VOL. Yin. THE TWOIN ONE _ Chatty Chapter of the Fa mous Minnesota Twins. Of One Motive Born and With Common Interests, They Are One In Policy, in Impulse, in all But Name and Govern ment. The Generous Advertisement Their Ambitious Emulation Has Proved. Winter and Summer Fairy Tales Told by Carnival and Exposition. Northwestern Portals Through Which Flows the Diffusive Commer cial Tide. Capital Meets Legitimate Eeturns and Labor Finds Its Choicest Home. Ihe Busy Glint of What the Future Probably Holds in Store For the Twins. Potent Factors Which Built Chicago Quickened in Their Northwest ern Work. The Home of Hope Built by the Faith of Men in a Future Serene . and Sure. . The Twin Cities. No one ever questioned the eternal fitness of this appellation; its utter appropriate ness was never disturbed by a doubt; yet few, upon whose tongues it has been trippingly uttered, have ever reasoned out the why and wherefore of the name. St Paul and Minneapolis are not twin cities merely because they adjoin each other, and because one boundary line is nearly mutual. Twin implies something more, and in the solution of that implication lies all the his tory of the growth, development, energy, enterprise, and. above all, the boundless future of these two great cities. I use the word future ad visedly, and not futures. for in the destiny reserved for this double expo nent of what may be wrought, there is no room for plurals. They are twins because the children of a common mother-cause and sisters in the evolutionary work of progres sive civilization. They were born of one motive and have grown by one impulse, and in a common cause. Bound together by the band of mutual interest, they are one in all that might affect the material welfare of either. Benefit one. and the other feels the impulse; strike at one, and the shock is carried at once to the other. Their interests are so common and so intertwined that they are one in everything but name and mu nicipal government. Twins also implies something of similarity and equality — re semblance in form and condition. Minne apolis and St. Paul, compared, again illus trate the aptness of the cognomen. One •would scarcely speak of St Paul and Mer riam Park as twin cities, or refer to Minne apolis and Hamline as twins, for this rea son. It is obvious therefore, that in apply ing the title. Twin Cities, and it is ap plied with equal satisfaction in either— the idea is communicated of two municipali ties, adjacant and alike, identified and har monized, and in all but name, one in prog ress and prosperity, growth and greatness. They are alike, yet how different! It would be a difficult matter to find two as large cities, differing so widely in many essential characteristics. Here are two flourishing towns, occupying the same gen eral plane, striving for tiie same good and necessarily very much alike in many re spects, yet peopled by an aggregation of races in no way similar except in the at tribute of enterprise. St Paul is older and more conservative; Minneapolis younger and more impulsive. St. Paul calculates. nlans and maps out before moving steadily to its object; Minneapolis, conceives and with an im pulsive rush, reaches for its goal. Both ''get there." one by a carefully laid out route that avoids and sets aside obstacles; the other by an impetuous dash that sur mounts and overtops all impediment. St Paul is thoughtful, Minneapolis mercurial. The population of the Flour City is rash, en ergetic and excitable: that of the Capital is philosophic, solid and not readily stirred up. Incidents that would blockade a Min neapolis avenue with an eager crowd, would scarcely divert a St Paul pedestrian from the direct path he was pursuing. St Paul's populace is a trading people; that of Min neapolis leans to manufacturing. But while general ideas run in these respective chan nels, the fact does not prevent an increase of trade with the one and a spread of manufactures with the others; neither does it prevent the sharp scanning by each of the new directions in which the other is branching out So the cities are d fferent in those points where resemblance is the strongest. Minneapolis is aggressive and iuvincible, St Paul piogressive and power ful. Both are ambitious and emulous. And how well that is. Nothing could be better. A NT.tIh.GLE Between the "I «in» That Chal lenges the Admiration of the ."Na tion. If there is any one thing in which the Twins can claim equal participation, that has succeeded in thoroughly advertising them, ii is this active, zealous and alert emulation. It is a great error, a palpable blunder to speak of it as jealousy or rivalry, in the ordinary sense. it is ambitious emu lation. The outside world calls it rivalry, just as it has learned it.and this rivalry has carried the name and fame of the Twin Cities all over the country. Nothing but good has resulted, and it is ax iomatic that whatever advertises the Northwest helps it. There are good and well meaning people in these cities who have been heard to regret the •'active jealousy" between them, as they phrased it; but even if the feeling which is nonsense— were as strong as represented and as bitter as possiole, it must still be blessed as one of the potential causes of growth, in that it has attracted general at tention toward a section of the republic which needed the advertisement and ful filled its glowing promises. As long as this emulation exists, and the country knows it, so long will restless eyes be cast in this di irctiou to see what will be next brought forth. Let one of these cities engage in any enterprise of moment and see how quickly the world will exclaim: -Wait and see what the other city does.