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*v *v N i THE CROP SITUATION.4 The past three weeks havebeen .disastrous to cropsv generally throughout th|rEast, South, South-' west and Middle West. From |rhat appeared to be a "bumper crop" now appear^to be ftearly a tof al loss, owing to the excessive rains. Three weeks of rainy weather, with oats standing dead ripe, has caused this immense loss. Marshall County seems to be ^the one favored section. We hope we will have a dry harvest, but right now, would it not be a good time for every farmer to arrange to STACK twenty, forty or fifty acres of his crop, which, in the event of wet weather later on, would allow him to plow and prepare for next year? A word to the wise is sufficient. LET US STACK A FEW ACRES We are arranging for an unlimited amount of money to loan this fall, both on real estate, first and second mortgages, and for short time loans. Pioneer Land & Loan Go, Located in "Our Own Building." FARMERS' STATE BANK OF RADIUM Transacts a General Banking Business, writes Insurance, Fire, Tornado and Hail, in reliable companys FARM LOAJSTB W make a Specialty of Farm Loans, reasonable rates, quick service and no delay. YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED YOURS O SERVE, I *^OB4J FARMERS' STATE BANK OF RADIUM 5 OO BOOSTER COUPONS AND One Dinner Set Coupon with each 25c purchase of Rexall Remedies and Toilet Prep arations, Violet Dulce, Harmony or Bouquet Jeanice Perfumes and Toilet Articles, Symphony Lawn Stationery, Maximum or Mono gram Rubber Goods, Croscut Safety Razors, Klenzo Brushes. SSS&LAIMRCA CIGAR S All Other Days 3 for 25c -*r 2ftr,5 WARREN PHARMACY THE OLD RELIABLE .REXALL STORE. ED. QUISTGARD, PROP. Day 'Phone 94 We Deliver Promptly Night 'Phone 196 I and Sat- for25c WEATHER FORECAST Issued by the U. S. Weather Bureau for the Upper Missis sippi Valley and Plains States Gleanings GATHERED HOME 4* 4* For the Week Beginning Wednesday, Aug. 11, 1915 Pair weather for four or five clays, probably followed by showers the last two or three days of the week mod erate temperature. FROM FIELD. THE MARKETS Wheat 1.24 Flax 1.52 Barley 59 Oats 34 Rye 86 L. Wood and Carl Hanson left for the twin cities on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Easton spent Monday visiting friends at Argyle. Mrs. W. Bergan, of Alvarado, spent Tuesday in the city shopping. Helen and Robert Mathwig are visiting friends at Angus for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Lundstrom, and Mrs. A. J. Boggs autoed to Grand Forks, Sunday. Peter Dahlquist conducted services at the Swedish Lutheran church in Thief River Falls on Sunday. Smoke the Ralph' Emerson local cigar. A trial is all we ask. Made by the Warren Cigar Company. The Spaulding Elevator Co.'s new elevator looms up high in the sky. It is the sky scraper of Warren. The moher and sister of Mrs. Tomalonas arrived last Wednesday from Spring Vally, 111., for a visit. Extra Tonight (Thursday) Long fellow's Evangeline, in 5 parts at Dreamland. Adm. 10 and 15 cents. Try a barrel of the fine gasoline engine oil for your engine. Sold and guaranteed by Lundgren Wittensten & Co. The Ralph Emerson Cigar. A cigar that pleases. Sold for 10 Cents straight. Made by the Warren Cigar Company William Wattam, of Grand Forks, trame^ap ^n^&waday_aid spenkvJthe day visiting with his father, Dr. G. S. Wattam. Mr. and Mrs. Lundstrom, Mr.' "and Mrs. Malm and son Ray and Mr and Mrs. Bengtson, made a trip to Eller th, Sunday. Difficulties are easily overcome af ter you have taken a course in Man kato Commercial College. Send for particulars. Andrew Stromlund from Strath cona is visiting in Warren for a few clays with his sister Mrs. J. W. Lundstrom. Peter Nordlund and daughters Lavina and Ruth, of Alvarado, passed thru yesterday on their way home from Crookston by auto. H. Stanchfield returned Monday from a two weeks' vacation spent at International Falls, Duluth and Minneapolis. Miss Mary Hoag, who has been visiting her friend, Miss Edith Mattson, returned Monday to her home in Fargo. The world is waiting for you there are rich rewards for those who are well equipped. North Star Col lege, Warren, Minn. When in the city for a day or week don't forget the home comforts at the Beaufort