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4 THE DAILY GLOBE LI Ml ED EVERY DAY AT THE GLOBE BUILDING, COR. FOURTH AND CEDAR STREETS - BY LEWIS BAKER. ST. PAUL GLOBE SUBSCRIPTION RATES. - Daily (Not Imubmm Suvdat.) 1 vr in ad ance.s3 00 1 3m. in advances^ oo in. in advance 4 00 I 1> weeks in buy. 1 w Onemontn 7oc DAILY AND BCK»AT. 5 Trin advaiicejio oo i 3 laws, in adv. .$2 .>•> bin. in advance 500 I 5 weeks iv adv. 100 due month 6-»c. SCNDAT AIO.VK. Iyr in advance . OO I 3 mos. In adr 50c tin. in advance 1 «H»| 1 mo. inadv 4 JOc Tki Weekly- (Daily — Monday. Wednesday and" Friday.) . 1 iE advflrro.s4 BO | mos. in adT. .$- ou months, in advance — $1 00. TTEEKLT ST. JAIL GLOBE. One Tear. $1 1 Six .Mo. Coc | Three Ma Ssc rejected communication*, cannot bo pre served. Address a!! letters and telegrams, to THE «.L()BK. SU Paul, Mum. Eastern Advertising Office, Room 46 Tribune Building, New York. TO-DAY'S WKATHKR. Wa^hi^ctos, Dee. 15.— Porcast til! Bp. m.. Monday: For Upper Michigan, Lower Micbigan and Wisconsin: Rain, preceded iv Lower Michigan by fair; warmer, except In Southwestern Wisconsin: stationary tem perature; somberly winds. For lowa and Illinois: Light rain, preceded in Eastern Illinois by fair: warmer iv Illinois and East ern lowa." colder in Western Iowa; southerly winds. For Minnesota, South Dakota uud Korth Dakota: Haiti. followed in North Da kota and South Dakota by clearing weather: lower temperature: winds sbifiiuj: toco'.der nortn westerly; fair, and lower temperature on Tuesday. GCXECAL OBSERVATIONS. " ~ — Eli — X J if 4 11 Place of I- |l Pi*** a- 5.1 Obs'vatiou. = = -! Obs"vation. §g, r- I Fa i r ! \l—M k — i St. Paul....: :w. ■• -~ Helena ..I3ov_t> 30 Dulutb ....<:: >.12 .;■ Ft. Touen.l LBCrosse.".|3O.l2 4O Ft' Snlly.r. J29.04 1" Huron. .. 29.: - ; 4Ji.\li:inedoba 3 .08 10 Moorbead 3 >••■ 32;] Calgary ! ... >• Viiicent!3O.lo '_'<),; Edmonton. -JSK9-1 13 Bismarck.-. 3v 4 3*i Q'Appelle. 3-H.mO -- Ft Buford. 3 '."- 34 nedii-'e H. -J9.94| -< Tt. Cus!er..!:»'t.f , 3 ii Winnipeg.. ."MO. IS utcu. forecast: For St. Paul and vicinity: Light rain; slight rise in temperature. . THE STORY OP A DAY. The Cionia jury finds all the prisoners guilty. The Montana senate is expected to organ ize this morning. Thousands follow the remains of Searle, the oarsman, to the crave. The remain? of Franklin B. Gowen have been taken to Philadelphia for burial. B Congress will pay itself for the month of DecemDer and go home for Christmas, this week Elmer E. Erwin, son of a prominent citi zen of Sioux City, is killed in a saloon atC'ov ington. Neb. Langdon, Fletcher and Oilman are said to have combined to prevent Merriam's nomi nation for governor. Republican politicians ire v.-ing the North Dakota legislature through which to air their grievances with each oilier. The St. Louis Post-Dispatch charges that the last Missouri legislature was purchased by the dressed-hog combine. A collision between the militia and imper ialists is reported in Bahia, Brazil, and 50i> people are said to have been killed. Mr. Glads-tone declines to accept the invi tation to initiate an agitation looting to the establishment of a working day of eight hours. THE SENATORIAL KILKEXXYS The clou Is of war are still lowering upon the senate chamber, or. at least, upon that part of it occupied by the Minnesota senators. The tlag of truce scut in by Senator Davis last week seems to have been accepted by Sena tor WA.SBBURS as a token of weakness on the part of his antagonist, and he has accordingly tightened his grip on the federal patron and proposes from this tinivj forth, to pliy a lone hand in distributing the offices. From the Globe's standpoint the situation is more amusing than seriou-?, and yet we know that the suspense must be awfully piinfui to the hungry office-seekers of Republican parsuasion, whose pockets sutler an aching void while the hold over Democrats are drawing the salaries. The president is placed in an embar rassing position, with regard to the Min nesota offices, when he sees the senators wrangling for supremacy without any prospect of an adjustment or com promise. If he favors one he offends the other, and as long as one senator vote counts for as much as another in the matter of confirming appointments, it wouldn't be good policy for th« pres ident to show favoritism. It is an open secret that Secretary Wisdom is on Senator Wasiibukx's side, and, so far as his influence cm go. the administra tion will be veered around that way. It would probably be smooth sailin? for the Washbukx faction but for the fact that Senator Davis is the most influen tial ot the trio in home politics. There i 3 Davis 1 strong point. President Haiuiisox is a cautious man, who iooks away ahead of him. He has his eye as Bteadily fixed on the next nominating convention as he had on the last one, and is carefully calculating the chances for a rciiomination. Perhaps some of the retiring Indiana delesates from the last convention told him what a rustler Delegate STEEXEiisox.of Minnesota, was in that body, and how he sat up all one night, pleading and praying with the Minnesota contingent to drop Gkesham and go over to ILftJOaaov, and how the next day they walked right into the Hakkisos camp and helped to Domi nate him. The president has the rep utation of being a cold-blooded man, utterly devoid of sentiment; but he has a retentive memory for all that, and is anxious to succeed himself. He proba bly fails to recall a single word of en- eouraireinent or an act of sympathy from (ien. WA/mmBMM and his candi dates when he most needed aid. After he got the nomination they all hur rahed for him, but it was in the strug gle for the nomination where his friei.ds proved themselves. If the president's memory is faithful and his gratitude is not exhausted, it is possible that Sen ator Davis will yet win. Still, he has big odds to fight against. The Wisdom influence, resting as it does on a Wall street basis, counts for a good deal in administration