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2 announced. The Gibbs and Gilman men directed a volley of objections at this. CoL Hicks, of Minneapolis, yelled: '1 move to amend to have the result of the ballot announced first." He was smothered beneatn an avalanche of nays. Senator Sargent, of Albert Lea, yelled from the floor near the platform : •'I insist upon my motion to adjourn." Stanford Newel replied: "Of course you do." , PANDEMONIUM. . : . Knuta Nelson, ot Alexandria, jumped upon a chair near the left gallery and •homed: "I move that we adjourn until to-morrow morning- at 10 o'clock." Nearly two hundred delegates jumped «p«n their chairs at this,aud pandemonium reigned for a few minutes. Out of the wi"d confusion could be heard. Adjourn! No! Yes! Question! l'oint of order! Sit down! Intelligent business menl Order! Motion for a recess! otc. D. B. Searle, of St. Cloud, perched himself upon the steps leading to the platform and screamed: '•You will work no Ramsey county snap game on us." Col. Hicks jumped upon his chair and shouted that he arose to a point Of order. Workinjrman Wheelock, of Minneapolis, again climbed upon his seat, and, swinging his aims wildly in the air, averred that a mo tion for a recess was not debatable nor amendable. Gov. A. Barto, of Sank Centre, flred at the chair a statement that a motion to adjouru bail been roada and v, as uot amendable. Congressman Nelson again elevated him self upon a chair and repeated his motion to adjourn until "10 o'clock to-morrow." Col. Hicks mounted his chair also and ex citedly stated his point of order. Ho said a motion for a recess had beau made and an amendment offered. The question was upon the amendment. • From the right division it was shrieked that a motion for a recess could not be taken until the result of the ballot was an nounced. Then a volcano of hideous yells and hisses exploded, and nearly everybody in the rink jumped upon his chair and shouted himself hoarse. Vice President Camp rushed forward on the stage, while Chairman Wedge pounded th« desk with his gavel. He raised his hand aloft high in the air and shrieked: The motion to take a recess was not sec onded, neither was the motion to adjourn. A score of seconds for both motions shot out of the division on the left. Senator Sergent, D. B. Searle and L. L, Wheelook leading with loud yells. 3iaj. Camp continued: We are Republicans and business men. You must come to order. [More shrieking while the chairman thumped his table.] You must not forget that we are the party of order in the State of Minnesota. Knute Nelson jumped upon his chair ■gala and repeated his motion to adjourn. "I demand that my motion be put, Mr. Chairman," he shouted. Chairman Wedge said he would put it. A. Barto, Knute Nelson, 1). B. Searle and several other Gilman men, aided by W. P. Sargent, C. D. Wright aud others of the Gibbs faction screamed in chorus, "Well, put it then!" Col. Hicks, of Minneapolis, called for •he ayes and noes. He was deluged with a flood of objections. Finally the chairman, who was getting completely rattled, decided to call the ayes and noes. As Secretary Bookwalter went forward to call the roll, Knute Nelson again got up on his chair, standing on tip-toes aud reiterated his mo tion to adjourn. "Sit down ! Sit down!" yelled a hundred delegates. •> it down!" commanded the secretary, and he continued: "We will have order if it takes until to-morrow morning." •'Who are you?" screamed Mr. Nelson "J. 1). Brookwalter," retorted the secre. ary at the top of his voice. Silence ensued and the secretary pro ceeded to call the yeas and nays on the motion for a recess (as the question was put by the chair), notwithstanding that Kuute Nelson, Gov. Barto ana D. B. Searle all explaued that a motion to adjourn had been made. The delegates being called, voted yea until theMankato delegation was called. Half the Hennepin county delegation and all the delegation voted "No" except C. C. Berg, who "made a mistake" which he cor rected. All the McGill men voted "No." It was a pretty even vote and indicated McGill's strength. The announcement that the motion for a recess was carried by a vote of IS3 to ITS turned the convention into a chaos of cheers, and all was uproar for a few sec onds. When the convention adjourned the friends of the respective candidates at tempted to arouse "three cheers and a tiger'" for their man. A shout ascended for each, and a few minutes later the hall was cleared. It was then nearly 7 o'clock. Pandemonium had reigned nearly two thirds of an hour. THE FIGHT WENT UN. more IV rand hi sr at the Session in the £venins:— ltlcGill Gaining. A little before 8 p. m. the delegates began to take their seats, the count ry delegations * • Or li/h** comitisr in rirst. The convention having voted during the aft ernoon to clear the floor of all persons who were delegates, John X. Davidson had employed a force during recess count ing seats and remov ing all chairs outside of the 861. Before assembling Secretary Espy, of the central committee, made a little speech to the few delegates present, informing them that the 361 seats were reserved for delegates only, and that the chief of police had threatened to bring the entire police force of the city to preserve order if it was necessary. He requested all who were not delegates