OCR Interpretation

St. Paul daily globe. [volume] (Saint Paul, Minn.) 1884-1896, October 12, 1892, Image 2

Image and text provided by Minnesota Historical Society; Saint Paul, MN

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn90059522/1892-10-12/ed-1/seq-2/

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2 ■
Scarlet fever was reported to the health of
lice yesterday from 243 East Thirteenth
The Sisters of the Peace Benevolent society
will give a grand ball at Westmoreland hall
Sunday evening.
Azereth services an.l sermons at the tem
ple, corner of Minnesota and Tenth streets
Ht 7:30 this evening and O:,W-a. in. tomorrow.
Retail Clerks' I'liion No. 2 holds a regular
meeting tonight, when it is expected all ar
rangements for it-- fourth.annual ball shall
he completed. A full attendance ot mem
bers Is desired.
I very Important meeting of the Lady
humersel union, W. C. T. I"., is called to meet
at Mrs. Valentine's, 474 Wabasha street,
Thursday morning, Oct. 13, at 10 o'clock, for
the purpose of incorporating.
Tho celebrated picture, "The Morning of
the Crucifixion,*; which has been on exhibi
tion at Cretin hull has been moved to the
comer of Eighth and Wabasha, where it was
gazed at by many hundreds yesterday.
There will be performance- of •' ihe Oper
ator" this afternoon and tonight at the Grand.
Next week lllie Acterfltrom, who danced
herself into favor with the patrons of the
Grand two seasons ago, will open tor the
week in her new play, -.Miss Uoorcr."
A series of font grand subscription con
certs will be given by Miss Sehna Waseh
neck in Paul Martin's hall on the West side.
Mi*- Waschneek comes from the Royal Con
servatory of Music in Dresden, and, as she is
a native of St. Paul and has secured some of
Ihe best musical talent in the city for her
concerts, sue desires success. Tickets are for
gale at Dyer Bros.
There will he a meeting of the White Pear
Yachting association hi 12 o'clock noon Fri
day, Oct. 14, in Room 31, Metropolitan Opera
building, St. Paul. Minn., for tho pur
pose of voting upon the advisability of incor
porating and of taking such steps as may be
necessary in accordance thercwitn. Mem
bers who cannot be present are requested to
send to the secretary promptly proxies in
Ihe name of any one of the following mem
bers, who undertake to be present: L. P.
Ordwav. A. B. Ovitt, A. A. McKechnie, ,T. M.
Welch." J. P. Elmer. J. W. Taylor. It. B. C.
Bement, L. E. Newport. O. L. Taylor, W. S.
Morton, S. C. Stickney.
''Improvement the Order of the
Very few people appreciate a fine
piece of machinery; many adhere to
old-style devices, when better ones are
to be had, simply because of their un
limited knowledge of fine mechanical
In the production of a writing ma
chine many points of excellent mechan
ical skill and inventive genius abound.
Take, for instance, the Smith Premier
Typewriter, which has recently been
adopted by the United States war de
partment, which ordered ISO. in order
that they might purchase the very best,
the machine standing highest in points
of improvement, durability.etc, a board
of government mechanical experts was
selected, who made an impartial and
thorough examination of ail writing
machines. The award was given the
Smith Premier Typewriter* Company.
Certainly such au examination and de
cision is of vast importance to persons
who are unable lo judge intelligently as
to the good qualities of a typewriter.
The Smith Premier sales, we are in
formed, are far in advance of any of its
competitors. The reason is plain.
Northwest oilices are in St. Paul and
Fancy Baldwin Apples, bb1., 5.5.50.
Tin: Andrew Schocii Grocery Co.
The Privileges at Como "North
Cash to the City if Hand*
led Right,
And the .Joint Committee Defeat
the Cochran Resolution at
a Meeting.
The special joint committee on stree
railway service had an interesting but
unproductive meeting at the city hall
yesterday. Each member of the com
mittee comes from a different section of
the city, and each has a different griev
ance to file against Mr. Lowry. Aid.
Warren is caring for the Como district
and Aid. Franklin for the West side,
while Aid. Zimmerman and Assembly
mam Wolterstorfl have an eye on the
service on the East side, and Assembly
man Van Slyke seems to be watching
sill districts.
The Cochran resolution, adopted by
the chamber of commerce, was the
principal bone of contention. This
gives Thomas Lowry a franchise for
amusements at Como similar to those
enjoyed by Lane K. Stone at Wiidwood,
but the resolution was voted down.
Aid. Van Slyke thinks the city can
well afford to expend ¥12,000 in the erec
tion of boat houses and a pavilion at the
lake, and in substantiation of the posi
tion he recites the experiences of the
Minneapolis park board. He went up
to the Flour City to make an investiga
tion. He found that the boat privileges
and the like at Lake Harriet had be
came a profitable source of revenue to
the $0,200 realized lastvear and
?."i,r>oo this year. Of course the running
expenses have to be deducted, and
these amounted to SI, SOO the past year.
