OCR Interpretation

St. Paul daily globe. [volume] (Saint Paul, Minn.) 1884-1896, November 29, 1892, Image 7

Image and text provided by Minnesota Historical Society; Saint Paul, MN

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn90059522/1892-11-29/ed-1/seq-7/

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TC VrMi Ch,*«vf iM T !\_>/_v **r\ Ok THE last leaf ON the TREE l^A^fMfiA *//«>hw f__frA^/_ \__fa*»«fc
ir you jdnOUiu ut v< xo q2 in the spring=== vorYUnU£ your oioug Vf an*
Variegated Career of an Cliio Man
Who Now Occupies a Felon's
Cell in 'i ex as.
He Was a Member of the Younger
Gang, ami Afterward a
WOOSTEB, 0., Nov. 28. — Born of
Christian parents, his father a Metho
dist minister, and raised as tenderly as
a potted plant was a young man who
left this country in 1858. He took up
his residence in Missouri, where lie
studied and practiced medicine, The
last heard of him by his parents was
early in the Civil war, when he married
the daughter of Senator Clymer, of Mis
souri. He has lons l>een mourned ns
dead, but this week came word that he
was still living, and filled the cell of a
convict in Texas. This, 100, after hav
ing been preacher and doctor, and, by
his. own confession, a member ot the
Younger brothers' gang of desperadoes,
and an associate of Frank and Jesse
James. Such, in brief, is the history of
Key.' William Wilson.
The information which came to rela
tives here from Waco, Tex., is to the
effect that he had been preaching near
that city when he borrowed a horse
from a neighbor, F. 11. Sapp. and sold
it to a policeman named James Hall.
He was arrested and entered a plea of
iruilly. Before being- sentenced he
made an affecting plea for mercy, but
was given the full extent or the law. It
hud long been reported that he served
with the Younger brothers in their ex
ploits, and to Sheriff Ford he confessed
that, under the name of Robert Shep
herd, he had been an officer in the
Younger brothers* sang. In his con
fession be said:
"1 was born in 1839. My father was
Key. T. 1). Wilson. I moved to Mis
souri in 1858 and married Miss Mary
Clymer. daughter of Senator Clymer.
The war broke out, and 1 enlisted In
Ihe Second Kentucky cavalry. After
the war was over 1 returned to Ken
tucky and foui.d my house in ashes and
ii-y wife and children dead. It was
then that I met Cole. Robert and James
Younger. They befriended me. and 1
afterward joined their band. While i
was with the Youngers 1 met Frank
and Jesse James, 1 grew remorseful
and lelt the Younirers, settling in Bu
chanan county, Missouri, where I was
ordained a minister of the Christian
-lunch. 1 trot out in a tornado and was
■crippled. 1 then took to drink, but re-
I'o rnied and came to Texas. 1 was en
gaged in preaching in and about Eddy,
when, during a fire, 1 sold the horse 1
got from Mr. Sapp to Policeman flail,
mid you know the rest."
The Chief Justice Hands Down
SSix Decisions;
Chief Justice Gil iillan took his turn
nt decisions in the supreme court yes
terday, and played shuttlecock with the
findings of the lower courts. The fol
lowing opinions were handed down:
lie Dedicated It.
Fred Klenk. apDeliant, vs. Town of Walnut
Lake et al.', respondents. Order affirmed.
(.iII.FH.I.AN, I. J.
Evidence held sufficient to justify a
finding of a common law dedication of
a highway. (Jen. St. 187S, eh. IS. see.
47, does not supersede the common law
rule as to dedication to public use as a
highway. 2 The owner's intent to dedi
cate may be presumed from lonji-cou
tiuued uninterrupted use by the public.
On the issue of a common law. dedica
tion records and files of the office of the
town clerk, showing an abortive at
tempt to establish a highway under the
statute before the public use. began, are
I Return May Be Impeached. .
v Him ml Kiiutson et al., respondent vs. N.
T. Davis, appellant. Older affirmed.
. (jII.FII ('. J.
Where the rights of third parties have
not intervened, an action will lie to set
aside the judgment of a justice of the
peace rendered by default upon a con
stable's certificate of service of the
summons, if in fact such summons was
not served, and in such action the re
turn of the officer may be impeached.
Evidence held sufficient to sustain a
finding of fact.
A Minneapolis Land Case.
Edwin W. Dana, appellant, vs. Keuben S.
Ooodfellow et aL, respondents: Reuben S.
Goodfellow. appellant vs. Edwin Dana et
aL. respondents. Judgment reversed and
order affirmed. ~ (;ii.kii.lan, C. J.
1) conveyed to G real estate with no
covenant to protect and save the irrantee
harmless in his possession and owner
ship of the land against a mortgage
upon that and other land given by a
former owner. The mortgage was niter
wards foreclosed by a sale of nil the
mortgaged land as one parcel. Before
the time to redeem expired (J purchased
and took an assignment of the certificate
or sale. There was no redemption.
Held that D was not entitled to the
benefit of the purchase of the certificate
and have the land other than that con
veyed by him, assigned to him upon
paying to U the amount paid by him on
the purchase of the certificate and in
Held, also, that there was a breach of
covenant when the foreclosure title be
came absolute.
Held, also, that G's damage was the
price he paid D for the land conveyed
to him, and that it could not be taken
into account to reduce the damage;
that the value of the land included in
the certificate other than that conveyed
byDtoG was more than the amount
(j im for the certificate.
liieii Law Decision.
Cregor Uenzel et aL, plaintiffs, respondents,
v.^. Adeline! K. Tubos et al., defendants.
:■].] eltants; Tbeophea Koek etal., defcud
aiiW, respondents. Judgment affirmed.
Under the mechanics' lien law, 1889,
chapter 200, in an action to foreclose a
lien the court has jurisdiction to deter
mine liens set up by any of the defend
The owners in severalty of contiguous
city or platted lots may by their acts
connect tlieni so as to constitute one lot
within the meaning of the lien law.
They do so connect them when they
treat them as one tract for the purpose
of building, as where they join in the
construction of n sinpie building on
bolh lots, and in such case those doing
work on or furnishing material for the
building will have a right to claim a
lien on the whole building and both lots.
Such will also be the case where the
jwner of one of the lots constructs such
single building on both lots with the
Knowledge and consent of the owner of
the other lot.
In such case one who does work or
furnishes material open a part of the
building situate on one of the lots, he
For averv one wTjo has blood trouble, no mattci
In what shape or how lons standing, provide*
Done of the vital organs have been so far ton
paired as to rentier a" euro impossible. S. B. R. .
toes to the roo: of tlio tii.i»«se, and remove:: the
pause, by expel'in-j; fjib y.o;so:i from the body, aud
ittiiosametiuiy is a Uy.v.a to tlse whole system.
However bad \ ■ ireasj way be, there is hope
FO you ar
tixu i -w^~3 Cimlnisof a inbst malignant typ"
l^iaf^R-J .•,-. ••n0. .i:: :•:»'. .1 trouble, for \rliK- 1
ift-JXt-c-u-n-l 1 j,.,,i pi,,,! v:irlo»s other reracdie-.
Without effec;. '■■"' .' v.'«i?s:i ■ iui-re&seil, anrtftnj
liealth improv«il in «?\ ■•:!••.' vuy. ' cunsider b. o. a
the best toni'.- Ltu-r :•• s.-i: . .
