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if k4 I $ *v RADIUM Farmers Co-operative Shippiig Association Get the Right Bank Back of You! Will ship hogs and cattle Saturday, March 6th. List what you haje to ship at the Farmers Bank or notify MILO WARNER, Mgr. Radium, Minn. Watch this space next week for an We have been of service to many. Let us serve you. Our bank is growing everyday. "Eye Opener" i M. L. WARNER AND SON, Telephone 263-K, Warren. Come and grow with us. The Farmers State Bank of Radium H. G. Kramer, Cashier WEr SEsLsL mm Some of the women of this commun ity are having heated debates over the presidential nominationand how they will vote ne\t fall. It being the first chance, they intend to and will do it right Watch their progress. The Red Lake Falls Gazette states that the annual report of the Terre bonne Cheese Factory in Red Lake county shows a good business during 1919. The sum of $19,555.06 was pa'id out to the patrons for milk during the year. The largest amount received by a single patron was $1,809.33. L. J. KUH Licensed Auctioneer. My past period of exper ience assures absolute satis faction, full value for. pro perty sold, to those whom I cry sales for. This has been my record. See me for rates and dates. Call or write If impossible to see me leave word at the Farmers State Bank and I shall ar range date to meet me. HARDWARE, HARNESS, FURNITURE AND FARM MACHINERY DeLaval Cream Separators Perfection Oil Stoves Favorite Ranges Buckeye Incubators and Brooders Automobile Accessories and Tires All kinds of Oil and Greases Aermotor Wind Mills Orders taken for H. L. F. Double Wall Silos The Radium Auctioneer SCHULT & LOESLI E HARDWAR E CO Rays of Radium Help by filling the news box with' news. Mrs. D. A. Horton spent Monday at Warren. Good Coffee, 38c per lbFarmers Co-Operatlve Store. Peter Turnland loaded a car of fine upland hay Monday. J. O. Allen is having several cars of hay shipped this week. D. A. Horton was a Warren visitor Tuesday and Wednesday. Fresh juicy weeniers on Farmers Co-Operative Store. hand. Mrs. JEmil Otto called on friends Monday afternoon. Radium Apples just arrived, $3.00 per bo\. Farmers Co-Operative Store. Joe McGregor spent Tuesday in War ren, having dental work done. New spring goods just arrived. Farmers Co-Operative Store. Best white laundry soap, 6^c a bar. Farmers Co-Operative Store. Mr. Nelson, of Crookston, was a busi ness visitor of Radium Thursday. Services were held in the German Lutheran church Sunday afternoon. Bring your butter and eggs to the Radium Farmers Co-Operative Store. The Wm. Potucek family spent Sun day evening at the Joe McGregor home. Miss Dorothy Loen, we are glad to say, is reported as gradually improv ing Mrs Wm Loeslie spent a delightful afternoon with Mrs Bloomsness Thurs day. We are glad to report that Wm. Allen is practically recovered from his recent illness Mrs Engelstad, of Warren, is here visiting hei daughter, Mis. Christ Clausen Dr. Biedermann, of Thief River Falls, was a professional caller in Radium Friday Mrs. Len, Lull was veiy sick the first of last week but is now reported improving. An ther new assortment of popular spring fabrics arrived.Farmer*. Co operative Store. Mrs. P. J. Bauers returned Friday from Minneapolis, where she had been visiting her mother. J. Dudley, of Thief River Falls, was transacting business Thursday and Friday in Radium Father Lyons, of Warren, arrived in Radium Monday evening to visit friends in and about Radium Mr and Mrs. Ed. Dwyer left Monday morning for Fargo, N. D., where they will make their future home John Ross left for a trip to Missouri last week, where he will look after his real estate and oil interests. John Schultz and Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Horton were callers on Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Kramer Sunday evening. Chas. Loeslie will hold on auction sale on his farm one mile east of Radium on Thursday, March 17th. Mrs. Hugo Monroe spent Monday afternoon with Mrs. Wolhaupt, while Mr. Monroe attended the Wm. Loeslie