The Lake Calhoun boat privileges
Bold for 5400. and this all clean profit.
Mr. Van Siyke thinks a pavilion can be
erected at Como for ¥7,000, a boat house
for $2,000, and the cost of 150 boats will
be (3,500. For the reason that it can be
made a source of profit to the city he
opposes awarding the contract to Lowry
on condition that a line be erected into
the park. The Cochran resolution was
lost. Aid. W arren and Aid. Franklin
insisted that they did not care a conti
nental who has the privileges— whether
Lowry or any citizen. What they are look
ing for is an improved condition of the
street railway system. Lowry claims
to the committee that he cannot afford
the transfer system, but this is iv strik
ing contrast with his interview recently
with the Boston Globe*- reporter, in
which be estimates the profits in Min
neapolis alone for 1898 at $3,000,000.
It was finally agreed that each mem
ber of the committee make a draft of
what he wants accomplished, and that
the same will be submitted at the next
meeting that will be held by the com
mittee. With this understanding an
adjournment was had subject to the call
of the chairman.
Heath's Hats.
Heath's London Hats at our Hat De
partment. The Boston, on Third street.
Fancy Baldwin Apples, bb1.,53.50.
At the Merchants'— Rev. S. D. Marks and
True. Wah peton; li. F. Glover. Cheyenne; J
A. Peck. Wabasha; J. W. Kennedy, Lake City'
\\. S. Webb. Daniel Shell Lee Shell. Worth
ington; L. Coburn, Fuida; J. K. Castle Still
water; W. R. Uodgis, sleepy Eve; J. E. Mey
ers and wife. St. Cloud; E. a. Campbell
V million ; C. E. Seed and wile, Aberdeen.
Silk Hats.
Silk Hats. So. SO* and SS^t our Hat De
partment. The Boston, on Third street.
At Hotel Metropolitan— L. Luther Fari
bault: Mrs. J. C. Mei-ahill. Duluth; Mrs D
Irwin, Duluth; W. P. Vary, Chicago:' N*
S. Smith and wife, Chicago; R. E. Williams'
l'eorin, 111. '
R. I. P.
P.. I. F. Derby Hats, $3.50 at our Hat
Department. The Boston, on Third
~.T Milton Turner called Archbishop
Ireland yesterday in company with s E.
Hardy. Editor liouser. of the Negro World,
ana xr. \ asnon.
Tourists' Hats.
Tourists' Hals atour Hat Department.
The Boston, on Third street.
Rattled Republicans Draw the
Last Place on the State
: Ticket.
The Effect Discourages Them
and Sets Their Spleen
in Motion.
Doings of the Democratic
Clubs and Meetings About
General Gossip of the Situa
tion in City and
The Republicans get last place on the
state ticket. £831
Whatever there is in the omen, they
are welcome to it.
Last spring, when the Democrats
drew the last place on the city ticket,
the Republicans shouted in ghoulish
glee and predicted that the omen would
be verified at the election. Well, it
was. Now the Republicans get a taste
of their own medicine, and how do they
like it.
The drawing under the new law took
place at the office of the secretaty of
state yesterday morning. It was an in
teresting occurrence. Representatives
of the four interested parties were
present to see how their luck
was coming. Tarns Bixby, sec
retary of the Republican committee,
.hoodooed his chances In the beginning
by declaring that he would give 91.000
to get first place on the ticket. P. J,
Smalley looked wise and said nothing,
while Judge Macdonald, who looked
after the interests of the Populists, in
sisted on looking into the hat where
the slips were placed to assure himself
all was right. Secretary of State Brown
had {brought out an antiquated hat of
the plug breed, and four slips, repre
senting the four parties, were placed in
it. Meantime the politicians present
speculated upon the value of the relative
place on the ticket. When all was
ready Mr. Brown plunged his hand in
the hat and drew out a slip. Every
neck was craned forward to see the re
"Peoples!" shouted everybody in a
breath. Chairman . Jamison nearly
fainted and muttered something about
things done outside of Minneapolis.
Chairman Hanson grinned like a horse
collar and the others merely smiled at
the joke. Again the right duke of the
secretary of state dived into the recesses
of the hat and another slip came to
'•Democratic!" exclaimed he. The
third dive brought out the Prohibition
ist slip, and last of all came Satan also—
that is to say. the Republican slip.
But Jamison had collapsed and subse
quent proceedings interested him no
more. This will be the order of the
parties on the official state ballot. The
electoral ballot is arranged with refer
ence to the time of convention, and the
Republicans head it. with which solace
they must content themselves.
