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A WORD_WITH YOU. The GLOBE would like to tell you, The GLOBE would like to tell yon, In a pleasant sort of way, , That it has some space to sell yon In its columns every day. 9 We believe in letting yon know it, In the calm, clear light of day. If yon have something to Wow—blow it; That's the only sensible way. VOL. IX. THEY MUST HANG The Last Glimmer of Hope for the Chicago Anarch- ists Gone. The Supreme Court Unani mously Refuses to Grant a Writ of Error. No Flinching Shown By the Doomed Men on Hear- ing" the News. They Receive Their Friends and Relatives With Accus tomed Cheerfulness. Extra Precautions Taken by the Authorities to Prevent "Accidents." Small Probability that Gov. Oglesby Will Take Any Action. The Globe's Special Corre spondent Gives a Very Graphic Account Of the Present Situation and the Personnel of Those Doomed to Death. Special to the Globe. Special to the Globe. ■ Chicago, 111., Nov. 2.— "1 have noth- ing to say," was all that the anarchist Spies remarked when, at high noon of this magnificent June in November day, word was conveyed to him on a dirty piece of paper that the supreme court of the United States had denied the peti tion for interference in behalf of him- self and his fellows. Precisely how Spies, Parsons or either of their associ ates would conduct himself were he alone under sentence of death is a very interesting problem. Soldiers know that it is harder for a man to run away than to fight in battle, yet individuals who are brought to face death, disease or physical suffering alone know that it requires a greater degree of mental and moral strength to face the inevitable than when together banded they meet an oncoming shock. Having studied the countenances, ex- pression and general bearing of the men under sentence during their trial, I have Clinched the Conclusion 1 then formed by present study that the women of the party possess a greater degree of moral courage than the men. No one of the condemned has at any time in his life shown a de- gree ot mental, moral or physical courage. Surely it required no courage to make, in secret, the destructive bomb, and it will not be pretended it required any degree of any kind of courage to throw in secret a bomb among a crowd of men. women and children, several of whom "were killed and m any maimed aud mangled to the present day. In accordance with the good old American custom these men have been lionized from the day of their arraignment. Flowers, sweetmeats, notes, poems all manner of Tributes From the Silly have been laid at their feet. I shall never forget the spectacle presented by a beautiful maiden who passed during a recess in Judge Gary's court bouquets of flowers to this, that and the other men charged with the heinous crime of murder. The calm conceit, the lf- sufficiency, the exaggerated estimate of each personally made each its im pression upon me and doubtless upon every careful observer in that court "Doom. Every man, according to his mental traits, sat there as though in a continuity of photographing process. Each felt that the eyes of the civilized world were upon him. Each read daily descriptions of his personality, and long before the long rocking-chair jury presented to the judge, who sat like a masculine oasis in a perfect wilderness of femininity, their verdict and their sentence these men were absolutely and incontrovertibly convinced that they were each and every one a well de- veloped hero. From that hour to this morning, when The Brazen Tongue of clamorous time rang out the noon- day hour, that feeling was encouraged, enhanced ami multitudiuously empha- sized, so that a clean cut photograph of their interior would unquestionably dis- close a mass, not to say a mess, of self- conceit and self-sufficiency unequaled in the personalities of any other seven or seventy times seven men on the face of the glebe. Clang, clang, went the gong at the gate. Breathless with speed a messenger enters. To him it seemed as though chaos had come again and that nothing could begin to approach the hither verge of the importance of the message he conveyed. The attendant at the iron gate absolutely trembled with agitation. The sub-jailers and deputy sheriffs gathered about with blanched cheeks and wavering eyes, each pricking up his ears to catch the all-important phrase. The warden of the jail or criminal court building, as it is here designated, sat in his easy chair smoking his pipe gf clay, when shuffling steps beyond the door suggested an unusual commotion. The door was flung open and banged ■gainst the wainscot with unaccustomed noise, and he, starting to his feet, met the messenger half way with the anxious query, "Well?" But all he heard ere he sank back in his chair ex- hausted, were the words, feebly spoken: Petition Denied. "Thank God," said the veteran, for to him it meant much. As to the cap- tain of the police it meant much. As to the widows and orphans of the slaught ered officers it meant much. But then the official paused and the man coming to himself said: "This must be told." Slowly he wrote a message to Spies briefly announcing the news, and then entered the corridor in which are the cells in which the condemned sit and write and sneer" and argue. Always self important, never particularly in- teresting, full of mighty plans to be pro- jected in space without the customary aids and abetments of brains and capi tal or industry, Spies sat alone. The approach of his jailer interrupted his mighty thought and with a frown upon his pallid face— he has grown thin-, jawed by his long confinement he asked querulously "Well?" Not obse quiously, but With Manly Sympathy "With Manly Sympathy the jailer passed between the bars the crumpled paper in which was written what would seem to a condemned man an all important communication. Spies took it quickly, read .it hurriedly and then simply lifting his eyes for a mo- ment as he folded the paper and laid it on a stool beside him remarked, "I have nothing to say," and, resuming his work, indicated his desire to be left alone. The jailer's starting was called to a halt by Spies, who said: "You might tell the others if you please." The news was received by the others characteristically. The American public has been fed ad nauseam with sensational stuff about these men. They have been pictured as lofty browed, keen-eyed men, of gentle mould. They have been sent forth on silvery phrases as gentlemen of leisure, who have kindly come from foreign shores to teach the hardy sons of the Western wilds to live and move and enjoy _ their being. If one might believe the current literature of the times, they are Above the Ordinary Level of intelligence, men devoted to the furtherance of an idea, men whose sym pathies encircled the globe, and whose humanitarianism is