Joseph Olson, the Lumberman, Get
ting Well Very Slowly.
Death of Miss Hannah Burns— Gist
■'Vol'-'a Week's Social
Joseph Olson, the well-known lumber
man, whose leg was broken recently
while lie "was assisting, "to break a log
jam on Kettle river rapids, is not pro
gressing "welt toward recovery. The
very bad'; fracture* of H the bones is not
uniting as satisfactorily as was hoped,
and a surgicalbperatiou may be neces
sary to expedite recovery.
Miss Hannah Burns, an estimable
young lady of Stillwater and daughter
of Charles, Burns* died at the family
residence on 'Olive -street, yesterday.
The funeral will be held at 'J o'clock to
day from St. Michael's church.
The state prison* inmates at this
morning's chapel services, the regular'
day for the ministrations of the be
loved chaplajn, Rey. M. E. Murphy,
will be profited.- by the sermon and
presence of Rev. Father O'Gorniau, the.
head of St. Thomas seminary, located
at Merriam Park, who takes the place
for to-day of Father.Murphy. Father
O'Gorman is a brother of J. C. O'Gor
man, one of the most progressive and
popular business men ot the city.
A conservative estimate made by one
of the enumerators^ puts the population
of flu's city now at 13,000, again of 3,000
over ten. .years ; ago, but not reaching
what was hoped for. These figures do
not- include Oak Park or South Still
water, which .naturally are of the city,
but which are not within the corporate
limits.' '."".-'. .. '. . *. .
An officer of the Stillwater- Driving
club estimates that the local association
will lose from to $500 on the recent
races. The affair was well arranged,
but the public did not seem to ade
quately appreciate the fact.
The ladies of the Baptist church will
give a lawn .social to-morrow evening,
at the residence of N. O. Castle, South -
Third street. .-" = J .;;
A special term of ; the district court
will be herd Tuesday morning to set
cases for trial for the May adjourned
terra. ...... ;
In a social way. there. was but little going
on during tne week, the very hot weather
having Willed several, projected society
growth's. The rather pretentious S. O. F.
club was to have a dance at the club hall
Friday night, but was roasted out and all the
voting ladies and gentlemen adjourned early
for a delightful trip to Lake Elmo In cer
tain society circles a sensation was created
Wednesday by the marriage at St. Michael's
church of Dr." J. 11. Dorsey, of Glencoe, and
Miss Mamie Kelly, one of the Stillwater pub
lic school teachers and a Voting lady of life
long residence and popularity in Stillwater,
several church --sociables have - been
, held, with the ' usual;- pleasant feat
ures- mitigated -much, - however,
by the very warm weather. Young men and
maidens preferred to stroll in the shady pre
cincts of Lily iake and McKusick lake of an
evening, or logo camping or fishing.or some
thing, to other cool resorts. A very pleasant
affair will be the lawn social to be given next
Tuesday evening by the Ascension Church
guild on the lawn of David Bronson, South
Sixth street. The lawn will be illuminated.
and an elegant time is assured. An item of
iuterest, on account of the popularity of the
parties most interested . was the marriage
Monday evening. The Yoss club and ladies
will picnic to-day at Lake De Montreville.
The weather proved too warm for the S. O. F.
club, and the dance arranged lor Friday
night was given up for an enjoyable moon
light ride to Elmo.
W. A. Boxell, of St. Paul, who was born in
Afton, this county, has decided to locate in
Seattle. He has just graduated as a phy
sician. BSHSBBH 1 ' -
John R. Gilder, for many years a popular
business man of Stillwater, now located in
Fargo, was in the city Thursday. . . '
Miss Fannie Larkin and Miss Edith Hope,
of Minneapolis, are .the guests of Miss Lois
Sprague, of North Third street. ■■'.
Ex-Alderman A. W. Pattee and wife left on
the '-Soo' road Tuesday evening for a visit
to their old home In Maine. :-■■:■
Charles E. Webster, of Fargo, N. D., was
here Monday. Charley wus born- aud grew
to manhood in this city. ...
Capt. W. G. Bronson returned yesterday
from a business trip to Mexico.
D. B. Staples is home from Mexico, where
he has been several mouths.
Clerk of the Court Bennett is home from a
down-river trip.
Miss Emma Elliott is visiting relatives in
Eau Claire. _ X
At Hotel Leip: Charles A. Van Duzee and
Wife, Miss Payeu, Perry Davis, W. B. Chapin,
Mrs. H. G. "DeGraw,- Miss Mabel DeGraw,
Miss Katharine Williams, W. It. Williams, A.
M. While, Mrs. Musner, Misses Musuer, C. W.
Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Simon ton, A. R.
Bushnell and wife. George C. Kimpel, W. J.
Freanev, A. M. Peabody, F. P. Blair,
Mrs. Prate, F. E. Foster, I. V. Parmalee,
Mr. and Mrs. Franklyn W. Lee, Miss Colice
M.-Lee, Dr. W. E. Dadmun,- Douglas Ross,
Miss Ulla Guswald, 11. Habighorst, Miss
Agnes Spink, John Engler, Miss R. Baer, J.
B. Weide Jr., Miss Weide, Miss Vrulaud, E.
D.iSniffen and wife, Mrs. J. Mertz. H. Char
bonuau and family, . Miss Ida Lang
wine, R. .A. Overpeck, ■ wife and chil
dren, C. B. Marvin;- -Thomas Mavlone,
11. H. Hillman, A.M.White, C.M.Brown,
A. McQuillan, William Bannon and wife,
Miss Stella L. Dufrene. C. J. Kenyon, W. D.
• iNorthcutt, T. J. Price and wife and two chil
dren, St.Paul; Wilber' F. Thaver and wife,
Missß. E. Wright, G. L. Wheeler, F.J.
Weyel, Minneapolis; Miss' Bertha B. Browne,
Columbus, O. ; Miss Ruth Thayer, " Boston;
Mrs. Bon Thayer, St. Louis; Mr. and Mrs. W.
W. Atwood, Chicago ; D. P. Shilldor, L. C.
Bardwell, Fred Shbft, L. H. Bowman, Aber
deen, S. D. ' .; "
At Williams House— Miss T. Miller, Miss
M. Schrode, George C. ■ Aldrich and wife. M.«
H. Hen-man, T. F. Mullane, G. . Herrnian. R. .
Leffman, Alex and Ike Sternbere.F. A. Reid,
C. P. Whaley, H. .E. ; Whaley, Will
iam Burkhard and ' the ' Misses Burk
hard, W. C. Hubbell, Dr. Thomas T. Smith,
D. Aberle and family, J. E. Hubbell and
• family, W. O. Stout. K. S. Harbaugh, Rev. R.
F. Maclaren aud family. Miss J. D. Hess, D.
McKinney, Mrs. I. Sternberg and child, St.
Paul; M. S. Sanders, J. H. -Bolton, Mahto
medi; li. Lashger, New York; H. P. Leavens,
Chicago T. P. Burt, Tacoma : , W. fH. Fox,
Minneapolis; W. L: Barnett, Detroit; Miss E.
Stern; New York; C. E. Healy, Cincinnati, O.
At Lakeside cottage: Miss M. E. Moran,
Minneapolis; Mr. -and -Mrs. C. R. Smith,
Gregory Bolt. E. J. Treat, Miss S. Soare, Miss
F. Belden, T. 11. Goodwin, Mrs. A. Whitman,
- W. B. Roberts, H. McClellan.St Paul. .
Mr. ana Mrs. Edward Simontou and . Mr.
and Mrs. Bushnell were at. the -lake for a few
days early in the week. .■_;•.'_• -
Manly B. Curry and family will occupy ■£.
T. Drake's cottage on Manitop island this
summer. ~ .:."_
Dr. O. A. Van Duzee and family and Miss
Payen were interested spectators of the re
Dr. Smith expects to occupy his summer
home at Collage Park early in July. .-. -
John Rogers Jr. and family will be at the
lake after the Ist of July. y' » =
Mr. and Mrs. William Bannon, of St. Paul,
have a cottage at Leip's, . X-r-i.
T. C. ; Fulton Jr. hai returned from Pitts
burgh for his vacation. '-p-ri-X . ■•-■.-■■■
Mr. Keough and familj^fvfu have the villa"
at Lelp's this year. ': .r-i 7JV- '
Sam O'Leary Is seen regularly practicing in
his shell. * -..:. :,•;-!,•.-'.. .....
The meeting of the club oh Thursday
night was very interesting and the at
tendance was large: Commodore
O'Brien took the chair under a tree at
Lakeside hotel at 8:15. Messrs. J. L.
Stack," Leslie -Warm and Dean Leanian
were elected members.' :- ' :V;
?Ir. Elmer thought that it would be fairer
to have a series ot three races -. for the 7 club
trophy rather than -one, :as heretofore de
cided, aud the club agreed with him.
Eugene Ramaley is doing good work with
his boat Manitou.
Elmer and Ord way. say that with ; a mod
erately light and , steady : breeze they can
distance anything on the lake,- and they are
.• right if the tests prove anything. '
As thete seemed some doubt as to the num
ber of regattas to be held it was decided to'
hold one each ' Saturday uutil the season
closed^ '-::•'.
J. la_3tack, one of the new members, is ex
pected to sail the Ben Hur this season.
