Ask for it through the Globe's
"Want" columns.
How the Mysteries of a Tel
phone Exchange Are Mas
tered and Managed.
Minneapolis Headquarters of
the Hello Girl Fully Pict
ured and Explained.
How Conversations Are Car
ried Through Forests
of Wire.
Telephone Intricacies Which
Are Not Well Understood
by the Public.
i.LL,u: Tele
phones, while
sometimes a nuis
ance and a means
of causing more
profanity than a
little, are some
thing that Minne
apolis business
men would find it
hard to do without.
Of course, when a
man calls half a
uozen times ana receives no answer, ne
is exceedingly apt to lose his temper
and cuss telephones generally, but this
does not alter the fact that they are ex
ceedingly useful things to have around.
If some of the persons win* are continu
ally growling about "poor service,"
"incompetent operators'" and the like
would visit the exchange, they might
thereafter be less severe in their lan
guage when a mistake occurs or they
do not get the person they want as soon
as they think they should. Very few
of tile business men in Minneapolis
have ever been inside a telephone ex
change, for that matter, very few per
sons not connected with the com
pany have ever paid the place a
visit, thinking, perhaps, that there is
nothing of interest to be seen there.
But this is a great mistake, for any one,
especially a person who is atalf inter
ested in electrical plants and mechanical
workings, can find - enough there to
nearly upset his brain, providing, how
ever, that said brain is not balanced
better than the ordinary man's.
Standing on the corner of Nicollet av
enue and Second street and looking up
to the top of the city hall, where the
Minneapolis Telephone exchange is lo
cated, one can see a huge mass of wires
centering in several large boxes just
outside of the window." There is a
big platform just below these
boxes, which are oblong in shape,
and stand erect. A small bridire
extends from this platform to the win
dow, furnishing a means of crossing for
the lineman whose duty it is to , attend
to the wires in these cable-boxes, as
they are called. Here in these boxes
are some 1,500 telephone wires, leading
to the different business houses and res
idences in the city. Each one of these
wires is alone by itself outside of the
boxes, but on the inside it is bundled
with some 200 or 300 more of its fellows,
all covered with some insulating ma
terial and put into a leaden pipe. These
pipes, containing the hundreds of wires,
run from the cable boxes into the tele
phone room, uuder the floor, and come
up back of the testing board, where
each wire is again separated and has a
number of its own. The testing board is
an upright wall, full of small holes, and
covered with small hooks. Each hole
is numbered to correspond with the
wire which connects with it. By means
of this test board, which is, as its name
indicates, a board where all the wires
are tested, any trouble with the wires,
or any particular wire, is located by the
chief operator, whose duty it is, among
other things, to attend to all complaints.
Suppose it is reported to her that tele
phone ST**-, will not work. She at once
goes to the testing board, and, taking
her test wire, applies it to the hole num
bered st;'. If the trouble is somewhere
in the telephone office it is (mown by
the drop numbered 79, at operator No.
S's table, failing to drop, as
It would if the line was af
fected outside of the office. Should
the drop fall, as it generally does, one
of the trouble men is at once sent out to
follow up the line and see where the
difficulty lies. Should the dron not fall,
showing that the trouble is in the office,
it is hunted up very soon and at once
From the test board the wires, again
enclosed in cables, run across the room
under the floor to a space back of the
call boards, at present fifteen in num
ber, not counting a new call board,
which has just been put in and is not
yet in general use. These call boards
are numbered 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and so on up
to 15.in regular order. Each board has on
it, arranged in much the same manner
as on the test board, from 75 to
100 holes, all numbered in regular or
der, from 1 up, the hundred figure not
being on, as No. 1 answers all calls
over line No. 100; No. 2, all calls over
200, and so on. Each call board is so
arranged that but 75 to 100 subscribers
call any one operator, but she can con
nect the caller with any one of the
1,500 lines. The various wires con
nected with the numbered holes on the
ca!_ board, and the connections are
made with electric plugs, which are in
pairs, and fit into the numbered holes on
the board. The operator sits in front
of the call hoard, paying strict attention
to the board in front of her. Hanging
from a tube over her head is an ear
trumpet, which fastens to her head by
means of a small strip of metal. Di
rectly in front of her 'is a transmitter
fastened to an upright tube. From
this transmitter a wire runs, connecting
with the ear trumpet and the 75 or 100
lines whose calls the operator must an
swer. Suppose subscriber No. 483-2
wants 995-4. The operator, when drop
483 falls, listens while the person ring
ing tells her what he wants. Theo she
inserts a plug in the hole numbered 483,
and places the companion plug in. hole
795 and presses four tiroes on a black
button. This connects the two lines,
483 and 795, and rings all the bells on
line numbered 795. There may be six
telephones on line 795, but the only one
to answer the ring is the sub
scriber whose number is 796-4. He
answers by giving a short ring.
