Newspaper Page Text
NELLIE INJHE LEAD. The Plucky Little Woman Flying Like the Wind Over the Continent. If She Makes Expected Time She Will Reach New York Sunday. Kiss Bisland Not Likely to Reach New York Before Wednesday. The Story of a Deeply Inter esting* Race Around the World. Denver, Col., Jan. 22.— Nellie Bly fcsll arris"c at Trinidad Thursday morn ing. There she will take a special train over the Union Pacific for Council ] ! >° IF ; ru_>£ 6^ j Bluffs via Den rer. At the Bluffs she takes the Northwestern for Chicago, and at ;he latter place will be turned >ver to the Mich igan Central for New York. This change, bringing lier via Denver, instead of going East on the Santa iTe from Trinidad, will delay her about ten hours. Miss Bly t s skin is tanned by Eastern suns, but she looked pretty in a jaunty cap, and large checked ulster covered her blue dross. Her teeth are iKTft'ct. and of dazzling whiteness. In manner she is cordial, frank and sprightly. Of her trip she said: "Well, as to my entire trip."' she said. '•I will say it has not appeared to me to l>e siu-'i a gigantic undertaking. I have just come right along without misad ventures, and have rather enjoyed my self. Sometimes I was hurried, of . but whenever 1 had to wait I managed to spend the time agreeably." ••How many days have you lost since you left New York." LOST FIFTEEN DAYS. '•Only fifteen. I lost one day at Amiens, which I *>t nt with Jules Verne, and a very ant day it was. I was detained Ovt ys at Colombo, Ceylon, waiting foi .he steamer Ori ental to take me to Hong Koiis\ Then 1 was at Hong Kong five days and at Yokohama tour. 1 experienced noth ing but kindness throughout my trip. Some young men on the steamer from Brindisi to Colombo were not so gentle manly as they might have been, but, on rho whole, 1 thiuk I have no reason to be dissatisfied. At Hong Kong 1 bad a delightful time. We went, in Canton, sightseeing, and oh! there is so lunch to see. We spent Christmas day in ('union, and it was a Christmas long to be remembered. We visited the great temple of the dead and heard the weird chanting and masses. We reached Hong Kong on the 23d, and rode all about the city in a sedan chair with four coolies carrying it and a Chinese guide. 1 was particularly struck with the court house and jail. Just in front of the jail a fan tan game was running, and inside we saw an opium smoking place, where Chinese were lounging and inhaling the drug. The peculiarity of their jail is that they don't close the doors. That struck me :i> funny. The doors were all wide open, but the prisoners were in cells just the same and looked as it they were likely to slay there. They had their heads stuck through holes in the great, heavy pieces of timber, which just fitted Aisorr THBTB NECKS. I felt sorry for the poor wretches, but really they pn-st-nted a ludicrous ap pearance. « hie (lay we went to Victoria Peak— to the very top of it— and Iwrote1 wrote iir the visitors' book. A great deal of attention was shown me, and Consul Seymour, of Canton, sent me many beautiful presents, Chinese work, silk handkerchiefs, pieces of finely carved ivory and other things. "At Yokohama the first night I went to all the theaters, and in the afternoon 1 rode around the city. The second day wo went to Kamakura, and saw the idol Diabutsa. It is sixty feet high. We bad our photographs taken; I was standing on the idol's thumb at the time, lhe third day we went to Tokio, which is eighteen miles from Yoko hama. The sightseeing there was su perb. We visited many beautiful tem ples, ami were amazed "at their number and grandeur. At last the day for our • tiparture came, and we embarked. Our trip across the Pacific was unevent ful. "It was not until I reached Hong Kong that 1 heard of Miss Bisland. 1 don't iuiow anything about the girl or her trip. She is starting to beat my time. That is no affair of mine. I started to do the trip in seventy-five days, and there is no fear, I think, but that 1 shall doit If 1 wanted to beat time 1 could have done it in sixty-live days. If I had known that any one was trying to beat me I could have made better connec tions, and so have done the trip in shorter time. I have relied solely on the facilities afforded to ordinary trav elers. 1 did not charter special trains, but simply traveled as an ordinary trav eler would." TWO REMARKABLE TRIPS. Miss Bly and Miss Bisland Near ine the End of Their Race. New York, Jan. 22.