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VOL. VII. INTO THE DITCH. One Person Killed and Eight Injured by the Wrecking of a Texas .Passenger Train.- Suicide of a Nobleman at Montreal Because His Wife Eloped With a Tradesman. Planning for the Fargo Encampment --The Rochester Fair—Fire at Fergus Falls. Xews From Various Points of the Northwest Gleaned by Globe Correspondent 1 Railroad Accident. Sherman. Tex., Sept. 12,—A serious accident occurred to-day four miles and a half west of this town, on theTeAis Pacific railroad. Two coaches of a passenger train left the track and were overturned. Belief parties have visited the scene and brought the wounded passengers here. Mrs. Wolff of Dodd City died of her injuries shortly alter the accident. The injured are as fol lows: MBS. G. FONTEE. Sherman. MRS. W. W. PURDOM, Henrietta. MBS. YOUNG. Tioga. J. E. VALLARD, Bell Station. W. ROBINSON, Bell Station. J. S. SHIFTBL, Brookston, Fannin count REV. GEORGE HARRIS, Morgan, Bos quiTO county. Mr. Shiftel was severely bruised about the head, and had all his teeth knocked out. It is not thought that any of the above wounded sustained fatal injuries, but all were more or less painfully hurt. The ac cident is believed to have been caused by a broken axle. Suicide o£ a German Nobleman. Special to the Globe. Montreal, Sept. 12.—A most romantic suicide was that of Count H. Wilhelm Browne, a wealthy young nobleman of Berlin, who arrived by steamer this morn ing from New South "Wales, where he has been visiting relatives. At 2 o'clock this afternoon he shot himself in front of the St. Lawrence hall. The par ticulars, hurriedly obtained from his friends, say that the count, who owned a large estate in Germany left home early last spring on a visit to New South Wales. Australia, and South America, leaving a young and beautiful wife behind aim. Having reached Rio Janeiro on his return voyage he received a cablegram that his wife had tied from her home with a j-oung tradesman and was supposed to be either in New South Wales or in Canada. He at once left for Wales, but while there could and no trace of the guilty pair, and he accordingly came here, where he found his wife and her paramour living at one of the hotels. He visited her and entreated her to return to him. but without avail. He then went to St. Lawrence ball and had dinner, after which he walked coolly out onto the outside walk, pulled a revolver and discharged it, the bullet going into the left ear. He was conveyed to the Notre Dame hospital, where he lies in a dangerous condition. Swift Justice. Bisbee, Ariz., Sept. 12.—Late Thursday night a light occurred in a gambling house here, in which an unknown Mexican, who was the aggressor, was worsted. He left the place after the row and was not seen again until about 4:30 Friday morning, when he made his appearance with a re peating rifle and a belt of cartridges. When he arrived there were about forty men in the saloon. He was on the sidewalk, and commenced shooting indiscriminately into the crowd. His first shot struck Dave Heckey in the jaw, near the ear, and in its course tore off a portion of his upper lip, coming out of the mouth. The next shot struck James Kehel in the left cheek bone, went through to his neck and ranged down ward into his back. It is not expected that he will recover. George Soles received the next shot through the left shoulder, but it is not thought the wound is fatal. Jack Weber received a shot in the foot, the bullet coming out at his heel. Another just grazed lie elbow of Frank Gardiner. The Mexi can fired fifteen shots into the saloon in rapid succession. After clearing out this saloon he went further up the street and fired two shots into Tierce's saloon and two shots into Courten's saloon and disappeared into the canyon. As he disappeared a soldier fired four shots at him without effect No steps were taken to capture the assassin until daylight, when citizens started in search. About 9 o'clock he was found in a Mexican house in bed. After getting all the evidence that was necessary a rope was procured and the assassin was taken up the canyon and hanged to a tree. Several Persons Injured. New York, Sept, 12.—The old ware house and factory of Swan & Finch, at No. 115 Maiden Lane, was destroyed by tire this forenoon. The flames extended to the southern half of the double building, and damaged the stock of leaf tobacco of Lich tenstein Bros, to the extent of about £40.000. Swan & Finch's loss is put at 825,000 and the loss on the building at $10,000. The entire available force of the fire department in the lower district was called out to fight the flames that threat ened surrounding buildings. Insurance covers the losses. The tire broke out very suddenly in the factory in the rear of No. 115, and surprised the people in the build ing. Before some of the occupants be thought themselves of escape, exit by the stairs was cut off by the lire. John Zigler, an aged carpenter at work on the third floor of the building, ran to the window, and letting himself down, hung from the sill shouting for help. Some one brought a tall ladder, and mount ing it. reached him and let him down. Zigler was badly burned about the hands and arms. John Donnelly, pressman in the oil factory, slid down the fall rope from the third floor through the elevator hole with clothes aflame. He was very badly burned, and with Zigler was taken to the Chambers street hospital. Capt. Thomas Congdon of engine No. 4, was blown from a ladder by ' a fierce gust of flame from a bursting oil barrel, and falling two stories to the street. received bad injuries. He was also severely burned. A Supposed Corpse Recovers. Special to the Globe. Chicago, Sept. About 7 o'clock Thursday evening a resident of this city dropped unconscious to the sidewalk at Eldridge court and Wabash avenue. The usual city crowd gathered with its wonted celerity and among the curi ous was a doctor. The medical man made a cursory examination of the unfor tunate, sagely pronounced it a case of ar senical poisoning and suggested that the police be called to take charge of the man. When the patrol wagon ar rived the doctor's opinion was reported to the police, and they set out for the county hospital with the victim. On the way to the hospital the man's breathing, which had been labored, became more "subdued, and finally ceased altogether. An euridite "copper placed his hand on the man's heart. There was no pulsation, and he pronounced him dead. Ar riving at the county hospital the policemen took their charge to the morgue, placed it on a slab, straightened the limbs and left it to its rest, but its repose was not as calm as a properly-con ducted corpse is supposed to be. In a little while the morgue-keeper ob served a manifest twitching of the muscles, and before he had recovered from his amazement the supposed corpse be trayed unmistakable evidence of animation. He called the medical attendants and the rapidly reviving man was taken into the \Jz^j hospital, where it was found that he was merely suffering from hysteria. He was treated accordingly and was discharged. Marquis De Mores Case. Special to the Globe. Bismarck, Dak., Sept. 12.