sale. Miss Kate Belinski is returning to her home after having spent about two months with her sister, Mrs. F. Kraf chalk. i Olaf L. Swanberg was a. Radium visit or Monday. Mr. Swanberg was quite a welcome, guest, for he hasn't been here for a long time. Pearl and Mae Schumacher, of Acton, N. Dak., arrived Friday to visit the Chas. Loeslie, Wm. Loeslie and Mike Loeslie families. Mrs. Christ Clausen and mother went to Thief River Falls Saturday night to stay over Sunday with Mrs. Clausen's sister who lives there. The Wm. Loeslie family, Misses Olga and Emma Bloomsness and Albert Stroble spent a pleasant evening at the Sedlacek home Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Ellirt Carlson, of Fen cer, Roseau coounty, are visiting Peter Turnlund's this week. Mrs. Carlson is a cousin of Mr. Turnland. Misses Emma Bloomsness, Tillie Sed lacek, Irma Knoll and Harry Sedlacek, students of Warren schools, spent Sun day at their respective homes here. Signs of spring are appearingthe chief one in Radium is groups of lively children building the last "snow man" of the seasonand enjoying other out of door frolics. 1 it A number of friends gathered at the Wm. Loeslie home Sunday, as a sur prise farewell on the Loeslie family, who will soon be leaving for their farm in the southern part of Minnesota.,,,, The Wm. Loeslie and Bright-Duit sales were well attended. The Loeslie, Bright and puit families will soon be leaving for the southern part of the State where they will continue farm tog. Carl Knoll arrived Saturday even ing to visit with his brother, Frank Knoll, and with his mother, Mrs. Wm. Knoll, Mr. Knoll sees many changes and improvements in this community which has taken place during his six year's absence. Mrs. Schwinke and Miss Emma Knoll, of Warren, arrived Saturday evening to visit over Sunday at the F. Knoll home, and to attend the surprise party given Wm. Loeslie Sunday. Mrs. Swinke returned to Warren Sunday evenin, Miss Knoll returned Tuesday morning NORTH COMSTQCK Mesdames Wm John and Chas Po tucek and Mioses Martha and Agne* Potucek visited with Mr* Lull Fnda Oscar Dahhn purchased a horse at the sale of Bright and Duit Wednes- Emil Potucek was a Radium caller Thursday afternoon Oscar Dahhn and Misses Clarissa Ericson and Ida Dahhn were pleasant callers at the home of Mr and Mrs Carlson Thursday evening Mrs Win Potucek made a short call on Mrs Wildes Wednesday afternoon Mis Chas Potucek anWillin and so Charlie, Albert Arthu and Potuce and Karl Turnlund and Oscar Dahhn were Radium callers Saturday Frank Lull was a Radium caller Monday Rov, of Ai g-\le, made a call at the Lull home Tuesday evening- Mrs Lull was taken ill but is now on the road to recovery Henrv Jurs was a Radium caller Fri day Messis Lull and Friberg attended the Bright and Duit's sale Wednesday Frank Laymon, who had been visit ing at Madison Lake for some time, re turned to his home Friday? He Report ed a verv enjoyable time Miss Esther Fagerstrom visited school on Wednesday afternoon Mr and Mrs Laymon and Mr and Mrs Emil Potucek and children Johnny, Wallace and Emil, visited at Chas Po tucek's Sunday Mr and Mrs Carl A Turnlund and daughters and Mi and Mrs Carl son visited at Tin round's Sunday. Mrs Wm Potucek and daughter Alice. Msited at McGregor's Sunday Miss Agnes Potucek left for Warren Monday morning where she will be employed at Johnson's for some time Messrs Leonard Lull and Henry Jurs were Warren callers Mondav Mrs Ernest Otto was a Warren visit oi on Mondav Grand Potucek visited at Chas Po tucek's Wednesday SCHOOL NOTES, Three new records for the Victrola have been purchased this week. They are Shakespeare-Schubert's "Hark, Hark' The Lark'. sung by Evan Wil liams Paderewski's "Minuet in Major." and Harriet Wai "Boat Song The regular meeting of the Little Citizen's League was held last Friday. For the program songs, leadings and poems to commemorate Longfellow's birthday were given The following members have been appointed chairmen of committees to serve for the remain der of the school year Ruby Cook, Health and Sanitation Grace Yuergens. Program and Information: Ruby Dean, Patriotic Aid, Edith Knoll, Physical Training Report cards for the fifth month of school were given out Tuesday. The eighth grade reading class has completed the study of the "Merchant of Venice," and the sixth grade ''The Perfect Tribute." Miss Sedlacek and Miss Bloomsness attended a meeting of the Teacher's Patriotic League at Oslo last Saturday. 