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te^px'sw?' ill l1 I i SWEST "REPORT THAT RUSSIA WILL AC- CEPT TERMS OF PEACE. The HiTcl Will Probably Come on the Question of Indemnity and the Disarmament of Her Only Port in th Pacific Ocean. Petersburg-, June 12.A well de- fini'il report was current everywhere l'isv. nig-ht, although the Associated l'ress could not trace its source, that Uu-v.a had already practically ob riincd Japan's conditions, ai.-cl that they proved so surprisingly moderate mat Russia would certainly accept them as a basis for negotiations. There is an infinite amount of gossip here about Japan's terms, but it is al most altogether irresponsible, the best informed members of the diplomatic 'orps, even the British embassy, being convinced that while the main out lines are matters of common knowledge in America and in the chancellories of Murope, .Japan lias not revealed her exact terms, even to her ally. Russia is not likely to be recalci trant. According to tiie best advices, she is ready to abandon the whole of her Manchurian venture and give guar antees. The rub will come on the question of indemnity, which, it is the consensus of opinion in diplomatic circles, Japan will exact, but if it should be made moderate and sugar-coated so that it could be liquidated by the sale of the Chinese Eastern railway and the ces sion of Russian property and leases in the Kwantung peninsula, it might be overcome. Russia will probably insist on hold ing the rail way to "Vladivostok through Northern Manchuria, and will never subnet to the humiliation of disarm nient of her onlv port in the Pacific .UMUmmw Warren Machine Shop SWEISSON & JOHNSON, Props. Steam and Not Water Heating and Plumbing. Complete stock of pipes and fittings, and well casing constantly on hand. Cisterns and Tanks of all Sizes Made to Order. Call cm us when in need of eave troughs for your house. We also sell and erect Wi nd Mills, the cheapest power for the farm. sale every day from May 23 to Septem ber 30 to the Lewis ant! Clark Exposition via the Great Northern Railway 'The Comfortable Way." For rates and detailed information call on or address Local Agent, Great Northern Ry. Coupon, Send this coupon and 2 cents for hand- somely illustrated booklet, *'A Camera Journey to the Lewis and Clark Exposition." to F. I. WHITNEY, Passenger Traffic Manager, St. Paul, Minn. i East Side Meat Market, W have recently purchased the above meat market and will keep on hand at all times a full stock of Fresh and Salt Meats and Fish Game and Poultry in their season. Will be pleased to have all old customers and many new- ones call on us. Satisfaction guaranteed. BOARDSON & SANDS Telephone No. 4. Warren, Minn. exf&tlJfo, EaS ocean, nor to the inhibition, against having warships in those waters. Considering the situation of the two countries, members of the diplomatic corps feel -that Japan's status in the Pacific ,js so firmW established that she can afford to dispense'with the ex action of so bitter a condition. The following are the alleged con ditions of peace: An indemnity of SG5G.0"0.000 a Japanese protectorate over Manchuria and Korea the ces sion of Port Arthur and part of the trans-Manchunan railway to .la- pan: forfeiture of the interned war ships tne withdrawal of Russian wor ships from the far east for a period of twenty-ti ve years, and the occupation of "Vladivostok until these conditions are fulfilled More Blood Shed. Chicago, June 12 Samuel Rohlston, a paper hanyer, was shot and instant ly killed .Saturday night by Frank Aus tin, a new colored policeman, who was guarding a wagon owned b}' Roths child & Co. The wagon was passing the corner of Forty-third and State streets when one of a crowd of men shouted at the wagon. No violence was offered, but according to the statements of wit nesses, the colored policeman became excited, and drawing his revolver tired directly into the crowd of men. The bullet struck a coin in Rohl ston's vest pocket, and being deflected passed through his abdomen, kuiinq him instantly. The policeman was arrested. Just in Time. Des Moines, Iowa, June 12.Just in time to stop what would have been the first legal hanging- in Iowa iu ten years, an app.