Dean Leaman will sail a new boat built ex
" pressly to contend witn the club flyers."
• The regatta committee was ordered to ob
tain and deliver the pennants won in pre
vious races. . "".
A suggestion was made that no regattas te
postponed on account ot weather except for
lack of wind and was generally approved. '*
" A loud protest is being made 7 by the ladies
to the way.iv which the high grass and weeds
are left uncut along the edges of the narrow
walks in North park.' It is impossible for
ladies to walk along in the evening without
ruining their dresses. The ladies propose in
viting the alderman and his fair lady to visit
them some evening.
" Mrs. Passage closed her kindergarten Fri
day morning with an exceedingly pretty en
tertainment given by the little ones. Mrs.
Brown, of St. Paul, in her talk added greatly
to the success of the exercises. ' j3lg3ftftß3fe
Rev. J. H. Chandler preaches this morning
upon "'My Creed and Why I Hold It." and iv
the evening the. fourth of his series of lec
tures on St. Paul entitled: -'First Failures
aud First Successes." :■-.
■ E. H. Bancroft, of Tacoma, made the park
a short visit last week. Mr. Bancroft was one
of the park's most enterprising' and public
spirited citizens and his removal is greatly
regretted. . . . . f-;V. >' •" XXX':
• The "Flower Queen" given by the Society
of Little Women, Friday evening, in the
Congregational chapel, was only fairly at
tended owing to the intense heat.- -'-■■ ■_"..''
Mrs. A. C. Wellington, of Dooley avenue,
left the past week for the East. ■■: Mrs. H.
Ella Harris is occupying her residence dur
ing her absence.
Mrs. J. A. Farnum and her daughter, Mrs.
Passage, leave Tuesday next for Chicago,
where they expect to remain until September.
Miss Walker, of Cudworth Street, gave a
.delightful birthday party to a -few <of her
Minneapolis friends last Tuesday evening. : ■'
Mrs. H. E. W. Schifette. who has been visit-'
ing relatives -in New Richmond for. some
time, returned home the post week. ..■ . -,• ..'•
-- Mrs. C. A. Dunn threw open her handsome
residence on Langford Park -place to her
friends last Thursday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. George Burt and Mrs. Stone,
of Batavia. N. V.. are the guests of Mrs. S. E.
Brace,' of Vane Place. -X;.. '■ ;~-v- ■*"'. ; :
Miss Nanon Hunter, who has '. been/visiting
relatives in Lancaster, 0.-,' is expected back
some time this week. •'--
Miss Winslow and Miss Gorham are the
guests of Mrs. C. A. Dunn,- on-Laneford Park
place. ■:'./:..:..-.,..
School Inspector Merrill arid his I wife left
last week for a short visit in Ne w York city.
Herman Oelrichs and His Bride.
The contrast between Mr. . and Mrs.
Herman Oelrichs, who are now in New
York, . is . very sharp. He is robust,
stout, and his face lias a : uniform tint,
which would be called rosy in a girl. It
is a healthy, bright and robust color,
and it even extends to the ends of -his Jn
gers.Mrs. Oelrichs, who was until a fort
night ago Miss slim, with delicate
features, dark hair and eyes, and a per-,
fectly clear complexion..; The head of the
house is always smiling and talking
vigorously, while the wife sits erect,
calm and receptive. She has : a gentle
and friencly manner, which is" entirely
distinct from the usually haughty and i
rather aggressive carriage of New York
women. Wherever the crowd: is thick
est there Mr. Oelrichs takes his . beauti- .
ful wife. They are as , contented-look
ing a pair as tlie town can show. They
have their summer home at Seabriglit
and make frequent excursions on their
steam yacht Stranger. -
Successful in Speculation.
Mrs. U. S. Grant Jr. recently sold a
house at the northeast corner of West
End avenue and Seventy-third street,
New York, for, as stated, $70,000, to
Frank W. Sprague. The house was
bought two years ago for Mrs. Grant by
James Libby, of Libbv & ■ Scott, . for
150,000. That Is a profit of $20,000 in two
years' time.
She Builds Railroads.
Fanny Williams has finished a ten
mile contract for grading on a way.
in Indiana, and is now starting in on a
twenty-five-mile contract of the same
kind on the Cleveland & Wellington
road, in Ohio.
Two Princesses Victoria.
A London correspondent writes: "1
do not think I have seen it noticed else
where, but the P rincess of Wales is de
veloping into a really pretty girl. Last
; week at Chelsea she had such a lovely
color and such bright eyes that she
looked as sweet a "specimen of young
womanhood as any one could wish to
see. But the youngest of the princess'
three daughters has the best features of
all— small, clear-cut, like a miniature
copy of Princess Louise, Marchioness
of Lome, with a delightfully piquant,
not to say mischievous, expression which
is very charming." SPB
Princess Victoria of Prussia, once in
love with Alexander of Batten berg, at
that time prince of Bulgaria, and to
whom the German government objected,
reports her broken heart mended and as
good as new. She has now bestowed
her affections upon the Prince of
Schumburg-Lippe, and as her brother,
the emperor, and the German govern
ment approve of .the engagement, the
probability is that the marriage will
take place.
A Beautiful Canadian.
One of the prettiest and daintiest of
the belles of the Canadian capital is
Mrs. R. Mackray. who conies of a family
celebrated for their beauty. She is a
lovely, petite blonde, with curly! golden
hair, dark eyes and a Dresden
china complexion. It is said she inher
its her peculiarly dainty loveliness from
an ancestress— a princess of the house
of Orange. Her family is one. of
the oldest and best known in
Canada; her father, the late Sal
ter - Van Koughnet, Q. C, was a
prominent lawyer in Toronto, and her
uncle, Philip Van Koughnet, was a
Canadian statesman of note. For some
time after her marriage, which took
place about five years ago, Mrs. Mackray
lived in Winnipeg, but she has recently
become a resident of Ottawa.'- Mrs.
Mackray is fond of society and dancing
and dresses well. Her manner is pleas
ant and vivacious, and she has the rare
gift of listening and of ■■ appearing in
terested in what is said to her. Though
small of stature, her figure is remark
ably pretty and dainty. ■ "-. ;, t.j;': :
' The Second Plan the Best.
The spirited way' in which the ladies,
of fashionable Paris gave a lesson the
other day to a fair . stranger ? from the .,
far South would really do credit ; to the
celebrated femmes d'esprit of ". the first,
empire. The young stranger, who ; is :
'■fort millionaire," appeared at a dance
sparkling with .magnificent diamonds.
At the next dance the Parisian ladies, un
willing to be. outshone, bedecked them
selves out in all- their jewelry, but a
day after they were again eclipsed by.
the unheard-of wealth of " precious
stones worn by the South American
lady. At the fourth party the -' latter
came in once again, glittering like 'a
starry night, but, to her intense morti
fication, none of the Parisian- ladies .
wore diamonds, but had as their only '-
ornament the most graceful arrange
ments of fresh flowers, which were uni
versally voted to be infinitely superior
to the "stones." - - - ';.-;- -. -;.. '_
Miss Tennant's Platonic Rival.
' Miss Dorothy Tennant may possibly
feel a pang of jealousy when she learns
how her affianced is adored by Sarah
Bernhardt. 'l feel . a purely ; artistic,
though intense, passion for the hero of.
Africa," said the latter. "I think him
the greatest of men. 1 adore him, arid'
hare every photograph of him that has
been published, in every possible atti
tude. I would jump at the chance to
accompany him to the heart of Africa,
and, if he would only ask me. I would
gladly go through ail he has suffered.
If he goes, I go, also."
' Mrs. Grant's Youthf ulness.. . ..
Mrs. Gen. Grant seems to have found
the elixir of youth. • Although sixty-six,
she is as agile as a woman of thirty, en
joys perfect health, ; and "< barring the
weakness of her eyes, which were never
strong, her faculties areas keen as they •
ever were. The : gray lin X her hair is :
hardly noticeable, her face is plump and'
of good color, and" her interest in the
affairs of the world covers both con
tinents^ ._:'■•_•.; X'-~ ' - ------
S Bomash to J Freedman, Its 4 ; aud 5, ■ i'y -V i
- Weide's rearr part blk 2, Nelson's. . .$1,400
W E Anderson to P O Cheyam, part blk
4, LauganPark.. .... ......;." 2,400
E J Wreushall to I Baker, It 22, blk 109,
Schiffman'ssubd L Dayton's :.... 1,025
G N Beard to A A Beard, part sw Vt ne
1/2 sec 24, town 28, range 22 . X. ."• 1
W C Taylor to Reserve 1 1 Co, Its 1, 2
and 16, blk 1, Maealester Park...... 11,000
F L Milnor to Reserve 1 1 Co, It 13, blk
■■■ 3. Maealester Park ......:.... 1,550
C R Blomquist to N P Frausar, It 12,
blkl, Curry's subd ...................1,000
P O'Hara to J B lt 28, blk 2,
Como Park:.: .:.;......:............. 350
M E Campbell to E A Leveroos,! 4, 5 -
and 6, bik 1, Denslow's rearr ...... 2,250
M E Campbell to E A Leveroos, Its 11
and 12. Summit Avenue Second add.. 3,
D Schutte to J A Mewdeli, lt 8, blk 5, -.-:.: .