circles, and may be strong enough to give the victory to Senator Washburx. But if it doe 3, whew! but there will be music in the camp when the Minnesota Republicans next get into state convention. There will not be enough of them left when the battle Is over to bury the dead. HEALFHY WEATHER. The past summer has been a wet one in the East, and exceptionally dry in the Northwest In New York, Boston, Philadelphia and other Eastern cities, the present death rate is abnormally low; and the scientist', who gather that sort of statistics can find no cause for it but the unusual rainfall. They be lieve that has been conducive to health. In this region, where there has been a •nonage iv rainfall, the wonted health fulness is even more marked than usual. Is this due to the opposite in fiuence f to that so salubrious in the East, or is the good sanitary condition there due to some other cause? Of late the temper ature in New England and on the At lantic coast is similar to that In this sec tion. There is the same unseasonable mild weather, with no premonitions of the old-time winter. Lieut. Downs a government scientist, attributes this to a deflection of the gulf stream, bring ing its warm waters nearer the New England coast, instead of more to the north, nearer the coast of England and Norway, if there la really such a change. It will be likely to continue, and may permanently affect the ell matt! of that section. But that Is not the direc tion that the Northwest gets its weather from, and cannot' be the cause of the deprecated mildness. Perhaps the north pole is thawing out and sending out warmer waves in the atmosphere. Another contrast in the conditions East and West is suggested. A Boston paper finds advantages in tho absence of snow and low temperature. It says It will less obstruct travel and business, allow outside avocations to continue, and make fuel and living cheaper for the poor. Here snow and severe weather art* desired to enliven business and fur nish work and comfort for the poor. The temperance lecturer yester day said that even saloms were anxious tor frigid conditions. Perhaps some can reconcile these miscellaneous and di- veiyent conditions. WHERK THI. FAIIiURK IS. It may be insisted that tue Republi can politician* in the prohibition states are becoming more honest, or, perhaps, ungenerously suspected that they are hunting.' excused for dissolving their partners iip with the Prohibitionists. CuaJtKSOK*B lowa paper has been one of the nu»t vehement advocates of the nuioi>einent of prohibition by the party, and. like Gov. L yiikabki:. has constantly niM.sted that Ihe prohibition law iras v well enforced in that state as any other criminal ataUite, and under its operation the jails and poorhouses were beinsr emptied. The Register and the papers that have followed in its line, now admit that "prohibition has proved a failure in a dozen or more counties." and virtually concede that it has done little in any section to di minish drinking, if it has not encouraged intemperance. This is a surprising change to be made so rapidly. They are forced to admit that the substitution of strin gent laws for educational work and uer sonal reformatory and dissuasive effort has not been entirely beneficial. Says the Register: "Ot good friends, the preachers, have luokt'd to the law to make and keep men sober, and have ex pected that would do the work which, to a greater or less extent, must be done iv every community by personal effort."' Of course the preachers are responsible, aud not the party that made the law and pledged itself year after year to stand by it. The condition is not peculiar in lowa. It is in no h the same in Kansas and Maine. In the latter the president of the temperance club in the chief city confesses that thirty years of lesal per suasion have shown the failure of the means. The philosophy of the thing he gives in this: "II still exists and thrives in a state where it is prohibited. Why? Simply became !a\v is not a reformatory method to be used in a work of moral reform. It would seem that after more than thirty years of experience most men must be convinced that law neither reforms the drunkard, restrains intem perance, nor diminishes the run tra me to any great extent in our cities." HOW THKV O B J KCT. Somehow the proposal to leave the question of woman suffrage in Souu Dakota to the decision of the majority of those who would be admitted to the ballot does not strike the good ladies who are leading the movement favora bly. They have less confidence in their sex than the men have. One of them illustrates her view of the case by sup posing that the superintendent of a public table should first take a. vote of the lady guests as to whether they should have pudding or not. lie would announce that the rule of the bouse was that the majority should control the pudding. A negative vote, and the minority of pudding lovers would be denied all enjoyment. They could look across the table and sec some men take pudding and eat or leave it as they chose. Men vote or stay away from the elections as they see fit, and still it is not proposed to deprive them of all chance to vote. That is the persuasive way they present their view of the mat ter. It would be ungallant. if not worse, to tantalize the ladies with the sight and odor of their favorite dish anil deny them a taste. But the ballot is not properly among the condiments or des sert. It is the dropping of a bit of paper into a box, but it is not a completed transaction with that inci dent, as when the nickel is put into the slot and five cents' worth of gum or candy comes out. Very serious duties and exactions are concomitants of the ballot. Enfranchisement is somewhat like matrimony, where there is to be no convenient divorce. There are grave aspects to the relation, and attempts at shirking do not satisfy the right-mind ed; all must ba made voters, or none. There are some theoretical puzzles when Susan and her sturdy co-workers demand the ballot as