OCR Interpretation

St. Paul daily globe. [volume] (Saint Paul, Minn.) 1884-1896, January 31, 1887, Image 9

Image and text provided by Minnesota Historical Society; Saint Paul, MN

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn90059522/1887-01-31/ed-1/seq-9/

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ST. PAUL, MONDAY, .IAN. 31, 188 T.
Daily (Not including Sunday.)
3yr. in advance. ..sS 00 | 3 mos., in advance. s2 00
twos., in advance. 400 | C weeks. in advance. 100
One month 70c.
:yr.. in advance .$lO 00 I 2 nios., in advance. SO
(Bios., in advance 500 | 5 weeks. in advance 100
One mouth 85c,
"i r.. in advance.. no | •'■ mos.. in advance... We
lino?., in advance. 1 00 | 1 mo., in advance. ...20c
XBI-WXESXT— — Monday, Wednesday and
jjr.v in advance.. $4 00 '• 6 mos., in advance. 00
o months, in advance $1 00.
Cue Tear, fl. Six Mo.. 65 cts. Tlireo Mo., 35 cts.
Rejected communications cannot be preserved.
Address all letters and telegrams to
THE GLOBE, St. Paul, Minn.
THE ST. PAUL. C.1.08i.
lias a Larger Circulation than that j
of Any Other newspaper Printed
Northwest of C.'hicngo,and it is Stead
ily aud Kapidly Increasing, Keeping
Pace with the Growth of the Great
fity of which the is Admit
tedly the Journalistic Representa
tive. . ; .
It is the Best Advertising: medium
for Those wit© Desire to Reach All
C lasses of Newspaper Headers in the
reat Northwest, and Especially in
Minnesota and Dakota.
* — — -
Washington, Jan. 31, 1 a. m. lndications:
Tor Michigan and Wisconsin: Westerly,
shifting to northerly winds: fair weather,
■becoming: slightly warmer. For lowa. Minne
sota and Eastern Dakota.: Cold, fair weather,
becoming' slightly warmer, variable followed
by southerly winds. 9b3H
St. Pat'l, Jan. "0. — The following 1 observa
tions were made at 8:48 p. ni., local time.
Bak. I Th eh. 2
I 5
a h ' .s
Place of Observation. 2. ~ |^S 2°
% S =?, |
I F If! a
Duluth 30. 151— 171 *2|Clear
St. Paul 30.17—21 *•-' Clear
LaCrosse i 30. — 12 " 2 Cloudy
Huron i 30.10— 1S *4 Lt.snow
Moorhead ' 30.28 —20 *1 Clear
St. Vincent I 80.29—27 12 Clear
Bismarck 30.25—30 *9 Clear
Fort Buford 30.21—20 *2 Cloudy
Fort Assinaboine 30.231— II Fair
Fort Custer 30.01 — 18 *4 Fair
Helena 29.82—12 *1 Lt.snow
Fort Garry 30.31—34 *10 Clear
Minnedosa 30.36,— 27J Hazy
Medicine Hat 30.351—21 .... Lt.snow
— .Below *Lower tHigber.
People who went to the opera house last
night expecting: to hear an intelligent dis
cussion of the high license question, and to
learn in what way it would aid in restrict
ing the evils of intemperance, were disap
pointed." It was made apparent at an "early
stage of the meeting that the object was to
•whip the Republican members of the legis
lature into support of the Daniels high
license bill, now before the legislature. In
this respect the meeting partook more of
the character of a political caucus than a
religious assemblage. •
1 The principal point dwelt upon by the
speakers was that because a high license
plank' had been placed in the Republican
state platform the Republican members of
the legislature were obliged to support just
such a measure as the leaders of the high,
license movement required. It seems
never to have occurred to the ora
tors of last niirht's meeting that
this same Republican legislature had elected
a high tariff man to the United States
senate in spite of the fact that a low tariff
plank had been inserted in the Republican
platform. By parity of reasoning there can
be no more inconsistency in a Republican
voting against a high license bill than there
■was in a Republican voting fo*r Gov.
Davis for the senate.
Another peculiar feature of this matter
is that some of the same gentlemen who are
so urgently holding the Republican mem
bers up to the high ' license rack ere the
same gentlemen who were most persistent
in urging upon their fellow Republicans to
support Davis, in disregard of what their
party platform said on the subject of tariff,
Their consistency seems to bo in being in
consistent, and yet they want to slaughter
any other Republican who manifests the
same trait.
The Republican members of the legisla
ture who are disposed to act upon their
own judgment respecting the liquor traffic
will not relish the bulldozing processes of
the meeting last night. The threats of de
struction of all future political prospects for
members of the legislature who will not toe
the mark on the Daniels bill, is hardly
the kind of an argument to convince a man
who relies on his own judgment and re
spects his independence of character. Still
much less effective as an argument will be
the threat which was made boldly and re
peatedly that the members who voted in
opposition to the wishes of the high license
leaders will be branded as corrupt and the
receivers of bribes.
This is not the style of argument to con
vince intelligent legislators, nor is it the
way to teach men their public duty.
The charge made last night, either directly
or by innuendo, by the majority of the
speakers at the opera house meeting, that
Ihe members of the legislature who will
oppose the high license bill before that body
have been bought by the liquor dealers, is an
insult to the representatives of the people.
The charge made by some of the speakers
that no man could be elected to the legisla
ture or to any other public office in the
cities of St. Paul or Minneapolis until he
had bowed at the feet of the saloon men
and submitted to wear their collar was as
unfounded as it was offensive.
It was a slur upon the gentlemen who
represent Ramsey and Hennepiu counties,
lor which there \v;ts no provocation.
It was a reflection upon the two cities i
which will be resented by every citizen who !
has their reputation at heart
. Abuse and villilication do not take the
place of argument.
If the advocates ot higu license 1 cannot
Inaugurate a more rational movement In its
behalf than the demonstration at the opera
house la?t night they,.- had better abandon
the field.
Gen. Ni:tti.k ton frankly admitted in
his Speech last night that high license would
not stop the liquor traffic. He gave it out
cold that the boys who wanted to whet
their whistles would still have the chance
to do sit ii high license did prevail. From
his standpoint wo take it that the moral ef
fects of a high license measure rest on a
revenue basis only, the object being to get
the most revenue into the treasury without
regard to the amount of liquor that is sold.
