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8 CITY GLOBULES. The new Ahrens steamer will be tested at Central fire hall by the fire commissioner tliis afternoon. Thomas J. Walton, the insane man lodged in the county jail, was sent to St. Peter hos pital yesterday. A meeting of the St. Paul Lacrosse club will be held this evening in Smith's news depot on Jackson street. A temperance rally and entertainment will be given next Monday evening in the old church in West St. Paul. Ash Wednesday and the commencement of Lenten season. Lent commenced Feb- ' ruory 7, last year, twenty days earlier. The present proprietor of the American house is contemplating the erection of a new block on that site the coming season. Yesterday morning Officer Shorn killed a large Newfoundland dog belonging to Tony Francis. It was shot by order of the court. The hallways at the county jail are under. J going rapid transmogrification in completing j the office room improvements in that struc ture. Acker post, 6. A. R., will hold a general j muster at their hall next Thursday evening, | when from six to ten veterans will sign the rtflL The Millbank snow blockade has been raised on the Hastings & Dakota division of I the St. Paul, and that road i? all right j now. The Northern Pacific road last evening j took out 100 emigrants for the vicinity of j Spokane Falls. They were from Michigan, Missouri and Indiana. Further advices were received from the Yellowstone and Tongue rivers yesterday by the Northern Pacific road. The ice is mov ing out rapidly and the banks are full. State Railroad Commissioner Gen. Baker is receiving many commendatory letters from the farmers for the position he has taken in regard to the shipping of wheat. A meeting of the Catholic Irish socie ties will be held next Sunday evening at Father Mathew hall, to make arrangements for the suitable celebration of St. Patrick's dayiu this city. The deed for the transfer of the east half of block (5, Ewing &, (mate's addition, was filed for record yesterday. The transfer was from George H. Gill to A. S. Warner, and the con sideration paid was $10,000. Officer Peltier was before acting Mayor Al len yesterday on the charge of being intoxi cated on his beat. He explained that instead of being drunk he was sick and the case was taken under advisement. The W. C. T. U. will hold their regular meeting in the Y. M. C. A. rooms at 3 o'clock next Thursday, Feb. 27. The first half hour will be devoted to a mother's duties In regard to temperance. All ladies are in vited to attend. About noon yesterday Officer Shorn caught a runaway horse attached to a buggy, which came tearing down Wabashaw street, and almost ran into the window of Treasure's shoe store. He took the rig over to city hall Where it was claimed by Mrs. Dr. Atkinson. While the carpenters are nailing up the !allen architectural ornaments in the lower .:orridors of the state house, by the dropping Wf of the hard finish from the ceilings of the casement, a job is getting underway for the masons. A new department of expenditure* in Minnesota is evidently to be "state capitol patching." Tne funeral obsequeis of Mrs. J. P. Pond took place yesterday afternoon, impressive and beautiful services being held at Christ Episcopal church, on West Fourth street. The funeral was attended by a large concourse of sorrowful friends who had known and es teemed the deceased for her many womanly virtues as mother and wife. After the session of the police court each morning, large crowds of idlers gather on Wabashaw street in front of the entrance, and at times the blockade is such as to stop up the passage. Yesterday the crowd was such as to block up the sidewalk, and as the court remarked, It is getting to be a great nuisance. An officer should be stationed at the entrance to keep it clear. The marriage is announced of Mr. Thos. Milton, of the firm of Milton & Potts, and Miss Lizzie S. Clarke, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Clarke. The marriage took place at the residence of the bride's parents, No. 656 De Bow street, in the presence of a num ber of relatives and friends. The presents Were very numerous and costly. The honey moon will be passed in the east. The St. Paul bad boy was heard reading and moralizing over the Daw Crockett bill board display on Wabashaw street yesterday: "Now don't you see them are wolves are comin in, you know, and.he don't know it, you know, or who it is you see. How they want to chaw Crockett with their mouth all full of teeth. Ef that door breaks, oh, oh, wont he and his wife be in a awful muss." SKIPPED OUT. Two Recreant Husbands Who Left Their Wives, but Took all the Cash they Could Find. She was thin, skimpey and all of—well, for charity's sake, say thirty, and when she