Congressman Castle, John H. Ives
and John. J. Ryder Deliver
At Bergen's hall, corner Bice and
Charles streets, tin Elihth Ward Scandi
navian-American ciub last night held a
meeting- that was -well: attended by
voters. Congressman Castle de
livered a stirring address on the
principles of the two parties
as affecting the general welfare of the
people, and briefly reviewed his own
work in congress, showing in detail
what had been accomplished for the
Fourth district and the state at large.
John 11. Ives, the next representative
from the Fifth ward, spoke on
the general situation and drew
hope and encouragement for
Democratic success from the bright
prospects on all sides. Dr. A.
K. Fiiesberg delivered an address in
Norwegian that appealed directly to
his auditors, and his points were ap
plauded again and again. Ap
parently this able Democratic cam
paigner is a master of . the mat
ters he undertakes to discuss in
his native tongue. President J. J.
Ryder, of the Eighth Ward Cleveland,
Lawler and Castle club, wound up the
meeting with a brief, but earnest, talk
on the importance of local personal
work and the subject of marking bal
lots correctly, so that no Democratic
votes should be wasted on Nov. S. The
next meeting will be held at the same
ball Monday evening. Oct. 17.
The First Ward Cleveland and Lawler club
will meet at 519 Decatur- street this evening.
The Ninth Ward Cleveland. Lawler and
Ca&tie club will meet in Labor hall, corner
Park avenue aud Sycamore street, this even
The Ninth Ward Democratic club held a
rousing meeting Inst night at the corner of
Rice and Charles streets.- stirring addresses
were made by Hon. J . N. Castle and John 11.
The Central Cleveland, Lawler and Castle
club met last evening at Lauer s hall and
transacted routine business, concluding to
reserve its ammunition until the heat ol the
campaign is on.
This evening the Fourth Ward Democratic
club will hold an important meeting at
Laser's hall, 3-7 Wabasha street. Hon. J.
N. Castle and others will speak. All are in
vited to be present.
At its meeting tonight at Lauer's hall, the
Fourth Ward Democratic club will complete
arrangements to take part in the grand re
ception to be given Gov. Lawler on his re
turn from his present triumphal tour of the
The Third Ward Cleveland, Lawler and
Castle club will hold a rally Thursday even
ing. Oct 13, at Vega hall. "on East Seventh
street. The matter of forming a uniformed
marching club will be definitely settled at
this meeting. " \
The citizens' committee will meet Satur
day evening, at least it is rumored they will,
for someway they are very slow nowadays
Since the committee allowed the name of
Loweustem to be connected iv the least with
their affairs their doings will be witched
with suspicion.
The Third, Fourth and Fifth districts of
the Sixth Ward Cleveland and Lawler club
will meet at South Robert and Fillmore
streets to march up to Paul .Martin's hall to
attend a flag presentation. The flag will be
given the Democrats of me Sixth by the
ladies ot the ward.
The voters of Hose township and adjoin
ing places will hold a mass meeting next
Saturday evening, Oct. 15. at the town hall,
half a mile north of the lair grounds. Some
of the best speakers in the Twin Cities will
be present to speak on the issues of the pres
ent fight for right against Republicanism
and its fallacies.
The Democrats of North St. Paul turned
out to a man last night and a most enthusi
astic rally was held. One of the features
was a procession which included 'AX) men
with torches aim was headed by the North
St. Paul hand. 11. H. Gillen. of Stillwater,
addressed the assemblage in English and
Louis Stern, of this city, in Ge.mau.
The Scandinavian-American Democratic
club of the First ward will meet tonight at
Liberty hall, on Decatur street, at 7 :3U. and
march in a body to 014 Payne avenue to at
tend a grand mass meeting. The club is
equipped with torches and a large drum
corps. Good speakers will attend the mass
meeting, one of whom is from Minneapolis.
The Democratic ladies of the Sixth ward
are taking a lively interest in the work of the
ward clubs, and tomorrow night at Martin's
hall they will present a banner, made by
themselves, to the Cleveland. Lawler and
§ 25 Cents a Box. 1
Castle club on the hill. After the presenta
tion the club will, march in a body to the
residence of J. V. 1. Dodd, the next, repre
sentative in the legislature from the Sixth
ward. '^■BHFBKr^BSfIHBi^HMSiH'^M
The Hamsey County ex-Union Soldiers'
and Sailors' Democratic ciub holds a regular
business meeting this evening in the rooms
of the Democratic state central committee.
Globe building. A . full attendance : of
members is desired, and all veterans propos
ing to support the Democratic party and its
candidates, who have not already done so,
arc requested to attend the club meeting this
evening and become members.
John Cope-land, chairman of the late Re
publican county convention, put in all of
yesterday afternoon consulting ; with party
leaders in the county committee headquar
ters concerning the appointment of the new
county committee. No name was settled
upon definitely, and the committee will not
be appointed before today -noon, and possi
bly not" before evening. The g. o. p. is on
tne rue : it's scared and doesn't know who to
look to for succor.