To find out whether the two subscribers
are -till talking or not, the operator
touches another plug to one of the holes
in which the two plugs are already in
serted. If they are, a slight click will
be heard. A\ hen the persons finish
talking and ring off, a drop fails, caus
ing a slight noise. The operator then
withdraws the plugs from the holes
and lets them drop. They at once fall
back to their respective places, the
wires attached to them and running
j under the board being weighted with
] small pieces of lead.
In the Minneapolis telephone cx
i change there are two chief operators,
i who have separate desks at the opposite
side of the room from the call boards.
On each of these tables is a telephone,
but different in many respects from the
ordinary telephones.* The ear piece is
attached to all the wires in the office
and connected with switches marked 1,
2, 3, 4, 5, up to 15. The chief operator,
I to hear what any operator in the room
is saying over her teiephome, simply in
serts a plug in switch No. 11, should the
operator answering to that number
be talking. This placing the plug,
opens the circuit between the switch
and the call boarrt bearing the number,
and closes all others, so that the chief
operator can hear all that is said over
the line without the operator or the
subscriber knowing it, as plainly as if
they were talking directly to her. It is
the duty of these chief operators to find
out what operators are not attending to
their duty, stop all lally-gagging and
taffying between operators and outsid
ers over the wires, and to receive all
protests of poor service and all
reports of , wires or telephones
not working. All troubles are re
ported directly to one of the
four "trouble men," as they are called,
whose busines- it is to look up and rem
edy any and all trouble. No telephone
operator is allowed to receive a message
for herself over the wires. All such
messages are sent in to one of the chief
operators, who gives it to the girl for
whom intended." The chief operators at
j the Minneapolis exchange are
Miss Lizzi • Kellelier and Miss Edna
Benton, both tall, handsome, dark
haired young ladies. Of Miss Kellelier
it is said that she has a wonderful mem
ory, andean tell the names of marly
every person on every one of the 1,500
Each operator has ten St. Paul wires
on her call board, all of which she is
obliged to answer should a call come
in over any one of them. These ten
wires are duplicated on every board.and
should a call come in the operator who
receives it makes out a ticket of the
name of the person using the wire. Fif-
teen cents is the charge for using these
wires, and the amount is added in the
telephone bill sent to the subscriber at
the end of each month. The long-dis
tance wire brings up in a separate room,
where Miss Ursa O'Connell presides
over the telephone. She can secure
connection with Winona, Faribault,
Anoka and many other points. This is
a toll line, and each person talking over
the wire is charged 25 cents, which is
collected the same as when the line to
St. Paul or Fort Snelling is used.
The batteries which furnish the elec
tricity for the wires are stored in a
small room just off the main room. The
exchange now has 1,500 lines, and some
2.300 subscribers. There are in all
about 900 special wires, that Is, wires on
which there is only one telephone. The
average number of calls answered dur
ing the day is 11,409. The busiest hour
during the whole day is between 3 and
4 o'clock in the afternoon, when each
girl has all that she can possibly do.
There are some forty-five persons em
ployed by the company, of which 27 are
regular operators, 2 chief operators, 4
trouble men, 7 line men and 1 foreman,
besides the officers. C. P. Wayman is
the general superintendent; W. B.
Joyce, whose picture is here given,
manager; A. C. Whidden cashier, and
P. G. "Reynold superintendent of con
struction. Several improvements, both
inside and outside of the office, are con
templated to be made in the near future.
Mr. Joyce, the present manager, was
formerly with the company at Still
water and Fargo, and understands
thoroughly the workings of a telephone
exchange.- -.- : :■*.*.'. i>.