15-Day For Guards Ordered. Washington.Fifteen days field training and not to exceed four days' special instructions for officers and selected enlisted men are provided in this year' national guard training pro gram which has just been made pub lic by Major General Carter, chief of the militia bureau. General Carter recommended, in view of the present state of appropriations, that encamp ments-be held before July 1, but said funds probably would be available to hold them after that date. Now is the time to renew your sub scription to the Warren Sheafthe biggest and best paper in Marshall Co. CREAM By the Little Wise Man neither borrow nor lend especially lend, live within my income, be cause I can't live without my income. To neither drink, gamble, cuss nor swear so long as every thing goes the way I want it to. To'love my mother-in-law, even if it hurts me. To laugh every time I get half a* chance. To go to church on Sundayif I go at all. To never smoke more than one cigarat a time. To live up to my reputation, and not on it To take my next can of cream to To To Nets Lund Cream Bayer Small Chance to Save $5,000. For the young man who thinks it is a manly thing to spend money freely, and who sneers at the thrifty person as "stingy" and "mean," here are a few facts that he may digest with profit Sixty-two of every 100'persons dying in this country have absolutely no estate they die penniless. Of the re maining 34 persons, 25 never accumu late more than $1,300 in their lifetime, and die with less than that. Only nine persons in 100 have more than $5,000 when they die. One of the best ways in which to begin saving is to take out a life in- Are Universal Because NEWS surance policy and put into it the uiekles, dimes and quarters which gen erally go for trifles and unnecessary outlays.Kansas City Star. Notice to the Voters of Comstoek. The annual town meeting will be held at ClausonV hall at Radium Tuesday, March 9. from 9 a. m. to 5 p. m., for the purpose of electing one supervisor, treasurer, town clerk, justice of peace and a constable, and transaction of other business matters. A W. SOMMERS, Town Clerk. Pillsbury's Best and Diamond FLOUR 1. These two brands are known the world over as the best. 2. They are found on the tables of rich and poor, price and quality appealing to all. 3. Women, who cook, demand good brands which are the same always, and because they know. 4. The way to a man's heart is thru his stomach. Be UniversalUse Standard Brands SOL TONIC FOR SALE SPAULDING ELEVATOR CO. J. 0. ALLEN, Agent, Radium, Minn. RADIU BLACKSMITH Now is the time to get your repairing done for spring work. Do not wait until the rush is on. Expert work doneReasonable rates. JOHN EMANUELSON Radium, Minn. Apples! Apples! Why not take a box of apples home with you! I am sell- ing the "Fancy Roman Beauties" at $3.30 per box. They're cheap as potatoes and the doctors say that they are a good flu preventative. I how have a shipment of sugar and I am able to sell it at 20 cents a pound. Rememberl Any groceries bought of me are strictly guaranteed. ChristClausenGroceryStore THE STORE OF FRESH SUPPLIES. Winton-Nichols Lumber Co, Incorporated "Everything in Building: Material" LUMBER WINDOWS LATH DOORS CEMENT SHINGLES PLASTER MOULDINGS FRAMES BRICK SILOS VENTILATORS J. H. LOEN, Local Manager RADIUM, MINN. Northland Elevator Co. Dealers in Grain and Goal You will all agree that the north pole is not very far away, so it willbe wise to prepare for two more months of cold weather and a siege of the "Fin". Beware! and keep your coal bins full. I can fill them to your satisfaction. JOE McGREGOR, Agent i LIME SASH *GATBS