Tourists' Hats. .
Tourists-H ats at our Hat Department.
The Boston, on Third street.
Despicable Act of a Former Resi-
dent of This City.
George Kraft, who formerly conducted
a photograph gallery at 317 East Sev
enth street, has left the city, and judg
ing from all accounts, under circum
stances which are anything but credita
ble to himself or fair toward his wife
and little ones.. Two years ago Mrs.
Kraft noticed that her husband's
affection for her was becoming less, and
in fact he even avoided her and treated
her with coolness. Inquiry gave her
very reasonable grounds to believe that
he had learned to love another, and that
that other was Miss Alma Ames, a
pretty young clerk in a Minneapolis
grocery. Kraft became more and more
neglectful, staying away from home
nights and rarely giving his wife any
money, so she had him arrested for non
support in. June last, and he agreed
when arraigned in the municipal court
to do better in future.
Two weeks ago Mrs.^Kraft found por
tions of a letter from Miss Ames to her
husband, and taxed him with infidelity,
but trot little satisfaction, and tried to
see the young lady, but also failed in
Then Kraft lost his position in the
photograph gallery, and Sept. 27 left
home and did not return. Through
Kraft's mother his wife received a letter
stating positively that he would never
return to her, and containing a check
for Si-"". Mrs. Kraft has no idea of her
husband's whereabouts, but believes
him to be with the young lady from
You man's Hats.
Youman's Hats at our Mat Depart
ment. The Boston, on Third street.
It Is Largely Attended and Many
Changes of Constitution
Are Made.
Oflicers Elected for the Ensuing
Year Who Banquet the
The annual meeting of the Ramsey
County Junior Pioneers, their election
of oflicers and changes in the constitu
tion,called out the largest meeting ever
held by that organization, and the inter
est manifested in both these events
show that the organization is on a road
of prosperity that will lead it to a goal
as one of the leading organizations of a
Pioneer or reminiscent character of any
in the state, and that it will soon vie
with the entire country in this hue,
California now holding the palm. The
organization is only three years old, but
the exhibition of strength shown last
evening must have been exceedingly
gratifying, not only to the members,
but especially to the officers who
have guided the ship of manage
ment for the past year. Some of
the changes in the constitution were
contested hard and long, and the mem
bers participating in the discussion were
most earnest in advocating their re
spective views, but when the deciding
ballot was cast they joined the majority
in heartfelt congratulations that all
was for the best, and bowed gracefully
to the inevitable.
The principal changes in the consti
tution have been mentioned at length in
the GLOBE before, and as the atten
dance was so large it is simply neces
sary to give the salient points. In one
section the change of the word Minne
sota to Ramsey county was the most im
portant, and this was defeated. The
association was pretty evenly divided,
the vote being 43 to 32, and if changed
would have barred from membership
that class who, although born in the
tate prior to Jan. 1, 1801, and not
having been a resident of Hamsey
county all tiie time since would be inel
igible. The fact that many of that class
are members now, and that it would
tend to sever friendship relations and
relatives as well, was the point that won
the battle. It leaves the .constitution
just as it was and admits to Junior Pio
neer membership those who were eligi
ble before and the next section provides
for those who came to .Ramsey county
later. -
The second section of the same article j
is one that has been contemplated lor
some time, and provides for perpetua
tion by admitting any person after a
thirty years' residence in the county.
For instance, those who arrived here in
'61 can join in "91, those in '02 can join
in '92. and so on year after year. They
will lie known as classes of '61, '62. etc.
Tho other principal changes were an
initiation fee of 52, and a change in the
manner of paying dues. Providing for
remission of dues by the board of direc
tors in case of sickness or distress; giv
ing the secretary a salary of $50 per
annum, and the giving of a bond by the
secretary and treasurer of §1,000.
A new article was added to the con
stitution, providing for a "Book of Bi
ographies of Deceased Members," to be
kept by the secretary for historical
value to the association. These sketches
will contain all information about de
ceased members, and will include facts
about those who have died before this
provision was made.
Annual reports were read from all the
officers,' that from President Starkey
showing a strong increase in member
ship and a good financial standing, in
the face of the fact that four deaths
occurred during the first tour months of
the year.
A committee was appointed consist
ing of E. C. Starkey, John Clark and
Henry Webber to make arrangements
for the Juniors to participate iv any i
Columbian parade or celebration that
may take place iv the city. The elec
tion of oflicers was conducted during
the transaction of general business,
many of the contests being quite
spirited, and resulted as follows:
President — B. C. siarkev.
First Vice President— A. E. Devitt
■ Second Vice President — John Clark..
Secretary— Charles W. Spiel. .
Treasurer Charles Friend.
"Marshal— Henry Webber. •'. .
Assistant Marshal — Martin Hoban.
Color Bearer Alfred Guerin.