to re tire. It was almost 9*40 o'clock when Chairman Wedge rapped his table. There were then probably 1,500 spectators iv the galleries. A little uproar was started again by Knute Nelson moving that the convention should at once proceed to hear the report of the committee on resolutions, and he called lor the yeas and nays. Col. Hicks moved to table the motion. Loren Fletcher ventured — is a new scheme. Knute Nelson— l raise a point of order. The motion to lay upon the table is not de batable. Col. Hicks — Mr. Chairman, I withdraw my motion. I-oren Fletcher — This is a new scheme to have the committee on resolutions report before a vote is taken upon the question aC the nomination for governor. This is some thin? which shows that there are gentlemen here who wish to nominate si candidate for governor by scheming and political trickery. [A hundred hurrahs burst from the galleries.] 1 hope that the chair will see to it that this attempt to gmia a point by trickery will not succeed. Col. Hicks resumed his motion to table. Loud cheering ensued, and the name of Nelson was called several times by various Gilman delegates. The chair then put the question explaining what the effect would be if the motion to table, was carried, and he. informed all present that those who did not want to hear the resolutions immediately would vote "aye." Secretary Fuller then called the roll, which occasioned another delay of fifteen minutes. The vote on the motion of Col. Hicks to lay upon the table stood 199 to 184, and the result was met by the MeGill men with wild chewing. TilK THU:i> BAIXOT. The third formal U.l lot was theu proceeded with. It was apyarent tiiat there was a sort of combination be t w een the Gihnan aud Gibbs men, but the Mc(Jill men held firm. There was some applause as Windom and Gait' •went to the front. Th» ( result at 9:3S was: Votes cast, 301; for a choice, 181. McGill 175 Gibbs 75 Gilman 95l8cheffer .... ; 16 Some boisterous cheers interrupted the announcemant of the ballot when McGill's vote was announced. 'When the sixteen votes for Albert Scheffer were made known the yells were deafening and lasted several minutes. By watching the ballots depos ited it was ascertained that Otter Tail went for McGill and Lyon had voted solidly for Albert Scheffer. Maj. Camp ventured tn jsay.that if* Jinepiu would go in .i body for jkicC'ill. and it was given out iual $&&% >< Langdon, who was becoming afraid of Albert Scheffer's chances, had voted for JVlcGill. It was rumored that Gilman had authorized the withdrawal of bis name in favor of Scheffer. tli til I- 1- NOMINATED And Senator A. E. Kice Given the .second Place On the Ticket. The fourth ballot, taken at 10 p. m., showed that McGill was nominated. It seood : Whole number 358 Gibbs 43 For choice 180 Uilman (JO WcGiU 190 Scheffer btf The rumor spread like wildfire before the vote was counted, and loud cheers went up from the floor. A shower of MeGill slips wore thrown into the air. It -was as if a cyclone had struck the convention, when the vote was announced. Hats and hand kerchiefs were waved, and were thrown high h}to the air. That the attempt was to break McGill's strength and throw it over to Albert Scheffer was apparent to every body and the friends of Uilmau and Gibbs were mortified. D. B. Searle. of St. Cloud, and Capt. S. P. Snider, of Minneapolis, tried to put on cheerful faces and both jumped upon their chairs. Mr. Studs was a little quicker 4 %1 EX-MAUSHAT, TJEXNY. than Capt, Snider, and he moved that the nomination of Mr. McGill be made unani mous. Capt. Snider cried out: "Mr. Chairman, I have the floor. On behalf of the friends of Mr. Gibbs, I move that the nomination of Mr. McGill be made unani mous." The motion of both men being alike, except that oue was on behalf of Mr. Gilman, the other of Gibbs, were unani mously carried with yells and cat-calls. A MESSAGE TO BLAIXE. Loren Fletcher got upon the steps leading to the stage and said he had a resolution to offer. He was received with hisses. Even tually he propesed this resolution, which was heard with indifference, although it was adopted almost unanimously w ith some applause: Resolved. That the chairman of this con vention is requested to eouvey to Hon James G. Blame the compliments and congratula tions of the Republicans of Minnesota on the recent victory accomplished under his brill iant leadership in Maine, and in their name and on their behalf to lend them the aid of his inspiring presence and his eloquent voice to make the coming campaign in this state the most memorable and the most decisive battle ever fought in behalf of law and order and decency and of the real rights aud Inter ests of the farmers and workinjrmen . W. B. Dean, of St. Paul, then moved the appointment of a committee of three to acquaint Mr. McGill of his nomination, and escort him to the convention. Chair man Wedge appointed Messrs. W. B. Dean, of St. Paul, Knute Nelson, of Alexandria, and W. C. Sargent, of Albert Lea, the three gentlemen representing the friends of McGill, Gilman and Gibbs in the order named. RICE FOR LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR. Loren Fletcher then nominated for lieu tenant governor Hon. A. E. Rice, of Will mar, "a man well known to every Republi can in the state of Minnesota." A. Sand berg aud Col. Hooker seconded the nomi nation. Col. C. D. Kerr, of St. Paul, nominated Capt, Henry A. .Castle. He was hardly noticed by the chair. A formal ballot was immediately taken. The vote was: Whole number 3t2H. A. Castle. 