Beaupre & Kelly's ..". ... 700
Six unpublished........ 24,575
Total, 7 tran5fer5.... ........... .$47,251
rX i.X Tuesday* ~: .
J 11 Schneider to J W Taylor, part lt 4,
: sec 23, town, range 22 ... — . ... $100,
National Inv Co to M Kernan, lt 8, bin
: : 2, J W Fallihee's rearr blk 2, Rogers'
Secondadd ......1,500
A Blake to M Andersou, part Its 13 and
" 14, blk 8, St Anthony Park. wr. ... 3,000
A B Bobbins to the N W Elevator Co,
'■ part It 32, Hewitt's Out Lots, flrst div. 1,000
N Norman Lux to J Monson, lt 1, blk 2, -
. Tracy's Out L0t5............... - 800
C McDonald to B Michel, it 52, blk 16,
: Smith's subd blks 9. 10, 15 and 16,
' Stinson's div.;...... 204
D Swank to A Hewitt, Its 17, 18. 19, 20.
blk 23 Van Buren's subd blks 23 and
' 24, Stinson, Brown & Ramsey's add..3,3oo
A Larson to M L Hollev, lt 2, blk 1, - -
P College Place, Taylor's div .... . ... . . . 1,400
J L Holley to A Messer, lt 2, blk 1, Col
.: lege P1ace...... ••• .2,85
AN Ziutmeyer to 4 F Stewart, lt 10, blk
" 21, Terry's add.... .... — 1
Mountbriand to LW Marven. lt 20,
blk 17, Eastvilie Heiehts add, and Its
7, 8, 9, 22, 23, 24 Brighton Park . . . . ; . 2,000
C A Stees to William Hamm, lt 6, blk
10, Irvine's Second add .......2,750
M A McClung to J Baumann,- It 11, bin
5, Rice Street Villas : ... 375
J Kerwin to J J Regan, east 72 ft It. 1,
blk 9, Ashton & Sherburn'a add. 1,800
T Ivey et al W C Edwards, lt 26, blk 36,
Summit Park...... .....:. .6,500
One unpublished 22,500
Total, 20 transfers. $50.080
H G Newport t S E Shields. hi of Its 45
and 46. blk 2, Lovering's Factory.. $1,500
E C Varney to S T Palm, lt 2, blk 5,
Buckhout's rearr of Moore's add. .'..". . 500
J Ireland to F M Yager, lt 11, blk 3,
Groveland add 650
L M Demenil to P Couley, part of lt 3,
blk 32, St. Paul Proper ....... 9,000
G F H Seltzer to F Foerster, lt 32, blk
4, J R Weide's Second add ..... .... 350
N L Brvant to M R Morgan, lt 12, blk
24. Lawton's subd blk 24, B and J.. 3,000
P McManus to W Brown, wj/a. It 20, blk .
68, Dayton & 1rvine....... 3,060
E H Stinson to D H Michaud, Its 22 and
23, blk 5, Bacon's. 700
JS Sewall to St Anthony Park com
- pany, 20, 21 and 27, blk 17, Mac
kubin & Marshall 10,000
Seven unpublished 38,800
Total ..-: $67,500
Thursday. -
J F Eisenmenger to J Jorgeuson, It 24,
blk 5, Eisenmenger & Zaspel 's Lake
Park : -•..- ....■ $400
Jorgenson to Eisenmenger, It 6, blk 1,
Lyton'sadd... 1,500
J T Waterhouse to D Ellsworth, lt 21,
blk 5, Woodlawn Park.... 750
F VV Faber to G Fab er, fifth of c te sec
6, town 30, rauge 23 .'.-.'. .... ........ 9,000
P Anderson to C Liudberg, lt 2, blk 1,
Leffman & Haas' add 700
R Leffman to P Anderson, lt 2, blk 1,
Leffman & Haas' add 575
E P Wilgus to M A Cremer, part Its 2
and 1. blk 4, Portland. 19,000
Cremer to E P Wilgus, part lt 1, blk 1,
Sinnen's subd blks 10 aud 22, Lyman
Davton'sadd. ...:. 8,000
W D' Cornish to S M Magoffin, lt 3, blk
. 29, Robertson & Van Etten's add — 5,000
Magoffin to W D Cornish, Its 14 and 15,
• blk 199; Its 6. 7 and 18, blk 200, Ir
, vine's add ....:..... 11,000
Four unpublished ............ 9,000
Total $55,925
i J W Briggs to E Lynch, It 28, blk 3, '
Syndicate 2 . ..... .i.i. .....;..: . ... $1,000
A 8"' Bass to M D Bass, lt 3, part lt 10,
blk 6, Rice & Irvine's ........75.000
J Berglund to E Spillito, it 8, Chute •■-.■—,
Bros.' Div 12 :.... 1,000
A Anderson to A Shogren, lt 12, »Ik 5,
Harrison-Handy.-..; — 500
W Larson to J C Pieper. part Its 1 and
2, Chute Bros. Div 12... 3,000
E Burkev to J Schacherl, lt 21. blk 9,
Smith's subd Stinson... 4,650
A S Phihney to E Fehr, part Its 4 and
5, Scribner & Crittenden's. 3.000
Three unpublished deed 5.......... 9,300
Total, 10 transfers .$97.450
- 7 Saturday.
UenrylSvmons to Charles W Clark, lt 2,
, blk 8, Palisade add $1,550
William P Curtis to Robert II Edwards.
Its 1 and 2, blk 1 ; Its 23 and 24, blk
3, and Its 20, 29, 30, 31, 32 and 33,
blk 4, Hiawatha Park No 2.. 5,000
Anson Blake to C S Pennell et al, lt 3,
blk 87, St AnthonvPark.... 1,300
H F Bergquist to S J Andersou, lt 20
and part it 10, Joseph R Weide's rear
M>blk3, Syndicate Add No 2....... 1,200
Frances Zwieky to Laura T Bunnell, lt
38, Charles Weide's rearr blk 6, Nel
son's add ;.--. 900
M J Hntson to Oscar L Taylor, It 15,b1k
1, Woodland Park add 7,500
Robert P Lewis to Oie F Schjetne, It 4,
blk 3, Lyton's add 1,100
Reserve Loan and Improvement Com
pany to Cyrus Wellington, Its 13, 14 ■
and 15, blk 1, Stinson's Boulevard
add ..: .2,800
T Reardon to J P Reardon, It 18, blk
3, Portland add..:...:..... $4,000
L J Mess to Carl Flemmer. It 19, Jos
Arth's subd blk 85, Lyman Dayton's .
add... .... ........1,65
S B Mahan to Alb S Phinnev, Its 4 and
5, blk Auerbach & Hands add . . . . . 1,600
Isaiah St. Pierre to E L Corning, It I,
Dlk 8, Eaton & Morrison's add 20,000
Daniel Mullen Jr to Paul A Lavellee, Vj
Its 35 and 36, Cooper's add.... ... .. .1,400
Michael Raffesbuger to Keystone In
vestment Co, lt 16, blk 6, S anborn's
Midway adk.... :...... .......... ;. 11,500
J E Sham ugh to Jacob Koeneg, Its
16 and 17, blk 5, Sanborn's Midway
: add...... •. 1,800
Two unpuDlished deeds 25,700
Total, 17 transfers ..........$87,000
Flattering Report of the Local
.' .'X '■'". ' Realty Market. _vw. :
"The real estate market is looking
up," said a dealer yesterday to a repre
sentative of the Globe. : "The ; sales
out in the Midway district have been the
largest this week of the season,' and the
inquiry for unimproved and improved .
property is brisk, especially for the lat
ter. Every one' wants property along
the line of the new electric road, and
every one is getting it as fast as possi
ble. The terms are easy, and people
were never afforded a better chance to 1
secure good homes in a good locality. A
feature of the sales of the past week
worth noting is that most of the pur
chasers intend to immediately improve
the property, and ultimately to live on
it." ■ Messrs. Fallihee & Snow also
speak- encouragingly of the trade in
Midway' property; their sales in Stin
son's " Boulevard and Summit Park ad
ditions having- been the largest of the
season for a corresponding period.
Prices range from $900 to $2,800 per lot, :
and sales are easy at these prices. Last
week one of the oldest real estate firms
in the city, that of Bushnell &
Bushnell, reported the heaviest week's
business in its history, and . this : week
the aggregate sales fall but little below
those of last week, though the loans
made have not come up to the • previous l
week's figures by $12,000. Nevertheless
the condition of business is flourishing,
and real estate men all over the city are
jubilant at the prospect of a brisk fall
trade. The" inquiry for; property in
Merriam Park has increased - tremen
dously in the past few weeks, and things
look promising in that direction.
_ Building Permits.
The following permits were issued yes- ,
terday: .-saHWStaF^P^NHHfegJS
Louis A Shak, 2% story framedwelling,
: Victoria, near Laurel ............ ... $5,000
John C McCall, 2-story frame dwelling,
> Hudson, near F0re5t.:.. ........ .'.:..5,000
--' A B Wilgus.remodel 3-story brick build- ■-. - -- 1
ing, Fourth, near St Peter. . .'.'.' .... . . 2,450 •
Four minor permits...;-.........."........ 400
Total, seven permits .$12,850
The Globe's local circulation in the cities
cf St. Paul and Minneapolis is larger than;
tte circulation of any other newspaper; and
' jthas become the recognized WAIST Medium
fcr tbe, Twin Cities.