John li. Ahead. - -
Butte Mining Journal. . _. -
. Earth has few more interesting phe
nomena than the spectacle of these two
sworn brothers, Prince John, of Boston,
and the Prince of Wales, struggling to
rid themselves of superfluous flesh and
battling with the demon of intemper
ance. For the moment the Boston
Drince seems to be ahead, but Wales
must not permit himself to be discour
The Characteristic Types of
Homes and Home Life in
The Walker Homestead on
Hennepin Avenue and Its
Art Treasures.
The Kindly Manner of T. B.
Walker, Owner of This
Splendid Home.
Sketchy Talk of House and
Master— A Fitting" Type of
a Happy Home.
It would be a very great blunder in
writing of the residence at the corner of
Hennepin avenue and Eighth street, as
a type of a Minneapolis home, not to
closely identify its proprietor with it.
The design of this sketch will therefore
be to associate them intimately together
—both the man and the house, for more
than any other master of great wealth
does T. B. Walker make his home the
central place of attraction in his life.
His aim for years has been to beautify
it,not so much on the exterior but inside,
where one must enter before he can
fully realize the rich beauty of
the esthetic tastes of the
propiietoi. This house is one of the
most familiarly known in the city. It
cannot b"* called a handsome, a magnifi
cent, or a splendid mansion, but, with
its ample lawn of grass sweeping away
from its hospitable doors, its light brick
material of width it is built, and which
is pleasant to look upon, its many gables
and its long picture gallery in the rear,
it possesses attractions that are all its
own, and that are far more welcome to
many people, than all the stucco and
gilt and plate class of '-modernism
could ever afford. Its chief charm, as
remarked before, lies in the interior.
There T. B. Walker has let his wealth
run riot and the result is examples
can be found everywhere of the cultured
and refined tastes of the man who is
proud to be a patron of the arts. Such
a man is T. B. Walker; to him appar-
ently has never come the thirst for pub
lic office; to him has never come the
longing for popular notoriety, but rather
has he wandered off in the gentler paths
of the scholar, and "moosed" his time
away where pictures were. Wealth
came to him without great effort, and at
an age when he could fully appreciate
and enjoy the artistic sentiment that had
always laid dormant in his being. Nor
were golden ducats ever showered into
more worthy hands for his charity has
been bountiful, and his well-known
taste for art sets an example which
might be followed by other controllers
of vast sums of money out here in the
West. There is no glare in T. B.
Walker's house, everything even to the
light is in a subdued and neutral tint.
The furniture in all the reception cham
bers is heavy and solid looking; the
curtains and draperies are to match.
There is one room, however, which does
not answer to this description; it is
bright and joyous looking from the can
vases that completely cover the
wall; for convenience sake this
loom will be called the picture chamber.
The space in this article is entirely in
adequate to do justice to the collection
in the house. Many of the best pic
tures are yet unpacked. Some of them
are here and others scattered through
the mansion, but some future day, when
the gallery is completed and the whole
galaxy gathered together under one
roof, or, rather, under one light, a
lengthened description will be given of
the many valuable gems contained
therein. Meanwhile, two pictures,
striking looking and classical, are sure
to engage the attention of any
one in this picture chamber.
They are both classical paintings
and both from the studio of Boulanger,
a French modern painter. The subjects
chosen depict life in Rome, in the one"
canvas Lucullus, the conqueror of Mith
ridates, is giving one of the banquets
for which he was famous; his guests
are seen in the recumbent postures of
that day. The dancing girls are in the
foreground, and the servitors can be
seen entering with the eatables. It is a
striking picture, but not more so
than the one directly across the
room, where a barber shop can
be seen in the imperial city where it
was in all its glory. Examples are scat
tered on these walls from such * masters
as De Haas. Meyer yon Bremen, Jos.
Coomaus, Leo Hermann and Le Comte
dv Nouy, in which they have touched
of domestic life, of sheep watching, of
marine subjects, and an infinitude of
other things in earth and sea and sky.
This is an interesting house anyway.
