OCR Interpretation

Warren sheaf. [volume] (Warren, Marshall County, Minn.) 1880-current, March 02, 1921, Image 4

Image and text provided by Minnesota Historical Society; Saint Paul, MN

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn90059228/1921-03-02/ed-1/seq-4/

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'mmmmmlOHN MATTSON,:
^ll^-^-w Editor and Prop.
Published Every Wednesday
Qstered In the Post Office at Warren
aa Second Class Mall Matter
Ofldal paper of Marshall County.
Wealth-Creating Communities.
It is curious, and in the highest dc
jp-ee suggestive, to note the possibili
ties involved in concentrated and, in a
*road sense, cooperative effort by farm
er* of comparatively restricted areas
ia the matter of breed building. If one
could calculate in round millions the
value to the woi'ld, for .instance, of the
particular types of animals originated
and maintained with dogged persistence
through all the lean years, as well as
the fat, by the farmers of Hereford
Shire, England, of the Channel Islands,
the Netherlands or The Perche, it would
make the output of a thousand gold
mines look like thirty cents.
Steadfastness, perseverance, inherit
ed intelligence and skill, mastery ol
their calling, thoroughness, loyalty
these are among the splendid traits of
the people who have poured from theii
pastures the great streams of wealth
represented by the Herefords, the Jer
seys, the Guernseys, Holstein-Friesiam.
and 'Percherons to enrich the farming
of continents. And those of us who an
first in this, and then in that, now here
and now there in our farm and ranch
ing'operations, by our very inconstancy
become the chief contributors to th
support of -those communities tha
create and cherish and /'stick"! We
dissipate and speculate and bite and
scratch one another and often fail
where the slower-moving but ever faith
ful plodders of the old world "dig them
selves in," concentrate in a common
cause, and win. There is surely a les
son for the whole rural world in The
Story of the Herefords.The Breeders'
Over The Falls.
If there are any Warren residents
who have been. nursing a. secret grudge
against themselves in the form of a
desire to take a tr#p over Niagara Falls
jn a barrel, their innermost longings
may become a child of reality this win
ter. All that is necessary is to get
oneself invited to one of those parties.
So far a name has, as yet, been unfound
with sufficient scope and breadth of
meaning, to cover the subject appro
priately. The net result, however, s
that one finds himself on a long un
comfortable looking sled, which is in
friendlly proximity with the after end
of an automobile.
About the time one gets squared
around for an enjoyable ride and is
wondering how it will be possible to
keep his~feet from dragging something
starts with a jerk and you are under
way. Immediately you hear loud cries
of protest,between blubbering* of cx
pectorating snow from a busy mouth.
from somewhere ahead. Finally you
become aware of the fact that, the un-
to enjoy the ride you feel'a giviu
to the starboard and your good ship
aml yon-begin
to.,doubMt th
-Sfggis ^^i^BiisBiEBti^sis^tesssmsammi^m^il^^^^mm^^^m^^S^S^^^^mSI^^^^
lucky one upon the fo castle of youi|hate
more, than four or hve knots.*
as your. speed, increases,, after, the- S
change of Erection, and you begin to
think you are'now off the Htra^twayt
foiv a joyous ride over
Your hopes rise corln
yoxf forget the slight appi
-had a tri^rr^f
ing at full speed ahead, only multiplied
several million times. A light feeling
hits the pit of your stomach, the side
motion increases alarmingly, and the
next thing you know you swislt through
the atmosphere, the waterline of your
ship hits a restraining something of the,
earth's surface, and your dream of
going over th Falls is no longer a myth.
Diversiflfcd Farming.
