Newspaper Page Text
MINNEAPOLIS NEWS. OhaTbonneati, the Ticket Broker, Indicted By the Grand Jury for Em bezzlement The Veterans of Minnesota Battery Meet and light Their Battles Over Again. The Gloves "Were Like Pillows, But • tlie Slugging Work -was Don© From Base. Court and Police — Labor Mass Meeting--Irlsli Americans — Catholic Fair. CHARGES OF EMBEZZLEMENT. A. Prominent Ticket Broker Indicted District Court ISriofs. The only arraignment upon Indictments returned by the grand jury in the district court yesterday was that of Joseph Char bonneao, the ticket broker at No. 6 Wash ington avenue south, who was arrested in the afternoon upon a bench warrant by Deputy Egge. The indictment charges him With embezzling 53,324. 14 from the Chicago, Minneapolis & Omaha railway company, Jan. 1, 1884. Mr. Charbonneau plead not guilty and gave bonds in 000 for his ap pearance next Tuesday. To a Globe re porter he said that when he was ticket agent for the company he let C. 11. Kimball, the ticket broker, have tickets amounting to $:;..V;;:.. r)4. There is some dispute over the matter, and a suit against Kimball has been commenced by the railroad com pany, lie appeared very confident that his situation is not at all serious, and said "It'll turn out all right, I suppose the audi tor of the road did this to straighten things out." The county attorney and his assistant are at Alexandria attending court and arragin ments will not probably be made before their return. COTTKT BRIEFS. In the proceedings of the St. Paul & Northern Pacific Railway company to ac quire iands, a motion to dismiss the appeal of B. Zpvick from the award of commis sioners " for land taken in Bassett, Moor & Card's addition was yesterday partially heard, and continued to Sept. 18. Fred J. King yesterday commenced an action" to secure divorce from Anna E. King. The parties are each 34 years old, End were married October, IS7I, at lowa City, living together until April, lSSo,when the defendant deserted the plaintiff and her two children, the custody of whom she asks. The following cases were disposed of by Judge Lochren yesterday: 11. C. Bradley vs. G. "W. Markens, et al.; motion for judgment on pleadings granted. Griffith & Douglass vs. John K. "Wolcott; continued to Oct. 13. W. C. Hobart, assignee, vs, Price Jones; motion to dismiss denied. Ellen Eagan vs. G. W. Armstrong; mo tion to strike out portion of complaint granted in part. James Ennis vs. Frank W. Furman; motion for judgment in pleadings denied. Gust Lellyblad vs. It. W. Gordon et. al.; defendant's motion for judgment in plead ings denied. Expressman No. 24 was employed by a Swede girl on Thursday night to deliver a box to a house on Twelfth avenue north. Whi he ".vent to the house he found two families, but neither knew anything about the girl, consequently he took the box home, lie has now delivered it over to the police. MINNESOTA JSATTERV. I'lu' ITSembers Hold a Second Annual Zieunion. The Minnesota battery held its first ses sion July 22 of last year in this city, at Which time a permanent organization was perfected. Last night a second reunion was held. The routine business was transacted in the office of Dr. W. A. Spaulding. The following officers were elected: President —TV. A. Spaulding. Secretary and Treasurer — C. Gowdy. At the invitation of J. W. Tidd a ban quet was participated in by the entire party at Clayton's. Among the members present were: Maj. W. Hodgkiss, J. L. Sargeant, Frank Flint; Martin llarli, Dant Fry, A. C. Gowdy, M. W. Alley, J. M. Lane, Henry A. Simons. Fred May, J. 11. Arnell. Philip llynes. Charles L. Noggle, James Hunter, Charles L. Morn, Fred Leathers, George S. Gower, Ezra Sewell, J. W. Tidd. Dr. W. A. Spaulding, John Craven and George E. Townsend. Col. Sessions, A. A. Ames, Mike Hoy, George Leathers and others were guests. There were thirty in all. Dr. A. A. Ames was Introduced by Mas ter of Ceremonies Dr. W. A. Spauldiug. The doctor began by expressing surprise that his old comrades had so well preserved their ages. He spoke of Maj. Hodgkiss, who started the first newspaper in the city of. Minneapolis. lie looked around for a devil and could find no bigger one than the youthful A. A. Ames. The doctor was then installed in the office in the capacity of devil. He was a boy of 12 years and a veritable boy of the period. When the Re bellion broke out he enlisted as a private under his old newspaper employer. His pun was Issued to him as orderly sergeant and that gun is now sacredly kept in his office. He had been called upon to say a few words to the old army boys. Col. Ses sions was too modest to touch upon an im portant point. The speaker is not modest, lie then referred to;the pension act. Ho said this is the greatest nation that