Newspaper Page Text
a^*aa,nfiC222l2! VOL 1, HO, ?o. MEMBER F OOXCIIESS. "W. D, Washburn Minneapolis niSTBlCT OOUBT. District Judge," O. P. Stearns, Dwluth. STATU asyATOK. Andrew Mc-Crea, Perhutn. 3- Q. Comstbelc, Moorhead. Burnerd 8ajop3on, Crooltston. COWXTf OFFICERS, Probsts Judge, John W\ Slee. fcsgiaier of Deeds, Thos, Crtgcg. Auditor, O. Tayl-r. Treasurer, .7. B. Titus. Sheriff, TT. T. Lacfcev. .Attorney, ,T A. E. Flint. School Superintendent, J, M. Brown. C'orwner, Win, C-trrese, Burreyar, .T.P.Nelson. COHXTT 00MUI8gI0tt2R. .1st DistrictA. T. KclHtj.Vef Warren Sd Diatriet-^IT. D. Keye, Louis fcADisiidetAk I)iaonU Stephen. RjQ}ig-ions Notieo* "ReUgtoas service* in the school lionsc erery at 11 *u ra., atxd at 7:20 p. m. Tempcrsnofl organization meet every fri lay vHiae at ths school home. BUSINESS CAEDS. ^V^LltK'.iG^r. 0. TAYLOK. COUNTY-AUDITOR. Pays Taxes for Non-resideiits, J. P. Ue\e6n9 A. 'X* O 3X IV. 33 ^?a/ Estate.. Pays faxes. JOHN W, SLEE, JUDGE OF pKOBATji Jariidictioa in H0MK3TEAD and FINAL TH06Falri*J'. Special attention, to locating Gov emmint aiid E. R. Lands, A. S. Johnson & .G Agent* for RA3LR0AD LA^iD* P. A^BUFOUR, Counselor and Attorney at Law CltOOKSTtiNv MINN. Cfookstoft Housdj .WM. BOX, Proprietor.: Crookstoiij Minuesota Headquarters for Marshall Cbunt. People. BU^iftZSS DIRECTORY. MEAT MAKXET. "VT. J. Mclntjre".'1 MERCHANTS. McCR2A JROTHliR'' SALOON. larren & Dady. LUMBER'. TS. W. So*m.B, Johnson, AHea fe Co. AGRICULTURAL TOOLS. H. C. Mentxer "VTAftO^ MAKER AND JOBBER. R. C. Snjer. HOTELS'. W*rrn H^i, Mark StepkenSj Manajtr. CARPENTER. T. R. Dari^ BLACKSMITHS'. M. 9. McCan, C. L. Webir. TIN AND HARDWARE. MCCI-M Brod". ILQUJLiA MERCHANTS'. F. S &ej, A. D. Verboniawn HARDWARE Jokn Angustint LAKD AGSNTf. Kolc3a"* & Karel. ATTORNET. fteorsc W. Kolcoml. 4uicUStt 4 BAL MACHI2?EUr. F D. Kyt. OTEI'k "CarVMenlwl. JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. O. Barksr. HftTSICIAN AND DHUGS. Dr. J". Lal'eni. sitOONtf. S. Kirel, S. COBUOT. 'T.'Ei! f, Jtl.KX. WJ5RCHANT. John Haunit. HOTEL. 5^,-ttalS Hughs. c-. .Trr-wjcwss* 1* *'M.*I.V Local Brevities, Wl^eflt- 80 cents. Sumjner-like weather. Hon. A. McCyea -was in towii this reels:. Head the financial statement of Marshall county, published else where. F. L. Murry received another lot of flne farm horses this week. Call mrl see them. ,H. J. Bennewitz the harnes? maker will erect a barn in the rear of his residence size, 16x18. The board of county commission ers will hold a special- meeting on Tuesday, the nineteenth inst. Mr. Iverson of Goodhue county will settle kete about the last oi April and will engage in the boot ind shoe business. McCrea Bros, are 'buildingon the lot adjoining their present store a structure, 22x48 feet, oiie story, to be used for store purposes. TV. J. Melntyre has sold out hi^ meat market to his brother E'd who -,TH1 continue the business. Wil j'oes to Dakota, and his family fol off him in a short time. Duncan Melntyre, has gone t.. vvork for M. 4. MeCan in his black anith shop, and e4n be found there any time in the day to attend tr he wants of Mike's many cus tomers. E. W. Rossmaii has bean rushing .If leather and building materia t a lively rate for the past week' ad he has five or six carloads cf 'umber on the way here at tin present tiiae, and more -co follow E. J. Keyem, late with Johnson lllen & Co., will now be found be Jnd Gilbert, Ciawson & Go's coun er. He is good salesman and tin ibore firm were fortunate in secur ng his services. M. J. McCan bought the build Ing that stood in the rear of R. C. .Snyder's carpenter shop, and moved it on the lot near liossman's lum-. ber office, and repaired'and fixed i .tp, it is for rent or laic. A piece of sidewalk is needec very much, across the street be tween Judge Nelson's office atMl the Warren House, also between tin "ormer-place and the meat market. They are'some of the most ineed^ci i nprovements in our fine little city. .Among the late arrivals is John ^chouvveiler, and he brings witl