aright, but society is only possible by individual compro mises, and the general good must come before the personal interest. As it is, ladies are compelled to acquiesce in the decision of tho majority of the men, and it would be educative to submit first to the greater number of their own sex. - -w. TARIFF TINKERING. It is given out that Reed's committee on ways and means is going energeti cally to work framing a tariff bill on scientific principles, but with the Chi cago platform constantly before them. There will be revision and some cutting of rough edges, but the sort of tinker ing with the schedules promised is un likely to do more than annoy business. It is utterly improbable that there will be anything accomplished that will meet ihe i.eeds of the country. The Demo crats will take issue squarely with the high protective features and stand reso lutely on the line marked out by Mr. Cleveland. They should insist upon the surplus being lopped off where it will afford relief to the burdened masses, and encourage the extension of the industries by giving them cheaper raw material and consequent oppor tunity to compete with tho sellers in other markets. MAHOXB'S TO TON R. The official canvass just made in Vir ginia of the vote of the November elec tion gives Mahoxe 42.953 fewer votes than the Demccratic candidate for gov ernor had. This is beyond all prece dent, and so enormous as to be virtually a political revolution. Four years ago the 16,000 majority for the Democrats for the same office was regarded as almost phenomenal, and since then the Republicans have once carried the state on congressmen, and last year Cleve land had but 1,539 more votes than , Hakbisox. The remarkable feature THE PAINT TAVL DAILY GLOBE: MONDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 16, 1889. of the situation Is that all Intelligent Republican papers admit that there wat* a fair an i honest election, fciome are magnanimous enough to admit that the elections in Virginia for years past have been as fairly conducted as In any of the Northern states. This Is a noteworthy concession to be made of any Southern or Democratic state. It will surprise the confiding Republican reader who has been taught that the negroes were uot allowed to do much votlnsr lathe South and that an honest election was unknown there>. In this late election they attribute the big scoop to the Oolt ing of the Republicans who would not support the "little NaDoleon" who controlled the party machine and had the administration behind him. About all the men of much standing in the party were in the revolt, and the feud Is conceded to lie Irreconcilable. If Ma- honk runs the party, as he is still able to do, these men will perpetuate the 42,000 majority against the ticket. If any of these batten conio to the front, Mahone will see that they are buried equally deep. Virginia will hardly Ket back into the doubtful list for a good many years yet. KIiRCTING POsrMASTKRS. It has become quite a popular Idea that |iI>MmMU IM should bo elected by the people of the districts tney serve. A prominent New York coneressmau announces his intention to introduce a bill for this purpose, also coverum some of the other officials who are now ap pointed. It would relieve the govern ment of a burden and demoralizing feature if the «iu,ooo or more of those oiheials could be provided for by other agencies. Of course, an absolute elec tion could not be had without a ehansre of the constitution, which is a long and difficult process, bat the object SMUrnt could be substantially effected by pro viding legal forms for a primary elec tion, the candidates havintr the most votes to l>e appointed by the president or postmaster general. They could not be compelled to recognize this action of tbe voters, noi the senate forced to con firm, but practically it would amount to the same. The man designated would be appointed unless there were fraud in the election or some other reason that would be recognized as sudlcient. There would be few removals if an election were required to fill the va cancy. The irrepressible Johnson" will not let it be forgotten that North DakoU contributed at least one senatorial eiiest to the eleirant banquet given the representatives of the new states in New York, by the agents of the North ern Pacific. Perhaps he fails to realize that, however copious the benevolence aid wave, it could not be diffused to each individual in the state, and that the senator only absorbed in a repre sentative capacity. Through him, no doubt, a compliment was extended to Mr. Johnson and the other constitu ent*, borne people are slow to recog nize compliments paia them by proxy, and John-son may bo of that class. Tnr, supreme court in Kentucky has a somewhat novel case to determine. An ancient lady who abhorred tobacco, aud especially cigirettes, made an agreement to give her grandson *.><)o at the end of a specified time if he would give up smoking. He kept his part of the contract, but the old lady died in the. meantime, and he sued the estate for the $500. It is believed the old lady or the estate cannot evade the payment by her mortuary incident. Ai'TEB the fine outfit given him for his travels it doesn't look well for Dora Pk dko to be talking hack that Brazil is not enough civilized for self-government. That is what the oil fogies always say when a free government takes the place of the divine right sort. The Bourboxs have been saying so in France all the time. Experience is a good school to learn in, and if Brazil lacks statesmen this country has a surplus and can be drawn upon. Wii.t.i.vm L. Douglas, whose name is so familiar in advertisements about shoes, was elected mayor of Brockton, Mass.. the past week. He is a wide awake as well as good-lookinsr man, as his picture shows, and has built up a trade of $ 1,250,000 a year by advertising and making a good article, all in six years. He puts 1100,000 into printing ink this year. Coi.. Dudley, who eained so much notoriety by his