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4 THE DAILY GLOBE OFFICIAL PAPEjtt OV THIS CITY J I BLISHED EVERY DAY - C •:_ AT TUB GLOBK miMMNO, ( wISXEB li-OCUTH AXP CEDAR STKEKT3. BT- PAUL GLOBE SUBSCRIPT KATE Daily I Not Including Sunday.) 1 vr in advaiicc.gS 00 I 3 m in advaiice.S2.oo tin in advance. 4 00 | U weeks in adv. 100 One month 700. IkS JUII.Y AND SUNDAY. ]yr In advanee.SK> oo j 3 rr.os. in adv.. s2 >0 « t.j in advance. 500 I 5 weeks in adv. 100 One month *-i>c. HMIAY AJ.ONK. 1 vrin advances* 00 1 3 mos. In adv.. ..50c ( advance.. 1 M> I 1 m. In advance. 2oc li.i-Vekki.y- (Daily- -Monday, Wednesday and Friday.) ■jrin .?-l 00 | U mo?. inndv..s-W t> months in advance — SI 00. WXXELT 81. PADI. GXOBB. Iwe s car $1 i fcix mo., BSc | Three mo., 3oC rejected communications cannot l>e pre imed Aodictß all letters nr.rt telegrams to 'j ll F GLOBE, St. Paul, Minn.. taslcrn Advertising Office- Room 76, Trilmie Building, New York. Complete filesof the GLonEalwnvsltepton liiind for reference. Patrons and friends are ci rdially Invited to visit mid avail themselves ol the fftcUiließ.of our Eastern Ottice while in Is ew York. TODAY'S WEATHER. Wabhikotou, Dec 2o.— For Minnesdta and the Dakotas: Generally fair: variable winds, mostly north; slightly colder in the Daicotas. For Wisconsin: Generally fair; variable winds; BlighUy warmer. For lowa: Light local buows; variable winds, mostly north east. For .Montana: Snow; north to oast winds; colder in eastern portion. GENERAL OBSEIIVATION9. United St ltks Department of Aobicui.t rnp. Weatubh Bureau. Washington-. Dec. !i 1:48 p. m. Local Time, p. m. 7. th Merid ian Time.— Observations taken at the same nomenl of lime at all stations. ■ iil! i ill feo-g sfgo Pinoe of g" => j£ ■ Place of g- % S Observation. B o s c- (Observation, ss.J ' : : 71 " - - ■ t M. haul 30.22 10| ! Havre 30.20 4 Duiutb in.i'j 2 Miles City... 30.08 10 La Crosse... 30.26 C 'Helens 30.24 8 Huron 10.18 10 j Calgary... .30.51 —4 JMerre 30.20 14 : jMed'eHat..; -KUtS 'i Jloorhead... 30.30 0 JQu'Appelle. 30.10 —6 liisniarck. :J0. 14 6 hSw'tUur'ent 30.22 - Vt. lii.tunl.. :t- j. 10 (ij jWiimit-eK ■■ 40. '-JO —10 — liekiw zero. P.P. lvroNs. Forecast Ofllclal. THE CRISIS IN PRANCE. The crisis in France is assuming an importance which at first was hardly expected. The overthrow of a ministry Is an event of too frequent'occurrence In France to excite any apprehension of Berioud difiiculties for the republic, but in this case the downfall of the ministry appears to have been but an incident in the crisis instead of its conclusion. The situation assumes a graver aspect daily, mid the resignation of President CABNOT Is one of the least serious of the con sequences that threaten. If Caunot resigns, M. Constans will unques tionably be chosen his successor; but It is exceedingly doubtful if Mr. CoBT BTA.NS could succeed any better than can Cau.vot in calling to his ai*l a min istry which would command the sup port of the chamber of deputies and the confidence of the country. The Panama scandal has so besmirched the leaders of the Republican faction in France that a popular revulsion against the existing form of government is imminent. Cox kians is an honest man. but he does not possess the magnetic qualities which are essential to. ascendency over the hero worshiping Preuch populace.-vlf Boc'c.ek were alive, he would have his opportunity ' today. But Bou lanoeb lies, in a suicide's grave, and there is none to take his ' place. In this consists the safety of the republic. The republican leaders are discredited mid despised, but there is no popular idol to take advantage of the popular tiiscontent. If among the BoußßOXs.the Orleanists or Bonapartes tbere were one man capable of inspiring the mer curial French temperament with en thusiasm in his own behalf, the repub lic would probably succumb to the de mand for a new order of things. But there is no such man, so far as is at present discernible ; and unless one is developed out of the situation, the French republic will emerge from its present difliculties a trille disfigured, but still alive and vigorous. LOOSEN THE PURSE STRINGS. This is the time of the year when we hear more or less about "Christmas ex travagance." OlTicious moralists take it upon themselves to lecturo a weak and misguided world on the sinfulness of excessive generosity. "Don't be led away by the temptation of the hour," they say. "Cc just before you are gen- I'ious. Don't f i 11 the children's stocK until the month's rent is paid and Hie coal bill is settled."' A truce to such rigid and frigid mor nlizing. We recognize its justice, but we deny its humanity. The landlord and the coal baron have rights which we are bound to respect, but so have the little ones at home. Bills should be paid, but by some hook or crook Christinas should be made a happy day for our loved ones. There is no form of extrava gance so justifiable as a little loosening nil the purse-strings on Christmas. Many a niiiii who thinks he cannot af ford the cost of a merry Christmas for his family will squander twice the amount in a Christmas eve celebration with '"the boys." That is the only form ot Christmas extravagance which the Ulobk is inclined to censure; but, in such a case, our censure is strong enough to recognize the merits of a coat uf tar and leathers. VESTED RIGHTS. It is a familiar principle of our com mon law that when rights have become vested the beneficiaries shall not be divested