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TAKES THE CORN CAKE. All Persons wise Will advertise Where they can get the most replies. The GLOBE has shown By figures known In thai respect it "plucks the "phone.'* VOL. X. THE BIG STRIKE IS ON. Engineers and Firemen on the C, B. & Q. Quit Work at Four This Morning. Kirghts of Labor Agree to Furnish Three Huudred Engineers at Once To Get Even With the Broth erhood for Interference in the Reading- Strike. General Manager Stone Con fident the Trouble Will Not Last Long". Chicago, Feb. 26.— At 4 o'clock to morrow morning all the engineers of the Burlington road belonging to the brotherhood will stop work. An official notice to that effect was sent to General Manager Stone to-day. Mr. Stone was visited by Chairman Iloge. representing the engineers, and Chairman Murphy, representing the firemen, this after noon, and was informed that unless a settlement was made the strike would be inaugurated at the hour named. They said they had sufficient advices from the men at various points along the line to warrant them in taking this t>tep. Mr. Stone replied that the Bur liugton would nut recede from the posi tion it had taken. Mr. Stone was asked if this was their ultimatum. The an swer was ••yes."' The representatives of the men then withdrew and the gen eral strike will begin to-morrow. Mr. Stone said to-night that there were 1,(500 engineers and firemen in the Burling ton's employ. How many of these be to the brotherhood he did not know, but presumed they all did. •'What is your programme for to-mor row?" asked the reporter. "We will not attempt to move any freight trains," he replied. "Our ob j<- ( t is to run most of our suburban and passenger trains as usual. Our first en deavor will be to get in our subuiban passengers and take care of all passen gers tor points nol covered by competi tors. There are a large number of men in our employ CAPABLE OF KfXXIXfi EXCJIXK9 in addition to yard foremen and road foremen, who nearly all are old engi neers. At Aurora we have a laboratory w liere a large number of young men are eugaged who have ail learned the art of running a locomotive. All these will be \\> ssed into service to-morrow." "How about the report that you are bringing on a lot of men from the Kead ing system?" ••We have no arrangement or contract to that effect," said Mr, Stone, "but we have sent East advertisements for com petent men, and we have also received a Dumber Of telegrams from individuals in Philadelphia and other Pennsylvania points, saying they would conic and bring other engineers with them. To all these 1 have replied that we will give _ r oo,l wages and permanent em ployment to all men of good character, w iio are competent to do the work." "But 1 suppose you would keep these men in case of a settlement with the old men?" '•Yes sir," said Mr. Stone, emphati cally. Wo want all the competent men w hum we can depend upon, and they Will be retained as long as 1 am general manager of ihe road." In regard to freight traffic Mr. Stone said the road's first endeavor would be to take rare of it on the same basis that it would passenger traffic, lie could uot tell how it would get on till it had sized up the situation. If the strike v ;;- -.i >ci ious as to stop traffic it would have to lay off all freight handlers and shop men and a number of others em ployed in a similar capacity, numbering bix or seven times as many as the en gineers and firemen. He does not an tk-ipate any such serious state of af fairs. VICE rnE>iT>i:xT rFAsi.KV. of the Burlington road, stated that the total number of engineers employed on tin- Burlington system was about l,oou aud the number ol liremen was about th;- same. •How many men employed on the Burlington system will the strike af fect?" "AboutSsOOO. Of course it will be manifestly impossible to keep our em ployes on the pay rolls in case of a prolonged strike. We shall, however, treat our loyal employes just as well as is consistent with good business princi ples, and as soon as the strike ends the old men who may be laid off by reason of tin- strike will be taken back. We do not want to discourage any competent workmen, but will be forced to do so temporarily through the action of the engineers."' "How will the strike affect your earn ings, and how many cars will it tie uu?'' •Well, that is a difficult question to answer, but I should say that we run ahout 'S>o passenger trains and an equal number of freight trains on the entire Burlington system per day. We have -20.000 to 25.000 car.s and, of course, when the engineers lay off the bulk of these cars WIT/T. BE PTI>KTIIACKEr>. We expect, however, to keep a few trains moving, and we have been told that the Brotherhood of Engineers will not be called off from the mail trains or certain of the suburban trains. As to the loss which will result from the strike, it is impossible to give an idea in advance of the actual occurrence. 1 think it will not be far out of the way to say that we are earning from $70,000 to STo.O(K) per day. In this connection, however, the fact must be taken into consideration that rates on freight busi ness between all principal points have fallen to such an absurdeclly low figure that net earnings have been seriously reduced. To be sure, passenger rates are maintained, but passenger business does not produce much over 25 per cent, of the revenues of our road. It Is, per haps true, therefore, that the strike, coming as it does at a time when freight rates are hardly on a paying basis,is not such an unfortunate affair as it would have been in more prosperous times." "How are the other employes of the Burlington disposed to regard the 6trike'.' r ' ~ "So far as we know they are loyal to the company, and we tiitend to" treat them well and intend to keep as many of them employed as we can. We shaft have new engineers and shall make every effort to start our trains as soon as. possible." WILL LITE IN TOWN. The people living on the suburban system of the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy railroad have had their thinking caps on for the last few days, especially those who come to Chicago daily, and many of them have already made ar rangements to live in