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AMERICANS IN THICKJF FRAY Fifth German Offensive Opens When Front of Sixty-five Miles is Assailed. HEAVY DRIVE ON YANKS Big Battle Extends From Chateau Thierry to Champagne, With Bitter Assaults on Positions Occupied by Americans. London, July* 17,With the re newal of the German offensive the American army met its first real test in the war and won for the Allies one of the greatest victories of the year. Holding the left wing of the 65-mile front over which the Ger man troops launched their attacks, the Americans encountered the main thrust of the Crown Prince's army directed toward Paris. At every point where the Americans and Germans met, the Germans were either held or driven back. The force of the German on slaught, preceded by short and in tense artillery preparation, en abled the Germans to force their way across the Marne between the town of Fossoy and the Sur melia river, a few miles east of Chateau Thierry. The Americans counter-attacked and threw the Germans back across the Marne. In this action the Americans cap tured between 1,000 and 1,500 prisoners, including a full brigade staff. London, July 17.Following an in active period of about 30 days, since they were checked in their drive to ward Campiegne, along the west bank of the Oise, the Germans have opened a new phase of their terrific offensive by striking from Chateau Thierry to Maison de Champagne, north of Mas siges and far east of Rheims, over a front about 65 miles long. Latest reports from the battlefield state that the Germans have crossed the Marne at several places. This probably refers to the reaches of the Marne between Chateau Thierry and Dormans. American troops are engaged in the battle in this particular region and Teports say they are "handling the enemy well." They broke up the Ger man drive in the Vaux region, west of Chateau Thierry, by dashing coun terattacks. Reports show that, so far as the length of the line is concerned, the present drive is the greatest of the year At first, it was believed from the French war office statement that the line was about 50 miles in extent, but apparently the report from Paris told simply of the length of the French portion of lines under attack The at tack against the Cambrai front March 21 was over a front of 55 miles. Terrific Gunfire Loosed. A terrible artillery fire was loosed against the Allied lines from Chateau Thierry on the west to Maison de Champagne, north of Massiges, on the east For hours the Allied lines were un der a tempest of the most tremendous character Not only was the actual battle area under bombardment, but towns and cities far behind the lines were made targets for great 10 and 12 inch projectiles fired from what ap pears to be naval siege guns brought up behind the German positions. New Territory Chosen. The Germans chose a sector, which except for a surprise attack around Rheims late in June, has been qu?et since the offensive launched on the Aisne on May 27 came to a standstill East of Rheims and north of Chalons there has been but little fighting of significance for a long time. The Germans hold the north bank of the Marne for a distance of about 20 miles east of Chateau Thierry Their line leaves the Marne near the village of Dormans and runs off to the northeast of Rheims, where it turns abruptly to the southeast and runs down the valley of the Vesle river to the village of La Pompelle, where it runs eastward and runs in a relative ly straight line to Verdun. Maison de Champagne, the eastern limit of the present battle, is 31 miles west of Verdun. $50,000 to First Flyer Across Atlantic. London, July 17.In order to stimu late the production of more powerful engines and more suitable aircraft, the Daily Mail announces the revival of its offer of a prize of $50,000 to the first person who flies across the Atlantic from any point in the United States, Canada, or New Foundland to Great Britain or Ireland or vjce versa, in 72 consecutive hours. Disguise Did Not Avail. New York, July 16.A German avi ator, riding in a British airplane, camouflaged to resemble a French ma chine, and with the pilot wearing an American uniform, was captured in France by American flyers, according to word reaching here in a letter from Miss Violet McAllister, Portland, Me. The letter was made public here by the Salvation Army, of which Miss Mc Allister is a member. The aviator was brought down from above the Ameri can linea when he failed to give, a countersign 40,000 OF FOE DESERT Flee Inland When Austrians Are Beaten On Piave. Many Are Armed and Hiding in Moun tains 3,000 Arrested at