without their consent. The constitutional inhibition of laws Im pairing the obligations of contracts fol lows this principle. Properly applied, the rule is a just one and a necessary Due, if we are to have commercial sta bility. That it has been improperly ap plied, and that courts and legislatures have been trying to avoid the prece dents established, every lawyer knows. Even its proper application is made to shelter fraud and corruption. A corpo ration buys franchises trom a council or legislature involving a suriender of public rights or property, and when a remedy by repeal is sought, it finds safety behind the plea of vested rights or that of the inviolability of contracts. But it is left for t lie discomfited pa ternaUats to reduce ihe rule to an ab surdity by claiming that they have vested rights in the legislation of the protectionists. A bounty is voted a steam ship line, an J the proposal to repeal Ihe act is met with the claim that the bounty was a contract. It is gravely argued that the various industries bene fited by the act, havlug ad justed their business to it, are entitled to its continuance ou the principle of v.'sic 1 rights. With equal audacity one Oxnaim), who has gone into the beet* Bugannakuig in Nebraska, insists that iiih federal government must continue pay i UK lii'ii two cents for eace pound of sugar he makes because a congress promised it, and he has embarked iv the business upon the strength of it. Rea soning the same way. and with equal if not greater plausibility, officers have objected to a reduction of their salaries during the term for wiiich they.were elected because they had a vested right to the salary during their term. But courts have made short work of that plea, and there is no doubt that they will make as summary disposal of the claim of the bounty-fed industries.shoulU they sue tor the'u stipend after the next con gress shall have sent the acts giving them bounty to the museum for the preservation of the relics of the reign of paternalism. KXIT MR. FKIG. The state canvassing board yesterday canvassed the votes of the Seventh con gressional district and directed a certifi cate to issue to H. E. Bock, tlie Topulist candidate. Mr. Fi;m; was present at the canvass with his attorney, and objected to the votes of Marshall county being counted for Mr. BoKN, on the ground that on the ballots used in that county his name was 11. E. Boen while in all the other counties it was Haldob E. Boen. Mr. Feio evidently relied on the partisan relations of the major part of the board to give him the certilicate on this threadbare technicality, and must have been deeply grieved at the contemptuous manner in which their honors brushed aside his cobwebs. Mr. Feio did not, of course, expect to hold the seat thus obtained. He knew, if he is capable of knowing so much, that the house of representatives would make very short work of his case. But Mr. FEIO had heard somewhere, possibly had read somewhere, of men who had received certificates which the house had refused to recognize, and that the ousted member had been allowed a liberal stun for his expenses, beside tiie .salary lie might draw pending the de cision. To Mr. Feio, who, we believe, when he is not in pursuit of political place, makes his livelihood by cultivat ing a small farm up in Kaudiyohi coun ty, this prospect was very alluring, and was no doubt the controlling motive in this attempt to get Mr. Boen's seat on the flimsiest of pretexts. Mr. Feig can now retire to the county with the music al name and muse on the utility of tricks in the game of politics; unless, indeed, he should think his services to the party demanded recognition in some position in the legislature- say door keeper to a cloak room, for instance. PROHIBITION BY DETAIL. Tne Prohibitionists, having failed of success by direct assault, are sapping and mining. They are now busily en gaged in gathering their forces for the first line of approach, and will present and try to force through a bill extending local option to the counties. Two years ago they were foiled in their efforts ni this direction by the Democrats of the house, but they evidently regard the presence ot a Republican majority as favoring them. They do not build with out reason. Wherever prohibition has obtained a footing it was through that party. And very properly. There is no difference, save in degree, between the spirit which wouldlmake men sober by legislation and that which would make wealth by the same means. Prohibition is only the sentimental side of protec tion, and paternalism is their common mother. It is not probable that their effort will he crowned with success. The Democrats will oppose it on principle. Not that they oppose sobriety, nor that they favor drunkenness, but because they do not believe it a proper function of government; because they believe it an unwarranted interference with the freedom of the citizen; because it be longs to the field of moral suasion and because coercion is useless and futile. On the other hand, the Republicans will light shy of iti They will see in it but a step towards state prohibition, and the result in those states where their party has committed Uself to that cause is not such as to commend it as a strengthening plaster for its weakening back. Tne Populists will be divided, but there are not enough of them to make it of much importance what they will or will not do. So the Globe be lieves, as it hopes, that county