dim. stock he intends' to farm .his siunnler. He had quite nemigerie ill the car, a ikztik o:' horses, six cows, an assortment of 2uickens, geese, ducks and turkeys liso.three dogs, a new breed foi this section. It is rumored that a change is it /take place,in the management (f the affairs at the depot. Mr. J. B. Titus is about to tasi^ii, and Mr... J. S. Brigjjs, who ha? been his val utble assistant, takes his place. The eniange will take phice asUoon as the traveling auditor cdnies and aquares up accounts ATcCrca Bro's., hare cohstructed a sidewalk from V.itir store jfco the railroad track, so tliat people can get from the west to the east side of town. It is a good movci now let us have one along the east s-idi of First strtet, fro*n Menlzer's Ag ricultural implement warhouse to Ed. Slee'S ntew store. sES-traej-sr- '#JpW^ The piling is on the ground for a 30,000 bushel elerator, also part of the.lumber, which will be buil/fc a short distance south, of the depot by W..H." Gilbert Bro. The. building will be 100. feet in length by 30 feet in width and ^0. feet in height. Work on the same will be commenced as soon as the frost is out of the ground enough to enable them to set the piles for a solid foundation..- Mark Sts-'ehs, who has so suc^ cessfully managed our hotel and eating house for the year past, will run it the coming summer as. lessee. This hotel bas been ably conducted luring the past year and we 'pre dict a most successful career during the ensuing scasou under the new management. Before another is sue of our paper Mr. Chanson will, have departed, and we can safely say no one will prove a heavier los* to our community than he and his most charming family. J. C. Bennewitz of Red Wing ir again with us, and with him came several families who will locate in Marshall county, and in the south ern part of it near Warren. And there are many more to arrive -as. soon as he can make arrangements': for their location. Bring them all Marshall county can hold them, and ivhen we can not find places foi" "hem iu the county as it now is we vill look for them in the adjoining v-ier of towns (which will next fail belong to and form part of Mar shall county), in Polk county.,- \\*4 Mr. W, TV.' Wright an old settle md one of the pioneers of Tamarac iver was found dead in his cabin seven miles north-east of Stephen station, last week. He lived on a :hiim, in a small claim shanty, in i.he itimber near the river, with ncii ither companion than a dog. 'Tho drst that was known of hit leath was the fact of his dog com ng to town with the chain and ii portion of the stake to which h( \vns tied/attached to him, and whei jarties went out to his shanty they t'ound him as above described. H. ".tad quite a large supply of prqvis ions on hand and did not die of starvation as was supposed, bui orobably of old age. An inquest vill beheld by the coroner as soon lis practicable -It may not. be generally known -hat nearlV all the western states territories and railway corporations have immigration agents, of difier mt nationalities, located at New fork city and oth^r points of entry .'or the thousands o? emigrants wh( ire seeking homes in the new world N"ow, the nuinber of new comers from Germany and German speak ng provinces is. rapidly increasing: md makes up a large proportion oi he sum total of arrivals fri3in aiJ sources. What this section need* a tjjorougly posted and practical jrerman immigration agent, located Castle Garden, New York dity, rvhose duty it would be to tell to lis fellow countryfolk' what rich inducements this section has to of fer in the way of, the best farming ands, to be had from the railroad iompany or government for almost lothing. The Germans are good citizens, and it would hot be 8,miss in the residents of Marshall county to take some united action that will tend to secure such new comers. Valcaiicfrj-i With this issue we step cut of the management of the SHEAF, and Mr. Chas. C. Brown, late of the Grand Forks Plaindealer, takes our place. We