OCR Interpretation

St. Paul daily globe. [volume] (Saint Paul, Minn.) 1884-1896, October 22, 1892, Image 1

Image and text provided by Minnesota Historical Society; Saint Paul, MN

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn90059522/1892-10-22/ed-1/seq-1/

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In the Presence of Six Score Thousands of People
the World's Fair Buildings Are Trans
ferred to Uncle Sam.
Eloquent and Patriotic Speeches by Gifted Sons of
This Glorious Land Make the Ceremonies of
Dedicating the "Great White City."
Six Thousand Tuneful Voices Fill the Mammoth
Manufactures Building With the Melody of
the Nation's Patriotic Songs.
Noted Divines Invoke the Blessings of Providence
Upon the Enterprise Which Is to Help En
lighten and Educate the World.
A Fitting Climax to the Days Given Up to Cele
brating the Four-Hundredth Anniversary
of the Discovery of America.
Miles of Soldiers Act as an Escort to the Various
Dignitaries on Their Way to the Site
of the Fair.
Opening in the Evening of the Intellectual Con
gresses to Be Held in Connection With
the Exposition.
Archbishop John Ireland, of St. Paul, Delivers a
Scholarly and Brilliant Oration on the
Aims of the Auxiliary.
Chicago, Oct. 31.— The last of the
Columbian fete days in Chicago has
closed. The buildings in which the
world's fair of 1^93 is to be housed have
been dedicated to the progress, art,
manufacture and science; and so, to
the progress and elevation of humanity.
The formal transfer of the great struct-,
ures in Washington Park has been con
summated, and tonight Uncle Sam is
the possessor of a new piece of prop
erty. Vice President Morton today,
upon the platform in the great hall
where the dedication ceremonies took
place, acted in behalf of the federal au
thorities in leceiving from the hands of
the men who have pushed their con
struction the practically completed
piles in which the nations of the earth
Bhall contest in friendly rivalry.
The. the last day of the Columbian
celebration, was beautifully autumnal
throughout. The haze of Indian sum
mer drifted in
From Hie Prairies
Upon a nentie breeze, which barely ruf
fled the lake, whose wet lips lapped the
boundaries of the fair grounds. The
parade, as a popular spectacle, was dis
appointing because of the shortness of
the route and the distance from popular
centers. In itself, the demonstration of
military precision and discipline was all
that could be desired.
This feature of the day lay not, how
ever, in the military display as such:
but the- great center of interest and
wonder was the vast building in which
the dedication ceremonies occurred.
The far reaches of walled and roofed
Bpace, with upwards of 200,000 people,
moving, swaying, seated, and finally
silent, were impressive to a degree not
possible to marching processions.
The spectacle of nearly 0,000 persons,
half of whom were children, congre
gated in the stand of the sineers, was
in itself a display uncommon. And
when on their feet, led by a full orches
tra and accompanied by two brass
bands, these
Six Tfi <>■■•■:< iml Throat*
lifted up songs of patriotic spirit and
hymns to the Creator of all men and
Bungs, there came into ali properly
constituted hearts a thrill that is good
for men to feel. There came, too, with
this volume of melody, softened by
space and distance, a wetness to the
eyes and a quiver to the lip which does
credit to men not less than to women.
. When, too, the thousands upon thou
sands of waiting spectators, turning
their white faces upward towards the
executive official as he came upon the
platform, these 6,000 singers in their
elevated place fluttered aloft each a
white handkerchief or a silken banner,
there came a new sensation to those
who witnessed. The example and the
Influence of it spread out over the
mighty throng like a flash of thought,
and, instantly almost, above every head
In the vast bended roof fluttered and
waved a snowy handkerchief. Then
Tlie Spectacle of the Day,
Then was the scene of the occasion.
Then was the most feeling and unique
demonstration of the entire three days
of pomp and jubilation. Indeed, a
mighty snow storm might just have
been finished, and the spectator wit
nessed the sinking upon the heads of
the irreat crowd the last flakes as they
The night crept in between earth and
the stars without a cloud to interfere,
and then powder was burned, and
the sky was shot and gashod
and reddened and purpled with
the glowing balls of vari-colored
fire which were sent aloft to close the
days of celebration, of congregation, of
■seemg 1 , of listening, and of thorough
jubilation throughout. The great
national enterprise whose official uirth
has ioiiK been passed, was tO'iay' form
ally christened ;the people saw the cere
mony, and touight the city draws a long
Jtoreath of relief just as people do who,
_„ w* '^
having enjoyed thoroughly, relax and
rebt with the greater relief.
