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fe SAINT PAUL. fiadiiicnal Ciiy News on Pages 8. QUIPS AND FANCIES. President Can field is not the man to Blop over with enthusiastic panegyric, especially when he inwardly is of a con trary opinion. In addressing the cham ber of commerce last Monday, he is re ported as saying the work in connection with the Educational association meet ing had been "fairly" done. And this after the local executive has labored for cix months! Either from oversight or pure "cus fiedness." the state authorities fail to provide scuts for visitors to the capitol. Adequate accommodation was afforded in this particular up to within a few weeks ago. when the interior of the building was renovated and the seats disappeared. There are many people, on business, compelled to wait around the capitol for hours, and a few seats promiscuously arranged along the cor rido>- would be very acceptable to them. C. Tyson Butcher was yesterday granted a stay until Saturday in which to pay the 525 fine for blacking the eye of a fellow attorney. No one would ob ject to this if a similar opportunity was afforded every poor fellow who is un fortunate enough to get landed into the police court. There is no reason why a privilege should be granted to tne man who wears broadcloth which is re fused to the wearer of fustian. An evidence that the. rivalry existing between St. Paul and Minneapolis is good for both cities is the action of the bankers in regard to the so-called re serve cities. Over a year ago the ot. Paul bankers attempted to have this city included in the reserve list, but, owing to a few kickers, nothing was ac complished. On the other hand, the Minneapolis bankers united and that city w;is designated by the controller of currency as a reserve city. What is the result? The kicking bankers of St. Paul quickly fall into line, and this city will shortly be on the reserve list. It is to this active competition that the two cities owe their present prominence. To unite the cities would be to entirely dry up this healthy rivalry. A visit to the headquarters of the National Educational association will give citizens an idea of the vast throng which may be expected in ttie city next -week. President Canfield has told the chamber of commerce that when the people see 15,000 in the city they will wish they had "opened their hearts more.'' It would be interesting to know from Mr. Canfield in what way St. Paul has been lacking Ur providing for the accommodation of the teachers. It is no doubt pleasant and profitable for citizens to meet and discuss the public school system, but really it is about time something practical was done— that is, if anything requires to be done. Would it not be advisable to de cide this point first— Does the public school system tend to secularism and agnoticism? Archbishop Ireland says It does; Supt. Kiehle says it doesn't. Who is right? COMMENT AND QUERY. If the present proceedings before Judge Miller should result in knocking out the John Day Smith law a whole some lesson will be taught legislators of the grandmotherly ilk. By their fussy interference in the execution of crimin als, the probability is that several of them will escape merited punishment for their heinous crimes. The binding t.vine question still con tinues to agitate farmers. By the way, is it not time for the prison board man agers to take some action? Over a week ago Gov. Merriam instructed the board upon the desirability of doing some thing, but, as yet, no move has been taken. In the meantime the twine trust is daily growing stronger, and, it goes without saying, richer. The twine trust is greatly indebted (?) to the prison managers. Religious fanaticism is responsible for many curious things,but it certainly has assumed an acute form in the Sal vation army female who peddles papers around saloons between the hours of 9 and 12 n. m. There is a time and place for everything, and a saloon at a late hour is hardly the place for a female selling a religious paper. The Red Rock camp meeting fell de cidedly llat this year. What could the directors expect? The people are not going to be attracted jn great numbers unless the opportunity is afforded, to hear some of the best preaching talent the country can produce, Local minis ters are with us the year round, and, unless the man is above the average, only a few cranks will take the trouble of a" journey t:> lied Rock to hear them preach. Under such conditions a cauip meeting deserves to be a failure. The Twin City census imbroglio has produced a series of knock-outs. Ed Stevens was knocked out of a profita ble position, Eugene Hay was knocked off his great "1 am" perch, and now Fred Driscoll Sr. gets knocked off his feet by a blow from the brawny hand of F. G. Winston. What next? When citizens next hear a Merrkim striker lauding to the skies the heaven born genius at the head of the business administration the" Stole is enjoying, let them ask this question: Why is the state revenue fund overdrawn by $531, --697.29? It would have been a decided gain had the pity council prohibited the hotel