THE NEWS DIGEST. Interesting News of the Week Boiled Down and Classified. THE NATION'S CAPITAL. Supt. Frankland, of the school census bureau, has reported to the hoard of educa tion that his enumeration of the population of Chicago, just completed, shows that itcon tains 1,205,993 souls. PEOPLE OF NOTE. William Dunlap of Milwaukee has been elected president of the National Amateur Press association, in session at Indianapo lis. The next meeting will be held at Boston. MINOR ACCIDENTS. The business portion of Creighton, Neb., was destroyed by fire. Loss, $20,000. The town had no water to fight the fire. The big warehouse on the Brooklyn water front, New York, known as Watson's store and leased by Messrs. Bartlett Jt Green, was badly damaged by fire. Loss SIOO,OOO. Bradley Barton & Co's woolen manufacto ry at Pittsburg burned. Loss $75,000, fully insured. Four firemen were seriously injured by the falling walls. The steamer Egypt, New York for Liver pool, burned at sea. Four hundred head of cattle perished. The crew and twenty-two cattlemen were rescued. The eastbound fast mail train on the Chi cago & Northwestern railway ran on to a side track near Malta, 111., colliding with a freight. Several persons were injured and the fireman of the passenger train was killed. WAYS OF THE WICKED. Thirty Arabs were recently killed in tie re cent fighting at Melilla, Morocco. An American named Rogers has been ar rested at Tilsit for forgery. It is alleged that his known forgeries number 160. Thomas Oliver, a resident of Labrador, kill ed his three children and then committed su icide. No cause assigned. An explosion of fire damp occurred in the Pelissier pit at St. Etienne near Paris. It is reported that. 120 men were killed and thirty-five injured, A. C. Wilson of Rushville, 111., found his wife in company with James Denny. Wilson shot and killed his wife snd wounded Denny, but not seriously. Holders of Battle Creek, Mich., mob some drunken soldiers and drive them out of town. The soldiers had insulted women in the streets. John Haaeke and Peter Throbald, aged nineteen, engaged in a quarrel at a birthday party in Hamilton, Ohio, and the former stabbed the latter, death resulting in a lew hours. A detachment of Turkish soldiers who were en route from their camp to a well near Canoa. Crete, to draw water were fired upon by a party of Christians hidden in ambush. Five of the Turks were killed. In Trenton, N. J., Charles Lnng, u colored desporndo, shot Theodore Ayers, a local colored preacher, during a quarrel about Ayers’ wife. Lang was arrested. It is thought that Ayers will die. H. C. Thompson, the wealthy citizen of Beverly, N. J., who recently attempted suicide In the Jersey City depot, is now accused of being a defaulter. He has held trust funds for the Weyman estate, of which $17,000 is not yet accounted for, and he has also had charge of lunds of other estates. George L. Thompson, the postmaster at Warren, Wyo., has been requested to resign by Postmaster General W anamaker. It is said that Thompson has been charging five cents each for two-cent stamps, telling the patrons that the high rates on freight caused the advance. At Milwaukee, Wis., Dr. Thomas Hatchard andhiswie, Nancy Josephine Hatchard, who were guilty of manslaughter in perform ing a fatal criminal operation on Minnie Beardsley, were each sentenced, by Judge Wallber, to four years imprisonment in the state’s prison. FROM FOREIGN SHORES. It is officially announced that there have been seventy fatal cases of Asiatic cholera in Baku and vicinity. The heat is intense. The disorderly Grenadier Guards have left London for their exile in Bermuda. A troop ship will follow with their lamilies. The Marqnis de Leuville is to sail for the United States and will bring suit for libel against all papers in this country. The crops throughout France, in the sec tion east of the Rhone, have been destroyed by incessant rains. The losses are esti mat ed at 500,000,000 frays. Twenty-three new cases and five deaths occurred from cholera atthetownofNagask, Japan, July 2 and 3, altogether there have been seventeen deaths. General satisfaction is expresses m Ottawa, Ont„ at the attitude assumed by Lord Salis bury in respect to the Behring sea dispute, as evidenced in the published correspondence. G. T. Carr, of Ocala, shot himself at Romeo, Fla., on the eve oi his marriage