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2 at all hours of the day, and are invited to | call. i Col. K. P. McGlinnv of Elgin, 111.', is at tending the fair. He delivers the annual address at the Hudson, Wis., fair on the 17th. '.:.- C. E. Marvin of Rochester arrived yester day with a full carload of butter and cheese, which he will have on exhibition during the fair. The "Weather Prophets .Declare That the coming winter is to bring us more snow than any for years. In that case you will need a new cutter, and the very best that can be purchased is manu factured by the Kalamazoo (Mich.) Cutter and Sleigh company, wholesale manufactur ers of Portland, swell-body and square-box cutters, pony sleighs and two-seated Port lands. Their two-seated pony sleigh is the most elegant family or pleasure sleigh in the market, while the swell-body cutters and Portlands are models of utility and beauty. Indeed, the sleighs manufactured ' by this house have acquired so high a repu tation that comment thereon seems unneces sary. All material used is of the best grade, and the trimming rich and handsome. A. C. Elliott & Co., No. 20 West Fourth street, are the St. Paul agents for this com pany. One of the Most Attractive Exhibits at the State Fair is that of the Pruden Stove company, to the left of the main entrance, in Machinery hall. Their space is neatly carpeted and contains a tasteful display of stoves and ranges. Among other attractions is a handsome solid nickel-plaited Favorite coal stove. This stove attracted much attention at the Cin cinnati exposition, and is the only one of the kind in the Northwest There are also exhibited samples of the popular Earl can non stove, which is used at all railway sta tions on the Northern Pacific, Manitoba and Omaha railroads with perfect satisfaction. The Highland ranges, which are in so great demand, are also exhibited. In short, the exhibit of the Pruden Stove company is worthy the reputation this firm has won. and gives an inkling of what may be found at the salerooms of the company, No. 100 East Third street .Notes. The Indians made their appearance about the middle of the afternoon yesterday, dressed in calico shirts, paint and feathers. They number about thirty, and it is said the gang includes several men who were white before they put on the paint. They came in with a whoop and at the request of the crowd that acted as a committee of recep tion, at once gave a dance on the platform of the railway station. It seems hard to believe that any race of beings that looked as greasy and had as much of Skinner & Sly"s blue lead smeared on their faces ever roamed over this fair land. They will be in attendance during the whole week. '! he only trains for the fair grounds from the St. Paul and Minneapolis union depots leaves as follows: In the forenoon at 7:15. 8:15,9:15.9:45.10:15, 10:45, 11:15 and 11:45, and every twenty minutes thereafter until 3:45 p. in. These trains make no stops be tween the depots and the fair grounds. They leave the fair grounds for both cities at 7:45, 8:45, 9:45, 10:15, 11:15, 11:45, and every twenty minutes thereafter until 6 p. m. "The last train leaves the fair grounds at 7 p. m. Just across the roadway from the oflice of the secretary is the lire department head quarters, a detail of men, horses and appar atus from St Paul being stationed there. On the roof of the building a watchhousehas been built which commands a view of the entire grounds, and in this one of. the men is stationed at all hours of the day and night The following judges have been an nounced by the board of managers: John Hope, Brantford, Out, beef cattle; A. N. Taft, Wisconsin, milk cows; Capt. J. O. . Page and Capt. P. C. Kidd, trotting strains; It. B. Ogelvie, Madison, Wis., draft horses. The massive, and elegant silver cup offered by citizens of St Paul for the best time made on Friday by gentlemen's road horses, double teams and driven by their owners, will be on exhibition in the main building at the fair grounds this afternoon. The GLOBE makes mention this morning of exhibitors in those departments which were sufficiently complete yesterday. The poultry, the horticultural, and one or two other departments will be given due atten tion later. In the swine exhibit is a poor little pig, blind from his youth up. He was a subject of general interest and it is said that so great is the interest that efforts will be made to have several more on the grounds to-day. The officers of the races are W. 11. Wil son, Cynthiana, Ky.. judge, J. W. r«__e, Chicago, and F. C. Pillsbury, Minneapolis, judges; J. C. Oswald and Peter Hopkins, timers: clerk, S. B. Lovejoy, Minneapolis. To-morrow will be a great racing day. The classes will be Minnesota stallions eligible to the 3:45 class, the Minneapolis 'race for runners, the 2:45 class and the gents' road race. A number of ■ gentlemen in one of the restaurant booths were observed to kick yesterday because their tea was flavored with vinegar. Arrangements arc being made for a mili tary display at the state fair on Friday, and there will doubtless be an exhibition drill by Capt. Bean's Company 1) on the same day. The grounds are so large that a thousand people are lonesome. For the same reason it is hard work for the small boy to cover the two bands and the races at, once. The Great Western baud of St. Paul and the Danz band of Minneapolis will give concerts at. 11 o'clock each day from the band stand near the main building. In Secretary Judson's "dice is a map by the .secretary of the stale immigiation board, showing the yield and acreage of grain in each county of the state. A. Kobe, the artist