recommend Mr. Brown to our friends, aud think .lie will fill the bill. He will receive and receipt for all the small isUm* of $2 or less that you wish to pay for the best and bnly paper published in Mar shall csuiity, at Warren the county seat, W. W. GILBEKT, Managers 'N' WABRBN, MAESHALL COUNTY, MINNESOTA, APRIL 13, 1881. I II IIII I ii III til lillillllll il illlilflHUMM "I I i| III muJUl TfcaajcsKsca JEfAKKET KJEPOKTS. FlourNc-vr procaaa flour 'Heed M?fttStilt Por.kper Ila)S SIx'ouLlers....... Butter 'EgS I..,., Lard. Bean*. Apples per obi... Potatoes Corn per bu Outs Hay .YYlieat A No. 1.. Brick perM Wood dry....... Ecg Coal... ?i= 00 Standard flour S 50 XX 33 Onttneal 4 tts lb^ cbrtyaeal Sicta.'psr lb. 150 Vi 15 ii .....,,25 to V.~'.'. :'A'.\ tS a SO to 2 75 ....3 00to i('fx 50 to 7: iO 50 ...3 OOtiSOO *o 11, no ...3 50 to 4 50 ..13 00 31 00 17 50 30 00 .-..'31 00 21 00 .23 00 to 3S 00 .M 00 to 2S 00 So to 3 25 3 25 Lumber, Common per Sheathing per M......... Stock boarcU per Dimension per Square Timber per Flooring per M. Siding per shinales per Lath per J. P. NELSON, Attorney and Counselor at Law, Warren, Marshall Co,, Minn, NOTARY PUBLIC,. COUNTY SCBYETOE Xuiiir^nop ma R&&1 J3*tate. DEEDED LANDS FOR SALE. PRAIRIE ANB WOOD LANDS. Choice Laiids Sgi*etd aid Entries Made* AND Choice Liquors and Cigars ft English Me and Porter, Bottled Beer and Wines A Gentlemen's Place oi Resort BUIWCRIBE FOlt TBtE'SfiEAF., 73Kir_-^r- 1 TAKEjOTSBEST! THE FARM, THE FAMILY, BUSINESS OFFICE. The Tavmrrs' Union and Minneapolis Week ly Tribune is now the leading and the best na per for the Farm, the Fain il rami the Business ..ian, published in the Northwest. In size and quantity and quality of reading matter! it is without a superior. The Nevr^-lt is i conipleta ITewsjjaper giving Ail the News from All the Wo Id. Its summary of State-and Northwestern intelli gence, in partieultary full. The Farm,It is a flrst-clasg Agrieuhural Journal, With the aid of that vele'ran Agri cukural editor, of Minnesota, Col J. H. Stevens The-tanners'Union and Wceklv Tribune is specially adapted to the wants f.Farmer* in the Northwestern beli. In this reoect it is greatly superior, for practical use, to' agricul tural papers published further east, and south, and designed for a. (Mfferent latitude, different cbmate,.different soil and different line of farm product'?.. No farmer in Minnesota Western \Yisconsin, Northern Iowa, Dakota or Mani toba can afford to be without the laaillno- am cunuraljournl-of this region. The .Market..Our full, accurate and impar tial reports of Wheat and-General Market*, at home and abroad, indispensiUe to the' Vrain grower, the stock raiser aud the business'thaii. I uUished at Minneapolis lhe'leadin^citv'of ..linnesotaand the Northwest, where the bulk of the Minnesota wheat crop is now marketed and turned into Hour, the Farmers' Union audi lnbun has facilities possessed journal for-making.its:market intelliTence-&-',iHottrtoby-n and trustworthy. In matters of this'"kind'it'is always economy to get the bet XUe Famity.-AB a weekly visitor to the home and the fireside, this journal is invalu able. Its editoriula discuss 11 current rrn^ tions feailecily and The homo circle Department the young folks department- the, eomjblc story each week the ktter.'bos wmch everybody's qestioB are answered .and the several pages of interesting -md instruc tive nuscell-my for outers of .sll ages are care fully a:U spet-i:.lly prepared and constitute 1- most a fnm.K J.brary. Tin Farmers' Union and uocrily friouna I* not crowded with pol ticul ch.all to the exclusion of more important' ana more readable matter. The paper is clean Nothing ts }:ormiited in either its reading or ach-erilKlns columns that- can denioraliz or olloiitt the reader, Weeklr, one year postage jiaid six months $lil5 Bailrand Tri-xvedkly TribUne. The Da:1v Morning Tribune is now tlu- lead:- nig Kepubbcan daily of the the Northwest and is unsurpassed as a newspaper: Daily, one year. g1l20t0i -w ?V nonth 1 n-Y\ eekly, one year 0 e#(}0 tix 111011111?!, 2*00 three oiohths: i...