the common sun shines on. This nation, with millions in its treasury, owes a gratitude to the old soldiers which it can never repay. Every soldier is deserving the gratitude of this great nation and he should never be allowed to go to beggary. He hoped the congress of toe United States would amend the pension act so that every old soldier would be given a competency in payment for the common debt of gratitude. It is difficult for a comrade to establish that he was debilitated in the service. He phould not be compelled to furnish proofs. Not a soldier in the army whoso health was not Impaired in that service. He stood ready to make a pilgrimage to Washington in the interests of the measure. Three cheers and a tiger made the dining-hall ring. Maj. Hotchkiss wanted to remark upon the terms of service of the battery. Nearly nil had served nearly five years. Not one Is as good a man physically as though he had not passed through the ordeals of that service, and he argued on the universal pen sion system, whereby every ex-soldier should reap a slight reward, lie should be taken care of at the expense of the United States as well as a congressman or a president. Comrade B. F. Cole and others followed n felicitous addresses and the occasion was [particularly happy. •■*""-"■' IN TWO ItOi;KD8 1 Patsy Cardiff Compels Biff Mack to Quit. Patsy Cardiff is a prime favorite among the local sports. The announcement that he was to have a four-round soft glove con test with Big Mack, a well-known young pugilist who lias never been knocked out of time, was sufficient to pack the Comiqne from orchestra rail to the doom and behind the flies. He stands "six feet in his stockings" and weighs 14S pounds. He is a veritable giant and has no lack of sand. Patsy was not in very good condition. He caught a bad cold and Iris stomach had been out of order all day. Shortly after he stepped upon the stage he had an attack of vomiting, but he had no misgivings. He knew that Big Mack more than lacked in fistic skill what he made up in Herculean strength. Big Mack strikes terrific blows, but Cardiff was sure that he could duck them. Time was called at 1:10 o'clock. James Wheeler, the stage manager, acted in the double capacity of referee and timekeeper, in accordance with the wish of both par ties. Patsy Cardiff was introduced lirst with the explanation that he stands ready to fight any pugilist in* America for from 53.000 to $5,000 a side, to the finish with hard gloves. Big Mack was then introduced. After a few feints and maneuvers, Cardiff led out with a THE ST. PAUL DAILY GLOBE. SATURDAY MOKN.ENG, KEFXKMBJKK ia, ISBu —SIXTEEN^PAGES^ stunning right-liander alighting squarely in the pit of the stomach. It was a surprise to Mack, and no attempt had been made to avoid it. Mack recovered himself instantly aud let his left fly, but it was cleverly dodged. Both thou sparred cautiously, watching for an opportunity, which they did not seem to find for a time. Biff Mack wa9 first to opeu the fi£lit. He struck fu riously, first with his right and then with his left, but without effect. Cardiff coun tered with telliug effect A tremendous right-hander visited Mack's nose, aud the claret spinkled the stage. Mack then fought with desperation. Cardiff contin ued to duck successfully, avoiding some terrific sledge-huunuer blows, and,clinching Mack, attempted to throw him, but Mack was too heavy. Mack managed to get in a few bad blows, but it was short arm work. Breaking away. Cardiff fought with both hands until time was called. Both blowed considerably, and Big Mack bled at the nostrils and his upper lip showed a slight gash. Cardiff had not received a scratch. Manager Brown here instructed Stage Manager Wheeler to put a stop to all slug ging. He said he should not allow the con test to proceed unless it should be a sparring exhibition. The contestants' acceeded and j the second round was opened. Each was j cautious, but Cardiff had everything his j own way and let out heavy blows, followed by deft cross" counters, and more blood stained the stage. When time was called. Big Mack threw up the sponge. Cardiff was loudly cheered, and when Big Mack stepped to the footlights and explained that ho had trained only two days and that he was too fat, etc., otherwise he would have given Cardiff a hard fight, Cardiff tossed the big soft gloves to the audience and explained had he used hard gloves Mack could not stay one round. He offered him $50 to try it. THAT PUBLIC MEETING. Tito Employment of- Convict Labor to be Denounced. It has been announced that the com mittee of the Trades and Labor assembly would meet last evening to make arrange ments for a public meeting to be held on bridge square this evening at which a dis cussion of the