He came nearer to reaching a practical dis
cussion of the question than any of his asso
Still when we get down to a real practi
cal view of the subject it is difficult to see
how high license will in any sense restrict
the liquor traffic. That it will transfer it
into the hands of tewer people is admit- i
ted, but that it will in any sense limit or J
diminish the quantity sold is altogether im
probable. The. effect will be to kill off the j
small saloons, where very little if any alco- I
holic spirits ar« sukl The principal traflic ■
in the small' saloons is in beer and light .
wines. They are patronized by the poorer !
classes of people or those who do not
care to buy the high-priced whiskies
and fancy drinks which are sold in the
tony saloons. The • effect •of high license
will be to close the beer saloons and to
open up more whisky shops. So far as
the public safety is concerned and the pub
lic morals are to he regarded, a policy of
this kind has the appearance of putting the
cart before the horse. Beer is a compara
tively innocent drink, while whisky is the
real bane of life. If the- American people
could be induced to forego whisky entirely
and drink beer and wine exclusively, as
they do in Germany and France, we would
make longer strides in the direction of tem
perance than has ever yet been made. And
yet it is a singular fatuity on the part of
our temperance reformers to advocate a
policy just the reverse of what ought to be
The information comes to the Globe from
a perfectly reliable source that Gov. Pierce
not standing as firm as he should against
the pressure being brought Into play to in
duce him to usurp Gov. Chukch's preroga
tive and appoint Dakota's territorial officers
for the ensuing four years. Doubtless, con
sidering the supposed hold it would give
him upon several gentlemen more or less in
fluential in a political way, there is a strong
temptation for Got. Piekce to disregard
courtesy and take the appointments out of
Gov. Chckch's hands. Conservative pol
iticians, however, are of the opin
ion that Piekce could not com
mit political suicide in a . more ef
fectual manner. Such action would not
only alienate every Democrat in the terri
tory who is now disposed to regard him fa
vorably, but would also disgust every fair j
minded Republican, for lair play is one of |
the most marked Dakota characteristics.
Gov. PiEBCB cannot afford to listen to the
anxious pleas of the hungry seekers after
office unless he is prepared to forego all
idea of a political future in Dakota. Even !
if, disregarding every other consideration
which should have weight, he looks at the
matter from a selfish standpoint alone, he
will, if wise, come to the conclusion that
his proper course is to stand steadfast
and firm against the pressure which is being
exerted to force him to make appointments
which in equity, if not in law, belong to
Mr. Folsom takes up the cudgel this
morning in defense of the canal project.
He says that an accurate scientific survey
was not. made because the appropriation of
1575 was not sufficient, but that the survey
went far enough to demonstrate the prac
ticability of connecting the St. Croix and
Lake Superior waters. So far as the im
portance of this canal is concerned, it can
not be over-estimated. At the same time
the state and national governments will not I
want to waste any money on a project that
is impracticable. The national govern
ment ought to make the preliminary sur- j
vey, and there can be no reasonable objec- I
tion to the state legislature memorializing j
congress in favor of the proposition. If it
is once demonstrated by a survey made by
competent engineers that the canal cannot
be constructed, that will be an end to it.
But if it should turn out, as it probably
will, that an accurate survey would demon
strate that the scheme is feasible and could
be accomplished at an expense not exceed
ing 820,000,000, then there should be no
delay in pushing it to completion.
The number of friends possessed by the
Yellowstone National park in congress is in
creasing. The sooner that body realizes the
fact that it is to the advantage of the entire j
country to protect this grand preserve from '
vandals the better the West particularly will
be pleased .
Duluth is a trifle ambitious in desiring a
school of mints just at present. She would
much better spend the $50,000 which it is pro- !
posed to appropriate for that purp ose in pay- !
ing the railroad fares of would-be students to :
some of the established institutions whose en
dowment has cost ten times that sum.
If Mr. Manning really does resign there
are numerous prominent and able gentlemen
in the West who could be depended upon to
sacrifice their personal considerations to
serve their country as secretary of the treas
ury if the president would but say the word.
The extreme cold weather that bas been
prevailing at Bismarck isn't a circumstance j
to the chilliness that will rest among the ter- |
ritorial officials there' after Gov. Church i
turns them out of their warm berths onto a
cold, cruel world.
When John Roach's estate reaches the
snug little sum of $2,000,000, there really
doesn't seem to be much foundation for the !
Republican statements that the Democratic j
administration drove him into bankruptcy, j
now does there?
When those English men-of-war come over !
to help Canada out, our Northern ueiyhbors
will probably become so belligerent that it will
be necessary to swear in three or four special
policemen to keep order on Minnesota's north
ern boundary.
When making up his list of appointees for
the interstate commerce commission, the
president might remember that there is a cer
tain distinguished member of the Minnesota
legislature who possesses eminent qualifica
The Minnesota legislature will take a fresh
hold to-day, and, no longer distracted by the
carnival, may be expected to lift with a will
at the heavy burdens of legislation during
the coming 1 week.
The Columbia Snow Shoe club might take
its handsome float with it to Montreal,
where, doubtless, no matter how vigorous the
competition, it would secure a merited
When Russia hangs seven nihilists and
sends ::00 others to Siberia, she can hardly ex
pect the democratic portion of her people to
be vary intense i i > their loyalty to the throne.
If he can't fight himself, our friend Col. J. j
L. Si'li.,ivan might referee the contest, which J
seems probable between the Minneapolis abd j
New York physicians over his broken arm.
Thkisf. is now no longer any doubt that the
Montreal carnival will be ii complete success;
St. Paul will send a delegation from her snow
shoe clubs to give it the proper send off.
If many more American defaulters with
ready cash arc taken out of Canada, tliu Do
minion government will fancy that it has
still further cause for war.
Lilly L.'.ncthv's husband has died of de
lirium Treasons, but it is not expected that
Fi»Kft»v til BiiAHDT will wear crape fur the
regulation period.
jj»w :-•■-% — ! — '
' Go v. Mi Gn.i. would hardiy have presided
. .it a high { license meeting before election.
Times Change and men change with them.
Or the two hundred thousand people who
admired the magnificent chariot in which the
Fire King rode at the storming of the ice
castle only a few knew of the perio-comical
adventure some of the carnival directors had
with the vehicle just before the carnival
opened. On the Saturday before the opening
of the carnival it occurred to Manager Van
Slyke that he had better make a trial of the
chariot to see that it was ' in good running
order. It was brought and a team of horses
hitched to it. Daniel. Moon was prevailed
on to impersonate the Fire King. Mounted
on his throne, the amateur fiery monarch
was being driven in royal state toward
the palace grounds when the fore runners of
the vehicle suddenly dropped into a rut and
; pitched the gasoline tank forward, which had
l been negligently left uncovered. Mr. Moon
was suddenly impressed with the belief that
there had been a volcanic eruption in that
neighborhood, and that he was the Vesuvius
I down whose sides' the fiery lava was pouring.