With a practical crop failure the
fruit of last year's labor, many Mar
shall county farmers are turning. in
quiring eyes toward anew shrine upon
which sits the goddess of diversified
farming. For the past two decades
wheat has been the staple crop of the
county, wheat has built up some of the
best farms in the world, wheat has
put the Red River Valley on the map
as the breadbasket of the world, and
wheat has made Marshall county to
day, one of the most progressive farin
ing sections in the United States yet-1 were as follows:
wheat, the confidence placed in wheat,
has left a large number of farmers in
rather strained and hard circumstances
to meet the coming summer.
While there is no doubt but that
wheat is still a good crop in the coun
ty, the laws of nature here, the same
as elsewhere, Is -'contrary to the end
less repetition of taking the ingred
ients which year after year a single
crop drains from the soil without a
gradual decreasing realization of the
value of that crop. Many are of the
opinion that the day is past when Mar-.
shall county can depend solely on its
grain products. Some are turning
iS gradually td dairying, potatoes, more
intensified rotation of crops and de-
t,- pending lesm and
less. onprogrese. the,on cro.p
on the fact that farming is
Looking Ahead.
The signs of the times point toward
a new era of fraternization, co-opera
tion and the development of mutual
service between the citizens of the town
and those of the tributary farming
country. The Warren Commercial club
is the representative organization of
the citizens of Warren. The commun
ity clubs and farm bureau units are the
representative organizations of the ad
jacent countryside:
Co-operation must be the spirit of
the day. The merchants of the town
are realizing more and more that their
prosperity lies in a spirit of 120-opera-
tion and in service extended to the
farmers of the community,, that what
ever is of benefit to the surrounding
country is of benefit to them and that
their success, more than anything-else,
henceforth lies in the value of service
that is rendered. In the same way the
prgress of the town, its business and
constructive program, is of vital in
terest to the farmer. In proportion as
the town progresses the surrounding
territory will become a more important
factor with its increasing land values.
One cannot prosper at the expense of.
nor without the other.
..Mutual understanding and co-opera
tive, progress are essentials to the suc
cess of the town and surrounding coun
try. During the next few years of re
construction many problems of .vital
importance to the citizens of the town
and country will have to be solved.
The Commercial club 4n Warren, will
no doubt, be confronted with these
problems and a wise solution of them
will necessitate their consideration in
a way that will favorably affect the
country as well as the city. In the
same way the. community clubs will be
called upon, in their capacity as public
servants, to also take up these problems.
an. hour, under,.similar circumstances.-, 'Vh*v4
step with and
tg^-% scientiflc farming there must be a
^-^ffr change from the old regime of wheat.
$' The handwriting is on the wall and
those whose foresight and vision is
not predjudiced by an advancing form
of scientiflc farming,.are turning from
tibo single crop to the more diversified
method of agriculture.
Each year new evidenWis brbugtit to
a 0
.^j.mii'1,'HWde!$P.f^M^Ifi. ndin."v SS vo
appiUunsion joul^,
business, a highly organized business
and |success depends largely on the exe
cutive and business ability of the L,-^ TPJIAFI I "/III
farmer. The farmer or proprietor of I httxM Till II
this business must keep abreast of th
tinvis, he must consider the deprecia
tion'on his stock value or land, which
is the fundamental foundation of his
Jrasrness. Each year his stock dc
Weciatcs in -production value in pro
portion-- as certain ingredients are
d^wn$rom the soil through his crops
fJorithe^ market. Pie must replenish hi i
stock by diversified farming, scientific
replenishment of those ingredients of
ttte soil, and his business- will take on
a"inore healthy lustre, his capitol stock
be carried on a better paying bask
and the depreciation met.
rThere is perhaps, no crop mof
adopted to the soil of this county,
aside from grains, than potatoes. A
conservative stride toward potato pro
duction in larger quantities than dur
ing the past, would in all probabilities
be of a more, or less profitable naturt
to the average farmer. According to
the trend of the times there is every
indication that the trend is in this di
rection and that before many j'ears the
spud will be dividing honors with
grain as the source of income for farm
ers in this district.
mm{ idei tlle i1
making thei-r decisions.