option will be but an iridescent dream. TUE SPRINGER BILL. The Chicago Tribune comments fa vorably on the bill ot Mr. Spbingeb for electoral representation of the minority parties in a state, but it differs ma terially from the Globe in its concep tion of the use to be made of the frac tions, minor or major, over the electoral quota. Illustrating the operation of the bill by the recent vote of that state, it finds that the unit of representation in the electoral vote is o(i,400. the total vote being 873,000. Dividing HARRI SON'S vote by the unit would give him 10 electoral votes, with a remainder of 35,288. Cleveland would set n votes, with a remainder of 25,841. Weaver's vote was 25,870, and BIDWELL's 22,247. '•Therefore," the Tribune concludes, "the board would have certified that Illinois had cast 12 votes for Cleve land, 11 for Harrison and 1 for Weaver." Just on what principle the Tribune fig ures that Weavei: with 25.000 votes and Cleveland with a_ similar remainder get one electoral vote each, while Bid- WELL with 23,000 gets none, is hard to perceive. On that of the use of major fractions all candidates would get one each, which would bring the total above the state's quota. Bidwell's major fraction is just as much entitled to rep resentation as is either of the others, if justice is the purpose of the Mil, and just as much as WEAVER is entitled to one. The plan suggested by the (tLobe is more equitable. By it each would get that fractional part of an electoral vote resulting from the division of his re mainder by the electoral unit. Mr. Weaver would have .7 of a vote and Mr. Bidwell .0. Thus each candidate would receive exactly the part of the electoral vote of the state to which he was entitled, and the minorities would all have their proper representa tion. RLAIN WORDS, BUT TRUE. The Chicago Herald has scant regard for the Eastern Democrats, or for any of them anywhere, who yet tremble and shiver at the thought of free trade. It says, with the pomtedness of a cam bric needle, "if avowed protection is a fraud and a cheat, then incidental pro tection is an incidental fraud and cheat." Minnesota Democrats have been talking that way for a number of years, but it will fall harshly on the ears of those Eastern doughfaces who want just a trifle less protection than the Republicans do. The fact is that Democratic arguments have educated the mnss of the party to think: just as the Herald does. The result of our ar guments against protection parallel that of the Republicans' against slav ery. Jusi as thes^' latter ran on logical lines to the abolition of slavery, so ours run to the abolition of tariffs. When the time tomes to put on the brakes and slow the movement of tin: party down to a stop at the tariff station, it will be found that the headway is too great, and it will run rcsistlessly to the last THE SAINT PAUL DAILF GLOBE: WEDNESDAY MORNING. DECEMBER 21, 5892. station. The people have been taught that any taritf is a tax on what men eat and wear, and that wealth escapes, and we will find that they have learned too much to stop short of the logical end. Col. Shepabd, of the Mail and Express, rises to ask '-when will New York city shake off the incubus of 10,00J gin mills?" It has recently transpired that a Single gin mill oc casionally gives the pious colonel more of an incubus than he can conveniently carry, bo we fully understand his solicitude for Gotham staggering under its 10,000-niiUs load. The Hepublicaa convention of '88 de clared iv good, round terms that, rather than abate one jot or tittle of their protective sys tem, they would abolish the whole internal revenue system. The movement of the Dem ocrats to conserve and increase the internal tax on spirits while abolishing protection is the logical antithesis. m The momentous question now up for dis (Mission is whether .Miss Helen Gould or Miss Gahkktt, of Baltimore, is the richest unmarried woman in this country. It's enough to make Jay turn over m his grave to hear those brash Baitimoreaus talk up their candidate. The senatorial situation in Xorth Dakota is getting in a very demoralized condition. It was bad, has been getting worse for some time, and now looks as it it were going from worse to SV'obst. When the enterprising actress isn"t acting, She loves to pose for statues nowadays; Taking one consideration with another, Stage advertising has its wily ways. By the time the women who didn't pose for it get throngh with th*r criticisms of that Montana statue it will wish it had uever been cast. With the approach of the holidays the air hole in the pond prepares to get iv Us work on the American small boy and his first pair of skate. If Biuu(;s had been a heretic two hundred years two his case would not have dragged so. It would have had a red-hot finish iv short order. Mb. Davis will start for home Thursday evening. He kuows better than to tempt fate by starling on his senatorial cruise on Friday. Asthe Panama canal scandal continues to exuand we wonder more than ever how -Mars manages to worry along wilh all its canals. Talk is usually cheap, but the market is being siill further btared by Republican ex plaimtious of what hit them. SLEEPYTOWN ITEMS. New York Herald. ,-r Passenger— Will you wake me up in • Philadelphia, porter? Porter— Not allowed to wake anybody there, sir. . He Migrht Hi^ve Known. Detroit Free Press. "I've seen slow messengers boys be fore," said Buntiusr, angrily, to the little fellow who had taken hour to go two squares, "but you are the slow est of Hie sluw. Where on earth were you raised. "In Philadelphia, sir," replied the boy. A Killing Item. Good News. New York Boy— Bet you ain't got any tliing in Philadephia we haven't Philadelphia Boy— Bet we have, too. New York Boy— What Philadelphia Suicide clubs. Regular Record- Breakers. New York Weekly. Miss Gotham— That talk about Phila delphia being so very, very slow is merely a newspaper joke, isn't it ? Visiting Minister— Certainly it is. You just ought to se« .a. Philadelphia congregation leavine church. __ — o '■ JOCULAR JIN GLSS.