103 For choice lt^jjohu L. Gibbs '£ A. E. Kice 347| John G. Dodge 1 There was another outburst of noise. On S. E. Olson's motion the nomination of Senator liice was made unanimous., TALKS. He Gives a Dry History of rtlinne ■fcotu and !?lakes a Kid for the >ol dier*' Vote. A sight of McGill was caught at 10:45 p. m., and a few delegates indulged in noisy cheering. \V. 13. Dean presented Mr. McGill to the chairman. Mr. Mcuill's k'lees trembled as he stood on the stage waiting for an introduction. When he was introduced to the convention he made an apology for having been so taken up with his canvass that he had hardly time to formulate something to say which mer ited listening to, until "to-day," when be had managed to get np something upon paper. His speech was long and fell very flat. C. A. Pillsbury looked awfully sheepish, as the candidate referred to Min neapolis, lie said: Your committee has advised me of my nomination by you ai your candidate, and a> the candidate of tne Republican purty of Minnesota for the hijrh ollice of governor. 1 thunk you tor the distinguished compliment. To be governor of the state of Minnesota H au houor worthy the ambition of any man. it is m>w something aiore than tweuty-nve yean Slaoe I casM to Minnesota. They have been eventful yoars,cluckeredwith ill and good fortune, with peace and war, with prosperity and adversity; yet witoa! they mark a quar ter of a century of marvelous progress in the development Of all the interests characteriz ing a vigorous and enlightened common wealth. At t lie beginning- of this period the entire population of the stare was inn 172,00u. now it is not less than 1,^'5(1.000. Tlien there was not a foot of railroad withiu the bounds of ttie state; now there are more than 7.000 miles, built at a cost of 9188,558,000, and representing a value of twice that sum. The entire taxable property of the stale, both personal and real, was then rated at less than $ob,*160,00t); now, according to the last assessment, its value exceeds $463,000,000. The wheat crop of IStiO— and it was a good crop. too — little exceeded 5,000, --000 bushel*, while now-a-days we consider it a poor year for wheat when the yield falls below 03,000,000 bushels, notwithstanding its comparative abandonment as a leading: product in many parts of t'ue state. St. Paul, with her 8.000 population, was' the principal town in the state and Min neapolis was but a straggling village: now each city largely exceeds 100,000 and their combined population comprises a tilth of the total population of tho state. It is not yet thirty years since Minnesota imported bread stuffs to feed her sparse population ; to-day Minneapolis enjoys the enviable distinction of being the greatest center of flour inanu factury in the entire world. Duluth, then a scarcely discovered wilderness, is now with her 20,000 population, one of the leading sup ply ports of the {Treat hikes, mid the vast areas of the Northwestern counties with the rich valley of the Hed River of the North, then the roiiuiinj? ground of the buffalo and red man, are now cultured fields dotted over with school houses aud enlivened with the busy marts of industry. The progress and material development of the state are pretty well measured BY THE INSURANCE BUSINESS, with which lam somewhat familiar. As late as 1872, in which year the insurance depart ment was established, the whole amount of insurance written, in the . state whs but $18,000,000; in 1685 the risks exceeded {200, --000,000. ■ Such, in brief, is the state of actual growth with which our state has been favored, in comparison with which the most glowing future . grows tame. It is a familiar story, being but the record of the proudest part of . that great, great Northwest, whose advance in all that consti tutes national prosperity is one of the world's marvels. Such results achieved by faith, conrajre and energy indomitable, in a large measure mark the history of our entire countr«".especial!y since the successful issue Mr. McGill thanked the convention for the honor • oaierreU. He had beau too busy to prepare suitable remarks for -the ooeas'o , the only time he had was yester lay. and . c hud written out a tew points. He wus glad they were not to tie wasted. He revlewtd •nub the; ■ bißtor •• of the progress . n. i.'.o r st: te -• of Mimesota during • th" past .twenty-five years. and t aid . a fHE ST. PAUL DAILY GLOBE, THURSDAY MOPvNTNG, SEPTEMBER 23, JBB6 —TWELVE PAIGES. ; tribute to her vast resources and dovelop ; incnts. His idea was tbat labor and <?api ! tal should be combined for the common jrood; that labor without capital i 8 useless. Capital without labor was in the lame sltu tion. They should be 00-operative and ad junctlTe, and never antagonistic The con dition of the laborer of the present has been so tar ameliorated from thut of formor times that the laborer now lives better than the kings of Eugland in past ages, which only goes to argue that this con ditiou may bo .