runners from following their avocation prior to the Educational association meeting. The importunities of these men are decidedly annoying to stran gers visiting the city, and the way in which they prey upon the poor foreign ers is something outrageous. The hotel runners should go at once, and with them the railroad runner. Both are equally objectionable. If W. S. Gilbert had been mayor of St. Paul lie would never have written "a policeman's lot is not a happy one." There is such a charm about it to the average man. in. St. Paul that Mayor Smith is being almostharrassed out of his skin by applicants for positions. It is probable that lifty ''additional men will shortly be put on the force. Ap plications have already, been made by over 200 men for one ol these appoint ments. Lost, stolen or strayed— the Manu facturers' Loan and Investment associa tion. Last seen or heard of was in con nection with the appointment of an of ficer|salaried at $<J,<X)O per year. Celebrate The Fourth by visiting your friends in Chicago. Peoria, St. Louis, Kansas City, St. Joseph. Dcs Monies, Quincy, Keo kuk, Burlington, Monmouth, LaCrosse, Dnbnque, Winona, and all points on the Great Burlington System. One fare for the round trip between all sta tions east of the Missouri river. Tick ets on sale July 3 and 4, good to return on or before July 7. Ticket offices. 164 East Third street, St. Paul; 300 Nicol let avenue, Minneapolis, and union de pots in both cities. Notice ol'Kemoval. The St. Paul office of the Daily Rail way and Hotel News has been removed from the Hotel Ryan to 214 Endicott Building. D. £. lioselle, Proprietor. Fourth of July Excursion Rates. One fare for round trip to any point on C, St. P., M. & O.'R'y, C. & N. W. and S. C. & P. R'ys and K. C, St. J. &C. B. K. R. Tickets on sale July 8 and 4, good to return to July 7 inclu sive. Only. Two Days More For paying water rates on low service to have discount. TO FILL LIND'S SHOES Second District Farmers to Meet at Kasota Junction July 18. Farmers' Alliance Men to be Boycotted by tbe Repub lican Machine. Col. Hans Mattson Makes a Combination With Ole Lucken. Why Capt. Snider Will Run Behind in St. Paul- Political Notes. And now John Lincl's bailiwick is to be invaded by the farmers, who are up in arms against the iniquitous McKinley tariff bill. Last evening Secretary John Lathrop, of the Fanners' alliance, issued the call for a convention for the formation of a Fanners" alliance of the Second congres sional district and also for the nomina tion of a candidate for congress to be voted for at the ensuing election. This convention is summoned to meet at Ka sota Junction, in Le Sueur county, on Friday, July 18, at 10 o'clock in the morning. "This call is issued," said Secretary Lathrop, '"by the express directions and requests of the local and county alli ances of the district, as far more than a majority, indeed I may say nearly all of the local alliances, have voted in fswor of this action, and so, as is my duty, 1 issue the call. Kasota Junction is prob ably the most central point iv the dis trict, and the date, July IS, will permit the delegates to the big convention to be held here on the Kith to attend this one on their return to their homes, and will same them an extra trip, considerable time and some money." It is now war to the knife between Hie Farmers' alliance and the Republican party in this state. > The first county in tbe state in which the Kepublicans were bold enough, to throw down the gauntlet was Otter Tail, and in the county convention which was held at Battle Lake on Tuesday not only were the alliance linen refused admission as delegates, but not a single nominee on the farmers' ticket, Repub licans, and reputable Republicans, too, though most of them were, was in dorsed or taken up by the Republican machine. A few weeks ago at a largely attended convention the Alliance of Otter Tail county nominated a full county and legislative ticket. A num ber of the present corps of Republican county officers were placedon the ticket and a laboring man and one or two Dem ocrats were also given places for minor offices. This scored the old Republican machine and after due consultation with party leaders in St. Paul the order went forth that every man who hoped for a nomination from the Republican county convention must drop the Alliance men like hot potatoes. The bosses assumed a very threatening attitude and scared the nominees of the farmers for three or four oflices into writing elaborate letters, in which a lot of triv ial and imaginary reasons were set forth for their declining to accept the nomi nations given them by the farmers. These letters were published not only in the local Republican organ at Fergus Falls, but also in the Merriam organ at the capital of the state. They were written to the president of the Otter Tail alliance, but before he ever received any of them copies were furnished the papers men tioned above, thus showing that the letters were written not for the chair man of the local Farmers' alliance organization, but for a purpose more far reaching in its effects. Heroic