'•S. A. *\'i:!ij:!T, Slulway, Ga.'
}|TTrei.tise on Wmil :!.:•. ■■■r\. < r.r.-.fiujws li'.oo.
Munmailettf :"' i - -'. t-I'IXIMC CO.,
' Atlanta, G*.
may claim a lien on the building and
both lots.
Where there is due a contractor a cer
.tain amount for which, less the liens
allowed, his sub-contractors, laborers
and material men, he is entitled to a
lien, and the court allows the liens of
such sub-contractors, laborers and ma
terial men to an aggregate less than the
amount for which the contractor would
otherwise be entitled to a lien, and de
ducts that aggregate from such amount,
allowing him a lien only for the re
mainder, the owner is not prejudiced by
error in determining the amounts due
the Bub-contractors, laborers and ma
terial met), and cannot complain.
Where a pleading for a mechanic's
lien sets up but a single item no bill of
particulars need be filed.
Various findings of fact held sup
ported by the evidence, ana various as
signments of error ot no special im
portance disposed of.
Other Decisions.
State of Minnesota, respondent, vs. Johna
thnn Noll, appellant, Syllabus:
Evidence held sufficient to sustain the
"verdict. Order affirmed. Gilfillan. CJ.
Cannon River Manufacturers' Association,
appellant, vs. Luther Z. Kogara, respond
ent. Syllabus:
Evidence considered and held insufficient
to justify submitting a question of fact to the
jury. Order reversed. on.rn.LAs, C. J.
To Old Mexico and Return.
On Nov. 20 ami to 26 inclusive,
the Chicago Great Western Railway
will sell tickets to Mexico City, Mexico,
and return, good until Dec. 31, for one
faro for the round trip. City ticket
office, 195 East Third street.
A Toledo Lumber Finn, With
Michigan Connections, Makes
an Assignment.
Unfortunate Wheat Speculations
Said to Be the Cause oi" the
ToiiEDO, 0.. Nov. 2&— The lumber
(inn of Jiills & Koch has assigned its
business to E. W. Loud, of Detroit, on a
claim of 964,000 cash procured on ac
commodation paper. Other creditors
have since filed claims, swelling the
total liabilities to 8150,000. The assets
thus far are estimated at 888.000. Un
fortunate wheat speculations on the
part of the senior member of the firm is
said to be the cause of the failure.
Mr. Bills, the senior member, is also
Interested in a bank and lumber busi
ness with his brother-! n-Jaw, L. B.
Church, at Alma and Ithaca. Mich..
which is transacted under the firm
name of Church, Hills <te Co. It. is stated
that Mr. Hills has been unfortunate in
wheat speculation. He has drawn from
the business of Bills & Koch within th«
last thirty days over $35,000 in cash.
Some time airo this firm bought the
planine mill plant from Whitney <k
Tracy, but recently sold it to Merrill,
liiim* & Co. for Si), 000. The bunking
house of O. P. lJills & Co.. of Tecum
seh, Mich., is seriously involved in the
failure, and has closed its doors.
Time Is Money.
Are you not interested in savin? time
during this short journey through life,
and are you not desirous of computing
your calculations so accurately that,
having an engagement in the world's
fair city at, say 5) a. in., you may be able
to meet it. if punctuality is not one of .
your 'business 'maxims, you are going
back upon the first principles of com
mercial intercourse. -You have a note *
in bank to meet before o o'clock of ■ a
certain day. Do you permit the bank
doors to close without an effort upon
your part to meet your 'obligation?
Well, hardly. Your credit and your
honor demand that you shall keep up in
the journey with Father Time, and that
while he turns his hour-glass you shall
take advantage of everything in your
favor, and reach your destination on
lime safely and complacently. The
system of dispatching has reached such
a stage of perfection on some roads that
to be off time is tie rare exception .It
is no small matter to start out trains 400
miles distant from each other and have
them reach the terminals precisely upon
the minute scheduled. This perfection
lias" been reached by at least one road,
and it has achieved such a reputation in
this respect that it is a marvel to the
traveling public, and an ever-present
cause of discontent to its less fortunate
Timepieces have been dispensed with'
by the ladies living in the beautiful
suburban towns along its line from
Downer's Grove to Chicago, so regular
is the Burlington's Number Forty-eight,
which is scheduled to arrive in Chicago
at 9a. in. every day in the year, the
train leaving the uuion depots in Min
neapolis at 0:50, and St. Paul at 7:30
the previous evening. From Jan. 1 to
Oct. 31 inclusive, a period of .305 days,
it was practically on time, and during
the mouths of February, March, August,
September and October absolutely on
time, not having varied a minute. The
equipment is unsurpassed, every well
known appliance conducive to the com
fort and convenience of passengers be
ing promptly adopted. No experiments
are tried at the expense of patrons.
Ladies traveling alone or with children
are shown courteous attention. In a
tew weeks the present superb equip
•ment will be replaced with the very
latest designs from the Pullman works,
an especial feature being compartment
sleeping cars of superior, workmanship,
and finish, surpassing anything of the
kind in America. Tickets may be pro
cured, and Pullman accommodations re
served, at the company's offices, 300
Nicollet avenue, Minneapolis; 104 East
Third street, St. Paul, and at union
depots in both cities; or. inquiries may
be addressed to
W. J. C. Kexyon,
General Passenger. Agent, St. Paul,
Minn. .
-^ N. B.— Trains north-bound from Chi
cago and St. Louis leave and arrive at
i convenient hours. Try the line in
either direction and be convinced of the
merits advertised.
The Kind of Work the Cause of
the Walk-Out. /.^^f^^
Troy, N. V., Nov. 28.'— A large num
ber of the machinists employed in the
gunshops at the Waterville arsenal, in
West Troy, struck today. The com
mandant Tit the arsenal states that the
reason for the strike was not a differ
ence over number of hours or pay, but
concerning the kind of work. The men
say the authorities of the arsenal insist
ed that, one man should attend two
lathes. The shop is running, but only
a small force, about eighty men having
gone out.- The strikers held a meeting
after leaving the shop. . : '. :^r3
Railroad Company Asked to Pay
for a Prospective Husband.
Atnorg the killed on the New York
Central & Hudson River railway by trie
collisiou in IS'JI was John li. Bagnall,
of this city, and among the injured was
Miss Eva Frear, also of this city. It is
said that the two were engaged to be
married. Now Miss Frear has com
menced suit against the railroad com
pany for damages amounting to be
tween $30,000 and §40,000. claiming that
she was to have been married to Mr.
Bagnall, and, because of the accident,
which was the result of carelessness,she
had lost a husband, and therefore she
has been deprived of support and main
tenance for her life. It is reported that.
she has offered to compromise for $20,
--000. The suit is a novel one.
Theological Students AVill Study
Social Problems at First Hands.
Chicago, Nov. 2S.— A school in which
men and women are to be the text
books is about to be established in Chi
cago. The Chicago Theological sem
inary, oi which it is to be an adjun«t.
will be the. founder, and the department
will be under the supervision of the
eminent sociologist, Prof. Graham Tay
lor. It has been decided to secure a
building in some quarter where the
ignorant and vicious classes congregate,
and found a "seminary social settle
ment." Here wiil be established a
small community of students, prospect
ive ministers of the gospel, who will
study social problems at first hands.