It was a close call for both himself and tue
driver. By dint of exertion on the part of
Mr. Van Sltke and the other gentlemen who
composed the Fire King's extemporized body
guard, and by a good deal of rolling in the ',
snow and wrapping in blankets, the amateur I
Fire King and his charioteers were rescued. !
But there was some scorched hair and eye- j
brows and seven pair of spang new blankets ;
burned in a few moments. . '
The sight of so man;- ministers on the I
opera house stage last evening recalled an !
anecdote which was related at the banquet j
given to the commercial travelers at the j
Ryan the other evening. The story was of a
reformed drummer who bad turned preacher.
Being invited to deliver an address at a mass
temperance meeting down in the. Ohio valley i
several years ago, he put in appearance. j
After listening to Dr. Leonard and several i
other distinguished temperance orators, the ;
drummer-preacher was called on. He arose j
and said: "My friends, when I accepted your
invitation to speak to-day I went to my |
Bible, as I always do when I want informa- t
tion, to see what it said on this liquor ques
tion. I first read that Noah got drunk on
wine of his own making. Then I read how
good old Danikl was once a cup bearer for
the king and poured out bis liquor for him.
I read on until I came to the story at where
our blessed Master performed the miracle in
Cana and made wine out of water for his
neighbors when they were getting dry. And
then I read on a little further, when I find
Paul writing to Timothy to take a little wine
when his stomach was weak. But nowhere
inside the lids of that blessed . book did I find
an instance of a man who wauled water, ex- i
ceptiug just one. and he was in hell, where j
tie had oughter be, and he only wanted one
leetle drap."
Jchx R. Wilson is not bankerine after any
Dakota offices. It has got to be a political
axiom in Dakota that the man who triest the
hardest lor office gets left the furtherest.
w ** .
Mb. Donnelly did not speak at the high
license meeting last night. It is usually a
mixed question when Mr. Donnelly fails to
speak on it.
Sejxatok Daniels is not very charitable to
ward his former colleagues in the legislature.
He is opposed to midnight conversions. Re
calling the senator's experience in relaxing
Milo White's grip on the Kasson convention,
it is possible that he can speak feelingly on
the subject of midnight conversions.
* ■•:■
It is rumored that John A. Lovely proposes
to shake Minnesota dust from his feet, and to
locate in Portland, Or. One little defeat
ought not to discourage Mr. Lovely. If he
would just move over the Second district he
would be all right. It doesn't take very big
timber to make a congressman over there.
In view of the threatening relations be
tween Canada and the United States it is sug
gested that the carnival clubs preserve their
organizations as the nucleus of a military
force in case of a sudden emergency. Don't
disband all at once, boys.
The latest war advices are that the British
lion continues to growl and the Columbia
snow shoers still rest on their arms.
- *»*
Manager Van Slyke— l have retrenched
every way that was possible, and j el our car
nival expenses will be heavier this year than
No admission fee to the carnival grounds
Quotes Jefferson.
To the Editor of the Globe.
Tour editorial of a few weeks aero, since
seconded by ths Dispatch, giving reasons for
a convention to amend the constitution was
opportune. Your columns, like those of
your "esteemed contemporaries," are too
much engrossed to permit details, ai.d I will
therefore simply quote from Jefferson's
works, volume 7, pages 14, 15 and 16:
"Lot us. as our sister states have done,
avail ourselves of our reason and experience
to correct the crude essays of our first and
unexperienced, although wise, virtuous aud
well-meaning councils. Anl lastly, let us
provide in our constitution for its revision at
stated periods." What these periods should be
nature itself indicates. By the European
tables of mortality, of the adults living at any
one moment of time, a majority will be dead
in about nineteen years. At the end of that
period, then, a new majority is come into
place; or in other words, a new generation.
And it is for the peace and good of mankind
that a solemn opportunity of doing this overy
nineteen or twenty years, should fie provided
by the constitution itself. J. B. Bkisbis. „
The Canal Project.
To the Editor of the Globe.
Dear Sir: Your Saturday's issue contains
an article purporting to have been written at
Pine City. "Caliban" says he has Crossed the
St. Croix when there was not water enough to
wet his feet. He must, have done so at the
outlet of the upper spring source, and a man
possessing- the least degree of manhood
would not question the facts as set forth
that large reservoirs can bo established
near the divide on any of the head waters of
the St. Croix. Another misrepresentation
about the height of La no St. Croix being
sixty feet above Lake Superior. The fact is
Luke Superior is 160 feet above Lake St.
Croix. "Calaban" knows but little of the
jti eat demand of tne West. This important
connection is demanded, and will ultimately
be made. First, the Hennepin and Rock
canal; second, the Fox and Wisconsin canal;
third, the St. Croix and Luke Superior canal.
The '75 state appropriation was inadequate
to make a scientific survey. Believing in the
feasibility of this canal, I sign my name to
this communication. W. H, C. Folsom.
St. Paul, Jan. 29.
Fatigues the Imagination.
Cincinnati (O.) Times-Star.
It Is stated that the Minnesota Kniirhts of
Labor will present the name of Mr. Donnelly
us their candidate for president. Donnelly is
thtt man who fished up the origin oP Civiliza
tion from a sunken island in the Atlantic and
proved it by Plato: destroyed the an
cient world by "Rokanrok," or a reign of
irravel, and proved it by .lob; and lastly made
Uacou write Shakespeare, run a cypher
through him and hide the key where nobody
but Ignatius could ever find it. All this he
did in idle moments as a private citizen.
Wnat he would do as a labor president
fatigues the imagination. No such original
and erratic candidate for the suffrage* of
working-men has been seen since Geonre
Francis Train turned his back on the White
' Too Extreme for Safety.
Winnebngo City Press-News.
Representative Rogers, of Ramsey county,
in a speech said St. Paul business men were
as much interested in the crops as the farmer.
Donnelly remarked that their interest in the
crops was similar to the grasshopper's. Ig
natius is a useful member of the legislature,
with st tendency to run a trifle too much to ex
tremes for safety. . He takes great delight in
sitting down on several light-weight lawyer
members of the bouse, and last week Ye
minded them that .Jack Cade took strong
ground in favor of killing off all lawyers. ;
A Tendency to Slop Over.
Mankato Register.
Ignatius Donnelly has introduced about
thirty 1 ills in the state legislature already. I
Donnelly's weak point has always been a ten- j
dency to slop over, aud the same disposition'
manifests itself in some of these measures. :
Vet, we will frankly admit, that there is ranch j
in This budget of proposed legislation that is :
highly commendable, and if his fellow legis
lators will take pains to prune off the super
fluities. Donnelly will prove a great benefit to
the state at large.
