OCR Interpretation

St. Paul daily globe. [volume] (Saint Paul, Minn.) 1884-1896, May 19, 1888, Image 13

Image and text provided by Minnesota Historical Society; Saint Paul, MN

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn90059522/1888-05-19/ed-1/seq-13/

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Wants on this page will be inserted undea '
classified headings according to the following
O ►. •■"" I "^ "d to 9
a 4 v o jj H* g
(""""umber _ £. $ S °> c. g
of £ £ * = £ [3 5
'Words. I I | | § _ g
.•••■• _^
15 or less $.15 $.27 $.39 $.51:5.6315.75;5.87
10 words .16 .28 .40 .52 .64 .76 .89
17 words .17 .30 .43 .56 .69 .82 .95
18 words .18 .32 .46 .60 .74 .881.01
19 words .19 .34 .49 .64 .79 .941.08
20 words .20 .35 .50 .65 .80 .95 1.10
21 words .21 .37 .53 .69 .851.011.17
22 words .22 .39 .56 .73 .90i1.07i1.24
23 words .23 .41 .59 .77 .951.131.31
24 words .24 .42 .60 .78' .96 1.1411. 3-'
25 words .25 .44 .63 .821.011.204.39
26 words .20 .46 .66 .86 1 .06 1.26J1 .46
27 words .27 .48 .69 .901.111.321.53
28 words .28 .49 .70 ,9111.12 1.33 1.64
29 words .29 .51 .73 .95 .394.61
SO words .30 .53 .76 .99 1.221] .4511.65
31 words 31 .55 .791.031.271.511.78
82 words .32 .56' .80 1.0411.28 1.52 1.7*1
33 words .33 .58 1 .831.0811.33:1.58 1.80
134 words .34 .00 .12.1. 63.1. 90
35 words .35 .62 . 891.10:1. 43 97
P6 words .36 .63 .901.17i1.4411.71 1.98
37 words .37 .65 .93;1. 21 1.49,1.77,2.05
88 words .38 .67 .901.251.54 1.83 2.12
139 words .39 .69 .991.291.591.89,2.19
|40 words .40 .701.00:1.301.601.90:2.26
}41 words .41 .721.031.341.05:1.962.27
K2words .42 .74,1.0611.381.702.022.30
fL3 words .43 .76 1.09 1.421. 752.08 2.41
(44 words .44 .77)1. 431. 76 2.09,2.42
words .45 .79 1 .13 .474. 81 2.15 2.49
(46w0-ds .40 .8111. 10 1.5111. 8012. 21,2. 56
f*7 words .47 .831.191.551.912.272.03
|»8 words .48 .841.20 1.56*1. 922.2812.04
49 words] .491 .23 .60 1.97 2.3-1 2.71
50 words! .50; 1 .20 1.04 2.02 ; 2.40|2.78
, Compound words count two words, and
(every abbreviation conntsthe same as a full
In Every Case the Money Must Accom
pany the Order.
siTrATioxs «rri"--i'i>.
.tittle. _^
for positions leave your application; we
are the Ola reliable. " 1-10
for all kinds jobs, jobs, jobs file your ap
plication. 140
southwest comer Seventh and Bobert St.,
St. Phi** 14_
A GOOD MEAL can be had for 15 cents
at foot of Jackson st. restaurant, one
block trpna union depot 134-10
AGENT — Canvassing agent. 35 or 40
years of age. wanted to sell desirable
ornament for the house; sells at sight. C. A.
Baker. 304 Drake Block. 140-41
Agents AM) SOLICITOUS in Minne
_Tl seta and Dakota at big pay, for a large
Eastern life insurance company. Address C
71, Globe. 134-40
BAKER— Wanted, a good bread and cake
baker at 1). E. Cameron's, River Falls,
Wis. 138-144
Ta.iiuiEK WANTED— 3IO Bice st. 7
A HER— A first-class white barber
wanted at once; good pay and steady
work. Address J. W. Nelson, box 35. Litch
field. Minn. 138142
BARRER— Wanted, white barber. 221
West seventh st. 0
BARBER— A first-class barber immedi
ately: _ood wages paid. Luke Doyle.
Stillwater. Minn. 138-140
D A K HER wanted at 402 East Seventh st.
BARBER — Young man to run barber
shop: only one in town: good oppor
tunity for right man. Address 11. B. Laugh
lan. Fisher, Minn. 138-142
BLACKSMITH wauled at corner of Isa
l.ella and Concord: general blacksmith.
BLACKSMITH— Wanted, a iirst-class
blacksmith accustomed to machine
forging. F. D. Lavermore, Rochester, Minn.
» *_____• '
BOOKKEEPERS, salesmen, ollice clerks,
collectors, bartenders, coachmen, host
lers, drivers, janitors, watchmen, engineers.
firemen, teamsters, etc.. wanted to call and
learn our method of advertising your wants;
information tree. Advertising* Directory
company, 78 East Seventh st., Boom 9.
BOY— Wanted, smart boy to learn sign
painting. Apply to G." Keeling 04 East
Seventh st. ' 7
BOY— orphan: "to go in the country:
twelve to fourteen years old; good
home. Call S8- Robert st. 7
BOY— Wanted, a boy to do chores. Call at
_ 139 and Ml East Third st. 6
BUTCHER WANTED— Situation lorgood
cutler and sausage maker. Apply at F.
Johnson's* 575 ll roadway. * 7
lALCIMINKK— First-class calciminer at
' once at 539 Robert st. ; call at 8 o'clock
sharp Saturday, the 19th; good pay and
steady employment. * 7
CLERK — Wanted, an experienced clerk
' for furniture store, at 94 Dakota ay.,
West St. Paul. 0
CLERK — Wanted, clerk possessing busi
' ness capacity and acquaintance with
business methods. Address G 90, Globe.
tIOACUM A N^Wunted. a coach. nan. with
J city references. Apply 349 North Wash
ington st.. opposite Bice Park. 7
COOK for restaurant: good wages and
steady place. Apply 78 East Seventh
st. ; Boom 9. 6
RRAND ROY— A bright errand boy;
one well acquainted with the city. Ap
ply 424 Jackson st., this morning. * 6
[l/I ACHINE HAND wanted. Mill corner
i»X Eagle and Washington sts. 6
MAN— Wanted, single man for general
work. Apply at City and Counlv llos
pital between 9 and 12 a. m. 140-142
MAN— anted, man to run moulding ma
-Ll chine. Apply at 029 Jackson st. 5
MATTRESS MAKERS wanted at 267
West Seventh. 138-140
MEN— Wanted, twenty-live men for rail-
X way work, $1.75 per day; free fare;
ship to-morrow morning. Apply .John
Bwainson & Co., corner Seventh and Siblev
; 110 41 .
MEN— active men of good address.
Good pay and good prospects. White
hewing Macninc company. 394 Wabasha st.
t 120-155
Norwegian printing ollice in La Crosse.
Wis., a position vacant for a type-setter Call
at Winona hotel, corner Third" and siblev, St.
Paul, Sunday, May 20. after 3 o'clock p.m.
OFFICE ROY— Good. In. mire of S. ]'.
Crosby, attorney. Boom 2, National
German American bank. . g
PA PER-UAKGKRS— First class, wanted
at John Mathies. 17 East Third st. 0
SALESMAN— Wonted, salesman acquaint
ed with the saloon and confectionery
trade of the city. Address E 78, Globe. 7
SALESMEN— Wanted to-day, five clothing
salesmen at the U. S. Clothing company.
Seventh and Jackson. 7
SHOEMAKER-Wauted, a shoemaker at
358 Robert st. ' y
maker wanted. 42H,_ Robert St., room
if: 7
STENOGRAPH - Wanted, stenogra
pher and general clerk in railroad office;
salary ?00. Address, in own handwriting.
A 82, Globe. 139-141
TEAMS— Heavy teams wanted for work at
reservoir at north end of Dale st. : barn
and camp on grounds. Apply at work or
McArthur Bros.. 185 East Fourth st. 139-140
INNER and sheet iron worker. \pTiTv
J- to Strong-liackett Hardware company. 7
ANTED— to take the agency out
side of St. Paul (traveling or local) of
our safes: size 28x18x18 inches; weight 500
lbs; retail price $35: other sizes in propor
tion; a rare chance and permanent business;
these safes meet a demand never before sup
plied by other safe companies, as we are not
governed by the safe pool. Alpine Safe Com
pany, Cincinnati, O. wed&Sat-3mo-137
•Ssl hO I>EK MONTH-85 starts you an
*+t"A_"v." business; county rights free; send
astamp for catalogue to Patterson Oil Burner
eoiniiany. 207 Canal St.. Chicago. 111.110-143
•poRTUNETELLER-Mrs. Ellis can be
X consulted on all affairs of life through
the magic mirror; satisfaction guaranteed.
