Newspaper Page Text
8 THE CITY. CITY GLOBULES Yesterday was an off day in police cir cles. A sheriff from some neighbori ng state was applying for a requisition from the governor yesterday. Mayor O'Brien on yesterday signed the new sewer bonds, which will be ready for deliv i ry lo-day. Winter still lingers in the lap of spring. The old wretch ought to give his gentle suc cessor a chance. The district court will probably order a ve nire for its fortnightly quota of thirty-five jurymen to-day. Such was the disturbance in the upper tier at the Grand last evening that the police were telephoned for. There was another scrimmage among the sixty tramp lodgers at the city hall last bight, and some of them were placed in the cells. Prof. Garratt will give one of his delight ful organ recitals at the House of Hope church next Saturday afternoon at 4 o'clock. The counties of Nicollet, Marshall and Mc- Leod are toe first to send in their state tax settlements for the quarter to the state audi tor. Chas. Mason came in from the country \T^Urday and tackled enough bug juice to knock him silly. He was given a free ride to Jhc lock-up. Ex-Officer Peltier called on Mayor O'Brien yesterday and asked to have his case re heard. He was told that this would be im practicable. The case of "Wm. J. Bell vs. Wm. C. Sev ern, for malicious prosecution, has been con linued by Judge Wilkin to the next term of the district court. A considerable number of the pupils of the Franklin school called upon Mr. S. S. Taylor, the principal, yesterday afternoon, at his residence aud had quite a pleasant time for au hour or two. Assistant Secretary of State Nordin re ceived many congratulations yesterday and opened a box of Pennsylvania long-nines in honor of the occasion. A jury brought in a verdict for T. Ayd in liis suit for damages to property by grading of $600 yesterday, and also of $'213.72 for Mary Aekerman in a similar suit. Little Jumbo, the Minneapolis dwarf, for several nights a sleeper at the city hall, will reform this morning, and start the orange business on a capital of seventy-two cents. A decree of divorce was granted iu the district court yesterday, in the case of Rosa Kitzmann vs. John Kitzmann on the ground of cruel and inhuman treatment. Mr. Blumenthal's store, which was robbed by a couple of tramps Tuesday nigiit, is lo cated at 121 West Third street, and is not a second hand store as designated. His stock is entirely new and fresh. The fire department have sold five con demned horses for $403 and added two more new ones to their equine forte who are being broke in to duty on hook and ladder No. 1. Mr. John Lane, of Hyde Park, Cook coun ty, 111., aged sixty, states that after six month's suffering with gout and rheumatism without relief, he finally tried St. Jacobs Oil, the great pain-cure, and was c ured. The building committee of the St. Paul chamber of commerce, will meet at the ofiice of the architects, Messrs. Carpenter & Teltz, to-day (Thursday), at 3 o'clock, to decide on the bids for the building of the chamber. A privy council is being talked of among the occupants of the state capitol to determine the right to occupancy of certain parts of that building, over aU of which commotion Bulfington's beauty still serenely smiles. Governor Hubbard, Attorney General Hahn and Secretary of State Von Baumbach, in the capacity of the state auditory board, made an official examination of tho condi tion and accounts of the state treasury yes terday. An entire new set of New England spruce ladders, the toughest and' most reliable known, was received at the central fire hall yesterday, wherewith to new dress hook anil ladder No. 1. Accompanying them were also three small ladders to add to the outfit of No. 2. Dr. J. C. Currier, a leading dentist in Mankato, passed through the city yesterday for a two week's visit to Montana to look after stock business in that territory. He was accompanied by G. F. Piper, of the Wil lard Cattle company of Mankato, who is go ing out to look after the interests of that com pany's stock ranch in that territory. Col. W. H. H. Taylor, 6tate librarian, has notice of 109 volumes of the acts of the Brit ish Parliament, which have been forwarded by steamer, and are detained for some un known reason in the New York customhouse. As there are no government duties on these books the colonel is at a loss to account for their delay. The managers of the Home of the Friend less appreciate the kindness and good will which has always been extended towards the institution by all classes of our commu - nity. A'proper regard for their responsibility, however, compels them to say that they can not permit entertainments of any kind to be advertised for the benefit of the home, with out definite authority previously obtained from the