— jury is now being empanelled for the Marquis De Mores murder trial. Only live were drawn to-day, counsel for both sides using per emptory rights freely. T. K. Long, dis trict attorney of Morton county, prosecutes, and F. B. Allen of Bismarck is for the de fense. The marquis is the son-in-law of Yon Hoffman, the New York banker, and is very wealthy. He has been in jail here since the indictment. Paddock, a cattleman, is included in the same indictment, which is for the murder of Luftus Itiley, a cowboy, in ISS3. The circumstances of the killing are that several cowboys had threatened the marquis' life on sight, one O'Donald being particularly vehement. The marquis, be lieving O'Donald would do as he said, was on the lookout on the hunting trail, accom panied by Paddock, when O'Donald, Riley and Wannegan came along. Firing began and Riley was killed. O'bonald and Wan negan appeared before the justice court, at the time, claiming they >~ere ambushed by the marquis. Twice has the marquis been examined on the charge before the justice court and discharged, but finally was in dicted by the grand jury of Morton county, a change of venue being granted to Bis marck. A Passenger Train Wrecked. Denver, Col., Sept. 12.—News reached here at an early hour this morning of a wreck on the South Park road, three miles east of Como. The train was the Leadville express. When approaching a slight down grade, the engineer discovered the air brakes would not work. With greatly increased speed the train struck the sharp down grade curve, when, the two coaches broke from the engine, lumped the track and were piled up in a ditch, a complete wreck. All of the ten passengers miraculously escaped serious injury except a Mrs. Cronkhite of Denver, who sustained a fracture of both arms and internal injuries. Bank President Free. Pittsburg, Pa., Sept. 12.—William N. Biddle, ex-president of the defunct Perm sylvania bank, was discharged from custody under the insolvent laws. He was sub jected to a rigid examination, but the pros ecution failed to show that he had a single dollar left. Mr. Riddle said that after his financial affairs were arranged he would be $25,000 in debt, but had no doubt he would recover his losses. Before the . failure of the bank Mr. Itiddle was supposed to Me worth §:)00,000. Murdered in Cold Blood. Gloucester, Mass., Sept. 12.—1n this city this morning, about 7 o'clock, Thomas Renshaw went to a boarding house on Prospect street, and, calling out Fred Os good, immediately and fatally shot him through the head. ■ Renshaw then went to the police station and surrendered himself. Renshaw has resided in this city about twelve years, lie formerly conducted a barber shop, and was assisted by his wife, the place being advertised as "the ladies' barber shop." Osgood, who was about 18 years of age, came from Salem, and was his apprentice. $250,000 Fire. Peoiua, 111., Sept. 12,—The large sugar works of the American Glucose company were burned to the ground this morning en tailing a loss of $250,000. The flames originated near the dry-bone kiln, and, driven by a high wind, spread with great rapidity. The heat was so intense that the firemen could scarcely approach the burn ing building. Some ninety men employed in the factory at the time barely escaped with their lives. The water supply was in sufficient to cope with the flames. The in surance is held by Eastern linns, and the amount is not known here. It will, however, fall far short of the loss. The Bodies Found. Special to the Globe. Brown's Vaixst, Minn., Sept. 12. — The bodies of the ladies drowned in Lake Traverse on Thursday have been recovered. Mrs. Hicklin's body was found Friday after noon, and that of Mrs. Marshall about noon to-day. The funeral of Mrs. Paul will oc cur to-morrow and Mrs. Marshall's on Mon day. The body of Mrs. Hicklin will be taken to Bridgeport, is., her home, for interment. Found in a Bottle. Cape May, N. J., Sept. 12.—The fol lowing came ashore in a bottle and was picked up a few days since in Jones' creek, near this city: "Monday, Aug. 30, brig Laura Murray, Capt. Dates, Portsmouth for Cuba. Heavy gale off Hatteras. Likely to go to pieces. Vessel lays- on her beam end. Two sailors washed over. Names, George Wilson, Harry Smith. We will all probably be lost. " Capt." Work For the Gallows. Fat,jioi;tii, Ky., Sept. 12. —Yesterday afternoon John McGlain went with Ed ward Johnson to the house of Robert Wolfe, ten miles from town, and began a quarrel with Wolfe. McGlain struck Wolfe in the face, whereupon Wolfe drew a knife and killed McGlain. Wolfe gave himself up, but was immediately released on bail. Four Persons Drowned. Muskegon, Mich., Sept. 12. —Clarence and Herbert Morrison of this city went to South Haven in a small sailboat and left that place for home on Tuesday morning last before the big storm set in. They were accompanied by two other young men. Nothing has been heard from them since. They were undoubtedly caught in i the storm on Lake Michigan Tuesday and lost. Accidentally Shot. Yonkers, N. V.. Sept 12.