Newspaper Page Text
VOL. XII. * ; §?& • QUAKERDOM DELUGED A Great Storm Passes Over a Portion of Western Penn sylvania. Several Lives Lost and Im mense Damage Done to Property. The Main Streets of Many Cities Turned Into Surg ing Rivers. Big Washouts on the Rail ways Cause Serious Delay to Traffic. Pittsburg, Pa., May 23.— heavi est rain and electrical storm known in years passed over a large section of Western Pennsylvania this evening, do ing great damage to property and re sulting in the loss of several lives. The Btorm struck Pittsburg about 4 o'clock, but no serious damage was done in the old city. In the East end, however, the wind played havoc. Houses were blown down, trees uprooted and small build ings demolished. On Winebiddle ave nue five new frame houses were lifted from their foundations and.completely destroyed. Another house on Black Horse hill, occupied by John Miller, was lifted bodily from the foundations and blown a considerable distance. The family were in the sitting-room at the time, but were not injured. At least a score of other houses in the vicinity were unroofed. A large number of persons received slight injuries, but, as far as known at this time, there were no fatalities. The loss is estimated at from 825,000 to $30, --000. At McKeesport, hailstones as large as walnuts tell, while the rain poured down in sheets for a full half hour. The heavy ice, striking horses, caused a number of runaways, but no serious damage was done. The light ning struck several buildings In this vicinity, and considerable damage was done. The greatest injury was done by the water, which came down White's Hollow in a stream. Seventy-Five Feet Wide The water was five feet deep on Fifth avenue at a point below Center street, and a number of houses which were be low grade were submerged. The water reached the second story of the Berk tolder residence, causing great damage to that place, and also the places ad joining. It was by far the heaviest and most unexpected rain storm for this year. At Greensburg William Fry, the gardener at St- Joseph's academy, was struck and instantly killed by a bolt* of lightning. A cow stand ing near him was also killed. The heavy rains caused great damage by the flood in the iow lands in this vicinity. Cellars and basement kitchens are flooded. Lightning also struck Col. Huff's palatial residence, the First Reformed church and other buildings, doing great damage in every instance. Near Washiugton, Pa., lightning struck a derrick iv the course of erection on the Col. Robert Miller farm, shattering it and killing William Furman, single, seriously injuring William Gates and Btunning two others. In Fayette county the rainfall was extensive and did much damage to the railroad. In theT bird ward swamps the Southwest Pennsyl vania railway tracks were flooded sev eral feet deep and trains have been held several hours. The Baltimore & Ohio is a heavy sufferer. At Broad Ford the tracks are Covered With Water. A heavy landslide occurred at Oak dale, and as it was being cleared away a still heavier one came down, blocking both tracks. The flood in Mount's creek carried away many small buildings. At Layton station an immense amount of mud, rocks and trees came down on the Baltimore & Ohio tracks about 5 o'clock this evening. The east-bound track was cleared at 9 o'clock, but later word says it has again been covered for a long distance by more of the hill coming down. The rain there this afternoon amounted almost to a cloud burst. Train men say the streams from the hills flowed over the track. The west-bound track will not be cleared before to-morrow night. At Scottdale the storm was particularly de structive. Cellars along all the princi pal streets are nearly filled with water, and the goods that many of the mer chants had stored away are saturated. The creek is risiug steadily, and the safety of a couple of the railroad bridges between Scottdale and Fair Chance is endangered. The construction train has been ordered to the scene. A dis patch from Oil City, Pa., says: Heavy rainfalls have occurred almost steadily since last midnight, raising the water in the river add creek to the highest point since 18S3. The rise in the river has been at Its Highest Average ln the last four hours, and stands now at 14 feet Si inches, a rise of 6 feet since 10 a. m. Reports from all points up the river gauge from sto 8 inches higher, and it is expected that it will be at least 5 feet higher here before midnight. On account of washouts, no railroad com munications can be had with Buffalo or Warren. The ground floors of the lower portion of the town are flooded, includ ing the basement of the oil exchange and the Derrick press room. At Wheel ing, W. Va., about 2% inches of rain fell in twenty minutes, del uging the streets and flooding a num ber of business houses in cellars and first floors. Travel on the Elm Grove railroad was stopped for several hours by a heavy land slide. The newly plowed farm land in the vicinity suf fered severely. There are apprehen sions of a big river. In Pittsburg the heavy rain is likely to swell the rivers to flood proportions. At all points along the Allegheny, Youghiogheny and Mo nongahela rivers the rainfall was un usual. The stage of water here this evening was thirteen feet and rising. A special from Erie, Pa., says: The long continued rains have caused a great deal of trouble On the Railroads in this section of the state, on the Buf falo, New York & Philadelphia. There Daily ST PAUL Globe. wera also a number of washouts in the vicinity of Corry, on the Philadelphia & Erie railroad. The washouts near Corry necessitated the transferring of passengers from one side of the Howard tanning culvert. A cloud-burst at Northeast covered the Lake Shore and Nickel Plate tracks aud stopped all trains. This morning a west-bound freight on the Nickel Plate went through a bridge near Crayton, in this state. The bridge was a wooden structure.aud was 200 feet in length, and thirty feet high. The floods had washed out the foundations, ana when Engi neer Daniel Ellis struck the bridge his engine and almost the entire train went down into the sweeping torrent. Ellis was caught uuder the submerged engine, but his brave fireman, William Nicholson, although badly hurt himself, was able, through superhuman effort, to relieve his engineer aud got him on top of the wreck, and was assisted In his labors by Head Brakeman William Johnston, who was also badly hurt. The three men were taken off the wreck and attended by physicians. The engineer is badly hurt and may not recover. Over twenty-five cars tumbled into the flood. The Nickel Plate trains are run ning on the Lake Shore railroad. LIKE A CLOUD BURST. Streets in Places Converted Into Rivers. Cleveland, 0., May 23.