*' There is that effort in each city to keep abreast of the other, and the struggle chal lenges the admiration of the nation— it is a race which the public knows is no hippo drome, and it is the best advertisement the cities could have devised. Emulation should be encouraged. Only let it be honest aud generous, as sow. If any example of this were required, the • C 3? \- s^^ . 'v§^^_^^o^-[ : V" ;,. V y ;•,--■; - ■■•■-.-", I St. Paul winter carnival and the Minneap i lis Industrial exposition will readily furnish j it. The ice palace came first, and the beauty of the structure and the splen dor ot the earn went all over I the land; but people in the midst lof their admiration asked what Minneap [ olis would do. The season passed and the Question was answered in the vast temple of industry and art which rose almost as if I by magic in the Flour City. Who could say that one does not assist the other? The world knew of emulation between the cities and the world knows of their enterprise, con sequently any remarkable expression of this enterprise from the one causes the world to turn to the other in expectation of the parallel. And it always finds it, too. While on this topic I may as well show the additional proof these enterprises fur nish of the statement made above that the cities, while alike, are so different. This is also admirable and commendable, and serves to foster the outside interest. Pla • giarism is unknown, and the envious and longing multitudes in the East know that when they look to one of these cities to see how it will meet and offset an enterprising coup ot the other they will see something entirely different. The carnival and exposition are antipodal. And only look at the effects of the advertisement of each. There have been those who might have made their home in the Northwest, but for fear of the long and bitter winter of Minnesota. The carnival, with one burst of its splendors, did more to dissipate that fear than might otherwise have been accomplished in years. It told of the bracing and inspiring atmosphere of a Northern winter, sending the bright, warm bood coursing swiftly through the vigorous and hardy form; it scouted the idea of suffering from a cold too ex treme; it heralded to the world how the imaginative ligors of a long Northern winter were mitigated and dispersed by sports and scenes Minneapolis gravitated reasonably in the di rection of manufacturing, and her capital has chiefly been invested in that direction, even though the competition of steam with the power of the fails became neces sary. Being the older city, the capital of the state and naturally the first business center, the energy and money of St. Paul were turned toward banking and trading, and the supremacy it attained in those valuable channels has never been wrested from it. Those differences in the cities' expenditure of energy will largely account for the difference in the character and na tionality of their respective populations, hut this difference, very marked two or three years ago. is being rapidly obliterated by constant changes. As for instance: St Paul has turned her attention to the advantages accruing from man facturing and is now reaping the benefits of having secured a number of valuable plants. Minneapolis has received a new invoice of jobbers and her increased trade is ramifying the entire Northwest. So. also, has her banking business steadily increased, reducing the difference to almost nothing. If the progression be continued for only a few years, it will be difficult for either city to point to a superiority in the other of the points named, though doubt less by that time each w.ll have opened out some new line along .vhicli it will lie work ing toward supremacy. And invested cap ital is all the time receiving at least a legitimate return. But how about labor? Here there is no distinction between the cities, and what is said of one will be equally and burly applicable to the other. In common with every new and growing vicinity, the working classes have fared well, and are in much better conditio., thau large cities usually show. This is particu larly true of those branches of labor uot known as skilled, and in which poverty is most apparent the wages being lower, as a rule, in proportion to the cost of living. These cities have paid no