A Monstrous Conspiracy. '
Lake Crystal Un on.
The St. Paulites. led by Ignatius, furnish
the tools— sharp-edged ones at that — fora
majority of the rural members of the legisla
ture to play with, and, so long as c they can
amuse them and attract Their attention,
schemes of one kind and another are going ;
on tor emptying the treasury, and when the !
country members get their small appropria- i
tions through there will be no money to pay !
them. Do you see?
Ignatius as an Ignis Fatuus.
Austin Democrat.
Donnelly is, making heroic efforts to shine
as the champion of the farmers and laborers
in the legislature this winter, and it would
appear that he is succeeding pretty well; but
we would advise our friends not to follow him
too far, for, in the language of the poet, he
is an "Ignis fatuus" that bewitches and leads
men into pools and ditches. .
Celebrated Flopping Proclivities.
Hancock Olive Branch. .
Hon. I. Donnelly is the center figure of the
present legislature. He is no doubt the
ablest man and most gifted orator of that
body, and but for his celebrated flopping pro
clivities he could be the acknowledged leader
of either parties to which he might belong.
' Danzer of Overdoing It. • :
Alexandria Post. ■ "..•-,•■ . ,-.-.. _•
Donnelly is evidently the leading spirit in
the house, and is likely to pet through .some i
legislation— in the line of railroad
control— that may be of benefit to the pro
ducers of the state, but there is danger that
the matter will b 3 overdone. Enough is
better than too much.
A Kiger Man Than Anybody.
Sauk Rapids Free Press. |
Donnelly is the leading spirit of the legis- j
lature, the great attraction at the Capital I
City this winter, the special guest of the Ice
Kin? at his glittering: palace, and ineompar- !
aMe clown and wit at all the banquets. Great ,
is Donnelly. .
The Leading; Curiosities.
Delavan Herald.
Everybody wants to see the ice palace and
'•Ignatius in session." If the warm south ,
wind don't melt the "corners" off the author j
of "Atlantis" he will make it warn! for the j
corporations beloro this legislature adjourns.
Donnelly and the Postage Stamps.
Fairmount Sentinel.
If Donnelly intends to continue posinsr as a i
champion of the people he must bo careful
how he Hdvocates such measures as his post- ,
age stamp resolution, which was to allow each
member $10 worth of po3taire stamps.
What Will lie Do Next?
McGregor (la.) Times.
Ignatius Donnelly ha? gone over to the Re- !
publicans, body and boots. Having- made 'so ■
many political flops, there is 11 curiosity to
see what he is going to do next.
Why Austin I'eople Love Davis.
Austin Democrat. . ; -.-r .'':■',,
It is remarkable how publis sentiment
fluctuates by reason of sue-jess or failure of
a rain or party. Since C. K. Davis has been
elected to the senate the eulogies of praise be
has received from the press and business
and professional men of Austin would make
it appear that Davis has an exalted opinion of
our city. After a careful search we find the
following quotation from his speech at the
impeachment of Sherman Page: "Way,
what a community ttie tawn Of Austin must
bo! What a community it has been from the
beginning! When dil you ever hear in this
state, since any of you have lived here, that
the devil himself was not roaming up aud
down that town 'seeking whom be might de- |
your?' [Laughter. I It has always been a
contentious and troublesome place, full of
turmoil. That community . takes sides on
every question. They are rancorous, sense
less, hateful."
Like Blalne, Edmunds and i.o^au.
Litchtleld Ledger.
The election of Senator Davis marks an
event in the history of this state that will
tiring it. more into prominence than any event
that las transpired since the state has been '
admitted. Mr. Davis is a man who, from the
lowly walks of life, by his own rare ability, iv
spite of the strenuous opposition of the wily
and jealous politicians, has won for himself
a recognition and fellowship of the ablest men
of the uation. He. therefore, will have the
confidence and respect of the nation to start
with. He has ever been outspoken and elo
quent in expressing his convictions. When
he espouses any cause, it will receive the;
confidence of those who know his ability and
integrity, and when his voice is heard in the
hall of the senate it will be heeded like that
of Blame, Edmunds and the lamented Logan.
An Ideal State of 'things.
Pemnina (Dak.) Express.
G. K. Davis, Minnesota's new senator. in
acknowledging the honor of his election. said:
It fulfills an aspiration which, in an honor
able form, has in some degree directed my
studies and thought'" — which was a candid
and manly avowal. It may be regarded as an
ideal state of things when the man and the
office mutually court each other, and people
now-a-days are not much inclined to waste
their admiration on the man wht> pretends to
hide away when hi* country seeks to do him
honor. Gov. Davis, being eminently fitted
for the position, he has had a natural desire
to attain to it, and now, having beeu called to
represent his state in the highest legislative
body in the land,, his friends .ft re confident
that he will fulfill the expectations of his con
stituents. ': j- ' *■': !,-*£ .'
All Can Extract Comfort.
Winnebago City Press-News.
Senator Davis seems to have so well chosen
his words as to please all, or at least nearly
all. We find men hugjring pet hobbies on
public questions, widely at variance one with
another, still all expressing unbounded satis
faction lo be found for. their side In Mr.
Davis' speech. If Custi can keep this sort of
thing up for the next six years all sides will
unanimously favor his re-election.
A Striking Example.
Mansfield (O.) News.
Among the newspaper successes of the
gfveat Northwest the Sta Paul Daily Globe
stand* preeminent. It is a striking example
of the energy and push which marks every
thing in that section. The Gloijk. in its own
history and progress. its enterprise and present
prosperous condition, reflects the greatness
resources of the region. The Gi-O be has re
cently moved into a magnificent new build
ing, ten stories in height, which is a marvel
of architectural art aucl beauty. And the
Globe, und'r the management of Lewis
Baker, is Just the kind of a paper that de
serves the fine quarters it now occupies.
The Best News Service.
Ashton (la.) Argus.
The St. Paul Globe has the best news
service of any paper in the Northwest, and
not only that, but its columns compare fav
orably with those of the New Vorlt World in
the intensity of their interest. Its Sunday
edition is a superb illustration of modern
American journalism. That the Globe is
appreciated can be demonstrated by a look at
its new building — a ten-story structure — the
most magnificent specimen of architecture in
the wonderful Western metropolis where it is
The Smiles of the Gods.
Cambridge (O.) Herald. ,;: .
It is with pleasure h 5 that the Herald notes
the rapid ascension In public favor of Lewis
Baker, of the St. Paul Globe, formerly of the
Wheeling Register. If the smiles of the gois
continue to ca^t sunshine abput his pathway
we predict for him that bright future which
his merits would warrant. • May the steadfast
and true continue to ascend higher and
higher upon the ladder of fame. .!-.;''
A Vayorlte With the People.
