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5 I W m. ft: ft tJ FARM RCHAPD 0 tdNb GAMff BY U.S.TRIGG REGISTER, DES MOINES,IA. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED [The clover cutting and the corn plow ing almost always clash, both needing attention at the same time. |The government takes good care of the farmer in the matter of garden seeds [and rural mail delivery. Sorrie of the corn growers who trust to luck and the Lord for good seed cprn will get half a stand, as .usual, this year. The general use of the corn harvester in many sections has made the' grow ing of pumpkins among thecorn an Im possibility. A gopher allowed to work unmolest ed in a cornfield can easily cut the crop short five bushels. It pays to give a^boy 10, cents to catch him. 1 V? Cannas, salvias, geraniums and as ters will give more brilliant color to tijie garden than any other four flowera iind are withal easy to raise. I If the farms of the country could speak and tell their wants it would be found that they would nearly all want just one thingmore clover. People may differ very materially -afcout politics and religion, but they aye almost a unit in favor of having 'better roads if they can be obtained. We know of two farmers living in one neighborhood who have bought au tomobiles. They are abundantly able td own them and are getting lots of -pleasure out of the machines. parly cut barley and oat fields may easily be used for a second or catch :r,op such as sowed corn, millet and cowpeas, and it is better to use the land in this way than to let it grow up to weeds. It is best to let every small boy go swimming. He runs no greater risk of getting drowned while learning how toswim than he does of getting drown ed later in life because he does not know how to swim. A writer for an agricultural paper advises that nervous heifers when be ing broken to milk should be gently scratched on their fore legs. This is manifestly more appropriate and safer than to scratch their hind legs. An importation of seed wheat from Russia was made by the agricultural department of Kansas some years ago, with the most beneficial results, and now arrangements are being perfected to secure another shipment from the same source. It is stated by an authority on elec trical science that lightning will never strike a steel windmill tower, a build ing covered with a metal roof or a street car or railway car on the track. We are inclined to doubt the truth of this statement. If the surface of the dirt road is kept smooth so that there are no .ruts,.jind depressions ttere will be no place for ,$*:water,to stand when it rains and |nu]d "hdjef |tariaot be formed." This frs ih$ ^da]n)eiitar idea .in,|h~e mgwjfrpn irtft-WflrlrrnW' aiWrrwfaa $ vi"'** I ^working such-roads:-' Just ffe fcdoff aafbe "farifieips get tb| jjlirt roads. 'iriong^&e$r'''farms in good jehape by,j&e new" method tney iwill |he'ji tal^ snore pride in keeping the feeds'dut'b^" the side of the highway. When a woman gets a new spring 4ress she cjmost always wants a new parasol to match it It is claimed that Inside often years the United States will be able to secure all the India rubber and gutta percha it needs from the Philippine Islands, where there are 400,000,000 acres of timber lands. The country is likely to secure some other things which it does ot want from the same source. There is npt much use to try to main tain a good country road either win ter or summer when there is a row of Willow trees on either side of it. Such a road is blocked with snowdrifts in winter and is an impassable mudholc in summer. The sooner the willow is removed from all our highways the better. I tiki 5 The annuail\rent which many a man is paying for the us6 of a farm in the north eentrai states will make the first one-fourth payment on a farm of far more productive soil in -many of the newer sections of the country. Any man who is paying $4 or $5 an acre for the rent of a farm should look this matter up. I V-M a A **V- The'miry Mjasffiesls and thewpoultry business will neither of them be ever Overdone in this country. No other ifftrna-products maintain so uniform and profitable a price as do these two things hence it is absolutely safe for $ny man owning a farm to devote his t-jju^ largely -to these fop branches ,pfc farm work. When a man has worked hard and lived economically for fifty years he should, if a western farmer, find him self worth not less than $20,000, which sum is ample to enable him -to live in comfort for the rest of his days!