Newspaper Page Text
in ST. PAUL WANTS. Wants on this page will ,be inserted linden Classified headings according to the following •'■:.._'..,;'., V. . TABLE OF BATES. ■" .- i *? m m i WUmber : * I _ ill 1 "Words. '■ § 1 :f I 5 2 § : " 1 » :" : « SB or less*. ls $.27 $.39 $.51 $.63 $.75 $.87 16 words .16 .28 .40 .52 .64 .76 .88 17 words .17 .30 .43 .56 .69 .82 .95 18 words .18 .32 .46 .60 .74 .881.01 19 words .19 .34 .49 .64 .79 .941.08 20 words .20 .35 .50 .65 .80 .951.10 SI words .21 .37 .53 .69 .85 1.0111.17 22 words .22 .39 56 .73 .90 1.0711.24 23 words .23 .41 .59 .77 .951.131.31 24 words .24 .42 .60 .781 .96,1.141.3 a 25 words .25 .44 .63 .821.01f1.70 1-39 £6 words .26 .46 .66 .861.06 1.261.40 27 words .27 .48 .69 .80:1.11 1.321.53 28 words .28 .49 .70 .9111. 121.33 1.54 29 words .29 .51 .73 .951.171.391.61 80 words .30 .53 .76 .991.221.451.68 81 words 31 .55 .791.031.271.511.75 82 words .32 .56 .801.0411.281.521.76 S3 words .33 .58 .831.081.331.581.80 words .34 .60 .861.121.38 1.63 1 85 words .35 .62 .891.161.431.701.97 86 words .36 .63 .901.171.441.711.98 37 words .37 .65 .931.211.491.77 2.05 88 words .38 .67 .961.251.541.83 2.13 89 words .39 .69 .991.291.591.89 2.19 40 words .40 .70 1.00 1.30 1.601.90 2.26 •1 words .41 .72,1.031.341.651.962.27 *2 words .42 .74 1.06 1 .381. 2.30 43 words .43 .761.091 .42;i.73|2. 08 2.41 44 words .44 .771.101.4311.76:2.09 2.42 45 words .45 .791.131.471.8112.15,2.49 46 words .46 .811.161.51 1.80!2.21|2. 47 words .47 19,1.5511.9112.27 *8 words .48 .841.201.5611.922.23 49 words .49 .861.231.601.07 2.34 2.71 to words 50 .881. 261.641. 02,2. 40|2. 79 Compound words count two words, and iverv abbreviation counts the same as a full Wojd. In Every Case the Money Must Accom pany the Order. SITUATIOXS OFFEItED. jMalf. ________ AN AMERICAN gentleman of intelli gence and fair education wanted imme diately for a somewhat responsible position ; need not be experienced in our line, but must have a good record and be well ac quainted in the city. Call after 10 o'clock Monday, Selmnr Hess, 272 East Seventh st. :■■:-:■-■ 64 A MEAL for 10 cents and upwards ; beef steak and potatoes, with bread, butter and coffee, 10 cents; oyster stews, 15 cents;,, open all night. New York restaurant, 442 Jackson st. 63-64 AGENTS wanted at once in every town for a useful article to business men; one agent can make $4 and $5 a day; send 2-cent stamp. Address John Schroegler & Co., 164 Fourth st., corner Chestnut, Winona, Minn. 63-65 ____. AGENTS— Wauted. good life insurance solicitors for a large and liberal Eastern company, in Minnesota, Dakota aud Wiscon sin. Address J 74, Globe. 59 65 ALL FLAYERS wauted: good men for minor league. Address G 65, Globe. 1 BOY— Wanted, a boy to do oflice work, at Stevenson Mercantile company, 84 East Fifth st. Call at 9 o'clock, Monday morning.l BOY— Good feed boy at Phil D. Hall's printing office, 336 Sibley st. ; apply at once. ± BOY— A German boy to work in saloon. Call between the hours of 10 and 12 a. in. at 315 Robert st. 1 BOY— Wanted, a small boy to run errands. Apply at 155 Drake block. 7 BOY wanted at once to do chores. Board and small wages paid. 77 Summit aye. 7 * lANVASSERS Wanted— To canvassers / and collectors Wanted— To canvassers ' and collectors on salary and commis sion, three energetic men. Call at Rooms 67 and 68, Chamber of Commerce, Monday morning at 9 o'clock. ■ 64 CLERK— Wanted, clerk with office experi ence; must have best of reference. Ad dress X 61, Globe. 7 OMPOSITORS— Wanted, three compos itors at Rich & Clymers, 108 East Fifth St., corner Robert 1 CIOLLARMAKERS— Two good collar- J makers to make long and short straw collars men that can make both kinds pre ferred; steady work to good men; good prices. Apply to P. Sharkey & Sou, East Portland, Ore. 60-66 DRUG CLERK wanted with some exper- U ience; eighteen or twenty years old ; must speak Scandinavian; a good chance. Address J. H. Hanson, lock drawer 22, Bar ron, Wis. 57-71 FOREMAN wanted for sash and door de partment. Corlies, Chapman & Drake. 1 FOREMEN— Three section foremen with wives; $70 per month. Apply at John ton's Agency, 287 Sibley st. 64 FARM HAND wanted : must know how to milk. Inquire of E. X., 788 Rice st. 64 G'ARDKNER to take ten acres on St. r Anthony hill: will pay salary or share; man and wife preferred. Apply 140 Sum mitav. 1 ACHINE MAN wanted, to run sticker. Corlies, Chapman & Drake. 1 MAN— Wanted, any man of respectable appearance that is out of work and wants employment to call at Rooms 67 aud 68, Chamber of Commerce. 64 SALESMAN — Wanted, an experienced traveling man for a wholesale wine and liquor house, who commands a good trade in St. Paul and Minneapolis; must have best reference. Address A 86, Globe. 61-67 SHOEMAKER— Experienced shoemaker wanted at once by Minnesota Shoe com pany, corner Fifth and Rosabel; three kid cutters (three first-class vampers, ladies), six hand-turned and five men's fine sewed shoe workmen. ___________ STONECUTTERS— Twelve stonecutters kJ wanted for Marshall avenue bridge. Apply at works. 61-67 TRIMMER— carriage trimmer, at A. Nippolt's carriage shop, Eighth st, between Jackson and Sibley. 64 rniIROUGHOUT Minnesota, Dakota and A Wisconsin we need energetic, men to take orders for our new and continually in creasing standard publications, albums, Bibles.etc ; our inducements are unparalleled. P. F. Collier. Davidson block. 64-67 TELEGRAPH OPERATORS AND STENOGRAPHERS-Register for positions with Anna C. Drew, Hale Block. k Paul. . 208* TO LOAN— $50, $150 to loan on fur niture, pianos, etc; property left in your possession. St Paul Loan Co., 309V2 Jack son st. Rooms 1 and 2. . 185* WANTED— and wife, without chil dren, ou large farm ; man for outside work ; woman for cook; must be strong, tem perate, thoroughly competent and reliable; state nationality and experience. Address W. P. Murdock, Murdock, Minn. 64-67 WE HAVE permanent good positions for three well-dressed men who can speak the German or Scandinavian languages. J. O'Sullivan, 45 Davidson block. 63-66 WANTED— Local and general agents to represent us in the introduction and sale of the fastest selling article on the market: territory free; exclusive control given: $50 to $100 per week, to good live men; inclose 4 cents postage for free sample, terms and full particulars. Address The Nichols Manufacturing Co.. Onalaska, Wis. 61-66 WANTED— the United States army, cavalry, artillery and Infantry, able bodied, unmarried men between the ages of twenty-one and thirty-five years; good pay, rations, clothing and medical attendance; desirable men especially needed for the cavalry regiments, both white and colored. Apply to Capt F. D. G arret recruiting officer, No. 317 Wabasha st, St Paul, Minn. jan26-3mo-sun&thur A ( \ MEN— Wanted, forty men for cord '*U wood chopping and log sawing Mon day, to start Tuesday. Arrangements made at St Panl house. 64 PERSOXAE^ I S K. TEITS WORTH— st Paul's oldest -.J. and best clairvoyant fortune teller. 406 Wabasha st, between Sixth and Seventh sts. 62-68 NURSES, HOUSEKEEPERS AND other ladies are requested to notice Prof. Lonsdale's advertisement in want col umn^ •.■■*. 64-65 WANTED to know the whereabouts of Annie Leervig. Please leave informa tion nt 106 Sherburne ay. 64 I\TOTICE|of dissolution of partnership. 1* Notice is hereby given that the copart nership heretofore existing between Fred Lund and N. A. Klasell, under the firm name of Fred Lund & Co., has this day been dis solved by mutual consent. All affairs of said partnership will be settled by Fred Lund, who continues in the real estate business at 188 East Seventh st. St. Paul, March 1,1888. Fred Lund. N. A. Klasell. 63-65 FBOFESSIOXAE. Ti/l RS. K. JAMES, MANICURE. PEDI- J.VJL cure and dermatologist; ail diseases of thchands, feet and skin successfully treated. Office hours, 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. Parlors, 106-5, Globe building; take elevator. . 