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St. Paul daily globe. [volume] (Saint Paul, Minn.) 1884-1896, October 09, 1884, Image 3

Image and text provided by Minnesota Historical Society; Saint Paul, MN

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn90059522/1884-10-09/ed-1/seq-3/

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Collected and Forwarded by Telegraph
Collected and Forwarded by Telegraph
to the Daily Globe, *
~~ .
Fargo Special Telegrams October 8, to the St.
Fargo Special Telecrams October 8, to the St.
Paul Globe. »
>..:. __■
Northivestern Notes.
Northwestern Notes.
Bnyers at Parker have paid ont $30,000 for
flax this season.
The governor has appointed commissioners for
Mcintosh connty.
A.J. Tagley, of the staff of the Grand Forks
Plair.deakr, has been to Southern Minnesota and
brought back a wife.
Ipswich is holding ont large inducements for
some one to establish a flouring mill at that
thriving and embitious young city.
The publisher of the Signal at Avon Springs
in Potter county, haviug acquired a fortune out
of final proof notices, is putting his means into
an insurance company for the benefit of farmers.
The Jamestown Capital insists that that fav
»red locality has so far this year bad 3,506 hours
of sunshine out of a possible 4,7;. 1. The im
partiality of nature is evidently bent in favor of
the truly good.
The sports at Ipswich bad a fox-hunt last week,
The sports at Ipswich had a fox-hunt last week,
but as the fox was caught first the sport was not
exciting. When the bewildered animal was lib
erated in the midst of a hundred men, boys,
hounds and curs, he had no show and was killed
too soon.
The good editor of. the Jamestown Capital
thoughtlessly lends approval to this demoralizing
example :
4 "Dakota people never do things by halves. A
New Buffalo girl has had three breach of promise
suits on her bauds during the past year."
The reports of the school township clerks
show that Kingsbury county has the following
school population: Males between seven and
twenty-one years, 778; females, 713; total.
1,491. The excess of males is very small for a
new country.
The De Smet Leader says: Warehouses for
the farmers are rapidly going up all along the
railroads In Dakota. Lan Duben and the Mil
lers association find that the farmer 'will kick
when he is squeezed beyond endurance, and they
are beginning to squeal.
The couuty seat controversy in La Moure,
which was becoming somewhat bitter between
the towns of La Moure and Grand ltapids, has
been settled for the present by the refusal of the
county board to submit the question, on the
ground that the petition did not have two-thirds
of the voters.
Parties from Brainerd went out into Grant
county, Dakota, Tor a hunt. They brought back
two hundred ducks and left as many more that
they had killed, not counting two dead ducks
that one of the party shot. More ducks and
geese are being killed in Dakota this year than
ever before.
The local editor of the De Smet Leader went
out to his claim last week and found that his
tarn and house had been burned by prairie fire.
He was thankful that his wife and children were
not there, as the" cruel flames dissolved into
smoke the edifices that had cost him more than
one advance subscription.
About thirty Indians from the Sisseton agency
attended the annual mission convention of all the
Christian workers in south Dakota at Yankton.
Among the number were several native minis
ters, some of whom talked the Knglish language.
fluently, and by their conversation showed them
selves to be men of more than average iuteil
The Billings Herald says : The building opera
tions in the district which was burnt in block 110
are beginning to assume large proportions, four
large brick building., are now under way, two
have been completed and another is all finished
but the inside work.three more are contemplated
and will doubtless he built this season or early
Urs. WiUiams, a widow living 011 v claim not
Mrs. Williams, a widow living on a claim not
fur from Gladstone, recently, while she left the
bouse to look after some stock, discovered flames
Issuing out, and before anything could be done
she had to witness the terrible sight of two of
her children, two and five years old, burned to
death iv the flames, 'she was nearly frantic at
the sight.
Milnor, the metropolis of Sargent county, has
Milnor, tho metropolis of Sargent county, has
a ten pane newspaper, perhaps two papers, and
do church edifice of any sort. The Free Press
says : Certainly a church would lie a great credit
to our town, in fact, ii is almost if not quite a
disgrace that we have not already an edifice of
this kind. Some of the ladies base bought a lot
for 11 church, and there Is ample ability there to
build one. It is surprising that some of the en
terprising newspaper men do not build one.
» Political l'oints.
A writer in the Yankton Press is puzzling
over this as one of the queer things evolved by
the Pierre conventions: Meanwhile the solid
meu and newspapers of South Dakota, who are
perfectly satisfied with the result, are scratching
their heads to understand how In the face of tfae
victory they won by standing together, Petti
grew made up tbe central committee and rec
ognized Alex. MeKenzie to the extent of Ed
wards, Stoyell, Jewell, Steele et at, on the flame.
it does look sott of queer, especially as neither
of the prominent statesmen In question really
wanted ('ifford nominated but were forced to his
support by the solid stand which tti.- brave men
of Sonth Dakota took. It is really amusing ull
All the efforts to beat Hon. K. F. Pettigrew
in his own county have come to grief. 11 has
been Dominated for the count U and will be one
of the chief factors in the legislative body next
in north Dakota people have become so much
in the habit of voting the Republican ticket be
cause it was the side wbere ths bread was but
tered thut politics have become too much like
the jug handle for interest, In some counties
there is division on local tickets sufficient to
draw out the vote, but generally there Is a grow
ing disposition to sustain the Sioux Falls lioim
uee for congress, with a view to make the thing
mors even and interesting ami to get out a big
vote. it is desired to sbow congres. that tho
territory real!) has the numbers claimed, and as
an advertisement the localities want to show
that they have settled Op and have good num
bers. As a matter of policy too, it is deemed
best to show that north Dakota Is not hopelessly
Republican, It may even give a Democratic ma
jority, which will help it lowurd getting in as a
Sargent county, where the gentleman has a
large farm Iv cultivation, is enthusiastic for J.
V . ruohy, the Journalistic candidate for the leg
islature in this district, lt Is believed he can
easily be elected if ha will make the race. The
only point raised against him Is the fact that he
ls somewhat addicted to writing poetry. It is
believed, however, that matrimony, which is in
contemplation, will effect a radical cure of this
propensity which so orten attaches to young
men before reaching the pro*.. of life. Mr. T.
will pledge himself to not consciously offend in
this direction during his legislative cartel.
Montana Stock Traffic.
The Helena Herald shows in this something of
the growth of the stock business In that terri
'ory: The star of empire in the stock business
las Braved from Colorado, Nebraska and Wyom
ing northwest tothe fertile grazing lands of Mon
tana. The immense cattle herds, a million head
,n all. now largely In eastern and northern Men
tana, show this. The Continental Live Stock
company has .5,000 head of .'-lie. They have
•hipped from Dickiuson 7,550 beeves this season
mi 1 have 5,000 more ready for shipment. They
had 170 cars fur stock, ordered of the Northern '
l'acific last week. .1 I. Driscoll Jt Boas have
5.4.000 beeves. They have shipped 3,750 already
this season, and have criers in for sixty cars of
stack this month. Dickey Bros., of Miles
City, shipped 119 cars of stock last week.