board. PERSONAL. Hon. N. P. Clark, of St. Cloud, is at the Merchants. R. B. Griffith, of Grand Forks, was in the city yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Presnell, of Duluth, are at the Windsor. Henry Johns, of Red Wing is in the city visiting his father. Col. Allen, of the Merchants hotel, left yesterday for the east. H. T. Hildebrand and wife, of Lyle,Minn., are at the Metropolitan. Alfred Wallis, of Redwood Falls, was at the state house yesterday. N. H. Chittenden was in the city yester day, en route to Northfield. Dr. F. L. Roberts, of Stillwater, visited friends at the state capital yesterday. S. Buford, the leading merchant at Virgin la City, Montana, is at the Merchants hotel. Capt. J. A. Reed, warden of the Stillwater penitentiary, visited the state auditor yester day. G. W. Ehle, of elevator fame, and D. Grant, of Faribault, were at the Merchants yesterday. Albert Wallin, Fargo, and S. C. Fitzgerald ind wife, Chicago, were at the Metropolitan resterday. D. J. Knox, of Aitkin, auditor of Aitkin county and prominent in business therein, was in the city yesterday. James F. Wagner, representing the largest hosiery factory in the world, at Coblitz, Ger many, is on a business trip to St. Paul. James Ross, a prominent contractor for the Northern Pacific Railroad company, with headquarters at Winnipeg, was at the Mer chants hotel yesterday. About fifty members of the " Pirates of Penzance" company, bore down on the Windsor hotel yesterday. They were taken in tow by mine host Summers. Mr. P. Gallagher, a leading packer of Win nipeg, was in the city yesterday, and Martin Delaney says that when his customers see the corn fed beef and pork purchased by him in St. Paul it will make them smile. Fires. DoGERvnxE, Wis., March 5.—Mineral point zinc works were damaged by fire last evening, to the extent of $8,000. Cause was a defective flue. Work will be resumed inaboutten days. Too Much Silver. Boston, March 5.—The produce exchange protest against the continuation of the coin age of silver dollars. Tobonto, Ont., March 5. —The Oshawa Cabinet company has assigned. Nominal Maebj 199,000; labilities 153,000. AMUSEMENTS. Tlie Pirates of Penzance. The audience that assembled at the opera house last evening to witness the presenta tion of Gilbert and Sullivan's opera entitled the "Pirates of Penzance," was a large one, and was probably the best disappointed one that was ever gathered within the walls of that building. Many who went there did so for the purpose of complimenting the people of Stillwater, who had the good taste and nerve to attempt to give this plea ant opera, and many others went from curiosity, but none with any expectation of witnessing an entertainment of such de cided merit as was given. It was a surprise throughout from the beginning to the end, and a presentation of the opera in a sub stantial, agreeable and meritorious manner. The surprise was all the greater from the fact that it was wholly an amateur perform ance, in which as a general thing St. Paul people do not place much reliauce. This entertainment, however, was a very marked exception. Patti was not there, nor Gerster, nor Nilsson, nor Hauk; none of the live thousand dollar a night singers were there, and yet those present listened with pleasure and went away satislied with havingwitnessed a very even, honest, conscientious and pleasant presentation of the opera. There was something so fresh and unhackneyed in it that it captured the audience from the first, and the interest was maintained throughout, and all the well known gems and striking parts of the opera were encored generously and enthusiastically. This organization has presented the opera twice In Stillwater, and consequently was pretty well up in all the re quirements necessary to give it suc cessfully. Mr. Seibert's orchestra is also familiar with the music, so that there was no hitch anywhere and everything moved along smoothly. Soon after the orchestra commenced the overture the green baize curtain went up disclosing the new drop curtain, which has already been described in these columns. It is very elaborate and beautiful, and fully sus tains aU that has been said of it. The appearance of the new curtain was a signal for applause. The opera itself is so well known to St. Paul people that it is not necessary to men tion it particularly, aud as the entertain ment was wholly amateur no particular crit icism is necessary. A large portion of the opera is chorus work, and iu this respect the company was very strong. The chorus was large and well drilled, and sung with great precision, accuracy and confidence. Many of the concerted parts as well as some of the solos were encored. It is seldom that we have had better chorus work than that given last evening. Miss Laura B. Dexter made a