Red word Falls Reveille.
The St. Paul Gr.OBE, under its present
management, has become a favorite with the
people of the Northwest. Its news columns
contain the latest and most reliable reports
of what is occurring throughout tho civilized
world, while its editorials ably and fairly dis
cuss questions of public interest. It« De
mocracy is pure and unadulterated, with an
entire absence of Bourbouism.
Stands at the Head.
Mower County Democrat.
The Globe keeps apace with thp advance
ment of the whole.world. being equipped with
all the appliances for : transmitting to its
patron? all the new? in a readable form. The
Globe stands at the head of journalism In
the Northwest.
A li«sson Taught the East. -
Sauk Rapids Kreo Pits?. ;
To-day the St. Paul D>ir.r Globe is not ex
celled by any newspapei in tlie«u United
States. -Lewis Baker waS the mail to show
the East that the North Star state could main
tain a front seat in the ranks of jourualish.
A First-Class Newspaper.
Fariban lt Republican. ...
The St. Paul xii out: is a first-class news
paper, embracing all tho feature* of si leading
modern daily, and pie-ents the Democratic
political side forcibly and effectively.
A Dyspeptic (grammarian.
Delavan Herald. .
On Saturday last we called at the carnival
grounds, in St. Paul, for the purpose of pay
ing our respects to the Ice King, but his royal
highness was not at home, and consequently
cur stay at the palace was a very lonesome
affair, there beiug no one around except
about a dozen school children a sliding down
bill and skating on a two by four rinK, and a
dozen Indians in a tent in one corner of the
grounds dancing for diinfs: We called again :
in the evening with no better success. By this ■
time we began to get desperate, we had come !
two hundred miles with the firm determina- ■
tion of seeing the "sights" and we had been'
traveling around all day expecting . every
minute to catch a glimpse of them, but thus
far we had been disappointed. But la . the
course of our wanderings we we learned that j
there was to be a grand carnival ■ concert at
the opera house that evening, aud so we con
cluded that as there was no one ot the palace, j
there must be a. great crowd at the .opera
bouse, and so we pulled out for the . concert
with a full head of steam and a desire to see
all there was to be ; seen. ' Arriving at our |
new destination we found about one hundred j
people, principally "suppes" and dead heads,
listening to an orchestra of 34 . pieces playing
pieces playing selections from "ll Travatore"
ard the "Night Hawks." We have no doubt
that there are a few people on this mundane
sphere that trill claim that this performance . j
was grand! superb! immense! ! but we shal
always question their sincerity. ''"' ."
The Bane of the Country Jake.
Wells Advocate.
The toboggan clubs of St. Paul have a very
warm feeling for strangers visiting the carni
val, ami so to make them feel perfectly at
home In the Capital City and to : let thtm
know they ate welcome the tobogganers carry
blankets about with them onto wbicn they
unceremoniously dump a "country jake"
when a spirit (of meanness) moves them. . He j
is then '-bounced," as it is termed— that is, i
the men who hare hold of the edges of the I
blanket bounce him to a height of several :
feet by jerking the same, at the imminent |
risk of the victim's falling to the pavement i
and breaking- his neck or at least sustaining j
serious injuries, as several have already done. |
This playful (?) pastime is hugely en- |
joyed by the gentlemanly (?) tobogganers,
but is exceedingly mortilyiug as well as dan
gerous to the visitors from the country towns.
Such treatment of visitors is outrageous, and
it not discontinued St. Paul will be looked at
as a good place for strangers to remain away
from during the carnival season. No -one
care 9to be seized and churned in a blanket
until his head is dizzy or his neck is broken,
and The Globe is authority for the statement
that the practice has already deterred people
from visiting the carnival. The rain who is
bounced can make it very torrid for the
bouncers by taking the matter into court,
and all who are subjected to the indignity
should not fail to do so whether they sustain
injuries or not. Such "fun" is not appre
ciated by the average resident of the "rooral
He Went Through the Mill.
Faribault Democrat.
It is perhaps impossible for the people of
St. Paul to comprehend what an intolerable
nuisance the bouncing business in vogue in
that city has become. In fact, it is more
than a nuisance; it is a criminal assault for
which the perpetrators should be promptly
held responsible. At least one young man so
assaulted last winter, to our personal knowl
edge, has not seen a well day since, and has I
become an invalid. Any person suffering
from organic diseases, such as heart trouble,
asthma, or ■ consumption, would stand in
danger of immediate death. Many people
have kept well a way from St. Paul and the
carnival this season because of their fear of
the brutalities of the St. Paul roughs. Others,
of a different nature, have gone there deter
mined and prepared to defend themselves. .
If it is impossible for the St. Paul authorities
to protect strangers who visit their city for
pleasure or business, the public can protect
itself by keeping away. Many people who
would have been glad to see St. Paul and the
Ice palace this winter have staid away rather
than to run the risk of being killed or
It Was Senior, Xot Junior.
Minneapolis News Letter, j ■/', :
It may not be known to many of the News
Letter readers that Mr. Driscoil is about the
homeliest man in St. Paul, what with the loss
of one eye, a viry red nose, and a face which
shows the effects of wrestling with the small
pox. But a few years ago lie was about the
most g&llaut and lively widower to-be found
at the summer resorts and in society. F.
Driscoll, Jr.. who signs the affidavits of the
circulation of the Pioneer Press. was at about
the same time a. young society man and the
father and son cooed ;»nd wooed in company.
It was a nice summer slight out on the Lafay
ette veranda, that the younger Driscoil was
busied in saying empty nothings to a pretty
girl from St. Louis, as the elder Driscoil ap
proached and temporarily joined in the con
versation. After he had gone the young lady
remarked: "Who was that? Awfully homely
old man, anyway?" The conversation sud
denly terminated.
... . -
'_:;:;■ . , Has a Disordered .Liver.
St. Croix Republican.
We do not propose to kick our people full
of holes any longer on account of not keeping
their sidewalks in better shape, and we hum
bly apologize for all we have said on that
score. Last Friday as we were in St. Paul
and went up on the "hill," and found more
cow-path sidewalks in a few blocks than one
can Und in both ot our south wards. Very
few of the dweilers on St. Anthony nill pre
tend to uncover their sidewalks at all. We
presume the dwellers in the Saintly city really
enjoy stumbling over •chunks of ice and wal
lowing through snow crotch deep. It beats
the world what a change has come over the
Eskimos over there. Next winter they will
import biubber for food and pick their teeth
with tallow candles. Leave out this winter
business of theirs and they seem like other
well-bred people.
