VOL. VIII. RINGRULE The Shackled Delegates to the Re publican State Convention Fight in Vain. Fleeing From the Farmers' Friends to Fall Into the State House Ring, Which Seeks to Perpetuate Its Power by the Nomination of A. R. McGill. The Throat of the Convention Tightly Clutched by the Hand of the Pillsburys, And Tree Sentiment is Stifled in the Pow erful Presence of the Ma chine. A R NP6H-1 k Thrilling Triumph for the Wheat, the Elevator and the Eailroad Kings. The Convention's Work Accomplished in the Midst of the Wildest Disorder, And Scenes of Bitter Wrangling and Deadly Bickering New to Party History. Tlie Ticket the Very Incarnation of tlie Triumph Over Honest Polit ical Methods. The Labor and Alliance Conference Welcomed in a Scene of Slobber ing Effusiveness. Jinsllng, Meaningless Platitudes and Plagiarisms jumbled Together for a Platform. The Ticket. Sovernor A. R. McG'LL, Nicoilet lieutenant Governor- -A. E. RICE, Kandiyohi Secretary of State. HANS MATTSON, Hennepin \u000dr W. W. BRADEN, Ramsey Treasurer JOSEPH BOBLETER, Brown \ttomey General- • • M. t. CLAPP. Otter Tail :ierk Supreme Court, J. D. JONES, Todd , nfomorjlll , i MITCHELL, Winona. sUp i^ O c h DICKINSON, Ramsey. Judges, VANDERBUFIGH. .Hennepin. THE AlflES ROOSTER. He Steps to the Front and Crows Loudly Over McGill's Nomination. HE great day is ended md the Republican state convention is over. Upon the extraordinary pro ceedings of that extraor iinary body comment is unnecessary. The tale is told in the detailed report jf proceedings, perhaps ft itliout a parallel in the political history of the The convention legan in ill-feeling and n'ded in diseust and dis tppointment. A bare majority of the delegates 1 will leave the city in conscious triumph and consequent jubilation, leaving the remainder to return to those who sent them, insulted, defeated and despon dent. After fourteen hoursof inces sant warring of ansry factions, the conven tion concluded its labors in the dark hours before dawn, and escaped to make the best of it, torn, ragged and disappointed. CO\ViL>TlO.> SKETCH. A History of the Great Ring: Con* vcntioai Graphically Told. Suppressed emotion was perceptible in every intelligent face when the convention came to order, and in the eyes of the lead ers on the east side of the platform, where the head of Knute Nelson reared itself, gleamed tilings unutterable. What it meant was evident when the name of Dr. Wedge was presented for temporary chairman. Mr. Nelson, with an aggressive spirit born of long congressional experience and habits, leaped to his feet and viciously charg ed the followers of McGill and Gibbs with a studied insult to the Gilman men in ignoring them in the caucus of the morning. He resent ed the insult and in liery language hurled it back upon the in sulters, while his Fifth district henchmen made the hall ring with their supporting applause. A breach seemed imminent, but the oleaginous Loren Fletcher tapped himself and in buttered accents poured out the oil of conciliation. The bland tones of John A. Lovely then 611 ed the building and his dexterous hand imoothed down the fur which ruffled the oack of the Northland wildcat. The inci dent was over aud the convention made Dr. Wedge chairman, though the choice was * without any special significance. Koutiue work of ap pointing committees was hurriedly dis patched, when a half dozen men jumped to iheir feet with one intent. The sarcastic Bmiling face of J. P. McGonghey was seen on one side and explained this unani mous eagerness. Senator Langdon, of tteuuepiu, got the benefit of his size and DAILY ST.PAUL GLOBE. moved to hear the delegates of labor. J. 11. Burns, of 41ie Labor Echo, determined to be prominent in this work and elabo rated the motion. OF CODXSB IT PREVAILED and with eager emotion the convention opened its anus and folded to its heart, tho horny handed grangers and laborers of the state, us represented by the joint confer ence. When: the stage had absorbed McGoughey, the aisles opened and the dumpy form of Ignatius Donnelly ap peared. All doubt had disappeared from his tace. and a holy radiauce of hope and victory illumined it with a latter day glory. Bark in the heart of the party of his choice, he felt perfectly at home and his look, as he sat and faced the delegation, wore a look of perfect peace and content McGougbey made his speech and read the resolutions, while the convention mechanic ally applauded. Then came Donnelly, with his persuasive voice and old time speech to the "old Re publican party." His stereotyped platitudes on watered railroad stock fell dead in the ears of the assemblage of stock holders below him and his tiresome, tirade on monopolistic corporations fell stillborn on a convention which could not sympa thize with them. In everything else, the sage threw off the mask and again assumed his place in the Republican ranks, after an unsuccessful effort to better his condition and after the decided repulse to demagog ism given by the Democrats. The conven tion overdid the enthusiasm and showed TUX HOLI.tIffXK.SS WITHIN. The garland was thrown out. but like tho thyrsus of Bacchanals, the point of the spear was visible. As long as tiie door was open and every thing was welcome, the anti-saloon men Y^ If \ve:e ushered in — ten real nice looking gentlemen, in black clothes and white ties, headed by Rev. S. G. Smith, of Ram sey county, with Gen. A. B. Nettleton, of Uenuepin, br i n giug up the rear. Dr. Smith presented the resolutions and deliv