*"Still there are lots of men who do not do this, and they fail for various reasons. They are given to moving and shitting around from place to place. They try their hand at speculating. They do not try to understand the principles of their profession. They buy and sell at the wrong time. They perhaps get an itching for some office. They foolishly indorse some paper for a friend. They raise a scad of a boy, maybe two of 'em, which keeps them poor. And so it comes that when they get to be old they could not raise 500 to save their lives. The trouble is that everybody nowadays wants to get rich in a hurry and a general contempt, prevails for the old fashioned. way of saving 'a- ilittle each year. SUNDAY EXCURSIONS. g There is an evil under the -sun' *-the which old King Solomon nevterrefer *fed"to when he was sizing up the evils of his generation, and that is the mod ern Sunday excursion train, which, un der the pretense of giving the people a cheap and harmless outing, is permit ted by the road officials to degenerate into an offense against-public and pri vate morals. Many unsophisticated and innocent people are induced to.patron ize these trains and are subjected be fore their return home to such an intro duction to the bummy, profane, drunk en and beastly side of: human. nature that they never get caught a second time. The utter helplessness "of the train officials to handle these toughs is the most strange thing about it when the exercise of a little police authority would prevent the trouble. Every such train should have a bum car, into which should be unceremoniously tum bled every drunk. DRAINAGE CO-OPERATION. Co-operative effort is nowhere more essential among farmers than when ap plied to drainage propositions. Few men can properly drain'their farms in dependent of their neighbors. Some timesall too often, in factwe find some project of this sort which if car ried out' would prove of inestimable benefit to the many absolutely blocked and held up by the mulish opposition of some one man who would be as much benefited as any of his neighbors by the work contemplated. One case we know of where the reclamation of over 70,000 acres of the best corn land in the west has been held up for years by the continued legal action taken by just one man owning a tract of land along the line of the proposed ditch. It is probable that no man's funeral would have been more cheerfully at tended than his by his neighbors. CURING CLOVER HAY. It will soon be time to cut the clover hay. It is usually not a pleasant job. The weather is catchy, the hay gets wet and browned, if it is put in the barn or stack in an uncured condition it heats and becomes moldy and musty or fires, and if the effort is made to cure it in the field the leaves are shed and the best part of it wasted. How ever, if the weather is fine the best way is to cut after the dew is off in the morning, bunch in small cocks to ward night, turn the cocks over next morning and stack in the afternoon. The plan of putting the clover in the mow just as soon as it is wilted is not now followed to any extent, as there is too much danger of spontaneous com bustion. CHANCE FOR YOUNG MEN. We feel like suggesting to, some young men whb want cheap land and la. Chance,to start in farming that they go into western North Dakota, get a piece of land and make a specialty of grow ing macaroni wheat!., This'iwhfeat does ^well there, where other icerehls^ saving speltz, will not pay tb^rajtse*." .inside of a year or two this wheat \vijl sell for almost as much'as bther wbeats.' Bltiil ers are learning how to iilili it and housewives how 'tp make1 bread of the- notu\ aiid excellent it looks as though it were destined to be one of the sure and very prbflVablV chop's for a targe section bf the country whefe land is still very cheap'. 'THE' SEEDtES'S AiitE.' The hbtoribus seedless' apple is being most industriously exploited and in geniously advertised by its .promoters on the one hand and most emphatical ly exposed as a fraud by the leading horticulturists of the country^ .It is small in size, poor in color, inferior in quality and is found not to be worm proof, which is the big point claimed in its favor. Before long some agent will be round to sell you these trees ^at $2 or $3 each. Showhim the highway, for the thing is a fraud at such prices arid probably not worthy of cultivation anyway. ft IRRIGATION TROUBLES. The man who has an irrigated farm has his troubles as well as those of'us who have to depend upon Providence for a water supply. Sometimes the irrigation of his soil develops so much alkali that it poisons the land, and ho .crops will grow then sometimes the snows fail to fall in the mountains, and the irrigation streams and reser voirs dry up, and his crops perish for want of water then it often happens that some of his neighbors will take more than their share of the water and leave him short. 