I I I . ______________ ■ ' ' ■■'» GREATEST SACRIFICE SALE OF nil If n I EVER Particular attention is called to our Special Sale of GREATEST SACRIFICE SALE OF lj ILI\ U i KNOWN. N B jftj SrHINn > Oil NII 111 I! On March sat the Great Auction Sale of Silks at Townsend & Montant's, in New il _» f I OB 111 11 U Ui 1 _____ *U ..j OOU_LIO_3 York, when immense quantities of Silks were sold at prices less than half the cost of •1 ? ~ " " manufacture, our representative was one of the buyers, and loaded us down with an Our present collection of New Spring Novelties far exceeds in variety and elegance extraordinary large stock of Silks. Of course they were bought cheap, but we can't . anything ever befose displayed by any house in this city. We will have on sale Mon afford to keep them, and something extraordinary must be done to lighten this exten- day our own importation of HIGH ART NOVELTIES in French Pattern Dresses sive stock, and we mean to accomplish it by selling quantities at lower prices than confined exclusively to our house. French Persian Stripes, Side Bands, Bordure Robes most houses own their Silks at. They are chiefly Black Silks, which are going to be Silk -Embroidered Fronts and Jaquards in the latest Empire and Directoire designs, very fashionable. A genuine saving of 25c to 75c a yard to be made by buying of us IN ORDER to lend an impetus to this Grand Opening Sale, we have decided to this week. -. offer the following SPECIAL B ARGAINS for this week: I i. AT 65c ON THE DOLLAR. w-vw-w- . 12.50 , $15, ins and up. 01 '•' °' -IN* — — >||j| £#1 We will place on sale To-Mdrrow (Monday), in oup Lace - "~ JACKETS made of hroadcioath, a. q 1 o_n 14 4f) m HI nil De P We will place sale To-Morrow (Monday), in our Lace French Silk-Finish Pd HpnriPtta. - JACKETS made of £**£?£• 'MI ___ I-___C_ \ 111 nl Department, an importer's stock of Black Lace Flouncings Frenrh <_ilk Fitiiqlipi. H-_i.i-.Ptt._c corkscrew, broad wale dia^naL MI l-ZC. ■ m im mmm \\ Jig at about two-thirds usual prices. pencil MiK-rimsnea Henriettas. 40 to 54 Je'jey clotj, etc.. at $5, ffi, .7.50, . HI ____!* O ______ iJIIUUI — : at"^ at — — French CaSSimereS. Inches Wide $ 10 ' up to $2_- 150 pieces of all the choicest ■■ W KESOi/ \ilill? £Ll A _ -^ French Cashmere BeiffeS BEADED WRAPS at .2.75, .3.50, styles of Plaid and Striped Dress DidUl. Oiiaio. I $1.67 $2.15 $3 25 $3 89 % cn h I*s% ■_, •! " I 50c "1 S4, S5, $ 6.50, up to . 25. The hand- ginghams. Seersuckers, ToiJe dv VIUVII V-IIV-fl I W-t-.v/l ■"■■__•___-■ _11^_*._M--_1- *4^-_-.-_*t* Black and White Plaids. «-V*"_> 80mest assortment in the city. Nord, etc. price this everywhere at I M|v___.v#» q^__# # ___i *J -ip-J.KJ^J Black and White PlaidS. OUt* ______ 12>^c; our price this week only9>f.«_. " , ™™■™ , ™ ,,^ ___>' 42-inch 42-inch *- 60-inch Black and White Stripes. to . ft — — I __<~) DCPATTA QIiPP CUP ■??_ Actual Value Spanish Guipure Chantilly Floun- Black Chantilly Direct/lira Chan- English Mohair Glace. mi aa i IERSFYS A . __ VARn-. REGATTA BLACK SILK 7fin * otu ? ™ ue flouncing. ting. Flouncing. 1 / tuiy Devonshire Mixed Cloth. $1.00! JMOLIO. At sc. YARDS _______ l-b. »* Aupurem ; Lace Flouncing . French Tou^Lains. j *gSS_STjS "O!;^" '" pieces of Corde« Pi,, n e .„ spe- AOBO REGATTA BLACK SILK Cl flfl wi*** J^\, _,„_„, „ fl , '»MS «** ■:. ' SSSS'SSS* 7^^t S S^J*--^« YARDS w____w_. dIiUU -J/ 50. -••»;^.''"*- | -ffe,™^ _ ™<°™ English Serge.. 75c to $1.25' m f^£™£ jS___^«g J. 540 REGATTA BLACK SILK «M OR *■*■**-•'-'«■**-. rourC hoice f Special Price, VG % J"' This only ! '. __ .9. „_ „ . _-*--•.• „ , Blouse Jerseys, colors; worth A+ o o _l_ yards _™. w,i " % iftl-/n $1 75 _, L__L r ? '*. :/;.-> At 75c- -42-inch English Luster Brilliantme, a new and very popular ' __ _- .. . _■-_--;, /AT 3-4 c. YAKUS . warranted to wear. */*/*. . . :/ v "fabric, dust-proof, and very elegant for street wear, in all " the new A \s 2 ;sovA fine imported Blouse AL o°"^ IKQfI r,. |lc rniyn.iOC AA .* .