1 0 . [Republished from Sunday's Globe:] I WAR NOW IMMINENT. ; Great Excitement in Spain, Owing to Germany's Occupation of the Sax oline Islands. The German Embassy at Madrid Sur rounded by a Mob Who Attack the Building. Spain Declines to Consent to a Settle- j ment of the Matter by Arbi tration. Belief that War Will Ensue or that ; King Alfonso will bo Over thrown. Scenes of Terror. Madrid, Sept. 5.—A sensation was caused here this morning on the receipt j of Important news from the Caroline Is- I lands. The Spanish war ships reached Yap, one of the islands, on the 21st ult and prepared to occupy it in the name of Spain. The Spanish officers were dilatory in landing troops, and gn the 24th of the same month a German gunboat arrived. Although it was 7 o'clock in the even ing, the German commander, instantly landed a body of marines and Bailors and hoisted the German flag over the island. The Spanish officials made an energetic pro- | test against the action of the German com- j modore, and. on the hitter's refusal to re- | cede from the position lie had taken, tele- j graphed to Madrid for instructions. A j conflict between the Germans and Spanish at Yap is feared. On the receipt of the above news, the ministers were Im- i mediately summoned to a cabinet j council, and Kinir Alfonso was ; advised of the strained situation. Count j Solms Sonnewalde,the German ambassador, j has returned to the legation in this city i from La Grange. He was escorted by a i Strong military guard. King Alfonso has j also returned to the city and is now presid- I ing at a cabinet council. Everything is now j orderly throughout the city, although the i most Intense excitement prevails. The pop- | ulace are wild with rage. A large crowd | gathered in front of the German embassy ATTACKED THE BUILDING sdil tore down Ihe coat-of-arms and dragged ; it through the streets to the Puerto del Sol, where they burned it in front of the office of the minister of the interior amid yells of '.'down with Germany.'.' Alter venting iheir spleen there the mob proceeded to the i French embassy and cheered frantically. The crowd had by this time grown to con sTderable proportions^ and fears being enter tained of .■ serious riot, troops were ordered out t<> clear the streets. The crowd slowly retired before the military, but a riot is 'oared at any moment The situation is very grave. The council of ministers has adopted a proposition to court-martial the 1 governor of Yap and the commanders of the two Spanish war ships, which arrived there on the '21st ult, for neglect of duty, the latter in not immediately garrisoning the island with Spanish soldiers on their arrival there and the former in not hoisting the Spanish flag and proclaiming the suzer ainty of Spain over the island. The report that a German squadron had sailed for the Caroline is confirmed. Fifty-six leaders of the mob were arrested before the crowd re tired. AX IMPORTANT MEETING of leading Liberals was held to-day at the residence of Senor Sagasta. After discus sing the Carolines question, it was resolved that the occupation of the island of Yap by a German gunboat would be considered equivalent to a declaration of war; that if a crisis on the government should occur and the Liberals be called into the power, they would withdraw Count De Bono mar, the Spanish ambassador at Ber lin, and hand Count Solms Sonue walde, the German ambassador at Madrid, his passports. The resolutions also de cided that the Liberals would order the Spanish authorities at Phillipines to recover the territory in the Caroline islands taken possession of by Germany, and to use force, if necessary, to regain it. The adoption of the above resolutions has created a great sensation. The government has dismissed from the service the commanders of the two Spanish men-of-war stationed at Yap. A LATER DISPATCH respecting the German occupation of Yap island states that the governor of that island wished to resist the landing of the German marines and sailors, but that the commander of the Spanish man-of-war, San Quentine, which was the only ves sel of that nationality in the harbor at the time, refused to agree with the government as to the adoption of such a course or to lend the latter assistance. It is generally believed the commander of the Spanish man-of-war Velasco, which was expected at Yap on the26th of August, carries with him energetic orders. The ministers and the civil and military authorities met King Alfonso at the depot on his arrival in this city. Large crowds of people lined the route taken by the royal ) arty in going from the depot to the palace and shouting, "Long live Spain." The king was repeatedly greeted with cheers. Notwithstanding the excitement the most perfect order prevailed. official report has been made concerning the cabinet council held this afternoon, pre sided over by King Alfonso. The report says the government cannot now make pub lic the measures decided upon, but that the country may be assured they were of an energetic diameter. Reports further say the government decided that negotiations respecting the outrage on an integral part of Spanish territory are impossible. Ml ST EXPLAIN. Berlin, Sept 5. —The National Zeitung commenting on the scenes enacted in Ma drid on receipt of the news of the German occupation of Y;ip, says Spain must give Germany the necessary satisfaction for the events of last evening. The other news papers are silent in regard to the affair. NOT HER FUNERAL* Paris, Sept. 5. — Le Paris says editorially that France has no reason to meddle with the Spanish-German quarrel, and should re member 1870. M. De Freycinet, the French minister of foreign affairs, has telegraphed Baron Dcs Michaels, the French ambassa dor at Madrid, to observe the greatest prudence during the difficulties at Madrid over the Carolines affair. The events in Madrid are causing a sensa tion in this city. Arbitration for the set tlement of the Carolines question is now considered impossible and the position of King Alfonso and his ministry is regarded as precarious. Leading Spanish residents in this city say that war between Spain and Germany or a revolt is now certain. La France and Le Paris say that King Alfonso v ill be overthrown unless he heads the war party, NO ARBITRATION. don, Sept. s.—The Standard's Ber lin correspondent says: Spain has finally ami decidedly declined to submit the Caro lines affair to arbitration. Spain argues that the question of Spanish jurisdiction over the islands has been a fact too well known to admit of discussion. German government officials still scout the idea of war over the dispute. ~i Another Keporl. New York. Sept. 5.