Thty have 18,000 head of cattle. Messrs. Clay
* Forest shipped eighty-three can .as-, week.
Olark Jt Plum have a large herd on the road for
shipment. Altogether the Northern Pacific road
will bave shipped, including cars ordered for the
tia'anre of the week, this seascn over 2,000 cars
of beeves, or .Oak..) head trom Montana to Chi
cago. The road expects to ship 75.000 head be
fore the close of the season. To the ranges of
Montana and Western Dakota the Northern Tact
ic has shipped 100.000 yearlings and two-year
olds this year from lowa, Wisconsin and Minne
_o:_. These will go back as beeves the second
or third seasons out. The Powder Eiver Cattle
company has ( 1,000 head of cattle, valued st
J55.00-.eoo. The official iir* _S.e_* Stomal,
hitherto published at Cheyenne, which was con
• t U ■red the centre of stockdom, has been - re
moved to Miles City.
F. 11. Alley's Jcke.
The Ipswich Tribune rotates this joke oa E.
11. Alley, cf Aberdeen, to show the remarkable
t-e. iof the Dakota atmosphere cpon the di
gestive powers: Mr. AUey is very fond of
apples, and noted for h'.s ability to. consame an 1
enormous quantity of that trclt without incon- j
venience. On the dsy in question. Mr. Alley i
catered Jam; £ BUss store, and espied a pail
oi .specially fine apples. After conversing
sheet the probable cumber is tbe pail, be made -■
the assertion that he coald eat them all between 1
1 __i _ p. a., th* wager being that if he failed j
to (.a; them he waa to pay for the entire i__i_, and .
lf he succeeded, Mr. Jumper to stand the loss.
He began the task, and iii a short timo - had de
voured nearly one-half of the apples with ease.
"The boys" were soon on to the racket, and began
purchasing apples and slipping them into Alley's
pall. This continued until about half past five.
when he ate the last apple in the pail and de
clared Jumper the loser. It ls estimated that be
ate nearly two pails of apples in the five hours,
and thought he had . consumed but half the
quantity. Mr. Alley was never Informed of the
deception practiced on him, and when he reads
this article we would not be surprised if he
makes use of some strong adjectives.
Wheat (i ing.
This statement by the Keystone paper will
apply to the mass of the buyers: "There is con
siderable dissatisfaction expressed over the grad
ing of wheat at Lisbon. The manager of the
elevator is said to know as little about the grad
ing of wheat as a hog does about Sunday,"
Growers are very indignant over grades given
them by several dealers at Duluth. One man
who had some ten cars of wheat all of oue lot
sent to different dealers at Duluth, was advised
that a little of it, perhaps one or two cars, were
graded Ne. 1 hard and the rest Xos. 1 and 2
western, except two cars rejected. He went on
there in hot haste and fiery wrath and enabled
the graders to discover their mistake. He «as
entirely satisfied with the result, Judge Good
rich, himself an old miller, sent on four cars all
of the same lot and quality ; one was graded No.
1 hard and the rest No. 1 and 2 northern. He
almost forgot for the time that he was a pillar in
the Presbyterian church at his home in Jersy •
ville, 111
[Special Correspondence of the Globe.l
Wabasha, Oct. B.— W. E. Hamilton-, Esq.,
of Syracuse, N. V., tarried a few days in the
city, the guest of his brother-in-law, Senator
J. G. Lawrence. Mr. 11. has a large mining
interest in Mexico, and was on his way home
from a visit in that section .
The county auditor has forwarded to the
state auditor his October settlement.
Moses Smith has broken ground for a two
story brick building adjoining the postoflice
on the north. It is reported that it is to be
used for hotel purposes.
One of "Jingo Jim's" satelites, Hon. Milo
White, of Chatfield, dropped in upon us be
tween two days, and interviewed the "trooly
loyal" hereabouts. It Is a still hunt game,
but will be loud enough for Milo's comfort
when the votes are cast in this county.
Dr. Van Dyke and family are to take their
departure for Oregon some time next week.
The doctor is pretty long himself, but says
the winters of this country 'are too long for
him. " '._
Notice of a nice little plum has been re
ceived by Councellor Murdock in the shape
of an adjustment of salary as postmaster
here in days gone by. A $100 bill is not to
be sneezed at wheu wheat is at bed rock.
The Mississippi is rising quite rapidly at
The Mississippi is rising quite rapidly at
this point, and threatens to again over
flow the bottoms on the Wis
consin side opposite and Interfere
with our trade from that side of the river.
Mr. O. B. Loomis, a Globe wide-awake
representative, was interviewing our people
yesterday and adding subscribers to the al
ready large list here.
W. B. Lutz, Lake City; Jacob Haessig,
Plain view; Henry Funk, Wabasha; Robert
Disney, Gillford, and Hugh McCaffrey, Hyde
Park, have been announced by L. M. Gregg,
chairman of the Democratic convention, as
county committee for tbe ensuing year.
Madame Stanley's Female Mastodons hold
the boards at the hall to-night, and Douavin's
Original Tennesseeans the Hth inst.
A meeting of the creditors and stockhold
ers of the Minnesota Elevator company has
been held at Red Wing, so we are informed,
and there is a prospect of making satisfactory
arrangements for resuming business. A
committee was appointed to see what could
be done and report at another meeting to be
held on the 14th Inst.
An I.nd to Bone Scraping.
Edward Shepherd, of Harrisburg, 111, says:
""Hasing received so much benefit from Electric
Bitters, I feel it my duty to let suffering human
ity know it. Have bud a running sore on my
leg for eight years ; my doctors told me I would
have to have the bone scraped or leg amputated.
1 need, instead, three bottles of Electric Datura
and seven boxes I'iicklens Arnica Salve, and my
leg is now sound acd well.
Electric Bitters are sold at fifty cents a bottle
■md Bncklen's Arnica Salve at 25c per box by
Lambie & Bethune.
[Special Correspondence to tho Globe.l
A__-.x_-.DB-A, Oct. 7.— Judge Collins, of
St. Cloud, is holding court this week.
The season for boating is about over. Sev
eral parties from the south (Mississippi and
St. Louis, Mo.) who passed the summer lux
uriating among the beautiful lakes and wood
land seen* I for which this vicinity is so
justly noted, recently left for their homes
In the "sunny land."
The political field is quiet. Knutc Nelson
seems to be sailing uuder clearer skies than
The secretary of state, who was badly bit
ten by a dog some days since, is now nearly
recovered, or so much so so that he has ven
tured on a several days bunt.