,; Assistant Color Bearers— William Codden
and Louis Cavielzel.
. Board of Directors A.J. Schwcizer. John
Rogers Jr.. William Koch, John Jackson and
John Sloan.
- . Just before the meeting closed an ele
gant luncheon was spread by the suc
cessful candidates under the immediate
supervision of Ed Stalilmann, and it
was heartily enjoyed with story and
song till after midnight. •
R. I. F.
I*. I. F. Derby Hats. $3.50 at our Hat
Depaitmeut. . The Boston, on Third
Annual Meeting of the Minnesota
Congregational ' Club.
The Minnesota Congregational . club
held its fourteenth "annual meeting, at
Plymouth church last evening. .The'
meeting was preceded by a banquet,"
served in the parlors of the church..
The attendance included every Congre
gational minister of prominence in the
state. Among the visitors entertained
by 'the club were Rev. John Brown, D.
I).: of England; Key. A. E. Dunning,
D. 11., -Boston; Rev. A. H. Bradford. D.
D., Montclaire.N. J.: Rev. Mr. Harring
ton. of England, and Mrs. Loyson, wife'
of Fere Ilyacinthe, of France. All the
guests made brief addresses upon Con
gregational work and congratulated the
club for what it has accomplished in
Minnesota. Mrs. Loyson gave an out
line of the work done in France under
the guidance of her" distinguished hus
The club before adjourning elected
the following officers for the ensuing
year: President, A. 11. Heath. St. Paul;
first vice president, Rev. Smith Baker,
Minneapolis; second vice president,
Charles Parker. _ St. Paul; secretary,!
Prof. A. 11. Pierson, Winona; auditor,
George. H. Shepherd, Minneapolis;
treasurer; F. A. Carleton, Minneapolis;
executive committee, Messrs Merwin,
Holmes and Fairchild; membership
committee, Messrs. Reid, Miller, Dick
inson, Spooner and Clarke.
Heath's Hats.
Heath's London Hats at our Hat De
partment. .The Boston, on Third street.
Fancy Baldwin Apples, bb1.,53.50.
The Andrew Schoch Grocery Co.
Meeting of the Minnesota Chap
ter of the "Loyal
Legion. -
Judge Caldwell Talks and Dr.
Neill Reads a Columbian
The Loyal Legion held one of its
longest and most pleasant meetings
last night at* the Ryan. A large num
ber of the members, augmented by in
vited guests, dined in the ordinary
at 8 p. m., after the business
of the meeting had ended. The
social features followed the dinner.
The guests present were Col. Henry C.
Caldwell. United States circuit judge;
Rev. Y. P. Morgan, Dr. S." D. Flagg,
Charles Nichols, Kenneth Clark, Gen.
R. N. Adams, ex-Gov. Austin and Capt.
Wilkins. of the Eighth cavalry.
Gen. Wesley Merritt, commander of
the department of Dakota and com
mander of the Minnesota legion, presi
ded. Among the members present were
Christopher Columbus 'Andrews, J. P.
Allen, Reuben Clark Benton, of Min
neapolis; A. T. Bigelow, Judson Wade
Bishop, William R. Bourne, William
Wallace Braden, Herbert Clinton
Braden, Samuel G. Breariey, Benjamin
W. Bruuson, E. A. Campbell, Henry
L. Carver, L. W. Collins, Edward
Corning, Judson Cross, James 11.
Davidson, Daniel A. Dickinson. Timothy
Doherty, William Duncan, Judge J. G. !
Egan, E. J. Farnham, Ezra Farnzwortb
Jr., William D. Faulkner. William Ger
lach, Judge James Gilfillan, David W.
K. Gilmore, Levi Gleasen, David M. '-
Goodwin, Joseph Hale, William D. Hale,
Charles C. Hayes, Henry George Hicks,
Dr. Chester G. liigbee, Charles Ilobart,
Mathias Hall, Jacob Ford Kent, Judge
Charles D. Kerr, Charles Kittleson,
William Benton Leach. Elias D. Libbey,
Judge William Lochren, of Minneapo
lis; Samuel Carson MeCormick. Putnam
Dana McMillan, Gen. William ll. Marshall,
Edwin Cooiey Mason, Hans Mattson,
Warred H. Mead, Orlando Crosby Mer
riam, James Power Moore, George 11.
Morgan, Dr. John Henry Murphy, Ed
ward D. Neill, D. D.; John H. Patter
son, Norman Perkins, R. D. Pike,
ElectUS Abijah Pratt, Axel 11. Reid,
John A. Reid. W. W. Rich. Gen. John
B. Sanborn. Col. Albert Scheller, Ed
ward Sinionton. John Stearnes Smith,
Hon. Sam P. Snider, S. D. Sturgis,
Charles L. Suuibardo, John Thorn
burgh, James M. Tucker, of Hastings;
George Quincy White, Melville Cary
Wilkinson, Charles Henry Woods.