remedies are to be used in the treatment of the' Farmers alliance move ment, and the Otter Tail precedent is to be followed in all parts of the state. If any extended argument were necessary to prove that this is the general plan of the Republican bosses it could have been found yesterday had any one taken care to observe the anxiety with which the capitol officials and Mer riam leaders generally watched and waited returns from the Otter Tail con vention. The programme had been outlined, and trusty leaders had been selected, but there was a remote fear that Hon. John B. llqmpe would break into the gathering of the bosses and smash everything. The organization was well greased, however, and the farmers were sat upon as hard as possi ble, and given notice that, any farmer belonging to the fanners' alliance, or in anywise deflecting from steadfast loy alty to the party of Heed, McKinley & Co., need expect nothing from the Re publican party of Minnesota. How will this strike the farmers of the state, who are not accustomed to being considered the slaves of any party? 'If there is one thing more thati an other that is calculated to boom the Farmers' alliance movement arrd make it a power in the coming election." re marked an alliance leader yesterday, "it is just this hostility that is being shown by the friends of Gov, Merriam. I understand that the governor has said that he does not care for the Republican nomination if there is to be an independent ticket iv the field, and so he has probably sailed in to prevent a nomination being made by any means in his power, lie would make more by keeping his hands off and not trying to boycott the alli ance. The air is full of independence this year, and a lot of rotten political machines are likely to be smashed into smithereens." Col. Hans Mattson, the oreseut secfe tary of state, is a very clever politician. He is a candidate for another nomina tion. He is a Swede, and his scalp is being sought industriously by F. P. Brown, of Faribault county, who is a Norwegian by birth. Now Col. Mattson recognizes the fact that the Republican state ticket this year must of necessity contain representatives of both the Norwegian and the Swedish people. Lieut. Gov. Rice, who was borji in Norway, is not a candidate for another term and a new Norwegian must be re-elected to fill a place on the ticket, for if Senator Ives, of St. Peter, gets Puce's place and Col. Bolbter and all the others are renoininated. a very pretty fight will come on between Sec retary Mattson and Brown, of Fari bault, for the nomination for secretary of state. But there is another distinguished citizen of Norwegian descent who would like to break into the state cap itol. His name is Ole H. Lucken, of Crookston, and a few days ago a bright idea came rolling along in Col. Matt son's direction suggesting that he form a combination with Mr. Lucken by the terms of which he (Mattson) would se cure the support of Northern Minne sota for secretary of state, while Coi. Mattson's friends from Minneapolis and elsewhere would be thrown to Lucken for clerk of the supreme court. J n this case action followed the colo nel's mental effort, and yesterday Mr. Lucken came down from Crookston and held a lontr consultation with Col. Matt son, evidently arriving at some conclus ion in the matter, for he departed in sisting thai be is now in the fight for the nomination for clerk of the supreme court in dead earnest. Secretary Mattson knows a thine or two about politics. Congressman Snider is reported as being very much afraid of the effect this census trouble may liave on his chances for re-election, but, as a veteran St. Paulite. remarked yesterday, "lie is unnecessarily alarmed. THE SAINT PAUL DAILY GLOBE: THURSDAY MORNIXG, JULY 3, 18' JO. The people of Ramsey county and St. Paul will not vote against him because he hails from Minneapolis. Oh, no! Tney will remember that he has put in the larger portion of his time at Wash ington with a congress Republican in both branches, nnd yet no appropria tion has been received for the erection of a new public building so badly ueed ed in St. Paul. Efficiency, and not locality, will be the test applied to Mr. Snider by his St. Paul constituents." Less than two weeks ago the Globe, in an outline of the condition of affairs in the Second congressional district, stated that there existed a great deal of dissatisfaction in all parts of the dis trict over the course of John Lind dur ing this session of congress, and that it was altogether likely ex-Congressman John B. Wakefield, of Blue Earth City, could easily be elected if he were given the farmers' noniination. This was de nied by Republican papers of all sizes, ages and conditions, including the Pioneer Press. But, strange to relate, in yesterday's issue of that paper John Lind was given the worst raking on record, and Gov. Wakefield was men tioned as the man who could snatch tbe nomination from him if he so desired. Apart from this, however, John Lind's support of the McKinley bill has cost him dearly, and may force him to retire from congress. One of the hardest working