The people of Alexandria have for two
week- past been favored by the presence of
Rev. Henry Frank, a rare oratorical genius.
He flrst filled the pnlplt In the Methodist
church two weeks ago last Sunday. Tbe ef
fect was almost electric, and he was prevailed
upon to preach again the Friday evening
following. The expectations of the attend
ants, though raised to a high pitch, were
more thnn satisfied. The people were more
enthusiastic than ever, and rallied around
him with such urgent and pressing appeals
as to persuade him to remain upwards of a
week longer. His last address was on the
subject of temperance, atthe Opera house
Sunday evening last tos large and apprecia
tive audience. He left on Monday's train
for Duluth, where he attends the Methodist
The best on earth, can truly be said of
Griggs' Glycerine Salve, which Is a sure, safe
and speedy cure for cuts, bruises, scalds.
trims, wounds and all other son*. Will
positively cure piles, tetter and all skin erup
tions. Try this Wonder healer. Satisfaction
puarauteed or money refunded. Only 23
cents. Sold by P. J. Dr. is. Ninth and >:
Peter streets.
SnAFTESBUBT. A right mind and gen-
Su .."T.>Rt m. A right mind and iren
_____* affection bath more beauty and charms
than all other symmetries in the world be
sides; and a grain of honesty and native
worth is of more value than all the advcnti
ous ornaments, estates, or preferments; for
the sake of which some of the better sort
so oft turn knaves. 7.7
SNEEZE, uutil your
head seems ready to
fly off: until your nose
and eyes discharge ex-
cessive quantities of
thin, irritating, watery
; fluid; until yonr head
f aches, mouth and
throat parched, and
Mood at fever heat.
This is an Acnte Ca
tarrh, and is instantly
relieved by a single
aose. ana permanently curea ny one bottle of
SiNroHn'. Radical Cm ron Catarrh.
Complete* Treatment with Inhaler fI.OO.
One bottle Radical Cure, one box Catarrhal Sol
vent, and one Improved Inhaler, in one package,
may now be bad of all _._.•_. for Sl.oo. A_> _
for Savford's Radical Ccrk.-
"The oaly absolute specific we know of."
Med. lime*. * "The best we have found in a life
time of suffering.'" — Ser. Dr. W'.ggin, Boston.
♦•After a long struggle with Catarrh, the Radical
Cess has conquered." — Etr. _9_ Jr. Monroe.
Le*i*tntrg\. Pa. **1 have no: found a case that
it did not relieve at — Andrew Lee, Man
chester, Macs.
Potter lire; and Cti»m'c Co.. llo.tnn.
f*»f\l !_ I A/C*_ Fcr the relief aad prevention.
.V^Y.^.T,;|»o, ths instast IT is atojsd, Of
\\'-" '•/ £/ Kheuaatism, Neuralgia. Sciat-
ON' ' A/^ !cju c'ocSn»- this. Weak Back.
Vv ___.___" Stomach, and Bowela. Shooting
— j- &"■*.,* "^V?- Pains, Numbness, Hysteria.
JgßlV* Female Pains. Palpitation,
__^^S2<^\ Dyspepsia. Liver Complaint,
/_UCtKjcV\ B^»n» Fever, Malaria, sad
Pil'* __4. _-___; EPi'ieaic*' B*« C_____ss*
*»A_pTfcH** " Pi-as_____i tan Et.icriuc Bat- '
rani combined with a Pono c_ Pi___srnaj aad I
laugh st pain. _tSc everywhere.
TH__]r ST. FAUL DAILY l_f___OJsJ__, THURSDAY "M <7K__^ OCTOBER 9, 185 _*.
o___c__ or the City Tiieasttker, I
• St. Paul, Minn., October 4, 1884. f
All persons interested in the assessment for
The Construction of Sidewalks
in front of the following de-
scribed property:
Under contract of Q, W. Beese
(Estimate No. 4) for term be-
ginning April 1, 1884, and end-
ing November 1, 1884.)
that on the 29 th day of __ -.her, 1534, 1 did. re
ceive a warrant from ' City Comptroller
of the City of St. Paul, i_. .___. collection of the
above named assessments.
The following is a list of tho supposed owners'
names, a description of the property in front of
which walk, have been built, relald or repaired,
and the amounts assessed against ths same, to
East DM street, Ml side.
St. Paul Proper.
Supposed owner and Am't of
description. Lot. Block. Assm't.
L V Hamlin, E . _ of 10 23 $233 08
Est of C Gelb, \V «4 of 10 23 343 15
Alex Ramsey 13 23 261 48
Wm S .Mason.W 0f.12 - 23 173 63
Conrad Gotzian, E ', 0f. ..11 23 211 86
Thos Fitzpatrick, .."'•£ of.. 11 23 216 54
J B Cowley, W2l ftof 16,15*14 23 181 42
Win Golcher, E 20 ft of VV
41 ft of 10,15*14 23 170 28
J H Schurmeier, E 2-5 of. . 8 24 177 46
Same, W 5 ftof.... 9 24 34 14
C Schurmeier, E 45 ft 0f... 9 24 374 60
Chas Lockhart... 10 24 44134
Geo Haas, \V 24 ft of 11 24 SIS 17
Jls Braijf n, E26ft of 11 24 214 32
W M Stees 12 24 455 25
J M Warner, E,_ of: 11 25 344 10
HX Jacksou, W.i of 11 25 ___ 61
I. It Nelson. ..''_ of 12 25 " 18132
Jas S and T 1) Simonton,
Etfof.. 12 25 187 27
Carrie Thompson 13 25 399 44
Nic Hardy, W._ of. 14 25 189 60
Wm Dawson, E"-i of 14 25 183 28
S J Peabody, W 40 ft of S
100 ft of 15 25 195 70
E W Gilbert, et aI,EIO ft of
100 ft of 15 25 63 12
Same. S 100 ft of 16 25 3.7 42
Estate of Alex Paul 8 26 647 15
Same... 9 20 389 99
Michael Defiel. WVt of 10 26 123 62
Alex Ramsey, E»iof 10 26 113 87
MR Furness 11 . 26 370 29
M E Chambers, VV 0?i
inches of 12 20 2 57
H It Bigelow, W 23 ft of E
ft of 12 20 202 61
Wm Dawson, E. sft 0f.... 12 20 19191
Same, S 07 '•_ ftof 13 20 165 iO
Henry Hale, S 67 % ft of. ..14 20 360 47
East Bird street. tott site
St. Paul Proper.