very pleasing Ruth, and received an encore and a bouquet for her opening song, and grew in favor with the audience as the opera progressed. Miss R.S. Davis, as Mabel, also received the kind re gards of the audience. Mr. Musterraan made a good Pirate King, and H. W. Davis was very satisfactory as Gen. Stanley. The whole entertainment was a very enjoyable affair, aud reflected great credit upon all connected with it. Henrietta Chanfrau. The engagement of Mr. and Mrs. Chan trim opens at the Grand to-night, when the public may anticipate a round of very en joyable impersonations. This evening Mrs. Chanfrau will appear in her splendid performance of Grace Shirley, a character which is marked by artistic merit and great dramatic strength. Henrietta Chanfrau's name is identified with the highest triumphs of art. She was selected by H. L. Bateman to second his daughter, Miss Kate Bateman, in her great engagement at Niblo's Garden, New York. She also supported Edwin Forrest at the same theater, and was by that celebrated tragedian pronounced to be "the best emo tional actress on the American stage." This opinion was enthusiastically repeated by Fechter. Mrs. Chanfrau was the "Ophelia" in Edwin Booth's memorable run ol "Ham let" for 100 nights in New York. Her "Es ther Eccles/' "May Edwards," "Miss Moul ton," "Grace Shirley," "Isabel Vane," and "Dora," (all of which she originally person ated in America) have never been equaled in tenderness and beauty. Mrs. Chanfrau was born in 1842, and is a niece of Gen. Beauregard by marriage. Haverly's Minstrels. Haverly's mastodon minstrels, having lately returned from their European tour, will visit our city the coming week, and open an engagement of three nights and a Wednesday matinee at the Grand, commenc ing Monday, Mareh 10. The exchanges speak of Haverly's company as being the strongest minstrel 6how that ever toured the country. Sale oi seats for the entire en gagement begins at the box office Saturday at 9 a, m. STILLWATER. Samuel Conger is reported as quite ill with ccrebo spinal menengitis. S. R. Stinson, vice president of the North western Manufacturing and Car company, returned from the east yesterday. All ladies interested in benevolent work are requested to meet at Mrs. Pearn's, on Thursday afternoon to sew for the poor. The female, arrested for drunkenness, was yesterday let off under a suspension of sen tence, she on her part promising to leave the city. The European restaurant on Chesnut street, now numbers among the past. The former proprietors will adopt the popular plan for getting wealthy by turning the din ing room into a billiard saloon. Two prisoners from Hennepin county were placed behind the penitentiary bars yesterday. Samuel Lewis is down for four years for feloniously entering a dwelling house and Alonzo Flamen, for attempt to rob, for fifteen months. John C. Netheway is talked of as the Dem ocratic candidate for the office of municipal judge. As is generally known the gentle man above named is at present act ing as special judge, having been appointed to the position by Gov. Hubbard, vice- Caulkins resigned. One of the actors in a sort of a one horse show that performed here on Tuesday night, was pleased to go out of his road while on the stage, to make an uncalled for attack on a mem ber of the police force of this city. . A hu merous joke is at times and under certain circumstances, permissible. But for an en tire stranger to charge a faithful aud worthy officer with cowardice was certainly neither witty or in good taste. As was stated in the Globe of Monday morn ing, the working men of this city and others, who felt themselves aggrieved at finding their names on the black list, are concerting meas ures for purchasing their supplies in St. Paul, merchants in that city having offered favor able terms to those favoring them with their patronage. As a matter of course people do not like to be proclaimed tricky, worthless or slow. But then it would perhaps be well to consider that but very few of the business men in Stillwater had any part in getting up the little blue book, and as these gentlemen have always dealt honorably with all classesof the community, it is scarcely fair to make the innocent suffer with the guilty. The resolution for increased license was given its first reading at the meeting of the city council on Tuesday evening. At the next assembling of the city fathers, the measure will come up for final action. Messrs. Marsh, Henning and Durant, on behalf of those who favor an increase, were present and gave their reasons for favoring higher license. According to the city ordi nance regulating the matter, the council has power to grant license for one year, not for a longer or shorter period. Consequently no certain time can be set when the law shall go into effect. Neither can it be made retro active to compel those who have previously obtained thir license to pay the increased fee. Whether the measure can be got through the present council, remains to be seen. Resuming: Work. Pittsburg, March 5.