the city. The Burlington suburban trains run as far down as Downer's Grove, twenty-one wiles from Chicago. There are fourteen daily train* on Ui# »üb urban system, stopping at the following stations: Chi cago, Blue Island avenue, Cleveland, Columbus and Indiana Central crossing. Douglas Park, Millard avenue, Craw ford, Hawthorne, Clyde, La Vergne, Riverside, La Grange, Western springs. Highlands, Hinddato, Stough, Claren don, Hills, Greggs, Easi Grove, and Downer's Grove. At a moderate esti mate these trains accommodate 1,200 passengers each way daily. THE GRIEVANCE COMMITTEE of the engineers, of which Mr. lloge, of McCook, Neb., is chairman, is composed of members of the local divisions of the Engineers' Brotherhood on the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy system. It is a standing committee, and has had entire charge of the negotiations with Mr. Stone, the general manager of the rail road. The chairman says that the com mittee's direct negotiations failing.Chief Arthur was sent for, and he attempted an adjustment of the difficulty. He also failed. Then the committee, after the strike was determined upon, agreed that it should begin at 4a. m. Mon day. At that hour most of the engineers will be at the end of their runs, and lowest trains will be in motion. All the local divisions, and through them every •member of the order employed on the Chicago, Bur lington & Quincy system have been no titied nor to go to work to-morrow morn ing unless especially advised by the chairman of the grievance committee to report for duty. The liremen holding positions dependent to those of the en gineers have acted with the latter in everything, and unless Mr. Stone con cludes to accede to the terms of the en gineers no engines will be run out by the aiil of members of either brother lux »d to-morrow. Trains on the road will be run to the end of the engineer's division and stopped. Passenger trains leaving any point before 4 o'clock will be run to the end of the division and side-tracked. 'UN. MANAGERS OF THE STRIKE were the coolest men in town to-day. and at a seasonable hour this evening Mr. Arthur calmly retired to his private room at the Grand Pacific hotel and went to bed. So did Mr. Sargeant, so like-wise Mr. Iloge; ditto Mr. Murphy. The officers of the railroad company were acting with equal deliberation. During all the weeks of negotiations Mr. Stone had not been idle. An agent of his road went to Keading, Pa., and employed all the trainmen he could who bad been recently thrown out of em ployment by the strike on the Phila delphia <fc Heading lines. Othei points were reached by telegraph offering work to idle engineers. Every man iii the shops who could manage an engine was ordered to be ready to go out with one. Applicants for jobs as engineers got them in a hurry. Early this evening the officers of the road said they hail enough men to run three trains each way. The company had been running twenty-six such trains daily. If the strike assumes the proportions that now seem probable, about 11,000 men will be involved. This number includes em ployes that will be thrown out of em ployment by the strike of the engineers and liremen. IT WILL IJE KEMAKKABLE. The .strike promises to be the most re markable ever known, for in it the strongest single labor organization in existence has been pitted against the largest railroad corporation in the West, and one of the greatest in mileage and wealth In the world. Should the strike long continue, it is probaole that, in addition to the 1,400 I men directly involved, the great ma jority of the 10,0t)0 employes of the com pany will be thrown out of work, the 25. --000 members of the engineers' brother hood throughout the country called upon to contribute of their savings, and the Industries of a vast section of coun try tributary to the road subjected to a partial paralysis. The far-reaching ef fects of the strike can be inferred from the fact that the road has 6,(KK) miles of main and leased lines, grid ironing the states of Illinois, lowa, Mis souri and Nebraska. From Chicago it reaches to Denver, Col., over 1,000 miles away, and Cheyenne, Wyo., equally as fa:-. Minneapolis to the North and St. Louis to the South are within its reach —the territory of an empire. DP IX ARMS. The Kn*jiiieers and Firemen Anx ious for the Strike to Hog-in. Chicago, Feb. 20.— The feeling among the engineers and firemen around the mund houses was of a decidedly aggressive character to-day. They are all "up in arms," so to speak, and are anxiously awaiting the hour when they are one and all to cease their connection with the road. They stood about in groups of threes and fours all day and discussed the strike in all its bearings. An enthusiastic find well attended meeting was held in the forenoon, and every man who attended it swore on the honor of the brotherhood that he would stand firm to the last. Prior to 2 p. in. it was like drawing eye teeth to get an engineer or fireman to make any sort of statement. They all had the same answer. "You must see Ihe old man, Chief Arthur. Anything he says goes with us." After :l o'clock, however, they were all willing to answer any ques tions a>ked. '-We were enjoined with the strictest privacy until 2 o'clock to morrow," said one of the engineers to a reporter. "1 T P to that time we all agreed to have nothing to say. but to leave the whole thing to Chief Arthur and our committees." "When did the hour expire for a final answer from the officials?" "At 3 o'clock. We notified them thirty-six hours before that time that unless our demands were complied with we would all refuse to run an en gine." The strike is not likely to involve any other roads in the opinion of Mr. Ar thur and Mr. Sargent, though they ex pressed no opinion on the contingency that some other company might en deavor to aid the Burlington. "It is purely our own affair," said Mr. Sargent. "No other road is concerned, and no other orders except the engi neers and firemen. The brakemen and switchmen will remain neutral. We have not asked them to help us, and will not. If we are beaten, we propose to stand it alone." Wl.en told of Mr. Stone's final de termination not to. veld to the employes, Mr. Arthur's face was clouded for a mo ment. "I'm sorry," he said. "I hate to see a strike, but I could do nothing else. I had to approve this strike or re sign. The demands were so reasonable my conscience compelled me to approve it. If 1 had said -no' the men; would not have gone out, but I'd have been branded as a coward and as truckling to the railroads. The man in the entire Burlington system were unanimous for the strike. 