Supposed owner and Amount of
description. Lot Block. Aasra *
A L Mayall, fc" Ji of an inch
ofWtf of 2 34 $0 50
Same ( except E 3 ft) E Vt
of 2 34 179 86
Mary Goodhue, E 3 ft 0f... 2 34 16 93
Same 3 34 281 20
I has A Moore, W •_ 0f . ... 4 34 256 88
John Bell (except E 1 ft; E
'__ of 4 34 22130
II Blgelow, Elft of 4 34 790
Some, VV 16*. ft of N 60 ft
of 5 34 131 19
Jos Ashton, trustee, W . _
of E *i ; of 5 34 88 71
Allie Hewitt, E H of 5 34 89 26
I) T Watson, W Vt of 6 34 125 30
L V Hamlin, E 25 ft of H
73 ft of 6 34 174 18
Horace Thompson, VV 26 ft
of 100 ft of 1 33 429 74
David Day, E 52 -■_ ft of W
78 7-12 ft of 100 ft of.. 1 33 683 95
Supposed owner and Amount of
description. Assm'ts.
Right Rev T L Grace. Commencing It
X E corner of block 33; thence W 220
ft to Day's land; thence S 100 ft;
thence WlB ft ; thence 554 ft to Bench
street; thence E along Bench street
860 ft to Minnesota street; thence X
' 173 'ft to beginning; (except li Day's
strip) being lots 2, 3 and part of lot 1, -
block 33, St. Paul Proper 31653 20
National German American Bank. Com-
mencing ..... ft W of X E corner of
lot 1, block 32; thence SE 91-64 ft
parallel with fc; live of Minnesota street;
thence E 27', feet on a line running
midway between X and S line of said
block; tbenee X 91.64 feet to a point
Sly line of Third street, 105.03 ft Ely
from the NW cornar of sail block 32;
thence VV along Third street to begin-
ning: being partof lots 1 aud 2, block
32: St. Paul Proper 5333 13
A W Hall. Commencing on . Sly line
of Third street, at a point 354 fest
W'ly from NE cornor of lot 2, block 32;
thence Wly 24 feet; thence Sly MM
feet; thence Kly 24 feet; thence N'ly
94 feet to beginning, being part of
lot i, block 32, St. Paul Proper 8209 50
ATE Klrkland. Commencing on the
Sly line of Third street US feet ...
inches Ely from Ely line of Minne
sota street; ihence W'ly 18 feet 654
(aches . thence sly 73 teet; thence
NE ly 18 feet o*_ inches; thence N'ly
73 feet to beginning, being in block
32, St. Paul Proper $201 86
Henry N'iehanser. Commencing on
Bly line of Third street 148 feet
. «_ inches Ely from Ely line of Mm
nesota street; thence Ely 18 feet •**;
inches; thence My 73 feet; thence
XW'ly 18 feet 04 inches: thence X'ly
to beginning; being part of lot 3,
block 32, St. Paul proper 9170 40
C A Moore. Commencing on Sly line of
Third street 75 ft fc"'!.. frora NW cor-
Dei of lot 3; thence Ely 23 ft 10*. In-
ches: thence Sly parallel with M_n-";-l.r,
nesota street 34 ft ; thence W'ly paral
lel with Third street 23 ft 10.i inches:
thence N'ly 84 ft to beginning; being
part of lot 3, block 32, St. Paul
Proper $135 24
Estate of Oeo Pnlford. Commencing
on Sly line of Third street 98 ft 10S
inches Ely from NE corner of lot 2,
block 32 : thence E'iy 27 ft I_■ inches
thence Sly parallel with Minnesota
street 100 ft; thence W'ly 3. ft:
thence N'ly to Sly line of land of C
A Moore: thence Ely 4 ft: thence
N'ly to beginning: -being part of lot 3,
block 32, St. Paul Proper %209 99
Geo L Otis. Commencing on Sly Jine
Of Third street 46 _£ ft Wly from XE
comer of block 32. St. Paul Proper;
thence STy parallel with Robert street
120 ft: thence VV ly 25 ft: thence
N'ly parallel with Robert street 120 ft
to Sly live of Third street: thence
Ely to beginning, being part of lot 3,
said block. $198 55
Theresa H.irtan. Commencing at NE
corner of block 32. :_•:. Paul Proper;
thence W'ly 46K ft: thence S'lv 90ft;
thence Ely 46_i ft: thence X'ly 80 ft
to beginning, being part of lot 3. said
block , $116 15
Bartiey Presley. Commencing on Sly
line of lot 3. block 32. St. Paal. Proper,
50 ft Ely from SW corner of said lot
3: thence X'ly 113 ft; thence Wly 13
ft : thence Niy 80 ft to X line of .aid
lot Sat a point ... ', ft Ely from NE
corner of lot 2, said block 32: thence
Ely 41 ft 8 Inches: thence Sly S3 ft
thence Ely 2 ft: thence Sly 120 ft;
thence W'ly 50 ft to beginning $334 49
. St. Paal Proper.
Snpposed owner and Am't of
description. Lot. Black. Assm't.
Goodhue Jt Lamprey, Ex-
cept - 843. ft and Third
street) 1 63 $743 42
E S Champlin. (Except W
16 *_ ft and Third street). 2 30 831 15
The nature of the warrant s, that if yon tail 1
to pay the assessment within
after the Hrst publication of this notice, I shall
report yon and yonr real estate so assessed as
deliacjuent, and apply to the District Conrt of the
county of Ramsey, Minnesota, for judgment .
against yonr lands, lots, blocks, or parcels there- j
of so assessed, inclnding interest, costs and ex
penses, and for an order of the Conrt to sell the
same for the payment thereof.
254-274 GEORGE REIS, City Treasurer.

"^^■■^ -■__"_.. Wm* fcr l>_m **m '
I I HIS I 1 _|_ "__»__*•• F-_4 £_•___!___»*__-
- - . tt ___ • mama -_____. arm.- wrtum ,
•_" _»_•# W A _^M *-•*• *"••**■• *-*"-
if "C _.* __? _(____l^^___k ______ m mmm ___^_»»«<__n__ 9_____ «W
** "jr # ■_flAm W - •-, **•{*"**». *****
— ■— C_f*S_»>-«>-_r— . Bii-h-.r___ri, ¥■-__.,-__
• St.Paul, Minn., Oct. 4, 1884. J
All persons interested in the assessments for
The Construction of Sidewalks
in front of the following de-
scribed property: ■
(Under contract of Q. W. Beese
(Estimate No. 3) for term be-
ginning April 1, 1884 and end-
ing November 1, 1884,)
that on the 29th day of September, 1884, 1 did re
ceive a warrant from the City Comptroller
of the City of St. Paul, for »the collection of
the above named assessments, f
The following is a list of the supposed owners'
names, a description of the property in front of
which walks have been built, relald or repaired,
and tho amounts assessed against the same, to
wit: , . '-r ;v.7 i
Cedar street, East side.
Litchfield's Subdivision of Block 1, Medill's Ad-
• dition to St. Paul.
Supposed owner and . Am't of
description. Lot. Assm't.