The settlement will not be a mission.
Prof. Taylor said this afternoon:
"Tin; ordinary student, in preparing
for Hie ministry, is educated away from
the people. The idea of the seminary
social settlement is to bring liim in
touch with the people. When the de
partment has been fully organized stu
dents will lie sent to the police courts to
study life there, and the divorce courts
will not be neglected. Anarchism will
also be made a special study."
Th-i M:>iitersy Xoarly Finished.
San Fh.yncisco, Nov. — The new
coast defense vessel Monterey will go
into commission Jan. 10, though it is not
probable she will hi ready for sea until
three weeks thereafter. The:; vessel is
completed, with the exception of plates
for the levolvin* turrets, which ;re
expected f.oin Homestead, Pa., about
Jaii. 1.
fi"Y^pp fl fß^g
ootli the method and results wlt^a
gyrnpof Fig's is taken; it is pleasant
and refrcEliing 1 to the taste, and acts
Eently yet promptly on the Kidney^
irer sad Bowels, cleanse? the sy»»
pent effectually, dispels colds, h9Rs2«
BcSiea and levers, and cares habitual
constipation. Syrup of Wig* is th«
dnly remedy of its kind ever pre
duced, pleasing 1 to the taste and a«
eeptable to the stomach, prompt in
Its action and truly beneficial in its
effects; prepared only from the moat
healthy and agreeable . substances,
its many excellent qualities coo
mend it to all and have made it th«
E&est popular remedy known.
Syrup of Figs is for sale in 60a
and 91 bottles by all leading drug-
pists. | Any reliable drug-gist who
may not have it on hand will pro
cure it promptly for any one ; who
wishes to try it. Do n«t accept an 7
wmsifiUE. *r. mlw roax. a. &
An pfficient
|-Jealth Qfficer
Wherever inflammation exists
POND'S EXTRACT will find
and will allay it. It is in
valuable for CATARRH,
Genuine goods manufactured
only by Pond's Extract Co., j6
Fifth Avenue, New York:
\i h* v^tj&r^y
Somewhere uetweeu childhood and old age
there comes a time when the eyes need
glasses. Then buy the best-made and the
best-fitting Glasses you can find.
We manufacture and sell only reliable
goods, nothing else, and at no higner prices
han you w ould pay for a good article any
fixtures, ■' ice - boxes, ; mirrors, pooland
. blliard . tables,' counters • and . shelving. ; SM
Washington, ay. north, iliuueapulis,
tl:il<s. -'..'. ,^ i: ".ti,-
A GKNTS wanted to sell Williams door;
A close, lor Minneapolis. A. B. Bow :
man. 346 East Fourth St.. Uoom 4. '-;.;
AGiSBTS for Bankers' Mutual Aid Assii.;
easiest plan in state to work. D. T. Me
yaughton.Secy. Germania Bank Did St. Paul.
BAKBKK wanted at South St. Paul;
steady job; tak? motor. , . ■ <.n>
BAKBEK— Wanted, first-class barber. col
ored; no other need apply: wages, J »,I'3,
per week. Address Matt Arnold, 10 West
Banks ay.. West Superior. Win. -.-•" ' .- ' "!.:,''
BAKB— — WANTED: a young man e_
perieenced; steady job. '310 Kice st. : -_«
BOOKKhGPER and office man; yourijj:
J3 man preferred: salary, §.VJ per.moutn;,
growing position. Ad-dress M 18. Globe. .;.■' :f,
BOY— ted. boy about 17 years of age id
: make himself generally useful. E. Kener..
148 Bast Fourth st. -■' - __^__^_
BOOKKK-P.-.K— Experienced bookkeep
er and good penman can have a job for
a short time by calling at IIP West Third s\
CAN VASSKRS— Wanted at once, twenty
canvassers; best chance olFered to make
money. Dr. Pearce. 371 Jackson st. '
CtANUYJVIAKKK wanted; good. Buck
-' Hay's Candy Kitchen. 113 East Sev
enth st. : '■■ ■
CANUY PU___ lß wanted for window
work. Apply to Vorxa Bros. _ Co.. Sev
enth and Oeaar. .'
Dm c vi, i UK— Wanted, a registered drug
clerk: give refereM anJ salary ex
pected, H. K. Hubert. Diiiuih. V.inu. :
HAItIMVAUK MAN — Situation wanted
by gentleman in hard re business', ,
either traveling or in store; have had eighteen
years' experience. .Address <; '£>, (.lotie, Jiin
iieapolis. ■_ ■■ - -
IF YOU are seeking a high posiiion ill any
line of business, see us at once; we have
placed hundreds of applicants in permanent
and paying positions', and can assist you..
Western Business Agency. 317 Pioneer Press
Building. . ■
Jf YOU arc out of employment, register
with Mercantile Bond and Reference Co.,
Ml Jackson si., Kuoms H and 0.
I | OS'I i.KKS -^ anted, three lioL-tlers, at
n 488 Selby ay. _______
If YOU WANT a fine piece otcloihfora
suit, overcoat, or i>:iir of pant?, attend the
u'liniui.-iratur's sale of the Klnti Muck at 470
Wabasha st.
KITCHEN WORK— Wanted, two yonijg
men, German preferred, for kitchen
work-, at cafe Neuman, Wabaahast.
MANAGIiK— Wanted, energetic man to
manage brunch office; references and
Sfrf))esish c» pi tul required; Balary, SOOO per
year imu interest in business. Adaresa liox
is I Davenport, 10.
1/1 an wanted: salary and expenses: pee
iVl mauent plnce; nhole or part time.
.-\pply at once. -Brown 15ros. '.'o., Nur^ery
men, Chicago.
DAIKTK iS— Wauled, three painters. Ap-
JT ply after ?p. ni. 3'JS Bunk of Minnesota
SAL'AICV «>«. COMMISSION 10 agents to
handle the Patent Chemical Itik-Enisiiig
I'encil;: the most useful and novel invention
of the «s;e: erases ink thoroughly in two sec
onds; works like magic; :iCO to 500 per cent
profit; agents making $50 per week we also
want a general agent to take charge of terri
tory, and appoint sub agents; a rare chance!
to make money; wrie lor terms and sample
of erasing. .Monroe Eraser Mf^. Co., XI, La
Crosse. \\ is. • ■ Tf-wS'
SALts MAN— Wanted, by a leading Mil
waukco wholesale liquor house, an ex
perienced salesman, on liberal commission*
with an established (rude in North and
Dakota: nn;st have first-class references;
cone other need apply. AddressQ76, Globe.
80MCITOK>— \\ anted, by New York Life
Insurance Company, as solicitors, men.
of ability, well recommended: its neweV!
policy is "the Lest ever originated ; libenil c"on-j t
trncts Riven. Address Company's \orthw%s^
crn Branch Office. iiJi New York Lifu 1101*
ing. St. Paul. Minn. '■■ ' **.■>■-
CJTJiNOtiKAI'IIKH — Wanted .at ouce.
O good stenographer:- must be good pen
man, quick and accurate at figures; one with,
some knowledge of railway 'busiuessV*T>Tef
ferred. Address .) 7f\ (.'lobe. .'. 'OiM .'_■ ■ c s»'fi
v. TKJvOGKAI'H-EIiS furnished with posi-
O tions ana business houses supplied with
out charge to eiiiier party. Apnly to Wyckoff,
tcamansi Benedict, L' 4 East Fourth st. ; tel
ephone 4Q(i. ■■.■■■»■.