The Military Parade an Inspiring
Si s ht.
Chicago. Oct. 21.— The main feature*
of the military Dageant with which the
day of dedication opened were displayed
in a locality that is separated by at least
six pood miles from the business center
of the city, namely, in Washington and
on the Midway plaisance, a thorough
fare connecting that park with Jackson
park, the site of the world's fair. Yet
there was much of military pomp and
circumstance exhibited in the up-town
districts during the clay. This display
was but preliminary to the Errand review
and parade, but it was decidedly inter
esting and was witnessed by thousands
upon thousands or people who lined the
lake front and adjoining avenue.
It is a parade of escort that is referred
to. Several troops of United States
cavalry, three batteries of United States
artillery, and one battery of artillery be
longing to the Illinois National guards
and the cadets mounted en bicycles
formed in line along the lake front be
tween 8 and 1) in the morning to escort
the world's fair otlicers and committee
men, the vice president of the United
States, the governors ot the states and
the other distinguished guests to the
More than this, Guv. McKinley. of
Ohio; Gov. Boies, of lowa, and Gov.
Bulkeley, of Connecticut, were each at
tended oy a military escort of their own,
and the staffs of all the governors were
in dress uniform, so that upwards of
1,000 uniformed men were in line.
The carriages containing the guests
numbered about 250. and the guests in
cluded very many distinguished men
from all parts of the United States, the
board ot lady managers, a company of
ladies, one from each of the thirteen
original states; the world's fair depart
ment chief, the director of works.
Mayor Washburne and the city council
of Chicago also had places in the iine of
carriages. Nearly every stale and ter
ritory in the Union, even including far
off Alaska and Oklahoma, were repie
sented among the Kuests.
Gen. Miles, with his statf, was at the
head of the procession, which started
from the Auditorium at 9 o'clock.
Among the 'troops of cavalry that fol
lowed him were two or three that had
seen hard service in the field and
have won fame for their prowess
as Indian fighters. There were also
two companies composed of Indians, and
one of colored men. The line of inarch
was directly down Michigan avenue.
At the Lexington hotel the cabinet otti
cers, foreign legations, judges of the su
preme court and Govs. Benning. of
West Virginia, and Fleming, of Flor
ida, dropped into line.
At the residence ol President Higiu
botham. at Twenty-ninth street, a brief
halt was made, and Vice President
Morton, accompanied by Mr. liigin
botham, was received into the line. An
immense crowd had gathered in the
vicinity of the house to get a glimpse of
the vice president as he came out.
After this incident the procession
moved on down Michigan avenue to
Thirty-fifth street, and, turning through
that street into Grand boulevard, kept
on to Washington park.
At Washineton park the grand mili
tary display was entered upon. "The
meadow," an immense field comprising
upwards of two hundred acres, had
been reserved as a training grounds for
the regulars and militia. The police
rope two miles in length encircled the
held, and in it were assembled about
12,000 soldiers, including t vo battalions
of United States infantry and a battal
ion of marines, the National g'iiafd of
Illinois (six regiments), two regiments
of militia from Ohio, four regiments
from Indiana, one regiment from Mis
souri, one regiment from Michigan, one
regiment from lowa, two regiments
from Wisconsin, and the entire brigade
of Minnesota militia. Around the rone
enclosure were gathered 50,000 people.
When the guests were driving in upoii
the grounds, the United States cavalry
| and ajtUTery took position upon the
ftest side of the he'd, while the iJnited
States jnfantry and visiting state troops
were massed in line upon the opposite
side,and weie thus reviewed by the vice,
president of the United States, \fter
the review tUe military marched, down
through the park, the carriages follow-,
it was a fine and inspiring show, and
excellent marching was done by the
militia, calling forth the enthtisiam of.
the spectators. The distinguished
guests were warmly cheered as they
were recognized by the crowds. Passing
out of the park the procession made its
way through the Midway plaisance to
the world's fair grounds. The entire
line of march was not much over a units
in length, yet the parade was witnessed
by upward of 200,000 people and there
was very little of crowding or discom
The Minnesota troops acquitted them
selves In the parade today with great
credit, and received marked and en
thusiastic applause all along the line of
march. Company A, Capt. Ames com
manding, which was on the right of the
Fiist regiment, received an ovation.