— rain storm, much in the nature of a cloud burst, swept over Northwestern Pennsylvania this morning doing great damage to property. At Corry streets were converted into rivers in some places two feet deep, tearing up the sewers and washing out the roads. The* railroad yards were comnletely inun dated, the flood washing out some of the side tracks. At one time the water between the Wells-Fargo and American Express offices and First avenue was six feet deep, flooding both offices and the large platform on. both sides of the union depot, the water reaching the waiting rooms. The busi ness men on First avenue, Main and Center streets have sustained heavy losses. The railroads both east and west of the city sustained heavy dam age. The valley from Corry to Irvin town, a distance of twenty miles, is a complete lake of water from one to three miles in width. The loss will probably reach -5100,000 or more. The public highways in the surrounding country are nearly impassable, so that it will be a week before travel will again be resumed. At Meadville, the light ning cut out all the electric lghts, and several buildings were struck, although none were severely damaged. Several streets were flooded, and extensive damage resulted in the lower portion of the city from the rapid rising of French creek. Three bridges, a slaughter house, and numerous small buiidiugs and sidewalks were swept away. Reports from all directions indi cate that the damage in this vicinity has been heavy. The New York, Pennsyl vania-. Ohio and the Meadville & Lines ville railroads both suffered considerable damage from washouts. Near Union City, on the former line, a hole forty feet long and twenty-two feet deep was scooped from under the track. This washout was accidentally discovered just before the arrival of the Chicago limited express. Didn't Feaze the Prison. Joliet, 111., May 23.— terrible thunder and rain storm visited this sec tion last night. The rain fell in. torrents and reports from outlying suburbs are that there was a cyclone. On the west side a couple of residences were blown down, with no serious injury to the in mates. The storm took a course directly toward the massive buildings of the Joliet penitentiary, but no serious dam age was done. The electrical storm in the city was severe._ MICAWBER-LIKE. The St. Paul-Chicago Lines Wait- ing for Something to Turn Up. The Interview of General Passenger Agent Kenyon, published in the Globe yesterday, showing in what way pas senger rate wars could be obviated in the future, created widespread com ment in railroad circles. From what was said by the various officials, it is, however, questionable whether Mr. Kenyon's scheme, will ever be agreed to. As Assistant General Passenger Agent Gilfillan, of the Duluth road, puts it: "Kenyon's scheme, theoretical ly, is a good one; practically, the roads will never agree to it. There are too many roads to get them down to an agreement and abide by it. Ido not ex pect that the St. Paul-Chicago lines will be able to agree to any proper adjust ment of rates, and these 'cut wars' may be looked for at intervals." There was not an official who did not desire some action be taken to readjust the present demoralization in rates, but every one, when asksd, Why not take the initia tive? said in substance: "It's no use. We call a meeting, the various roads are represented, but nothing can be accom plished. All the roads appear to have an ax to grind, and each road wants its ax attended to first. The attitude of each road just now is a waiting one. They are adopting the Micawber policy —'waiting for something to turn up.' How long they will wait is difficult to foresee." Unless something is done soon the summer passenger traffic will be upon us in all its glory. A So-round trip rate between St. Paul and Chicago is much below the value of the services rendered, and a depleted treasury will be reported by all the roads unless prompt steps are taken to remedy the present foolhardy policy of doing busi ness. C Chicago, May 23.— ?11 passen ger rate between Chicago and New York, after having been in effect hardly twenty-four hours, was rescinded by the Central Traffic association. The £16 rate still remains in force, however. There were no changes made in West ern passenger rates to-day. The $3 rate, either way, between Chicago aud St. Paul, went into effect on the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul road this morn ing, as was announced it would. WILL RATES GO UP? A Railway Conference Booked for New York. Chicago, May 23.— Local railroad managers attach considerable impor tance to the conference to be held in New York next Tuesday. It is expected that all the various interests will be represented at the meeting, including the trunk lines, the Great Northern, the Soo and the Canadian Pacific. The object is to advance West-bound lake and rail rates, and by equalizing those rates by the several routes, to put an end to the fight over through traffic from the seaboard to St. Paul and Min neapolis. A preliminary meeting of lake lines is to be held in Buffalo to morrow, and an advance in rates will be agreed upon if possible. Steamship Arrivals. New Arrived: Steamers State of Indiana, from Glasgow; and City of Berlin, from Liverpool. MONTANA IS SHOCKED A Distinct Seismic Disturb ance Is Felt at Billings and Vicinity. Breckinridge Is Visited by a Bridge-Destroying Wind Storm. Two St. Paul Attorneys Suing for a $10,000 Fee at Duluth. An Ex-State Official Who Thinks Gov. Merriam Easy to Beat. Special to the Globe. Billings, Mont., May 23.