—Mrs. E. A. i Caufield, wife of the artist, was accident i ally shot at 11 o'clock and died at 3 o'clock this morning. Mr. and Mrs. Cantield were about to retire. ' There was a pistol under Mr. Canfield's pillow, and when he pulled ; off the coverlid the pistol fell on the floor and was discharged, the shot striking Mrs. Cantield in the neck. Internal hemhorrage • caused suffocation and death. Big Bear Sentenced. Special to the Globe. Winnipeg, Man., Sept. —A Kegiua dispatch says Big Bear was sentenced to . three years at Stony Mountain for treason '■ felony. A Strange Sight. t Boston, Sept. 12. About thirty girls • employed by the American Rubber coin -1 pany at East Cambridge were affected yes terday by the fumes of naphtha, which is used in the composition of a cement in the manufacture of rubber goods, the effect be ing to make them shriek, dance, laugh, etc. ' The performances of the girls under the in -1 fluence of the fumes impelled the other girls in the room to act in the same extra ' ordinary manner, and for a time the shop 1 resembled an asylum for the insane. Sev eral doctors were called, and a large num -1 ber of the operatives were sent home in ■ carriages. Work in several of the depart ments ceased, and it was several hours be ' fore the talk over the scare enacted could ! be stopped. > Missouri Pacific Cnanjres. ! St. Louis, Mo., Sept. —A circular was received here from New York to-day 1 bearing the signature of Jay Gould, an > nouncing the resignation of Capt. R. S. i Hays as senior vice president of the Mis . souri Pacific railway system, the promotion of Col. H. M. Hoxio to fill the vacancy, and j the abolishment of the third vice president, 3 which Col. Hoxie has heretofore held. ST. PAUL, SUNDAY MORNING. SEPTEMBER 13, 188 S. —EIGHTEEN PAGES. M'MILLAFS MIND. The Minnesota Senator Thinks the Senate Will not Oppose Cleveland's Ap pointments. « Gen. Vilas Turning Eepublicans Out of His Department As Fast As Practicable. .Jonas to Remain Consul at Prague- Minnesota Revenue Collections For the Year. Hoadly Answers Slierman-Xamma ny True to Kelly--Strong Figlit for the Senate. A Talk With McMillan. Special to the Globe. Washington, Sept. 12. —Senator Mc- Millan is quietly sojourning in the city for a few days, lie will visit in .Baltimore next and in the course of about ten days return to Minnesota. lie conies East with a son, who is in school at Sewicklery, Perm. The senator was asked whether there had been any change in the Republican senatorial disposition toward confirming Democratic appointments. "I think not," he said. '•The Republican party cannot afford to be stigmatized by the people as an obstruc tionist party. The question will be as to each appointee's fitness for the selected places." The senator thought no special conflict would arise over cases of suspen sion. The total internal revenue collections for the year ending June 30 in Minnesota just obtained, shows a total amount of tax of §493,704. This was derived as follows: from the tax on spirits $105,03:2, of which amount the tax on retailing was §<jy,439, wholesale i? 4,550; from beer $271,935, being $1 per barrel ongthe dealers' tax. Not a dollar was paid in for distilled spirits. There is no distillery in Minnesota. Jonas of Wisconsin, who was appointed consul to Prague about two years ago, and whom the Austrian government refused to recognize, writes from Paris to a friend in this city that the best people of Bohemia have petitioned the supreme government to withdraw its refusal to receive him officially, and that he shall now proceed to his new post of duty and there await the result. Gen. Vilas Talks. Special to the Globe. Washington, Sept. 12. —Postmaster General W. F. Yilas and daughter, Miss Millie Vilas, arrived this evening from the West. Mr. Viias has been spending his summer vacation in the pine woods at the headwaters of the Wisconsin and Fox rivers and is the very picture of health. In conversation with a reporter the general expressed the great interest in the" Ohio campaign and anxiously inquired for the latest news from the seat of war. On being informed that the Democratic prospects In Ohio are brighter than they were two years ago at this time the postmaster gen eral appeared highly gratified. Mr. Vilas said that he would be at his office bright and early Monday morning, ready for business. The postmaster gen eral said that since the 4th of March over eight hundred Democrats have been ap pointed to positions in the railway mail ser vice, displacing that many Republicans. At the present time fourth-class postmasters are being appointed about as fast as the Democratic congressmen can send in their recommendations. Eloadly Keylies to Sherman. Painesville, 0., Sept. 12. —Gov. Hoadly addressed a large audience here to night upon the issues of the state campaign. His address was devoted in the main to replying to certain portions of Senator Sherman's speech at Ham ilton upon the Southern question. The speaker said he was flattered by the atten tion of Senator Sherman, as he stood head and shoulders above every other Republi can in Ohio, yet he had no hesitation, al though a tyro in politics, in taking up the glove, for if over a man's argu ments were clearly and mis chievously in the wrong it was certainly in this case. The speaker declared that Mr. Sherman, knowing that his re-election to the senate and possibly his candidacy for the presidency depended upon the vote of Ohio this fall, and knowing that the people of Ohio were, during the war, loyal and patriotic and opposed to the Southern confederacy, and was satisfied with the results of the war, he sought to renew the battle fever, that he might reap the reward in emoluments and salary. The speaker said some of the colored men did not vote the Republican ticket and perforce they were prevented by force and fraud. This presumption was unsustained by proof and was utterly un true. The truth had been foreseen by Gov. Andrews, one of the truest friends the slaves of America ever had, when he de clared that the colored race recognized the whites as their best friends and would vote with them unless excited by external force. Gov. Hoadly further said that Senator Sherman had threatened to reduce the representation based on the colored vote of the South. This could not be done as the fif teenth amendment had made the fourteenth amendment inoperative. "The congressional power may extend to Republican Rhode Island." said he, "which maintains a know-nothing discrimination against the right of foreign-born citizens to vote, but does not apply to the South, where the colored man's right to vote is as free as the air." Tammany Loyal to Kelly. Special to the Globe. New York, Sept. 12.