1 told them all the dfficulty they'd have to encounter. They de cided to go into it, and we'll fight as hard as we can." "Cau the cempany get enough good men?" "It can't get enough good men. It may employ some men we have expelled for drunkenness or stealing, but will such men be safe? Can the road afford to put its passenger trains in the hands of such men? Then they are more dan gerous than our men. It won't be long until these men they're employing now will get them into a bigger trouble than we are now by striking for more wages. You see how it was on the Reading road. The company can treat with us. We are an intelligent body of men. A wauinust icad aud write and beoJE good moral character. The men they get will not be as reasonable." "What's the trouble between the Reading railroad Knights of Labor en gineers and the Brotherhood?" "There is none that 1 know of. I deny the assertion that I sent men to take the places of those now on a strike on that road. I did not send a man there. 1 did not know that any Brotherhood engineer had gone to work for the Read ing road." "Have you heard of any Reading men coming?" "I have not. I told our men what they might expect. They discussed this view of the situation, and decided to go out on the strike. If the company can get other engineers to till their places our boys must acknowledge their de feat." • THE FINANCIAL ASPECT. Losses Will Be Light Owing to the Kate War. Chicago, Feb. 20.— financial loss of the company in the strike is the sub ject of curious comment. In ordinary times the gross earnings of the road range from $2,000,000 to $3,000,000 a month, but owing to the rate war in progress for some time past among the Western railroads, a large proportion ot the Burlington's business has been done at an actual loss. Whether the mar gin of profit on the remainder of the traffic, taken as a whole, was so small as to make the strike almost a boon to the company, the higher officials probably alone know. It is a point that seems to have escaped the close attention of the engin eers, and which, taken in connection with the hostility of the Kniehts of Labor, may prove a fatal weakness to the strike. The chief depots or round houses of the road are located at Aurora and Galesburg, 111.: Ottumwa, Burling ton and Creston, Io. ; Lincoln, Omaha and McCook, Neb. These cities are at the ends of working divisions of the road. Dispatches from each place to night tell of active preparations being made for the strike. The yard masters are at work getting all loaded cars to the freight depot, and all tickets to pas sengers are sold with the understand ing that the company is not to be held responsible for failure to carry passen gers owing to the strike. At Omaha arrangements hive been made with the Union Pacific road to honor all Burling ton tickets to common points. It is presumed that similar arrangements have been made other roads. TIT FOR TAT. The Knights of Labor Preparing to Get Even. Chicago, Feb. 20.— General Worthy Foreman Richard Griffiths, of the Knights of Labor.said plainly this even ing that the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers need not expect the knights to keep hands off. Mr. Griffiths was seen at his home this evening and talked unrestrainedly of the impending strike in its relations to the Knights of Labor. He said : "The knights are lookers on." "How about the manner in which the knights were treated by the brother hood during the Missouri Pacific strike two years ago? Did not the brother hood then replace about 200 Knights of Labor strikers?" "Yes; they most certainly did." "And do you not think that but for this on the part of the brotherhood the strike, as inaugurated by the knights, would have proven a success?" "There is very little on that point. The same thing has just happened in the Heading strike, as every one who reads a newspaper knows. Just as soon as the strike was declared on, the Brotherhood began FILLING THE VACANCIES. These actions on the Brotherhood do not naturally tend to cement them and the Knights. Tit for tat is a game that people of our day like to indulge in, and 1 don't see why the Knights should be exceptions. If the locomotive engin eers in our body see fit to accept posi tions on the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy railroad, they most certainly are entitled to do as they please. It is a matter resting entirely in their hands, and with which we, as a body, have nothing to do. The adoption of retalia tory measures is not a new thing, and I honestly admit that I would not be sur prised if they were brought into use by the Knights. Thus far, however, no action that I know of has been taken by the Chicago Knights." "Dispatches from Reading state that the Knighte there are being rapidly and readily engaged by the Burlington peo ple." "Is that so? Well, I'm not surprised in the least, and now since that is the case you may look out for a similar or der of things here." SOME OF THEM ARRIVE. Chicago, Feb. Fourteen engin eers from the Reading road arrived here to-night and applied for work on the Burlington. Supt. Bessler accepted their applications at onee,suppliedtuem with signal books and took them to Aurora, where they will be put at, work to-morrow morning. These men are Knights of Labor. THE RUMOR CONFIRMED. Philadelphia, Feb. 2(3. — Capt. George L. Eastman, national organizer of the Knights of Labor, is authority for the statement that the executive committee of the Reading railroad strikers has notified General Manager Stone, of the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy road, that in the event of a strike on his road and the failure of Chief Arthur to withdraw the brother hood engineers who took the place of strikers on the Reading road, they will send him 300 engineers to-morrow morn ing. RETICENT AT PHILADELPHIA. Philadelphia, Feb. 20.