and most sincere men in the Farmers' alliance movement in Minnesota to-day is prob ably Secretary John Lathrop, of Daw son. He lias long been foremost in the alliance work, and has been a contribu tor, not only to the columns of Farm, Stock and Home, but also many other agricultural journals. No one acquaint ed with Mr. Lathrop would ever take any stock in an assertion by a protege of Mr. Donnelly's, to the effect that "Secretary Lathrop was opposed to in dependent action by the farmers," and when this was brought to Mr. Lathrop's attention last evening he said: "You can contradict the report that 1 was not in favor of independent action. I was always of the opinion that in no other way could we accomplish half so much. Of course I don't care for such reports, but Ido not care to be misrep resented on this particular question." The sensational accounts published in the evening Republican organs yester day to the effect that Hon. Michael Doran and other Democratic leaders were seeking to make votes in the cen sus war is so absurd that there is no necessity of contradicting it. Mr. Doran has always been considered a politician of considerable sagacity and foresight, and would be the last man in the world to fool with a two-edged sword like this census difficulty. The Democratic lead ers of Minnesota are not obliged to go into peanut politics at present; there are too many important issues before the people, on which the party is on the right and popular side, to demand any thing of this kind, and nothing like it wili be attempted. . Hon. P. li. Rahilly, of Wabasha, spent last evening chatting with numerous friends in the lobbies of the Ryan and the Merchants', incidentally wandering over into ttie field of politics. "The people are at last coming around to our side on the tariff question," lie re marked, "and with wise and good nom inations I believe the Democrats can carry the state. I am watching the movements of the farmers with consid erable interest, as whatever they do will have its effect on the campaign." From politics Mr. Rahilly passed on to a discussion of the crop outlook, and said that it was never more hopeful. His farm, by the way, is said to be the finest in the state, and is composed of upward of a thousand acres of the finest land in Wabasha county. Mr. Rahilly has frequently represented his county in the state legislature, and is one of the staunch Democrats of the First dis trict. MAYOR IS HARRASSED. Six Additional Policemen Ap pointed. In accordance with the resolution passed by the city council last Tuesday evening, Mayor Smith yesterday ap pointed six additional officers upon the police force, to do duty as jailors and drivers at Margaret, Ducas and Rondo sub-stations. Heretofore there has been only one jailor and one patrol driver at each of these stations for the twenty four hours. Hereafter there will be a day and night jailor and driver. For Ducas street station John Minor is appointed jailor and Albert Western hazen is made patrol wagon driver; for Margaret street William Hart is jailor and Hans Emola driver; for Rondo street Michael Tschida is jailor and Michael Davitt driver. Mayor Smith is harrassed by persons seeking positions. The mayor feels the importunities of place hunters just at present, as he is indisposed. The im pression prevails that fifty new patrol men are to be added to the police force, in pursuance of the resolution offered at the last meeting of the council. The resolution is in the hands of the commit tee on streets, and there is a strong probability that the committee will re port unfavorably on the resolution. St. James Parish Picnic. One of the most popular Fourth of July celebrations will be the picnic of St. James parish, Ilev. James A. Fitz patrick pastor, which will be held in the beautiful new erove on Cleveland ave nue, between Summit and Grand. The electric cars go direct to the grounds at intervals of fifteen minutes during the day. A large and varied programme has been prepared, of which the follow ing are some of the attractions: A game of base ball in the morning between two of our best amateur teams; in the afternoon at 2 p. m. a tug of war, in which the Y. M. C. A. team will par ticipate ; a fat men's race, for which several 250 and 300 pound gentlemen have already entered; l()0-yards dash, for which an elegant gold medal has been presented by Whitney's music store; an egg race for young ladies, little girl's hoop race, pipe race, sack race for men. running race for small boys, barrel race for men, and a number of other interesting events. Prizes have been prepared for the winners of the several contests. A game ot lawn tennis will be played in the afternoon by two prize teams. Baloon ascensions will take place every half hour during the day. A large tent has been secured in which a large num ber of musical and other attractions will take place. C. N. Ludlow will have charge of this part of the pro gramme. A full brass band will be in attendance all day. No entrance fee will be charged for admission to the grounds. Fourth of July at Hotel St. Louis. Minnetonka yacht club races in the morning. Single and double lawn ten nis games by expert players in the aft ernoon. Bathing, fishing, rowing and sailing. Music by Clauder's celebrated band. Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul trains leave St. Paul at 9 a. m., 1 and 5 p. m. Leave Minneapolis 9:10 a. m., 1:10 and 5:30 p. in. Leave Minnetonka 4:30 and 10:40 p. in. Round trip, 75 cents. Youthful Sword Wearers. A. C. Bradcn, the son of his father, now ranks with his father in military title. Both are captains, but, unlike the father, the scion is not battle scarred. He was recently elected to the captaincy of Company C, First regi ment M. N. G., vice A. E. Chantler, re signed, and last night ho was given the crucial test before the regular board of examiners at the capitol, and he passed with credit. "Blood will tell." S. G. Iverson passed a creditable exam ination for lieutenant of the same coni pnny. These two youthful candidates for military distinction are both em ployed in the office of State Auditor Braden. -'Bert" is said to be the young est captain of any regiment in the guard. The other candidates who passed were B. W. Knowlton as first lieutenant of Company 1, Minneapolis, and C. D. Murphy as second lieutenant of the mounted troop. BAXTER IS ON DECK And a Move May Shortly Be Expected in the Census Cases. The St. Paul Deputation Re turns From Washington Well Satisfied. Selby Avenue Property Own ers Hold the Threatened Meeting And Loudly Protest Against the Cable Bridge As sessment. Hon. George N. Baxter yesterday: afternoon took the oath of office as &e& uty United States district attorney, aud began forthwith delving into the evi dence in the Minneapolis census im broglio. When asked by a Globe re porter he gave the assurance that there was nothing new to give out. He had come to no conclusions in the premises, and professed to have no idea when criminal action will be broueht. He said he should first thoroughly familiar ize himself with the proofs that are in the knowledge of Dectective Mason, and the corroborative e.vidence, such as the documents seized at the "manu facturing annex" will give. Until late in the afternoon Mr. Baxter was por ing over these papers and making copi ous notations. While there is no disposition on the part of Mr. Baxter to advertise his probable course of operation, the citi zens' committee are of the impression that the arrests will be made to-day or to-morrow. The latter date seems more likely because of the feeling that the hearing should be brought before some outside magistrate who cannot be inter ested, nor prejudiced by local feeling. Mr. Lawler and Mr. Castle, as was announced they would in these columns, arrived home yesterday. They are en thusiastic over the complete success of their mission to the department of just ice and the census bureau, but what they had to say was merely a recounting of the incidents and events that have been graphically detailed in the Globe from day to day during their trip to Washington and to Utica. Mr. Lawler will contribute material aid to the pros ecution because of his familiarity with the facts of the entire case. AN EMPHATIC PROTEST To the Cable Assessment, Made by Selby Avenue Freeholders. "They say the assessment is for the bridge, but it is really an assessment for the cable line," said W. D. Cornish last night in the meeting of citizens to protest aeainst assessment for the Selby avenue bridge across tne Milwaukee tracks, and the manifestations of ap proval with which the comment was re ceived showed that those present were of the saute opinion. I About 100 interested property owners had assembled in one of the municipal court rooms to take s me action against being assessed for the improvement, the board of public works having sent out notices that a hearing would be given to realty holders Thursday after noon, July 3, at 2 o'clock. The board proposes to assess all owners of lots ion Selby avenue, and also those upon the two parallel streets both north and south of that street. The bridge is esti mated to cost 8100,000, and of this amount the property owners from St. Al bans to Prior avenue are expected to put np 862,000. So the interested parties called the meeting, of which W. D. Cor nish was made chairman and W. P. Hil liard secretary. The subject was dis cussed at length by Messrs. John W. White, E. A. Hendrickson, W. D. Cor nish, John Shannon, T. Reardon, M. K. Prendergast, Conrad Miller, Mr. Ken nard and others. It was stated that the improvement was almost wholly for the benefit of the cable line, since the grade of Selby avenue, originally cross ing the tracks on a level, had been raised to such a height as would leave lets close to the bridge approaches from ten to fifteen feet below the street; that the assess ment was wholly disproportionate (those not interested and those actually damaged bearing the same burden), whereas, the street railway company, which required the bridge for the ex tension of its line to the Midway dis trict, paid but a nominal sum. Mr. Miller suggested that the street car company should pay for the whole lm it received the