wide-horizoned. As a matter of fact they are very common- place people. They are not men, with one exception, who have earned their bread by the sweat of their brows. They are known throughout the length and breadth of this magnificent state, and especially in the upheaved streets of this imperial city, as professional agitators, as professional workingmen who professed much more than they glib-tongued, as all their set are, narrow-minded, bitter, prejudiced, full of petty intrigue, which finally culminated in this infernal illustra tion of the possibilities of socialism, when pushed to the last degree of an- archy. It must be said in reference to Parsons, who is The One American among them, and Spies, that while they were professed workingmen, they did some intellectual labor in the conduct of labor papers,but they never attained the plane of dignity or of pure intellectual- ity in which Schwab stood and stands by reason of his nervous organization and the nicety of his brainy apprecia tion of situations. They were not in any true sense of the term intellectual leaders. They never could be. Schwab might be an intellectual leader in the realm of alleged prophecy, in the realm of Utopia. It would interest, lam sure, the peo ple of the world if they could scalp the citizenship of this great state and note the absolute feeling with which these men are regarded. You see it is some time since the crime. It is nearly two years. A long time, in which, as Kip Van Winkle would remark, being gone. We Are Easily Forgotten. The names of the policemen who were killed, the names of the men, women and children who were maimed and in- jured, are forgotten and have been swept away by the stream of time and covered by the multitudinosities of hap- pening and of incident since then. All that remains is this spectacle of seven men facing the inevitable gallows. Is there any regret? Oh, indeed, much ; but not in their breasts. There is yet to be formulated a sentence of sorrow for the deed so far as they are con- cerned. There is yet to be printed one solitary phrase indicating regret that the murder occurred when and as it did. The people of the state, people of the city, the associates of the police, the families of the maimed and wounded yes, in their breasts is much regret, but the men who caused the trouble have, as I say, yet to phrase the first sentence indicating sorrow, much less repent- ance. What, then is the feeling? The feel- ing is a universal sorrow for the men, individual sympathy for tb#m as per- sons because It Is Not Believed that either one of them literally threw the bomb, literally killed them, literally maimed the many women and children. but a good square solid desire that the world in general and of this country in particular may see that Illinois deals with criminals of all descriptions and particularly with this class of danger ous criminals by legal methods on all fours with justice and not until every possible,. feasible, approachable, techni cal, if you will, objectiou has been met and satisfied. -■-:£_ l'- -.i r_?f- The governor in Springfield to-day finds satisfaction in the expression of , the supreme court in Washington. Like Moses of old * his hands are J strengthened by this new factor in the j SAINT PAUL, MINN., THURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 3, 1887.— PAGES. affair, and between ourselves, he needs it. Gov. Oglesby is an old man, an old time politician, a statesman of the popular order. In his youth he was a fiery orator, but always on the winning side. In the war he was A Gallant Soldier. On his return to the people of his On his return to the people of his state he received the highest honor in their power to confer. He is the kind of man, more or less bald-headed, with silver-bowed spectacles and clean shaven face, who dresses in summer in nan- keen coat, vest and trousers, and sits in the calm seclusion of his official palace as accessible to Tom, Dick and Harry as to Thomas, Richard and Henry. No divinity hedges about that particular king. His presence is as accessible to the humblest as to the highest. He has a keen sense of duty and also a lively appreciation of the popular side of a question. But he is an old man. He has no political future. His popular race is nearly ended, and when the term of his present office shall expire, with his wife he will retire to their farm to spend in calm contemplation of the past The Serene Enjoyment of the present, and a roseate hopefulness for the future the remainder of his earthly days. That he desires the last significant act of his official life to be the signing of seven death warrants who can believe? That as the last significant act of his official life it would please him to have an act of mercy, who can doubt? As was well said by a near and intimate friend of the governor to-day: "From this hour all effort concerning the anar chists and their fate will be made on one side, namely, in their behalf, and it would be indelicate were any effort to be made on the other hand." Unfortu nately for the governor in this respect Parsons, the brainy American, Lingg, the cheeky German, Engle and Fischer join in demanding lil>erty or the execu tion of their sentence. They not only refuse to beg for mercy but they laugh away with magnificent contempt the bare suggestion that somebody has asked a commutation of their sentence. They mock the interested interference of clergymen with sneers, and they ha, ha, down the avenues of Chicago the well meant proposition that they sign a formal petition for a commutation. Louis Lingg, with an impertinence born of his breeding, ventures to thrust a sneer at the governor, whom he terms the mere tool of the monopolists. Registered His Letter in order that his impertinence may find certain delivery into the governor's hands. He, too, demanded liberty . or death, and his demand will be ac- ceded to. Lingg is a young man who came from Germany but a short time previous to the Haymarket riot. He is unable to speak the language of the country, and, of course, is not a citizen. Within a few months of his arrival in Chicago, being somewhat of an expert from practice among European dyna- miters, he began to manufacture bombs here and to teach his fellow anarchists how to use them •to promote a social revolution, which he advocated as neces sary. A comparison of the fragments of the bomb that was thrown at the Haymarket with bombs found at Lingg's quarters furnished conclusive proof that he made the one with which the murders were committed.; In his letter to the governor he says that His Only Crime was in -'calling on the oppressed masses" "to oppose the force of their oppressors with force." The law officers and the police are the "oppressors" designated by Lingg, and he made a bomb which he instructed another man how to throw at them with