Why Clarke Fought Judson.
Sleepy Eve Herald.
The state agricultural . society has elected
H. E. Hoard secretary. Hoard is a fair coun
try editor and means well enough, bat Jud
son can run all around him a3 an energetic
aud capable officer of suuh a society. Jud
son is a wiry, keen, active business man, and
can do tnoro work for the fair in one week
than Hoard can do in two months. 1 ;' But it
seems that Judsou stood in the way of ;: >?. P.
Clarke and a few other kindred .spirits who
want to run the society. The expenditures
of the society are very heavy; and there are
thousands of dollars worth of patronage con
nected with it. Judson is no tool, and there
lore it was decided to get rid of him. The
most suspicious feature of the new organiza
tion is the fact that the crowd buck of them
are hardly the kind of people to represent
the agricultural interests of the state.
Vandervelde's Dilemma.
Anoka Herald.
Down in St. Paul they tell a good story on
our representative, Nico Vandervelde. The
morning of the senatorial election Nico was
at home, and the roads were blockaded with
snow. Consequently the train into St. Paul
was late, and it was a little after noon when
Nico got out at the union depot. • The vote
was to be taken at. 13 and Ntco wanted to be
there. Jumping Into a back he ordered the
driver to make the capitol in the least possi
ble time. In his hurry to got out his pants
caught on the handle of the door, and a gen
erous portion of this necessary article
was loft behind. . Hut he gathered his long
coat around him, and went in and voted for
Davis. ' Secretary Cutter solemnly affirms
that he saw the hack driver the next day
rigged out in a toboggan suit made from the
rear section of Nlco's breeches left on the
handle of the door.
Vote No, With a His N.
Alexander Post.
Mr. Donnelly's bill to reduce the rate of in
terest in this state to 8 per cent, will, if it be
comes a law. ptove disastrous to the general
prosperity of the state and especially to that
of the newer sections. Minnesota must, of
necessity, for tome time yet, depend largely
upon foreign capital or Eastern capital for
the wherewith to develop its resources
and carry forward its various enterprises.
The deAr people/ in whose liehalt | the reduc
tion is proposed, will find themselves at the
mercy -of shavers and usury sharks, and
there will be more murmurings against their
champion leader, Donnelly, than the children
of Israel ever uttered against Moses. \ If our
legislators have the good sense we are dis
posed 10 credit them with, they will vote no
with a big N on the 8 per cent. bill. ■'' '*/. s
Senators Hal vorson and Day?
Austin Democrat. ■'■.7.';.
Many of the members of the legislature who
are hold "annuals" on account of some
business relations with the railroads, and have
no use for two untransferable passes over the
Mime line, assume that . thisis a rare oppor
tunity to have their names gilded in history
as men who would not bind themselves to the
railways by accenting their courtesies. Of
course there are exceptions to this rule, but
when a man i-> making such a parade, he is
generally the one who is looking fo:- "snaps."
We don't apprehend ' that they willnrxt de
clare their intention of walking to St. Paul.
Lucas Excels John Stuart Mill.
T. H. Lucas, the workingman legislator,
paralyzed the house the other day by coining
iv clad in a $(10 Prince Albeit suit and a bow
ery dude collar, with the corners bent. No
dinner-pail about thai. Lucas is getting to
bo an orator, aud as a political economist he
can pick flies off John Stuart Mill by the
hour. Aleck Millar would do very well if he
hadn't somehow got the iJea that he is devil
ish cunning. It was a little funny for the
speaker to tack Matt Gross on to the tail of
the education committee. Matt bought a
speller. •
Beats Hayseed and Pumpkins.
Fairmont Sentinel.
Last week at Speaker Memam's reception
there occurred a good illustration of how the
honest intentions of reform and economy iv
the breast of the country • legislator are |
thwarted. After the champagne had been J
fit wing freely for some time, a grave looking |
granger member from one of the southern
counties was seen to take Mr. Merriim to one
side and familiarly throwing one arm around
him said in a hoarse whisper: "Bill, this beats
hayseed and pumpkin.3 all to h '."
Ames' Lost Opportunity. .
Owatonna Journal and Herald.
" Ames was sworn in as g-overnor, but he
has not yet raised the flag of rebellon and
marched upon the state capitol, and yet he
might have taken advantage of his assault
upon the ice palace to carry his victorious
arms to the very citadel of the government.
Should the doctor decide on waging earnest
war for the succession, we hope he will first
march: upon and destroy , the hideous capitol
building:: and, should he bury himself in the
ruins, all would be well.
McGill's Virulent Virtue.: |
Wadena Tribune. '■ x -"-: '■■■ ■"■■/J-.' ':■■.'. \
What a virulent attack of virtue some peo
ple have. Got. McGill is an example of this.
i After having: rode from Dan toßeersheeba on
| free railroad passes, he bobs up serenely ana
announces that they ought to be abolished.
j Perhaps the versatile governor forgets i the :
j time when he was a poor newspaper writer
; and- had to devise innumerable schemes
j whereby he could avoid the bill collector, and
, when such a thins as a railroad pass was a
' great boon.
The Dandy Place to Coast.
: Preston Republican.
, Ladies and gentleman desirous of coasting
, on the Engle hill, on the "go-devil," should
secure Brother Dowling as pilot. It is said
that three slides a day, taken for six weeks,
will cure skin eruptions, toothache, shortness
of wind and cold extremities. Tight clothes
should be avoided while participating in the
frolic. .
Merrlam Signed a Pledge.
Rochester Post.
It is claimed that the Banker Speaker Mer
riam had to sign written pledyes to put Don
nelly at the head of the railroad committee
and to give the farmers the most important
places before Donnelly and the grangers
would support him. If so, bo cannot be
charged with any failure in fulfilling the con
: — .
A Cynical Statistician.
Faribault Democrat.
The St. Paul papers estimate a crowd of
125,000 people in that city to see the ice pal
ace yesterday. The lowest possible estimate
of the averase cost to each individual is $;>.
makiug a total sum of $375,000 for one day's
fun. The people of Minnesota" -Jo not feel the
burden of taxation very heavily yet.
Merriam Pays It Himself.
Anoka Herald..
The papers have had a good deal to say
about the unusually large number of clerks
employed in the house, but they have foiled
to give Speaker Merrlam credit for paving
five of the pages and his secretary out of his
own pocket— an expense of $i 7.50 per day,
while his salary is only $10.
Opposed to a Soldiers' Home.
Faribault Democrat.
With the single exception of George P.
Morgan post, of Minneapolis, every post that
has given any siarn has heartily indorsed the
position of Michael Cook post, of this city, in
opposition to an expensive soldiers' home and
in favor of soldiers' relief, provided ut their
various homes.