— sec tion of the state was visited by a severe . shocK of earthquake about 1 o'clock this morning. Three distinct shocks were felt here. They were accompanied by a rumbling noise, and shook houses so the chandeliers and dishes rattled. It cracked one brick house from top to bottom, and several bricks fell out of an aperture. In a large building where a dance was in progresss the shock was so great as to throw a number of the dancers to the floor. At the Yel- '• lowstone National park no shock was felt, but a heavy rumbling was heard. WRECKED A BRIDGE. A Storm Passes North of Breckin ridge. Special to the Globe. Bjreckinkidge, Minn., May 23.— At about 6 p. m., a heavy wind, probably cyclonic, coming from the southwest, passed over this place, car rying so dense a cloud of dust as to make it for a short time as dark as night. Just north of town it seemed to come to the earth and completely wrecked the bridge across the Otter tail, lifting it bodily from the piling and throwing it into the river. No other damage is reported so far. Special to the Globe. THEY WANT $10,000. Two St. Paul Attorneys Seeking a Big Fee. Special to the Globe. Duluth, Minn., May 23. -The case of J. J. Egan and M. D. Munn, of St. Paul, vs. Johu D. Howard, is on trial before Judge Steams to-day. This is an im portant suit. In 1858 Edward . Becker and John D. Howard were residents of Superior. The former became embar rassed and made a loan with Howard for $1,200. He offered a mortgage on 1040 acres of land situated in the center of what is now West Superior and a note for $2,500 as security, but Mr. Howard took a deed to the land instead. Matters ran along until 1880, when Becker asked for an accounting, but Howard held that the deed gave him the property. Suit was brought in 1887, and last year the supreme court decided that Howard's title was good. The land is now valued at a half million dollars. Egan & Munn were attorneys for How ard, and they are now suing to recover $10,000 attorney's fees. The evidence, introduced to-day was a large part of it expert testimony. R. B. Galusha, J. B. Brisbin, Frank A. Ross, J. W. Lusk, of St. Paul, aud W. W. Billson, all promi nent attorneys, testifying that the claim is not excessive. TODD'S LEVEL HEAD. He Says the Democrats Can Beat Merriam. Special to the Globe. Duluth, Minn., May W. M.Todd, formerly deputy insurance commission er, is in the city, and when asked whom the Republicans would nominate for governor, replied: "Merriam, of course. The other candidates are afraid of his barrel, as they know he will use it. There are a number who have aspira tions, but the convention precludes any organization on their part. This may redound to Merriam's credit as a schem er, but it will lose votes for him at the polls. Under this Australian syste m a number of Republicans will vote for a Democrat, if the right man is nom inated, and the Democrats never had a better chance to elect a governor than they have this fall. From the present outlook I think that the Democratic nomination is between Durant, of Still water, and Wilson, of Winona. In case it becomes necessary to effect a com promise, either Lochren, of Minneapo lis, or Severance, of Mankato, may be chosen. The later is very popular, and would make a strong run. Judge Loch ren could carry Hennepin couuty by 1,000 majority. Merriam has no chance of carrying Ramsey, and where will, he get enough to offset this?" Duluth office of the Globe is located at No. 108 »Chamber of Commerce building, with Magraw Bros. & Osmuu, real estate dealers, where subscriptions and advertise ments will be received. REPUBLICANS STAMPEDED. Excitement Over an Address hy Ben Terrell. Special tp the Globe. Milbank, S. :D., May 23.— Ben Ter rell, National alliance lecturer, ad dressed an immense gathering of farm ers here this afternoon ; the opera house was packed. It was the first of a series of fourteen lectures to be delivered in the state. Terrell Is an able, eloquent and forcible speaker.iyet his language is so plain and simple as to be quickly comprehended by all. He urged the farmers to study the great economic questions of the day, and to organize for their mutual protection and benefit. He would not advise the alliance to make independent nominations unless the old parties failed to put in men who would represent their principles, but, if they failed to do so, then make an inde pendent move. His remarks were re ceived with great enthusiasm, and there very strong and growing sentiment among the farmers to organize for their mutual benefit, and to act independently • of the old political party, which has hitherto run things for the benefit of the party machine without consulting the interests of the farmers. This ad dress of the national alliance lecturer may properly be considered the open ing gun of the campaign in South Da kota, which will probably result in shaking up the state politically as was never before witnessed. Republican politicians evince great anxiety , and uneasiness . over the : address, and fear that an independent farmers' move is ST. PAUL, MINN., SATURDAY MORNING, MAY 24, 1890. contemplated, and their fears : are un doubtedly well founded. JACK DEMPSEY'S COUSIN : [Dies Alone on Divide Creek, Mon tana. V Special to tbe Globe. ; Butte, Mont., May 23.