Newspaper Page Text
8 few %$ ON THESE AND ALL OTHEK DRY GOODS MB ITliS! Black Silks, 65c, less 25 per cent., 481 cents. Black Silks, $1.00, less 25 per cent., 75 cents. Black Silks, $1.25 less 25 per cent., 931 cents. Black Silks, $1.50, less 25 per cent., $1.12J. Black Silks, $2.00, less 25 percent., $1.50. Black Silks, $2.25, less 25 per cent, $1,681. Black Silks, $2.50, less 25 per cent., $1.87^. 121c Dress Goods, less 25 per cent, - 9£c. 15c Dress Goods, less 25 per cent., - Hie 25c Dress Goods, less 25 per cent., - 182c. 35c Dress Goods, less 25 per cent., - 261c 50c Dress Goods, less 25 per cent., - 37|c. 75c Dress Goods, less 25 per cent., - 56\c. $1 Dress Goods, less 25 per cent., - 75c. Gustavo Heinemann, ILST. "W. Cor. Seventh. & Jackson Sts. THE CITY. CITY GLOBULES. The shop windows are gay with spring ap parrel. The* society dude may'now "soak" Ms ul rter and buy a spring outfit. The street sprinkler fi<>nd will 60on get in his work on the patent leathers of the street corner sunflower. Men yesterday were busy at work at the Harvester works, and it looked as if another boom was on at that point. Phalen and Mill creeks are quite high from the melting snow, of which the country is now nearly bare. The treasurer of Ramsey county paid State Treasurer Kittelson yesterday the sum of §24, 000 county taxes. The back pension of a St. Paul veteran, amounting to $1,465.87, was received at the adjutant general's office yesterday. The ice moved out from in front of the city below the bridge, yesterday afternoon, the movement beginning at 5:45 o'clock. The. new roller rink, corner of Tenth and Jackson streets, Frank EL Dayton, pro prietor, will be opened Monday evening next. State Librarian Col. W. H. H. Taylor re ceived yesterday the Wisconsin private laws for 1857, and the Wisconsin private and local laws for 1870. The lady that took an opera glass, that did not belong to her, from the Opera bour^, yesterday afternoon, will have the kindness to return to the box office. A steamer from this side of the river reached the West St. Paul fire on Monday in advance of number six, now housed and manned in the Sixth ward. The resignation of John Jessrang, turn key of the workhouse, which was tendered some days ago, has been accepted, and is ex pected to take effect to-day. A meeting of the St. Paul Lacrosse club will be held to-morrow evening at Dr. McDonald's office Bridge square. All per sons interested in athletic sports are invited to attend. In yesterday's Globe the name of the yeung man who broke a window on Seventh street and got away from the police, was giv en as Chas. Gibbons. This was wrong; the name should have read Chas. Givens. C. C. Lee, a very light-fingered chap stole a pool ball from a billiard table,"a hair brash j auel sundry other portable goods of the char- I act r for which he was arrested by Officer ! Morian and registered among the city hall prisoners. At Tuesday evening's fires chemical No. 1 and the hook and ladder truck came near sinking out of sight in the mud in front of the central tire house and yesterday some eight or ten loads of stone were dumped into the sink bole. The secretarv of war has ordered the abandonment of the post of Fort Hale, D. T.; in pursuance of which General Terry has di rected that the garrison of Fort Hale be trans ferred to Fort Sisseton, and that, of Fort Sis seton to Fort Totten. Henry Hill was nabbed by Officer O'Brien on the bluff at West St. Paul at 8:30 last evening and sent in the patrol wagon to the city hall. He had stolen an overcoat from a party whose name could not be ascertained, and had the swugon his back. John Marks, the well known tobacconist and cigar maker, of Wabashaw street, yester day concluded a purchase of Chas. Pottgeis 2r's portion