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pictures of the darlings will appear In our next issue; with a life-size pic ture of Tom himself, (for a tom-cat was the father of the kittens), in the amusing role of persuading a street car driver that he lived too high and was in danger of apoplexy. We will call and see you again as soon as we get another Kwill. Once again let us call atten tion to attacks made on the character and motives of every man who advocates the alliance interest in earnest. It is impos sible to advocate justice in this era of the republic’s history with out having mud thrown at you. The politician cultivates the idea that an honest motive cannot exist. • And if a paper enters the arena to defend the rights of the oppressed, the world is informed that there are a lot of money making skalawags at the bot tom of it! Is it not the truth that men and papers often have to get out of their honest convic tions to make money by the aid of the political whelps? Where is the money? Is it in the thin ranks fighting the thieves —or is it in the pay and service of the thoroughly organized robbers ? You knpw where it is—so do wre. And the check-books of the gang were opned up before us in Glenwood, w hen publishing a country paper. Who by? Let that be told when the proper time comes. Come boys, send in a report from your Alliance—is it prospering, or is it on the shelf—or has it forgotten itself? We publish notices of the press, favorable or otherwise, as we see them, in order to show that a great majority of the papers of the state are with the people in the fight ap praching. Dawson Sentinel: In this issue will be found a supple ment containing an address to the farmers of Minnesota by Hon. Ig natius Donnelly, the able and fearless lecturer of the State Farmers’ Alli ance. It is an able paper and will repay the most careful perusal, and every one who receives a copy should not only read it carefully but pre serve it for future reference. It will make good reading for the next and furnish arguments to knock out the sophistry of the palavering politician who will seek your vote. Last week we gave an expression to an opinion that the working force of a railroad system was composed of strong, brave, self-made men, who, if under a Christian and civilized directorate, would be the best citizens in the country. Some have taken ex ception to this view, but the letters show a misconception as to who the “ working force ” are. Jim Hill, Tom Lowry, Oakes Ames, W. D. Washburn, et. til., are not of the “working force.” They belong to the wrecking force! They first wreck the farmer, and then they wreck the railroads and “consolidate.” Consolidation means skinning the small fry, and making 120,000,000 in ten years— rising on the wings of Egyptian darkness from a coal clerk to a Pluto crat. Don’t fear, brethren— The Great West is solid on its great big anti-monopoly feet. There seems to be an impression prevailing that some of the “Rail road Commissioners”|are Jim Hill’s tools. What Railway Commission ers? Of Minnesota? Bless our sen timental gizzard—Why, we didn’t know we had any Railway Commis sion in this st^te!— And have been advising the farmers to put in a bid for some! We have a rich letter from our friend John Diamond, with in closures. They will be expatiated on next week. John is as solid as ever, and knows a beet root from a mut ton chop every day in the year. In the Daily News of Oct. 26, Mr. Chas. H. Kohlman publishes a letter on the demands of the times which we will publish next week. It is in some parts, a scorcher. As the Progressive Age says: “The Great West has a gigantic task before it.” Such letters aid us in the work. ‘ N v Within a month from date the Fire Insurance Department of the State Alliance will be fully established in Minnesota —in connection with the strong Dakota organization. This constitutes an epoch in the growth of the alliance in this state. Hundreds •of thousands of dollars are being sent out of the state for insurance when the farmers may just as well in sure themselves. The Fire Depart ment will be a part of the Hail and Cyclone Insurance Co., and persons wishing agencies will do well to write to Sec’y Furlong at this state. \ THE STATE INSTITUTE. The Farmers’ Institutes will be opened again in December. So valuable do we regard these gatherings of the farmers that this paper will keep our readers posted in their work. Mr. Gregg, the efficient Supt., last year began the publication of an “Annual”—a work of nearly 200 pp., which he distributed free. Fifteen thousand copies were issued. He is now preparing the second Annual, for this year. To show what valuable material is contained in this volume, we have asked the privilege of publishing articles from the advance sheets, and w r e now give some from the Department of Dairying EXTRACT FROM SPEECH BY PROF. JAB. W. ROBERTSON. Let me say that the dairyman’s education should be not only practical, but should also be theoretical. It should have for its end not merely the acquisition of knowledge. The acquisition of knowledge should be pursued that it might be of use for the benefit of the man who gets it. Let me give you an illustration from ordinary school education. For what purpose does a boy learn the names of letters ? He does not learn to write merely to know that certain lines of certain shapes on certain rules are called by certain names. He learns to write that he may communicate with and receive communication from others, and become better acquainted with the world. Now, a man who studies dairying as a theoretical science should not study merely to know a lot of things for the sake of being able to repeat them. He should study it, not that he may know a lot of things, but that he may put them in practice as the boy who learns