— Within a few clays Miss Nellie Bly, of the New York World, and Miss Elizabeth Bisland, of the Cosmopolitan Magazine, the rival will be home again, and, barring delays of the most extraordinary and unforeseen character, the record by IMiiiieas Fogg, the fictitious globe-gird ler of Jules "Verne's exciting story, "Around the World in Eighty Days," will certainly be lowered. Nellie Bly Bailed from New York to Southampton Nov. 14. She went by rail to London, then across the English channel from Dover to Calais, going fron. there to _\ miens to see Jules Verne. She came back to Calais and caught the regular Indian mail train trough France and Italy to Brindisi, on the heel of the boot of Italy. Then she sailed across the Mediterranean sea to Port Said, at the mouth of the Suez Canal. From there she sailed through the canal and down the Red sea to Aden, on the Arabian coast, and thence through the Gnlf of Aden and across the Indian . :ui to Colombo, Ceylon. From Co lombo sl'.e went across the Sea of Ben gal to Singapore, on the Malay penin sula, and from there through the China sea to Hong Kong on the Chinese coast; from Hong Kong through the Formosa channel to Yokohama, on the eastern side of Japan, and thence directly across the Pacific to San Fran cisco. The route from San Francisco is b\ the Southern Pacific via Mojave, Al buquerque and Kansas City. Just which one will not be determined until the last mnment. MISS BISLASD left New York Nov. 14 on the New York Central and went by that road and the Lake Shore to Chicago. There she took the Northwestern to Omaha and thence across by the Union and Central Pacific roads to San Francisco. From San Francisco she simply reversed the trip of Nellie Bly, going to Yokohama, Hong Kong, Singapore, Colombo, Aden, Port •Said and Brindisi. From Biindisi she took the Indian mail train to Calais and crossed to Dover. Then she went to London by train and crossed England to Holyhead. took the ferry across tlie Irish sea to Dublin, caught the Bothnia at Queenstown and sailed for New York. .Nellie Bly made this remarkable tour with no other baggage than a small hand satchel. She left New York with but one gown, and that upon her back. In the satcnel were necessary changes of clothing, live copies of the New York World of that day, and £500 in Bank of England notes, besides her railroad and steamer tickets for the entire journey. Miss Bly arrived at Calais in ample time to take the BrindLsi mail train. The train, commonly called the Indian mail, is one of the famous trains of the world. She arrived at Briudisi on time and took the steamer Victoria of the Peninsula and Oriental line, from that point. She left Brindisi at 9a. m, Nov. 25. crossed the Mediterranean, and sailed XHBOUGHTHB SUEZ C.VNAT,, arriving at lsmaila Nov. 2S. From Is maiia her journey lay through the Red sea. Across the Arabian sea the Vic toria sped with its plucky little passen ger, and arrived at Colombo, on the Island of Ceylon, Dec. 8. Here the World's globe-girdler left the Victoria to take another steamer for Hong Kong. She was two days ahead of her itiner ary, but was obliged to spend those two days in Ceylon. Dec. 18 Nel lie Bly, after passing through the straits of Malacca, was at Singapore, half-way round the world. Her eight days' ride through the Indian ocean car ried her over the ruins of cities buried tor long centuries beneath its tossing floods. She remained in the P. &O. steamer, which stopped at Singapore only long enough to permit the mails and its cargo to' be handled, and Dec. 24, Christinas Eve, reached Hong Kong, on the southwest coast of China. She had her Christmas dinner in the Chinese city. The first available means of transportation across the Pa cific ocean was the fast steamer Oceanic of the Occidental and Oriental line. This steamer was scheduled to leave Hong Kong for San Francisco Dec. 28, and that day Nellie Bly bade adieu to the Celestial empire." Five days later she was at Yokohama.Japan, where she arrived Jan. 2. The Oceanic carries Chinese and Japanese mails to the United States. It had to wait until Jan. 7at Yokohama lor the mail. This made another FIVE DAYS' DFXAY. At daylight yesterday the Oceanic ar rived in San Francisco. Nellie Bly had nine hours the start of Miss Bis'land, but it looked for a long time as though the latter would arrive in New York first. Crossing the Indian ocean, how ever, Miss Bisland was much annoyed to learn that the fast German steamer Ems, which she expected to meet at Southampton for home, had been taken off. Otherwise she would have been sure that her voyage would be a success. The Bothnia at Queenstowu was the only ooat avail able, and it is a slow one. and will bring her to New York too late. Miss Bisland cables that she has had no adventures, and there has been no exciting incident.