murderous effect. That is how he called on the oppressed to "oppose force with force." What tender-hearted sophist will argue that this confessed crime was a mere "po litical offense," for which the offended should not be punished with death? George Engel, to whom no mercy of any ! sort or kind lias been presented, offered or suggested ventures in his letter to the governor not only an enhancement of the impertinence found in Lingg's, but protests in advance against a com- mutation of sentence and gives his ground for such protest; while Fischer in his screed against the barbarism of the seventeenth century, and his thesis concerning the cloud upon the social firmament, ventures to lecture the gov ernor on his Lack of Appreciation of the evils that are rampant in the pres ent institution of society which allows one portion of the human race to build fortunes upon the misfortunes of oth ers; to enslave their fellow men. A singular coincidence is noticed by men with memories between Carter Harri- son's expressions in the interview I had with him a year or so ago and the letter of Fischer. Said Carter Harrison, on that occasion: "The blood of the mar- tyrs was the seed of the church, and the blood of these men means ruin and dis- aster and wide spread trouble and dis- satisfaction among the laboring classes." While Fischer says: "Society may hang a number of disciples of progress who have disinterestedly served the cause of the sons of toil, which is the cause of humanity, but their blood will work miracles in bringing about the downfall of modern society, and in hastening the birth of a new era of civ- ilization." The governor is seriously perturbed in his mind by these men, for, between ourselves, 1 really think it would Gratify the Governor, and not particularly displease the great majority of thoughtful citizens, if con- fessing their guilt and humbly petition- ing for a recognition of all the facts in the case, certain members of this unholy and unhappy gang were to supplicate and implore, in befitting terms, the mercy of the state, and the governor grant a commutation of their sentence. But they won't do it. They stand upon what they call their rights, and they spell it with a capital R, and those of them who might reasonably expect mercy are just as pigheaded and just as self-satisfied and just as conceited and just as stubborn as those for whom mercy would be simply "suicide on the part of the state. ; Now arises a most in- teresting question : Shall the governor, who stands in the light of a parent, treat These Lesser Guilty Men as in his best judgment they deserve to be treated, or perhaps it would be bet- tor to say, as in his best judgment they mighty without harm to the state be treated, as a father would a naughty child, or shall he stand upon that point of dignity, that point of etiquette, which says : "I cannot grant an unasked peti- tition." Now, you readily see that that is a very good point, and to a man of Oglesby's tender heart, v embarrassed somewhat by his level head, it is a point which rankles, and nettles, and stirs, and disturbs him nine ; hours in every : ten wakeful hou?s. The press of Chi cago, which means, of course, the press of the state, is united in the demand that the execution of the sentence shall proceed. The unanimity with which the editors of these often pugnacious, belligerent, and hand to hand fighting journals stand shoulder to" shoulder in the expression of A Common Opinion that state mercy would be state suicide, and that state weakness, hesitancy, timidity on this occasion would be state cowardice, is delightful to witness; and that the judge who tried the cause should be cheered and complimented along his not particularly pleasant path" just now by the confirmation of his state appellate court, and by the virtual indorsement oi the supreme court of the United States, goes without saying. That the attorney general of the state, and more. especially the gallant soldier of the people, State's Attorney Grinnell, should feel as though a cubit had been added to his stature, the country may well believe. History, or at all events, local annals, will preserve for all time tho record of that man's courage,fidelity to what he believed right, inexhaustible resource, and utter insensibility to dan- ger. Already the seal of commendation has been set upon his record by his fel- low citizens, who, without regard for party, have unanimously said to him, sitting at a comparatively low place at the table, "Come up higher," and those who were associated with him are also in the line of immediate preferment. But, so far as Chicago is concerned, it is now approaching step by step the supreme hour which will test to the very utmost limit its courage, its firmness, its loyalty to itself. Fortunate is it that in its chief magistrate it has not only a popu lar politician, but a man grounded in the principles of self-respect, which make him loyal and faithful to his pub- lie trust. '■'-<■', Mayor Roche, Aided and abetted by Sheriff Matson, Chief of Police Ebersol and their vari ous subordinates, is obviously the man for the emergency. In every essential he and the city are prepared, and, al- though by fortuitous coincidence, sun- dry troops of the United States are gath ering here, there is no belief that any tumultuous danger will make their em- ployment necessary on the day of cxc- cution. ;s?3___3@_~3S With the announcement of the decis- ion of the supreme court of the United States came upon the minds of the lo<-a! authorities the necessity for immediate preparation. Initial steps were taken to-day. It has been decided that all , traffic on the day of the execution within one block of the criminal court building' will be rigidly prohibited. Cordons of police, aided by the local militia, will form solid columns along the intersect- ing streets, and to all except actual resi- dents in that locality passage through the lines will be impossible during that day. -,;•-.■' The Execution will unquestionably take place at an early hour in the morning, and beyond the general idea that the men, howso- ever many there may be, whether seven„ or six, or five, will be divided into two batches, nothing in detail has yet been determined. Four applications have been received' from New York city by men desiring the cheerful office of hangman, but that eminence, it is understood, will be vouchsafed to a citizen of Chicago, who, it is hoped, will practice somewhat upon inanimate subjects prior to the time when lie must try his ambitious hand upon the throats of so many of his fel- low beings, and that all things may be conducted decently and in order is the firm prayer of every citizen of this im perial state. That bunglings and mang- ling* and infelicitous blundering- may be avoided must be the desire of every citizen of all states, for that this point will be the point toward which the eyes of Christendom will from thence on be turned, is as certain as that on this clear November day the sun of a forgotten June is shining with healing in its beams. Jo Howabd, Jr. AT THE JAIL. '■;■? ■}■*.