-till further improved. It is to the interest of the country that the stand ard of labor and laboring men should be raised to the highest, and it is one of the most hopeful signs of the times that laboring men are PARTIOIPATrNO IN GOVERNMENTAL affairs. The farmer should be classed with ilie laboring- mini and is entitled to the pro tection of the state in matters of transporta tion. That the railroads are creatures of the I state and should be subject at all times to the atato's control, through luws created for thoir govermnont. The idea that they are beyond the control of the state is a proposition absurd ou Us face, the state sovereignty being: such that the state cannot create a corporation or power that is ulone th*> itself. It is the duty of the state to exercise a close supervision over the railroads. Hail roads nave done much to udvauoe the condition of the public. They have lieon the agents of civilization and the advance quark of settlements, and have con tributed more than anything else to the con venience and happiness of the people. Rail roads are entitled to consideratian and pro toeiiou of the people so far as the capital ac turlly invested was ooncerueU, but it was the duty of the state at all times to keep them under control and see that tut farmer, by reason of uuusual and exhorbi tunt exactions by the railroad companies, was not deprived of the just profits of his year's labor. He invited the consideration of the convention to the recommenda tions made by the O. A. li. en campmeut, held at Faribault last win ter, for the establishment of an old soldiers' home by the state. The patriotic people of Minnesota aud the Republican party of this state would only be too glad to see a home erected for the dependent and helpless soldiers of the late war. He was glad that the policy of vetoing pension bills was not inaugurated by a Re publican, but by a Democratic president. The ise-ut* s are now made up, the candidates are in the field, and it only remains for the Repub lican party to organize and march on to iiS usual victory. MR. RICE'S REMARKS. Candidate A. E. Kice was introduced at 11 p. in. lie said: 1 want to say that I have not had time to put down my speech in writing, aud 1 don't want to talk so long tbat it will put behind this convention. I am grateful to my friends ana this con vention, which has been pleased to make me its candidate for lieutenant gov ernor. I wish to say that I will pledge myself to the best interests of the party. Once aarain I desire to say that my thanks come from my innermost heart. [Laughter]. COM PL E TING THE TICKET. A Squabble Over the Difference Between the Norwegian* and Swedes. C. A. Sandstrom, of St. Paul, nominated Herman Stockenstrom, of St. Paul, "as a representative Swede" for secretary of state. John W. Arctander nominated Col. Hans Mattson. George N. Lamphere, of the Moorhead News, nominated H. G. Stordock, of Rothsay, and he predicted tor him 10,000 majority. Sheriff Bodkin, of Brainerd, said if Mr. Stordock was to get that majority, he did not want him, for he came down from the North to be nominated and elected by Republicans. C. A. Sandstrom again went forward on the platform and ex plained the difference between Norwegians and Swedes. He said A. E. Rice had been nominated for lieutenant governor because he was a Norwegian, and now the Swedes wanted representation. '^\f/i A Voice — "'What about the Germans?" When Mr. Sandstrom had concluded, a number of delegates aros9 to declare that Stordock was a Scandinavian by origin, but an American by birth and a Republican by politics. Mr. McGill appeared i t this pofnt. aud, after introduction, delivered himself of his speech of acceptance. Col. Hicks made a speech from the plat form to the effect that the Swedes had not had representation in the state government for twenty years, and it was time they were given a place. A Norwegian, who was a good and loyal Republican, had been nominated for lieutenant governor, and it was nothing more than right, Col. Hicks thought, to give the office of secretary of state to the Swedes. Chairman Wedge cut short all further remarks, and Secretary Bookwalter shouted, ""Aitkii. 2," and proceeded with the roll call, with this result: Whole number Hans Mattson 106 For a choice ITT. A. F. Nordin, 12 H. G. Stordocii 130 Juuios A. 80^5... 1 Her. Stockenstrom. FLETCIIEK'S LITTLE SCHEME. While the first balloting for secretary of state was in progress, the appointment of a committee on selection of a state central committee, to consist of one member from each judicial district, was moved by Dr. Millard, of Stillvvater, pend ing the count of the lirst ballot for secretary of state, and carried without objection. Loren Fletcher asked for a reconsiderution a short time afterwards, because, he Huid, the motion read that the committee should be appointed without stating by whom it was to be appointed) and .Mr. Fletcher thought the committee should be appointed by the chair. In consideration of thu nu merous objections which came from every objection, his motion to reconsider was lost by a big negative vota This was re loaded as a scheme* by Fletcher to manipu late the making up of the committee. There were cries of "Stordock! 7 ' "Stor dock!" when the result of the lirst bailot for secretary of state was announced, and Sheriff Bodkin, of Brainerd, again arose and said that when the fact was taken into consideration that Mr. Siordock was a crip ple, lie believed his nomination would be unanimous. [Applause. | The roll was then called on the second forma! bailot. which stood: Whole number 863 Mattson 114 Fora ehoioe 1*. 