ered a Republican ser- inon, which was received in ominous silence by the delegations from the two m»tropoli tan counties. Wheu he said: "We are not Democrats in disguise and do not borrow the livery of heaven to serve the devil in." it was doubtful whether he referred to the delegation which preceded tiiem or not. He certainly plagiarized Whidoin's Chicago speech, in referring to the Democratic can didate, and wound up with a dramatic ap peal to the convention to down the Colum bia society and its SIOO.OOU and receive the organized aid of every church and tireside in tlie state. The black-coated procession tiled off the stage in sombre silence. There was a marked difference in the reception of these two delegations. The labor delega tion promised votes and support and was welcomed with fulsome enthusiasm; the temperance men threatened the loss of lib eral votes and were simply coldly tolerated. The real temperof the convention could not have been better exempiiiied than by these two incidents. They ended the morning session. THE AFTF.RXOOX SESSION was the regulation period beliiud time and tlie delay told of contesting delegations and warring over resolutions. During the recess Gibbs ■ stock shot up amazingly and the con cession was generally made that Nelson's warm, but untimely, athletic exercise with that insult, had injured the prospects of the occupant of his band wagon. Fletcher's suavity and Lovely's child-like blandness were "construed into evidences of confi dence, and the friends of the Fifth district candidate were visibly depressed. The delegates assembled with apparent calm ness and impatiently awaited the report, without which nothing could be done. The lobbies improved the opportunity and cries for Davis were alternated with howls for Langdon and hoarse calls for Donnelly. A deep twilight shrouded the hall, making it difficult to distinguish faces across the room, while the countenances of Kamsev and Hennepin comity leaders, in the front row, loomed up dimly through the chiaroscuro of floating mists of tobacco smote. The wait was a long and tedious one, unbeguiled by speech or song, though the lights were finally turned on at the earnest solicitation of the bevy of news paper men. It was nearly 4 /clock when the convention took up its business and listened to the mellow voice <>f M. H. Dunueil as he read ttie list of delegates. The little ruffle in St. Louis county was so small as to scarcely produce ;i riffle, and the committee's list went through sailing. The- announcement that the temporary organization was to be made permanent had anything but a pleasing ef fect, as Wedie was a palpable failure as a presiding officer. His voice was poor, his inauuer vacillating aud his decisions weak. That he was the creature of clamor was evident, and he lacked sadly the force and vigor of the chairman of an unruly conven tion. When the announcement was made that the committee on resolutions was ready to report, a hubbub ensued aud THK CHAIIJ WAS CAPTUEED. C. A. and John S. Pilbbury sat in the front row and dictated proceedings there after, the chairman proving obedient to their desires. First, the committee on res olutions was pushed to the wall, ou motion of one of the Pillsburys, until after the nominations, and next, a secret ballot was decided upou, on motion of the other Pillsbury. The galleries howled out their disapprobation of this plan, which indicated the fear of delegates to expveiis fieir honest BOSS PHXSKCBT. preferences, but Boss Pillsbury had the convention by the throat and refused to re lax his hold. This decision confirmed the reports of a secret deal, which the partici pants were ashamed to permit the public to gaze upon. Motions to come out boldly and announce the vote by counties were slaughtered before they grew cold, and by an overwhelming majority the convention elected to cast that stealty, secret vote, which could never hereafter be fastened on any delegate, or for which any individual could not hereafter be made responsible. Boss Pillsbury "s hat was brought into use. and he checked the delegates off. one at a time, as they io ked step and marched up to de ix)sit their ballots. Not a speech was made. Though each candidate was given ten minutes in which his friends might pour out burning words in triDute to his eminent fitness, not a voice was raised, not an emi nent fitness was even dimly suggested, but the delegates, in grinning silence, clutched heir ballots and FACED THE MUSIC. A crowd gathered about the table as the tellers counted the vote, which was an nounced by C. A. Pillsbury. The result surprised no one, and bore out the predic ST. PAUL,* THURSDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 23, Itfcb — TWELVE PAGE& tion first made by the Globe, which was of the honest sentiments of the delegates, before any uudue influence was excited. It stood: Albert Scheffer 1, T. H. Barretts, 111 ' • ■^ LotlElvrLrTC'-lER J. L. Gibbs 98, C. A. Gilman 108. A. R. McGill 1515. The McGill men sent up a tri umphant howl, and the friends of tue two farmer boys drew in their horns and looked desperate. W. B. Merriam led the Kamsev delegation in huzzaing and the I'illsburys gave the signal for Hennepin to cheer. A formal ballot was ordered and the delegates resumed the marching pro cess. In due time the announcement came: Gilman 100, Gibbs 96, McGill 163, Scheffor 1. Tho McGill partisans again set up a shout, while one solitary yell greeted the solitary vote for Scheffer. It was whispered