-. The utmost kindness was displayed everywhere by everybody. The news of the arrival at Brindisi Thursday of Miss Bisland revived interest in the race around the world in a marked degree. Vigorous efforts w^re made Friday to enable Miss Bis land to catch the French steamer La Champagne, which was slated to leave Havre at ti a. m. Saturday. It was known that the fast India mail train from Briudisi would reach London at 3p. m. that day. The train does not stop at Paris, but slows down at Fon tainebleau, about twenty miles out of the city, where the Paris passengers, who have been transferred at Dijon to a rear car. are sent on BY A FLYING SWITCH to another track, and the engine then takes them into Paris. It was impossi ble to communicate with Miss Bisland on the train from Biindisi, but it was supposed that the voting lady would stop at Paris to ascertain whether it was not possible to eaten the Champagne, then failing this, she would have had time to get to London to catch the fast night mail for the Sunday steam er at Quuenstown. A special tiain at a cost of $300 was or dered to be in readiness at Paris, and the French Steamship company was ap pealed to hold the Champagne at Havre until this special could bring Miss Bis land from Paris to that port. What was the astonishment of Miss Bisland's friends and the disappointment of those wiio had bet upon her arrival before her competitor when a cable from Paris was received to the effect that Miss Bis land had not gone to Paris at all, that the Champagne had waited at Havre till lv a. in., and had then sailed with out her. CHIEF OP THK VIGILANTES. Pneumonia Causes the Death ola Famous Montanan. HELEKA, Mont., Jan. 22.— John S. Beidler. a famous character, renowned as leader of the committee on safety in the road agent period, and who for many years since has been a deputy United States marshal and sheriff's officer, died at his home in this city this morning of pneumonia. The funeral will be con ducted under the auspices of the Mon tana Pioneer society. Claire, Wis., Jan. 22.— Rossiel D. Campbell, aged eighty, a lawyer of as long record of practice as any in Wis consin, died yesterday at his home at Augusta City of hemorrhage of the lungs. Deceased was born in Onondago county. N. V., in 1810. Cambhidge, Mass., Jan. 22 —Francis Bowen, one of the oldest professors of Harvard College, died at his home in this city yesterday morning. He had been failing gradually during the past few years, and a month ago resigned his position as an active worker in the col lege. No fears for his health were en tertained, however, and his death was a serious shock to his_ friends. He rose late yesterday morning and entered the bath room. After he had been there some time his family became alarmed, and op forcing open the door found him dead in the tub. Dr. Morrill Wyman, one ot his classmates, was summoned, and pronounced death to be the result of the shock of entering the water and a consequent failure of the heart. Prof. Bowen was seventy-eight years of age. mm TOBACCONISTS COMBINE. They Form a Trust and Will Build Dozens of Factories. Nf.wakk, N. J.. Jan. 22. — A meeting was held here today, at the Continen tal hotel, of the leading tobacco and cigar ette manufacturers throughout the country. James B. Duke presided. Lewis Ginter, Allen Ginter, William Kimball. James B. Duke, George W. Watts, W. H. Butler. George Arents, John Sope, Francis Kinney, Charles Emery and a few other large manu facturers were present. A syndicate has been formed with a capital of $2.">, --000,000, and 200 shares will be issued. The object tor which the association is formed is to cure leaf tobacco and to sell tobacco in all its forms. Fcctories will be established in all the states and territories and Canada. To-night the election of officers took place. ALLOWED TO CARRY ARMS. An Arkansas Murderer Will Be Allowed to Defend Himself. Fort Smith, Ark., Jan. 22.— Frank Morgan is under arrest in the Sequavah district, Cherokee nation, for the killing of Sheriff Johnson, of that district six years ago. The Morgans were leaders of the Downing faction. Johnson was a Nationalist. During the summer of 1884 Johnson assaulted Gideon Morgan on a ferry boat, and was shot by Frank Morgan. The two brothers came to Fort Smith, remaining here as refugees from Chero kee courts until after Mayes' election last year, when Gideon Morgan went to Tahlequah. The Johnson faction have sworn vengeance and, recently, while Frank Morgan was hunting across the line, he was captured by the lndirn police and held prisoner. Ho is not confined and is attended by a guard. He is permitted to carry his arms, as it Is expected Johnson's relatives will at tempt to kill him. The Morgans are cousins of Senator Morgan, of Alabama. THE SAINT PAUL DAILY GLOBE: IHURSDAY MORNING, JANUARY 23, 1890. INDIGNANT AT HARE. South Dakotans Resent a Bishops Interference in State Affairs. Secretary Windom Objects to the Establishment of More Custom Houses. Saint Paul's Public Building Bill Is Passed by the Senate. The World's Fair Commit tee Finds Its Work Full of Snags. Special to the Globe. Washington, Jan. 2:2.