Greatest Audience Fver Assem
bled Under One Roof.
Chicago. Oct. 21.— The great white
city at Jackson park is tonight and
henceforth the property of the nation.
In the presence of the greatest audience
that has ever assembled under one roof
in the history of the universe— for the
Coliseum of Koine was open to the sky
— an audience, stupendous, astound
ing, overwhelming, nay.more.absolntely
appaling in its immensity, the struct
ures designed tor the world's Columbi-
i'r:s:eks? °lUIIL Illinois.
an exposition in commemoration of the
400 th anniversary of the discovery of
this continent by Christopher Columbus
were formally tendered to the world's
Columbian commission and accepted by
the vice president of the United States
on behalf of the republic.
It was j nt t 12:80 when a burst of
cheering that swelled into a vast vol
ume of sound announced the arrival
of the vice president. The hall at this
moment was a wonderful sight. The
hackneyed expression "a sea of up
turned faces" was in this case literally
correct, for forty-four acres were cov
ered with expectant countenances
turned toward the northern entrance,
over which a band was playing "Hail
The burst of applause that greeted
the introduction of Bishop Fowler was
instantly stilled as the noted divine
closed his eyes, turned his face up
wards, stretched iorth his hands in en
treaty and commanded the supplication
to be one of grace. But it was very evi
dent that the hall had not been designed
lor tne use of public speakers, for his
voice could scarcely be heard beyond
the pres3 section, and to all but a few
hundred of the spectators the proceed
ings were but dumb show. It was a
long prayer, and as it progressed people
became impatient and the murmur of
voices gradually swelled until it became
a roar, and the conclusion of the invo
cation was inaudible save to a few in
the immediate vicinity.
As the bishop resumed his seat Di
rector General Davis stepped forward
and was accorded a hearty reception.
The executive head of the exposition
spoke with brevity and to the point.
There was much applause when he fin
ished, and Mayor Washburne. who was
the next to be presented, had no rea
son to complain of the warmth of his
reception. There was still a great mur
mur of voices, like a roar in the dis
tance, but the occupants of the platform
and of the sections immediately front
ing it were in themselves a big audience,
though Chicago's young mayor managed
to make himself fairly well heard.
As the mayor finished Mrs. Sarah C.
Le Moyne was presented, but in a voice
of alto pitch, that reached further by
far than those of her predecessors, com
menced to read lbs lirst stanza of the
commenorative ode and of which Miss
Harriet Monroe, who was seated upon
the platform in close proximity of Car
dinal Gibbons, was the author. The
reader brought great dramatic powers
into play, and was re wauled by the
most liberal applause that the audience
had so tar vouchsafed.
Vice President Morton Formally
Accepts the Buildings.
Chicago, Oct. 21.— 1t was now the
turn of Director of Works Burnham to
present to President Higinbotham the
master artists of the exposition in order
that they might" be made the recipients
of medals specially commemorative of
their work. At a signal the ar'ists
moved down the center aisle of the statre
to within a few feet of the president's
desk, standing six abreast in full view
*«y £Ar~lm 1j
of the multitude. President Higiii
botham briefly responded, an aide de
camp produced a tray of medals from
behind a bank of foliage, held it aloft
for a moment, then put it back again,
the artists turned right about face and
retreated from the platform in double
quick time.
Theappe'aranceof Mrs. Potter Palmer
was th| signal for cheers again and
again "repeated. The queen of the fair
smiled and bowed tjer thanks, but .then
proceeded to deliver in a conversational
tone a characteristically modest address
concerning what had been accomplished
by the women. ..„
The ons great feature of the exercises
of ihe dedication of the buildings und
their acceptance was now in order, anil
a hush fell upon the audience as Presi
dent Palmer, of the national commis
sion, and President Highinbothara, of
the local directory, rose from their seats
on either side of the chair, advanced to
ward the audience and faced each other..