fancy prices for labor it may be claimed not even living prices by some — but the rate has been above the average. with other circumstances in favor of the em ployed. The general condition of the la boring clases. however, is largely dependent on other elements than wages and those elements are here favorably furnished. The assertion is boldly ventured that in no cities in the world does so large a propor tion of the wage-earners own their own home's, and in no city in the world is prop erty purchasable on terms better within the reach of this class. Owning their own homes and imbued with the pride of pro prietorship; with the absence of the tene ment house system inseparable from most cities; ' devoid ot metropolitan squalor and its accompanying vice, the general situation of the Xoith western breadwinner is far above that of his fellows in the country at large. . It must not be understood that this is a Beul-th Land for the mechanic. If there is any one thing the Northwest would sedulously avoid, it is the over crowding of the labor market It would bo foolishly cruel to invite labor beyond the legitimate demand for it and it is now a matter of congratulation that in' spite of the influx of mechanics of all lines, the building and improving operations have been so steady and uniform as to have kept pace with the labor community and prevented that direst of social misfortunes— an over stocked labor market. The Northwest only invites labor to meet the demand, and to an overplus points to the millions of unbroken acres to the westward. We would not have more unemployed men on our hands, and they cannot all go into the real estate busi ness. What a business that has been. How much it has done for the Twins. No North westerner but will realize all that is meant by a boom. The ST. PAUL, SATURDAY MORNING, DECEMBER _, 1886 -SIXTEEN PAGES |* real estate . dealer is the only and original boomer, and much credit is due his efforts, selfish as they are. It is the teal estate dealer who lays in the stock of valuable statistics that go for so much, and which tell the fairy tale of the North .west in language so fascinating. .It is he who has made the fabulous fortune in the rise of values, and who stands forever be fore immigrant and investor alike as at the goal all may reach. Numerous as he is: sharks as many as the ciass contains, the Twin Cities would have languished and halted but for these indefatigable boomers," who. in making themselves, have made the cities. Their influence reaches as wide as their sales, and their sales are illimitable. Their voice has made fictitious values real, and their work is one of the corner-stones of these giant municipal structures. Their name is legion, and their work is miracles. But we have now reached a point where their labors are over. The cities are now metropolitan. . WEALTH A.--.0 ll ,I'IRE. Sixty-One millionaires in the Two title*-- i rt a.i.t Literature. The people feel this, and feel that the first ami most difficult stuiggle for place and rank is over. Those who have for years been toiling for a competence feel they have at length reached the top of the ladder. The "Twin Cities now number . among their inhabitants sixty-one millionaires and quadruple that number of half millionaires, and a wealthy class has been fairly established. This being an accomplished fact, the grinding struggle for wealth is over and the benefi cent influences of its possession are making themselves apparent. With, or after wealth, comes culture and there is no surer index to inetropoiitanism than a widespread love of the beautiful. The attention of the cities is turning to art and to Lterature, and a higher grade of society is being evolved. ' More liberal education, more elevating stir- . rouudings, a higher home life and the bene fits of travel and observation are i following as natural sequences. The effect on the middle and lower classes is a material improvement of their condition, owing mainly from a better ap preciation of their necessities. The school system undergoes a gradual but certain im provement; pub' c exhibitions of art are encouraged; circulating libraries are estab lished and general reading encouraged; park systems, the gardens of the poor, are built at great public cost and to the great public delight, and, finally, eleemosynary institutions of all kinds are established and maintained. These are the indisputa ble evidences of metropolitanism. ob | servable in both cities. The universal j effort to provide an abundance of theatrical i and musical amusement and entertainment is another conspicuous evidence of the at ! tainment of that certain growth, in which a ! city puts on metropolitan habiliments. The j presence of nine theaters, besides the run of ! minor and transient places of amusement ; and two permanent panoramas cannot be overlooked in this estimate of greatness. Then there is the matter of sports. While opinions may differ on this subject. and without entering info the question of j