The farm organizations near Warren
holding,of regulartimes kee
sturdy packet ^receiving the benefctsjthese."meetings. The Warren Commer-
of a couple of rear wheels equiped wi Uieialclub has not always been function-
weed chains which have a cergnj^
meetings and
ping abreast the through
h(Ju W
enmny toward portions pf the roadlje4.1 ,ften.ieen,.markinsI timet its members
About the time you have settled )0^.Ueoi^i|1eriii individually
the as
I'ther than collectively and. unless the
probability be,
misunderstandings, which frequently
There is' evidently^ full head of steam I Jt^^TS*X? w,^?
i*z.J*^situations. I1
frequentfarmers. meetiiig *"^ve
V&&$&-- telk^lunc^eon^nnd the pres,
Wfl_. towar
1)Polnot nf
|^^i(^^^hi^lRi^|^hout its
better know
and understand his city cousin. Para
mount problems could be
^U|i|tedly upon their appearance rather
*MJaiij*fter events had carried them to
^hbaithy maturity. The spirit of ser-
-i^^i^progress, achievement and -co-derman
^^^apon would, no doub't. receive a
l^iiftliy.'.-sponsor' in such meetings.
i**f*#-'-. /FHENWEATHER.
March found little difficulty in com
ing" in like a lamb with but one sub-zero
day during the list six days in Febru
ary. Last Wednesday was the only day
during which the thermometer dropped
below the cold point. Yesterday the
mercury rose to 38 and did not fall be
low 31 during the day. Today the wind
had shifted around to the north with
slight flurries of snow and prospects
of* colder weather. The temperatures
as compiled by C. R. Snyder of the U.
S. Department of Agriculture Weather
Bureau during the past seven days
31- 38
Feb. 2?
Feb. 24 _._ __i
Feb. 25 _^___.___ _:
Ifcb. 26
ireb. 27 _
jSeb 28 __r_______-__
inarch 1 ._____ ___
Books, pamphlets, manuscripts and
newspaper files relating to Swedish in
stitutions and men. in. America, or writ
ten by Swedish-Americans, constituting
the library of the-Swedish Historical
Society of America, will be taken from
the Denkman Memorial libraryC|of
Augustana college and placed under
the custody of the Minnesota Histori
cal jsiociety, according to arrangements
for shipping made last week* by A. A.,
Stromberg of the University of Minne
Send -us the renewals for your daily
newspapers Subscriptions taken for
all newspapers, trade publications and
m i.
Recent Happenirrsln Minnesota
Given in Brief Items for^v
Busy Readers.
News of Events in Gopher Statq
Gathered From Many Different,..
Sources and Arranged in
Crisp Readable Form...
Spring ValleyMrs. B. Wruck ol
Norwalk, Wis., visiting friends here
was stricken with heart disease while
at a motion picture theater and died.
-Jit Paul3. B. Duea, of Pipestone
former state senatpr, will succeed A.
H. Turritin of Minneapolis, as private
secretary to Governor Preus. His ap
pointment was announced by the gov
Stillv/aterr-Londius Sargent," p'resi
dent of the Stillwater Manufacturins
company and for many, years promi
nent in. civic affairs is dead at nil
home here: after an illness of several
Sleepy EyeWilliam Lawson, in
structor in agriculture in'the Sleep
Eye public schools, has accepted the
position of county agent for Brown
county and will enter upon his duties
ct once.
OwatonnaA linal meeting of the
St_ele county organization for raising
funds for European relief council and
the Near East relief showed that with
a quota of $11,240, Steele county raised
a total of $11,305.
St.- Paul^-T. E. Campbell, St.. Paul
prlice chief, who recently was unde
.':re in connection with all alleged af
fair with the wife of a patrolman, re
signed. He was exonerated, however,
of misconduct charges.