7 Siockenstrom 07 9tordock 14?| Again there were several cries of "Stor uock!"' It was now nearly midnight, and Col. Hicks was about t<> make a motion to have the balloting for secretary of state tem porarily suspended, when Stanford Newel from the platform announced tiiat he had been requested by Mr. Stoekenstrom to withdraw his name, and asked the friends tif Mr. Stoekenstrom to throw their votes to Col, Hans Mattson. This was generally objected to,' and Loren Fletcher airain re ferred to the mistake ••abrtut to he made, by nominating two Norwegians and no Swede." Sheriff Bodkin got on the platform and said he was sorry the question of nation ality had been raised at all. He hoped "we are all Americans." Senator James O'Brien. of Houston, arose to repudiate ••the statement that the Norwegians were more disloyal than their Scandinavian brethren," and he construed the remarks of Loren Fletcher into an insult to the Nor wegians. Col. Hicks elevated himself upon a chair and shouted that he had the floor and was going to be recognized by the chair. He had something to say. There was another question beside that of Norwe gian loyalty to be considered; that was what was the best thing to do to get a good Republican majority next November. Sev eral gentlemen noticed that the colonel was "giving the snap dead away," and they held up their hands IN* HOLY nOKROB. . But the colonel proceeded, saying that if a Swede was nominated it would harmon ize the interests of the party, and would insure a majority of over 10,000. MATTSON NOMINATED. Gov. John S. Pillsbury suggested that it hA&to^ 0 * would be best to ad journ over until morn ing, but there was lond opposition, and several motions were made to have Mr. Stordoek nom inated by acclamation, which the chair decided were all out of order. The third ballot was then proceeded with to decide whether it should be a Swede or a Norwegi an. Following was the r. suit at 12:20: '.' Wh'.le number..... 34':lStordock..... 140 For aohoioe .173 Peterson. . , :..M3 .\,. ,tS in.'..:..i.....19!<| . '■ i.'ol. -d .it's -in" a noui nation was received Wv*i\**i l vt't^mu tt\\l\*vlttt4\i\ iff Ml >i . *f.. . with faint enthusiasm, but by a motion' it was made unanimous. ~/. ,• AUDITOR BBADEN IJENOMINATED. . . W. W. Bradeu was renomiuated fer state auditor by acclamation on motion of £. B. Collins, of Nicollet county. It was unani mous. FOR ATTORNEY GENERAL. Then several gentlemen tried to get the floor, but ex-Lieut. Gov. Yale, of Winona, was recognized and nominated for attorney general Frank B. Kellogg, of Rochester, whom he called a young man well known and respected by the state bar. Gordon E. Cole, of Faribault, p;esented the name of W. S. Pattee, who, he said, had proved his fitness while acting as attorney for the board of railroad commissioners. 8081-PTER FOR TREASURER. John Lind jumped on a seat and informed the chair that he was in i s taK en in ,the order of pro ceedings, and he presented the name of Col. Joseph Bob leter, of New Ulm, blundering on the question of nation ality, however, In ! his momentary There were seconds to nCol. Bobleter's nor- ination speech from the platform, after which Col. Bobleter was unanimously elec ted by acclamation. T. T. Fauntleroy, of St. Faul, then made a rousing speech seconding Mr. Kellogg's nomination, which was exceedingly flowery, and was frequently interrupted by ridicule and chestnut gongs. Mark H. Dunnell made a rousing speech for J. M. Burlingame, of Owatonna. C. L. Lewis, of Otter Tail, referred to the way the convention had decided to ig nore the claims of 11. G. Stordock, of Roth say. Fargtis Falls and Otter Tail county, he said, had invariably been ignored in making up state tickets. A Voice— What about Sam Nichols? Mr. Lewis — Sara Nicbols moved away from us nearly twelve years ago. [Laughter.] He is no longer one of us. He may come before this convention as a candidate from Otter Tail, but we regard him as a Ramsey county man. Mr. Chairman, it was stated here once to-day that this convention had de cided to insult the Fifth district (referring to Senator O'Brien's remarks on the Scandinavian question. I hope this will not be so. I hope this convention will decide to accept the name of Moses E. Clapp, of Fergus Fal!s. Knute .Nelson also hoped the Fifth dis trict would not be altogether ignored b> the convention, and he seconded the nomi nation of Mr. Clapp. A Stevens county delegate also seconded Clapp's nomination. A formal ballot was taken for attorney general then as follows, being announced at 1:05 a. m. this morniug: Whole number, 360. For a choice, 181. W. S. Pattee 98!MoaesE. Clapp 143 Frank B. Kellogg.. 89|J. M. liurlingame.. 