— 1t transpired at the inquest held to-day on the body of John Dempsey, who was found dead In his cabin, that he is a cousin . of the pugilist. Jack Dempsey, and although nearly destitute, always took the sport ing papers to watch the movements of his distinguished relative. The cabin where he met his death is a lonely spot on Divide creek, seventeen miles from here, and just where the waters flow one way to the Atlantic and the other to the .Pacific. Dempsey was a pros pector, owning several claims on which he worked during the summer, selling the ore to smelters. He was born in New York state, and was an old canal man. He has relatives in Utica aud Paris Hill, N. Y. The inquest failed to show anything criminal connected with his death. He had been allowed to pass away alone one mile from any other habitation, with no medicine or attend ants. Every day or two some miner would drop in and build a fire. The last day Dempsey had apparently in a frenzy thrown himself from the bed, bit his finger and scratched himself. The bruises and cuts are' thought to have resulted from his own struggles. He suffered from rheumatism and ery "sipilas for years. The body has been buried here." JEWELRY' BY THE HATFUL. A La Crosse Bawdy House as a Fence. Special to the Globe. La Crosse, Wis., May 23— The desk of Chief of Police Clark looked like a jewelry store after a cyclone this after noon. The officers who had been out searching Nellie Haley's bad house had watches, chains, rings, studs, pins, bracelets, etc., in every pocket, -the whole making a plug hat full. The stuff is undoubtedly part of the stock stolen from a Chicaeo traveling man at Waverlv, 10., lately. It was brought here on the morning of the 20th by a man who went to Haley's place and made everybody in the house a present, after which he offered watches for sale. A man was arrested the evening of the 21st on suspicion, but got away from the two officers and escaped across the river in a skiff. No search was made until; this morning, when the police went through the house with the above re suit. Every girl had a lot of stuff hid den, and the madame had a candy box full concealed in a stove. The house will be pulled as a fence. CELEBRATED CEMENT. , Capitalists Propose Making the Article in Dakota. Special to the Globe. Chamberlain, S. D., May 23.— A rep- : resentative of Eastern capitalists has been here for several days, investigat ing the chalkstone bluffs along the Mis souri river in this vicinity. He left to- , day, taking samples ■of the stone with.-, him. This stone has been analyzed and, found to contain clay, which is the necessary ingredient, with the chalk stone, to make the celebrated Portland cement. While here the representative of the capitalists filed on ten claims along the river under the mineral laws. The capitalists contemplate putting in immense cement works. kittle Falls, May 23.— The abun dant rains aud damp weather of the past few days are indicative of a good harvest. The weather is now warm, and farmers are correspondingly encouraged. STILL IT RAINS, Spring Showers Still Visiting the Dakotas. Special to the Globe. Claremont, S. D., May 23.— heaviest rain storm of the season passed over this section of country this after noon. Over one inch of rain has fallen. Steele, S. D., May 23.— weather is fine, and plenty of rain comes nearly every day. '■ Aberdeen, S. D., May 23.— A lively hail storm.followed by another half-inch of rain, fell iv this region to-day, mak ing a total precipitatiou for the week of two inches, with indications of further showers to-night. Wheat is coming for ward rapidly, and the general comment of farmers is that the county has not known more favorable conditions since 1882. The town and county wear • a broad smile. . Fargo, N. D., May 23.— A copious rainfall this afternoon, extending through the entire Red river valley. High wind accompanied it, but no se rious damage was reported. Dead or Alive. Special to the Globe. Helena, Mont, May 23.— Mayor Bradford to-day issued a proclamation offering a reward of $300 for the body, dead or alive, of any one guilty of housebreaking. This action was caused by the nightly depredations committed by thieves, whom the officers are unable to suppress. Last night they robbed, and theu fired the residence of I. D. McCutcheon, and also robbed sev eral other houses. _ Killed by a Colt. Special to the Globe. . Abekpeen, S. D., May Wednes day the little daughter of Spencer Day ton, a farmer living in Rondell town ship, went out to call the men to din ner. She was fonnd shortly after un conscious iv the barnyard with a terri ble wound in the back of her head, where a colt loose in the yard had' kicked her. The child died to-day with out regaining consciousness. North Dakota's Convention. ~ Special to the Globe. Fargo, N. D., May 23.— The execu- ; tive committee of the state Republican" committee met this evening and decid ed to call a meeting of the entire state ! committee in Fargo, June 18, to decide j upon the date and place for holdidg the' state convention. < Confirmed. Washington, May 23.— Among the confirmations to-day were the following:' Receivers of public moneys, Alfred T. ,. Campbell. Miles City, Mont.; Robert C, Heydlauff, AsnlaDd, -Wis.; J. R. San born. Cceur d'Alene, Idaho. Postmas ter, Charles E. Johnson, Lisbon, N. D.. Cracker Factory for Huron. Specials to the Globe. Huron, D., May 23.— Omaha and Huron parties to-day signed a contract for the erection here of a cracker fact ory, the building 75x125 feet, three stories high, built of brick, and equipped : for extensive business. The , plant will - cost 160,000. _' Corwin Becomer*rClerk. Special to the Globe. v 7 - Steele, N. D., May 23.— F. S. Corwin was to-day appointed clerk of court, the office having been made va cant by the death of ■ C. G. Simpson. FOUR AWFUL SHOTS. A Young* Farmer of Sibley County Attempts to Kill His Wife, And Then. Fires a Couple of Bullets Into His Own Body. Driven to Desperation by His Wife's Refusal to Live With Him. He Makes His Will and Care fully Prepares for the Tragedy. Special to the Globe. Hendekson, Minn., May 23.