Solicitors— Men of energy :u;<J tact to
solicit for Bankets 1 Life Association of
st. Paul: snlary or guarantee ■preferred."
Address C. K. !>ecor. St. Paul. Minn.
TAILORS— Ten first-class tailors wanted.
McGrath _ ( 0., b7l> Kobert st.
TT7ANT.__>— Young men and h:die3 to
VV learu telegraphy, shorthand, book
keeping, etc,:, students can make board.
Globe Business College. Eudicott Building.
WANTED — The largest saloon fixture
factory in the world ..wants a man to
inform us of parties intending opening, also
refitting saloons; liberal pay. The 11. Kolhs
child's Sons Co., 739 and 741 Broadway, New
York. : '
WANTED— Catholic man of good char
acter with references to attend to our
business nnd collections in this vicinity; $18
per week. Office of Catholic Publications,
19^ East Madison st.. Chicago.
WANTED— Young mcii lo learn teleg
raphy and railroad business: the suc
cess of our graduates is unparalleled: grad
uates aided to positions. North western Tele
graph Institute, o^'J Grand Block, St Hani,
lioiix'.'^ '.For N:i£«-.
FOX S.\l,E— New residence No. 7:i(i Day
" ton ay.. corner Grotto: thirteen rooms;:
hot-water heating, finely finished in hard-,
wood, ni;d one of the best built and most
beautiful houses in the city. J.Egan, 730
Dayton ay. - - . - -
FOX SALE— Cheap, one eight-room nouse
"; . on Carroll st.. west of Mackubiu: all
modern conveniences; house lirst-class con
dition. Address O &7, Globe. '
: V Jlis»cellan«Mm?».
owner leaving town: a snap for some
oue. L 79, Globe. .■- ' - ; - -. -
WHEELER & HOWEl.L.rcal estate: list
bnrgains with them Pioneer Press Bldg
I \OCw LOST— An English setter : medium
U height; white, with large jellow spots
and yellow picked: answers to name of Ben.
Return to 458 Laurel ay. and receive J reward. ?
Dr. A. Shinouek. ; •■ . . ' ■ .■ ■ :
DOG LOST— Black cocker spaniel ; name
Darky on collar. Return to Hague
ay. and leceive reward.
HAND-BAG LOST — Between Wabasha
and Third or Cedar sts., a hand-bag in.
fancy colored beads; money and handker
chief. Suitable reward at Globe office.
MULfci FOUND— Brown mule, wllh har
ness on. Owner can have stune by
calling at 74 East Geranium st. and paying
DENDANT LOST— Moonstone heart pen-
X dant surrounded by forget-me-nots. Re
turn to Bohn Manufacturing ollice and re
ceive reward.
pOCiiKTBOOK LOST— A small pooket-
X book; Mondny afternoon. Piease re
turn to 890 Conwny st.. and receive reward.
WATCH LOST— On Friday, small gold
watch, with chain and locket; lo.si on
Conway, between Maple and Bates, or one
block to Third st. Return to 73'J Conway st.
nnd receive $10 reward.
WATCH LOST— A lady's open-face gold*'
■watch with short chain attached ;
monogram "L. K." ou watch: lost on a La
fayette and .Hondo car or on Ninth St., be
tween Fort and Wabasha sts. Finder will
please return to G. Michel. itUl Uice st.. and
receive reward.
BILLIARD SUl'l'LlliS: Wurerooins. 405 and.
407; Office and Factory, 41 1 mid JIJ Fifth aye- :
AUeiOUtbt MiaueapoliSi Miuiu
- X T LAKrKNTKURs all places free and
.XX best help. 51 West Exchange st. -
piiEAM DII'PKK wanted. Apply at
\-> candy department of Yerxa Bros. & Co.
CHOCOLATE I>II>PJKK wanted. ■ Apply
iV^at candy depaitment ol Yerxa Bros. & Co.
COOK— Wanted, first-class cojfc; wages
• 8-0 per month; no washing or ironing.
-'n8 Selby ay. ~ ~"
IN ING ROOM Jamestown, n!
D.; $18 ; free fare ready. Douglass In
telligence, 35 Seventh.
LJOirsKWOiiK-Ina small family, a girl
.■*•-* , for general housework, or a cook; will
Day good wages; work will be light and
pleasant. Apply 277 Kent st. - -
HOUSfcWORK— (,irl to help in private
, boarding house: no cooking nor dinin
ingjroom work. 338 Nelson.
HOITSKWOKK— Wanted, a eirl for gen
eral housework. 44!) Portland ay.
HOIiSKWORK— Wanted, nt once, n girl
for general housework: small family;
Rood wages, r.o.' Marshall nv.
HODS-WORK— Wanted nirl for general
housework; small tamily. 640 Dayton.
HOL'MKWOKK— Watued.thorotigbly com
petciit girl for general housework: must
be good cook: family of three: good wages.
4il Ashland sv.. near Western.
Hoi'skwdkk- Wanted, good competent
girl for geiierHl housework. Apply at
l(i.'J Farrington ay. after 2 o'clock.
Hous_\v<iUiv— Wanted, v good German
or coiored uirl fur general housework.
Apply No. ;jd:) Bolrj ay.
TJOISMVOKK- Wanted, a capable girl
ti for general housework in small family:
Scandinavian preferred. M)l Iglehrfrt st.
Hoi'ShWOKh- Wanted, tirl Cor general
housework hi 'J." 7 Charles st.
HODSKWORK— Wanted, eompetenl idrl
forpenpra! housework iv small family.
Apply at 2711 Ivpnt st.
HODSJCWOKK— Girl for eencral house
work. Apply T"i Marshall ay.
HOtIsKWOHK— Wanted, good Kirl for
ceueral housework; small family. Ap
ply :io7 Grove st.
HOUSBWOUK— Wanted, a girl for gen
eral housework at -!Sli Dayton a y . ; v.ill
pay good wanes.
XI" YOl' WAN iT a tine pieeo of cloth for a
suil, overcont, or pair of punt-, attend
tli3 adn.inistiaior's [sale of the King stock at
•^u Waoashn st.
KITCHKM Hi.— Wanted, a servant girl
to help in the kitchen; .scaiidiiiavistu
preferred. :}s(i Rosabel. '
StCCOXO fGlßiL^WfliitedFa neat second
girl. Apply before 12 m. at .031' Da
yton ay. . .. . .
QKCUNU (JIKI Young eirl for second
work and trail on table at 331 Selby ay.
WAirRESSKS— Two Kirls wauled. Hes
tanrant, 318 JaCKaon st.
WAITIIES 1 *— Wanted, a first class wait
iessinoneof finest private families;
German or Irish: highest wages in town.
yclhviiv. .