'i r. VERY HIGH PUCE SECRETARY OF THE NAVY, SOON TO RETIRE, MADE CHAIR- MAN OF EQUITABLE, a Alexander, Hyde and Other Officials ResignMajority Control of Stock I Relinquished by James New York, dune 10.Paul Morton, who retires from the secretaryship of the navy on July 1, was on Friday elected chairman of the Equitable Lite Assurance society. His election marks the first and most important step in the reorganization of the society and was followed by the iender of ihe res ignations of President- James W. Alex ander, Vice. President James H. Hyde, Second Vice President J. Tarbell, Third.Vice-President-George T. Wilson and Fourth Vice President William H. Mclntyre. Mr. Morton, as explained by Senator Chauncey M. Depewy was the unanimous choice of the board of directors of the Equitable. All of the resignations submitted to the meeting are subject to the pleasure of Chairman Morton, and none has yet been accepted. Just what action Mr. Morton will take as to these resigna tions was riot disclosed, but it' was strongly intimated that-President Alex ander and Vice Presidents Tarbell. Wilson and Mclntyre retired with the belief that their executive- relations with the Equitable had ended, j, Hyde Gives Up Control.- ii Mr. Hyde "divested" himself of the majority control, but as made clear in his letter to the board, retains al sub stantial interest in the society. The interest to which Mr. Hyde disposed of his stock number some two score individuals, led by Thomas F. Ryan. The price paid for the Hyde stock, which is to be trusteed practically in perpetuity, was not disclosed, but esti mates vary from $3,500,000 to $5,000,- 000. In addition to the 502 shares'held by the Hyde estate, which includes the widow of Henry B. Hyde, founder of the society, and his daughter, Vi,ce President Hyde is said to hold between 160 and 170 shares, and it is these holdings which Mr. Untermeyer re fers to as the "substantial interests." which his client retains. The men re quested to hold the majority stock by Mr. Ryan are former President Grover Cleveland, George' Westinghouse, of Pittsburg, and Morgan J. O'Brien, re cently elevated to the chief justiceship of the appellate division of the su preme court of this district. Victory for Hyde Faction. The selection of Mr. Morton, in the opinion of those who have followed events, is in the nature of a compro mise and a victory for the Hyde fac tion. In any event the outcome was seemingly a surprise to some of the members of the so-called Alexander forces. Story of Equitable Trouble. Mr. Morton's election is believed to mean the solution of the controversy which began between the Hyde and Al exander factions in the Equitable so ciety some six months -ago. and which became publicly known in February of this year. There are charges of irregu larities and gross extravagances on both sides, the fight at times raging with such bitterness as to threaten the welfare of the institution, which num bers some 600,000 policyholders, with assets in excess of $400,000,000 and a surplus estimated at $80,000,000. Chief among the cuarges preferred by Vice President Hyde was that President Al exander, as a trustee of the Hyde stock-, was desirous of wresting control from the estate. On the other hand, it was charged by Mr. Alexander that Mr*. Hyde and his friends were conducting, the affairs of the soqiety without, re gard for the welfare of the policyhold ers. It was Mr.' Alexander's contention ithat the wellbeing of the society de manded its mutualization, that is an actual voice by vote in the affairs of the society by every policyholder. Mr. Hyde agreed to the plan of mutualiza tion, and in the meantime suits against the society were begun in this and other states resulting in various forms of litigation. The plan to mutualize the society was recently defeated or stopped by decision of Justice Maddox, of the supreme court of this state. i There were also charges of "syndi cate operations'' made by President Alexander against Mr. Hyde and some of his associates on the board of di rectors of the Equitable, and in reply to this Mr. Hyde stated that Mr. Alex ander had participated in the opera tions. As a result of these revelations, an investigating committee was formed in the Equitable directorate, headed by H. C. Frickj The committee presented a voluminous report, which criticized practically all the leading executive officers of the society. The report was rejected, whereupon Mr. Fjiek and his associates on the committee, with the exception of Brayton Ives, resigned from the directorate, as also did half a dozen others. The proposition to elect a chairman of the board of direc tors with plenary power to organize the society in all its branches was then determined upon, and resolutions were adopted calling for a complete change of policy in the executive and financial department. Mr. Morton's, selection under the conditions named will effect these reforms. ..'n-, Three Men Killed. \ Cleveland. O., June 7.Three men .were killed and two seriously Injured by a cap blowing off one of the boilers at