-al was filed with the supreme court in the case of Charles Rocker of Rock Rapids. Rocker was to have been hanged at Anamosa, but a half hour before the time set the papers of appeal arrived and a long distance telephone message was sent to call off the hanging". The last legal hanging in Iowa took place at Anamosa in 1895. James Doo ley, an eighteen-j^ear-old boy was ex ecuted then. Gov. Jackson signed the death warrant, but no governor since that time has done it. $ i imgflrf^j^gr TIES BETWE EN NOB, WAY AN SWEDEN ARE BROKEN BY THE FORMER. Independence Declared by the Storth- ingRuler Not Yet SelectedNor wegian People Said to Favor a Re- publicCause of the Trouble. Christiania, Norway. June 8.Nor- way Wednesday declared her independ ence from Sweden. She also proclaimed that King Oscar, ruler of Sweden and Norway, was dethroned from his king ship of Norway. The action was taken at. the session of the Storthing. Following, it the Storthing empowered the present state council to act as a government of Nor way until further notice, and to ex ercise the power heretofore appertain ing to the king. An address to the king was adopted, declaring that no ill feeling was enter tained against him. his dynasty, or the Swedish nation, and asking him to co operate in the selection of 'a young prince of the house of Bernadotte to occupy the throne of Norway. Although the action was anticipated, it caused considerable excitement in this city, on account of the anxiety as tc what action the king would take. The crisis became acute May 26, when his majesty, after three months' rest, during which the regency was confided to Crown Prince Gustaf, resumed the reins of office. The council of state immediately submitted to him the consular bill, which he. May 2S, refused to sanction, arguing that any action must receive the sanction of the mixed council. The Norwegian council of state thereupon resigned, and the king refused to ac cept their resignations, as in view of the state of public opinion it was im possible to form a new government. Demonstrations were held throughout the country indorsing the action of the council of state. The consular bill, while apparently of little importance, was designed to open the whole question of foreign af fairs, which Norway desires to manage independently of Sweden. I Envoys Denied Audience. ^Stockholm, Sweden. June 9.King Oscar has refused "to receive the "depu tation appointed to present him the Norwegian storthing's address. The request that the king receive the depu tation was sent by the president of the storthing, M. Berner, who received a telegram from him reading as follows: "As I do not recognize the revolu tionary steps which the storthing in violation of the constitution and act of union and in revolt against its king has unfortunately taken, I decline to receive the deputation." Seeking New Ruler. Copenhagen. June 9.It is reported that the Norwegian government, in view of King Oscar's apparently defi nite refusal to consider the offer of the storthing to place a prince of the house of Bernadotte on the throne, has pri vately approached the Danish royal family to ascertain if an offer of the throne would be received by a member of it. preferably Prince Charles, son of Crown Prince Frederick. The' gen eral opinion expressed here is that such an offer would be refused. Will Avoid War. Copenhagen, June 10.King Oscar is quoted as saying that he would avoid war at any cost. It is understood that arrangements are actually being made for a national convention in Norway, and this, it is believed, will inevitably result in the declaration of a republic. According to well-informed persons here. Russia and Germany will refuse to recognize the Norwegian gov ernment until King Oscar consents to the disruption of the union. Church Burned. West Springfield Mass., June 9.Pirev which started Thursday in the St. Thomas Roman Catholic church, de stroyed that edifice and the rectory ad joining. -jy ""ife..-iffC KING OSCAR II. Scandinavian Euler Who Ha Been Deposed Norwegian Storthing. aiW^W^fe^ A" ^Srf!*c^1&J&o K .vk^&imC^kyllviM^^fekii-l MM* &&'&&&i*&sy* i^*.&o* W^l,.. '-Hi1 .r nrrrrrnTiwrr DA^r DISASTROUS FLOODS. Several Deaths and Considerable Dam age Reported from Wiscon sin and Michigan. Milwaukee, June 7.Floods caused by two days' heavy rainfall on a thoroughly saturated district have done much dam age in central Wisconsin. The storm re gion covers a strip running entirely across the state, and including the cities of Manitowoc, Sheboygan, Fond du Lac, Appleton, Menominee, Chippewa Falls, and La Crosse. The property loss in crops, cattle, and the retarding of busi ness because of impassable roads, ruined dams and railway washouts will be many hundred thousand dollars. Mrs. Edward Plesh. of Berlin, was killed by lightning and two persons were drowned at Chippewa Falls. At Fond du Lac the damage is the greatest, and with continued rain and the bursting of the Eldorado dam threatens the city with greater flood be fore the water subsides. Grand Rapids, Mich.. June 7.Wash- outs caused by the rain of the last few days are responsible for six deaths and the injury of several. Four men were killed in the ditching of a Grand Trunk construction train near Pewamo, and another may die. A Pere Marquette train carried