* iv i SRI (V 7 Ss9, 1 X $__- 9^ §_^_ ftQ • shades; for this week at 75c; same quality selling: elsewhere for *1. :Sg» m * eautiful colors 150 pieces Fine Cocheco Percales, '•690 FAILLE FRAHCAISE Qfl« **_*%»»• ?!. j_.-LO ®_..j_D ?tf>tf. ©_J . tsl . 00 .. 10 . lncllSUk . W arp"D„c_ 9 s Henrietta do*, very nnetwill $ 31 inches wide. Ee,u.ar price, Be; YARDS warranted to wear. .UUI *5/.25. - uf..**. Wnrth Wirih S * ->nd beautiful finish, in the loveliest spring shades; for this week at __. A -, m • I will he continued for another week 1370 PAIIIP rn. nn. ior _ OC Actual Val WOrtn " lh > irregular price of this quality J. 1.25. TC» QOWNSi VARIV. FAILLE FRAHCAISE SI /n CU _ a nK Ue ' $2.50! $3-00! $4.50! $6.00 • :X'tSl.2s-54-inch "American Broadcloth," spring weight and soft fin- H-" UU 111.0. A* IQ_% TMr\L.o warranted to wear. - VII--1V wt.fQ. ====== nnADCnv IV T>^ *T^r> i '_=_=_____: •I! r islUn all the latest shades of rose, serpent, copper, metallic, etc,; for' We have just opened an exquisite tW. I7U ..„-_. _„ ._,„_.,..., n - .__%••. _. , . __________; iJHAr^J-- hi V IN i__ 1 r^^^^i this week at. 1.25: regular price for this goods, $1.50. fie i line of Tea Gowns, Something en- . _^ :;>>-, 1,267 RI ARK PFAII HF SdlF 01 AH Actual Value, - ,*■ _♦»■«#_* a *,„ „ ._.,...,.,„, • i. _ . , tirely new in design and combina- 50 pieces English Sateens, beau yards dLfl^i__^ 0UI,: _.1,4 D «__ • ' The Latest Novelties of the Season. A°" line now in stock. jAt 39c —42-mch American Cloth, all wool, new spring shades; special tions. Ladies are invited to call tiful designs; can't tell them from YARDS warranted to wear. UIiTU $2.00. SPECIAL PRICES THIS WEEK. _ price this week, 39c ; worth 65e. 1 and see them. French; this week only 19c. Orders for Goods or Samples I SCHUNEMAN & EVANS, 55, 57 and 59 East Third St., St. Paul, Minn. i^ Receive PROMPT ATTENTION. SUJI UJM ______ AJN & ifi ¥AW O , .00,. Ol ailtt 011 MSI lll_.tt bt., bl Mil, HIM WILL WHISKY. It Is Hard to Enforce Prohi bition in the Town of Granville, 10. As a Constable Who Was Mobbed There Yesterday Will Testify. Albert Hoennich, of Eau Claire, Will Plead Guilty - to Bigamy. George Bryson, the Montana Murderer, Will Appeal His Case. Special to the Globe. Orange City, 10., March 23.— The only place in Northwestern lowa where the prohibitory law has been openly vio lated eter since it was enacted, is the little town of Granville, in the southern part of this county. Four or five sa loons have been run wide open all the time, and the proprietors dared any one to file information against them. Re cently the people of the northern part of the county where the law is respected ' and obeyed, decided to close the .saloons at Granville. Yesterday warrants were placed in the hands of Constable Carver against Peter Gallen and others, charg ing them with keeping intoxicating liquors. No sooner had he made his business known than he was set \ upon by a mob of about thirty men and given half an hour to leave town. The mob surrounded him and began crying "Kill him!" "Hang him!" and Gallen seized a revolver and swore he would kill the officer if he made a move toward searching his premises. Carver got away from the i crowd and telegraphed the sheriff here lor aid, but that official was absent, and no aid could be sent. Later in the day, the mob again surrounded Carver, striking him violently in the face, and throwing him from the steps of the saloon when he attempted to enter to serve the papers. At this point, Gallen produced a rope which he tried several times to throw around Carver's neck, but was prevented by the agility of the officer. The crowd by this time was getting furious, and Carver drew his re volver and ordered his assailant's back. This quieted some of them. and. with cocked revolver in his hand. Carver backed across the street, and to the depot, where he took a train for this place. A sheriff's force will go down Monday, and close the saloons, when lively times are expected. THE EAU CLAIRE BIGAMIST. Moennich Will Plead Guilty Mon day and Receive Sentence. Special to the Globe. Eau Claire, Wis., March Albert Moennich, charged with bigamy by his marriage