in charge of elaborat ing the central piece in the main building, it is said, is the finest in the country in de signs in grains and grasses. "This reminds me of the centennial." Mas a remark overheard by a Gloke re porter from a gentleman in the main build ing last night. The man that played the full band at once and his side partner, the man with the iron jaw, drew more largely than any other exhibit. The threatening sky yesterday led many of the weather-wise to give out prophecies of a general rain tlie latter half of the week. Secretary Judson did not leave his office for a breathing spell from S o'clock yester day morning till G last night he was so busy. There are restaurants and booths enough to supply lunch, and lemonade to 100.000 visitors without any signs of being phased. On leaving the grounds by rail take the left hand sate for St Paul and the right hand for Minneapolis. There is some timothy grass in the North ern Pacific exhibit in machinery hall that measures eight feet. The Minnesota Female Suffrage associa tion has a tent devoted to its own use in newspaper row. I: takes thirteen minutes to make the run from the St. Paul union depot to the grounds. This morning at 7 o'clock the judses will examine thoroughbred cattle, sheep and swine. , _.• Some of the wells were driven deeper yesterday to insure an adequate supply of water. All the St. Pan! and Minneapolis news pap; have special buildings or tents. Brick, the inner of the race for five rear olds, was sired by Alexander. The fair ought to commence to boom to lay with good weather. .-'..-: The track was a little heavy yesterday, " by reason of the dust. "The main building is too small,"' is said - ', by nearly every visi tor. There were few ladies on the amphi theatre yesterday. '.The engine for driving the machinery is 120 horse power. The Indians will play lacrosse at 10 clock to-day. ! :— _c ; Ask your grocer for Duke. soap. THE WORKMEN'S PICNIC More Than Two Thousand Workmen Cele brate Sept. 7 as a Day Peculiarly Their Own. Gathering from the Saintly, the Plour and the Prison Cities at White Bear Lake, And Inclulgtlu^ In Pleasures of Sport and Speecii-Mi'.klnß and Gen eral Festivity. Mr. Griffith's Speech -- Numerous Sports--How the Day was Celebrated. Labor's Holiday. The first observance in tho state of Minnesota of the 7th of September as a national labor holiday passed off success fully. The celebration was intended not only to secure a day of recreation and rest. but as an assertion of the growing intention of the producer to secure recognition. Other days In the year are set apart to memorialize certain historical events, and when the call was issued on the part of the Trades and Labor assemblies of the cities of Minneapolis, St. Paul and Stillwater for ttie workingmen to take this one day of the year for themselves, as a dedication to the cause of their advancement, very few were found who did not acknowledge the justice and right of the demand. The mayors of both .St. Paul and Minneapolis issued proc lamations approvlving the celebration, and employers generally did not attempt any opposition. About :;,000 people attended t he LABOB PICNIC at White Beai lake. Of this number prob ably 1,500 came from Minneapolis, 1,300 from St. Paul and 300 from Stillwater. An address was made by Richard Griffith of igo, general worthy foreman of the Knights of Labor, supplemented by re murks from Dr. Ames of Min neapolis. A program of sports was carried out. while dancing and boating contributed to lill up a day of pleasure. The trains arrived from the three cities at the lake about 11 o'clock in the morning and the excursionists first gathered in the pavilion at Cottage Park, ■ the Metropolitan band of St. Paul discoursed music very acceptably. After calling the meeting to order J. P. Mc- Gaughey of Minneapolis, the president of the day, introduced Richard Griffith of Chicago, who had been secured to make the address. As the applause which greeted him died away. Mr. Griffith stepped forward, and after returning thanks lor the cordial greet ing took up his theme, which might be characterized as the BENEFITS OP OKOA3TIZATIOX. lie reviewed the history of the Knights of Labor, going back to the time when ii was a secret order. It was then denounced by both press and pulpit, which did not under stand its true nature. Being oath bound, its members were prevented from replying and were forced quietly to submit to mis representation and imposition. The Knights struggled on until 1880, when the general assembly met at Detroit, Mich., and made public the name and objects of the organiza tion. Since then the march has been on mard and upward, and the last assembly organized m Chicago two weeks ago was No. 4109. The speaker then went on to illustrate the difference between Trades unions and the Knights of Labor. The unions are ex clusive and take care only of themselves. When a strike occurs in one trade, the others simply look on and render no assist ance, showing that '•Tho weil-fcdpig 1 in the sty doth lip. Regarding not tho cry of the hungry one that passetli by." The Knights of Labor are broader in their humanity and regard an injury to one as the concern of all. It receives into its fold all who work for an honest living, no mat ter whether he may be a street scraper or a skilled mechanic. All stand on an equal basis and only the non-providers—the bank ers, lawyers, saloonkeepers and gamblers are refused admittance. To illustrate the efficacy of standing by one another, as advocated by the Knights of Labor, the speaker cited the great strike at Pittsburg. The Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers was an exclusive organization. When they struck the railroad company simply tilled their places with firemen, those of the Bremen with brakemen, and the brakemen with yardmen. If the Locomo tive Engineers, instead of being an exclus ive union, had been an assembly of the Knights of Labor, the other trades would have stood by them and the railroad com pany could not have filled their places. The Knights of Labor are, however, OPPOSED TO STRIKES and court the settlement of differences by arbitration. It opposes convict labor and is doing the utmost to accomplish its abolition. The effect of convict labor throughout the whole United States is not strongly felt. perhaps, but it affects localities disastrously to the workingmen. For instance, Chicago is tiie market for the boots and shoes manufactured in eight penitentiaries. No wonder many of the shoemakers of that city are idle! The Knights of Labor are also opposed to child labor. In this connection n picture was drawn of how the "store" and other large mercantile establishments of Chicago employ hundreds of little boys and girls at wages ranging from Si to $1.50 per week. These children should be in school, fitting themselves for usefulness in life. The Knights of Labor are also opposed to the robbery of the public lands by specu lators and the titled aristocrats who have for 700 years deprived the people of the old country of their lands and who now are striving to steal the lands from the people of the United States. Through the efforts of the Knidit* of Labor the foreign con tract system has been abolished, and the stealing of public lands will also be pre vented by the same means. The Knights of Labor are opposed to the discriminations of the law in favor of CAPITAL AS AGAINST LABOR. What this discrimination means? was shown by the fact that in Chicago the fail ure of savings brinks robbed So, 000 people of their hard-earned savings, while the bank presidents under the protection of the law are allowed to retain and enjoy their ill-gotten gams. The man who steals a loaf of bread because Of starvation is also pro tected (?) by law—but is sent to prison. "The law condemns the man or woman Who steals the goose from off the common, Bui lets tho greater felon lose, Who steals the eoramna from thciroosc." Mr. Griffiths then went on to describe a pic. urc he had seen which portrayed the workingman aa struggling to support the aristocracy nnd non-producers, saying it was time that labor should find or.t "why it receives only 40 per cent, of the wealth it produces. Why it has to pay for all the show. After picturing the misery and poverty of the poor people, who live in the slums of great cities. Mr. Grlfllihs closed by strongly urging the advancement of harmony in the ranks of labor, and expressed the hope that Minnesota would be found tailing the lead Ul every effort made to raise upon his feet the down trodden son of toil. At the con clusion of his remarks Mr. Griffiths was heartily applauded. There were loud calls for ex-Mayor Ames of Minneapolis, who was present and that gentleman made a brief address in response. He said he con -1 himself :: workingman and was 1 take his holiday with the rest. Me believed In the " organization of labor and thought that only in this way could recognition be secured. He advised them to beware of the men who could be hired to betray their cause, while the fullest confidence should be \ laced in ffibse who have given proof of their fidelity. He did not care, he to detain his hearers with any extended remarks. They were all there for fun and frolic and the shorter the speeches the better. The doctor's concluding hit was the signal for a rush for dinner. Those who "had brought lunch baskets gathered their friends j about them, vhwo o:.iucs patronized the very palatable lunch which had been j furnished by the Ladies' Aid society of St. ! PaoL At 12:80 o'clock the train from St. Paul ! THE ST. PAUL DAILY GLOBE. TUESDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 8, 1885—TWELVE PAGES: brought out about fire hundred more excur- , sionists, and shortly after their arrival TKU GAMES ■were announced to take place In the base ball park. After a majority of the picnic en* had taken seats Jack McGaughey, as master of ceremonies, called time from the grand stand and stated that the first con test would be a 100-yard race. The follow ing were tho participants: John Davis, P. LI. Ward, J. R. Wiltbank. P. Weiss and M. McGonaglo of Minneapolis; Herberts. Sporr, Ed Elliott and Bob Welsh of Still water. A good start was made, and the boys ran pretty evenly. Bob Welsh made a spurt when Hearing the string and won j by two yards, with Herbert Sporr a close second. The next event was a boxing match. The entries for the contest were Bob Welsh and George Mealey, both of Still water. J. G. Sterrett of Minneapolis was chosen referee and the men went to work. The gloves used were "pillows." and there was just enough science displayed to make matters interesting. Welsh forced the fighting (?), and being heavier and stronger ran his an tagonist around the ring. Mealey did some good dodging and got in some clever work, which elicited a shout of laughter and applause. After four rounds, "Mar- ! guis of Gooseberry" rules, the referee awarded the match to Mealey on account of j the number of points. THE BASE BALL games came next. It was decided that St. Paul and Minneapolis should play first, the winner to play Stillwater. The nines were composed of the following players: St. Paul—S. B. Hartranft, c; William Hayos, p.; M. Cody, 3. s. ; George Rutledge, Ist base; A. Dorrisp, 2d base; J. Boeta, 3d base; 11. Muhoney, 1. f.; J. C. Long-, r. f.; P. M. Fryberg, c. f. Minneapolis— C. I. McGouogal. c.; Fred Mc- Gouasjal, p.; Thomas Cuwiuinffs, s. s. ; M. McGiouagal, Ist b. ; Thurber, 2nd b.; Howly, 3rd b.; Malady, r. f.; Wabl, c. f.; Ward, 1. 