—Anyone who has taken stock in the alleged trouble in Tam many hall, the supposed plots against John Kelly, the much talked of schemes and plans to dethrone the veteran leader and the predictions that a new departure would soon put Tammany in an entirely new po sition, would not have found a particle of confirmation of these stories in the pro ceedings of the Tammany gen eral committee last evening. There was not a word spoken that gave the slightest color to the reports of a growing anti-Kelly faction. If there is any anti-Kelly faction it is certainly making a ve# still hunt. The committee, which was said to have gone to Clifton Springs to make Mr. Kelly change his mind about nomitating Joseph D. Stevens for sheriff, had nothing to say of the result of their mission. In fact they did not get an interview with Mr. Kelly. , Police Justice John J. Gorman, who is believed to be as near John Kelly as any body in Tammany hall, said, when asked about the alleged against Mr. Kelly: "There is nothing in it. There is of course a strong contest for the nomina tions this fall, because the nominations are of importance. The struggle for place is naturally very violent. The office of sheriff is important and lucrative. It is no wonder that various strong Tammany men want it, but of this you may be sure, the nomination will be made by the con vention duly chosen to make it and it is I nothing unusual or revolutionary in Tar n many for all candidates to summon their ' friends to aid them in getting the nomination But in all this there is no danger of a split in Tammany. This is certain, that who ever is nominated by the duly chosen con vention will receive the united support of Tammany and there will be no split." All Figured Oat. Special to the Globe. Washington, Sept. 12.—1t is easy to see from this standpoint that the most im portant feature of the political struggles now going on in the several states is the election of the legislatures which are to choose members of the senate. The terms of twenty-five senators expire in March, 18S7, and where they are from states whose legislatures are to be elected | biennally, their successors must be selected by the leg islatures chosen this fall. The ; Democrats are confident that with care they may secure enough of these to gain control of the senate. Of the twenty-live senators whose terms will expire on the 3d of March, 18S7, seventeen' are Republicans and eight are Democrats. The Republicans are Messrs. Miller of California, Jlawley, Har rison, Hale, Dawes, Conger, '- McMillan, Van Wyck, SeweU, Miller of New York, Sherman; Mitchell, Aldrich, Edwards, Mahone and Sawyer. The Democrats are Messrs. Gray, Jones of Florida, Gorman Cockrell, Fair. Jackson, Maxey and Gam den. According to Democratic calculations their party may count confidently upon electing successors to eight of the nine who go out on their side. They count Dela ware, Florida, Maryland, Mississippi, Wis consin, Tennessee, Texas, and West Vir ginia as safe to elect Democratic senators and admit that of the niue outgoing Demo crats the seat of only Fair of Nevada is at all doubtful. With regard to S the sixteen retiring Republicans, Democrats contend that eight of them can by replaced by Democrats by good management. It is claimed that in California (Miller), Connec ticut (ilawley), Indiana (Harrison), Mich igan (Conger), New Jersey (Sewell), New York (Miller), Ohio (Sherman), and Vir ginia (Mahone), Democratic:, legislatures maybe elected. If the Democrats could succeed in making their estimates hold good they would gain nine senators and lose one, which would give them a majority in the senate. ; Fired Out Instanter. Philadelphia, Pa., Sept. 12..—As the employes of the mint were departing for their homes yesterday afternoon eleven more 01 them were discharged, each one discharged receiving a notice to that effect as he or she passed out. This morning ten of the cul lers, having formed themselves into a com mittee, waited upon Chief Coiner Steel and said that, being Republicans, they were afraid of receiving a summary notice of their removal. There were no charges against them, they said, and they had under them new hands, recently appointed in the mint for instruction. They desired some protection they said, that they would not be interfered with unless for cause. Chief Steele told them he would com municate with Superintendent Fox, which he did. The men in the meantime returned to their room, but not to work until they heard from the superintendent. About noon each one of the ten received a note from Superintendent Fox, which read: "Sir: You are discharged from the mint instanter. for insubordination and conspir acy to embarrass the business of the insti tion." Not Enough Money for. Vilas. Washington, Sept. 12.— the last session congress authorized the postmaster general to lease the buildings occupied by third-class postoffices. The amount of the appropriation, however, was only 8450,000, or just about enough money to defray the expense of leasing the buildings for offices of the first and second class, conse quently the postmaster general has been unable to carry out the provisions of the act authorizing the leasing of third-class offices. There are 1,728 third-class offices, and it is estimated that 5350,000 will be required annually to defray the expenses of leasing suitable quarters for them. It is probable that when congress meets a recommendation will be made by the postmaster general that an adequate appropriation be made for these leases, or that the act be repealed. New Cabinet PffH^rfl. ; : ,, Special to the Globe.' Washington, Sept. —There will be a bill introduced early in the session looking to the creation of another cab inet position. The proposed legislation contemplates the consolidation of the department of agriculture, the bureau of labor, and two or three minor branches of the service, which have a natural affinity ■ with industrial matters, or rather with in terests of the industrial classes. The at tempt will be made to bring them all into one department with a cabinet officer at the head. The idea of dignifying labor will be made promi nent, and it is claimed the movement will be a very popular one. Some of the South ern senators have discussed the features of the bill, and talk favorably of such a meas ure. Wbeclau Not Recognized. Special to the Globe. Washington, Sept. 12.