-_ < Sneeze, sneeze, sneeze. There is no way to help it, you see. . For."grip\' lias landed oncu more Iv tiie home of the brave mid the free. — Chicago Inter Ocean. \ ' —: : .Knocked. Ont at Last. ' tstop, traveler! beneath this mound ■■: There lies a fistic star; He had the best of ever, rouud,' Except those at the bar. —New York Sun. The Coniins; of Christmas. Behold the roan with ihe wrinkled brow! Such circums&ncea try him. Himself he stinteth nobly now That he will Day, he bath vow. if'or gifts his wife shall buy him. - • ;.-„':; :, — Washington Star. It's Here Ajiain. . Now, mournful feelings to provoke ' ' Against all humau nature. We resurrect the ancient joke I'pon the legislature. And ere the members take their seats, Or at their desks can turn, The editor that cry repeats: "Oh, when will they adjourn?'' — Atlanta Constitution. A Maiden's Way. i In summer she refused the roses | . He sent her, bade him cease ' To send her flowers, she takes them now From him with unruffled brow. Because they cost him, she supposes, ■ - Today, a dollar apiece. — New York Press. ; ROYAL GRAXDMAMA'S GIFT The Sweet Little Pony Is a Be loved Playmate for the Little Battenhergs. Little Princess Victoria, one of the queen of England's favorite grandchil dren, .has a "dear little pony," which I know every one of you would just "love to have." The queen, for whom this little granddaughter is named, is a most loving and indulgent grandma, it seems, and loves to give the little ones jolly surprises every once and a while. For some years the children of the Duke and Duchess of Connaught (the duke is one of the queen's younger sons) spent much time with the queen during their parent's absence In India, while the Duchess of Albany's boy and girl are constantly at court. But her majesty's most frequent companions are the lit tle Prince and Princees of Battenberg, as they are the children of the daughter who has scarcely been parted from the queen throughout life. Her majesty delights in iriving chil dren's parties, and her latest gift to the juvenile Battenbergs has been a pretty colored pony. The children were driviug in Windsor one day recently when they met Messrs. Saneers' circus passine through the town. Charmed >.with the show, they gave an animated description to the queen, who imme diately requested the circus to parade in the royal grounds for the little folks' amusement. . One of the animals in the collection so pleased the children tnat she pur chased the cream-colored .pony, which the little princess always delighted; to ' ride. The creature is a great pet. and when the royal party was at Osborne one of the children rode the pony every morning. . ' ' -'_ " "-".-. ;■ AN ENGAGEMENT. She does not wear my little riug Upon her hand, 1 wonder why? It is because it tells something, The simple band. And she is shy? Yet one could see a ribbon peep Above the lace— (If one should try) About her throat; but let it keep It's hiding place From every eye. The secret is too new, too dear. No one must know, No one must spy; • It is so sweet to be so near, She wants it so: And I, and I. — Exchange. RESULTS DECLARED. The State Canvassing Board Partially Announces Offi cial Results. Everything Complete bugr Electors and Supreme ,| Court Judges. No Change in Official Majori ties From Figures Al ready Given. Boen Knocks Out Feig',s Claims and Get? His Car tificate. The votes cast in Minnesota on Nov. 8 were yesterday canvassed by the state canvassing board, all of the footings bavins buen completed last night, suve those of the votes cast for presidential electors and judges of the supreme court. The board is composed of two su preme court and two district judges and Secretary of State Brown. The su preme court. judges are (Jillillan and Collins, and. the district Kelly, of St. Paul, and Lochren, of Minneapolis. The clerks are Matt Jensen, assistant state treasurer; A. 11. Bertram, secretary of the state dairy commission: D. C. Light- i bourn, deputy state inxurance^eoininis sioner; E. Moody, assistant state land •commissioner; H. (}. Cowit'.eleik for the secretary of the state board of correc tions and charitk's, and Joseph A. Bol tou, eovernorls stenographer. Judge Gilrjllan has charge of the can vass of the vote on presidential electors. j Judge Collins has clianre of the canvass i of tiie vote for state officials and district judges, and Judges Kelly and Lochren have charge of the vote for congress men and supreme court judges. The vote for presidential electors is tabulated, but not- footed. The latter work wjll be completed today. The vote for supreme court judges is tabu lated," but not footed. The vote for state officials is tabulated and partly footed. The vote for congressman' is tabulated and footed. The vote, for judges of the "district court is tabulated and footed. The remainder of the work is completed. State Officials. . Tile totai3 of the vote tor state offi cials, so far as ascertained, are as fol lows: For Governor— Nethaway, D. .. 