> How the News Was Received by the Doomed Men. - Chicago, Nov. 2.— A feeling of in-) tense nervousness, or mental excite ment, all the more evident from the determined effort to suppress it on the part of those who were influenced by it,. pervaded that portion of the county jailt which is occupied by the condemned-' anarchists this morning, and it, was with an evident feeling of suspense* that the condemned paced the corridor when they took their morning exercise.! This feeling was no doubt owing to the* . expectancy of a decision from ■'■' the United States supreme court in their case and the suspense in which they were until they received it. Despite the disquiet of their minds they all did: their best to preserve their outward de- meanor. Lingg and Fischer looked as: defiant as ever, and Spies loses none of? his cynical expression as the fatal day approaches. Parsons does his best to reserve his jollity, but this morning : is attempts at gayety were sorry ones,. and it was evident from his every act and general manner that he, too. telt : the <y- .'\ Gravity of the Situation, • \ and that his spirits suffered as deeply as : any of the others from the importance of the message which in a few short. hours he expected to receive, fixing his fate, so far as the courts of the land cart do it. Fielden's contemplativeness was given full swing, and nobody who watched him could doubt for a moment*. that the one subject he was ' pondering? in his mind was what the de cision of the highest court in the : land would be. The habitual' deep set ' pallor of Schwab's countenance was '. more marked than ever before; and . those who watched him' minutely won dered in their own minds if the execu- ; tioner would anticipate by any very {\ long period the ordinary laws of nature *.' in consigning him to the tomb. Engel} has the most stolid countenance' In the lot, but even" his apparently sluggMh* nature was considerably ruffled to-day and it was evident that mentally, he was : as deeply interested as any of the others- :in what the purport of the expected message would be. The first news of the decision ;of the supreme court was taken to the county jail by a reporter a few minutes after it ; had been received from Washington. ' Jailer Folz - was seated in his office, tipped back in his chair, and about to light his cigar. When the reporter told him the news he deliberately struck a match, lit his cigar and said: "Well, it is just what we expected." * There were No Visitors No Visitors at the jail to-day. and all the prisoners were in their cells when the news ar- rived. A note was sent up to Spies, telling him that the writ had been de- nied, and asking if he had any state- ment to make in regard to the matter. Spies was sitting in his cell busily en- gaged with some manuscript. He read the note and returned it with a short "I have nothing to say." None of the other men would say anything either. Within fifteen minutes after the verdict was known, eight or ten officers in citizens' clothing appeared. Two of them stepped quietly into the jail and the others dis- posed of themselves in the criminal court building and about the neighbor- hood. The bailiff at the outer door leading into the jail-court says he is in- structed to admit no one, but whether this applies to the near relatives of the death-sentenced men is not known. The streets about the jail are perfectly quiet. No crowds have gathered and no mci dents of any sort have as yet occurred. The police are prepared for any emer gency, though they say they have no fear of an uprising or open violence. Without any previous intimation a rule ■--.:; Rigidly Debarring Visitors from the jail was quickly put in force, and no one was allowed to enter the building during the afternoon except officers, reporters and relatives of the anarchists. As soon as the news from Washington had generally circulated through the city, there was a rush of miscellaneous people to see the con- demned men before it was too late. They entered the sheriff's office in droves, but the latchstring had been withdrawn. Loud and long were the expostulations, but the burly deputy who guarded the way to the* jail-yard was obdurate as the prison walls. Friends of the doomed men, bearing delicacies for them, begged admittance. The dainties were passed in, but only. relatives gained admittance. Sheriff Matson said : I don't -want to make any fnss about it, but the visits of other anarchists have got to be stopped. Henceforth the doomed men will not be allowed to have any more recreation hours. Personally I would like to grant them all the favors I could, but I don't think it would be wise to do so. It may seem foolish. and perhaps is foolish, but I don't want these men to cheat the gallows by kill- ing themselves. Their friends might give them daggers or poison, and although I know that if they want to kill themselves we would be powerless to prevent it, still I shouldn't like to have it said that if I had attend to my duty the suicides might have been . pre- vented. The First to Arrive ,was Mrs. Engel. There was a sort ot scared expression on her poor, worn face, and she moved about in a nervous manner, as though she could scarcely realize that the last slender thread of hope had broken. She brought a basket of toothsome edibles for her husband, and Jailer Folz took a chair from the office and carried it out to the cage and placed it for her near the bars. Lingg's •aunt and young lady cousin and one -of his w fair admirers came '■ next. They ' were all downcast, with traces of tears on their cheeks, but they had not been talking to the reckless bomb maker five minutes before they were all laughing, and their mirth sounded strangely incongruous with the feelings of most of those pres ent. Frank Bielefeldt, of the Arbeiter Zeitung, accompanied by a reporter for the same paper, came next. Shortly aft- erward Spies' two brothers, Chris and Ferdinand, were admitted, and they • were followed by their mother, who seemed to feel her sorrow deeply. - Mrs. Parsons and her two little children '.came, and with them a lady who is in- terested in the work of the Amnesty as- sociation. Every one of the prisoners had the semblance, at least, of positive- ly cheerful spirits. Mr. Bielfeldt, after leaving the jail, said: It Is useless to ask these men to sign the petition to the governor for their lives. I have just been talking to them, and they laugh at the idea. A Significant Incident of the day had its scene at police head- quarters. The moment word of the de- cision was received all the. detectives in the