— 1n refer ence to the story that a number of striking Reading railroad engineers would offer themselves for service on the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy road in the event of a strike of Brotherhood men on that company's lines, the en gineers in this neighborhood are very reticent, beyond making the statement that there has been no concerted action taken and that none is contemplated. There are very few engineers now on strike in this section, as only those run ning switch engines and a small per centage of those having freight or coal trains quit work, while none of those in the passenger service joined the move ment. THEY DENOUNCE ARTHX7R. Philadelphia, Feb. 26.— The im pending strike of the Brotheihood of Locomotive Engineers on the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy railroad was to day the topic of conversation among the Reading employes. There were many bitter denunciations of Chief Arthur, who is reported to have said when asked if he had considered the contingency. of the Reading engineers filling the strik ers':places, "If the company concludes to hire that class of men it is their busi ness, not ours.". ■:• ; •V . AT BEADING. Heading, Pa., Feb. 26.— 1t is learned here to-night that an agent of the Chi cago, Burlington & Quincy railroad has been in this city for the past several days recruiting striking engineers and firemen of the Reading railroad, whose places were taken by brotherhood men, to send to Chicago in case a strike should occur on the Western road. SENTIMENT DIVIDED. Reading, Pa., Feb. 26.— A Herald re porter saw some of the Knights of Continued on Fourth Page, SAINT PAUL, MINN. MONDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 27, 1888. A STAB Ladies of London Will Not Like the New Rules of the House of Commons, Because They Will Trench Upon Their Traditions Regarding- Teas. Canon O'Mahony Accused of Libeling- the Keeper of Cork Prison. German Physicians Agree That the Crown Prince Has a Cancer, Copyright Cable to the Globe. London, Feb. 20.— The new rules of procedure, the first of which will go into operation in the house of commons to-morrow, are of vastly more signifi cance than their collective title implies, the change made by their enforcement affecting not only members of the house but the whole population of aristocrats of London. The rule lengthening the time at both ends involves the over throw, for the present at least, of many of the traditional laws of society with regard to luncheons, teas, dinners, etc., and consequently the adoption of new rules of procedure in other than parlia mentary circles. The ease with which Mr. Smith obtained the assent of the house to the procedure rules was due in a great measure to the co-operation of Mr. Gladstone, but the theory that they will tend to prevent obstruction is untenable. The Observer, in discussing the effect of the rules, admits that they are inadequate to the purpose for which they were avowedly framed and passed, and says that unless measures shall be adopted whereby the majority is in ab solute control of debate, the last state of the house of commons will be found to be much worse than the first. FOR ASSAULTING YOUNG GIHLS. Lord Londonderry has directed Maj. Roberts, governor of the Cork prison, to prosecute Canon O'Mahony for libel in having accused Roberts of assaulting young girls. A summons was issued against Roberts at the instance of Canon O'Mahony, but the writ was subse quently dismissed by the magistrate on the grounds that the evidence produced by O'Mahony was insufficient and too much time had elapsed since the alleged offenses to make it possible to prosecute Roberts under the law. If there is really any basis for Canon O'Mahony's charges, however, his defense in the action for libel will enable him to prove his charges, since he will be entitled to introduce evidence that would have been admissible on the criminal pro ceedings he sought to bring agains Roberts. SALISBURY'S CHECK. The row between Lord Salisbury and ' Mr. Bradlaugh over the latter's asser tion that Lord Salisbury gave his per sonal check to aid in the promotion of meetings of unemployed workingmen in February, 18S6, with the object of reaping political benefit through the disorderly character of the meetings, is coming to a head. Sir Richard Nichol son, Lord Salisbury's solicitor, has written to Mr. Bradlaugh suggesting that the issue be tried by consent, but without pleading, this stipulation being intended to prevent either party to the controversy from obtaining political capital through the case. It is probable that Mr. Bradlaugh will accept Sir Richard's suggestions in great part, though it is known that he would very much prefer a perfectly open trial and an exhaustive vindication of the testi mony. IT IS CANCER. The Crown Prince's Condition Now Very Critical. Berlin, Feb. 20.— The official bulletin from San Remo to-day says that the crown prince slept well last night, that his cough and expectoration are less, and that an examination of his chest dis closed no traces of affection of the lungs. The bulletin bears the additional signature of Dr. Kussniaul. X)ther tele grams say that Dr. Kussmaul considers the patient's condition critical, and that all the German doctors believe that the prince has cancer of the throat. Dr. Bergmann will leave San Remo to-day or to-morrow. London, Feb. 26.— A dispatch from San Remo says that the German physi cians in attendance on the crown prince of Germany have discovered with the microscope cancerous matter in the phlegm coughed up by the patient. Where Is Stanley? London, Feb. 26.— The Eniin Bey re lief committee state that dispatches re ceived from Emm, dated Sept. 3, show that he had had no direct communica tion with Stanley up to that time. Assuming that Stanley reached Emm by the middle of September, news of the fact cannot reach Zanzibar until March. Four Women Killed. London, Feb. 20.— A dispatch from Warsaw says that a panic was caused in a Jewish synagogue there yesterday by a false alarm of fire, and that in the struggle to escape four women were killed and sixteen other persons seri ously injured. A Diplomatic Dinner. Pa his, Feb. 20.