methods of securing votes for reform and the moral party in Ii diaua, has not visited Indianapolis since the election until the past week. He escaped arrest by the kind offices of the new district attorney. Harkisox should be given credit for not forgetting those who pulled him through. Perhaps the president had in mind the annoyance and notoriety of the owner of the Shoreham in g 'ttine a license, when he says in his message that "the laws regulating the sale of in toxicating liquors in the district should be revised." More protection uiay be needed. It seems to trouble the New York Tribune that some people care to cele brate the anniversary of Clevelanr's last message to congress. There will hardly be occasion for any one to re member the anniversary of the message sent to congress this month. CkaUUM, of Mississippi, is urging the passage of an election bill by con gress to give the Republicans control of the elections in the South. He is a champion of reform with the same zeal, but some differencesin methods, he dis played at Fort Pillow. Clarksox'p lowa paper predicts that Allison will be elected senator by the unanimous vote of the Republican members of the legislature. Ho may have poulticed the weak points, but he has made a number of conspicuous fail ures as a prophet It seems evident to lowa Republi cans that prohibition now oueht to be taken out of politics. They like to be lieve that it is the Jonah that can be unloaded and save them. They will find that tariff reform will make them more trouble. Sixrrtarv WiNi>oji is reported to be personally interested in silver mines. His scheme will make a big customer for the product, and enrich the kings of the mines. It has the comprehensive features of the mantle of charity. A Chattanooga, paper mentions that Tennessee iron has for some time past been shipped to Canada and sold for a profit, in the face of a duty of $4 to $4.50 a ton. Sot much need of protec tion there. Omaha has twenty-six miles of elec tric railway, which ig more than any other city except Cleveland, which has thirty. The Twin Cities will soou come into the list. Blair ha? got his educational chest nut into the hands of a senatorial com mittee, but it will hardly o-et out again. : : STATE SENTIMENT. . A Hopeful Question, St. Cloud Journal. • "Where is heaven?" asks the St. Paul Globe., Nothing more hopeful than this inquiry has been detected on the Democratic horizon fot a long time. Maybe something may come of it. ■ • , . or Course. Glenooo EulcrprUo. : Tht present weather is not very fa vorable for the St. Paul ico palace, but we stand ready to wager our last year's hat. that she will have an Ice palace if sho has to send to Iceland for ice. Not Acquainted. . . Lac qul Par Press. -:>">' The St. Paul News asks: "Is there a man in Minnesota bold enough to say that Merrlam would have, been nomi nated but for his money?" Perhaps there is, Mr. News, but we must confess that we are unacquainted. with the gen tleman; Tho Ice Palace. , Glcncoe Register. St. Paul begins to grow disheartened over Us prospects for an Ice palace. The fine weather is a treat advertise ment for a country considered too cold to grow "cawn," but it's tuff on those fellers in St. Paul who are looking ahead for fun. A St. Peter View. St. Peter Herald. ;::.;: Davis has tried to be fair, while Washbiirn all along has shown unfair ness. Davis is a gentleman and Wash burn Is a hog. Yes, the country mem bers who voted for Washburn must feel proud in haying voted for a man who us»'s his position solely to pay the debts contracted in which cash could not cut a figure. ' ': ~ ''-;"r .'■ Jnei as a Prophet. . Nortbfield News. The News as a usual thine does not believe in "I told you so," but several months ago it predicted a quarrel be tween the senators. The difference is j now public property and there Is a great deal more to it than appears on tile surface. The. News regrets that ; the Republican family cannot live in peace and harmony. A St. cio.«d View. St. Cloud Press. St. Paul and Minneapolis are begin ning to discuss with some degree of se riousness the advisability of a close union of the two cities, and there is a fair prospect of the success of the scheme. Such a consolidation would make a wonderful citvin this wonderful West. When another generation be gins to do a little "looking backward," the only surprise will be that the Twin Cities didn't get together a good deal sooner. In Kleven Years. Pine County Pioneer. The question of a union of the cities of St. Paul and Minneapolis under one municipal charter is again agitating the minds of the business men of the Twin Cities. The prospect for this union is increasing continually, and in all prob ability it is but a question of a short time when they will one, and Minne sota's capital city will be the metropolis ; of the Northwest. If this is accom plished soon, Chicago will be called upon to took 10 her laurels by the time 1900 rolls around. ' NORTH DAKOTA TALK. w The Gopder Industry. .•'. * Bismarck Tribune. "■ >"> Those in the cities have little knowl- > edge of the. depredations done by goph ers. A strip nearly four rods wide was ! almost completely ruined in nearly every field of growing grain in the state last summer. If the bounty will stimu late men, women and children to turn out for war on these" pests during the mouths of April and May every year, ', great good will be accomplished. Mr. Honey i.s the father of the bill now be fore the house. '."/'. . Happy Pempina. Pembina Democrat. .