entire ben efit, and from the way he was ap plauded, it was quite evident every man of the 100 present thought so too. Mr. Reardon said he thought the board of public works was limited to taxation for public improvement, and that its proceeding in this instance was illegal since this was not a taxation for im provement, but a confiscation. Mr. Hendrickson suggested a committee of ten to wait upon the board, which led Mr. Preuderg'ast to suggest that the committee formulate a plan of action, else they would be bulldozed by the board of public works. Mr. Ken nard suggested that if an asess men* was to be made for the improve ment it should extend southward to the Grand avenue electric line, and not be confined to the narrow strip the board had marked out. A gentleman stated that the plans for the bridge had been drawn wrong by the city engineer, nec essitating the taking down of three piers, and asked if those assessed had to pay for the cost of the mistake, which led Mr. Milliard to the reading of a list of outside incidental expenses, footing up $2,404. Mr. Reardon insisted the board of public works had not the power to assess in this instance and suggested that all sign a paper em powering the committee to act, each contributing to fight the assessment. "The eableiine," said he, "as 1 under stand, has already received a bonus of $100,000 to build its line." Chairman Cornish said if anything was to be accomplished, there must be no clashing of diversified interests. They must pull together for a common end. In accordance with a motion fi£ appointed the following committee, which will meet at 10 o'clock to-day in one of the council committee rooms: W. F. Root, E. H. Murrey, tf. B. Wedge, E. A. Paradis, F. C. Severs, U. A. Campbell, Conrad W. Miller, John W. Shannon, representing property owners west of the bridge; W. D. Cor nish, John W. White, W. P. HillianJ. M. R. Prendersrast, Timothy Reardon, Charles Michaud, YV. H. Albin. C. P. Colenian. representing property owners east of the bridge. The committees will act in conjuue tion. Mr. Pendergast moved that the committee proceed upon the basis thjil the improvement was one for which tfre whole city should pay, and that it should not be paid for by local assessment, which unanimously passed. The following protest w^s drawn up by Mr. White:. To the Honorable the Board of Public Works of the City of St. Paul: We, the un dersigned property owners along the line of the property alleged to be benefited by the building of" the bridge and approaches at Selby avenue across the right of way of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway com pany, respectfully protest against the assess ment as made by the board, on the ground thai the s;iid improvement is one for the ben elit of the public at large, and not for that of SICK HEADACHE- Carter < sLittle Liver Piu SICKDEADACIIE- Car t orsLiiUeLiver p nls SICK HEADACHE— Carters Little Live? Pills SICK HE AD ACHE- Carter . s LilUe Li vcr vm a single section, and that the assessment as proposed is inequitable and unjust. Every man in the assembly affixed his signature to this document. Two hun dred and sixty-one lots wer t represented by the signatures. The secretary was instructed to draw up a copy, which will be circulated this morning throughout the interested section, one member of the party representing that he alone could procure about 100 additional names. The meeting adjourned to meet again this afternoon at the board of public works office, the subject coming up be fore the latter body at 2 o'clock. DAILY DIFFERENCES Brought Into the Several Courts for Adjudication. John Maley has commenced an action against Thomas J. McMahon to recover 1310 for boarding the wife and four children of McMahon in the township Farm, in Sibley county. Flora Q. Roy has commenced an ac tion against E. S. Porter and Elizabeth E. Porter to recover $90 on a promissory note. In the cause of George V. Hecker & Co. against Adolph Hirschmau Judge Kelly has appointed Edward E. Miller as receiver of the effects of Hirschman. Noyes Bros. & Cutler have caused an attachment to be issued against the ef fects of George R. Frey to satisfy a claim for 8203.05. A motion for a new trial in the libel suit of Stensgaard against The Daily News was argued before Judge Wilkin yesterday afternoon. The cause of W. H. Wood against C. W. Youngman et al. went to the jury in Judge Brill's court last evening. The cause of John Norlund against The Minnesota Iron Company is still on trial before Judge Nelson and a jury in the United States circuit court. The trial of the cause of George C. Ragsdale against The Northern Pacific Railroad Company was yesterday set for July 10 before Judge Shiras. A' motion for a new trial in the case of Graham against The Burlington, Cedar Rapids & Northern was argued yesterday before Judge Shiras of the United ' States circuit court. In the canse of Charles J. Berryhill and Charles Davidson, partners, against Frances C. Vance and Charles C. Vtince, her husband. Judge Kelly has filed an order deciding that Berryhill and David son are entitled to a clear