stone-arch bridge question would take place. The committee did not materialize last evening. The tearing down the suspension bridge has created considerable opposition among the working men, who from the standpoint of taxpayers, regard the scheme as amount ing to a wanton waste of money. Some are inclined to think that the present bridge facilities are sufficient; others that a new bridge should be built at First or Sec ond avenue south, and the suspen sion bridge allowed to remain For the enlightenment on the subject the Trades and Labor assembly appointed a committee to arrange for the meeting, and, in the absence of notice to the contrary, it can be understood that the meeting will be held this evening, as announced. There is another branch of the question which will be taken up in this connection. This is that of the employment of convict labor. There is a determination on the part of the labor organizations that stone to be used in public buildings shall be cut within the city, and not let to contractors who will have the work done by convicts in the peni tentiaries. The Stonecutters'union have already taken steps to enlist the aid of the Trades and Labor assembly and the public at large In an effort to prevent work being taken from them and given to these contractors, who will have their stone cut abroad and brought to the city already dressed. There is no mistaking the public sentiment in this matter, and the object of arousing it on this occasion is because of the near approach of the time for letting the contract ou the government building. The feeling is that the citizens should insist that both the city and government authorities should be will ing to set the pattern for "paying a fair day's pay for a fair day's work." By pre venting jobbery, and having good work done, the buildings may stand forever al most as examples of the way in which public work may be made to help the work-, ing classes, and become a source of pros perity ?o all. THE CATHOLIC FAIR. Contests arrow in jj Down—Another Large Crowd. It was another big night. Father O'Neil won the gold-headed cane by a large majority. Lots of money will be spent at the fair to-night, and the crowd will be great. The good-natured rivalry is great, and, though the contests are all close, there is no ill-will. The lair will net a handsome sum. and the orphans will t)e greatly benefited by it. To-morrow the Orphans' Friend will be enlarged to a sixteen-page paper. The contest between the two chiefs will end at 11 o'clock sharp to-night, Senator Campbell of Litchneld was pres ent last night with his brother, A. E. Campbell and wife, of this city. The biggest fun last night was the voting of the cross-eyed doll to the ugliest woman, each competitor doing hard work for the other. The vote for the silver service last night stood West 227, Stetson 204. Big placards now are necessary to an nounce the standing of the contests. Before the polls close on the contests, there will be a half of hour of silent voting. That is to say, money will be received in sealed packages, and the amount and votes will not be announced until the polls close. This is for interest. The directors decided to announce at 11 o'clock to-night, whether the fair will be continued. For the "Picturesque America," Joe Mannix of the Pioneer, received 70}*f votes, and was a large victor. All persons who have sold tickets are re quested to hand in their books immediately. This is important and necessary. The voting for the gold-headed cane re sulted as follows: Father O'Niel, 1,157; Father Burner of St. Paul, 214; Father Mc- Galrick, 188. Father Denehy of St. Paul, made a very felicitous presentation speech, to which Father O'Niel responded very wittily. THE CITY'S POOR. Statistics for August of the City's Care for the Poor. Mayor Pillsbury presided over the monthly meeting of the city poor board yesterday, and Supervisors Mareck, Clough, Swenson, Pratt, Noerenberg and Downs were pres ent, Supt. Williams acting as clerk. Several small bills were ordered paid, and the only affair of interest was the superintendent's monthly showing as follows: Number of applications made at office, 232; number of visits made by superin tendent, 104; number of cases where relief has been granted in groceries, 137; number of orders given for groceries, 13S; amount ing: to 8585. Number of patients in hospitals August 1, 39. Number sent to hospital during August, 26. Number now in hospital under charge of city. 36. Hospital expenses, $792.77. Number sent to poor house during August, 5; number now in poor house under charge of city, 45; poor house expeuses, §423.55. Expended, 51,956.09; refunded, 522; total expenses. 