— at tempted murder and suicide took place in this county to-day. T. J. McMahon, a prominent young farmer of Washing ton Lake township, living near Green Isle, shot his wife aud then attempted to take his own life. It appears that his wife left him last winter and went to live with her parents in the town of Faxon aud refused to live with him, though implored many times. McMahon became desperate over her constant re fusal to live with him, and this morning went to his father-in-law's place, about eight miles away, and, after kissing one of his little . children, went to his wife and asked her for the last time to return home and live with him, and upon her refusal drew his revolver and shot twice, both bullets taking effect in her body. Thinking she was dead he left her and went directly to his home, laid down on the bed, placed the pistol over his heart and fired twice. He was just in the act of shooting a third time when his brother rushed into the 'room and took the weapon away. He will die. The whole affair seems to have been premeditated, as he made his will on Sunday, and was out practicing with a revolver. SENT ANONYMOUS LETTERS And Paid the Penalty With His Life. San Francisco, May 23.— The trial of D. H. Arnold for the murder of S. W. Garness last January closed last night, and resulted in the acquittal of the defendant. The case has been in progress more than a week past, and has created much public interest. Ar nold is a prominent resident of Colusa • county, and was formerly the sheriff there. Last faH a number of anonymous circulars were distributed among the best citizens of Colusa, containing cal umnies against members of Arnold's family, and particularly against Mrs. Arnold. Arnold labored incessantly to discover the author of the circulars, and among the persons who claimed to be his friends, and offered assistance in tracing the authorship of the circulars was S. W. Garness, a youngman of this city. Finally Arnold became convinced that Garness was a false friend and was himself the author of the circulars. The men met on the street here last January and went Into a private room of a sa loon together, where Arnold charged Garness with being respons ible for the circulars. The latter made a defiant re ply and (according to Arnold's testi mony) made a motion to draw a revolv er. Arnold then drew his revolver and fired four times, inflicting wounds which resulted in Garness' death a few hours later. It was developed during the trial that Garness was the author of the circulars and that he had written and distributed them either for the pur pose of blackmail or with the intention of breaking up Arnold's home. SHOT BY A LUNATIC. A Priest Fatally Wounded by a Hf& Crazy Man. Chicago, May 23.— Rev. Dr. S. M. Barrett, of St. Stephen's Roman Catholic church, was shot on his doorstep to night and fatally wounded. He had been accosted by a young man who pro fessed to be in a dying condition from heart trouble. The priest gave the man directions to help him physically and was considering the matter of spiritual consolation . when there was a sudden .flash and report, and Dr. Barrett fell with a bullet in his breast. The supposed dying man had suddenly pulled a re volver and fired point-blank at the priest. A series of wild shrieks on the part of the assailant helped bring * the police to the scene. Father Barrett's slayer was speedily landed In a cell, and continued to give every evidence of insanity. Papers showed the prisoner's name to be Cady. Father Barrett has been pastor of St. Stephen's for twenty years, and was particularly respected by the older residents among the Cath olics of the city. LOVED THE FLAG, So He Used It to Shuffle Off With. Florence, Ark., May 23.— Yesterday Edward Kenna, superintendent of the Landale hotel, was found hanging to the transom of his door with a ten-foot United States flag wiapped around his neck. Mr. Kenna was a native of Phila delphia, but came here from New York, and had occupied his present position: only a few days. He leaves a wife and several children. Mr. Kenna was in good spirits the night before, and the : act is attributed to temporary aberra tion of the mind. Very Bad Aldermen. _ Dcs Moines, 10., May 23.— Four alder men and several ex-aldermen of this city have been indicted by the grand jury for willful misconduct in office in drawing from the city treasury illegally sums aggregating over $12,000. Most of them cave bonds for trial and will claim they had the right to the money as pay for services on committees. Nearly all those indicted have returned portions of the sums to the treasury. 77.* Looking for a Messiah. : .> Topeka, Kan., May 23. — United States District Judge oster, who has just returned from the Indian territory, says that the Cheyennes, Comanches, Arapa hoes and several other Indian tribes are just now.vary.much wrought up over; the expected appearance of,. an Indian; Messiah. . The -.- tribes camped : in the ■ ; river bottom near Fort Reno * are * daily expecting the arrival of their .greatest; :of medicine men. who '7 will : ; come from the _ Northern Cheyennes,' near the ■Black Hills. He promises to restore . the country to the Indians in its origi nal state, with its forests, its prairies, its buffalo and wild game. The white man will have to retire. How the In dians got this idea Judge Foster does not know, but they believe that the Messiah wiil surely come. ■» THE CHICAGO CARPENTERS. Their Strike Is Reported as Still "*_BB_| RSB Chicago, May 23.