St. PeterA gift of $100,000 to the
CJustavus Adolphus college from the
Rockefeller foundation, interest accru
ing fi-om the amount to be applied to
teachers' salaries, was announced 15y
O. J. Johnson, president of the,college.
WillmarMrs. William Forsberg,
whose husband was killed in an acci
dent on the Great Northern a short
tune ago, has received $10,000 from
the railroad company as damages. The
case was settled" without a court trial.
EllendaleMiss Celia Harty of this
city is seriously ill with sleeping sick
ness according to her physicians. This
is the second case of the disease here.
Miss Cora Johnson was ill for several
months with the same malady last
^OwatonnaThe Steele County Tele
phone association composed of repre
sentatives of rural telephone compa
nies f this county^ have decided to' dis
continue switchboard businesl 'with
connections with the Tri-Stats Tele
phone Col 4
St. PaulL. E. Fotter, president of
the Minnesota Farm Bureau federation,
has accepted appointment as a mem
ber of a national executive committee
organized to collect and ship surplus
corn on American farms to
-1-copies abroad*.
oH-utchinsohFollowing a meeting
"*i tended by^about 30u farmers JiiuT
business meii, C. "A. Genet,.local repre
sentative of the iVIinnesQta ^ugar com
pnny of Chaska, has contracted for
300 acres of-sugar beets to be raised
'iii-tliis section. The sugar beet indus
try is'new to this, section.
St PaulT-Charies J.:'
K" 14
'known'- newspaper- man, manager of
.Sr-nator Frank B. Ke.Uogg's 1920 cam
paign for the United .States Senate,
md.-at present bend of a contracting
form in St. Paul, will be named post
master of St. Paul to succeed Otto
according to a report from
RochesterM. O. Smith, former al
at large, was found guilty in
listrict, court her of grand larceny "in
the second degree:' The charge against
Smith was that while a city officer he
refused a check to pay election clerks
and judges but that he paid only part
of these and converted the balance to
his personal use. -y^H
Albert LeaAfter four hours'
liberation, the jury in the case of
Hardy Friend, accused of a crime
against a 13-year-old gril of this city,
brought in a verdict of guilty. The
case has attracted wide attention in.
this vicinity, Friend being the"son of a
wealthy banker of Marshalltown. He
is 35 years old and a divorced man^^JS
MinneapolisMore than 1,000 stu
dents between the ages of 17 and 57,
and representing every county' in the
state, are registered m, the^correspon
denge study department at the' Uni^
versity of Minnesota^ according to Miss
Sarah H. Van Duser, secreftry
Twenty-five occupations are represent
ed, including teachers, students,- bank-
ers and businessmen. Students'cahtiot
graduate through the_ correspondence
course, but two years of university
^ork may be finished.
^IWiuonaThe swift passing tof Hhe
pioneers who' developed this ^region
was indicated it a repoft submitted at
the annual meeting here of the Winona
County Old Settlers association, show
ing the death of 27 members the last
year. Four of the^27"were mor^"than
90 yedrs of age Seven of tbem|carae
here when Minnesota was a .territory
FaribaultForty head 0? purt?bt-d
Poland Chiiia h^!^t_e- majority
spring gilts* brought $2,400 to eight
consigners of this cciunty^&sre jat-the
first annual consignment sale. The
highest price paid, was $140 for a two
LfcSberg was, Da
troit's unanimous choice for mayor at
the city election.
ClontarfMichael Donovan, aged 83,
a veteran of the Civil war, wgs, buried
here with military honors. "_^
St. PaulC. E. Brown, Elk River,
was elected president of the Minnesota
Crop Improvement association.
Owatonna-The Owatonna lodge of
Elks will almost double its size today
when it initiates a class of 135.
Fergus FallsA new state bank
with a capitalization ot $20,000 will be
established soon at Perham this coun-
IvanhoeThe first death attributed
to sleeping occurred when Anton Kacz
rowaki, 38 years old, died. Kaczrow
ski's case baffled ^physicians.