5i,934.09. Supt. Williams, being sick, was granted a vacation of a week. A Co-operative Enterprise. Articles were yesterday filed with the register of deeds incorporating the Minneap olis Co-operative Cooperage company with a capital stock of §25.000 and a liability of The stock is divided into 500 shares at $50, 25 per cent, of each share to be paid when subscribed, and the balance at such times as may be directed. The in corporators are: Rufus Reed. C. F. Freese, J. W. McMinds, D. W. Tegarden, O. Le due. D. Winslow, Albert Surprise, George J. Eniich, A. F, Briggs, Arthur Suther land, John Harms. The directors are: K. Reed, D. W. Te garden, Oliver Leduc, J. W. McMinds and A. Sutherland. The company has purchased the butter tub and tight band factory at 915 Washing ton avenue from Tysen & Medley. Flour barrels will not be made by the company. which intends, for the present, to manu facture butter tubs, pork and pickle barrels which will be equipped with the James' patent cover. CURRENCY OF THE CHUB. In newspaper circles yesterday there was no little gossip concerning the changes in the force of the Journal when the new syn dicate takes hold. It is reported Mr. Atter bury, to usa his own expression, will "be to the Journal what Mr. Blethen is to the Tribune," whatever that implies. Harry Hawley is set down as the coming city edi tor, while "a brilliant paragrapher" is to be imported from the East to help hold down the editorial columns. It is said Van Norman and Davis will be on the city staff. The managing editor's chair has not been filled by the gossips, and possibly Russell or Gelatt may be retained in that capacity. The price to be paid for the j plant is set down as between 390,000 and $05,000. *** Barbers on the East side have inaugu rated a war and fortunate East siders may be shaved for 10 cents. The West side bucket shops continue to shave, but it costs ! more than 10 cents to get through their ! hands. V Secretary Sturtevant of the chamber of commerce is busily going to the bottom of the charges of discrimination by the North ern Pacific road against Minneapolis. Gen eral Passenger Agent Fee says all agents were instructed to sell excursion tickets to Minneapolis at fair rates, but does not add that such tickets were furnished them. It is reported that President Oakes is very wrathy on the subject. *** The aquatic sports of this season will probably terminate with the four-oared race at Calhoun this afternoon. It has only been a fair season. The Lurline club has not done all that it might and must make a better showing next year. A second boat club would help things along amazingly. *** , "What has been a loss to the state fair has been an important gain for us," re marked a prominent dry goods jobber last evening, as he quietly puffed his Havana while sitting in the Nicollet house ex change. "We have done an immense busi ness. Yes, sir; our trade has been more than twice as large this week as any pre vious week since we opened our house. The country merchants came here pre pared to buy, and they have done it." *** The hotels have been more than crowded. Every available cot has been utilized, and yet the fair visitors have not been accom modated. *** Three aldermen, who had visited the state fair grounds yesterday, found time at the city hall to discuss the stone arch bridge question. Said one: "Our people seem to be laboring under a wrong impression. They allege that we are going to tear down the suspension bridge at once and replace it with a stone arch bridge. That is all wrong. The suspension bridge will doubtless do service for five years yet. We propose to only build half the stone arch superstructure at first. Again they say that 6235,000 will be needlessly thrown away. It was prac tically thrown away when the suspension bridge was built. *** A prominent member of the labor organ izations of this city appreciates the import ance of constructing the stone arch bridge. It will give lucrative employment to a largo crew of laborers. He said: "A movement should at once be placed on foot to the end that no convict labor shall be employed. The stone should all be cut by Minneapolis men. And in regard to the new govern ment building, no time should be lost, In fluence, I think, can be brought to bear sufficient to secure the labor all to this city." W. E. Forrest was asked by a Globe reporter how he could afford to lay the cedar-block paving on Nicollet avenue from Eighth street to Thirteenth street so much lower than other contractors. lie said ne had the cedar on hand and wanted to get rid of it. Therefore he put in a bid that would paralyze all competitors. •♦* ' "If the truth is known," remarked a railroad official recently, "J. J. Hill owns the motor line, entire. I have a little inside history, but I am not at liberty to say anything