of the Pottgeiser estate, having a front of twenty feet on Wabashaw street, next to the American House. The consider ation was 69,000. Julius Born man, rooming on Jackson street near Sixth, reported to the police yes terday that he had been robbed of $17 and a | watch and chain, by his chum, George Han- j son. The young men roomed together and { on Tuesday night Hanson cabbaged the val uables and skipped out. The many friends of Mr. O. Nadon, one of the early settlers of St. Paul, and proprie tor of the carriage works on Cedar street, will regret to hear of his death, which took place at 10:30 yesterday morning. He was a member of the Society Francais and leaves a host of friends to regret his demise. That a street car with a broken brake can travel pretty fast down hill was clearly demonstrated last night when number 24 of the Fort street line started nt Sibley, corner of Fourth street,and brought up with a crash In the rear of another car near the union depot. The damage, however, was not heavy. The arrival of emigrants at this point opens well for the settlement of the great west and northwest. Amons the arrivals yesterday were natives of almost every coun try of Europe, besides a large sprinkling from the old provinces of Canada, the latter bound for Manitoba and the northwest terri tories. The excellence of the track, on the Chica go, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha railroad, from St. Paul to Stillwater, was the subject of remarks by the passengers yesterday, and the attention of the officials" was aU that could be desired. The road cannot fail to be a favorite with the traveling public. It is a "Royal ltoute" in reality as well as in name. A most ingenious contrivance displaying both inventive ingenuity and mechanical skill was exhibited at the Globe office yester day. It consisted of a handsome settee or lounge nicely upholstered and cushioned. By a simple device the lounge was transformed into a full si;:ed bedstead, the cushions form ing a downy mattraos. Another change and this convenient and handsome piece of fur niture was turned into a dining table and twelve chairs. The inventor of this complete dining and bedroom suite in one piece is an ex-soldier who perfected his invention while , a prison of war in Andersonville. An unauthorized item appeared in the j Globe yesterday morning to the effect that Mr. Muehlcnbruch had resigned the position of director of the St. Paul Amateur orchestra, and that Mr. Frank Danz had been (selected to fill the va c»ncy. The whole statement is incorrect. Mr. Muehleubr .cli has not resigned, and Mr. Danz has not been selected to fill the place. Mr. Mucu'-ubruch. is still the director of the amateur orchestra, aud is doing good worl with it. It is regarded by all as unfortunati that such a statement was published, as it ii very embarrassing all around. The universal greeting now-adays ii "what delightful weather for March." Fact gentlemen add ladies, fact! Of course every lady interested in the St Paul high school will make it a point to bi present this or to-morrow evenings, or at thi Saturday matinee to see how the pupils ap pear in "The sleeping car" and the "Mid summer night dream." The comptroller of the treasury has author ized the Nicollet National bank of Minneap oiis. Minn., to begin business with a capita Of $500,000. LOCAL MENTION. Special Notice. All ladies accompanied by a gentleman will bi admitted free at the Olympic theater this even ing. Anhensor Busch Export Beer, at 10C W. Thirc street. H. Orlemann, agent, Cause of failure. Want of confidence accounts for half of th< business failures of to-dny. A. Ii. Wilkes, B and E. ZimmermanC' and E. Stierle, the dru< are not liable to fail for want of confidence | in Dr. Bosanko's Cough and Lung Syrup. II< gives away a bottle free to all who are suffering with coughs, colds,' asthma, consumption, am all affections of the throat aud lungs. Masonic. A regular communication of Ancient Landmarl Lodge, No. 5, A.