about, however, that the one Scheffer vote was upon a printed ballot, showing the presence of at least a predetermined effort for Schetfer. The result of this ballot was a loss of 3 to Gilman, a loss of 2 for Gibos and a gain of 7 for McGill. These 7 came from St. Louis county, and were the result of A PLEDGE MADE CONTINGENT on the seating of the Strait delegation from that county. It was said these votes would go back to Gilman on the next ballot, but it wa9 also whisperedHennepiu would break to McGill in a body and nominate him. Gil man lieutenants rushed among the dele gates and a great many Scbeffer ballots were flashed up about the hall as menaces to the McGill following. The result of the ballot upset all these calculations, standing as follows: Scheffer 2, Gilman 103. Gibbs 88, McGill 170. One too many votes had been cast, and when the paper was handed to the chair he prefaced the announcement by saying too many votes had been cast. Immediately the wildest hubbub begau, and the hall rang with angry cries, howls and yells. "The vote is a fraud. Don't read it," yelled an excited delegate, and a hundred voices chorused the cry. "The vote, the vote! liead it! Let's have it!" shouted 200 voices together, the lobbies joining in the cry. The chair glanced helplessly around, una ble to grasp the situation, while the con vention became indescribable. Men rilled the spaces, surged through the aisles, and even climbed half up the platform stairs, orating wildly, waving their arms and some shouting out incoherently. A motion to take a recess was made and THE FIRES OF DISORDER blazed out anew. S. P. Snider and H. G. Hicks, of Heunepin,S.H.Searle,of Steams, and Knute .Nelsou,of Douglas.delivered un intelligible speeches from the seats of their chairs, the latter, when he could make himself heard, moving an adjournment un til 10 o'clock this morning. The cries STANFORD NEWEL. for the reading of the ballot broke out again and started up the din. Then the gigantic form of George A. Camp hurled itself upon the stage and roundly berated the convention for its sad behavior. This had the effect of soothing the savage and excited breasts, and the motion to take a recess until 8 o'clock was entertained. Ofi a call for the yeas and nays, the long list of delegates was read, the McGill men voting "no" and the majority of the combined op position voting in the affirmative. So many of the latter split, however, that the vote could not be considered significant. The result was: Yeas 183, nays 178. So the convention took a recess until 8 o'clock. The body broke up in the wildest disorder, Loren Fletcher mounting a chair and yell ing out, "1 want to say the McGill men cannot be bought." WITH THE EVENING SESSION, which did not, begin until a full half hour after time, the fun was taken up just where it was interrupted by the recess. Knute Nelson had taken a prominent posi tion directly in front of the chair and the moment the gavel fell he took the floor and moved to hear the report of the committee on resolutions. This was evidently a fili bustering scheme and was at once jumped upon by the McGill strength. H. G. llicks moved to lay the motion on the table, when Loren Fletcher climbed the steps, and throwing Ins arm aloft be gan an impassioned speech. A point of order called him down, but llicks withdrew his motion and Fletcher made his speech, which charged trickery and chicanery on the statesman from Doug lass. Nelson quailed under the fury of the Little Yillian, aud when his friends urged him to answer the speech he declined. Hicks renewed his motion and Nelson promptly demanded the yeas and nays, necessitating the long aud weary calline of the roll. The McGiil men, with a little outside help, rolled up 199 yeas against 159 nays, sending the filibustering resolution to the table. Theu the third formal ballot was ordered, and in due time reached this conclusion: McGill, 175; Gilnian, 95: Gibbs. 75; Scheffer, 16. The name of Mc- Gill was greeted with the usual ap plause, while the increase for Scheffer was received with hilarious shouts fiom the lobbies. There was a determined look on the faces of the McGill men as they marched up for the fourth formal ballot, while the Gibbs and Gilman men wore a very funereal aspect. A great many Scheffer ballots were seen glancing through the ranks of the delegates aud the friends of the St. Paul banker were perceptibly agitated as the count began. As the McGill ballots began to pile up, his friends became boisterous, and before the count was com pleted, one cheer went up; it touched off the convention— or at least the McGill part of it— and a storm of applause was sent out. It was hushed up promptly and the result was announced: Whole vote 358; necessary to a choice. 180; McGill 190, Gilman 60, Gibbs 42, Scheffer 66. The applause was renewed, but it was noticed that the Gilmaii and Gibbs par { tisans failed to participate to any remark- i able' extent. S. P. Snider hastened to j , make the polite motion that the nomination j ; be made unanimous, but, to the surprise of all, ■ ...» x STORM OF NOUS greeted the motion, Having won the vic tory, Loren Fletcher hastened to clinch it and send a dispatch of. congratulation* to Blame, asking him to come over to Mace- j donia and help them. There was a hoarse laugh when he mentioned Elaine as the ; friend of the farmers and workingmeu, and j again the storm of noes . came, when the motion was put. A • committee was sent to bring in the Chevalier, while the Gilinan and Gibbs forces settled down in their chairs with all the inspiring energy of dead men. Subsequent proceedings seemed to interest them no more, and the remaining hours of the great convention was comparatively tame. But the result had 80 enthused the MeGill men that they bubbled over with life and energy. Gov. Pillsbury sharply moved to proceed to the nomination of lieutenant ] governor, and Loren Fletcher gayly nom inated Senator A. £. Kice, of Willmar. Henry A. Castle was also nominated and a listless ballot was taken. • The Willmar statesman received 247 to 103 for Castle. 