building disappeared with surpris- ing suddenness. As to what districts or places they were assigned their supe riors were non-committal when asked. lt is known, however, that for some days the men have had sealed instruc tions to act as soon as the decision was received. "We will not be caught nap- ping." was all the officials would say. Besides the regular force the detective department has been largely reinforced from the outlying stations. Just what precautions will be or have been taken to prevent any outbreak the officials de- cline to say. It is known that prepara tions are going on for the exocution. The ropes have been ordered from an Eastern firm for some time, and will be thoroughly tested before being sent on here. An additional scaffold will have to be built, and preparations were being made for .this to-day. At pres ent there are two of these dark instru ments of death lying in the basement of the criminal court building, but tney will not accommodate over five victims. The new one will be made very much like the one on which the three Italian murderers were hanged some time ago, but will, it is stated, contain some slight improvements as to traps. Already the morbidly curious of Chicago as well as outside points have been sending In re- quests for tickets to get in the jail on .11th inst. Letters by the score are ar- riving daily from the provincial journal- ists who desire to secure a ticket so they can have a representative on hand. They will all be doomed to disappoint- ment. If the hanging takes place on the 11th inst., there will be only a few persons present. The sheriff will ad- here strictly to the law laid down in such cases, and no one except the repre sentatives of the city papers, the press associations, members of the jury and the attorneys will be allowed to be present. **.. - : There is considerable speculation con- cerning. . ' - A Mysterious Visit which was paid to the jail to-day by Prof. W. M. Salter, the well known lee- turer, and president of the society for ethical culture, and Henry D. Lloyd, formerly one of the editors of the Chicago Tribune. They were armed with a special permit from the sheriff, and after a prolonged conversation with Fielden they visited in turn all of the other prisoners. - Altogether they spent over three hours in the building, but they declined to make public the object of t -their . visit, and the prison- ers." were equally noncommunicative. It *is surmised, however, that they endeavored to induce the condemned men to write an appeal to the governor :f or clemency. The first step toward a depopulation of the jail- were ■taken to-day, and by : Monday: •next it " will contain fewer - in- J mates than at any time since the great ' fire. ' Several prisoners were admitted to i»ail*>>!s afternoon,' and *b'p evening '.''■ Continued on Sixth Page* LET THEM HANG HIGH Such Is the Verdict of St. Paul Citizens as to the Chi- , cago Anarchists. Otto Haese, a Well-Known So- cialist, Speaks on the Red-Flag Bearers. Opinion of T. M. Blakeley, Who Reviewed the Evidence With an Editor's Care. General Expressions That the United States Supreme Court Decision Is Just. Following the refusal of the supreme court of the United States to grant the writ of error in the case of the seven anarchists, it was rumored that a num ber of socialists would go from St. Paul to Chicago an the date of the executions to aid in any demonstrations that might be inaugurated by the order in that city. A Globe reporter called upon Otto Haese, one of the most prominent socialists in St. Paul, who is on the cdi- torial staff of the West Publishing com- pany. "Mr. Haese, have you heard of any scheme of the socialists here to go to Chicago on Nov. 11?" asked the re- porter. "There has been none to my knowl- edge," he replied, "Indeed, it seems in- credible that any person should under- take so foolish an act as to change events which is in the power of no number of men to prevent. It may be, and this is* the exception, that the gov ernor of Illinois may exercise his right of extending clemency. Workingmen, as a rule, believe that the verdict and judgment condemning the crime, of the Cook county court, and the affirmance of the same by the supreme court of Illinois, is an act of class prejudice. My opinion is that human beings are liable to errand judges as much. Ido not believe, however, that the justices of the supreme court knowingly, have disregarded the rights of the parties defendant. Upon an examination of the opinion of the supreme court I find that there are very strong points against Spies and com- rades, while on the other hand there seem to be, and no doubt are, points in favor of the condemned men which seem to lead to the conclusion that a real con- spiracy to throw that bomb, or commit any other criminal acts was not war- ranted. I believe that the justices may have allowed themselves to be carried away by popular clamors, and so unin tentionally arrived at a conclusion ad- verse to Spies and associates. . May be, upon close inspection of the record, the judgment of affirmance is sustained by the evidence, may be not. ; This 1 can- not tell, even not from a careful perusal of. the. opinion. The understanding of workingmen, at least those organized, seems to be that the condemned men have availed themselves in writing and speaking as they did of the '-38185 CONSTITUTIONAL BIGHTS and that the interference of the Chicago police, on the 4th of May, with the meeting held at Haymarket, was unau thorized by law, and as supporting their views, they point to the testimony of Carter Harrison, mayor at that time, and Mr. English, a newspaper reporter, who swore that the meeting was peace- able. The especial reason that work- ingmen are of this opinion is that anar chists, at that time, favored strongly (let me add too strongly) the eight-hour movement, while before they were ridi culing the workingmen for striving for such slight advantages as the reduction of the hours of work would guarantee. Of course these are sentiments not ex- actly answering your points, in as far as the question arises what is my opinion on the probabilities and outcome of the execution of the law. Now I believe, granting for the sake of argument, that these men are guilty and in view of the fact that a large portion of citizens do not believe the condemnation of these men quite justified, or at least believed the punishment to be excessive, then it would be better and be a means of restoring harmony and a good feel- ing, that executive clemency should be extended. Again, as far as present troubles may be anticipated I do not be- lieve there is the slightest danger, but lam afraid the precedent established by the opinion of the supreme court of Illinois, may be a bad one. It may be a turning point in our constitutional his- tory, such as MAY LEAD TO