George Glover Terrill, the eldest son
of deceased companion, First Lieut.
Cbesley Billings Terrell, was tlected as
a member of the order last night.
The Mendelssohn quartette sang sev
eral selections that were received with
applause. Prof. John Stahel pleased
the audience with zither selections.
Rev. E. D. Neill, D. D., read a very en
tertaining paper on Columbus and the
new movement of commerce, and ex
hibited a large volume that embraced
an almanac for several centuries. The.
book was published at Venice under
date A.D. 1484. The paper was lengthy
and of special historical interest
On motion of Col. J. 11. Davidson the
thanks of the legion were unanimously
tendered Rev. Neil! for his paper and
it was ordered printed. Col. Davidson
then made a happy speech iv commend
ation of the paper.
A collection was taken up to pay for
an oil portrait of Col. William Henry
Dixon, deceased, which was presented
to the family.
Rev. G. P. Morgan, of St. John's P.
E. church, responded to a call aud
spoke in a humorous strain for a time
and then discussed the feature of the
right of discovery during which he al
luded to the need* of protecting the right
of discovery.
Judge Henry C. Caldwell, of the
Arkansas legion, was announced for an
impromptu speech. Judge Caldwell
alluded to the mistakes of Columbus.
He made a mistake in discovering this
country at the wrong end. He should
have discovered it at Duluth. The meet
ing closed when the quartette had sung
"Marching Through Georgia."
Mrs. Elizabeth Messer
Baltimore, Md.
Rescued Jrom > Death
All Said She Could Not Live a
Month. 7
Now Alive and Well— Thanks to Hood's
"I must praise Hood's .-Sarsaparilla. for it is',
wonderful medicine. I suffered 10 years with
Neuraigia and Dyspepsia
and talis tins spells, someiinies 1 would
be almost stiff with cold perspiration. I'
spent a great deal of money for medical at
tendance, but I did not get any benefit until ■
my daughter told me about Hood's isarsapa-j
li Ha, and 1 began lo lake it. - 1 weighed less
than 100 In--., and was
A Picture of Misery
Every one who saw me thought I could " not ,
live another month. But I began to improve
at once after beginning with Hood'sJjarsapa
rilla, and have gradually gained .until 1 am
now perfectly eared* 1 eat well, sleep
well, and am lv perfect health; I owe
it all to
Hood's Sarsaparilla
: Instead of being dead now. I am alive and
weluh 142 lbs." Mrs. Elizabeth
, "Messer. 39 East Barney St. Baltimore. Sid.
: Hood's are purely. vegetable, "per-",
ieetly barmleis.always reliable aud beneficial
■iimii I luminal! ii ifi'n ■nniiiii iMiii—Hi ■mi^iinßiaiMiMiiiiiii.i .h
A Well Known St. Paul Brick-
layer Adds His Testimony
to the Already Long* List
, of Dps. Copeland and Hunt's
f V Grateful Patients.
The accompanying cut will doubtless
be recognized by many of our citizens
as that of Mr. Joseph Holden, who is
well and favorably -known, especially
among the bricklayers of our city. Mr.
Holden has lived iii this city for some
time, and resides with his family at 67
Valley street. Mr. Holden has had the
misfortune to suffer from a very severe
case of catarrh, and in speaking of the
» matter yesterday to a reporter - stated
that for long time he had been in most
•miserable health and had spent consid
erable money in trying to get relief*
* ; by, do you know," said be. ''my case
was so bad that I could not bleeu, and food
was positively repulsive to me. My head
ached all the time, and 1 also experienced a
severe pain over my eyes; my breath was so
bad that any one actually dreaded to come
near me ; in fact. I was altogether miser
able.'' said he. "I have purchased every
known remedy for catarrh. I have tried sev
eral different doctors, but I appeared to grow
steadily worse, and it was not until I was
advised to go and see Dr. Hunt, at the
Copeland Medical institute, that I found
relief. The doctor has only had me under
treatment for a short time, and I feel like a
different man. my eyes do not pain me now,
my headache is entirely gone, I sleep well
and I enjoy my food, something 1 have been
unable to do" for a long time. I certainly
.feel like a different person, and cannot. say
too much in praise of the very efficient man
ner in which my case has been . treated, and
that lam more than grateful to Dre. Cope
land and Hunt for what they have done for
me is putting it mildly.*'
Copeland Medical Institute,
Booms 403 and 104.
Consulting, Physician.
1 ?• DII. H. H. HI NT,
-• ■"' EC evident Physician.