This house is a splendid type of the
Minneapolis home. It is a diamond in
the rough. You come to it expecting to
find little, and 10, you walk amid the
culture that could brook nothing garish
or nothing vulgar, but instead bronze
statuettes are here, and books peep out
in unexpected places, and rare bits of
paintings brought from travels in
foreign lands, touch you with the tender
grace that is the outcome *£ of
refinement and culture and you
seem to like this atmosphere .you
breathe. It was not always thus; how
ever, with T. B. Walker; he, too,' can
look back to the day when he was poor,
but coming here when opportunity was
open-handed to the far-seeing and
shrewd, he let his trade of shoemaking
rest, and embarked in the more lucra
tive, if risky business, of dealing in
land, especially where pine lands
were involved. Interesting others
with capital in his various schemes,
his capacity for business and
I speculation guided him safely through
the shoals that surrounded such a busi
ness, and ere long, and to his own sur
prise as much as anybody else's, he soon
became reputed as a man of wealth.
Then this house was erected, and since
that time it has served him as his head
quart here is his office, here is his
hospitable table, here is he surrounded
by his happy and growing family, and
what more need he want? It has been
rumored that this old residence, with
the pleasant memories lingering round
it, might be torn down, but this is not
to be for the very fact that he has
erected his new grand gallery, an addi
tion to the present building, disproves
any such statements.
Wealth has brought many things to
T. B. Walker.but one gift he has (and al
ways had) is a richer one and a better
one than ever any money could pur
chase, and it is "the something" that
will attract all men to him that go his
way. That gift is his simple kindly
manner which he extends to all men,
rich or poor. An unostentatious spirit
which sets all people at ease with him,
and the possession of that delicate tact
which seems to be given to only great
Americans of comprehending and con
veying to other people the gracious sen
timent "that all men are equal." • -
And Ebert Sues Long— Notes of
the Courts.
Charles A. Ebert, of the law firm of
Ebert & Long, has commenced an ac
tion against his partner, John H. Long.
He claims that Ebenezer A. Hodsdon
confessed judgment in favor of the firm
for the sum of $742 for legal services
rendere d, and that some time
afterward a certain piece of
land belonging to Hodsdon was
levied on and sold to satisfy this judg
ment. At the sale of this land the de
fendant, Long, bid in the land for the
amount of the judgment, and had the
sheriff's certificate made cut conveying
the land to himself, although the judg
ment was owned by the firm jointly.
The plaintiff therefore asks to have his
name inserted with the defendant's in
the sheriff's certificate, showing that he
is a joint owner of the land in question.
Bard well & Robinson have com
menced an action against James Mc-
Kinney et al. to have a mechanic's lien
for §377.44 foreclosed. •;
An action has been commenced by
Frank Groschan against Strannahan &
Anderson to have a mechanic's lien for
£429.93 foreclosed. / .
Suit has been commenced against
Newton McKusick et al. by A. B. Clam
pet to recover $"325 on a promissory
note. '* • ;:..-,_ .- ;v»«.
Johnson & Hurd ask to have a me
chanic's lien for $392.02 foreclosed
against the property of D. R. Young. <
Judgment was obtained by Charles A.
Peck against Angela Blum et al., for
$1,062.8- on a promissory note.
Valentine Blatz obtained a judgment
against Lyman L. Stanchfield for
$580.32 on a promissory note.
A. B. Clam pet sues Jepson Bros, to
recover $275 on two promissory notes. '.-
Police Clerk Norton— Mayor Ames
made the best speech I haye ever heard
him make at the Grand Army encamp
ment Friday night. It was good and to
the point.
Supt. of Parks Berry— All our trees
are looking well, and will all leave out
at once, if our spring conies as it gener
ally does. We are way ahead of Chi
cago in this respect, for when our trees
are budding the trees there have not yet
started to bud. '
Department Commander James Ege—
The pictures of me, printed in the
Journal and Pioneer, were simply
awful, and must have been chopped out
with an ax.
Judge Kea, at the Grand Army En
campment—Any man who would use
the Grand Army of the Republic as a
means to further his political ends is
not deserving of the friendship or sup
port of any old soldier.
"Jake" Litt, at the Dime Museum
Sale— l am going to bid what the mv:
scums are worth, but will not throw
any money away on them. ; ; j "*.
Peter Bradley — The stench 'in i the
First precinct lock-up will kill us if
something is not done soon. It is sim
ply awful here. . .."