— Senator Pet tigrew has written a strong letter to Bishop Hare, of Dakota, and Chairman Welch, of the Indian Rights association, protesting against their action in oppos ing the opening of the Sioux reserva tion and stating in the strongest terms what he thinks of Bishop Hare's action. Botli he, Senator Moody, Congressman Piekler and M. H. Day,"of Rapid City, are ii_dignant. Senator Pettigrew states in liis letter that if the opening of the reservation is defeated South Dakotans will simply try to have the Indians re moved from the state. These men, who know nothing about Indians, turn phil anthropists and really harm Indians by encourairiug idleness and dependence on the government. The treaty with the Sioux is as favorable to the Indians as possible, and if not passed none of Dakota's congressmen will do anything further towards securing the opening of the reservation, but will simply do all they can to have it cut down. TOO MANY CUSTOM HOUSES. Secretary Windom Gives Con gressman Lind Some Pointers. Washington, Jan. 22. — Secretary Windom has written a letter to the Hon. John Lind, in regard to bills now pending before the congress making a number of cities ports of entry ancF ports of delivery. After discussing the various bills in detail, and opposing the passage of most of them, he says : "I Ueeni this a fitting opportunity to in vite attention to the uudesirability of legislation whereby ports are created at places where there is no necessity there tor. The nurnberof existing ports is now far in excess or the needs of business, and the exuense of collecting the reve nue is greater than it should be in con sequence. In my judgment, ports should only be established on the sea board and frontier at places where there is commerce with foreign countries and at sucn interior points as may properly be regarded as distributing centers. The fixed appropriation for collecting the revenue from customs is now and has been for several years insufficient for the proper necessities of the service — a condition of affairs largely owing to the existence of expensive and unneces sary customs establishments." ST. PAUL IS LN liUCK. The Senate Passes the Public Building Bill. Washington, Jan. 22. — In the senate to-day the bill appropriating $1,500,000 for a public building at St. Paul, Minn., on a site accepted as a donation from the city, was taken from the calendar and passed. The senate discussed further the bill providing for a census of farm mortgages and referred it back to the committee. • A number of bills on the calendar were passed, and Feb. 3 was agreed upon as the day for taking up the Blair edjcational bill. Mr. Chandler offered a concurrent resolu tion (which went over till to-morrow) authorizing the committees on immigra tion in the two houses to investigate the working of the various laws of the United States, and of the several states in regard to immigration from foreign countries (and especially the law of congress of Aug. o, 188:2), and also to in vestigate the working of the contracts made by the secretary o£ the treasury, under that law, with the various state commissions, boards and officers. The senate resumed the consideration of the bill that was discussed yesterday to require the superintendent of the census to ascertain what percentage of the people own their own farms, the number of farms under mortgage and the amount thereof, Mr. Teller, while desiring to have the information pro posed, expressed his belief that it would not be of sufficient value to justify the delay. Responding to Mr. Vest's re marks of yesterday, Mr. Teller re marked that AGRICULTURAL DEPRESSION was not peculiar to the United States. It prevailed in all the countries of the world except France. A recent parlia mentary inquiry had shown that the British farmers had, within twelve years, sunk more than half their capi tal. After some debate the bill was. on Mr. Tellers motion, recommitted to the census committee by a vote of 2C to 30. The senate took up the calendar and passed, among other bills, the follow ing: For the relief of the Venezuela Steam Transportation Company of New York — a claim for three steamers seized by belligerents in 1871. For the presentation of badges to the officers and men of the Greely relief ex pedition. The educational bill having been reached on the calendar. Senator Blair addressed the senate on the sub ject. At the conclusion of his remarks the bill was made the unfinished busi ness for Feb. 3. The house amend ments to the senate joint resolution ap propriating money for the removal of obstructions from the Missouri river wore non-concurred in and a conference asked— Senators Vest, Dolph and Cul lom being the senate conferrees .After a brief secret session the senate at 4:35 adjourned. . DIVIDED AGAINST ITSELF. The World's Pair Committee Un able to Reach an Agreement. Washington, Jan. 22.