54* PERSONAL— Prediction— 20 cents for complete written prediction of your * future life. With . photo of future husband or wife, 30 cents. Give age and description. Prof Marceau, Cleveland, O su29* tt /_* in plenty may be had tie ID By inserting nercau ad. SITUATIOXS OFEEREP. Female. ■■'.- '■•:■'■•'■ PPKENTICES wanted at Werner's mil- j linery store, 11 East Seventh st. 1 ACCOUNTANT— Wanted, a lady account . ant in one of the best offices lv St. Paul ; must be accurate and good penman; state ex perience and salary expected. Address X 78, Globe. ■ - - ■ ' 7-64 CASHIER— Female night cashier wanted. at Vienna restaurant, 443 Jackson st. 6 CLERK— In fruit store; one living at home preferred. Call at 379 Robert St. "--7-1 : CLERK— a young lady to tend store: call at 130 East Third st. Monday, I from 9to 5 ; German preferred. -, -Vy. ' C LEKK— a lady clerk in one of the best offices in St. Paul; must be ac curate accountant and good penman. Ad dress X 78, Globe." ." . . " 7 COMPOSITOR — Female compositor wanted at once. Payne, Vose & Co., 303 Jackson st. *- '. "■'-' '_____ 6 COOK— good girl to cook, wash and iron for family of four. 240 West Seventh st. 1 COOK— Wanted, a good,strong girl to cook at jail : inquire iv basement of jail; en trance on Fifth st. Mrs. Louis Peterson. 1 COOK— Wanted, competent cook and J laundress. Call at brick house corner Holly aye. and Macubin st. 6 COOK— Wanted, a good cook; German or J Irish preferred. 529 Ashland ay. 62-64 DRESSMAKING— Wanted, a girl that would like to learn dressmaking. Call at 319 East Seventh st _________■ GIRL— Wanted, girl ; must be good cook. 340 West Third st, 1 GIRL in small family ; good wages. Apply 783 Holly ay. 1 GIRL— Wanted, a dining room girl at 460 St. Peter St. 1 GIRL— First class dining-room girl wanted at Hotel Winslow, Seven corners. 6 GIRL— a good girl tor second work at 385 Washington street. 7 GIRL wanted to cook, wash and iron for family of three. Call at 685 Harriet, corner Central ay. west. - 7 GIRL— girl; 354 Minnesota st.; Scandinavian or Norwegian preferred.6 GIRL— Wanted, one girl . for dining room and chamber work; must be compe tent^ 6 GIRLS— two good girls, one tor chamber work and one for dining room ; none but first-class girls need apply. 513 Jackson st. - 6 OUSEWORK— A girl to do general housework in a small family and learn dressmaking. Call at 574 Wabasha. 64-66 HOUSEWORK— a good girl tor general housework in private family: no children. Apply at 426 Rice st. ,',-.; 1 HOUSEWORK— Wanted, . a strong Ger man girl for general housework. Call 458 St. Peter st, 1 HOUSEWORK— for housework; family of two; good reference required. Apply after 5 o'clock p. m. only, 45 Dale st. cor. Holly aye. 1 HOUSEWORK— Wanted, girl to help take care of children and assist at light housework at 606 Pine st. 1 HOUSEWORK— Girl for general house work. 429 Ashland ay. '___ 64-66 OUSEWORK— a girl for gen eral housework. 562 Robert st. 1 OUSEWORK— GirIs for general house work. Mrs. Schuell, 65 West Seventh st, and 386 Ban lii st. 64 OUSEWORK— GirI to do cooking and general housework. Apply at 750 East Seventh st __1 HOUSEWORK— Wanted, German girl for general housework at 239 Norris st 1 OUSEWORK— A girl wanted for gen eral housework. Call at 50 East Sev enth st. 1 OUSEWORK— Wanted, a girl for gen eral housework. Call at 177 Fifteenth st., near Jackson. •; '•: 1 HOUSEWORK— Girl wanted for general housework. 376 St. Peter St. - ■ 1 OUSEWORK— GirI foit general ; house work; must be a good cook. Call Sun day at brick house, cor. Holly ay, aud- Mac kubin st. . 1 OUSEWORK— A good girl for general housework. Call at 214 Pearl st. 1 OUSEWORK— Wanted, competent girl for general housework ; must be compe tent; small family; no children. Apply Mon day. 470 Iglehaitst. 1 HOUSEWORK— girl for gen-, eral housework; good laundress. Apply Mrs. James B. Beals, 496 Portland ay. 64-66 OUSEWORK— Wanted, a Scandinavian or German girl for general housework at 462 Holly ay. _______' HOUSEWORK— Girl wanted for general housework. Apply to Mrs. E. L. Fryer, 126 Kent St.. before 12 o'clock a. m. 1 OUSEWORK— Wanted, a good girl for general housework at 555 Westminster st ■ -• .-.■■■■:- - 7 HOUSEWORK— Wanted, a good girl for general housework. Call at 214 Pearl st 7 HOUSEWORK— girl for gen eral housework. 24 College ay. west. 7 HOUSEWORK— A good girl for general housework at 157 Iglehart st. 6 KITCHENWORK— strong girls wanted for kitchen work; good pay. 382 Robert st. 6 LAUNDRY GlßL— Wanted immediately, an experienced laundry girl. Apply at 453 Wacouta st., corner of Eighth st. 1 LAUNDRESS— Wanted, head laundress. Northwestern Laundry, 171 East Thir teenth st. g NURSES AND OTHER LADIES-Want ed, to know that Prof. Lonsdale, princi pal of the Minneapolis Nurses' Training School, would be pleased to meet ladies de sirous to become efficient medical and surg leal nurses. The professor may bo consulted at the Sherman Ilouse, corner of Sibley and Fourth Sts., on Monday, March 5, from 2 un til 4 ; ladies' entrance. 64-55 NURSE— nurse wanted; must be active, intelligent and industrious; ref- . erences required. , Apply to Dr. Ancker, No, 34 West Third st. 1 IVTURSE GIRL— who cau sleep at li home. 84 Park Place. : 1 NURSE— good, reliable nurse; must have city references. Apply morn ings, 439 Iglehart st. *** 1 NURSE GlßL— Wanted, a nurse girl at 236 Thirteenth st. 7 POLISHERS— three good collar and shirt polishers. Apply corner Third and St Peter ets., basement, Monday morn ing. . 64 SERVANT— Wanted, a good, young serv ant girl at 599 Holly ay. 1 SALESLADY— A first-rate saleslady (not too youug) skilled in waiting upon ladies' trade required by an old-established house; prompt promotion if satisfactory. Apply at our warerooms after 1 o'clock Monday. J. Brentano, Superintendent, 272 East Seventh St., up stairs. 64 SEWING GlßLS— Wanted, sewing girls at once. Apply at 260 Rice st., between College and Summit ays. 5 SCRUBBERS— Wanted, three for good hotel ; girls for families out west; $20 : E. Douglass' Intelligence Office, 35 Seventh St . 64 WASHWOMAN wanted at 503 St. Peter St., in rear; call Sunday. 7 1 BOARD WAXTEP. BOARD AND ROOM wanted in part pay ment for new sewing machine or piano. Address W. C, Globe. 64 ROOM AND BOARD— Wanted, in a pri vate family for a lady; West Side pre ferred. Address E 85 Globe. . 63 ROOM with board, in private family preferred, for man and wife, not more than fifteen minutes' walk from Bridge square. M 59, Globe. 64 ROOM— Unfurnished room and board in private family by gentleman and wife; gentleman away from home about three fourths of the time; good company preferred than style. Address, stating terms, H. J. E., Globe. 64 WANTED— and rooms, party of four, in exchange for upright piano. Address J 52, Globe. .' 64 ANTED by April 1, two neatly fur , nished rooms, with good table board; centra 1 location, west of Wabasha st. Ad dress D 94, Globe. '64 WAXTEP TO BUY. HOUSE— To buy a small house to move on a lot corner St. Albans and Minnehaha sts. Apply 140 Summit ay. "64 HARNESS— Wanted, second-hand heavy single harness for cash. Address M 66, Globe. ■ 63-66 HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS wanted for : cash ; will call. E 74, Globe. 64-70 MERCHANDISE wanted ; will pay cash for any kind or stocks of merchandise. Address iv confidence E 97, Globe, St. Paul. SAFE— Wanted, to purchase a small second hand fire ; proof safe. Address G 94, Globe. 64 SAFE— to purchase, a small sec ond-hand safe ; must be in good order and cheap. Address J 58, Globe. . 62-64 TRUCK— anted, a second-hand truck for two horses, must be in good condition. Koehler & Hinrichs. 53 West Third st. 61-67 ANTED TO BUY— A good pony buggy : or cart: must be cheap for cash. Ad dress TE, 193 West Seventh st. ; '.; •.. . 647;' THE SAINT PAT3X • DAILY GLOBE: STOTDAT /MORNING,' MAJRCH : 4, 1888.