-Specialties: Catarrh and diseases of the
-Ear' Nose, Throat aud Lungs; Nervous
Diseases, Skin Diseases. Chronic Diseases,
office Hours: 0 to 11 a. m.. 2 to 4 p. m., 7 to S
]■. m. ; Sunday. 9a. m. to 12 m.
i If you live at a distance, send four cents
in stamps for question circular. . Address all
; mail to the Copeland Medical Institute, Pio
neer Press Building. St. Paul. Minn. ■
'-..,.• . . . . '
,- : '; ' WONDERFUL
'..' Our infinite variety of
styles of fine shoes, our eco
nomical prices and our
mammoth and . beautiful
sales parlors (unequaled in
the U. S.) have surprised
and delighted everybody. If
you want to make a selec
tion from the largest and
finest stock of shoes in the
Northwest, we will be pleas
ed to see you. We are sole
agents for the Celebrated
Han an & Son Gents' Fine Shoes.
9 2- 94 - 9 6
SlTi :::: A GOOD ::::
Driving Horse
A Good Bargain
DecKer Bros jUfliaf Agf),
Fischer W^V^
gill '*»#'*#■ BT.PAUL.MINN.
j — And Lowry A r-
I - ■ ■ cade, Film St.
I d!" S S. by mv invisible Tabular Ear Cushions. . Whl*
LHI P"« lizard. ■ Sucr«afnll wliMl all rrniecfes fail.
■* B,B *- " " Sold nnl v l.v F. Hkcos, 533 .-.roa,.- {-a f- »*
--«tt*f,Cor.llrJi,Ke«r York. Write for *Do«k of proofs M&t .
The Buoyant Tone of Busi
ness That Pervades the
House is Dynamic -- Every
Department of the Big Store
Feels It, and Our Public, Well
Pleased, is Buying Freely
From Every Stock.
24'^-lb sacks Pillsbury Best flour.. 55c
4'.)-lb sacks Pillsbury Rest flour $1 05
New-laid eggs, per d0z. . . : ISc
17 lbs cut loaf sugar. ... . . .$1 00
24 lbs light coffee sugar..- .....§1 00
Miiitard sardines, per. can : ..Cc
Fancy New. York Concord grapes. ..25c
Fine apples, per bushel .$1 00
Fine Mocha and Java coffee, per 1b. 33c
Choice Rio coffee, per lb :7.17c
Fancy Golden Rip, per lb ...25c
Yerxa's Combination, per lb . . ..30c
You're not likely to get Coffee here
that has been roasted the day before.
No need of it. In the premises we op
erate the great Ilungerrord Roaster, ex
hibited recently at the State Fair. It's
owned here, and is kept busy roasting
Coffee for you just as you need it.
1-1 can Star lobsters 20c
Quaker oats, per pkg Sc
California breakfast food 9c
Currants, per 1b.... 4c
Raisins, per lb Sc
S3 bars Yerxa Corner soap $1 00
Navy beans, per quart Se
Pure cider vinegar, per gal.. .25c
1-1 can shredded pineapple, 3 for
25c. .10c
10-1 pails fat mackerel §1 10
5-1 cans Boston Phosphate baking
powder, per can 75c
Fancy Carolina rice, per lb .'7c
5c packages washing powder f0r.... Se
2-lbcans preserved quinces... .......10c
New sugar com, per can..-.. 10c
Pearl barley, per lb 4c
New Edam cheese, per each -?1 00
1-lb can salmon 7. ...lie
10 lbs Jersey sweet potatoes for 25c
12)£-lb bags granulated cornmeal. .15c
Double zinc washboards, each ,23c
Knox's gelatin, per pkg ..10c
1-lb packages cornstarch ..6c
1 doz boxes parlor matches 103
Fine Japan tea sittings ..9c
Good regular Japan tea 20c
We "keep Japan teas of all kinds and
grades, ranging up to 50c per lb for
the finest.
Also 100 different kinds of teas, very
carefully selected for purity and fine
drawing qualities, which we retail at
usual wholesale prices.
Hand-Made Candies
Of the finest possible- char
acter come fresh each day
from the furnaces to the
Candy Counters. The
French Creams sold here at
25 cents the pound would
be heaping value at 50
cents. Taffies that are sweet,
clean, pure, at 15 cents per
pound. *
To the Thrifty.
No matter how bombastic
the announcements of oth
ers; no matter how much
space is occupied in telling"
of prices — the deepest cuts
that may be made by any
dealer in Groceries in the
state will be promptly met,
and perhaps beaten, at Sev
enth and Cedar.
Right-Priced Grocers.
We have some very rich
acre property near St. Paul
Park which we wili sell at a
bargain in from one to fiv e
acre lots. It is the finest
land in the state for ve<re
tables or small fruits.
OOIN G. clay
<fe 00.,
207 Bank of Minnesota Building
: On or Before Money
to Loan at Current
Pioneer Press Buildiug.