Meat Inspector Mea— There is consid
erable bob veal coming into market just
now. 1 condemn it as fast as it is
found. It's awful stuff, and most of it
could be eaten through a straw. . .
P-t-1-m-n McN-1-t-y— you read
my answer in the stars?
Marcus P. Hayne— County attorney?
Well, if the Democrats get the . office
there is no man in the line of possibili
ties in this county who would more hon
orably or ably fill the position than K.
L. Penny. As a lawyer he is too well
known to require comment. Ido hot
know that he is a candidate, .but I
should like to see him nominated by
that party. He would get the support
of every man who knows him.
The Divorce Grind.
Henrietta L. Thompson sues Joseplius
j M. Thompson for a divorce on the
i ground of desertion. She claims to have
j been married to the . defendant on the-'
j Kith of June, 1881, in this city, and that
i ihe defendant without any cause de v
! serted and left her on the 11th of Octo
j ber of the same year, and has remained
away from her ever since. . "■_ *:_"
Divorces were granted yesterday -to-
J Katß Raines from Arthur H. Raines on'
I tlie ground of drunkenness and'cruel'
j and inhuman treatment; also to John
j W.Stanton from Lillie B. Stanton on
j the ground of desertion; andtpßrita^
Olson from Ole Olson on the ground of
I cruel and inhuman treatment. . /.- ■' *,
A Reformed Fiend Tells His
Experience and How Sci
ence Cured Him.
One in a Hundred in Minne
apolis Indulges in the
Dread Drug.
De Quincey Ideas Scouted by
a Man Who Has Full
His New-Born Ecstasy When
Freed From the Fetters of
the Poppy Juice.
IN ALL the range of
subjects that a jour
nalist can see set be
fore him in his men
tal vision, to catch
the public ear and to
excite the public at
tention, probably
there is none that has
wider,more universal
interest to-day, than
something bearing on
the opium question.
The alarming in
crease that is steadily
going on all the time
in new patrons of this
nefarious drug — the
incalculable amount
of harm and positive injury it is secretly,
silently, but surely accomplishing in
sapping the best interests of the re
public, by its deleterious effect on the
citizens, and, sad to say, largely on
the educated better class of citizens
of the republic— give this subject
an interest that is at once intense and
emotional to most people, but largely
and principally to the unfortunate
creatures who are already in the toils —
walking through the streets with their
glassy eyes, nervous movements and
habits of despondency and lack of en
ergy clearly shown in all of their ac
tions. The statistics about opium, like
all statistics, are
but opium fiends thenlselves say they
are perfectly unreliable, because the
•habit is one of the most secretive known
to man, and thousands upon thousands
of people, both men and women, are
afflicted with it and yet no one'
knows it, so carefully is it
guarded by those in question.
Fancy it, reader, and think of the enor
mity of harm that is being consum
mated in our midst day by day from
this social evil. Fancy it that husbands
for years have played with this danger
ous tool in secret. 'Fancy it, that wives
and mothers give way to" this weakness,
and that men and women, presumed to
be as near perfection as can be, are
walking around in a .state bordering on
dementic— thei*.- .minds the seat of a
misery that is indescribable; their hearts
one moment ye ; ring with an intensity
that almost consumes them for the good,
the true, the beautiful, their bodies the
next moment-concentrating a fiendish
desire for another draught of the foun
tain of damnation and false bliss. Then
after you have fancied all this, just
think that It actually exists; that this is
no excitable emanation of an imagina
tive brain, but the pure and simple
truth, because those competent and
able to judge calculate that
about one in a hundred of the popula
tion use the drug, or to put it in the
popular way, "hit the pipe." Opium
smokers are, therefore, common enough
and easy enough to find, by one who is*
posted in the matter, but to
meet a thoroughly cured and re
formed fiend is altogether another
kind of a ease and one that may be
almost called a phenomenon. Such a
person is at present residing in the city,
and the revelation of his life for the
past fifteen years is a lesson fraught
with deep interest, containing as it does
the account of many years' struggling
with this horrible opium habit, and
finally being released from the fetters
that held him in such a miserable, hope
less manner. W. H. Allen, the gentle
man in question, is now in his fifty-sev
enth year, and since his residence
in the city has been engaged in
doing sketch and draughtsman's work
for the local papers. In manners he
appears nerv-H
ous at'timcsH
tremulous, the in
evitable result of
the strain he went
through, but other
wise enjoys the
best of health. He
has cultured ways
and is an interest-
ing conversation
alist. In the course
of a long talk with
him he supplied
the writer with
some data on l-he^^"^^^^^M|^B
sufferings of an Nt - Ai i_r_________
opium user that largely co to disprove
the accepted theories about the effects
of the drug. The confessions of De
Quincey he characterized as a good deal
of nonsense, nor did he believe for a
moment that any one under the in
or dreamed of scenes in paradise. In
his case all the dreams he passed
through were of a baneful nature, the
most often recurring figure being a little
devil, who would perch himself in front
of him and grin— grin— and grin—
with a placidity and pertinacity that be
came a positive torture in watching.
