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Sy MORE LIVE STOCK BETTER FARMING (Continued from page one) In the absence of Frank Jeffers, of Red Lake Falls, president of the Live Stock Breeders' Association, who was unable to be present, F. A. Green, of Stephen, made a very acceptable sub stitute and responded in a neat speech. C. L. Spaulding. of Warren, Vice Pres ident of the Red River Valley Stock Breeders' Association, presided at this meeting An address by Prof. A. W. McKer row, Secretary of the Minnesota Live Stock Breeders' Association, followed next, and was full of practical sugges tions He spoke of the importance of the live stock industry to the individ ual tanner and to the nation, dwelling especially on the importance of the dany cow and the value of dairy pro ducts as human food. It has been Muentihcally determined that milk is a very necesssaiy food for the proper de velopment of the growing child. Milk fed people are the strongest and live the longest and those nations who con sume large quantities of dairy pro ducts, are the most virile and pro gressive Butter fat is a very essen tial part in the diet of children as well as giown-ups and no other foini of fat, vegetable or animal, can take its place a well balanced human ration. He had himself been instrumental in launching a milk campaign in Minne apolis and other cities for increased consumption of dairy products. He found that many tamilies used butter substitutes like troco and other pro ducts, some because these products vveie cheaper pound for pound, altho not food value, and others because the\ weie ignorant of their food value, behev mg them to be "just as good" as the genuine dairy product. Mr. Mc Kerrow urged that more attention be paid to the breeding and feeding of live stock in this valley, the growing of corn, clover and alfalfa, and the build ing of silos By such system of farm ing, including a judicious rotation of crops, the fertility of our soil will never be depleted The Red River Val ley ought to be famed as a breeding giound for good live stock. J. D. McGregor, of Brandon, Man., Piesident of the Brandon Winter Live Stock Show, was the next speaker. He has been a leading spirit in building up the Brandon Live Stock Show, one ot the largest and most successful shows of its kind in America. Mr. Mc Giegor was here specially for the pur pose of telling the people how the little city of Brandon had been able to eiect a large permanent building for their show. A .stock association was formed in which shares were sold to business men and farmers interested in developing the live stock industry. By, this method funds were obtained for the erection of a building that was to cost $35,000. This building answered the purpose for two years, when it be came necessary to provide larger quar ters. The next step was to raise $120,000 for an additional building. This was done, too, and now over 600 head of stock are exhibited every year in two huge buildings and,live stock sales aggregating a hundred thousand dollars are made to farmers who are learning to appreciate the value of good breeding animals. The fair has been of great educational value to the people in all western Canada. The Ian pays out annually from $6000 to to $12000 in prizes. A winter fair like that established in Crookston would do much to promote tne live stock indus try in the Red River Valley and make for better and more profitable farming. Live stock is necessary for permanent agriculture. Mr. McGregor is himself a prominent stock raiser and has the honor of having won two champion ship prizes in one year at the big In ternational Stock Show in Chicago on eattle of the same breed, bred and fed by him. Address by Duncan Marshall. Hon. Duncan Marshall, Minister of Agriculture in Alberta, Canada, was the next man introduced. He is a man ot international reputation and as a speaker on agricultural topics has piobably not his equal in all America. And he brought a message that was an inspiration to every worker on the farm. No farmer who heard him but went away with a greater appreciation of the importance and nobleness of agriculture and with a determination to magnify, and dignify his calling more than ever in the future. He said there is no business that re quires so much training if it is to be done right, as that of farming. Fairs have a great educational influence. It is very necessary to interest the boys and girls in the raising of live stock and other activities on the farm. Often boys do not like to milk or take care of cows because tjiey have not the right kind of cows on the farm. After milking a poor, scrawny, dried up cow the boy may feel like giving her a kick when he gets thru. But give the boy a slick, fine cow that gives lots of milk, so that his pail gets filled up, he will get enjoyment out of his work and will feel kindly toward the cow, patting and stroking her after milking. We should all try to get fun out of our work. A pressing need is the training of boys in the business of breeding live stock. One method which he had found valuable In arousing interest, was to teach them the history of the various breeds of animals, like the Guernseys, the Aberdeen Angus, the Heref ords, the Ayershires, the Holsteins, etc. In re cent years for instance, the Holstein has been developed and! improved faster than any other breed. One reason why boys and girls want to leave the farm and go to the cities, Is because the home is not a#fit place to live in. Many farmers buy more land it PS* it, t,i,* 'aft f**v! and continue to live in shacks, lacking every convenience,, when the wise thing would have been to invest the money hi the building of a modern home and other up-to-date farm build ings. To make a home