— EIGHTfiEtT'ITIgEg. SITUATIOXS WAXTEP. Male. • ___^ BAKER— Situation wanted by a - first : - class bread ' and cake baker. Ad dress P. L., 613 Jefferson . street, -northeast, Minneapolis. .. * 64-66 BOOKKEEPER— Wanted, position as I bookkeeper or office clerk; city refer ence and experience. - Address M 55, Globe. 7 7: ' 61-60 .■.;.". :.--"■ BOOKKEEPER— A thoroughly compe i tent bookkeeper is open for an engage ment ; well up in all the Intricacies of ac counting. Address A 51, Globe. ' .3 BOOKKEEPING— A young man with some knowledge of bookkeeping wants work by which he can support his sick Sister. Address L 74, Globe. ... ."..„ 7 BOOKKEEPER— as bookkeeper or office man desired by a first-class ac countant; have had large experience in banking and mercantile houses; the best of references given. Address B 97, Globe. 7 BOY would like a situation in a drug store, where he can learn the business, Ad dress 238 East Thirteenth st., L. D. 5 BUTTE KM AKER— With 15 years ex perience, wants a situation in a cream ery. Address H 67, Globe. .'■■'-■ . 64-65 AHPENTEHJS— Two carpenters wish work shingling or siding. Address 853 Albemarle st _____ CLERK— Young man wants 6 *ood situation in wholesale house: take employment at anything; had five years' experience as ship ping clerk ; has references. Address I 75, Globe. . 1 CLERK— and delivery clerk of twenty-four; German good on manage ment and care of horses; has experience and good city reference in business. Address M li, 288 Rondo. ____ LERK— Young man, 17 years of age, wants situation in an assay office or drug store to learn the trade; well acquainted with chemistry and Latin language ; talks Geunan. Address C 333, Globe. ■ 04 CLERK— First-class grocery clerK wishes situation; young man; speaks English and Scandinavian : best of habits ; city refer ence. Address P. C. 30, Globe. 7 lOLLECTOK— Position as collector; long ' experience; well acquainted with the city; reference and bond if required. Ad dress J 80, Globe. 5 COLLECEOR— situation as col lector by reliable man,*Wß6ident of city; can furnish horse and buggy. H 99, Globe. _ 64-70 7" - C IOLLECTOR— Wanted, position as col- J lector by young man who thoroughly un derstands the business; can furnish first-class references as to character and ability. Ad dress F 92, Globe. * 61-65 CUTTER— tailors, young man wants situation as pants cutter aud trimmer. Address D. L., Globe.Minneapolis. " 64 * ■ ■ MPLOYMENT— Wanted, a situation as traveling agent for some cigar house; well acquainted in Northern Dakota and Minnesota. Address A. Gent, 199 West Seventh st -____ EMPLOYMENT— Situation wnnted by a young man of twenty years to work for private family for board and small wages. Address X 76, Globe. 6 EMPLOYMENT— Situation as gardener: understand care of horses and cows. Address J. R. Globe. 1 EMPLOYMENT— 810 given to any one getting me a permanent position ; secur ity and good city reference given. W. F. G., Globe. 1 EMPLOYMENT— Situation by married man as foreman, traveling salesman, or agent for manufacturing establishment; full knowledge of wood-working machinery; references first class. Address J 83, Globe. EMPLOYMENT wanted by man in office, store or warehouse ; quick at figures and good penman; references; small salary. A G, Globe. . . 7 EMPLOY3IENT— Young man writing very good hand and willing to work for board two months, wants place in office. H. S. Hansen, 285 William st m 1 EMPLOYMENT— a young man that is deaf; willing to work cheap. Address 864 Globe. ' 1 EMPLOYMENT— Young man. twenty years of age, fair penman, would like a situation of any kind in an office or store. Address B, Globe. _5 EM PLO YMENT— situation wanted by a -i boy to work in grocery store or any other store where work is not too hard. Ad dress M 75, Globe. 5 EMPLOYMENT— Wanted, situation in an office by a young man of good educa tion; references. B 60, Globe. 7 EMPLOYMENT— man wants situ tion in wholesale house; take employ ment at anything; had five years' experience as shipping clerk ; can give reference. Ad dress B 72, Globe. 7 EMPLOYMENT— A young man, Scan dinavian, twenty-one years of age, who speaks English and German, wishes situation of any kind; best of references. Address E 68, Globe. __3 EMPLOYMENT wanted— A man with good references wants any kind of a job ; knows the care of horses and is fairly . educated. Address F 11, Globe. 4 EMPLOYMENT— By a young man to take care of horses and garden ; can furnish good references. 320 Farrington ay. 4 MPLOYMENT— Situation by young man as grocery, clerk or in general store fair knowledge of bookkeeping ; dou't mind leaving city ; good reference. Address R J, 208 Pleasant ay. 4 JANITOR— Situation wanted as janitor or : ' similar work by competent man; best references. Address H 95. Globe. 1 PAINTER— Good carriage painter wants situation; can do finishing, lettering, etc. ; Is able to take charge of shop. Address Charlie C, Globe. 4 POSITION in a good law office wanted; ten years' experience. Address E 67, Globe. _5 PHARMACIST— Situation wanted by a registered pharmacist of many years' ex perience; can give No. references. Ad dress A 74, Globe. 1 SITUATION wanted by a young man at anything honorable; had two years'ex perience in grocery store ; wholesale house preferred.: B 81, Globe. 1 SALESMAN— young man, German, would like a position in a dry goods store; good salesman and best of reference- Address J 66. Globe. 7 SALESMAN— Wanted, situation as sales man iii boot and shoe store ; four years' experience. Address Shoeman, 199 West Seventh st. _ 4 SHOEMAKER— Position wanted by a shoemaker. Address 503 Mississippi st. SURVEYING— Young man would like to get in a surveying parly. Address J. B. E„ Globe. 3 WRITING— A boy of seventeen desires to occupy his spare time at home di recting envelopes. F 97, Globe. 4 WATCHMAN— Employment as night watchman by a reliable, temperate man ; good reference. Address F. R. H., Globe. 3 TO EXCHAXGE, OOT AND SHOE STOCK wanted in exchange for St. Anthony hill property. Address J. C. X., Globe. 64-71 T MUNIER, 130 East Sixth st, opposite Aa Ryan hotel, custom boot and shoe maker—Makes a specialty of fine French calf, Dongola or colt skin, hand sewed, for $6; try a pair of custom made shoes for your boys, $3.50; stonemasons and bricklayers will save money by leaving their orders for a pair of working shoes, $3.50; perfect fit guaranteed ; repairing neatly done. y. 64 O EXCHANGE— Equity of $250 in lot on South and Dale sts. for horses or mer- j chandise, etc. Giantvalley, Globe. ' 64 O EXCHANGE— House and lot for good paving grocery. Address M 60, Globe. 7 . . 64 TO EXCHANGE— Good farm and stock lands to exchange for unimproved St. Paul real estate. Address C 99, Globe. 64 O EXCHANGE— Equity in 13 acres Bice st. for farm near depot. 217 Eighth st. ' 64 TO EXCHANGE— A lot in South St Paul A for good driving horse. R, 27 East Seventh st., Room 22. 64 TO EXCHANGE — Stock farm of 340 acres, "in Southern Minnesota, worth $12,500, for improved city property, or will take $3,000 cash, and balance in vacant lots. Address F 52, Globe. 64 TO EXCHANGE— good heavy horse for a light team. Call or address 784 Cher okee ay, ________ . 64-70 TO EXCHANGE— A Dakota tree claim of 160 acres, 10 acres plowed : will ■ ex change for horse and buggy or stallion. Ad dress B 66, Globe. ■ . =. 64 WANTED— Registered cattle; Holsteins, Herefords and Shorthorns in exchange for St. Paul property. Address M 73, Globe. -. ' ■■■■■ '■■■•■ 64 ■■ • ■ ■ ■-, Ftf\(} SHARES of mining stock, worth O\J\J $2, to exchange for real estate. Ad dress H 73, Globe. 64 Ol\ ACRES, free of all incumbrance, be- DU tween St. Paul and Stillwater. What have you to exchange for this? Weatherby & Hay, 316 Robert st. 64 MONEY TO LOAN— and upwards on personal property of any description: Property left in your possession. St. Paul : can Co., 309VJ2 Jackson st, Rooms land 2. :' ■■-■- ;■- ■ ■■ -185*. ■- .- ■■■:'•■■ -. : ; . BYE works. : : .;. DL. JAMIESON & CO.'S Steam Dye • Works— Gents' - clothing a specialty. 