Newspaper Page Text
,V JESSES TOL. 1. NO, 124, IMTJIIIJIC OPHCIATJS. MEMBUR 01 COXGKKSS. }V. D. Washburn, Minneapolis DISTRICT COURT. fh'strict Judge O. P. Stearns, Duluth. STAT# SENATOR. \ndrcw McCrea, Pcriiam. Itlj'j'KjiSSEXTATrVES. O. Cqmstock, -Moorhead. .ianierc Sampson, jSrookston. COITSTT OFFICERS". John W. S}ee. Tllds. Gregg O.'Taylor. J". B. Titus. XV. T. Lackey: A.'E. Flint. J. M. Brd\vn. JVm.'Carrese. J. Nelson. -Proijate Jftdgp, flsgisfer'di Deod, Auditor, 1 ilYeasuvcr, Sheriff, 'Attorney, if-^&, rchooj 8rtBgriptjfotaifaiii^& f.,'oro.n .r? '^-!5i*'v? pui-y^o^ .^fe^pJi. ist District---A, P. Mclntyre, Warren. (jdl^trict^^.'D.'KfeycV 'Afgyle. Tki District--A'. Diamond, Stephen. Religions services in the school houss qyory Sunday at 1'M) a, rn.f and at 'ii^O p. in/ Socio ty Temperance Society organization meet eyery fTriday evening at the school house. WA/rtiiL^-. 0. TAYLQK, COUNTY AUDITOR. jPays Tpesfor Non-rqsidqrits, J, P. $$elon, A. rF r.V O I IV 3D /?ea/ Estate. Pays Taxes. JOHN Wi Sill, JUDGE QF p.RQBATjJ Jurisdiction in HOMESTEAD and FINAL PROOF entries, ^Special attention to locating Cloy ernment ancj. E- ^Jai^ds. A- Ei Johnson & Co., Agents for RA9LROAD LAND. Counselor and Attorney at Law CROOKSTON, MIN N. WM. BOX, proprietor. Crookston, Minnesota. Jhctdquarters for McwshqU County BUSINESS DIRECTORY, MEAT "MAUKT. E, Y, AJclntyrc. MERCHANTS. MeCREA BROTHERS, SALOON. JVan Dady, LUMBER, W, RoesiRait, Johnson, Allan Co, AGRICULTURAL TOOLS, 11, C, Jiteatzer WAOON MAKER AND JOBBER. R,C, Snyder. HOTELS, Warren House. Mirk Stephens, Managor. CARPENTER, T. R. Davis. BLACKS MITX18, M, McCau, C, L. Weber, TIN AND HARDWARE. McCrea a3ros, LOUISA. MERCHANTS, F. I Keye, A. D, Vorboneowr. HARDWARE. John Augustine. LAND AGENTS. Holcomb & K'STOI. ATTORNEY. Seorge W. Holcomb. AGRICULTURAL MACHINERr. E. D. Kye. HOTEL. Carl Meatzcl. JUSTICE OF TH E PEACE. 0 Barker. PHYSICIAN AND DRUGS. Dr. J*. LaFond. SALOONS. I?. Kirel, S. Conuer. STEPHEN. MERCHANT. John Hanna. HOTEL. Jfenniv Hnghff. H^S^SS^KSS"" SALUTATORY. The SHKAF has changed hand.*. Mr. Deivev 1ms sold out to the subscriber, uho AV^IIfillall advertising contracts and subscription.1-, and will carry OH the paper. It will be tiie aim of the present owner to'make the SHE AF .alive paper printed so it can be read, and interesting to read. Those who have alienated 'themselves from the paper because of differences with the past management are earnestly asked to renumber sume their patronage and support. The own er's interests are. all in Marshall county, and are not divided into branches that are natural ly antagonistic, so we-shall only have but one field to harvest in for the SHEAF. Come in with subscribers, come in with advertisements, the capital is small, but our subscription book is large, as is also our capacity fpr receiving money. CHAS. C. BROWN, Publisher 'and Proprietor, Local Brevities, W|ie,at 80 cents, E. has anew store platform. Bickerel are plenty in tlie Snake 1* 1 ver. Weather delightful the past week. Fresh "Bock" beer at Feran & Dady's, Sidewalks are being built in all directions. The imbecile, en the Pollf Co. Journal is worse. Fresh eggs fifteen cents a dozen at E. Slee's store. Mrs. J. P. JSTelson is recovering from her recent illness. Miij. Holbrook of Minneapplis, was in town Thursday. "Shattivck's Choice" cigars at the Pioneer drug store. Services at the sohoolhouse last Sunday were well attended. Co. Treasurer Titus is looking af ter the backward tax-payers. Five new dwellings going up in Warren, and more to follow. E.d Anderson of Grantl Forks is up this way looking after his claim. The section men. have been wid ening the ditches around about towji. Commissioners Kej-e and Dia mond were in town Friday and Sat urday. McCrea Bros' new store is nearly ready, and the new stock lias com menced to arrive. E. W. Kossman will build an addition, 14x10 feet, to his present building shortly. Win. Box of the Crookston house shed the light of his sniile on the Warrenites this week. Meutzer, Snyder and J. Mclntyre will put up neat picket fences around their residences. Gilbert, Closson & Co., received on Friday a large invoice of furni ture of every description. For a nobby carriage team or a heavy weight draft team, go tohas Murray's. He*s got lots of them. John W. Slee will erect a build ing 18x40, two stories high, on the lot adjoining Edward Slee's store. Col. Allen has been, improving his store