Xr Wants ' are . inserted in the. Globe under
' classified headings according to the following
. / .-.- .. -'._-:_ TABLE OF RATES'. "_ ■'." '
Nurd ber Number of Times.
■ 0 _ ■■-.'. '"" — ; ■ —
Words. -:i'i 213 4 5 6 ,-J-p
15 words $.15 £.25 &35 $.45 $.55 5.63 $.68
16 words .16 .27 .38 .49 .60 .68 : .73
17 words .17 .28 .39 .50 .61 .70 .75
18 words .18 .30 .42 .54 .66 .75 -.81
19 words .19 .32 .45 .58 .71 .81 .87
20 words .20 --.33 Aft ■: .59 -.72 . .82 -.89
21 words .21 .35 .49 .63 .77 .88 .95
22 words .22 .37 .s'-' .67 .82 .93 1.00
23 words .23 .38 .53 .68 .83 .95 1.03
24 words .24 .40 .5G .7-' .8S 1.00 1.08
25 words .25 .42 .55) .76 .93 108 1.15
26 words .26 .43 .60 .77 .94 1.07 1.16
£7 words .27 '.45 .63 .81 .99 1.13 1.22
28 words .28 .47 .66 .85 1.04 1.18 1.27
1:9 words .29 .48 .67 .86 1.05 1.20 1.30
30 words .30 .50 .70 .90 1.10 1.25 1.35
31 words .31 .52 .73 .94 1.15 1.30 1.40
32 words .32 -.53 .74 .95 1.16 1.32 H43
33 words .33 .55 .77 .99 1.21 1.38 l^fl
34 words .34 .57 .80 1.03 1.26 1.43 1.04
35 words .35 .58 .81 1.04 1.27 1.45 1.58
36 words .36 .61 .84 1.08 1.32 1.50 1.62
i.7 words .37 .62 .87 1.12 1.37 1.56 1.68
38 words .38 .63 -.88 1.13 1.38 1.57 1.70
ii 9 words .39 .65 .91 1.17 1.43 1.63 1.76
40 words .40 .67 .94 1.21 1.4S 1.68 1.81
41 words .41 .68 -.95 1.22 1.49 1.70 1.83
42 words .42 .70 .98 1.26 1.54 1.75 1.89
43 words .43 '.72 1.01 1.30 1.59 1.80 1.94
44 words .44 .73 1.02 1.31 1.60 1.82 1.97
45 words .45 .75 1.0."> 1.35 1.65 1.88 2.03
46 words .46 .77 1.08 1.39 1.70 1.93 2.03
47 words .47 .78 1.09 1.40 1.71 1.95 2.10
48 words .48 .80 1.12 1.44 1.76 2.00 2.16
49 words .49 .82 1.15 1.48 1.81 2.06 2.22
:50 words .50 -.83 1.16 1.49 1.82 2.07 2.24.
No "till forbid" Wanta will .be received.
In every case the time must be specified, and
the money, according to above schedule,
must accompany the order.
Bs£" Advertisers will please designate the
heading under .'. which they desire their ,
'Wants" to appear. ' ' " "'.'-" ' ''"
Male. 'WsNBSm
AGENTS warned, male or female, to sell a
very valuable book by subscription; just
out; liberal commissions; references given
and required. Address W 287, Globe. : .;
AOKNT— Wanted, agent to sell cigars; one
with candy route in city preferred; snap
for the right man. Apply 310 Rondo st. :
AGENT— A District for La Crosse, Wis.—
Must invest $65; salary $75 per month:
position permanent. Call Friday; or Satur
day upon Piper & Shotts, Rooms 510 . and
511. Masonic Temple, Minneapolis.
GENTS WANTED; sixteen new spe
cialties, all fast sellers; no experience
necessary; big money; sample free. : Ad
dress E. C. Brewster, Holly, Mich.
A FEW MOKE good, reliable agents
wanted to handle counties in Minnesota
and Wiscensin; the best selling and paying
article iv the market; good money for the
right man; Ramsey and Hennepin counties i
now offered. Dickson Manufacturing Co.,
350 Jackson st . " ' . . . .: ' -.
APPRENTICE— Wanted, strong boy " to '
learn baKery business. 436 Jackson st.
BAKBEK— Wanted, a flrst-class barber at
.' 377 Robert st ; steady job. '■'.' .X : '■"■'■
BAKEK— Wanted, young baker; call be
tween 1 and 3 o'clock to-day. 533. La
fayetteav. ' '-:-:'
BAKERS— first-class foremen on
bread and cakes. Colonnade building.
BIG TURKEY DINNER to-day, 15c; ;
spring lamb, mint sauce,. 15c; ham a^d ,
eggs, 20c ; sirloin steak, 20c; new potatoes
en cream with every order; I the ■ coolest and.
best ventilated place in town. Bridges', 414
Jackson st. .' : ' ". 'Q.i
BLACKSMITH— For general work. 29 ;
" West Indiana ay., West St. Paul. . ' '' ■{
BLACKSMITH— Wanted, a good black-'
smith immediately. Address Neal,';
Johns & Co., Lake City. Minn. -'■•■:'
LACKSJIITH . wanted; one good at
horseshoeing and plow work. Address -
John Powers, Murdock, Minn . - - ■ . ' "
"DOIT wanted. 462 Broadway. X~>
BOY— a German boy, age sixteen.
or eighteen years, for bottling depart
ment: good references required. . Adores* J '
272, Globe. ,- ■ . -■■••■■■■-:■■-;: .-•■■ •/'- ■ '--y\
IBOOKKEEPER1 BOOKKEEPER with practical expert',
enee; must give references; $40 per
month, with prospects for a raise. Address J
268. Globe. : ' . '."■•: X.X "-.- '-"■■
BOOKKEEPER- Wanted, a young man
~ who lives at home as bookkeeper and :
office assistant. T. W. Ingersoll, 27 Bast '
Third st - . ■ ... ■ ■■..'-■
KICKLAYEKS — Wanted, four good
union bricklayers at ' Standard Oil com
pany works Monday morning. _
OTCHER— Wanted, good butcher at 979
Arcade st. " '
Ci A BINKTMAK Wanted, cabinet-
J makers. Apply St. Paul Furniture Com
pany, 164 West Fifth st. " ' .' .
CANVASSERS— Good canvassers wanted
"at 23 West Fifth st " Apply Monday be
fore 8 a. m. or at 6 p. m. __;
C-iLERK— Wanted, a young man for gro-
J eery ; only some with very best reference
need apply. M M 100, Globe. .
COACHMAN WANTED— Must thorough
ly understand the . care of horses and "•
milk cow; must give good city references;
if not competent to fill above, do not apply.
179 East Third St., third floor.
DAIRY MAN wanted; must be a good
milker. Inquire at P.J. Keough's, cor
ner Hamline and Otto ays. / ' '■
respectable boy wanted to learn the sign
and show card business; must come well;
recommended one who understands some
thing about free-hand drawing aud coloring
will be prefeired, and will do well to bring
samples of work; ; wages .to start . $1.50
weekly; boy to be hot under thirteen. Ap
ply to-day irom 9a. m. to 12 m.: Monday
and Tuesday from 9 a. m. till 5 p. m. P. Van
Gelder, 421 Wabasha st. :
INlSHEßS— Wanted— Finishers atNorth
FINISHERS— Wanted— Finishers atNorth
St. Paul Casket Co., North St. Paul.
FOREMAN— thorough, compe
tent and energetic iron and copper cor
nice foreman to take - charge of shop ; state
terms. Address W. C. Scott, Winona, Minn.
. man good at repairing furniture at 559
Robert st. with tools. '
HOSTLER— Wanted, a competent young
man to take care of a horse. Fr. F.
Wilde, over Second National bank.
HOSTLERS— Two good men to work on
■■-. stock. W. P. Burke, 381 Sherman st.
driver and handler to track two colts.
State wages, experience, etc. Address .Lock.
Box 1061, Chippewa Falls. Wis. •":'■■-.'":
ICE CREAM MAN— An experienced ice
■: cream man ; apply at once. Ramaley's
Pavilion, White Bear lake. ■-. ■■■- -■.: --
ABURERS in city. $1.75 per day; goto
work in • the morning: office open from'
10 o'clock to-day. White _ & Co., 295 Jack- :
son st - . -' .- . ''-'".-''" "'■_'■
- kid work. Answer North Star Boot and.
Shoe Co., Minneapolis. ; ■ : -.'-ite'
UNCH - MAN— Wanted, a good lunch
man ; must speak German and English.
Call at 347 Wabasha after 10 o'clock. . - X
MAN wanted at Kent's Storage and Fof
warding Company, 189 and 191 West'
: Seventh st -.- -- •_...' -.--■ -•- '. ::---'.K
MEN— 30 men on Kiee st ; board
in camp. H. C. Huebner. contractor^"'
MILKER— a man; good milker
required. Apply 91 South Robert sL,
between 11 and 12 a. m. '
MOULDERS — Wanted, six . moulders.
v Address Parker & Topping, Brainerd^
Minn. .-'."'.- . ■' ■ , ■
PAINTER— Wanted, a painter. 911 Pio
neer Press Buiding. . -.. _'--X .