came into police headquarters last night it was very evident that her appearance was not the only thing that had gone awry. Her husband, she said, had skipped out and left her in the lurch, and the poor lady indeed, was in great distress of both mind and body. The chief of police sent her over to County Attorney Egan, and this always polite official took her, so to speak, under the sheltering wing of the law, whose aid was invoked to bring the wretch to justice. Away last spring, in the sunny month of June, a gay young mau from the banks of the muddy Tiber, sought and won her affec tions—and $460 of hard earned shekels which she had stowed away for the prover bial rainy day. His name is Michael Ricid, and like most degenerate Romans he proved a dastard in love and a craven to his vows. She was his second wife, and she bore his 6lights with the patience and fortitude that only came from the strange love of a woman's heart. To make a loug story short he le vanted a couple of days ago, but not before he had secured the bank book which repre sented her savings. Judge Egan assured her that he would do all in his power to effect the rascal's return and she left just a trifle happier. STILL ANOTHER ONE. It was reported at city hall yesterday that Peter Munson, proprietor of the St. Paul ho tel on West Seventh street, had deserted his wife and family and skipped out to parts un known. Inquiry revealed that Munson had sold out all his property, realizing in cash almost $9,000, and that he disappeared very suddenly last Monday. Yesterday Mrs. Munson called at city hall and reported the affair to Chief Clark. It seems that he disposed of his hotel last week to John Thill, realizing therefrom the sum of $3,500. He then proceeded to realize on his other property, the proceeds aggregating the amount stated. No idea is entertained of his whereabouts, and his actions are deemed unaccountable, as his domestic relations were always considered most happy. Lenten Services. Church of St. John, the Evangelist, Rev. Henry Kittson, rector. Ash Wednesday—10:30 a. m., 7:30 p.m. Daily (except Wednesdays) during Lent— 4:30 p. m., with Bible lesson on the Sermon on the Mount. Wednesday, during Lent—7:30 p.m., with sermon. Sundays during Lent —Holy communion, 8 a. m., 11:30 a. m. Morning prayer and course of sermons on church doctrines, 10:30 a. m. Choral litany, with special course of sermons, 4 p. m. St. Anthony Hill cars pass within one block of the church, corner of Ashland ave nue and Mackubin street. Seats free. New Law Books. State Librarian W. H. H. Taylor received yesterday by gift and purchase the first vol ume ot the tenth census from the depart ment of the interior at Washington; Gould on Waters; Moke'a Thirty-third English Re- ports; first and second volumes California Digests; and the fourteenth volume of Bush's reports, which are published by a Louisville Jfirm. THE BULL PEN. It was Quite Largely Patronized Yes terday Morning'. It was a busy morning in the police court yesterday; the congregation was large and the bull pen presented puite a picturesque appearance, the number of swelled heads be ing particularly large. Hizzoner was in quite a good humor and the chunks of jus tice were weighed out in his usual prompt and happy manner. Yesterday an account was given of the Polander wedding which broke up in a row, and of the arrest of four of the principals. The latter presented a sorry sight as they loomed up in the pen and a couple of them were pretty badly smeared up. They an swered to the names of John Schultz, John Christopher, Peter Salia and John Kunortz, and the testimony, as usual in these rows, was very conflicting. It was shown to have been a regular free fight in whieh the women took a more dis graceful part than the men, and as In the case of Billie Patterson it was impossible to tell who shied the first brick. The men were fined $20 or twenty days each, and they all j paid but Kunartz, who went over the road. The* case of C. B. Detrich and Nick Kovitz ! alias "Little Nick," also attracted consider able attention. It will be recollected that> they had a free-and-easy fight in the lunch room on Sibley street, in the course of which Nick threw a hatchet at Detrich and inflicted a slight 6calp wound. Nick wanted his part ner as a witness and the hearing was contin ued until to-day. Wm. Robrska presented a pitiable specta cle. He gave himself up Monday afternoon, being on the verge of the jim-jams, and in imagination he was pursued by a thousand devils. Yesterday he shook like an aspen leaf and the court sent him out for ten days. John Sullivan, charged with stealing a bundle of clothing from a laboring man, en tered a plea of guilty and was sent to the quay for sixty days. F. Cornick, an old vag : and