chain of title to lots 12, 13, 14, 15 and 16, of block 3, in Nininger & Donnelly's addition to Hol combe's addition to St. Paul; that the Vances have no title thereto; that all tax deeds and deeds for local improve ments held or owned by Silas Waid, de ceased, father of Mrs. Vance, and under which she might claim the lands as heir at law of her father, are null and void. The title to the land is declared quieted in favor of Berryhill and Davidson. A BASE DECEIVER. Singular Case of Mistaken Iden- tity — Police Items. Pat Creighton was yesterday held to the grand jury without bail. He is the man who outraged Mrs. Etta McMahon, of the West side. The woman testified that her husband and Creighton came into the house uuder the influence of liquor and went to bed together. Dur ing the night her couch was invaded and the offense committed. She sup posed the intruder was her husband, .and not until the second offense was at j tempted did she become suspicious. IThen she realized that her husband was ;never guilty of such excesses, and she i screamed. j Henry Ledloff, the boy who is ac icusedo'f burglarizing a bouse on St. Anthony hill, secured a continuance until July 9. i Mrs. Alice Ballard, who lives on East 'Seventh street, near Pine, was tried on la charge ot keeping a house ot ill fame. !The case was dismissed. Mrs. Ballard jis the woman who tried to commit sui- Icide Sunday night when the police ar- Irested a high-toned party from her house. For some reason the arrest of her visitors, men and women, was or dered, but Mrs. Ballard was exempted. ; Andrew Anderson paid a tine of $50 for kicking a son of P. H. Thornton in the face, splitting the boy's lip. The lad was hanging on a West Seventh street car, which Anderson was driv ing. Anderson ran back, and to get him off kicked him in the face. May Reynolds, a stiff-backed, baby faced little female, arrested for street walking, forfeited ftia, which a burly porter at one of the hotels put up for her appearance. CHANT'S COMMAND. From the Head of a Company to the Head of a Household. A quiet little wedding occurred at 5 o'clock last evening. The parties to the felicitous occurrence were Mrs. Evelyn Church and A. E. Chantler, city editor of the Dispatch and late captain ot Company C, First regiment. The ceremonies took place in the presence of relatives only, at the residence of the bride's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Warner, corner of Hewitt and Simpson avenues, Hamline. Dr. G. H. Briclgman, presi dent of Hamline university, performed the ceremony. Capt. Chantler is very popular among the "newspaper boys" of both cities, and he is accorded their best wishes in his new departure. Mrs. Chantler is an estimable lady, a gradu ate of Hamline university, and has a wide circle of warm friends. Company C did not forget their late captain. With their compliments the y sent "Chant" an elegant tea service, and his colaboierson the Dispatch presented him with an easy chßir. The honey moon will be spent at Lake City. The O'Leary Packing House. In reporting the city council proceed ings in yesterday's Globe the name of Mr. McMillan was used in regard to the bad smells arising from the packing es tablishment in the Fifth ward. The name should have been O'Leary, as the latter gentleman is the lessee and oper ator of the works; and Mr. O'Leary's name was the one used in the discus sion by Judge Flandrau. Mr. O'Leary will doubtless take prompt steps for the abatement of the annoyance com plained of. A meeting of the retail clothiDg clerks was called last evening for the purpose of elect ing officers. Owing, however, to the fact fhat most of the clerks were at work until a late hour the meeting was postponed. Good Health You cannot have without pure blood; there fore, to keep well, purify the blood by taking Hood's Sarsaparilla. This medicine assists nature to expel from the system all humors, impure particles, and effete matter through the lungs, liver, bowels, kidneys and skin. It effectually aids weak, impaired and debilita ted organs, invigorates the nervous system, tones the digestion, and imparts uew life and pnergy. Buy only Hood's Sarsaparilla Sold bv ati druggists. 81; six forss: Prepared only by C.I. HOOD & CO., Lowell, Mass. 100 Doses One Dollar ; fi BfiCtVSlf C -for Loat or Failing JIAHHOOD; ■ HrU3llߥCGener?.l ana Kervo s DeWlity; ft TT "S> "^ Weaktcisof Bcdy &Hind:2^aects *J «J of Error or in Old- oung. 3;<i!>sst,Sobleaanii.