'If West sixth st., St. Paul, Minn. yil34*'/i - srrrATiox waxtei>. .; y..- : -' ■"■- - JFcmalc. : 7* ■ .*' ' ']„' . : APPLES— Good apples, $2.50 per barrel; assortment good pickles, ketchup ' ana sauces very cheap; selling out. 285 West Seventh st. - • _ -64-65 OORKEEPEK— situation by a young lady as bookkeeper, cashier, clerk or any other office work, Address 201 West Congress st. . _ 1 "DOOKKEjtjPEß— Wanted, si tuatation" by -D " 4 young lady bookkeeper as assistant cashier or any - office work ; has had two years' experience ; references given. A. 8.. - Globe, Minneapolis, ■■_- , - _ _ 3? COOK— wanted by flrsfcclass} ; cook in" private family or boarding house. Pallet 677 St. Peter st. - 6. C "iodic— wanted by a lady as •O head cook and second cook, either in ; restaurant or hotel ; can give first-class refer ences^ , 5 DISH WASHlNG— Situation wanted by a lady to do dish washing or housework. I Address J 69, Globe. '3; EMPLOYMENT— A strong German girl, wants work by the day at washing, iron ing or cleaning in private family. Call at 436; Arundel st., St. Paul. . . EMPLOYMENT— Young lady (Scotch)' wishes situation in a store; willing, active and obliging; Scotch merchants please assist me to the above. Address G 90, Globe. EMPLOYMENT— A lady with strong magnetic powers wants a situation with? magnetic healer. Address Mrs. EL, Globe. MPLOYMENT— GirI wants situation to J|> MPLOYMENT— Girl wants situation to J do light work; wages no object Call or address 216 Acker st, -4 EMPLOYMENT— A good girl would like a place in a small American family; knows how to cook; lower town preferred. Address J 84, Globe. __1 EMPLOYMENT— German girl would like employment in small family with Amer ican people. Address E 22, Globe. A HOUSEWORK— A good girl wants a place in a small family. Address 1. Waruk, near Post Siding house. 62-64 HOUSEWORK— Situation wanted by a Norwegian girl at general housework in ■■ small family; can furnish references. Call at 363 East Seventh st. 6 HOUSEWORK— Wanted, washing, Iron-" ing, housecleaniug or - any kind of housework by the day. Address Catey, 420 Wabasha st. ■■■ . - 1 HOUSEKEEPER— A lady with a child of seven would like a situation as house keeper ; one object, a quiet home. Address F 61, Globe. 1 HOUSEKEEPER— A lady wants a situa tion as housekeeper; best of references furnished. Address F., 375 Rice st 64-65 HOUSEKEEPER— Situation as house keeper in hotel or private boarding house by experienced lady. Address B 93, Globe. ■•.:..■ 7 HOUSEKEEPER— Wanted, position as housekeeper, companion or nurse, by a middle-aged lady; very best of references. Address J 81, Globe. _ HOUSEWORK— German girl would like situation to do general housework in small family; prefer American people. Ad dress B 14, Globe. 1 HOUSEWORK— Swede girl, with good references and qualifications, desires a situation for housework or : dishwashing in a first-class hotel. Address D 55, Globe. 5 HOUSEWORK— Wanted, work, to go out by the day and do housework. 443 Cedar st. ■■■-.■-" 4 HOUSE WORK— Girl wants place in small family to do light housework; wages no object. " Address Ida, Globe. 4 MACHINE OPERATOR — Situation . wanted as machine operator by experi enced lady with machine; will take sewing at home : can furnish best of references. Ad dress M R, 100 East Ninth st 1 LADIES wanting competent help, please call on Mrs. Clark, Employment Office, 370 Dayton. 64 NURSE— A first-class nurse desires to make engagements; obstetrical cases a speciality; best of references, Chicago and •St. Paul : terms, $15 per week. Address J ; 91, Globe. 64-65, PAINTING— Wanted, a young lady wisher work in fancy painting, on velvet.plush, china, etc. Miss M. Ament, 140 West Fifth St .. ■.'... . . ". . .-" : it STENOGRAPHER— Young lady stenog rapher and typewriter would like a posi tion ; wages no object to begin with. Address G 73, Globe. ■ : 1> SEWING— young girl would like a few places to do family sewing. Address I. ; P., 507 Wabasha st. 7 SALESLADY— Wanted situation" in dry/ : goods or.'millinery store as saleslady: have had live years' experience, write a good 7 hand and am good at figures; or would like office work ; good reference. Address J7l Globe. - -'-■■■ ■■•*•" ---" -•-■';--' - l \-:'-61 65» SALESLADY — Young lady, eighteen, would like a position in a dry goods store ; three years* experience and best ref erence. Address C 72, Globe. , 7 SALESLADY — Situation wanted .by a young lady to clerk in a store; has had experience. Address X 81. Globe. -.. 5 ECOND WORK— Wanted, .a place for second work and to do plain sewing. Apply St. Mary's Home. 3 ECOND GlßL— Wanted, good second girl wants to work in private family, or will do general housework in small family. Call or address 852 Rice St.. St. Paul. 3 ITUATION wanted by a young lady to go out and do work in private families. Call at 349 Rice st, rear house. 3 STENOGRAPHER— A young lady sten ographer and typewriter would like a position; best of references furnished; do not object to office work. J 95, Globe. 3 TYPEWRITER— A young laoy tpyewriter ■ wishes a situation ; practice more of an object than salary. Address C 86, Globe. 1 TT 7 ASHING wanted, to do at home, by VV thoroughly competent woman; satis faction guaranteed. Address 11 76, Globe. 1 WASHING— washing to do by a lady in families. Address Hall ay., 505. -•'■'■ 4 FIXAXCIAE. MONEY is loaned by us on improved real estate security in St. Paul, Minneapolis and Duluth at 6, 6*Aj, 7, 7% per cent, on shortest notice, for any amount R. M. New port & Son, investment hankers, 152, 153 and 154 Drake block, St. Paul. 73* MINNESOTA MORTGAGE LOAN Company— from $10 upward on furniture, pianos, horses, wagons, etc., with out removal; also on warehouse receipts, diamonds and gold watches. J. S. Mackey, manager. Room 14, First National bank build ing. St. Paul, and Room 7. Mackey-Legg block, Minneapolis. - 250* ONEY TO LOAN— By Hunt & Sever ance, 34 East Third st, room 1; in large and small amounts on furniture, horses, carriages, libraries, warehouse receipts, etc.; the same to remain in the owner's posses sion; also on watches, ; jewelry, diamonds, etc; business strictly confidential; a private room for ladies. 292* ONEY LOANED on all kinds of per sonal property, diamonds, je"weiry.furni ture, horses, etc.; commercial paper and time checks purchased. E. W. Leonard & Co., 126 East Third st. 291* MONEY LOANED on all kinds ot per sonal property, household furniture, horses, etc. ; also on diamonds and jeweiry ; commercial paper discounted. Security Loan Co., 325 Jackson st, J. E. Flanigan, mana ger. 162* MONEY TO LOAN on real estate and good first mortgages bought by S. H. Dyer,real estate and 10an5,52 German- Ameri-. can bank. . 106***, MONEY TO LOAN, m sums to suit trom $1 up, on watches, diamonds and all goods of value: special rates on sums of $50 ", and over. J. E. Ingham, 327 Jackson st „ 240* . y MONEY TO LOAN on improved real es- | tate in sums of $300, $500 and $1,000. John Knuppe, 557 Drake block. 39-69 7 A FEW thousand dollars to loan on prime" mortgages; no commission. St. Paul Real Estate Title Insurance Company, Room' 12, Globe building. 64 65 BORROWERS— I can furnish you money on improved or unimproved property, notes, collateral . or any good security for one, three or six months, one, three or five;, years; state what you have and what you want H 68, Globe. 63-64 OR SALE at par, $2,500, 8 per cent semi-annual interest, five-year mortage t on improved inside residence property worth ' $5,000 at low valuation, j 1 70, Globe. 63-64 PAGET & SMITH— Room 49, German American bank ; money to loan on im proved and unimproved property at usual rates. . 38-69 WANTED— From $10,000 to $20,000 to -' enlarge an old established wholesale house m this city; best real estate . security. Inquire of A. R. Kiefer, 190 East Seventh st -■ 53-67 , WANTED— loan of $750 and pay 12 to 15 per cent interest for a loan for one year, secured by first mortgage on property that cost $3,000, interest payable quarterly at the above rate. Address Allison, Globe, t 64 <XX nfin xo LOAN in one sum; 7. per «JPD^UUw cent; improved 7 lnside prop erty ; no delay. - Paget & : Smith, Room 49. American bank. -.