to Miss Ru bin Weston, of the lattertown, and the affair has produced a profound sensation. At Goshen, Ind., Hoosiers had the first practical test of the new Australian election law in a local election. The system was pro nounced a success. A new scheme is proposed to bring Great Britain to terms in the Berhing sea contro versy. It is to prohibit the transportation of merchandise in bond from Canada through the United States. The Norwegian Bark Lloyd, Capt. Olsen, sailed from the port of Guantanamo on the south side of Cuba June 14, bound to Philadelphia, with a crew of fourteen men and 4,500 bags of sugar, and has never ainee been heard from, and is supposed to have been lost, together with the crew. Steam schooner Mischief has arrived at Victoria, B. C., from Shumigun islands with Upward .of 13,000 seal skins, being the coast catch of Victoria schooners which have now entered Behring sea. The catch this year is the best ever known. The sealers say they feel confident that no seizure will be made this year and the total catch will beat all previous years. HERE AND THERE. The steamer B. Miller, from Baltimore, re ports having picked up two life boats mark ed “Charles Morland, of Five-Fathom bank light ship/’ . So far as Montana’s eourts are concerned, litigation over the znillione of thelate Judge Pavis is in statu quo, and will remain so till pet 6. The committee of the Irieh National league appeals to all branches to thoroughly reor ganize and contribute to tbc central funds, upon which heavy calls are made. According to the censne just completed Portland, Or., has a population 0(35,861.- The two suburbs, East Portland and Albina, together have a population of 15,000. The bill providing for a postal telegraph system is modified at the request of Jay Gould, who wants to bid for government business. It is probable that the Uruguayan govern ment will raise the customs duties 10 per cent, and make them payable in gold, which will be devoted to the redemption of the pa per money. The revolutionary movement in the Argen tine Republic is spreadin g. One thousand loyalist troops were killed or wounded in an engagement with the insurgents. Gen. Roca will resume the chief magistracy. The village of Pennington, N. J., is excited ovei;the disappearance of Miss Lizzie Lewis, a school teacher, who left her boarding house seventeen days ago to visit a friend in a vil lage four miles away. She was last Been on a train going toward New York. The United States government brings a bill of complaint against the Northern Pacif fle and the Western Union and Northwestern Telegraph companies charging violation of contract. At Mount Morris, N. Y., Miss Lizzie Long aged twenty-six, went to sleep Sunday, July, 13, and has not yet awakened- She breathes freely and naturally and appears to be gen erally healthy. Boards of trade between the Missouri river and the Atlantic seaboard protest against the new bill of lading which the railroads have determined to put into effect on the Ist: prox. A gentleman formerly prominent in two Republican administrations, and who is now at Bar Harbor, intimates that the United States is likely to annex Hayti or Santo Domingo, and that Mr. Blaine’s views on sugar duties have a hearing on this point. A Dominican statesman recently paid a hur ried visit to Mr. Blaine. Minister Douglass returning from Hayti may have some con nection with the matter. THE MARKETS. The Latest Quotations from West ern Markets. CHICAGO. W hxat— No. 2 spring, 92 to 92%c.; Ne. 3 Spring, 78 to 85 c.; No. 2 red, 92 to 92V&C- Cohk— No. 2, 33%c. Oats— No. 2, 26%c. Rye— No. 2,53 c. Baulky—No. 2, nominal. Flax Seed— No. 1, $1.45 Eggs— l 2 to 12Vfcc. ST. PAUL. Wheat— No. 1, hard, 90 to 91c.; No. 1, Northern 89 to 90c.; No. 2, Northern, 86 to 87c. Corn— No. 3, 31 c. Oats —No. 2 mixed. 27e.; No. H white, 28 Ya to 29V6c.; No. 3 white, 28 to 29r Barley— No. 2, 50 to 55c.; No. 3, 40 to 45c. Rye— No. 2. 