—A Madrid dispatch says: Last night official dispatches reached j the government from the Phillipines stating i that a German gunboat landed troops on j the night of the 24th of August at Yap island and hoisted the German fiag I here. The Spanish vessels Fuentine and Mane::-, were at Yap bay at tlie time. The captains of the Spanish vessels anil the Spanish government protested with energy against the occupation. Tho Spanish gunboats cleared decks for action and the Manela was about to open fire upon the German gunboat when she was signaled to desist, which she did most reluctantly. A third Spanish vessel, the aiastero, has arrived at Yap bay. This naws causes the wildest excitement throughout Spsin. Crowds , gathered in the streets of Madrid all night long, fran tically gesticulating and calling the Em peror William, the crown prince and Bis- j marck the vilest names. Several thous- I and people shouting "death to Bismarck" and '-viva Espana," mobbed the German embassy, smashing the windows, breaking i into a thousand pieces the German arms on j the embassy building and tramping the J iragnients under their feet. The embassy J was completely mobbed. The furniture '■ and mirrors were dashed to pieces, the people almost foaming at their mouths with frenzy. Some of the soberest Span iards with whom I talked feel confident thai the affair must now end either by war or revolution. Sentiment til Washington. Special to tUe Glob«. Washington, Sept. Count Leyden, the charge, d'affairs of the German legation, said this afternoon that he thought the strained relations between his government and Spain would not result in an open rup ture, although such an event was of course possible. When asked about the Caroline islands incident, the count declined to dis cuss it. Minister Volera' is not in town but one of his attaches said that the advices received at the Spanish legation were of the gloomiest description. He added that hopes were still entertained that the differences between the two coun tries will be amicably adjusted. He begged to be excused from making any comment upon the attitude of the two governments in relation to the possession of the Caroline islands. At the legation the situation is thought to be extremely critical. The rep resentatives of both nations would not be surprised if war was declared within a very few days. Foreign Affairs Reviewed. Special to the Globe. Chicago, Sept 5. —The London cable to the Times to-night says: Upon the Irish question the Issue is fully formed, and the battle of the elections is already opened. Lord Hartington has given what was at once acknowledged by moderate men of all parties as the broadly English reply to Mr. Parnell's demand for Irish legislative independence. Lord Hartington is grateful to Mr. Parnell for clearly denning the conditions on which an alliance with him can be purchased, but is confident that no political party will con sent to get office by conceding such terms. On the contrary, he thinks that all parties in England will forget other differences and unite to Impose a firm veto on proposals that are fatal to the integrity of the empire and the prosperity of the English people. Such a positive declaration from the prospective Liberal leader, who struck the keynote at the last general election and by pacifying alarms secured so much sup port for the Liberals, has produced wide spread satisfaction, only tempered by re flection that Lord Hartington, though de cided in public speech, often fails to main tain bis position against pressure from ad vanced political colleagues. The weak point of Lord Ilartingtou's estimate of the situation was the supposition that Mr. Parnell might be UNABLE TO COMMAND unswerving obedience from an increased number of followers. The proofs grow that Irish candidates refusing the Parnell pledge have no chance. The archbishop of Tuain has withdrawn his support from Mr. Mitchell Henry, who would prefer to be in dependent of Mr. Parnell in Gal way. No leader except Lord Hart ington has publicly dealt with Mr. Pamell's ultimatum.. Lord Randolph Churchill, at Sheffield, last night, studiously advocated this (for him) delicate subject. Faint indi cations are found of a disposition toward concession in some radical quarters, and Wilfred Ghent, the eccentric Conservative candidate, says he "would leave the Irish people to carry out their wishes. Other wise reply to Mr. Parnell is impossible. Mr. Gladstone's pronouncement is waited with keen interest. He has returned from the Norway voyage in good health and in improved voice. While Mr. Parnell's emphatic repi tition of his demand at the Dublin banquet is considered by Englishmen here to dam age his reputation for sagacity, his ridicule of a combination of all the Liberal and Tory factions against him causes a little uneasi ness as containing elements of a well formed prediction of the future course of events. His warning against outrage is very significant, say Englishmen here of his own FEAR OF HIS INABILITY to hold moonlighters in check. The conse quences of the abandonment of the crimes act are watched in London with growing apprehension. 'United Ireland' exults over the omission of loyal sentiments at the Dublin mansion banquet. Except for the passage respecting Ireland, Lord Hunting ton's speech was unimpressive, and supplied neither a good party cry nor a striking program. He would promote cheap land transfers and county government. His condemnation of so-called socialistic land proposals has given great offense to' the Birmingham section and is strongly de nounced by Mr. Chamberlain's party organ. Mr. ParnelTs advice to his followers to dis countenance agrarian outrages is percepti bly bearing fruit. At the meeting of the Cork branch of the National league it was unanimously resolved to adhere to the Dublin conference program of disavowing outrages and supporting only such candi dates for parliament as would pledge them selves to act as a unit on the Parnellite pro gram. The principal speakers denounced the outrages. A memorial to the Earl of Carnarvon, viceroy of Ireland, praying for the release of the Mayo prisoners, is being circulated throughout Ireland for signatures and is everywhere securing the support of the most influential people. Kiots Continue. ' London, Sept. 5. — The riots between Germans and Czechs, in Bohemia, continue, and greatly disturb the Austrian govern ment. It is feared that Germany may take umbrage at the state of affairs and demand heavy indemnities for Germans injured by the rows. Many riots have occurred, but the majority of them have been hushed by the government officials, in order to pre vent the hostile spirit between the conflict ing parties from spread!' Ireland <~et?ing: There. Dublin. Sept s.