should be the ambition of every man and a home on the farm should be the best home in the world, one that will make farm life attractive and induce the boys and girls to stay on'the farm. Mr. Marshall pleaded for practical instruction in agriculture by men who possessed actual experience as well as theoretical knowledge. In this con nection he told a story that illustrated his point. When he was a boy, he said, he used to go to all the meetings he could to listen to men making public speeches in order that he might learn something. One night he attended a meeting where a man from the Ontario Agricultural College talked on feeds and feeding. He gave a lot of informa tion about the chemistry that was more or less useful, but most of it far beyond the audience that sat still perfectly amazed at his learning. But he forgot himself for a moment and began to discuss food values, and the trouble with him about food values was that he never fed anything that ate hay or any kind of fodder. He had only book knowledge. And in discussing food values he mentioned turnips, saying they had practically no food value at all. There was an old Scotchman in the room, and when the speaker said that, he began playing with his whisk ers that was always a danger signal and the speaker noticing it said, I have got the proof that turnips have no food value because when analyzed they are shown to be composed of ninety per cent water. And the old man could stand it no longer. He gave the whisk ers an extra jerk and said: "Yes, my so*, but it is damned .good water." (laughter). Mr. Marshall said that as Minister of Agriculture in Alberta, he had al ways aimed to secure men as teaehers and lecturers on farm topics, who com bined the practical knowledge of farm ing with the theoretical training and education of the schools. He had scoured both Canada and the United States for men who have made good on their farms and were able to make a living upon it, and possessing, be sides, the training of the agricultural college. A business session,of the Breeders' Association closed the afternoon meet ing. Thursday Evening Program On Thursday evening the Warren Battalion Band played several selec tions outside the Chautauqua tent, where all the meetings were held, and the Citizens Orchestra of Crookston rendered a much appreciated musical program inside the tent. Too much cannot be said in praise of the excellent music furnished by the Crookston or ganization. In the absence of Miss Holliday, of the Crookston School of Agriculture, Miss Evelyn Grindeland, of Warren, led the community singing very gracefully and acceptably. Mr. R. C. Mathwig, of Warren, pre sided at the evening session. He intro duced the several speakers and by his usually pleasing and affable manners and well known facility of expression added much to the evening's enjoy ment. Supt. C. G. Selvig, of the Northwest School of Agriculture, Crookston, was the next speaker. He called attention to a significant thing, namely the in crease of tenant farming in the United States since 1870. The number pf farms owned by non-residents had in creased 43 per cent between 1870 and 1910. The land question is one of the big questions we have to face after this war and how to check tenancy will be a big problem. We are now close to the margin of production and consumption of farm products. We wast get oato (ttoe land a greater, num ber of farmers and provide farming facilities for them. We have thou sands upon thousands of acres of va cant lands in this state, and it ought to be the policy of the government to encourage farmers to settle on these lands and by their labor help fill the world's bread baskets, so necessary at the present time. The subjects' of mar keting and an equitable system of tax ation are also deserving of attention in any scheme of farm development. The education of the farm boy and the farm girl, preparing them for useful occupations, must be carried forward. The questions of child welfare and health education ought also to receive more attention. Of the men examined for military training a large percent age, 25 per cent, if he remembered right, were physically unfit, many of these from causes that are preventable. J. D. McGregor, of Brandon, spoke on the subject: "The Will to Feed Live Stock During War Times." He told how the people of Canada had gone to work to increase thexproduction of live stock, since the war started. Meetings have been held and organization of farmers effected in most every town ship. Altho the war has taken away the young men, so that there are prac tically none left, yet by working longer hours and using farm machinery more effectively, have the farmers of Canada been able to increase greatly the acre age of small grain as well as the live stock on their farms. How to get the harvesting of the present crop done, he did not know, but said it was up to both countries to help one another. Canada's power to conserve was not great, but her power to produce was unlimitable. What Canada had done to increase meat production, the United States can do. Interest the boys and girls in good live stock. A small boy in Canada raised the greatest calf that ever lived and which won the Grand Champion prize at the International Stock Show in Chicago against all breeds. He strongly urged .the people here fo get behind the proposed winter fair at Crookston. Mr. Mathwig paid eloquent tribute to the worth of Hon. Duncan Marshall, fi i la Minister of Agriculture, of Alberta, Canada, when that gentleman,, .was again called to the platform. Mr, Mar shall's subject was "The Will to Win", and hi a spirited address he once more captivated the audience. He said he was in Belgium when war was de clared, and said he was surprised