building, and has added out side stairways to the second story. Mentzer, the machine man, is here, there and every where, and is selling lots of farm machinery and wagons. Mr. Dady bought that-fine mare of Mr. Cook, and he now wants all the boys to try their fancy steppers with him. Rossmam, the lumber yard man, has pumps enough in stock to par alyze the Dakota floods. Call and see them. E. W. Gay lord, formerly super intendent of the M. & St. L. rail way, went north on Monday, to [take charge of hi? 0. P. contracts. Mrs. J, Bnrch living about ten miles north-east of Warren, gave birth to a daughter last Friday, and is doing well. E. T. Mclntyre has purchased a of young cattle for hjs meat market '-.-^Look out for juicy steaks and fancy roasts, F. W Woodward received A change of time went into effect oh the railroad oil Sunday last No material difference is mads in theJail running of the passenger trains. A prominent meiiiber of the B. society is about to conimitmat rimony, and SHEAF man knows all about it, and also who the lady is. Mr. Dewey of the Fisher's Land ing Bulletin, and former proprietor of this paper was in town Tuesday, and sold the paper to the present owner. r During the monjbh of April there were 439 homestead and pre-emp tion entries at the Crookston land office ST cash entries and 60 tim ber culture entries. Mrs. J. J. Starz, daughter and son relatives of H. J. Bennewitz arrived on Friday's train from Zumbrota. They will remain for a short time cm a visit. A gentleman found the cap of a patent detachable sleeve-bnttoir on Friday. The owner can have the same by applying at this 'office, de scribing- the article, and paying for this notice, J. B. Slee, from Kenyon, Minn., arrived here Friday with one carload of.breaking teams and farming implements. He has pro ceeded to put them where they will do the most s'ood. Mrs. Allen and children returned with the Colonel oh Thursday's train, and they are all snugly fixed in their now home. Mrs. Allen and the little ones have been on an ex tended visit to Eaii Claire, Wiscon sin. Chris Aim, formerly, with John son, Allen & Co., has left their em ploy and entered into1 ,1 -i J}MT ~&?W WcPg WAEEEM, MABSHALL C0OTT|, MINNESOTA, a lot hogs the oth- to have the cf fine Poland-China er day. He propose best varieties only. '''\'''"^-''i-'':^fm. Supt. Copland indulged in a square meal at this place on Fri.-lone day. He is as -popular as an official as lie was as a conductor. As will be seen in another place,., Mr. and Mrs Cock have lost their fifth child, from diphtheria, all Within a period of eight days.1 the life of a full fledged granger. His place will be filled the store by Wm. Berg strum of Chicago, who arrived on Thursday. T. H. WcnyonlT^fEau" Claire, been here for several days, and like other sensible men has secured a landed interest in this vicinity. The gentleman is attached to the eleventh judicial district of the "Badger state". & of thousands who will settle in the precipitated into the water. He northern tier, and they hail from regained the shore thoroughly wet, the lake Superior mining districts.! and the keg was fished out some distance below by a kindly neigh- the last of May. The new settlers I to*. all Speak very highly of Mr. Julia's BIE3. COOK.In Warren, May 0,1881, of diphtheria, Mary Lau.-a, daughter of Joseph B. and Eliza A. monuu !M MAY 11, 1881, f"" J. -iggs left on Monday, for Fayette county, Iowa where he will apend the summer. We- are sorry 'is see him go, and shall miss him greatly, but we trust that the fall ing of the loaves will bring him back again, and probably a Mrs, jBriggs. They came from Fisher,- in Polk county-' and they were bound for flrgyle, and their names are, Tab er, Webster, Arnersoii and .Robert: ison. If Argyle receives Mr. Taber for a resident it will be a big thing for that enterprising tpwn. He is, of the best carpenters in the |i.orthWest. Dunn, of the Crookston Chroni |ple, about to enlarge his building to fneet the requirements of business. fpoiTeet we are sure that Dunn peser-v^S prosperity, and we are alad |o know he is getting it. TheFINE phronicle is the only NEWSpaper published jri Crookston, and if any pi you Warren folks Want to hear about Crooksston, 'subscribe for Jthe Chronicle. Dr. Howard fjaijkester, of Fisher, Minn., came up en yesterday's train.. The doctor is a thorough gentle man, a master in his chosen call ing, ap4 thts writer is indebted to