■'-: 62-64 <EJ"I (\ 835, SSO, 8100 TO LOAN on tur «jpi\y •- niture, - • pianos,': : carriages, horses,' cows, watches, diamonds, silverware or any other article of value; cash advance made on goods in storage: promptness _ and , privacy guaranteed in making our loans; reasonable rates and no ■■ outside fees. \ St Paul Loan company, "No. 309& Jackson , st, Rooms 1 E and 2.-.7 ;>-.**,;■-.', -y\ j..;:;ry .- ••*•..•.■ ; v 6s*; v 200,000 WANTS Were printed in the Globe's : Advertising Columns in 1887. This is the best evidence that the Globb Is the People's Paper. WHERE WANTSTAN BE LEFT • FOR INSERTION IN " ; THE GLOBE. : LYONS & TICKNOR, Druggists, 707 East * Third street, corner Dates. C-NGER BROS.. Druggists, 349 University avenue, corner Virginia. MOUNTS & SAWDER, Grocers,. corner Ash :| land avenue and Dale street A. P. WILKES, Druggist, 759 and-761 West j Seventh street; y,*^.y- BERGMAN & CO., 422 Dakota avenue. E. FOX, 482 Rice street. . . O. P. WILLIAMS, 648 Reaney street. FRANK L. OSBTJRG, 178 Western avenue. J. H. HAVES, 441 West Seventh street : :^_ F. VAN DUYNE, Druggist, 828 East Sev enth street . 7;- T . •-' HIPPLER & COLLYER, Druggists, 199 . East Seventh street JOHN FURLONG TRADING COMPANY, . Grocers, 627 Jackson street. WILKES' PHARMACY, Seven Corners. BIISCEEEAXEOES. ADELPHA BINGA'S BALM OF Gilead— This is a pure, vegetable com pound, containing only pure,fresh herbs, for the cure of liver, dyspepsia, kidneys, rheu matism, salt rheum, scrofula and all diseases of the blood, and nervousness, from any cause whatever. Manufactured only by Adelpha Binga, herbalist of forty years' ex perience ; correspondence free, aud orders filled on receipt of price, $1 and 50c. 23 Court block. 21 East Fourth st. 64 ADVANCES made on goods in storage, loans given on all articles of value, con signments solicited; furniture, pianos, glass, china, pictures, etc., bought, sold or ex changed, packed, removed.stored or shipped; auctions sales at mart; open daily to receive general merchandise and household goods for sale or storage; goods to any amount pur chased for cash ; auction sales made at pri vate residences iv town or country; carpet cleaning. Sansomes' Auction, Storage & Forwarding Company, 232 East Seventh st. 412-414 Sibley st. St. Paul, Minn. 49* EXCHANGE LAUNDRY' removed from 54 East Seventh to 57 East Seventh. Please give us a call and see about our prices for family washing. 64 NOW IS YOUR TIME to get a home built to suit you on very easy terms at low rates of interest. Property will be within half a block of street car line, and will double in value soon. -C. G. Johnson, 28 German-American Bank. 64-70 APPLE— The imported English bitch, Deli, of the Llewellen strain, valued at 8200, will be raffled off at John S. Schnei der's, 405 Jackson St., St. Paul, March 10, 1888. This bitch is beautifully marked and a well-broken, splendid field dog; can be seen at the above place. R. C. Elwess, owner and importer. ' 64-70 (JURE CURE for rheumatism and head- JO ache for the price of $1 at No. 620 St. James st., below railroad track. . 59-65 TATE INSPECTORS of steam vessels and boilers: Central district comprised of the counties of Steams, Meeker, Benton, Sherburne, Wright, south half Mille Lacs, Isanti, Anoka, Hennepin, Ramsey, Chisago, Washington, Dakota. Office, Room 19, cap itol, St. Paul. James W. Morse, Inspector. . 63-64 " STORAGE AND FORWARDlNG—Con signments solicited of all kinds of mer chandise, implements, furniture and house hold goods we have the largest and best warehouse in the city, connected by railroad tracks for receiving, storing and transferring, or if space is desired either in basement or upper stories we can let same at very reason able rates; warehouse and office,3s9 and 339 East Third st., St. Paul, Minn. St Paul Storage, forwarding and Implement com pany, 11. A. Capron, manager; telephone call 238-2. 53* TYPEWRITING and si orthaud work of ail kinds done perfectly by Anna C. Drew, Hale block: no risk in bringing your work here; experienced operators, perfect work, low prices: work called tor and de livered; estimates given. Telephone, 852-2 ■ . 208* • - . WANTED— unite with some one go ing to California in hiring . a car ; for shipping household poods. 623 Cherry st _\ 64-67 WE , WANT to buy all the old. waste paper, books, iron, rags, stoves, bottles, etc., we can get, and will pay full value in cash; will call for such goods in any part of the city, free of charge, Call on or drop a postal to J. Firestone, 262 Jackson st, corner. Second. Telephone 96-3. ___ — _ ■-- _ 310* \ :'■■ " FOX SALE. . '.. BROOK TROUT, in any quantity at rea sonable rates per thousand for stocking ponds and streams. Troulmere Hatchery, Osceola, Wis. 04-06 ROOK TROUT- In any quantity, at reasonable rates per 1,000, for stocking streams and ponds. Troutmere Hatchery, Osceola, Wis. 57-08 CHICKENS or two trios of pure Wy andotte chickens for sale. H. McCloud, Macalester Park. 64 DOGS Thoroughbred great Danes, Chesa peake Bay Retrievers and Black En glish Cocker Spaniels; pedigrees furnished and all stock warranted pure. Osceola Ken nels, Osceola, Wis. '■'■>'.'-.'. " 64-66 NCYCLOPEDIABKITANNICA,JJ2.SO per volume ; we are reproducing from the very latest volumes of the ninth edition, page for page, plate for plate, map for map, and volume for volume, and- at about half the price of the Scribner or Stoddart editions; we also have a number of the leading cyclo pedias (taken in i exchange) at about half price; drop C. W. Dumont a card, 312 Maria ay., and he will call and show it to you; good terms to agents; 300 sets already placed in Twin Cities. 0. W. Dumont, Northwestern manager for the 11. G. Allen company. 60* LECTRIC BATTERY, boxed single folding bed. iron frame Singer sewing machine and large family Fisher refrigerator for sale at 12-1 West Fifth st. 64 FURNITURE— Must be of a five-room house; good as new; house to rent; well located. Address SA, Globe. 64 OR SALE— will buy a fine set ot bar fixtures, including ice* chest, etc. Call Room 8, 146 East Fourth st. 64 FOR SALE— cheap, one twenty-five horse power boiler, one 6ixteen-horsc power engine, shafting, pulleys, belting and wood-working machinery, separately or to gether. Johu M. Nash, Hudson, Wis. 64-65 LEASE on very desirable wholesale prem ises. Address 1 64, Globe. 60-65 MEERSCHAUM— meerschaum in state; cost §60 ; sell cheap or trade. Ad dresf Henry Wakeman, Globe. -64 PIANO at great sacrifice— One upright; cost $450, for $190; call immediately. S. W. Randenbush, 65 East Third st. - 64 SALOON FIXTURES tor sale: elegant and cheap. Witte Bros., 411 and 413 Fifth ay.- south, Minneapolis, Minn. 54-67 Guaranteed extra dry pine slabs promptly delivered: try a cord. Fred S. Nichols, fuel dealer. 109 East Sixth st. 55-64 TYPEWRITER— One caligraph type writer; Remington keyboard; first class; $75. Address C, Globe. #4 | ; . , MLSICAE. . ■' ' ORGANS— 'Pfen elegant new organs at half price call early. S. W. Raudenbush, 65 East Third st. ■ . ■ 64 ORGANS -For sale, Chicago Cottage,Clough & Warren, Lonng & Blake, A. B. Chase, Palace and Ithaca parlor organs, from $15 to $70; terms easy. C. W. Youngman, 115 East Seventh st. 64 "pIANOS AT BARGAINS— " r Warranted in perfect order. £ 1 Gilbert, $60. ? 1 Newton, $75. -" 1 Bradbury. $90. "? 1 Kimball, $150. Payments, $5 ana $0 per month. Whit ney's Music Store. 