J. Enright, a confirmed drunkard, were up again for the twentieth time this winter. They promised to leave the city and were or dered to skip. The case of Tony Francis, charged with keeping a vicious dog, was continued until to-day. He promised to have the dog killed. THE ALLEGED MURDERER. He is Taking Matters Easy Awaiting the Requisition Papers. Edward Johnson, alias Dennis Wright, the mulatto man who was arrested Monday night on the charge of killing a man in Indianapo lis, Ind., 60me time ago, still languishes at city hall, and the authorities of St. Paul are anxiously awaiting the arrival of an officer from the Hoosier state to take him into cus tody. In the meantime Johnson or Wright maintains his imperturbable coolness which nothing seems to shake, and if he is guilty of the crimes charged to his account, he is certainly the coldest villain ever in durance in this city. When seen by a Globe reporter yesterday,he said he had never traveled under the name of Johnson aud that he had never shot a man in Indianapolis. "How about Lexington affairs?" queried the reporter. "I have never been in Lexington," was the reply, " and what is more I can prove an alibi as to the Indianapolis affair; when I was arrested I thought it was a joke, and you can see that I don'tact like a man who has killed two or three men. The only thing I hate about it is that I will lose my job and spend my money for noth ing, besides being dragged all over the coun try." Authorities are expected from Indianapo lis about to-morrow. PERSONAL. C. P. Bailey, Duluth, is at the Merchants. C. S. Smith, Winona, is at the Merchants. S. W. Leavitt, of Litchfield, was in the city yesterday. T. G. Jones, of Deadwood, is registered at the Merchants. Mayor O'Brien is expected to return the last of the week. W. M. Sweeney, Red Wing, is at the Met ropolitan hotel. S. Sanborn, of Winona, was at the Metro politan yesterday. Capt. Leon Houd, of Little Falls, is passing a day or two in St. Paul. G. S. Ives and wife, St. Peter, were at the Metropolitan yesterday. W. H. McDonald, of Hudson,called on his St. Paul friends yesterday. G. W. Stanton, Jr., of Valley City' D. T., was in the city yesterday. Mr. Ansel Oppenheim, who has been east for several weeks, returned to St. Paul yes terday. Mr. P. Benetean left last evening for Du luth where he will look after his real estate interests in that city. Hon. P. H. Kelly returned yesterday from a trip to the east, which extended as far as New York and Washington. Mr. James L. Hackett, representiug one of the largest distilleries of Louisville, Ky., arrived in the city yesterday. Rare Gems. Washington Correspondence. Perhaps the finest collection of precious stones owned in Washington is by the wife of the Russian Minister. Of diamonds she has many which are large and of fine quality. Rare necklaces and brooches, many of them unique in the setting and almost uuwkown in this country, are among her collection. Large and valuable diamonds, costly AleX andrites and sapphires and rubies in abund ance make up the collection. The value of these cannot be told, for nobody in Wash ington, save, perhaps, the Minister himself and his family, has any idea of the extent and value of this Russian diamond mine. Gen. Beale, who is best known, perhaps, Gen. Grant's closest friend in Washington, has for his wife and daughter a very large and fine collection of diamonds. Among them are some very curious stones, and some known among experts as fancy diamonds of rare appearance and qualities, whose values are counted by thousands and thou sands of dollars. There is among them some very curious pieces with antique set tings, their value being enhanced by the rarity. The British Minister and his family have also a fine collection c The experts say that he to loaded with diamonds of a very fine quality.* They are not often displayed how ever, Mr. West is a very quiet, unassum ing gentleman, and, save on rare occasions, does not enjoy display. Miss West, however, wears some very handsome solitaires when she goes into society, but it is only on spec ial occasions that the most valuable" jewels are to be seen. It is, perhaps, a sad com mentary upon the estimate in which states manship is held in this country to remark that the views of* senators and representa tives and cabinet officers are required to take a back seat in the diamond show when the wife of a certafn livery stable keeper in this city comes to the front. MBS. ALLISON MAJLOB, whole husband is proprietor of the best livery stable in this city, is said to have one of the finest, if not the finest, collection of diamonds in Washington. Senators' wives may trot out their little thousand-dollar ear rings, and Cabinet ladies may appear in costly necklaces and brilliants, but