with Miss Augusta Kriesel last September, when he had a wife and child in Cologne, Germany, was brought into court this afternoon for .examina tion. He at first maintained- a bold front, declaring he had no wife in the old country; but when the chain of evi dence against him was set forth and let ters from the wife in Germany and * copies of the court records from Cologne were produced, he broke down and con fessed all. For his persistent denial of a previous marriage since he wedded Miss Kriesel he had no excuse, but said he thought himself legally separated from his wife, because her parents would not permit her to come to Amer ica with him. Further unguarded re -1 marks which he made in his excitement showed that he had never furnished his wife any money to come to him. aud left Germany without her knowledge. He will plead guilty Monday in Judge Bundy's court Monday and receive sen tence, the penalty being one to five years' imprisonment. , THE "PEOPLE" OF ANOKA. Citizens Nominate a Ticket Re gardless of Party. Special to the Globe. Anoka, Minn., March. 23.— A large ] crowd of citizens, without distinction of party, assembled in mass convention at the city hall this evening Jand nomi nated the following "Peoples" ticket: Mayor, Maj. A. H. Fitch; treasurer, George Geddes; assessor. John Goss; municipal judge, W. W. Fitch; special municipal judge, Hiram Thornton; al dermen, First ward, T. M. Rvan ;Second ward, C. B. Church; Third ward, O. D. Nash. A committee of three was ap pointed by the chair to fill vacancies. Edgerton Does Not Want It. ' Special to the Globe. Mitchell, S. D., March 23.— the issue of the Globe of the 22d inst. ap pears the following from a Washington correspondent: "Mitchell people wiil be pleased, says Ralph Wheelock, with the application of Senator Edgerton to be judge in place of Spencer. It is re garded as a sell out to Sioux Falls." Your correspondent here interviewed Judge Edgerton this morning in refer ence to this item, and was assured by the judge that he was not, and never has been, an applicant for Judge Spen cer's place, and would not accept it if tendered him, and no application of his was on file for his appointment. When Ralph Wheelock returns he will find that the people of this connty are en thusiastically in favor of Judge Edger ton for senator. Home-Made Twine. Special to the Globe. Pipestone, March 23.— farmers here are very indignant over the "twine trust" that has been made in the East, and steps are being taken to save them from tiie impositions of the "trust." A ! public meeting has been called at the court house Friday, March 29. to take steps toward building a mill here for the manufacture of binding twine. The Business Men's club is interested in the matter, as well as the Farmers' alliance, and there is every reason to believe that grain will this year be bound with cord of home manufacture. The men at the head of the enterprise all have, sound financial backing, which will give it a substantial start. V.".--":- River Traffic. ; Special to the Globe. '". :" "-... Chamberlain, S. D., March 23.— Capt. R. F. Woolfolk, manager of the Benton Transportation company, is in the city completing arrangements for tlie running of his steamers between this place and points below and above. - The steamers Little Missouri, Rosebud and Helena have been selected for this route, and will carry passengers and freight. \ '.'"■ ■;:.' Desecrated a Cemetery. Special to the Globe. ' / .V-*. ./ Mason City, March 23.— A party of youmr ruffians at Sheldon recently got on a good sized spree, and going into the graveyard overturned tombstones, badly disfiguring many of them: Two arrests have already -been made, and others will follow. The extreme punish ment will be meted out to them. sf ■_. Associated Charities. • . Special to the Globe, f - '--'•- Winona, March 23.— movement to organize an Associated Charities here took active form last night, when a meeting of representatives of all the churches was held at Mrs. George M. Brush's. The matter was thoroughly discussed, the need shown, and a com TJ___ SAINI; PAUL DAILT GLOBE: SUNDAY MORNING, MARCH 24, 1889.