3 for Gibbs and 1 for John Dodge. Applause followed and the listless work proceeded. ; In the midst of the nomination of a secre tary of state, the entrance of McGill was announced, and the convention pre pared to give him an enthusiastic reception. He made a speech, or rather he read one, perpetrating a joke in that he had prepared the speech, thinking perhaps he was to be nominatec and was now glad it was not to be wasted. It was a singular effort, a dry, old collection of state statistics, gathered from chamber of commerce reports, that fell very fiat upon that vast assemblage. . The Gilinan and | Gibbs men sini .ed sardonically over it, as if f PUT* 'f!^'~~S^ V* s^* E. B. LAXGDO3; to say: "You see th« man you have nominated." His own friends drew long faces when the bulky document was first drawn from his pocket and not the slightest enthusiasm was inspired by the recitation which followed. What will he do on the stump? was the question freely passed about, and how in the world will he meet Ames on the hustings? was also heard. The reading was flat, stale and unprofitable, and was generally character ized as indicative of the caliber of the man. The want of applause, when he concluded, was so apparent that a feeling delegate called for three cheers to . fill up the gap. The effect of the paper was so apparent that when A. E. Rice was called out for a speech, he sarcastically said that he had not had time to write out his ad dress. After that everything was decidedly tame, and the business was transacted in the presence of delegates only, the lobbies having been frightened away by the McGill" essay. s^i.^V A HOWL OP NATIONALITY. The dry balloting was resumed and two futile cast for secretary of state were made. Stordock, Mattson and Stockenstrom were the men and the votes were almost equally divided among them. At the end of the second ballot, Stockenstrom was withdrawn in favor of Mattson. Then came the howl of nationality. Loren Fletcher posed as a bird of ill omen, and predicted all sorts of dire things if two Norwegians and no Swedes were placed on the ticket, .lames O'Brien " 'hurled the studied insult" bact, on behalf of the Swedes, aud Col. H. G. Hicks ridiculed his spread-eagle speech, and said it would stand the party in no stead at the polls in November. The scenes of the afternoon were duplicated aud the now diminished convention threatened to disorganize itself. But a rain of ballots lulled the angry storm aud Col. Hans Mattsou carried off the palm. Then a streak of energy swept through the remnants of tbe convention and Bobleter was nominated for treasurer by acclama tion. By this time it was 1 o'clock and the saJoons were closed and the convention dry and weary. There was no time forspeech makiuir, and the maiden etforts of several ambitious young statesmen were rudely cut short by brief but expressive cries of "Hats!" "Go print it!" and "Sit down!" C. L. Lewis, of Otter Tail, was permitted to eulogize M. E. Clapp, but had to cut it short, aud it was a severe test of patience to listen to Knute Nelson's pa thetic plea for "something, anything for the Fifth district." Not a syllable would be listened to for auditor, and the pressure of the state house ring scut Braden to a renominationa by acclamation. The hours dragged and 2 o'clock approached, with several offices yet to be nlied. THE LAST HOUBS of the convention were dismal in the ex treme. Yawns were startlingly frequent, and the only life manifested was in the rear of the hall, where several hilarious McGill men were endeavoring to sing "We Won't Go Home Tiil Morning." The ballots were wearying and perfunctory, and the casting and counting listless and uninter esting. The closing act befitted the convention. After applacding vocifer- ously in the morning, that part of the labor platform which "denounced the infamous . tax title decision." the convention deliberately faced about and unanimously endorsed and renominated the three retiring judges. Nothing was left but the clerk of the supreme court, in the nomination of which the ring won its final triumph. This concluded the tarce and the sceue ended. The victorious remnant marched out in solid phalanx, leaving the tattered and defeated majority to drag its disfigured remaln3 to bed as best it might. So, at 1 2:30 -. o'clock, the great convention ended. . HOW THE BALL OPENED. Gathering: of the Clans and Their First Attempt at Business. . Between 10:30 and 11 a. m. four proces sions of delegates and proxies marched up tho northern sidewalk of Third street, : en route from the Merchants hotel to the Ex- j i position rink. First filed the McGill uiulti ; tude, marshalled by William Windom and |C. A. Pillsbury. Next came the Oilman , crowd, a motley parade, composed of tiine testod wire pullers, and headed by Knute Nelson and George Washington Sprague. After these followed the Gibbs grangers, ; wending their way slowly in