><Mlfullyn«t»rcd. How liiKulimu-J SfTonirttifn Weal;, irndwlonwl Onr»n« miirarHorßody. I AbiolutelT onralUm liotic Vreal»*nt-Bcrriiis f n a d«j. iDnTcsUhfrom 4 T Stutw.TerrltorlfS&Foreiicnlomitries. ■ roueanwrltetlii> . I Bnoi.Kolletulaßatlont j>M»oNra»Ued jntedJirte. Addrus ERIE MEDICAL CO^BUFF AIO.M.!. HELD.IUHLER & CO. SPECIAL SALE HANDKERCHIEFS. We will place on sale to day two or three hundred dozen Fancy Handkerchiefs at prices far below regular values. They're not a lot of cheap, trashy Handker chiefs, bought purposely to close out cheap, but they're taken right out of our reg ular stock, first-class in every respect, and every one well worth the origi nal price. White Embroidered Hem stitched Fancy Handker chiefs at 13 CENTS. Formerly 20 cents. White Embroidered Hem stitched Handkerchiefs at 17 CENTS. Marked down from 25 cents. Fancy Handkerchiefs, Hemstitched and Scalloped Edge, with White and Col ored Embroideries, at 23 CENTS. These were 35 cents. At the same counters will be found a line of Black Pure Silk Mitts, which we are disposing of at 15 cents per pair. SUMMER SILKS. Do you know of anything that looks as cool on one of these hot days as a pretty Printed Silk or Wash Surah? We mean the beau tiful styles and high grade goods, such as are only shown on our counters in anything like a perfect as sortment. Fifty styles of Wash Surahs and nearly a hundred styles of Printed Silks. Price, 75 cents. These were $1 and $1.25. WASH FABRICS. We have still a good as sortment of best American Sateens, in choice French designs and colorings, at 12? cents. A case of line Dress Ging hams was received a few days ago. Price, 12 £ cents. Also a case of choice Zephyr Ginghams at the low price of 15 cents, in a quality which formerly sold at 20 cents. CORSETS. There are two lines of Corsets which we are clos ing out for present lack of room. French Woven Corsets, good quality, warranted whalebone, reduced from $1.25 to $1. Best quality of French Woven Corsets, reduced from $2.25 to §1.85. NOTICE, To-morrow, July 4th, our store will remain closed the entire day. In accordance with our established custom, we will close our store every Satur day during July and August at 1 o'clock. Kindly arrange to do your Satur day shopping in the morn ins;. Mail Orders receive the ben efit of all special prices and are promptly and carefully filled. Field, Mahler &Co Third and Wabasha Sts., St. Paul. Light Shoes Do Not Draw the Sun ! They are cooler than any other Shoe made. Ladies' Tan Oxford Ties, $2 and $2.50; wear better than any other kind. Ladies' Fine French Kid Ties, $2.50, tipped or plain. Wigwam Shoes, 85c to $1.25, that wear. Our Tennis we guarantee to wear; price, 85c to $2. Men's Tan Oxford Ties, $3.50; good style; wear like iron. Lovering's Celebrated $3.50 Shoes for Men beat the world; light or heavy, wide or nar row toe. Once you buy them, always buy them. Non-Rheumatic Shoes to order, with our pat ent soles. All goods sent C. 0. D. on approval when ex press charges accompany order. Open evenings, Fourth of July week, after which we close as usuaU 1 IMPORTER, MAKER. AND RETAILER^^ EoyerihO Ini'THE SHOEMAN S, ,'■ V' l^P DICKINSON'S Fourth, Filth and St. Peter Streets, St. Paul, Minn. ARE YOU GOING TO J± PICNIC? If you are, you are sure to want one of our BASKETS ! We carry all kinds for picnickers at all prices. tfergroMfl THEßE IS NO EXGDSE \l!iiWililtl!i!iiiili3iif!W«^Wfe FOR NOT HAVING A FINE ,X i |j^L_!_^gf Writing Desk and Book Case Ipllpp] ,'^^^^i Iv every home. Just Think of It. This j^g^^^j^M^ggßij^gP^ handsome Antique Oak Case for !'W y^ :: JffnWHf^rajJffl| To every °" c bringiiiK illls . advertisement l li||j l^^a»^^i Furnillire ' Carpets, StOVes, Crockery " ' £D(1 Draperies Equally Cheap. J§S|S|f smith Harwell, -.I— /^f^^-^gAJIJ^ 339-341-343 E. Seventh St. ':':; / / M*>k : A 22x27 CRAYON PORTRAIT* tujiJ/o^3 sio.oo. 13 iLW rJLJtsJjJP^^ Copied from any picture. From life with / m '^ tt g&2BsS*^'^^ cue dozen cabinets free. Artistic photogra '±m. phy iii all its brandies. We occupy the cn 1 *^^^^^ M tire buildiiiK, Jackson street, corner Sixtbk MEN'S RUSSET SHOES, TPLE-A/T BROS., 108 East Fourth St., St. Paul, Minn. G.W.Tussner&Co ROMAN AND VENETIAN Marble Mosaic ! — — AND ; VENETIAN ENAMELS FOR Walls, Ceilings, Mantels, Hearths, Decorations, Etc. 538 JACKSON ST., ST. PAUL, MINN. ,-6J?W CHiCHESTER'3 ENGLISr. MmPENNYROYAL PILLS RED CROSS DIAMOND BRAND. "Wi4 fiftk St-leafe, «ure»nd alwari reliable. JLadif tCHiCHESTEB'3 ENGUI.- PENNYROYAL FiLU l RED CROSS DIAMOND BRAND, cafe. »ure tail alwmri reliable. Ladir ■ak I>r«BBi»t for Diamond Brcn. • I imf in red mftallla bo*e«, ie»l«i witc Mi I tb» ' B ribbon. Take it* other. Heed4«.<*t: . Jk - v jP 1^ ; . for pviicultrsand "Belief for Loole* ,Tv> . —I* . in Ittttr. by return malS. jVom-i I'ap--. CUakcMcr Chim'l V*n MjhUmb »*•• ruin* r«. SAVE YOUR EYES Do you fiDprcelate how many eyes are fa . jured by improperly fitted specs? An opt! ' cinn should understand the science of optics, and unless bo ' does so, should never seu glasses, any more than a quacK should prao* tice medicine. •• • • - - 51 oral : Have your glasses fitted by a com* petent optician. Having made a ; careful study of the subject myself, and having a regular graduate in my employ, I solicit you? orders. Prescriptions lilled for special ground glasses.- . • . •• . J. E. INGHAM, 327 JACKSON STREET. WATCHES, DIAMONDS, Etc, f*i Dr. Kurd's *M «l' Patent System, ot SL 1' /W Kxtractl TeetH ■ \^A Vfci^ ■'■*- Without pain.; /d^SsL \"*!^'cssi§^\. successful use in /*SK&L. V^^Si^^V thousandsof caset ££*'*^<BrJ^v*sSvx Af^v\ l ess and liannlcss. Wuxjl^lvm^ JFV^VV'uf lilllngs,' crowns; LuL^/^jK.V s ; .^^Wr bridgos »nd piaie< - -'■ ' '.' Popular prices. 3DR. KURD, 24 East Third .Street, St. I'nuV >