— 3IXTLEN PAGES. mittee appointed to arrange for perfect ing an organization next Wednesday. IT PALLS FLAT. The Winona Citizens' Ticket ' Withdrawn From the Field. Special to the Globe. . Winona, March 23.— The citizens' ticket went to pieces all in a heap to day and the city officers for the ensuing year will be the nominees . of the Democratic convention, as usual. As the notification commit tee called upon the committeemen nominated by the so-called Citizens' executive committee, one after another positively refused to run. This morn ing the executive committee met and de cided to withdraw what was left of the ill-omened ticket, as nobody had been found who would accept. . The commit tee will give the thing up, and not nom inate any other ticket. jNoboby found any fault with the ticket, but the great mass of voters objected very strongly to half a dozen men making up a slate" for them to vote for. Br son Will Appeal. Special to the Globe. Helena, Mont., March 23.— The de fense in the case of George Bryson, convicted of the murder of Mrs. Lind strum, has decided to appeal to the su preme court for a new trial. The con census of opinion is that the decision of the lower court will -be affirmed, and Bryson executed for his cold-blooded crime. Placed at $1,000. Special to the Globe. Pipestone, Minn., March 23.— The new village council met last, evening. The license fee was fixed at $1,000, and a strong ordinance governing the sale of liquor was passed. Opera House and Church. Special to the Globe. Adrian, March 23.— The plaster masons are at work on the hew opera house and Catholic church. The opera house will cost .10,000 when completed and the church nearly $20,000. A Failure at Tower. Special to the Globe. ":f Tower, Minn., March 23.— P. J. Rich wine, who failed to-day, has assigned all his property for his creditors, and is not worth a dollar. . Bad debts and dull trade occasioned the failure. Carlson Given a Cane. Special to the Globe, r Red Wing, March About fifty citizens, accompanied by the Red Wing Cornet band, visited the residence of G. A. Carlson last evening and presented that gentleman with a fine gold-headed cane. A Landmark Gone. i_ Special to the Globe. Flandrea... S. D., March 23.— The Sioux Valley house, an old landmark, the oldest hotel in the county, burned this morning. Loss, 14,000; no insur ance. Died at Morris. Special to the Globe. . Morris, Minn., March 23.— Edward Hollman died at his residence in this village yesterday evening. He leaves a wife. _ - • A Blaze at Morris. Special to the Globe. • . - Morris, Minn., March 23.— Fire de stroyed the residence" of J. C. Hall, of Morris township, "early this morning. All the furniture and clothing were also burned. Loss ssoo. ..'- Another Lumber Company. ''.'•--. Special to the Globe. Winona, March 23.— Another large lumber company is to-be established here, the Union Lumber company, — — — — ■■________■ headed by P. L. Dansingburg, of Roch ester. The company is pulling down Perkins & Mills' coal sheds, near the Northwestern depot, and will build a big yard there. . _.;o - MELLETTE'S CLEAN SWEEP. Auditor Ward Promptly Bounced —Joseph Bailey Appointed Treasurer. Special to the Globe. Bismarck, Dak., March 23.— Mellette to-day appointed Joseph Bai ley, of Sioux Falls, territorial treasurer to succeed Lawler, resigned.- This aft ernoon he released Auditor Ward and left Deputy Palmer as custodian of the office. This action was has tened by the appearance of Col. Gale, who, with the other trustees of the Yankton asylum, was removed from office by telegraph yesterday. Gale arrived to-day and here learned that he had been removed. Having advanced over 515,000 for the completion of the wing of the asylum, he is anxious to be reimbursed, and the fear that Auditor Ward would draw a warrant for his reimbursement caused the speedy acceptance of his resignation. Gale is on the war path and will fight the governor in his removal order. When Gov. Mellette entered