-. F.-. & A.-. M.\, will be held ii Masonic hall, this (Thursday) evening, at 7:3( o'clock. Work in the F.-. C.\ degree. F.y order of the W.\ M.\ William Dampier, Secretary. Interesting; Reading. The title "hatter," "shoemaker," "tailor,'' etc., "to the royal family" used by so manj London tradesmen was formerly conferred by the English authorities as a term of distinction, in dicating not that the merchant actually supplied the queen's household with pickles, pastry oi porousj plasters, as the case might be, but thai the goods he dealt in were of a superior quality Abuse of the custom fina'ly caused its abandon ment, and now, we understand, only actual pur veyors to royalty are permitted to announce themselves as such. In this Democratic country it is distinction enough to have the patronage of the "plait people." In our own business we disregard the so-called "upper-crusv;" for although we have many goods fine enough for anyone, our prices are cot high enough for our trade sufficiently ex clusive to attract the "bloods." Take hats for example—abont every man in St, Paul owns a Derby hat and we sell thousands ol them. Those we sell at §2.75 are just as good every way aud identical in shape with those foi which hatters get S3.50, the only difference beinjj that ours are retailed at a single profit ovei manufacturers' case price, and for all other kinds of hats for man or boy we commend ourselves as "hatters at large." Boston One-Price Clothing House, Cor. Third and Robert, St. Paul. Catarrli and Hay JFever. For twenty years I was a sufferer rrora catarrh of the head and throat in a very aggravated form, and during the summer with hay fever. I procured a bottle of Ely's Cream Balm, and after a few applications received deciJed benefit— cured by one bottle. Have had no return cf the complaint. Charlotte Parket, Waverly, N. Y. Price fitly cents per bottle. Attention Sir Knights Damascus Com manderyl You are ordered to meet at the Asylum at 2 p. in. in full dress, to attend the funeral of Sir Kt. F. H. Pratt. By order of E. C. Geo. S. Acker, Hoc. Besley's Wattkegan Ale and Porter, at 100 W. Third stteet. II. Otlemann, agent. Special Notice. All ladies accompanihd by a gentleman will be admitted free at the Olympic theater this evening. Cares ol Life. As we come to them they are received, borne with and passed over with no more than a thought, if we are in the enjoyment of health, but if suf fering with piles or skin diseases of any kind they magnify a hundred fold. A. R. Wilkes, B. & E. Zimmerman, and E. Stierle, the druggists, have Dr. Bosanko's Pile Remedy, an absolute cure. Sold at 50 cents. DIED. PRATT— F. II. Pratt, Tuesday, 25, 11:30 p.m., at his residence 514 Marshall avenue, pleuro pneumonia, aged 47. Funeral to-day from residence at 3 p. m., nnder the auspices of Damascus Commandry K. T. Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marval of purity strength and wholesomeness. More economical than the ordinary kinds, aud cannot be sold in competition with the multitudes of low test, short weight, alum or phosphate powders. Sold only in cans. Rotal Baking Powdeb Co., 196 Wall street, New York. THE ST. PAUL DAILY GLOBE, THUKSDAY MORNING, MARCH 27, 1884. 