■; It is with regret that we see in many of our Dakota weeklies as well as many Eastern dailies, the accounts of destitu tion and suffering in Dakota. In this issue we publish a communication which may mislead many as to actual condi tion of our people, inasmuch as it says many families in Dakota are suffering for the comforts of life. We do not know of a single person or family in Pcmbina county in destitute circum stances. About the Way. Jamestown Alert. It is beginning to crop out that people all up and down the Red river valley arc growing more exasperated each week -over the fact that Jamestown, claims both of the United States sena tors. If the Red river valley must have one of these senators next tim there is Maj. Edwards, of Fargo; he is more worthy than many who would deny him the place. But conditions don't change so quickly. The Red river valley factions will In the end disagree just as much as usual, and the western part of the state will carry off the prize. •. SOUTH DAKoTa COMMENT. St. Paul in Heaven. Pierre Capital. The St. Paul Globe contains a long editorial Sunday, headed: "Where Is Heaven?" We don't know why the Globe man asks this; it can't possibly interest him in the least. Heaven is a good way from St. Paul, although St. Paul is in heaven— they say. They Should Wot Do It. Pierre Signal. The loss of $800,000 saloon license to South Dakota by prohibition makes the anti-prohition Republicans swear at the Prohibitionists. They think of the large debt to pay from a valuation that the territorial limit of assessment can scarcely half meet. Brethren should dwell together in uniiy. .Democrats are serene lookers-on, and will view the acrobatic enactments from the galleries. . Sense Needed. - Tyndall Register. Congressman Hansbrough, of North Dakota, is in favor of placing a duty of ; 80 cents a bushel on potatoes, so that Dakota farmers can sell that product at ' a higher figure. Why not usa some common sense in the. proposed tariff 1 " legislation and reduce the duty on woolen goods from 60 per cent down to 80? That would be a practical and ef fective way to benefit the farmers of the two Dakotas. ______ ■ i Slippery Alex. Yunktou Telegram. Alexander McKenzie was one of the principal strikers for Casey In there cent North Dakota senatorial fulit. Ord way attributes his defeat to tho treach ery of McKeuzio. Ordway ought to have known the exact measure of Alex's ambition. Ho failed singularly enough to measure him aright, and hence the slippery Alex deserted him. Investigate 1 hem. Aberdeen News. . . ' " The conduct of the Sioux commission in withholding the report of the work done, the peculiar admission of otic of the commissioners that they exceeded their powers," and the fact tln't the open ing of the reservation has been delayed for months after there was a prospect of its immediate admission to settlement would seem to demand an investigation. It Is hoped that our . representatives In congress will have tho mystery solved as soon as possible. . ' MnJ. Barrett's Question. n-;1 Aberdeen Republican. Cleveland had refueled to Interfere; (Joy. Church had refused to pardon him ; Mr. Mellette, however, after a governor had been : elected for North Dakota, turned him loose. Why? -Money. was offered to secure a pardon ; was money used? Or shall we charitably presume that the pardon was due entirely to the governor's lack of backbone? : \c -•, •-. ■•• «» .-: :~{-iy> ITEMS FROM EVERYWHERE. I Passengers on some or the Lehlgh & Susquehanna trains are notified of the stations by an electric arrangement over the doors. The re-editing of the great encyclo pedia complied in the reign of Klun lung is proposed in China. As the in dex alone consists of fourteen large vol umes the task of the compilers will not bo a light one. A purse of $10,000 is offered for a copy of the paper containing a description of Drawbaugh's talking machine or tele phone, printed between 1870 and 1876. The issue of the suit to annul the Bell telephone patent will turn on the dis covery of this paper. Worse by halt than the hen and a half problem is this: A certain family con sists of one grandfather, two two grandmothers, ■ ono father-in law, two mothers-in-law, three mothers, two fathers, two daughters, one son, one daughter-in-law, one son in-law, one granddaughter, and there aie only six persons in the family.— Farm Journal. A big brown horse eot out of a stable in Jackson Mich.. Sunday evening, and and walked across the long Lake Shore railroad bridge over the mill pond, crossed several culverts, and was found quietly grazing near the Fort Wayno track beyond the crossing. The target tender saw the strange performance, and says that the horse crossed tho bride? like a tight-rope walker, never once missing his footing. Gen. Billy Mahone dors not weigh more than 105 pounds. Mrs. Malione, however, tips the- beam at 225. She has borne nim triplets twice. The first time the general was in his lailroad office. A colored oy came in anil told him there was a boy at the house. The general ordered wine for those present. Again the boy appeared and announced the ar rival of another baby. Mahone ordered more wine. A third time the messen ger appeared and told of a third baby. "Gentlemen, you must excuse me." ex claimed Mahoue. "1 am going home to stop this business." The new crown which Emperor Will iam of Germany lias lately had made for him. weighs three pounds and has a frame of solid gold. The lower rim contains twenty-four diamonds as large' as walnuts, from which rise eight clover leaves, also of diamonds. Above this are eight hoops of gold studded with diamonds and penis', and the whole is -surmounted by the "Apple of the Em pire," a large sapphire of enormous value. The jewels came from the royal treasury. Liter iry Note. It It would be a difficult matter to decide which of Harper's periodicals to take •for the coming year, if there were not an admirable and really inexpensive so lution fo the problem in sending a com bined subscription for all four. Each is independent and complete in itself.and, if taken alone, seems to satisfy all one's desires tor what a periodical can bring; and vet no one of the four, when they are taken together, seems to be superflu ous. Harper's Magazine is international in scope, but American in enterprise; •Harper's Weekly has become indispen sable, as the citizen's illustrated paper; ! Harper's , Bazar remains the leading 'fashion and home journal; and Harper's Young