TBOUBLES. I feel not justified to condemn the judges for having done what they did and yet I cannot approve of it. May be that I'm not as familiar with the act- ual facts and the evidence adduced, may be on account of my proclivities to favor radical movements and see people amel iorate their condition; may be because I do not believe in capital punishment. However this may be, at the present time, more than at any other period of our history, we need statesmen who will be able to maintain true principles of democracy and reconcile antagonistic interests. Men, such as we need, will be brought forth, and let us hope in time to prevent repetition of history such as caused the overthrow of noble Greece and mighty Borne. We can afford to have peace and prosperity— if we cannot. I should despair of mankind. Law, as long as it expresses the understanding of the peo ple, should be religiously obeyed, but when discord and dissent awaken the passions of heart and interest, then it is time to meditate and consider— be- cause we are human beings, and likely to be carried away by our passions. A VALUABLE OPINION. Probably the most intelligent opinion expressed is that of T. M. Blakely, who attended the trial throughout and drew up the resume of the case, which ap peared in the Northeastern Law Be- porter. Said he: The judgment was right, and any grant of writ of error would have been a weak-kneed concession to morbid sentimentality. . There was nothing in any of the points on which the application -to the supreme court was based. . Undoubtedly - the anarchists were tried by an impartial jury, and undoubtedly they were properly convicted as members of -a ; vicious .. conspiracy. ■ Reasonable men reading the evidence could only come to one conclusion. - Schnaubelt, whose good fortune it is at present to be abroad whence he safely sends statements exculpating his fellow conspirators; threw the bomb ; there is very little doubt that Spies lit it before it was thrown, and none that Lingg made it, or that Fielden fired on ' the police, or that all the defendants were . overwhelmingly con- nected with a conspiracy whose objects were unlawful and whose methods were diaboli cal. Milk aud water talk about the "progress of society" and the : "right '. to advocate the substitution of a new form of government," does ...not .* meet * the .case,-, nor do references to "John -■• Brown". .-.- or the : Southern. - ' rebellion. *>=• No one denies the righi of free speech or the right of the people to agitate peaceably for a change of : government. ' Constitutional, agitation,' carried on by civilized ■ means, is one thing, i agitation by assassination, by dynamite, fire cans,' aud poisoned weapons, is another. Understand, I mean to say distinctly that the evidence connects every one of the defend- ants wtth the crime, as conspirators and ad- vocates of the propagation of political prin cipals by assassination.if not as actual partici- pants in the crime itself. Of course my re- marks do not apply to the conscientious scru ples of those who object to capital punish- ment, although, after a very careful perusal of the evidence, and looking to the fearful results of the conspirators' action on that fatal night, in my opinion, hanging is too good for any of them. What St. Paul Men Say. The following are the opinions of citi- zens who were asked for an opinion yes- terday, who, though they had no hesita tion in commending the decision of the U. S. supreme court, were rather reluc tant in saying whether the men should behung,as they are not fully acquainted with the evidence presented at the trial : - iiX'-.-- . . Judge Hickman— l think the decision of the court just, and really don't see how it could have been otherwise. I think they ought to be hung, or any other man who wilfully in- cites to murder. I do not anticipate any trouble at Chicago. Aid. W. H. Sanborn— The U. S. court was right. There was no error to admit of carry- ing it to that court. I cannot say whether they should be hung or not, as I know noth- ing of the evidence. E. S. Thompson— think the decision was one that every fair-minded lawyer had rea- son to expect. I am not even in favor of trying these fellows. Though it's getting quite wintry now, I'm an advocate of sum- mary methods. E. H. Ozmun— l thiuk the decision of the court was eminently just and that the men should hang. Mr. Ingersoll— The decision is one in strict compliance with the law and if guilty they should hang. O. E. Holman— decision was perfectly just and as it should be. To protect society these sort of men should be hanged. The case never should have gone to the United States court. F. G. Baker— decision could not have been otherwise. When the case was con- eluded in Chicago, I made up my mind that there was not the shadow of a - ground tor carrying it to the U. S. court. The men should hang by all means. 11. C. McCartey— l could not expect the U. S. court to interfere after the supreme court of the state had passed upon it. However, I hope something may occur to prevent the meu from being hanged. F. G. Bohri— decision could not have been otherwise, although I am not satisfied Quit all of these men should or will hang. No one knows just what lies in she heart of Gov. Oglesby. A. terrible pressure will be brought to bear upon him. However, the law is very strict as regards petitions for com- mutations of sentence. They must come di- rect from the prisoner himself, and of course if they stick to their cry, -Liberty or death," why, no such petitions will be made and the governor will have no chance to act. How- ever, the friends of these men will push these petitions for all they are worth. I don't care what the papers say, there is going to be terrible excitement over the affair in Chicago and much trouble. R. K. Boney— Tucker's previous inter- pretations of the constitution were that amendments to it were limits to the power of the federal government. The granting of that writ would have established a precedent by which every criminal who had a little money could have his case reviewed by the United States supreme court. The state su preme court is sufficient to decide the case of all criminals. J. F. Fitzpatrick— refusal of the United States court to grant the writ was undoubt edly right, and the state supreme court was the supreme judicial power. The United States court had no appellate jurisdiction in the case. There is one thing that I don't understand. •■■ The efforts of the anarchists and their counsel to procure a reversal of the death sentence, are entirely inconsistent with anarchal "doctrines. They are trying to take advantage of every legal technicality which the most astute lawyers in the couutry can discover. In a system, the law which they affect to despise, they ..have used all their energies to overthrow. ; , .'