PipestoneFifty-four head of regis
tered hogs belonging to. Harold Axtell,
were burned to death by fire which is
supposed to have originated from a
heater on a hog waterer
FarihaultTlnee residents df Owa
trnna and 15 gallons of moonshine are
being held here by county authorities
as the result of a midnight raid, by
Sheriff Livingston and Deputy Alber
MontevideoSam Robinson of Mon
tevideo was found dead under a bridge
north of here by a small boy who was
on a hunting trip. The body was
frozen": Death was due to bullet
_MankatoFlorence Chenoweth of
St. James high school won first place
among the girls and Truman Quevel of
Windom won first place among the
boys at the final district contest in de
Thirty-five dollars a month thefolks
wage decided upon to-
be "paiwas farm
hands "this season at a meeting of
Spink county farmers recently. The
farmers agreed to abide by the price
during the season.
It is the earnest desire of the Sheaf
to receive and publish all news when
it is "news". Every effort is made to
obtain news up to the time of going to
press. Oftentimes it happens that news
ih received-too late for publication.
Last week two reports of community
club activities arrived the day follow
ing publication. That the best service
may be rendered in the publishing of
news, it is highly desirable that all
news items of the current-week be in
the Sheaf office before Tuesday night
for the: issue of the following day.
Our Savior's Lutheran Church.
A. T. TOL.L.EVS. Pastor.
Services Sunday evening at 7:30.
Sermon-lecture by the Rev. Eugene A.
Raleaver of Madagascar. An offering
for foreign missions will be received.
Next Tuesday at 2 o'clock p. in., will
be, held the annual business meeting of
the congregation. We earnestly urge
all voting members to. he present.
The Mesdames Hans Ba'kke, Fred
Bakke and R. M. Prytz will serve the
Ladies' Aid next Thursday. The an
nual business meeting of the aid will
then be held. We ask the ladies kindly
not to forget to. bring, their, mission
The Girls' Club will meet with Mrs.
Frank Severin next Monday evening.
Services with mission offering in
Meloiiext Sunday at 1 o'clock p. m.
The Rev. Eugene Rateaver will preach
in the English language. ^-^.^r,
First M. K. luirc'li i
V. P. MITCHEI.U Pastor.
Morning ..worship at 1^:30. At this
service Hie pastor is going, to use as a
text the passage of scripture that Pres
ident-elect Harding has chosen for his
inauguration, Michah 6:84.^1
Sunday school at 3.1:45,ai Wrtiiast
Sunday the awarda were made, to th
most polite.boy and girl as. .decided up
on by the detectives. The lionored girl
was Katliryn -Farrell and. the honored
boy Gerald Jtnsen Similar "awards,
will be made the last Sunday in March.
New detectives have been chosen.:
Junior League at 4:00 p. m.
Epworth League at 6:45 p. m. i
Evening Worship at 7:30. Sermon:
Steps in Entering the Christian Life.
Put the Passion Week services,
March 20-27, on your schedule. Ser
vices every evening.
Swedish liOtberan Church
a W. SWENSON. Pastor.
Ybung^ Peoples' Society meets in the
church "parlors Thursday evening,
March 3rd, Miss Cora and Miss Grace
Abrahamson will entertain.
Ladies' Aid meets in the church par
lors Friday afternoon, Mesdames
Robert Tell, Fred Johnson and Henry
Peterson will entertain.
Junior Mission Band meets Saturday
afternoon at the home of Mr. Aug. Per
Confirmation class Saturday at 1 p.
Services Sunday at 11 a. m. and 7:30
p. m.
Vega Ladies' Aid meets ill the church
parlors Thursday afternoon, March 3.
lSwdlh MI-Nlon Church.
m^\i j. yr, OLSON. Pastor.
Thursday, March S-^rayer meeting
at 7.30 p. m.