So. 513 Robert st., Room 10, upstairs
ME. DE GROASE, the only reliable
life reader and lady phrenologist that
ever visited this city, is now stopping at 430
Wabasha st., second fiat, Room 21 ; full his
fory $1, three questions 50 cents. 140-142
oldest and best clairvoyant fortune
teller, 402 Minnesota st., between Sixth and
Seventh. 134-40
OTICE— The party who got Mr. C. F.
Dunbar's saddle, bridle, etc., from
Cullen's Fourth street stable is requested to
return them at once and save trouble. K. P
Culieu. 138-144
DL. JAMIESON & CO.'S steam Dye
• Works— Gents' clothing a specialty.
1- Went Sixth st„ tit. Paul, _U_u. 134*
______ _■ eiiaale.
ASQUE FINISHER— Wanted, a first
class basque finisher. Please call Tue*;
day morning at 593 Marshall ay. •___■;
C*t_>OK— Wanted, at 219 Pleasant ay., a
■> cook with good references. 7
COOK Wanted, a good cook to go to
White Bear lake for ih;i summer. Apply
at 99 Mackubin St., corner Ashland ay. - 0
COOK— Wanted, 392 Exchange St., a good
cook ; good wages. 5
IGARMAKEK— Wanted, cigarmaker;
lady preferred; state experience: mold
work. j. E. Levers, Newark, Dak. 137-41
ISHWASHERS and dining room girls.
382 Bobert st. 7
Gilt I — a good girl at 20 North
Forbes st. .6
GIRL— Wanted, one girl. 293 East Fourth
st. 5
GIRL— Wanted. Scandinavia nirl at 530
Temperance st. .5
IRE for Hotel Lafayette, Minnetonka
Beach: stay all summer; go immedi
ately. Douglass"" Intelligence, 35 Seventh st.
* 140
GIRL— Wanted, good girl for White Bear:
must be good cook. Call Friday at 116
West Third st. " G
GIRL — Young girl to take care of children
and be useful around house. 324 Good
rich 140-141
HOUSEKEEPER— domesticated
lady as housekeeper to widower with
children; comfortable home; references I
given and required. Address A 93. Globe. 5
Ol'SEWOKK— Wanted, it good girl for
general housework; one who under
stands cooking and waiting on table. Call
at 583 Selby ay. 140-41
HOUSEWORK— Wanted, a good girl for
general housework at 543 Broadway st. :
Swede preferred. 7
Hot SEWORK— Wanted, a good girl for
general housework in a family ot two.
57 Til ton st. 7
HOUSEWORK— A good girl for general
housework: small family. Call at 184
Smith, coiner Leech. " 7
HOUSEWORK— Good girl for general
housework; no children. Apply 539
Robert st. ' 7
OUSEWOKK— A good girl lo help with
general housework; call immediately
at 852 Bice st. 7 j
HOa SEWOKK— girl for general
housework. Mrs. Chase, University ay..
S. Anthony Park. 7
OUSEWOKK— Wanted, girl for general
housework; German preferred. 400
Iglehart st. . :■: * 7
HOUSEWORK— Wanted, a girl to do gen
eral housework : must be a good cook;
immediately. Address 21 East College ay.
HOUSEWORK— A good girl lor general
housework; must be competent. 23
East Central aye. • G
OUSEWOKK— A girl for general house
work, Scandinavian preferred, in a
small family. 452 Aurora ay. 139-40
HOUSEWORK— At once, girl to do gen
eral housework at 77 Summit ay. 0 !
HOUSEWORK— Wan ted; girl to do gen
eral housework at 56 1 st. Peter st.
- 139-41
HOUSEWORK— a good German
girl for general housework. 222 Pleas
ant ay. G
OUSEWOKK— GirI for general house
work. Corner East Eighth and Willius
sts. G
OUSEWOKK-Wanted middle aged
lady to do light housework, 627 Jack
son st. 0
OUSEWOKK— WauIed, a good middle
aged reliable German or Swede girl for
general housework iv the country during the
season. Apply at 387 Maria ay. * G
OUSEWORK— girl to do gen
eral housework: small family and work
light. Inquire at 287 Sherman st. o
OUSEWOKK— Wanted, girl for general
housework: must be good cook and
have reference. Mrs. Thrall, 37 Irvine Park.
139 140
H<HJS WORK— Wanted, a girl to do
general housework. Call at 021 Olive
st. G
HOUSEWORK— Wanted, a first-class girl
for general housework: will pay good
wages. Apply 381 East Eighth st. 0
HOUSE WORK— Wanted, a girl to do gen
eral housework: small family and easy
work. Inquire at No. 287 Sherman st. 5
OUSEWORK— Wanted, girl for general
housework in small family. Call at 359
Maria ay. * 5
OUSEWORK — Wanted, a competent
girl for general housework. 400 Igle
hart st. ; no children : four adults. 5
OUSEWORK— At once, a iirst-class girl
for general housework; no washing;
highest wages: good home; none other need
apply. Mrs. Brown, 440 Iglehart st. ;,".; 5
OUSEWORK — Girl who understands
general housework; good wages: apply
at once. 227 Iglehart st. 138-42
OUSEWORK— GirI for general house
work; small family. "Apply at 251
Iglehart st. 5
H — OUSEWORK— Wanted immediately, a
girl to do general housework in a small
family. Apply to 570 Portland ay. 137-41
OUSEWORK— A competent girl for
general housework ; small family. 113
Summit aye., near Rice st. 136-141
AUNDKESS-Wanted,girl to lake charge
of wash room: German preferred, must
be competent; steady place, big wages. Ad
dress Elite Laundry. Miaiot, Dak. 137 141
JADIES. leave your application at the
-l Bee Hive Enterprise for a position. 140
AUNDRY GlßL— Wauted, one first
class girl for laundry work and assist
with chamber work. 275 East Eighth st. 140
LAUNDRY WORK— experienced
girls. Apply at city and county hos
pital, between 9 nnd 12 a. m. 140-42
AKKKR- Wanted, a girl to mark
clothes and work in office; only ex
perienced need apply. French Lauudrv.
131 East Eleven si. '5
NURSE GIRL or woman wanted at once
to take care of young children; must
have experience. Call 251 Summit place. 6
NURSE GIRL — Competent German nurse
girl wanted; city references required.
Mrs. .1. K. Thwing, 555 Summit ay. 5
NURSE I RL— Competent nurse girl, or
1* woman, wanted at once. . Call at 251
Summit place. .'-.:• 5
NURSE GIRL wanted who can belli with
plain sewing. 253 Louis st., near Sum
mit ay. park. 5
SALESLADY— Wanted, a millinery sales-
O lady; none but experienced hands with
best of references need apply. The Parisian,
49 East Third st. 139-41
EAMSTRESS wanted at 101 Dakota aye.
ECOND GIRI — Good, reliable second
girl. Mrs. L. B. Smith, 200 East Tenth
_. _5
JL maley's, 150 and 152 East Fourth st. 5
WO LAUNDRY GIRLS at International
hotel 5
ASHKRWOMEN wanted three days
VV in a week. Address 378 Rosabel st. *7
.Vli*>c4'ii:tiM'oii* City l.isl.
sixteen-room house near the fish hatch
ery, adjoining Fuller's Park, and three min
utes" walk from Dayton's Bluff station and
Burlington shops: rented at present for $30
per month, or will sell 394x132 feet for
55,500. William Smith. 763 Jackson st.
COTTAGE— For sale cheap, new five-room
cottage: S2OiT cash, balance $5 per
month. Mrs. A. Bowles, New Canada, Minn.
FA KM— Farming land and timber land,
improved and unimproved, in Wiscon
sin, Minnesota and Dakota; S3 per acre
and upwards. Don't buy or trade without
calling on William Johnson, 165 East Sev
enth st., room 13. 139-41
OR SALE- Lot 4. block 74, Virginia ay.,
between Laurel and Summit. Inquire
Boom 4, custom house. 134-140
HOUSES— For sale, ihree new houses of
nine rooms, with all modern improve
ments, on easy terms; St. Anthony ay., be
tween Farrington ay. and Jay st. Owner
254 Martin. 138-1 41
HOUSE— For sale, my residence at St. An
thony Park: eight rooms, heated:
also some desirable lots near station. Apply
to C. A. Dunn, 591 East Fourth st. 138-141
cold water, bath, sewer, etc., one block
from cable line, in Niniuger<_ Donnelly' ■ad
dition, caia be bought chean from the own
ers. Address A 87, Globe. 133- 141
REAL ESTATE, farms and Western lands
for sale, rent or exchange can be re
corded in the Directory with the greatest
liability of producing the results desired.