9),6 00 K. Nelson, It. .109,220 D.W. Lawler.D. <H.6)0 Cnilds' Dlur.. lS.t'os Ig. Donnellv.P. " 30.883 Lieut.-Governor— '*■ W.J.Dean, Pro. 12,239 D.M.Cloiißh,B..l 14.41(5 .. .— H. Hawkins. D. O.'.OJi . Nelson's pltir."l4.O:iO ■ = Secretary of State— dough's plur 13, ir>l F. P. Brown, H.IOJ.OIU Treasurer- Peter Nelsou.D. <J6.?:j)-. Jos.Bobleter.R .109,415 Jos. Leiciit, D.. 91.311-. Brown's plur. 8. '.'5. . Attorney General— Bobleter'splu 18,104?' n.W. Conjsresiional Vote. The totals for congress are as follows:: First District— David.Uorgau.l'r 3,180' J. A. Tiiwney,K..lS,l46 . r- W.H. Uarries,D:i4,ol»r> Kiefer's phi.. . 3,183* J.A.Vermileva.P 2,:(4-J Fifth District— P. ILUarsh, Pro. L 554 L"rnHstcher,K.H,4o3 J. W. Lawrence, Di").'.)!(J - 1 Tawney' plu... 3.151 T. 11. Lucas, P.. 3,151 Second District— J. T. Caton, Pro. 2,458 J.T. JfcCleary.H. 18.40? v "■ — -yr: liamud',D..U,^.l.>| Fletcher's plu. 2,547 S. C Lon r. P.... «V-<>B Si^ih District— 'i3.ll.broii.<ou.Pr.. 1,883 D. B. Searle, 1i.. 10,941 — - — M.K.Daldwii!,D. l7.3l7 McCleary's plu c.938 A. c. Parsons. P. 2,973 1 Third Distncs— \BL L. CuriaLPro. I,GOi J.P. 14,727 -— ~ O. M. Hall. D...15.850 Baldwin's plu. 37i5 P. BorclK-rt, P... 3,4(54 Seventh Distri i- r W. B. Keed.Pro. 1.41 a Henry Feig, X...1:.', < W. P. Kels : o, D.. r..Y!> ';ilali's plu ; . : . . I.IUI H. E. Boen, PvJ.rSJBH ' Fourth District— L.F.Hampson.Pr 2,731 A. It. Kiefer, X.. 16,634 I J.-N. Oaslle. D.\l3,4af> Boon's. plu ... 85 J.G.Dousherty.P •-'.•-'!:; r • ■'■■* Vote for District' JTiidues.v_ v The vote on district judges was as follows: First Judicial District— . -■ \V. c..\Villistou, r l). (no opposition)...: 10,-iOo '• Second District — "::'~.y ■'-■ W. D. Cornish. 1t.....) 1-2,181 J. W.-Willis, D ■ 12.837 Willis' majority, 350. Third District— Charles M. Start, R. (no opposition) .. 8, 411 Fifth District-- ; .. .. Thomas S. Bucknam, R » I,SSi T. Strickland FisK. I -.03-' Buckham's plurality, 5,41)."). Sixth District— , M. J. Severance D. (no opposition) .. 8,010 Seventh District— L. L. Bnxter, D. (no opposition) 16,902 Eighth District- Francis well. D..(uo opposition).. 9,448 Tenth District- John Whytock, R 8.782 11. It. Wells. 1 4.318 \\ hytoek s majority. 5,464- Eleventh District- Samuel H. .Moer, I{. (no opposition). 8,515 Thirteenth District— P. C. Brown. R. (no opposition) O.IU ■ Fourteenth District — Ira ii. Mills, 11 6,10:t Frank Ives. P 7,721 Ives majority, I.s'iß.'r. ; .... , ;, ..-, . ,^.; &. BOEN DKCLAKED ELECTED. The Claim* of Feig Upset in Short It is now Congressman-Elect Boen, of the Seventh district, and he has the per mission of the state canvassing board to writ^* < name "Haldor E. Boen" or "11. E. soen," as may bo most pleasing to him. The only portion of the proceedings of the meeting of the state canvassing board possessed of the slightest interest was the disposal of the claims of lion. Henry Feig for the certificate of elec tion as a member of congress tor the Seventh district. The fact that Mr. Feig would attempt to secure the cer tificate and thus throw Mr. Boen to the expense of acontest,had been widelyad vertseid.and many people expected that the attempt would amount to something . In this they were disappointed, as the GLOBE ail-along predicted they would be. Mr. Feig had no case and the can vassing board dismissed his claims with scant courtesy. As stated in the Gr.OBK several weeks aeo, the sole point made by Mr. Feig's attorney, Henry Johns, of this city, was that the state canvasstns board had not the powpr to add together the votes cast for 11. E. Boen and llaldor E. Boen, although knowing that these two names belonged to one and the same person. In two counties of the district, Marshall and Wilken, the cdunty auditor placed Mr. Boen on the official ballot as U. E. Boen instead of Haldor E. Boen as it appeared in the nomination papers sent to them. In the case of the Marshall county of ficial it seems that he had prepaied the "copy" tor the printer before Mr. Boen filed his certiiicate, and knowing him well as 11. E. Boen, so wrote the name. When the certificate arrived he noticed the difference, but thinking it a niatlgr of no moment made no change. JSfir.- Lange. the auditor of Marshall county, was present yesterday morning to ex ulain this mistake if necessary. The auditor of Wilkin county did uot ap pear, but the mistake there probably arose in the same manner. Had the canvassing board taken the view that Mr. Feig's attorney demanded, of course the certificate would have been given to Mr, Feig, absurd though the claim was. When Judge Collins announced that the board was ready to hear the attor neys in the matter, Hon. John W. Mason, Mr. Boen's attorney, stepped forward and cleverly threw the burden of contestant upon Mr. Feig. He said it would be proper for the board to de cide the order in which counsel would be heard, adding that as Mr. Feig ap peared as a contestant it would be proper to hear his representative first. This was agreed upon, and the fair haired Henry Johns stepped forward. '•We-admit,' he said, "that H. B. Boen and Hnldor E. Boen are oue and the same person, but claim that the rulings of the courts of all the states under statutes similar to ours give a canvassing t.oard uo power to settle such a question. The duties of this board arp simply to add up the returns sent in from