1. Still water—Will Prescott, c. Lewis Morin, p.; George .Mealey, b s.; W. li. Wilmot, Ist b.; Rob Welch, 2nd b.; Ed Elliott, ord b.; Ed Keefe, 1. f.: C. J. HoDonagal, c. f.; Fred JlcCJonagal, r. f . The game between Minneapolis and St. Paul was decided in favor of St. Paul in the fifth inning. For the St. Pauls, Rut ledge, Kock. Long, Hartraft each soured one and Hayes two. For the Minneapolis nine, Fred McGouagal, Cummings and Wahl one each. The score by innings stood: St. Paul 5 0 10 0— Minneapolis 0 0 0 2 I—31 —3 The .second game, between St. Paul and Stillwaier. was won by the latter in three brief Innings, as follows: St. Paul 5 0 o—s Stillwatcr 2 1 3—6 The games were quite interesting, al though necessarily of short duration. It was announced that prizes, consisting of medals properly inscribed, will be purchased and presented to the winners. The dancing in the pavilion, which had languished for lack of attention, was resumed, and from 4 o'clock until the leaving of the trains the dancing floor was crowded. Taken altogether the day, although somewhat cool, was very enjoyable. The committee in charge deserves credit for the arrangements, which were as nearly per fect as such occasions will permit. AT OTHER POINTS. Chicago's Laboring- Men Parade. Chicago, Sept. 7.—The labor demon stration here to-day was an affair of consid erable magnitude. The day was a perfect one for the parade, and full 8.000 marchers were in line, representing the various trades assemblies and unions of the city. The pa rade is the outgrowth of an effort to have an annual holiday for the working classes of the country, and was conducted here un der the auspices of the Trade and Labor assembly. in arranging for the demon stration it was decided to not allow the red flag of Socialists to be carried, and this pro voked a counter-movement on the part of the Anarchists, who paraded yes terday. In the column to-day the American colors were displayed, together with the banners of the various societies, and a few of the improvised ban ners emblazoned with mottoes, demanding that eight hours should constitute a work ing day and denouncing convict labor. The column was made up of representatives of the stonecutters, plasterers, lathers, box mskers, typographical, broom makers, cigar makers, coopers, barrel makers, carpenters, horse shoers, iron moulders, tanners, wool pullers, harness makers, shoemakers, watch-case makers, bricklayers and stone masons' unions and street car employes. In the column were a number of decorated wagons, on which the processes of printing a paper, making horse shoes and cutting stone was illustrated. The column proceed to Ogden's grove near the city, where the day was devoted to hearing speeches and other forms of diversion. During the exercises of the afternoon the following resolution was adopted: '•The organized mechanics and working men of Chicago, on this the first celebration of Labor's National holiduy, deem it duo to themselves and the public to announce that while they know their riphts, and dare main tain them at all hazards, they prefer tho bal lot to the bull, reason to ruffianism, united, intelligent action to meaningless violence, as the agencies best calculated to remove the evils of which they complain; that means which may be justifiable in the despotism of the old world are unwarranted and out of place in a free republic, where the franchise is the inalienable rJjjht of every American citizen, irrespective of color and nationality and that they are unwilling 1 to aid in tho de struction of the institutions of a country, the hope of oppressed of every clime, which their valor and patriotism have secured." New York's Labor Parade. New Yokk. Sept. 7. —Theannuol parade of the labor organizations of this city and vicinity took place to-day. It is estimated that fully 13,000 men were in the ranks. These represented every trade that could be named. In the ranks were brass bands and drum corps and men bearing flags and ban ners and transparencies, with mottoes of different kinds. There were also wagons, coaches and stages tilled with girls from the silk factories. The procession attracted a great deal of attention. The best appear ing body of men were the bakers, but the Typographical union turned out the largest number of men. The procession marched down Broadway to the battery and was re viewed at Union square by prominent labor reformers. After disbanding the paraders went to a park, where the remainder of the day was spent in games and festivites. Fail and 1% lister Goods for gentlemen's wearin fact the best goods the world's markets afford— be had of the only exclusive gents' furnish ing goods house in St. Paul. Messrs. Goyer Bros., 137 East Third street. Giving: Their I«ea a Cliance. Detroit, Sept. —The Buhl iron works of this city, which have been shut down since July 1, are to be reopened under the management of the late employes. The men said they believed they could make a living if the works were started again, and were given permission to start for them selves. The managers say they do not pro pose to open the works themselves for some time yet, believing the iron business to be stagnant, but they are willing to let the men try the business. Goyer Bros., gents' furnishers, 137 East Third street The "Winers' Strike. PiTTSßtri'.G. Sept. 7.