■it. . ' ■
■ „ ... Barker is Solid at Home.
Elk River Star-News.
; Hon. H. P. Barker, of Istinti county, is rec
ognized at St. Paul asoneof the leading mem
bers of the house, and is on several of the
best committees. Barker is quick to sco a
point, a good parliamentarian and will doubt
loss succeed iv accomplishing any legislation
his section may need.
A (Creator of Soft Snaps.
Montevideo Commercial.
This session of the legislature is getting up
a record as a creator of soft .snaps equal to
any legislature in existence. It is the height
of any cr Unary man's ambition to get a soft
snap, aril of an ordinary legislator to give
him a chance.
Bad News for McGill.
Ada Index. • •
Crookston people arc kicking because
Hugh Thompson was appointed assistant sur
veyor general by Gov. McGill in place of
George McMauus. MeGill will not be apt to
get the support of Polk county two years
from now.
Another "Local Bill."
Duluth Herald.
It is about time that the new city charter
was completed and presented to the legisla
ture for its approval. The session is rapidly
drawing to a close, and further delay may
prove dangerous.
Berths for Political Barnacles.
Rochester Post.
The number of hangers-on employed by
this legislature is greater than by any former
one. Many of the clerks are necessary, but
some are appointed to make berths for politi
cal barnacles.
Capitalists Cracking; Chestnuts.
Wadena Tribune.
No sooner does Perham spring the division
question upon Otter Tail county than Fergus
Falls capitalists oraekthat ehestnutty joke of
a railroad from Fergus to Perlitim and thence
on to Duluth.
Don't Be So Mysterious?
Glencoe Register.
There were other reasons beside the desire
to provide a place for Mr. Stordock that in
duced the governor to make a change in
the wardenship of the Stillwater state prison.
Ryan's Friends Astonished.
New Richmond North Star!
Hon. M, .W. Ryan's choice for national
ticket in 1888. as given by the Globe, is Pow
derly and Henry George. We did not think
M. W. would stray away so suddenly.
Hoard's Hump- Backed Hobby.
Montevideo . Commercial.
Our friend on the Appleton Press accuses
our senator of riding a hump-backed hobby
into the senate. Looks that way, don't it?
The Latter Kvery Time
Princeton Union.
"Give us Windom In 1830." yells the Fergus
Falls Journal. O, give us a rest.
Report off the Clearing Houses Sent
to the Boston Post.
BOSTON, Mass., Jan. — The following
table compiled from dispatches to the Post,
from the managers of the leading clearing
houses of the United States, gives the gross
exchanges at each point for the weekend
ing Jan. 29, 1887, in comparison with those
of the corresponding week in 1886:
Name of City. Amount. Inc. Dec
New York $701,059,881 i 13.6
Boston 77.812,161 1.1
Philadelphia 53.3C6.212 13.8
Chicago 43,033.000! 5.6
St. Louis | 15,823, USB J 7.7;....
Baltimore j 12,275,2651 20. «
San Francisco j 13,154,567 20.9!
New Orleans I 10.305.510 24.2
Cincinnati I 10,249.550 17.3
Pittsburg 9,909.344 35.4....
Kansas City 6,059,715 43. 0{
Louisville 4,820.905 5.8
Providence.... 3,956,700 j 6.2
Omaha. 4,551,651 69.5
Milwaukee 3,914.000 6.8 ....
Minneapolis 2,304,724 26.2....
Denver "2,883,955, 30.9
Detroit 2,843.861! 9.6
St. Paul 2,873.00U| 44.9 ....
Indianupolis 2,685,465109.9 ....
Cleveland. 2,942,740; 55.2
Columbus 1,969,114 11.7....
Memphis 2,508,857 49.1
Hartford 1,109,959 9.6
Galveston... 1,165.580 ....J23.4
New Haven 1.082,243 4.1....
St. Joseph 1.109.320*40.6
Wichita 1,890,000 . ...!
Portland 850.000 14.7
Peoria 1.014,684 54.8
Springfield.. I 732.939 5.4....
Worcester 900,3fi0; 16.5....
Syracuse 451,500 13.1 ....
Lowell 421,481 I 8.1
Total 81,181,611.494 13.1....
Outride New York.. $299, 757,013
Increase, 11.9. *Not included in totals.
The English as Skaters.
London Field.
As a nation we are not great skaters.
Some good performers there are; yet men
who skate — taking the term to mean some
thing more than merely floundering along
in the most ungraceful attitudes— are com
paratively few in number. As the news
papers tell us, crowds of people flock to the
nearest pond long before the ice bears. To
the masses, the existence of an acre or two
of ice means the extension of available
playgrounds, and. upon the principle of any
thing for a change, great number's resort to
every frozen puddle. And what do they
do when they set there? Sliders are
numerous; more than half the skaters find
it necessary to brandish a stick as a means
of • retaining their balance; a man doing
outside edge is almost sure of a gallery,
while anything beyond this raises the
skater to the position of an expert. Yet,
skating in England has, in point of profic
iency, made rapid strides within the last
fifty years; and a few— but very lew— of
our best skaters can Hold their own with
the representatives of any nation.
Slop! Slop! Slop'
■ "Whatever direction you go;
And O for one lick at the man
Who calls this the "beautiful snow."
Wade! "Wade!. Wade!
Wade on through the slush and the mud;
Wade on till you measure you;- length
Ker plash! with a sickening thud.
. Slush! Slush! Slush! .
'Tis wrong to get angry, we know.
:. But O for just one lick at him '
Who dares to say "beautiful snow."
. ' —Coli mbjs Dispatch* /
A Curious. Story of the Franco-Ger
man War.
The Franctlreur and the Lieutenant*
—A Warning and a Vision.
Detroit Free Press. .
During the Franco-German war I repre
j sented a leading English journal, V which, by
j the way,. exchanged its reports with an
■ American paper of % national prominence,
as war correspondent, Upon my arrival
in Germany soon after the declaration of
war I presented ray credentials to the
proper authorities,' and, after much delay,
was attached to the Royal Saxon army
■ corps, as brave a body of warriors as
'was ever gathered together for pur
i poses of destruction and carnage. I fol
j lowed the ' fortunes : of the gallant corps
I through the fall campaign, and was with
then! at the siege of Paris. . It is unneces
sary to pay a tribute to the bravery of the
noble Saxon lads, who. after repelling the
savage attacks of the courageous enemy,
, shared their scanty allowance of pea sau
; sage and rye bread with the half-starved
I French' guards who were fortunate enough
| to be captured.