RJ'. XKW}")! 1 . C A; DOS', IVVK^T
• .lr.ent bankers. Jonn incur;.- mi im
i roved property iv St. I'aul and Minneap
olis st G.ier ceut "en or before." Offices,
New Pioneer Press Building, St. Paul, and
Keeve Bntklinc. Minneiipolis.
money nt a lower rate than you can
i i.rrow ib rough any oilier ■■ agency! The
/ ir.erican Mortgage Lean Company, iioom 7.
i-iist National bank hailtriug, cornet Fourth
tnd Jncktou fls., will lot jou have any
rniount, £1»>, |J»>, <'_'5, ?■! •, S7-", $1<:O ot
£"<■(.■ Hi fact, any turn' you wist: — onvoar
; old watcn, diamonds, Household fnrnitnrp,
l.erse, buggy, jiiniio. carriage, etc.. at a lower
:file Uian you can possibly get it elsewhere.
<>cc<i.s can remain in our possession, and
jcu ran pay a part any time you wan: I'nd
i;op interest. Business -private and eti 3
('.cntial. You if.iil.Livo your own time In
paying up pritic-ii al.'
A A -i.0.v.\3 en furniture, pianos.
• J\t horses, diamonds, watches and
Kalskin Facques; lowest mtes. ?.!innesota
>!orlgaj:e I.oai! Company. J{ooms 13, 14. First
National Bank Boilding. corner Fourth a:ui
Jackson sts.
BA.NH. STOCKS a specialty; bonds, com
mercial paper, mortice . securities
L'Ought and sold. George W. JcnUs, Invest
ment Bauker, Minnesota Loan and Trust
Building, Minneapolis. . •
I^ok CH-AP mom-.v on real estate
(vacant or improved), see H. Caldwell.
Germmiia Life Building.
LAiua; ajkjlnt.s of money to loan on
improved property at .'> and fi per cent.
Smith, Parker A; (.iiliuan.New York Life B)dg.
amount on any security. S. C. HOKTON, oUJ
Jackson, corner Third, lioom 4.
MONnY 'io loan without delay, from
. 810 upward, on furniture, horses, jew
elry, etc. :■ time checks, notes and second
real estate mortgages bought. Minnesota
Loan Co.. 117 F.nst Fourth st. V&S&tOS
\/| ONEY TO LOAN— SHOu to fLVXU sums,
iVI nt low rates of interest. 11. 11.
Sehulte & Co., VS Bast Fourth st.
Jl/IONKY LOANKD at half usual rates on
iVX furniture, pianos, horses, diamonds or
personal or collateral security; loans can be
paid in monthly or weekly installments. J.
J,. Mrauch. lUGl>be Building.
MONEY ON" HAND to loan on city prop
iVl erty and farms; lowest rates; no delay.
W. F. Menu, 1013 Pioneer Press.
MOMKY LiiAli'i.l) on life insurance pot
icies; or bought. L. P. Van Norman
U Guaranty Loan buildinc. Minneapolis.
Money loaned on diamond*, watches, pianos,
iurniture or goods in storage tit lo went rates,
and Email monthly reiurn payments; notes
and mortgages bought; most private loan
rooms in the city. Ohio Investment Com
pany, j.*-; Globe Building: take elevator.
, buys, sells mortgages, loans money at
current rates. W. P West tall, sec ; E. J. Dar
ragh. treas. S. and .-i Globe Building.
corner Fifth and Jackson sts., always has
money to loan at C 7 and per cent, and
charges no commission.
WHIiICLEK to HDWKLL loan money at
current rale?, 3 'l Pioneer Press Bldg.
'■ ' JOB SAB.E. . . „
BENEVOLENT, and lelief societies will
find Barton's, £4 East Seventh st., the
best place to buy second-hand clothing.
COOPEK TOOLS- For sale, full set of
\s tight - barrel cooper tools. 779 Fau
quierst. ' . .
DOG— sale, a Gordon setter dog puppy,
• four months old: pedigree, from Cham
pion; beautiful black coat, with fair mart
ings (no white) ; will sell cheap. Apply 74!)
Dayton ay. .
FOR SALE — Three counters and one
JL\ showcase (11 feet long}. Address 09
\vest Seventh st. ■
r~i OBDOS SETTER PUPPY, four months
VX -old; pedigree, from Champion stock;
beautiful black coar, with fine tan markings
(no ■white): will sell cheap. Apply 749 Day
ton ay.
PElttMMtAIg. ~~ r
■tx. worth, clairvoyant: business test med
ium: thirty years' experience. 007 Wabasha
•St.. city.
I" ADlES— Visit the new hairdressiug par-
Li . lors of Mrs. Annie Van Valkeuberg, 324
Wabasha . st. Mr. Theodore Price, of New
York city, late of the West hotel, Minneapo
lis, will be in attendance to dress the hair in
the latest and most artistic styles; manicur
ing by an artist: facial masseur also given
by the latest and most improved method.
proved Turkish baths. Rheumatism
successfully treated by Emma Thorson. pro
fessional massagist. Room 115, Moore, Seven
corners. / -
MASSAGIST— .Scicntitic face massage;
nlso massaße and alcohol treatment;
for ladies only. l.*> 2 Pleasant ay.
MBS. KATK HOSKIXS, psycometric
reader and trance medium. £B\S West
I Sevenih st., St. Paul
MKS; WII.J.IAM. clairvoyant ana mag
v.i etist; -. c.nirvoyant ■". readings SI, cards
'5.) cents." MS Cedar St., up b tain.
, |\/I ».>. M - A, ' ie> 11 v - --" Esst £ishtli st.
•}<lf L"j Magnetic niui . massage, treatment for
;i ; i ;\:.i!ytic rheumatism and ; nervous diseases.'
; clairvoyant reader, - roll '» ! ». in. lo>D. m.
WA3TK-J* TO I3U\ .
* ENTICE— wants to learn to
-M finish barber trade; ' will work cheap all
winter. 1308 Payne ay. - -
A -YOUNG MAN, aged eighteen, wants
situation of any kind. Call or address
J. M.. 445 Minnesota st. ' -
BLACKSMITH— Situation wanted by gen
eral blacksmith and horseshoer. Ad
dress 11. Mac, New Richmond. Wis. .
BOYS FOR PLACES, places for boys;
employment bureau for poor boys, tree.
Newsboys' Club Koom. 313 Wabasha st ;open
from il to VI a. m.. and from 7 to !) p. m.
BOOKK__PI:K, thoroughly experi
enced, wants set of books to keep even
ings. A. F , Globe.
DOOKKEtPBR-A young man would
-D like a position as assistant bookkeeper,
collector or clers ; good references. Address
XfW, Globe.
CL.XXX — Position by A t dry goods man.
Address A. J.. 470 West Third st.. Wi
nona. Minn.
POACHMAN- Wanled,situaliou as coach
v^ 1 ma_ by experienced man: cau furnish
reference. " Call 64 West Fourth st.
/"<OAt'HMAN- Place as coach mftn wanted;
v^ best of city reference. Address 11. X.,
344 Dayton ay.
Compositor— A young Scandinavian
would like a situation iv a printing
office: understands the type cases. Address
•-►til .lenks st.
COLLIXTOK- Gentleman wants position
as collector; lived in city twenty six
years; can furuhh horse and buggy. Address
V 83, G'obc.
ENOINEKK— Situation wanted by sta
tiooary engineer, or to run steam-heat
ins plant. Z Bft, (Jlobe.
£N r t; I NKKK — [situation wanted by a
yonng man as stationary engineer; ref
erence furnished if required. Address to
Adolph Bolliger, 8)4 Dakota nv.. West St.