-- • D. D. Merrill— Leniency in a, case of this kind begets, anarchy. Ido not see where our safety lies if such men are not removed. State Treasurer Bobleter— ought to hang. - Adjt. Gen. Seeley— Good for' the supreme court. Now let us hope that Gov. Oglesby will not interfere. Eli Warner— l guess nobody will kick on the decision. -"'.'.-■: .-■;,.:-.•-' Col. J. K. Moore— anarchists ought to hang. •"■'-.".•■. Insurance Commissioner ShanJrew— am proud of the supreme court of the United States. There has been too much delay, al- ready, though the supreme court ought to be given credit for its prompt action. Ido not believe there will be any trouble in Chicago on the day of the hanging. If there should be there will be a large number of people in Chicago who are willing to help squelch any riotous demonstration. Deputy Clerk Helm— glad to hear that the court sustained the decision of the Illi nois court. ■ • District Attorney George N. Baxter— al ways thought the appeal to the supreme court was a great big attempt to keep the an- archists from being hung. S. L. Pierce— lt's just this way with me : I don't like to see a man hung, but I wouldn't like to see those fellows get off. From a legal standpoint. I never did think the su preme court could have done otherwise. United States Senater C. K. Davis— just heard of it. I thought it would come out that way. Thomas Ryan— Erwin thought it would come out as it has. When you get the opinion you will see that the matter was . decided in 1830 in the Neff case by Chief Justice Mar- shall. The same decision was given by Judge Miller in the famous slaughter house cases from New Orleans. It is on what is called due process of law. The supreme court simply refuses to have anything to do with the question of state's right- It's the same old thing as in the decision of 1836. Judge William Louis Kelly— l was in hopes that they would take up that Illinois law and sustain it, for then it would stop all this in- fernal wrangling. Otto Kcufl'ner— Oh, I don't know much about it, but I think it's all right. You can't tell much about it until you have all the pro- ceedings before you. but the way the papers report it, it is undoubtedly good law. You see they didn't have to. review the whole case. It was simply a constitutional ques tion. H. J. Horn— thought it would be so. :i:~-A C. N. Bell l'm loyal to the supreme court. C. D. O'Brien— lt's all right. If the supreme preme court should have asserted jurisdic tion over this case, you might as well wipe out all state judiciary. "These men and their friends have no cause for complaint," said Representative Edmund Rice, "they have been given a fair trial and condemned for violating the law of the land. If heroic treatment had been resorted to at Chicago hi dealing with these anarchist rive or six years ago there would have been no Haymarket riot; but no, the authorities al- lowed these people to have their own way so long that they became defiant and thought punishment would not be meted out to them no matter what act of violence they might perpetrate. Men of the worst stripe ought to be jugged as soon as they begin to preach the doctrine of an- archy, violence and ruin, and that would have been my course if the problem had been presented for my consideration. I remem ber on one occasion when I was mayor of this city a committee came to me in the in- terest of Johaun Most, who wanted to lee- ture here. It was suggested that I should subscribe to a purse to guarantee his ex penses, but I promptly informed the com- mittee that I would subscribe for a halter for Most but I would not in any way encourage him or permit him to preach his doctrine of anarchy in St. Paul while I was . its mayor. If the same course had been pursued at Chi cago there would have been no necessity for an execution at that place the 11th of this month." . Adjutant General Thomas M. Vincent, U. S. A.— decision of the supreme court was eminently just and proper and it will be a notice served upon anarchists and ; social ists abroad that America is not the place pict ured to them, . where - the ■, laws • can be vio lated with impunity. The execution of the anarchists .-at . Chicago will be an ' ex- ' ample that will be heeded where less forcible measures might not avail. This anarchistic doctrine is not a thing of to-day, but has been steadily increasing, but especially within the past ten years. An in cident that occurred in Washington, in 1877 I think it was, at any rate during the fire that partly destroyed the patent office building, will illustrate this. One of my neighbors was Judge Olin, one of the members of the District of Columbia judiciary, and together we proceeded to the scene. . Shortly after our arrival upon the spot, Judge Olin called my attention to a group of able bodied men, who were standing around but taking no part in the efforts to extinguish the flames. lie ad dressed himself to them and urged ; them as good citizens to go to the aid of the firemen, but one of the men who acted as spokesman ; fox his companions : replied. "Not much. A MERRY-GO-ROUND. Fargo Argus: : Saturday's - St. Pauf ; GLOBE was •; a merry-go-round—alto gether. )■ : lts cartoons in its Dakota; edi tion—while sometimes hitting ■ the Argus below the bet— papers like I sheof. Surely the GLOBE is a prodigy of success —carving out a field for itself— and filling; it wonderfully well. _ J. The sales ■of the Saturday's GLOBE increase ' every week, and there seems to be no end to the' de mand. Mr. Bes tic's great difficulty is to get copies sufficient to supply his . cus tomers. ' V '■ NO. 307. We like lo see government buildings burn.'* This answer set the judge to . thinking, and that same evening, while conversing over the events of the day, he predicted just such out- rages as recently - occur at - Chicago and elsewhere, unless the mob or unruly element of society was placed under more restrictions. Mayor Smith A jury of their countrymen gave these men a fair trial . and found them guilty, and the supreme court has only done its duty in the matter. When the anarchists committed the crime was the time to punish them, however, for the delays that have been countenanced have only caused a false sym pathy to be created for them. But they will undoubtedly get their deserts now. ■- Col. P. M. Cleary, of Chicago— At- torney Grinnell has immortalized himself in his argument before the supreme court, and he will be the next governor of Illinois. A most righteous decision is my definition of the verdict and the scoundrels will be hung as sure as Chicago is a city. ■-.