Mr. Iliginbothain spoke first, and in a
brief and appropriate speech made ten
der of the structures in the name of tl>£
World's Columbian exposition to the
World's Columbian commission, by this
act surrendering control of the build
in srs so far as the local organization 1 is
Having performed his part Mr. Hig
inbotham resumed his seat and his place
was taken by Vice President Morton,
who, for the second-tinn* in the course
of a day. was received with shouts and
cheers and hand clapping lasting for a
full minute. In eloquent terms Presi
dent Palmer made known the accept
ance by the nation of the structures and
requested the vice president to dedicate
the buildings aim grounds to humanity.
It was then Mr. Morton faced the
audience and made his response to the
ovation already referred to.
The vice president referred to the be
reavement of the president as the rea
son for his appearance, and continued:
"I am here in behalf of the ftpvem
ment of the United States, in behalf of
all the people— All hair to Chicago: all
hail to the Columbian exposition. From
the St. Lawrence to the gulf and from
the peerless cosmopolitan capital by the
sea to tint golden gate of California,
there is no longer a rival city to Chica
go, except to emulate her in promoting
the success of this work.
"Mr. President, in the name of the
government of the United States, I
hereby dedicate these buildings and
their appurtenances, intended by the
congress of the United states for the
use of the world's Columbian exposi
tion, to the world's progress in art, in
science, in agriculture and in manufact
"1 dedicate them to humanity.
"God save the United States of Amer
Gifted Henry Watterson Electri
fies ths Grand Assemblage.
Chicago, Oct, 21.— Then Henry Wat
terson came forward ami was presented
by President Davis, and the audience
gave the eloquent Kentuckian an en
thusiastic greeting. He said in part:
"Among the wonders of creative and
constructive genius in course of prepa
ration for this festival of the nations,
whose toriual and oflicial inauguration
has brought
us together,
will presntly
be witnessed
upon the mar
gin of the I n—
t c r-o c c a n,
which gives
to this noble
and beautiful
city the char
acter and
rank of a
maritime, me
tr o p oli s. a
\v here the
HEXRY WAITER -OS Co , v,„ jR „
epic will be told with realistic
effects surpassing Ul6 most splendid
and impressive achievements ot the
modern stane. No one who has had
the jrood fortune to see the models af
this extraordinary work of art can have
failed to be moved by the union, which
it embodies, of the antique in history
and the current in life and thought, as,
beginning with the weird mendicant
fainting upon the hillside of Santa Ka
bida, it traces the strange adventures of
Genoese seer from the royal camp of
Santa Fe to the sunny coasts of the
Isles of lude, through the weary
watches of the endless night, whose
sentinel stars seemed set to mock but
not to guide; through the trackless and
shoreless wastes of the mystic sea,
spread day by day to bear upon every
rise and Call ot its heaving bosom the
death of fair, foud hopes, the birth of
fantastic fears; the peerless and thrill
ing revelation, and all that has followed
to tne very moment that beholds us
here, citizens, freemen, equal share
holders in the miracle of American
civilization and development. Is there
one among us who does not thank his
Maker that he lias lived to join in this
universal celebration, this jubilee of
"I am appalled when I reflect upon
the portent and meaning of the procla^
■nation which has been delivered in our
presence. The painter employed by
the king's command to render to the
eyes some particular exploit of the peo
ple, or the throne. Knows in advance
precisely what he has to do; there is a
limit set upon his purpose; his canvas
is measured; his colors are blended,
and, with the steady and sure hand of
the master, he proceeds, touch upon
touch, to body forth the forms of things
known and visible. Who shall measure
the canvas or blend the colors that are
to brinsr to the mind's eye of the pres
ent the scenes of the past in American
glory? Who shall dare attempt to sum
mon the dead to life, and out of the
tomb of the ages recall the tones of the
martyrs and heroes whose voices, though
silent forever, still speak to us in all
that we are as a nation, in all that we
do as men and women?
"The young manhood of the country
may take this lesson from those of us
who lived through times that did, in
deed, try men's souls— when, pressed
down from day to day by the awful re
sponsibilities and suspense, each night
brought a terror with every thought of
the morrow and, when, look where we
would, there were light and hope no
where—that God reigns and wills, and
that this fair land is. and has always
been, in His own keeping.
"The curse of slavery is gone. It was
a joint heritage of woe, to be wiped out
and expiated in blood and flame. The
mirage of the Confederacy has vanished.