Hotel, Minneapolis, Minn. Opposite the Post Office. Father Grahagan and sister, of DeKalb, 111, were here last week for a visit at the home of James Mc Keand and with other friends. Extra Tonight (Thursday) Long fellow's Evangeline, in 5 parts at Dreamland. Adm. 10 and 15 cents. H. C. Anderson, who has charge of the Swedish Luthern church work at Crookston, arrived Monday for a short visit with friends in the city Mr. and Mrs. G. Halvorson of Plummer spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Mathwig in this city. They came over in their car. Try the Woodrow Wilson cigar. The best nickle cigar on the market. Sold at all cigar stands in the city. Manufactured by the Warren Cigar Company. Charles Berkly and wife, of Ma quoketa, Io, arrived last Saturday to look over the country with the in tention of buying a farm home in this favored valley. C. A. Nelson and family returned last Saturday from a pleasant visit at Mr. Nelson's old home at Clarence, 111., and with relatives and friends in Chicago and Marinette, Wis. Mrs. A. J. Slee and two children, of Longmont, Col., visited at the home of A. A. Harris and with other friends on Thursday and Friday of last week. She is a sister of former Supts Wro Angus, of the Warren school, where she also served as a teacher Mrs. Slee has also visited her old home at Garfield, Minn. Lawrence Erickson, of Arkdale, Wis., is visiting friends here for a few days Mrs. J. N. Blawd, who was taken ill suddenly last Wednesday, is now very much improved. W. Powell went to Fargo Mon day to attend to business affairs, re turning yesterday. The A. N. Eckstrom and W. O. Braggans families autoed to Red Lake Falls Sunday to spend the day. Thomas Smedborn, of Arkdale, Wis., a brother of Mrs. J. S. Hille boe and Mrs. Hans Urtes, has ar rived for a visit. Extra Tonight. (Thursday) Long fellow's Evangeline, in 5 parts at Dreamland. Adm. 10 and 15 cents. The farm machinery people have been very busy for some time sup plying their patrons with binder twine and harvesting machinery. Rev. L. M. Skunes and family of Hillsboro, N. D. have been here on a visit. Rev. Skunes filled the pulpit in the United Norwegian Lutheran church last Sunday Miss Leona Campion, of Kelso, Wash., is visiting at the-home of D. Farrell. She has an uncle living near Angus with whom she & mak ing an extended visit. Miss Miranda Sandin, of East Grand Forks, is assisting at the C. E. Sjostrand home during the illness of Mrs. Sjostrand. At the time of writing Mrs. Sjostrand is improving nicely. The Warren flouring mill has com menced running regularly and its steam whistle again proclaims the hours at morning, noon and night, a reminder that the flour milling in dustry in Warren is still much alive. Arvid Lindstrand, who has been employed in a bank at Dixon, Mont ana arrived home recently and has accepted a position with the Warren Machine and Iron Works os book keeper. Mrs, Holson and daughters Minnie and Lilhe returned this week, after hiring spent a week visiting friends and relatives at Viking, Rosewood, Newfolden, Middle River and Thief River Falls. When you enroll with us you will be absolutely sure of getting the right kind of training that will de velop your ability to the highest point North Star College, Warren, Minn. Misses Kathryn Nelson and Erma Hoffman, the former from Minne apolis, and the latter from Spokane, Wash., returned Tuesday to their resp&ctive homes after a short visit at the, F. E. Colson home. Evert! Anderson, son of Aug And erson, the rural mail carrier on route one, east of Argyle, died last night in this city, where he was brought shortly before for medical treatment The young man was about 19 years of age. Mr. and Mrs Monrad Olson, of Charlson, N. D., came over last Thursday for a visit with relatives and friends. Mr. Olson's father, J. L. Olson, who had visited with them in North Dakota, came back with them to Warren. Mr. and Mrs. N. B. Grager, of Maquoketa, Iowa, arrived last Satur day to visit their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hanson, and son Arnest, who live on the former Fred Johnson farm a few miles north of town. Cools the stomach, washes out the cl=, drives out itrpi,i uYo. help the liver its Hollister's Rocky Moun tain Tea.' Take it once a