Unmistakable Evidence of an
Improvement in the
Property in Demand at Mid-
way, Como and on Cro
cus Hill.
Several Large Sales Consum-
ated« Mainly of Acre
The Oppenheim & Kalman
Syndicate Again Buying
Large Tracts.
Dealers look upon the real estate
market as considerably improved over
the week previous, and think that while
there Is no very decided increase in
sales, that there has been a chance for
the better. An impetus has been given
to it, largely due to the fact that certain
parties have purchased larce tracts of
acre property with a view to platting it
in lots preparatory to placing them on
the market. r -'_ \
* *
One gentleman remarked yesterday
that the present condition of the mar
ket greatly resembled the market in
1681,\vhen a party of gentlemen headed
by Oppenheim & Kalman went out on
University avenue and purchased large
tracts of land. At that time, and tor a
time before, the market had been very
quiet and dull, 'I here was but little
sale for realty, and the market did not
look as .though it would ever get up
again. "Iriese gentlemen took a differ
ent view of the situation. They be
lieved that they could see the bow of
promise in the heavens. Their courage
and confluence, proved to be well
founded. Relying upon their judgment
as to the condition of the market, they
stepped boldly to the front and bought
freely, while others held olf and re
carded it as exceedingly dangerous to
buy with the market in the condition it
then was. These gentlemen bought
what has since been known as the syn
dicate property on University avenue, a
short distance this side of Batuline,
Tho tract was subdivided, and num
bered from 1 to 5.
They also struck in heavily on Summit
avenue property, and bought what has
since been known as Palace addition.
Their judgment proved correct. Soon
after they bought property began to ad
vance, not very fast at first, hut it soon
showed more animation. University
avenue was a very forlorn-looking place
out at the point of purchase. The same
may be said of Summit avenue where
Palace addition is located. On neither
of these thoroughfares did the most san
guine expect to see in a quarter of a cen
tury such a change as has been made in
these two localities within seven years.
* *
When the purchases referred to were
When the purchases referred to were
made, people smiled and thought that
the gentlemen who nought had made a
great mistake. No one, seven years
ago, thought that Summit avenue
would be paved with asphalt, and that
University avenue would become built
up as it is, and that it would be such a
thoroughfare. It is very fortunate for
St. Paul that there are within its bor
ders some men who have such broad
views, and who possess sufficient con
fidence, before the fact is demonstrated,
to put their money into . property, and
confidently await the result.
! *. *
i . * •■- ; . .' !.-"••*•
These gentlemen are doing the same
thing this season. It is a fact that for
two years the real estate market has
been very dull. Now, when there is no
change, these men put several hundred
thousand dollars into the same kind ot
real estate that they invested in seven
years ago. They base their judgment
on the city's past growth, its orospects
for the future, and a thousand other
things that mark St. Paul in the book
of destiny as a great city. After the
purchases referred to in lbsl, real es
tate began to look up, inquiry in
creased, sales multiplied, and the mar
ket was quite active for several years
afterwards. Many think that the same
results will mark the large purchases
that have been made this fall.
* *r
Messrs. Bushnelf & Bushnell report
Messrs. Bushnelf & Bushnell report
an increased inquiry, especially for
property in Midway, north of Como
and on Crocus Hill. In the last-named
locality many foundations have been
put in this fall, and considerable build
ing will be done there next season.
They report a 830,000 sale of acres; also,
a forty-acre tract north of Como. This
property was bought last fall for $1,000
an acre, and a few days ago it was sold
for $1,500 an acre. Fifty feet on Good
rich avenue, just east of Dale, was sold
for $0,200, and it will be improved in
the spring by the erection ot a $15,000
residence. These gentlemen are decid
edly of the opinion that, hardpan has
been reached, and that there will be
more activity from this time on.
The Record.
No. Value
Monday None.
Tuesday ......32 $102,937
Wednesday 33 119,415
Thursday Thankspivinp;
Friday 7 20.450
Saturday.... 6 25,000
- Total 78 $207,802
No. Value
Monday.... 12 $7,400
Tuesday 12 23,600
Wednesday 0 115.G00
Thursday Thanksgiving
Friday 12 12.460
Saturday... 7 B.SOO
Total 52 $0-,BGO
yesterday's TRANSACTIONS.
J R Weidc to W Hanson, It 21, blk 1, J
It Weide's Second add $700
E .1 BecK to C V Noves, Its 29 and 30,
blk 2, Lake Park Second div.... ..... 1,000
A Scott to L Peter, one-half of Its 4, 5
and 6, blkl, Birmingham's 800
J W Potter to C Never, Its 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
and 7. Potter's Paid Eagle Lots .... 5,000
CAB Weide to W P Swenson. part of
Its 16 and 17, Weide's rear blk 2, Nel-
*0n..'... . .....: 1,500
J M Hardy to W Hardy, part of It 1, blk
12, Woodland Park 2,500
Total, six pieces... ' $25,460
The following building permits were issued
-esterdav: 1 '■■' ". •C-
John F Burke, 2-rtory frame dwelling.
State, near Concord ' $5,000
August Kosauke, changing U'2-story y ::y
- shop into dwelling, Orleans,
near Pago .1,000
E C Murphy, 2-story fiame stable, Mar-
shall, near Grotto 1,500
M II Pitzgibbon, 2-story frame dwell-
ing, Dawson, near Mendota 1.00'»
Three minor permits 350
Seven permits; total $3,800
ki:al estate for SAI-E.
]_. W. lSuzzcli-s List.
970 East Seventh st.
LOTS) on Jenks st. ; four blocks from
6 cable : very cheap. St.; four blocks from
cable; very cheap.
IM.VK FAKM, 70 miles from St Paul, on
X. 11. & I)., to exchange for house and lot.
UAUTIFIiL. 240-acre farm in Dodge
county to exchange for city property.
HoCSK AXit LOT on Sims st.; one
block from street car; very cheap.
WE HAY X a large list of very desirable.
property near East Seventh st. cable
line; sure to double in price within the next
year. Call and look it over. L. W. Buzzell
& Co " ' 337
fla^ftV V '""^Ssli Positively cured in CO days
_K^\Ti^ v' "s**sSr'oßltiv<.ly ouvofl in GO days
JSSjXV \f /./ . _2Bl''* Df.llorno'»Elct'lro-Mae-
B^i^'jMi.^-p^fff ii cl 1 1- Belt-Trass, combined.
/ffTflS^rt^rqferi^-r Ounrantfi.-J the only on.' in
ffcts6s3')RlJS3i^eß^ the world penerntlnpr a con
%V7//S^^*- tinnoiw Elrctric and MaQiutie cur-
Tajj/JBrrnt. Scientific Powerful. Durable. Com
Xa_#»' fortablo and Effective. Avoid fraud?
Over 9.000 cured. Bend ►tamp for namphlet. ■
Ob. HORNE, inventor, 1 91 Wabash Aye. Chicago.
Kost & Crcsey's Real Estate and
Exchange List. -'y v-y :li \-
-. Corner Third and Robert sts.
t|p_.,^\_FVy on -.West Seventh St., three
blocks from ' streetcar: south-facing: terms
$100 cash and 810 per month; here is a
chance to make a handsome profit by invest
ing a few dollars every* month; don't fail to
look it up, - . ■ .
C*-? Ann *"°l{ a good eight room house
'PO^UUU on De Bow st. near Will
iams; unincumbered; will take a small cash
payment, and balance monthly, .
■TO EXCHANGE— Lot on University ay.,
-I- near Kent , St., facing, unincum:
bered, for house and lot. *. -- - - * •
TO EXCHANGE— Six beautiful for
house and lot. . ■
WE HAVE a good house and lot on the
West Side to trade for a clear farm;
house rented for 810 per month. ■' :
TO EXCHANGE— Ciear St. Paul real es-
J- tate for a nicely furnished fiat; will put
in some cash: call Monday. .
fro EXCHANGE— A now twelve-room
JL house in good location; will, take good
farm and 8500 cash, or second mortgage for
balance. - . >•: ■'■.""• .•_■■■
changes; we have the largest and most
complete list In the. city. If you have any
property you want to exchange, do not fail
to see us; weare bound to suit you.
WE HAVE added a rental agency to our
WE HAVE and will prepared to our
business, and will be prepared jto fur
nish first-class tenants and give all property
left with us prompt and immediate atten
tion. , - •;
IF YOU HAVE any vii' ant houses or busi-
ness blocks, leave them with us. We pay
special attention to renting and collecting
of rents. Kost & Crescy, corner Third and
Robert. __
C'abunne & Swarl/N List.
Real Estate and Loans, 18 East Fourth St.
SI HO )Kl!l:s 50-foot lot on Bradley
<_<•/%! l BU VS n lot on Maryland ay., near
». U_/v/ streetcars.
<JJ?_> "inn BUYS a fine 8-room houEe on
O^IXJKJ St. Anthony ay.: cheap.- ,
eiOrxH EACH BUSH two lots on
tspl)/>/U\J Laurel ay.
<£] ' /V \ HUYS a lot on Fuller st; easy
igAgUtAI terms. --W
A BARGAIN— Lot on corner Chestnut
and Exchange; fine location for tene
ments or flats.
"fiTTI i (\ i BUYS ft block of fifteen 40
--• I\J^\J\J\J foot lots on Dayton's bluff,
close to cable line; a bargain.