Chnrch of Good Shepherd 1 $33 42
Same 21 14 54
Samuel Wisnom .20 14 64
Abram F Lewis ■ 19 14 54
Wm B Litchfield 18 14 54
Medill's Addition to St. Paul.
Supposed owner and . Am't of
description. Block. Assm't
Romer & Trempcr (except street) 2 $105 18
W X Merriam and Wm Dawson, S
150 ft of 3 57 03
Cedar street, West side.
St. Paul Proper.
Supposed owner and Am't of
description. Lot. Block. Assm't.
FllZeikowitz 16 9 $20 21
II Bigelow 15 9 29 S4
Same 14 9 , 29 84
Davidson 3 . 9 29 84
Fred Emmert, SH of 2 9 13 09
C C Berkman, N 54 of ..... 2 9 13 01
Same 1 9 28 02
Bazille's Addition to St. Paul.
Supposed owner and Am't. of
description. Lot. Block. Assm't
John Wagner 1 2 $.5 62
_. R DeGraw, S % of 2 2 12 69
Mary raw, N'_ of.. 2 T2T 12 69
Colored Baptist Church.... 3 2 .25 39
Supposed owner and Am't of
description. .-;■-:,. Block. Assm't.
CFE Messerschmidt "A" $14 61
S R Simonton (Sly of Thirteenth
street) "B" 10 37
Same (Niy of Thirteenth street). '-B" 6 01
Same ...."C" 41 30
Stephen Rochette (except N43 5-6 / ,
ft of W 104 Hit of "D" 41 49
Supposed owner and Am'tof
description. ■ Assm't.
Chos Friend. Commencing at a stake
which bears S4O degrees 30 minutes
E and distant 5.59 chains from the NE
corner of land deeded by V Guerin to
Chas Bazille by deed dated December
8, 1849: thence S4O deg. 30 miv B 81
links; thence 57 deg, 30 mm W 3.20
chains to the Ely line of Wabashaw
street; thence NW'ly along Wabashaw
street on E side thereof 81 links;
thence N 57 deg, 30 mm E by land
conveyed by S S Murdock toG W Mur-
dock to place of beginning, boing tho
Sly H of land conveyed by Gaston to
Murdock (except Cedar street) . $20 54
Chas Friend. Commencing at a stake
which bears S4O deg, M mm E and
distant 4.78 chains from the NE cor-
ncr of land deeded by V Gaerin to
Cbas Bazille by deed dated December
3, 1849: thence S 40 deg, 30 miv E 81
links; thence S 57 deg, 30 miv \V 3.20
chains to the Ely lice of Wabashaw.
street: thence N'ly along said Waba-
shaw street HI links: thence N 57 deg,
30 mm Eto beginning (except Cedar
street) $20 54
J D Ludden. N"_ of the following:
Commencing at NE corner of W S
noil's land; thence S'lv along Cedar
street 211 ft; tbenee W'ly 210 It to I
line of Wabashaw street ; thence N'ly
along Wabashaw street 211 tt to SW
corner of W S Hall's laud; thence Ely.
210 ft te beginning (except Cedar and . ■ ■
Wabashaw streets) $41 06
E R Bryant. Commencing at a starting
point, being an iron pier on the E line
of Wabashaw street, ascertained a..
follows: Beginning at the E corner of
J D Ludden's rave. me at wall at the in-
tersection of the X line of Iglehart
street and W Has of .bashaw street;
ih. nee NM'ly st ristbt angles to said
W'ly Una of Wabashaw street to the E
lice ef rata strset; thence N34 deg
W along said Ii line ef Wabashaw
street 212. feot to raid iron pier or
starling point: thence in a direct line
NS7H deg X 174.79 feet to an iron
pier in th. W'ly line of Cedar street;
thence NW'ly on said W'ly line of
Cedar street 45.37 feet to land con-
veyed to John Kerwin; thence SW'ly
by said land in a direct line to tho X
line of Wabashaw street 50 feet N'ly
from said starting point; theace along .
said Ely line of Wabashaw street to
beginning, being 50 ft on Wabashaw . .7
street and 45.37 on Cedar street $17 42
David P Barnum. Commencing at a
starting point, being an iron pier in
Ely line of Wabashaw street ascer
tained as follows: Beginning at the
E corner of J D Ludden's revetment
wall at the Intersection of N line of
Iglehart street and W line of Waba-
shaw street : thence NE'ly at right
angles with W line of Wabashaw
street to E line of said street; thence
N 34 H an. W along the E line of Wa-
bashaw street 302. 6 ift to said iron
pier or starting point; thence NE'ly
along the W'ly line of laud of Hoffman
to an iron pier In the W'ly line of
Cedar street; thence Sly along the
W'ly line of Cedar street 46 ft; thence
SW'ly to a poiat in the Ely line of
Waba .haw street 40.37 ft Sly of sail
starting point; thencs >■ to beginning,
biisg 40.37 ft on Wabashaw street
street and 40 ft on Csdar street $13 38
Wm Cunningham and Chas Haas. Com-
mencing at >' X corner ot land form-
crip ownsd by Charles Baclile ; thence
S6B dag, W It chains, thence S4l
deg. 7 mia. E 3.18 chains; thence N
57 deg. SO mm. E 3.13 chains; thence
N 40-, deg. W to bsgianiag, except
Barnum & Bryant's parts and Waba-
shaw and Cedar streeu $47 83
Claries street, M side.
Magoffin __ Breckenridge's Addition to SL Paul.
Supposed owner and Am't of
description. Lot. Block. As.m
Wm ".'Neil 6 3 $49 74
Philip M angola 7 3 19 64
John McNeils..,..:.. 3 3 13 21
Same 9 3 19 21
Wm Roth 10 3 19 21
P Nolan 11 3 19 21
Hahn 12 3 "13 80
Same IS 3 19 80
Same 14 3 19 80
Louis Singer 15 3 19 80
Cith Wa-caff 16 3 19 80
Robertson _. Van Etten's Addition to St. Paul.
Supposed owner and Am't of
description. Lot. Block. Assm't.
A X Barnnm, W JV ' "
of 4*5 19 $38 42
J J Keating, E.-J_
of .....4&S 19 i 9 80
A X Barnnm.... 12 20 19 21
Same 11*. 20 19 81
Same : 10 20 - is 21
Same » 20 19 49
It P. * II M We.hey. 3 20 19 49
Frank Roost 7 20 19 21
ALMayall .' 13 - 21 2142
CAMana 11 21 , 24 22
Same 10 21 24 17
ALMayall 9 21 20 21
Same 8 21 19 39
Geo Heron 7 21 19 21 l
C A Mann.. __.:._..___. ... 12 22 19 21
ALMayall 11,.. 22 19 21; «
C A Mud 10V'"_ 22 19 21 '
Same ...:.... 9*?. 22 999
Warren * Rice's Addition to St. Ptal.