—Mr. Wheelan of New York, who was appointed consul at Ft. Erie several weeks ago, still fails to receive recognition from the Canadian gov ernment. The consul general at Montreal advises the department of state that while Wheelan's recognition was asked Aug. 18, nothing has been received by him bearing upon the subject. lie will be at once in structed to communicate with the Domin ion foreign office and endeavor to learn the cause of the delay. It is stated unofficially that Wheelan will not be received and that that has been well understood by this gov ernment ever since Wheelairs connection with the foreign invasion of 1808 became known. New York Politics. New Yokk, Sept. 12. —The Democratic and Republican district conventions, to send delegates to the forthcoming state conven tions, were held throughout the state to-day. In many of the Democratic conventions res olutions indorsing President Cleveland's administration were passed. In some of them the delegates were instructed to vote in convention for Gov. Hill for the guber national candidate. In,others they were instructed for other candidates. The Re publican delegates generally go unin structed. Factional Washington, Sept. 12.—The presi dent is said to have taken a decided stand in reference to California appointments, which may also extend to other states in which there are bitter factional contests. The California factions are so bitter that each claim that they would rather have Republican officials continue in office than see the other faction triumph. The president has given the California politi cians to understand that he will not listen to anything further in reference to these offices or make any more appointments until the strife ceases. end ricks Junketing. Special to the Globe. Indianapolis, Ind., Sept. 12.—Vice President Hendricks left last evening for Washington, where he will spend a week. The object of his visit Is to look after the interests of some of his office-seeking friends.. He will return to Indianapolis to attend the Mexican Veteran's -National association on the 17th inst.; and will after ward visit the St. Louis fair. Capital Chips. Deputy Register Titcombe tendered his res ignation to-day at the request of Register Rosecrans. Mr. Ross Fish of the district collector's office was appointed to fill the place. A commission, consisting of Capt. James Kincannon of Mississippi and Mr. Wood of Tennessee ■ has been appointed by the secre tary of the interior to go out to the Indian Territory and open up negotiations ■with the Ohoctaws. Creeks, Cherokee and Seminole In dians for the purpose of having their undi vided lands thrown open for settlement. "Within twenty-eight days sixty postoffices have been burned or robbed by burglars. The average loss in each case "was less than $100, which falls upon the government. Eight more clerks in the treasury depart ment were removed to-day in the interest of economy. The majority -were employed in the internal revenue bureau. Postmaster General Vilas returned to the city last night. s'fy-'J.s 'fy-'J. PADDY EYAN, PUT UP. Doininick McCaffrey Say 3Ho Can Knock the Chicago Bruiser Out in Three Bounds. An Offer to Back Sullivan Por $20,000 Against Any Man in the World. No Start in the Yacht Race--Trlclcery at Sheepshead Bay Cause Mucli Trouble. 0 Maud S Makes a Mile In 2:1O Prlze Fight at Portland--Base Ball Games. - Big Fi&rhtingr Talk. New York, Sept. 12.—Dominick Mc- Caffrey of Pittsburg is here and says he is anxious to take Sullivan's place in the battle with Paddy Ryan. He declares his belief that he can knock Paddy out in three rounds. George Lester of the minstrel company, which has engaged Sullivan to do statue business, will on Monday post a forfeit to back Sullivan against any man in the world from $10,000 to §20.000 at the close of the season, and he offers to back McCaffrey against Ryan for §5,000. Fourteen Rounds Foicsiht. Portland, Or., Sept. 12. —A prize fight for $500 a side with bare knuckles, between Dave Campbell and Jim O'Reiley, both of Portland, best rough-and-tumble fighters in the state, took place thirty miles balow this city this morning before a large crowd. Campbell won in fourteen rounds, knocking O'Reiley insensible. Campbell did not get a scratch. . :•;! Again Postponed. New York, Sept. 15.— Puritan and Genesta did not even start to-day in the outside race. They were at the starting point by 11 o'clock, but there was not a breath of wind until 1:30. The committee announced their intention of starting soon after 2 o'clock, when there was a good whole-sail breeze from the south-southwest. Sir Richard Sutton objected to the starting. Mr. Webb said that he. understood they could uot finish in the dark. The Puritan's people also objected for a similar reason. The race is postponed until Tuesday. On Monday the yachts will sail over the New York yacht club course. Shccpshead Bay Races. New York, Sept. 12.Much dissatisfac tion was expressed by the betting men to day at the decisions of the judges in two of the races at Sheepshead Bay. In the fifth race, Gleaner was slightly fouled by Pericles. The latter came in first, and Bella, who was innocent of any wrong, was second. The first place, however, was given to Gleaner. The steeplechase, in view of the betting and the way the race was run, was pronounced a transparent fraud Brough Burke, Cochrane and Sun Star were strong favorites. The bookmakers laid their wagers with a view to Trombone" as the winner, and he won, for though the other two had much the best speed and led the field far away, their riders allowed them to run out of the course, and Trom bone galloped in and was given the race. First —For non winners, one and one eighths miles; Monogram won by a length, Parole second, Modesty third. Time, 1:58%. Second Race—For three-year old penalties and allowances, one mile; Seriedale won by a length, Maumee second, Tillie D third. Time, 1;44^. ■ Third Race—A handicap steepstakes, one and flre-eighths miles; pools sold, Bob Miles $50, Binette $40, Tolu $15, Enigma $10. . This race was a fine contest between Bob Miles, Binette and Tolu. Enigma laid back and kept quiet until rounding into j the back stretch. She then made a gallant rush and was first out, Binette, the Californian, boat her by a length, she beating Tolu, who was third by two lengths. Time, ~:51 '4. . Fourth EaceThe flat bush stakes for two-year-olds, seven-eights of a mile; Charity won by half a length, Dewdrop sec ond, thcother a bad third. Time, 1:3134. Fifth Race—A handicap sweepstakes, one and one-eights miles; Gleanor won, Bella sec ond. Pericy, who came in first, was disnual ifled for a fonl. Time, l:sri>£. Sixth Race Steeple chase the full course; Trombone won, Rosa Oinore second, Bourke third. Time, 6:44. Vac lit Race Again Off. Sandy Hook. Sept. 12. —The weather is cloudy and the wind west., blowing five miles per hour. The Puritan in tow and the Genesta under sail are now passing out to the starting point, the Scotland lightship. The signal service office predicts to-day very light, generally southerly winds. 