two men to death in a ditch near Ionia, and three men were hurt in a similar acci dent to the Detroit. Grand Haven & Mil waukee line. Detroit, Mich.. June 6.Reports re ceived here from various points in lower Michigan show that the "thumb" district and the Saginaw valley bore the brunt of a severe electrical storm which swept lower Michigan late Mon day. Residences, schools and barns in the path of the storm were blown down, and a half dozen fatalities had already been reported early in the eve ning. Two children of John Smith, a farmer near Urban, in Sanilac county, were killed, the father had an arm broken, and another of his children had an arm torn off. In the same neighborhood three children of Ed ward Philpotts were fatally injured, and a Mrs. Wagner had her back broken. At Hemlock, 12-year-old Elsie Appleman was killed by lightning. In the neighborhood of Cass City 13 resi dences and 19 barns were blown down and a number of people were injured. Near Caro, Mrs. William Hutchinson had both legs broken and sustained other injuries. She will die. William Dosser was probably fatally hurt. In the neighborhood of Caro the storm de vastated a section six miles long and half a mile wide. Once Famous Ball Player Insane. Louisville, Ky., June 9. Louis Browning, known 15 years ago under the familiar name of "Pete" Browning, as one of the greatest ball players in America, was Thursday committed to the asylum at Lakeland, a suburb of Louisville. Browning has done nothing for about ten years. Some time during the latter part of his baseball career he was struck on the head with a pitched ball, and to this injury is attributed his insanity. Body Found in Creek. Rockford, 111., June 9.The body of Deli Dasso. who shot his rival, Charles Peet. and his former sweetheart. Miss Harrison, near Hebron Sunday night, was found Thursday afternoon in Nip persink creek, a mile from the scene of the shooting. It is believed Dasso com mitted suicide. Both Peet and Miss Harrison will recover. Leaves Money to Charity. Milwaukee, June 10.The will of William E. Cramer, the veteran editor of the Evening Wisconsin, which was filed Friday, provides bequests of over $30,000 to various public charities of Milwaukee, all denominations being represented. He had also given large sums to benevolence during life. He Ma Resign. Washington, June 10.Secretary of Agriculture Wilson is reported to have announced his intention of resigning from the cabinet should charges of leakage in cotton crop report be sub stantiated. Get a Good Rig S ful every day !-j V^V ^gg!#?^^KS***|j clothes does not become one accompanying a beautiful, daintily gowned girl. I is well to remember that Nelson & Skaren,the fashionable tailors of Warren, know just how to make you feel satisfied with yourself and in harmony with your suri'ound ings. A selection from their grand line of spring and summer fabrics, made into one of the superb suits for which they are justly famous, will result in thorough satisfaction. NELSOIS & SKA REN Situated in Old Post-Office Bld'g., Warren, Minn. ao COMI NG TO One Day Only Saturday, Jun 2 4 REMEMBER THE NAME Gollmar Bros.' Greatest of American Shows million dollar menagerie three big rings elevated stages and quarter mile hippodrome track. Now the biggest and the best. The only sacred white camel on exhibition a ferocious Vlack Vark from the wilds of Africa the only living black hippopot- amus in the world Daisy, the cunning baby ele- phant a legion of high class acts presented at one and the same time,in.- -THREE BIG RINGS elevated stages and high in the air. The Euro- pean Petit family, acrobatic marvels the famous Landown troupe in plastic poses the Maxwell-Nel- son troupe of aerialists. The most perfect shows on earth, entirely free from fakirs and swindlers. GORGEOUS FREE STREET DISPLAYS p^*^'1^!? fBmMBMSJWSWBMBWWaB^^ ittjiSfSZ!' ^-^""^jfii^'jj^A^ -TK 7 *WS' We have purchased the Bossman livery business, and will continue 'q coilduct and business-like way. Special attention to transient trade. Good rigs and good horses. i A. 7V\ ANDERSON. SEVEN OPEN DENS OF RARE WILD BEASTS A herd of big elephants, a drove of camels. Golden steam piano, 10 different kinds of music. A com- plete demonstration of all that is grand and beauti- At 10 O'CLOCK, A. M. TWO PERFORMANCES DAILY. Doors open a.t 1 vnd 7 o'clock for inspection of the Menatf.rie. v PERFORMANCES ONE HOUR. LATER IPPMKI %^^^^^-r^^j^^^ jlg^rf r^nR "in an up-to-date THE FOUR TH OF JULY. will soon be here, the glor ious time of the year when every young man wants to make sure that his dress is in harmony with the sea son. Every young man wants to be well dressed when he goes to take his best girl to the celebration. A shabby, ill-fitting suit of "itf RE N Si 8 O I v4 fi