week, dur ing warm weather and see how happy and contented you'll be. 35c Tea or tablets.Warren Pharmacy. GONE TO HIS REST. Amund Olson Granberg, born March 2, 1825. on a farm called Holtet, Urskog, Norway, died August 6, 1915. At the time of his death he was 89 years 5 months and 4 days old. Deceased, in his younger days was a laborer and, when no more than 15 years of age, had to leave his par ents to hustle for himself as his brothers had to do. His education was limited, as then there were not many schools He was married to Karen Olson in 1850 To this union were born three children namely Ole, Christian and Maren. They lived in Urskog in a leased house, he working on a farrti for very small wages. When their sons grew up they left for America, as some relatives sent them passage money to cross the Atlantic. Work was plentiful here then, as now and they soon were able to send for their parents and sister. They arrived in Warren and went out to the boys' homesteads. At first they stayed with their son Christian until his death in 1903, when they moved to their other son Ole's farm, where the wife of de ceased lived for only a few days. Since then deceased has enjoyed good health, considering his advan ced age until recently, when he be in to grow weaker and was not able to be around, only to dress him self and to sit in a chair in his room. He died peacefully laying in bed. After having his dinner as usual he went to sleep never to speak again. J. A. B. Capital $25,000. Surplus $15000. Pres., O. H. Taralseth. V. Pres., H. L. Melgaard. Cashier, C. A. Nelson. 5 per cent Interest on Time Deposits. MAKE A BANK ACCOUNT WITH US THE STEPPING STONE* TO Swedish Lutheran, Alvarado The new pastor Rev. J. W. Lund gren will preach his introductory sermon in Elim church on Sunday, Aug. 29, 1915 at 10:30 a. m., in Bloomwood at 3 p. m. and in Alvar ado at 8 p. m. LUTHERAN SYNOD CHURCH The meeting of the Ladies' aid of the Lutheran Synod church, post poned from last week, will be held Thursday afternoon this week at the home of Mrs. A. C. Knudson, 5 miles northwest of Warren. Every body welcome. (f i i State Bank" of Warren Warren Minn. IJ The Churches. UNITED NOR. LUTH. CHURCH N. G. W. Knudtsen. Pastor. Services in Melo Sunday afternoon 12 p. m. Ladies society meets at the home of Mrs. C. Knutson Thursday afternoon the 12th. of August. All are welcome. MISSION CHURCH OF VIKING. Werner Drotts, Pastor. The closing exercises with this year's confirmation class will be held next Sunday at 10. a. m. Services will also be held at 7:30 p. m. All are welcome. No Workman Will put in all his time i working for you, nor will you for anyone else Your Spare Dollars owever, -will work every hour of every day of every year, earning interest continually An Account With Us And Set Them To Work The above strength gives us MONEY TO LOAN ALL THE TIMEnot occasionly -but ALL THE TIME, on good Personal Notes, improved or un improved Farms and City Property. Our rates are the cheapest, Our terms the most liberal. Carry your Check Account, De posit your money and make your loans with the Bank that is Strong Enough to take care of your needs at ALL TIMES. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF WARREN H. L. WOOD. Cashier. EvEN ONE DOLLAR WILL 3E ACCEPTED HERE, AS A FIRST ^*BEPOS IT SWEDISH LUTHERAN CHURCW F. N. Anderson. Pastor. Sunday Aug. 15. Sunday school 10 a. m. Services 8 p. m. VegaSunday school 10-30 a. nu Services 11 a. m. SCANDINAVIAN M. E. CHURCK K. Winberg, Pastor. No services next Sunday. Sunday school, 2 p. m. The Ladies aid will meet at the home of Mrs Ole Hol sen on Wednesday, August 18th. SWEDISH MISSION CHURCH I Sunday Aug. 15. Morning ser vices 10-30 a. m. Sunday school 11-45 a. m. Evening services 8*00 p. m. Thursday-Prayer meeting. All are welcome. GERMAN EVANG. LUTHERAN H. F. Brauer, Pastor. German services Sunday, Ang. 15, at 2:30 p. m. All are welcome. Ser vices at Radium at 10:00 a. m. LUTHER LEAGUE Lawn social Fuday Aug. 13, 4 p. m. At the church lawn Refreshments, candy ice cream and cake, coffee and cake. Music by the Warren City Band. All are welcome. er Than Ever THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF WARREN. Capital Surplus Resources ,E $ 50,000.00 10,000.00 475,000.00 1