PAPER HANGERS— Wanted, . two first
, class men to do paper hanging and paint
ing; ' one : a ■ sign painter. Address A. Ci
Schmidt, Crookston, Minn. nJ
PRESSMEN— Wanted, clothing pressr-en.
.. : Frisk, Turner & Co., 185 East Fourth st
PRINTER— Competent job printer; per
manent position. 758 Wabasha st
ATTERN MAKER wanted Monday
morning. H. A. Hamlin, 214 : First ay. "
south; Minneapolis. ; '■ . - . .'
SALESMEN— first-class at once; - sal-
O ary or ■■ commission. ; Call Room 208,"
. Globe Building, Minneapolis.
HOEMAKER— Wanted, a shoemaker to
'•; do repairing and sell goods in the store. ; :
Apply at 176, corner of Western and Selby;
aves.g ly ■-•-• '."■'-.-. _".^'- A-'- ':' '--..'-•■XX7.-X.yrf
OHOVELERS— TweIve shovelers : wanted
O : immediately corner Front and , Lexing
ton. Thomas Keough. ■"■.
PIKERS for North Dakota; ship to-day
at 4 o'clock. : White .& - Co., 295 : Jack-.'
.son st. i, p. ■p- pi x . ' ■■ ■ i '
STONECUTTERS— .- twelve first
: class • stonecutters r at ; once. " Apply to
Fitzpatrick Bros, and McHugh, upper levee,
foot Chestnut ~ >"X.3
: ; •■'. ... Male.' ..' _ .:."'■■'.'.."-'"
STOCK MAN— Wanted,ats6o Jackson St.,
- one good man to take care stock." .- - * ■ -.- ■TX
OTONECUTTERS— .twenty-five
1.0 , stonecutters at Sandstone ; good = wages.
Ring &.Tobin. X: .'7 , . . ■ '." : ■
TEAMS for Southern Dakota, 84 per day;
; ship - Mouday; .: free transportation out :
: and back. White & Co., 295 Jackson st. ; ;
j TJKAMS— Wanted," ten teams on state fair
jX;: grounds; $3.50 a day.- : X--p k .
j WAITERS wanted at the Delicatessen,
[ VV 186 East Seventh st.
I \TTANTEI>— Gentlemen, of, business ex
-.VV V-. perience to represent a wealthy East
ern corporation. Address, with -references,'
Room 14, Schutte Block, Ss. Paul, Minn. ■".- -'.
WANTED— Four gentlemen and ladies to
learn telegraphy, and -shorthand;;
chance to make expenses. Apply Globe
Business College, Davidson block. . ', ■■.'.; . ■'
; 1 1/ ANTED — Salesmen on salary or com
_VV mission to handle the new Patent Chem
[ icai Ink Erasing Pencil." The greatest selling
j novelty ever produced. Erases ink thor-
I oughly :in - two ;• seconds; ' ; no ; abrasion -' of ;
1 paper. 200 to 500 ; per cent profit. One
J agent's sales amounted to £620 in six days;
■ another : §32 in two. hours. . We want one
' energetic -general agent for each slate and
! territory. Sample by mail- 35 cts. For
i terms r and . full particulars, . address The
! ; Monroe Eraser Mfg. Co., La Crosse, Wis. ■ :.'
ANTED— IOO railroad., laborers for
Wisconsin and. Michiean; ■ 81.75 per
■ day; board $3.50 per week; free fare; men
for city work;- 81.50 to $£ per day; carpen
ters, farm hands, teamsters in city, etc. new
orders every day ; •= oflice - open to-day (Sun
day) at 10 o'clock. Moore & Co.. 283 Sibley
I St., or 21 Nicollet ay., Minneapolis. ■
WAITERS— Wanted six white young
men to wait on . ice cream tables on
Tuesday evening, July 1, at Ramaley's Pa
vilion, White Bear lake. Apply at 193 East
Third st. on Saturday. _■■ - '
WORK FOX. BOAKD— Boy wanted to
work couple hours each day for his
board. - 493 St. Peter.
WOOD TURNER— Monday; one wood
turner. Apply 217 Como ay., Jno.
Martin Lumber Co. . -
YOUNG MEN to learn telegraphy, rail
road bookkeeping _■ and ■ station work.
Minneapolis Telegraphic Academy, 319 Nic
ollet ay. -- - ■ ■ " ' '■•:'. i
1 Ci(\ MEN for Dew railroad work in Da
lly kota ; laborers, $1.75 per day: rock
men 20 cents per hour ; ; also fifty good ham
mermen and tunnelmen; free fare to the
work; ship Monday. 311 Rosabel st. '
<_&"! fc.F\f\ BUYS a 50-foot lot corner of
; •PI«(U«Jv_J '. Marshall and Amos, Merriam
Park; facing: water and sewer in street.
: Fallihee & Snow, 36 East Fourth st.
Females. . -- -
PFRENTICE— girl to learn
dressmaking. 687 Wabasha st., corner
; Cen tral ay. ■;.-.. - - '- " ! ' '
KKFINED, : well dressed lady to call
- on our customers ; light, pleasant busi
ness; six hours daily; salary, $12 weekly.
Apply Monday between 10 and 11. J. Bren
. tano. 272 East Seventh st. up stairs.
AGENTS— Lady agents - to , sell ' artistic
fish scale jewelry, in your own town or
: city : send 10 cents fbr sam pie and instruc
tions; good pay. Artistic Jewelry Co., Box
; 184 Alton, 111. •
AGENTS wanted to canvass for "Orchid
Cream" at the lakes. 257 West Fifth st.,
j St: Paul. ' -' ■ -'".-■ ' '■ '
CANVASSEKS— Wanted, lady and gentle
- men canvassers for educational games ;
something new and desirable; sure to have a"
large sale. Address or call at 303 Pleasant
ay. C. Romain & Co.. publishers.
COOK— Wanted, a first-class cook; family
of three; wages $20. Lieut. Cook, Fort
| Snelliug. . - ■ . - ■ .
COOK— Wanted, at 2 33 Carroll st. Call be
tween 3 and 5 o'clock. '
COOK— Wanted, good cook, Call Monday
at 463 Portland ay. ;
CiOOK— A woman cook and dining room
, J girl wanted at 108 South Wabasha st.
! Geline & Greenwood.
COOK— Wanted, first-class cook; wages,
$16 per month. Mrs. H. C. James, New-
I port, or at oflice J. M. James, 36 East Third
st. -'■ ■ : . X--i i'XX
INING ROOM GlKL— First class din-
DINING ROOM GlßL,— First class din
- ing room girl at once. Wacouta St.
I Dining Hall, corner Eighth.
DINING ROOM GIBL. wanted, at the
. .. International hotel. .'.■"..:-■ -
DINING BOOM GlßL— Girl Wanted— A
. good smart dining room girl wanted at
; 64 East Eleventh st. . . __
DRESSMAKERS — Skirt - and bodice
XJ ; hands; come ready to work Monday!
morniug. 197 West Sixth st. _ ■ .-.
Competent girl for general house
- work at 627 Ashland ay.
■ will do well to call at 27 East Seventh
St., Mrs. Bowr's intelligence office.
HOUSKWOKK— girl for general
housework; small family. 909 Burr st.
OUSEWORK— GirI for general house
work; call Sunday. 15 East Central ay.
OUSEWORK— Wanted, girl for general
housework. Apply 149 Smith ay.
WORK— Girl wanted for general
housework. ' 250 St. Albans St., near
Marshall ay. - . ■* ".
H OUSEWOKK— Wanted, girl for general
. housework; three in family. 699 Mar
tin st --•-.- ■■•■_.-_-.
M OUSEWOKK— GirI wanted for general
XI: housework. Northeast corner Olmsted
; and Olive sts.
H OUSEWOKK— Wanted, girl for general
honsework at 405 Franklin st. _ ;
OUSEWOKK— GirI wanted at 64 Igle
; hart st. to help at general housework.
HOUSEWORK— Wanted immediately, a
. girl for general housework. - No. 271
' Louis, corner Iglehart.
HOUSEWORK— Wanted, gooa girl for
general housework; German preferred.
459 Fuller st. ' ".: '■
HOUSEWORK— Good girl for general
• housework; wages $14. Mrs. M. Ryder,
139 East Eighth st.
OUSEWOKK— Wanted, a Swede girl for
; private family. 599 Pine st.
HOUSEWORK— Girl wanted for general
housework in small family. 281 Olm
sted st.; between Pine and Olive. -
HOUSEWORK— Girl wanted for general
; housework. Apply at 353 Carroll st.
OUSEWORK— GirI wanted for neneral
housework. Apply 750 Margaret St.,
near East Seventh. .
HOUSEWORK— Wanted, girl for general
: housework: good wages to ': competent
girl, . Apply to 24 Hoffman ay. or 339 East
Seventh. H. B. Farwell. .
OUSEWOKK— at once, good
girl for general housework; small fam
ily^ ' ..
HOUSEWORK— Wanted, a tidy, respecta
ble girl for general housework. Call at
563 Canada st. ; •-. ••-."'
OUSEWOKK— Good girl wanted for
general housework in private family.
137 Smith ay. - -. - ;
HOUSEWORK- Girl wanted for general ;
housework. 346 Market st., opposite
Rice park. " '
HOUSEWORK— Wanted, a girl to assist
-at light housework. 490 Marion st.