Advertising Directory Company. 138-140
REAL ESTATE for sale cheap; nice acre
and five-acre lots fronting on lakes
three to five miles from St. Paul at $150 to
8200 per acre and lots and lots with houses
at all prices on and near Bice st. on easy
terms. J. F. Eiscnmenger. 472 Rice st -
134-163 ... ..- .7- -
TWO splendid lots, Bald Eagle Lake, ad
A joining Benson's Hotel, for sale cheap
by owner, H. 11. Rerbst, ISO East Seventh
street. 133-142
won't get whai'yoaa'want unless you
1 ' vu advertise in the Globs.
.- .tittle. _____
BOOKKEEPER-A young man of steady
habits and well qualified desires a posi
tion as bookkeeper or assistant. Address J
W B. 147 West Sixth St., St. Paul. 139-141
BOOKKEEPER— young . Scandinavian
with four years' ex perience an real es
tate office as bookkeeper and general clerk
washes position ; writes shorthand. Address
W lowa. Globe. • 137-40
BOOKKEEPER — Practical bookkeeper
ana general office man open for engage
ment -Ist of "May; good references. Address
Postoffice Box 250, Minneapolis. 133-15
BOOKS— Opened, closed, posted, expert
work, etc. F. Sprague, Room 25, Min
nesota Batik building, or Stillwater, Minn.
CiAKFENTEK— Position wanted by a first
■> class carpenter by the day; can give ref
erences. Address F 9*l, Globe. 13S-140
CILEKK— man of stead habits
J desires a position with soaaie wholesale
dry goods, grocery or commission house;
best of references; can control some out
side trad.c Address 037 Cedar st. 139-144
CLERK wants situation in grocery in St.
Paul or Minneapolis: references gocd;
three years' experience. Direct to P. O. Box
293, Slaakopee, Minn. 7
CLERK— situation in retail shoe
store : three years' experience. Address
E. M.C.. 92 East Sixth st. 7
CLERK— Wanted, a situation as corie
*> sponding clerk in some office, or for
some mercantile, house, by a young man,
stranger in city. Address 11 S, Globe. 7
CLERK— Wanted, a situation as corre
sponding clerk in some office, or for
some mercantile house, by a young man,
stranger iv city. Address I*l S, Globe. 5
COACHMAN— Situation wanted by a
young man to drive and take care of
horses and work about houses; can give good
references if wanted. Address J 28. Globo. 5
COACHMAN— situation wanted by a
young man to drive and take care of
horses and do work around the house : can
gi»e good city references. Address 4.8 seibv
ay. B*f__B "'.*.';'* '.': 7
CIOACHMAN— single man, age twenty
' four, wants position as coachman, gar
dener, etc. ; speaks English and Swede. Ad
dress Oscar Newstrom. 174 West Third St. 5
COACHMAN— A Dosition wanted by a
young man to drive for private family;
he understands the care of horses and can
| give good city references. Address 228 West
I Third st. 5
COOK— Male: by a first-class meat cook.
Address W T. Globe. Minneapolis. 7
COOK— Situation wanted by first-class bo
tel cook with No. l references; situation
; wanted only for first-class hotel. Address
! W. Bombard, 1501 First st. north, Minne
apolis, Minn. 5
DatUOOIsT— Position wanted by capable
druggist; best references: sober and in
dustrious; No. 1 salesman. Address a. D.,
care Cooley & Vater, 218 East Third St.. St.
Paul. ■_ . 5
EMPLOYMENT— man of fair educa
tion would like a place in some whole
sale house or in office. Address F 55, Globe.
EMPLOYMENT— A young man speaks
German, Scandinavian and English
wants employment; wholesale grocery or
general store preferred. Address B* 42,
Globe. - 7
EMPLOYMENT— Well educated young
man of steady habits desires position
in an office or mercantile house. Address 53C
Aurora ay. 140-41
MPLOYMENT— A man of fair educa
tion has a good kaiowlege of business.
would like a position in some wholesale
house, office or retail department. Address
C 31, Globe. . 5
EMPLOYMENT— Young man speaking
Swede and English; understands driv
ing horses and gardening. Address 320 Far
rington ay. . 5
OSTLER— PIace in private family to
cate for horses and do chores around
house; city reference. Address M B, Globe.s
PAINTER— House painter wants employ
ment Address Painter. Globe. *G
STENOOKAPHEK— Expert, wants .lay
or evening employment. Address F 14,
Globe. 5
TEAMSTKIt— Situation by a young man
of good habits and education as " team
ster or any other permanent job. Address C
52. Globe. " 5
—^— — __■ m —
CLEKK— Wanted, a position as clerk in a
fruit or confectionery store by a respect
able young lady ; reference furnished. Ad
dress G 20. Globe. 5
CM. kick — Wanted, a position in a confec
tionery or small store ot any kind, by a
girl of sixteen years; grammar school educa
tion. Address A. T. N., 420 West Seventh
st 7
COMPOSITOR— situation wanted by a
young lady; have had three years'ex
perience. Address M 42, Globe. 6
CIOOK— Position wanted by a* lady as cook
J in small hotel, boarding house or res
taurant. Address 11. S. T.. 2 1 1 West Seventh
st., third floor. . 7
COOK— situation wanted by a young girl
in private family to do" cooking. Ad
dress 835 Lawson s. "6
C"*iOOK — a good cook and laundress,
> 451 St Peter st„ in rear. G
COOK— good cook wants a situation in
small hotel or private boarding house.
Address B 53. Globe. , 5
COOK— Position wanted by a middle-aged
lady as cook or housekeeper: the latter
preferred. Address Mrs. P., St. Cloud. Minn.,
care Normal house. 136-140
COPYIST— Wanted, situation as copyist
in a lawyer's office, or clerking in mer
can tile or real estate office, by young lady.
Address F 50, Globe. "5
COPYIST— lady wishes respectable
work for some" firm, from G until 9p.
m: copying preferred. Address E. W.,
Globe. 7
COPYIST— An experienced young lady
would like a situation as copyist, clerk
or assistant bookkeeper; references fur
nished. 11 B. South Park, Minn. 5
DRESSMAKER— experienced dress
maker of three years' experience
would like work in small families, by day or
week: perfect lit guaranteed; charges rea
sonable. G 41, Globe. 0
.MPLOYMENT — Competent woman
wants day work, washing, cleaning or
temporary cooking. Apply Douglass I_fclli
gence, 35 Seventh st. 140
MPLOYMENT— young lady would
like to have employment as copyist or
work in an office. Address 293, _ arrfngton
avenue. 7
H~~ OUSEWORK— Situation Wanted by
young girl to do general housework*.
Call 392 Cedar st. 7
HOUSEWORK— A place to do general
housework. Address 723 York st. 5
NURSE— An experienced for confinement
or disease can be had at 411 East
Tenth st. 7
*]VriI.KSE— An experienced girl with good
la references would like a situation in a
nice family.* Call on or address Hit, 347
Summit place. 5
"VTUKSE— by married lady, to lake
1* care of child at home best referenoes
given. Address, stating price willing to pay,
B 4. Globe. '5
OFFICE WORK— young lady desires a
situation in an office or confectionery
store: good reference given. Address C 59.
Globe. 5
(JECOXI) GIRL wants position : have ex
•s") peneuce in ironing: good reference. Ad
dress 231 Morris st. 5
SEWING— Situation wanted by lady to do
lining sewing at hotels orjprivate families.
! Call nt 409 Collins st. 5
STENOGRAPH KR-A lady. would like a
situation as stenographer or typewriter
I where she can get practical business experi
ence ; salary no object while learning. Ad
dress II 27. Globe. 7
gence affice will .satisfy you: call and
see. 52 West Tenth st. 138-144
AKBEK CHAIRS— For sale, two barber
cnairs. two mirrors, and oilier fixtures
for sale very cheap. Call at 559 Rice st.
■ 140-42
BICYCLE— A first-class 54-inch; ball
bearings: for sale cheap. Call or ad
dress J. B. Miller, 8 Acker st. 140-41
I^OR SALE— shoemakers: 1 have one
Bradbury sewing machine and general
outfit, suitable for a country shoe shop,
which I will sell very cheap: has been in use
only four months. Address It. F. Walters.
Brainerd. Minn. 137-41
room flat with modern conveniences;
reasonable price. Address D 34, Globe.
HAY— About thirty tons wild hay on form
near North St. Paul. Address" P. O. box
2324. St. Paul. 139-40
OLD BUILDINGS FOR sale— inquire
at 014 Westminster st. 140-42
' cheap: cash or time. Witte Bros., 411
and 413 Fifth ay. south. Minneapolis, Minn.