to write. Too many cheese makers have learned to know things about cheese, but have not learned to put them in practice in the making and curing rooms. We want theory, but also practice. A dairyman should be a man not merely knowing some things, with power to remember, but one who is possessed of power to do things. This is the difference between education and the lack of it. Now, profes sional men need special education in the particular subjects lying along their line of life. I think dairymen should have as particular and thorough a training in subjects lying along their line of life as doctors, lawyers and clergymen. Dairymen need it equally with them and may profit as much by it. The primary purpose of education is to enable a man tp make a living. I would not go as far as Mr. Derbyshire and say that the primary purpose of living was to make money. Even as dairymen the primary purpose of education is to make a living, and having made that to earn leisure. There is this tendency in our age which is doing our young men much harm: they are so hungry for having money they have no appetite for being anybody. There is a difference between having a lot of things around a man and having something in one's self. Now, dairymen should educate their members that they may protect their members against every kind of fraud. It is a fraud which leads a man to believe that he can get half a cent a pound more for his cheese by palming them off on somebody while uncured. That fraud should be eliminated by better and higher education. It is a fraud to be eliminated which makes a man content with getting not enough from his cow for her keep. It is doing our business serious harm and should be fought against by higher and better education. Our common school system of education has done a great deal for us. Let me just fix a point here for dairymen. Dairymen say, “I commenced twenty years ago in this business and I had no special education for it; therefore, young men beginning now don’t need it.” Some men who began life on farms forty years ago had no special school education. They did not need it; competition was not so keen; the necessities of business were not so great. But no more can they succeed now on farms without common school education than dairy men can. It is a matter of life to the farmer. He requires to know more of the prin ciples of agriculture. Competition is keener. So the dairyman wili find his business increasingly hard, as it unquestionably is. When I commenced some twelve years ago, I hardly knew what a floating or gasey curd was, but the last year I made cheese I had occasion to come in contact with them two or three times a day and had them for months continuously. In this way you see there is urgent need for thorough training, for a theoretical education, so that the cheese maker will know what he has to contend against and then be able to cope with the difficulties. Now, the profes sions manage the education of their members themselves, apart from the school sys tem. They encourage and support institutions for this purpose. Why should not dairymen do so among themselves ? Dairymen are apt to think a professional man lives on a higher plane; that he requires greater ability, greater intellectual power than they do. I dispute that. A dairyman must of necessity be a business man; he must get a thorough, good business training. If he has not that as a progressive dairyman and comes in contact with such a well trained business man as my friend from Brockville he would recognize the need for a special business training in order to cope with a man with so clear a head for business. Besides that a dairyman is a tradesman. Still, I find that men who hardly know the names of the utensils in the factories do not know how to use their own tools as efficient tradesmen. For in stance, they do not know which knife to use first to the most advantage. It is the same as though a joiner would be in doubt as to whether to use the long or small plane first. I find dairymen just as deficient in a knowledge of their tools as lam of the tools for carpentering. Dairymen should be good tradesmen. I should include the apprenticeship to this business. But a man who is merely a tradesman in a cheese factory is never a success, for although a carpenter can cut wood to a given shape and size for a given purpose, he has always a similar kind of material and can depend upon it to be in the same condition every da/. But the cheese maker deals with a substance which is not so easily managed, and, therefore, when he has to deal with chemical and vital forces, he becomes a professional man and he should fit him self for his profession by special education. He may get that in many ways. He may get it by apprenticeship and private study; he may get it by apprenticeship and a course of instruction in a school especially established for this purpose; and a man will be apt to learn more in one week’s schooling from a competent teacher than in two years without that teacher. That is, he can get the first principles, and he should know afterwards how to apply them. Then he needs to be specially educated for another reason, because he occupies a most influential position in his own neigh borhood. It used to be the understanding in my neighborhood that the cheesemaker and young preacher were about equally influential in public affairs. The cheesemaker should not only know the trade of cheese making, but should be a leader of agricul tural thought in his neighborhood. He should make the cheese factory a school house for agricultural education. He should be able to tell his patrons the most pro gressive methods of all dairying occupations, from the raising of calves and the feed ing of cows up to the putting of his product on the market in the best shape. Now