—Fires were lighted in two of the green glass bottle factories of McCully & Co. to-day, and the men were notified to prepare for resumption in a few days at last year's wages. The strikers are jubilant over this second break in the manu facturer's lines this week, and regard it as evidence that the lockout la about oyer. THE ST. PAUL DAILY GLOBE, THURSDAY. MORNING., MARCH 6, 1884. A HUNTER'S STORY. How He Was Overcome and the Way by which He was FinaUy Saved. (Correspondence Spirit of the Times.) An unusual adventure which recently occurred to your correspondent while hunting at Brookmere in this state is so timely and contains so much that can be made valuable to all readers, that I venture to reproduce it entire: The day was a most inclement one and the snow quite deep. Rabbit tracks were plentiful, but they principally led in the di rection of a large swamp, in which the rib bits could run without difficulty, but wh#re the hunter constantly broke through the thin ice sinking into the half-frozen mire to his knees. Notwithstanding these difficulties, the writer had persevered, although a very small bag of game was the result. While tramping about through a particularly malarial portion of the swamp, a middle-aged man suddenly came into view, carrying a muzzle loading shot gun and completely loaded down with game of the finest description. Natural curiosity, aside from the involuntary envy that instinct ively arose, prompted the writer to enter into c onversation with the man, with the follow ing result: "You've had fine success; where did you get all that game?" "Right here, in the swamp." "It's pretty rough huntingin these parts, espocially when a man goes up to his waist every other step." "Yes, it's not very pleasant, but I am used to it and don't mind it." "How long have you hunted hereabouts." "Why, bless you, I have lived live here most of my life and hunted up to ten years ago every year." "How does it happen you omitted the last ten years?" "Because I was scarcely able to move, much less hunt." "I don't understand you?" "Well, you see. about ten years ago, after I had been tramping arouud all day in this same swamp, I felt quite a pain in my ankle. I didn't mind it very much,but it kept troub lingme for a dayortwo,and Icouldsee that it kept increasing. The next thing I knew, I felt the same kind of a pain in my shoulder and I found it pained me to move my arm. This thing kept going on and increasing,and though I tried to shake off the feeling and make myself think it was only a little tem porary trouble, I found that it did not go. Shortly after this my joints began to ache at the knees and I finally became so bad that I had to remain in the house most of the time." "And did you trace all this to the fact that you had hunted so much in this swamp?" . "No, I didn't know what to lay it to, but I knew that I was in misery. My joints swell ed until it seemed as though all the flesh I had left was bunched at the joints; my fin gers crooked in every way and some of them became double-jointed. In fact, every joint in my body seemed to vie with the others to see which could become the largest and cause me the greatest suffering. In this way sev eral years passed on, during which time I was pretty nearly helpless. I became so ner vous and sensitive that I would sit bolstered up in the chair and call to people that entered the room not to come near me, or even touch my chair. While all this was going on, I felt un awful burning heat and fever, with occasional chills run ning all over my body, but especially along my back and through my shoulders. Then again my blood seemed to be boiling and my brain to be on fire." "Didn't you try to prevent all this agony?" "Try, I should think I did try. I tried ever}' doctor that came within my reach and all the proprietary medicines I could hear of I used washes and liniments enough to last me for all time, but the only relief I received was by injections of morphine." "Well, you talk in a very strange manner for a man, who has tramped around on a day like this in a swamp like this. How in the world do you dare to do it?" "Because I am completely well and as sound as a dollar. It:may seem strange, but it is true that I was entirely cured; the rheuma tism all driven out of my blood; my joints reduced to their natural size and my strength made as great as ever before, by means of that great and simple remedy, Warner's Safe Rheumatic Cure, which I believe saved mv life." "And so you now have no fear of rheuma tism?" "Why, no. Even if it