—There i 3 no change in the situation of the river coal miners' I strike to-day. The miners in the fourth pool are still working and all the mines but four are closed in the three lower pools. Camps are being established by the miners j at various points along the river and every effort will be made by the strikers to in- i duce those working to come out. Goyer Bros., gents' furnishers, 137 East j Third street. German Roman Catholics. New York, Sept. 7.—The delegates to the twentieth annual convention of the Ger man Roman Catholic Central society, which is now being held in Brooklyn, paraded j to-day through the principal streets of that city. There were fifteen divisions in line, with many bands of music. Goyer Bros., gents' furnishers, 137 East Third street. THEY MEET TO-DAY.; Representatives of the Transcontinental Lines Arrive and Will Convene at the Byan. Some Hot Times Anticipated in Eighting the Grievances of the Different Companies. Rumors That the Union Pacific's Great Floating Debt Will Be . Readjusted. Status of East-Bound Rates- -Return of Railroad Officials to Milwau kee —Notes. Transcontinental Affairs. The representatives of the lines which are members of the Transcontinental asso ciation, which meets in St. Paul to-day, commenced arriving yesterday, and a num ber more will arrive to-day. Word has been recurved from a few that it will be im possible for them to arrive to-day and need not be expected before Wednesday. The first session will convene at 11 o'clock to day. The 'first thing to be done will be to appoint a chairman. At the last meetings, one at Denver and the other at Chicago, Vice President and General Manager (Jakes of the Northern Pacific held that position, but as the meeting this time occurs in St. Paul it is not likely that Mr. Oakes will care to act. L. G. Cameron, the general agent of the asso ciation, will be present and appoint his own secretary. The meeting will be of more than ordinary importance, as the Sunset route is still the disturbing element in freight matters. The Southern Pacific controls that line, and the great question to be discussecMs the percentages it should be allowed. At the award made last spring the Southern Pacific was dissat isfied, claiming that it carried more freight than the percentages gave it credit for, and unless its share was increased it would make things hot for the competing lines.. Its demand was that it be awarded its per centage on a basis of the business it had carried for the six months previous to the allotment. As the Southern Pacilic, dur ing these six months; had been cutting rates to such an extent that the other transcon tinental lines could not think of meeting the competition, it necessarily got the bulk of the business, or, as the records showed, it carried about 72 per cent of the whole traffic. This it now asks from the association as its award, which, if conceded, would leave the other lines 28 per cent, to be divided among them. This concession, however. Will not be made, and to fix things up sat isfactorily for all parties will be the work of -the freight representatives meeting in St. Paul this week. The trouble in the passenger business has been stated fully in previous issues of the Globe. The association is composed of the fol lowing representatives in the freight de partment: J. F. Goddard, traffic manager, and J. S. Leeds, general freight agent, Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe railroad; George W. Ristine, traffic manager, and W. C. Dennison, general freight agent. Atlantic & Pacific railroad; Thomas Miller, general freight agent, Burlington & Mis souri River railroad; J. C. Stubbs, general traffic manager, Southern Pacific company, and Richard Gray, general freight agent. Southern Pacific company (Pacific sys tem); A. S. Hughes, traffic manager, Denver & Rio Grande railway; S. W. Eckles, general freight agent, Den ver & Rio Grande Western railway: J. G. Schriever, traffic manager, Southern Pacific company (Atlantic system); C. C. Gibbs, general freight agent. Galveston, Harrisburg & San Antonio railway; J. 11. Hannaford, general freight agent, North ern Pacific railroad: John Muir, traffic manager, Oregon Railway & Navigation company; George Olds, general traffic man ager, and W. H. Newman, traffic manager, Texas & Pacific railway; T. L. Kimball. general traffic manager, and P. P. Shelby, general freight agent, Union Pacific and Oregon Short Line railways. The passenger representatives are: T. 11. Goodman, general passenger agent, Chicago & Southern Pacific; W. P. White, general passenger agent. Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe; C. S. Stebbins, general traffic agent, Union Pacific; •J. W. Morse, general passenger agent, Union Pacific; J. J. Byrne, general passenger agent, Oregon Railway and Navigation company; P. S. Eustis, gen eral passenger agent, Burlington & Mis souri River; S. K. Hooper, general passen ger agent, Denver & Rio Grande; S. W. Eckles, general passenger agent. Denver & Rio Grande Western; 11. C. Townsend, general passenger agent, Texas & Pacitic; C. S. Fee, general passenger agent, North ern Pacific. ISiirlitißtoh learnings. Wall Street News. The Chicago, Burlington & Quincy has touched ISO and is strong in its dullness. There is talk of selling Chicago, Burlington & Quincy down to 124 on the St. Paul ex tension business. Talk is inexpensive sometimes, more so than the attempt to break Chicago, Burlington & Quincy six points is likely to prove. , A silly rumor comes from New York that Chicago, Bur lington & Quincy may abandon its "West Shore" business (extension to St. Paul) on account of the hostility everywhere en countered. The rumor is very silly. More worthy of perusal is the July statement of earnings and expenses, which is a good one. though not remarkable. Passenger ■ earn ings decreased .5:2<5.000, freight increased 880,000, and miscellaneous receipts $28,000 from 1834. making the comparative sum mary as follows: July. 1885. 