— The subcom mittee of the special house committee on the world's fair was called together this morning by Chairman Chandler and discussed the Springer proposition to select the site for the world's fair by ballot in the house to-morrow. The session did not last more than half an hour, as it was evident that the sub committee was hopejessly divided upon the proposition, and it will report to the committee to-morrow that it has had the proposition under consideration and has come to no conclusion thereon. The subcommittee, when it meets to morrow, will ask to be allowed more time to consider the subject. That was the plsa made to-day by the chairman and Mr. Flower when Mr. Hitt pressed them to take action of some kind. Both said that they had not fully examined all of the bills. In the course of the discussion to-day Mr. Hitt took occasion to note his objection to reporting any measure that would preveut Washing ton from entering into competition, which result would probably follow an attempt to settle the question as to whether the government will aid the fair beforn deciding upon the site. Every Humor Except Iciithycsls Is speedily, permanently, and economically cured by the Cuticcka. Remedis?. This is strong language, but true. It will encourage 'thousands of hopeless sufferers .who have tried and found wanting bo physicians and medicines, to make one more effort to rid themselves of these terrible afflictions. . Cc zicvs* i* the only positive cure. At one time in the discussion the sub committee approached: a vote directly on the Springer proposition; but Mr. Ilitt managed to avert this, as he be lieved that it would be defeated. In fact, the Chicagoans seem to ' be de cidedly of opinion that the chairman is leaning toward the New York view. Mr. Candler himself is non-committal, and, when asked to-day if he believed that the adoption of the Springer reso lution could be regarded as favoring one city as against the others, he said evasively that it was too early at pres ent to tell what significance any such vote would have. - v ..; THREE fee e prisons. V* The Lower House of Congress Pro - poses to Build Them. <- :> Washington; Jan. 22.— 1n the house 5 to-day the senate joint resolution appro priating $250,000 for the removal of ob structions from the Missouri river be tween St. Joseph and its mouth was amended by reducing the appropriation 1 to $75,000 and appropriating 175,000 for the removal of snags from the Columbia river, Oregon. As amended . the joint resolution passed.- The house then went into committee of the whole on the Oklahoma townsite entry bill. The third section, which was in dispute, was finally agreed to and the bill passed. Mr. Stewart reported a bill authorizing the purchase of two sites, one to be located north and one south of the 39th degree of north latitude and to erect thereon buildings at a cost of $500,000 each for the con finement of United States prisoners, and appropriating $100,000 for the erec tion of work shops. The house went into committee of the whole for the purpose of considering the bill. On motion of Mr. Cunie, of California, an amendment was adopted providing for the purchase of the three sites and the erection of three buildings, two of which shall be located as follows: One to the north and another to the south of the 39th degree of north latitude and east of the Rocky mountains and one to the west of the Koeky mountains. The second section provides that the convicts • be employed exclusively in the manu facture of supplies for the government Mr. McCreary, of Kentucky, offered an amendment providing that the con victs shall not be worked outside of the prison enclosure. Adopted. Mr. Raines, of New York, offered an amendment providing that the convicts be employed exclusively in the manufacture of such supplies for the government as can be manufactured witliout the use of ma chinery. Adopted, after debate, by a t vote of 104 to 05. Pending further ac tion, the committee rose. Mr. McKin ley, of Ohio, from the committee on ways and mpons, reported back the cus toms administrative bill, and it was re ferred to the committee of the whole, Mr. McKinley then moved that the house go into committee, stating that as soon as the committee was in session he would move that it rise and the house adjourn. Mr. Crisp, of Georgia, moved an adjournment, and the Democrats by dilatory motions forced the house to an adjournment at 5:30. FEDERAL. OFFICIALS BARRED Oklahoma Townsites Selected by Them Will lie Held Invalid. Washington-, Jan. 22.