Budapest. London, July, 16.The Zurich cor respondent of the Daily News declares in a dispatch that he has learned from neutral sources that 40,000 deserters from the Austrian army fled inland after the Piave disaster. Some of these are armed and are hiding in the mountains. Three thou sand deserters were arrested in Buda pest. Austro-German relations are seri ously strained as a result of the Piave defeat, the correspondent said. German Chancellor von Hertling's recent statements were the result of Austrian pressure, designed to bolster up the tottering dual monarchy by showing its oppressed people that the Teuton empires "earnestly desire peace." Despite the rigid censorship, it is learned that the Austrian losses on the Piave, exclusive of slightly wound ed, were more than 200,000, of whom 10,000 were drowned. Austrian Premier von Seydler, Aus tro-Hungarian Foreign Minister Burl an and Count Czernin and Count Berchtoldt, former Austro-Hungarian foreign ministers, are going to Ger man headquarters on an important mission. II PACIIAI Tiro nwroccAP 14 AMERICANS DIE IN ACTION Casualty List Also Shows 28 Wounded on West Front. Washington, July 16.The last army casualty list shows: Killed in action, 14 died of wounds, 7 died of disease, 7 died of accident and other causes, 1 wounded severely, 28 miss ing, 3 total, 60. The names of Corp L. M. Miller, Hortonville, Wis., and Private C. E Nelson, Fall Creek, Wis both of whom died of disease, appear on the list. Asks Data on Profiteering. Washington, July 17.Complete in formation on war profiteering was asked of the treasury by the house ways and means committee in prepara tion for drafting the new eight billion dollar revenue bill. Heavier taxes on war profits will be a feature of the measure GRAIN AND LIVE STOCK Minneapolis Grain. Minneapolis, July 16Oats, July ^6V2 Sept, 70%. Duluth Flax. Duluth, July 16Flaxseed, Sept., $4.68 Oct, $4 65 Chicago Grain. Chicago, July 16. Corn, July. $163y2 August, $164 Oats, July 76y2, Aug, 73%. South St. Paul Live Stock. South St Paul, July 16Estimated receipts at the Union Stockyards: Cattle, 11,400, calves, 1,000 hogs, 7,300, sheep, 300 horses, 85 cars 547 steers, $7 25@14 25 cows, $7 25 @10 00 calves, $8 00@15.25 hogs, $17.05@1710 sheep and lambs, $10.00 17.50. Butter, Eggs and Poultry. Minneapolis, July 16.BUTTER Creamery extras, per lb, 42c extra firsts, 41c firsts, 40c seconds, 39c dairy, 36c packing stock, 32c. EGGSFresh prime firsts, new cases, 38^ current receipts, new cases, rots out, $10.95 old cases, rots out, $10.65 checks and seconds, doz., 25c dirties, candled, 29c. Quotations on eggs include cases. LIVE POULTRYTurkeys, fat, 10said lbs. and over, 25c thin, small, 10@ 12c cripples and culls, unsalable roosters, old and young, 18c ducks, 14c geese, 13c hens, 3% lbs. andin over, 23c hens, under 3* lbs., 20c broilers, all weights, lb., 30c. Protest Siberian Dictator. Peking, July 17.The British, French and Japanese ministers to China have strongly protested to General Horvath, anti-Bolsheviki military commander, who has formed a temporary war cabi net for Siberia, asking him to with draw his dictatorship proclamation, on the ground that it is unwise and un timely. The proclamation, the mintracks isters say, is calulated to cause a sit uation which may impede the move ment at the present time is all impor tant. What his answer will be i heW to be uncertain. NEWS OF STATE TERSELY TOLD Recent Happenings In Minnesota Given In Brief Items,For Busy Readers. Bemidji.Sherman Misses, 50 years old, 'was killed by a dynamite explo sion on his farm near Blackduck. He is survived by a wife anJ a large fam ily. Hibbing.Forest fires which are rag ing in the Sturgeon lake country are not yet checked, according to the lat est information from settlers who uie making a brave fight against the fire fiend. Virginia.Efforts to find Mrs Tony Zelech, who disappeared several days ago, have proved fruitless The poss^ of officers and citizens have now scoured the territory in every direc tion without discovering a trace. St. Paul.Fire losses in the state during the month were less than one third as great as for the same month a year ago. The losses were $225,451 In 144 fires The fires involved prop erty valued at $2,-35,175, insured for $1,624,477. East Grand Forks.John Saunders, employed by the Northwestern Tele phone company here, who was struck in the face by a loose, live wire, has lost the sight of one eye, and the sight of the other is threatened.T His face and hands were alsot badly burned. St. Cloud.A campaign of a few minutessi originated by one of the lead- ci has re o me bunes in