■■ - ■-• 127-40 "
.17* ANTED —To dispose of. fixtures for
:V V grocery store, two horses, delivery
wagons, counters, bins, a splendid set of tea
caddies, etc. Call on J. F. Cronin.* 70 East
Seventh St., third floor, or address Box 2298,
St. Paul. 139-141
__T__7Z-__- aeadlhe "Wants", each wee!";
mllllOnS Always finding what they
' . . ■*(.-_.
bps__.jEss CHANCES. .
Itcart This Carefully. It Will
7 "; I*ay You.
A HOTEL right in business center of. city
with a bar trade of $50 per day; evety
apartment filled by 9p. m. ; refurnished and
refitted throughout; large transient trade;
one of the best $2 a day houses in the state.
If there is a hotel man that means business;
and knows a good thing when he sees it. we
would be pleased to have him call; easy
ONE FLAT elegantly furnished; just
think of it. located on East Seventh st.:
profits are something handsome. We will
sell lease and furniture at a bargain and "
give easy terms. It contains 23 rooms.
OTHER on Wabasha st. : 20 rooms;
furniture first-class :always full roomers; "
cheap. This is a safe investment. j
ONE of the finest 14-room boarding houses
in St. Paul; modern conveniences "always
full of the best class of boarders; beautifully
furnished. You can have this at a sacrifice.
Sickness cause of sale.
HOARDING HOUSE: 12 rooms: 3
blocks from Hotel Ryan : always full
good paying boarders. Investigate this bar
gain. • - .
$*).{ lH TAKES a restaurant: good loca
vpA*\J \J tion : everything in running order
This will not last long.
(ROW) Will PLACE YOU in a neat
»lp& *J\J cigar and confectionery business ;
good trade; first-class reasons for selling; look
this up.
WE WORK HARD to secure easy terms "
for our customers,
BILLIARD HALL and cigar store, doing
good business; must be sold; cheap; see
this at once.
PROPERTY must be at a bargain before
we list it: well listed is half sold.
MEAT MARKET— One in fine location;
fixtures all new and first-class; good
business; owner leaves for Spokane Falls
June 1 ; this is an open bargain.
WE ARE pioneers and leaders of St. Paul
business chances.
NE GROCERY STORE at invoice: good
location; doing fine business; a bargain
and easy terms.
ARTIES LOOKING for business invest
ments of any kind should see our mam
moth list and prices before purchasing.
McKenney ALachance, 131 East Fifth street,
Espy block, between Robert and Jackson.
.. 140 .-;,
Ciooeli & Falrie.
First floor, 51 East Fourth st.
COf)n TAKES a 12-roona boarding
*4*»>vl_'vy house on Exchange st. ; this is a
Q'O^Sf I FOR a confectionery and cigar
*wA**J\J store; well located; good stock.
<£/*; /""./" V-M DEPOT, delivering 125
*ip*J*J\J gallons milk daily, with a nice
brick store; cheap rent.
<fi!l 7 /^-BARBER SHOP; located on
•■IPX I *J one of the principal streets in the
city. .... .■-,.. --.-,■.'.■ '
*P±*kJ\J _/ sion business, established six
years, doing ; $45,000 yearly: owner being
obliged to go East or the business could not
be bought for twice the price asked.
i!p±**J<J\J business, store and restaurant
connected; just take a look at this for an in
vestment; well located. <
<£•) (\(\l | WORTH OF STOCK—
«|P/^ I '_"WU 20 to 30 per cent; this is gilt
edged. - .:.:'. ■• = . -1 :;■•-< '.-; ■..!■- :
ROCERY STOCK— Established trade
for sale at invoice, or will take part
trade. ' **fs ;"-*■ - '- -\ -- •' --'
ROUND LEASE— years to run,
with buildings, on East Seventh, paving
$1.200 yearly, for sale cheap.
ELEGANT BARROOM— One of the best
to be found in the city; live mirrors, wal
nut fixtures, etc.
TRADES— House and lot for unimproved
property; 100 cows for St. Paul prop
erty: a lot for a cigar store; stone quarry for
city property; registered fancy stock for city
property. We have other trades on hand";
call and see us if you want to make a dollar.
Gooch & Falde. 51 East Fourth st.
HORSEs— span of matched horses
cheap: can be sect at our office. 136-140
miscellaneous ISusiness Chance*
UTCHER SHOP for sale cheap if called
for at once. Address 102 Como aye.
CALL and examine the Directory for bar
' gains; information free. Advertising
Directory Company, 78 East Seventh St.,
Room 9. " 130140
DRUG STORE for sale at invoice in one
of the best locations in St. Paul ; good
trade and splendid opportunity to enlarge
the business; about $2,500 required. J 3.
Globe. 140-111
FOR SALE— Grocery store, doing a good
business: fine location: satisfactory rea
sons for selling; easy terms. Apply" 378
Robert st. 140-141
FOR SALE — Nice stock of dry goods, no-
tions, confectionery: good chance to do
business: low rent; amount of stock and
fixtures .550; will take s3oo cash. 691 East
Third st. 140
OR SALE— At Oakes, Dak., restaurant
and bakery, with lodging rooms li, «
quire or address" McCarthy & Woodward.,
__. 140-41 , -7
FOR SALE— Blacksmith's house, shop,
stock and tools and good trade: all
health the cause for selling. Address Black
smith. Kelso, Traill county, Dak. 138-141
FOR SALE— The finest stock and dairy
farm in Wisconsin, contains 320 acres",
brick house (of twenty-five rooms, stone
barn fifty-two box stalls". thirty-live miles
from Milwaukee, ten minutes todepot. For
full particulars write or address E. V. Beales.
cornet Second and Cedar sts.. St. Paul. Minn.
137143 "
FOR sale— stock of hardware in a Da
kota town; paving trade; owner has
other business. Address Lock Box 585.
Fargo, Dak. . 123-142
Minneapolis, to rent for five or more
years, with railway siding, machine shops,
millwright shops, foundry and storage ware
house, with or without power. Apply to J.
P. Thomson, 101 and 103 Third ay. south.
Minneapolis. : .-•.■..- 61*
cation. . Address E 58. Globe. 139-141
*IpL*J\J furnished; six rooms with board
ers: present owner leaving city. Inquire B
11, Globe. ..:,.- * 139-41
•ftSnr ) CASH "ays lease and furniture of
•POVJvy a twelve-room boarding house;
everything in good order: rooms all full of
choice roomers; poor health reason for sell
ing; no agents need apply; best location in
city. Address D 48. Globe. 1 34-40
practical course of study; most compe
tent and experienced teachers: largest and
most suitable rooms: individual instruction
a special feature in all departments: lowest
rates of tuition. Our large patronage enables
us to give more and better instruction than is
given in any other school in the city or state.
Besides the commercial and shorthand de
partments, we have, during the summer,
classes in all the English branches. Address
corner Third and W'atasha sts. 120*
selected for purchasers free of charge.
Malcolm E. Nichols, 507 Grand Opera Block.
PUPILS for piano or organ by a thorough
lady teacher: will teach at pupils' homes;
50 cents per lesson. F2, Globe. 138 141
and telegraphy: first-class and exclusive;
lessons day or evening or by mail: send for
circulars. The Anna C. Drew school, Hale
block, corner Third and Jackson sts. 103*
Commercial course most complete and
practical; shorthand and typewriting taught
by experienced and thoroughly competent
teachers: a German class conducted by a
native teacher: English branches during the
summer term ; rates 01 tuition very low. Our
large patronage and the number of teachers
employed enables us to give more and better
Instruction than can be obtained elsewhere.
Address corner Seventh and Jackson. 102-73
Lessons day. evening, and by mail. Mal
colm E Nichols, 507 Grand Opera block.
HOI SE— Wanted to rent, five-room house
or unfurnished rooms in good neighbor
hood, upper town: no children ; state rates.
Address W. G., 173 Carroll st. 140-141
HOUSE wanted, ten or twelve rooms, ten
minutes' walk from postoffice. 136
East Fourth st. 138-140
ROOM— Wanted, room, with or without
board, at White Bear lake; state price
Address P 22, Gl_Be. 140
ROOMS— Wanted, three or four unfur
nished rooms on the ground floor or
small cottage not to exceed seven rooms,
somewhere between the capitoi and Broad
way. Address J 11. Globe. 139-141
TO EXCHANGE— Large equities in gilt
edge Minneapolis lots for clear improved
farm, if fi. st-class and near by. . 412 Lumber
Exchange. - 140
O EXCHANGE— A lot on motor line to
exchange for horse. Address H. D.
Stanley. liaiaaline. Minn. - 140
TO EXCHANGE— An amateu jprinting *
office for a typewriter. Box 340 Fergus
Falls. ""*;-.: 133-140 I
200,000 WANTS
Were . printed in the Globe's Advertising
Columns in 1887. This is the best evidence
that the Globe is the People's Papeb.