the audi tor's office to-day and attempted to pre vent Ward from proceeding with his duties, Ward informed him that this was the first time that a governor had attempted to dictate to him while he had been in . the office, and refused to act under the dictation. Thereupon Mellette accepted his resignation to take effect at once, and appointed Palmer as custodian. A delegation from Cass . count}', headed by Col. Plummer, has been here to-day opposing the Fargo plan of appointment for the constitu tional convention. They are going nome well satisfied. George Walsh, of Grand Forks, is here to have the board of regents of the Grand Forks univer sity rearranged by the appointment of Republicans to succeed the Democrats, with tiie exception of Roach, whom he wishes to remain. Mellette says he will make a clean sweep, and he has started at work on that plan. He has not de cided on the successor to Auditor Ward, but will within a few days. "'■-. T~- ""***' ' Likes the House. New York, March 23.— Herr Yon, Bulow, the pianist, who arrived here , to-day ou his first visit to this coun- i try in thirteen years, this afternoon at tended the performance of "Rheingold" at the Metropolitan opera house, and says the acoustic properties of the house are the best he knows of, . with the ex ception of the opera house at Dresden. He will appear on March 27 as a leader, and on April 1 will open a four days' cyclus of Beethoven, during which he will play the three last sonatas of Beet hoven. The cyclus will be repeated in Boston three weeks later. ■*■»■ A Little Immigrant. New York. March Among the immigrants arrived at Castle Garden to-day, was a little girl wearing , a tag, on which was written: "Susie- Ivan Yak, ten years old. Please help this child to reach her brother, Andrew Yak, 407 * Hamilton street, Cleveland, Ohio." She had come all the way from Eperjes, in Hungary alone, and was duly forwarded this evening by the Pennsylvania railroad. . '--* »_*** Rochester Breweries Sold. - "'. Rochester, N. V., 23.— The sale of the Bartholemay, Rochester and Genessee Brewing company's plant -to the great English syndicate was finally consum mated at 6 p. m.' to-day. The three companies will be I consolidated under - the , name of the "Bartholemay Brewing company, limited." The total amount of capital stock will be £620,000 sterling, and .there will be £350,000 in debenture bonds. -;■* " ■_ ". , Why are your rooms vacant? An ad in the ""_f Globk will rent them. -'-' LIKE TUNEFUL LYRES. Senators Davis and Wash burn Are in Most Perfect Harmony. Both Have Been 111, But Are Better Now—Evil Rumors Refuted. Editor Reid's Nomination Con firmed by a Strict Party Vote. Strong* Opposition to Gen. John C. New's Appoint ment—Personal. Special to the Globe. . Washington, March 23.— "1 am sur prised," said Chief Clerk • Johnson to day, "that so many erroneous " pieces of gossip should be printed. I see in one of the Minnesota papers constant allu sions to unfriendly relations existing between our senators. The very con trary is the case. They are working in harmony on all matters." The state ment of Col. Johnson was verified by your correspondent this afternoon. It was reoorted that Senator Davis was lying seriously ill. He was found con fined to his bed with a severe cold and a slight billious attack. He said: "I wili be out to-morrow. I was lying here wishing I could call on the sick senator, when in he came to see me. Washburn | is looking as well as ever and will leave i for home to-night. He called because he had heard I was sick, but found me able to consult with him on several mat ters of importance to our people." .; The senator smiled when told of . rumors of unfriendliness between himself and Washburn, saying: "Why, the senator has ,: been sick, but as soon as he was I able he called on me to tender his sym pathy. Neither of us cares for false reports of that character." L. J. Rusk, of Cnippewa Falls, who has beep here assisting his father, the secre r 0 agriculture, left for home this even ing. He says: "Now that an assistant secretary is appointed the work on my father's desk will be lightened and I can return to my business. My work here has paid me just $100, per week put of pocket, for I have not been on the pay roll. It has been purely a filial duty." Col. King and Major Pickler again called on secretary Noble this morning to urge the appointment of the Sidttx commissioners but found . the secretary to busy to take up the ease. He, promised to do so sometime next j week without fail. . ; 1 9ii ; •■••-"■ ■--. ■-- '-- ' -MR. REID'S CLOSE CALL. Democratic Senators Oppose His Confirmation, Washington, March 24.