hiin- for many kindnesses in times past. He was one of the propriet ors of the Grand Forks Plaindefller under the Laiikester & Murphy man agement, and only relinquished ed itorial duties in order to meet the .growing demands of his practice a,s a physician and surgeon. Among numerous attractions at the Pioneer drug store is a pet can ary, and the bird being very tame is often allowed toflyabout outside his cage. On Monday the gentle man who wears leather aprons al lowed the bird tjio usual freedom, and shortly afterward it was miss ing. Affer an absence of a couple I of hours it flew back to the store and perched on a suspicious look ing bottle labeled trilling in it's prettiest style what seemed to bo "sweet spirit hear my prpj-er". __. E. Slee, (notlSlee Bros, vs stated in our hist issue,) has started a cheap cash store at this place, and Jiaving been in business for 13 yenrs at Kenyon, selling'-goo'ds en time, he has come to the conclusion that the cash trade is not only to the in terest of the buyer, but also a pleas ure to tire seller. He says that his cash trade supported his credit trade and was not giving his cash custo mers a fair show that credit and cash trade should not be .joined in the same store, as a two priced store does not give satisfaction. His ex perience in buying, and facilities for doing business enable hint to sell at low prices. J. 'M. Brown is fond of amber syrup, and he will take a great deal of trouble to obtain it. He starteel for a neighbor's house to get a sup ply, taking with him a small keg. The receptacle had been kept in a dry place, and Brown thought by a little soaking it could be made to hold the syrup. The river was near, and with happy heart and joyoiYs tread he hied away to the hanks. Assuming a posture simi lar to that of a frog's,just before he is about to jump, he proceeded to C. F. Julin came up Thursday, lave the keg with the pellucid wat Mr. Julin has located his entire party, of land hunters about seven miles east of Warren. Mr. Julin has been in this vicinity before, and knows thecountry he is bring ing these fresh settlers to. He will hammer to another place when by sonic meansGarfield have another large-partv here about I bor. Cook, aged 1 years and eleven I mmtmS^i' "National Lubricator," a the best in the market, atiW mi" -"tit, LUKJUV nndsenouslv splintering the bone of i.lte big 1{Px-. COUl'tesy and Uniform kindness to-' morning service- oSunday Sunday's willatbe atp. 10::)0. -1""\ machine oil drug Pioneer fooS't ak j*, th ft'I- !ie store. 1 Mrs. George Ropsman Inula peculiar acci dent on l-isf. Site was moving a stone s,lipl'eMonday Hint informs that hereafter the ,-iinstri of 11 a. school -:U) in Heal*o wishes u^ to hl.ite that next Saturday and Sunday will be tbr regular quartely meet ing of the parish, on which occasion Riv. ,L W. Klepper of Crookston will supply the place of presiding cHe'-. Preaching Saturday even ing at. 7:30 o'clock. Let there bo a go'od at tendance. Ur^p^x^ W&F: memoaewpa THE 1I0NEER Titus & Whitney, Proprietors, Keeps a full line of AXBMEDICINES, TOILET ARTICLES, STATION ERY.VARXISHES, WALL PAPER, TOBACCO AND CIGARS, Pure wines and liquors for medicinal pur poses. A full and extensive line of patent medicines. Physicians' proscriptions, careful ly compounded'at all hours. S& WHITNEY, FKONT STREET, WARREN. TAKE^THE BEST.] THE FARM, THE FAMILY, BUSINESS OFFICE. The Farmers' Union aad Minneapolis Week-' ly Tribune is now the leading and the best' pa per for the Farm, the Family and the Business Man, published in the Northwest.. In size and in quantity and quality of reading matter, without a superior. The News.It is a complete News wiper giving All the News from All tbe World. Its summary of State and Northwestern intelli gence, is p'articultary full. The Farm.It-is a first-class Agricultural Journal. With the aid of that veteran Agri cultural editor, of Minnesota-, Col J, 11, Stevens Tbe Farmers' Union and Weekly Tribune is specially adapted to the wnntsof Farmers in the Northwestern belt. In this repect it is greatly superior, for practical use, to agricul tural papers published further cast and south, and designed for a different latitude, different climate, different soil and different line of farm products. No farmer in Minnesota, Western Wisconsin, Northern Iowa. Dakota or Mani toba can afford to be without the leading agri cultural journal of this region. The. Market,Our full, accurate