LYONS & TICKNOR Druggists, 707 East
. Third street, corner Bates.
CONGER BROS.. Druggists, 349 University
: avenue, corner Virginia.
MOUNTS & SAWYER, Grocers, corner Ash
e laud avenue and Dale street. ,
A. P. "WILKES. Druggist, 759 and 701 Wert
- Seventh street
BERKMAN _ CO., 422 Dakota avenue.
"E. FOX, 482 Rice street
O. P. WILLIAMS, 648 Reaney street.
FRANK L. OSBURG, 178 Western avenue.
3. H. HAVES, 441 West Seventh street.
•F. VAN DUYNE, Druggist, 828 East Sev
i enth street. ,
SUPPLER & COLLYER, Druggists, 190
:' East Seventh street ,
■* 470 Jackson street.
WILKES' PHARMACY. Seven Corners.
M. D. ME BRILL, books and stationery, 442
;' Broadway.
COTTAGE— A new cottage for rent, live
rooms, also barn, nice surroundings,
one block from St. Anthony Park depot, at
$25 per month; apply by mail, J.- Austrian,
05 East Fifth st. " 139-40
EAT— From June 1 to Oct. 1, the
' corner fiat, first story. eight rooms, of
562 St. Peter st., all furnished; use of piano,
bath, hot water, electric bell; all modern im
provements. Call at house or at 28 East
Fourth st. M. D. Miller. 131-160
HOUSE AND BARN— Nine-room house
and barn; all modern improvements;
1143 Randolph st. Apply to James O'Meara,
303 Jackson. 138-144
HOUSES— For rent, by the St. Paul Trust
company, No. 155 East Fourth st., ten
room dwelling on Pleasant ay.. partly fur
nished, and a seven-room dwelling on" West
Seventh st. ; city water, sewer, etc. 140-46
HOUSE— Furnished house; No. 19 South
Forbes st., near Ramsey. John A.
Weide. 300 Jackson st. * 139-40
HOUSE— From June 1 until Sept. 1 to a
careful tenant, a very desirable fur
nished house on St. Anthony Hill. Address
11. M. Smyth, 325 Robert st. ' 139-141
HOUSE— For rent, furnished house; eight
rooms: from June to September: low
rent to careful party. I. L. Mahan. Odd
Fellovs' block. 138-144
HOUSE— rent, eight-room house with
bath and all modern improvements;
one block from cable on Mackubin st. I.'L.
Mahan, Odd Fellows' block. 138144
Rooms. j
1 DWELL ST., 44_— rooms up
stairs, with water. . . 139-141
BOARD— Elegant rooms en suite or single,
with or without board ; large yard. 500
Cedar, opposite capitoi. .140-41
ROADWAY, 528-For rent, two hand
somely furnished front rooms; all con'
veniences; board if desired. * 140-43
and Tenth Furnished front alcove
room to rent. ' 140-141
ROADWAY, 054 -Four nice, aaaafur
nished rooms. : 140-142
CEDAR ST., 528— For rent, 11 neatly fur
nished room all conveniences. 140-142
COLLEGE AY.— Three first-class fur
nished rooms, with board, and all ac
commodations. -.:•!.• -•-;: 140-41
AKOTA AY.. 86— Two or three uufur
- nished front rooms in brick block.
___ 139-41
• fortably furnished room in private
family, for single gentleman only; use of
bath. 140-42
EXCHANGE ST.. 21. WEST— For rent, a
! large, pleasant furnished room suitable
for one or two gentlemen. 140-41
EXCHANGE ST., 388— large front
room, with alcove; use of bath: cheap
rent. 139-141
ren f , three rooms with alcove, closets
and water; convenient for housekeeping to
small family: private house. 140-141
IGLEHART ST.. 274— Three connecting
A rooms: first floor; furnished for house
keeping or sleeping apartments. 123-54
JACKSON ST., 007— One pleasant room.
______ . - ..■■■.■■■ "____~__o
JACKSON ST., 621— rent, nicely fur
nished front room in private family:
also one side room use of bath. 139-40
ACKUBIN ST., 220— Have a nice front
room to rent with conveniences; bath,
suitable for two: one block from cable road.
Address II M. Globe. 139-146
OAK ST., 216. SOUTH— Three furnished
rooms, single or en suite, for gentlemen.
OLIVE ST., 599— Furnished rooms for
rent. *j 140-141
PLEASANT A Y., 179— First-class trout
room, with alcove, furnished and all
modern conveniences; on cable line; board
next door. ' . 129-140
ner Minnesota — Spacious rooms, com
pletely furnished and draped. Miss Scherer,
Room 21. 134-40
ROBERT ST.. 535— Nice room, well fur
nished, modern convenieaices: aiear
Ryan hotel; private house. * : ; 139-141
ROOM— Elegantly furnished room for rent
iaa private residence; to gentleman and
wife, or two gentlemen. Address F 18.
Globe. 134-140
ROOM— Large unfurnished room: call
554 St. Peter st. 139-41
ROOMS— Iron room with alcove: also
small room, furnished or unfurnished.
Apply at 140 East Isabel St. .:. ' . .139-41
ROOMS— Furnished rooms. Inquire 107
or 105 West Fourth st. .-, . 38-1
ROOMS recorded in the Directory will
bring many callers to you. Advertising
Directory company, 78 East Seventh st,.
Room 9. . * . ... 1 3a- 140
ROOMS— Nice suite of two furnished
rooms in new cottage at White Bear,
adjoining Williams house and Chateau gay.
Address B 28, Globe. 137-142
SEVENTH ST., 272 EAST. Schnrmeier's
New Block— Booms for housekeeping:
only first-class parties need apply. Call at
Room 1. 139-141
SEVENTH ST.. 232, WEST— fur
nished rooms with board; also use of
bath; terms moderate. . 134-41
IBLEY ST., 557 — Three unfurnished
O rooms to rent for light housekeeping:
hot and cold water and bath on floor. F. A.
Upham. 139-41
St.— For rent, nicely furnished rooms;
one on first and two on second floor. 138-140
S PRICE ST., 221- An alcove and other
neatly furnished rooms; use of bath;
modern conveniences. 130-142
T. I'ETER ST., 57S— Room for rem. :
SUMMIT A Y.. 77— Two large front rooms,
first and second floors; also two small
rooms. 138-141
ENTHST.. 57 EAST— For rent, double
parlors, completely furnished; also, an
alcove room, furnished flow rent. 1 38-144
T I ETON ST., 49— Furnished room with
good accommodations: price $10.
TWELFTH ST., 155, Corner Jackson—
For rent, nicely furnished room : sec
ond floor: with or without board. 139-140
WABASHA ST., 574— A finely furnished
* V - room with gas and use of bath-room.
WABASHA ST., 009— For rent, one
VV nicely furnished room and alcove to
man and wife. 138-141
ACOUTA ST., Furnished front
I room for rent cheap: also one large
unfurnished room ; private family. 139-41
ILLIUS ST., 481, East Side of Lafay
ette Park— Handsome suite of rooms,
furnished or unfurnished: no light house
keeping permitted; terms reasonable: refer
ences required. 138-141
Offices. ■
ESK ROOM— SS, $10 and 815 per
month. Inquire corner Third and Jack
son. Room 5, Hale block. . 138-144
OFFICK- BUILDING— One good office
building, with vaults attached. Inquire
at 614 Westminster st. 140-42
FFICE ROOMS— For rent the most de
desirable office room in the city, No. 326
Robert st., between Third and Fourth sis. ;
basement and all conveniences. Stone &
Morton. 82 National German- American bank
building. * 127*
OFFICE— A desirable corner office on the
second floor of the Globe building. In
quire of St. Paul Real Estate Title Insurance
Company. 136*
.lliseellaneoii_. 7/.
BARN— Barn for rent, one single and two
double stalls. 598 St. Peter st 139-140
HALL for rent at 315 Robert St., between
Third and Fourth. 130-141
•••■ ■" Stores.
STORE, . corner ot * Kent st. and St.
Anthony ay. J. W. McClung & Son, 57
National German-American bank. 138-144
STORE in Berkman block, corner West
Sixth and Frankliaa, near new People's
theater; moderate rental to desirable party.
Inquire same. - 134-140
TORE for rent;* the fine store 305 West
Seventh st. 134*
STORE ROOM— and Wabasha sts.
L. and W. A. Mussetter. 127-140
STORES— your stores by recording
them in the Directory. Advertising •
Directory Company, 78 East Seventh st.