about it yet. Whether the speaker really knew what he was talking about remains to be seen. Iris lt-American ZTSass meeting. Next Friday evening, the 10th, a mass meeting of Irish-American citizens will be held under the auspices of the local land league, Mayor Pillsbury presiding, the ob ject being to tender a reception to Michael J. Ryan of Philadelphia, an orator ap pointed by the Irish National league Of I America to boom the cause of Ireland, as ' now advocated by Charles S. ParnclL Elaborate preparations for the occasion are •being made, and invitations will be ex tended to the leading citizens of Minne apolis, who have manifested sympathy with Ireland on previous occasions, to be pres ent at this demonstration. The Irish Nationalists of the city are determined to aid and encourage in every practical way tho Irish parliamentary party in the coin ing electorial contest in the old country. They wish to go on a record as willing to help along peaceful parliamentary work for their native country, and to inform the English politicians before hand tha"\ if Ire land's just demands are stubbornly ignored through legislative methods, they will henceforth advocate a policy of lextalionis until Ireland's rights are conceded. 3Tho Last oS Barrett. Lawrence Barrett's successful engage ment is drawing to an end. It has been a remarkable week and an entirely satisfac tory one. The bill last night was "Julius Caesar," the role of Cassius affording Bar rett full opportunity for the display of his fiery and vehement oratory, which is his strong characteristic. The audience was a large one and thoroughly appreciative— even critical. The support was happily given, and the heavy tragedy was an entire success. This afternoon "Francesca da Rimini" will be given, and to-night the double bill, two new comedies, " The Wonder" and "The King's Pleasure" will be given. Large houses will certainly be the portion of the last day of this most successful engagement. Struck By Lightning. During the thunder storm last evening about 6 o'clock lightning struck a chimney on the West hotel, directly over the Fifth street entrance. The only damage done was to knock off a few bricks, but the ar rival of the unwelcome guest was accom panied by a terrific report, which created considerable alarm for the time being. Curiously enough the plastering in rooms situated on the other side of the building was disloged, while that of the rooms directly under the chimney was not in jured. MINNEAPOLIS GLOBULES, There was not one noteworthy arraign ment in the municipal court. There was no meeting at the armory last night to form a National Guard asso ciation. Rev. Father O'Reilley will deliver a tem perance lecture to-morrow night in the new Holy Rosary hall. The Alcazar Opera house closes its career to-night. That career has been more check ered than prosperous. A rink will pay bet ter. Mrs. Sarah Farr entertained her newsboy protegees last night, at 321 Nicollet avenue, j giving them a pleasing program and a de lightful lunch. Not a complaint of robbery or other crooked work Was made at the police head quarters yesterday. The crooks seemed satisfied with their Thursday's harvest, and it was a big one. Some time ago a domestic from R. L. Penney's residence, 108 Highland avenue, was sent to the Bethany home. Yesterday she returned, and. finding only a little girl there, took some money and valuables. John Bartlett has been a collector or j something in the employ of B. L. Taylor, a dentist, and he is now nnder arrest at the instance of his employer upon a charge of stealing $25. From all that can be learned about the case, however, it appears much as if it was a case of breach of trust rather than larceny.: t ■ The stores were thronged by strangers from various Northwestern points yester day. They had come to attend the fair, but owing to the rain they preferred the hospi tality of the city to the fair. The explosion of a gasoline lamp In a house on Twenty-sixth street near Stevens avenue occasioned a fire alarm from Box 67 last evening about 6 o'clock. The incipient blaze was extinguished in a few minutes and no damage was done. Rev. Satterlee left last night for Ohio. Ho will open to-morrow in Chicago, and on Tuesday will begin his work at Springfield, O. He expects to make a great many ad dresses in the prohibition campaign, and will remain there until the election. MINNEAPOLIS PERSONALS. Dr. John D. Orton of Lakeville is at tho West. Dr. Robers T. Lewis of Cincinnati is at the West. W. P. Duunington of Red River Falls is in the city. Sheriff Brackett yesterday took six pris oners to Stillwater. E. M. Thornton, the elevator man of Benson, is in the city. W. E. Clement, principal of public schools at Prague, is visiting in