It was essentially bucolic, a vision of
Arcadie, the dream of a most attractive
economic fallacy. The constitution is
no longer a rope of sand. The exact
relation of the states to the federal
government, left open to double con
struction by the authors of our organic
being, because they could not agree
among themselves, and union was the
paramont object, has been clearly and
definitely fixed by the three last amend
ments to the original chart, which con
stitute the real treaty of peace between
the North and the South, and seal our
bonds as a nation forever.
"The republic represents at last the
letter and the spirit of the sublime
declaration. The fetters that bound
her to the earth are burst asunder. The
rags that degraded her beauty are cast
aside. Like the enchanted princess in
the legend, clad in spotless raiment,
she steps in the perfection of her ma
turity upon the scene of this, the latest
and prpudesj; of her victories, to bid a
welcome to the world!
'•All nations and all creeds be wel
come here; from the Bosphorus and the
Black sea, the Viennese woods and the
Dariubian plains; from Holland dyke to
Alpine crag; from Belgrade and Cal
cutta, and round to China seas and the
busy marts of Japan, the isles of the Pa
cific and the far-away capes of Africa-
Armenian, Christian and Jew — the
American, loving no coiuurj' fxeept his
own, but loving rji mankind as his
brother, bidg y6Ti partake with us of
th(^v-rrriltSof 400 years of American,
civilization and development, and 6l»-
Continued on Fifth Fage.
After Playing the Jack ot Tricks (Nelson), the Republicans Will Play the King of Cor
Partitions (Davis), Who Voted to Allow tlie Union Pacific Fifty Years in Which to Pay Its
Debt to the Government, and Who Voted for High Taxation and tne Force Bill.
His Nomination and Candi
dacy Perfectly Satisfactory
to All of Them.
The Wheat Ring: Is fop Him
to a Man and Al
Pine Land Robbers Have Two
Very Good and Substan
tial Reasons,
While the Iron Ring Knows
a Friend,.and Erotector
•■*■■ Every Time.
The days of ring rule in Minnesota
are numbered.
'I he arbitrary .And tyrannical course
of the bosses ot the Kepublican paity in
this state during the last eight years
has disgusted thousands of staunch lie
.The tariff question has taken many
over to the Democracy, but ring rule in
the Republican party has taken almost
as many. Dissatisfied and disgusted
with the methods and tactics of the
bosses the sturdy and honest rank and
file of the Republicans of the state have
been more readily open to the argu
ments of the opposition.
And this is especially true in this cam
paiirn and explains the grand recep
tions given to Dan. W. Lawler in every
part of the state. The people have
fumed out to hear him, ami have been
Convinced of the necessity for a change
in the state administration. Let those
who doubt that the Republican party of
this state is absolutely in the hands of a
half-dozen men, all of whom are in
terested in some one or all of the va
rious rings that curse the common
wealth, briefly review some of the acts
of the party machine since 18S4.
In ISBO the miilers' ring of Minneap
olis wanted to name the candidate for
governor, succeeded.
, Many Republicans protested, but the
vote ccntrolled by the iron riug elected
The disgraceful struggle for the gub
ernatorial nomination in ISSS is still
fresh in the minds of the people. The
rings were ready to be satisfied with
either McGill or Merriam, but did not
want Sclieffer because he stooa nearer
the people. Money won the day, and
Merriam was nominated.
Nearly 10,000 Republicans were so
disgusted by the manner in which Mer
riain's uominatiou was brought about
that they voted for the Democratic
nominee, the late Hon. E. M. Wilson.
Again in IS9O Gov. Merriain was
nominated, with the result that defeat
was only averted at the last hour by
the most lavish use of money ever
known in the history of the country.
"Nearly 50,030 Republicans enrolled
themselves in the ranks of the opposi
This year the bosses decided that
something must be done to save the
state, and when the time came a man,
selected more than a year ahead by the
ring, was placed on the ticket for gov
Not because he is or has been a good
Nor because he will do something for
the people of the state if elected.
Nor because he is a man of command
ing ability, or great gifts as an orator
and a statesman.
Nor because his record has been in
the legislature of the state in favor of
the producers, the workers and the bus
iuess men of the state. ■
No, Mr. Nelson was nominated for i
reasons very different from those that
should control in the matter of award
ing an honor like that, which was given
him. He was nominated for reasons en
tirely satisfactory to the members of
the various rings that desire to Have full
sway yet a little longer in this state.