31 Cries of "Clapp! Clapp!" ensued. A mo tion to suspend the rules and elect Mr. Clapp by acclamation was decided out of order. The second formal ballot was taken while the delegates looked sick and very much worn out. They were not the only ones who looked exceedingly tired, however, for several unsuccessful candidates who hung around had pallid countenances which indicated blasted hopes, and a desire to get through with the fun. What this ballot developed at l:'3sa. m. was: Whole Dumber, 352. For a choice, 177. Clapp lS2'Keilo;jfir. 83 Pattee 6y|liurliutfame 19 As usual the nominee was cheered to some extent, although the convention was too much fatigued to yell for any great length of time. Mr. Clapp was called. In his speech he said he was very grateful for his nomination, and was also grateful for the sublime insti tution which recognized the equality of states, and the grand principles of ttie lie publican party, and he would endeavor to be true. [Cheers.] William Lee, of Todd county, presented the name of J. D. Jones "as onu of the pioneers of Minnesota," for clerk of su preme court. y tan ford Newel made a speech for S. H. Nichols, which was several times inter rupted by yells of "chestnut!" and he left the platform with suppressed rage. \V. A. Poland, of Swift county, nomi nated Andrew L. llimle, of Lac gui l'arle. George P. Johnson, of Si. Jaiiies, and W. W. Hartley, of Brainerd, were also placed in nomination. Once again ballot ing was proceeded with. It was lacking but twenty minutes to 3 this morning when the secretary com menced to call the roll. The first ba.lut. twenty minutes later, was announced to be: Whole number.... 345Georg:e P. Johnson. 54 F&ra choice 173iA. L. Himle 53 J. D. Jones To W.-W. Hartley 5d S.H.Nichols 11l Julius Aonennan . l JUDGES KENO.UIN' YTKD. There were some yells for Jones when the vote was declined. - Before this vote had been announced, a motion was made by ex-Gov. John IS. i'illsuury, reiioiuiuatlng Justices VVllliain'JMitcheJl, of Wiuomi, 1). H, Dickinson, -of Bt, Paul, and C. E. Vanderburgh,! of Minneapolis, and was only opposed by a Stevens county delegate, who named E. W. llandall, who proposed an amendment to have the name of Judge John H. Brown, of Stevens, sub stituted in place of William Mitchell. Ran dall afterward withdrew his motion, when Guv. Pillsbury explained that the Demo cratic convention had decided to recommend the renomiuation of the supreme judges. Gordon E. Cole, of Faribault, seconded (Joy. Pillsbury's motion, which was then carried without oposition. ( ovcn:io;i fcrlsoe*. Loren Fletcher is an actor. So is H. B. Lanirdon. They are, ior practical purposes, two of a kind. They have been acting lately and have both made decided hits, it unuie tiie old-timers Bmiie to see Mr. Fletcher rise and with a digaified wavu oi his hand allude to "Hon. Mr. Langdoe." It was very amus ing-, but about everybody was on to the fact that it was a bit of acting and threw bouquets, as it were, upon the stage. When the name of C. C. Burke, of Ramsey, was called on taking a recess until 8 o'clock he shouted ■•aye," instantly raised hur rahs from different parts o: ihe hail. but lieu. Flower rushed over to Mr. Burkes sour, and soon brought him into line so tuut he changed his vote, making Ramsey county aoild for sticking it out. Mr. Lovely voiced the sentiment of his party when he said "We have enough to do to protect the interests of our party, it we attend to the business of the convention, without entering into those dissensions." Somebody said that Mr. Lovely was ■ Bnding out how it was in his own district. It seemed to be a jroo.l day lor "switching off," even the electric li-nits being switched oil at 6:80 for a few minutes. As soon as the electric lights went out cries of "dark horse" were heard, bat as the darkness only lasted one minute that notorious animal did not show up. One of the climaxes of the convention was when Knute Nelson "hwrle.l bii'k tne Insult" that the .MoGill men had tendered the Repub licans of the Fifth, district. He hurlt-d it b..c's with a great doulilo-barroled congres sional hurl. When the name of It. 8. Mun^er. of St. Louis county, waa road by the chairman of the coiumittue on credemiuls, there whs somo stamping: of loot and clapping of hands. Mr. Muiiirer's name had. been before the coua initte*! for a half hour or-tnore. Hon. John S. Pillsbury wore that same sur prised look that he did several years ag-o wheu he was nominated for governor. ]t was said that he had a copy of the same speech that he made at flhat time. Three hundred men, standing upon chairs, yelling "Mr. Chairman, " and "hurlinjr in sults" at each other, may be harmoqy of the Republican variety, but it wouldn't be judged so by Democratic standards. On the first informal ballot one vote was cast for A. E. Rice for lieutenant «overnor, which was not announced, leaving 1 tbe total vote on governor one short of the total rep resentation. Georjre K. Shaw was as enthusia9tio when Knute Nelson was making his kick against the McGlli snap came, as he was when Dr. Ames was nominated in the Democratic con vention. George K. Shaw, editor of the Dispatch— McGill will be beaten lor governor ana the Republican legislative and county tickets of both Ramsey and Hennepin counties wiil be defeated. Sam Hill, the young Minneapolitian, with a silk tile and a wiuniuK smile was early on the tioor. His friends claimed that on nu in torraal ballot ho was the best looking man in the hall. Hon, John S. Pillsbiirr moved that "all not dftJau-atea bo tut beUiod sUo bur*." TUejfov ernor is excusable, for he is a member of the commission to select a situ for a second state prison. Col. C. H. Graves, of Duluth, while the committee on credentials wag out, was ap parently the