— The Okla- y. homa town site bill, which passes the house to-day, authorizes the secretary of /he interior to appoint three commis sioners for each town in Oklahoma to determine disputes as to titles to land, the disputants to have the right of ap peal to the courts or to the interior de partment. The third section (over which there was an extended dis pute) provides among other things that a claim made by a United States marshal, deputy marshal, or other officer or agent of the government, who was in the territory prior to the time for entering the terri tory fixed by the president's proclama tion or by any person who entered the territory or took possession of land in advance of that time, shall be held in valiu; nor shall. the claims be valid .■ when the person, being lawfully within the territory prior to the appointed time, selected beforehand a townsite on which, after that time he filed a claim. No title assigned by such wrong doer is to be held valid, but substantial improvements made by innocent pur chasers are to be a lien on the property. INCREASING TrtrJ MAJORITY. Republicans Decide to Unseat a West. Virginia Congressman. Washington, Jan. 22.— 8y a strict party vote the house elections commit tee to-day decided to report in favor of unseating Jackson, the Democratic rep resentative from West Virginia, and declaring Smith, the Republican con testant, entitled to the seat. This is the first of the seventeen contested elec tion cases which the committee has dis posed of, and it was the first one upon which argument was heard. After talk ing over the case for a time, the com mittee decided that it would be useless to undertake to dissect the evidence taken, as several days would be con sumed in the process, and the members of the committee were well acquainted with the facts and legal points involved. There will, of course, be two reports, which it is expected will be presented to the house to-morrow. Mr. Dalzell will probably set forth the majority view, and Mr. Crisp will represent the ideas of the minority. Postnffice Plums Apportioned. Washington, Jan. 22.— presi dent to-day sent to the senate the follow ing nominations: Postmasters— Ralph W. Cheever, Clinton. is.; Charles F. P. Pullen, Evansville, Wis.; George E. Bryant, Madison, Wis.: Frank R. whit-" tlesy, Florence. Wis. : James B. Driver, Darliugton. vVis. ; Henry Beal, Hay ward, Wis.; David C. Jenkins, What com, Wash. Still on the Hooks. Washington, Jan. 22.— The nomina tions of Morgan and Dorchester to be commissioners of Indian affairs and su perintendent of Indian schools, respect ively, were not considered by the senate in executive session this afternoon, and it is understood that they have gone over until next week, for the reason that certain testimony has not yet been printed. - Seal of Secrecy Removed. ;2~ Washington, Jan. 22.— the secret session of the senate to-day the seal of • secrecy was removed from the Samoan treaty signed at Berlin, June 14, 1881». by the plenipotentiaries of the United States, Germany and Great Britain. The treaty has been published heretofore.'' -v . ft - An Ancient Refrain. '}"'} Time. /,'", Grocer— noise is that in the cellar, John? Boy (after an inspection) — It only, the vinegar singing, "No one Cares for Mother, Now."" . f When Baby was sick ;■- s, > We gave her Castoria. When she was a Child She cried for Castori - When she became Miss She clung to Castoria. . When she had Children She gave them Castoria. • 30 DAYS 9 TRIAL ■ ,T-}V~, I»R.HOftSE'SELICTBO-JUa I .«<SSfTO-s*=ar''H''Di. '^s. SKI K " BKLX contains M to 100 IgSlJiJ^jm^^^Sg^-S^o'ESectrioitT.posiUve. i^^Qrp-rni JNIEVCSPIi? cllrc3 SBKCSATIBS. StX ISB^gJBjCj^fggOIULGU, U > feK,kID\KV wd CThaa»tingchrtmis disease of • . ™Hc*^ bothiexc«,youngoroM.rielior poor. Stop:**: dressing, core yourself. t-CARASTKKU the litest im^ffi>proTed,chnp*«t scientific. powerful, dur. I able and cßecUre MEDICAL ELECTRIC BELT in the WORLD. Electric Suspensories free witn Mai* Belts. Electricity instant* ly felt. Call and examine, or tend stamp for iiluatraMl ' pamphlet and terms. - - i QB.W.d.H9BHE«aEUOVEOt»I3OffABASHAYE.CH!CMiO. .