People has never been surpassed as "an illustrated weekly for boys and girls. ■ . . ... - — ■ * The Thumb King in New York. jj It has taken a long time for the thumb ring to make any headway in New York, but it is very slowly gaining ground. Mr. Dixey was the first man to wear a ring upon his thumb, and he has clung to it tenaciously for two years. It is a plain gold band, worn just below the joint, and it was placed there at first merely as a lark, it ex cited so much talk among the people who knew the burlesque actor that he has refused to take the ring off and has worn it ever since. Actors always have a certain following among youne men whose brains are not of dangerous weight, and who are capable of devot ing their energies to small things. The small things have taken the form of a thumb ring, and there is a very consid erable portion of rather young men about town who are following Mr. Diz ey's example. -New York Sun. He Was Engaged. Texas Sittings. ;] Stranger (to dime museum proprietor) — want a situation in your museum. j Proprietor— l have got all the help I want. ; "I don't want to engage as help. What I wish to hire out for is to show myself to the public— be a part of the exhibition. Don't you understand?" "You don't call yourself a freak?" ■ "Better than that." ;! "How so?" "I'm the only man In New York who hasn't named a site for the world's fair." • "You're engaged. Name your salary yourself." :.-^-yL. \ ■ Summer Resort Extremities. Time. Mattie Bond (on the veranda of the Mountain house)— comes a man across the fields. Chorus of feminine shrieks— O! O! O! O! A man! a man Where? Mattie Bond— No, it's nothing but a scare-crow after all. Chorus— The mean thing. Mattie Bond— Well, you needn't get ma l about it. that's more than any of you have discovered so far. Had Been 1 here Before. Judge. . : .',.' S A Nephew (to his old and wealthy uncle)— l am desperate, and unless you send me $2,000 by this evening 1 shall take my life; by midnight I shall be no more. I ReDly of the Uncle— Yours of this date received. When, some time ago, yob sent me a missive of similar import and I sent you my revolver, what did you do? You "spouted" the weapon. 1 have no more revolvers. i „ . "^^^™~ . • ■ . . I '1 Reminiscent. Judge. | Squire Dewlap— See that rock over there? I The Girls— Yes. : Squire Dewlap-Right under its shadow twenty-live years ago 1 asked your mother to marry me. i The girls (carried away with curiosity) —What was her answer? .According to St. John, Pittsburg Bulletin. Inquiring Father, what is a Horn of Plenty? Prohibition Father— cornucopia, my b0y. ~:7 i I. L.— what's a Horn of Poverty? P. F.— lt's a horn of whisky. High-Priced Servants. Harper's Bazar. i ; ; ; "v | "My wife ko^ps her housekeeping accounts on the double-entry system." . "How' s that." . "All the money that comes. iv at the front door goes out lit the back door." — mm — _ • Realized the Moon's Power. Lowell Citizen. .;•*--: ; She— What do you suppose supports tho vast arch of the heavens? : He— moonbeams, I guess. BLY AND BISLAND. The Two Young Women Who Are Now Flying- Around the Earth. Nellie Bly's Struggles for Recognition in the Liter ary World. The Peculiar Manner in Which She Obtained the Favor of an Editor. Miss Elizabeth Bisland Scores Many Successes on a Magazine. "Nellie Bly." the young woman who is now "putting a girdle 'round about the earth," is a Pittsburg girl. She has, says the Philadelphia inquirer, been en gaged in writing tor newspapers a lit tle wore than three years. Her first at tempt to gain a livelihood with her pen was made early in 188(5 on the Pittsburg Dispatch. She had written a communi cation to that journal on the condition of the workii>gwomen in the city of Pittsburg, and there was so much origi nal thought in her deductions that she was requested to send her name and ad dress to the editor. With this she com plied, and as a result she was engaged to follow up several of the suggestions she had made. "Nellie Bly's" first important mission was a trip to Mexico, where she traveled foi six mouths, learning to speak Span ish with fair fluency in that time. When "Miss Bly" returned to Pitts burg she was put in charge of the so ciety column of the Dispatch, alternat ing this work with writing theatrical notices and criticisms, ami and in pre paring articles on woman's work. With her added experience the3e papers at tracted attention in New York, and were frequently reproduced in the met ropolitan dailies. This gave "Miss Bly" the idea that she could better her self in New York, and slie secured a letter of introduction to Joe Howard Jr.. from one of her newspaper friends in Pittsburg. SUE STARTS IX. Arrived in New York, she presented her letter and was given several large chunks of fatherly advice and the cheer- /v^ll)£ £uy ful opinion that she had made a bisr mistake and ought to so home. I She didn't go, but sought out Foster Coates. managing editor of the Mail and Express. It was just at this time that Andrew Car- the mill ionaire, had taken unto him self a bride, and it was estimated that if Miss Bly could interview Mrs. Carnegie such service, might be accept able. Sinail hope was held out that success would attend this effort, as the most experienced New i'ork interview ers nad trird it and failed. "Miss Bly" started in, and by perseverance and the exercise of a little feminine diplomacy obtained a complete and exhaustive talk with the bride, touching upon every subject that would be of interest to women readers. Like all beginners io newspapor work in the big eitv. "Miss Bly" speedily reached that period when it appealed that there was not a single new thins under the sun to write about. She thought and thought, and tried and tried, but met rebuffs at every turn. She was boarding at a modest little boarding house way up in Harlem, where the faro was just about generous enough .to support fife, because of the moderate price paid for it. Cheap as this living was, it could not be paid for without