should come on, I can easily get rid of it by using the same remedy." The writer turned to leave, as it was grow ing dark, but before I had reached the city precisely the same symptoms I had just heard described came upon me with great violence. Impressed with the hunter's story, I tried the same remedy, and within twenty-four hours all pain and inllamation had disappeared. If any reader is suffering from any manner of rheumatic or neuralgic troubles and desires relief let him by all means try this same great j remedy. And if any readers doubt the truth of the above incident or its statements, let them write to A. A. Coates, Brookmere, N. Y., who was the man with whom the writer conversed, and convince themselves of its truth or falsity. J. R. C. Wonderful Automatons. Danbury Cor. Boston Globe. Many of the tiny screws used in this coun try in watch-making are turned out on three little automatic machines in this city. One of them, while turning out a perfect screw at a fair rate of speed, i3 considerably improved on by its companions. The machine takes up but little room. A man could carry it under his arm without much difficulty. A wire is fed through a tube into the machine. It is carried forward by revolving teeth. As t appears a knife cuts away the surplus met al to make the stem for the thread, just as the chisel operates at the lathe of the wood turner. As this is finished a small tube, in which the thread is formed, advances and clasps the stem, forms the thread at lightning speed and falls back. As this is done, two knives cut that portion of the wire off, and the com pleted screws fall down. The wire again advances and the process is repeated. The marvel of the machine is best grasped when the size of the screw formed is understood. This week the largest sizes are being made. They are an eighth of an inch in length and it would require 200 of them to weigh an ounce. The thread on the stem is so small that it is scarcely discernible to the naked eye. Each machine will make 5,000 screws a day. The machines have been at work lit tle more than a month and are the result of years of patient investigation. LOCAL MENTION*. Prof. Leib, the successful vocal teacher and vocalist, will assume his teaching operations on Wednesday, March 5th, at 105 East Third street, first door west of Hunger's music store. Pupils and others please call then and there. Allen's Cough Balsam cures Influenza. All genuine bear the signature of J. P. Allen, drug gist, St. Paul, Minn. Anheuser Busch Export Beer, at 106 W. Third street. H. Orlemann, agent, Everybody Knows It. When yon have Itch, Salt Rheum, Galls, or Skin eruptions of any kind, and the Piles, tha you know without being told of it, A, P. Wilkes, B. & E. Zimmerman and E. Stierle,the druggists, will sell you Dr. Bosanko's Pile remedy for fifty cents, which affords immediate relief. A sure cure. Knights of St. Paul are requested to be at their hall, this Thursday evening' at 7:30 p. m. sharp, By order of M. BREEN, President. J. H. Bell, Secretary. Cause and Effect. At times symptous of indigestion are present, uneasiness of the stomach, etc., a moisture like perspiration, producing an itching at night, or when one is warm, cause the piles. The effect is immediate relief upon the applicatiin of Dr. Bosanko's Pile Remedy. Price 50 cents. For sale by A. R. Wilkes, B. & E. Zimmerman and F. Stierle, druggists. Remember that Mantz the life-sized crayon artist, who is now placing portraits of the state officers in the capitol can enlarge any of your . friends' to life size, from a photograph. Address J. J. Clason, at his studio, 880 Point Douglas street, St, Paul, Minn. Cut this out "for further reference. Besley's Waukegan Ale and Porter, at 106 W. Third street. H. Orlemann, agent. Office, St. Paul society for the prevention of cruelty to animals, sontheast corner of Seventh and Waucota streets. Jan. I. Jellett. Secretary i Spying Denied. Pbtxcetos', N. J., March 5.—President McCosh, addressing the 6tudents in refer ence to complaints of the existence of the spy system in the college, denied any knowl edge of such a syBtem. He said the students should bring their complaints before the fac ulty, promising that they will he heard. Removing Temptation. Provtdexck, R. I., Mareh 5.