Newspaper Page Text
fa I i Si Esplee. June 5.We had a pretty good Tain last Saturday and grass and grain look very fine. Charley Dillon, and Charley Chapman, went to Thief River Falls Sunday. Paul P. Sund has been on the sick list he got badly kicked by a horse. The feeling amongst the people of this vicinity regarding the change of postmaster, is about the same as that .between Thief River Falls and Red Lake Falls in the county seat matter. The minor part is going to do all the harm they can for Halvor Steenerson and others who had something to do with the matter. It may be quite a loss for Mr. Steenerson in the next campaign. The experiment farm of Mr. Sund's is going to prove a success this year, as the various kind of seed he sowed look very fine. Minnie Olson is very sick and is not expected to live very long. Mr. McEnelly and Aimer Rye went oyer to. the reservation to do some breaking. Take your cream to the Warren Dairy Co. Correct test, highest price. Basement First National Bank Building. Commissioners' Proceedings. Continued from page 6. located so as to run according to said commit tee's report, by courses and distances as fol lows, to-wit: Beginning at a point 2 rods south of the N. E. corner of lot 8. section 35, township 155, range 42, and running thence west alongside of the diminished reservation line two (2) rods south from said diminished reservation line being the center of said proposed road, running thence to the northwest corner of lot 5, section 35, township 155. range 42, then south on the sec tion line between sections 34 and 35 to the southeast corner of lot 8. section 34, then west on the township line between section 3, town ship 154, range 42. and section 34, township 155, range 42, then running west on the said town ship line and terminating at a point on the range line between range 42 and 43. It is further ordered, that the county auditor notify the town supervisors of each town through which said road is established and located of the fact of said location and that they shall cause to be opened for public travel so much of said highway as lies in their respective towns. And whereas, at the said hearing, upon said petition and said report of said committee, said board has determined from said report and the evidence before them, that said pro posed location of said road is of sufficient ad vantage to said county to warrant the said board to assess damages at what is deemed just and right to each land owner, taking into account the advantages and benefits of said location of said highway as well as the disad vantages and damages. And it is hereby determined, that the dam ages and benefits are in all cases affected by the location of said road equal, and therefore no damages are assessed. In wittness Whereof, The chairman of this board has hereunto set his hand and affixed our seal at City of Warren in said county, this 7th day of June A. D. 1905. {Seal. The board of county commissioners of Marshall County, Minn. Attest: By J. S. HILLEBOE. P. B. MALBEBG, Chairman. County Auditor. On motion adjourned until June 8th at 7:30 a. m. Reconvened June 8th, 1905, 7:30 a. m. Meeting called to order all memb ers of the board present. On motion the following bills were allowed. Pioneer Press Company, blanks for Judge of Probate $ 1.40 Pioneer Press Company, blanks for Judge of Probate 1.75 McGill- Warner Co., Books and blanks for Supt. of Schools 40.50 McGill-Warner Co., Certificates for Supt. of Schools 25.00 K. Taralseth Co., supplies for court house 25.85 C. H. Woolery, hauling mulch for trees on court house grounds 4.40 C. C. Wade, books for county attorney 34.50 Sever Nash, witness fees and mileage case of John L. Stokke insane 6.60 Claus Johnson, witness fees and mileage case of John L. Stokke insane 6.60 Li. O. Dahlin witness fees and mileage case of Ole Hedquist insane 2.68 Bertha Fagerstrom witness fees and mileage case of Ole Hedquist 2.68 Nels P. Nelson, conveying one D. Bjork lund deceased 3.80 H. M. Swanson. coffin for John Bjorklund deceased 18.00 Town of Middle River, expense incurred in control of contagious diseases $23.00 allowed at 11.50 Town of Viking expenses incurred in control of contagious diseases $32.00 allowed at 16.00 To wn of Holt expenses incurred in control of contagious diseases $41.00 allowed at 19.00 Middle River expenses incurred in control of contagious diseases $31,00 allowed at 15.50 Wanger expenses incurred in control of contagious diseases $37.00 allowed at 17.00 City of Warren expenses incurred in control of contagious diseases $7,48 allowed at 3.26 J. S. Hilleboe. one days commissioners' meeting Ditcli No. 11. 