an income. The little store of money that the girl had hoarded was becominu rapidly exhausted. She was indebted to her landlady and could not meet the obligation. To make matters worse "Miss Bly" one day lost her purse, and with It every dollar she possessed in the world. This misfortune did not discourage her. however, and she was too proud to make her loss known. Every day she walked six to eicht miles because she had actually no money to pay car fare. The situation began to look desperate. Days were slipping by and the board bill was growing. Something had to be done; so, without much hope of success, letters of introduction were obtained from Joe Howard to every editor in New Yoik. After a struggle and the exercise of a most extraordinary amount of patient perseverance, interviews were obtained with the editors or edi tors-in-charge of the Herald, the Sun, the Times, and the Tribune. Not one of them professed to believe that •'Nellie Bly" would be a profitable in vestment. The old and favorite method of politely disposing of the applicant by taking her name and address was adopted, and Miss Bly was informed that if her services were needed she would receive a notification by mail. in an Insane asylum. Then the young woman, who refused to be disheartened, betook herself to the office or the World and secured an audience with Joseph Pulitzer. It took the proprietor of the World about fif teen minutes to make up his mind that "Nellie Bly" might be made useful. He engaged her, and for her first assign ment she Wfta directed to visit the de partment for the insane on Blackwell's island, ostensibly as an insane patient, and describe its workings thoroughly. These instructions were carried out, and resulted in one of the most re niarkable stories of its kind ever printed in a newspaper. for three days "Nellie Bly" rehearsed her part. She bought books on insanity and studied carefully all its phases. She stood in front of a mirror with di sheveled hair, and practiced rolling her eyes and contorting her features until she felt that she had studied her part well and knew it. It had been agreed that she should remain in the asylum for six days and then her release would be secured. With her raiment disar ranged and the pretended glare of in sanity in her eyes she wandered into a police station, seemingly too much de mented to give anything more than her name— Nellie Brown. Justice Patrick Gavin Dutfy committed her to Black well's Island, and on the following day the newspapers contained accounts of the mysterious young woman who uad been found wandering in the streets, with reason dethroned. Dr. Field, one of the most eminent scientists in the country, pronounced the patient to be "hopelessly insane." Hundreds of vis itors came to see her, but none of them could tell who the stranuer was. On the fifth day the patient made a narrow escape from discovery. She had learned to bear the scrutiny to which she was subjected daily with tolerable com posure, and when on that day she was touched on the shoulder by the nurse and turned around she almost fainted. There stood a Pittsburg newspaper man who had known her well in her home. He was then employed on a New York newspaper, and had been directed to in vestigate the case of the mysterious stranger. The recognition was mutual, and the newspaper man was so aston ished that he could't speak. He had no idea that Nellie was shamming, and thought she had become suddenly in sano. He was just on the point of mak ing the girl's identity known when she, divining his purpose, got close up to bin and whtsDered: "Don't betray me; will explain later." The visitor under stood the situation in a moment, and gave a giauco that meant a compliance with the request. Nellie Brown remained In the institu tion for thirteen days. She thought she had been forgotton, and actually began to believe thus she was doomed to re main forever In the world of lunatics. Relief came at last, and then the story of her experiences, which set the town by the ears and created consternation amoug the officers of the asylum. SHE TACKLES THE LOBBY. "Nellie Bly'a" next important work was the exposure of Phelps, the Albany lobbyist. She drove this briber of leg islators out of the state, and so revenge ful was he that he employed detectives to shadow the bold writer and learn who she was. Mist? lily had been put on her guard and eluded these sleuths so successfully that at the end of three weeks they gave up the chase. Then sho received an anonymous letter warning her that her life was in danger and that if she visited Albany again slip would be assassinated. She defied this threat by going to the state capital in disguise and unearthing a plot which, had it been carried out, would have re sulted in her being sank to the bottom of the Hudson river. Following this came the showing up of a notorious libertine named Cleve land, who lured country girls to disrep utable resorts and ruined them. Cen tral park was his stamping ground. The exposure was thorough and com plete. The modern Minotaur wa9 furious with rate, and defied the World to prove its accusation. He claimed it to be a case of mistaken identity. In order to provide tor just such an emergency a clever reporter bad been detailed to keep Miss Bly in sight, and afford her protection if neces sary. The reporter carried a detective camera, and with this he obtained at least a half dozen excellent views of Cleveland's face. When the photo graphs were shown to the roue he wilted like a rag, and that night fled from New York. The traffic in babies, and the ease with which infants can be bought for from SlO to S2O in New York city and '•no questions asked," is one of the lat est achievements of Nellio Bly. About the best interviewing accom plished by Nellie Bly was her talks with the widows of presidents. The young woman is not what may be called a gracefnl writer. At times'she is given to verbosity, but as a rule han dles her subject entertainingly and with