—Mr. TimothyM. Hea ley. member of parliament for Monaghan, in a speech at Londonderry, said that Ire land had gained concession after concession which had been deemed impossible for her to obtain, and would ultimately secure all that she desired. Tiifi Cholera Record. Madrid, Sept. 5. — There were 1,238.new cases of cholera and 797 deaths from the disease reported yesterday throughout I Spain. IN ITALY. Rome. Sept. s. —There were five cases of cholera reported at Novara yesterday. Two deaths were reported in the commune of Vergane and scattered cases in Liguria. The patients are mostly French refugees. The disease shows no tendency to spread. Churchill's Address. • London, Sept s.—Lord Randolph Churchill, in an address at Sheffield last evening declared the Tories had decided not to coerce Ireland before they had entered office. He contended that Lord Harting ton in his inmost heart leaned toward the Tories. Hostilities Suspended. Cairo, Sept. s. lnformation has been received here that hostilities have been sus pended at Kas-sala. The garrison still holds its arms and retains possession of the town, which is fed by friendly Halkinkas. Settled Wit., v Shotgun. St. Louis, Mo.', Sept. —News reached here to-day of a killing which occurred last week in Verdigris Bottom, in Cherokee nation. Dick Sutherland and Jake Bums had a quarrel Friday over some com. Sutherland said he would settle it the next i day. He met Bums the next morning driving along the road and told him he had come to settle the difficulty of the day before. Burns got off his wagon and Sutherland fired at him with a shotgun, putting eighteen buckshot into him. and as Burns climbed into the wagon fired a second time, killing him instantly. Both were white men. No arrests have as yet been made. A Rou'inc iTlatch. Tkoy, N. Y. Sept. s.—John Cree of New York is In town to-day. He deposited $100 forfeit with the Troy Times for a match race between Courtney and Conley, and Hanlan and Lee for stakes of a thou sand a side, the race to be rowed at Pleas ant island. Courtney will not row until a match can be arranged between Hanlan and Lee. ."-'-i': THE ST. PAUL DAILY GLOBE. MONDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 7 1885- — TWELVE PAGES. HOADLY'S HURRAH. Ohio's Gifted Governor Opens the Buckeye Democratic. Campaign With a Powerful Speech. Sensible Eeply to Sherman and Foraker'a Bloody Shirt Tirades and Their *!?w:". Cries of Wah ! Democratic Victory Means Reform, Union, Personal Liberty and . Economy. Republican Prophecy Falsified and Republican Prophets Silenced by the Administration. Battle of the Buckeyes. Hamilton, 0., Sept. s.—Gov. Hoadly j opened the campaign here this evening in a '■■ speech which occupied two hours in its de livery. Ho faced a very large audience \ and beginning his address said: "Fellow Citizens ot Butler County: Two years ago I opened in your midst the canvass which re sulted in Democratic success. Surrounded now by the friends who gave me the mag nificent majority of 2,893 in this Gibraltar of Democracy, I ask for a renewed expression of confidence, and for an increased majority which shall express with emphasis your opinion that Democratic success, as proved by results, means not only good government, but means reform, union, personal liberty, economy, no fraud. no disguises, no concealments, open dealing and candid treatment of the public affair.-. state and national. The Ohio election will express the opinion of the people upon my administration and that of the Sixty-sixth general assembly. It is the lirst state elec tion alter the inauguration of Cleveland. it will therefor be regarded as an expres sion of popular judgment upon the policies of the president and his advisers. Of these I ask your approval, confident Democratic success. MEANS GOOD GOVERNMENT, state and national, which ought not to be rebuked by defeat. The leader of the Re publicans of Ohio has carefully prepared the appeal of his party, and sent it from the stump through the press to the country. It was the bloody shirt. He indorses the policy of alienation and hate. lie seeks to transplant and cultivate in the country the feelings of the English aristocracy towards the Irish, section against section; to govern the South from the North as Dublin castle governs Ireland, as a conquered province, and all this in the year of grace 18S5, twenty years and moce after the close of the war. The average life of an ordinary generation is thirty years. Owing to the casualties of the war which cost our country at least a million lives the duration of the generation now passing away has been less than this. Twenty-five yeais have elapsed since Mr. Lincoln's election. Five-sixths perhaps more of the men who devised the rebellion, the men who fought its battles and the men who overcame it, has passed away. The great civil and the great mili tary leaders, Lincoln and Grant, both sleep in graves bedewed with tears of the whole nation, South and North, for both died with words upon their lips and feeling in their hearts of charity to all, malice towards none. Seward and Sunnier, Chase and Fessenden, Douglass and Stephens, Lee and Breckenridge, these are historic, not living, names. Alone of the author of the rebellion JEFFERSON DAVIS SURVIVES. "Boys born when the war broke out have been voting for three years past. Boys born after the war will vote next year. Boys too young to bear arms are now ma ture men of thirty-live. There is a new South and a new North. A new genera tion full of new life is at work. A very large proportion of the people of the South have never seen a slave and have lived un der no other resume but that of universal suffrage. Is it not time for the Shermans and the Forakers to accept the results of the war and no longer to continue in bat tles? Eight million bales of cot ton the product of this year is in sight. There are no idlers in the South. Why croak in the North while white men and black men are side by side working. The South is starting new industries, weav ing cotton cloth, digging coal and iron, and forging steel. God and nature, religion and the human heart are the forces against which Sherman and Foraker contend. Let us then banish unmanly fears of Southern wrong-doings and cease to exaggerate oc casional personal conflicts into wars of races. Danville and Copiah are worn out. Turn out some new story, oh, grinders of THE OUTRAGE MILL. Home rule and as little application of the eternal principle of regulation as is consist ent with the greatest liberty of all will in time cure all ills of state and nation. Mr." Sherman is distressed because Lamar and Garland and Bayard, "two members of the Confederate congress and one man who sympathized with them," are at the head of great departments of the government. Oh. yes, it was well to put Mr. Key at the head ' of the postoffice department. One Confed erate in the cabinet was all right, but two —two are a lamentable concession to trea son. Even Ackerman was a proper attorney general, and Key. at most, becoming postmaster general, but two at a time, two at a time, Garland and La mar together, aye, there's the