1884. Increase Gross $1,812,884 $1,735.100 $77,634 Expenses... 1,117,853 1,092,405 25,453 Wet 694,875 G42.794 52,151 Since Jan 1. Gross $14,185,801 $10,351,220 $834,580 Expenses... 8,333,179 7,549,466 785,722 Net 5,850,632 5,801,764 48,859 It would not be surprising if the August exhibit of the 'i ago,Burlington4 Quincy should be less favorable than for July. There was at least a tremendous shrinkage in the flour and grain carried into Chicago. The receipts at that point over the different roads were as follows, Hour being reduced to bushels: 1885. ISB4. Decrease C. & X. West K.I; 1,781.844 1,876,261 114.017 111. Central.. 1,176,070 1.105,387 *71,588 Rock Island. 1.524.416 1,823,618 20*3!:' C.B. & Qu'y. 8,378.218 7,070,787 8,701.669 C. & Alton.. 861,208 2,021,444 1,160,238 St. Paul. ... 1,122,213 1.231,787 100,574 Wabash 745,922 1,808,719 1,002,797 Total bu.. 10,540,289 16,846,008 0,405,714 ♦Increase. i, East Round Kates.* . Special to the Globe. Chicago, Sept. —Eastern rates to-day were but little changed. j Grain was freely taken—all that was offered, a: 10 cents per 100 pounds, while most of the roads wanted 12 cents for provisions. There was notable exceptions to this latter rate, some eight: barrels of pork having Ween taken by one of the fast freight lines at 10 cents per'lOO. the i lowest figures on that article for the season. I It would seem as if the New York papers I in announcing a meeting of the Central j Traffic assciation for to-morrow, were mis taken in their information. The secretary, Mr. T. B. Moor . has reeeivedQno notification from the chamber- Mr. Ingalls and other members are equally in the dark. The New Yorkers have doubtless confounded a meeting of the Trunk Line committee which was to have been held yesterday for the purpose of ad vancing west-bound rates, but which has been postponed until Sept. 15 in order to se cure the presence*of Commissioner Fink, who will arrive from Europe this week. Chauncey Depew, president of the New York Central, states that the east-bound traffic will be taken in hand by the presi dents of the trunk lines as soon as they can spare time from more important matters. ITnion Pacific Troubles. There were rumors in railroad circles yes terday that the enormous floating debt of the Union Pacific road would shortly have to be readjusted. It is placed through New England, and New York. Some of its ! holders are becoming restive for their money, and it is reported that promp meas ures are necessary to prevent- a peremptory calling of the loans. There Is another story that Charles Francis Adams, "presi dent of the Union Pacific, is trying to wipe out a lot of the floating debt by selling some St. Joseph & Western securities that have recently obtained a certain market value through a change of policy in regard to the treatment of the road by the Union Pacific. The company is said to be all right, having $1,500,000 in the bank. The company is being troubled at its coal mines, owing to the employment of Chinase labor ers. The company mines over a million tons of coal a year, and the Knights of Labor are charged with driving out the Chinamen in order to be in a position to dictate terms for themselves. The Trip Was One of Pleasure. Special to the Globe." Milwaukkk, Sept. 7.—The party of St. Paul & Northwestern railroad officials, whose trip over the latter road to the North was the cause of so many rumors last week, returned to-day. During their absence the party went so-far as Ishplming, Mich., going to Menominee on the Northern, and then over the Chicago & Northwestern to Marquette. The officials of these roads deny the report that the Mil waukee & St. Paul was about to purchase the Northern line. President Spencer of the latter road said such a thing had not been thought of. The stockholders did not want to sell, as they were very well satisfied with the present status of the road. General Manager Mil ler of. the Milwaukee & St. Paul said that he had not heard the subject broached on the trip, and, so far as he knew, it was not thought of. Mr. Miller said he went to visit Northern Michigan, which he had never before seen, and was much under the im pression that this was the case with all the party. More attention was paid to the Calumet and Heckla copper mines thau to the Northern road. The only one of the party who will admit that the trip was not one of pleasure unalloyed is '"Gov." Wil liam Young, who understood the trip to be purely to show off the road and the country through which it runs. Mr. Young is a strong annexationist and said to the reporter that if St. Paul did not secure possession of the road it ought to, as it was a good in vestment. Another New Line. Special to the Globe. OsiiKosir, Wis., Sept. 7.