— Mr. McLane, the American minister here, gave a diplo matic dinner this evening in honor of M. Floquet, the president of the cham ber of deputies. Owing to indisposition, M. Floquet was unable to be present. The Radicals Want It. London, Feb. 26.— The Radicals have decided to contest Hampstead, where an election is to be held for a parlia mentary successor to Sir Henry Hol land, who was recently raised to the peerage. Materials of War. London, Feb. 20. — Advices from Odessa say that a large quantity of cav alry accouterments, tools, forges and other warlike materials is awaiting at Elizabetgrad transportation to the front ier. Turkey Ohjects. Constantinople, Feb. 20. —1t is stated that the porte has rejected Rus sia's suggestion that Turkish troops oc cupy Bulgaria. Navigation Closed. Odessa, Feb. 26. — Navigation is closed here. No Political Significance. Madiuk, Feb. 20.— Tlie Duke of Mont pensier, in an interview with Senor Morett to-day, declared that the visit of the Count of Paris to Seville had no political significance. As for himself, Tie would not allow any Orleanist in trigues or councils to be held under his patronage. Some Voted for Boul anger. Pakis, Feb. 20.— M. Flourens, min ister of foreign affairs, was to-day elected a member of the chamber of deputies for the Basses-Alpes district. The Republican candidates were elected in St. Etienne and Dyon, in both of which places a number of votes were re corded for Gen. Boulanger. This Is Quite English. Paris, Feb. 20.— The Temps reports that England is negotiating with Turkey for the cession to Eng land of Salonica and an island commanding the Dardanelles, England g uaranteeing to the sultan the posses sion of Stamboul, with the immediate district, the Bosphorus, the Darda nelles and all the Asiatic provinces. Locke's Perennial Troubles. Washington, Feb. 26.— Charles E. Locke, manager of the National Opera company, which disbanded here yester day, was arrested this evening at the instance of Mr. Sylva, the tenor of the company, charged with issuing worth less checks. He was released on bail, Mr. Staples, proprietor of Willard's ho tel, becoming his surety. The case will come up in the court in the morning. - "TRANSITORY FRENZY." The Plea on Which a Denver Mur derer Was Liberated. HE KILLED AN ACTRESS. A Buffalo Temperance Advocate Gets Into a Kettle of Rot Water. Denver, Col., Feb. 26.— The jury in the case of Charles E. Henry, the young gambler from London, Out., who, the night of Dec. 13 shot and in stantly killed Effie Moore, a variety act ress at the Palace theater, over a love affair, at 1:30 this morning, returned a verdict of acquittal. The defendant entered a plea of "transitory frenzy." The verdict is a surprise to the public, it being the belief that he should have received some kind of punishment for his deed. A Bad Temperance Advocate. Buffalo, N. T., Feb. 20.— Henry S. Hill, a temperance evangelist, who has been assisting Frances Murphy in Buf falo in the blue ribbon cause, was ar rested yesterday on complaint of Louise Liefeuback, aged fifteen, who swears that on Feb. 10 Hill followed her into the kitchen of Mrs. Broad's residence, where she is employed as a servant, and attempted to assault her. Mrs. Broad says that Hill ' has i obtained between $300 and $400 from her under false pre tenses, and that she intends to prose cute him. A Juryman Got Drunk. Columbus, 0., Feb., 26.— N0 progress was made in the tally-sheet forgery cases yesterday, owing to the absence of a juryman. At noon the case was ad journed to Monday and officers sent in search of the juryman. His name is Gantz and he was found last evening in an intoxicated condition and placed in charge of a deputy. Robert B. Mont gomery, one of the defendants, had an altercation with George Beaton, a citi zen, last evening over reports connected with the case. Later in the evening Fred Steube, another of the defendants, made an assault on Prosecuting Attor ney Huling, breaking one of the bones in his face. Steube claimed that the prosecuting attorney had detectives fol lowiiiir him. There is considerable in dignation over the assault on the pros ecutor. Two Have Been Arrested. Ashland, 0., Feb. 26.— Wesley Ches rown and son, Maurice, who shot Jacob Wilbert Saturday, have been arrested. The former came to this city and gave himself up to the authorities, while Maurice Chesrown was captured in the western part of the state this afternoon. Elias . Chesrown, whom it is supposed shot William Kelly, gave himself up to the sheriff late Saturday night. There are five of the Chesrown brothers who were in the house at the time of the shooting still missing, and officers are scouring the country to apprehend them. There is a rumor afloat that Adam Chesrown was lynched at Mo hicanville, the scene of the shooting. This rumor can not be substantiated. : _£-—— —^*- ON THE RANGES. The liosses of Cattle in the South west Very Light. ' , i Denver, Col., Feb. 26,— R. G. Head, president of the International Range association, and largely interested in the range cattle business, returned to night from an extensive trip in South ern Colorado, New Mexico and Texas. In an interview he stated that the re ports circulated in the East that the loss of range cattle this winter will reach from 50 to 75 per cent are abso lutely false. He said that from per sonal observation he knew that the range cattle in Colorado, Texas, New Mexico, Indian Territory and Wyoming and a portion of Arizona were never in better condition at this time of the year than at present, and that the losses this year would be comparatively nothing; that, while the stock is not suffering for feed, snow is needed in Wyoming, Col orado and Northern New Mexico, while Southern New Mexico, Texas and the Indian territory have had an abun dance of rain, thereby insuring hardy grass. There has been some mortality among the cattle in a small scope of Northern Arizona and Texas, south of the Panhandle, caused principally by overcrowded ranges. Mr. Head proph esies that in the next two years the price of cattle will advance, and those who have held their stock through the depression for the past three years will reap a great financial harvest. — <» Can't Compete With Us. Pittsburg,' Feb. 26.