rub. The tears of crocodiles are freely shed, as Sher man safely sings "Insatiate Archer would not one suffice." Mosely. Madison, Wells. Mahone and Chalmers, the guerrilla, the returning board, the repudiate! and the Fort Pillow butcher, ail these have their armaments washed, but Lawton and Jack son, Jones and Lamar, and Garland, the Inst and purest of the South, these to our senator are the unregenerate children of political Satan, unfit to serve the republic. The speaker said he asked for re-election as an approval of the present administra tion. "Now 1 ask" for more," saUl he. "I solicit approval, not forbearance. MB. CLEVELAND has had office six months. Congress has not yet been in session, yet much has been accomplished. The spirit of reform and economy has entered all the departments. Useless offices and expenses have been done away, while the performance of duty, civil and military, has been enforced. The government is not solicitous to provide soft places for pets, but to save money for the people and to keep the faith pledged in the platform. If the navy which the Repub lican party destroyed be restored, it is now certain that it will be honestly done. Un der this administration there will bo no loose contracting, no jobs lei out, prices nominally low to be made high by extras, or by scrimping the work. The remnant of the national domain which Democratic presidents, Jefferson and Monroe and Polk, added to our territory, the residue which Republican extravagance has not wasted on corporations and favorites is saved from cattle kings and other plunderers for the benefit of the people. Dlt is sweet, it is delicious, brethren,to hear I the Republican lamentation as expressed by Sherman, who worked the treasury depart ment for all it was worth m 1880 to nomin ate himself for president and who never recommended a Democrat for civil office in : his life, that the impartial, non-partisan civil service of our country is in danger. If Hancock, the superb leader of the Loyal legions in battle, was elected, dire calamity and the carnival of treason would ensue, they said. But lo! the hour has come and the man. Democracy has effectually prevailed at last and where is the calamity? What has become of the disaster? Business reviving, stocks advanc- j ing! Are these the tokens of distress? True, times are still hard, made so by Republican misjovernment. Rome was not built in a day or a year. It is only six months since j the Republicans lost power. It may be i that the revivals of industry that we read ' of are not the results of Democratic success. j They are at any rate co-incident. Republi- : can prophecy is falsified and Republican i prophets silenced. Power of the Pope. London, Sept. 5. —At the meeting of the Catholics at Monster, Prussia. Dr. Wind- < hort. the Prussian Catholic leader, said the i pope still ruled the world. The holy chair I must be made independent of the powers. ! We now, he said, stand steadfast for the ! pope through life or death. The speaker : asked for three cheers for Pope Leo. which were given with enthusiasm. Se\ e-ral reso- lutions were passed demanding the uncon ditional repeal of the chief May laws, es pecially those dealing with religions orders and the education of the clergy. The Dead Celestials. Cheyenne, Wyo., Sept. 5.—A telegram from Rock Springs gives the latest that can be obtained of the recent anti-Chinese troub les. All. is quiet to-day and the miners have returned to work. At a meeting held last night, meas ures were taken to put a stop to the drunken carousals of a few of their number who have been celebrating the re moval of the Chinese. Two . more dead Celestials were found to-day, one in the ruins of Chinatown and another beneath the railroad bridge about a mile east. The latter had been wounded, and managed to walk that far before ha {rave up. Your correspondent talked with the miners today who took an active part in the attack upon Chinatown and was told that less than a third of the dead Chinese in the ruins of the house have been found thus far. They say that no less than twenty-five were shot down inside the burning buildings. These buildings had dirt roofs which cov ered up the dead Chinamen when the dwell ings succumbed to the flames, and as no actual search has been made in the mines it is quite probable that it is true. Chinamen are still arriving at the stations east and west almost dead from fright and weak from fatigue and lack of blood. All are shipped to Evanston by the company. They reiterate the statement that many have died in the hills from wounds received in the attack upon them. it is reported that the white miners at Alma, in the western end of the territory, have notified the Chinese laborers in these mines that they must leave inside of three days, and that the Union Pacific has guaranteed their removal within the time specified. The Celestials along the road refused to work to-day, and demanded passes to Evanston. Chinese laundrymen and servants at Green River were told last night they must leave within twelve hours, and they will go west on to-day's express. A Shrewd Swindle. Yincennes, Ind., Sept. s.—An investi gation of the alleged townships trustees' swindle, as perpetrated in Davies county, Indiana, twenty miles east of this city, re veals what appears to be the most astound ing official corruption. There are three trustees involved. Charles A. Brown of Washington township, John Grimsley of Steele township and John Clarke of Barr township. It is said the trustees would issue long-time warrants on their townships, drawing 8 per cent, inter est. These warrants or orders are the same as a note made payable at the bank and on I their face show that they are executed by the township trustees to the holder in con sideration of a certain amount of money paid to the trustee for school supplies. A trustee finds no trouble in disposing of these warrants. It is said the three trustees mentioned have prac ticed this, and scores of these warrants have been issued and put upon the market and gobbled up by money-lenders. The township trustees are supposed to have gone to Canada. Some time will elapse before the full extent of the losses will be known. If the warrants are legal, Davies county is ruined, and if not— the question is a line point in law to be set tled. The scores of capitalists in Indianap olis, Coicago, St. Louis, Cincinnati and throughout the middle states it is claimed are out of pocket. It is estimated that war rants on Washington township have been issued to the amount of $75,000, although some claim twice that amount: state town ships §50.000 and bar townships $50,000. Boys Shot in a Melon Patch. Datton, 0., Sept. 5.