calmest man in tbe hall, not withstanding the wraugle over his delegation. Some of the delegates were t little off In their arithmetic when it adding the number of delegates. One scholarly gentle man insisted that 199 and 159 made 381. The convention was declared illegal at the start because Stanford Newell was wearing no buttonhole bouquet. He had his whiskers with him, but there was no wind. It was suggested that the game be called at 4 o'clock on account of darkness. It was al most impossible to see to write at the report ers' table early in tbe afternoon. When Rev. S. G. Smith said that the dele gates with the prohibition resolutions were practical men, all the upstairs eyes were turned on Gen. A. B. Nettleton. "If Dr. Wedge over again acts as chairman of a covention. he should provide himself with a patent adjustable baokttone," was the opinion of numerous delegates. Hou. John B. Pillsbury and Hon. K. B. Langdon wore Knights of Labor badges yes terday. They will speak at the Labor lyceum in St. Paul at an early date. J. H. Drake, tbe handsomest man in Ft. Paul, and D. E. Myers, the funniest man in Steams couuty, came into the hall together. They were applauded. It was a hulf hour after the time set when Chairman Castle called the convention to order. Mr. Castle wore a Princo Albert coat and a ghostly smile. The way McGill's strength steadily in creased on every ballot was calculated to make tbe Gilman-Gibbs forces exceedingly weak in the knees. Freeman Lane— lf A. R. McGill is nomi nated, It. B. Langdon would not dare to take a nomination on the Hennepin county ticket, and I told him so. The chairman stood like a broken reed amidst the storm of discord and coniusion, which raged in the convention Just before recess was taken. John L. Gibbs was in the hall in the after noon. He sat a little to the rear of tbe stage, on the left, calmly looking over the "sea of faces" in front. B. B. Herbert, of Rod Wing— McGill will probably be elected, but 1 have ray doubts. I think a much stronger man could have boen nominated. A canvass of the newspaper men on the stave, just previous to '.ne convention, showed Gibbs, 8; Gilman, 4;*McGlll, 13; dark horse, 13. The hall resembled, on several occasions, a particularly savage bear gardeu, rather than a (fathering of presumably rational human beings. Alden J. Blethenson occupied a seat with the parquette chtiir-warmers, and Mr. George K. Shawson was naoving about the rear of the room. It was subject of general remark, that William H. Eustis, of Minneapolis, was con spicuously absent. Nobody could account for it. Honest John S. Pillsbury arrived a few minutes before the gavel fell. A ripple of applause went through the hall at this mo ment. Chairman Henry A. Castle wore a pale and haggard look all the afternoon. It grew more and more haggard as the day wore on. General Manager Fletcher announced from the platform that the McGill men were not for sale, and Nelson grinned sardonically. When the chairman of the committee on credentials read the name of Knute Nelson there was a faint ripple of applause. Knute Nelson, as the leader of the anti-Mc- Gill force met foemen worthy of his steel in Loren Fletcher and Standford Newel. Miller Burnell, the Duluth newspaper man, was in the convention. He is a candidate for sheriff in St. Louis county, it is said. . Loren Fletcher, the irrepressible, was every where and bristled up at the slightest aggres sion on the part of the opposition. Mr. Wedge, as temporary chairman, was not a howling success. He meant well, but he couldn't talk loud enough. : . Ignatius Donnelly's face was wreathed in smiles when he came upon the stage, for there was great applause. ■ > :V '■■> "Mark our prediction," as the Dispatch ÜBed to say, "C. A. Gilman will be nominated on the first ballot." When the name of H. G. Hicks was read in the list of delegates admitted somebody rung v chestnut gong. There seemed to be some conflict of opinion as to whether the chairman was really alive or not. Gen. A. B. Nettleton and The other Prohibi tionists were not very enthusiastically re ceived. Knute Nelson found that the prestige of his congressional experience didn't count for much. * -i When Hon. C. K. Davis came into the hall he was greeted with a terrific burst of ap plause. ■-■ •■. Chairman Castle said this was the largest Republican convention that ever met in the state. The snap game of the M:"Gill men did not stop apparently when the cauouses were over. Continued on fourth rage. IT IS BELIVED That there is no property in this city for either MANTJ FACTCBING or SPECULA TIVE purDOses which will render more EEMUNERA- TiVE RETURNS to its pur chasers than that of the St. Paul Harvester Works, for sale on sealed bids, to be opened Oct. 15. Plant, Shops, Machinery, Tenement Houses, 50 Acres of Land in blocks to suit. Pamphlets contain ing Maps, description, terms, etc., sent to any address, by LYMAN D. HODGE, As signee, No. 47 Giifillan Block, St. Paul. Forfeit if not Havana Filler, A GENTLEMAN'S SM3KE FOB. S CUBITS. Thin Cipir will prove as represented «nil willhs eTter! lively advertised in every town for live dealers who will tppreeiata its meriti lino push it accordingly. . < -. , :. SMOKE EL JFEBNO 100 CIGAR. , Address BASCMBX BEOS., Solo Agents,;, ISO Fifth Avenue, - CHICAGO XUaTAXIi J5-"Xf HIPPLER & COLLIER. 