tho wake of j Dr. Wedge. Finally came up a little clau, ' interested in the success of Albert Scheffer. ' These tour crowds had only ceased the ' laborious undertaking of fixing up 1 combinations in the wondrously wise ways of several caucuses. It was a parade alto gether out of order, and now and then a : group of delegates broke up the order of the parade and patronized several bars, where there were several brands of Bour bon and rye. About 10:50 the Winona delegation selected convenient seats ou the right. The Hennepin and Ramsey dele gations entered soon afterward, the former going to tthe front of the left division and the latter pre-empting the two front rows on the right. Then spectators began to lo cate themselves in the galleries, and a corps of policemen was stationed in the rear. The riris was about to become rather crowded when Chairman Castle of the state cen tral committee, a half hour after the time, approached the chairman's table oil the stage and appropriated two drinks of water. It was a cold water convention, and this act of Mr. Castle's was shown approbation by several delegates hitting their hands to gether. THE OPENING. When they ceased to smite their palms, Chairman Castle addressed the convention: Fellow Republicans, said be,at a meeting of the state central committee, it appointed a flub-comnilttee to present several resolutions in regard to the matter of temporary orjraui zation, and the time wool the conven tion should be called, and several other matters regarding: the conveation. This committee has decided to recommend the appointment of a committee on rules and order of business. We all know that there has been much confusion heretofore about these matters and I hope you will take steps toward the appointment of such a committoe. Gentlemen, I feel it is due to the Republican piirty that it should be congratulated on the larjre gather-lag which I see here assembled to-day. It is tho largest convention ever held by the Republican party in the state. Here it the official call. Unless there is some -pressing 1 necessity the reading 1 of the list of counties will be dispensed with. Gentlemen, the next busiuoss is to select a temporary chairman. What is the pleasure of this con vention? M. J. Daniels, of Rochester, presented for temporary chairman the name of Hon. A. C. Wedge, of Albert Lea. HE HURLED BACK THE INSULT. Knute Nelson arose from a crowd of Gil manites on the left and interposed an ob jection. He said, as bis voice trembled with suppressed mortification: Mr. Chairman, before this motion is put, on betialf of the Republicans of the Fifth dis trict, I desire to make an explanation. It is a well-known fact that there have been three candidates in the field mentioned in connec tion with the governorship, and their strength in this convention is prob ably equal. Last night the friends of McGlil and Gibbs held caucuses, and it seems that the friends of Mc- Glll, with a studied insult | applause and laughter], decided to ignore the friends of Mr. Oilman and appointed a committee to confer wtth only the friends of Mr. Gibbs. This much may bo said of the friends of Mr. Gibbs, they had no intention to insult us. [Loud applause] I want to say that we are as loyal Republicans in the Fifth district as anywhere else in the state. We are as loyal to the interests of th« party as any. Mr. Chairman, we hurl the insult back in the teeth of the frieuds of McGill and Gibbs. [Thunders of applause, shrieks aud cat-calls.] Mr. Chairman, I want it to be understood that no matter what the insult you have in augurated against us, we will do our duty as loyal Republicans at the polls next Novem ber. TRYING TO EXPLAIN IT. A spasm of universal applause greeted the final remark of Mr. Nelson, while muf fled laughter gurgled in the bosoms of the henchmen of McGill and Gibbs. Loren Fletcher declared that the gentle man's insinuations about an insult to the friends of Gilinau were entirely unfounded, and he explained that the Gibbs committee was in waiting and a committee was ac cordingly appointed to confer with that committee. He called on Mr. Lovely, of Freeborn. Mr. Lovely said: I regret that this subject has been brought up at all. We have enough to do to take care of the interests of our own party, with out tbese dissensions [Applause.] I am sure that the gentleman is laboring under a misapprehension. When the committee rep resenting tbe friends of Mr. McGill were ap pointed, they could not learn that any com mittee had been appointed by Mr. Gilman. I don't think there was aay intention to insult friends of Mr. Gilman. Col. H. G. Hicks, of Minneapolis, then move*' th-it the nomination of Dr. A. C. Wedge be made by ac clamation. He was elected against a half hearted opp o s ition . Chairman Castle ap pointed Senator Lang don, of Minneapolis, and Judge W. T. Burr, 'of St. Paul, to escort Dr. Wedge to the As Dr. Wedge's hoary head 'was seen to elevate above the platform, feeble applause greeted him. He said: Gentlemen of the Convention; lam proud of the honor, and thank you for selecting me for your temporary chairman. I shall do my best to do my duty impartially. I see before me a very intelligent body of men. You have been sent here by your constuencios to rep resent tv« ereat Kepublicun party of the state. I see before me old men who have grown grey in tbe service. I soe also a fair sprinkling: of youngr blood. I know you have become enthusiastic. But I wish to surest to you that you have very earnest work