—A case of a farmer shooting three small boys occurred here yesterday afternoon. Willis Barnhart, Walter Cassick and his brother Jesse, aged respectively 10, 11 and 18, entered William Kimball's melon patch, evidently for the purpose of stealing a melon, when Kim ball, taking a double-barreled gun, pursued the boys. They ran, but he fol lowed, and when near enough began firing on the lads. Willie Bern hart, fell at the first shot. He managed to get over Hie fence when another farmer on his way to the city picked him up. He had large shot in his back and neck. He is still alive, though in a crit ical condition. Both the Cussick boys were shot, but are not fatally iniured. Six shots struck Jesse in the back of the head, but did not penetrate the skull. Wal ter has five shots in the face and three in the right shoulder. Kimball has been ar rested. He was caught in his melon patch with his gun over his shoulder waiting for more victims. , The Labor Situation. .. St. Louis, Sent. s.—lnquiry at the office j of General Manager A. A. Talmadge of | the Wabash to-day showed that there was I little news on the Wabash labor difficulties. Manager Talmadge said he had made no re ply to Messrs. Powderly and Turner of the Knights of Labor other than the vert answer given yesterday refusing to accede to their demand. He last night Bent to Secretary Turner the stenographer's report of the conference with the Knights of Labor committee, and this I; all the communication he has had with them.- A dispatch fromSedalia, Mo., states that Messrs. Powderly and Turner reached there this afternoon. They went into secret conclave with leading commit teem en there, but nothing of the result has bet-;; disclosed. — Stabbed in the Stomach. Paso de;. 2n"orte, Mew, Sept. 5.— J. Shean, roadmaster of the Mexican Central railroad, was murdered here at midnight Thursday night by a man named Davis. Shean feeling ill rone and visited a low saloon in the vicinity of his residence to procure some bitters. While in the saloon Davis and two drunken Mexicans entered. Davis insulted Slieau and drew a revol ver, which Shean took away from him. Davis then plunged a dagger into Shean's stomach, inflicting a wound from which the latter died in great agony. The j deceased was highly esteemed here. He ' leaves a young wife and an aged mother in , Massachusetts, to which place his body will i be shipped. Davis was arrested and lodged i in jail. Train Robbers Captured. Kansas City, Sept. —The circum stantial evidence against the two men ar rested at Lexington, Mo., suspected of hav ing been engaged in the Blue Springs train robbery, is quite positive, and it will re quire a strong alibi to clear them. The prisoners are John Brosnahan and i John O'Brien, both of this city The! former is married. He recently kept a gro- i eery store here. The latter is about 18 ! years old and was formerly a messenger ! in the Western Union Telegraph company's ', office here. They answer the description j given of the robbers and are unable to give j a satisfactory account of themselves. The i Evening Star Lexington special says the men are held in jail and will be given pre liminary Hearing next Tuesday. Fire at Baltimore. Baltimore. Sept. 5. —Fire this morning destroyed the large four-story factory build- j ing at West Falls avenue and Granvy street. ! It was caused by J. W. Taylor, who occu- i pied the first floor as a machine shop. His ' loss is $2,500, with $(5,500 insurance. j The second and fourth floors j were occupied by Gosnell & Co., j as a moulding and sawing establishment. ' Damage SO.OOO, with '$3,000 insurance. i The third floor was occupied by A. Deihle, as a manufactory of cheap furniture, loss ' 53.000, partially insured. This is the third j time this place has v been destroyed within two years. -^ Renaovinc Cash. Washington-, Sept. —One of the effects of the withdrawal of $1 and $2 notes from circulation is shown by the | increased demands on the treasury for 85 and SlO bills, found necessary in the trans fer of a large amount of these notes to New York yesterday. They were taken j over by a special committee of treasury clerks, who returned this afternoon. Treas urer Jordan prefers this method of trans portation where large amounts are moved. FLYEES ON THE TRACK In the New York Handicap Eace Euclid Wins, Beating Kittson's Albia by a Neck. Last Day's Eunning at Washington Park —The Pall Meeting Proves a Great Success. New York Plays a Tricky Game Wltli the Quaker Boys and Gets Badly Left. Detroit Bags the Best Game Played In St. liouis--C'lilcag:o and Boston On Top. Sheepshcad Bar Race*. New York, Sept. 5. —There was a steady, drizzling rain at Sheepshead Bay, Coney Island, to-day, the last day. The* attendance was very large. First Kace—Winning penalties, one milu; Brambleton won by a neck, Blonogram sec ond, Loulsette third. Time, 1:45. Second Kace—A sweepstake for two year-olds, winning penalties, three-quarters of a mile; Walter Jl won by three lengths, Bess second, Scottish Lass last. Time, 1:1831. Third Race —A sweepstake for three year-olds, winning penalties and non-win ning allowances, one and one-eighth miles; Elgin won by a head, Ernest second, Bonnie S third. Time, 1:58%. Fourth Race —The New York handicap, one and one-half miles; Euclid won by a neck, Albia second, Favor third. Time, 2:4oy>. Fifth Race—Selling race, seven furlongs; Tabitha won by three-quarters of a length, Queen Esther second, March Redan third. Time, 1:32& Sixth Race —Handicap steeplechase, the short coarse; Wellington won by three lengths, Will Davis second. Puritan third. Time, 5:32}£. Judge Grirliths fell, injuring his rider. Chicago Races. Chicago, Sept. s.—To-day closed the autumn meeting of the Washington Park club. The morning opened fair and cool ; with some wind, which rapidly dried the track which was a trille stiff after the li^ht rain last night. The attendance was the largest of the meeting, which has been such that the association have every reason to be satislied with the experiment of a fall meeting. The racing has been of a most satisfactory character, and the closing day fit ending. The cup given for the gentle men's race is a very handsome piece of silver plate, manufactured iv New York, and costing $1,000. Although the track was good, it was not fast enough to beat the record in the extra race. First Race—One mile: Biddy Bowlinsrwas the first to show at ih? start, followed by Guydette, Exile and Monarch. At the turn they closed up into a bunch, Voulter in the load one length. Chance, Biddy Bowling avl Exile together. On the back stretch Chance wns front. There wus no change to the head of the stretch, where Monarch came through, took the load, was not headed and won easily by two lengths, Biddy Bowling second, ono length in front of Chance, third. Time, 1:43. Second Race—Ono and oue-hulf miles; Irish Pat made the running for one mile and a quarter, with Vohuito second. Then Vo laute took the lead and won as hu liked by six lenpths, Irish Pat second, Little