64 IANOS AND ORGANS TUNED, $1; j first-class work guaranteed. Samuel Crutchett, 205 West Sixth st. 59-72- PIANO TUNING— prompt, first-class work leave orders at Whitney's music store East Third st : - - 346* EOST AXl> FOEXP. DOG LOST— Newfoundland dog, all black, '; number of residence ; on collar (7 E. Third st) ; return to the address afore said. After this add any one holding the dog will be prosecuted according to law. 7 64 HORSE . FOUND— : up, one , black horse with star in forehead and some scratch marks. - James H. Daly's livery sta ble, 179 East Tenth st. 64-66 HORSE LOST— Black and little lame; fourteen and three quarters hands high ; last seen on Dale st. ; any information re warded. W. E. Royer 42, Globe. . 64 LOST, Between the opeia. house and Market st, on Third st., a lady's cluster diamond ring. Finder please leave at 49VJ8 W. Third st. and receive reward. , 64 SPANIELS LOST — Two water spaniel : dogs about six months old; will pay re ward. J. W. Tierney. 99 East Fifth st. 62-64 n "and houses greet the eyes fIOOmS Of the folks who advertise : : '^. FOR REXT. " , . House*". . " APPLES— Good apples, $2.50 per barrel: assortment good pickles, ketchup and sauces very cheap; selling out. 285 West Seventh st . 64-65 ■ BOARDING HOUSE ,on Acker st, No. • 222 ; use of city water and good cellar. Inquire at 409 Jackson st, near Manitoba shops. "_ - 64 , — . i . , COTTAGE— Seven-room cottage, 285 Nel son ay. ; $30 montly ; possession imme dlately; please call in afternoon. 63-64 HOUSE— rent, gem of a furnished house ; ten rooms ; all modern conven iences ; Woodland Park, St. Anthony hill; from May 1, for season or permanently; con venient to cable. Apply A 89, Globe. 62-64 HOUSE— rent April Ito Nov. 1, fur nished six-room cottage, convenient to railroad and streetcars. Inquire 1120 Reaney st. .■" 64 HOUSE First-class ten-room house, best location in city, to family without small children, for term of years from May 1." Ad dress J 59, Globe. 63-64 HOUSE— Large twelve-room house, with bath room, on Nash st. ; near street car line. Apply to John Dowlan & Sons, corner Fifth and Wabasha, 50* HOUSE for rent and furniture for sale at a sacrifice if taken at once. 489 Broad way. .__ 64 HOUSES— For rent, tenement houses from $6, $8. $10 and $12 per month. 254 Commercial st 60* HOUSE of seven rooms to rent; 226 Nor ris. Inquire corner Canada and Pearl sts., 595. 63-64 HOUSE— For rent, eight room house with cistern aud well. Inquire 58 West Fill more ay. 64-05 HOUSE— For rent, house of five rooms, 303 Charles st. $17 per month. 64 HOUSE— For rent, pleasant house, all im provements, fine location (very central), within ten minutes' walk of Merchants hotel; will only be rented provided portion of the elegant "furniture is purchased, nearly new, which cost $1,500 cash ; can be bought for $800 cash; rent low; possession shortly. Nicoiay Real Estate Exchange, 116 East Fourth st. ' 64 HOUSE— rent, -room house, No. 169 Mcßoal st, six blocks from Seven corners; large bam and yard; modern im provements. Inquire P. Eagan, 201 West Seventh st. 64-70 TO RENT— Either of the new houses— ten roooms and closets with stable— Bßl or 885 Hastings ay. ; splendid location; a rare chance for family looking for fine home. Ap ply at the premises or 211 East Third st. Ref erences required. 64 Rooms. RUNDEL ST., 153— For rent two nice large and pleasant furnished rooms: use of bath, 64-65 SHLAND A Y., 812— Four rooms. 64 BROADWAY, 533— T0 rent, front rooms, nicely furnished, heated; use of bath. 64 CEDAR ST.. 6001&— Two pleasant fur ' nished rooms, with or without board ; 6 o'clock dinner. 64-65 C CANADA ST.. 565.— Tw0 large furnished - / front rooms with heat and bath ; suita ble for gentlemen. 60-66 CANA DA ST., 565— Two large front rooms furnished, with hot and cold bath; suit able for gentlemen. 60-65 CEDAR ST., 691— For rent, large sunny front room overlooking Central Park. 64 EDAR ST., 600— One furnished room J for rent • 59-70 CHESTNUT ST., Front room, with closet nicely furnished and heated ; one block from Seven corners. 61-64 C" ~ OLLEGE AY., 45, WEST— Forreut, two nicely furnished rooms suitable for light housekeeping. 64 CIOLLKGE AY., 24, WEST— fur ' nished rooms; steam heat; use of bath. 6364 ___. COLLEGE AY., 20— Two nicely furnished rooms, suitable for one or two gentle-: men ; call immediately. 61-66 LEVENTH AND PINE, Nicely furnished front room for rent; furnace heat. 64-66 IGHTH ST., 257, EAST— One nicely furnished room. 61-6 AST NINTH ST., 260— Four rooms, fur nished or unfurnished; withiu a half block of "Portland. 64 XCHANGE ST., 330, SOUTH, First Floor— Nice flat of seven rooms; all conveniences; immediate possession. Vic toria. 64 XCHANGE ST., 382-Suite of nicely furnished front rooms, with use of bath. 64 " EXCHANGE ST., Front alcove and - adjoining room, single or en suite; mod ern improvements; suitable for three gentle men. 64 XCHANGE ST., 384, NORTH— A suite of nicely furnished front rooms, second floor; all modern conveniences ; board if de sired. - 60-64 FIFTH ST.. 140, WEST— Nicely fur nished front room; references, re quired. .' 64 RANKLIN ST., Nicely furnished single room; bath, gas and heat; new brick house two squares from Windsor hotel, 64 FLATS in new building, corner of To ronto and West Seventh sts. Inquire 56, . German American bank building. 64 . FLAT, furnished complete for housekeep ing. 476 Cedar st. 04 FLAT— For rent, a three-room flat cheap, . with cellar and all modern conveniences ; cable cars close by. Inquire in rear of 260 Seiby ay., up stairs. 64-67 LATS— flats for rent suitable for housekeeping, on John st Apply 404 Eighth st. 62-64 FORT ST., 378, NORTH— rooms to rent; water and woodshed. 64-65 OURTEENTH ST., 182 EAST— rent, four unfurnished rooms; small family. 64 OURTH ST., 43, EAST— For rent, large front room, second floor. Inquire at 340 Cedar st. 64 1 FOURTH ST., 60, WEST— For rent, one furnished front room; also one small room. 63 65 OR RENT— Clark's block, No. 305 West Seventh st, basement, store, barber shop, two flats, six rooms each. 34* IGLEHART ST., 276— For rent, two un furnished rooms to man and wife; call Monday. 64 ACKSON ST., 666— For rent, furnished, one large front room, with bed room ad joining, with or without board; suitable for two: strictly private family. 64 JOSETTE ST., 294— For rent, three rooms. 63-65 MANITOBA AY., 78— Three rooms for rent. 64 MINNESOTA ST., Elegantly fur nished front alcove ; every modern con venience. 64 INTH ST., 354 EAST— Nicely furnished room to rent; $8 per month. 64 LIVE ST., 646— Two newly furnished rooms, with bay-windows, very pleas antly situated, modern improvements; board if desired. 64-65 EARL ST.,2l3— Nicely furnished rooms, with or without board; modern con veniences; rent reasonable. 64 LEASANT AY., 181— Alcove front room and furnished rooms, single or en suite ; on line of cable. . 63-65 LEASANT AY., 224— Two nicely fur nished rooms, single or en suite, use of bath, private family. 64 LEASANT AY., 222— newly furnished front room on first floor; suitable for two gentlemen ; use of bath. :■ 64 PLEASANT AY., Furnished rooms to rent; modern conveniences, hot and cold water. ■_ 59-66 ROBERT ST., 100, SOUTH— rent nicely furnished room for one or two gentlemen. Inquire room 12. 63-64 OBERT ST., COR. FIFTH— For rent flats and rooms for light housekeeping. Inquire of 11. C. Hemenway. 64-67 ROBERT ST., 565— Two nicely furnished rooms, heated, use of bath, convenient to board and cheap. 64 OBERT ST., 535.— Nice front room and alcove; will furnish bath and all con veniences. Terms reasonable. 63-64 ROOM— furnished front alcove room to rent to two gentlemen in pri vate family; coal grate, furnace and bath; references. Address L 87, Globe. 64 ROOMS— To rent, two pleasant furnished rooms on first floor. Inquire 498 Mar shall ay. * * 64 f) OOMS— Nicely furnished rooms, single \r and en suite; steam heat and modern conveniences; 6 o'clock dinners. O X 7, Globe. . 64-65 ROOM — Large, nicely furnished front room, with alcove; house modern; ab solutely clean, comfortable $10. Address J 64, Globe. ■ - 6465 ROOMS— Nicely furnished rooms, single and en suite, steam heat and modern con veniences. Six o'clock dinners. 