the various counties and declare the result accordingly." Mr. Johns re»d from a Massachusetts ca«e, and also referred to the Mc- Knley - Wallace contest of some years ago in Ohio. In the latter the canvassing board declined to count ballots for Maj. Wallace be cause of mistakes in spelling and errors in the name, although the intention of thp voter was plain. The house of rep resentatives at Washington promptly undid this wrong, as Mr. Johns inti-. mated they would in the case in hand. The weakness of Mr. Johns' argu ment impressed his hearers, but under "the Keen and merciless logic of Mr. , Mason it shortly became absurd. In opening the case Mr. Mason said: "It seems to me that the counsel has given away his case alieady. He has ad mitted that U. E. Boen is the same per son as Hnldor E. Boen, and this conces sion leaves him no .-.round upon which to sia id." Here Mr. Mason read from the elec- Ltlou law of the which the state ment is plainly made that "persons," 1 and not names are to he voted for by the people. The Massachusetts ease was taken up, and declared not iti point. -But,"' Mid Mr. Mason, "in this Massachu setts case is a reference that is in point.'" . In the New York case the canvassing board had refused to count votes csst for'M. Clark for Mcses Clark, and the court in-deciding the case declared that the canvassing board should have counted votes cast tor M. M. Clark for ■Vloses Clark, and on this decision de cided Moses Clark entitled to the otlice. . Mr. Mason is a keen, incisive and pol ished speaker, and, while his argument was not lengihy, every point was care fully covered-, and when lie closed the chief justice leaned over and whispered something to Judges. Collins, Kelly and Lochren and Secretary of State livowir, -and then, -with a waveofhia hand, set tled the Fei»S contest. "The votes cast for Mr. Boen will be so counted," he said. DAMAGES AND DIVORCES Figure Liai-<;ely iii; Yesterday's Court Events. Maria Moracy began an action yesterday against the St. Paul UityKaihvay company for frO.fBO. blie suffered an atrophy uf the -muscles of the left shoulder and tost thereby , tbe use of ber arm trom falling otf a cable car ai >*i!ia avenue on April 13 last. It is claimed lhat the car started while she was alighting. m&&KGBP Wallet Holeomb has commenced an fiction aß A. J . Hard and o:ii'.-:s. with a view of recovering shares of the 'common stock in the American Indemnity company. Mr. llol conib says that by a clerical error in distrib uting the common stock when the company was organized several persona were given more snares than they were entitled to. Hard received :>:).;} t-hares more than his share. 'The others allowed the error to be 'corrected, and turned over the excessive shares, but Hard refuses to do so. hence the stiii against him. Tne i>ar value of the shares is S-VJ. ,S-wan P. Person, also known fi3 Swan I. Eisstrom. asks for a decree of divorce from Stiua Person. They were married November -"4, 1870. at Knaved, h»\veaen. They have "two children. The hu.sbanil came to Amer ica in l.S*>o, and lias since senl money to his wife and asked lier to come over to him. but Mie declines to leave her Sweden home for a home in Minnesota with her husl'and, hence the suit for divorce on the grounds of deser tion. Judge Brill will hold a term of the criminal coun'this morning. Mrs. Anna M. Smith, [the colored womau convicted of murder In '•the | third degree, will be tenieneed. Ihe penally ranges from seven to thirty years. .and ihe'genoral impression is that the won. tin will escape well with a long sentence, i'ai Hill, convicted of highway robbery ou Tenth street, iv front of the O'l,eary packing house, will also be sentenced. Other cases • of prisoners will be disposed of. I Judge Otis has , discharged the order to ' show causs in the case ol the Landers and Northwest American Company against Frank F. Loomis, and iias . modified a previous or der relative to the real estate that goes into itne iiaiius of a receiver. ■„ • ' William Wagner has entered suit against ,the city tor BsW)i) as damaged for two broken ribs and a dislocated arm, caused by a fail -o;i Pleasant b venue sidewals. '•" George \V. Martin & (Jo. havo garnished the effects of W. 11. Millman in the hands of >Is.Tres!ey & Co. to satisfy a claim of Si;s.4'J for money advanced. < Judge Otis has ordered an execution I against the sureties as a slay bond in the case ! of Howard 8. binith against Frank P. 4ic- Cauley and others. Walter Q. Chapin his garnished the effects i Thomas Keo<:h and Daniel Donnelly iv ' the hands of the rnion banlc, to. satisfy a note for 55150. ~. Thomas C. Connor osks judgment sgainst j F. li. Brady in the su:n of $V;UJ tor an as saul'. and battery oil May lo last. John C. Collins asks for judgment against C. Lewis I'ora balance ot $IAA due for j rein. Daniel 11. Hickey has sued Jamos Ander son o;i a promissory u;ite tot S'JX). The nixt entertainment in the People's course will lake place next Tuesday evening Dec. 'J7, tit Market hi\U. lion. H. 8. Fain-hild will delivery the lecture oil ■•Sights in Ku rope,'" illustrated by stereopticjn views. L, j. Partridge, the well-known elocutionist, will recite several pieces aud a fine pro gramme of music will he given. BLOW AT THE WHISKY TIIUST. It Is Beaten in a Suit Which In- volves $15,000,000. CaiCAOO, Dec. '20.