to see how quickly and with what deter mination the Belgian farmers had turned from their peaceful pursuits to the grim work of warfare. A people that had developed the Belgian draft horse and made him the best in the world, and whose farmers were also the best soil cultivators in the world, he felt confident would also make splendid fighters, as they amply proved by their ability to check the furious German onslaught while England was mobilizing her army. He had wit nessed the exciting scenes in Trafalgar Square, London, when the question of war was discussed by the British parliament and how when war was de clared there was a tremendous rush for the recruiting stations. There was no lack of will to win the war. The allied nations are determined to win this war for freedom and democracy and he hoped that when it is done, militarism will be banished from all countries. As long as one nation is al lowed to maintain a large standing army some jackass will always he found to fire a shot that will precipi tate a fight. The war will have as one result the bringing about of a better understanding between all English speaking peoples. The address thruout was replete with patriotic sentiment and all who listened to the eloquent words of the speaker were stirred to greater enthusiasm and love for their country. Big Patriotic Pageant on Friday Friday, June 21, was one of the big gest days in the history of Warren. The big patriotic parade advertised for that day drew large crowds of visitors to the city, estimated variously from 4.000 to 6,000 people. All "will agree that this pageant was the biggest thing that has ever been pulled off in War ren. Much thought and labor had been expended in making and decorating the numerous floats. To F. A. Green is due a great deal of credit for the excellent arrangement of the parade everything moved along in orderly fashion, with out friction or confusion. The Warren Battalion Band and Home Guard led the parade which formed at the Washington school, fol lowed by the Machine Gun, the Crook ston Juvenile Band, and then a num ber of floats featuring the activities Of the Red Cross, such as the Surgical Dressings, Hospital Work, Sewing and Knitting, etc., etc. Nearly all the Red Cross organizations in the county were represented in one way or another, also a float with a lady personifying the Red Cross as "The Greatest Mother in the World" attracted a great deal of atten tion. The Alvarado Red Cross had^a float in the shape of a boat in whichMa number of workers were seated. 'TMs float was very much admired. But tffe cannot describe each Red Cross' flda't separately, there weie so many of them.. AU who saw them could vb% help but be impressed by the magni tude of the humanitarian work carried on by the Red Cross. The Happy Hikers, Liberty Loan squads, Bt Spouts, all with flags and banners, made a fine showing as they marched. A novel attraction was the old Red Ri ver cart, made wholly of wood without a particle of irpn in its construction. An ox pulled tbeart in which sat J. S, Hilleboe holding the lines. The Mar shall County Federated Clubs had a float and every individual club in the county, about 20 in number, was repre sented in the parade. The Pioneer Land and Loan Co. had an artistic float decorated with grain, symbolic of the valley's greatest industry. The Alvarado band showed up well in the procession. Tafi Northwest Softool of Agriculture had several floats, one of which displayed a small model of the proposed building for a winter fair at Crookston. The Boxville Farmers Club had two or three excellent floats that showed the character of the work in the Boxville Consolidated School. The live stock in the parade was the real thing without any camouflage. The Spaulding Dairy Farm showed a Holstein bull, and three fine calves on a float. Franks Bros, showed a fine string of Herefords and the McCrea Horse Co. paraded their stately Bel gian stallion. G. N. Morkassel showed some fine short horns. Very striking banners and mottos were carried in the stock division of the parade.. As the pageant moved down Johnson avenue it presented a most imposing sight that will not soon be forgotten by those who had the good fortune to see it. The great pageant will be preserved for all time on the moving picture screen. Pig Auctioned Off For Red Cross Ed. Rosendahl, of Warren, had kind ly donated a purebred Duroc Jersey pig to the Red Cross and after the parade this pig was auctioned off at the State Bank corner. F. A. Green was the auctioneer. The big brought $201 for the Red Cross. Friday Afternoon Session On Friday afternoon A. D. Wilson, Food Administrator for Minnesota, dis cussed the all important question of food conservation and the necessity of increasing the production of both grain and live stock. Hon. Duncan Marshall appeared for the third and last time with another great speech that* proved his resource fulness as a speaker and did not by any means exhaust the limitless fund of information on agricultural topics carried by him on his finger tips. Another whirlwind speaker in the afternoon was Dr. F. Osten-Saken, con nected with the America First Asso ciation. He had lived 23 years in Germany and in his earnest and force- ful manner he described conditions there and the causes, which made America enter the war. Hje urged everybody to stand by the government in this great crisis. At a business session of the Red Ri ver Valley Development Association oil Friday evening, the following officers were elected to serve for the ensuing year: President, S. M. Sivertson, Crookston, re-elected first vice-presi-^ dent, F. A. Green, Stephen second" vice-president, R. C. Mathwig, Warren treasurer, M. E. Dahl, Twin Valley. Directors at large