©9 On/ i BUYS a fine lot on Washing
tjp/C^QUU ton, near Kagle st.
WE HAVE a large list of business and
residence, large and unimproved,
residence, improved and unimproved,
property in all parts of the city at prices that
will pay purchasers to investigate before
buying. - ■ .
CO Ann BUYS a fine 40-foot lot on
*$)»Jl*J\J\J East Seventh st. ; cheap.
15*71 ) 1 li^'k'** a corner lot on Payne ay.
<£ A n< U \ BUYS a fine 9-room house on
*fftJ^\J\J\J Aurora ay., near Farrington;
modern improvements; will take lot in part
payment. . :.
C/J A (\ BUYS an elegant 8-room resi
li/l Ri I \ BUYS an elegant 8-room resi
'iP-^^tJL/v/ deuce, with two fine lots, at
,•_) £){ ,n BUYS a fine 9-room: residence
•"OIX'UU with lot 55x150 feet, at Ham
line; easy payments.
v 1 ii (\{ If I BUYS feet on West
•- J-U()V/\_/L/ wood or Prior ay.; this is a
fine piece of Minnesota Transfer property,
and is 30 per cent under market value.
MONEY TO LOAN in large and small
sums; call and see us before placing
your loans. Cabanne & Swartz, 18 East
Fourth st. 337
My «ft ttfna Kff^ii&k trains
/ga^OfjJSy^-B^iffSjfr leave St. Paul
"v'-'"'^r>^__^_____B_slS_* * "ion depot
fly y^ g>-^:j«fe-i»---<3il: ■ daily: 7a.
3__T' m*' a* I1Q••
- ''v*^SS-iEsI ELBHP' I-:I0 !>• ni.,
ofefl^i-yft-f ■fcT-i WJ*# s:l° p* m
_?__ W _.!■ Bp_3 v v_E£ 0 : -0 p. m . ,
0:30 p. nt.;
wrajS^-^' 1 1 :-<> i. m.
Commutation tickets, 6c. Single ride, 10c.
The new College of the German
Methodist Episcopal Churches of
the Northwest, to be known as ST.
PAUL'S COLLEGE, has been
definitely located by the College
Trustees at St. Paul Park.
The College will cost $25,000,
will be built in 1889, and located
corner of Lincoln and Eleventh
Lots in the vicinity of the Col
lege Site for sale only at our office.
Maps and price list will be mailed
on application.
Desirable seven-room new house,
corner Pullman and Holly avenues,
St. Paul Park, on 50-foot lot, fac
ing public park, price $2,750;
terms $200 cash, balance $40 per
28 East Fourth St. - St. Paul.
Bushnell & Bushnell,
Real Estate and Mortgage Loans.
WP offer for sale the following desira-
VI ii ble property:
<_CC AAA— Valuable property on
«puu,UUU Eighth street; corner; im
proved; well adapted for immediate
improvement, either in first-class flats
or store buildings. :yy7y7'-}'yy
<_/ R.AA for choice lot on the West
$-?,UUU Side, on the C, St. P. & K.
C. Railway; -could be used -for ware
PA feet on Summit avenue, $8,000;
OU cast of Lexington. -
Oft feet on Summit avenue, near Vie-
OU tori a, $12,000; terms to suit.
tfjc AAA for choice lot iv Woodland
$u}UUU Park; terms to -suit. :
17 AT TTADT plot, 00x153 feet, on
VAJJUiUJJLIIj y Goo rich avenue,
south front, Crocus Hill; a special price
will be made on this property for a short
time. 7y:yy7
I IVFQ at Como, $400; choice lots in
llUliJ Sanborn's Midway addition,
$600 to $700, according to location;
streets graded ; lots on the West Side,
near Concord street station, from $700
to §1.000; lots and blocks in all portions
of the city; also desirable acreage be
tween St. Paul and Minneapolis for
sale on easy terms. v- .:. * y
Purchase Money Mortgages.
Tan? have on hand a number of first
«*• mortgage notes, well secured, in
amounts from $250 to $2,500, bearing in
terest at 8 per cent, payable semi-an
nually. •" ■
Bushnell & Bushnell,
&i^-j 365 Robert St.. corner Fifth.
ST. PfUL, ------- MINN.
7. lIoLLANn, Pres. J. W. Shea, Sec.
J. 11. Bbtant,V. P. ; : J. F. Thompson. Treas.
Office— 3l7 Minnesota Street. ' ' '' .-■' ;* ':
yy '". y.; . Factory— Park, St Patdj _On_»
Steam Heating, Brass and Iron Fittfngi,
Steam Heating, Brass and Iron Fittings,
C HI. Lund's £dbst.
324 Robert st,
<&&) C?(\f\ FOX lot and seven-room house
f/VtUUu on Payne ay., between Weils
and York. .*-■■. ■-.■-- ' * ".y" * y
ffl-O Uf\l FOR a store and good lot:
•JP/WjUUV/ Payne a v., between Sims arid
-Yorit; this is very che. p. -■'..
Oi-1 0< lH BUSS a business lot on Payne
»]j>J.sOUU ay., near ijims. - - ; '
<ftO'Oi--n BUYS a 40-feet lot and line
•jp/C'jX'V ; v/ ; house on Fauquier st. - '
fljiQi 1/ \ Bill's a tine lot on Payne ay., :
fi^Q ii\ HliV'.s a line lot on Payne ay.,
«->o^ f\J near Magnolia. .-..■■■..
C'-i/^n 83"i» tiAOH. for lots on Payne
«U>O«JU, a v.. D. Hill's add.
<5» _)/ »/\ EACH for a few lots on Concord
<H*»>/ »/\ EACH for a few lots on Concord
<pOU st., Spring Park.
OTS In Riverside Park, Soring Park and
OTS in Riverside Hark, Soring Park and
other parts iv South St. Paul, very
cheap and easy terms. ' . :
d_W< \( BACH for nice lots in Fair View.
tjPO UU C. M. Lund. 324 Robert st. 337
Miscellaneous City last. '
BARGAIN— Home on monthly payments
in desirable neighborhood. H 182,
Globe. 337
FOR SALE— A complete home of all mod-
em improvements: nice lot. with alley;
house number 275 Martin st. By owner, 2.1
Martin. 337
Foli SALE— Eighty feet on Selby aye. ;
price $3,000; this' is a bargain. Oilman
& Co., 23 Wilder Mock. 330-37
FOR SALE at low price or will exchange
F~OR ______ at low price or will exchange
for improved property or purchase
money mortgages; two fine lots near Stato
street: West Side ; two lots in Schwabe's addi
tion; 220 acres hue farm on Turtle lake, ad
joining J. J. Hill's, and ten lots near stock
yards; farm and : city loans made. W. F.
Carroll, 350 Drake Block. 337
FORSAKE— About three and one-half or
Ij^Oß SAi.fc— About three and one-half or
four acres of land adapted for fine
gardening, well located; within rive miles of
the Ryan hotel; onh- a short distance from
railroad whose mo ©;• trains are running
nearly every hour; lias a good two-story
house and barn; house easily worth $1,200;
owner will sell this piece of property, in
cluding the buildings, for 82,OiK>, one-half
cash, balance in one, two and three years at
8 per cent; it is worth double the money.
Apply to Bristol & Loomis. agents, 322
Jackson St., rft. Paul. 337
property (owner not a farmer), a tarm
of 450 acres, 100 acres timber; farm well
watered: two sets or buildings; situate in.
West Virginia; price, 85,00". J. H. Bristor,
Sawyer House, Stillwater, Minn. 336-37
cash and St. Paul property: improved
farm, 120 acres, three miles from Glencoe,
with good frame house, barn and granary:
laud cultivated, hay and timber, fenced ana
watered. Address J. D. Markham, Rush
City. Minn. 337-43
FOR SALE OR TRADE— A two-story
rrame buildin-, TRADE— two-story
iriime building, 26x80 and lot, for city
property or stock of merchandise ; the lower
lloor store room, and upper the only opera
house in town. Address S. Manheim, Rice
Lake, Wis. • , 335-4
HOUSE — For sale, cheap, or rent,, in
HOUSE — For sale, cheap, or rent,
Union Park; lady and girl would board
with parties. E 159, Globe. 337
OAVK COMMISSION by buying lots in
O AVE COMMISSION by buying lots in
O Hunt's addition to St. Anthony Park,.
or acres adjoining; cheap for cash. D. H.
Hunt, owner, on premises. 326-40
_ in the city at 556 Wabasha. 337
WANTED- HOUSE near street
cars; two medium-priced lots, small
incumbrance, well located, in part payment.
Address L J 32, Globe. 337
WEST SIDE FLATS— A corner in Lan-
EST MOE FLATS— A corner in Lan-
gevln's Second addition, . one block
from State; dirt cheap; money in this. Ad-
dress K. 12* Dakota ay. - 337-38
WHO wants a snap in North. St. Paul
WHO wants a simp in North St. Paul
property ; well located ; will sell at a
bargain for cash ; only three blocks from
location of rail road shops. Address G. 128
Dakota ay. 337-38
•iPOeJU East Third St., near Cypress. L.
Rank, fK> F.nst Fifth st. " 337
. . : IUX MALE.. - ......