— William Isew burger this afternoon obtained judg ment against the Distillers' and Cattle Feeders' company, commonly known as the whisky trust, for *10'J and interest. If this is sustained the precedent will, it is said. deprive the trust of. some 51 5, 000.000 of consumers' money. - The whisky trust has a regulation by which its goods are sold tit an advance of 5 cents above the actual market price. Rebate vouchers are issued for tiie excess, and those are p:ud. providing the holder for six months after buys all his goods from the trust. The vouchers on which the pre'eeut case is brought were held by Xewhurger, having been assigned to him by a firm which had not bought all its goods from the whisky trust. The trust, therefore, refused to honor the rebate vouchers. As a result of today's decision other suits will be begun in the higher courts for amounts varying from ?5 to $10,000. The effort is not only being made for the purpose of obtaining the money, but is also in tended to bring about an open market, it being supposed that other distillers opposed to the trust will start up in op position and that lower prices will pre vail. . SPRUNG A GOOD THING. -Pool Kooms Hit Hard py Backers of Glee Boy. Chicago, Dec. 20.— Glee Boy won the third race at Gloucester today, at odds from 10 to 15 to 1 against him, and a •'killing" was made throughout the country. -Joe Ullmau. at Hawthorne, Jost 57.000 and the Roby bookmakers -$6,000 on the good thing. The race was undoubtedly well fixed, for reports bj wire tonight showed that Glee Boy was heavily backed in all pool rooms. At Covingfcm $10,000 was won, W. K. Ban non, of Polk Badge fame, taking down $3,000 there. Columbus, Louisville, St. gLouis and St. Paul also suffered heavily. Prcfbably Drowned. Special to the Globe. Winona, Minn., Dec. 20.— Three Bo hemian men, Alex Taski, Albert Kin korch and John Lorbitski, who have been cutting wood across the river from the city, have mysteriously disappeared. They were paid Saturday and started across the river on the ice. As no trace can be found of them, and the river being full of air holes, it is thought they have been drowned. Going to California. Washingtgn, Dec. 20.— Gen. Rose crans, register of the treasury, will leave here tomorrow afternoon for Los Angeles, Cal,, in the hope of recovering his health. His daughter will accom pany hiry, and Gov. Toole, his sou-in law, will join them at Chicago and go as far as La Junta. LAID TO POISON. Mysterious Deaths of Arkansas Convict Laborers. Helkna, Ark,, Dec. 20.— There is great excitement here over the sudden and unexplained death of fouT convicts and the probably fatal sickness of a dozen more, all in the camp of S. M. Apperson, a contractor, who is doing work here for the St. Louis, Iron Moun tain & Southern railway. About 110 convicts were brought here last Mon day. The men, under the escort of a dozen armed guards, have been at work all the week throwing up the roadbed for the new tracks of the railroad. There are a. large number of unem ployed laborers in and around this city, and they protested very strongly against the introduction of convicts to do this work when they were all idle, and a numerously signed petition was pre sented to one of the county officers, but. of course, lie could do nothing. The matter was thousrlit to have about died out, when no less than eighteen of the convicts were suddenly stricken yester day morning with an illness which is said to present strong evidence of ar senical poisoning. Four of them are now dead and three others will be dead be fore morning. Doctors were summoned and ministered to the wants of the sick men, but without avail. Lrni.i: Ro( Ark., Dec. 20.— 1t has developed that the cause of the sudden death among the convicts at Helena, Ark., was arsenical poisoning, though how it was administered and by whom is yet a matter ot conjecture. A chemist today examined the stomach of Kobert Lane, one of the tirst convicts who died, and whose stomach was selected by the physicians for the experiment, and found large quantities of ar senic. This established without a doubt the poisoning theory. About -.1 o'clock this morning ten more of the convicts were taken suddenly ill and , the physicians summoned. One more man died last night aud another this morning, making six deaths in all. The catup was broken up this morning and the convicts taken away. The whole state is in. excitement. Tne poisoning was not confined to convicts. Among those dangerously ill are Capt. Duulap and one of the guards. lJunlap is ex warden of the penitentiary. AIDED BY Li.\X ICIALS. How Young Foerstel Covered Up His Peculations. St. Louis, Dec. 20.— 1n the city treas ury scandal today's developments •simply added confirmation to what be came known yesterday. The sluortage lias remained at the figures given, but a new examination and check ing of accounts, tiiis one dating back to the last official cancella tion of redeemed bonds and coupons in July last, is in progress and when completed the exact condition of the city's linanees will be known. Lax of ficial conduct is becoming involved in the situation. As already developed the comptroller's department has in its frequent checkings taken the treas ury's statement of the contents or coupon packages, etc., aim there in it is now known the crime was con cealed. In addition, the ways and means committee of the council is em powered by the charter to cancel alll city bonds and coupons as often as there is any necessity, not less often than every thirty days, but it seems to have been quite diHicuit to gatiier this trio of f25-a-rnonth statesmen together with any regularity, and this fact made it possible tot young Foerstel to* hide his doings to a certain extent. Last Saturday, however, he was notified :by Assistant Comptroller Gabel that his accounts would be looked into by the committee Monday. He realized that lie was in desperate straits, and knew that liis failure to produce the required bonds would disgrace him for life. Unable to face the impending calamity, he select ed suicide as the easiest method of es cape. The inqttest today over . the re mains ot the suicide wiis a formal affair, and the natural verdict rendered. FIVK Iji:i< T 2>t;Al). Bloody Ratiic Between Horse .Thieves ami Deputy Marshals. Cheyenne, Wis.. Dec. 20.