—George W. Pratt, Frank Woden, John W. Hume, C. Leiber and 11. B. Ilarsaw have incorporated a line of railroad from Florence to Abbotts ford, in this state, and it is tc/be called the Wolf & Wisconsin River Railroad company, with a capital stock of $17,000,000. They are negotiating with the Milwaukee, Lake Shore & Western railroad, and if successful will build a standard guage road. The in corporators have secured the option on a large amount of pine land and the object is to bring the pine to this market. Railroad Extensions. There is a disposition in speculative and investment circles to look with suspicion on all enterprises dependent on the prosperity of the northwestern sections of the country. This is due in a large measure to the ten dency to parallel existing lines of railways. The Chicago, Burlington & Quincy has made its contracts for the building of a line to St. Paul. Although it is mildly denied, the Chicago & Northwestern has about de cided to extend to Kansas City so soon as it can overcome some difficulties about the right of way. The executive committee has instructed the officials to raise money to extend its Elkhorn branch, which paral lels the Union Pacific 200 miles toward Ogden. Now comes a report that the Rock Island is about to purchase the St. Joseph & Western road, and if the report is cor rect it will place that company a long dis tance west of the Missouri river toward Denver. Coal at Superior. Superior, Wis., Sept. 7.—The schooner Hawk of Ashtabula arrived to-day with 1,048 tons of coal; the schooner Thomas P. Scheldon of Ashtabula with 1,200 tons; the steam barge Oscar Town send of Toledo with 900 tons, and the schooner Kelley of Toledo with 1,400 tons. Kail way Earnings. New York railroad earnings reported to day for the month of August were: Name of road. Earnings. Increase. Illinois Central $938,333 *$U,«jsl Peoria, Decatur & Evans ville 80,083 249 Oregon Navigation 222,100 122,000 Denver & Rio Grande 574,601 98,805 Louisville & Nashville 1,070,895 40,417 *Dccreaso Checks. General Claim Agent Ford of the North ern Pacific road left yesterday for Colorado. F. B. Clarke, general traffic manager of the Omaha road, returned yesterday from Washburn. Col. George Gray, general counsel for the Northern Pacific road, is in St. Paul from New York. D. J. Mulloney, city passenger agent of the Queen and Crescent route at Cincinnati, is in St. Paul. W. L. Stone, ear accountant of the Mil waukee & St. Paul road, returned to Mil waukee yesterday. George S. Baxter, assistant treasurer of the Northern Pacific road, returned yester day from New York. Assistant General Manager Tucker and General Freight Agent Bird of the Milwau kee & St. Paul road will come to St. Paul to-day. The Minneapolis & St. Louis road will give a round trip rate of $20 to those wish ing to attend the St. Louis exposition Sept. 9 to 25 inclusive. Fort Totten on the Jamestown & North ern branch of the Northern Pacific road, eighty-three miles north of Jamestown, has been opened for freight business, and J. Bishop appointed agent. F. Thompson, general manager of the Pennsylvania road, Dr. Thompson, his brother, and Mr. Cadwallder of Philadel phia, arrived in St. Paul yesterday in a special car and will go north over the Mani toba road on a fishing excursion. The Canadian Pacific has given notice to the Manitoba road that it is willing to make connections again at the boundary line on passenger trains and make the same time on the other side as is made on this, to take effect Sept 15. The Canadian Pacific has j found out that its little game of compelling I passengers to take its through line between ! Manitoba and Eastern Canada did not work I as advantageously as it anticipated, and is willing to restore its train time to former schedule. The Milwaukee & St. Paul was yesterday advised by the live stock sanitary commis sion of the state of Nebraska that cattle from Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Delaware. Maryland, Virginia. West Vir ginia, Ohio, Illinois, Kentucky, Tennessee, Missouri and the District of Columbia, des tined to or passing through Nebraska, will be quarantined at the point of entry for at least two days, and until a certificate of health is provided by the state veterinary surgeon. The points of entry are Omaha, Plattsmouth, Blair and Falls City. A Home Institution. Why buy Chicago or New York soaps when you can get Duke soap, purer, better and cheaper than any, and made at home? » Osman Dijzna was shot by an Arab while trying to coerce four Sheikhs to attack Kas soiu. m Goyer Eros., gents' furnishers, 137 East Third street. -»» The L. A. Mix oil refinery at Cleveland was j destroyed by lire. Loss $45,000. Insurance (12,500. Goyer Bros., gents' furnishers, 137 East Thud street. -^ J. M. Ivy & Co. of Rock Hill, C. failed. Their liabilities are estimated at $200,000. The heaviest losers are cotton brokers in .New York. Call for Duke soap at your grocer's. Thomas Hushes, postmaster at- Albuquer- ' que, N. M., and Assistant Postmaster Clark ' have been arrested, a shortage of $1,200 hav ingl been discovered in the accounts of the ; office^ - Call for Duke soap at your grocers. —^-——if /J\\ \ % I TMF RF^T IIWFBTI^FMFNT! "The best advertisement is a pleased customer." What better proof that well-made Fall and Winter Clothing; is being sold at reasonable prices at THE BOSTOX, St. Paul, can be had than this fact, so plainly illustrated by our artist? When a man is so well pleased and so perfectly satisfied with HIS Fall Suit that he brings seven other friends to purchase THEIR Fall Suits at the same place, it is pretty conclusive proof that THE BOSTON, St Paul, is selling: good Clothing and at very reasonable prices. This week we expet to be extra busy, and: have made extra preparations to accommodate all our cnstoniers. Extra men, extra large stock, and extra low prices are some of the inducements we offer. Rig-lit now is the very best time to select a Fall and Winter outfit, as out stock is full and complete. Over ninety thousand dollars' worth of fine tailor made Clothing Hats and Furnishings are exhibited on our counters at the present time, and it is really something 1 well worth seemgl, the hugre piles oi Fall and Winter Suits and Overcoats. We should be pleased