utility, there is no surer index of the ad- I vanced growth of the Twin Cities than is found in the fact that they have recently become a great center for leading sporting I events. The Northwest has in the past two I years been the arena for more leading ! events than any other section of country, and as sporting events are all dependent upon gate receipts this fact is a "tribute to greatness," an acknowledgment of popula tion not to be doubted. Only great centers of population attract great sporting events, and iv this line the Twin Cities may claim even more than their proportion. A word might also be added calling atten tion to the fact that within the past two • years the number of national organizations that made one or the other of the two cities the place of their annual convent ons was exceeded by only two cities on the conti nent New York and Chicago. This is a fact worthy of mental digestion, too. All this is of the past and present. The Twin Cities stand for themselves, as they are. What of their future? Their growth and development have not j. been erratic nor spasmodic nor eccentric, ; but regular and steady. The law of causes : and effects is never more plainly shown. ; Those causes are not only still in existence, : but have been stimulated and accelerated. ; The effect produced thus tar is but the be , ginning, it the future may justly be viewed in the light of the past. Enterprises, bora with the birth of the cities' greatness, are ' but now beginning to make themselves j felt in the development of the Northwest, ' which means the combined growth and j prosperity of St Paul and Minneapolis. ; The era of the railway age has just fairly j dawned. The settlement and growth of ; the northwestern country are still in their ' ! infancy. The progress of the two cities is ' j that of a rolling snowball, gathering and | increasing as it moves. These are con- j densed truisms, simply. No one will dispute that the growth of Minneapolis and St Paul is and will continue to be coincident i to the growth of the vast territory to the : northwest, of Minnesota, Dakota and Mon tana, until at least, there shall spring up in that directum another city, by the same causes, when the Twin Cities shall have ful filled their present destiny. COMPARED WITH CHICAGO. The Growth o_ Thai City Never So Great or Rapid, as That of the Twins. Take Chicago, for instance and make a comparison. _ Its growth was never so proportionately _ I great nor its development so relatively I rapid, yet the causes that, accumulated that so secure metropolis on the shores of Michigan were identical with those now operating to a greater end through the Twin Cities. ' Cn cago was the depot of supplies for the Northwest. That is the secret of its present greatness. Today Minneapolis aud St. Paul occupy that posi tion and are the gateway through which rolls the commercial tide, diffusing itself over the great country beyond. For Chi cago this territory was limited, but for the Twins it is almost boundless. When Chicago became the commercial portal that was most potential in her greatness, the Northwest was almost a trackless waste and afforded but limited trade; while in the West, St Louis disputed supremacy iv one direction, and Kansas City sprung up as an additional bar in another. To day the Twin cities are purveyor to a vast territory that stretches to the Pacific ocean; that is developing with wondrous rapidity; that promises to outrival the Middle states, and that has in office uo rivals to the cities of St. Paul and Minneapolis. The con -1 ditions of Chicago's growth are all present, • in improved and quickened form, to preside over the destiny of the Minnesota Twins. The advantages Chicago has long held are melting away. Her despotic control of the railroads is slipping from her grasp ami dis criminations in her favor will soon be a tiling of the past. It is a fact which may be reviewed with complacency, that, in spite of the obedience Chicago wrested from the railways, the general discrimina tions in her favor in the shape of conces sions and rebates, the reductions in freights on long hauls as against shorter ones — in spite of all of these obstacles to their youth ful progress, the onward match of the Twins has never faltered. i Now mark the improvement. ! That was when the little Twins were hold out inducements to railroads to build iv this direction; wheu valuable frau- chides were offered to secure them: but the railroads now come to the giant Twins and Mahomet has become the mountain. Vast tonnage is here for transportation, and ton nage is the magnet that draws the iron tracks. From way stations on uncertain lines, the cities have become the center of great railway systems, and from hoping to secure projected lines from elsewhere, have grown into projectors of lines themselves. The railway outlook is no uncertain ele ment in the future of the Twins. • Even now, in various portions of the state, and in the heart of winter, snow is b'-ing cleared