Supposed owner aad . Am'tof
description. Lot Block. Assm't
H Emme 9 22 $3 81
P Volkmann 8 22 19 21
Same 17 22 19 21
Albert Yan-hmin.... ....... 12 23 19 21
Bertha Nth! ...:.".. ......11 23 19 21 '
Frank Steiner. 10 23 19 80
JohaGaal ......... 9 23 19 21 i
Aeg Vo:__.ar._ 8 23 19 21 j
'■■■"'_, '111 „ - , ■. .. .
Warren & Rice's Addition to St. Paul.
Supposed owner and . Amt. of
description. r Lot. Block. Assm't :
Thomas Schwarz..... 7 23 $19 21
John Clonan 10 24 20 48
Carl Lichfuss rv.:. .. 9 24 21 08
FD Whitall ...8 24 20 48
5ame.....:.........; 7 24 ' 20 48/
John Miller Jr. l _ 6 24 20 48
, Dayton Ayeuue, Soutli side.
Woodland Park Addition to St. Paul.
Supposed owner and Am't of
description. Lot. Block. Assm't
E J Hodgson .....2 4 $19 22
5ame........ 3 4 19 22
P Cauley ..4 4 19 22
Mary A Stevenson 5 4 19 72
E M and L J Stower 6 4 19 82
Geo R Snell 7 4 19 22
J McAfee 8 4 19 37
5ame...;.:.... :... 9 4 23 77
Decatur street, South side.
Irvine's Second Addition to St. Paul.
Supposed owner and Am't of
description. Lot. Block. Assm't
MAEFuller 8 76.' $25 36
Fred Moberg 7 6 "25 36
Same... 6 0 24 84
MAE Fuller 5 6 38 74
• Eaton Ayeuue, East side.
Marshall's Addition to West St. Paul.
Supposed owner and . 'A-T'AA- Am't of
description. Lot. Block. A6sm't
WmTCunlff 1' 10 $6 97
Julia Hitchcock. 2 10 6 97
Sam. (Except S 24 ft of W
100 ft) 16 10 3 63
Same (Except N 13 ft) 15 10 5 15
N J Ness >' 13 feet of 15 10 183
Same, S 24 ft of W 100 ft of 16 10 3 34
Mary Shanahan....' 14 10 6 97
Same 13 10 6 97
Julia Hitchcock 1 15 6 97
Same 2 15 6 97
Chas J Berryhiil 16 15 6 97
Same 15 15 6 97
Harriet Hall ........14 15 6 97
C Hitchcock 13 15 .6 97
Clinton Aye nve M E church 1 17 6 97
Same 2 17 6 97
P Goodwin, N'ly 40 ft of
W'ly 100 ft of 16 17 5 58
Chas Hall Sly 10 ft of W'ly
lOOftof 16 17 140
Same, N'ly 30 ftof W'ly 100
"of 15 17 4 18
Emma Quayle Sly 20 ft of
W'lylOOftof 15 17 2 79
Same ...14 17 6 97
John B Menard 13 ' 11XA 8 05
Eya Street, test side.
Marshall's Addition to West St. Paul.
Supposed' owner and Am't o
description. Lot. Block. Assm't.
A T Upham, £}_of 5 10 $7 98
Same, E Vt of 6 10 '6 97
Margaret Gies, E 100 ft of. 7 . 10 6 97
Julia Hitchcock 8 10 6 97
Harriet Hall 9 10 6 97
Same 10 10 6 97
A N Bartlett 5 15 6 97
D D Lord 6 15- 6 97
C Hitchcock, (Except W
50ft) 7 15 6 97
W RSach.,(ExceptWsoft) 8 15 6 97
WW Thomas 9 15 6 97
M J Walsh 10 15 6 97
John Brady... 5 17 6 97
Zulma A Meyers.. 6 17 6 97
W W Thomas, (E 100 ft of. 7 17 6 97
J W White... 8 .17.V> 6 97
Mary Lister 9 17 6 97
Edward Lister 10 17 6 97
Eya Street, East side.
Marshall's Addition to West St. Paul. '77-7
Supposed owner and Am't of
description. Lot. Block. Assmt.
Wm R Johnson, W lA 0f... 1 11 - $7 90
Same, W Vt of 2 11 6 97
Michael Waters 16 11 6 97
Christ E Bousquet ...15 11 6 97
Chasßastien 14 11 6 97
Jens Hanson 13 11 697
Alfred St Peter..... 2 14 4 26
A L Lewis 10. 14 6 97
C A Herat 15 14 6 97
Sarah Wilcox 14 14 6 97
EllenGrady ..13 14 6 97
J P Hanson 1 18 6 97
J W Mcciung ...2 18 6 97
Margaret Walsh 10 13 6 97
WW Thomas 15 18 6 97
M C Bliss a 1.... 14 18 697
Same .13 18 2 79
Exchange street, Northeast , side.
Rice __ Irvine's Addition to St. Paul.
Supposed owner and Am't of
description. Lot. Block. Assm't.
NP Langford 13 23 $23 00
JasGllflllan 14 .28 19 21
Alex Ramsey 15 28 210.
Same 16 28 23 06
Same , 17 __ 23 06
Same 18 23 23 06
Mange street, Southeast side,
Rice & Irvine's Addition to St. Paul.
Supposed owner and Am't of
description. Lot. Block. Assm't.
CD Elfelt, NW'ly J,' of 1 83 $37 80
John Hudec, NE.4 of 7 33 1308
J Sheehan, SWH of 7 33 13 07
Wm Gohlke, NEV. of 8 33 13 10
Loais Schmidt' SWH of. .. 8 33 12 18
Pat Keough, NW H of 10 33 25 03
Fifth street, North side.
Kittson's Addition to St, Paul. ■
Supposed owner and Am't of
description. Lot. Block. Assm't.
I" Borer 8 33- $19 22
Wilkin* Coleman 7 ■'. 19 69
U Borer 6 38 Hi 22
J II Duffy 5 38 20 93
Fourteenth -Hth- street, North side.
Tinker's Addition to St. Paul.
Supposed owner and Am't of
description. Lot. Block. Assm't.
L D Hodge 25 1 $12 40
Iropis street, South side.
Clark's Addition to St. Paul.
Supposed owner and Am't of
description. ' • Lot. Block. Assm't.
E M Vau Duzee 1 7 $4 60
Same _> 7 5 58
TTFannteroy 3 - 7 553
Same 4 7 5 58
F I. Clarke 5 7 5 58
Geo Scjiindeldeckcr 6 7 5 53
PB Clarke 7 7 6 33
Same 8 7 .5 58
Same 9 7 5 58
Same 10 7 6 53
Mary E Stone 11 7 5 53 '
Same Vi 7 5.18
Same 13 7 5 58
Same 14 7 5 58;
Same 1;, 7 5 58
Same IS '7 5 58
""•■"•me 17 7 5 53
Same 18 7 5 53
Same 19 7 5 58
Johanna Anderson 20 7 4 97
Jaclson street, East side.