1ST. "W. Corner Seventh and Jackson streets. Tliis "Week! CONTINUATION OF THK TWENTY-FIVE, 25 PE{ CENT., TWERTT-FITE PER CUT. Or 1-4, One-Fourth, 1-4, Off Sale, on all MwEflies, TorctaLaces, Did Swisses, Plaifl Nainsooks, Fignrefl Swisses, Curtain Laces, Tie tars, Table Damasks, Mm, life, Towels, Crashes. &USTAVE BEIIEMAM, 1.1 corner Simmft & Jackson streets. REAL ESTATE. For Sale. The time of year has arrived when household ers are considering the question of a home, and to such we invite inspection of the following list of houses now on our books: A nine-roomed house on Ashland avenue. A handsome home on Summit avenue, opposite Mr. F. B. Clarke's. The fine residence formerly owned by C. P. McElrath, Esq., bluff side of Summit avenue. Easy terms. A new 8-roomed house on Dayton avenue. S3.700. One of the most complete and convenient resi dences in the city, on College avenue. The former residence of W. R. Merriam, facing on Merriam park in lower town; only 89,000. A dwelling house on St. Peter street, corner of Tilton. A 83,000 house on Portland avenne. Easy terms. A house on Douglas street, near Fort. We have sold 52 lots in Lockwood's addition within a week, and have sixty more, which we are offering at $250 each. The eligible hotel property at White Bear Lake known as the "Williams House. A lot on Portland avenne, near Dale, cheap. Lots in Wright's addition. Money always on hand, to loan on improved City Property, at current rates. Cocta f if port Southwest corner Jackson and Fifth sts. DAVIS & BROWN,. Eeal Estate & Mortgage Loans 360 Jackson street, St. Paul, Minn. Investments made and taxes paid for nos-resj dents. HEZEKIAH IIALL, (Establishad in 1872,) REAL ESTATE AGENT, Corner Third & Robert streets, (in Savings Bank,) ST. PAUL, MINX. Buys, Sells, Collects, Pays Taxes, Ncgotiitcs Loans, etc. WMTG-rROB ERTSON, REAL ESTATE AND FINANCIAL AGENT (Successor to D. A. Robertson & Co., the oldest real estate agency in Minnesota.) No, 7 McQuillan Block, cor. Thirfl & Waliastaw. _K. W. JOHNSON,""" REAL ESTATE AG1T, MANNIIEIMER BLOCK, - • ROOM 11, St. Paul, - - - Minn. A. V. TEEPLE, Eeal Estate & loan Broker, NO. 63 EAST THIRD STREET, i St. Panl. - - Minn. QUINBY & ABBOT T, (Successors to Stees Bros.), mmm undertakers AND Funeral Directors, Corner Third and .Minnesota Streets. 7i-lmo GRATEFUL—COMFORTING. mn cocoa! "By a thorough knowledge of the natural laws which govern the operations of digestion and nu trition, and by a careful application of the fine properties of well selected Cocoa, Mr. Epps has provided our breakfast tables with a delicately llavored beverage which may save us many heavy doctor's bills. It is hy the judicious use of such articles of diet that a constitution may be gradu ally built up until strong enough to resist every tendency of disease. Hundreds of subtile mala dies are Uoating around us ready to attack wherev er there is a weak point, We may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well fortified with pure blood and a properly nourished frame." —Civil Service Gazette. Made simply with boiling water or milk. Sold in tins only (H fi) aud lb) by Grocers, labeled thus: JAMES EfP< & CO. IN NEW~QUaRTEHS. P, J.~DREIS, General Druggist Is settled in his elegant New Store Cow Nina aufl Saint Peter streets. Where can be found the finest and best of Drugs, Perfumery, Toilet Articles, Patent Medicines, etc. Also, all kinds of Garden and Flower Seeds in their season. PBESCEIFTIONS A SPBCIAXiT Y TIKIJPX Any Stock found run ning at large inside of the pound limits Utefynlti In the public pound. JOHN CTOTCJIFF, Police Officer, .Acting Found Master. contractwork! Paving Third Street. Opficf of the Board op Pc~ei.ic Wornr?, ) City op St. Paul, Minn., March 18, 1SS4. J Sealed bids will be received by the Board of Pub lic Works in and for the corporation of the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, at their office'in said City, until 12 m. on the 31st day of March, A. D., 1884, for the paving of Third street, from Sibley street to Pleasant avenue, in said city, with cedar blocks and granite curbs, and the con struction of the necessary retaining wall on a line ten (10) feet in the street, between St. Peter and Market streets, according to plans and specifications on file in the office of said Boara. A bond with at least two (2) sureties in a sum of at least twenty (20) per cent, of the gross amount bid, must accompany each bid. The said Board reserves the right to reject any or all bids. JOHN FARRINGTON, President. Official: R. L. Gokman, Clerk Board of Public Works. 