—A bill has passed the house forbidding the location of dram shops within 400 feet of schoolhouses. Ht Wy M 'Bf POWDEH Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marval of purity, strength and whelesomeness. More economical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in competition with the multitudes of low test, short weight, alum or phosphate powders. Sold only in cans. Rotal Bakistb Powder Co., 196 Wall street, New York. Teeth extracted without pain. All work guaran teed. Dr. Cullum, 41 East Third St., Cor. Cedar REAL ESTATE. St. Paux, Minn., Feb. 29,1-884. Messrs. Cochran & Newport, Real Estate, cor. Jackson and Fifth streets. Gents :— Your complimentary notice that "one of the shrewdest of that venerated band had predicted," etc., was shown to me this morning. What I did say on that occasion was: '-That as the past growth of thirty-flve years had been wonderful, the immediate years ' would, in my opinion, be still more so. Set one point of the compass in the Minnesota transfer yard, half way between the center of St. Paul and Minneapolis, move the other point to a distance of ten miles, then sweep a circle which will take in a district twenty miles in diameter, within that circle you have to-day nearly one quarter million of people, that when the sun shall go down on December 31, 1899, closing out the nineteenth century, and rising on January 1, 1900, ushering in the twentieth, it shall look down upon a million of men, women and children, whose names and res idence will be within the charmed circle." I verily believe it; past events and present indica tions confirm it, and I am willing to father the prediction as far as the art preservative of arts can send it. Your Wright's Addition is near the center of the circle. I have advised my boys, and other young men and women, to invest there, or thereabouts, and, when the year 1900 shall be written, there will be no lots for sale at $300 to $800, all will have increased from ten to twenty fold. F. R. Delano. Cocta & Newport S. W. corner Jackson and Fifth sis. DAVIS & BROWN, BealEstate&HoMLBis 360 Jackson street, St. Panl, Minn. Investments made and taxes paid for non-resi dents. WM. G. ROBERTSON, REAL ESTATE AND FINANCIAL AGENT, (Successor to D. A. Robertson & Co., the oldest real estate agency in Minnesota.) No. 7 McQuillan Block, cor. TM& WaMaw. BRISBIN & FARWELL, LAW OFFICE. ROOM 6, Corner of Wabashaw and Fourth streets. Over Express Office. 270 HEZEKLA.H HALL, (Twelve years established in Saint Paul as) EEAL ESTATE AND MONEY BROKER, Corner Third and Rabert streets, in the Savings Bank block, ST. PAUL, MINN. N. B.—Special attention given to property and interests of non-resident clients. Investments guaranteed to net 7 per cent. Capitalists will do we'd to correspond. 304 R. W.JOHNSON, REAL ESTATE AG1T, MANNHEIMER BLOCK, - •- ROOM 11, St.PaTil, - - - Minn. A. V. TEEPLE, Real Estate & Loan Broker, NO. 63 EAST THIRD STREET, St. Panl, - - Minn. Corlies, dpi &Mb, —on — JVIarch. 1st! Will remove their stock of Doors, Sash, Blinds, Etc., FROX Warehouse, corner Eighth & Jackson, TO NO. 441 JACKSON! BETWEEN SEVENTH & EIGHTH STS. 61-70. ae ••■■.:-'■'. ,..».. i l FOR SALE—$850—Good lots near the Uni versity avenne car stables, and a but a short distance from the St. Paul foundry? These lots can be bought on ea»y terms and are very cheap. E. S. Norton, 322 Jac'ksoa street, 60-76 FIVE CENTS A LINE SITUATIONS WASTED. SITUATION wanted by a yonng man to do col lecting or some light outside work. Can come well recommended. Wages no object. Addres3 J, Globe office. 64-70 EXPERIENCED Bookkeeper wants situation in a few days. Address H, 92, Globe office. 64-70 ' WANTED— A situation as carriage driver, or to take care of horses. Address B 30, care Globe office. 61-67 WANTED —A situation by a man willing to do anything. Address "A 14," Globe office. 61-«7 SITUATIONS OFFERED. WANTED —Grocery delivey clerk, one who is acquainted with the city. Address Grocery, Globe office. 65* WANTED— Two girls at 382 Robert street. 65-71 "V)|7"ANTED —Salesmen. Canvassers preferred. T V Good salary or commission. E. R. Hib bard, 85 W. Third street. 64-70 WANTED— Immediately, 50 girls experienced in making overalls and duck clothing. Best prices in the city paid and steady work guar anteed to good workers. Apply at once at Gui terman Bros., 375 and 877 Sibley street. 64-66 WANTED— Girls to do laundry work. Ap ply 19 East Seventh street. 62-68 WANTED —A competent girl for general house work at 199 Virginia avenue. Apply Monday, March 3, between 9 a. m. and 1 p. m. 62-68 WANTED —To hire a girl for general house work. 254 Rice street. 61-67 WANTED —A competent cook. Apply in the forenoon before 12 m. at 603 Jackson street. 43* TO SBNT Houses HOUSE of two rooms, seven dollars per month. No. 82 Bluff, cor. of Rice street. J. W. Mabon. 65-66 FOR RENT—A house of 10 rooms, all modern improvements. Inquire of George A. Nash, room 3, McQuillan block, or 175 Pleasant avenue. 64-66 BEST TEETH $8. FUR RENT—A boarding house of sixteen rooms. Will rent from now until the first of May for $30. No. 222 Acker stre2t. 345* FOR RENT—Dwelling, 284 Rice, corner of Summit avenue; $35. Also, furnished dwelling, 282 Rice street, near Summit avenue; $55. Reference required. Apply at premises, or to A. R. Kiefer, 190 East Seventh street. 