— carpenters' strike, which was inaugurated here a month ago, still remains unsettled as far as a large portion of the union car penters in Chicago are concerned. While the new carpeuters' and builders' asso ciation has acceded to the union's de mands, the original organization ot em ployers has refused to do so, and is em ploying non-union men. The carpenters' council, the representative body of the journeymen, is sending out a warn ing to carpenters throughout the coun try against what they call the mislead ing advertisements of the carpenters and builders' association, which are flooding the city with carpenters from neighboring towns. The council says that there is no scarcity of workmen here, and that many of the men that come here iii search of work are unable to find it, and many of them have been sent back to their homes by the union. There are, in all, about 0,000 union car penters in the city, and it is estimated that 1,000 of these are still out of em ployment, SPECIAL LEGISLATION Wanted by the World's Fair Board of Directors. Chicago, May 23.— The board of directors of the world's fair this after noon adopted a resolution requesting Gov. Fifer to call a special meeting of the Illinois legislature, prior to July 1, to consider submitting to popular vote at. the coming November election a proposition to amend the state constitution so as to authorize the city of Chicago to issue not exceed ing $5,000,000 bonds in aid of the world's exposition. Another matter mentioned is legislation appropriating money tor a state exhibit, and authorizing the use of any of the parks as the site of the fair. It was decided that the funds of the ex position corporation should be divided among such banks in Chicago as are subscribers for 85,000 fair stock, and will pay 2 per cent interest on daily balances, HSBN THE STARS AND BARS. None But Confederate Decora tions at Richmond. Richmond, Va., May 23.— State (newspaper) leads off to-day in Confed erate decorations in honor of Gen. Lee. Its building is covered trom top to bot tom with Confederate colors, and battle flags wave from every window. None but Confederate colors are displayed. The only legend that appears on the facade of the - building is this: "It. E. Lee, America's Greatest Man." These Confederate decorations •'• will be fol lowed up _- to-morrow by the State's twenty-page paper, styled the Confed erate edition, filled with hitherto un published war articles, reminiscences and Confederate battle songs. The stu dents of William and Mary college, who will take part in the unveiling cere monies, will bear a beautiful standard which was the flag of Virginia when she was a British colony. It greatly re sembles the last adopted Confederate flag. Will Delight the Vets. Special to tbe Globe. Little Falls, May 23.— Active prep arations are being made for the grand Northwestern district state G. A. R. en campment in this city June 17, 18 and 19. This district covers nearly one-half of the state.and the attendance, judging from Indications, will be counted by thousands, lt is expected that Com mander-in-Chief Gen. R. A. Alger, De partment Commander Compton and staff, Gov. Merriam and staff, Past Com mander Rea and Past Department Com mander Barto will be present. The grincipal address will be given by Arch ishop Ireland. The officers of.the Woman's Relief Corps will be present. Several thousand veterans, together with firemen and civic organizations, will join in a grand parade on the sec ond day of the encampment. The pro gramme for fireworks, dress parade, etc., will be the finest ever seen in the 'Northwest. Christians Combine. Special to tne Globe. Rochester, Minn., May 23.— quarterly convention of the Rochester Christian Endeavor union, which in cludes the Christian Endeavor societies of Rochester, St. Charles, Zumbrota, Byron Kasson, Dodge Center, Dover and Pine Island, was held at Dover to day. All the towns in the union were represented, and a delegation of fifty went from this city. An afternoon and evening session was held, and a ban quet was tendered the visitors by the Dover people in the evening. Her 102 d Birthday. Chicago, 111., May Apparently the happiest woman in Chicago yester day was Mrs. Sarah Rothschild, exactly 102 years old. She was holding a birth day reception at her daughter's resi dence, and was greeted by hundreds of friends. Mrs. Rothschild seemed spry as a womau of forty, and affectionately welcomed her twenty-seven grandchild ren and fifteen great grandchildren. She was born iv Grabenau, Germany, has resided in Chicago thirty-nine years aud has never known what sickness is. _-__»»- Two Presidents Invited. Atlanta, Ga., May 23.— Pied mont exposition directors yesterday de cided to invite as guests of the associa tion President Harrison,. President Diaz, of Mexico, : ex-President Cleve land, Secretaries Blame and Rusk, Sen ator-elect Carlisle, Gov. Campbell, of Ohio, Col. Polk, president of the Farm ers' alliance, and other prominent gen tlemen, It is believed that President Harrison will come. If he does, Presi dent Diaz's presence is assured. — *■» — Rolling Mill Strike Over. Pittsburg, Pa., May' 23.— big strike at the National Tube Works at McKeesport ended this morning by the men going back to work. They de manded an increase of wattes, but the company has offered a satisfactory com promise. Several thousand were in volved In the strike, as the National rolling mill was also shut down. - — - — ' -> — — , Still Talking Revision. Saratoga, N. V., May 23.— The time ; of , the Presbyterian ; general assembly to-day was taken up in discussion of the various proposals as to the method of providing for, revision/ Finally they were referred to a committee of seven, to report to the assembly to-morrow. The committee consists of -. Drs. Patton, McCracken; - Erskine , and Kempshall, - and Elders Day, Graham andlorrey. A SMOOTH SCHEME. The Call for the Republican Convention Reveals a Trick. • ,- Which Will Damage the Pros pects of Several State Officials. The Candidates Not Named in Their- Proper Order as Before. HI? . ' Gov. Merriam and Secretary Mattson Hold a Spicy Conference. ■ Have the Republican bosses set out to defeat Col. Hans Mattson's nomina tion for secretary of state? . It certainly looks that way, and one need go no farther than the "call" which has just been issued for the Re- publican state con vention by Chair man Stan ford New el, and Secretar y Joel P. .4 Heatwol c for the most strl king eviden c c of this, as well as sev eral other sche m c s NEW SMILES. of the same order. The - official "call," as sent out by these officers of the Re publican state committee, declares that this convention will be held "for the purpose of placing in nomination can didates for the following positions: 1. Governor. 