^. ProiMi*M..' ''"^Ijacli'n'cw^a'v'lysiil^cH will send, postal }ai anddfree of all name premiumsctfsr any one of the following1 1. A superb, correct "and life-like crflvon l.thosjraph portrait of President Gar-fiel:\ inchea I)y 26 in size, and a handsome- orament to the lioln?. ,2. Either of the following famous and atnnd urd books, printed on good paoer with clear handsome type and paper binding: History of NineteenthC-nturv. R. MeKehzie Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte: Last Dayji of Pompeu bv Bulger Lvtton. John Halifax, Gentleman"^ bv Miss Mubck Pickwick Paier by Charles Dicketi'. uorisworth's Selected Poems. by Arnol. Clnb* and Ajfent*. Besides furnishing any one of the above named valuable premiums to each new .veaih subscriber we Will present the Garfirl'.lportrafl or either one of the books to anv cl.i 'subscri ber or other person who wil] send us the name? of three new subscribers for one Year accom panifd with the cash 1.4-5), Anv one who sends us a club of .twenty-live new'subseribcir it .$1.13 each Will receive for his services the Gartiei 1 portrait and all Hie six books .named in.the list No offer so liberal as this is made by any other paper'in America Send in the Iubs. Pvemittance? shout A be made by Po^t-ofiio Money Order, bank check or rejrister- letter Sample copies wdl, be sent free on application by postal card. Ail postmasters? are authorize lo receive and forward in the above mannef, subscriptions to The Farmer*' Union *n Weekly Tribune and.the Daily aud Tri-Weeklv Tribune. Address all letters, to TflE TtilBUNE CO., Minneapolis, Minn. Farm for sale, only a hort ditanc from town! For further particular* call or writs to thi office. lit* Public. The recent appointment of t. Clerk of the District Court, for Mar dial! county, giyes pre-empton ant! homsteadri local facilities for ecuring homesteads and making final proofs. Hereafter, J. P. Ncl ion, the clerk of the District Couri for this conuty, by authority .ves ted in his office, can Ukfe Epplica tions for or final proofs in borne stead and pre-emption claims, ai his office in this placie, excepting when, the District Court is in ses sion, when the presiding judge trill ii open court, take fiiial proofs. Aliens who wish to become citi zens of the United States, as they inust before taking, government land, will go before the same offi cial, take the oath of allegience and receive naturalization papers. He alone can issue marriage li cense fbf this county. $2.00 rER YEAE. sJ.a.a-^hi'.nn ..^.i.. Mlf E. M. Walsh, General Dealer ia 'ardware, Tinware, Stoves, Bar Iron, Steel and Builders' Materia!* Agent for the CBLEBHATEB Mo&rtos PLOWS, Everything in Tlu, If oft- or Brass* Ornamental or.Practical, usu ally "kept by "ijie.Trade. Prices Reduced. oftOftKSTdS", D?aier in Crookston Minii* Fine Wateh Repairing Care fully Done and Guaranteed, The Famous Bedford Movement are our sspecial Stotk. This is the culmination of Mechauitat la* genuity la WAtchts. they are cheaper, Wsltcr heuw more aeati rata and -da-rahki-haojia-j- .olkm^l -..ia.wntiv. A large artd Wil delected Wek f Clocks from$$2 up tefsneyprices. A practical Vvratenrmdier aivstlf, I jrnsraiil^ :11 mafirial sold as represented. And all wrjj undertaken as perfaet as can be done. pitches or ..ffoods for repair can 'oe Wit at the SHEAF Ofiice iu Warrca On improTed^farras obg time and at reasonable rates. H. C. MESMWS. Farmers dfsiring a Triumph Sasder for l&v ?\n have the same of W. Hs Gilbert at W'arrta' Freight ^5, IL C, SNYDER, Wagong, Sleighs and Cutters MADE TO ORDER. Jobber and Repairer Mattresses and Spring Beds FOR SAli Neck Yokes and Whifnetreks Iroael Keady for Uw. Anything wanted in Wood done oil Short Notice: Wheelbarrows For Sale. H.G. eale in FARM MACHINERY^ Warren, SVIlhn. FishBros'.&iMilburnWagons/ Deto & Monitor Plows* McCprmick Twine and Binders, Harvesters and Mowers, J, I. Case Engines and Threshers. Superior Seedars,