17* FOR RENT—A cottage with four rooms. Pantry and closets, good water and every convenience. Apply to J. C. McCarthy, Sixth ward. 270* TO RENT—House of six rooms on Ohio street. Inquire of P. R. McDonnell, grocer, corner George and Ohio streets, Sixth ward. 175* Rooms. FOR RENT—Second or third floor 309 Robert street. Inquire at office, second floor. 66eod&sun83 THREE ROOMS to rent at 305 Igleha*street. 64-66 FOR RENT—Furnished Rooms, 400 Wabashaw street. A. Winter. 50* FOR RENT—Second and third floors 25 feet by 150 feet, on Third street, between Jackson and Robert. Address Y, Globe office. 64-70 FOR SAI.E. FOR SALE—Houses and lots near the nan-est er Works, from $1,200 to $1,600, with from one to two acres of land. E. S. Norton, 322 Jack son street. 66-75 FOR SALE—Forty feet No. 1 shelving, with drawers, now in use in my book store, 307 Wabashaw street. Sherwood Hough. 65-07 FOR SALE—Blacksmith shop, I cook and 1 heating stove; also, 2 mocking birds. Inquire 240 Eagle street. 64-70 OR SALE OR EXCHANGE—A choice farm, fully improved and located one mile from a good town, and will sell cheap. Farwell & Co., Third and Jackson streets. STORE and lot for sale. The undersigned pro poses, on account of sickness, to sell his store, store building and lot, corner of Dearborn and Hall avenue, in the Sixth ward, cheap and on reasonable terms. John M. Burch. 61* <hA K.f\r\ kays store and lot on Dakota ave tpTT^Ov/V/ nue, one block from end of bridge, 25 feet front by 147; store 20x40, with five nice living rooms, closets, etc. For particulars, call on or address G. W. Gray, corner University and Virginia avenues, St. Paul. 60-66 FOR SALE—One Van range, 8 holes, double oven, large hot water tank, Van broiler, carv ing stand and vegetable stand, large nickel piate coffee and tea urn, everything complete and very cheap, Also, silverware, crockery, etc., every thing complete for a hotel or restaurant. Must be sold before the 1st of April. Write or enquire of H. B. Montgomery, Oyster Bay restaurant, St. Paul. 57* FOR SALE—One Brunswick & Balke Acme pool table, and one billiard table, with balls, cues and cue racks complete; been in use only six months. Apply at 398 Jackson street. 45-74 FOR SALE—11 furnished rooms, centrally located, with extra low rent. Inquire 145 East Seventh street. 4* MISCELLANEOUS REAL ESTATE. BUSINESS lot on Fifth street, near Minnesota. Will sell cheap if bought at once. Address B 25, this office. 0(5-70 FOR SALE—$1,800.-1 want to sell house and 1VJ acre* var Harvester Works. Have got to make quick "-ale, therefore offer at this very low price. Address 0„ 10, this office. 00 70 (h~i OAA Good ten-room house, large cel tpi-^OUU. lar, cistern, etc., on the bluff in West St. Paul. This is a decided bargain. E. S. Norton, 322 Jackson street. 00-75 _Li purchasers with Geo. H. Hazzard, Real Estate and Loan Ageut, 170 East Third street; St Paul. 30* FOR SALE—The following desirable lots: lots corner of Pleasant avenue and Sixth street, 2 lots on Rice 6treet, between Iglehart and Til ton streets; 10 lots in Irvine's Second addition, fronting on Seventh street, (end of bridge); 12 lots in Irvine's addition to West St. Puul: also a well established paying business. Apply to George W. Turnbull, 343 Exchange street, city. 228* <JizL^n t0 ?500 for lot8 on St- Anthon-v hil1 t^TcOU They lay nicely and are very desirably located. E. S. Norton, 322 Jackson St. 00-75 ANYONE owning any vacant lots, or lots with small houses, located on 10th, 11th, 12th or 13th streets.from Wabashaw street to Broadway, will please write to P. O. Box 2104, city. 60-70 $J_£\M wil1 buj" house and lot near the IJar- TX)U vester Works. E. S. Norton, 322 Jackson street. . 06-75 LOST AND FOUND. FOUND —A valuable ring has been left with me by the finder. The owner may call at .Pro bate office and prove property. William B. McGrorty. 04-66 FINANCIAL. MONEY LOANED on furniture, pianos, in residence without re moval. E. <fc F. Peters, 283 Sibley street, oppo site Union depot. 300* MACKEYS LOAN OFFICE—Notes bought, money loaned on furniture, pianos, horses, wagons and personal property at low rates, with out removal. Offices, Room 7, Fire and Marine building, corner Third and Jackson street, St., Paul, and Room 7, Mackey & Legg block, corner of Fourth and Nicollet, Minneapolis. 26-207 LOANS on Life Ins. Policies. L. P. Van Norman, No. 245, 1st Ave. S. Minneapolis. MISCELLANEO US. ANYONE owning any vacant lots, or lots with small houses, located on 10th, 11th, 12th or 13th streets, from Wubashaw street to Broadwav, will please write to P. O. Box 2,164, city. 6G-T0 FIRST-CLASS day board at International hotel, corner Seventh and Jackson streets. 34.50 per week. 354-84 CtfLLEN'S LIVERY, Nos. 23 and 25 West Fourth street.