EiMri.OY.HKNT- You n si man wishes a
i job of some kind in the city: can give
good recommend. Address Henry Oiraid,
157 Eaton ay.. West St. I'aul.
EMPLOYMEWT— A yoong man :.'.'> yean
of nue, married, would like to get some
work ot any kind. L. G.. 157 Belvidere, West
EMPLOYMENT— A youUfCUianof twenty
one wants situation of uny kind; work
day or night. Address 11. G. 5-., •US M. An
thony ay.
HARDWARE MAN— Situation wanted
by experienced hardware man: can
furnish best of references. Call or address
C. 57 Bast seventh.
HAKNKSS APPRfcNTIfE- Young raau,
st ren teen years of age, with good hab
its, wij-hesa place to learn hm ness trade or in
a livery. Cail or address 542 Cedar.
HOSTI^I-K— A middle-aged man wishes to
get a go;;d place tOOO work about the
house and to take care of iiorses, and in
which I bare along experience; can tar
nish cood reference, and small payisex
ipected. Address N. U. P.,care'J7(;lobe build
in k, city.
IF YOl' WANT a tine piece of cloth fora
suit, overcoat or pair of pants, attend
the administrator's sale ot the King stock at
479 Wobasba st,
DACKK+'-A ninn «ilh good city refer-
J ences would like a place as packer in
wholesale house. Address 11. B. 11.. u44 U.iy
ton ay.
PORTCK — Wanted, a situation in grocery
X.: store ms porter or good cleric (colored);
have had eight years" experience. Address
Andrew Ford, postoffice.
STKNOGHAPHKB — Competent stenog
rapher desires position at once: writes
Pitman system ; has ima four years'experi
ence: can furnish good references. T 72,
Glo! c.
STfc.:SOGRAPBKK— Wanted, position by
young man »s stenographer; can fnrnlsb
best of references. Address A. J. 643£ndi
cott Btiilding.
rpiAHM'Kli-An hon st young man. i r >
-L year.-, speaks German "aiui English,
would like to get some work as teamster. L.
T., 157 Uelvidero, West side.
W'OBK FOB BOAiili— A wilting young
man wants to get a place to work
mornings and evenings for board and attend
school. Call at Globe Business College, En
dicutL building. •
IJOAI?I> «lFlTi?i:i>. .
ADMINISTKAT.UI .-> 8 A_K of the King
stock of line imported woolens by aac
iion still continues at 4iit Wabasba st.
BOARD— rent at \M East Congress st..
a comfortable room, suitable for two
young women, or young married couple, in
steam-heated flat, with use of parlor, ami
board, at reasonable term*; (i o'clock din
BOARD — Nicely furnished larue front
room, with alcove; also single rooms;
nil modern improvements : day board, with
6 o'clock dinner. 251 Seloy ay.'
BOARD— Nice heated rooms, cheap, sin;;lf»
or en suite; handy location; board, if
desired, and room, S4 per week; good con
veniences. 386 \\ tilni'.t st.
Board — Heated rooms, with beard, for
gentlemen, use bath, $1 per week; ladies.
S>:) pci week : references exchanged. L'l7
BOARD— Lnrce front room nnd a small
room on tuiru floor, with board. ft)J
Wiibaslm st.
BOARD— Famished rooms, with first-class
board, ut £i 7 East Tenth st.
|»I>AUL> — Furnished rooms, with board,
X> for gentlemen, $3.75 per week. IBi* East
Tenth st.
BOARD— Large, pleasant room and first
class board; oue block irotn Selby cable.
250 Dayton ay.
BOARD— Table board, $3 per week; nicely
furnished rooms, $} per month up. 49
West Fourth s:., uenr St. Peter.
Boa id} — Nicely furnished front room
with nlcove, suitable for two gentlemen;
bonro:. f>7K Cedar st.
GOOD liDAKD and heated rooms at 19
East Ninth st. ; also, day boarders can
be accommodated; terms reasonable.
AKKIVtD THI* WEEK and lor sale
cheap, two curloads of heavy horses
and mures; weight, from 1,300 to 1.700
pounds; come aud look at these if you want
to see goad stock at low prices. Minnesota
i>nle Stable, 11(5 Fifth st. souih, Minneapolis.
horse, suitable for driving or delivering ;
will take groceries or good top bngey in ex
change. < nil »t Wright's Livery. East. Ninth.
vJ place, our entire stock of new cutters,
sleighs, jump-seats and pony cutters on sale
during the present weet; one-third oft'nn
everything. King's Carriage I'ooms. corner
Fourth aud Miuuesota Kts.
HORSES wintered at Dell wood Farm; the
best »f accommodations: only seven
miles out; horses called for and returned to
any part of the city. N, R. Frost, 10 Frost
WANTED- Cash naid for horses, bug
gies, wagons, harnesses, cutters, etc.;
come if you want to sell, liv Fifth st. south,
WANT TO BUY a good driving horse
or two ponies; must be young, sound
and cheap; for cash. James O'iieara, 303
| Jackson or 578 Iglehart st.
GARBAGE— To the Public: Please send
vX all orders for removal of garbage and
dead animals to our office. Room 109 David
■on Block: Telephone call 1313; complaints
promptly attended to. St. Paul Garbage Co.
proved Turkish baths. Kheumatism
successfully treated by Emma Thorson, pro
fessional massugist, Room 115, Moore, Seven
corners. ■ . . . . . .
* costumes, wigs and grease paint. . Mrs.
L. Neumann. ;">ti Enst Seventh st.
FJ. KOCIIKX, N. w. Steam Dye Works
• office, 416 Robert St., Ryan block works,
'.'■ and .'/7 Indiana ay.
JA.VISOX & CO., - Xew York Steam Dye
Works; ■ ladies' and gents' clothing a
► pe<ialty. 14 West Sixth St. . ; .
X.vii:,. il» A; .Mi.Nlr.l,, Minnesota
Mf-nm I)ve Works. 244 East Seventh. s
' X liK> East -'I bird St.. repair. or reomdel
seal, plush ■or : fur cloaks, aud . the work is '
Vi ell Uoue at reasouaWt prices.
A stcck of fine imported woolens by auc
tion still continues at 479 Wabasna st.
BOOKKEEPER— W autcd. by a young
lady of experience, position as book
keeper or cashier; can give best of refer
ences. Address A. 8.. Flat 51, Hotel Ilarteau.
COOK— Wanted, cooking or laundry work
by the day, and second cooking aud
kitchen work in hotel or restaurant, or good
paying general work by married woman and
two girls. Call or address, 51 West Ex
change st ' '
DISHWASHING— A girl wishes a place
to do dishwashing; wishes to sleep «t
home. T. H., '.'I East Ninth.
DINING ROOM WORK— A cirl want-, a
place for dining room wotk. Address
C 81. Glob*.
T\RKSS.MAK.KR wishes sewing in fami-
U lies: cutting and fitting especially: ref
erences if required; also sewing done at
home at reasonable rates. 417 University ay.,
down stairs.
DRESSMAKING by the day; price rea
sonable. '-'61 fast Kiehth ot.
DRESSMAKKU— Position in families by
a first-class dressmaker; references if
required. Address II 85, (ilobe.
DBK&SIIAKIKG to do at home. 401
North Kxchaiißa.