the American Steel and Wire com pany's furnace here Tuesday. We RiskIt Druggists Who Sell Dr. Miles' Nervine Agree, If It Fails, To Refund Cost. Of course we reimburse the druggist. You know him, and trust him. Dr. Miles' Nervine is medicine for your nerves. It cures diseases of the internal or ,gans, by giving tone to the nerves which "make these organs work. It is a novel theorynot of anatomy, but of treatment first discovered by Dr. Miles, and since made use of by many wide-awake physicians, who ap preciate its value in treating the sick. If you are sick, we offer you a way to be made wellDr. Miles' Nervine. This medicine is a scientific cure for nerve disorders, such as Neuralgia, Headache, Loss of Memory, Sleepless ness, Spasms, Backache, St. Vitus' Dance, Epilepsy or Fits, Nervous Pros tration, etc. Ey toning up. the nerves, Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine will also cure those diseases bf the internal organs due to a disordered nervous system. Some of these are: Indigestion, Bil ious Headache, Kidney Trouble, Chronic Constipation, Dropsy, Catarrh, Rheuma tism, etc. "My brother had nervous prostration, and was not expected to live. I pre vailed upon him to try Dr. FREE Vrit Miles Restorative Nervine, and now he has fully recovered. You remember I wrote you how it saved my life a few years ago, when I had nervous trouble. I preach its merits to everyone."REV. M. D. MYERS. Correctionville, Iowa. us and we will' mail you a Free Trial Package of Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills, the New, Scientific Remedy for Pain. Also Symp tom Blank for our Specialist to diagnose your case and tell'you .what is wrong and how to right it. Absolutely Free, Address: DR. MILES MEDICAL CO.. LABORATORIES, ELKHAR T, LNO. G.J. BLn6KSMlTn AND H0RSESH0ER I am back at my old shop and would be glad to see all my old friends and customers at any time. I guarantee all my work to be first class. Horseshoeing, plow work, and all kinds of wood work and iron work done. I have a machine for sharpening disk barrows and rolling colters. Shop Second Door Soutli of First National Ba.ik Bltlg. AN OPPORTUNITY We want a wideawake man in this locality to actively rep resent us in promoting the sales of the Wheeler & Wilson sewing-machine. This machine is backed by fifty-eight years of success some of the early machines built by this company are giving faithful service today. itWe can offer exceptional in ducements to someone in this locality who can command a horse and wagon and devote his time to advancing the sales of our product. Energetic men will find our proposition a money maker, capable of development into a permanent and profitable busi ness. WRITE FOR INFORMATION. Wheeler & Wilson Mfg. Go. CHICAGO, ILLINOIS .'A June 1-JulNotice. 6. Probate 1 State of Minnesota, I County of Marshall, f^'.' in Probate Court, Special Term. May 31st, 190p. In the matter of the determination of the heirs of Carl G. Anderson, deceased home stead settler. ORDER FDR HEARING. 'r/C^^ 'O reading and filing the petition of David' A. Gustatson, praying* among other things, for the judicial determination, by this court, of who are the heirs of Carl G. Anderson, deceased homestead settler, and what are the respective rights, and interests of such heirs in the homestead land of said deceased, and to assign said homestead to the parties legally entitled to the same, It is ordered, that said petition and said matter be heard and examined on Saturday, the 15th day of July. A. D.-1905, at ten o'clock A. M. of said day, at the office of the Probate Court at Warren, in said county and itate. It is further ordered, that notice thereof be given to all peraons interested by publishing this order once in,each week for live (5) suc cessive weeks immediately prior to said date of hearing in the WAKK BN SHEAF, a weekly newspaper printed and published at Warren, in said county and state. Dated at Warren, Minnesota, this 31st day of May, A. D. 1905. By the Court, [PEOBATE SEAL. PETEB H. HOLM. ---*&!. Judge of Probate. j&a & & Articles of Incorporation of SWEDISH AMERICAN STATE BANK. Know all men bv these presents. That we have agreed to. and do hereby, associate our selves together as a banking corporation, under and pursuant to the provisions of the general laws of the state of Minnesota govern ing banks of discount and deposit and to that end we do hereby certifiy under our hands and senisi to the following articles of incorporation, to-wit: FIRST. The name of this corporation shall be the Swedish American State Bank. SECOND. The iriace where the business of this corpor ation is to be carried on is Warren, Marshall County, Minnesota. THIRD. The amount of capital "stock shall be Fifteen Thousand Dollars, divided into 150 shares of one hundred dollars each. Said capital stock may be increased