from the ground to make way for new tracks, along which cars will roil to and from these cities, themselves linked togethei by so many iron bands. What ever aids in developing Minnesota reacts to the bene.it of the cities. As in England all roads lead to London, so in Minnesota everything centers in the two chief cities. and for these purposes Minnesota extends to the western boundary of Montana. The entire Northwest has two loci— Paul and Minneapolis. Will this growth continue? There is no reason to doubt it, though that past growth has been so phenomenal as to prompt many to wonder If it could la?t As year by year adds its quota to the record, the marvel ceases -for all but those to whom it is a novelty. Nothing has been a more conspicuous factor in the uprising of the cities than that unswerving, undaunted faith in their future remarked in those most prominently identified with past achieve ments. It is a faith that lives and is accompanied by works, and confi dence in the future of these cities has never yet been misplaced or gone un rewarded. To look through rose-tinted glasses has become as habitual to the dweller in Minneapolis or St Paul as to breathe the pure Minnesota air about him. They are tinged by hope and the hope is born of knowledge and experience. Hope is the living in expectation. That is what we all do. Hope built the Twin Cities. m . MRS. LIStOi^'SSISTEB. The PinMMt Will -Probably Reap point tier Postuiiktreks at Ellla< bethiown. Ky*. Washington, Dec. 3. — Kentucky has been quite fruitful in postoffice contests, some of which have resulted disastrously to those who have been engaged in them. It is soon to have another, which has some historical interest. Those who are familiar with the war will remember that there was at different times much comment on the fact that Mrs. Abraham Lincoln had a sis ter who was the wife of a ptominent Con federate. That sister was Mrs.. Helm, who is now postmistress at Elizabethtown, Ky.. which is now in Larue county, which has been cut off from the former Hardin county, in which Abraham Lincoln was born. The husband of Mrs. Helm was the Confederate general Ben Hardin Helm. He was the grand-son of the noted Ben Hardin, and the son of John Helm, ex-governor of Ken tucky. He was killed at the battle of Shiloh while leading a brigade. His widow was appointed postmistress at Elizabeth town by President Arthur at the recom mendation of Gov. Knott, who was sup ported by nearly all the leading men in Kentucky in both parties. The term of the office expires in January, and some of the active politicians of that town who think that the office has been held by her long enough, wish to succeed her. Mrs. Helm was here a few days ago, and is in vigorous health, quite capable of perform ing the duties of the office for . many years, which she has already tilled with satisfac tion one term. It is believed that the pres ident will follow the example of President Arthur and permit Mrs. Helm to retain this office. . .1 PERILS OF THE DEEP. Terrible Experience of the Crew of the So_.ooner Parr During a Gale on ! Lake Michigan. The Vessel Beached on the Indiana Shore, After Desperate Attempts to Eeach Shore. Graphic Description of the Wrecl*. of the Ariadne, Near Oswego, N. Y. i j _________________ Desperate Attempts to Rescue the Crew--Sailors Frozen to Death. i Chicago. Dec. 3. — Last Tuesday the schooner Bay S. Farr left Muskegon for Chicago with a load of slabs. On Wednes day afternoon she went, ashore on the beach near Michigan City, Ind., and the crew reached this port this morning. The wind was blowing stiff from the north when the vessel left Muskegon, and there was a moderate sea running, but it was thought that- Chicago harbor could easily be made with the Wind as it was then. All went well until Wednes day morning just as Chicago harbor was sighted. Just then the wind freshened up to a gale and veered to the westward. The schooner had been lying up tolerably close and the change in the wind made it impos sible for her to keep on her course to Chi cago. The wind grew more and more fierce, and the cold more intense, until every drop of spray that struck the vessel FKOZE AS IT FELL, gradually loading the vessel down on her lee side until she was nearly on her beam ends, and her canvas solid sheets of ice, two or three inches in thickness, and totally unmanageable. The sea began to rise and run from the north, and every wave broke over the vessel, now so loaded with ice that -lie was almost hull-down in the water. South Chicago was sighted, but the crew were unable to do anything toward guiding their vessel, and she drifted helplessly by. A determined effort was made by the crew to get in the stiff, frozen canvas, and it was brought down. though the sails were broken in pieces as they were folded on the deck. By this time the crew of the vessel were almost dead from exhaustion. They had been oh deck all night long, and were covered with the frozen spray. Several of the men were badly