.JCTMP-— P^— — — —^— —
Foundry Company,
iKtitecturjl Irc-n Work
Founders, Machinists, Blacksmiths and
Pattern Makers. Send for cuts of col
umns. Worksua bt. P., M. &M. R. X.,
near Como avenue. - Ottice 212 and 213
Manhattan "Building, Si. Paul. C. M.
| tfOWFR, Secretary ami Treasurer. .
A great many people enter our store every
day who are "just looking," and before leaving
nine out of every ten of these people" prove to
be purchasers. This is an extremely large
percentage of what is known as "floating
. trade 1 " for one house to sell, but nevertheless
I we are doing it daily.
WHY IS THIS? you will ask. Our answer
is very plain. That '.'floating trade" is made
up largely of sensible buyers, who are sur
prised to know that we are selling
A perfect-fitting Business Suit for $15.00,
$18.00 or $20.00; such as would cost
$40.00 to $50.00 made to order by a first
class tailor.
An Elegant Overcoat, suitable for Fall and
ordinary Winter wear, for $20, $25 or
$30.00; equally as good as one made to
order by first-class tailors, and costing
from $40.00 to $60.00.
Made to please the boys, as well as their
mothers, and at 15 to 25 per cent lower
in price than they expected to pay.
The World's Largest Manufacturers and Retailers of
Fine Tailor- Made Clothing.
-Globe, Oct. 12, 1802. ft
/*-£•. A A jo f W^
LM fe-VA <£X mm, asm ■& &A mm
L.\ fißmnmmmsammmKs&Ly? «— *™\ II f [^ V
It is with pleasure we ask you
f-; ' ~ *** * "T.B^^^^m^' to inspect our line in Parlor
g^^^M^Bw^ 3 ! Goods in line, medium and
i^^^^:^ :^^^^ Low- Priced. If you are look
ing for goods in Fine Silk Damask, Brocatelle, Silk or
Wool, Tapestries, Plushes, Leather or any other material,
we think we have what will please you, and all low
priced. We-quote for cheap goods:
MUSLIN COUCH ' '^fi 00
i Spring Edges VP • "\J
Oak Frame qPLhOU
BODY BRUSSELS <&£* >"(\'
Good ! Mohair Plush Parlor Suit, well made. 0 pieces, nicely carved
OaK Frame, Spring Edges, Silk-Plusii-Trimined. This is a good <J» l^ft Afl
Same in Silk QQC (\S\
Tapestry $0 <J.UU
sam i^ s $45.00
Essmatwimmmmsmmmmammmmmma apbm II X n jjISgA
N.B.— See our Special Bed* *■' "^ '•»» ■ 811 wl BI E B "bJ
loom Suit, i.420.
sa\an^r" lleaters and I Furnishing ' Co.,
i Mf»wi i.^7lT-- " I W- 434-436 Wabasha Street. "
•^-^^^^•"•**^** ,^'^ M "*' M *" M^^" 1 — — *— WMMIM^ m^ m^ mm^'' mwm^ m^^ mm^ m^ m^ mm^ mmmi TT^ mm^T^! m TT
T/\THILE You Are Admiring Our - ' ,
Do "Sot Fall to See Our Elegant Stock ofWeddins Silver.
IV Have Choice, Large Selection of
Which has the charm of being entirely new. We are headquarters, and will quote Lower
I Prices than ever given heretofore by any one.
After-Dinner Coffee Spoons, handsomely engraved ...".-. .. $4.00 to So.<>operset *
Teaspoons, hand-engraved 5.00 to 750 per set
Dessertspoons -. 10. to 15. per set
Tablespoons 12.50 to 17.00 perse;
Butter Knives. 2.50 to 4.00
Sugar Shells .-. ;. 2.50 to '"4.00
Napkin Rings 1.00 to 5.00
Saiad Sets, handsomely engraved aud chased — .'.; 13.00 to 20.00 per so/
Sardine Forks 4.00 to G.OO
Sugar Sifters : 3.50t0 0.00
Oyster Forks — 7.00 to 10.00 perset
Orange Spoons. Beautiful Gold Bowls 14. to 20.00 per set
Berry Spoons ............. 5.00 to 8.00 per set
Soup Ladles ;. 10.50 to 25.00
Pearl-Handle Dinner Knives ..v. ...'. .. 12.00 to- 15.00 per set -
Pearl-Handle Forks..... .....-:....... 13.50 to 18.00 per set
Combination Sets, Fruit Knives and Orange Spoons "8. 00 to 12 00 per sot
Handsome Oak Trunk, containing 55 pieces, Knives, Forks, Spoons, Ladles, etc
beautifully chased, extra weight. .'. .."*";'•'. "' KifiS :
Trunk of 138 pieces ...'....... . ... '" ' 400
' All our Sterling Silver goods 925- 100 '» tine.
Hill H. SIMON Store.
Corner Seventh and Jackson Streets,: - - PAUL.
niri \w n -thief risi %. ns n^rsg ■•■
"'.-*: * ■■_ _" - ***::* -A

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