DRKSSMAKKR wants tamily sewing;
undrrstauds cutting and fitting. JittJ Wal
nut st.
EBEP—OYMKNT wanted by a young girl
attending High school, two hours each
day. X HO, (ilobe.
FIBBT-C_ABS second giris waiting for
places at :i«W Walnut st.
Hor^-KKKI'KK— American lady wishes
position as housekpeper for widower or
single gentleman willing to pny $-5 per
month. Address il.msi'kif per, Globe.
HOUSEWORK— Young girl wants place
to assist in general housework. Ad
dress V Ti. Globe.
HoI'SKWOIiK— Situation wanted by two
good German girls; speak Knglish; ex
perienced in housework; references. Call
.Monday. IMI West Seventh st.
HOCsKWORK— A good Swede yirl wants
n place in a smalt, respectable family:
state how larut. 1 family and address today uud
tomorrow naoming, d 75, Globe.
HOOSKKJSKPITR — wanted— A lady of
large experience in Kustem cities is
open lor ciigiigemciit as hotel housekeeper,
or would like to manage a select boarding
house; cau furnish A I references. Address
P 78, Globe.
1 ADI EM can call on Larpomcur for good
J help: Kirls wailing for situations.
Wauted, man pastry cook for out of town;
irages, S4O.
LADIKS in need of competent cooks and
giils for housework. Scuudiuavinn Office,
corner Tenth and Sibley.
JAtNDKKSN — Wanted, situation In laun
-J dry. Call or address r>4-' (.Vdar, up
LATODKKBB— Worthy the day iv pri
vate families by a first class laundress;
understand* irasbiug flannels. Mrs. M. 8.,
I" AI'NDItY GIKL— SItUUion wanted in it
±J laundry by a young lady. Pletue call
or address to 542 Cedar.
JV[ i*rsi<: — Professional nurse wishes posi
ll tion to attend infant. Address Z 70,
jVf UKsh — Wanted, by an experienced lady,
ll a position as sick nurse. Call or ad
dress r>bti St. Anthony ay.
OFFICE WORK— Position wanted l.y a
young lady with experience, as clerk in
ofiice or store; jjuod penman; references
furnished, o IKJ. f.lobe.
SEWING— Dressmaker would like .sewing
in families. Call tSS Hondo st.
SKWING— Wanted, by an experienced
band, family sewing; children's clothing
a specialty. Call n[) stairs ut H-jti Pine st. : can
give references.
SEWING— Wanted— dressmaker wants
sewing by the day. in families. Call or
address ISS Hondo. " -
BTEKOOKAPHKK— A young lady wishes
position in office as stenographer: la
good DOiiiinian and typewriter; will work for
smnll pay llrst. Address M U5. Globe.
CTtIROOBAPHEK - experienced and
O ncenrate lady stenographer desires a po
sition (or afternoons; best of references.
Address B 78, Globe.
STKNOGUAPIIKK — Vounc lady would
like position as stenographer and office
assistant; good penman. Address B K4,
STEKOOKAPHBK— Position wanted by
a young lady, well experienced; can fur
nii-li hesi ><! city references; please address
or call i'l Central aye., H. 8., city.
STENOGRAPHER -Competeu tl^dvclen
ogrrapher wishes work; can furnish ma
chine: will work for reasonable salary. Ad
drem A 7*. Globe.
rpvFKWRITlXJ— Wanted, a position in
A some good office; can do typ-.vriting nnd
famish own machine; have hnd two years'
experience Id same. P26, (Jlobe.
U7 ASHING— A German girl wants to go
out by the day washing. Cull at 4t>
West Ninth »t.
WASHING— A woman wishes to go out
washing, ironing or housecleuuiug.
Address 11 East Seveiuii, Icoom 11.
W' ASHING wanted :it 4.V. East Sixth St.;
called for and delivered.
WRITING— Young lady wishes writing
to do at home : la a good penman and
a rapid worker; will work cheap. J (3U,
A MAN act wife not afraid of work, and
willing 10 invest flOdcaah, to take hold
of a business bringing in $400 per month.
Address Mercantile Bond it Inference Co.,
303 Jackson.
CAPITALISTS— YOU will never Cud a
better opportunity for a safe investment
where profits are 50 j per cent, on the manu
facture of a, staple article; patented and
thoroughly introduced: it's a rare chance;
investigate. 710 Wright Block, Minneapolis,
..- —All the furniture uud household goods
in that finely furnished first-class private
boarding house of forty-eight rooms, Nos. 7
and 9 Lyons court, Sibley St., between
Ninth and Tenth .«ts., St. Paul; rent very rea
sonable; also the furniture in the eleven
room bouses, Not. 230 and 233 East Tenth
si. A rare opportunity is offered. Apply to
Maurice Lyons, 720 Cedar st., or No. 7 Lyons
PARTIK* with capita!, it will pay you to
. -L investigate a manufacturing "business
where the amount investedjwill return in prof
its the first year; goods staiUe. patented, and
thoroughly introduced: a chance of a life
time; investigate. 710 Wright Block, Minne
apolis, Minn. -
-TV tures — The valuable and well equipped
restaurant and bar. still in operation, for
merly owned and managed by the late W. J.
Dunnebuek, is for Hale; the opportunity for
the purchase of a first-class plant at very
low price is unequaled. Address T 68,
proper party an interest in an old estab
lished business paying from 10 to 20 per cent
per annum: $ 10, i,00 to S'JO.OW required. Ad
dress in own name, Lock Box £JIS St. Paul,
WA.MKI* — Energetic men as county
agenta. We guarantee $ 1.000 a year.
Dr. rintton. Cupitol Block. St. Paul. Minn.
HOUSK No KM Marshall ay. ; new, njod-
OUSt crn: itn rooms.
>'o. 688 Sell ay. ; eight rooms; new; com
plete iii every respect.
No. (ISO Jlinnehaha st. ; seven rooms; easy
Will improve lots to suit purchaser, and
make satisfactory terms.
C. S. Heron. 45 .V. G. A. Bank.
and Art. -15 East Exchange St., St. Paul—
Piano, violin, guitar aud mandolin taught.
Lessons given in drawing and painting. Call
or tend for prospectus. ■■ - - .-
V —Open daily ('except Sunday). Text
book "Science and Health" on sale. li) Ilolel
Barteau. ■
ai. T^MPi^iS. 00 Oermania Life Insui
HM. Te.Mt>UK, % (ierwaiiia, Life lubui
• aa« Building...
IC«>u(iu{c Acenoy.
stock of fine imported woolens by am:
ion still continues at 479 VVabtsha *t.
fi H. SCHMTTGEK & CO., realest.t !
v/. house-renting agency and Insurance.
Rooms a and 10. Sehoch Block. "
FOR KENT— House*, cottages, flats, roomt
and stores, 1 ' cheaper than ever before.
C. A. Ksterly. 4 Mannhelmer block. '
HOUSE— Seven room house rim bnrn.wl h
, city water, for rent. Apply at l!*.
Martin st.
TJ Ten-room house, with nit mod
-1 ' em improvements, corner Igleh»rt and
Louis sts. : will rent cheap, if taken at once. '
Apply at 227 Iglehart st.
HOUSE— rent, house No. f.7t5 Lincoln
hv. ;to good parties chen for winter.
Apply to owner. Koom Pfl. Olobe building.