BASE BURNER— For . sale, large-sized
Gold Coin" base burner; perfect con-
dition; very cheap. 667 East Fifth st. 337
UFFAJ.O COAT— Web trimmed, in good
IIFFA„0 COAT— Weh trimmed, in good
order, for sale. . O'Brien, 421 Jackson
st. . 337
CHICKENS, turkeys, fresh fish, oysters
CHICKENS, turkeys, fresh fish, oysters
and game, at McFaul's, 062 Wabasha. .
Telephone 1 0-2. 337
V. ' and pure, fancy and plain, at 556 Wa
basha. ,"....' 337
DISHES— For Fale, lUO dozen slightly
DISHES— For sale, 155 dozen slightly
damaged dishes of all kinds at McVeigh
Bros.. 67 East Third st. . 337
FOR SALE— I 6-inch Peerless pipe-cut-
ting and threading machine, with open
dies li/i inches to 6 inches, new.
1 engine lathe, 17-inch swing, 6-foot bed,
new. y;!,yyy;; .
1 twist drill grinding machine.
1 hand lever puuchirg machine % inch %.
1 Emery grinding machine on stand."
2 hand drilling machines, ; ;-■
1 steel pressure blower, 8214-inch outlet.
. 1 steam pump. 4x2x6-inch. ■■ - .- -■•: *..--.- ii
. 1 6-H. P. hoisting engine and boiler, new.
1 6-H. P. horizontal engine and boiler,
1 7-H. P. vertical steel boiler.
A lot of new and second-hand wood-work-
ing machinery, surfacers. moulders, tenon*
ers. mortisers, resawing machines, shapers,
turning lathes, saw tables, etc.; also one 35
--inch exhaust fan for shavings, etc. .
Send for descriptive lists and tell us what
you want. *
For sale by N. W. Machinery Co., 342 Sib-
ley St.. St. Paul. Minn. 330
FOR SALE— tot of show cases, sheet
music, music books, musical goods, sta
tionery, toys at d fancy goods in lots to suit
or in lump for sale cheap ; must be sold can
be seen at 394 Wabasha st. 335-37
OR SALE CHEAP— Twenty choice
young cows, good milkers; five beef cat-
tle; also cheap work horses; would exchange
some for buggy, cutler and furniture. South- ;
east corner St. Anthony and Snelling ayes..
between St. Paul and Minneapolis. . 337
FRESH. SALT and smoked meats, poultry,
FRESH, SALT and smoked meats, poultry,
fresh fish, oysters and game at McFaul's,
562 Wabasha; telephone lll"-2. 337
URNACES— Two furnaces in first-class
URNACES— Two furnaces in first-class
condition; will be sold cheap. Finch,
Van Slyck & Co., 331 and 3*3 Jackson st. 337
FUU> i'l'U »i E for sale cheap, on account
FUKNITUttE for sale cheap, on account
of removal from city, at 474 Fuller, be-
tween Macknbin and Arundel. 337
FURNITURE— For sale, household furni-
FURNITURE— For sale, household furni
ture and lease of modern nine-room
house, centrally located; five rooms rented
and paying $30 per month more than
mouthlv rental. Address P 164. Globe. 337
URNITURE-For sale, six furnished
URNITURE— For sale, six furnished
rooms, cheap, if taken this week; rooms
always full; all conveniences, city water,
housekeeping utensils: good profit; 1811&
East Seventh st., Room 9. 337"
UK MTU RE of a five-room flat for sale;
will rent flat for 8-0 per month ; steam
heat, hot and cold water, gas and private
bath ; there i« 8350 worth of furniture, which
I will sell for $175. Inquire at 779 St. Peter
st. Mrs. Stutson. 323*
GAS ENGINE — For sale, seven horse-
GAs ENGINE— For sale, seven horse-
f power Otto gas engine, iv good running
order, and now running. Inquire of Robin-
son & Can*. 337*
GUITAR— For sale, $20 guitar, including
UITAK— For sale. 820 guitar, including
case, and in first-class condition, for
$10. Address C 16', Globe. 337
HEATER— A small coal heater, almost
new, $5 : cane seat rocker, 81, and an
easel. $1. Call Sunday or Monday morning
at 281 Wen Seventh st. ■ . ■ 337
HORNS— For sale, one four-and-one-haif-
HORNS— For sale, one four-and-oue-haif-
foot pair of polished Texan horns. 393
Olive st. " -. * . ' 337
OOL-TABLE — One second-hand pool
POOL-TABLE — One second-hand pool
table for sale. Address I. Chiquet, St.
Paul Park. ■ - 1
PUI* — For sale, male pug pup of prize-win-
PUr — For sale, male pug pup of prize-win-
ning stock; price, $20. C 168, Globe. _
. - 337
PUPS— Newfoundland pups, black and
PUPS — Newfoundland pups, black and
curly, for sale by M. M. Ingraham, Lake
City, Minn. 337
RANGE— Superior range for sale cheap
771 Dayton ay. 337
SEAL PLUSH CLOAK— For sale, elegant
SEAL PLUSH CLOAK— For sale, elegant
seal plush cloak, forty-six inches long,
forty-two bust measure; will sell at half
price. Address U 165. Globe. 337
JEWING MACHINE— New imported
O sewing machine will be sold very cheap ;
owner leaving this country. Address W.
165, Globe, _ 337
SEWING MACHINE— For sale, sewing
machine. Apply 50 Central ay. 337
SKATES— For sole, one pair lady's Boston .
SKATES— For sole, one pair lady's Boston .
rink ice skates; worn but few times; at
$2.50, cost $6. Address 399 East Eighth st.
. 337 . .■■■■■■■- - yy-yy
tures framed to order. J. A. Rafferty,
780 Wabasha st. 337
STOKE FIXTURES— For sale, at a low
figure, store fixturesiu No. 33East Third
st., consisting of shelving, counters, stools,
tables, safe, copying press, etc., etc., etc. For
particulars call on Mr. Hughson. of Hugh-
sou & Hemenway, or Gustavo Heiuemann,
northwest corner of Seventh and Jackson
6is^ 237
- medium, and one small
'. **3 Stewart base-burner heating stove: but
little used. 580 Robert St., William Helps,
carpet cleaner. ,: 337,
BOARD— Furnished room, with Doard;
day boarders wanted: 385 Washington
st .-_:- ..r".---...-,..-.*..--:-.. ■: - 337-40. ,
OARD— Best table board in the city ; 21
--— Best table board in the city; 21
- ticket $3.50. 172 West Third.337
BOARD— Wanted, roomers aud boarders
BOARD— Wanted, roomers and boarders
at 312 Walnut st. ; rooms heated by fur
nace^ ;-.'■ ::.:•*■ —■'-,', *'■-.-'.■- .":■"- 337
OARD— Ono nicely furnished parlor
BOA KD— Ono nicely furnished parlor
bedroom, with board, suitable for gen
tlemau and wife, or two gentlemen. '39 East, ,
Ninth st. "■■--■--,-■.-■■■ ■■- -y--: -":■".■'• 336-38) i
BOARD— Two large front rooms for. tour,
BOAKD— Two large front rooms for tour,
with board; private family; modern con
veniences. Address CH R, Globe. 337
OARD— Wanted, day boarders at . 350
BOARD— Wanted, day boarders at 350
East Nin th St., $3.25 per week ; one fur- . "
nished front room, down stairs, for rent. 337 f
BOAKD— Board and room, with heat, tor
OAttD— Board and room, with heat, tor
four or five gents; state terms. Address; :
M. 157, Globe. ■- . . * . 337,. 1
BOARD— Wanted, two young men or youngr
marfied couple to room and board in. ;
married couple to room aud board in.,
private family: large room, furnace heat, '■
gas and bath; Iglehart St., near; St. Peterr- ;
good reference required. Address II 183,
Globe. . __ :.: ■ 337 .
BOARD -Room and board for two young' .
XJ men in a private family: $16 a month?'
323 Washington, corner of Fourth. ■;. 337:
- pleasant warm room for rent'
BOArd— A pleasant warm room for rent
- for the winter, : with first class board.
--20 College ay.. West. . 337-8
BOARD— 230 West Seventh St.— rent,
furnished. alcove room, and board; mod
ern conveniences; use of oath. 337
BOARD— First-class table board and hand-
somely furnished front pailor: block
from People's theater. 193 West Sixth st. \
337 _
BOAKD— Large front alcove room, fur-
BOAKD— Large front alcove room, fur-
nace heat, bath and first-class board
hotel style. 542 Canada st. 335-^7
BOAKD— Nicely furnished rooms with
BOAKD— Nicely furnished rooms with
board ; term s moderate. 232 West Seven
st ■ ■ ■.--.- ; : - 337
OARD— First-class table board at 170
BOARD— First-class table board at 170
West Ninth st. 337
BOAKD— 565 Canada st— tew more day
boarders wanted; also a furnished room
for rent; bath and heat. . 337
BOARD— Front room and board.- nicely
BOARD— Front room and board, nicely
furnished, with first-class board. 63
West Tenth st. 337-39
BOARD-209 Pearl st. ; parlor floor, well
furnished, en suite or single, with board*
also one small room i 5 per month. . 337-39
BOARD— A lovely front parlor for rent
BOARD— A lovely front parlor for rent
with first-class board, furnished or. un
furnished; also other pleasant rooms. 633
Cedar st. . 337-38
BOARD — Iglehart st, 64; furnished
BOARD — Iglehart St., 64; furnished
rooms heated by furnace, with board;
reasonable rates. 337-38
BOARD— A ref pectable young lady can
BOAKD A and board young winter at
get room and board for the winter at
211 Pearl st. 337-38
BOARD— Will board and room two respec-
BOARD— Will board and room two respec-
table gentlemen or ladies at 183 East
Fillmore ay.. West side. 337
BOARD— Room with board. Inquire at
BOAKD— Room with board. Inquire at
257 Selby ay. ; 337
BOA KD— Good board in private family,
BOAKD— Good board in private family,
ats67DeSoto st. . 1
BOARD— Table board, $3.50 per week;
BOAKD— Table board, $3.50 per weeK;
board and room, $4 per week; private
boarding house. Augustus Duffy, 32 East
Sixth st. - ■■■ . . ... y.. ■ ... 336-4-2
BOARD— Select table board for two. 188
BOAKD— Select table board for two. 188
East Tenth st. ■ " 337-43
BOARD— Furnished alcove room, with
BOAKD— Furnished alcove room, with
table board, suitable for gentleman and
wife or two young gentlemen ; use of bath.