to do. You have not only to present a satisfac tory ticket to your constituents at home, but you must consider also the best interests of tbe state. There are questions that have come to the surface recently which will merit your careful consideration. I will not take time to say what those questions are just now. I would ask you, however, to take them into consideration and grapple with them. A few delegates clapped their hands when Dr. Wedge got through with a speech that fell very flat, and Col. Hicks, of Mm-, neapolis, nominated J, Bookvvalter, of Blue Earth, for temporary secretary. Mr. Bookwa'ter'a name aroused no opposition, and Senator Sargent, of A'bert Lea. pre sented the name of C. D. Fuller for his assistant, which was also acceptable. COMMITTEE ON CREDENTIALS. D. B. Searle. of St. Cloud, moved the appointment of a committee on credeutials,* consisting of one from each judicial district. The committee appointed was: First judicial district, £. G. Rogers, of Da kota; Second judicial district, W. B. Dean, of Ramsey; Third judicial district, W. H. Teller, of Wabasha; Fourth judicial district, S. P. Snyder, of Hennepin: Fifth judicial district, M. H. Dunnell, of Owatonna; Sixth judicial district, J. P. West, of Farlbault; Seventh ju dicial district, D. B. Searle, of Steams; Eigrhth judicial district, T. S. Strait, of Scott; Ninth judicial district, C Amundson, of Nicol let; Tenth judicial district, C. H. Conkey, of Fillmore; Eleventh judicial district, H. Steon erson, of Polk; Twelfth judicial district, Peter Hanson, of Meeker; Thirteenth judicial district, A. G. Miller, of Nobles. Ex-Gov. John S. Pillsbury then got up and informed the convention that the com mittee of the Farmers' alliance desired to be heard. Without awaiting for a motion to this effect by Senator Langdon, of Min neapolis, to be put, J. H. Burns, of St. Paul, asked that the committee represent ing the Knights of Labor, Trades assem bly, Farmers' alliance and Patrons of Hus bandry be heard. Senator Langdon's mo tion was carried in this way. Dr. Wodee— That will be takeu as the sense of the convention. As the committee ascended the steps of the platform and Ignatius Donnelly fol lowed up the aisle, there was a confusion of applause which exploded simultaneously from 350 delegates and which was greatly contributed to by the galleries and lobbies. It lasted several minutes. The yells for Donnelly were deafening, but were ignored by the convention with dignified indiffer ence at this time. Mr. J. P. McGaughey, master workman of the district assembly of the Knights of Labor, leaning on the arm ot J. 11. Burns, advance to the edge of the stage and made a speech which was almost the same as the one he delivered before the Democratic convention, save that the latter half of it was oaiitted, and instead he read the resolution/*, formu lated by the joint conference of tHe Farm ers' alliance and the Knights of Labor. Sometimes during the reading there were attempts at applause. After the resolu tions Mr. McGaughey added the substance of the latter halt of his speech and con cluded with: If you look back over tho history of the United States you will flad that these subjects have been met with jruus and musketry. I desire to say that eucb has never occurred within the bounds of the state of Minnesota. I desire to say that I hope it never will. I think this subject is one that should be met with argument. A few faint spasms of applause followed Mr. McGaughey's remarks, until somebody in the gallery yelled for Donnelly. Then it developed into a shriek, and a hundred voices yelled. Donnelly arose and came upon the stage. DOniTELLY HAS HIS SAY. The Sage Repeats a Portion of His Lecture on Watered Stock--Prohi bitionists. Mr. Donnelly fidgeted around on the stage for a few miuutes while several dele gates. intending to tantalize him, got up in succession and made inquiries about the committee on credentials. Then he said: Mr. Preside nt and Gentlemen of the Con tion: At the meeting of the representatives of the Farmers' alliance and the Patrons of Husbandry of this state, held this morning, I was requested to assist in the presentation of the resolutions which have been read to you by Mr. McGauehey, and say one or two things in support of them. I have no desire to trespass upon the time of this convention, but I would call your attention to them, and I would passinsrly say, it is a pleasure to us to observe the hearty welcome which these resolutions have received. Ir is a pleasure to us to observe the fact that we have been awarded a reception here very different from what we received at the hands of the Demo cratic convention. I know that some of us have differed from the Republican party heretofore upon various political ques tions, but when it comes to the question of the alleviation of private wrongs, we can ap peal to the great party of liberty. (Several chestnut gougs tinkled and some amusement was expressed by a majority of delegates.) We feol that the party which over twenty years ago did not turn a deaf ear to the slaves over a thousand miles away (again the chest nut gongs could be heard) will not fail to hear to-day the appeal of the farmers of this state, and their statement of the wronga which hare oppressed them. The vital points of this platform so far as the farmers are concerned, are centered around this question of the pay ment of interest upon railroad watered stock. This question he dwelt upon at some length. I believe the Republican