Mrs. Mailor's collection is said to have cast a shade over them all of them. One emerald ring of which she is the possessor is said by experts to be the finest in America. It is a large and very fine emerald, surrounded with rare diamonds. "I have never seen anything like it," said an expert to-day in speaking of it, "I do not believe there is another to-day to equal it in the United States." The wife and daughter of Senator Miller, of California, have also a large col lection of diamonds very costly, and some of them very rare, as have also the wives of Congressmen Watson and Narmes of Pennsylvania. The wife of Paymaster Gen eral Smith of the navy has also a very fine collection of jewels, such as cat's eyes, sap phires and rare and costly diamonds. Mrs. McElroy- the president's sister, also wears THE ST. PAUL DAILY GLOBE, WEDNESDAY "MORNING;, FEBRUARY 27, 1884. some very fine diamonds as did many of the ladies who preceded her in the White House. Mr3. Grant's collection of diamonds was probably the finest of any mistress of the presidential mansion. Mrs. Hayes did not care mnch for diamonds, and had few. Mrs. Gresham, wife of the postmaster-general, is reported to have some rare and handsome, but not specially costly, gems. Mrs. Chan dler's collection is not large, and Mrs. Lin coln has few. Mrs. Frelinghnysen sports the diamonds for the cabinet, her collection being large and composed of very rare dia monds, though Mrs. Brewster is not far be hind her in value of some of the stones she displays upon state occasions. MES. BLAIXE wears very few diamonds, Blaine having put what money he made out of politics into his Dupont Circle house and his West Virginia securities. Now that he has become a liter ary man it is probable that Mrs. Blaine will in a few years, be well supplied with dia monds. Two or three firms make a special ty of diamonds, but their sales to members of congress or statesmen's families are com paratively small, their business being princi pally with strangers or those stopping for a time in the city. OFFICIAL. Proceedings of the Cobum Council. Regular Meeting. St. Paul, Feb. 19, 1884. President Allen in the chair. Present—Aid. Dowlan, Fischer, Smith, Johnson, Van Slyke, Starkey, St. Peter, Mr. President—8. REPORTS OF STANDING COMMITTEES. Of Committee on Police —Appointment— Committee to whom was referred the communication of the Mayor "announcing the appointment of E. F. Walsh as a detect ive in the regular police force" recommend that said appointment be confirmed. Adopted—Yeas 8. MISCELLANEOUS. Vacation of part of Jackson and Sycamore streets. The matter of the vacation of part of said steets as per notice of City Clerk, dated No vember 20, 1883, was further postponed and laid over until Tuesday, the 4th day of March, 1883 at 7:30 o'clock p. m.. Resolutions. Resolved, That the grade of Dearborn street from Bidwell street to Goffe street, as indi cated by the red line on the accompanying profile, is hereby adopted as the permanent grade of said street. Yeas—Aid. Dowlan, Fischer, Smith, John son, Van Slyke, Starkey, St. Peter, Mr. Pres ident—8. Approved, Feh. 21, 1884. Resolved, That the grade of Bidwell street, from George street to Curtice street, as indi cated by tiie red line ou the accompanying profile, is hereby adopted as the permanent grade of said street. Yeas—Aid. Dowlan, Fischer, Smith, John son, Van Slyke, Starkey, St. Peter, Mr. Pres ident—8. Approved, Feb. 21, 1884. [The foregoing was omitted from proceed ings published on 22nd iust.] A. Allen, President of Council. Thos. A. Penderoast, City Clerk. LOCAL MENTION. Workingmen! We have more goods suited to the needs of the workingmen than any house in Minnesota. We want alljthe workingmen in St-Paul to trade with us, and can 'and will save them money on every dollar they leave with us. We sell a good Jean, Pant for 75c; a good working Shirt for 50c; Sweet Orr's Overalls for 75c; a good common Overal for 50c, and will surely save yon a day's wages on one suit of clothes. Workingmen! Remember we guarantee to sell you goods at less prices than any store in Minnesota. Come and see. Bostojj One-Pkice Clothing House, Cor. Third and Robert streets, St. Paul. Good investment in business property. Store and lot for sale on Dakota avenue. See want col umn. □ Anhenser Busch Export Beer, at 10G W. Third street. H. Orlemann, agent, Workingmen! We have more goods suited to the needs of the workingmen than any house in Minnesota. We want all the workingmen in St. Paul to trade with us, and can and will save them money on every dollar they leave with us. We sell a good Jean Pant for 75c; a good working shirt for 50c; Sweet Orr's Overalls for 75c; a good common Overall for 50e, and will surely save you a day's wages on one suit of