— 1n an interview with a Dispatch reporter to-night, An drew Carnegie stated that, notwith standing the natural facilities of Pitts burg, the iron and steel manufacturers were unable to compete with Chicago and the Northwest. The cause of this was the advantage of lower freight rates, which made it possible for the Western manufacturers to come to our very doors and take our trade. The steel rail trade, he said, was unusually dull. Last year the consumption was 2,225,000 tons. From the present out look it will not reach half that amount this year. There is not a steel rail mill in the country that has orders to run it for sixty days, and many could not con tinue in operation a month. ANXIETY JT OMAHA Over the Claim to Valuable City Property by Sophia Felix's Heirs. Fourteen Hundred People In terested in the Land They Are Seeking 1 . An Unknown Man Killed by Jim McKaig at Red Cedar Lake. Two Trains Derailed— Fifteen Houses Scorched in a Sioux City Fire. Special to the Globe. Omaha, Neb., Feb. 26.— The arrival of a gentleman named James H. Par sons, of Birmingham, Ala., who came here day before yesterday, is likely to cause considerable uneasiness among 1,470 property owners in this city. Mr. Parsons represents the heirs of Sophia Felix, a half-breed Sioux, who, in 1886, located 160 acres of laud in what is now one of the most valuable suburbs of the city, and is worth upwards of $2,000,000. This action involves the title to 120 acres of this entry. In 1854 an act was passed by congress authorizing the Sioux tribe of half-breeds, then on their reservation at Prairie dv Chien, Wis., to divest themselves of their titles in the reservation and to receive scrip is suedby the government, entitling them to locate 480 acres of any land sub ject to entry. One of these half-breeds, Sophia Felix, under the provisions of the act, had the scrip issued to him. This scrip was unassignable, and only the party to whom it was issued could locate the land, except by written authority to M. T. Patrick, now one of the wealthiest residents of Omaha. His issi'e was given, and under it he entered the 120 acres in question. It is claimed that on the 31st of March, 1860, a power of attorney in blank ami a blank quit claim deed to this property were pro cured from Sophia Felix. The power of attorney was filled out to a man named William Ruth, and in the quit claim was put the name of M. T. Patrick as grantee. In 1803 these two instruments were placed upon the rec ords of this county, also a warranty deed from Sophia Felix, executed by William Ruth under the power of at torney. In 1805 Sophia Felix died. She left as her only heirs two brothers and a sister, Dennis, Harriett and Pierre Felix. These heirs allege that they first discovered the frauds perpetrated on their sister by M. T. Patrick in 1886. They have engaged two of the leading attorneys of the city, and suit will prob ably be commenced in the federal court to-morrow against the parties, 1,470 in all, who claim title to the property in question. Unknown Man Killed. Special to the Globe. Brainekd, Minn., Feb. 26.—Intelli gence has just been received here of the killing of an unknown man by Jim Mc- Kaig, foreman of ex-Sheriff Malcolm McCain's lumber camp at Red Cedar Lake. McKaig killing the man, it is said, by striking him with a sledge hammer. The murderer is still at large, but the authorities believe they will corral him within a few hours. Coro nor Camp left Brainerd to-night at 10 o'clock to hold an inquest. Train Derailed. Special to the Globe. Fargo, Dak., Feb. 26. — The train due at Fargo at 7:50 was derailed east of Detroit, Minn., by a broken rail. The engine passed safely, but the baggasre and express cars went off and were badly smashed. The balance of the train remained on the track. One man sustained a broken leg. The other pas sengers were not seriously injured. The train was delayed three hours. Horses Scorched. Sioux City, 10., Feb. 26.—Kings worth & Buxton's livery stable was totally destroyed by fire this afternoon. Mhe fire originated in the harness room and spread with great rapidity, the building being in flames almost as soon as an alarm could be turned in. The stable was the most extensive in the city, and the loss is about $25,000, be lieved to be fully covered by insurance. A violent wind threatened to spread the fire, but it is now fully under con trol. About fifty horses were taken out of the barn. Fifteen of them are so badly scorched that they will have to be killed. A Whack at the Tariff. Special to the Globe. Eau Claire, Wis., Feb. 26.— The Oneida Democratic Club of Northern Wisconsin met last night at the office of V. W. James, chairman of the county committee, and adopted a constitution declaring in favor of a tariff for rev enue only, maintenance of civil service reform, and opposition to centralization of power in the national government. Sixteen Injured. Special to the Globe. Winnipeg, Feb. 26.— A broken rail on the Canadian Pacific railroad at a sta tion near Sudbury, east of Port Arthur, derailed three passenger cars Saturday evening last. Sixteen people in one car were badly shaken up and some se riously bruised, but all the injured will recover. The Blow at Breekenridge. Special to the Globe. Bueckenridge, Minn., Feb. 26.— A terrible blizzard is blowing, with no prospect of clearing up. It is 4 deg. below zero. No trains have been run ning since Friday evening. Residence Burned. Specinl to the Globe. Cbippkwa Falls, Wis., Feb. 26.— The residence of Mr. La Pointe was burned last night by fire. Nearly all of its contents being destroyed. The in surance is $900. Farmers' Institute. Special to the Globe. Preston, Minn., Fob. 26.