27" Pleasant a v. ... . :..... 334-40
Boa ..u— w auteu, . heultiiy children to ;
BOai»_>— Wanted, heuluiy children to
board; objection. Call or ad
dress Mrs. N. M. Ross, Menomonie, Wis. .-,-";
; ■- ■■■'.: .... 333-39 -....-
BOAEij— Best weekly board in the cuy
BOARD — Best weekly board 111 the cuy
$3.-5 per week; twenty-one-meal
ticket $3 50 ; alsofurnished rooms with board i .
none but respectable men, . . 337-43 ',
B.*AKD— Elegant room and .first-class,
j board at 3-">7 North Franklin st. 332-38.
- Kt>— Best weekly board in the cuyi
$3.25 per week; twenty-one-meal ticket,
$3.50: also furnished rooms, with board*,.
459 Wabasha st. adjoining Young Men's
r-li»sf"flii n==npi«' on. 297*
__ __ _ -..- . , *■
L* — iuu», lilo . i.ullie, ! 02.< I 01,,
---D Peter st., for respectable young g':ls
only; board and lodging, $2.50 per week;'
reading room free. - 304-363
- nicely furnished front ai?j
cove, room; also single rooms; gas., ■
bath, furnace heat; table board, from $5 to '
$6 per week. 192 East Tenth st 336-37
UY . YOUR .meats at McFaul's, 562 Wa'-'"
UY YOUR meats at McFaul's, 562 W?
basba: no belter place in the city; telel
-phone 1110-2. ■' ■- .- : 337.
EADV BOAROEK— Want a boarder
Mrs. M. Reiser, 522 Ellen st. : iip stairs.
TAiITT; IJOAKD— Private family board-,^
TADL.E ItOAKD— Private family board- .
ing; a good homelise place to get your
meals; reasonable rates. 405 Broadway.
" 309-70 '■■ ■".-■■:■■■>■■. .-■:.
A111..U) COO--W anted, John Daly, if
Two Harbors, to call at 444 Jackson
St.; Room 17. _37
young Mme. Elinor A. Barstow, the
grand astrologist and hand reader, has trav
eled through the principal parts of Europe;
will remain thirty days tells past, present and
future in person or by letter; will bring back
the parted husband or lover, no matter if they
be 10.000 miles away; will tell you whether
your lover or sweetheart be false or true ; will
guarantee to Kettle family quarrels or money
refunded has charms for good luck; breaks
evil influences; also advice given to
gentlemen on' wheat market; gives lucky
numbers in lottery; can give best of
references. I was presented with elegant
gold medal. Can read the initials of a call
er's name by their hand. Fine hair tonic.
To the Public— Please take notice, a party
now in the city claiming to be a medium has
taken a copy of my notice, and she claims to
be a medium and tell names of future hus
band and wife; beware, it is done by a trick
aud is a fraud. Ladies in trouble call at
once. Mme. E. A. Barstow. Office hours,
10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Parlor, Room 17, up
stairs, second floor, 27 East Seventh st., be
tween Wabasha and Cedar, St. Paul, Minn. ;
open every day in the week, Sunday in
cluded^ •■■ .. 336-42
ATRANCEMKDIUM— Mme.Sandall, the
A TRANCE MEDlUM— Mme.Sandall, the
young Swede, tells full names of call
ers, aud the full name of your future hus
band or wife, with date of marriage, and tells
whether the one you love is true or false : not ,
a fortune teller, but a youug spirit medium.
Madame goes into a perfectly dead trance:
will bring back the parted husband or lover,
no matter if they be 10,000 miles away; will
guarantee to settle family quarrels; can also
cause speedy marriages: gives lucky numbers
in lottery. "Parlors: Room 1, up stairs, sec
ond floor. 473 Wabasha st., St. Paul, Minn.
■■■■:. . 332338: .
BEST PLACE iv tlie city for fancy baKery
BEST PLACE in tne city for fancy battery
. goods, 556 Wabasha, 337
and pure, fancy and plain, at 556 Wa
basha^ •:: . y ' . 337
JL/ Olive Branch— Radical cure for female
diseases; samples free. H. Walker. 193 Pearl
St.. St, Paul, Minn. - -■■ • ■ • 337
rpORTUNE i'ELL.i_K, nrst-classy at 254
OKTU.ISE iKLLfclt, lirst-class, at 254
JC West Seventh st. ; told with cards, 5o
cents; eggs. $1. Mrs. C. Bear. 336-349
MRS. A. BAGNELL, magnetic healer,*
KS. A. BAGNELL, magnetic heaier,
386 Broadway. 337-43
MME. D. GROASE. the reliable clairvoyiV
ME. D. GKOASE. the reliable clairvoy
ant, gives full history of life, with ad- 'I
vice on business and love, speculation also.
cures by electricity and healing power. Call
at 11 East Seventh, Rooms 3. 335-37?,
TAPEWORMS removed, with henoV
TAfr.H'OK.tts removed, with head^
within three hours; one spoonful medi
cine; no fasting. Dr. Coburu, 121 Tenth st.
north, Minneapolis. 337-343
- E K I C HEST CREAM and milk, fresh-.-
HE RICHEST CREAM and milk, fresli-
est eggs and butter in the market at 552-1
Robert st. . 337 g ■
ENGINE— Wanted, one second-hand sta
tionary or • portable engine ; 20 or 25
horse power. . Address F. R. Morgan, city. »■« :
: 333-37 1^
FURNITURE and clothiusr, second hand's
URNITURE and clothiu?. second baoityS
wanted for cash ; will call at residence; >
no publicity/Address L 127, Globe. 337-41, |
GOTO 172 WEST THIRD and get 4; \
: good oyster stew. 337 ■
KAV AND WOOD— From first hands." \
two i cars good upland wild hay and !
two cars of good hard wood. j Address C 173. . '■
Globe. ,"■ 337-339 !
HOUSE— Wanted to buy, a good central
, home cf eight or twelve rooms. Apply
to 59 Summit ay. ; : . 337
- Dealers and shipDers. Call on or write"
to J. Firestone, wholesale dealer in paper '
makers' supplies: reference, any responsible
firm in the city. . 203 Jackson st, .Si. Paul,
Minn., Telephone 753. Call 3. . 305*
"IYTANTED-.Toy BUV— A pieceof inside !
WANTED or residence property - value
business or residence property 1 value
$15,000 to $20,000; in exchange ; for other
property and cash: apply at once. - Oilman
-A- Co.. 'i 3 Wilder Mock*. * • 336-37 ;
[ -yy RYE WORKS. *",.;,;■ !
■r\ ; L. JAMIESON & CO.'S Steam Dye
■XJ. * Works— Gents" .- clothing a specialty.
Lace curtains cleaned or dyed in all shades
to look like new, at 14 West Sixth • st.. • St.
Paul. Minn. -,..r •■•■:**:, yy . 134*
E\; J: ROCHAX^N. W. Steam. Dye Works;]
F" J: KOCH AX, N. W. Steam Dye Works;
UC * office 416 Robert St., Ryan block; works
55 and 57 Indiana ay. :- 264* ;
for reitt.
Cabanne' & Swartz, y Rental
Cabanne Ob Swartz, Rental
■' '. • : -. 18 East Fourth st. ". ■'. * .