if he can tell his patrons how to raise calves well he will encourage them to raise them in the spring before the factory opens, and so he will get more milk. He will get bet ter stock in that neighborhood, and so he will be working for his own advantage and will be helping his neighbors to do better in their business. His work demands skill of the very highest order. And let me tell you that skill is always the product of edu cation. Let me say a word to master cheese makers. Work in the factory is hard, and I believe it is often drudgery to the learners. Drudgery, however, is only at tached to work when intelligent purpose is absent. The master cheese maker should carefully tell his apprentice the reason why and the purpose for which each bit of work is done—and so remove the elements of drudgery. By such means the labor would be lightened and sweetened as would be the temper of the man and the master as well as the flavor of the cheese. We have had some good education of this sort in the past. We have had the benefit of this Convention. But that is not enough. Get any well edited sheet bearing on your business as dairymen. Read it regularly, and you will wonder how you did so long without one. Those who have heard Mr. Hoard have po doubt enjoyed his speeches. I have enjoyed the articles in his paper just as much. However, be sure to get one good dairying agricultural paper. The men who need this education most are those who appreciate it least, and while we have had much help from the Convention, those who need help most are those who do not come here. We should then take a step further in our educational methods. We should make the information of these Conventions not merely available to every dairyman but indispensible to every dairyman, carrying light to his neighborhood, and by persistently taking hold of his judgment bring him into contact with Dairy Department. DAIRY EDUCATION. knowledge. It is wonderful that the thing which a man should be reaching out for is the one thing which we have to drum into him. If a man once gets an appetite for dairying knowledge he will always go where he can get it. When a man thinks that he knows all that can be known he stultifies himself and weakens his usefulness. IMPORTANT FACTORS IN MAKING THE BUTTER INDUSTRY PROFITABLE. It is generally conceded that no branch of our agriculture in Ontario is in so backward a condition as the butter industry, and the object of this association is to improve it. It cannot for a moment be contended that Ontario is not, in its climate, in its soil and pastures, its water, and in the character of its inhabitants, admirably adapted to superior butter production. Sweden cannot compare with Ontario in these essen tial adjuncts to butter making, and yet the former country is rapidly acquiring a first rank for the quality and quantity of its butter. We must seek beyond the natural causes for the true solution of this problem, and I shall endeavor to point out what appear to me to be a few of the causes. First and foremost, to my mind, is a want of knowledge in the art of butter making. I say the art, because the knowledge of how to produce a good article of butter is not acquired save by application, care, study, and experience. It is too commonly believed by the majority of our farmers that when the cream is separated from the milk and made into butter the one to whom this part of the farm work is relegated has performed his or her duty. No regard is had to the cleanliness or health of the cow; to the food partaken of by the cow; to the cleanliness of the utensils into which the milk is drawn and later on retained; to the absolute necessity of keeping the cow stable free from objectionable odors; to the re tention of the milk and cream in a pure and wholesome atmosphere; to the proper mixing and thorough incorporation and equal ripening, by stirring of the cream of various ages; to the proper ripening of the cream; to the proper temperature of the cream at the time of churning; nor to the fact that butter should not be worked until it is one mass of grease; to the beneficial and profitable result that always follows from the packages being prepared in the most neat and tasteful manner for the mar ket. All these points are absolutely necessary and must be carefully guarded if we wish to produce an A 1 butter. That this knowledge is not possessed by the majority of our butter makers is too painfully apparent when we go upon the open market to purchase butter for our own tables, and it is so conceded by the general public. Millions of dollars are annually lost to the province by this lack of knowledge, and our farmers are poorer by millions of dollars every year. How can we best remedy this ? Such meetings as we are holding to-day is one of the means to that end and the objects that this association has in view, the establishment of creameries, is one of the quickest and surest educators. Discussion in an intelligent audience will al ways give us fresh light on any subject, and the establishment of creameries, when con ducted in an intelligent and skillful manner, has in other countries been the means of improving the butter making knowledge to a very appreciable extent. Farmers’ wives and daughters, upon whom generally falls the duty of the dairy work, have not the time or opportunity in this country to learn the art of butter making in its highest conception. But when a creamery is established the quantity of milk which is sent to any one creamery justifies the employment of one who has a thorough knowledge of his calling; one who knows and can impress upon the patrons the necessity for the proper care and feeding of the cows and the dealing with the milk and cream. The enforced necessity of producing the cream or milk in a clean condi tion is in