63-64 ROOMS— rent, first floor (four rooms and summer kitchen) of dwelling in Union- Park. Inquire at 74 East Seventh. between 12 and 1 o'clock. L. M. Bliss. 63-64 ROOMS— few nice furnished rooms ' with not and 7 cold water and bath, for . rent. 7 Call *at ; room •1, * third floor corner Cedar and Seventh. -f^__tW^sm_B_:- 61-67 -; 7 : FOR REUT. Rooms— Con I i n ued. ARK PLACE, 84 — Furnished room, with use of bath. 64-05 ROOMMATE— Wanted, gentleman room mate; nice front room. Inquire W. A. Pettro, 537 Lafayette aye. 64 ROOM-MATE— a gentleman clerk in the postoffice; all information can be had at the general delivery window. 64 ROOM-MATE— Wanted, a young lady room-mate; one who is employed dur ing the day preferred. . Call v 364 "North Ex change st. 59-65 SHERBURNE AYE., 106, (one block east of Jackson)— rent three un furnished rooms for housekeeping. 64 EVENTH . ST., 232 WEST— Nicely fur nished rooms to rent, with board; terms moderate. 64 SEVENTH ST.. 1751*, EAST— Nicely fur nished suite and one single room for rent 04 SEVENTH ST., 423. EAST— Suites of three and four pleasant front rooms, sec ond floor, for housekeeping. 64 SEVENTH, 159. WEST, Seven Corners— Suite of front rooms ; also single rooms ; to gentlemen only. Inquire room 9, second floor. ■ 03-64 SEVENTH ST., 335. EAST— Two double and three single nicely furnished rooms. Inquire Mrs. Taylor. 1 SEVENTH ST., 217, EAST, Room 5— Well furnished front room suitable for two or three gentlemen. 61 S EVENTH ST., 250 EAST— Furnished or unfurnished rooms for rent 64 EVENTH ST., 224 WEST, Corner of Chestnut— One neatly furnished front room; suitable for one or two gentlemen; nice closet; hot and cold water, bath; rent $12 double, 810 single; one minute's walk from Seven corners. 61-65 SOME nice unfurnished rooms, single or en suite; three cheap eligible offices; also desk-room on ground floor. James 11. Davidson, 51 East Fourth st, Union block. 61-66 SPRUCE ST., 231— For rent, nicely fur nished rooms, suitable for two; useof bath. 64-68 SPRUCE ST., 211— Furnished room « with use of bath. 57-63 ST. PETER ST.. 556— Front room with wash room and clothes closet 64 HIRE BLOCK, corner Tenth and Robert O —Nicely furnished rooms. Minton & Beebe. 64 SOUTH EXCHANGE ST., 223— rent, one furnished room. 64-05 ENTH ST., 326, EAST— Sleeping and . Bitting rooms, furnished, for gentlemen. 64 T ILTON ST., 49 — Pleasantly furnished room with large closet; furnace heat and bath; 812. 64-05 THIRD ST.. 340, WEST— parlor, also large front room; all conveniences; 6 o'clock dinners; oue small room; splendid location on cable line. 64 HIRD ST.. 342, WEST, near Summit— Furnished room for one or two gentle men ; gas, heat and bath ; 6 o'clock dinners. ■ .-- 6465 THIRD ST., 1611.2, WEST— fur nished rooms to rent, single or en suite. 63-64 . UNIVERSITY AY., 133— For rent, fur nished rooms. 61 W~~ ESTERN A Y., 132. corner Banlil st— Three nice rooms for rent. 64 Stores. TORE— For rent, brick store with living rooms above, at 507*,i> Broadway, near Grove. 64 STORE for rent, with living rooms ln rear, for $15. Dodge and Roc, 110*,2 E. Four st. : 64 OTORE— Part of store for rent corner of to Minnesota and Third sts. Address B 73, Globe. 03-69 STORE— Knauffblock, East Seventh st; desirable locality. B. F. Knauft, 340 East Seventh st. 60-06 STORE— Very desirable wholesale prem -0 ises or six-year lease for sale. Address 1 64, Globe. 60 65 STORE— rent, one large front room for sample room, office, millinery or tailor shop; responsible parlies ouly. 27 East Sev enth St., Room 30. 63-64 CJTORE AND BASEMENT, May 1,319 IO Wabasha st„ or the entire building. E. 11. Judson, 405 Dayton ay. 04 STORE, No. 52 West Tenth st; centrally located and cheap. Inquire 500 St. Peter st. 64 STORE— For rent, store and seven rooms on Jackson, near Fourteenth; rent £50 per month. Inquire of Michaud & Michaud, house renting and collecting agency, 392 Robert 64 OTOUE— For rent, store in new building, »0 corner of Toronto and West Seventh; splendid fctimu for grocery or butcher shop. Inquire Room 56, German American bank building. * 04 ;;7^'Hpi Office*. ESK ROOM— In office located in busi ness liart of the city. Address 1181. Globe. 64 OFFICE — well furnished front rooms suitable for doctor's or dentist's office. 217 East Seventh st , Room 5. 64 .Miscellaneous. BUILDING— For rent, 3-story building, suitable for manufacturing or storage purposes. Call at 254 Commercial st. 60* BUILDING— The building formerly occu pied by the Globe; will make such changes as maybe desired by tenant In quire of C. A. Easterly, Room 3, Maunhelmer block. , 149* WHITE BEAR LAKE fronts, business and cottages, for rent or lease, adjoin ing hotels. Address 135 West Seventh st. 64 nORSES *]*!!> CARRIAGES. CARRIAGES, buggies of every style at lower prices than same can he bought of any other dealer in St. Paul; two-scat car riages, buggies, phaetons, surreys, rockaways, cabriolets, jumpseats, canopy tops, carts, two-seated wagons, express and delivery wagons aud harness. Call, before-purchas ing. King's carriage rooms, Fourth and Min nesota^ 61* FOR SALE— A good horse, harness, Port land cutter and two-wheeled cart, price 8100. Apply 566 Robert st. 64 FOR SALE or trade for cigars young good horse and harness, very cheap, at 292 Rondo st. 64 FAST PACER for sale or trade. W. H. Richardson, 51 East Fourth st. 64 HORSES— Twenty-two young brood mares, with foal, and 18 yearling colts for sale on mv farm at Lake Elmo, Minn. C. W. Youngman, 115 East Seventh st, St. Paul. 64 HORSE for sale or exchange— Cooa fam ily horse ; also buggy, sleigh and har ness; sold cheap by a family on cable line; will take in part payment painting and pa pering house. M 72, < 'lone. 64 ORSES FOR "SALE— Three span of heavy horses, weight 3,090 lbs. per snan; one good driving horse. 354 East Ninth st, 64 HORSE— bargain, on long time, horse and spring wagon: horse will weigh 1,200; sound and gentle, eight years old; wagon new price, 5100. Room 19, Fire & Marine building. 64 HORSE— For sale, a first-class driving horse cheap if taken at once. Barringer & Co., 390 Jackson st. 63 64 INSURE your horses and cattle in The Sterling Live Stock Insurance company, 509 Lumber Exchange Minneapolis. 342* MULE— Wanted, to buy a good mule to mate one that I now have; must be young, sound and cheap. Address William Rawston, Globe. 03 05 WANTED to hire, horse and light deliv ery wagon. Apply at 30 West Sixth St. «4 ___mVmWSMJUOSUAa RESSMAKER wishes sewing in fam ilies: cutting and fitting a specialty. Address 039 Mississippi st. 6-1-65 DKESS3IAKING— For fashionable dress making at your own home call on Miss Eason, 67 West Tenth st 1 DRESSMAKING— Ladies wishing dresses . made nlease call on 11. S. De Long, Room 42, Mannheimer block; tailor suits and fitting a specialty. 64-93 DRESSMAKING — Saline dresses made handsomely nt reasonable prices; cut ting, fitting and draping done at 24 Man heimer block. 04 DRESSMAKING— Ladies desiring stylish, perfect dressmaking at very low prices, call at 260 Rice st, near College. 64-65 DRESSMAKING wanted to doinfam ilies; first class and prices reasonable. Address 121 East Thirteenth st 54 DRESSMAKING and plain sewing at 27 Wilkin st 1 REMOVED— Mitchell, dressmaker, has removed from No. 44 East Seventh st. to No. 424 Wabasha St., Room 9; best fits guaranteed at low prices. 64 TO DItESSMAKEKS— The best dress and • sleeve system in the country taught at Mrs. Elliott's, room 24, Manuheimer block, St Paul; the Follett system is new, easy to learn *j and perfect in accuracy and style; it has the new French bias attachment, which makes . it the ■ leading system; the sleeve is simply perfect and will be sold sepa rate if > desired; Mrs. O. W. Elliott sole agent for the j Korthwebl; agents want*d.