HOUSEWORK— Wanted, girl tor light
housework; Swede pref ered. Call at
218 West Seventh St., third floor. ;,..-: .:■
B OUSEWOKK— anted, a girl for > gen
._ eral housework. Apply 533 Rondo st.
OUSEWORK— GirI wanted for general
housework ; . small family. 508 Hop
kins st. ~ ■" •
HOUSEWORK— Wanted, a good girl for
' general housework ; small family ; call
to-day. 641 Bedford st ________
HOUSEWORK — Wanted, a young girl
for doing general -, housework in small
, family at 598 St. Anthony ay .
HOUSEWORK— Wanted, a good girl for
general housework; small family. Ap
ply 1 20 Reaney st.
OUSEWOKK— Wanted; a good girl for _
- general housework at 630 Olive st. .'
OUSEWORK —A " competent "girl : for
- general housework in the country; good
. wages and permanent ; place. ': Address R. C.
Dwinnell, Sumter, Minn." .:
HOUSEWORK— Wanted, a: good girl at
399 Holly ay. . . -
HOUSEWORK— Girl wanted for general
housework. Apply at 174 East Fif-.'
teenth st. . -'■'"- : '-' ~y-
OUSEWOKK— Wanted, competent girl':
for general housework; Scandinavian
preferred. 797 Cedar st.
OUSEWOKK— Wanted, ; girl for geueral
' housework. in small family; will pay:
good wages. ; Apply 289 Miller st. : _ ■
OUSEAVOKK— Wanted, ; girl for light :
'.. housework,' at 29 Indiana ay. " ,'. ':
HOUSEWORK— Girl wanted for .- general
housework; family of three. 276 Pleas
.antav."-.'-"-"..-'"-.' -'-.-■. : -.~ -'. "".j..-- ..XXTs i.XX.
HOUSE WORK— Wanted," a girl for gen-;
eral housework; no children: good,
1 wages. 82 West central ay., corner Rice. -
-. - -' . — FOB
F. VAN DUYNE, Druggist, 828 East Sev
enth street - '"^SSBB9BBB^S^^
A. T. GUERNSEY. Corner Dale and Selby
P. L LILLYBECK. corner Seventh and John ;
M.'.C." LYONS, ■ Druggist. '.07 " East Third
street, corner Bates. ;
CONGER BROS.; Druggists, 349 University
.-■'-. avenue^' corner Virginia. " - ••
MOUNTS & ; SAWYER, Grocers, corner Ash- !
: ; land avenue and Dale street
A. P. WILKES, Druggist 75t> and 761 West
. Seventh street ".. -.
BERKMAN & CO., 4?" Dakota avena* |j| ;
i E." FOX, 482 Rice street' 'XXt X yX'fxi,-
FRANK L/ OSBURG, 78 Western avenusL '
•J. H. HAVES, 44i West Seventh street. V; p.
HIPPLER & COLLYER.' Druggisst, 133 East
- Seventh street '-^fIHBHBH
Corner Eighth and Jackson streets. £>• ■
i WILKES* ; PHARMACY, Seven Corners. V'
; M. D. MERRILL, Books and Stationery. 442
Broadway. v .*'.'.'
HELLER'S PHARMACY, corner Tenth and
; St Peter streets. '^WßWßß HHP6
R. SCHIFFMAN & SON, Druggist, corner
. Third and Maria,
A. LYONS, Druggist Corner Third and
.H. P. PETTIGRBW. corner Rico and Igle
hart wmmH/mfßF"fiWQfit : ' .
W. M. RICHARDSON, 760 Wabasha. . <«
MRS." JENNIE CLINTON. 641 East Seventh
G. H. WEBB, 566 Broadway. . j
.. ,; Females.;. ,; -'..■■'■
HOUSEWORK— Wanted, Swedish girl for
. general housework at 256 Charles st. -
HOUSEWORK— Scandinavian or German
- girl -wanted for general honsework;
; small family good wages. 282 Iglehart.
HOUSEWORK— Wanted, girl for general
housework; German preferred; small
family. 311 Olmsted st - :r i
HOUSEWORK— Good wages paid to !
competent girl for general housework.
163Iglehartst - : - - :
HOUSEWORK— Wanted, girl for general 1
housework at 277 : Sherburne ay., for
merly Ellen st - ••— "- — .
HOUSEWORK— Wanted, German girl for
housework. 197 West Isabel, West St
Paul. .-■-■• '
HOUSEWORK— Wanted, a girl for gen
' - eral ' housework in family of three; ■
must be a competent cook. Flat No. 63,
Hotel Barteau. ■
HOUSEWORK— Girl wanted to do gen
eral housework at 646 Burr st ■ '
HOUSEWORK— Wanted, girl for general
housework at 261 East Seventh st. ; call
-between 4 and 5 p. m. •
HOUSEWORK— wanted at 348 East
Ninth st. -■---■■■■ . . :
HOUSEWORK— Girl for general house
work ; German preferred. Apply 419
East Tenth st. - __^
HOUSEWORK— young girl for
light housework; call at once. 629
John st. ' ' • •
HOUSEWORK— a girl for gen
eral housework. Inquire 502 Col
lins st ' "
HOUSEWORK— Good girl wanted; good
wages. 449 Fuller st. "
HOUSEWORK— Wanted, girl for general
- housework in family of ■; three. 298 ■
Martin st. :■ - : ■
OUSEWOKK— Wanted, girl for general
housework, family of three. 589 Wa
■basha st ■ . ■ _ ' . -
HOUSEWORK— Girl wanted for general
housework. 23 College ay. .:
HOUSEWORK— Wanted, girl for general
housework; two in family. 13 East
Tenth st. " ■ : . '..- .
KITCHEN WORK— Girl wanted to assist
. with kitchen work at 46 College ay.
west. ■ . ■ - . ■ '.'.■,.■■
KITCHEN GlßL— Wanted, one good
. kitchen girl; one that can cook. 528
Cedar st. . - ■ . - - ■■ ■- .
KITCHEN GIRL— a young girl
_ to work in the kitchen; one who can
.go home nights.". 488 Cedar st . "
ITCHEN GIRL— A competent kitchen
girl wanted at once. 153 College ay.
KITCHEN GIRL wanted at the Delica
tessen, 186 East Seventh st. ■
LADY AGENTS— Wanted, lady agents
for selling French Electrine, which will
keep the hair in curl; agents coining money
bylsellingit; won't waste your time if you
are offered big dollars; 50 cents a bottle.
Hugo Braid's Hair Bazar, 522 Nicollet ay.,
Minneapolis. .
AUNDRY GiRL wanted at Sherman
house. '--'..' - ■ ' ■
LAUNDRESSES— Wanted, two girls for
general laundry work, at 363 Carroll. .
URSE GlßL— Wanted, good German
. nurse girl. 71 Tilton st '.".:
"JV] URSE GIRL, about fifteen years old, to
IV amuse little chila; one who can sleep
at home ; call Monday morning. 25 ' Sum
mit ay. '■ ■• - - - ■ ' ■ -'•
NURSE GIRL wanted. . 394 East Tenth
st, corner John. ' -• ■ "_
NURSE GIRL— competent nurse
girl. 379 East Tenth st. -
NURSE GlKL— Wanted, girl about four
teen years old, to take care of baby.
Call at 83 Garfield. "
NURSE— Wanted, nurse to attend lady
during confinement CaU 435 Supe
rior st. "■
URSE Wanted, a competent
nurse girL 691 Dayton ay. _■__
PASTRY COOK — Wanted, first-class
pastry cook, laundry girl and dining
room girls at 52 East Seventh st. " . ." ._.
OEVEN. YOUNG LADIES to learn teleg-
O , raphy and ' railroad bookkeeping. . Min
neapolis Telegraphic Academy, 319 Nicollet
JEWING GIRLS wanted, at 119 Douglas
Ost/ Mrs. Robinson. - '- .- ■ ■
SEWING GlßLS— Wanted, : sewing girls!
. 401 Minnesota st, at once.
ERVANT— Wanted, good general servant;
private family. Mrs. Ife, 78 Wilken st,
near Irvine park. - ' ■ ■
TEACHERS— Primary and intermediate
grade teachers wanted; good salaries. .
Bridge Teachers' Agency, 10 Globe Building.
AIST .'■; FINISHERS— Wanted, : first
clast waist finishers. : Mme. Gough,' 22
East Third st. - ' ■■- . .. - ■ .■'''■
WAITRESSES— Wanted, six .girls to'
wait on tables; also, two dishwashers,
at Ramaley's Pavilion, White Bear lake.'-' Ap
ply at 193 East Third st, on Saturday morn
ing, 10 a. m. ■.'■'•■..,...'
WANTED— Two woman cooks and two
girl waiters for village hotel: expenses
and good wages paid. Call at 233 East Sev
enth st. Room 22, Monday, between 9 and
•12.-. ....:■.' '-'"', ~ " : "
WANTED— girls and two boys to sell
■■- fireworks for the Ist, 2d," 3d and 4th
of July at Yerxa's. Call 10 a. m. Monday. :.:
- five girls for housework, and ten cooks;
all small places. 183 Western, Ladies' £m
ployment '■.--'•- .-'.'-" ■' '.." .--
WASHERWOMAN — Wanted, washer
woman ; come Monday r morning.