— A three days' farmers' institute, which was largely attended, has just closed here. Attacked the Catholics. Chicago, Feb. 26. -Rev. Dr. Justin D. Fulton, of Boston, preached to-day at the Fourth Baptist church. His sermon was a bold assault upon the Catholic church. He said that the Catholic schools are teaching young men to be newspaper reporters and to fill business positions in connection with the wealthy in order to propagate their doctrines. "Why, in San Francisco there are fifty four 'millionaires connected with tlie Catholic church, and the street railways are all in the bauds of the Jesuits," lie declared that they had bombarded New England and Ohio, and had determined to open up a square fight in Chicago from center to circumference, and said that if he were properly supported God would start here through the instru mentality employed a work that would result in the overthrow of the papal church. ■*». Democratic Executive Committee Washington, Feb. 26.—Representa tive J. P. Jones, of Alabama, chairman of the Democratic congressional cam paign committee, on the part of the house of representatives, has appointed the following as the executive commit tee: Benton McMillin, Tennessee; K. W. Towshend, Illinois; Levi Maish, Pennsylvania; Samuel Dibble, South Carolina; L. S. Boyce, New York; S. O. Fisher, Michigan; George D. Wise, Virginia; John A. Mac Donald. Minne sota; John A. McShane, Nebraska, and P. F. McKinney, New Hampshire. The Democratic executive committee on the part of the senate are : Senators John E. Kenna, West Virginia; George Hearst, California, and James K. Jones, Arkansas. A Big Cattle Drive. St. Louis, Feb. 26.— The first Texas cattle drive of the season started north yesterday from the vicinity of San An tonio. The drive consisted of 12,000 head of two and three-year-old steers, owned by J. R. Blocker, of Austin, Tex., and Col. Stoddard. of Buffalo, Wyo. They will be divided in four herds of 3.000 each. The cattle are in prime con dition and are expected to yield their owners a handsome profit. HE THREW THE FIGHT. Connelly Admits That His Kill With Needham Was Crooked. CARDIFF'S LATEST DRAW. A Sporting Paper's Opinion of Killen— Organization of the Western Leagne. Special to the Globe. AsnxAND, Wis., Feb. 26.— Jimmy Connolly, the Boston man who was matched against Danny Needham Fri day night, informed a large number of people here before he left town that he had thrown the fight for Needham. He said he had been guaranteed $200 to come here, and that if he had got it the result would have been different. No one who saw the fight doubts the truth of his statements. Ten sports came up from Hayward alone, and before they returned home said they would not give 10 cents to see Clow ana Conley or any one else fight in Ashland, believing they had been swindled. There can be but one person to blame for this, and that one is Connolly, who frankly acknowl edges his crookedness, and it is wrong and unreasonable to make others suffer for his misdoing. It is the common be lief that Needham is no match for Con nolly, although he fonght bravely, showed an immense amount of science, generalship and good judgment, and took his punishment with a smile. Another Draw For Cardiff. Exchange. O. H. Smith, who was in town last week with Patsy Cardiff, tells how he got back at Patsy in a playful way in St. Paul a short time ago. Cardiff is somewhat of a checker player, be it known, having very few superiors at that game among the men you are liable to meet every day. The automatic checker and chess player which has been touring the country, knocking out all comers at the cross-barred game, was in St. Paul week before last, and Patsy thoueht he would try his hand against it. He did. The automa- I ton played a stiff game, and so did Patsy. Alter a long struggle it resulted in a draw. "Well, that beats h — ," said the pugilist, looking at the machine. "Well, what did you expect?" asked Smith. "Did you think you'd get better than a draw? You fought a draw with Sullivan, yoa fought a draw with Mitchell, with Killen, with McClarney, with Crooks, and now you have a draw with a wooden man. Well, you're a daisy 1 Come on, let's look at the other curiosities." Faint-Hearted Pat. Chicago Sporting Journal. it is a pity to see a man who was at one time thought so well of as Pat Killen descend to the level which ho has. Ever since he met Cardiff he has been a dead card, his back-down with the Ithaca Giant added another nail to his coffin, and now his evident unwill ingness to fight Joe McAuliffe, whose only claim to pugilistic ability is the knocking out of § poor old ruptured Paddy Ryan, is a convincing proof that Pat is faint-hearted. Killen. if he only knew it, has a "sineh" with the big Californian, being really a clever man, but from the above cause is evidently afraid to risk a little punishment. Brought Good Prices. Lexington, Ky., Feb. 20.— The great combination sale of fine trotting stock by Woodard & Harbinson closed yester day. It was the largest sale ever held in the state. Prominent people were in attendance from all parts of the United States and Canada, and large prices were realized. The sales yesterday were seventy-four head for $12,480. Four hundred and sixty head sold during the six days' sale for $184,920, an average of *042. The Western League. St. Joseph, Mo., Feb. 26.— The old Western league met here to-day with delegates present from Denver, Hutch inson. Pueblo, Leaven worth', St. Joseph and Wichita. A permanent organiza tion was effected by the election of William McClintock president, and A. H. Spink, of St. Joseph, secretary and treasurer. The salary limit for each club was placed at $1,200 per month. ' Sports, Limited. Patsy Cardiff ami O. H. Smith are greatly elated over their reception at l'eoria, which was both cordial and enthusiastic. Cardiff says that Reddy Gallagher's challenge to meet him in a fifteen or twenty-round con test for 75 per cent of the gate receipts, is a clear case of bluff. Minneapolis and St. Paul pugilists regard the recent contest between George La Blanch, "the Marine," and the "St. Joe Kid as simon pure fakes, as the Marine is by far the best boxer and tighter. It is not improbable that Meyer and Need ham will be matched for a twenty-round con test, to take place at the Washington rink, Minneapolis. High and Wide. Pittskurg, Pa., Feb. 26.— Capt. John A. Woods and Harry Brown, the coal operators, left for Washington to-night to appear before the river and harbor committee and enter a pro test against the erection of bridges at Natchez and Memphis. The rivertnen claim that unless the bridges are built ninety feet above high water mark and the spans 1,000 feet apart, they will in terfere ■with navigation.. WHY HE FAILED. The bankrupt o'er his business wreck, When creditors had fled. There fingered a protested check And wept his eyes blood-red. He groaned aloud: "Oh, what a 'jay' I've been! 