79-89 CONTRACTWORK. Construction of Sidewalks for the Year 1884. Office of TnE Board op Public 'Works, } City of St. Paul, Mum., March 18. 1884. j Sealed bids will be received by the Board of Public Works in, and for th° corporation of the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, at their office, in said city, until 1C'm. on tut Citt day of March, A. D., 1884, for th" con-.trFcUou, relaying and repairing of such «'t(ew.iMvs x« way be ordered built, relaid or rcmu-ed by ch» Common Council of the City of St. x'k»\. from ihe 1st day of April to the 1st day of N.' ••mhjr, !t84, according to general plans and eycclS. cations on file in the of ficc of said Board. A bond with two resDonsible sureties in the sum of five thousand dollars must accom pany each bid. The said Board reserves the right to reject any or al. bids. JOHN FARRINGTON, President. Offi:ial: R. L. Gorman, Clerk Board of Public Works. 79-89 PROPOSALS will be received at the office of the Board of Water Commissioners, 23 East Fifth street, on or before the 2d day of April 1884, for constructing one and one-half miles of BRICK CONDUIT for water supply. Work to be done in accord ance with plans and specifications on file in the office of the Engineer of said Board. A bond of twenty per cent, of the amount bid with two sureties, resident ofthe state of Minne sota, must accompany each proposal. A form of bid will he furnished on application. The Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. L. W. RUNDLETT, Engineer Board of Water Commissioners. 73* AVERILL PAIN T CCMF x NY'S MlYFnUATNT'X--' I I Tl I al. v r>,.r>i IT i#Yl Thiriy-iive most beautiful Tints; also, White, ! for inside and outside use. suitaMe for painting houses, fences, barns, bridges, roofs, walls, ceil ings, etc. Beautiful Gloss. Best Paint in the market. Every gallon warranted not to crack or peel off. J. P. ALLEN, Druggist, and dealer in Paints, Oils, Glue, Window Glass, Putty. Whiting, Brushes, etc. Sole Agent for St. Paul, Minn. PILLS!- PJLEST A sure cure for Blind, Bleeding, Itching and Ulcerated Piles, has oeen discovered by Dr. Wil liam, (an Indian remedy) called Dr. WILLIAM'S IMDIAN OINTMENT. A single box has cured the worst chronic cases of 25 years' standing. No one need suffer five minutes a*'er applying this wonderful soothing medicine. Lotions aj:d in struments do more harm than good. Wll'iam's Ointment absorbs the tumors, allays the intense itching, (particularly at night after getting warm in bed,) acts as a poultice, gives instr.nt and pain less relief, and is prepared only for Piles, itching of the 4rivate parts, and for nothing else. For sale by all druggMs, and mailed on receipt of price, SI. N*YES BROS. & CUTLER.Wholesale Agent, St. Paul, M'nn. WaTEK DErARTJIENT, EKUUUEJEB'd OFFICE 1 23 East Fifth street, \- St. Paul, Minn., March 18th, 1884. ) Proposals will be received at the ofii'-e of the Board of Water Commissioners, 23 East Fifth street, on or before the 2d day of April, 1884, for constructing all the D fiuisM Part of tiie BiM Crntlnit Not covered by the contract with Morton & Terry, between Vadnais Lake and the Centreville road a total length of about one-and a-half miles. Work to be done in accordance with plans and specifications on file in the