3.20 E. 0. Bystrom one days commissioners' meeting Ditch No. 11. 3.00 H. R. Meisch, one day commissioners' meeting Ditch No. 11 3.00 Herman Engelsrud. one day commission ers' meeting Ditch No. 11 3.00 Jens P. Jensen, one day commissioners' meeting Ditch No. 11 3.00 Herman Engelsrud, per diem and mileage committee on county road 20.80 Jens P. Jensen, per diem and mileage committee on county road 10.20 Jens P. Jensen, one day meeting Bldg. committee 3.00 Jens P. Jensen, two days posting road notices 6.00 S. Hilleboe, one day meeting Bldg. committee 3.00 &&& $ SM hJ/dk-^-iM-m ssat Correspondence FROM THE COUNTY sors' meeting 3.00 J. S. Hilleboe, cash paid for boxing can non 2.00 J. S. Hilleboe, one day attending asses On motion all bills for extinguish ing prairie fires were laid over till next meeting. Application of Ole J. Vaule for correction of assessment and abate ment of taxes, recommended to state auditor. Application of O. P. Oseth for cor rection of assessment and abate ment of taxes, recommended to state auditor. Application of Peter Beckman for correction of assessment and abate ment of taxes, recommended to state auditor. Application of Wm. Pelkey for correction of assessment and abate ment of taxes recommended to state auditor. Application of John Phillipp for correction of assessment and abate ment of taxes recommended to state auditor. Application of Claus Topp for correction ofjassessment and abate ment of taxes, recommended to state auditor. Petition of John Grapp and others to have all the unorganized part of township 154, range 40 lying within Marshall county annexed to town of Moy Ian,'grained. Upon motion the following appro priations were made from the road and bridge fund to the different towns applying for same as follows: TOWN: Alma Middle River Big Woods Rollis Eagle Point Wright Excel NewiSolum McCrea New Folden Nelson Park Lincoln Lincoln Foldahl Holt Esplee Veldt Moylan Como Agder Huntsville Hunts viile The following bills of as follows: AMOUNT: $150.00 250.00 250.00 100.00 150.00 200.00 100.00 150.00 200.00 200.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 150.00 125.00 75.00 75.00 75.00 75.00 75.00 50.00 50.00 were disposed Daniel Bjorklund, services in case John Bjorklund deceased, bill lowed at for $21.81lal- 3.81 O. F. Mellby, inquest and post mortem examination of John Bjork lund, deceased, $47.05. Laid over. City of Warren, funeral expenses case of Christian Arneson, a non resident, $33.50. Not considered a proper claim against the county. W. M. Welch & Co., certificates of award, $16.64. Rejected. John Senholt, two bills constable fees,$6.60. Laid over. Motion made and seconded, that the chairman have some competent engineer go over ditch No. 1 and ascertain the condition of said ditch and report to him at once. Carried. Motion made and seconded, that H. R. Meisch and J. S. Hilleboe serve as a committee to handle the case of Thos. Sanderson against County of Marshal, case of ditch No. 1. Carried. J. S. Hilleboe, two days Com. meeting and mileage 6.20 E. O. Bystrom, two days Com. meeting and mileage 8.80 H. R. Meisch, two days Com. meeting and mileage 9.80 Herman Engelsrud, two days Com. meet ing and mileage 10.8O Jens P. Jensen, two days Com. meeting and mileage ie.00 On motion adjourned. J. S. HILLEBOE, Chairman Board of County Commissioners. Marshall County, Minn. Attet: P. B. MALBERG, County Auditor. English Spavin Liniment removes all Hard, Soft or Calloused Lumps and Blemishes from horses, Blood Spavins, Curbs, Splints, Sweeney, Ring Bone, Stifles Sprains, all Swollen Throats, Coughs, etc. Save $50 by use of one bottle. Warrant ed the most wonderful Blemish Cure ever known. Sold by E. F. Whit ney Druggist, Warren, Minn A Bad Scare. Some day you will get a bad scare, when you feel a pain in your bowels, and fear appendicitis. Safety lies in Dr. King's New Life Pills, a sure cure, for all bowel and stomach diseases, such as headache, bilious ness costiveness, etc. Guaranteed at E. F. Whitney's drug store, only 25c. Try them. SCHOOL DISTRICT NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that a petition has been filed with the board of county commis sioners of Marshall county, signed and ac knowledged by a majority of the freeholders who reside in the proposed new district herein described, and who are entitled to vote at school meetings in their respective districts, praying for the organization of a new school district out of the territory hereinafter de scribed, and setting forth, substantially, the following facts, to-wit: FIBSTThat the correct description of the territory desired to be embraced in the pro posed new district is as follows, viz: All of sections 4. 