- 138-140 -
has removed to 11 East Seventh, be
tween Cedar and Wabasha. 140
ADVANCES made on goods in storage,
loans given on all articles of value, con
signments solicited ; furniture, pianos, glass,
china, pictures, etc., bought, sold or ex
changed, packed, removed.stored or shipped;
auctions sales at mart; open daily to receive
general merchandise and household goods
or sale or storage; goods to any amount pur
chased for cash ; auction sales made at pri
vate residences in town or country; carpet
cleaning. Sansomes" Auctioaa, Storage &
Forwarding Company, 232 East Seventh st.
412-414 Sibley St.. St. Paul, Minn. 49*
DR. R. FREY, veterinary surgeon, has re
moved to 350 East Seventh st. 140-141
PHYSICIAN can hear of a first-class lo
cation in St. Paul by addressing D 19,
Globe. 140-141
SHORTHAND— Wanted a young man to
exchange dictation in shorthand; Pit
man's system preferable. Call at room 68,
Union block, during day. 5
HE LAUNDRY" that took washing from
85 East Sixth St., M. Blooston, will re
turn it and save further trouble. 140
YPEWRITING and shorthand work of
. all kinds done perfectly at the Anna C.
Drew office, Hale block; experienced oper
ators; perfect wort; low prices: work called
for and delivered ; telephone 852-2. 103*
spent money in house cleaning. Apply
11. R_ 295 Carroll st. 140
WANTED to get an engagement in a cir
cus or a side show for a good trick
horse. Address J 92. Globe. 138-141
CART— to buy, pony cart; cheap.
962 Burr st. 140
FOR SALE— Young mare: what have you
to offer? Address E, Globe office. ill
water. Minn. 140-143
FOR SALE— A fine pair of horses 5 and
6 years old. Will sell one or both. Can
j be seen at stable, 540 Summit avenue. A. G.
Seney. room 53, Gilfillan block. 123-127*
I HACK— For sale, five-glass carriage in
j lx first-class condition ; price, $500. An
drew Nippolt, 181 Eighth st. 134-140
I [TORSE— to buy ii good delivery
j -7L horse, and to be paid for in groceries.
i Call at Simpson's, 338 East Seventh. 140-41
I HORSE— Good horse, harness and wagon
XI for sale at a bargain ; call at 85 East
I Seventh st. 139-41
HORSE, two-seated side-bar and har
ness, $150 cash: black Morgan colt,
two years old, $75 ; 1130 Boss st. 138-44
HORSES— I want two good draft horses.
XJ- John A. Weide, 366 Jackson St., room
2; 139-40
HORSES— received at Brennan's
livery, No. 482 St. Peter st., a carload
. of light and heavy horses from southern
part of this state. Hans A. Anderson.
139-141 ."
HORSES, wngon, harness, etc., for sale
cheap: light driving team and single
horse; sound and gentle: can be seen at 380
I Fort st. 135-141
HORSES FOR SALE— Fine drivers and
a few heavy horses. Bear of 115 Da
kota ay.. West St. Paul. 139-140
INSURE your horses and cattle in The
Sterling Live Stock Insurance company,
509 Lumber Exchange. Minneapolis. 130*
MA six-year-old mare that can step
in 2:42: weight 1.050: blood bay; very
stylish; for sale or exchange for "double
team. Address A 22, Globe. 139-41
PONIES— Shetland ponies for sale ate. S.
Badcliffs, 309 Selby ay. 136-112
PONY" For sale, one dark-colored pony:
weight 750 pounds; price $100. Inquire
Boom 7, *_______ block. 139-141
PONY For sale, the nicest pony in the
city; harness or saddle. Inquire 272
Jackson. 131-140
HE CHEAPEST and quickest way to
dispose of your horses and carriages is
to record them in the Directory. Advertising
Directory company. " *_____)
MONEY" is loaned by us on improved
• real estate security in St. Paul, Minne
apolis and Duluth at 6, 0.., 7, 7i_ per cent,
on shortest notice for any amount. R. M.
Newoort it Son. investment bankers, 152,
153 and 151 Drake block. St. Paul. 73*
Company Loan from $10 upward on
furniture, pianos, horses, wagons, etc., with
out removal; also oaa warehouse receipts,
diamonds and gold watches. J. S. Mackey,
manager. Room 14, First National bank build
ing. St. Paul, and Room 7, Mackey-Leirg
block, Minneapolis. 250*
jV] ONEY LOANED on all kinds of per
_""__ sonal property, household furniture,
horses, etc. ; also on diamonds and jewelry;
commercial paper discounted. Security
Loan Co., 325 Jackson St., J. E. Flanigan,
manager. 162*
ONEY LOANED on all kinds of per
sonal property, diamonds, jewelry.f
ture, horses, etc. ; commercial paper and
time checks purchased. E. W. Leonard &
Co., 126 East Third st. 291*
fLTONEY TO LOAN on short time in small
_»J- ' amounts on personal property security.
L. G. Kilborai, 51 East Fourth st. " 129-5*9
ONEY TO LOAN— In small or large
sums; no delay. J. C. Stout & Co., 324
Jackson st. 113*
MONEY TO LOAN on real estate and
good first mortgages bought and sold
by D. 11. Michaud, real estate and loans, 333
Jackson st. 134-140
MONEY TO LOAN— By Hunt & Sever
ance, 34 East Third st., room 1; in
large and small amounts on furniture, horses,
carriages, libraries, warehouse receipts, etc. ;
the same to remain in the owner's posses
sion; also on watches, jewelry, diamonds,
etc; business strictly confidential; a private
room for ladies. 292*
MONEY TO LOAN on improved and 1111
--improved city property, at usual rates;
no delay. Paget & Smith, Room 49, German-
American bank. 73*
ONEY TO LOAN, an sums to suit, trom
SI up, on watches, diamonds and all
goods of value; special rates on sums of $50
and over. J. E. Ingham, 327 Jackson st.
MONEY TO LOAN on diamonds,
watches, and all goods of value. Pri
vnte office for consultation. George R,
Holmes 141 and 143 East Seventh st. 82*
ffijl , "J i .5, 5.50, »100 TO LOAN on lur
•jJaXv/ niture, pianos, carriages, horses,
cows, watches, diamonds, silverware or any
other article of value cash advance made on
goods in storage; promptness and privacy
guaranteed in making our loans; reasonable
rates and no outside fees. St. Paul Loan
company. No. 309i_ Jackson st., Rooms 1
and 2. ~JZI—— 05*
BOARD— Nicely furnished front, alcove
room, with or without board. 395 North
Oak st. . 140-41
BOARD AND ROOM— 49 West Fourth
St., first-class board and room; per week.
men, $5: respectable ladies, $4. 134 140
BOARD— Room and board at 526 Robert
st. 140 141
BOARD — Nicest board, pleasant room, pri
vate family, bath, etc.; moderate prices;
near business: desirable neighborhood. Ad
dress 639 Cedar. 140-142
BOARD— board and newly fur
nished rooms, with use of bath and gas,
at 342 East Eighth st. 130-4.
ANADA ST., 565— large furnished
front rooms; first-class table board; 0
o'clock dinner. 137-141
COLLEGE AY., 21 EAST-A handsomely
' furnished room with board. 140-41
AST EIGHTH ST., 275-First-class
rooms with board. 140-146
EIGHTH ST.. 417, EA*T— Single room
for gentleman, suite for gents or mar
ried couple, and small room for lady; board.
block from Capitol— Nicely furnished
room, with board. 139 42
LEVENTH ST., 64, EAST— Elegantly
furnished room and board; all modern
conveniences; electric lights, etc. 137-143
OO.M AND BOARD can be had at 231
Ramsey; all modern conveniences.
139-141 _^
NVERsITY A V., 165— Board, front
room, suit two gentlemen; private
family; references required. 138-141
WASHINGTON ST., 385, Near Bice
Park— rent, two nicely furnished
front rooms, with board. 137-41
Til WEAK MCMsmffprinpfrom-the
I 81 __________ HIP of youthful
I w ™~""" - " ■■__■ errors, early de
- cay, lost manhood, etc. 1 will send a valuable
treatise (sealed) containing full particulars for
home cure, free of charge. Address,
PROF. F. C. FOWLER. Mood us, Conn.
A. HI. l>olierty. Auctioneer.
Property at Auction I— l will sell at auc
tion, on the premises, on Saturday, May 10,
at 3 o'clock an the afternoon, lots 11 and 12,
in block 2 of Collins' Out Lots; this property
is situated on Atlantic st., near East seventh,
and is within about five minutes' walk of the
Bohn Manufacturing company's valuable
plant; for fine residence purposes this prop
erty cannot be excelled ; also I will sell on the
same day, at 3:30 p. m., the corner of Earl
and Ross st. 120x127 feet; this is the finest
corner available on the bluffs; I will also sell
on the same day, at 4 o'clock in the afternoon,
lot sin block 2, Drake's Rearrangement of
McLean's Reservation, together with the im
provements thereon, which consist of a well
built house of eight rooms, good cellar and
cistern, large barn. etc., etc. : this property is
all consigned to me to be sold to the highest
bidder, as the owner is about to leave the
city for the Pacific coast, where he intends
removing on account of the health of his
family; to parties desiring a valuable home
that will constantly increase in value," this is
a fine opportunity, as there is aao property on
Hastings ay. at the present prices" but will be
worth not less than trom 100 to 200 per cent
more within the next two years; further par
ticulars will be given in a*few days. A. M.