^Sunday, March 6-Morning services
at 10:30. Sunday school and English
Bible class at 11:45. Evening-services
at 7:30.
Thursday, March 10The Ladies'
Aid will meet at the church. Mrs.
AxelrSkoog- will serve '^i^i^^l^M
Everybody welcome. 'Ife|i^|-||^
i^ih^M Cath*llc .Choreh.' '^?&S$&&
LYONS. Pastor. ft:-i:S^
mmmm* IP!
^--iW-i_ TI
Public School Notes I
Harlan Miller and Quinton Melgard,
Miss L. Smith says spring"is here.
One hundred permit cards have been
issued from the library, and according
to the rules- of the library no more
cards can be given out.'
Miss Peterson was absent Monday
and Tuesday on account of illness. Mr.
Holmquist conducted most of 5 her
Last week was a busy one for the
Warren basket ball enthusiasts, as four
Warren teams participated in games.'
Friday night a double header was play
ed. The Warren American "Legion team
defeated the American Legion of Don
aldson by the close score of 19 to 20.
The same evening the high school sec
ond team defeated the Alvarado high
school. The score being 24 to 6.
Friday night Mr. Johnson took the
high school first team to Ada where on
Saturday they defeated the Ada team.
Score 19 to 16.
On Saturday Mr. Hookem^ Miss Lein
and Mrs. Cassidy accompanied almost
the entire eighth grade to Argyle where
their team met defeat at the hands of
the Argyle eighth grade team, by the
score of 3 to 4. It was an interesting
game. The boys did splendidly and
fully expect to turn the tables next Fri
A double header with Argyle teams
will be played here Friday evening
The high school first team will meet
tl% Argyle first team, and the eighth
grade teams of these towns will play
a 'return game. The Argyle team has
defeated Stephen, and the game here
Friday should be fast and interesting.
We are all enjoying a touch of spring
with its accompanying sunshine, water
and mud, \o the delight of the small
and the despair of the teachers.
To clash down the slide und land face
down in a bed of soft mud, may be, in
some peopes. estimation a good time,
but pity the poor teacher who has to
scrape off the evidence of such goodf*^
times and restore orders, also pity Mr.
Erickson and Mr. Barlow, who try so
hard to keep the building clean. Please
wear rubber and remove them from
your feet in the vestibule "and carry
them upstairs.
Moreover, pity the room principals
and don't linger outside until after
school time and don't leave the build
ing until 4 o'clock. Your absence is
greatly felt by the room principal for
the 8th hour.
On Tuesday evening the Juvenile
Band gave a very enjoyable concert
in the high school auditorium.
On Thursday afternoon of last week
all students were given a mental test.
This was the test given to all soldiers
during the past war.
The agriculture department has been
showing slides of poultry and farm ani
The district declamatory contest will
be held at Mcintosh March "4th, on Fri
day afternoon. The contestants for
Warren are Grace Braggans-and Chester
McArthur. The schools contesting are
Crookston, Thief River Falls. Red Lake
Falls, Blackduck, Glyndon, Bemidji*und
Mrs. Erickson has organized~a girls
glee club in the seventh and .eighth1
Miss Meline, of the normal depart
ment, has been teaching District No. 7,
North of Alvarado. She' is on her sec
ond week there.
The attendance at school has been
good lately. Some children have com
plained of sore.arms.
Drops of fr^m, gne ^t^s^^ieen^:
marked the action |rf thcj^^ren mar
ket during the^^s^j^^ii^ieat fell
three'cen^ts^ud^j^^^ftC^^^^^ seven
one (u1||^ie..^^^^^p^_^rket re-
Services at Warren on the first and
third Sundays at Oslo second and
fourth Sundays. Time 10:30.
Next Friday and Sunday evenings
special services at 7:30.8^i|#^ Siif
^Everybody welconie.