from time to time by a majority vote of the stock holders, but not to exceed the sum of fifty thousand dollars. FOURTH. The names and places of residence of the shareholders, and the nnmber of shares held by each of them are as follows: Residence and Name: i Postofflce No. Shares LouisM. Olson Warren, Minn. August Lundgreri John Dagoberg Vega. fharles Wittensten Warren, Evart Dagoberg John Lindbeig ''FIFTH. Said corporation shall commence on the first day of May A. D. 1905. and shall continue for a period of thirty (30) years. SIXTH. The government of this corporation and the: management of its affairs shall be vested in a board of six directors. The. first board of directors shall consist of the following mem bers: Louis M. Olson. August Lundgren. John Dagoberg. Charles Wittensten, Evart Dago berg and John Lindberg. who shall hold their office until the first annual meeting, and until their successors are elected and qualitied. In witness whereof, we have hereunto set our hands and seals, this 21st day of March A. D. 1905. Louis M. Olson [Seal] Seal Witnessf August Lundgren .'John Dagoberg I Charles Wittensten Evart Dagoberg I John Lindberg E. Lundqutet Nels E. Bystrom Seal] Seal] Seal] Seal] State of Minnesota, I County,of,'Marshall. On this 21st day of March A. D. 1905, before me. a notary.public in and for said county, personally appeared Louis M. Olson, August Lundgren, John Dagoberg. Chas. Wittensten, Evart DagoVerg and John Lindberg to me known to be the persons described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and ac knowledged.that they each executed the same as their free act and deed. C. E. LUNDQUIST. [Seal] Notary Public. Marshall Co., Minn. Office of Public Examiner, State of Minnesota. St. Paul. Minn1 March 24th,' 1905. This is to certify that the name Swedish American State Bank, as given in the forego ing Articles of Incorporation, has been ap proved by me. P. M. KERST. Public Examiner and [Seal] Supt. of Banks. Office of Register of Deeds. County of Marshall. Minn. 'i I hereby certify that the within instrument was filed in this office for record on the 2nd day of June A. D. 1905, at 9 o'clock A. M... and was duly recorded in book of Misc'l. page 207. JN O. P. MYHBE, [Seall Register of Deeds. STATE OF MINNESOTA. Office of Public Examiner. 570. The undersigned public examiner, ex-offlcicio superintendent of banks for the State of Min nesota, hereby certifies that the Swedish American State Bank located in Warren, County of Marshall, and State of Minnesota, a bank incorporated under the provisions of chapter one hundred and forty-five (145) of the laws of Minnesota for 1895, as amended, has complied with all the provisions required to be complied with before commencing the business of banking, and that such bank is hereby authorized to commence such business as provided for by section four (4) of said chapter one hundred and forty-five (145). In Testimony whereof witness my hand and official seal this fifth (5th) day of June, 1905. P. M. KERST. [Public Examiner's Seal] Public Examiner. [First publication June 1.] ORDER FOR HEARING UPON PETITION FOR DETERMINATION OF DESCENT OF LAND. State of Minnesota. County of Marshall, ss. In Probate Court. In the matter of the estate of Andrew P. Young, deceased. The petition of Christina Young having been duly made and filed in this court, representing among other things that one Andrew P. Young, who resided last prior to his death at Wright township. Marshall county, in the State of Minnesota, died at the city of War ren, in the County of Marshall. State of Minne sota, on the 11th day of May, 1900. seized of an estate of inheritance in certain lands in the County of Marshall, State of Minnesota. described in said petition, and that said petitioner has an interest in said lands, and that more than five years have elapsed since the death of said Andrew P. Young, deceased, and that administration has not been granted or had of said estate in this state, and praying that the descent of said lands and of the inter est of said petitioner therein be by this court determined and said lands assigned to such persons as may be entitled thereto by law. Now, Therefore, It is ordered that the said petition be heard at a term of this court to be held at the probate office, in Warren, in said County of Marshall.. State of Minnesota, on Saturday, the 24thday of June. A. D., 1905. at ten o'clock A. M. It is further ordered, that notice of said hearing of said petition be given by the pub lication of this order once in each week for three successive weeks in the WARR EN SHEAF, a weekly newspaper printed and pub lished in said Marshall County, Minnesota Dated May 31st, 1905. PETER H. HOLM, [SEAL] Judge of Probate. [First publication June 1.] Probate Notice. ETC. ORDER FOR HEARING ON CLAIMS State of Minnesota, County