The happiest minded person after a
short time of indulging, becomes morose
and averse to society. The appetite for
food decreases as rapidly as the insatiate
appetite for the drug increases. The
popular belief that the sexual passions
are strengthened and become criminal
in their intensity, is a delusion so false
that it hardly needs contradiction,
"For twelve long winters have I suf
fered the agonies of this cursed vice,"
continued Mr. Allen. "I contracted it
in the East, tried to shake it off in Chi
cago, in St. Louis and in Kansas City,
but could int. I consulted physician time
and again, but to no purpose, and be
came such a fiend that it was nothing
for me to take ninety grains in a day
ninety grains, think of it— thirty in the
morning, thirty at noon, and thirty in
the evening. Just think of it, where
five grains would put you
in less time than you think of. I came to
Minneapolis a dejected, worn out and
thoroughly shattered man. Look at me
to-day and surely you cannot say such
of me now. That is why, despite of its
blizzards and despite of its cold weather,
Minneapolis is heaven to me. 1 came
here lost to the world, and I here .was
brought back to enjoy life, to be once
more a working, useful member of so
ciety, and to live without having to
hate and despise myself every day of
my life. 1 give the experiences for the
sole reason they may catch the
eye of some unfortunate, suffer
ing as I did, and point him
perhaps to winning the happiness I to
day enjoy in every fibre and nerve of
my body. I will not say whether I be
lieve one way or the other in mental
science, but I most solemnly affirm that
was what cured me and restored me to
the health and happiness you see me
enjoying to-day. The method of my
cure was remarkable and was effected
by a Miss K. A. Jeffery, who resided
here a year ago but is now in the East.
Her treatment commenced one evening
at (i o'clock, and was simply and purely
mental. In a short time "action com
menced. I became deathly sick, and a
fearful constipation of many days'
duration was wonderfully relieved. * 1
passed for hours through a
and agony under her influence, when
finally at about 3 o'clock in the morning
I dropped into a sound sleep, from which
1 awoke in a few hours restored to life,
and health, and name, cured of the men
tal miasma in which I dreamed my life
away for fifteen years saved from the
cursed destiny that seemed to be my
horrible fate to follow, and once more
seeming to feel the sensations of hope
and ambition that had been dead for so
many terrible years in my life. I passed
out of the darkened chamber into the
roseate light of morning. The sun was
just winging its beams on the Eastern
horizon; the winds of heaven, laden
with their pure fresh ozone played
upon my face, and flushed my cheek
1 was in ecstacy. *" The bonds that had
seemed irrevocably thrown around me
had been cast aside at one fell stroke,
and I, the miserable, despised, and
weak creature, became filled with an
indescribable sense of relief from a
bondage more cruel than any prison
bars could bestow, or tyrant hand con
fer with relentless hate. I was in
ecstacy. No one can comprehend such
rapture, such divine pleasure as I ex
perienced that morning unless he too
should pass through such an ordeal. I
positively did not know what to do or
how to contain myself, so I stood upon
the sidewalk there, and flung out my
praises in the morning air to the
heavens above and the earth beneath in
the simple and unaffected sentence
'Thank God I'm saved.' "
■_■ .
Oh ! what a glorious day is Saturday.