---■■. -■: -. ■ ' mm [vans SPECIAL SALES ANT* SPECIAL PRICES In the Following Departments THIS WEEK I Linens and Housekeeping Goods. Sheetings and Muslins. Embroideries and Laces. Men's Unlaundried Shirts. Cloaks and Tea Gowns. Shawls and Furs. Blankets and Comfortables. Ladies' and Gents' Underwear. In each one of these departments you can effect a saving of 25 per cent by calling at THE STORE. Come in now while the prices are running so low. You may not be able to get them so cheap again. ■ ! : SGHUNEMAN & EVANS, ] ' . . • ' 55, 57 and 59 East Third Street, St. Paul. j STOP! I RUNNING I iA cough is the first whispering of ap proaching disease. Tickling throats de velop into coughs. Coughs lead to the great enemy, consumption. Use Kidd's Cough Syrup for Coughs, Colds. Sore Throat, Influenza and Hoarseness. It is pleasant and absolutely safe for children. For sale by all druggists. We can cure you and make you per fectly well and keep your throat and lunsrs in a splendid condition. The true and sure way is to use Kidd's Cough Syrup, only a quarter a bottle; can be had of druggists everywhere. Our beautiful Imported Pictures will please you. They can be framed and hung on the wall; where introduced everyone wants them. RPT THFM bu °ttieof kidd's ULI IllUfl Cough Stbup at your druggist's or store and mail us the wrap per with four cents in stamps. Be care ful to write your address plainly. FLEMING BROTHERS, PITTSBURGH, PA. Children Too Fast become listless, fretful, without ener gy, thin and weak. But you can for tify-them and build them up, by the use of SCOTT'S EMULSION OF PURE COD LIVER OIL AND HYPOPHOSPHITES ; Of Lime and Soda. < They will take it readily, for it is al most as palatable as milk. And it 1 should be remembered that AS A PBE. < VENTIVE OB CUBE OF COUGHS OB COLDS, IN BOTH THE OLD AND YOUNG, IT IS ' UNEQUALLED. Avoid substitutions offered. INFLUENZA IS very contagious TO people sup FERING FROM irritation OF THE THROAT. BY using the CELEBRATED sodex MINERAL pastilles, this UNFAILING REMEDY for sore THROAT, COUGHS, catarrh and hoarseness, YOU CAN protect YOURSELVES AGAINST THIS dreaded disease. everybody should keep A BOX OF . sodex mixekal PAS tilles in THE house. - sold BY all DRUGGISTS AT 25c and 50c A BOX. Pamphlets sent gratis on appli cation by the Soden Mineral Springs Co., Limited. 15 CEDAR ST.," NEW" YORK, - - - remits, largest circulation aiitl mJ r\ ft ♦ iqost advantageous rates are ij r?tJ £ civen by me Globe, - the its*: ■^ V.w * "Want" medium. -~ . SEALED_PROPOSALS Sechetart's offfice, ) High School Building, > City of St. Paul, Minn., Jan. 9, 1890. ) Sealed Proposals will be received by the Finance Committee of the Board of Education of the City of Saint Paul at the office of the Secretary, in the "High school building," until 4 o'clock p. m. on Tuesday the 28th Dayot January,. 1890, — — $100,000 FOUR (4) PER CENT BONDS OF THE Board of Education of the City of St. Paul, (Semi-Annual Coupons Attached.) Maturing in Thirty Years From Their Date, VIZ.! <tlOn ftftfl School Bonds of the QiUUjUUU. Board of Education, 4 percent, dated Janu ary 15th, A. D. 1890, due January 15th, A. ID. 1920, issued "for the purchase of land and to aid in the erection of public school build ings in said city," un der an act of the legis lature approved April sth, A. I). 1889, and resolution of the Board of Education of the City of Saint Paul passed January 6th, 1390. Principal and interest of the above bonds are payable at the financial agency of the City of St. Paul in the City of New York. Tnese bonds will be issued in denomi nation of One Thousand Dollars Each And delivered to the successful pur chaser in the City of St. Paul on the first (Ist) day of February, 1890. No bid will be entertained for less than par and accrued interest, as pro vided by law. Bids will be entertained for all of the bonds As a Whole or for Any Part Thereof. The Finance Committee of the Board of Education will reserve the right to reject any or all bids. CHARLES J. THOMSON, Chairman. , A. G. POSTLETHWAITE, DANIEL E. FOLET", Finance Committee. Mark Bids Sealed Proposals for Bonds and Address CHARLES J. THOMSON, Chairman of Finance Committee of the Beard of Education of the City of Saint Paul, ..-Minn., High School Building. ' Attest: Edward W. White, : Secretary of Board. SIEJP NEW FACES! Increasing Sales ! Crowded Departments ! Sufficient and gratifying: evidence to us that we are giving: the people Genuine Bargains ! You won't find a lot of shop-worn goods, job lots, etc., in our stock, but everything 1 new and fresh that gives the wearer pleasure and satisfaction. Hundreds of Nobby and Stylish All- Wool Suits, Sacks and Cutaways, cut to ONE-HALF OFF Manufacturers' Prices. DO YOU NEED PANTS ? If so, come and see the elegant line just received from our factory. ■r 500 pairs -•■ Of the latest and most stylish patterns we've ever had. Faultless in make, fit and style. We closed the late produc tions of some large mills at 50 cents on the dollar, and we will sell them at prices that retailers cannot buy them for. Note a few of the cut prices : $7.50 Nobbiest Pants Cut to $5.00 $6.00 Elegant Pants Cut to $4.00 $5.00 Stylish Pants Cut to $3.00 $4.00 Lovely Pants Cut to $2.50 Finest Worsteds, Casshneres, Cheviots, in Plaids and Stripes- SEE A. FEW OF THE STYLES IX OUR CORNER WINDOW. FASHION