<jj»"l A[l PER MOM TH — Six-room
vPLAf.OKJ house -In good ; repair; city
water, etc. ; on Conway st. : ■ y. yy yy ,
5» A(\ PER MONTH— Nine-room bouse;
tJP'd- v/ bath, etc. ; five minutes' walk from
postoffice. ■ -.. ■••■--* .■:>,.;-■■■•: :'y- '• ■■■ ■•
ItOnVEK « MONTH— Nine-room house;
*J\J. every convenience; on : St. , Albans,
near cable line. - \ ■■ _y ■■-■■■ ■. •:-■;■••:&
--fc;On PER MONTH — Nice nine-room
wO\J house on Olive st.; city water, etc.
ajjl Ci PER MONTH— ■ good l six-room
«{pxU house, city water, barn, etc., on Con
way st. ..„•-, y : -•■' ■' ■-■ ■.■■-■ './.--/..y •- '••
' <I_l per MONTH— ; house on
$>i-U Ellen st." . -.. ■■: .yy-* :■■:>■•.■•■■•
aj»*|/'k PER MONTH— Five-room house in
»fl>JLv/ good repair on St. Anthony aye., near
Dale. ; -.- :-. ; -.■■•■ * " y.y.^.y-' -,:yyy
6) . \ — BIGHT-ROOM HOUSE — City
*$&\J water; storm sash and doors ; good
barn. On Rondo st., near Western aye.
tf/^n PER MONTH— new uine
«P-/\J room house, brick: hot and cold
water, bath, etc., etc.; on Park aye., near
Wabasha; cheap. • • ■ -y ; ' '.'-.". ■ -■* -
HOUSES AND FLATS in all parts of tho
ci ty or rent. Cabanne & Swartz, No. 1 8
East Fourth st. -,: 337
Edward Coming's For Bent
; '■ '.• -,'■ ■:" ..' list. .;' '-'.'y:"'-.7
T-JN-BOOM HOCȣ on Wabasha St.;
TEN-ROOM HOU*E on Wabasha St.;
modern improvements ; $50 per month.
EIGHT-ROOM HOUSE on Iglehart St.;
modern improvements; $35. -
TWO NEW HOUSES; ten rooms each;
near Irvine Park; modern improve
ments: at low rent .
C EVEN-BOOM HOUSE on Acker st. ; $15.
EN-RooM HOUSE on Pleasant ay.;
with stable. |
TVTINE-ROOM HOUSE on Prairie st. ; $25.
rp EN-BOOM HOUSE on Kamsey Et ; $35.
rpEN-ROOM HOUSE on Ifamsey st ; $35.
WKLVK-KOOM HOUsE on Mississippi
- st. ; $35.
STOKES on Mississippi and Broadway
sts., at low rent. Edward Corning, 317
Jackson. _________ 337
: Houses. .
M'FAUL, dealer in all kinds of f resn.
• - salt and smoked meats, poultry, fresh
fish, oysters and game; 562 Wabasha; tele
phone '1110-2. 337
BOARD— Best table board in the city; 21
- ticket $3.5". 172 West Third. 337
COTTAGE, * with modern Improvements
and beautiful grounds, for rent at low
price until May 1, 1889, if taken at once. D.
11. Michaud, 333 Jackson st. *. 337
COTTAGE- A cottage of five rooms for
rent at 312 Maria ay. ."■•." 337
COTTAG c— Seven rooms: city water; rent,
J $25. Apply 91 East Eighth st. 337
HOUSE— house and several tenements
for rent, from $20, $15, $10, $8, $6; 254
Commercial st. ■ ... 143*
GO TO 550 ABASH A for the purest
confections in the city. . • 337
HOUSE— For rent, house of seven rooms,
with city water and bath, .sl7; also
house of ten rooms, $25. 295 Martin st.
335 37
HOUSE— Half double house for rent, at
192 Martin St., and barn. Inquire at
600 Cedar st. : - 337-40
HOUSE— For rent, a desirable four-room
house, with city water, on Sixth St.. be
t '*een Bates and Maple. Inquire at 381
Bate ay. ■ - ■- ■ -:• -■ ■'■■- -337
MuU..ii- A good six-room house on Ark-
wnghtst. for $12 per month: also five
rooms, first floor of house 216 Bates ay., for
$15 per month; all in good repair. C. G.
Lewis, 209 East Seventh St., St. Paul.
_y " 335-38
HOUSr.— A house ot ihiee rooms on Vir
ginia ay., No. 254. Inquire at 143
West Fourth st. - 337-39
t_f_^ — ! ! i
HOUSE— To rent, furnished nine-room
iO bouse; owner will take board for rent.
JA'ddrcss J 104. Globe. "337-39
HOUSE of seven rooms, $10 per month,
suitable tor two families, on Como ay.
Inquire at 451 St. Peter st. 337
HOUSE— Nine-room house. 333 East
LEI Sixth St.; ■■■■■...::.; 337
HOUSE— For rent, new 8-room house by
Maguire Bros., 117 West Sixth st. 337
HOUSE— For rent, new seven-room house
Vj in neighborhood; $17 per month.
'Ml. 182, Globe. ■■■■-■-■- *•- ■■■■■ -*. ■.--it ■'-. 337
HOUSE— For rent, house of three rooms,
' kitchen, woodshed. So. 327 Pleasant
!av. ."■•■;- 337-39
OUSE— For rent. 30 Summit ay., corner.
St. Peter st. C. '"nox, Davidson Block.
- -337 ■■■ ■ ■ ...v. -■:...■.-
HOUSE— rent immediately, house on
Grove, between Canada and Broadway;
storm sash, etc. Apply at 187 Grove or
Pearl. 337
HOUSE— house : • seven rooms ;
furnace heat; on hill, one block from
cable: will rent for three or six months. C
171 Globe. 337
OUSE— For rent, 283 West Seventh St.,
house, with modern conveniences. In
quire G. L. Rochat. 1 o West Third st.
HOUSE— house, with a stable.
to let: $20. 467 Marshall ay. 337-38
HOUS I.— warm six-room house; cen
trally located : water and sewer; cheap.
Inquire at 500 St. Peter st. 337
HOUSE— rent, new five room houses,
with cellars, good neighborhood, near
streetcars; $8 to $12 per month. Apply to
William B. chapin. 108 East Fourth st. 337
OUSE— Good seven-room house on
. Maria ay. : $3,800 on easy terms, or will
exchange for city lots. J. H. Lynch, 133
East Fifth St., Espy Block. 337
HOUSE— For rent, v seven-room bouse,
cheap; half block from street car. 600
Fauquier st. ."..... 337
HOUSE— For rent, house No. 2« College
ay., 15 rooms and all modern improve-
Inquire at 561 St. Peter 337-39
HOUSE— For rent, a small brick house on
Charles St., 192, between Rice and
Main sts. Apply to Louis Singer, next door.
■ .... . . -■.-.■ ; 337 .-.-■ yy- ;" - "." *
HOUSE— house, 284. Summit
Place; eood cellar, cistern and city
water; $23 per month. Call at 219 Louis st.
j 337
HOUSE— rent, at 161 Aurora ay.
, ; 337
HOUSE— At White Bear, rent free, until
May 1, to responsible party. Address
M. P., 382 Walnut St., St. Paul. .. 337
HOUSE— house, 289 Summit
Place; cistern and city water; $17 per
month. Call at 219 Louis st 337
HOUSE— For rent, $15 per month, nice
new six-room house, corner Arundel and
Ellen sis. Call 433 Ellen, st. or 51 Court
block. 337-40
HOUSE— For rent, a ten-room house on
Tenth st., between Olive and Pine. In
quire at 522 Broadway. 336-37
HOUSE— Part, or all, of a nice se.ven-room
house in a good location; partly fur
nished or unfurnished; reasonable terms.
Address C 165, Globe. - ■--•■- 337-43
HOUSE— six-room house; back plas
tered: storm windows; very warm; large
'cellar and cistern : $20. Hamilton & Gregg,
23 Gilfillan block. ~ 337
HOUSE— house of eight rooms, No.
610 Mississippi st., on line of street car
and pavement. Apply secon door. 336-39
HOUSE— good seven-room house for
rent at $16 monthly. Inquire at 584
JRlcest . ■•••.• 336-37
HOUSE— To rent, house of seven rooms,
with bath; modern conveniences; Cen-
I tral terrace. No. 48 Central aye. i George L.
jHendrickson. 319 Jackson. 336-37
HOUSES— For rent, several desirable
brick residences on Portland - ay., near
Rents!,; modern improvements; terms rea
sonable. Apply 100 Globe Building.
I 314-343 .
r ; ~ ~~ ~ " — ; — : ;
A PACKAGE of Kirk's Famous Admiral
free to all purchasers of one pound of
Tea, two pounds ot Coffee or one can of Bait
ing Powder at the China Tea House, 58 East
Seventh st, on Monday, Dec. ■■ 3, and ■ week
following. . : "-•-- ■-..,' 337
BE SURE your shirts .will fit by having
them . made to order at Toftley's, 27
East Seventh; send j for direction for self
measurement. ■";. :.:...;. 337
BOARD— Best table board in the city; - 21
- ticket $3.50. 172 West Third. 337.
BROADWAY, 497— Nicely furnished
J5 • front parlor, with or without board. ...
t.. .. ' ■-...■ ■..■ ■:.'■- 337-38 *-r::r< ■-::.•■:. "
BROADWAY, 489— For reut, : a m»lium-
sized furnished room in private family.
;■ ■■■'■: ■■■:■ y 336-37 yy yy:y. -■■■.•*-:•/■•
BUY YOUR meats at McFaul's, 562 "Wa-
caska: no better place in the city; tele
phone .1110-2. /yyj.yyy:^-':. ■: 337
AN AD A ST., Furnished .rooms to,
rent; near business center and cars; heat.
bath, etc. -,- y '.■-. y . y yiyyy : 337-38
CANADA ST., . Furnished : rooms;
_•_ conveniences : also ■„ gentleman * wishes
room-mate of good habits. y 337-343
;'yyV;.->;y FOR RUNT. '■•■■
CARROLL ST., 2-10— nicely tur-
- nlshed large front rooms (one with al-
cove), en suite or separate, y . . ■ 337-38
CEDAR ST., 600— Two nicely furnished
rooms for rent. y - 337-40
CEDAR ST., 530— Large, handsome al-
GEDAR ST., 530— Large, large closets:
cove ? front ' room ; : two largo closets ;
bath ; also a very pleasant single room ;
furnace heat. . yy .. . .337
CEDAR ST., 476— Nicely furnished, front
rooms. ■ --.. .: ;-.■-■. 337-38
CEDAR ST.. Pleasant furnished
rooms, single and en suite: board if de-
sired; location central. ■":: 336-37
HICKENS, turkeys, fresh fish, oysters
and game, at McFaul's, 562 Wabasha.