As might be expected, my constant pres
ence at headquarters and my unvarnished
reports of the doings of the corps secured
me the friendship of some of ' the officers,
j while others found it hard work to conceal
I the pique excited by my letters. Among my
: dearest friends and defenders was Lieut.
! Baron Ludwig yon L— . an adjutant
jto out; of , the regiments attached
'to the * corps. It had been my good
j fortune to render a slight serv
ice to the lieutenant during the opening
clays of the war, and with an enthusiasm
which was inexplicable to me he defended
my every action, and let no opportunity pass
by to sound my praises. It was but natural
i that such disinterestedness challenged my
admiration, and soon our friendship had
ripened into an intimacy such as can only
be established amid the sutroundings in
which we were placed.
Nothing marred these pleasant relations
until Christinas eve. when a stray shell
j from one of the forts struck the tent in
' which the lieutenant and 1 were celebrating
: the great German holiday. In a moment I
I realized that he had : been severely
| wounded, while I escaped unharmed.
jAn examination of the wound proved
i that his life was in imminent
peril, and the staff surgeon concluded to
send Yon L to his home in Saxony.
j In pursuance of the doctor's directions we
i parted then and there, and the early morn
: ing train bore my friend to the arms of his
I anxious family, while I continued my ex
citing life among the sanguine soldiery".
The week following this incident was de
void of interest, owing to the inactivity of
1 the French, but on the ninth day the forts
! opened lire, and from whispered conversa
! tions at headquarters I gleaned that the
■ morrow would sec a sanguinary conflict
lln order to be prepared, I left the
tent of the most exposed Saxon out
post at 4 o'clock in the afternoon for
the purpose of preparing topographical
notes concerning the probable field of car
nage. My work was soon completed.
Silence and solitude, interrupted at rare in
| tervals by the cheery "Qui vive?" of
; the French outposts or the gruff "Wer
da?" of the German sentinels, tempted
me to rest under a protecting shed, and
before I realized it I had settled down to
a little nap. When I awoke tne darkness
told me that the evening had far advanced,
and, looking around. I saw that a terrible
I snowstorm had covered my tracks. Es
cape was impossible. I knew not how to
reach my friends, and to fall in the hands
of the French meant disgrace and
perhaps dishonor. Making the best of an
ugly situation, 1 drew my heavy fur over
coat closer around me, pulled my
cap over my ears and retreated once more
into the shed. Scarcely had 1 settled into
a more comfortable position when I was
appalled. Wai it possible? Yes. there at
the rickety door of the shed stood, real as
life, Lieut. Yon L— his right arm ex
tended, his left hand on his sword belt, and
speaking in a low and distinct whisper:
"Beware of the Frahctireursl" Suddenly
as the apparition appeared it vanished.
Imagine my feelings; i cannot describe
them. I verily believe that my hair stood
upon end. A stupor followed this fear
j and a trance-like slumber.!' How long 1 re
mained in this condition I knew' not at the
time, but well do I remember the awaken
ing from the trance. My nervous system
was completely deranged, my hands
refused to do service; in fact, 1 had
not the strength to light a match to
look at my watch. With a groan I sank
back upon my bed of snow. I tried to
sleep, but in vain. All I could do was to
think. Had I seen Ludwig Yon L. or his
spirit; the real man or a phantom? At
last relief came. 1 could not be mistaken.
1 heard the footsteps of a small body of
men. They approached the shed. Yes,
but not with the steady tread of the soldier.
Heavens! could it be the Franctireurs, those
bloodthirsty' guerillas and hyenas of the
battle field? I tried to fortify myself for
an attack. I tried to . arouse my physical
Before I could arise or make a noise the
door of the shed was roughly opened. A
rough face showed itself, it was that of
the leader of a noted guerilla band. The
Franctireur entered. He approached,
cocked a revolver and said with mock polite
ness, in broken German, "Monsieur, pre
pare to die." Making an effort to reach my
own weapon, at this moment I was startled
by the words:
'•Not he, but youF'
Looking up, 1 saw the uallid and fright
ened face of the Franctireur, and by his
side— could it be possible?— Lieut. Yon
L , pointing a pistol at the heart of the
assassin. • The excitement proved too much
for my shattered nerves, and just as I heard
the explosion of a pistol I lost conscious
ness. When 1 revived it was 8 o'clock in
the morning. By my side stood Maj.
M . commander of. the advanced out
posts, and a detachment of Saxon infantry.
"Well done, my lad," said the major. aiid.
with that he pointed to an object lying by
my side, covered with a field blanket.
"What do you mean, major?" 1 inquired,
faintly, not understanding his remark.
"Well. I mean that you have dispatched
the worst hound of a guerrilla who ever
disgraced a country."
Like a flash the mysterious apparition
presented itself to my mind, and, hastily
calling a corporal I bade him extract the
bullet from the dead Franctireur's wound.
Then 1 produced my revolver and found
that not a shot had been tired from it L
compared the bullets used by me with that
extracted from the wound. \ They were of
different weight. The mystery was un
solved. Who had shot my enemy? The
battle predicted by the staff officers was not
fought on that day, and I was glad of it,
for the exciting scenes of the previous night
compelled me to rest for some tune. On the
fifth day after my adventure I receive a let
ter from Saxony. Here it is:
My Dear Sir: Our dear son Ludwisr
breathed his last at 4 this morning. Upon
his arrival here the doctors pronounced his
case hopeless. Up to 8 o,elcck last evening
his recovery seemed assured. At that hour
he suddenly became restless, called out your
name three or four times, and, exclaiming
"Beware of the Frauctireurs!" fell into a.
deep slumber or trance. He remained in this
condition until 3 o'clock, when he arose with,
a start, fell back upon the bed unconscious
and at 4 o'clock died in his mother's arms'
With best wishes, your obedient servant,
George Alexander yon L .
My story is finished. 1 need only add
that the ball extracted from the body of the
Franctireur corresponded in weight with
those in the revolver of my deceased friend,
and this discovery made "the mystery stili
darker. Up to this day 1 cannot explain
the strange transpi rings of that night before
Paris. • Can you?
A First- Class Newspaper.
Farlbault Republican.
The Globe is a first-class newspaper, em
bracing all the features of a leading modern
daily, and presents the Democratic political
side forcibly and effectively.
It is Indeed.
Philadelphia Times.
Mrs. Ex-Gov. C. K. Davis, of Minnesota, la
regarded as the most beautiful woman in the
Northwest, and this is saying a good deal.
• The Dakota papers all indorse the bill re
ported in preparation providing for flogging '
wife-beaters. It Is said the wives are not op
posed to it. .„-::. . .... .",.■; .,' ,--r- •><",.

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