— secret ■ session of the senate to-day was devoted almost evclusively to the consideration of the nomination of . Whitelaw Reid, of New York, to be minister to France. Some days ago Senator Vest received a letter from a Mr. Fnllerton, of - Wash ington, a stockholder in . the - Mergen thaler companj*— the ; company owning the Mergen thaler type-setting machine — charging Mr. Reid with : mismanage .. ment of the : affairs of '■ the company. Mr. Reid "has been at J the /_ head of -'.- the. Mergenthaler company for a long time aud has had the machines at work in the Tribune ■ office .' for several years. Using this letter as a text, the Democratic .. senators* f endeavored v to nprevent the consideration of ; the nor ination of Mr. Reid and to have 'it thrown back into the committee from which it had been reported. The mat ter was discussed at great length, in fact, for nearly three hours. It was finally brought to a vote, and a motion to recommit the nomination was de feated by a strict party vote. The nom ination was then confirmed. The vote on the confirmation was 25 to 13. a bare quorum voting. The Democratic sen ators* who voted for Whitelaw Reid's confirmation were Call, Ransom, Blod gett, Payne and Gibson. It is claimed by Mr. Reid's friends that all the Re publican senators who were not paired voted for confirmation. WHY IT IS HELD BACK. John C. New's Confirmation Bit terly Opposed. Washington, March 23.— The failure of the senate committee on foreign re lations to report the nomination of John C. New to be consul general at London, has occasioned . some comment. The nomination of Fred D. Grant, which was sent to the senate at the same time, was reported to-day and confirmed. The delay in confirming the nomination of Mr. New is d tie to the efforts of the people who called the meeting two nights ago to protest against his confir mation. They have notified the com mittee that they have formal charges to file against Mr. New, and in accordance with the invariable rule of the commit tee, the consideration of the nomination has been suspended until these charges shall have been filed and considered. There is no doubt that Mr. New's nomi nation will be confirmed. f:^u''£ SEVERAL APPLICANTS. v The Commissionership of the Gen eral Land Office in Demand. ;" Washington, March 23.— The fight for the position of commissioner of the general land office continues, and is very interesting. There are three can didates now in the ex-Senator Chilcott, of Colorado; ex-Gov. Stone, of lowa, and ex-Congressman Calkins, of Indiana. It was reported yesterday the president -had determined to appoint Mr. Calkins because there seemed to be no other way of settling the fight be tween the other candidates. . The presi dent stated to-day to Senator Teller, however, that the matter had not been settled and that M «-.' Calkins would not be appointed. Ex-Senate Chilcott has the backing of the senators from Minne sota, Nebraska, Colorado and Kansas, and of Senator Higgins,' of Delaware. Secretary Noble is said to favor the ap pointment of.' Gov. Stone. ALMOST OVERLOOKED. How Edwards Narrowly Escaped Missing His Office. :.; Special to the Globe. Washington, March 23.