clothes. Workingmen! Remember we guarantee to sell you goods at less prices than any store in Minnesota. Come and see. Boston One-Price Clothing House, Cor. Third and Robert streets, St. Paul. Remember that Mantz the life-sized crayon artist, who is now placing portraits of the state officers in the capitol can enlarge any of your friends' to life size, from a photograph. Address J. J. Clason, at his studio, 880 Point Douglas street, St, Paul, Minn. Cut this out for further reference. Besley's Waukegan Ale and Porter, at 100 W. Third street. H. Orlemann, agent. Office, St. Paul society for the prevention of cruelty to animals, southeast corner of Seventh and Waucota streets. Jas. I. Jellett, Secretary. Cause of Failure. Want of confidence accounts for half of the business failures of to-day. A. B. Wilkes, B. and E. fcimmermann and E. Stierle,the druggists, arc not liable to fail for want of confidence in Dr. Bosanko's Cough and Lung £yrup. He gives away a bottle free to all who are suffering with coughs, colds, asthma, consumption, and all affections of the throat and lungs. Allen's Cough Balsam cures croup. All genu ine bear the signature of J. P. Allen, druggist, St. Paul, Minn. Workingmen! We have more goods suited to the needs of the , workingmen than any house in Minnesota. We want all the workingmen in St. Paul to trade with us, and can and will save them money od every dollar they leave with us. We sell a good Jean Pant for 75c; a good working Shirt for 50c; Sweet Orrs Overalls for 75c; a good common Overall for 50c, and will surely save you a day's wages on one suit of clothes. Workingmen; Remember we guarantee to sell you goods at less price than any store in Minnesota. Come and see. Boston One-Price Clothing House, Cor. Third and Robert streets, St. Paul. Cares ot LLife. As we come to them they are received, borne with and passed over with no more than a thought, if we are in the enjoyment of health, but if suf fering with piles or skin diseases of any kind they magnify a hundred fold. A. R. Wilkes, B. & E. Zimmerman, and E. Stierle, the druggists, have Dr. Bosanko's Pile Remedy, an absolute cure. Sold at 50 cents. Workingmen! We have more goods suited to the needs of the workingmen than any house in Minnesota. We want all the workingmen in St. Paul to trade with us, and can and will save them money on every dollar they leave with us. We sell a good Jean Pant for 75c; a good working Shirt for 50c; Sweet Orr's Overalls for 75c; a good common Overall for 50c, and will surely save you a day's wages on one suit of clothes. Workingmen! Remember we guarantee to sell you goods at less prices than any store in Minnesota. Come and see. Boston One-Pbice Clothing House, Cor. Third and Robert streets, St. Paul. Mr. McElroy. Washington Letter. We hear every day of Mrs. McElroy and her receptions and dinners and other honors heaped upon her, and it is refreshing to hear of Mr. McElroy. He has been here for the past few days visiting his wife at the White House, but he does not cut much of a figure socially or otherwise, and he will soon de part and leave his wife, whose distinction lies in the fact that she is the mistress of the White House. Soft silk with India designs is imployed in the spring wraps of Recamier pattern. " died! M'LEAN—Feb. 27, 1884, at 12:30 a. m., corner of Sixth and Willius street, Mrs. Katie McLean, aged 40. Deceased was a sister of C. Casey, street inspector. Notice of funeral hereafter. Teeth extracted without pain. All work guar. an teed. Dr. Cullum, 41 East 8d St., Cor. Cedar- -r k Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel of purity, strength and wholesomeness. More economical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in competition with the multitudes of low test, short weight, alum or phosphate powders. Sold only in cans. Royal Baking Powder Co., 196 Wall street, New York. REAL ESTATE. tm MM THE BANQUET OF TIIE PIO fift jg NEERS OF SAINT PAUL, the E la g other evening, there were many B a jf interesting and instructive things ff~& fl uttered. One of the shrewdest of that venerated band was in a prophetic mood, and indulged in the prediction that "in the year 1899, there will be a population of 1,000,000 residents between Saint Paul and Minneapolis. 