37c. Ground Feed— No. 1, $13.25 to 13.50. Bran—Bulk, $9.50 to 10. Baled Hay— No. 1, upland prairie, 89; No. 1, $8; timothy, $9. Butter— Creamery, first; 14 to 15c., dairy, first, 10 to 12c MINNEAPOLIS. Wheat —No. 1, hard. 89c.: No. 1, North ern, 88Vbc.; No. 2, Northern, 86V4c. Flour—Patents, sacks to local dealers, $5.15 to 5.35; baker’s here, $3.35 to 4; red dog sacks, $1.20 to 1.30. Corn—Good yellow 32V4c. Oats—Good white, 27V&C,; fair mixed, 26c. Barley—3o to 35c. Flax—sl.39 to 1.40. Feed—sl3 to 13.60. Butter— Fair to fancy creamery, 9 to 14c.;, 7 to 14c. MILWAUKEE. Wheat—No. 2 Spring, 8894 to 89c.; No. 1, Northern, 95c. Corn —No. 3,33 c. Oats— No. 2, white, 28145. Rys—4B94c. Barley— No. 2,4794 c. Eggs —Fresh, 11c. The Foods of the Future. One of the savants has discovered that there is less danger than is pop ularly supposed of the supply of food running short, for the reason that when our country becomes densely populated we shall be able to get our fat food from trees. As for our “floor foods” the outlook is still better. “Land that gives 100 pounds of po tatoes,” he says, “will yield more than 4,000 pounds of bananas, and three acres of bananas will supply twenty-five men.” This statement ought to attract the attention of our farmers an-1 set them to raising bananas. They would need boat-houses, of course, and the culture would be costly as compared with the culture in lands to which the banana is native, but with a sufficiently heavy duty the foreign grown banana could be shut out and the home market secured for the AnUrican producer. Just where the consumer would get the money to pay for the home-grown banana is a question of some diffi culty, but the protective theory does not concern itself with such problems.—Detroit Free Press. Mr. Flagler’s Floating Palace. This year every man who lives near the Sound and who can afford the lux’ ury is investing in a yacht. The craft range in every conceivable va riety, from catboats to Mr. Flagler’s new floating palace, the Alicia, which, by the way, is the sensation of the yachting world just at present. She is lying off Larchmont with a big crew of men aboard. Everything about the boat is spick and span new, Mr. Flagler has had a large office fitted up aboard the Alicia, where he can transact some of the business of the Standard Oil company on his way to and from New York when he feels in the humor. There is a type writer in the cabin and a commodi ous desk for the use of the million aire’s secretary. The spectacle of a Standard Oil magnate starting the business of the day while taking his daily trip from Larchmont to New York in his yacht belongs to the present day history of York. CAIJGHT ON ABRIDGE Three Children Killed by a Locomotive at Patter son, N. J. Salvadorians Come Ont Vic torious in the Struggle With Guatemalans. Paterson, N. J., July 29.—A horrible slaughter occurred on* the Erie railroad bridge over the Passaic river to-night. Five children returning from a blackberry expe dition into Bergen county started to cross the bridge on their way to River street, where all resided in a large tenement. When nearly across the bridge, which is without rail or footpath, the children saw a train approaching on the west-bound track. They stepped upon the east-bound track to escape, but failed to notice a fast passenger train which just then, with whistle screaming, came rushing toward them. Escape was impossible unless they jumped into the river, fifty feet below. The children were paralyzed with fear, and crouched together directly before the ap proaching train. The engineer saw them, but dared not ap ply the brakes too suddenly, as that course might have sent the train through the bridge. It was an awful morfient. People on the banks of the river shouted to the children to get between the tracks, bnt their cries were useless. In an instant the heavy locomotive struck the group of little ones and hurled three of them upon the other track dead. The engineer was almos* over come at the appalling sight. He had strength left, however, to stick to his post and stop the train as soon as it had crossed the trestle. The passengers left the cars to ascertain the cause of the stoppage of the train, and strong men and women felt a sick’ly feeling creeping over them as the re mains of the three slaughtered children met their gaze. Jennie Drews, aged thirteen; Nellie War ren, aged ten, and Mamie Warren, her sis ter. aged eight, were dashed to death. Jane Warren, a.'ed thirteen, was frightfully in jured, and Willie Warren was hurled into into the river, where he was found alive in about a foot of water. The Warren chil dren all belonged to the same family. The two injured children will probably, re cover. FOUGHT ELEVEN BATTLES, Salvadorians Come Out Victorious in the Straggle With Guatemalans. City of Mexico, July 29.