of Marshall, )'S6,- Probate Court. Special Term, March 25th, 1905. In the matter of the estate of Johan Dufke, deceased. Letters of Administration on the estate of Johan Dufke, deceased, late of the Coun ty of Marshall and State of .Minnesota, being granted to William S. Dufke: It is Ordered That three months be and the same is hereby allowed from and after the date of this order, in which all persona ha,ving. claims or demands against the said deceased are required to Hie i the same in the Probate Court of said County, for examination and allowance, or be forever barred. It Is Further Ordered, That the 12th day of August..1905. at 10 oiclock a. m., at a Special term of said Probate Court, ,to be held at the Probate Office, in the court, house, i the City of Warren, in said County,n' 1 be and the same hereby is appointed as the time and place when and where the said Probate Court will examine and adjust said claims and demands. And .it is Further Ordered. That notice of such hearing be given to all creditors and per sons interested in said estate byh publishing this order once ih forthwith eac "week for three successive weeks in the Warren SHBAF, a weekly newspaper printed and published in said County.' Dated at WarrenJ Minn., this 25th day of March, 1905., 'i By the Court: [PBOBATE SEAW JfETER H. JudgHOLM,, of Probate. f.fltch cured in 30 minutes by Wool ford's.Sanitary Lotion This never kils, Sold by E, F. Whitney Drug gist. Warren, Minn. Articles of Incorporation oi WARREN MILLING COMPANY. We, the undersigned, have agreed to. and do hereby associate ourselves together for the purpose of forming a corporation under and pursuant to the laws of the state of Minnesota, and do hereby agree upon and adopt the fol lowing articles of incorporation. ARTICLE I. The name of this corporation shall be War ren Milling Company. Its principal place of business shall be at the City of Warren, Mar shall County, State of Minnesota. The general nature of its business shall be the construction, buying, leasing, maintaining and operating flouring and feed mills, grain elevators and ware houses manufacturing flour, all kinds of feed, bran, and shorts from grains and cereals buying and dealing in grains, cereals, flour, feed and other agricul tural products buying and selling wood, coal and binding twine and also owning, selling, leasing and mortgaging such real and personal property as may be convenient or desirable in order to carry on the business of this corpora tion. ARTICLE H. The time of the commencement of this corporation shall be the 15th day of June. 1905. and the period of its existance shall be thirty' years. ARTICLE III. The amount of capital stock shall be and hereby is fixed at the sum of Fifteen Thousand Dollars, to be divided into shares of One Hun dred Dollars each, and shall be paid in as called for by the board of directors. ARTICLE IV. The number of shares and the capital stock of this corporation shall be one hundred fifty shares and the amount of each share shall be One Hundred Dollars. ARTICLE V. The highest amount of indebtedness or lia bility,to which this corporation shall at any time be subject shall be Twenty Thousand Dollars. ARTICLE VI. The names and places of residence of the persons forming this corporation are: Louis M. Johnson. John Lindberg and C. H. Lindberg. all of whom reside at Warren. Marshall County, State of Minnesota, and said persons shall constitute the first board of directors of said corporation, in whom, as a board of di rectors, the government of, this corporation and the administration of its affairs are hereby vested until their successors are duly elected and qualified the board of directors above named, and each of them, shall hold office until their successors are duly elected or duly appointed, but any vacancy occurring in said board of directors, or any board of direct ors of this corporation, thru either death, resignation or removal may and shall forth with be filled by the remaining members of the said board of directors by a majority vote thereof, and the persons thus appointed to fill such vacancy, shall severally be directors until, but not longer than until, the next annual stockholder's meeting of this corpora tion. ARTICLE VII. The annual stockholder's meeting of this corporation shall be held at its general office and place of business in the City of Warren Marshall County, and State of Minnesota, on the third Monday of January of each year and the first stockholder's meeting of this corpor ation shall be held at ten o'clock A. M., on the third Monday of January, in the year 1906. when arid where a new board of directors shall be elected, consisting of three members. Immediately after an annual election of members to constitute the board of directors of this corporation, the said board of directors shall forthwith organize itself for the due transaction of the business of this corporation by electing from its own members a president, a vice-president, a secretary and a treasurer, provided, that any member of said board of directors may be elected to be both secretary and treasurer. ARTICLE Vin. Until the annual stock-holder's meeting to be held on the third Monday of January. 