office of the Engineer of said "loard. A bond of 25 per cent, of the amount bid with two sureties, residents of the state of Mirnesota, must accompany each proposal. A form of bid will b« furnished on application. The Board reserves vl>e right to reject any and all bids, L. W. RUNDLETT, i Engineer Board of Water Commissioners. S9» i PROPOSALS. PROPOSALS FOR MoVllSTG SCHOOL BUILDB Office of the Board of Education, } St. Paul, March 25, 1884. j Sealed bids directed to the Hon. Joseph Oppen heim, President of the Board of Education of the city of Saint Paul. No. 175 and 177 East Fourth Btreet, in said city, will be received until Mon day, March.31, at Go"clock p. m., for Moving the Rice and Neill School Buildings. Plans and specifications of the above work can bt seen at the office of D. W. Millard, trchitect. All bids must be accompanied by a bond with two responsible sureties of at least 20 per cent, of the gross amount of the bid, conditioned that in case the bid is accepted by the Board of Edu cation, the bidder will enter into a contract with said Board to perform the work in accordance with the plans and specifications and for the price ineiitiooed ix. his bid. The Board of Education reserves the right to Te;"ect ai:y or all bids. B; order of the Board of Education, J. G, DONNELLY, 86-91 Secretary. Fire Department oTtUe City of St. Paul j Office Board of Fire Commissioners, 1 Central Fire Hall, Cor. 8th and Minnesota Sts. > St. Paul, Minn., March 25th, 1884. ) Proposals for Steam Fire Engine. Sealed proposals will be received at this office until Monday noon, April 14th, 1884, for one first or second class steam fire engine with improved Priintty rjreKef valve and shut off and spray nozzles, builder to give weight of steamer, ca pacity of gallons per minute and guaranteed time to raise fifty (50) pounds of steam pressure from cold water. ALSO, One Four-Wheeled Hose Car riage, complete, with capacity of one thousand (1,000) Xeet of rubber hose. ALSO, One Set Pompier ladders, eight (8) Pompier single beamed scaling ladders with iron strap bound on back of beam, »*\teen (IU) feet long with twenty-four (24) inch hooks, twelve (12) scalers'safety belts with HoeU"s im proved patent snap Look aud complete equip ments, twelve (12) half (!4) i-i< li hemp life lines—each one hundred (100) feet long, two (2) life saving chutes—each one hundred (100) feet icr.?. The above apparatus to be delivered in Saint Paul, freight f/ee. The si'id Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Presosals to be endorsed proposals for "Steam Fire Engine,'* Hose Carriage, Pompier Ladders end life saving apparatus, and addressed to P. R. DELANO, President Board of F' e Commissioners. Wm. O'Gorman, Secretary. 80-92 The most Elegant Bloou Portlier, laver Jnvigora tor. Tonic, and Appctlaer ever known. The first Bitters containing Iron ever advertised in Ameri ca. Unprincipled persons are imitating the name; look out for frauds. Sej /fT) * that the following simia- /p'^-Jff tur^ is on every bottle and A^r(jTy^-{i//f - tal :iotio other: sy.ts^, U*. iX^ ST. PAUL, MINN*. L/ Druggist & Chemisi LAKE MINNET0NKA NAVIGATION COMPANY. The Annual Meeting of the Shareholders of the above company v ill ua held at the office of C. A. Zimmerman, St. Paui, on Tuesday. April 1st, at 12 o'clock, noon. WM. SECOMBB, 85-91. Sec'y-Treasurer. ~ THE ST. PAUlT" Ml ippif. Ifew Offices in ifo First National Bank Milling, h. 155 E. Fourth Street. CAPITAL, - $250,000. Guarantee Fund deposited with the State auditor, $100,000; Incorporated Under |the Laws of Minne sota. Acts as executor, administrator, guardian, trus tee, assignee, receiver, agent and attorney. Takes charge of the property of non-residents, absentees, etc., collects and remits income