10:05 a. in.—The Puritan has just dropped the tug and is proceeding under sail. THE SAUCY VIXEN. Sandy Hook, Sept. 12, 10:30 a. m.— The judges' boat has taken the Genesta in tow, while the tug Scandinavian has taken the Puritan, and all are moving out towards the lightship. As the Genesta neared the Hook, the little sloop Vixen that walked away from the Madge last year drew up under main sail, jib and gaff top sail. The Genesta carried main sail and jib. The Vixen lapped the Gen esta's stem and then stepped along in stately fashion until she had left the Genesta astern. The Genesta then set her club top sail, but kept astern of the little flyer. BOTH YACHTS BECALMED. Sandy Hook, Sept. 12,. 11:30 a. m.— Both yachts are still becalmed off the Scot land lightship. Theie is no sign of start ing. The wind is very light and southeast. 12:55 p. m.—The yachts are still off the Scotland light ship becalmed. The pres ent indications are the race will not come off to-day. 1:15 p. in. —"Wind hauling to the south, very light. No prospect of a race. 2:05 p. m.The judges' boat is in posi tion for the start and the American ensign has been run up. The wind is now eight miles an hour and from the south. THE RACE DECLARED OFF. .Sandy Hook, 2:25 p. m.The race is off for the day. Base Ball. AT BOSTON. Boston, Mass., Sept. 12.—The team season closed here to-day with a well con tested game between Bostin and Philadel phia. Ferguson was in fine form and the Bostons could not bunch their hits well enough to get in a run, the Philadelphia* earned most ot their runs on heavy batting. Attendance. 2,948. The following is the score: Boston 0 0 0 0 OflO 0 0 o—o Philadelphia 1 0 0 0 0 10 0 o—2 Earned runs, Philadelphia 2; three-base hits, Ferguson; passed balls, Philadelphia 1; wild pitches, Bufflnton; first base on balls by Ferguson, 2, by Bufflnton, 2; first base on errors, Philadelphia 3. Boston 2; struck out, by Ferguson, 6, by Buffinton 8; double plays, Morrill and Hackett, Johnston and Hackett. Umpire, Ferguson. AT BUFFALO. Buffalo, N. V., Sept. 12.—About 1.000 persons were at the Olympic park this afternoon to see two games between the home nine and the Detroits. The vis itors played a strong fielding game, but the Buffalos were fortunate enough to bunch their hits in the third inning for four runs. The Detroits' errors were very costly. The following is the score of the first game: Buffalo 0 0 4 2 0 0 0 0 o—6 Detroit 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 *0 I—il— i Earned runs, Buffalo 4, Detriot 1; two-base hits, Myers; three-base hits, Bennett and Bal dwin; wild pitches, Serad 2; first dase on balls, bySeradS; first base on errois, Buffalo 2, Detroit 3; struck out, Buffalo 2, Detroit 1: double plays, Steams, Richardson and Krouthers 2; Crane and Manning 11. After an intermission of about ten minutes the Buffalos and Detroits started on their second game with a change of pitchers. The home nine played almost faultlessly in the field, while the visitors did not give Baldwin the support he deserved, as ho pitched very finely. The following is the score ; Buffalo.. 3 0 12 0 0 0 o—6 Detroit 1 10 0 10 0 o—3 Earned runs, Buffalo 2, Detroit 1; two-base hits, Howe, Baldwin; three-base hits, Hanlan; first on balls,' Buffalo 1; first on errors, Buffalo 1; struck out, by Baldwin 7, by Con way 5; umpire, Sullivan. The game was called at the end of the seventh inning on ac count of darkness. AT BROOKLriI. Brooklyn 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 — Pittsburg 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 o—l AT NEW YORK. Louisville 0000000000 — Metropolitan 0 000000000 I—ll— l POSTPONED. St. Louis, Mo., Sept. —The Chicago and St. Louis league game, scheduled for to-day, was postponed on account of rain. New York Beaten. Nkw York, Sept. 12.—An exhibition con test between New York and Providence was played. New York put in Corcoran and Broughton as pitcher and catcher, and was beaten by a score of eight to one. Corcoran gave nine their bases on balls. Mystic Park: Winners. Boston, Sept. 12.—At Mystic park to-day- Judge Davis took the unfinished 2:21 class race. Time, 2:20^. In the 2:30 class William Keanoy •won in three straight heats. Best time, 2:24%. Hopeful Beaten. Huntingtox, L. 1.. Sept 12.— match race for $1,000 and the gate money be tween the well-known trotters Hopeful and Capt. Emnions was won by Capt. Emmons. Maud S. Stopped by tlie Wind. Pkovidexce, It. If, Sept. —Maud S. covered a mile in 2:10& at Narragansett park to-day. The wind stopped her on the home stretch. Great Foot Race. London, Sept. 12.—The four-mile foot race between George and Cummings, which . was originally fixed to take place at Glas gow, was run to-day at Edinburg. The track was in good condition and Cummings expressed himself a confident winner, but the betting was two to one against him. The race began at 5:30 p. m. and was won by Cummings. George led for three miles and then collapse^ OBITUARY. Emory A. Storrs. Ottawa, 111., Sept. 12.