U. O. UAOUALIltd UVtnbtAo suited in a definite promise of an up- Including Both Army and Marine Corps They Show Increase. Washington, July 16.Casualties In the army and marine corps overseas increased 647 the past week, compared with 703 the preceding week, and ag gregate 11,733, with the inclusion of today's army list giving 72 names and the marine corps list giving 51 names. Total deaths, including 291 men lost at sea, men killed in action, dead of wounds, disease, accident and other causes number 4,673army men, 4,100 marines, 573. The wounded ag gregate 6,470Army men, 5,431 ma rines, 1,045. Those missing, including prisoners, total 584Army men, 519 Marines, 65. Of the week's increase, 481 were army men and 166 marines. Killed in action and other deaths numbered 259. Those wounded totaled 307, and thebe missing and prisoners, 81. to-date hotel for St. Cloud. A build ing to cost $350,000 will be put up at once by a syndicate which will include a number of representative business men. Crookston.A meeting of Crookston business men was held, the object be ing to get united action in co-opera tion with the farmers to make the coming Northwestern Minnesota fair, to be held in Crookston the week of July 29 to Aug. 3, the best ever in at tendance, in exhibits, in racing events and in attractions. St. Paul.A new call for 1,000 men to leave Minnesota during the five days beginning August 5 for Jefferson Barracks, Mo, has been received by Adjutant General W. F. Rhinow This is the smallest regular call so far re ceived. Only white men, physically qualified for full military service, may accepted under the call St. Paul Arrangements have been negotiated to continue the training of *rmy mechanics at the University of Minnesota and the farm school A ciass of approximately 900 men will enter the schools Aug. 15 for a two months' course, and other classes of a like size will enter each two months thereafter for a period of six months St Paul.Minnesota saloons are re quired to close in the future on days when drafted men entrain up to the hours the troop trains leave, under an order issued by the Public Safety Com mission The order will take effect first during the five days beginning July 22, when 10,000 Minnesota regis trants are to depart for Camp Wads worth, S C. Minneapolis Exactly 519 nurses in Minnesota have already signed ques tionnaires agreeing to enter Red Cross war service by Jan. 1, according to reports made at a recent meeting of Minneapolis and St. Paul superinten dents of hospital training schools and representatives of nursing organiza tions in the state Minnesota's quota ^s set by national headquarters at 450 Moorhead The Minnesota commis sion order closing garage and oil sta tions on Sundays, and after 6 o'clock m, religiously observed for a shori time after it was issued, is not being observed this section any more, ac cord ..ns to reports of tourists They say they are finding the garages open all towns and cities in this district, srvmg service both evenings and on Sundays St CloudCharles D. Harrington, formerly of this city, was killed in 3ioux Falls, S D, when the walls of the second floor in his building, which was being repaired, collapsed and fell through the ceiling, burying all the occupants of the butcher shop and killing them instantly. Upon search ing in the wreckage for the bodies all that could be found of Harrington was his legs and one arm. St. Paul.E. J. Lynch, collector of internal revenue, says there is little doubt the retail liquor dealers are growing fewer in the state. Not more than 1,000 licenses have been taken out in Minnesota this year, while there were 4,500 issued by the internal reve nue officials last year. A. R. Knox, as sistant cashier in the collector's office, many retail liquor dealers are going out of business in the cities and the country liquor sellers are growing radually scarcer. The big dry areas the north of the state, including Du iuth, will account for another block of licenses that will not be issued, this year. Hampton.William Friermuth, his three children, one boy and two girls, were killed instantly, and his wife and a housemaid were seriously in jured when the automobile in which they were riding was struck by a Great Western passenger train near here. According to the engineer. Friermuth attempted to cross the ahead of the approaching train and the machine was struck squarely by the engine. The bodies were picked up by the crew of the passenger train as were Mrs. Friermuth and the maid and taken to St. Paul. The two wont-' en were removed to a hospital there. ALVARADO The Vasa Lodge picnic at the Fred Peterson grove was well attended, the amount taken in at the Red Cross booths was estimated to be over $100, the exact figures not know yet. Thanks to one and all who helped to make it such a ereat success. Mrs. H. Backstrom and children, Mrs. M. H. Sands, Myrtle Sands and Olga Bloomsness autoed to. Bemidji Monday to enjoy a few days' outing at the lakes. Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Lodoen and two sons, Ingvold and Erling autoed to Newfolden last Thursday afternoon for a visit with the Christ Englesrud family. Mrs. Gotfrid Eriekson and daughter Edith of Warren spent a few days vis iting at the J. Holm, Mrs. M. Sands, A. Freegard and Mrs. J. Ferring home? labt week. Mrs. Eriekson re turned to Warren Saturday evening, while Edith stayed until Monday eve ning. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Swanson, Mrs. J. S. Hilleboe and Mrs. A. Melgard, of Warren, attended the Norwegian Luth. Ladies' aid last Thursday at the church. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Christenson and children, of Lansford, N. D., Mi*s. Os car Sands and children, Mrs. Henry Hill and children and Earless Sand* called at the M. O. Johnson home Mon day afternoon. Mr, and Mrs. John Aure and sonceived Maynard, of Lansford, N. D., arrived Saturday for a visit with the Henry Sands family and also with Mr. Aure's parents southwest of the village. They report that the crops are quite dry in North Dakota on account of dry winds. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Dahlin and son of Burkholz, Minnie Anderson, Stella Sands and Martha, Johnson were en tertained at the Alfred Anderson home last Sunday evening. Mrs. Walter Sands and son Casper, Ollie and Cecil Sands called at the P.ning C. Sorenson home Monday afternoon. The Ladies aid of the Norwegian Lutheran church given by Mrs. R. J. Ferring and Mrs. Anton Freegaard last Thursday was well attended, the amount $18.00 was realized. George Lodoen and William Bjork lund are employed for A. G. Nyblad at the Farmer's Elevator Co.'s machine shop. The local baseball nine played a whining game with Argyle last Sunday on the home diamond, the score being 8 to 12 in favor of the home boys. Keep it up boys. The Misses Delia Hallin and Ollie Iverson spent the week end at Thief River returning Monday morning. Mrs. W. T. Phillips and infant daughter, and her mother, Mrs. Ritche left for Wisconsin, where Mrs. Phillips will visit with her parents during the summer. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Willie Gunder son last Thursday, July 11, a daughter. English services will be conducted in the Norwegian Lutheran church Sunday evening at 8 p.* m., July 21st, by Rev. Lohre. Sunday school at 10:30 a. m. Carl O. Olson and Willie Malm left last Thursday evening for a fishing and hunting trip to Ottertail, Minn., and Duluth and the Great Lakes. They will return by the Twin cities. Miss Ruth Svederberg, of Minnea polis is visiting at the home of her uncle, F. E. Dahlgren. Rev. and Mrs. Henrickson and Miss Judith Peterson autoed to Battle Lake last Thursday where Rev. and Mrs. Henrickson will make their home. Rev. Eckblad attended the conven tion at Thief River last week. Edgar Smith, of the U. S. navy, was home for a week's furlough with par ents, returning Monday evening. A surprise was rendered him on Sunday evening by a number of his friends. Mrs. Martin Sands and Mrs. R. J. Ferring spent the first part of the week visiting friends in Oslo. Mr and Mrs. Bovee and son Carold went to Fosston Monday evening. Annie and Inez Johnson of Warren visited at the Walter Johnson home south of the village, the past week end. JThe Young People's' society of the Elini church will meet at the home of John Holm Thursday evening, July 18 8.80 p. m. All are welcome. The Ladies' aid of the Swedish Lutheran church will meet at the home of Mrs. John Anderson Friday, July 19 at 3 Everyone welcome. Signe and Marie Lundgren, Amanda Peterson and Mrs Hjalmar Lindquist were in Warren Tuesday afternoon having dental work done. Real Gravely Plug has been chewed for its real tobacco satisfaction ever since 1831. It's made the good old Gravely way. immmn Mr. and Mrs. Herman Allen have re word that their son Arthur is safe overseas. Mr. P. Peterson returned Monday morning from Adams, N. D. Martha Johnson, Minnie, Marie, Clara and Walter Anderson and Alfred Sands spent Sunday evening at Mrs. R. J. Ferring's home. Ladies aid of the Norwegian Luth eran 'church will meet at the home of Mrs. Carl Holt on Thursday, July 25. All are invited to attend. Mr. A. J. Newjhar left Monday eve for Minneaplois to attend to busi ness