Doherty. . 1 39-140
erty at Auction— will sell at auction on
the premises on Brewster avenue, between
Sherburne ay. and Viola st., on Monday, May
21, at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, lots 8 and
9, in block 6, Brewster's addition to St. Paul;
this property is without doubt the most de
sirable site for residence purposes at present
attainable in St. Paul, handsomely situated
on an eminence overlooking the entire city
and in the immediate vicinity of some of the
finest residences in the country, amongwhieh
may be mentioned the elegant mansion of
Hon. John L. Merriam nearly opposite the
grounds to be sold, the fine homes of Hon. W.
R. Merriam, Frank B. Bass, Uri Lamprey,
William Dawson, William Liudeke and others.
The property in question has a frontage on
Brewster ay. of 100 feet by a depth of 150
feet, and is consequently "an admirable size
for an elegant home site. The owner of the
above property is obliged, on account of ex
treme ill health, to sell this handsome prop
erty, being advised by his physician to take a
trip across the ocean and spend a year or so
in the old world, thinking that a change of
air and scene will prove beneficial. Further
particulars will be given in next Sunday's pa
pers. For terms and conditions of sale call
on or address A. M. Doherty, auctioneer, office
51 East Fourth st. • 135-142
A. 11. jSicolay. Auctioneer.
103 West Tenth st., opposite Fort st.,
and No. 78 College ay. ; property fronting on
two prominent streets, running through from
street to street, between St. Peter, and Bice
sts., at auction. A. 11. Nicolav will sell at
auction, on the premises. Monday afternoon,
May 28, 1888. at 3 o'clock, rain o*r shine, No.
103 West Tenth st., opposite Fort St., that
very valuable business property. fronting 60
feet on West Tenth st. and 51 feet on College
ay., by 140 feet deep, running through from
Tenth st. to College ay. This valuable prop
erty possesses ndvantages,owingto its double
frontage, not equaled in any other section in
the city of St. Paul for business or residence
purposes. This part of the city, the most
central, is rapidly being improved with the
most substantial improvements. In its im
mediate vicinity costly Hats have been built;
many others of the most expensive character
are contemplated, within one block, struct
ures that will cost over 00,000 each. They
wall greatly enhance the value of this prop
erty within a few months. A first-class apart
ment house, with stores below, sim
ilar to the Blair flats, erected on this lot is
sure to pay from 15 to 25 per cent on the
cost of construction, owing to its close prox
imity to the best schools, churches, state
capitoi, street cars and cable line. It is with
in walking distance of our leading business
thoroughfares and wholesale business dis
trict, including the custom house, postoffice,
U. S. courts and all prominent hotels. The
present rental of the houses on this lot is $75
per month. The attention of capitalists and
the most cautious investors is called to this
important sale, believing that for a profit
able, safe and permanent investment this
sale offers inducements second to no other
location in St. Paul. This sale will be abso
lute to the highest bidder. Terms liberal
only one-third cash required ; balance can re
main on mortgage for three or five years at 7
percent interest, at the option of the pur
chaser. St. Anthony hill street cars pass the
door. For maps, hand-bills and full particu
lars apply or write to A. 11. Nicolav, Auc
tioneer, No. 116 East Fourth St., or Handy &
Handy. 204 Grand Block. 133-150
Jel»l».Jolinson A Co..Ati<-tio.ieers
Auction— will sell at public auction
on Saturday, to-day. Nt 12 o'clock sharp, at
the headquarters of the fire department, cor
ner Eighth and Minnesota s;s.. four horses
which are not quite up to the standard for
services in the fire department, but are first
class for ordinary work. Jebb. Johnson &
Co., Auctioneers, office No. 422 Wabasha st.
" 140
Fox A liory. Auctioneers.
FOX & K.ORY, auction and commission
house, 181 East Seventh st.. buy bank
rupt stocks of general merchandise for cash,
make sales of real estate and household
goods; liberal advances made on consign
ments and prompt returns made. A. Kory,
auctioneer. 105*
liaranagh A ]>alil. Auctioneers.
sale of nil classes of household goods at
our mart this morning at 10 o'clock, Kava
nagh i. Dahl, Auctioneers, 107 East Seventh
St., near Bobert. 140
JOB PRESS— Wanted to buy. second-hand
Rotary printing press. P. O. Box 110.
Hamline, Minn. 140
All dealers and shippers- of these goods
will find it to their advantage to call on or
write to J Firestone, wholesale dealer in pa
permaker's supplies; reference, any respon
sible firm in the city. 262 Jackson St., " St.
Paul. Minn. Telephone, 753, call 3. 310*
YPEWKITER— Wanted to buy. a good
second-hand typewriter cheap. Ad
dress Stenographer. Globe. 140-41
' ,', l-OST A_*l> FOUJiP.
DOG LOST— A black and white pointer
dog, with collar and my name on, C. M.
Leibrock. Beward will be" given for his re
turn to 207 East Fourth st. 139-140
ORSE LOST— A white horse lost May
16; return to Abbey's livery stable, cor
ner of Cedar and Fifth sts. 140-141
ARE LOST— Dark bay marc, mane on
left side, a rub-sore under the body
near the right leg; cable line shoes. Finder
greatly rewarded. Apply SO3 East Seventh
st. ■ 110-41
PIANO TUNING— For prompt, first-class
work leave orders at Whitney's music
store East Third st. 346*
IANO TUNING, Sl— Satisfaction guar
anteed. Samuel Crtitchett, 205 West
Sixth st. 110-140
Ramsey— In Probate Court, Special
Term, May 4, 1888.
In the matter of the estate of Walter L. Clark,
On reading and filing the petition of Leslie
Parlin, administrator of the estate of Waller
L. Clark, deceased, representing, among other
things, that he has fully administered said es
tate, and praying that a time and place be fixed
for examining and allowing his final account
of administration, and for the assignment of
the residue of said estate to heirs:
li is ordered, that said account be examined
and petition heard by the Judge of this
Court on Monday, the 28th day of May. A. D.
1888, at 10 o'clock a. m., at the Probate
office in St. Paul, in said county.
And it is further ordered, that notice
thereof be given to all persons interested by
publishing a copy of this order for three suc
cessive weeks, prior to said day of hearing, on
Saturday of each week, in the St. Paul
Daily Globe, a daily newspaper printed and
published at St. Paul, in said county.
By the Court.
[_. a.] E. S. GORMAN, Judge of Probate.
Attest: Frank Robert, Jk., Clerk.
Ramsey— ss. District Court.
Lizzie Bell Handley, plaintiff, against Charles
A. Handley, defendant.
The State of Minnesota to the above-named
You are hereby summoned and required to
answer the complaint of the plaintiff in the
above entitled action, which as on file in the
office of the clerk of the said court, at his
office at city of. St. Paul, Ramsev county,
Minnesota, and to serve a copy of" your an
swer to said complaint on the subscriber at
his office in the city of St. Paul, in the county
of Ramsey, Minnesota,' within thirty days
after the service of this summons upon you,
exclusive of the day of such service; and if
you fail to answer the said complaint within
the time aforesaid, the plaintiff in this action
will apply to the court for the relief de
manded in the complaint.
Dated April 13, A. D. 1888.
Plaintiff's Attorney, St. Paul. Minn.
newly .finished and ready for occu
pancy; three or four double offices on dif
erent floors.and a large - office with vault on
ground floor of new Globe building, are for •
rent. Unequaled . in the city. Inquire at
Globe counting room of
T^ - - - ■ . . ■ ■ — : : •"
lai the matter of the assignment of
Frederick G. Wheeler, insolvent.
S On reading and filing the petition of Ed
win R. Holcombe, assignee or the Insolvent
above named, stating, among other things,
: that he has fully administered said estate
and fully collected and converted into cash
the assets of said estate, and praying that his
report and account as such assignee be al
lowed and settled by the court, and that he
be duly ordered by the court, after paying
the costs and expenses of said administra
tion as stated in said account, to distribute
the balance of the moneys in his hands
among the creditors of the estate who filed
releases of their claims in proportions pro
vided by law. and that upon making said dis
tribution that he be released from further
liability as such assignee, and that the sure
ties on his bond be thereupon released from
further liability thereunder;
Now, on motion of 11. L.Williams, attorney
for said assignee, it is ordered that all per
sons interested in said matter show cause, if
any they have, at a special term of this
court, to be held at the court house, in the
city of St. Paul, in said county. on Saturday,
the 26th day of May, 1888. at' 10 o'clock in
the forenoon, why the prayer of said petition
should not be granted as therein stated.