— city was thrown into excitement this morning by the remark on the street that Emory A. Storrs, the Chicago lawyer, had died very sud denly at his room in the Clifton hotel, this city. For two days he had been suffering slight indisposition, but no serious conse quences had been even thought of. The best of medical attention had been given him and at no time was he confined to his room. His wife came from Chicago last evening. During the night it was nec essary to administer medicine, which was done by Mrs. Storrs herself. This morning, upon awakening, she found her husband in a dying condition and beyond medical aid. His death took place at 7:10 o'clock and was without suifuriug, the cause being paralysis of the heart. Mr. Storrs had been in this city about ten days. XEWS AT CHICAGO. Chicago, Sept. 12. —A telegram was re ceived at the law office of Emory A. Storrs this morning, announcing that the well known barrister died at Ottawa, 111., last night of paralysis of the heart. It was known that Mr. Storrs was ill, but it was not considered serious until yesterday after noon, when his wife was telegraphed to and went to him. He had been arguing a case before the supreme court and was taken ill on Friday. Mr. Storrs was born in Oattaraugue county, New York, Aug. 12, 1835. He studied law first with his father and the Hon. M. B. Chamlain at Cuba, Alleghany county, N. Y. Young Storrs then went to Buffalo, where, after dilligently pursuing his legal studies in the office of Austin and Scroggs, he was ad mitted to practice in 1855. In 1557 he went to New York city, remaining there but two years. He came thence to Chicago in 1859. Devoted to his profession, he has raielybeen an office-seeker or office holder, and yet as a conspicuous citizen of the Republic he has ever taken a profound, intelligent and effi cient interest in political affairs. Politically a decided RepuWic-an, to that party he has constantly dedicated his great talent. In 1868, 1872 and 1880 ho was a delegate-at-large from Illinois to the national Republican con vention being on each occasion one of the foroinost in shaping the policy, character izing the resolutions and formulating the platforms of the party. He dratted the con stitution and by-lavs of the Citizens' associa tion and was interested in the Historical so ciety, the Press club and other institutions of a kindred character. Aetionis his motto, as has been instanced by his connection with the Citizens' League for the Suppression of the Sale of Liquor to Minors. As substantial monuments of his varied accomplishments iv general literature, attention might be called to his numerous lectures, notably those on "The English Constitution," "Culture," "Patriotism," "Men of Action," "Muni cipal Government," and lectures before the Chicago Historical society. His cGarfleld funeral orations before the Union League club aud at the great lake front meeting were of noble quality and lustered phrase. Of theimportant cases in which he has figured as counsel it will sufliee to enumerate the great Babcock conspiracy ease in St. Louis, the contested election case for the in corporation of the city under the genoral law, the famous Michigan University case, the duty of railroads to deliver grain to elevators to which it was consigned, the uniform of taxation case and cases involving the consti tutionality of the law providing for the erec tion of new state house, and also of the Lin coln and South park statues, involving a question as to the power of municipalities to impose taxes without consent. His tine abilities as a criminal lawyer were amply demonstrated in the famous Sullivan, Uaa som and Cochrano murder eases, as well as his masterly defense of Storey and Wilkie at Belvidere, indicted for conspiracy. In this connection it is well to note bis defense of the Chicago Times in the Higglns libel suit. His familiarity with political history, political philosophy and political economy has been re vealed again and again. Iv 1881 Mr. Storr's friends suggested him for the office of attor ney general under President Arthur, but without success. Nothing dispirited Mr. Storr. He engaged actively in the campaign of 1884, and stumped several of the Eastern states. His practice suffered considerably from neglect occasioned by his interest in politics and those who know of his intimately were not surprised when pecuniary considerations led him to espouse the cause of Mackiu, the ballot-box was while in Ottawa in attendance upon the supreme court in tbis case that he broke down and died. He leaves a charming wife and a married son who resides in New York. At the time of his death he was con sidering a flattering offer to go to Utah for the purpose of defending the Mormons in the polygamy cases. Serious Surgical Operation. Special to the Globe. Wasiiingtox, Sept. 12. —Ex-Senator Fowler of Tennessee is at the Providence hospital, where he was subjected Wednes day to a very complicated and formidable surgical operation. Mr. Fowler has been a sufferer for a long time with a malignant disease of the bone affecting his lower jaw. Some time ago a small portion of the bone was removed, but not enough, as it proved, to eradicate'the disease. Wednes day the surgeon removed about three inches of the jaw bone from the center of the chin back. The patient .bore the heroic operation with fortitude. The opera tion was deemed necessary in order to prolong life. After the operation the patient's tongue was pierced and a thread run through it, which was attached to a bandage around his body. This has been done to keep the tongue in place, as otherwise, on account of the displacement of the muscle, it might roll back and suffo cate the patient. A building, corner of Rebecca and Laflin streets, Chicago, occupied by J. W. Sherman, fell while being raised to the street level, kill ing Hugh Smith and injuring several others. NO. 256 VERY BADLY MIXED. The Liberal Party in English Politics Much Confused and Without Any Political Program. Gladstone Declines to Come to th« Eescue and Politicians Are Ap parently Discouraged. Russia Greatly Increasing Her Coast Defenses—Tno Feeling in British India. Great lujustice Being Done to Rus sian Poles by Expulsion From Germany. English Politics. Special to the Globe. Ciiicago, Sept. 12.