Telephone 1110-2. 337
COLLEGE AYE., 45— For housekeeping,
furnished rooms, with city water. 337
(COLLEGE AYE.. 24, WEST— For ren t
COLLEGE rooms, 24, WEST— For rent
first-class rooms, single and en suite;
steam heat and bath; board if desired; just
changed hands and refurnished. 336-37
COLLEGE A Y., 24, WEST— Elegantly
J furnished suite of parlors foi rent;
-team heat and bath. 337
CIOMO AY., Three doors east of Rice
'. . Two nice unfurnished front rooms,
ground floor; rent SO. 337
EIGHTH ST., 399, EAST— rent, heat-
ed room; newly furnished; good loca
tion and private family, at 88 per month.
-y . 337 ■■■,■■■,-. .
EIGHTH ST., 257. EAST— For rent, two
; nicely nirnished rooms. "- 337-43
EIGHTH ST., 217, EAST— One nicely
EIGHTH ST., 217, EAST— One nicely
furnished room to rent, with or without
board. - 337
EIGHTH ST., 229— Pleasant unfurnished
rooms for housekeeping, upper or lower
floor, to parties without children; private
family; desirable location. : . 335-3S
ELEVENTH ST.. 99, EAST-Pleasant
furnished room ; closet; first-class heat;
rent cheap; suitable for gentleman. 337
ELEVENTH ST., 74, EAST— Furnished
- room, with alcove, suitable for two gen-
tlemen. in private house. - 337
ELLEN ST., Furnished front room ;
heated; cheat) ; one block from street
cars. ■ . ;-..*. . 337
UROPEANii^rtfil., 313 itiuri si .
next to German American Bank; ele
gant rooms, modern conveniences; reasona
ble prices. Office, room 2. 273*
EXCHANGE ST.;- 388, heat and bath.
nished rooms: furnace heat and bath.
'.''■■■ 336-3*
EXCHANGE ST.,3B2, NORTH— For rent.
rooms; single or en suite use of bath.
y-:y;-. _. .- 337 ■■- •- ■ . ■ ■
nished rooms for rent; modern conven
iences. • 337-38
FIFTEENTH ST., 223— Five nice rooms
for family use; city water. 3M7-38
EIFTH ST., 232, WEST— Pleasant fur-
FIFTH ST., 232, WEST— Pleasant fur-
nished room in private family one block
from Seven comers. 337
LA T— 3S9 Maria ay., Dayton's bluff;
furnished flat, ground floor, mondern,
conveniences; use of cellar and large attic.
707 East Third st. 337
FLAT— For rent, pleasant flat of tour or
five rooms in new house, and furniture
for sale ; good chance for young couple. Call
4l9Mt. Ida st. 337
FLATS, FLATS, FLATS— Seventeen flats
FLATS, FLATS, FLATS— Seventeen flats
for rent or lease at reasonable rates in J.
F. Eisenmenger's new brick bulletins:, corner
Rice and Wabasha sts. Call on J. F. Eisen-
menger, 472 Rice st. ; office hours from Bto
10 a. m. and 1 to 3 r- m. 337-43
front room, furnished; cheap for the
winter. .- 337-43
FORT ST., 459— Furnished tront room,
ORT ST., 459— Furnished tront room,
' suitable for two or three ; one room
heated, with use of kitchen, for $8. 337
FOURTEENTH ST., 211— Two good
rooms for housekeeping; water, pantry
and closet. ,y -• 337
FOURTH ST., 60, WEST— Furnished
front room; suitable for two gentlemen.
* 337-38
FOURTH . ST., 14, WEST — Furnished
rooms; steam heat; Hotel Brunswick.
FOURTH ST., 125 WEST— Two medlum-
FOURTH ST., 125 WEST— Two medium-
sized rooms 337
OURTH ST., 150 EAS i —Elegantly tur-
nlshed rooms, single, double or en suite;
• gentlemen preferred : terms reasonable. , 300*
Fifth and Sixth— desirable front
rooms.furnished; modern conveniences. 337
FRESH, SALT aud smoked meats poultry,
fresh fish, oysters and game at McFaul's,
502 Wabasha; telephone 1110-2. . 337
GO TO 556 WABASHA for the purest
confections in the city. . 337
JGLEHAKT ST.. 233— For rent, one back
room or two front rooms; furnished or
unfurnished. 337
IGLEHART ST., 11J1— Nicely furnished
room for gentleman: board if desired.
. r-y,:. .■•■■■; . ■■ ■ 337-38
JACKSON, 621— Nicely furnished front
room; heated; use of bath; private fam
ily. 337
JACKSON ST., 632— Four pleasant rooms,
with modern conveniences, $20 per
month;. centrally located. 337-339
ACKS.ON ST., 638— Furnished rooms,
with or without board; private family;
reasonable ; references exchanged. 337
LAUREL A Y., 546 -Furnished rooms;
warm; conveniences; near cable cars;
special low rent for winter. . 337
MARIA AY., 444— A largo front room,
newly furnished, in private family;
suitable for one or two gents; modern im
provements. 337
M~ T. AIRY ST., 144, 15T FLOOR—
for rent, with or without board, in pri
vate family. - • 337
NASH ST., 219— For rent, six large rooms
in new house, with water and service.
Inquire 558 L'Orient st. 337-310
INTH ST., 9. WEST— Two neat, com-
NINTH ST.. 9. WEST— Two neat, com-
fortable furnished rooms. 337-38
INTH ST., 27, -EAST— Two pleasant
furnished rooms suitable for two: 86
and $8 per month. 336 37
NINTH ST., 174, WEST— Fine rooms for
rent. " ■-■■..- ■■ • ' 337
INTH ST., 210, EAST— Corner Sibley—
NINTH ST„ 210, EAST— Corner rooms,
Two nicely furnished front rooms,
cheap for the winter. 337
■TV] INTH ST., 13, EAST— Suite of fur-
TV INTH ST., 13, EAST— Suite of fur-
ii nished rooms in a cottage, 815. 337
AX ST., 387, NORTH— Pleasant room
AX ST., 387, NORTH— Pleasant room
in private family, suitable for one or
two; all conveniences. 337-38
OAK ST., 395. NORTH— front al-
cove room to rent in private family,
with or without board. . . 337
EARL ST., 213— Elegantly furnished
rooms en suite or single, with or with-
out board; modern convenience. 337
PLOFLE living in blocks, and not having
the room to stow large quantities of coal
or wood, can have their orders filled prompt-
ly from 50 cents np at J. C. Hanley's, corner
Eighth and Wacouta. 337
PLEASANT AY., 222— Furnished front
room, with or without heat: very cheap.
LEASANT AYE., 166— Large furnished
front room, with heat, for married couple
or two gentlemen. 337
PLEASANT AY., 161— Two pleasant fur-
nished rooms : one with alcove; bath
room ; private family. 337
PLEASANT AY., 234— Rooms and stable
for rent. 337
RICE ST., 455— Four rooms for rent. i
' 337
RICE ST., 299, corner Iglehart, four
blocks from capitol— Large, handsome
and well furnished rooms, cheap. 337
J) ICE, • 257— Two . elegantly furnished
V rooms with furnace heat and bath ; rent
reasonable. . . . 337
ROBERT ST., 562— For rent, furnished
room, first floor, with heat, 337
ROBERT ST., 533— One nicely furnished
OBEKT ST., 533— One nicely furnished
room with use of bath for 86 per
month ; private family. 336-37
OBERT ST., 343— Newly furnished
OBERT ST., 343— Newly furnished
rooms; all modern conveniences; next
to German-American National bank. Call at
Room 2. . 249*
RONDO STREET, 489- Four large
rooms for rent; street cars pass door. 337.
ONDO ST., 349— Corner Virginiaav.— To
ONDO ST., 349— Corner Virginia ay.— To
rent unfurnished, four rooms; woodshed
and water ; street car passing door. , . 337
ROOM— To rent, front alcove room; gas,
: bath and steam heat: suitable for gen*
tleman and wife, or two ladies: privilege of
cooking breakfast and tea. Address II 175,
Globe. ■■•■.."'■;.'■■■ -. : 336-337
ROOM— rent, room, furnished, to a
young lady ; references exchanged. Ad-
dress A 135. Globe. 337
ROOM— Nicely furnished front - room,
ROOM— Nicely furnished front room,
with or without * board. -Apply 19
West Tenth st . .- : '■ .y 337
ROOM— For rent, large,* handsomely fur-
- nished, second-story front room; two
closets: furnace:' all modern improvements;
on cable line. Address M 154, Globe. 337
ROOM— For rent, nice alcove room for
• gentleman and .wife or three young
men; sunny and nice; good location; pri
vate j family; . reference. Address * A 138,
Globe. -: ■ - 337
ROOMMATE wanted; traveling man pre-
ferred; references exchanged. Ad-
dress M 171, Globe. y yy y•: 337
y: .-/FOR RENT.