2. Lieutenant governor. 3. State treasurer. < 4. Secretary of state. I 5. Auditor of state. 6. Attorney general. 7. Clerk of the supreme court. Notice the order in which these names are placed on the list— is an innova tion, striking, unique and, of course, unintentional. For the first time in the history of the Republican party in Min nesota the bosses have dared to set aside the order in which these offices are enumerated in the . constitution of the state for the evident purpose of furthering some scheme at the conven tion. The order in which these differ ent offices were enumerated ir. the calls issued for all previous conventions, was as follows:, 7;-, .• ■";'■■■ 1. Governor. '2. Lieutenant governor, ' 3. '; Secretary or state. 4. Auditor of state. 5. State treasurer. --v • 6. Attorney general. 7. Clerk of the supreme court. The authority for the latter and the usual order is found in section 1 of arti cle 5 of the Constitution of Minnesota, which runs as follows: The executive department shall consist of a governor, lieutenant governor, secretary of state, auditor, treasurer and attorney general, who shall be chosen by the electors of the state. This may seem to be a trivial matter, but it is far from being such to at least several of the present corns of state of ficers who are working for renomina tions. Suppose, for instance, that Sen ator D. M. Clough, of Hennepin county, is nominated for lieutenant governor and Col. Bobleter is defeated by Ole Lucken or some other Scandinavian for the nomination for state treasurer, what chance would Col. Mattson, of Hennepin also, have ot being nominated for secretary of state? Un der the circumstances it is not at all surprising that Col. Mattson should feel rather warm over the matter. "While there is no positive law regulating this matter," said a friend of Secretary Mattson yesterday, "it is oue of those things recognized by custom so long that it just as binding. The order, and , one might say tbe rank, of each officer of the state is regu lated by the constitution of the state, and while, of course, this does not command political conventions to sched ule them in the same way, the party or ganizations have in the past always fol lowed this authority, and Col. Matt son's friends would like to know why a change has been made at this time. His nomination is reasonably sure under the old order, for the simple reason that two Americans will be nominated for the two leading of fices, and if the nomination of a candi date for secretary of state came next, there would be little doubt of Secretary Mattson being named. If the conven tion attempts to make the nominations in the order they are named in the "of ficial" call there will be music." If thlt new scheme is carried out its effects will be far-reaching It will establish a precedent for naming the different offices in any order best suited to the plans of the men at the head of the party ma chine in all future calls. Two years hence a certain faction may want to name the nominee for attorney general early in the day and it will be placed on the call as the third one for which a candidate Is to be nominated, and state treasurer may go to the foot of the list. As a veteran First district politician remarked yester day, these things even themselves up in the end, and the fellows who make a point by this clever manipula tion are very likely to get the worst of it the next time." Ihis is philosophy, to be sure, but it will fail to comfort Col. Hans Mattson If he is the first vic tim to be slaughtered. Auditor Braden's friends do not like the idea of his nomination being placed so near the end of the list! when it should come in as No. 4 on the list, and they are . commencing to object in a most threatening manner. They reason a good deal after this man uer: Suppose Col. Mattson is defeated in the convention by an American, and Col. Bobleter secures a renomination, there will then remain but three offices to be filled. Attorney General Clapp's renomination is assured, and but two offices would be left— those . of auditor ; and clerk of the supreme court, and both would have to go .to the Scan dinavians. .No Republican state ticket has been placed in the field in late years in Minnesota that has not contained the names of a representative man of .each of the two leading Scandinavian nation alities, the Swedes and the Norwegians." and it Is very unlikely that a new de parture will be made this year. Taken all in all, there might be a con dition. of affairs brought about, in the coming state gathering :■: of the Re publicans, when the pine ring, 'Which, by . the way, is :■ after . Capt. Braden's scalp because he refused to allow them to steal all the -timber they: wanted , off the lands of the state,' aided by the feel-; ing ; that r the*. Scandinavians -must be : : ''something," might make it very NO. 144.' interesting for Auditor Braden. It is a well-known fact that the pine ring men are willing to blow lots of the good hard stuff to defeat Braden, if there's a show of accomplishing their purpose. Chairman Stanford Newel probably, knew what he was about when he fixed the "new order of things" on the Re** publican call. But then we shall sea what we shall see. ; I There was music around the somber, old state house yesterday morning. Sec* retary of State Hans Mattson had read} on his way over from Minneapolis the Globe's account of the coolness which has been so long rumored as exist- ing between Gov. Merriam and* himself, and shortly after he reached his office in the capitol building a copy of Stanford Newel's lit tle "call" was handed him. The doughty, colonel