vigor. Her ideas are for the most part original, and she has never yet fniied in an undertaking. She receives on an average 200 letters a week. Out of this number uot less than half a dozen are from women who have conceived an affection for her, and beg tor a personal interview. A dozen more are from men making love or proposing marriage, and tin- rest are begging letters and threats. The name "Nellie Bly" is never used exceDt as a signature. About ten young women in different parts of the country have claimed to be the simon-pure Nellie Bly, and have gained a tempo rary notoriety. In some instances hotel bills have been contracted in that name Bnd the bills have been sent to the real Nellie, who, by the way, never settles them. Nellie Bly is now on her way to Hong Kong in her trip around the world, in which it is proposed t<» circumnavigate the globe in seventy-five days or less. Her real name is '"Pink" Elizabeth Cochraue. NELLIK ELY'S CHASER. On some day of next month Miss Eliz abeth Bisland and Miss Nellie Bly will arrive in New York, after having en circled the globe in the fastest time on record. One of the two will win the honors of this globe-trotting event. Miss Bly is well known to the public, but Miss Bisland. outside of the circle of literature, has not been much talked of. This young woman is a Louisianian of an old family ruined by the ill fort unes of the civil war. She'is as noted W *^5v ed *? for her beauty as for her lit erary attain ments. Al -though much of her life was spent on a plantation, she has all the en ergy and tal on t found; among New. York women. \ On the Cosmo politan Maga zine Miss Bis land has scored nianv successes as a boot reviewer, and in addition to this work she has con tributed to the magazine a series of articles on "Life in New York," "The Onteora Club." "Tuxedo," "Co-opera tive Housekeeping." and "The Flower Market of New York." She lives in a little home which is said to be daintily j arranged in its interior. When she be gan her trip around the world it was understood that she was to be employed regularly afterwards by the Cosmopoli tan Magazine. Being still quite young and a beginner, she may be said to en ter on ' a literary career with bright prospects. A QUAKER CITY ROMANCE. The Devotion of a "Husband as Nothing Against Misplaced L<ove. Philadelphia Press. Fatherly Marriage License Clerk Bird hears many a curious story among the many confidences told him in the course of his duties, but the most romantic of them came yesterday, when a middle aged lady, well-dressed, with jewels in her ears and on her fingers, asked him for advice. Then, without giving her own name or those of any of the char acters in the story, she gave this out line: Her daughter, she said, fell deeply in love with her second cousin, who be trayed her. Another young man was paying her attentions, but she did not care for him. Her cousin was not will ing to marry her, and, in order to avoid being compelled to fulfill his promises, showed the young girl a certificate of his marriage to another woman, and suggested to her that she should marry her other suitor. Her love was so stroug for her cousin that she wanted to save his good name, as well as her own repu tation, and she married the other man, but would. never livo with her : lawful husband, although he begged her to. When he discovered that she was about to become a mother, he was will ing to forgive the past, and would gracefully take upon himself the name of father. The young girl, however, couid not be persuaded, and they lived apart. Then she learned that the cer tificate of marriage shown by her cousin was false. The cousin learned that he had been discovered in his trick ery, and immediately expressed himself as willing to marry her. if she could get rid of the husband he had recommended to her. So the mother " asked Clerk Bird whether sho would be able to get a divorce or not. He told her he did not think she could unless she waited some time and brought a suit for desertion. "But she can't bring a suit against him for desertion." said the woman, "for he has not deserted her, and he is begging her all the time to come and live with him." "Then I don't see how you can got a divorce," said Mr. Bird. : . The woman went away promising to return and inform Mr. Bird what the result was. Making a Monkey of Him. Puck. De Ruyter— you've started the fire with one of my manuscripts! Pull it out— quick ! ills Spouse— Pull it out yourself. I won't be made the cat's paw to take your chestnuts out of the fire. -•■■ ■ No Need of Details. Puck. Mrs. Newsy (reading) — Bowievillc, Aug. 33.— Lato last night several pro minent citizens Mr. Newsy (interrupting)— that part, dear. Wnorn did the prominent citizens hang? ; Cannot tell yon that the weather so far has been the best in the world for the sale of furs, and yet, strange to say, we have been driven all the season, and only for this weather would have been "swamped." Now. this isn't going to last, and you will do well to take advantage of the tempora ry lull and order your Attend to any repait work or alteration you need done, and be in shape for the cold weather when it comes with a rush. To such of you as live out o\ the city, we wish you to understand that we will vesy gladly send Sea! Sacques Or anything else you may wish, on approval, and take the best of care in filling your orders. We especially eater to such trade, and will put our selves out considerably, if necessary, to secure and hold it. If you would like a handsome, warm garment, at a moderate price, let us send you an mm Garment on approval. They are very fashionable this year, and are rapidly supplanting the Plushes, which have proved so worthless. If you don't know what they are, write us and we will tell you ail about them. By the way, send for our illustrated Catalogue! We are the largest deal* ersin Flu's in the West and you can't afford to buj without seeing our goods and getting our prices. NORTON. 99 and 131 East Th.rd St.