—Geronimo Hon, agent of San Salvador, says in the eleven battles delivered to date, the Salvadorians have come out victorious. The rest of the Guatemalan army is fleeing in all direc tions towards the interior and not a single Guatemalan soldiers left on the frontier. A revolution against Barrillashas broken out in the Eastern department. Several well known generals head it. and the down fall of the present Guatemalan government is considered more than probable. Barril las is pleading for foreign intervention in bis behalf. A private telegram to a commercial house in this city states that in Saturday’s battle the Salvadorians were defeated by the Gua temalans, and sustained a loss of sixty killed, two hundred wounded and a large number of prisoners. The Guatemalan loss was very light. TROOPS FROM AMERICA. Kansas City, July 29.—A New York dis patch states that an ex-colonel of the Sev enth Missouri infantry has offered to the Republic of Guatemala to raise and equip 3,000 recruits within two weeks if $30,000 be placed in bank in New York to the credit of trustees and to be held as a guaran tee. Two ex-officers of the Seventh Missouri infantry live here. One of them is Capt. Thomas H. Phelan. He says that the persons connected with the matter were now in this city, but he would give no information concerning them. In a few days he would be at liberty to make public some correspondence on the matter. The captain declined to say whether he was con nected with the matter in any way. WAR AT AN END. The Argentine Republic Succeeds in Put ting Down the Revolution. London, July 29. —The Argentine legation in London to-night received the following telegram from Buenos Ayres, signed by Finance Minister Garcia: The government is completely victorious. The mutineers have capitulated, and will deposit their arms in the arsenal. All the rebellious superior officers will be dismissed and separated from the service. The troops will return to their quarters, commanded by loyal officers. The forces mobilized by the government are re turning to the provinces. The political situa tion Is thoroughly consolidated. The city and the whole country are quiet. It is officially announced that the Eng lish government lias received a telegram from Buenos Ayres, saying that the govern ment has triumphed and that all is over. The Times received dispatches previous to the above, in which it was stated that the squadron had been firing upon the government house, but had ceased lor want of ammunition. The last dispatch stated that the Union Civica troops were quieter and more disposed to disarm. HELD UP WITH REVOLVERS. Two Masked Men Go Through a Ne- braska Passenger Train. Rapid City, S. D., Special Telegram, July 29.—Passengers who arrived here to-day over the Elkhorn line gave particulars of a robbery of their train last night. Two men boarded the train at Long Pine. When thirty miles out of that place they appeared masked in the day car, “held up” the conductor and passengers with revolvers and relieved them of their money. They fired two shots at a brakeman, but witi out effect. They robbed a few passengers of the smokiug car, but did not attempt to enter either of the sleep ers or the express or mail car. They caused the conductor to stop the train in the sand hills, when they took their departure. As none of the passengers were searched, the robbers made no great haul. World’s Congress of Labor. Washington, July 29.— Representative Farquhar of New York introduced a bill to day to create a commission, to be known as the United States commission ot the world’s congress of labor, to consist of nine mem bers, to be appointed by the president, two from the national Farmers’ alliance and the rest shall be named by the American Federation of Labor and the Knights of Labor, at an annual salary of_ $3,000, and their terms of office shall expire Dec. 31, 1895. It shall be the duty of the commis sioners to discuss labor in all its phases: The commission is authorized to invite del egates of foreign countries to take part in the conference. Valentine Scrip Invalid. Tacoma, Wash., July 29.