Fellow a bad third. Time, 2:41. Considerable intere-t was manifested. In the race which followed, which was an extra race of one mile, Walter weights for a silver cup, gentlemen riders, none but members of the club allowed to enter. Warrlngton and Idle Pat ran even, the judge deciding it a dead heat. Bereft a bud third. Secret never in The race. Time, 1:49. The dead heat was run off after the last run, Warrington leading nil the way and wianing by a neck, Idle Pat second. An extra race ajrainst time, one mile, catch weights: itapida took the lead, followed by Pearl Jenrinjrs, Moaa and Loflin. At the end of the half mile Pearl Jennings was beaten and Mono, took second place; on the lower turn Mona took the lead, was not headed aud won easily by four lengths in front or. Pearl Jennings. Time, 1:41 V z . The track was not good enough to beat the record and there was a strong- wind. Third Kace—Mile heats. First heat, Tmo ffene took the lead and held it to the lower turn, where Buchanan moved up, went to the front and won easily by two lengths; Im< g-fno second. Time, 1:46. Second heat, Imojjene niHde a place from the start, three lengths in the lead, nntl an eighth of a mile from home Buchanan took the lead and won easily by two lengths; Imo£.ene second. Time, 1:44. Fourth Race —One-and-one-eighth miles; Irish Lass took the lead, was never headed and won handily by one length, Lycurgus second. Effle third. Time, 15634. Fifth Race —Steeple chase; Bucephalus led, followed by Guy, Ascoli, Harrison and Fox Hunter. Bucephalus fell at the water jump and all the rest refused. Bucephalus at once remounted and tho others cleared the water jump, Ascoli first over aud soon caught Bucephalus, as also did Guy. There was no change, Ascoli winning by 100 yards. Guy second, Bucephalus thix-d. Time, 3:07%. Haitian ChalXensres Termer. New York, Sept. s.—Edward Hanlan, accompanied by George Hosmer of Boston, Henry Peterson of San Francisco and George Lee of New York, to-day visited the oftice of the Turf. Field and Farm for the purpose of arranging a single-scull match with John Teenier of Fittsburg. The latier M ras not present, but was represented by R. K. Yolk. Articles were drafted for a three-mile race with turn for 81,000 aside and the championship of America. It was stipulated that the winner should receive 60 and the loser 40 per cent, of the gate money or royalties. Four days is given Teeiner in which to ratify these terms. McCaffrey Oets Home. Pittsburg, Pa., Sept. 5. —Dominick McCaffrey arrived in the city to-day from Cincinnati. He was accompanied by his trainer, Alfred Lunt, and his manager, Billy O'Brien. The plucky young Pitts burg pugilist was looking splendid and was in good spirits. "O'Brien, Campbell and myself," said McCaffrey, "called upon Referee Tate. at Toledo, on Thursday, to try and have him change his decision. He was shown the articles of agreement, and although he refused to alter his verdict, ad mitted that if he had seen them before the fight, he would have decided it a draw. The articles of agreement originally con tained the words 'scientific points to count,' but this clause was stricken out at Sulli van's request. Another thing, the gloves were to be three ounces, whereas they were only one ounce and worse than bare knuckles." Base Ball. AT PHILADELPHIA. Philadelphia, Sept. s.—The New Yorks fielded miserably to-day, and well deserved the defeat they received at the hands of their Philadelphia club. They also disgusted many of the Philadelphia admir ers by their trickery in the sixth inning, done for the purpose of prolonging the game. Their hope was that rain, which was then falling lightly, would cause r». stoppage of the game, and throw the score back to the lifth inning, giving them victory. They did not erain their point, however, as the full six innings was completed before the rain began to fall fast. It then began I to rain hard, but the New Yorkers would ! not allow the game to be stopped. . It was also growing very dark. Philadel phia had completed its eighth inning and New York had scored one, with one I put out and two men on bases, when th<3 I farce was ended by the umpire calling the ' game, it being so dark that the ball could scarcely be seen passing from one player to another. Deasley hurt his hand in the sixth inning and Ewing caught the rest of the game. Dorgan and Myers made remarkable ! one-hund catches, and the general play of j these two men was brilliant throughout the i game. Attendance 2,458. The following was the score: New York 0 0 0 10 4 o—s Philadelphia 0 0 2 0 0 0 o—2 Earned runs, Xcw York 2; two-base hits, Myers, Connor, Keefe; pagsed balls, Clements 1, Deasley 3, Ewing 1: wild pitches, Keere 2; first base on bulls. Philadelphia 4. New York 1; first base on errors, Philadelphia 4, New York 1: struck out, Philadelphia 3, New York 3. Umpire, Curry. AT CHICAGO. Chicago, Sept. 25.—About 1.000 people witnessed the defeat to-day of the Buffalos by the home nine. The Buffalos were first to bat, and were retired In striking order, Chicago following suit. In the second in ning Anson went to first on balls, stole sec ond and third, and scored on Richardson's fumble of Williamson's hit. In the third inning Flint hit safe, reached sec ond on Dalrymple's sacrifice hit, and scored on Gore's hit to left field. Dalrymple scored on Gore's hit also. In the sixth inning, after two men were out, Pfeffer made a home run on a long center field tly. In the eighth in mug Dalrymple scored an earned run on a base hit and hits by Gore and Kelly, and Gore also scored an earned run. The features of the game were a long one handed catch by Crowly and a brilliant running catch by Lillio. The following is the score: Chicago 0 12 0 0 0 10 2—o Buffalo 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (I—o Earned runs, Chicago i; homo runs, Pfeffer; passed bails, Flint 1; wild pitches, Conway 2: first base ou balls, Chicago 2; first base on errors, Buffalo 2; struck out, Clarkson 13. Conway 2; uoubie plays, l Jlelfer and Burns/ Umpire, Gaffuoy. < - AT BOSTON. Boston, Sept. 5.— Boston-Provi dence game to-day was not very interesting. After the fifth Inning the champions' seemed to lose heart and played without life, while in the eighth, after they were out Stout muffed on an easy thrown Ball and thereafter Radbourn simply laid the ball on the bat, that error and three singles yielding two run-. Poortnan and Johnston did some brilliant work in the out field. Attendance 1,822. The following is the score: ° Boston 2 0 0 0 12 0 2 o—7 Providenco 1 0 0 0 10 0 0 o—2 Earned runs, Boston 1. Providence 1; two base hits, Gunning, Radford; passed ball Gillog- 2; wild pitches. Bufflnton 1, liadbouru 1: first base on balls, by Bullinlon 1, by Kad bourn 3; first base on errors, Boston ".', Provi dence 2; struck out, by Bullintou 13 .Uud bouru 5; umpire, Ferguson. AT ST. LOUIS. St. Louis, Sept. s.