HOUSr:— Furnished house for rent with
eight rooms and >>aih. to reliable part]
without children. Apply Koom 320, Pioneei
Press Building.
FLATs—Two four-room tlats with citj
water for rent. Apply I!>\'i-j Martin >•».
A— HOTEL KKUNSWICK. for cell tie
• men only; fifty modern steam-heated
rooms by day. week or month.
CBOAB ST., t>:iT- One large room, with
J bedroom connected: both front room*,
furnished: five minutes from city hall.
DAYTON AY— For rent, furnished room
on Dayton ay. : modern conveniences;
private family; gentleman only, Address
8.. Globe.
ELEVENTH ST.. 49— For rent, one luri?e
and one small furnished room, heated.
EL V TH ST.. m EAST — For ren »
Xj front room, nicely furnished; sti'imi
heat. bath, etc.: private family.
FIFTH ST.. 137, WEST— Rice Paris
—For rent, desirable furnished front'
room. 1
IGLEHAKT ST.. 8-I— To rent, fiirnislx d
J rooms; heat.bath and nan; private family.
PLKASANT AY., Near Cable Line
■L Nicely furnished rooms, in the lirieic
row, wi'h or without board.
ROOMS— Two front rooms, unfurnished,;
suitable for li^ht housekeeping, lu
iiuire ground floor, 107 West Fourth st. w
ROOMS— Furnished rooms for rent with!
use of bath, from Si to £s per month. $
Apply 000 Cedar st. J
ROOM— rent, nicely furnished room ;{
all modern conveniences; steam hcat.il
Inquire I*o West Collese ay. '
nOBKHTST., SO. 53!>-Two turni>heoJ
XV rooms, heated, to rent, with board.
SIXTH 5T.,128 WEST— Furnished rr oms-Sj
hot we.ter heating, electric licht tuidil
bath; tine view. ___J
SIXTH ST.. '.'2B WKST — Three unfui^'
nished rooms for rent.
ST. I'KTEK ST, 457— Four nnfnrulshcdi
TENTH. WTZ EAST— For rent, two pleas-.]
ant furnished rooms; bath, heut, gHR,
pn.TO.N. 4!)— For rent, nice room forgen
-L tlemau: furnace heat; use of bath; S*
per month.
WALNUT ST.. 38.">— Two furnished, en
suite, .suitable for light housekeeping
or two gentlemen; cood convenience!).
A BASH A ST.. Corner Tenth—
"* Furnished rooms for rent: place '|iiiet.
Kai miUKli »V Johnson, Auclloii«
1 etc., at public auction at the residence
No. 484 ' iilur st., on Wednesday, Nov. 30, ut
10 a. in.; all the furniture, consisting of •.■'
parlor furniture, fine bedroom suits. Kent,
wardrobes, center tabled, pictures, toilet- ■
ware, lour heating stores, all the blankets,
quilts, spreads, pillows, etc.. etc., one (Jtilclc
Merlinn range, with water front, cooking
Utensils, etc.; ibis Is ii nice, clean lot of ' .
goods; parties looklnß forbarKalns in house
hold furniture .should attend this bale. Knv
nnaKh it Johnson, Auctioneer?, i-<;, ISB, mo
East Sixth st.
to hxchai\(;l:. - .
To EXCHANGE— A modern iiine-room
X house for stock of hardware or genen 1
merchandise: house is nearly new; lirst class ■-
location. Address O. S. Wiseman, 18.'J5 iglc- . ."
hurt st., Merrinm Park, Minn. •
nno EXCHANGE— A very flue farm ol *» '
X acres In Afton. Washington county,
Minnesota, for exchange for desirable red. .
dence property on St. Anthony hill in St.
Paul. Inquire of K. S. (.'hltto!id<»n.
Notice of Application tor L/juor*
CrrrCLBRK'B Office. •
St. Paul, Minn., Nov. lU, 18X 1 . t
To Whom It May Concern:
Notice Is hereby given that the t i)llowfi
linracd persons have applied for a license to
»-< - 1 1 intoxicating liquors for the year A. I>.
1803, at the places or locations hereinafter
Brady, J. 8., West Seventh street, Fort '>.
SnelliugbridKe; Bruggemann, John, 610 Ed
mund Street: Emraert. William, >.'■'.' .iHCkson
street: Funk, Melchoir. 238 Carroll street;
Hamm, Theo., 103 ' West Palrfield avenue; :
lluinm. Thro., Bßo Mississippi itreetrllumm, :
Theo., 7PI East Seventh street; Hanim.Tbeo..
255 East Seventh "-ireet; Hamm, Theo.. Mi
Minuebaha street: Ileger. Carl. I'JO East Sev
enth street: Luck, Gustave. 174 East Fifth
street; Miesen. A., 172 East Seventh street;
Mieseu. A., 319 St. Peter street; Mtesen. a.,
800 at. Peter street; Moore, James A., 3il
West Seventh street.
Now. therefore, notice is further given that
the said applications will be heard and con
sidered by the undersigned at his office in
the new city hall, on the 7th day of Decem
ber, A. I). 1802, nt JO o'clock a. m., where ull
persona interested may appear and will bo
Le&rd. TllO^i. A. PKENUEUGAST.
City Clerk.
nov 21-29
Changs of Street Grade.
Cm Clerk's Office, )
St. Paul, Minn.. Nor. in, l-'tj. ,"
Notice is hereby given that the As>u;molr
of the City of St. Paul, at its meeting to Mi
held on Thursday, the day of Dectniber,
a. I). 1892, at 7 ac» o'clock p. m., at the Coun
cil Chamber, in the City Hall, will consider
nnd may order a change of grade on the fol
lowing-named street, between the point!
named, to wit :
between Stlckuey street and Kansas avenue,
as icported upon by the Board of Public
Works, under date of Oct. 13, ls;»-.'. which tad
report was adopted by said Assembly Oct. li,
All in accordance with and as indicated by
the green line on the profile thereof, and as
reported upon as beinvc necessary and proper
by the Board of Public Works, under data
above-mentioned, and which said report win
adopted by the said Assembly at its meeting
held on dale above-mentioned.
The profile indicating above-proposed
change is on file and can be s>eeu at this
By order of the Assembly.
PARK-Offlce of the Board or Public Works,
City of St. Paul, Minn.. Nov. 22; I**.'.— Sealed
bids will be received by the Board of Public
Works in and for the corporation of the City
of St. Panl. Minnesota, at their office in said
city, until 12 m, on the .'in day of De em
ber, A. D. IS!).", for lining and draining lots
2 and 20, and that portion of the alley ml
joining said lots in block .3. Oulcville Park,
in said city, so as to abate nuisance of
swamps, ina:>hes and stagnant ponds '.here
on according to plans »nd specifications on
file in the o Slice at said Board.
A bond with at least two (.') sureties in a
sum of at least twenty (80) percent, or v cer
tified check on a bank of Si. Paul In a -inn
of at least ten (19; per cent, of the gross
amount bid must nccompanv each bid. Miia
check hlm'il be made payable to the Cleric of
said Board.
The -:>:.! Board reserves the rijthi i'> reject
any and nil bids.
J. c QL'INBY. President Pro Tern.
Official-, ... T. !\.r.i-.K.KIL
cieri Board ot Public Woris.

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