*^agj^^ 32* ' AUCTION BALES. Sansome Co.. Auctioneers. G* ENTEEL household effects in the resi. I" dence No. 185 Pleasant ay. at public auction— We will sell at public auction on Monday morning, March 5. at 10 o'clock sharp, the entire contents of the residence No. 185 Pleasant ay., near corner Third st. ; the goods in general consist of pood parlor furniture, bed room sets, complete dining and kitchen effects too numerous to men tion, one good cook range, one large pier mirror, carpets throughout the house, crock ery, glassware, etc.; remember these goods have been in use only a short time, and par ties on the lookout for simp bargains will do well In attending this sale. Sansome & Co., Auctioneers; offices 232 East Seventh st. and 412 and 414 Sibley st. 63 69 UCTION ! AUCTION I— Yourlast chauco to secure bargains in men's and boys' fine clothing, furnishing goods, huts, caps, trunks and valises. The sale will positively last only ten (It)) days more. Sales daily at 2:30 p.m. 408 Jackson st, between Sixth and Seventh sts. Sansome company, auc tioneers. " 64-70 PARLOR, bedroom, dining and kitchen furniture, cook ranges and stoves, car pets, crockery, glassware, etc., will be sold at public auction Wednesday morning, March / , at 10 o'clock sharp, at our sales mart on Sibley st., between Sixth and Seventh st**. Sansome Company, auctioneers. 64 SANSOME CO.'S Commission Auction ►J and Private Salesrooms. 232 East Sev enth st.will be open evenings until 0 o'clock to accommodate all parties who are unable to spare the business hours in day time. Parlies on the lookout for bargains should bear Ibis in mind. Remember the place. 232 East Seventh st, between Sibley and Wacouta. 04 Jcl>l>. Johnson «fc Co., Auction eers. 422 Wabasha st. BUILDINGS AT AUCTION We Will sell at public auction, to the highest bidder, on the premises on Thursday, Man 8, at 3p. m., the four frame buildings situ ated on the southwest corner of Seventh and Cedar sts.— Nos. 32 to 38 inclusive. East Sev enth st. Jebb, Johnson A Co., general auc tioneers; office and sale-room No. 422 Wa basha st. , ; i r\RY GOODS AT AUCTION— We have ■is just received a large consignment of dry goods, notions, etc., consisting of dress goods, table linens, bed spreads and a large lot of table scarfs that have been partly dam aged by water, which we will sell at public; auction this week at our salesroom, No. 423 Wabasha st. Sale commences on Monday morning at 10 o'clock and continue- daily for the balance of tbe week, Jebb, Johnson <fc Co., General Vuetigneers. Office ami salesroom. No. 422 Wabasha st. 64 WE MAKE a specialty of" handling stocks of merchandise: hold house sales in all paits of the city; will call ami ap praise furniture for parties who comtem nlate holding auction sales of their house hold effects. Jebb, Johnson A Co., general auctioneers; otlice and salesroom No 422 Wabasha st. 64 E. llolloway. Ancttoneer. EHOIXOWAY. Real Estate and Com • mis-ion Auctioneer, 101 East Fourth Street— buy bankrupt stocks for cash and make a specialty of selling fine household furniture, horses, carriages and merchandise at auction. Call and see me if you have any thing yon want sold for cash, and quick re turns made. Srtisfaction guaranteed. 64 — — — — — — — — — — ■ —^ BOAKD OFFER KD. BOARD— Two or three persons can i:u<l pleasant rooms with board In ■> desirable locality where there are no other boarders; near street cars and convenient to business; references .Address J 95. Globe. «'. I BOARD— Handsomely furnished rooms,' with board. Call at 523 Cedar st; fur nace heat. 1. 1 OARD AND ROOM — First-class board aud newly furnished rooms. with all modem conve**uences,can be hud at 312 Kast Eighth st. 0101 CEDAR ST., 488— Large and new4y~fut~ nished front rooms; modern conven iences; with tirst-class board; references ex changed. . i i;.", CEDAR ST., 037— rooms with board * -: 04 LEVENTH SI., 02, EAST— Nicely fur- A_A nished room, with board, one-half block from eapitol. — : '*.;•; .*;•■;. 114 o.*» ACKSON ST.. 007— For rent, onelar-.-e" room, nicely furnished, with b0ard. 6467 JACKSON ST., 594— For rent. *j elegant double parlor and other rooms, with board; street curs; modern conveniens 60-64 , MARKET ST.. 350, Between I- our: and Fifth Et— Pleasant furnished rooms with board. 04 MONEY— to $200 to loan on articies of value; property left In your posses sion. tit. Paul Loan Co., 309Va" Jackson It, Rooms 1 and 2. ; iSo • ROOMMATE— A lady with two plcusiTnt rooms wants a lady roommate. Koom and board $25 per month. Apply 637 Cedar street 0 1 00.11 AM» HOARD wanted by two young men ten minutes' walk from Rice park; terms, 85; permanent if suited. Address W K. Globe. 64 ROBERT ST., 526— R00m board in it private family. 64-6.1 EVENTH ST., 230. WEST Furi7isilp«i O room aud board for gents; use of buth : terms easy. 64 rpWELI'TH ST.. 155, COR. JACKSON. A —For rent, large front room, reasonable with board; reference exchanged. 01 til. INSTRUCTION. LODE BUSINESS COLLEGE— TcIeg" raphy a specialty; shorthand taught practically by mail; German, etc. : chance to make expenses: send for circular. F. A. Maron, Davidson block, St. Paul. 61-71 German lessons given at 536 Mississippi st. 62-63 INSTRUCTION— A young lady would give lessons in French, German and English branches in exchange for board. E 75, Globe. 64 65 HORTHAND— few young lad..-- to take up the study of shorthand. Ad dress 11 70, Globe. 61 SHORTHAND— Lessons given D lb or*. O hand; best of Graham, Pitman & Jfun* son taught; full course SIO. Inquire or ad dress Stenographer, 242 East Third st 64-63 PUPILS— Wanted, by a lady who gradu ated at a French college in Europe, a few pupils to form a class In French, or lo give private lessons at home. Address 493 Broadway. 04 CHOOLOF SHORTHAND, Type-writ 'ng and Telegraphy— First-class' and ex clusive; names or graduates now holding po sitions sent on application; system.-' taught; Eclectic, Pitman and Graham; lessons day and evening or by mail; send for circulars. Anna C. Drew, Hale block, corner Jaek-ou and Third sts.. St PauL 332* WASTED TO REST. tOTTAGE— Wanted, a seven-room cottage ' convenient to business; rent moderate. Address M 84, Globe. 62-64 DESK ROOM— Wanted to rent, desk or office room for real estate business; ground floor. Address 1 73, Globe. 04 FARM— to rent a good dairy. farm; state size of farm and number or cows. Address X 04, Globe. 64-63 WANTED TO KENT— A small house or rooms, suitable for man and wife, ecu trally located. Call or address Boom 36. Union block, 49 East Fourth st 04 HOTEL— to rent for a term of? years, in a good live town, a [food-sized hotel, furnished or partly furnished; for same will give good rental. Add res*, with particulars, 41"/* Broadway, St. Paul. Minn. ' 60 01 ' COTTAGE wanted, furnished, nt nnv hiku near the city. Address 57V2 West Third st, St. Paul. 04 HOUSE— to rent, dwelling of eight or nine rooms, modern conveniences, on St. Anthcnv hill, ready to occupy Maj i. Address L 77. Globe. 6 1 70 HOUSE— Wanted to rent, a good house of five to seven rooms, east of Wabasha; must be reasonable; no children. Address X CO. Globe. I 4 HOUSE WANTED— I want small fur nished house for six months. Add res L 91, Globe. 64 HOUSE— I desire to rent for a term of years a good house with all modem im provements, desirably located on St An thony Hill. Please address K. T., Globe. '■•■■»' 62-64 - HOUSE— Wanted to rent, a good bo. . with about ten rooms, not fur from tho capitol; moderate rent Address <■ -l Globe. . 61-64 ROOMS— or three unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping by gentleman and wife. Address I. Q. box 2203. 04 ROOMS wanted for dressmaking. Addresa B. P., Globe. 64 STOKE— Immediately to rent a store, on St Anthony bill, or would like to hear from some one willing to build the same. B 80. Globe. 04 NT.PHIVF.M rh -„P'» Analytical . bJ-IliiriJl, andTeclinicaiOlieiu. ist; Office and Lab. No. 3«o Jackson {street, St. Paul, Minn. Personal atten tion given to all kinds of Assaying, Ana* lyzing and Testing. Chemistry applied to all arts and manufactures. _ - mm chants known to have no files on . : Slier Chouse this pug*} to ad wU»*-> on.