the city. a S. F. Boyd, general ticket and passenger gent of the Minneapolis & St. Louis road, is East on a two weeks' trip. Hans C. Michaelson was yesterday exam ined by the probate court and committed to St. Peter as insane. -'■ • , Francis P. Rooney and Maggie Hayes, William Bohl and Joseph Dahn, Joseph Terk and Rosa Felloreg yesterday obtained marriage licenses. The regatta of the Lincoln club which was set for this afternoon will not come off. St. Paul and Stillwater were unable to send any four-oared crews, although the former city offered to send some singles. The two crews of the Lurline club which had been practicing expect to have a race which will be worth seeing. Minneapolis Real Eatate. YESTERDAY'S TRANSFERS. Deeds were yesterday filed with the register of deeds as follows: Lts 5 and 6, bik 1, Cole & Channell's add; Price Jones to M P Hobart $1,500 Part of Its 3 and 4, bik 3, part of Its 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, bik 4, Hechtman's add; Henry Hetchman to St. Paul & North ern Pacific Ry Co 6,500 Lts 23 and 24, bik 2, Chicago Avenue add: Henrietta EHuinford to Ida M Grabill 1,200 Lt 4, bllr 2, Blooming: Prairie; Florence C Robinson to Alex Mitchell 1,000 Ltß 18 and 20, blk 9, Its 26 and 27, blk 0, Saunders Park add; T E Craft to Al bert Lundqnist 2,800 Lt C, bik 1, Menace's 3d add; Lyddia M VVoodly to J H Mclntyre 1,000 : Part of lt 3, blk 3, Stinson'3 add; J H Hayes to C P Barker 3,535 Lt 6, bik 2. Steven's add;. Florence E Saunders to Alma Smith 6,000 Lts 20 and 21, bik 2, Chicago Avenue add; L D Burnett to Ida M Grabill. .. 1,000 Lts 20 and 21, blk 5, South Side add; Clara O Nendick to May A E Feather stoue 2,000 A piece of land in blk 221, Minneapolis; Jas J Bert to A H Kenyon 32,500 Twelve miscellaneous deeds, the consid erations of which are less than $1,000 3,901 Total number of deeds 22 $62,956 BUILDING PERMITS. Anna W Osher, add to dwelling, 29th aye and E 20th st §200 D E Malone, 2-story dwelling", loth st, bet 7th and Bth ayes ne ' 1,000 Christina Sheve, 1%-story frame dwell ing, 9 rooms, Bth st, bet 15th and 16th ayes s ; 1,200 John Ma honey, 2-story frame dwellingl, 8 rooms, 4th st, bet sth and 6th ayes ne 1,800 Louis Jacobbson,2-story frame dwelling-, 10 rooms, loth aye, bet E 26th and 27th sts 1,500 Ida D Lockhard, 1-story frame dwelling, Calhoun aye, bet W 31st and 32d sts.. 600 TV W Chase, 2-story frame dwelling-, 8 rooms, 13th aye, bet E 2'JUi and 30th sts 1,800 One minor permit 00 Total number of permits, 8; cost.... §8,200 Origion of the Petticoat. It is a remarkable fact that the petti coat was first worn by men, and that even in this age and generation men are loath to discard its bowing drapery. "I like to record this fact." writes a lady. "Nat urally, women take a sort of savage satis faction in discussing a weakness in the other sex, especially in the matter of dress. Please don't stare me out of contenence at the supposed presumption of my assertion that men have, or appaar to have, a sort of envious feeling toward us for having stolen from them this prerogative, and that they clutch at every means in their power to wrest it from or at least share it with us, for I'll prove it before I get through. And we do not wonder this is so. There is dignity in drapery, as well as grace and elegance, When Henry VIII. went to meet Anne of Cleves he was habited, we read, 'in a coat of velvet somewhat made like a frocke, embroidered all over with flatted gold of demaske, with small lace mixed between, of the same gold, and other lace of the same goim: traverswise; that the ground little appeared'; and by a descrip tion of a similar garment belonging to his father. Henry VII., we read of its being decorated with bows of ribbon, quite as ladies of the present day would adorn a ball room dress. It is well known that the gar ment was at first not alone a skirt, but, as the name denotes, a little coat. How it j came to lose its upper half or body we do not know, unless the petticoat was made with long skirts for the sake of warmth, and in each case itwas as much petticoat, as we understand, it as anything else. "We have only to look at Shaksperean characters Jet us be thorough and go back to the time of patriarchs discover the skirts of men. And easily enough wo | trace them down through the ages. In the j inventory of the effects of Henry V. appear s a 'petticoat on red demask with open ! sleeves,' and. although it was a question whither this had been fashioned for a man or woman, it would if a woman's be the only instance known before Elizabeth's time of a woman using such a garment. Thus we hear nothing of women's petticoats before the Tudor period. 