frozen, and Capt Granzo. who had stuck to his post in the icy wire rigging, keeping a lookout for shore and giving orders to his brave men on deck, was in A pitiful condition. His nose, ears, fingers and toes were frozen, and* he was completely encased in ice. As his vessel drifted past South Chi cago, the captain saw that ail hopes of mak ing a harbor were gone, and he determined to put his vessel before the wind and beach her in the sand near Michigan City, Ind. This was done about 2:30 o'clock. The vessel struck the bar about seven miles this side of that town. She grounded on the bar, and the next moment a tremendous wave came down on her, sweeping her over the bar, and drenching her with water from stem to stem. Another bar lay beyond, and the steamer struck again and was once more carried over by another wave, which froze as it struck, and left the vessel little more than a mammoth iceberg. The schooner struck on the beach, but it is sloping at this point, and the crew were still a long distance from shore. The yawl boat was lowered, but was immedi ately struck by a cake of ice and swamped. THE TACKLE STILL HELD and the boat was regained and the crew managed to crawl into her and make their way through the tield of floating ice to the shore, where, almost dead from exposure, they were cared for by the villagers iv the neighborhood. The men were all in a ter rible condition, and the medical force was kept busy attending the numerous frost bites. Cant. Granzo's injuries were the most severe, his lingers being perfectly black. They were lanced, and it is hoped that his hands will be saved. The crew were cared for until last evening, when they left for Chicago, arriving here this morning. The Fan is on the beach and is vow completely surrounded by ice. fl^~ Fire on a Lighter. ' New York, Dec. 3. Fire broke out this morning on the lighter Ino, which was receiving a cargo of cotton from the Charleston line dock, Pier 29, East river. The Ino had 295 bales of cotton on board, which were destroyed. The loss is esti niatee at $35,000. A Detroit Blaze. Detroit, Dec. 3.— The Detroit Pipe Foundry company's works on Michigan avenue, near the railroad crossing, were burned to the ground early this morning, together with thousands of dollars' worth of" machinery and patterns. The fire was the most destructive that has occurred in Detroit since the Ferry conflagration last June. The loss is estimated at 100. 000; insurance £20.000, divided into ten policies of $2,000 each. One hundred and fifty men are thrown out of employment The works will be rebuilt Schooner in Distress. Vineyard Haven, Mass., Dec. 3.— unknown three-masted schooner has been ashore on L'Hommedieu shoal, Viueyard sound, since vesj.eid.iv. with signals for as ! sistance flying. Owing to the northwest gale which is prevailing, no assistance can reach her. The sea is breaking over her ana she is covered with ice. It is believed she is the William T. Donnelly. Capt Bas sett, from Baltimore for Boston, coal laden. FROZE.*. TO DEATH. The "lory off the Wreck off the Ari adne—An Am fill "Experience. Oswego, N. V., Dec. 3.— One of the severest storms of wind and snow that ever v. sited this section swept over Lake On tario Wednesday night. The wind, which had all day blown from the southward, changed around to the west in the evening, and by nightfall was blowing at the rate of sixty miles an hour. Seven vessels, loaded with barley, were known to be off this port, and much anxiety was, felt tor their welfare. Rockets were sent up by the life-saving crew from the piers, and huge bonfires, fed by willing hands, were kept constantly burning on the bluffs along the lake front to guide the storm j tossed vessels into port. About 8 o'clock a ' large black vessel was discovered through the snow, drifting past the mouth of the ■ harbor. Her mainmast was gone and her crew were burning signals of distress ! from her decks. The seas were very | heavy, and the snow was carried along in I blinding sheets, which at times shut out the j lights from the vessel, which ' was drifting hopelessly to destruction. A tug boat tried to reach her. but was nearly swamped in the endeavoi to back into the harbor. After considerable difficulty the crew succeeded in clearing away the disabled rigging, and got a portion of her mainsail set aud headed her for the foot of the lake. About 3 o'clock Thursday morning the vessel STRUCK ON A REEF about twenty miles from this port, and the crew lashed themselves to the forward rig ging, where they were discovered at day light by farmers on shore. The surf was very heavy, and there was no suitable boats in the vicinity to I hausted to make it tast for some time. At .last j ONE poop, FELLOW, who was seen clinging to the main mast, let go" his bold and grabbed the life link, took a turn at the spar, and life savers were quickly aboard the ill-fated vessel. The poor fellow that had roused himself sufficiently to make the line fast was washed overboard by a large wave, but