to have everr/bpily come in and see our store, no matter whether they want to buy or not. Wd shall take great pleasure in showing visitors the stock, and should be glad to have out-of-town customers, when in St. Paul, make our store their headquar ters- Eight immense cases of Fall and Winter Underwear were opened last week and their contents, consisting of medium and heavy weights or Scarlet, White and Fancy Underwear, in all the different grades, placed on our shelves. Buying Underwear in huch large quantities enables us to sell at just about regular wholesale prices, thus saving our customers one profit. Why wouldn't this be ago d. time to select your Winter Cap We can show you as large an assortment as any two ordinary hat stores can show, and will name you much lower prices. We are recognized headquarters for fine Clothing. Hats and Furnishings, and guarantee that every article we sell is sold at as low a price as the same quality of goods can be bought for anywhere in the United States. O 3 Corner Third and Robert streets, St. Paul. Frapare J6r_f inter! liU]iUlu iui uliuul . PRENDERGAST EROS., 62 East Third Street, ■ HATE A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF HEATING AND COOKING Which they always sell -with the unqualified guarantee that they will do the work re quired of them. A look to their stock will well repay you. 251-57 THE W. C. METZNER uliriu ilupoll fin Repairs for stoves made in tho United States keot in sto:V SIX HUNDRED TONS OF CASTINGS. We are now prepared to furnish repairs /or all kinds of stoves made in Amor c and also do general stove repairing in all its branches. All orders promptly attended to G. R. HENRY, Manager. 134 W. Seventh 5t,.(7-Corners), StPanl Bsmnrs T:tcz, Prci't. IT. A. Br>.«r.n?,r\7r, Trea.« 11. li. Galusha, Secy- and Manager. Tho Minion if fl ff-ffi lilC ffliiillcdula Atiid uOllil LUMBER CO., i Manufacturers of FIRE PROOFING IN EVERY FORM. OFFICE, 363 Jackson street, ST. PAUL, I I < Minneapolis Agents, C. 0. Leeds & Co., Boom £6, Syndicate block. Qiy Dap fteuf Wrrno'j ! vIA 101 IJijiil. .itiUiiuJf 1 ; To loan on Improved St. Pan! Property, in , sums of $' 00 mid upwards. Smaller sum." I ' at lowest iate.9. ) GRAVES & VINTON, 301 DRAKE BLOCK, CONTRACT WORK. Sever on AriMel Street Office of the Board of Public Works, ) City ok St. Paul, Minn., Sept. 3, 1885. \ Scaled bids will be received by tho Board of Public Works in and for the corporation of the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, at their office in said city, until I:.' m. on the llth day of September, A. D. is 5, tor tho construction ot a sewer on A runnel street, from Portland Avenue to Summit Avenue, in said city, to gether with the necessary catchbasins and manholes according- to plans and specifica tions on file in the office of said Board. A bond with at least two (2) sureties in a ! sum of at least twenty (20) per cent, of tho ; gross atnoui.t bid must accompany each bid. The said Board reserves the right to reject I any or all bids. JOHN F. HOYT, President pro tern. j Official: j K.L.Gorman, Clerk Board of Public Works. 217-237 % BLAKEMORE&ANGELL M f-jj Manufacturers of •}•} ; » "OLD, BBONZB AND ORNAMENTAL *f* .: & PICTURE FRAMES, 11 '■ ?fl l nrl Dealers in Steel Enprarings and O; JJt-l iji Jaintincs. Gilding& Reffilding a specialt- fS; 3 no. 11 E. Seventh St.. ST. PAUL. MINN M tAI !»*j ■ JUST OPENED, Thoroughly Fire-Proof m I j RATES $2.50 to $5' per Bay! .According 1 to rooms and their location. BRUSH & TRUMAN, - Proprietors. ST. PAUL MANUFACTURERS 03 Architectural Iron iiUiiL Founders, Machinists, Blacksmiths and Pat tern-makers. Send '■■■• cuts of columns Works on St. 1.. M. &M. It. H.. near 09180 r.venup. C lice 118 E. Fourth street, St. P*.ui, f- U. POWLiK, Seo'y and Xreas. CONTRACT WORK! Grading Me Street. Office of the Board of Public Works, 1 City- of St. Paul, Minn., Sept. 1, 1885. ) Sealed bida will be received by the Board of Public Works In and for the corporation of the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, at their office, in said city, until I-' in., on the 1 ..i day of September A. 1). 1385, for the grading of Duke street, fromßandolph street to Gcodrfch Ave nue, in said city, according 1 to plans and specifications on lile in the office of said Board. A bond -with at least two (2) sureties in a sum of at least twenty (20) cent, of tho gross amount bid must accompany each bid. The sold Board reserves the riyiit to reject any or all bids. JOHN FARRINGTOS, President. Official: R. L. Gorman, Clerk Hoard of Public Works. !24 ")--.")5 "I .■'•■_- CONTRACT WORK. ■ Sewer on Wiikin Street. Office of tiie Board of Public Works, ) City of St. I'Ari,. Minn.. Sept] 1, 1883. f Sealed bids ■will be received by the Board of Public Works in and for the corporation of the City of Si. Paul. Minnesota, at their office in said city, until 12 m.. on tho I tth day of September, A.D. 18S5, for tho construction of a sewer on Wiikin street, trom Mcßoal street to the south lino of lot 5, block 7, Leech's a i dition to St. Paul, together with the nece/3ary catchbaslns and tnani:otos. according- and specifications on file in tho office of said Boar. I. A bond -with at least two (2) sureties In a sum of at least twenty (20) per cent, of the gross amount bid must accompany each bid. The said Board reserves the right to reject any or all bids. JOHN FARRINGTON, President. Official R. L. ;Gorman, Clerk Board of Public Work* 245-255 For Business Chances, Farms and Land in Exchanges for City Prop erty, To Rent or Purchase Houses and Lots on Easy Terms, call at H. Hall's Real Estate Agency, ISO JSaat Third Street, St. Paul.