and impar tial reports of Wheat and General Markets, at home and abroa.d, indispcnsible to the grain grower, the stock raiser and the businessman. Published at Minneapolis (he leading city of Minnesota and the Northwest, where the bulk of tha Minnesota, wheat crop is now marketed and turned into Hour, the Farmers' Union and Tribune lias facilities possessed by no other journal for making its market intelligence full and trustworthy. In matters of this'kind it is always economy (o get the best, The Family.'As a weekly visitor to the home and the fireside, tins journal is invalu able, Its editorials discuss ill current ques tions fearlessly and candidly. The home circle Department the young folks department the complete story each week the letter-box, in which everybody's questions are answered and the several pages of interesting and instruc tive, miscellany for readers of nil ages are care fully and specially prepared and constitute al most a family library, The Fanners' Union and Weekly Tribune'is not crowded with pol tical chaff to the exclusion of more important and more readable matter, The paper is clean Nothing is permitted in either its reading or advertising columns that can demoralize or offend the reader. I'eriijs of Sub'Kcrlptiei&t Weekly, one year postage paid, sis months 1,15 .05 Ilmily ami Tri-wookly Trllmkie., The Daily Morning Tribune is now the lead ing Republican daily of the the Northwest and is unsurpassed as a newspaper: Daily, one year. $12.00 per month. ],00 Tri-Weekly, one year. tj.OO six months. 3,00 three months, 1,50 PreiuimtiK. To each new yearly subrcribcr the publishers will send, postnsre paid find free of all cost any one of the following liaup'd premiums: 1. A superb, correct and life-like crnyon lithograph portrait of President OarJielJ, 20 inches by 20 in size, and a handsome oramciif to the 'home. 2. Either of the following famous and stand ard books, printed on good paper, with clear handsome type and paper binding: History of Nineteenth Century. 1L MeKenzie. Jane Eyre by I'havlotte Bronte. Lust Days of Pompeii by Bulwer.Lytton. John Halifax* Gentleman. "by Miss Mulock. Pickwick Papers by-Charles Dickens. Wordsworth's Selected Poems. bv Arnold. Clubs a/ail Agents. Besides furnishing any one of the above named valuable premiums to each IIPW yearly subscriber we will present the fiarlh-Ul portrait or either one of the books to any oil subscri ber or other person who will send us the names of three new subscribers for one year accom panied with the cash'($3.45). Anyone who se'nds us a club of twenty-live ncwsuliscribers at $1.15 each will receive for his services the portrait and all the aix books named in the list.. No offer so liberal as this is made bv any other paper in America. Send in the lubs. llemitt.mceo should be made p.^t-oftice, banIk check,t or registered lette Sampl copies HJI be sen free on applicatior by postal card. All postmasters are authorized to receive and forward in the above manner, subscriptions to The Farmers' Union and Weekly Tribune and the Daily and Tri-Weekly Tribune. Address all letters^ to TMK TRIBUNE CO., Mimi'-apoli-, Minn. iit-r^r^'feSfxStS^t?,* &V* $2.00 PER YEAR, E. Mv Walsh General Dealer, in Tinware, Stoves, Bar Irop, Steef and Builders' Materia^ Agent for the CELEBRATED MOJITOS PLOWS, Everything in Tin, Iron' or Bras*, Ornamental or Practical, wsu? ally kept "by the Trade, prices I(educet|. (t- CliOOKSTOJf, MlNST, Tom Morris, Dealer in Crookston Minn, Fine Watch Repairing Care-, fully Done and Guaranteed, The Famous Rwkford Movement are our (fsjjecial S(ock. This is the culmination of Mechanics] TH geimity in Watches, Thuy are cheaper, better hence more accu rate aud durable than any other ygt invented. Alarge ancj yvell selected stock ef Clocks from*$2 yptp fancy prices. A practical Watchmaker myself, I guarantee all matirial sold as represented, And all work undertaken as perfect ae can be'done. Watches or goods for repair can be lft at the SHEAF Office in Warren. E. C. SNYDER, Wagons, Sleighs and Cutte rs MADE TO ORDER, Jobber and Repairer Mattresses tmd Spring B@d$ F0K SALE, Neck Yokes ami Whifitetrees Ironed Iteady tor trse, Anything wanted in WuoiHon*& ShortJKoiice. Wheel-barrows For Sale. 0. Dealer in A ft Warren, Minn. FishBros'.&Milbitfn Wagons, Deere & Monitor Plows, McOormick Twine and 'Wi Binder, Harvesters-and Mowers, J, I. Cafce Engines atad Threshers, Superior Seeders,