—The finest game of ball played here this season was that between the Detroit and Maroons to-day, and it was witnessed by onlj a handful of people. Kirby, the young local pitcher of the home team, was very effective, as was Baldwin, who pitched for the visitors. The contest was one . series of brilliant plays, and many an apparent base hit was changed into a put-out by phenomenal fielding. Hanlon, by two wonderful catches of hits from Lewis' bat, one in the ninth inning and one in the twelfth, twice saved the game for his side. In the thirteenth inning Hanlon hit a bounder which Dunlap could have got, but Kirby made a safe hit of It by tipping it and chang ing its course. Hanlon stole second, Thompson drove a hot bounder to McKinnon, which he failed to field, the ball bounding out of his hands. Hanlon scored before Dunlap could get the ball to Sutcliffe, and Thompson reached second on the throw home. A hit to center by Bald win sent Thompson across the plate. Dun lap, Glasscock, Caskins. McGuireand Sut cliff fielded most admirably. It required thirteen innings to decide the contest. Score: St. Louis 0 00000000000 o—o Detroits 0 00000000000 2—2 Two base hits, Lewis and McGuire; passed balls, Sntoliffe 1, McGuire 1; first base on balls off Kirby, 4; first base on errors, Lewis 1 ; struck out by Kirby 6,by Baldwin 7; double plays, Crane and M^Quere; umpire, Sullivan. AT NEW YOKi;. Metropolitan , 1 3 0 0 0 0 I—s Brooklyn 0 0 0 0 0 1 o—l AT PHILADELPHIA. Athletics 0 0 0 110 0 1 I—il— i Baltimore..: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0— AT ST. LOUIS. St. Loafs 0 10 2 0 0 0 1 o—4 Louisvillo 0 0 10 110 0 o—3 AT PITTBBtTBG. Pittsburpr 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 o—2 Cincinnati 0 0 3 12 0 0 * — AJIURDEKKKKOBBEO. masked Vigitaaites Torture a. Pris oner. Kroxvii/LE, Term., Sept. 5. —Last night about 10:30 o'clock a large body of masked men passed down Gray street in the direc tion of the jail. They were joined at vari ous points along the street by at least 200 citizens. The mob approached the jail in perfect order, except the firing of pistols. The jailor surrendered the keys to the main entrance and the crowd broke through the door of the cell containing Lee Sellers, the young man charged with the murder and robbery of Edgar Maiues. one mile east of this city. Sellers had a knife in his possession, and when one of the vigilantes went into the cell to adjust the handcuffs, he gave him two or three serious stabs. Both doors were soon battered down, and masked vigilantes shot at Sellers twice without inflicting serious wounds. Seizing Sellers, the mob poured out of the jail yard, and proceeded to the middle of the high bridge over the Tennes see river. A rope was placed around THE CRIMINAL'S NECK while he was in the corridor of the jail, lie stood with arms folded and never flinched while the knot was being arranged. He called for a drink of water before leaving for the bridge. His wishes were complied with. After reaching the middle of the bridge the mob halted and demanded a confession. Sellars refused to say a word and the rope was placed over the cross beam about twenty-two feet above the floor, and he was swung off. He was not hand culled, and as soon as the noose be gan to tighten, he climbed up hand-over-hand, and gained the top . He crawled along the cross beams to one side of the bridge. While he was crossing, at lonst fifty shots were tin d, none of them with fatal effect. He rose to his feet and yelled at the top of his voice: 'My friends, come to me; I'm murdered. Come quick." The wounded man then lay down on a sleeper, and several more shots were fired, but none of them could hit him in a vital part. Runners were sent to the city for a ladder and another rope. THE CKOWD WAS ORDERLY, and but few people outside of those impli cated knew anything about it. Young men at a ball left dancing and followed the masked men. After the ladders were brought two men climbed up to the top of the strincer to readjust the rope. Sellers had taken the rope from around his neck, and begged the crowd to kill him and end his suffer ings. The men started out to take him down, when he lost his held and fell in the edge of the water eighty feet below. He has not been found yet. At the very last he protested his innocence. Maines was a traveling salesman for a wholesale house of this city, and was found murdered one mile east of this city Sept. 1 He was known to have a large sum of money on his person, and it was shown very conclusively that he had been beguiied by Sellars to a remote spot and killed. Maines was very popular and was engaged to be married. TELEGRAPHIC SPARKS. Four authenticated eases of small-pox and nineteen deaths were reported at Montreal Saturday. Tho several alleged widows of Tom Davis, the New York crook shot by James T. Hol land* are wrangling over the personal prop erty left by the deceased. The rumors about the serious' illness of Hon. Simon Cameron are without foundation. i He is in usual health. Tbe Bospbore Egyptian, published at Cairo, has again been suppressed. This time Franco is responsible for the suppression. H. Bersnyer of Bnglewood, a suburb of Chi cago, who shot and killed a boy, Michael Smith, for stealing apples a few days rnro, while in charge of an officer was surrounded by a mob of lynehers. Extra police were i called and the prisoner was placed in the county jail. The Cattle Going. Galveston. Sept. —A special to the News from Dallas says: Col. Herring of } the Dominion Cattle company, just in from the Indian Territory, says that all cattle j have been removed from the territory, in conformity with President Cleveland's . proclamation, except a few that may have | strayed off during the round-up. Cleveland's Movements. Plattsbukg, N. Y.,Sept. s.—President Cleveland and Dr. Ward arrived from . A usable at 6 o'clock this evening. After having supper at the Fagnct house Mr. Cleveland held an informal reception. He left at 6:05 in a special car attached to a regular train on the Delaware & Hudson Canal company's road for the South. TERRITOKIAL TALkT Dakota, Montana, New Mexioo and Wash ington Territories To Be Admitted as States. Chicago and New York Houses Defraud ing the Revenues by Undervaluing Goods From Abroad. An Army or Office-seekers Awaiting tliePresident, Who Will Give Them Little Time. Yankee Republicans Talk About Cleveland and Ilia Policy—General Capital Gosmljv Territories Knocking-. Special to the Globe. Washington, Sept. 6.