OOM-M ATE— Wanted, ■;. a respectable
- gentleman room-mate; central location;
Catholic preferred. Address U 162, Globe.
.""■>■-■■•-■: --■-.-.. 336 37 -■- yy-.y.'.
ROOMMATE — Young lady roommate
wanted; two pleasantly heated rooms ;
location central; terms $6 per month. Ad-
dress L 130, Globe. ■•-'■: ..- . : 337
ROOMMATE— Wanted, a respectable
ROOMMATE— Wanted, a respectable
;■ young lady roommate;. room 810 with
use of parlor if * desired. Address J. 167,
Globe. ■ -?..-.,y -■;..■ ,337
OOMMATE — Wanted, gentleman of
ROOMMATE*— Wanted,' neat, well of
good .habits ■; to share a neat, well fur-
nished, heated room ; references exchanged.
Address T 125, Globe.' ■•*■.; **.•;-.- ■-. -y 336-37
ROOMS— Three unfurnished ground
floor, cheap to family without children.
Apply at 332 Waconta st. . . 337
ROOMS— For rent, College ay.. double par-
lors handsomely furnished, to gentle-
man and wife;, board if desired; all conven
iences; small private family. Address, with
references. B 107, Globe. > 337
ROOMS— For rent, . two or three unfur
nished rooms, cheap, to a party with
reference. ;■ Apply 293 Rondo st. 337
ROOMS— Pleasant unfurnished rooms for
housekeeping; Knauft block, Seventh
and Pine. Inquire 139 Seventh st. 337-38
ROOMS— furnished rooms, with
• heat; '-moaern conveniences Broad-
way, near the Portland; references. Ad-
dress A 115. Globe. , 337-38
ROOMS— For rent, seven rooms; modern
■ improvemenls; $2 >. Inquire at 950
West Seventh, corner of Toronto st. 337-39
ROOMS— Cosy rooms with board, for
gentlemen, single or en suite: half
block from seventh st., 459 Wabasha st.c_3
ROOMS— For rent, three large rooms in
business center: splendid chance for a
good dressmaker. Address M 154, Globe.
337 |
ROOMS— floor, five rooms, water
and use of cellar; rent moderate. In-
quire 353 Yon Mindeu. 337
SEVENTH ST., 224, WEST— Sunny and
neatly furnished front room, with all
conveniences; suitable for one or two gentle-
men or gentleman and wife; call in the aft-
ernoon. 3:14-38
SEVENTH ST.. 533, WEST— For rent,
two unfurnished rooms. 337
EVENTH ST., 222, EAST— For rem,
EVENTH ST.,. 222, EAST— For rem,
'. forty rooms, to one party only: modern
conveniences: rent cheap. Inquire 272 Jack-
son st. William Constans. 332-38
SEVENTH ST., 44, EAST— WeII fur-
nished front rooms; none but respect-
able persons need apply. Room 17. 336-37
SEVENTH ST., 847, EAST— rent,
a furnished room; cheap; in private
family. 337
O Floor— Three newly-furnished rooms
for rent, to gentlemen only. 337-38
EVENTH ST., 309. WEST— For rent,
EVENTH ST., 309. WEST— For rent,
small furnished room; 84.50 per month;
lady preferred. 337
EVENTH ST., 151 WEST— Two unfur-
EVENTH ST., 151 WEST— Two unfur
nished rooms for rent. 337
EVENTH ST., 423. EAST— For rent,
• two or three unfurnished front rooms
for housekeeping; city water. 337
SEVENTH ST., WEST, 224— One alcove
room and one single room; all conven
iences: centrally; gentlemen. 337
SEVENTH ST., 272, EAST— Rooms warm
O and convenient for housekeeping; refer-
ences. ■:■■' 337
EVENTH ST., 424. EAST— Two front
rooms for rent, partly furnished. 336-37
SIXTH ST., 96, EAST— Furnished room;
bedroom suitable for one or two gentle-
men; heated; price reasonable. 337
SIXTH ST., 193, WEST— Block from Peo-
SIXTH ST., 193, WEST— Block from Peo
ple's theater — Handsomely furnished
front parlor, first floor; first-class board if
desired. ■ 337
SOMERSET ST., 315— Three rooms fur-
nished for light housekeeping; $12. 337
PRUCE ST., Furnished rooms.
■ ■ . '■ " ■ 337
alcove, suitable for four young men ;
! furnace heat and use of bath; also one
cheaper room. 336-37
SPRUCE ST., 231— Nicely furnished
PRUCE ST\j 231— Nicely furnished
rooms, suitable for one or two gentle-
men ; use of bath. 337-38
ST. PETER, 555-Spleudid furnished
ST. PETER, 555— Splendid furnished
room ; small room attached ; gentlemen
only ••■•■■ . . 337 38
ST. PETER ST., 451— furnished
rooms, near Market house, suitable for
light housekeeping; very cheap. 337
T. PETER ST.. 513V_-N'icely furnished
rooms for ST.. en suite or single; also
rooms for rent, en suite or single; also
424 Wabasha St., corner of Seventh st.
337-38 •~ " ■■
ST. PETER ST., 57«, Between College
ST. PETER ST., 57*, Between College
and Summit Av6.— Furnished room,suit-
able for one or two gentlemen. 337
T. PETER ST., 457— Second Floor— One
furnished front room for rent. 337
ST. PETER ST.. 315, between Third ana
Fourth— Elegantly furnished rooms; all
modern conveniences. E. L. Johnson. 32
CJUMMIT AY., 93— Corner of Rice St.—
Two unfurnished Corner of Rice wa
t Two unfurnished rooms, with city wa
ter. - • ■■• ■ " -.y 337
SUMMIT AYE., 90— Neatly furnished
room with heat; $8 per month. 337
SUMMIT PLACE, 294— rent, three
rooms up stairs. ** 337-39
TEMPERANCE ST., 470— Between
Eighth and Ninth sts. — Furnished
rooms, with or without board. 337-38
EMPERANCE ST., 526, near corner
Tenth— Furnished mom and alcove on
first floor; use of bath; cheap to one of two
parties. 337
TENTH ST., 103, WEST— For rent, four
large rooms, with all conveniences, at
$15 a month, until May 1. 1889. Inquire of
Handy & Handy, 2 4 Grand Block. 337
TENTH ST., 226, EAST— newly
furnished front rooms; new house, gas,
bath and furnace. 337
rpisNTH ST., 205 EAST.— A. small, pleas-
JL ant, furnished room in central location;
rent 86.. 335-37
ENTH ST., 37, EAST— Large front room
with alcove, elegantly furnished; fur-
nace heat and bath; for gentleman and wife
or two young men. ■..- ■• . ... - 337
ENTH ST.. 286, EAST, Second Door
from Furnished rooms in suite
or single; private family; heat, gas and bath.
TENTH ST.. 217, EAST— For rent, three
famished rooms. <; 337
TENTH ST.; 200 EAST— Large alcove
room, with bath; ten minutes' walk from
naiou depot 332-37
HERD ST., 257 WEST— desirable
front rooms: en suite or single; very
reasonable for the winter. 337
TILTON ST., 17— Nicely furnished front
room, with all modem Improvements.
" 337-38 ..
WELFTH ST., 61— Nectly furnished
room with stove, near capitol, $5 per
month. • ■ • ' 336-37
NIVERSITV AY., 19<* — Half block
from Rice— For rent, one or two rooms,
unfurnishea or partly furnished. 337-38
WABASHA ST., 515— Furnished rooms
at moderate prices. Capitol hotel. 337
ABASHA ST., 473— Nicely furnished
-- rooms to rent by day, week or month;
open any time; strangers always find fur-
nished rooms at 473 Wabasha st. 333-45
Drug Furnished rooms, single
or en suite; also front rooms suitable for
offices. ;..- ■ 337-66
WILKIN ST.. 22— Comfortably furnished
room; heat and bath; $10 per mouth.
■ " 337-338 .
• Stores.
STOKE— For rent, store at No. 23- East
Seventh st. ; 25x90 feet: four floors, with
elevator. Inquire 272 Jackson st. William
Constans. ■ . 332-38
STORE— rent cheap, store with living
rooms on Broadway, near Mississippi.
Inquire at 507 Wabasha st. 337-39
STOKE— store, 59 East Fifth st,,
opposite court house; cheap rent; apply
57 East Fifth st. . . .. 333-39
Offices. °
OFFICE— For rent, fine office, second
floor Herbst block ; cheap, if taken at
once. Inquire H. H. Herbst, 186 East * Sev
enth st. ..:-. . 335-37
FFICE—For rent, first flat, room 2, suit-
OFFlCE—Forrent first flat, room 2, suit-
able for real estate. Apply at-room 1.
■yy.- -.■:, ■- .-.;•. 337 - '.■...
Cheap, in the center of the wholesale
district. i Apply 288 Jackson St., below Third
st." ■:■■•■■ :. ■■■■■ *-.'■• •■■•■■ •■"•■ "■ 337.