--,. Hon. P. H. Kelly— The supreme court by its refusal to grant the writ finds that the accused had a . fair trial. The laws of the land must be sustained and maintained. ■-• - Col. A. F. Rockwell, Chief Quartermaster Department of Dakota— l think a mistake was made py the supreme court in granting the counsel for the condemned anarchists a hearing in the first place. It simply estab lishes a precedent for sharp lawyers to carry the cases of murderers and other criminals from all the states to the highest tribunal on' a plea of informality in the findings by the lower courts. - In other words it makes the United States supreme court appear in the nature of a police court, and all other ' business • would have to be neglected if this precedent was followed up, as criminal matters would fill up the docket. The execution of these men will be a salutary lesson, and one that is needed as a warning to offenders against out laws. Alderman Long— A week ago when I was in Chicago, there seemed to be no. doubt in the minds of the people that the ■ supreme court would take the very action that to-day's dispatches indicate they have done. It is a just decision, and I do not anticipate any re- versal by has been suggested. Supt. Loader, in charge of the Pinkerton Agency in St. Paul— l am not sure that Gov. Oglesbywill refuse the appeals made to him for ' a commutation of sentence of two or three of the.anarchists,especially as petitions for executive clemency have received a great many signatures. - It was not a surprise to me that the Tinted States supreme court has made the decision not to interfere with the case in any way, and in fact they had no reason to do so. Comptroller Roche— The execution of the anarchists will create a tremenduous sensa tion throughout the country. The whole laud has been waiting with keen anxiety to see what the supreme court would do. It may be a good thing and again it may noti It's very hard to fortell just what effect it will have. ~. ,-■ - Inspector Johnson am pleased at the action of the supreme court in the an- ' archist case. It's a move in the right direc tion. I'm not spoiling for gore either, and I am glad that the case has gone through all the courts the way it has. All- the tribunals of the laud have "heard them, and they can not say that the law has not given them every right or privilege vouchsafed by the constitution. ,r;:_~o J. C. Bayden— hard, but just. They have had a fair trial, and the case has been twice reviewed. No question can be mode as to the legality of anything. Let the law take its course. • -. A. S. Willoughby— lt's just right. They well deserve all they will get. McPherson B. Williams is no . help for them now. They must take the conse quences. - Charles James— l'm glad of it. The anarch* ists will now get what they deserve. - ' J. M. Egau— a good thing. Just what might be expected. E. B. Wakeman — It is a just decision, and lam glad the case was taken to the United States supreme court. J. S. McCullach— That's good. Now let them pay the penalty of their crimes. . S. L. Moore— That's just right. -.". — • SOLD - TO \ INDIANS. How a Drunken Father Disposed .. . .... of His Daughters. Ottawa, Nov. 2.— While a Victoria schooner was lying at the wharf at Bar- clay sound, on the \ west coast of Van-* couver island, recently, the captain and crew were surprised to ■ see two white girls running towards the vessel; closely* pursued by three or four Indians* Reaching the side of the vessel the girls sprang on board almost exhausted and; begged the captain to orotect them from their pursuers. The Indians were close upon them, and, jumping on the deck of the schooner, demanded the girls as § their property, but the captain refused to give the girls up. After parleying with the captain for a short time they , took their departure only to return largely reinforced. The captain then surrendered the girls for fear of his life. It has since been learned by the government of British Columbia, which, is to demand the release of the girls, that they are daughters of William Thompson, formerly of Victoria, who, with his wife and four daughters, moved to San Juan, on the west coast* three years ago and took up his home near an Indian camp. Since that time until now nothing has been heard of them. After moving to San Juan the father became dissipated and all he earned went for the purchase of liquor. When he could no longer obtain money or liquor he sold his eldest daughter toft wealthy Chinaman, to whom it is said " she was married at the point of the re- volver. His wife died of a broken heart, and in one of his revelries at the Indian camp, it is alleged, he agreed to barter two of his daughters for a few blankets, clothing and whisky. The bargain was made, and for the purpose of carrying it out Thompson's hut was visited . the following night by a few of the tribe, who easily carried away their helpless victims. Since their captivity the girls have been subject to the most brutal treatment. A young sister, only eight years old, was sold to another tribe of Indians. The light-house keeper ... at - Race Rocks light has, within a few days, seen a young white girl in a canoe, pad* died by Indians, pass the light-house. , The Sham Butter Issue. " Chicago, Nov. 2.— Many of the lead* ing cattle breeders of the state are up in arms against the management of the national fat stock show, which opens here next week, on account of its re- fusal to allow space for an exhibit of oleomargarine and butterine. They claim that these articles are wholly the product of fat cattle and fat swine; that they are now manufactured under gov-' ernment sanction and inspection, and * consequently are of guaranteed purity and wholesomeness ; and that, as space has been set aside for an exhibit of dairy | products, the discrimination in question . is not only unfair and unjust but detri mental to the very class of livestock that 1 the show has been organized to benefit. These views will probably be empha- - sized at a conference of the various :. county breeders' associations, to be held §§ here next week. One of the managers of the fat stock show said this morning?-; that he did not know what effect the re* - monstrance would have upon his asso ciation. For himself he was not in fa- y vor of changing a rule which had been l: adopted, and that it was to the interest- C ;>f the show to protect the , legitimate V dairy interests of the country. -s_ Davis in Good Health. ' Davis in Good Health. Macon, Ga., Nov.' Reports that Mr. Jefferson ..Davis is in a' precarious > condition are not correct. His health is better than at any time since" he left Beauvior. Last night he • received a number of friends ?■ and conversed with' them until a late hour. -This morning he is in fine spirits and in better health than usual. The Employers Win. Evansville, Ind., Nov. 2.— The coal miners' strike in 7 this city was practi sally ended yesterday by { a large num ber of miners returning to work ;in the : [ngleside \ and - Sunnyside mines at the • ; aid scale of, prices. The - remainder ; of ' the strikers will return to work to-day. '