saw that the nomination for sec** retary of state was fourth on the lis*, instead of third, as it had always beep. The secretary of the great state of Min nesota was wild. He sat down to think;: and before he had time to indulge im that luxury a messenger summoned, him to Gov. Merriam's private office-' He followed the messenger around the, corridor and into the waiting room of the executive department. This time' he was not obliged to wait until the governor had given an audience to sev eral droves of ward heelers, but was an once ushered into the presence of hia' excellency.. Here a conference was ; held, while the department clerks stood! In the corridors and talked and— waited. Soon the great men separated! and both denied to reporters for the evening papers that there had ever been a cool feeling between them. Neither, however, denied that their business had largely been carried on by correspondence, although 'both sec retary and governor have the same of fice hours at the capitol. ln addition to this, Secretary Mattson wrote out tho following for the Globe : .-. ■ i I would be very glad ii the reporter could state that there is I*o foundation for tha statement in the Globe that 1 am at variance with Gov. Merriam— on the contrary, so far | as lam concerned, I have only kind and friendly feelings towards Mm, and o r official and social intercourse is pleasant and harmonious. It is true thai some official intercourse is, and must be in writing, but icy through the mail. There are many matte . that have to be written in order to preserve files and copies, and that i* all. A BANK CLOSED. BQ| A BANK CLOSED. A New York Institution Pull*) Down Its Blinds. Binghamton, N. V., May 2;-?.— The Owego National bank, of Owego, is not doing business to-day. On the closed doors is posted the following note: "Pending an examination of its affairs, this bank is temporarily closed. De positors need have no fear." The. cash ier of this bank is C. A. Thompson, who is charged by C. H. Piatt, presi dent of the public grain and stock exchange, with acting in concert with James F. Dee to defraud the exchange of •$30,000. He was the correspondent of the exchange at Owego. People who have been doing business with the bank do not appear to be at all alarmed. There is an impres sion that the suspension and the alleged conspiracy are in some way connected. A later dispatch from Owego says the suspension is due to the late develop ments in the "Big Four" collapse. Ono of the directors of the bank said this morning that their deposits amounted to but $52,000. Cashier Thompson is out of town, probably at Newport News, ■ Va., where his wife has been staying for several months. Mr. Thompson is also treasurer of Tioga county. ■^ IT IS RETALIATION. Manitoba Banks Discount Silver From the States. Special to the Globe. Winnipeg, Man., May 23.— Excepting in the case of mutilated silver the ob ject of the banks deciding to charge a heavy discount on United States silver is not apparent. Not much United States silver is in circulation here. The quantities of dollar coins that were shipped here a couple of years ago have so diminished on account of the discount charged by merchants that one Is noft seldom seen. Several lots of mutilated coin have been sent here from New York and circulated in small quantities by parties who purchased them al a < nominal rate on the dollar, it not being ' generally known here that such, coins are worthless in the states. ! This is the only grievance the banks or merchants 'have and there is ' certainly an ulterior motive in this : move of the banks, as the arrangement : was mooted, and subsequently carried through by the manager of the Domin ion Government Savings bank. Can lt be possible that the' government insti tuted the action as a measure of retali- ! ation for the recent agitation against Canadian silver in St. Paul and Minne apolis? Doubtless an affirmative an swer to this question would not be far astray. m Chalmers in the Cold, Washington, May 23.— The house committee on elections to-day acted upon three of the pending contested election cases/and the result will prob ably be an increase of the Republican majority in the house by two members. The cases decided this morning were those of Langston versus Venable, Fourth Virginia district; Miller versus Elliott, Seventh South Carolina district, and Chalmers versus Morgan, Second Mississippi district. In the first two cases the committee will report in favor of seating the Republican contest ants, JLaugstou and Miller, but in the Mississippi case the report will be ln fovor of the sitting member, Mr. Mori- Kan. — Keep Off the Grass. Washington-, May 23.— The presi dent having received information that cattlemen are invading the Cherokee strip in violation of his recent prolama tion, he has instructed Brig. Gen. Mer ritt, commanding at St. Louis, to rigid ly enforce the provisions of the procla mation against all persons found violat ing the same. Bicycles, Watches, Law Books. Boston, May Francis J. Holland, a Harvard law student, was arrested yesterday charged with stealing a gold watch and several bicycles froth the Harvard gymnasium. He not only con fessed these thefts, but also had been stealing a large number of law books from the -library. The stolen articles •have been pawned. Fletcher Harper Dead. - New Yokk, May 23.— Fletcher Har-* '. per, a member of the publishing firm of Harper & Bros., and a son of Fletcher Harper, the youngest of the original . four brothers who established the pub lishing house, died at his residence in this city last night, aged sixty-two years." Mr. Harper has been m ill health for a number of years. A Minor Change. The Omaha will, on and after Sunday,' reduce its time schedule -on the train leaving Chicago at 11:15 p. m. , Instead ot arriving In St. Paul at 1:50 p. m., as at present, ; it will arrive at 1 o'clock i sharp. '■;-. The reduced time will be met • by the other roads.