1908, Louis M. Johnson shall be the president. C. H. Lindberg shall be the vice-president, and John Lindberg shall be the secretary and treasurer of said corporation. In witness whereof, we have hereunto set our hands and seals this 22nd day of May. A. D. 1905. In presence of Louis M. Johnson Julius J. Olson Rasmus Huge I [Seall [Seal] [Seal] C. H. Lindberg 'John Lindberg State of Minnesota. I County of Marshall. )"ss' On this 22nd day of May. A. D. 1905. before me. a notary public within and for said Mar shall county, personally' appeared Louis M. Johnson. C. H. Lindberg and John Lindberg. to me known to be the persons described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that they executed the same as their free act and deed for the uses and pur poses therein expressed. JULIUS J. OLSON, LSealJ Notary Public, Marshall Co., Minn. State of Minnesota. I County of Marshall, 'sb- I hereby certify that the within instrument was filed in this office for record on the 23rd day of May A. D.. 1905. at 11 o'clock A. M. and was duly recorded in book of Mis'l. of page 205. JNO. P. MYHR E. Register of Deeds. [Seal] STATE OF MINNESOTA, Department of State. I hereby certify that the within instrument was filed for record in this Office on the 25th day of May A. D. 1905. at 4 o'clock P. M. and was duly recorded in Book 3. of Incorpora tions, on page 608. E. HANSON, Secretary of State. ORDER OF HEARING ON PETITION TO FORM NEW SCHOOL DISTRICT, WITH AFFIDAVITS OF SERVICE. School District Notice. Notice is hereby given that a petition has beenSled.-with the bpard 61 county commis sioners" of Marshall county, signed and ac knowledged by a majority of the freeholders who reside in- he proposed new district here in described, -and who-are entitled to vote at school meetings in their respective districts, praying for the. organization of a new school district out of the territory hereinafter de scribed, and setting forth substantially, the following factsv to wit: FirstThat the correct description of the territory desired to be embraced in the pro posed-new district is as follows, viz: All of sections 3. 10. 15. 22, 27, 26, 34. 35. 36 and South half of the Southwest quarter and the South half of the Southeast quarter of sec tion 24 of Township 155 Range 41. and all of sections 1, 2 and 3 and North half of sections 10, 11 and 12 of Township 154 Range 41, in said Marshall, county, state of Minnesota. SecondThat the number of persons residing in the above described territdry isFiftv-one. ThirdThat the number of children of school age residing in the above described territory is Thirtyrtwo. FourthThat the school districts affected by the organization of the said proposed new dis trict i are: Schopl District No. Seventy-six and that ttye number of children of school age residih'g therein is Fifty. FifthThat the said-proposed new district does not include the school building of any ex isting school-district. Now, Therefore. It is hereby ordered, and notice is hereby given, that a hearing upon the said petition will be had at a meeting, of said board, commencing on the sixth day of June A. D. 1905, at 2 o'clock in, the afternoon of said day, at the county aud- itor's,' office, in said county, at which time and place the said board of county com missioners ^ifi hear arguments of all persons interested for or against the proposed organi zation of said new school district. It is further ordered, that a notice of said hearing be-posted in one public place in each of said districts so affected thereby, and a copy thereof served dn the clerk of each of said [districts .so affected at least ten davs prior tq said time herein set for hearing said peti tion arid that said notice be forthwith twice published in che newspaper known as the WAB- REN SHEAF, which is printed and published in said county and is hereby designated as the legal newspaper forpublishing the same.' Dated this 4th day of April, A. D. 1905. By order of the board of county commission ers of Marshall county, Minnesota. fi\ By J. S. HlLLKBOH. 'l Chairman of said Board. WANTED: .Capable men and ,women for CENSUS WORK and to act as Representatives in this and adjoining territory for magazine and music business of ol"d3,000 catalogues list1 Established House. Onr over magazines and 5,00 0 selections of music at CUT PRICES. Salary 818.00 per week. Experience unnecssary, but' good References required. Address. SPRAGU*' WHOLESALE CO., 270 Wabash Avenue, Chicago li nois. 12U