First— Mr. Nelson was nominated be
cause he is s satisfactory to all the ring- 1
sters, and it elected will keep things in i
the old groove.
Second— Because it was believed that
he would bring back the votes of a great
nationality, nearly all of whom, being
liberty-lovers, have during the past ten
years enrolled themselves under the
banners ot tariff reform,
; The fact that Mr. Neisfln is the can
didate of the wheat ring has Leen
. clearly-demonstrated to the people by
the Kepublicap organs, managers and
speakers in this campaign.
Every Nelson organ has defended the
wheat riu£.
Every Neison speaker has been a de
fender of the wheat ring.
And Mr, Nelson himself has insisted
that there is no wheat combine or rins.
"By their works ye shall know them."
The iron ring is satisfied with Mr.
Nelson. Proof of this is found in the
fact that Capt. '"Joe" Sellwood, the bull
dozintr superintendent of the Minuesota
Iron company, is a member of the Ke_
publican state central committee, and
two weeks later will try to vote the
3.000 miners at Soudan and Ely solidly
for him.
It will be remembered that when
Capt. Sellwood had trouble with his
miners, all he had to do to bring them
to terms was to step to the telegraph
office and wire Gov. Merriam. A com
pany of state troops was ordered out at
once, and the state paid the bills for
policing the property of this arrogant
corporation that, while it pays no taxes,
is able lo declare dividends of (3 per
cent annually on a capitalization of
?21.000,00U, largely watered.
Under Mr. Nelson as governor Capt.
Sellwood wiil be able to import new
laborers from Austria and Poland when
ever he thinks it will pay, and displace
his. oid miners with them.
If the old men object "Gov." Nelson
will order out the militia.
And yet the Republican orators prate
about laborers voting the Kepublican
While it is able to declare dividends
of over 8600,000 each year upon the
labor of 3,00!) men the Minnesota Iron
company has never been able to in
crease the wages of its employes.
Knute Nelson is entirely satisfactory
to the iron rinif.
The pine land ring is also pleased
with Mr. Nelson, and will hail his elec
tion with rsjoicing.
Every pine land robber is wildly en
thusiastic in his advocacy of Mr. Nel
sou. This maybe caused by a lively
sense of favors to come, and then again
it may be due to a sense of gratitude for
favors rendered in the past.
Knute Nelson secured the passage of
the bill opening the lied Laice Indian
When this measure became a law,
every man, woman and child up north
said: "Good; Nelson is all right."
They did this because they'did not
know the provisions of the bili.
The pine land rinsrsters knew all
about the bill, and they, too, said:
"Good tor Nelson."
Since the people have learned that
this bill was so drawn that it will give
the pine land men the "earth and the
fullness thereof," as far as the timber is
concerned, they realize that ttiev are not
the proper parties to rejoice at the
opening of the reservation. And the
pine land ring's agents are now estimat
ing the timber, and a little later their
employers will purchase it at their own
figures. And not a stick of it can be
obtained by the small lumberman or a
poor man.
J'ist remember these few facts and
then it will be clear why T. B. Walker,
W. D. Washburn, the * Weyerhausers,
and others of their ilk are "solid for
And the railroads— they too are solid
for Mr. Nelson. As in the case of the
timber ring this may be due to srratitude
for past favors or to the anticipation of
those to come in the future.
The rings and combines are "solid for
Nelson,"' but for once the rank and file
of the people are well aware of the true
situation and they are not solid for
Official Account of the Seizure of
the Sealers.
St. Petersburg, Oct. 21.- The Offi
cial Messenger publishes today the first
version of the Russian capture of seal
ing Vessels in the Pacitic.lt says author
itative six vessals were seized at pom ts
eighteen to twenty miles from the Rus
sian coast, not from thirty to forty
miles, as has been asserted. The capt
ures were nearly all made outside the
territorial water boundary. This is
explained by the fact that *the sealers,
seeing the Russian cruisers approach
ing, lied and the cruisers chased them.
Only vessels whose logs, charts, etc.,
proved they had been sealing in Rus
sian waters were seized. The conduct
of the Russian officers was blameless.
The British flag was not insulted. The
crews of the captured vessels were well
treated, but whenthey became quarrel
some and insulted the Russian officers,
order had to be restored by force of
Neill Will Be Hanged.