— "The pa pers in the case of Edwards, to be col lector of customs," said Secretary Win "dom to-day, "were safely and securely sleeping in the files of the . appointment division, where they might have laid unthought of for months.: during the press of business, had it not been for Senator Davis. He called on me Thurs day and requested . consideration of the case.. Of course, that was all that was necessary, but, if Senator Davis had not called, I might not have theught of it, because these people keep me busy looking af their wants." And the secre tary looked about him at the crowd which filled his room, all of them very hungry and very thirsty. . - * ' " fritf 1 ' Confirmed. WASHiNGTON.March 23.— senate, in executive session, confirmed, the fol lowing nominations:. Whitelaw -Reid, : minister to France ; Fred D. Grant, mm; -; ister to : Austria-Hungary; Andrew C. Bailey, associate justice of the supreme court of the District of Columbia; Frank R. Aikens, associate justice '.-: of the su preme court of Dakota; John R. McFie associate justice of the supreme courl ! of New Mexico; Henry N. Blake, chiei justice of the supreme court of Mon tana; John D. Fleming, attorney for the district of Colorado; Miles C. Moore, tt be governor of Washington territory Oliver C. White, to be secretary ol Washington territory; Edwin Willits, of Michigan, to be assistant secretary oi agriculture; Nathan O. Murphy, ol Prescott, A. T., to be secretary of Ari zona; Julius Goldschmidt, of Wiscon sin, to be consul general at Vienna, and a number of postmasters. HE CAUGHT JOHN MORGAN. Sketch of Gen. Shackelford, One of Yesterday's Appointments. Washington, March 23.— James M, Shackelford, who was to-day nominated to be judge of the United States courl for the Indian territory, is a native oi Kentucky, but has resided for manj years at Evansville, Ind. He is of ex cellent reputation. He served through the war with distinction and rose to the rank of brigadier-general. . He made himself celebrated by the capture of Gen. John Morgan. He was at the head of the Indiana electoral ticket and was one of the candidates for the Re publican gubernatorial nomination. Nominated. Washington, March 23.— The presi dent sent the following nominations to the senate to-day : James Tanner, of Brooklyn, N. V., to be commissioner of pensions; James M. Shackelford, of In diana, to be judge of the United States court for the Indian Territory Thomas B. Needles, of Illinois, to be marshal of the United States court for the Indian Territory; Walter P. Corbet, of Georgia, to be marshal of the United States for the southern district of Georgia; Edwin Willits, of Michigan, to be as sistant secretary of _ agriculture ; and the foil wing Northwestern postmasters: John M. Hibbard, at Stoughton, Wis. Theodore A. Burr, of Lancaster, Wis.; Charles J.Wanser, at Tama, Io. ; George D. Breed, at Chilton, Wis. Charles G. Edwards, of Minnesota, to be collector of customs for the district of Minne sota; George W. Mcßride, of Michigan, for the district of Michigan: Charles M. Bradshaw. of Washington Territory, for the district of Puget Sound, in the state of Oregon and territory of Washington. Windrim Appointed. Washington, March 23.— Secretary Windom to-day appointed lames H. Windrim, of Philadelphia, supervising architect of the treasury, vice Will A. Freret. resigned by request. '.-...-, -„.■- ■"**■. . = — v HAMLINE. For the next few weeks' a great share of the interest in the college circles will be centered in the oratorical contests in connection with the State Oratorical association of the colleges antl univer sities of Minnesota. ;f The preliminary home contest at Hamline will occur on next Friday evening. .Upon that oc casion two speakers will be chosen to represent Hamlme in the state contest, which will be held about the middle of April in Minneapolis. 3_ In Friday even ing's contest. there will ,be four speak ers. S. F. Kerfoot will speak on "The Exclusion of the Chinese." J.B.Shanks will give a' eulogy on Lincoln. "Lib erty and Eloquence". will be the sub ject of an oration "■ by : Charles Dobner. and "Russia's Policy" of one by R. L. fa. Lord. The judges on -thought and comoosition are ■■. Supt.- Kiehle, Rev. J. E. Smith, /of St.-' •'•Paul,' and Dr. Van Anda, of Minneapolis; On delivery, Dr. R. Forbes, Judge * Seagrave " Smith and Hon.' Eugene Hay. '._.