- Tt tool very much now as though the next congress would listen to loud knocks for admission that are being heard from several territories. Heretofore there lias been hesitation on t!:a part of Democrats in agreeing to any plan for admission of any territory because nenrly every one of them applying had undoubted Republican majorities. Now, however, they are changed. The newly appointed governor of New Mexico has promised to bring that territory in as a Democratic state, and as -Washington Territory and Montana have each Democratic representa tions in the house, it is reasonable to sup pose the chances are in favor of them send ing Democratic senators and representa tives in case of admission. The recent census of Dakota shows that it is useless tfl ho Lout much longer against her demands for admission, and that there are now two probably Democratic territories knocking to come in at the same time that Republican Dakota wants to. It is probable that they may be able to make themselves heard. Bills, it is said, will be introduced at the coming session of congress for the admis sion of these territories as states. Custom House Frauds. Special to the Globe. Washington, Sept. s.—When a dele gation of New York merchants called upon President Cleveland relative to the appoint ment of a collector of customs for the port of New York he talked to them plainly about the practice of undervaluation, which has grown to such enormous proportions that scarcely 5 per cent, of invoice from Europe is prop valued by the importer. Since that time consuls in England have complained to the treasury department oi a practice which prevails by which some of the best known houses in Chicago, New York. Boston and other large commer cial cities defraud the revenue and prevent honest dealers from entering the field in competition with then. Under a ruling oi Solicitor Risley in 1806 a number of theso firms have been allowed to purchase goods in all the manufacturing towns of England and Scotland, and to ship them to Manchester, Liverpool or Lon don, where the invoice was certified by the consul. Of course this official could not properly comply with the law, because he could not keep posted as to the values in every town in the United Kingdom. It will readily be seen that in this practice merchants who have privi leges, under Solicitor Risley's ruling, can easily defraud the customs collectors. Es pecially is this true when the importer does an immense business. It is openly charged that one of the best known CHICAGO dt:y GOODS houses purchases large quantities of woolens, knit goods, lisle thread garments and similar wares in Bradford, Leeds, Dunfermline and Glasgow at the same figures that a smaller house could buy the same goods for. They are shipped to one of the — usually Manchester or Liverpool—and the in voice is made out from there. The goods are valued at from ten to thirty and forty per cent, below the actual price paid. Of course under these circumstances, it is impossible for a small importer in Buffalo or any other interior town to compete with Chicago or New York firms. The complaint of consuls above quoted is said to have been correctly discussed in the cabinet. Whether this is true or not, it is known that the government has decided to take radical Steps toward abating the abuse. Consuls at principal points in the United Kingdom will be instructed that after the lath of October, they must certify to only such invoices as are actually pur chased in their districts. Any violation of this order will lead to dismissal at once. The proposed course of the government in this respect will certainly result in a decided falling off in the number of under-valuations, and it will doubtless lead to the breaking up of the monopoly which a few rich and un scrupulous firms have heretofore enjoyed in the matter of importing foreign textile fabrics. Little Time for Spoilsmen, Special to the Globe. Washington, Sept. s. —Secretary Mann ing returned to the city last evening, It is expected that the president will get here on Monday. There is great anxiety manifested among office-seekers now flocking back to Washington to ascertain what time the president intends to devote to political call ers after his return. Rumors have been circulated to the effect that he president think that six months was about a3 much time as he could sacrifice to the spoils-seekers and that he will hereafter have to reduce the time devoted to such callers to very small limits. One report is that he will devote only Tuesday in each week to place hunters. Another is that he will only spare one hour a day. Still another that he will decline to talk to the same man twice on the same subject. Any of these rules would carry confusion into the hungry ranks. The men who have come to Washington after places wanted to see the president early and often and think their success depends upon their interviews. - New England Republicans. Boston. Mass., Sept. s.The first meet ing of the Essex club took place this even ing. Senator Hoar, ex-Gov. Long, Hon. A. W. Beard, Theodore C. Bates and Hon. G. B. Loring were the prominent guests. The speeches were upon political issues, Senator Hoar taking substantially the same position as that enunciated by Senator Sherman in Ohio. Ex-Goy. Long, speak ing of President Cleveland, said he thought the president h^d certainly done some good things and hepreferred him to any other candidate. He agreed with Senator Dawes regarding the position taken by the presi dent as to the leases of Indian lands, but thought the president had a fussy notion of vindicating the faith of civil service reform. Capt. IJowsute Found. Special to the Globe. Washington, Sept. s.—Capt. Howgate, the long absent signal officer, has again been heard from, after all thai has been said about his movements in the United States. in Canada and in ohm America since his departure. It Is now claimed that the missing captain has spent most of his time with relatives in England. A gentleman claims to have met Capt. Howgate during a recent sojourn in the British isles, to have found him a confirmed invalid walking on crutches, but living in comfort surrounded by relatives and in correspond ence with friends. This gentleman also states that Howgate was in correspondence with Prof. Vennor previous to his death, and is now negotiating with his executors and others with a view to establishing a sy jm of weather predictions for Canada and for South America, to be operated partly in conjunction with service in the United States. This gentleman believe" that Howgate has by this time probablj started for this continent in pursuance ol this scheme. Stationary Engineers. St. Louis, Sept. 4. —The convention ol the National Association of Stationary En gineers adjourned alter electing the follow ing officers for the present year: President, R. J. Kil patrick; vice president, N. W. Williams of Philadelphia; secretary, George G.Wenor of Cincinnati; treasurer, George M. Baker of Nashville, Term.; con tractor, John Erix of Detroit; door keeper, M. M. Walbridcce of Chicago. Gen. Sherman declines tho presidency of the St. Louis Grunt Monument association.