party can be de pended upon to take from our shoulders this ungodly burden of watered stocks, a burden which does not represent a dollar of actual capital, a burden which represents plunder — profit, if you will. Now, gentlemen, we ask you to give us a hearty, outspoken declaration against this iniquity. If you do, there are thousands of independent votes which will swell your ranks of victory. [Applause from the dele gates.] I hope the Republican party will put the stamp of its condemnation upon thl3 in iquity. Here he indulged in a homily against the exemption of railroad land from taxation, alter which he concluded by asserting that all good and true Eepublicaus, and every man, would do his duty, etc. A TEMPERANCE DELEGATION". After Donnelly's silver voice ceased its gentle but huge satire upon his own am bition, some 11101 c old skeletons started to enter the great Republican sepulchre, and William Windoiu informed the assemblage that "there is a committee of ten here, true and loyal Republicans, who desire to be heard on a set of resolutions, which they desire to present." Gen. A. B. Net tleton and E. S. Corser, of Minneapolis. Dr. M. McG. Dana, Rev. Samuel G. {Smith {p- — 4^& I HIM. -g J s^_^rf and others, of St. Paul, inarched up the steps of the stage one by one. Key. S. G. Smith, of St. Paul, as the spokesman of the commit tee, delivered t discourse on Jie text: "We Are Temper ance Men, Though Not Democrats in Disguise." The labor cha m nions aDDar- y j I gjj X — ; jt« ently winced m, the pungency of what they construed into an ;' in sult, viz: That it was an innuendo signify ing that the doctor supposed the gentlemen who occupied the platform before his group were before the convention as Democrats in disguise. The Democratic party, be said, had made a ticket which was the very incarnation of the saloon element. He asked that the Repub lican party would turn with manly brow against the saloon element. He proceeded: The Columbia association has headquarters In St. Paul, and claims 75,000 votes and $100,000 to procure them with. If the Re publican parly would be true and do its duty, its banners would lead to victory. Gentle men, the saloons are gone; they are on the other side. We can afford to lose them. I know if you will do your duty, every church in this land will be converted into a political organization for the Republican party. After flattering the Scandinavian. Ger man and Irish elements, he concluded by hoping he would see the day when every woman in the laud would take a vital inter est in the prohibition question. He was heard patiently throughout. Ex-Lieut. Gov. Barto, of Sauk Center, moved that "all these resolutions be presented to the committee on resolutions," which was not objected to. OX RESOLUTIONS. On Gordon E. Cole's motion, the chair man appointed this committee on resolu tions; First judicial district. Gordon E. Cole, Fari bault; Second, Knute Nelson, Douglas: Third, P. H. Millard, Washington; Fourth. G. W. Sprague, Fillmore: Fifth, W. W. Hartley, Crow Winy; Sixth, William Windom, Winona; Seventh, William Bickel, Ramsey: Eighth, H. G. Hicks, Heunepin; Ninth, J. Brownlee, Martin; Tenth, J. H. Aokerman, Carver: Eleventh. John Lind, Brown; Twelfth, C. H. Strobeck, Meeker; Thirteenth, IL H. Halbert, Rock. After a motion by J. T. Williams, of Mankato, himself. ex-Lieut. Gov. A. Barto, of Sauk Centre, and Loren Fletcher, of Minneapolis, were appointed a committee on permanent organization. On the motion of Gov. Barto the convention took a recess until 2:30 p. m. IN THE AFTERXOO.H After I.onsr Delay, an Informal Bal lot \V:i* Taken. Over an hour was consumed in tediously awaiting the report on credentials. Time was called frequently, and occasionally the name of Davis was yelled for. but Mr. Davis continued to sit silently in a chair to the left of the stage. The fun commenced by M. J. Daniels moving "permanent or ganization." He discovered h i s mistake in time to correct into "rules and regulations." Finally he discov ered that it was a committee on rules and order of business 4T- V • * yD £A N / NO. 2 6e I which the state central committee had rec ; oiamended, and he made a motion to that j effect. D. Aberle, of St. Paul, raised a point of order, which the chaiimanover ; ruled. Dr. Wedge then appointed H. G. ; Hicks, of Minneapolis, W. H. Gale, of j Winoua, Joha A. Lovely, of Albert Lea, M. J. Daniels, of Rochester, and Alphonso Barto, of Sauk Center. The chair then announced that the com mittee on credentials was ready to report, and Mark H. Dunueli, chairman of the committee, read the report, stating that credentials were received from eighty counties, and 361 delegates. This is ac counted for by the fact that ltasca county was omitted from the call, and it was en- v titled to two delegates. By the report of the committee, the (Graves-Gilman) dele gation from St. Louis county, and the Gibbs delegation from Grant county were admitted. Hennepin county having been omitted by the chairman, some amusement was afforded. v Col. Hooker, of Minneapolis, moved the adoption of the report with the exception of the delegation from St. Louis. Major Camp, of Minneapolis, raised a point of order. The motion of Col. Hooker was amended to have the entire report adopted. Loren Fletcher hoped the amend ment would not be adopted, as there was a minority report, which he desired would be heard. Stanford .Newel, of St. - Paul, said he would vote for the adoption ' of the report, as it was after 4 o'clock, and