-■. The Harmony club had- a delightful evening with Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Tandy .Wednesday night. Besides the . mem bers of the club there were present the following visitors: Mr.aud Mrs. Akers, Mr. and Mrs. Wright, Miss ' May Webb, Messrs.-- Spaulding,". Montgomery and Hawks. *• — • .-. Friday evening Miss Eva Lumbard 5 : entertained a number of friends at her I entertained a number of friends at her : residence on Hewitt avenue. A num ber of classmates from the State university - ' versity were present. From Hamline " ) j there were present Mr. and Mrs. Dob ; ncr, Mrs. Church, Misses Warner and i ! Woods, Messrs. Dobuer and Buchanan*. > j The Odd Fellows are making prepar f ' ations for a big week at Hamline. Mon - day evening those interested in the . - formation of a new society will meet at - the residence of G. H. Tandy. Wednes i day night new members will he initiated and a great number will be out from St. Paul to assist in the formation. WHITE BEAR. The pop corn social given at the . Reading association's rooms Friday I evening was a pleasant affair. The ■ ; programme consisted of singing, speak . ing, recitations, etc. Miss Frankie * Snell gave a recitation, which was re ' \ ceived with much favor. The affair * i was a very pleasant oue. i E. B. Gibbs Post, G. A. R., is making ! arrangements to present to the public ! about the middle of April, a stirring : war drama. The cast of characters i will be made up from the sons and . daughters of veterans of White Bear. Richard Coxe, of St. Paul, enjoys the distinction of being the first summer cottager to take up his abode at the lake; he and his family arriving on Wednesday. 1 Miss Mattie I. Smith, of 574 Missis sippi street, left last evening for a tour through the West, and will visit the coast before her return. Mrs. James Davis and daughter, ' of Sandstone, 111., were visiting friends here a few days this week. .. ..,.-;. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. George, of St. Paul, visited at the residence, of Dr. Francis this week. ..-,..-/: . . . Mrs. Fannie Hoban, of Minneapolis, visited her brother a few days this week. Dr. R. Stevens lias gone to Coral, 111., where he expects to remain some * weeks. . ff:. ; >.;.;:_; _•-:•::"• William and E. Goesch returned Fri day from a short trip to Nebraska. . Miss Mary Sweitzer is visiting .the family of Deputy Sheriff Clewell. Miss Paully, of St. Paul, is stopping with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Yapp. H. Wiegand has returned' from his trip to Washington and Oregon. ..".-.■.. Will Geddes, of Mandan, N. D., is vis iting his brother, -'.y-ff --: f.&f'i'j Mrs. J. W. Miller is visiting friends in Minneapolis. . : »; MACALESTER COLLEGE. . The students of Macalester. college are again preparing to enter the race for state oratorical honors. The home contest occurs Tuesday evening, at which time two men - will be selected to represent Macalester in the collegiate state oratorical contest to be held in' MinneaDOlis in April. The contestants of Tuesday evening are Messrs. Winter, Lee, Cochran, McCurdy, Humphrey, • Underwod, Randall and Kirkwood. Miss Oliver, teacher of elocution at Albert Lea college,, aud Miss Cress we 11 were visitors at the college Tuesday. Mrs. J. 11. Murdock, of Stillwater, the guest of Hon. S. S. Murkock, has. returned home. Miss Torrance entertained a number of her friends Tuesday evening. Mrs. 11. O. Fishback is visiting Rev. : George F. McAfee. -•■_■- The Time Convention. .* Pittsburg, Pa., March 23.— The an- '- nual time convention of the 'railroads has : been called : for the Hotel Bruns- : . wick; New York, on April TO. - . Repre sentatives from all the leading railroads in the country are expected to be pres ent. The convention is called .so 3 that ; ■ the railroads may have a general under- * ! standing ' regarding the .summertime schedules before each road arranges it/ ! new schedule. mm -- - _»___ yon out of emploj____t? Ar. -ad in . mrm SUNDAY* GLOBE will Cad ii for , "oil. ~