'Twill drive me mad! I'd not have failed had I each day Put in the Globe an Ad." NO. 58. BURNED ATBUFFALO. A Great Conflagration Visits the Chief City of Western New York. Fanned by a Gale, the Flames Spread With Alarming Rapidity. Several Buildings Crumble Into Ruins — Numerous Narrow Escapes. A Newspaper Office Scorched —Six Hundred Men Out of Employment. Special to the Globe. Buffalo, N. Y m Feb. 26.— The sec ond disastrous fire that has visited this city since the beginning of the year broke out at 2:45 o'clock this morning in the five-story building, 47 and 49 Ex change street, occupied by James E. Curtiss, manufacturer of gloves and mittens; Barnett's ticket office, and Bickford & Francis' leather iuannfact tory. There was a strong wind from the south, and the flames rushed through the building with amazing rapidity. A general alarm brought tli« lire department to the scene, and a fierce struggle for supremacy between the flames and the firemen followed. Fanned by the gale the flames spread to the frame building on the west, 45, occupied by Julius R. Fleishman, ticket broker, and the upper lloor by the family of Henry Baum. consisting of Baum, his wife and six children, who were with difficulty rescued. On the east the fire took hold of the Yanderbilt building, a four-story brick structure, containing the ticket offices of the Mich igan Central road. The upper floor, were occupied by tenants, who all had narrow escapes. In half an hour after the fire was discovered the two upper floors of the Curtiss building fell, and five minutes later the side wall went down, crashing through the frame building on the west. The Yanderbilt building also CRUMBLED rXTO KTUfS. The wind drove the flames in a solid sheet across the street to the buildings on the north side. On that side were, the Washington block, occupied by the Express and Matthews & Norttirups immense printing and lithographic works. The Williams building, adjoin ing on the east, was a four-story struc ture, devoted to the manufacture of sole leather, except the two upper floors, which were leased to Einsfeld & Emig, manufacturers of boots and shoes. The cornices ot this building caught, and it seemed for a time as if there was no saving the structure, but a for tunate change in the wind enabled the firemen to confine the flames to the east ern part of Nos. 46 to 50 and to the Will iams building, which were gutted. The east walls on the Williams building and part of the front fell. The tire way under control at 8:30 o'clock. The total loss, so far as can be established to-day, is about $250,000. Bickford & Frances lose about £100,000, with insurance of §30,000. The Curtiss building was valued at $30,000, insured forflsvOoo. By the destruction of the Queen City Snirt Works 600 men are thrown one of employment. There is no knowledge o£ how the fire originated. THE LOSSES. The following are the losses as far as can be ascertained up to a late hour to night, aggregating $370,500: Bickford & Francis, stock and building. $96,000, insurance. $60,000; J. E. Curtis, stock, $29,000; Ensfield «fc Emig, stock, $30,000; insurance, $20,000; George L. Williams, stock and building, $92,000; insurance, $42,590; Queen City Shirt company, $70,000; insurance. $02,000; Robert H. Thompson, stock, $o0,000; insured in full; 1. H. Baum, $5,000; insurance! $2,000; New York Central road, on building, 520,000; Gilbert Starch work-;, $500; insured; Matthews, Northrup «fc Co., $5,000; insured. STRUCK A GIANT WAVE. Several Persons Injured on the Big Cunarder Unibria. New Fork, Feb. 26.— The Canard steamer Umbria, which arrived to-day from Liverpool, was struck by a heavy wave Saturday mornnig at 1 o'clock 150 miles east of Sandy Hook, which half buried the vessel, severely injuring sev eral steerage passengers. John Huggin, an Englishman, thirty years of age. was thrown across the deck and his head struck an iron bolt. His skull is thought to be fractured, and he will probably die. Bridget Delton, a young Irish girl, had one eye torn from its socket by be ing thrown against a railing. Her face was also badly cut. Patrick Kcrrwin, a sailor, had his right leg fractured, and several others were bruised. Only one cabin passenger was hurt, and lie not seriously. The steamer was not in jured. Burned to Death. Shrevepokt, La., Feb. 26. The Tilley hotel was burned last night. The proprietor, Mr. Alford, was awakened by smoke in his room. He rushed through the hotel and gave the alarm. There were about twenty-live guests in the building, all of whom escaped ex cept 11. C. Craig, a commercial traveler from Cincinnati. His remains were found under the debris. The hotel was insured in foreign offices for $14,400. An adjoining building caught tire ami was considerably damaged. Total loss, $50,000. Sunday Blaze in New Orleans. New Orleans, Feb. 2Q.— The build ing, No. 17 Tehcouptonlas street, oc cupied by Baldwin Vallett, tobacconist, and F. R. Matthews and other agencies, and the unoccupied building. No. 15, were burned to-day. Loss $20,000. A Baltimore Blaze. Baltimore, Feb. 26.— This morning the sash, door and blind warehouse of John Scherer & Son was destroyed by fire. Damage $18,000. -^*- Appraised Too High. Ottawa, Out., Feb. 26.— Capt. War ren, the owner of the four British Co* . lumbia sealers seized in Bearing sea last year, writing to a friend here, saya it will take over $43,000 to bond his ves sels out, and, besides having to appeal the cases to a higher United States court, he must give uonds for the costs and agree to abide by the decision of the* | courts. He says he cannot see his way 5 clear to regain possession of his schoon- [ ers at these figures, and if he cannofe! seal with them, they will be useless property. The Alaska authorities have, i appraised the schooners so high tha%, the Anna Beck is the only one Capt., Warren could take on the terms asked. , The W. P. Say ward has been brought,! down from Sitka to Puget Souud, and is { advertised to be sold April 1. ' ,