—The finest vehicles of all kinds in the northwest. Coachmen with or with out livery; a competent agent to attend carriages at parties, operas, weddings, etc.; a first-class colored man, Bruce Bryant, to attend door at par ties and receptions. Invitations delivered with promptness and dispatch. E. P. Cullen. 8-98 COUNTRY Board for Horses cheap. Address C. W. Cook, box 335, git/. A0-7Z CLOTHING. WHETHEE YOTJ ISTEED CLOTHING, OR NOT, It will pay you to purchase it now and save it until you do need it Considering that you can get it for ALMOST NOTHING! At the two stores of SATTLER BROS, 91 East Third Street and 153 East Third Street. SWEEPING REDKTIO.\SriOWEST PRICES EVER KHOWH Have again been made in both stores. S.BERGMAN, ------ Assignee. PAWNBROKER. Extraorflinary Paitter's Sale. COLD AND SILVER WATCHES, DUIOPS AMI JEWELRY! All Fledges held in trust unpaid up to February 15, are now put out for private sale at one-half their original value. Send for Cata logue and List of Prices. "Watch Repairing, Diamond Setting and Engraving. Goods sent C. O. D., with privilege of examination. MONEY TO LOAN ON ALL GOODS OP VALUE. E. LYTLE, Pawnbroker and Jeweler, 41 Jackson Street, - Opposite Merchants Hotel. BUSINESS COLLEGE. AND TELEGRAPHIC INSTITUTE Has long since established its claims to public favor and has now entered upon its 15th year under the most favorable auspices. Send for catalogue, giving full particular!. Cor. Third and Jackson, W. A. FADDIS. Principal. TANNERS. James McMillan & Co., Proprietors of the MINNNEAPOLIS SHEEPSKIN TANNERY, AND DEALERS IN HIDES, SHEEP PELTS, WOOL AND PURS, 100 First Auenue South, -UIN > KATOMS, MINX ShiDtnante solicited. Writ* for oirenlarp. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. WEBER PIANOS. Acknowledged by Artists the Best in the World. I know of none superior to the Weber and none that can compete with them for durability .—'I eresa Carreno* The tone of the Weber Piano is so sweet, rich ami sympathetic, yet so full, that I shall always rank you as the greatest manufacturer of the day.—Emma Thursby. Weber Pianos excel all others in volume of tone and in power of expression.— S. Xiebling. There are no Pianos in the world that sustain the voice like the Weber.—Em ma Abbott. R. O. MTJISTGER, A.£rent, St. Paul. SEND FOR CATALOGUES. STANDARD SCALES. FAIRBANKS ECLIPSE STANDARD SELF-REGULATING SCALES 1 WINT> MILLS! FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO., • 371 & 373 Sibley street. WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS. NOYJE8, BROS.&CUTLKK, IMPORTERS AID WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS. G8 and 70 Sibley street, corner Fifth, 8t. Paul, Minn. TAILORING.; FUSTE Tj^ILOEHSTGr. DlljULl AC PAKKIy St. Paul, Minn. BOOT ASS BHO* DIALBBB. SCHLIEK & CO.. SO. 89 EAST THIRD STREET, .toils ia Boots k Sloes. 3t. Paul Agency for BUBT'S, GBAY'S, BEYNOLD'S, and Many Others. C3F" Mail orders prnroptly filled. FUEL DEALERS. Full "Weight and Measure Guaranteed by mm & FOSTER, 41 East Third Street. Established in 1864. Coal &Wood Dry body Maple, SO.rO per cord. An excellent quality of White Oak, ?5 per cord, -equal to ma ple. Dry Pine Slabs, $8. JSfOrders enn be left with Jellett & Co., cor ner Seventh nnd Wacouta. VETERINARIAN. G. A. DALLIMORE, (Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College.) YETCRMRY SURGEON, Treats all diseases of the Horse, Cow, and all other Domesticated Animals. Horses examined ] for soundness. Calls by day or night promptly 1 attended to. Office in King's stable, cor. Fourth and Minnesota streets, St. Paul, Miun. 64-70 ~W. H. HESSE'S MEAT MAKKET, Corner of Pearl & Temperance Streets, St, Panl, Minn. Fresh and Salt Meats of all kinds constantly on hand. Satisfaction guaranteed to all who trade j with me. 43-13 i Firu\D6Dartmeiit of the City of St. Paul. Office Board or Fire Commissioner*, 1 Corner Eighth and Minnesota streets, > St. Patl, Minn., February 15, 1884. } Horses Wanted! Good sound horses, from five to eight years old, weight from 1,450 to 1.000 pounds, suitable for Fire Department service. Persons offering horses under this advertisement will call on Vete rinary Surgeon C.X.'. Berkman, corner Sixth and Cedar streets. By order of the Board. F. R. DELANO, President. W. O'Gorman, Secretary. 47-87 TO THE PUBLIC. We, the undersigned liverymen of St. Panl, having the finest carriages and hearses in the city, do hereby agree to furnish carriages and hearses for funerals at the following prices, viz: * Morning's carriages, $2.00 each. •' hearses, 8.00 " Afternoon's carriages, 3.00 " " Hearses, 4.00 *' KIMBLE P. CTLLEN, 23 <fe 23 West Fohrth St. W. L. NICHOLS, 34 West Fourth street, J. F. ALEXANDER, Cor. Eighth and Sibley Sts. E. W. SHIRK, Ovorpeck's old stund. GEO. W. Tl'RNBl'LL, 343 Exchange street. HEWSON C. SAAIPLE, Cor. Tenth aud Pina. tl