Tinker* Addition to St. Paul.
Supposed owner and Am't of
description. Lot. Block. Assm't.
Fred'k LambrechL 5 1 $15 33
Pat White, Sly M of Wly
?> of 1 2 5 12
' Lishou street, South side.
Whltacre. Brisbane * Mullen's - Subdivision of
Lota 1 and 2, Leech's Oct Lots to St. Panl.
Supposed owner and Am't of
description. Lot. Assm't.
Henry Galvin 49 $_ 77
Mary Mullen 50 6 77
5ame....." 51 6 77
WmNiland 52 . 6 77
Albert Hajek, WV4 or 53 3 38
WPlcha, £„ of 53 3 SO
John Eagan 54 C 77
C J Whitacre 55 . 6 77
E F Drake 56 6 77
NelsHßedlnnd 57 C 77
J D McKenty 58 6 77
Same 59 6 77
WD Morgan 60 7 65 .
Nelson ayeuue, North side.
Dayton * Irvine's Addition to St. Panl. j
Supposed owner and Am'tof j
- description. Lot. Block. Assm't ■
D W. Ingersoll (E of Josette
street) 9 83 $2 43,
Same.. . ...... 8 83 24 84
Same 7 63 24 24'
Same.'.:..:: ...Vff ... 24 24
5ame.......'. 5 83 .24 84
John Nicola..' 4 83 24 84
5ame...;......... ."..3 83 £4 24
Same..... .2. 83 iB9
Nintli street,: Mi side.
Roberts & Randall's Addition to St. Paul.
Supposed owner and • Am't of
description. Lot. Block. Assm't.
Est. Louis Roberta 1 13 839 97
Same, E 51 ft 0f.......... 2 IS 25 28
Thos Grace, W 49 ft of E
100 ft0f..... 3 13 24 30
Wm J Cutler, (except £ 100
ft) 2 13 52 75
Constantino Robarge...... 3 13 5 42
Rice & Irvine's Addition to St. Paul.
Supposed owner and Am't of
description. Lot. Block. Assm't.
Mary Dreier, N 97 ft 0f.... 1 8 $26 M
A M Cavietzel 2 3 26 68
Peter Arth ...4 3 19 28
C and A Seymour 8 3 26 0.
Norris street, North site,
Markley __ Walker's Addition to St. Paul.
Supposed owner and Am't of
description. Lot. Block. Assm't
Chasßishoff .10 4 $12 85
Same *.. 9 4 10 11
Same B*4 9 78
Same and Julia Bishoff.... 7 47 15 97
Maggie A Reaney.... 2 1 30 99
.*, -..--> •
Norris street, South side.
Norris street, South side.
Markley and Walker's Addition' to St. Paul.
Supposed owner and Am't of
description. Lot. Block. Assm't'
J P Allen 1. 3 $31 06
Pearl street, South side.
Vanderhnrg's Addition to Hoyt'a Addition to St.
Supposed owner and Am't of
description. Lot. Block. Assm't.
C B Keen, S2Bft of 5 3 $30 86
L. C. Dayton's Enlargement to St. Paul.
Supposed owner and Am't of
description. Lot. Assm't.
Christen Peterson 1 $5 56
Susan Huxtable, W "iof 2 9 57
A Wise, Vt of .2 956
Robertson street. East side.
Marshall's Addition to West St. Paul.
Supposed owner and Am't of
description. Lot. Block. Assm't.
Henry Fontain, W_i 0f.... 1 12 $7 57
Same, W__ of ..2 12 6 97
Theresa Benesch , 15 12 6 97
Wm L Bole 14 12 6 97
AdelinaFrenette,W7oftofl3 12 6 97
Same, W 70 f t 0f.... 12 12 6 97
Chas Primault 1 13 6 97
Gedeen Labelle 2 13 6 97
Peter Lartie 14 13 6 97
Same 13 13 6 97
Same ; ...12 18 7 46
Same ....11 13 0 97
Wenz Lauger 1 19 6 97
A Patient 4 19 6 97
J B St Aubin „..5 19 6 97.
J W McClung 8 19 6 97
MD Miller 9 19 6 97
Same 12 19 6 97
Rosabel street, West side.
Hopkin's Addition to St. Paul.*
Supposed owner and Am't of
description. Lot. Block. Assm't.
NlcolsA Dean 1 2 $111 97
Seventh street, North side.
Bazille & Gueriu' s Addition to St. Paul.
Supposed owner and Am't of
description. Lot. Block. Assm't.
Maggie McDonald 12 18 $30 20
J A *% W M Stees, W 69 ft
of 13 12 4168
Arthur H Rogers, E 66 ft
of 13 12 19 48
Summit avenne, North side.
Supposed owner and Amt. of
description. Assm't.
E L Carpenter. Commencing on IT line
of Summit avenue, at a point 48 ft W
from intersection of Summit avenue
with W line of Portland avenue, as de-
scribed in agreement between W Car-
penter and W S Wright, dated Jan 10,
1872, and recorded Dec 3, 1873; thence
BWty along N line of Summit avenue
98 ft ; thence X W at right angles with
Summit avenue 190 3-12 ft to S line of
Portland avenue; thence E on S line .
of Portland avenue 123 4-12 ft; thence
S at right angles with Summit avenve
116 2-12 ft to beginning; being part of
block 20, Woodland Park Addition to
St Paul $44 64
E W Winter. Commencing on the X'ly
line of Summit Avenue, at SW corner
of land . conveyed by W. S . Wright to
B, F. Breckenridge; thenc. NE'ly
along NW'ly line of Summit Avenue
125 ft; theuce at right angles to Sum- ■*'
mit Avenue __W'ly to S line of Port-
land Avenue; thence W along i'ortland
Avenue .0 ft; thence Sly at right an-
gles to suid Portland Avenue 87 ft to a
point 90 ft from Ely line of this tract
and 150 ft from X line of said Summit
Avenue; thence SE'ly to Summit Aye-
nue at a point SO ft from beginning;
thence to beginning, being part of
block 20, Woodland Pari. J_.dl.lon to
St. Paul $43 51
J A Wheelock. Commencing at SE cor-
ncr of lot 2, DnscoU's Subdivision of
part of block 20, Woodland Park Addi
tion to St. Paul ; thence NE'ly along
N'ly line of Summit Avenue 35 ft;
thence N'ly at right angles with Sum-
mit Avenue 150 ft; thence NE'ly along
W line of land heretofore sold by .Mar-
shall to E W Winter 86 ft to S line of
I'ortland Avenue ; thenca W along S
line of Portland Avenue to NE corner
of said subdivision; thence to begin-
ning, being part of block 20, Wood-
land Park Addition to St. Paul $16 92
Drlscoll'a Subdivision of part of Block 20, Wood-
. land Park Addition to St. Paul.