promptly and discharges faithfully the duties of all trusts committed to it. LOAN MONEY on commission, and if desired guarantee both principal and interest. Special attention invited to onr DKBEXTtrnE Bonds, bearing semi-annual interest, payable in New York. MONEY TO LOAN. In Funis to suit, at current rates. Real estate mortgages purchased. . B. McCoxkeix, j, W. Bishop, I Secreurj. fraiident 2~| h LSI UL811 ■ UI %J? ON THESE AND ALL OTHER DRY m MP MMS! Outdoor Garments, Spring W^raps, New Designs, made of the Best Materials. Silk and Ottoman Cloths, Jersey Jackets, Mantles, Dolmans. 500 Jersey Waists, sslralpfy, $1.50, less 25 per cent. Or 81.13. 250 Jersey Waists, $2.00, less 25 w cut., or $1.50. Gustave Heinemann! TSJ*. W. Cor. Seventh <fe Jackson Sts« CLOTHING. SiTHA BROS., 91 and 153 East Third Street, ST. PAUL, MINN. Sli M Diy Mil I MAIL ORDFRS RECEIVE PROMPT AIWME ——■ J ' PAWNBROKER. E. Li TLB, Pawnbroker and Jeweler, 41 Jackson Street, Opposite Merchants Hotel. An immense stock of Forfeited Fledges for half their original cost, consisting of Gentlemen's Gold Watches, Ladies' Gold Watches, Silver Watches, open and hunting cases; Solitaire Diamond Ear Drops, Diamond Veil Fins, Diamond Brooches, Solitaire Diamond Studs, Diamond Cuff Bottons, Cluster Diamond Bings, Solitaire Dia mond Rings, Gold Vest Chains, Ladies' Gold Vest andGuard Chains, Solid Gold and Plated Bracelets, Ladies' Gold Seta.FlainGold Rings, Set Bings of all kinds, Gold-Headed Canes, Clocks, Silverware, Music Boxes, Musical Instruments, Breech and Muzzle-Loading Guns, Rifles and Revolvers, etc , etc. Send for catalogue and list of prices. Watch Repairing, Diamond Setting and Engraving. Nonoy to Loan on all goods of value, BUSINESS COLLEGE. AND TELEGRAPHIC INSTITUTE Has long since established its claims to public favor and has now entered upon its 13th year und«. the most favorable auspices. Send for catalogue, giving full particulars. Cor. Third und JacksoUi W. A. FADDIS, Principal. TANNERS. —■ V. James McMillan & Co., Proprietors of the MINNNEAPOLIS SHEEPSKIN TANNERY, AND DEALERS IN HIDES, SHEEP PELTS, WOOL AND FURS, 109 First AnenueSontb, MINNEAPOLIS, MINX, 8hionieiits solicited. Write for cirpnlare. —^^^^^—"|^—M—*^^——^M^^^—^——^^ MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. WEBER PIANOS. Acknowledged by Artists the Best in the World. I know of none superior to the Weber and none that can compete with them for durability — • eresa Carreno. The tone of the Weber Piano is so sweet, rich and sympathetic, yet so full, that I shall always rauk you as the greatest mauufacturer of the day.—Emma 1'lmrsfoy. v» eber Pianos excel all others in rolume of tone and in power of expression.— S. Liebling. 1 here are no Pianos in the world that sustain the voice like the Weber.—Em ma % bbott. E. C. MTJISTGER, Cerent, St. Paul. SEND FOB CATALOGUES. i j as TAILORING.; FINE TAILORING. U11 Mil &> MM I, St. Paul, Minn. —ML.-IU- . -g TROTTING STOCK AUCTION. FAIRBANKS STANDARD SCALES! FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO., - 371 & 373 Sibley street, i HIGH-BRED TROTTING STOCK At Public Auction, WEDNESDAY, JUNE IV 1884, rain or shine, at MIDWAY PARK, Adjoining the city limits of St. Paul, M1nn., by Com. N. W. Kittson, Chas. A. DeGraff and George W. Sherwood, about 70 head of high* bred Trotters, consisting of young Stalliona, Fillies, Brood Mares and Geldings, sired prin cipally by such noted stallions as Smuggler, Volunteer, Peacemaker, George Wilkes, Voo Arnim, Blackwood, jr., Alexander, Baymont, Indianapolis, Belmont, Administrator, Blu* Bull, and Itavenswood. Terms of Sale—Cash. Sale to commence at 10 a. m. sharp. Send for catalogue, to B. D. WUODMANSEE, St. Paul, Minn. STANDARD SCALES. ECLIPSE SELF-REGULATING ■ wrrsrD MILLS!