'Good Queen Bess,' with all her learning, which was essentially masculine in her age and time, instinct of womanliness as regards personal adtornmen, and even though we find her deficient in taste, and heartily wish she had not made such a guy of herself in her old age, yet as a woman we have to thank FJ| I J^ Visitors should without fail see the new stores of the c 8 I&P l ° os^on ' Minneapolis, corner Washington and Sec lUk j I ond avennes south. We have on exhibition the larg *» I fi tlest, finest and most stylish stock of Men's, Youths' and Children's Clothing, elegant Furnishing goods, latest blocks of Hats, Fur Garments, Bobes, Blankets and Woolens in our Merchant Tail oring: Department ever shown in the West As we have bought our Fall and Winter Stock very low, we are offering great bargains in all lines. With every sale of a suit or overcoat that sells for $12 and over we give the Waterbury watch. Remember you will not have seen the best show of all until yon have seen the Big Boston. ARCHITECT, With over Twenty Years' Experience, refers to the Following: Buildings: Minnesota Capitol, West Hotel, Pillsbury A mill, Dakota Capitol, Lafayette Hotel, Tribune building, Fargo Court House, Lake Park Hotel, Boston block, BreLUenr:;'grc Court House, White Bear Lake. Sidle block, Seven Scbooi Hou^ei iv Mm- Twelve hotels, Yellowstone Franklin St'«e!e, ueapolis, Park, Domestic block, Higrh School, Duluth, Grand Pacific, Moorheud, Haie block. University of Minnesota Union Depot—St. Paul, Mm- Eascmau block, buildings, neapolis & Manitoba, Skiles block. Second insane Asylum, W. V. Eastman's house, Dunham and Johnson block, Governor PiUsbury's house, D. Blakely's bouse, Farmers and Mechanics'block, G. A. PiUsbury's house, John De Laittre's house, L. Day's Louse, L. Christian's house, Thomas Lowiy*B house, F. If. Parcher's house, G. Christian's house, C. H. House's house. W. E. Bte ;!e's house, C. H. Pettit's house, A. B. Stickney's house, J. G. Woolley's house, B. H. Moulton's house, H. Sfaipman's liouse, P.M. Babcock's house, E. H. Steele's house, I. C. Seeley's house, A. H. Winslow's house, And hundreds of others, both public and private, throughout the 2*orthwest. OFFICES—2O. 21, 22, 23/24 Boston Block, Minneapolis. her for stockings and petticoats and many other luxuries which have become neces sities, and which we now appropriate with as true a belief in our inalienable right to their solle posession as though tho legacy had fallen to us from Mother Eve instead of Maiden Elizabeth."—Ex. The Hollo Girl. One should be honest enough with him self, and have sufficient consideration for the comfort of the public not to knowingly or intentionally indulge in fool talk. The public ear is a dumping place for nearly all kinds of stuff, yet there are many loads too foul or too foolish to be allowed to mingle with the conglomerated mass already there. The talker knows how rotten his stuff is and ought to be governed accordingly. ; The hello girl in . a telephone exchange ought to have a pretty good idea of what the public ear has to endure. Day in and day out she lias poured into her ear a mass of talk that is well calculated to set an ordinary mortal crazy. There is usually a large percentage of sense in what she hears, while the reverse is true of the public ear. Cranks, light-weights, and addled-heads pour the largest quantities into the public ear. It is light, cool, and free from any positive dualities, yet it palls, dulls the sense, and leads to the conclusion that there are circumstances under which deafness may be a blessing.Pittsburg Dispatch. For picnics, excursions and yachting try Lactart, 25 and 50 cents. Druggists and grocers. LOCAL MENTION. :• ■•'?iir:•' ■ Another Jumbo'" , ; ♦'Have you seen Jumbo?" "What Jumbo? Barnuin's Jumbo?" "No, no; Schafer's new Jumbo, at 208 and 210 ' Washington avenue south. It has been elegantly fitted up and is just the place to spend a pleasant evening Brooke's Brigade band will furnish the music. Visitors are cordially invited. Don't forget the number, 208 and 210 Washington avenue south, Minneapolis." AMUSEMENTS. GRAND OPERA. FAIR WEEK, Monday, Sept, 7 Every evening and Saturday Matinee, MR. LAWRENCE BARRETT AiL ll &.\ Bmad A Si Supported by Mr. LOUIS JAMES. Monday Night and Saturday Matinee, "FRANCESCA DA RIMINI." TUESDAY, double bill, "Yorick's .Love" and "David Garrick." WEDNESDAY "•Klclielieu." THURSDAY "Hamlet." FRIDAY "Julius Caesar. " SATURDAY NIGHT, double bill, "Tlie "Won der," and "The King's Pleasure." Sale of seats commences Saturday, Sept. 6. THEATRE COMIQUE 1 219, 221, 223 First Avenue South. W. W. Brown .Manager James Wheeler, Business and Stage Manager WEEK OF SEPT. 7, 1885. Another New Company. Mile. Aida, Millie Marelta, Sullivan & Donald son, Geyer & Sylvester, Forrest Sisters, Nellie Narille, Delia Wall, May Smith, Miss Eva Ross, James Wheeler. ) The finest first part ever introduced In the Northwest, entitled SWINGING IN THE LANE. Sullivan's great Comedy afterpiece BROTHER BILL. THE Has not taken off any of the Through Trains to MINN ETON KA —-TRAINS DAILY '.