Of course to the bloated bondholder and
the sleek millionaire it is the same as
any other day. For years they have not
known the exquisite delight of drawing
"Sal," but the hardworking mechanic!
and the gay and debonair printer, and
the thousand and one other kinds of
sons and daughters of toil, they at least
can enjoy to the top of their hearts'
content the dear delight centered in get
ting paid. It is the consumma
tion of a full week's antici
pation. In that happy moment
all the little petty annoyances of the
week are forgotten. In that supreme
moment smiles dance upon the faces of
the men, and dimples light up the pretty
girls who, as they get their little pack
ages, can at once dream of the ribbons
and baubles that delight all maidens'
hearts Then they go forth with a
lighter step than on any other night of
the week, and many softly whistle as
they go. Can anything be more sacred
than this? Nothing. Labor is noble,
for it makes men and women happy,
j ; A man who proved he wasn't Tascott,
but a true and unadulterated Corksman,
was seen yesterday afternoon wander
ing around the union depot. While
fumbling for his watch in his back coat
pocket his coat tails flew up, and amid
roars of laughter from all around, it was
discovered his breeches were buttoned
# «
The state of Washington avenue just
at present is not conducive to safe driv
ing, owing to the ups and downs caused
by the formations from the winter's
snow. The only wonder is there are
not more accidents from the teams tip
ping up. Yesterday afternoon a well
to-do farmer drove his team across the
thoroughfare, and it went up and down
like a ship at sea. His wife and lady
friend were in the sleigh, but he walked
alongside, and, when asked to come in,
made the following reply, characteristic
of a farmer: "Naw, naw, Martha, naw
just jet; I never took naw risks, and
ye knows it, so I aint goin' to begin
» *
If walls could only speak— rooms
could only preach— lessons could
be taught, what tragedies and comedies
be brought to light that are now hidden
in the impenetrable mists of mystery.
There is a weirdnessin the thought that
may be as you pass some silent house,
within its walls, in some room or other,
a dreadful deed of hate is being en
acted, and this thought will start a
chain that will be a revelation of the
possibilities and ideas that will spring
to the mind about blood-curdling things,
just from mere brooding over them.
Looking for a person a few days
ago that had to be seen on business
of a particular nature the writer re
paired to his old residence, a vast build
ing where rooms were rented out. It
had all the appearance of being de
serted, presenting a dirty and aban
doned look. Going further and further
up. the top floor was at last reached,
when for the first time voices were
heard, and a kitten mewed around a
dirty pail that stood in the corridor.
The voice, though husky; cried out in
a clear tone: "You d— d villian;
you cursed scoundrel, there is no
mercy in you." When the door was
opened the scene inside was a revela
tion. On a dirty bed lay, or rather sat
up, a miserable harridan of a woman,
with old filthy rags about her and
matted hair all over her face; the furni
ture was turned topsy-turvy all
over the room, and, walking up
and down was a handsome, benign,
well-dressed old getleman. The
woman, on seeing a stranger, let
forth the most horrible oaths from her
filthy mouth, but the old man answered
all questions asked politely, and then
slowly but decisively shut the door and
locked it. If walls could only speak
If rooms could only preach! Here was
a mystery. One room inhabited in a
great big building in the heart of the
city, away up on . the top floor, and by
such a couple. Was it not strange?
And what could such a nice old man be
doing with such a hag of a woman?
That is the greatest mystery of all.
* *
Pugilism has had quite a send off
lately after the period of innocuous
desuetude, in which it laid for so long a
time. Locally quite a reputation has
been made for the city as a sporting
center. A visit to Patsy Cardiff's head
headquarters last night showed a
good deal of enthusiasm reigning among
the sports and bruisers present, the
reason being the welcome they were
tendering Cardiff on his return from the
East. The champion himself reports a
great time in Chicago and Peoria, . his
former home. "Why," said he, "a brass
band met me at every station I came to,
and what more does a man want?" By
way of a little weather sympathy, he
gently Imparted the tact that the cows
are eating green grass in Illinois.
Let us lay him away,
He has lived his brfef day,
And, though given to blowing, let, now, his
faults pass;
lie has paid the full cost
Of the habit, and lost
Thus his life moat untimely— he blew out the
gas. Boston Budget.