1' He probably meant to say there would be that number of people in and between the two cities by the year 1900. In either case, the lots we are now offering at from $300 to 8800 each in WRIGHT'S Addition, on Summit avenue, by the Short Line bridge are dirt cheap. It is evident, too, by the way the lots there are going, that plenty of people agree with us as to their cheapness,;and with the aforesaid Prophet, as to the growth of Saint Paul and the district just west of the city limits. The active young men of to-day arc to be the Capitalists and Merchant Princes of A. D. 1900, and many of them will then be living in their pala tial homes on Wright's addition lots, worth from ten to twenty thousand dollars. We have reserved from sale a nnmber of lots for the houses Mr. Wright proposes to build there. OUT OF TOWN BUYERS are also investing there. It is a good time to buy now. You can still get good choice. We also offer LOCKWOOD ADDITION as a whole, consisting of Four Blocks, lying in the northeastern part of the city, at a price which it will pay for some one to sell at retail. Also, a handsome property on Summit avenue, north side, near Selby. Another $15,000, middle upper town. MONEY to loan on improved city property. COGbl & iBlJOFt, S. W. "corner Jackson and Fifth sts. DAVIS & BEOWN, Beal Estata&Morteage Loans 360 Jackson street, St. Paul, Minn. Investments made and taxes paid for non-resi dents. A. V. TEEPLE; Real Estate & Loan Broker, NO. 63 EAST THIRD STREET, St. Paul, ■ - Minn. WM, G. BOBERT&ON, REAL ESTATE AND FINANCIAL AGENT, (Successor to D. A. Robertson & Co., the oldest real estate agency in Minnesota.) No. 7 McQuillan Block, cor. TM&WaMaw. BRISBIN & FARWELL, LAW OFFICE. ROOM 6, Corner of Wabashaw and Fourth streets. Over Express Office. "&. W. JOHNSON, REAL ESTATE AGENT, MANNHEIMER BLOCK, - - ROOM 11, St. Paul, - - - Minn. FircDepartment of tne City of St. Paul. Office Board of Fire Commissioners, 1 Corner Eighth and Minnesota streets, > St. Patl, Minn., February 15, 1884. ) Horses Wanted 1 Good sound horses, from five to eight years old, weight from 1,450 to 1,600 pounds, suitable for Fire Department service. Persons offeniig horses under this advertisement will call on VWe rinary Surgeon C. C. Berkman, corner Sixth and Cedar streets. By order of the Board. F. R. DELANO, President. W. O'Gorman, Secretary. 47-67 IN NEW QUARTERS. P, J. DREIS, General Druggist Is settled in his elegant New Store Comer KM ml Saint Peter streets. Where can be found the finest and best of Drugs, Perfumery, Toilet Articles, Patent Medicines, etc. Also, all kinds of Garden and Flower Seeds in their season. PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECJXITY TO THE FUBLIC. We, the undersigned liverymen of St. Paul, having the finest carrsagee and hearses in the city, do hereby agree to furnish carriages and hearses for funerals at the following prices, viz: Morning's carriages, $2.00 each. " hearses, 3.00 " Afternoon's carriages, 3.00 " •« hearses, 4.00 '* KIMBLE P. CULLEN, 28 & 25 West Fort St. W. L. NICHOLS, 84 West Fourth St. J. F. ALEXANDER, cor. Eighth and Sibley Sts. E. W. SHIRK, Overpeck's old stand. GEO. W. TURNBULL, 848 Exchange 8t. HEWSON C. SEMPLE, cor. of Tenth and Pine. 82 W. H. HESSE'S MEAT MARKET, Corner of Pearl & Temperance Streets, St, Panl, Minn. Fresh and Salt Meats of all kinds constantly on hand. Satisfaction guaranteed to all who trade With me. ~ 43-182 BEST TEETH $8. FIVE CENTS A LINE SITUATIONS WANTED. WANTED— A man to canvass. C. Thomas, 43 West Third street. A COMPETENT lady stenographer and type writer, who understands bookkeeping aud writes a good mercantile hand, wants a situation. Small wages at first. Address M 13, Globe of fice. 53-59 SITUATIONS orirxBXD. "YET ANTED—Situation by an experienced dry T-Y goods salesman who speaks Scandinavian and English. Can furnish good city reference. Address H. C, Globe oflice. 58-64 WANTED— A good girl for general house work. Call at No. 249 Nelson ave. 57-70 WANTED —German girl for general house work, must be good cook. 60S W. Seventh street. 57-03 WT'ANTED— An apprentice to learn hair work. V T Apply at 57 West Third. 57-03 WANTED— An assistant. Inquire of Patter son Bro's. dental office, 223 Seventh street, St. Panl. 53-59 WANTED— A competent girl for general house work. Best of wages. Small family. Apply at Globe office before 10 o"clock any morning. 51* WANTED— A a competent girl for general housework. Family of three. Apply 12 to 3 o'clock; Mrs. <J. K. Walsh, 487 Laurel avenue. 51-57 WANTED— A competent cook. Apply in the forenoon before 12 m. at 603 Jackson street. 43* TO BR NT Houses FOR RENT—A boarding house of sixteen rooms. Will rent from now until the first of May for 830. No. 222 Acker street. 345* FOR RENT—Dwelling, 284 Rice, corner of Summit avenue; $35. Also, furnished dwelling, 2&i Rice street, near Summit avenue; $55. Reference required. Apply at premises, or to A. R. Kiefer, 190 East Seventh street. 17* FOR RENT—A cottage with four rooms, Pantry and closets, good water and every convenience. Apply to J. C. McCarthy, Sixth ward. 270* TO RENT—House of six rooms on Ohio street. Inquire of P. R. McDonnell, grocer, corner George and Ohio streets, Sixth ward. 175* Rooms. NICELY furnished rooms for rent. No. 451 St. Peter street. 