—1 n the United States circuit court. to-day Judge Han ford rendered a decision denying the ap plication oi Mound, Joab & Manning lor an injunction, restraining the Tacoma Land company from making improvements on tide flats. The decision is m effect that the entry of this land with Valentine scrip is invalid. The case will probably be ap pealed to the United States supreme court MUST TAKE ACTION. Anti-Lottery Legislation the Subject of • Message to Congess. Washington, July 29.—President Harri son to-day sent the following message to congress: The recent attempt to secure a charter from the State of North Dakota for a lottery compa-' nv, the pending effort to obtain from the State of Louisiana a renewal of the charter of the Louisiana state Tottery, and the establishment of one or more lottery companies at Mexican towns near our border, have served a good pur pose in calling public attention to an evil of vast proportions. If the baneful effects of the lotteries were con fined to the states that gave the companies cor-, porate powers and a license to conduct a busi ness, the citizens of other states, being power less to apply legal remedies, might clear them seives of responsibility by the use of such moral agencies as were within their reach. But the case is not so. The people of al 1 the states are debauched and defrauded. The vast sums of money offered to the states for charters are drawn from the people of the United States, and the general government through its mail system is made the effective and profitable medium of intercourse between the lottery company and its victims. The use of the mails is quite as essential to the companies as their state license. It is practically impossible for these companies to exist if the public mails were once closed against their advertisements and remittances. The use of the mails by these companies is a prostitu tion of an agency intended to serve purposes of legitimate trade and social intercourse. It is not necessary, I am sure, for me to attempt to portray the robbery of the poor, and the widespread corruption of public and private morals which are the necessary incidents of these lottery schemes. OFFICERS AND CLERKS CORRUPTED. The national capital has become a subhead quarters of the Louisiana Lottery company, aud its numerous agents and attorneys are conducting here a business involving probably a larger use of the malls than that of any legiti mate business enterprise in the District of Co lumbia. There seems to be good reason to be lieve that the corrupting touch of these agents has been felt by the clerks in the postal service, and by some of the police officers of the district. Severe and effective legislation should be promptly enacted to enable the postoffice de partment to purge the mails of all letters, news papers and circulars relating to tbe business. The letter of the postmaster general, which I transmit herewith, points out the inadequacy of the existing statutes, and suggests legislation that would be effective. It may also be necessary to so regulate the carrying of letters by the express companies as to prevent the use of those agencies to main tain communication between the lottery com panies and their agents or customers in other cities. It does not Beem possible that there .can be any division oi sentiment as to the propriety of closing the mails against these companies, and I, therefore, venture to express the hope that such proper powers as are necessary to that end will be given to the postofnce depart ment. The letter of the postmaster general re ferred to by the president calls attention to the inefficiency of the present law, and rec ommends the passage of the anti-lottery bill recently reported to the house. NEBRASKA INDEPENDENTS. Farmers and Knights of Labor Enter the Political Arena. Lincoln, Neb., July 29. —The People’s In dependent party of Nebraska met in state convention in this city to-day. Nearly every county in the state is represented, and the gathering comprises something over nine hundred delegates, most of whom are present. Of these the members of tbe Farmers’ alliance predominate, with a good following of the grange, the balance being Knights of Labor and Union Labor ad herents. The outcome of this meeting is watched with considerable interest by the followers of both the old parties, from whose ranks there is of necessity a constant drain, and should all these who have thus early cast their fortunes with the new party remain firm in their allegiance they will cut uo small figure in the contest in November. An attempt to adopt the standing