DECREES that the popular Storm Coat is to be the Ulster. We commend our line to the "fashionables." We are showing" a magnificent variety of materials, and have made prices that will send them galloping; $30.00 Shetland Ulster Cut to $18.00. $25.00 Storm King Ulster Cut to $18.00. $22.50 Irish Frieze Ulster Cut to $15 00. $20.00 Newfoundland Ulster Cjtto $12.50. $15.00 Cassimere Ulsters Cut to $10.00. Quick decision acquires the first and test choice. We defy any of our competitors to match our prices. BROWNING, KINO & CO., LEADiNG CLOTHIERS, N. W. Cor. Seventh and Robert Sts. ST. PAUL. BUT* Largest Manufacturers anl Retailers of fiaa Clothing in the Worll. W.L. DOUGLAS ffiSjpF*'".' ' -itbkL (JjQ QUOIT FOR gjsiigife.. - r ".sH u>O On WE.. oentlemex* «gK§&;".' "' , ' «i,!iiiiaSiiliiaß Best In the World. Examine Ills JawST '^£€r~*^'i'v££i^ £5.00 (xHN u UTE Hand- ewed SS.SO Police and Farmers' SUoew iJj&^V-,'. viSis W J $£.5O Kxtra Value Ca Shoe. °°* 3§lM!{ I 88.23 Worklngman's Shoe. ij&iflpyiil fi|B*|vf $».OOana.'s> 1.75 Hoys' school Shoe« AU mode in Congress, Button and Lace. W. L. DOUGLAS >^P^^^^^^^^ $3 & $2 SHOES LADIE9. ><^^*^hw Best Material. Best Style. Best Fitting. ***of£sm&kL \ >(^|^S^^»w W. It. Douglas" 83.00 Shoe, shown in en* i^^^^^^^SßfcwO^^^W^i below, ib made of fine Calf, on lusts modeled Wlfb^A- '■^^^^•*\^W for the foot; smooth inside us haud-sewed >J^^K€-C*^Vx^^^€*'^ V shoes, and no tacks or wax thread to hurt «^S^roSSlaßya^^saßßßaß^^^y . tho feet. Every pair warranted. ft 1 1 IT I fill W. L. DOUGLAS' name and the price are stamped cv ... /% UAli I lull on the bottom of all Shoes advertised by him before y& 3tWT Ccntn far leaving his factory; this protects the wearers against PZtBtMESi hich prices and inferior goods. If your dealer offers you shoes without 1 Tg Bfc3 W. L.. DOUGLAS' name and price stamped on them, and say they I BosSl are his shoes, or just as good, do not be deceived thereby. Dealersmaker W / .'fiSj|f more profit on unknown shoes that are nut warranted >/ "V : Sfm l ~\ anybody therefore do not bo induced to buy shoes that i\rh .<y^« E!W : m no reputation. Buy only those that have W. L. D:>iJ(>l,A3' .y, MRjS !tJ m name and tne price stamped 03 the bottom, and you 1 • ) ; ira "^r «o W3M.^r^ to get full value for your money. Thousands of dollars art JT J<s «3^r=M saved annually in this country by the wearers of f *O W. L. DOCOL AS' SHOES. " _lT^l_i^^tfc -^Ldjgff W. L. DOUGLAS. Brockton, &H^'^^^.^\\^^^S%m FOR SALE BY %jj^^^^^^^^ H. Horman & Co., 177 and 179 Dakota are., i W. W. Thomas, 416 Wabasha street. West St. Paul. I J. H. Horeisch, 381 West Seventh street Kochette & sons. 211 West Eleventh street. IA. Gundlack. 395 Eice st.^corner pi Marßl Health Is Wealth, Db. K. C. West's Neeveasd Brain Treat mekt. a guaranteed specific for Hysteric Dizziness, Convulsions, Fits, Nervous Neu ralgia, Headache, Nervous Prostration caused by the use of alcohol or tobacco. Wakeful* ness. Mental Depression. Softening of me Brain resulting in insanity and leading to misery, decay and death. Premature Old Age, Barenness, Loss of Power in either sex. In voluntary Losses and Spermatorrhoea caused by over-exertion of the brain, self-abuse or over-indulgence. Each box contains one month's treatment. . $1 a box, or six boxes for $5, sent by mail prepaid on receipt of price. WE GUARANTEE SIX BOXES To cure any case. With each order received br us lor six boxes, accompanied with $5, we will send the purchaser our written guar antee to refund the money It the treatment does not effect a cure. Guarantees Issued only by Hippier & Collier, the open-all-night druggists, corner Seventh andSiitley streets, St.. : Paul, Minn THE ABERDEEN ! Dayton and Virginia Avenues. STRICTLY FIRE-PROOF APARTMENTS. Bath-rooms with every suite. Table d'hote ; dinner at 6:30 p. m., Sundays 5 :30. \ Entertainment of theater and select parties a specialty. ■ JOHN DOWLAX & SONS, — -DEALERS IX COAL and WOOD ! 35 East Fifth Street 5 ■■ OFFICES -I*T THH- Globe Building FOR RENT — BY — John I .Taylor, Agt Room 18, Globs Building. ST. PAUL Foundry Company, HAKTJFACTUREBS OF Architectural Iron Work! Founders, Machinists, Blacksmiths and Pattern Makers. Send for cuts of col* umus. Works on St. P., M. &M. R. JR., near Gomo avenue. Office 102 E. Fourth street, St. Paul. C. M. POWER, Secre tary and Treasurer <H*»X CHICHESTER'B ENGLISH mMpennyroyal PILLS. Vv _^5g3*3 BED CROSS diamond BRAND. I*l 9^ Safe, sore and always reliable. Ladles, 17 ~~ Of «•'' I»rur«l»t lor Diamond Brand, I *"• Jar la red metallic boxes, sealed with bias \V* S3 ribuon. Take mo other. S*ad4e.(«tpi) «X ■- if rorp»riloulkra and "Relief for Ladies" ■ A— — r- ' *» *«««■. by return mulL .V«n« Anr, Ifeiuhcter Okwsi'l Caw. MtMtlaoa Ba.. i'liUtu. Pa,