58-59 PLEASANT rooms, heated with furnace, use of bath. First class board. 19 East Ninth street 55-01 FOR RENT—Furnished rooms $5 to $U) per month, 227 Pearl, . 57-58 FOR RENT—Second and third floors 25 feet by 150 feet, between Jackson & Robert. Ad dress Y, Globe office. 53-59 F~ OR RENT—Furnished Rooms, 460 Wabashaw street. A. Winter. 50* FOR RENT—Six rooms on second floor over Jos. Haag's hardware store, with water and closet, 309 West Seventh street. 36* FOR SALE. FOR SALE—Sample room; good corner; a bargain. Cremer & Co., 323 Jackson street. 58-60 FOR SALE—One Van range, 8 holes, double oven, laige hot water tank, Van broiler, curv ing stand and vegetable stand, large nickei piate corffee and tea urn, everything complete and very cheap. Also, silverware, crockery, etc., every thing complete for a hotel or restaurant. Must be sold before the lst of April. Write or enquire of II. B. Montgomery, Oyster Bay restaurant, St. Paul. 57* FOR SALE—Pair heavy mules, also one pair work horses. Wright's livery, 370 East Ninth street. 55-58 FOR SALE, CHEAP—One good three-seated carriage, 1 good two-seated carriage, 1 good three-seated wagon, 1 good two-seated wagon, 1 road cart—new, 4 top buggies, 1 set heavy double harness, 2 set light double harness. The above will be sold at a great bargain in order to make room for new stock. Call early, as we must make room. J. W. Bates, 102 East Fifth street, between Robert and Minnesota. 55.58 (UA PAA Buys store and lot on Dakota ave tp jt^t)\j\J nue, one block from end of bridge, 25 feet front by 147; store 20x40, with five nice living rooms, closets, etc. For particulars, call on or address G. W. Gray, corner University and Virginia avenues, St. Paul. 52-58 FOR SALE—One Brunswick & Balke Acme pool table, and one billiard table, with balls, cues and cue racks complete; been in use only six months. Apply at 398 Jackson street. 45-74 FOR SALE—The hotel property, stock, bowl ing alley and fixtures, corner Van Buren and Dale streets. Inquire at Globe office. A PAYING General Retail Stock, in a good locality, at a great bargain Trade $40,000 per annum. For terms and particulars inquire of P. T. Kavanagh, 49 East Third street, St. Paul, Minn. 30-59 FOR SALE—11 furnished roomB, centrally located, with extra low rent. Inquire 145 East Seventh street. 4* MISCELLANEOUS REAL ESTATE. NICE clean stock; drugs; central; low rent and long leaBe. Cremer & Co., 323 Jackson street. 55-58. LIST your property for sale with us. Our list will soon be printed. DeLong Bros., 104 E. Third street 54-60 LIST your property for sale and orders for purchasers with Geo. H. Hazzard, Real Estate aud Loan Ageut, 170 East Third street, St. Paul. 30* FOR SALE—The following desirable lots: lots corner of Pleasant avenue and Sixth street, 2 lots on Rice street, between Iglehart and Til ton streets; 10 lots in Irvine's Second addition, fronting on Seventh street, (end of bridge); 12 lots in Irvine's addition to West St. Paul; also a well established paying business. Apply to George W. Turnbnll, 343 Exchange street, city. 223* FINANCIAL. MONEY LOANED on furniture, pianos, in residence without re moval. E. & F. Peters, 283 Sibley street, oppo site Union depot. 300* MACKET'S LOAN OFFICE—Notes bought, money loaned on furniture, pianos, horses, wagons'and personal property at low rates, with out removal. Offices, Room 7, Fire and Marine building, corner Third and Jacksai street, St., Paul, and Room 7, Mackey & Legg Dlock, corner of Fourth and Nicollet, Minneapolis. 26-207 LOANS on Life Ins. Policies. L. P. Van Norman, No. 245, lst Ave. S. Minneapolis. MISCELLANEOUS. FIRST CLASS day board at International Hotel, corner Seventh and Jackson streets. $4.50 per week. 854-84 COUNTRY Board for Horses cheap. Address C. W. Cook, box 335, City. 50-77 ULLEN'S LIVERY, Noe. 28 and 85 West Fourth street —The finest vehicles of all kinds in the Northwest. Coachmen with or without livery; a competent agent to attend car riages at parties, opera, weddings, etc.; a first class colored man, Bruce Bryant, to attend door at parties and receptions. Invitations delivered with promptness and dispatch. K. P. Cullen. 8-98 FUEL DEALERS. Full Weight and Measure Guaranteed by GRIM & FOSTER, 41 East Third Street. Established in 1864 Coal &Wood Dry body Maple, $6.50 per cord. An excellent quality of White Oak, $5 per cord.-equal to ma ple. Dry Pine Slabs, $3. ean be left with Jellett & Co., cor ner Sevsnth and Wacouta. WHETHER YOU NEED CLOTHING, OR 3STOT, It will pay you to purchase it now and save it until you do need it Considering that you can get it for ALMOST NOTHING! At the two stores of SATTLER BROS, 91 East Third Street and 153 East Third Street. SWEEPING REDUCTION! LOWEST PRICES EVER O0WS Have again been made in both stores. S.BERGMAN, Assignees. -A.n Immense Stock of Forfeited PAWIROKH'S PLEDGES! All pledges unpaid up to Feb. lst are now put out for private sale for abont one-half first cost, consisting of Diamonds in Eardrops, Veil Pin.