plat form of the Farmers’ Alliance as the plat form of this convention proved a failure. The Knights of Labor showed their hands, and demanded the insertion of a plank de claring for the Australian ballot box, and the eight-hour law. Alter some debate this was conceded. Other plants in the platform declare that the ties binding them'to the old party are severed; free coinage of silver; land monop oly should be abolished; alien ownership should be prohibited; government owner ship of railroads and telegraphs; liberal service pensions. A memorial from the W. C. T. U. asking lor a prohibitory plank was pigeon-holed by the committee on resolutions. J. H. Powers, president of the Farmers’ alliance, was nominated for governor, re ceiving 465 votes; C. ii. Van Wyck, 327; Dr. A. Coleman, 46; G. C. Barnum, 25. Attacked by Strikers. McKeesport, Pa., July 29.—The status of affairs at the National Rolling mill is grow ing serious. James Jackson started for the mill to-day. He was terribly beaten and abused and chased home by a mob of strikers. John Moran’s house was surrounded and stones and bullets were fired through the windows. When Moran started for work to-day he was followed by a howling mob with clubs. Moran pulled a revolver, but was arrested and locked up. Three of his assailants were also arrested. A special po lice force were sworn in to-night and a proclamation was issued by the burgess commanding the rioters to keep the peace. The sheriff has also been called upon, apd will detail a squad of deputies to assist the local police force. Drunken Soldiers Mobbed. Battle Creek, Mich., July 29. —During the encampment of the Michigan state troops drunken soldiers insulted many women on the streets. The wile of a mem ber of the moulders’ union was among the number. Two hundred moulders, each armed with a club, got together and pro ceeded to drive all soldiers out of the town. They badly beat a number of the “blue coats” and sent them all back to the camp in a hurry. The police endeavored to quell the mob, but could not do so. Three com panies or troops, fully armed, were then marched into town and succeeded in die persing the angry moulders. Wife Murder and Suicide. Cleveland, July 29. —Anton Nowak, a moider, and his wife have not lived togeth er for three years. Early this morning No wak lay in wait for his wife. When sh« appeared, being on her way to her day’s work, Nowak drew a revolver as she ap proached and tired. The bullet entered the woman’s head below the lett ear and shs fell to the ground fatally wounded. The murderer then placed the muzzle of the weapon to his right temple and fired a sec ond shot. His death was instantaneous. The woman died two hours later at St. Vin cent’s hospital. Mad Dogs Shot on the Streets. Fort Dodge, lowa, Special Telegram, July 29. —Three mad dogs were shot in this city yesterday on the streets after the lives of hundreds ot people had been endangered. The result was a regular mad dog scare. Mayor Pearson to-day issued a proclama tion ordering all dog owners to securely muzzle or tie up their canines before Aug, 1. Alter that date any dog found running loose on the streets without a muz zle will be shot. Burglars in Bed Wing. Red Wing, Special, July 29. —Burglars last night entered the Lo water grocery store on Fourth street and the residence ol L. A. Hancock on West avenue. At the formei place they procured a quantity of eatables which were disposed of in'the city park adjoining. At Mr. Hancock’s an 18-carat gold watch, S2O in money and several suits of clothes were stolen. No clue to the per-1 petrators. STEIMERS COLLIDE. Serious and Fatal Collision Between Steamers on Chesapeake Bay. One Man Burned in the Wall ace Fire and Others are Missing. Baltimore, July 28.— The excursion steamer Louise and the Bay line steamer Virginia were in collision to-night near Fort Carroll. Five people are known to have been killed and seventy-five in jured. Many believe that a nnmber were drowned. Just how many lives were lost cannot be positively determined. The dead are: Mrs. Mahlia Marshall, Charles Gren ier, Daniel Kopp, Mrs. Howard Keizer and William Birgel. There are seven missing— they may have jumped or been thrown overboard. Twelve persons have been taken to the hospitals in a badly injured condi tion. Just how many people went over into the water is not known, but some eye witnesses of the disaster say that a great number ofpeople, men, women and children, were sitting on the starboard side when the crash occured.and immediately disappeared. All sorts of rumors are afloat as to the num ber killed and injured. The streets are thronged with anxious relatives and friends of those reported missing. Just who is to blame for the accident is not known. Naturally the pilots of both boats deny neg ligence. ONE LIFE LOST. Antonio Oemario Found In Among the Ashes of the Wallace Fire. Spokane Falls, Wash., Special Telegram, July 28.