Loxdox, Oct. 21,— The trial of Thom
as Neill Cream, otherwise known as
Thomas, Neill, for the murder of Ma
tilda Glover, by poisoning her with
strychnine, resulted today in a verdict
of guilty of murder, as charged in the
indictment. As, under English law, no
appeal can be taken in criminal cases,
except to the home secretary, this set
tle's Cream's fate. He will be handed,
unless he cheats the gallows by suicide.
Differ" <3ver Dynamite.
London, Oct. 21.— 1t 1§ riuuoVed that
a serious diflie.reiice lias arisen in the
cabinet over the question of the release
of the prisoners who were convicted of
having taken part in the dynamite out
rages that occurred several years Sgo.
A prominent Conservative organ even
declares the situation is so acute that
Mr. Asquith, the home secretary, has
threatened to resign
To Ratify the Whole Democratic Ticket and Ten*
der a Reception to the Gallant Daniel N
W. Lawler. s
The Greatest,. Political Demonstration Ever Held
Within the Confines of the Entire
Seldom in the History of a Political Party Have
So Many Illustrious Speakers Been
Thirty Thousand People Are Expected to Sur«
round the Three Stands to Hear the
Ladies Are Invited to the Grand Opera House, and
Seats Will Be Reserved for Them
Till 8 P. M.
Tonight's Great Demonstration at Minneapolis, in -
Which St. Paul Will Take
\ Big Part.
The Second x Ward Repudiates Mr. Independent Foos,
and the Sixth Bodily Fires
Wilde Out. .
Last Night's Doings of the Democracy and General
Information Along the Whole
Line of Battle.
To the Democrats of Ramsey County:
It has been deemed fitting by the
Democratic state central committee and
the Democratic county committee of
Ramsey county to hold a monster mass
meeting in the city of St. Paul on the
evening of Monday, Oct. 24, for the pur
pose of ratifying the nominations made
by the Democratic party, from that of
Grover Cleveland down to the Demo
cratic eaudidate for the smallest local
office to be tilled at the ensuing election.
This meeting, therefore, will be a ratifi
cation meeting for the Democratic na
tional, state, congressional and county
ticket. Elaborate preparations have
been made, as will be seeu by the pub
lished program me, to make this meet
ing the largest political meeting ever
held in the city of St. Paul, and we call
upon all Democrats to assist' by their
presence in making it a success. Ample
accommodations will be provided for all
who attend, and we will be abie to pre
sent to the people of this city a galaxy
ot orators, many of them of national
reputation, which will ue worthy of the
Lewis Baker,
Chairman State Central Committee.
P. J. Smalley,
Secretary State Central Committee.
Thomas D. O'Brikx,
Chairman Ramsey County Democratic
George H. Aixek,
Secretary Ramsey County Committee.
St. Paul, Minn., Oct. 21, 1892.
As the time approaches for the great
ratification meeting and reception to
Daniel W. Lawler on Monday evening,
the magnitude of the event becomes
more ami more apparent. At the lowest
calculation there will be 30,000 people at
the three great meetings. There may
be to exceed that number, but the com
mittees in charge are confident of being
able to care for that many, at least.
The fame of this meetinz has spread
all over the state, and excursion parties
are coming in from all directions. Each
of the cities within easy distance of St.
Paul will send in hundreds, and every
hour brings in word of new delegations
ready to come and participate in the un
equaled reception to be tendered the
next governor Uy the people who should
know him best and who love him most.
H All arrangements are now completed,
and nothing remains but to round up
the details. The procession of the clubs
will be ended in sufficient season to per
mit the speaking to be over in time to
euable ail visitors to catch trains for
home. The speaking will occur in the
Grand opera house, Market hall and in
the open air between the two houses.*
In the opera house seats for the ladies
will be reserved util 8 o'clock, and after
that hour will open to the general
comer. Ladies are especially and cor
dially invited to attend this meeting and
assist in the reception. Under the
present arrangement, Henry Georjjp
wiil speak in Market hall and
Thomas D. Shearman in the Grand
opera house and then transter, the same
order following with the other noted
speakers. Mr. Lawler, who will of
course be the lion of the occasion, will
speak successively from the three
stands, so that everybody will have a
chance to hear him. Complete details
of the speaking arrangements will be
announced later, as the above is subject
to revision.
Ample facilities will be given all
comers to hear all the noted orators
to be heard on this occasion, and peo
ple having favorites will learn from the
Globe at which place and hour they
will speak.