matters. Baptist Church of Vega. C. H. EKBLAD. Pastor. Sunday, July 21: Sunday school at 10-30 a. and preaching service at 11:30 a Evening service at Vega at 8 A cordial invitation is ex tended to all Swedish Lutheran Church of Alvarado. J. W. LUNDGREN. Pastor. Services at Elim at 11 a Ser vices at Alvarado at 8 m. Sunday school at 10 30 a. m. I SANDSVILLE I Miss Mable Lundin returned to Win nipeg Monday evening, having spent several weeks at her home here. Mrs. O. Hendrickson of Grand Forks visited several days last week with her daughters, Mrs. A. O. Engen and Mrs. A. Mathison, returning to her home Monday- Mr. and Mrs. P. K. Farstad and family, Mr. and Mrs. A. Swanson and family and Messrs. Albin and Theodore Morrison and Fred Jacobson were din ner guests at the P. O. Lundin home last Sunday. Miss Elvira Hendrickson spent sever al days last week visiting at the J. Ed man home near Alvarado. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Hofstad of Grand Forks and Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Dahl berg and daughter Helen from Sauds ville autoed to Maple Lake Sunday, returning home the same evening Peyton Brand Real Gravely Chewing Plug 10c a pouchand worth it Graotlylatfaomachtongtrit cocte no mora to chow than ordinary plug P. B. Qrmwlj Tobacco Company Danville, Virginia grf iff* ANGUS 1 Remember that the soldier's chance of life depends upon the support given him by the folks back home. Help! Save and buy War Savings Stamps Chas Franks has returned home from Indiana, where he purchased a carload of FINE REGISTERED HEREFORD CATTLE. These cattle are among the best of blood lines of white face cattle. While they are not in show shape, they are ready for service. Have six young bulls for sale, also can spare a few females. CHAS. FRANKS, Prop. E. E. KNIGHT, Herdsman Are You Losin You Butter Fa Profit in the Skimitiing? ARE you throwing away good money every year in butter fat, by using the old methods in skimming your cream? Stop that waste now! Come in and see the real money-saver we have to show you. We will point out and demonstrate the many improve- ments and merits of the IKIN CREAM SEMRATOR! You will learn that the Viking is made of the finest steel and materials in the largest separator factory in the world. That the Viking has greater capacity than any other separator, size for size. That the simplicity of theViking gearing makes the operation easier. That the new discs make the Viking the easiest separator to clean, that is made. That the Viking is the lowest priced high-grade standa/d separator made. Come in and see it. WARREN MACHINE & IRON WORKS CO. Warren, Minn. The Stroble Brothers autoed to War ren on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lutjens returned home from Dakota on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Hunt and Mrs., Hunt's mother, Mrs. Clausen, left for an auto tour to St. Louis Park, Minn., where they intend to spend several weeks before returning to their home at Angus. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Guss left for Wolford, N. D., Tuesday afternoon where Mr. Guss has employment in an elevator at that place. H. Osterloh and daughter Cather ine autoed to Warren on Monday. A number from Angus autoed to Maple Lake on Sunday. Mrs. Morris Carlson of Lancaster, is visitingt at Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Peter- son's a present. Red Cross will meet at the home of Mrs. Tom Tollefson on Friday after noon. Mr. and Mrs. E. Helm autoed to Warren Tuesday afternoon. Mabel Lutjens left for Dakota on Tuesday. Mr. J. Fillensworth of Iowa, is here looking after farm interests. Mr. and Mrs. J. Zimmerman received, a card stating that their son Henr^T had landed safely overseas. The Farmers Elevator Co., held their annual meeting on Monday. ThePistonRing That Saves the Power In Your Cylinders Once you have equipped your car with Burd High Compression Piston Rings, your Piston Ring troubles are ended for all time. They will pay their initial cost many times over to you in the savings they make in oil, gasoline, power, repair bills, and in the extra satisfaction that you will get from your car. High Compression BUR The Burd guarded opening seals the power in your cylinders. There isu, absolutely no gap through which the power can escape. It enables them to deliver every possible bit of generated power. No other Piston Ring has this pat ented feature And no other ring can have it So when your car needs new Piston Rings, insist on getting Burd High Compression Piston Rings. Accept no other Fore sale by R. M. GILBERT and WARREN AUTO COMPANY Warren, Minnesota. yv^