graspep a piece of the wreckage and was tossed insensible upon the shore. His two companions were found lashed in the fore rigging unconscious, and badly frozen, and were sent ashore, in the life buoy. Two sailors were found lashed to the capstan frozen dead, and one body was seen in tiie forecastle. The life saying crew found it impossible to rescue the bodies, and with the two unconscious sailors left the wrt/jk. The rescued men were taken to a farm house and a physician sent for, but it is feared that they will not ' recover. There was nothing on their cloth ing by which they could be identified. One of the dead sailors frozen to the capstan is thought to be Sutherland McKay, father of the young captain. He is about 60 years old, and has a wife in Toronto. Badly Frozen. St. Louis, Dec. 3. — Eight negro roust abouts, a part of the crew of the river steamer Mattie Bell, arrived at the Union depot last night with badly frozen hands, feet and faces. They had been working on the boat at Pearl Isle iv the Illinois river all day Tuesday and Wednesday during the blizzard, and became so badly frozen that they were sent by rail to this city with in structions to apply for admission at the Marine hospital. Four of their number are in such a serious condition that their hands aud feet will have to be amputated. The Brocton Fire. Brocton, Mass., Dec. 3.— The total loss by the. fire here last night is* estimated at $220,000. The losses are as follows: H. L. Bryant buildings, loss 555.000. insur ance $50,000; Edgar & Reynolds, dry goods. $30,000, insurance 880.000; Loring & Howard, carpetings and paper hangings, $60,000, insurance $46,000. Burned to Death. Tyrone, Pa., Dec. 3.- This morning at 2 o'clock a house at Pennsylvania furnace, occupied by a family named Powely, was discovered to be on fire, and before assist ance could be rendered was entirely con sumed. Two of the inmates. John Bar and a child of Powely, were burned to death. Democrats Feeling Comfortable. Indianapolis, Dec. 3. The Democrats are feeling comfortable over the thought that if two of the Republican senators who are charged with being illegally elected are thrown out and Democrats take their seats, this would give the Democracy a two-thirds majority in the senate. This would effect ually block any revolutionary scheme of the Republicans to secure the United States senator. With a two-thirds majority, and no fear of the destruction of a quorum by the withdrawal of the Republican members, the senate might adjourn over the day ap pointed for the election of a senator, and persist in so doing, if necessary, until a senatorial vacancy under the constitution would be declared. .In this event the gov ernor could appoint a successor to Senator Harrison. The Cholera. Buenos Ayres, Dec. 3. — Seventeen new cases of cholera were reported in this city yesterday and nine deaths. In Rosairio thirty-four new cases were reported and twenty five deaths. In Cordova there were 1 twelve new cases and five deaths. NO. 3 3 8 A VERY TOUGH "LADY." Further Developments in the Sensational Campbell Divorce Case. ; at London Yesterday. The Gay and Festive ..Manner in Which the Plaintiff Disported Her self Exposed. How She Managed ITer Meetings With the Duke of Marlborough and Chief »haw. A Charge That When She Became a Wife She Had a Loath some Disease. ■ - London, Dec. 3.'— the Campbell di vorce case to-day, O'Neill, the man servant on cross-examinati^i repeated his declara tion of yesterday, that looking through a key hole in the dining-room door be saw the plaintiff and Chief Shaw in a com promising position. Lord Colin Campbell, witness said, was in the drawing room while Chief Shaw and plaintiff were on this oc casion in the dining-room. Asked if he did not know that there were flaps over the key hole in the dining-room door, witness said he did not Elizabeth Evans, a house- * maid for Lady Miles, testified that during the Easter holidays in 1883 Lady Colin Campbell OCCUPIED BED-ROOM NO. 38 at Leigh court, and that the Duke of Marl borough occupied room No. 37. .Witness saw Lady Colin once, while in. the central hall of Leigh court, take off one of her slippers and throw it at the duke. Both went to Leigh court on the same day. and they left on the same day also. Whilst Lady Campbell was at Leigh court she ap peared to be robust and went out on long walks in all kinds of weather, in snow, rain or mud, with Dr. Bird. It was only after plaintiff returned to London that she appeared to be ill. Witness remembered that on one occasion, in April, 1883, Gen. Butler was in the drawing room with Lady Colin when some one called. Lady Colin came out and said she was not at home. Her hair at the time was disarranged and her face was flushed. When Lord Colin came home Lady Colin went to her bed room, and Gen. Butler came down stairs and let himself out of the house. Soon afterward Lady Colin came down and BEGAN TO SING AND PLAY. Lord Colin called her, and she went to his room and said she didn't know he