No meeting ever held in the state of
Minnesota has attracted as great inter
est as tills one of Monday uext. Never at
auy previous political celebration have
NO. 296.
there been scheduled so many famous
orators— men of world-wide reputation,
whom everybody desires to hear. But
the meeting gathers its principal inter
est from the fact that it is to extend a
welcome home to Dan Lawler, the pop
ular anrt brainy young St. Paulite,
after what is conceded toiiave been the
most brilliant campaign ever made in
the state of Minnesota. Everybody
wants to assist in the welcome, and
everybody will be there on Monday
The Club Procession.
As stated above, the meeting will b*.
preceded by a procession e m which every
Democratic club with its full strength
will participate. The formation will be
as follows:
The Seventh Ward club will form on Cedar
street, between Second and Third streets, the
ri;dn resting on Third and the left on Second.
The Eighth Ward clubs will form on the
south side of East Third street, the right
resting on Cedar street and the left on Waba
sha street.
The Second ward clubs and the Minneap
olis clubs will form ou Cedar street,- the right
resting on Third street and the left ou Fifth
The Sixth ward clubs will form on the east
side of Wabasha and Bridge square, the right
resting on East Third street and tne left on
the Wabusha bridge.
The Fourth ward clubs will form on the
north ot. Bridge square and West Third
street, tne right resting on M'abasha street,
and the lef r on St Peter street.
The First ward clubs will lorm on the west
side of Wab'tshn street, the ri-;ht resting on
Bddee square and Tnird street, and the left
resting vii Fourth street.
The Third ward clubs will form on the
south side of Bridge square, the right resting
onWabashaand the left on St. Peter.
The Ninth ward clubs will form on St
Peter street, the right resting on West Third
street, and the left ou West Fourth street.
Tne Fifth ward clubs will form on the
south side of West Third street, the right
resting on St. Peter and Third streets and
the left on Market street.
Order of I?larch.
Mounted platoon of police.
Chief Marshal W. it. Hawthorne and As
sistant Marshals William .Rodger and John
IJ. Grode.
Seventh Ward Marching club, headed by a
band of music and commanded by Mounted
Ail Capt John Clark.
Carriages -with speakers.
Eighth ward cluus. commanded by Mounted
Aid dipt. Met/.dorf.
Second ward clubs nnd Minneapolis clubs,
commanded by Mounted Aid Cape. Matt
Sixth ward marching club, headed by a
bund of music and commanded by Mounted
Aid Capt. Phillips, and the Sixth ward flat
club, commanded by Mounted Aid Capt.
.Fourth ward clubs and the Seven Corners
club, commanded by Mounted Aid Capt. C.is
First ward clubs and North St. Paul club,
headed by a band of music and commanded
by Mounted Aid Malmstrom.
Third ward club, commanded by Mounted
Aid CiiDt. Darragh.
Minth ward clubs, commanded by Mounted
Aid dipt. O'Connor.
Fifth vaid club.
The line of march will be on Third
street from tfridge square to Sibley
street, on Sibley to Seventh street, on
Seventh to St. Peter, on St. Peter to
Fifth and on Fifth to Itice park.
The Memorable Rally— St. Paul
Clubs Will Attend.
Tonight Minneapolis will tender its
first reception to the gallant Dan Law
ler, and at the same time hold the most
notable meeting in its history. The
galaxy of oratorical talent to be present
will be second only to that sched
uled for the great St. Paul
meeting % for Monday night. The
meeting will be he!d in the exposition
building, and 10.000 people will be
within sound of the speakers' voices.
Beside Mr. Lawlec will be heard Sena
tor Mills, of Texas, the great tariff
orator whose potent voice was heard in
tho splendid majority Minneapolis gave
in ISiH); Henry George, the celebrated
single tax exponent, and John Z.
White, of Chicago, universally con
ceded to be the greatest labor ora
tor in the country. Beside these
there will be local speakers, tlie whole
constituting an attraction that will
pack the building from top to bottom.
The Minneapolis Democrats will pre
cede the meeting with a great parade,
in which at least a thousand St. Paul
Democrats will participate. Every club
in the city is exoected to participate.
The following will contain the informa
tion necessary to their guidance rela
tive to transportation:
Tlie first, Second, Seven Comers and Sixtfc

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