Ordered further that this order be pub
lished in the St. Paul Daily Globe once ip
each week for three successive weeks, anu
that a copy of this order be mailed to each
of said creditors as named in the schedule oai
file herein on or before the Ist day of May,
A. D. 1888.
Dated April 27th. ISSB.
District Judge.
In the matter of the assignment of Frank
Gray, insolvent.
On reading and filing the petition of Edwin
R. llolcomoe, the assignee of the insolvent
above named, stating among other things that
he has fully administered said estate and fully
collected and converted into cash the assets
of said estate, and praying that his report and
account as such assignee be allowed and
settled by the court, and that he be duly or
dered by the court, after paying the costs'and
expenses of said administration as stated in
said account, to distribute the balance of the
moneys in his hands among the creditors
of the estate who filed releases of their
claims in proportions provided by law, and
that upon making said distribution that he be
released from further liability- as such as
signee, and that the sureties oh his bond be
thereupon released from further liability
Now on motion of U. L. Williams, attorney
for said assignee, it is ordered that all per
sons interested in said matter show cause, if
any they have, at a special term of this court
to be held at the court house in the city of St.
Paul, in said county, on Saturday, the 26th,
day of May, 1888. at 10 o'clock in the fore
noon, why the prayer of said petition should
not be granted as therein stated.
Ordered further, that this order be pub
lished in the St. Paul Daily Globe once in
each week for three successive weeks, and
that a copy of this order he mailed to each oi
said creditors as named in the schedule on
file herein on or before the Ist day of May,
A. D. 1888. "
Dated April 27th, 1888.
District Judge. '.
Ramsey— In Probate Court, Specia. ;
Term, May 11th, 1888.
In the matter of the estate of Francois
Bedard. deceased.
On reading and filing the petition of Fir«
man Bedard,of Bamsey county, representing,
among other things, that Francois Bcdard,
late of Ramsey county,on the 22d day of Apri.'.
A.I). 1888, at St. Paul, in said coiautv, died"
intestate, and being an inhabitant "of this
county at the time of his death, leaving'
goods.chattels and estate within this county,
and that said petitioner is a sou of said de
ceased, and praying thai administration of
said estate be to him granted;
It is ordered that said petition be heard be
fore the judge of thiscourt on Wednesday.'
the 6th day of June, A. D. 1888, at ten:
o'clock a. m., at the Probate Court in St.
Paul, in said county.
Ordered further, that notice thereof be given
to the heirs of said deceased, and to all
persons interested, by publishing a copy
of this order for three successive weeks prior
to said day of hearing, on Saturday of each
week, in the St. Paul Daily Globe, a daily
newspaper printed and published at St. Paul,
in said county.
By the Court,
[a..*.] E. S. GORMAN. Judge of Probate.
Attest: Frank Robert, -Th.. clerk.
______ 11. Adams. Attorney for Petitioner.
Proposals lor Indian Supplies
and Transportation.
Office of Indian Affairs, Washington,
April 16, 1888.— Sealed proposals, indorsed
"Proposals for Beet" (bids for beef must be
submitted in separate envelopes). Bacon,
Flour, Clothing or Transportation, etc. (as the
case may be), and directed to the Commis
sioner of Indian Affairs, Nos. 65 and (I.
Wooster street. New York, will be received
until 1 p. m, of Tuesday, "May 22, 1888, for
furnishing for the Indian service about 900,?
000 pounds Bacon. 30,00 pounds Beef
on the hoof. 250,000 pounds Beans, 79.000
pounds Baking Powder, 1.000,000 pound*
Corn, 485.000 pounds Coffee, 9,000.000
pounds Flour, 50,000 pounds Feed, 108,000
pounds Hard Bread, 07,000 pounds Hominy,
20.000 pounds Lard, 851) barrens mess pork,
11.000 pounds Oatmeal, 488.000 pound.
Oats, 122.000 pounds Rice. 9,000 pounds'
Tea, 300,000 pounds Salt, 273,000 pound*
Soap, 910,000 pounds Sugar, and42,ooU
pounds Wheat.
Also, Blankets, Woolen and Cotton Goods,
("consisting in part of Ticking, 15,000 yards]
Standard Calico. 100,000 yards; Drilling:
11,000 yards; Duck, free horn all sizing, 4 S.I
000 yards: Denims. 17,000 yards; Gingham.
280,000 yards; Kentucky Jeans, 17,000
yards; Cheviot, 12,000 yards; Brown Sheet
ing. 240,000 yards; Bleached Sbeetirg, 22,.
000 yards; Hickory Shirting, 10,000 yards;
Calico Shining, 0.000 yards; Winsev. 0,000
yards) : Clothing, Groceries, Notions, Hard
ware, Medical Supplies, School Books, etc.,
and a long list of miscellaneous articles,sneh
as Harness, Plows, Rakes, Forks, etc.. and
for about sso Wagons required for the serv
ice, to be delivered at Chicago, Kansas City,
and Sioux City. Also for such Wagons as
may be required, adapted to the climate of
the Pacific Coast, with California brakes, de
livered at San Francisco,
Also, transportation for such of the arti
des, goods, and supplies that may not bo
contracted for to be delivered at the
Agencies. -;;;•; ..* .•--...-
Schedules showing the kinds and quanti
ties of subsistence supplies required for each
agency and school, and the kinds and quan
tities in gross of all other goods and articles!
together with blank proposals, conditions to
be observed by bidders, time and place of de
livery, terms of contract and payment,
transportation routes, ami all necessary in
structions, will be furnished upon application
to the Indian Office in Washington, or Nos.
65 and 07 Wooster street. New York; James
Lidgerwood, No. 835 Broadway, New York;
the Commissaries of Subsistence, *_", S. A., at
Cheyenne, Chicago, Leavenworth, Omaha, st,
Louis, St. Paul and San Francisco; the Post
masters at Sioux City and Yankton; and toiha
Postmasters at the following named places In
Kansas: Arkansas City. Burlington, Cald
well, Dodge City, Emporia, Eureka, Great
Bend. Howard, Hutchinson, Lamed. Mcl'her
son, Marion, Medicine Lodge, Newton, Osage
City, Sedan, Sterling, Topeka, Wellington,
Wichita and Winfield.
The right is reserved by the Government to
reject any and all bids, or any part ot any
bid, and these proposals are invited under
proviso that appropriation shall be made for '
the supplies by congress.
Bids will be opened at the hour and clay
above stated, and bidders are invited to bo
present at the opening.
All bids must be accompanied by certi.
fled checks or drafts upon some United states
depository, or the First National Bank of Los
Angeles, Cal~ for at least 5 per cent of the
amount of the proposal.
J. D. ('. ATKINS, Commissioner.
(12806— 150O) -
Proposals lor Coal.
Office of the Boaud of Water- Commis
sioners, St. Paul. Minn., May 10, 1888.—
Sealed proposals will be received at the office
of the Board of Water Commissioners until
12 o'clock m., May 21, 18*8, for 500 tons ot
the best quality of anthracite coal of the grate
size to be delivered at the pumping station
near McCarron's lake, and twenty (20) tons
of the best anthracite coal of egg size to be
delivered at the office of said Water Board
23 East Fifth street. Three hundred and
fifty tons must be delivered at the pumping
station by June 15, and balance by Novem
ber 1, 1888. The egg coal to be delivered as
A bond with at least two (21 sureties in a
sum of at least twenty (20) per cent of the
gross amount bid, or n-certified check for five
hundred (§500) dollars, must accompany
each bid, conditioned upon tne execution of
the contract it awarded.
The Board reserves the right to reject any
and all bids. , ,- .v.
Bids must be indorsed, "Proposals for
Coal," and addressed to the undersigned
Secretary Board of Water Commissioners.
For sale, 250 head large young Mules and
horses; 100 Studebaker three and one-half
skein wagons; 100 sets double harness and
four pile drivers, complete: will sell livestock
with or without wagons or horses.
Room 32. National German-American Bank
Building. ST. PAUL. MINN.-
Gatherings, Catarrh, Old Age, Etc., Etc en
tirely relieved by a device which is "pos
itively invisible, and which has been recom
mended by every physician who has exam
ined it. It is successful in cases where every
other device or remedy has failed. It may bo
worn six mouths at a time without removal
causing no pain or inconvenience. For sale
oniy by the inventor, _
1 11. A, WALES, - Bridgeport, Conn.

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