dakota or Mani toba caa afford to he without the leading agri t-ultural journal of this region. The Market.Our full, accm-ate and impar tial reports of Wheat and General Markets, at home/nd abroad, indisj.ensible to the grain grower, the stock raiser and the business man. Put! shed at Minneapolis the leading citv of Minnesota and the Northwest, where the bulk of the Minnesota wheat crop is now marketed and turned into flour, the Farmers' Union and Tribune has facilities possesses by no other journal for making its market iniell'gance full and trustworthy. In matters of this it is always economy to get the best. The Family.As a weekly visitor to the and the fireside,- this journal is invalu able. Its eJitoriitM discuss all current ques tions fearlssaly and candidly. The home circle Department the young folks department the complete story each week the 1-Uer-box, in which everybody's questions are answered and the several ,age of interest ng unci instruc tive miscellany for readers oi ..If Clubs and Agents. Besides furnishing any one of the abev naraed valuable premiums to each new re i-1 subscriber we will jiresent-theGjirfi'.idporv.-i' or either one of the books to.'tny old subs--- ber or other person who -n ill sen 1 us the nun-. of three new subscribers for one year acco panied with iht cash (f:?.4.*D. Anv one sends us a club nf twenty-five new'suhauribf at $1.15 eacli 1! re-f-eTve & spol-i Week asMa !8t. In size ee 9 ar fully and specially prepared and constitutcare- al most a fam:l.v bbrary.- The Fanners' Union and Weekly Tribune is not crowded with pol tieal chaff to the exclusion of more important and more readable matter. The mper is dean Nothing is permitted in either its reading- or advertising columns that can dtmr .1 ze or offend the reader.- Terms eS SUIracripiien. Weeklr, one year postage paid. six months $1.15 The Daily Morning Tribune is now th lW jngHepublican daily of the the Northwest an is unsurpassed as a newspaper:' Da:ly, one year. $12.t i, per. month, i[{), Tri-Werkly, one year e'.iX six months. 3*0. three months. 1,5^ Prcuniiisn*. To each new yearly subrcrlber the publisher will send,- poststre paid and free ofulleos any one of the following named premiums: 1. A superb, correct and life-Ike cr*v:,- lithogranh portrait of President Garfield, inches by 23 in size, and a handsome oram:r. to the home 2. Either of the following Tamousand stand ard books printed on good paper,- with cle-i handsome type and paper binding: History of Nineteenth Century. R, McRenzi" Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontel Last Day? of Pomr.tii by Bulwer Lvtt^i John Halifax, Genilcman In- Mis Mul .cl,-. Pickwick Papers by tihsries Dicker: Wordsworth's Selected Poems. by Arn.l for h:3 ti-rv'.^a Garfield portrait -invi -li the *x bo.,k runic in the list. No offer so lihe'ai A* \h' P, mn bv any other paper in Amsrica Sin i in clubs. Remittance.5 shoull be made by Money Order, bnxvk check, or reglaler--1 Sample copie* \.P.,b sent free on1 a pi c-.u. by postal car All postmasters are author to receive an Uorwnrd iK the aboye mannc subscriptions to The Tarmeru' Uivon Weekly Tri.aine and the Daily and Tri-Wcekl Tribun Address .dl loiters, to THE TRIBUNE CO., Minneapot.E, Mm::. SUlUCHM JQX fllfi SlilAF O IT per rr. The well known firm of BEMTOM, COVE A CO., TYPE FOUNDERS^ Milwaukee, haVe established a Branch Foundry at Mo. SO Minnesota Street, SAINT PAUL, |iia&wsi taut!Uiijr."s^ MINN., a and solicit your order*. *^i^k ,-X^yi. E. M. Walsh, General Dealer in s, Hardware, 7 Tinware, Strove ear lron3 $iezl and Builders' MatiHah A^entforthe CaLBu*a,TiEn MONITOR PLOWS. Everything in Tin irori or Braes, Ornamental cr Practical, usu- ally, kept by the Trade* Prices Re&ueeeL JROOSSTOK, Imifi B. pi*U Fine Watch Repairing Cars* fully Done and Guaranteed, Vhc Famous Rockford Momrient are onr tsj-iccial Stock. This is the culmination' a'f Meehanic&l In trenuity in Watchss.. They are cheaper, better hence more aceu t and durable than aBy other yet invai. large and well soiactsd stock f Oiocks from $2 up to fancy pnees. A practical' Watchmaker myeelY, Igncrantee 11 niai.-:-ial sol', as represented.- Aod all werk un Lertaken as perfect as can be done, Watches or goods for rspair caa b* left at he SHJSAT Otice ia Warrea. On improved farms. Long time at reasonable rates. H. C. MINTZEE. Farmers desiring aTrinmpHfiae.ierfo-1! in have'the .ame of \Y$ U. Gilr a Wo.* eght^6.'. !C1 as:- R. C, 8IYDEE, SiiDE'TO OUDLK. Uhber artel Repalmt Mattresses and Spring Beds FOR SALE. '"Teck Yokes and WhifSetreee Irene! lieady for L'se. Anything wanted in Wood done e* Short Notice. Wheel-lirrows For Sale. Dealer in FARM MACHINERY, Warren, Minn. KshBrofiV&WUhuf-. go- %f Deere & Monitor ^1r^? McCjrn xk T-h-i x, B-cdor^ iiarve^cr. Moweia. Ji I, Car-:e L: ?:i f:. id a ^sn TK.-