itself an educator to every farmer supplying such, and the modes pursued at the creamery in producing the butter, and the extra price obtained for the same act as a stimulant not only to the patrons, but to every farmer in the neighborhood, to emulate, and, if possible, equal the product produced at the creamery. But are all our creameries requiring at the hands of their patrons a proper raw material, and making the best article of butter possible to be produced? I fear not. Then surely our first work is to set our own houses in order, by the visit of a properly qualified inspector or instructor before we seek to establish other creameries, and when this end has been reached let us one and all seek by all means in our power to encourage the establishment of additional ones. I do not hold to the opinion that an equally good article of butter cannot be pro duced in a private dairy; on the contrary, I believe that with equally good surround ings and with an equal knowledge, better butter can be made in private dairies; for the reason that, on one farm, with the requisite care, a milk and cream more cleanly and perfect can be produced than when the buttermaker is obliged to depend on the cream of many farms. Yet from the very nature of other work on the farm the cream eries must be, for years, at least, the source from which our best butter will be drawn, and they will also act as the best and quickest educators in butter-making. At the price at which beef .and wheat have been selling in the past two years, no branch of farming will be found so profitable as the dairy cow, and yet the average cow of Ontario does not produce one-half the annual return that she is capable. The cow was intended by nature to produce but enough milk to raise a calf. She is now, as a deep milker, the creature of man’s handiwork. From my own experience, I know that the length of time a cow will keep in milk depends much upon her care, feed and handling. The first year of milking is the proper time when to lay the foundation for a persistent milker. Milk her with her first and second calves but four to six months, and you will fix that “habitude” in her. On the contrary, feed her well, and milk her up to within six weeks or two months of her calving and persist in this and you equally as thoroughly fix the habitude to continue long on her flow. If this course were persisted in by every farmer in the country we would have the annual production of our milk per cow largely increased, and our cows would in the winter time help to keep themselves, in place of being kept, as is too often the case, in a wretched and impoverished condition, only to require an extra amount of feed or grass in the spring to bring them to their flow of milk. “Like begets like or the like ness of an ancestor,” and the “habitude” you have fixed in your stock for two or three generations will be handed down to their offspring. If our cows will produce 5,000 lbs. of milk per year (equally as good as when they prodced but 3,000 lbs.) every pound of butter made from such extra 2,000 lbs. means an additional profit to the owner. To fix a habit of continuing milk, I claim, is a factor in making the butter industry profitable. Such long continuous milking means, to the creamery men, win ter dairying; but I know in the United States the best creameries are keeping open all the year through, and I have no doubt our creameries would be only too glad to do so were they assured of the milk. In the experience of others, as well as my own, I know that cows calving in the fall, as a rule, with proper care and housing produce more milk in a year than those calving in the spring. Cows calving in the fall and be ginning to fail toward spring are picked up by the grass, and a fresh and additional flow of milk given to them, whereas those calving in the spring are checked by our droughts of August and September, and unless unusual care is taken they fall off when going into the stables. Butter made fresh in the winter will always produce a better price than packed butter. For these reasons, I claim that winter dairying is one of the factors in profitable butter-making. Dry fodder corn is not used for milk production to the extent that it should be.. When cut and steamed and fed with bran and shorts, it makes a most excellent and cheap food, and the knowledge of its merits should be more thoroughly disseminated throughout the country. When it cannot be steamed, if run through a cutting-box and dampened it has almost equally beneficial results. After an experience of three years in its use, I am convinced that one of the elements that will go far towards solving the question of the production of a cheaper milk on our farm is properly cured ensilage. It will allow, if properly stored, cured and fed, the keeping of three cows to every one now kept on the farm. Ido not refer to ensilage when the water has been allowed to flow into it. It requires to be kept free from water and air. Mr. Hoard, of Fort Atkinson, Wis., in recent conversation upon the subject of what was the cause of the great strides Wisconsin had made in the past two or three vears in butter-making, attributed it to an increased knowledge in the production and cur ing, and the merits and value of ensilage, as a fodder to dairy cows, as also the use of cows especially adapted to butter-making. As a paper is to be read on the subject of ensilage I shall not dwell on this any longer, but would merely say, after giving it a most thorough test of three years, we would not be without it at Oaklands, and I am convinced that it is one of the most important factors in making the butter in dustry profitable. It is with some diffidence that I approach the last requisite in profitable butter- BY MR. VALANCEY E. FULLER, CANADA. [Continued on Fifth Page.]