the matter had been fully considered in the committee on credentials. D. B. Searle favored the adoption of the report, explain ing that there was no minority report. It was then adopted, the nays being few and feeble. :./5- PERMAITEKT ORGANIZATION". J. T. Williams, chairman of the com- j mittee on permanent organization,- re* ported in favor of making the temporary organization permanent, with the addition of ex-Lieut. Gov. W. H. Yale, of Winona, Maj. George A. Camp, of Minneapolis, and D. B. Searle, of St. Cloud, as vice presi dents of the convention. The report was adopted unanimously. A motion j was made by C. A. Pillsbnry, of Minneapolis, to proceed to ballot for officers at once. Knute Nelson had caught on to the McGill-Gibbs scheme, and he pro posed an amendment to the effect that the committee on platform and : resolutions be heard first. This was lost by a loud negative vote, most of which came from the rear gallery. Pills bury's motion was then carried. On Gov. Barto's motion the chair appointed as tell ers Mai". Camp, of Minneapolis; B. F. Lewis, of Waseca. and G. G. Hartley, of Brainerd. A motion of John S. Pillsbury was carried, requiring the delegation from each county to march forward and deposit their votes. Maj. Camp here arose and caused a little smile by declaring that he did not think he should be a teller, as he had been honored with the office of vice president. C. A. Pillsbury was substituted. An attempt to have the chairman of each delegation cast the vote for each county provoked a loud opposition, and cries of "No, no," ascended from all over the house. John S. Pillsbury made a motion to give the friends of each candidate for governor ten minutes time to present the merits of their candidate. Senator Comstock, of Moorhead, wanted it amended to limit the time to live minutes. Dr. Wedge put the motion, receiving a rousing affiimative. "The yeas have it," said be, before he "^I.NOOrvW called for the nays. Lieut. -Gov. Barto attempted a ridicu lous proposition to have each candi date presented when his turn came, the secretary to call the list of' counties alphabet-^ ically. " His wind < was abruptly shut off. Major Camp moved to proceed to ballot. Chairman Wedge addressed the con- vention. He said: •'You'd better mention the names of your candidates. I will settle the matter right here. Will the friends of Mr. McGill present their candidate?" Nobody responded and C. A. Pillsbury moved to "proceed to ballot now," which was unanimously carried. THE INFORMAL BALLOT. Messrs. Pillsbury, Lewis and Hartley then held an inverted stovepipe hatnear the edge of the platform, and while Secretary Bookwalter read the roll of counties, each delegate came forward and put in his slip of paper. It was a loug while before the last county was reached. When the last ballot was deposited— shortly after some body raised a noise for William Windom — the tellers went to the secretary's table upon the stage and counted the votes. It was 5:15 p. m. when the vote was an nounced as follows: Whole number of |T. H. Barrett 3 votes cast 360jJohn L. Gibbs.... 98 Necessary for IC. A. Gilman 103 choice 181 A. R. McGill 166 Albert Scheffer... 3 C. A. Pillsbury read the results, com mencing with the candidate who received the least vote. When Gilman's name was reached, a loud yell accompanied by a great stamping on the floor ensued. When fin ally McGill's vote was announced it was re ceived with a deafening shout by the dele gates, a shower of applause issuing also from the galleries. As can be seen, there were 360 votes accounted for. The odd vote had been deposited by mistake for A. E. Rice, of Willmar, for lieutenant gov ernor. The first formal ballot was then taken. FORMAL BALLOTS. The painf ulness of suspense and an eager desire to come to a finish was apparent on the faces of some of the delegates, while others still looked determined as they dropped their slips. The tellers this time sat upon the platform conveniently near the edge, each delegate again marching up the aisle to the reversed tile. The result of the first formal ballot was announced at 5:43. Votes cast 3fiO'Gilmaa 100 For a choice 181|Gibbs 98 McGill 163iScheffer 1 A storm of shouts greeted the announce ment of this vote. A DISGRACEFUL ROW That Was Stirred up When it Was Found ITlcGill Was Gaining:. \ ' McGill lacked just eighteen votes. It was apparent that dele gates were beginning to leave both Gilman and Gibbs, while Barrett's friends had given up hope and Scheffer's man was determined to still stand by him. Hennepiu was flopping over to Mo- GilL Another formal ballot developed at 6:25 that McGill was gaining and Gibbs losing, while Gilman had got his own again. The result was: Votes cast 363 | For choice 181 MeGll 170 Gilman 103 Gibbs 88 I Soheffer 3 Chairman Wedge announced that there were too many votes cast. He asked if he would give the result. "No! No! Yesl Yes!" yelled the convention. It was a scene of the worst disorder and the neatest excitement. Capt. S. P. Snider, of Minneapolis, standing upon a chair, said: Mr. Chairman, I move that we take a recesi until 8 p. ra. Cries of "No! No! No!" came from every direction. L. L. Wheelock, of Minneapo lis, jumped upon a chair amid a bedlam of noise, and yelled: A motion for a recess has been made. It is out of order to call the ballot now until this motion has beep put and decided upon. An amendment was then proposed to have the motion for a recess postponed until after the result of the ballot had bee*