re-elected, Leslie Welter, Fargo C. G. Selvig, Crook ston J. S. Hilleboe, Warren and two additional directors at large, M. Holm, Roseau, and W. W. Richards, Sr., Thief River Falls. Home Guard Drill In the evening four companies of Home Guard gave a battalion drill with the aid of the Warren Battalion Band, at the fair ground. A large number of people motored out to see this drill, nearly a thousand autos be ing lined up around the track. Band concerts by the Alvarado, Thief River Fajls Juvenile, Crookston Juvenile, Warren Juvenile and Battalion bands, were given on the various streets. The following Home Guard compan ies participated in the drill: First Lieutenant Fournet, acting captain of the Crookston Home Guard, with about 60 men Captahi Fuller, of the Thief River Falls Home Guard, with about 50 men Captain W. G. Courtney, of the East Grand Forks Home Guard, with about 40 men, and Captain Spaulding, of the Warren Home Guard, commanding about 70 men. The battalion drill was the first event of the evening and the efficiency and splendid training of the men was well displayed during this entire event. The Thief River Falls guard on mount ing was a very formal yet impressive affair and during this entire ceremony the Warren Battalion Band played most appropriately. The last military event of the even ing was the battalion parade and re view. For this affair the entire body of Home Guards formed on the fair ground and marched in company formation, passing in review of Major ii-i f t? t'^th. 1 THI Loring, of the Crookston Home Guard. This military drill was a fitting finale to the two big days of the Sum mer Meeting in WarrSn. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Dahlquist Cele- :?4 brate their Golden Wedding. A large number of members of the Swedish Lutheran church And other friends assembled at the hom'e of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Dahlquist, in this city, on Saturday evening, June 22nd, for the purpose of honoring this good old couple and helping them to celebrate their golden wedding. Sons, P. A. Dahlquist and family of Minneapolis, Carl S. Dahlquist and family, of Dray ton, N. D., and Lawrence Dahlquist, a nephew, of Cutbank, Mont., were present at this occasion, including al so the daughter, Miss Levia Dahlquist, who is staying at home. Prof. C. E. Sjostrand acted as toastmaster and heartily congratulated the aged couple who had travelled hand in hand along life's pathway for fifty long years. Short talks were also made by John Stromquist, A. Anderson and others. Several appropriate articles and some gold coins were presented to the honor ed couple in memory of the occasion. Upon departing each one wished them God's blessing and a long and peaceful evening of life. Red Cross Auction in McCrea. Ye editor and his wife had the pleas ure to attend a Red Cross auction sale at the A. P. Bengtson home in McCrea last Saturday afternoon,' at which a number of articles made or contributed by the Red Cross workers of McCrea and vicinity were disposed of. Prof. Sjostrand and M. L. Warner made short talks and the latter officiated as auctioneer. A calf that had been don ated by Ole Bodell brought $18.00 Re freshments were served for a small fee. The total receipts of the sale amounted to $84.73. Draft Lottery In U. S. Thursday. Washington, June 25.Thursday of this week was fixed by the war de partment today as the date for the drawing to establish the draft order of nearly 800,000 young men of 21 years, who registered for military service June 5th. S tan Bal is on the popular Devon English ipt It^aj^airclose -edge single soleflp I low broad heel, TMAOI MMW mo u.i.wr err. SHOES Its pointed toe makes men feel perfectly shod. Young men pick it because of its exclusive features. Walk-Over Shoes are manufac tured at Campello, Brockton, Mass., are sold in all the important towns and cities of the world, and the world over bear the same trade mark. MAY INCREASE DRAFT AGE LIMFT FROM 18 TO 45 Present indications are that Congress will soon take action to change the* draft age limits from 21 to 31 years, so" that the draft will include all men between the ages of 18 and 45 years. Strong pressure has been brought to bear on Congress for an increase in the draft age limits, and the general belief among men in close touch with the situation is that speedy action will be taken in the matter. War industries in all parts of the country are* lagging because, of a short age of labor. Various branches of the United States Army, particularly the Engineers and Signal Corps, are in need of skilled mechanics and artisans of all kinds. The "Work or Fight" law is expected to relieve the situation somewhat, but it is doubtful if it will bring enough men into the Army and into the hundreds of government work shops to make army officers change their plans. Secretary of War Baker, and Provost Marshall General Crow der are both emphatically in favor of the change, and have gone so far with their plan that a bill already is prac tically ready for introduction in the House. NOTICE TO LUTHER LEAGUES IN THE RED RIVER DISTRICT. The Swedish Lutheran League Con vention will be held at East and West Emmaus congregations, Kennedy, Minn., on Friday, Saturday and Sun day, July 5, 6 and 7. The business meeting will begin at the East Emmaus church on Friday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Farewell Party. A farewell party was held at the home of Albert Metheny on Friday ev ening in honor of Harry Johnson, who is going to leave for camp soon. The evening was spent in playing games and dancing. At midnight refresh ments were served by the hostess, and after wishing Harry good luck, all de parted for their homes, having spent an enjoyable evening. ^*i