Mme. Gough, 22 East Third st : X-XX: ,_,
ASHERWOMAN— Wanted, one -good
. washerwoman, ■-. one shirt ' and one
collar and cuff polisher at Ryan Laundry,
444 Robert. ; -- ;-' ■. ._
yOfl- FAMILY PLACES; St. Paul. Du
«E>/£.U luth. Bismarck, Benton, Yates. Ma
ginnis. ' ; Douglass Intelligence Agency, 35
Seventh. '.-: '■■"-.■'" ■-.:. ' " ». ' ' '■■_'■
OK ' GIRLS i for i families -.'_ for waitresses,
A/O 2 for second work. 10 for kitchen
work; good wages. Ladies Intelligence, 466
St Peter st ■■■': 7 ''■' '■' Xp-'-Xt-Xp.
*J KJ ..." girls for ' laundry, hotel . and - private ;
families ; wages $12, $15 a month. _ Employ
ment ; office, 29 : West Ninth, corner St
Peter sf- . ; -^-. ,--:-. ...■.--.-:;
FALLIHEE & SNOW have - the best list
- of ; Summit Park, Stinson's Boulevard
and Midway property. ■_-' See them before buy
ing. 36 East Fourth st. Globe Building.
SUPERFLUOUS » HAIR, moles, , warts,
.' etc.; permanently removed by electricity.
Mrs. Baldwin, Suite - 205," The 5 Colonnade, : :
corner St. Peter and ; Tenth sts. (entrance on :
_~t. Peier). "■"-.' '■:"■- :.'."- . - - ■'"'-"-- .
PROP. WOOLSEY, magnopathic j physi
; - ciau. removes from the - system withont
: medicine all organic, malarial ; and v nervous
troubles in females; Mondays ' free. ; Office
258 Nash st' ' I^^B____B9HHl
-Males.-- ' ." . '"'*'
BOOKKEEPER— Re ward of $10 to any
one giving information that wiU secure
a position as bookkeeper, clerk, or any in
door- work for young man. Address S 291,
Globe. .: . -'.-■ ..-■'. ..-.••■- ,
BOSS BAKERS please call or. address
Fred Bushmann, 25 East : Third st,' St'
Paul, for competent -men for all grades of,
labor.. "'. ■'.. - ..' ■.'•■-'."":■■ . "--"'■"■
BOOKKEEPING— Books openea, closed,
- posted, expert work, , etc. F. Sprague.
Room 252, Drake block. St. Paul. : ■•■'.,
BOOKKEEPER— Wanted, situation as
.bookkeeper and collector,|6r any similar
occupation where a portion is outside work;
or would invest a few hundred dollars. . Ad-
\ dress R. J., Globe. , -■' ' ■ ■-'
OOKKEEPER— Wanted, situation by a
competent • double entry -" bookkeeper,
who has had experience at the business. Ad
dress V 287, Globe. " . ■ '.-"■,-■ :
OOKKEEPER— Situation wanted by a
. competent double entiy bookkeeper,;^
' take charge' of set of books, or to do general'
. office work; : city references. Address S 292,
Globe. ■■'■..■■;.-■'.•' r ■■'■■ - ' - •
CASHIER— girl, just through school,
would like employment as . cashier or in
ah office.' I ' Address L 282, Globe. . _,
GOACHMAN— A young . man ~ prefers a
.-.. place as family coachman ; is a careful
: driver. : Address 11. Larson, corner South*
Robert and Annapolis, West St. Paul. --,
OACHMXN— Good, steady man would
v like position as - coachman ;or running
'elevator; have had experience; good refer
ence. Call or address 291 West Sixth st
COACHMAN— A competent man prefers
1 a place as family ; coachman ; is a care
' ful driver : and - knows how to take care of
j horses. . Address V 288, Globe.
CLERK — Position wanted by . a young
! yjy. '■ Scandinavian man as clerk in a grocery
store; have had two years' experience in St.
■ Paul.- Address F 278, Globe.
CLERK— a position as clerk in
drug store; have had one year's experi
i enee, and can furnish best of reference. Ad-
! dress AH., 614 East Central Park, St Paul,
[Minn. ' - : .'-."v
GLEKK— Position. wanted' by youngman
in office or store; can come highly rec
ommended, and one who is not afraid of
work; salary not so much an object as ex
perience. Address C. C. C," 234 East Thir
teenth st. ■ ... ' -.■.'■ ■
COACHMAN— A young man prefers a
-. . place as family coachman ; is a " careful
driver and . knows the city. Address P. C,
260 Nash st.-. '-. . .- ■—.—
COLLECTOR— position as col
■ lector; can give bonds. Address 46,
COOK— steady meat and pastry cook
wants. employment; wages reasonable.
Room 10. 468 Temperance st.
COOK— A colored cook wants a position
cooking in hotel; meat or pastry; no
object of leaviug city; reference. Address
: X 293, Globe. .-
DRIVER— Situation wanted by a young
. man driving delivery wagon. • Address
M.D. Blood, Forrestal Bros.' Camp, corner
Marshall ay. and Cleveland ay. north, Mer
riam Park, Minn. : ■ -'
NIGHT CLERK— In first-class hotel; no
li ■ objections to leaving city; best of city
reference. A. R. L., 223 Carroll st
OFFICE WOKK— man of good
habits wishes a position in an office to
do some light work: is a good penman, and
has first-class references: wages no object or
not necessary for some time. Address H 283,
Globe. ■•■••■ ■.-..■■■
OFFICE WORK— Wanted, position in
office ; references given if required. Ad
dress E 290, Globe. ' '. . " --■'.■:.-:--
PAINTER—Wanted, situation by first-.
class fresco.' scenic, sign and pictorial
painter; also graining and general painting,
in or out of City. Address Painter, first
flat, 460 Wabasha street, St Paul. .
PHOTOGRAPHER— A young . man of
• steady habits wishes -a - position as
retoucher in a first-class gallery ; no others
need apply ; city : preferred. C. B. 75 East
Third st. . . . -V
* —
SALESMAN— Wanted, a situation as trav
eling salesman for a grocer or shoe man ;
age about thirty-five years; fourteen years'
experience in retail "business; good : refer
ences. . Address B 275; Globe. ' ' '_....
SALESMAN— Wanted, position as sales
man by thoroughly . experienced man of
large Northwest acquaintance; groceries pre
ferred; A 1 reference. For five days address
M 280, Globe. '_■'. .
SALESMAN— Wanted, a position with
O some good house to travel on the road,
orin the city;. no experience, only good ad
dress, habits and business ability; good ref
erences given ; salary no object on the start
Address M 65, Globe, Minneapolis. -
■by ' a young ' man of good address ; me
chanic of two years' experience, with • the
best of references ; also a good shipping
clerk. H. W. Merritt, 17 South Twelfth
st, Minneapolis. . ■ -
SITUATION — Experienced hotel man
wants a position: no objection to leaving
the city. Address B. Wolf, 353 Walnut st,
St PauL .:. , . ■ • -,■'■. -ry
SITUATION— Young man of good educa
tion would like a position with some re
liable business house; willing to work. Ad
dress T 287, Globe. ,
«U>-L^OUv/ on Charles st; seven rooms;
$200 cash, balance monthly. Fallihee &
Snow. 36 East Fourth St.. Globe Building.
The pastor, R. H. Craig, will preach on
Sabbath morning at 10:30; subject "The
Exalted Christ:" evening, at 8 o'clock; sub
ject, "The Wicked Husbandmen." •
pastor. J. H. Dewart will speak in- the
morning on "The Christian Church Like a
Fishing Net," and in the evening on "Israel's
First Defeat or Useless Prayers." • ■_ : _
i . ncr Clinton Ay. and Isabel St-^Bishop
J.N. Fitzgerald, of Minneapolis, .will j preach
at 10:30 a. m. No evening service. -
'41 West Fonrth st. Jnne 29. Sunday, at
4 p. m., condncted by Adele M. Harper. '.-
and Louis Sts.— W.A. Foster, pastor.
Services 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Rev„ J. A.
Stemen will preach i n the evening. ■•'
Rev. John A. Stemen, : the pastor, will
preach in the morning, and in the evening
Rev. W. A. Foster will preach ; Y. P. S. C. E.
7p. m. ; Sunday school at noon.
. St. John's church. 428 East Eighth st,
at 8 p. m., Sunday; sermon by Rev. C. Gause
' witz. ' '; . . "".
, West Third and Dayton Ay— Preaching
at 10:30 a. m. by the pastor, Rev. T. L Coul
' tas: at 8 p. m. report will be heard from del
egates to St Louis convention of Y. P. 8. C.
E. and an address by Rev. H. H. French, of
Centenary church. Minneapolis; Sunday
school at 12 m.; Y. P. 8. C. E. at p. m.
Rev. W. S." Vail, pastor. Subject: "If
I the World Is Ruled by Law.Shall Men Pray?"
Services at 11 a. m. in Westmoreland hall,
corner of Tenth and St. Peter sta., with en
trance on Tenth st. •-.-■■ •, - -■■■■■. • -,■
borgian) Church," Southeast Corner Vir
ginia and - Selby : Ays.— Rev.- Edward C.
Mitchell. Pastor— at . 10:30 a.m.;
Sunday scbool at . 11:45 a. m. The Rev.
Willar'd H. Hinckley, of Brookline (Boston),
Mass., will preach in the morning.