—The fire at Wallace yesterday was the most destructive one ever known in Northern Idaho, destroying nearly every business house in the town and several residences. A conservative estimate of the loss is about $400,000, on which there is $38,000 insurance. Many Spokane busi ness men are heavy losers. The fire com pany responded to the alarm quickly but there was no water and the flames contin ved up Sixth street to the Hanley house and Club theater. Here it secured such a firm hold that all efforts to save the town were abandoned. The flames swept up Sixth east and west and raged on Bank street, totally destroying every business house and dwelling on an area of six blocks. Great excitement prevailed during the fire. The Hanley house was blown up with giant powder, which only seemed to increase and scatter the fire in every di rection. Antonio Demario was found this morning burned beyond recognition, and others are missing. THE CAPTAINS’ STORIES. Capt. Bohannon said that his boat, the Virginia, struck the starboard quarter of the Louise about the alter gangway. The collision nearly turned the Virginia around, so great was the force. There was no great excitement aboard our boat, although when the collission occurred a man, one iao, they were slain. It is claimed that twelve medicine men have been murdered in Klikitat and Yakima counties during the past five years, solely because they could not perlorm the mira cles that are expected of them. The Annie Goodwin Verdict. New York, July 28.—The coroner’s jury in the Annie Goodwin case find that she came to her death at the house of Mrs. Shaw from an abortion performed by Dr. McGonigal. It also finds that Augustus Harrison and Mrs. Fannie Shaw were ac cessories before the net, and that Davis, the coachman, was an accessory after the act. The prisoners were brought before the coroner. I)r. McGonigal and Mrs. Shaw were held without bail, Harrison in $5,000 and Davis in $1,500 to await the action oi the grand jury. The Fast Mail’s Narrow Escape. Kilbourne City, Wis., July 28.—The fast mail on the St. Paul road yesterday was running at a high rate of speed through the city and the mail clerk, in throwing off the mail, struck a truck, knocking it under the swift moving train, one car of which was derailed. Fortunately the trucks dropped into the cinder hole in the bed of the track, stopping the train only a few feet lrom the bridge across the Wisconsin river. Had the train passed on to the bridge it probably would have gone into the river, eighty feet below. No Attempt Made at Rescue. Chicago, July 28. —Miss Lena Jennings, a handsoTne girl twenty years of age, was drowned in the Desplaines river at Willow Springs, a picnic grove near this city. The young woman, in company with Fred Sherer and Charles Sousia, both o. Chicago, were iif a boat on the river when it was up set. The two men supported themselves by the boat, but no effort, was made to rescue the girl, though 2,000 picnickers lined the shores cf the river. A Serious Charge. St. Louis. July 28.—John H. Douglas, treasurer of Knapp, Stout & Com pany, has been arrested on the charge of killing Charles Dost, an employe, who accidentally broke a piece of valuable timber. It is said Douglas struck Dost over the head, fracturing the skull, but Douglass denies the charge. He is a man of wealth and high social stand ing. Bail is refused, pending the coroner’s inquest. Ended With a Dagger Thrust. Winnipeg, Special Telegram, July 28. Two half-breeds named Wilkins and Swar ensen quarreled here to-night while in a drunken condition, the dispute being over where they should buy beer. Swarensen ended the fight by stabbing Wilkins,plung ing a dagger into his head at the apex of the skull. Swarensen is not yet arrested and Wilkins is not expected to live through the night. •