BASEMENT— For rent, basement 25 East
Seventh '•■■_.■'■ Inquire of Donohue &
Bicnnan. •■-'- * ' ■■ - -'■■ 297*
story building, with basement ; also two
story building on corner of Fourth and Ex
change sts. ; all now occupied as a tinware
factory by The Home & Danz Co. ; buildings
49x98 ; can be nsed for any kind of business,
or for manufacturing .purposes;: elevator;
power if desired; will be rented separately or
together; possession given Jan. 1. .' For fur-
ther particulars apply to The Homo & Danz
Co.i Fourth and Exchange sts., St. Paul. *337
"■;' '..'. .; FOB RENT, y •
y miscellaneous—
BARN— A small barn to let cheap. Inquire
. at 31 South Forbes st. . 337
LAUNDRY— For rent, desirable location
In lower town for a laundry; waier,
tubs, etc., all in; convenient location; rea
sonable rent. Apply to Bristol i & Loomls,
322 Jackson st. ■ 337
BUSINESS CHAc¥€l_3. .":
Office of McKcnney A* Self.
Entrance 338 Cedar St., Union Block; Room
■ ■ .' 83. y - . -
7 -ROOM house on Broad way, full good
-KOOM House on Broadway, full good
roomers: house for lease ana furniture
for sale at a sacrifice.
ESTAUKANT and saloon on best street
in city at a great sacrifice; bar business
875 per day. • ,
FLAT ROOMS of 12 on East Seventh st;
full good roomers; clearing 860 per
month above rent: look this up; furniture
for sale; easy terms.
WANTED— A partner in livery stable;
must be steady man; small capital re-
LATS from 10 to 20 rooms in all parts of
the city can be had by buying furniture:
small payment down, balance in Install-
ment^ ---.^y...-'
CIGAR and confectionery store on Broad-
v>- way; living rooms attached; a snap.
HOUSES in all parts of the city, from 12
to 30 rooms, can be had cheap and easy
terms. Come and look over what we have
and satisfy yourselves. We can put you into
business from 8100 up. ■'.--' ;-.-'. ■--,-{
COME and see our fine rooming house;
beautiful brick terrace, electric bells,
bath and gas; furniture for sale.
COME and look over our line of cigar
stores; cheap and easy terms. ■ ■
WE HAVE flue boarding bouse to trade
for cigar store. Come and sec us for
what you want In any line. - '. v ••*-.:
BUTCHER SHOPS, livery stables, flats,
boarding houses, restaurants, - hotels.
McKennev & Self, 338 Cedar St.. Union
Mock, Room 83. , 337
X. T. Root & Co., .
Business Changes and Rental Agency, 186
East Seventh st. " • y ;
$250. 8300, $400, 8000 and 8700. Take
your choice. .
BOARDING HOUSE— Splendidly lo
cated; twenty-five boarders: always-
full and has always paid ; owner sick and
must vo it up : very cheap. .
FLATS— Do you want a house, 4 rooms
with bath; elegantly furnished, includ-
ing a No. I piano; everything first-class;
long lease; rent only 820. no other families
In building; rent very cheap to tho right
party. -y -..■• ■-
A NOTHEK— rooms, 10 fur-
nished; money maker; never known
to have a vacant room; long lease aud very
low rent: the price will astonish you. S.
V. Root & Co.. 186 East Seventh st. 337
miscellaneous Business Chances
GOOD CHANCE— The store of A. 11.
Loblker. 221 East Seventh St.. being
carpet and furniture business, for rent and
stock for sale, this business being a success
for the last twenty years. 334-40
N EXPERIENCED business man
wishes to purchase half or full interest
in a cash business, city or country; can fur-
nish $1,000 to 81,500 cash. Address M 1«0.
Globe. 337
A SHARP, shrewd man with 8150 to take a
third interest in a new money-making
business. Address W 158,. G10be. 337
ARBER SHOP— sale, a good barber
shop of four chairs: bath rooms; all In
good order. Address M 163, Globe. 336-42
sell to the highest cash bidder the butch-
er's outfit of Fred J. Rank, Insolvent, con-
sisting of wagons, sleigh, counters, scales,
etc. Address M. P. Moriarty, assignee, Room
112, Globe building. ,37-39
DRUGGISTS with small capital can got a
bargain in good country town, Minne
sota; old established paying business; rent
low. A, Noyes Bros. <_ Cutler, St.
Paul. . ;■ - 333 39
DRUG STOCK— For sale, first-rate stand
in one of best cities in Southern Minne
sota: established twenty-five years: stock
and fixtures about 84.000; doing upwards of
810,000 yearly at good profits; terms easy,
but no land wanted. C. Dawson. Noyes
Bros & Cutler, St. Paul. 337-38
DRUG STORES— Business $ 2 daily;
cheap rent; Minnesota; best county;
terms 8500. stock '$1,500; terms verveasy;
also city, stock $6,000, business $12,500;
terms part cash, time or good property bal- ■
ance; what have you to offer for drug stocks;
business paying B* to 80.000 net yearly?
some cash must accompany: investigate our
druggists' bargains; principals communicate
direct; the curious not invited. N.W. Drug-
gist Agency, 303 Jackson. 337
RUG STORES doing $18 to 835 business
daily in city and country for from $1,200
to $1,1/0'; small cash payment, balance time
or good real estate; communications direct
between principals. N. W. Druggist Agency,
303 Jackson st. 336-337
FOR SALE— Saloon fixtures and all per-
taining to first-class bar; building con-
tains three rooms on first floor and six on
second floor, all in first-class order. And
one with small means has a gold mine in
buying this house and lot. Saloon rents for
800 per month as long as wanted. Address
P 151, Globe. 333-39
FOR SALE— The Opera House Grocery, of
Duluth; this store is recognized as one
of the leading houses in the state, and doing
an immense and profitable business; cash
required about $8,000 to $10,000; present
. proprietor has other matters demanding bis
attention. . 337
FOX SALE— One-story blacksmith shop,
OR SALE— One-story blacksmith shop,
. lot, stock and tools in a thriving town
in Northwestern lowa: splendid location and
no opposition: shop 24x56x10 feet; lot 37t"t
xlso feet: building and tools in No. 1 order;
will sell at a bargain on account of 111 health.
Address 166, Globe. * 331-40
FURNITURE, first-class, to be sold ; houso
in desirable location, with roomers: fur-
nace heat; modern conveniences. Address
M, Globe. 337
and Physicians' Agency and Drug
Clerks' Registry Oflice, 303 Jackson St.— Do
you want to sell or buy a drug business?
Send for out original and inexpensive
method, or list of stocks in all states and
territories, or apply to us if you want n re-
liable clerk; no charges; locations furnished
for physicians and druggists; principals
communicate direct with each other: offices
in all principal cities. W. R. Webster. Man-
ager St. Paul oflice. r ; 33238
PARTNER— A reliable man to take half
PARTNER— A reliable mau to take half
or quarter interest and management of
drug store; business $25 daily; stock $4,000;
town 1,500; expenses, light; physician
owns store; practice so extensive must have
partner; a golden opportunity for a clerk
with a little cash. N. W. Druggist Agency,
303 Jackson. ," . . ' -...•• 337
PUXSICIAN— Wanted, a good, expcrl-
• enced German physician to locate In
town of 2,500: A No. 1 opening for a good,
man. Address X A B, Lyman-Eliel Drug Co.
Minneapolis. ■" ■■" - ■■; 337
P"- HYSICIAN— Wauted, first-class physi-
PHYSICIAN— Wanted.* first-class physi
cian, one that speaks Norweclan and
English; excellent offices over store, and
influence of same established over twenty-
five years. R. A. Wilson, Black River Falls,
Wis. . 337-39
PHYSICIANS can stnp into a good prac
tice In good outside town; full support
of druggists: no bonus. N. W. Druggist
Agency, 303 Jackson st. .337
TAILOR wanted; one who can cut pre-
ferred, to take half interest in tailoring
establishment; must have $1,000, or real es
tate to that amount. Address M 15 6. f'lolie.
HE BEST FANCY' li.Vi\Ej'X »»».»oh
In the city at 550 Wabasha. 337
W~~ ANTED— A party with not less than
$3,000 cash capital or good security to
handle a specialty trade assured by manufac
turer. Address E 160, Globe. 337
WAN 1 ED— A live businessman asa part-
ncr, with from $1,000 to $1,500 capi
tal, to purchase a paying, established busi-
ness, in which I am the oldest employe. Ad-
dress B 190, Globe. . 337
ANTED— Man to take one halt interest
WANTED— Man to take one halt Interest
in good office business; will guarantee
8100 per month for one year: price. S3ix>;
don't answer unless yon have the cash and
can leave city. Address Lock Box 468. La
Crosse, Wis. 330-338
WE WANT THREE good cians. a
German. Scandinavian and American,
to accept established practice worth $2,500
yearly, in good towns in Minnesota. Dakota
and Wisconsin; no bonus. N. W. Druggist
Agency. 3"3 Jackson. 337
BOARD without children desire
board, room aud bath with privat
family; $40 per month. Address J Mil.
Globe. 337
BOARD— Room and board warned in pri
vate family, within fifteen minutes'
walk from postoffice ; terms moderate. Ad- .
dress A K. Globe. 337
■ _-% , - results, largest circulation and
__#_-. _> * most advantageous rates are
_0 £#__»# given by the ulok-, Ihe great
~-w-w.-* '-Want medium.