- Cbnrch— The pastor, Arthur J. Benedict,
will preach in tne . morning at - 10:30 on
"Christian : Endeavor Movement." Sunday
school .at 12. Y. P. 8. C, E_ 7:15. '": At 8
o'clock, "Sandy" Lyon, conductor on Mil
waukee railroad, will speak to railroad men.
All invited. -."■".' . - '_' "■ '.pi.XX-pi:
; and" Chestnut St— Rev. J. W. Lee, D.
D., of Atlanta, Ga., will preach morning and
evening; service 10:30 a m.; 8 o'clock "p. m.
Young people's meeting 7 o'clock. All seats
free. ■ ■.-..-._.: ". : ..."■ ■- ■'-■' " '■. - - ' '•
. Corner of Ninth and Olive Sts.— Rev.
John Wright rector; communion at 8 a. m. ;
.Sunday school,' 9:30 a.m.; morning" prayer
and sermon, 11 a. m. ; choral service and ser
; mon, 8 p. m. .' Visitors are cordially welcome.
Corner " Maple ■ and Fourth Sts.— The
sixth anniversary of this , church - will be
commemorated to-day at 11 a. m. The vested
choir, -assisted. by Ben Stillwell, basso,' and
W. A. Hillyard, tenor, will ; render an elabo
rate musical programme. The church will be
handsomely decorated. Rt. Rev. M. N. Gilbert
-will officiate in the morning. i' In the evening
full choral service, in which all the guilds
of the parish will participate, conducted by
the rector. Rev. S. Mills. . : ■ ■ r -.-.- - . ;-■- ■ -
of St Paul's Episcopal churcb, will offi •
ciate - at - Camp chapel, Minnetonka ■ Beach, j
Sunday. 11 a. m. . ■■ --:.-!
. ..preach at St Paul's Episcopal ■ church, : j
Minneapolis, Sunday. 11 a. m...: -■ '-'-_-. - .
. with the congregation of Unity church
in a Flower Sunday service at 11 a. , ,
— ■»
: Females.
OOKKEEPER— by a young
.lady, position as -assistant bookkeeper. -
Good penman and mathematician. Address
A 273. Globe. .-■■:...:.:■'• ;.,■■;,:,;'- -\i T'i-
BOOKKEEPER— By lady ..bookkeeper
; experienced double entry; rapid and ac*
curate; moderate compensation. . Box 25<\
Hastings, Minn. .■-•-■-■
CHAMBERMAID— Young lady wishes
situation -as chambermaid in hotel.
Apply 207 East Seventh st, room 7.' , ■: .---..;
(ILEKK- girl would like to gel
' place .to clerk in ■; confectionery store, os
wait on ice cream stand.'. Address 279 Har* '
rison ay. . XXAii >
ANION— WeU educated lady spealc*
. ing several languages wishes position as
companion with an. elderly lady or small fam* -
ily; would like to travel; best references.. A.
Hockert 1229 Washington ay. south, Minne*
apolis. '.- \; .j:. :•:•.'• 7 t ;:X, .
OftIPANION - A competent and edu*
cated - woman-wants a situation to care
; for an invalid, or as governess, companion
: or. like employment. Address A. X., Globe.
COOK— Wanted,- sitnaiion -as an ex peri*
i enced cook. 1- Apply 318 Somerset st. -. -
OPYiNG— lady would like copy*,
ing or wntingof some description. Ad*
; dress B 273, Glote.-,::'.:-).-^^..;;. <yr\ :.-'%'
RESSMAKER would likfe to go' out sew-"
ing in families;' references given.
■222 Carroll. =>•;,.; ■•_'.:--. ■' i -' V: >" XIX ' '
DRESSMAKER wishes a. few; mofo*n
• gagements in family sewing-; her work,
guaranteed. Call at. 115 Winifred st '.;-.- :•
RESSMAKER desires sewing in fami
lies. Call Or address 189 Iglehart st
DRESSMAKER wishes position to sew in
families;'can give good reference; can
guarantee good fit 194 Grove st " : "
DRESSMAKER^-' A dressmaker would
like a place to sew ' mornings' and even
ings for board. Address 285, Globe.
DRESSMAKER— A lady wishes situation
in a dressmaking - establishment or to
give instructions on sewing machine. Q
293, Globe. ..-.-.-.; - '. : :.-i •
EMPLOYMENT — Girl, fourteen, - would
like light work to do of any kind! In*"
quire or address A. X., 295 Ellen at; city. ->.:■
FOLDER— Young lady wishes situation as
- folder in printing office. - Has had expe*
rience. Apply 2i>7 East Seventn st. room 7,,
HOUSEWORK— a place to do
housework; thoroushly experienced^
references. • 386 Ban til st .:. XX .- ;-.■:■ • :■*•
a OUSEKEEPER— Wanted, ■ situation as
housekeeper of a hotel ; no objections '
to leaving the city; by a single lady who can
furnish the nest of references. £ Address Mrs. .
Mc, 1112 Nicollet ay, Minneapolis.
OUSEKEEPEK— Wauted, situation as
housekeeper on a farm. Address V
290, Globe. ..' ,' '.. :. .'
HOUSEKEEPER- Position wanted by a
middle-aged German woman in small
family; good home preferred - to high wages. -
Address N. Globe office. .._'_, ... ■- .
OFFICE WORK— Wanted, by a young
lady, position In office. r Address A. 11. •
410 Wabasha. ' . - . . : ■
SEWING— Wanted, situation to do family
sewing by a lady; charges moderate. Ad*
dress M. P., 620 St. Peter st. ." ■ ■„ ■>■
STENOGRAPHER— Wanted, position by •
: young lady stenographer owning type-*
writer. Address W 285. Globe. .;. ■ --'i
STENOGRAPHER— A young lady de- -
O sires a position; has had experience and
can give reference. Address 39 Summit ay.
STENOGRAPHER— A young lady, desires'
a position; has had experience and can
furnish reference. .39 Summit ay. ■ . .- ..--. •■'; -
STENOGRAPHER— Situation wanted by
. competent, young lady stenographer and
typewriter. Address X 24, Globe, Minneap
olis, Minn. ■ ' ' •
STENOGRAPHER— Situation wanted. by
competent young lady stenographer and
typewriter; salary no object Address X 24»
Globe. '.-.-• .■' ;
WASHING— A German girl wants to go
out washing, ironing, housecleaning. . .
Address 48 West Ninth st . ■: > ■%•'.' "-' - ;
WASHING— Woman wants washing; to
do home; plain clothes " washed" and
ironed, 35 per dozen rough dry, 25; called
for; delivered. 549 Temperance st. ■ ' : ■ !'• <■•■; <
W' ASHING— A woman wants two .-of
three steady places to wash . and iron ■
for the summer. Address P 36, Globe.' ■ / "
WASHING— wants washing and
ironing to take home or to go out to
'work by "the day ; -scrubbing or offices to .
clean.: Call at 659 Mississippi st, basement.
WASHING— A good girl wants to wasa
and iron. - Address Mamie Olson, 839
Hardenborg place. ... '.- 7 .■.'•■ ■. f rp _i
ASH E RAY OMAN wants '. Work . by
washing, ironing, housecleaning. CaU
at bakery,- 250 West Third st. . ■'-. •■..-.' .'•.-- i
Q-f\ f\f\f\ TAKES tho southeast corner
•Pt/^l/UU of Lincoln and Lexington,"
130x150 feet Fallihee & Snow, 36 Earn.
Fourth st _• ■ .'.
- l/t/hif are your rooms vacant? An ad in tnp
xx "Jf Globe will rent them. "'■■
DIE WORKS. ::•-:': i
Steam Dye Works, 244 East Seventh st 1
OSTRICH FEATHERS dyed and cleaned
by Hayes; the only practical dyer in lha
city; glossy black or any other color desired,
30 West Third. " - '.'.'"-
STRICH FEATHERS beautifully dyed
any color desired at No. 18 East Ninth
st, near Wabasha. ■ ' -• " ■ ■
FJ. ROC HEX. N. W. Steam Dye Works*
. office,' 416 Robert st., Ryan blockj
works, 55 and 57 Indiana ay.
R~" B. SINCLAIR — Gents', straw, and 1
• m'auills hats cleaned and retrimmed.'
No. 18 East Ninth St., near Wabasha. ' .
<C 1 l^^\l\ KUYS a 50-foot lot corner of
<M_,D«JU Marshall and Amos, Merriam 1
Park ; south facing ; water and sewer in street
Fallihee & Snow. 36 'East Fourth st. ""-
AN OPPORTUNITY for a. party to gel
. an interest in a good legitimate offica
bnsiness (loan agency); will reauire $500 to
8750; a certain fixed income will be guaran
teed each month. Address "P 50, Globe,
Minneapolis. |
■ - ■ ■ -*
ISr U STOREasAiooN j sM&
* .
Has not only
the largest {
of any paper
between Chi*
cago and the
Pacific coast,
but i reaches
the largest
class of con
sumers, and
is, therefore (
the best ad-
vert ising
Luxuries foi
the rich and
necessiti es
for the poop
are best sold
through an
ment in the
Globe. 1 1 a
"want post
office" . has
reached gi
gantic pro
thousand a
of crying;
needs are
satisfied eaclj
day. ~
'if ( I