-7-6 9 Trains Daily I 9 ;.'•-".* to IINNEHAHA FALLS Excursion tickets still on sale. Open ex cursion cars on all trains. WEST HOTEL, MINNEAPOLIS, MINN, Fbis magnificent FIRE PROOF HOTEL -was »p«;%n to the traveling public in July last. It Ims every convenience known to modern hotels —120 chambers with bath. Poor Elevators, Electric Lights, Etc. Table ami attendance unsurpassed, and rates as low as any first-class hotel in tha United States. $3 per day and upwards ao wording to location of rooms. JOHN T. WEST, Proprietor. Chas. W. Shepherd, Manager. Northwestern Conservatory of Music. 413, 4-14 Xicollet Avenue. Piano, Organ, Voice, Harmony, Composi tion, all Orchestral and Band' Instruments, Elocution, Sight Reading, Modern Languages, Piano Tuning. Termsss to $15 for twenty lessons, classes of four. First-class teachers only. Evening classes. Fall term opens Sept. 10. Register now. Send for calendar. 234-264 CHARLES H. MORSE, Director Send Your Country Produce OF ALL KINDS TO [ GRINNELL & CO., 219 "Washington Ay. South, MINNEAPOLIS. - - - MINN I They will sell it for you, and get the hihge 8 market prices and remit promptly. 248-5 Tlie Berlitz School-of languages SYNDICATE BLOCK, - MINNEAPOLIS. I To show the superiority of their method a I special course in French and German is ar ranged. Foe $10 for thirty lessons. Application must bo made new. HILL MA N & BUS H, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, ! Receivers and Shippers of Fruits and Produce. 11 Washington Ay. North. WHILE YOU ARE IN ST. PAUL DON'T MISS SEEING THE GREAT EOT one oenefit or visitors ana oxners we con tinue to sell at our \ Uln Alii La& loin. OU b&lr IMiMhsi. The discount you receive from us will more than pay your expenses. Everybody Invited. BRING THIS WITH YOU AND RECEIVE A BEAUTIFUL COSTLY CARD FREE. 11| ]Mj First Shoe Store East of If| Ji iWW JACKSON. IWU SAT^I s!* PAWTji ISTNN 24 and 26 SOUTH FIKST STREET. Steam Sausage Manufactory. We make the Sausage Trade A SPECIALTY. Fresh Made Every Day and Shipped all over the country by Express, or as Otherwise Ordered. HOTELS, MARKETMEN & LUMBER CAMPS nu 1 ILLb, illAmiJCi I iviliiNi C 6 L U M&hsi 1/AiVirb Supplied Either in Links or Balk. ORDERS BY MAIL WILL RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION. ST.JOHN'S UNIVERSITY, COLLEGEVILLE.minn. ■ First Term opens Sept. 3, ISSS. I The courses in charge of erperi ■ cured professors are Classical, ■ Commercial, Scientific. I It confers Diplomas and all Unit ■ versily degrees. The accomoda ■ tions are first-class and terms ver ■ moderate. I The location is unsurpassed in H beauty of scenery; it borders on a ■ lartje lake, healthy and away from H the distractions and temptations ■of city life. It is the pride of the Northwest,the home for students. I St. Benedict's Academy, St. Jo ■ f-oph,J\[inn., in charge of the Bene ■ dictino Sisters, is only four miles ■from the University. The Acid ■cmy is of brick, larzo and beaut i Hful. The best place for young la in Minnesota. Termsmoder '. Parents can place theirson n<»hter« at sc'honT ai-1 hiT° fh»-n n->a- «v»»h oth«". Pnr cat ogues, etc., apply to RT. REV. ALEXIUS EDELBROCK. O. S. 8.. Abbot and PmslHont. THE THE FIRESIDE COMPANION. An Independent family newspaper, accurate and impartial in the pre sentation of its news. Devoted to the building up of the Material and Social Interests of the Great Northwest. Aiming in all things to be a reflex of the best sentiments of the people of this grand section. It will be alive to every interest. Vigilant in collecting all the important news and market and crop reports. It will stand for honest government, county, state and national, a revised tariff reducing the burthens of agriculture, opening of American markets to the world, the improvement of all our natural waterways to the sea, and the dethronement of monopoly. Its Society and Household talk will contain matter especially edited to entertain the family circle. The Farm Department will not be simply a rehash from foreign agri cultural papers but will be carefully edited from a practical Northwestern standpoint. As diversified agriculture produces the best results to the farmer, whose prosperity is the cornerstone of all material and enlight ened progress, the GLOBE will continue to advocate its advantages. "WEEKLY GLOBE ONE YEAR, Six Months, $ 50 Club of Three - - - 270 Club of Five—one free to agent, 5 00 Communications on farming and stockraising addressed to the WEEKLY GLOBE, thankfully received. 13*1