—The Times special London cable says: The Democratic party in England is much confused. It is still without any definite program, and yet some of its principal political leaders have felt themselves compelled to make party utter ances. These have so far been extremely contradictory. One result is that the party's parliamentary candidates are making all sorts of Dleilges, and the Lib eral campaign just now looks very much, like a go-as-you-please race. In Great Britain alone there are more than 500 Lib eral candidates in the field. They comprise Liberals, Whigs, Moderaters, and Radicals and the men forming each class are gradually getting into record as pledg ing themselves to all manner of political crudities. Unless the party as a whole soon be placed under some intelligible pro gram and bound down to some sen sible management, it will be rent to pieces beyond the possibility of reorganization. The Gladstone members of the house of commons who are candi dates for re-election are appealing to him to end the anarchy of formulating a policy which will freeze the cranks out of the canvass and thus save the party's strength from being frittered away. It'has accord ingly been decided to HOLD A COXFEBEXCE of the recognized leaders of all the faction! in the Liberal party etrly in October, foi the purpose of obtaining some general understanding. All efforts thus far mad« to induce Mr. Gladstone to make a pronouncement have failed. He wil] not even promise to address the comma conference. He has, it is true, promised to write a political address this fall to his Midlothian constituency, but he has fixed the date for the issue of this letter so that it will be some time after the October meet ing. In this letter the ex-premier will state and explain at length the platform of principles he deems best for his party. In the meantime strong efforts are being made to bring about a compromise between the hostile views entertained by the follow ers of Mr. Joseph Chamberlain and those of the Marquis of Hartington, the former representing the straight-out radicals of the Liberal party and the latter the Whigs. If the Radicals and Whigs can reach a common understanding for the campaign, Mr. Gladstone, it is presumed, will personally indorse it and add to it the necessary elements to attract the majorities of the other factions, and thus start his party with a united front in THE COMING CONTEST. It is even intimated that Mr. Gladstone has his program ready now, that he is en gaged in the task of training Mr. Chamber lain and Lord Hartington up to it, and that the October conference will simply be a perfunctory affair for the purpose of allow ing the hostile leaders an occasion to sub mit gracefully, The Russian government has decided to transfer the administration of its Black Sea fleet from Nicolaieff to Sabastadol. The harbor at the latter place ia being much enlarged, and immense forta and other works of defense are being constructed around its approaches. The czar is also organizing a fleet to be stationed at Patoum, on the east coast of the Black Sea. This little town is being rapidly enlarged, because of its stratigal im portance as tho central point of Russian defense of the east coast of the Black Sea. This action of the czar in now restoring to Sebastapol the military and naval prestige which it possessed be fore the Crimean war is regarded with misgivings in certain British Indian quar ters. A Russian naval commissioner will soon be dispatched to examine and report upon the condition of all the harbors along the Greek and British coast line. MANY STIRRING INCIDENTS attend the expulsion of the Russian Poles from Prussia, now being ruthlessly enforced under the orders of Prince Bismarck. The police who are engaged in this work of ex pulsion recently came across a well-to-do Polish gentleman named Zarnayski. lie owned much desirable land iv Posen, but lived with his family in a beautiful chateau in France most of the time, He was ordered to settle up his affairs and quit Posen.. lie demurred and then set up a claim to being a French subject, and succeeded in having his appeal placed before M. De Freycinet, French minister for foreign af fairs. In his appeal Zarnajski established the fact that he was born iv Paris and was a French subject. He had, however, be come so identified with the place of his estate in Posen that the French gov ernment declined to formally interfere in the ca^e, and M. De Freycinet contented himself with informally referring the case to the German government as one worthy of consideration. Tlw result has been that the Prussian authorities have notilied Zarnajski that ho may retain his interests in Germany upon condition of naturalizing himself as a Prussian subject and residing on his estates in Posen. So many terrible injustices have been perpetrated upon worthy Poles by the indiscriminate expulsion which has been carried on against the whole race of liussian exiles resident in . Prussia, that portions of the German press have at last been stirred up to protest against this wholesale business. The Carolines Dispute. Madrid, Sept. 12.—The government has refused to accept the resignation of Admiral Topete, under secretary of the marine. Baron Dcs Michaels, the French ambassador, has telegraphed to M. De Trycinet that he fears the dispute between Germany and Spain respecting the Caro line islands will be a protracted one. Trial of tine Sensationalists. Loxdox, Sept. 12.—The examination of Mr. Stead, editor of the Gazette, Mrs. Jarrett, Mr. Bramwell Booth, Mrs. Combe, Mr. Jackues and Mrs. Mawry, defendants in the Eliza Armstrong abduction case, was resumed at the Bow street police court to-day. Mr. Eussell, counsel for the defense, continued the cross-examination of the mother of Eliza Armstrong. Mrs. Armstrong ad hered to her recent denials that she had sold her child to Mr. Stead or any one else for immoral purposes. The caunsel for the defense then asked a few questions tending to prove that the selling o€ the child was not known to the father, and that witness kept the matter a secret from her husband. The case was adjourned until Monday. The proceedings are dragging somewhat, and public interest in the trial is subsiding, pending the introduction of testimony for the defense. German Spieit Arrested. Pakis, Sept. 12. —Many German spies have recently invaded the various fortified places in the eastern part of France. It is stated that a German general and two aids were arrested at Belford, the capital of the frontier department of Haut-Rhin, while in the act of taking plans for various fortified positions in the vicinity, and escorted to the frontier.