-_toa Xntheriui Ctivr^^^%3$
'MSm- M.TULVPBR. Pastor. ^J^
English services Sunday evening at
7:45, Subject: "Thou Shallt Not
?t Services in the forenoon at TaboKli
Card of Thanks.
I wish to thank all my friends and
neighbors who so pleasantly surprised
hie on by birthday, also for the beauti
fjdv gifts receiyedrr^rs^^ Elmer
Flax, "_-___-lCf^^^^^ft
Rjre '3_l^^^_^2|^^^2_f
Barey ___t_S_^_fe^^i43
Oats _:^C__!-^_t%0
Flour /^S^JSg
Butter ^.30*
FOR SALEFordson tractor with
Oliver plow, breaker bottoms, tandem
disc and oil barrels. Used one season,
price $650. Cash or bankable papers.
Also 12 tons No. 1 upland hay at $6
per ton.Leigh Peterson, Radium,
Minn. Eight miles east of Roon.
FOR SALE300 bushels of clean White
Russian seed oats. Write or call Thure
Blpmberg, R. 1, Thief. River Falls,
Minn. m^ & ^mWm
WANTED TO RENTA four or five
room house in Warren. Phone or call
afe^Sheaf office./ ^%:::^\'-V::,.:'^:~:M%i
FOR SALE"Perfect" sanitary indoor
closet, good as new. $10.00 takes it.
Original price $18.00.A. I. Bystrom. &
new, for sale.Andrew Salberg War-
All outstanding Marshall County war
rents on the Road and Bridge Fund
registered up to and including the last
day of July, 1920, wlil be paid upon
presentation at the County Treasurer's
Office. Interest will cease 30 days after
date of tras notice.
Dated at Warren, Minn., Feb. 16.
1 County Treasurer.
____"- March 2-16.
Citation for Hearing on Final Account
and for Distribution.
State of Minnesota.
County of Marshallss."
T x.
Probate Court.
a, tte of the Estate of Andrew
Palm, Decedent.I
wiii?~ -MinneSota, to Anna
Cash for...
I Warren Markets
..SIMMONS BEDS BuOtfir Sleep
Buy a Simmons-Bed and a Simmons Spring and be sure of that deep, restful sleep
which makes for renewed vigor, enthusiasm and efficiency.
Any Simmons Bed you select here is designed and built with proper regard foiv:||
sleep. You will also find that, in refinement of design and elegance of finish, it is in '-36^
perfect accord with modem style ideasr-in,harnjony with the accepted good
standard of bedroom decoration. ^-!0tf$my- '^M^^^M^.
The sarhe applies to Simmons Clubs
|i|:^|We all know that the baby sleeps and rests better in a crib of its own.
ThiB tends to make a strong and healthy baby. 'i^^?^
Our stock of Beds and Cribs have been remarked so you are
assured of the lowest possible prices. 'Lii,,
Nelson, Emma
Lundin, -Hilma Palm, Otilia Lhidberg
(nee Palm), Nels Palm, and all persons
interested in the final account and dis
tribution of the estate of said deced
ent. The representatives of the above
named decedent, having filed in this
Court theiirt final ofpraying the adminfo
theiaccount petition
of the estate of said decedent
the adjustment and allowance of "said
final account and for distribution of
the residue of said estate to the per
son's thereunto entitled. Thefore, You,
and Each of You, are hereby cited and
reqiiired to show cause, if any you
have, before this Court at the Probate
Court rooms, in the City of Warren, in
the County of Marshall, State of Min
nesota, on the 25th day of March, 1921
at two o'clock P. M., why said petition
should not be granted.
Witness, the Judge of said Court, and
the Seal of said Court, this 2nd day of
March, 1921.
Judge of Probate.
Attorneys for Petitioner.
Logen Warren
Moter lsta och 3je Torsdagen, i
hvarje manad. Medlemmar, hedra
oss med eder norvoro.
A. M. OLSON, Sekr.
Old Potato Warehouse Bldg.
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