Supposed owner and Am'tof
description. Lot. Assm't.
J A Wheelock, (except Cnlbcrt-
sons part) 2 $40 60
Summit Ayenne, Sonth side.
A G Fuller's Subdivision of Block 87, Dayton &
Irvine's Addition to St, Paul.
Supposed owner and Am't of
description. Lot. Assm't.
H D Guerney 18 $17 89
Otis' Rearrangement of Lota 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16
and 17, Block, 04, Dayton <_. Irvine's
Addition to St. Paul.
Snpposed owner and Am't of
description. Lot. Block. Assm't.
M V Otis 1 04 $38 07
Mary N Morrison 2 04 . 31 42
Dayton & Irvine's Addition to St. Paul.
Supposed owner and Am't of
description. Lot. Block. Assm't.
G W Armstrong (except 1
•treet) 8 70 $55 34
F Driscoll 2 M 29 74
Same 3 69 29 00
Same, N Ely 10 ft of .4 69 4 83
Rufus C Jefferson, (except
Ely 10ft) 4 69 25 48
Same 5 69 29 23
Same 6 69 29 00
ACHaupt 12 .69 29 00
Same ; 13 69 25 14
Geo Warren 14 69 55 10 I
Same ...15 69 29 74 '
DC Shephard 16 69 '29 00
5ame...... ...17 69 2100
Same 18 69 29 00
Same 19 .69 29 00
Geo B Warren ......20 '69 29 00
Same 21 *69 25 13
Mary E Breed, SW'ly «_* 0f.23 69 38 67
Geo B Warren..... 26 . 69 29 00
David Dows, Jr 27 69 29 59
Same ...28 69 29 00
Temperance street, East side.
Joel Whitney's Addition to St. Paul. .
Supposed operand Am't of '
description. Lot. Block. Assm't.
Edward Nickels Z. 2 $2166 '.
David Callaghan .....2 2 2166
Same 1 2 21 07
Monta street, East side.
Ewing ft Chute's Subdivision of Lots 7, 8 and 9
Block 6, Whitney & Smith's Addition
to St. Paul.
Supposed owner and Am't of
description.' Lot. Assmt.
Wm Dawson 1 $20 82
Same ............. 2 28 85
Same.... Z.....7. .X.VZZAZ T^TZ^.tM. »69 I
Whitney ft Smith's AddiUon to St. Paul.
Sapposed owner and Am't ol
description. Lot. Block. Assm't.
City of St Paal ....lo 6 $2 34
KTWheslock, WH of.. 11&12 14 50 49
Davidson 10 14 25 32
Robinson & Carey ...9 14 27 14
faMta street, West side.
St. Paul Proper.
Supposed owner and Am't
description, Lot. Block. Assm't.
Schntte, Rugg <_. Dicker-
man, SH 0t:..... 1,2ft3 28 $21 87
... . ...
The nature of the warrant ia, that if you fail
to pay the assessment within
after the first publication ef this notice, I shall
report yon and yonr real estate so assessed as'
delinquent, and apply to the District Oourt of the
County of Ramsey, Minnesota, for judgment
against your lands, lots, blocks, or parcels there
of so assessed, including Interest, costs and ex.
penses, and for an order of the Court to sell thf
same for the payment thereof.
264-274 GEO. REIS, City Treasurer.
1 1 __■_■ ■ - -_==i
Relaying Pavement an Jackson Street
• . * . '
Otticis or the Boabd or Public Wobks, J
Ottjct. ot _____ Bo___d or Pubuc Won____, )
Citt of St. Paul, Minn., Oct. 4,1834. f
Sealed bids will he received by the Board of
Public Works in and for the corporation of the
City of St. Paul, Minnesota, at their office in
said city, nntil 12 m. on the 20th day of Octo
ber, A. D. 1884, for relaying pavement on Jack
son street, between south line of Fourth (4th)
street and Seventh (Tth) street, with pine block!
and the construction of granite curbs on both
sides of said street between said points in said
city, according to plans and specifications on file
in the offles of said Board.
A bond with at least two (2) sureties In a sum
of at least twenty (20) per cent, of the gross
amount bid, must accompany each bid.
The said Board reserves the right to reject any
or all bids.
R. L. Go___-_-__ Clerk Board of Public Works.
■ 260-90.
'mamtsmn — — p— «i — __n**"~*l —
Sewer on Norris StreeL "'
Sewer on Norris StreeL :
. . "
Owice or tub Boabo op Public Wobks, \
Office of tub Boabd of PtmLic Works, I
City or St. Paul, Minn.. Oct. 6, 1834. .
Sealed bids will be received by the Board of
Public Works in and for the corporation of tha
city of St. Paul, Minnesota, at their office in said
city, until 12 m. on the 20th day of October,
A.D. 1884,' for the construction of a sewer on
Norris street, from Canada street to Cooper
street, in said city, together with the necessary
catch-basins and manholes, according to plans
and specifications on file In the office of said
A bond with at least two (2) sureties, in a sum
of at least twenty (20) per cent, of the gross
amount bid must accompany each bid.
The said Board reserves the right to reject any
or all bids.
R. L. Gobman, Clerk Board of Public Works.
•• _Sl-_9l
Mart Ipictiiii Co.,
Steam Ermines,
Haw Millu nnd
MiU Machinery,
Iron & Brass Casting*
Manufacture and Wholesale Dealer in
Furniture !
Garrets, Matting:, oil Cloth anfl Feathers,
Orders for Bank and Offlce Furniture Promptly
— — -—^Mi— _■ w — w _— M_w_______— ___■___________■________
Inspira_or_,Bt)i-i»!g, Pacing, Steam Fitting
Etc., Etc. !,.. 7 ■ .
MANKATO, - - . MlNh>
in Faints, Oils, eto.
We ship Carbon oil and Gasoline from tho
following stations: Winnebago City, Tracy,
Minn. ; Watertowu, Volga, D. T.
We solicit the trade of dealers only. 245tf
Empire Leflgejatt.
We are prepared to handle the largest amount
of stone in the shortest time of any firm in the
West, and have every facility for filling orders
promptly, and are prepared to take all kinds of
Mart Linseed Oil
Linseed Oil and Cake by lh. Old Process.
Constantly on Hand.
Hiffhest Prices Paid for Flax Sctf.
MANKATO,., 7 . . MINN.
Manufacturer of Red and Cream Brick, and dealer
nail kinds of Mankato Stone. Quarry and Work
_.ort Frontstreet.
IM ml IK w«t »d ££«*_'
Opposite Metropolitan Hotel.

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