5, 6, 7. 8, 9.17,18 and north 34, SwJf and west tt SEM, Sec. 16. all in Township 156, range 46, in the town of Foldahl, in said Mar shall county, state of Minnesota. SECONDThat the number of persons resid ing in the above described territory is 109. THIRDThat the number of children of school age residing in the above described territory is 39. FOURTHThat the school districts affected by the organization of the said proposed new district are school district No. 12 syid that the number of children of school age residing therein is 57, and that the number of children of school age which the organization of said proposed new school district would take therefrom is 39. FIFTHThat the said proposed new district includes one school building of school district, No. 12. said district having two school build ings. Now, therefore, it is hereby ordered, and notice is hereby given, that a hearing upon the said petition will be had at a meeting of said board, commencing on the 12th day of July A. D. 1905. at 2 o'clock in the afternoon of said day, at the office of the county auditor in the city of Warren, in said county, at which time and place the Said board of county commis sioners will hear arguments of all persons in terested for or against the proposed organiza tion of said new school district. It is further ordered, that a notice of said hearing be posted in one public place in each of said districts so affected thereby, and a copy thereof served on the clerk of each of said districts so affected at least ten days prior to said time herein set for hearing said peti tion and that said notice be forthwith twice published in the newspaper known as WARREN SHE AF which is printed and published in said county and is hereby designated as the legal newspaper for publishing the same. Dated this 7th day of June A. D. 1905. By order of the Board of County Commis sioners of Marshall county. Minnesota. By J. S. HILLEBOE, Chairman of said Board. 2728.A pretty gray, pin check, nicely made up O O cost $4.50. Special sale price only $"00 2525.A light colored wool, small blue flakes one of the most popular summer mixtures. Cost price $6.00 ti*M |%f| special sale V^iUU 2537.All wool, light gray strapped, inverted &m "f pleating. Cost $6.65, special sale ty*Ta 1 0 2524.All wool striped effect nicely &M A tailored. Cost $6.50, special sale ty^KDO Farrell, i WARREN, WIINN. Largest and best selected stock oj WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY SILVERWARE, CUT GLASS AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS:: to be found in Marshall county, at prices that are right. A visit to my store will convince you that above is correct. Fine watch repairing a specialty Call and see me. You know we have earned the reputation of selling the best skirts in the city. When the salesman of the celebrated Worth skirts was here last week we bought all his sample skirts at a big discount. We are now offering them at less than manufacturers cost. These are first class goods and up to the minute in style and makeup. We list a few below. Come.early and get your choice. There is no money in this for us, but it will be a splendid advertisement. Come early before they are all gone. SALEO SKIRTS! 2554White Mohair, one of the sweetest garments A he carried. Cost $7.50, special sale OOiOU 2492.White Mohair, the best in the line. Cost $9.50 special sale 2567.Black Panama, anew beautiful design in make up and cost $7.50, special 2586.Black Panama, pleated, a very stunning skirt, cost $7.50, special ttz9 JLsg&tfi&ng. PROTECT your City, Town, Village and Farm Property against loss or damage by Fire, Lightning, High Winds, Cyclone or Tornado, and your growing crops against loss or damage by HAIL i- $6.50 $5.50 $5.50 V*. ance a Policy in the wit Northwestern Fire and Marine Insurance Company MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA (Incorporated 1899 under the laws of North Dakota) Capital pa id in in cash, $200,000.00 Surplus over, 100,000.00 More than $300,000.00 protection for its policy holders. DO IT NOWTomorrow May Be Too Late ALBIN YOUNG, Agent. Warren, Minn.r ft