was home, and asked him why he had not come into the drawing room. He replied, "Be cause you had a visitor there." Lady Colin answered, "Only the old soldier; he has known me since I was a child." Annie Duffy, Lord Colin Campbell's nurse, testi fied that she was engaged in 188*2 to attend the defendant Lady Colin gave him, wit ness said, but little attention. Her visits were scarcely ever longer than five minutes, and she never read td him. Once witness saw Dr. Bird sitting on a stool at Lady Colin's feet Dr. Bird met Lady Colin at the Leigh Court station. Witness once saw a letter in Lady Colin's handwriting tall out of Dr. Bird's case of instruments. Lady Colin became ill in April. Her ailment was unusual. Dr. Bird, conversing with wit ness ten days afterward, said, "Don't talk about Lady Colin's illness. Just say Lady Colin has a cold." Witness, basing her ob servation on seventeen years' experience as a nurse, believed that Lady Colin's illness at this time was the result of a miscarriage. " Dr. Bird dined in the house and remained IN LADY COLIN'S BED-ROOM until 11 o'clock. Lord Colin said: "Isn't it rather late, doctor? Is Lady Colin so ill that you have to remain, although she has : a nurse here?" Dr. Bird answered:. *i'."l fell asleep and forgot the time." After this illness Lady Colin wore a half hoop emerald ring, and when she went into her husband's room she used always to turn the stones of the ring around from the top to the lower side of the finger that bore it. Witness being asked why. being Lord Colin's nurse, she did not inform him of what she saw said she refrained from doing so because she felt certain that ulti mately he would find it all out. Lady Colin's illness, witness continued, com menced on April 14 and by the l'Jth wit ness had concluded that her ladyship had suffered a miscarriage. Witness was not aware, however, that any operation had been performed, and ne\*er heard that such was the case until now, when the idea was suggested by counsel's questions. Amy Wright, a hospital nurse, testified that she was in attendance upon Lord Colin Camp bell at the time of his marriage. She ac companied his lordship and Lady Colin to Scotland. From what she saw, witness believed that Lady Campbell, at the time of her marriage, and for some time before it, was suffering from AN INFECTIOUS DISEASE, the most loathsome of its class [sensation], and that she did not warn Lord Colin Campbell against the probable results of : the consummation of a marriage with a woman in her diseased condition. Witness was not Lord Colin Campbell's medical ad viser. She had had fourteen years' ex perience in hospitals. Two years ago sho made a statement to Solicitor Humphrey similar to the one she had just made con cerning the plaintiff. Tho case was at this poiut adjourned. —^^^— Reagan Wants to be Senator. Palestine, Tex., Dec. 3. Since the announcement of Hon. J. R. Reagan's candidacy for the United States senate, some ten days ago, his pronounced support _* has increased from a dozen votes at the start to thirty-one senators and representa tives. This indicates something of a boom for the veteran congressman, and puts him second to Maxey in the race. It is thought by many of the best-posted politicians iv the state that Judge A. W. Terrell, who made a thorough canvass of the state as an anti-monopolistic candidate, will withdraw from the race after a lew ballots, and his strength, which is considerable, will largely goto Judge Reagan, because of his anti monopolistic labors in congress. Judge Terrell, in the event of such withdrawal, will then buckle on his armor to do battle with the learned Senator Coke at the expi ration of his term two years hence. The legislature meets the first week in January. A Confiscate J Vessel. Montreal, Dec. 3. — The American schooner Highland Light, which was for- • feited to the crown by Chief Justice Palmer, and ordered to be sold on the 14th inst, will be bought in by the Dominion government and fitted up as a cruiser under command of Capt. Loravv. who effected her capture. Though the last of the ves sels captured under the treaty of 1818,' sho is the first confiscated. — <__— ■ Shot Himself. .unt Holly, N. J., Dec. Col.l James N. Stratton, a well-known lawyer and formerly judge advocate of the Nationa guard, of New York, committed suicide by . shooting himself in the head. Despondency on account of illness is the supposed cause. Made **»<' Report. Indianapolis, Jnd., Dec. 3. — The grand jury of the federal court adjourned to-day * without returning any indictments against the parties who mutilated and forged tho election returns in this county, by which two- Democratic, county officers were counted in, or making any report on the subject whatever. Judge Wood rebuked them in a caustic manner and then dis charged^ them. A Verdct Asbiiki Butler. Boston, Mass., Dec. 3.— ln the case of the National Soldiers' home against Gen. Butler the jury to-day found a verdict for 116,537.50 against Geu. Butler.* -