199 E. Seventh St., S. K. McM ABTERB,cor. Seventh &Wabashasta. TAYLOR & MYERS. 109 E. Seventh St. PETER OTTO, 109 E. Third st. CHAd. F. KNAUFT, 343 & 352 E. Seventh St. JOHN BODIN. 339 East Seventh st. GEO. J. MITSCH, cor. Seventh and St. Peter. E. ZIMMEUMANN, 318 Jackson st. ; :>L . E. ZIMMERMAN!* & CO.,St. Peter & Tenth sts. THOMAS J. DIBB, 600 Jackson st. A. P. WILKES, Seven corners. : >'- : ; v< ; McMTIRPHEY & ELLIS, 560 Wabasha street. 1 COOK & NOBLE, cor. Rice and Iglehart. J.W. SPBAGUE, cor. University ay. & Rico st. C. A. TKCZIYULN Y. 466 & 468 Wabasha st. W AMPLER & MUBSETTER, and 4th. D. C. KISSEL, cor. Ramsey &W. Seventh sts. J. P. DRIES. 405 at. Peter st. S. H. REEVES, 500 W. Seventh St. J. D. POLLOCK & CO., . Importers and Dealers in . CROCKERY, CHIM AHD GLASSWARE, LAMP GOODS, STONEWARE, Looking Glasses & Plated Ware. 134 East Third Street. CAN'T STOPT y^T\ Did yon never have a ""^f*S*L , similar experience? The /V^^P^s£-' momentum being so /^>>J I wS^'v. great that it's almost im v^t ' /^VrVr- possible to stop. THE (Wj j\ S^ BOSTON has acquired /T}/\W hs>L*^^ such a momentum that iffi\v\\J*S®£\ s to stop it. vi/VwS^^^^fv^ popularity has in- XL7 /^&h& sys I crease( to such an ex ° v^wv^v* /¥/ tent tliat . of it it can truly vW^(S be said, it's the people's <£> • <^^Mm- popular clothing house. <£} p^M^ These chilly days are -^v^^^VT harbingers of what's in •^^ -^jj) store for us. It's just the ' best time now to select your winter suit. You may not actually need it at present, but our assortment is now as large as it will be, and that's saying; a good deal. Three ordinary clothing houses could not contain such an enormous stock as is here under one roof waiting your pleasure. Trou sers are deserving of special mention. They receive more wear than* coats and vests, wear out sooner, three pair of Trousers often being worn out to one coat and vest. Our assort ment of Trousers is worthy an inspection by gentlemen wishing fashionable leg wear. Over coats, both fall and winter, are here by the thousand for you. Those winter overcoats we spoke of that were left over from last year is each one a bargain. They are all precisely as good as any made this year, only we don't like to have one or two overcoats of a kind on hand. It will be to your interest to see if you can be fitted from these bargains in winter overcoats. Some especially choice fall-over^ coats came in last week. They are Meltons in' different colors, and sell for $10, $14 and $16. One-Price Clothing House, Corner Third and Robert Streets, St. Paul. JOSEPH McKEY & CO. __ AN OPEN LETTER! In reply to numerous inquiries regarding the Ernest Gabler & Bro. Pianos, we beg to say that they are STRICTLY FIRST CLASS, and yet sold at a medium price. We offer them at fron $300 upwards, on the very liberal terms of $10 PER MONTH Hundreds ars taking advantage of this offer and we advise all in need of a FIRST-CLASS Piano at a LOW PRICE and on EASY TERMS, to write us at once for catalogue and full particulars. 148 & 150 East Third Street, 408 & 410 Mcollet Avenue, ST, PAUL. MINNEAPOLIS. I litii \K Laced, Button and Congress, W^^^__oNLY $3.50 A PAIR, Seamless. W'^^aaiii,^" 11 ''^ S3 These are CUSTOM-MADE, and not to \kiaziMs t *igs^^o&£ lit ~r be compared with the so-called $3.50 East ern-made shoes sol I throiisrhont the country. Over 2,000 pairs sold by us <^ this season. Every pair warranted. : C i' SCHLIEK & CO, 89 EAST THIRD STREET, ST. PAUL. FALL . STYLE IN ffggeauwmwttre.^ i ■ m m win « COMPLETE STOCK WINDW DRAPERIES, WALLPAPER AND INTERIOR DECORATIONS All at "Popular Prices." ST. PAUL , ffARPET ; v/ COMPANY. A .;•■' 390 Wabasha Street. EDWARD SCOTT, Pres't. nmTJIM HEATING! Ih Pi nlh i WE wish to Lr A UAAA?f INTRO])IJCE OUR PATENT BOILERS In St. Paul and vicinity, and will make VERY LOW PRICES FOR THIS SEASON. Plans and specifications furnished lor pub lic and private buildings. We also manufao ture Valves for Steam, Water and Gas Works, Brass Castings, etc.,. HOLLAND & THOMPSON, Works— St. Paul. Office— l 73 Minnesota Street. «sSs#s£iS»Tl)3 Peerless Extension" Tatle. ; ItV-.^jJ^'^rS Ml ' 10 onlT ot *vl<w& kila-dried Ash, Oak> (TEJjJ-^ftl Birch or *' 11 " llt - Patented slide. RoiaoTatla ■«B E ' 9 T1 "-' haii'lwiines t and strongest table In ■If ■ is tl>< market. bun, l for dcacriptiTe circular to , • The St. Anthony Furniture Co., St. Anthony Park. • ' Ramsey Co. Minnesota. CARPETS ! We shall begin on Monday a special sale of WILTONS AND MOQUETTES. We have an enormous stock of these goods, aud our prices will lie worthy the attention of all. AUERBACa FINCH & VAN SLYCK. TESTIMONAY OF MICHIGAN ARCHITEC! Saoixaw, Mich., Aug. 19, 1886—1 har< used the Hall's Sheathing Lath In the construction of private dwellinßß.and public buildings, with very satisfactory re< suits, and cheerfully recommend its use whert warmth Rnd solidity of walls ia desired. It i 9 also entitled to merit on ceilings where tha builder desires to deaden the upper floors, as it forms a floor for the material. Where extr< warmth is required, it may be used as an out side sheathing, with grooves inward and plas^ ter between the studding, affording also addi tional flre protection. F. W. HOLLTSTER, Architect. E. T. SUMWALT, Lumber Dealer, Gilflllan Block, St. Paul. Agent for the Northwest and Southwest-