-. Brooches, Sleeve Buttons, Collar Button-, Rings and Stud-. A very larw line of Gold Watches of the best Swiss and American make- Silver Watches of all kinds. Gold-headed Canes, Silverware, Sterling Silver Knives. Furk- and SpOons.Mnst Muwcal Instruments. Three very fine Clarionets for S50. worth at least $189 Field and Open Glasses; fine French (locks, Office Calendar Clocks: Breech and Muzzle-loading Guns, Rifles and Revolvers, etc., etc. Send for catalogue and list of prices. Goods sent C U D., with priwice of examination. ™ Watch Repairing, Diamond Setting and Ed graving, MONEY TO LOAN ON ALL GOODS OF VALUE. E. LYTLE, Pawnbroker and Jeweler, 41 Jackson Street, - Opposite Merchants Hotel. AND TELEGRAPHIC INSTITUTE Has long since established its claims to public favor and has now entered upon its 15th year under the most favorable auspices. Scud for catalogue, giving full particulars. Cor. Third and Jackson, \V. A. FADDls, Principal. FINE TAILOEING. HUGH & BIRIY;t;:tr BOOT AHD BHOfl D1ALKB8. 8CHLIEK & CO.. P. 89 EAST THIRD STREET, MA h Boots &M St. Paul Agency for BURT'S, GBAY'S REYNOLD'S, and Many Others. I df* Mail orders promptly rilled. FAIRBANKS ECLIPSE STANDARD SELF-REGULATING SCALES I WIJSTP M ILLS! FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO., ■ 371 & 873 Sibley street. WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS. NOYES, BEOS, & CUTXJ&K, IMPORTEBS Al WHOLESALE DIGGER 68 and 70 Sibley streef, corner Fifth, St. Paul, Minn. WHOLESALE STATIONERY. WAED, HILL <fc McCLELI^lSr IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF Stationery, Druggists' Sundries and Toys, 407 SIBLEY STREET, ST. PAUL, MINN. We also have the sole control of the merchandise constituting the stock of the T. S. WniTE STATIONERY COMPANY, which must be sold to close their business. We devote an entire floor of our new store, 407 Sibley street, to its display, and offer you some big bargains. Call aud see us, James McMillan & Co., Proprietors of the MINNNEAPOLIS SHEEPSKIN TANNERY, AND DEALERS IN HIDES, SHEEP PELTS, WOOL AND PUBS, 109 First Auenue South, M1MSKAPOLIS, MIX**. Shipments solicited. Write for oirtmlare. WEBER PIANOS. Acknowledged by Artists the Best in the World. I know of none superior to the Weber and none that can compete with them for durability.— Teresa Carreno. The tone of the Weber Piano is so sweet, rich and sympathetic, yet so full, that I shall always rank you as the greatest manufacturer of the day.—Emma Thursby. Weber Pianos excel all others in volume of tone and in powe* of expression.— S. I/icbling. There are no Pianos in the world that sustain the voice lilw the Weber.—Em- ma Abbott. R. O. MUNGEE, Aeent, St. Paul. SEND FOB CATALOGUES. NOTICE TO ARCHITECTS. Office of the Citt Hall ) and' Court House Commission, >■ St. Paul, February 8, 1884. ) The special commission appointed and acting under the act of March 8th, 1881, being chapter 370 of Special Laws of 1881, and the act of Feb ruary 26th, 1883, being chapter 102 of the Special Laws of 1883, will be glad to receive from such architects as may desire to submit them, plans and estimates for the City Hall and County Court House contemplated in said acts, on the first day of May, 1884, at ten o'clock in the fore noon, at tbe office of the County Auditor of this county, but with the distinct understanding that no compensation will be made for any such plan or estimate unless adopted. By order of the Commission. J. J. McCARDT, Secretary. 47-48-54-56-61 -62 j CLOTHING. PAWX BROKER. BUSINESS COLLEGE. TAILORING.] STANDARD SCALES. TANNERS. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. C0NTBACT W0BK. Grading and Bridging Forest Street. Ojtice op the Board op Public Works, ) ■ City op St Paul, Minn., Feb. 18, 1884. J Sealed bids will be received by the Board of Public Works in and for the corporation of the city of St. Paul, Minnesota, at their office iu said city until 12 m. on the 3d day of March, A. D. 1884, for the grading ot Forest street, from Seventh (7th) street north to Case street, and for the construction of a bridge on said Forest st. over the Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Oma ha and St. Paul <fc Duluth railroad tracks, in said city, according to plans and specifications on iile iu the office of said Board. A bond with at least two (2) sureties in a sum of at least twenty (20) per cent, of the grose amount bid must accompany each bid. The said Board reserves the right to reject any or all bids. JOHN FARRINGTON, Prcaideat. Official: R. L. Gorman, Clerk Board of Public Works. [ 60-60.