' — — — — — -^-—— —^^-__________________,
JESLmmm "*"*"* *** ™?S
What we can /\ so ! One -quarter
show you. /__ \ JSKft* l tore
* / £ \ is filled with them.
India Linen, /or « qn\ our satmes are
(/O b OU) superb.
SwiSS, Vts £ cr y Zephyr Cloths in
Nainsook, \i/ abundance
Mull, Etc. y£ German Dress
In endless vari- /j\ i j nflnc
ety. The prices f m \ LLHollOi
we can ass ire /oft #Qft\
you are beyond \»» * ull ) You can't help
competition al- V 3TS \ Cta / but admire them.
ways. Inspect \ 5 / * All mVuormmfcitA
our stock be- \ x / fast colors.
fore purchas- \/ They are all the
ing elsewhere rage.
and you will
save money. ASK FOR THEM.
y - " \
Dress nil n IT ls
ii II ,Eg An established
Goods D& co U ft that ™
■^•*yO>™ stand at the
Announcement SYNDICATE BLOCK. head for dloice I j
Spring Dress Goods Sale Dress Goods, 1
To-Morrow, Monday, Feb. 27. EVERYBODY
Our inaugural attractions are beyond competi- •_/""_■-«_".■- -jf
tien in the Twin Cities. . aam I is 1 1 .
42-Inch = 54-Inch
Croise Sublime **■*-*<■ » EROADCLOTH , j
65c, worth 80c. ...
44 - ,nch iJm, , mm' , ' °" LEADING SPRING
Cashmere Beige: i9 PER PATTEfIH . „*'""*,
80c, worth st. 25, worth $2.
/ _.
\ 1
grand . Embroideries !
Opening D H ft ~ m
SALE. U&Co.i^ _
Spring Importation SYNDICATE BLOCK.
Real Lace
Overdress /_\ To-Moi'lW,
Nets and / ■ \ Monday( Febi 27,
o; .'• . • /St. IS Keo *>v\
Sk/rtinjs. OJS ? B£ / „. „,-„ e _ e _ „ back
j \W|«-; ;B wb/ We will open aback
\ T /
We make Spec- \ ** / order of Embroideries
. , .. _ \ o / which, with our first
ial mention of \s/ ... ____.
\ / importation, will make \
the following^: /o\ Our Sto.* Me largest
/ ? \ *■"" Me Northwest.
Spanish, /-> __ so\
/cts-N c ts\ jfe ca /j sAo ■*>•.._• a
Guipure, /Spec- A sale \ Thousand and One I
' I ial "L / _ _ , _
V "--{ / Patterns to select j
Chantilly, \wo t » / frCOT> -„_• fAe ,„•__«
... \ c / "*'"" astonish the most
Escunat, \e/ expectant.
Fedora, Investigate this be-
Point d' Esprit. _ fore you purchase.
J \ -
. 1
* _%__________- & CO.. I TO l-WF" i
r_ii_le.s_ienti.l-.Fro_. \,, ____ _______'■
Ito teeth extracted *<_, five or ■■■ ore years, with Railway .
in one minute without Siding, "Machine Shops, Millwright;
any pain whatever. No Shops, Foundry and Storage Warehouse. <
chloroform. No ether. With or without power. Apply to J. P. '
pom^B- 1 _7-ft THOMSON, 101 and 103 Thin! Avenue ':
0 !_e S dSl Sl.uO. South, Minneapolis. ,
Largest des»l _____ South. .Mii.ueapoh-.
Ushment west of New _________________________________________^__ -— „ |
York city. 3S Washing- 1
BSSffisaas ' Patent Laws-Jas. F. Williamson, '
i»i-s***d-M-"-Ws. Komjlf la> youJlu ,j*i«cK, Minneapolis.
— v — . **_ . — _, :;==:: Solicitor of Patents, Counsellor in Tat- ,
__?»_. «''' fln ' 8 known to have no tiles ou put pis***, -r.. rt M__r_ -m Kr_miMf in '
jfl7_?/» Choose this page to advertise ou. .•''A* I ?,*-'': . , , ,*J- >t ' U *' aU *- ? -' un ' ,a ■
A House this Spring you
should buy your lot ftt once,
toad the "Want" Advertise-
Tientsin the Globe. Just what
you want is offered.
NO. 57.