— A letter received in this city this morning from lliattville, Johnson county, Wyo., dated the 17th, gives the particulars of a bloody fight between Deputy United states Marshals James Huff and W. J. Stiehr and a band of horse and cattle thieves on No Water river, six miles below Hiattville. The officers succeeded iv bringing down three of the outlaws, and they both were killed. The thieves tied, leavuiir their dead and the bodies of the dead marshals on the ground. Among the thieves killed was Ira Walker, of llialtville, who was tried at the last term of court in IJuffalo for. murder. Another was Ace Schuck, a weli known and dangerous horse and cattle thief. A strong posse has started out after the thieves. AKIiKSfKI) THIS COOKS. Two More of tne Alleged Home- stead Poisoners in Custody. Pittsbubg, Dec. 20.— Patrick Gal lagher, the cook who confessed to hav ing been implicated in the Homestead poisoning, was arrested this afternoon. He was taken to Aid. McMa^ters' office, end, after waiving a bearing, was com mitted to jail. At -,' o'clock this after noon J. M. Davidson, another of the self-confesseii poisoners, was arrested, and gave bail in §;{,OOO. • Another death was reported to the CQroner today from the South Side hos pital as a result ot the poisoning sensa tion. Camus Geneski died Aug. 23. Re was working at Homestead when taken sick. On Aug. 1"> lie was taken to the South Side hospital and received treat ment for chronic diarroehea. His symp toms were the .same as in all the cases in which poisoning has been charged. The coroner will confer with the dis trict attorney before acting. IKON HALLKKS IN DEMAND. Requisitions to Be Issued for a Number of the Officers. Indianapolis. Dec. 20.— Gov. Chase was asked today by State's Attorney Holtzman for requisitions on the gov ernors of Pennsylvania, Michigan and Maryland, for the arrest of F. D. Somerby, Amos 11. Hosmer. Joseph Gladding. J. Henry Hayes.E. \V. Rouse, C. H. Baker and J. A. Keckersly, of the Iron Hall, against whom an indictment was returned by the grand jury for the embezzlement of $170,000. Mark C. Davis, of this city, was arrested when the indictment was found, and was placed uuder bond of $20,000. When arrested, the bond of Soiuerby et al. wiil probably be fixed at the same amount. He Killed a Diaz. OAXiCr Mex., Dec. 20. — Nicholas Fernandez, a "wealthy young Spaniard ot this city, who killed Aurelio Diaz, a nephew of President Diaz, in a duel here last Wednesday, has been arrested, and will be tried on a charge of mur der. The seconds of Fernandez have al9O been arrested. The fatal affair of honor was the outcome of trouble which the two young men recently had over a young lady to whom both were paying attention. Indian Lives In the Balance. Madison*, Wis.. Dec. 20.— Judge Bunn charged the jury in the case of the In dian murderers, Monney Penny and Kozini, this morning, telling the jury to consider an lndiau with exactly as much right to justice as any white person. The jury retired after noon and after 10 o'clock this evening the judge left the court room without receiviug the ver dict, so the jury will stay until 9 o'clock tomorrow morning at the earliest. While the agent of the Canadian Pacific Express at Saruia, Ont., was at dinner yes terday, (7,000 wai stoleu from the snfe. WYOMING DEMOCRATS Gain a Pronounced Victory Before The Supreme Court. Cheyexne. Wyo., Dec. 20.— Another pronounced victory was gained by tlie Democrats in the supreme court here today. The Republicans had- called upon the court. to include the governor in the mandamus proceedings. This was done to complicate the case in the hope of disconcerting the Democrats by forcing them to recognize Bar ber or make a fifht for Osborne, the rightful governor. "The court decided that the governor need not be a party to a suit against the state canvassing board. It would be presumed in the ab sence of allegations to the contrary that the count was legally conducted. It was announced from the bench that the supreme court would refuse to go into the matter of the count of Ilanna 'pre cinct in Carbon county. Jt would con fine itself entirely to the state canvass and to questions of the priina facie leiial returns before the board. The IJepublieans will tomorrow offer a demurrer, claiming that the mandamus petitioners are not entitled to tho relief which they asked. It is believed that tnis is tliu last of the filibustering, and that the case will be heard oi: Thursday its merits. It will th.CE be decided whether a county canvassing board con sists of three members or one. DOWN IN ALABAMA. Gen. Stevenson Given an Ovation at Anniston. ' Axxistox, Ala., Dec. 20.— The visit of (Jen. Acllai E. Stevenson to Alabama developed unbounded enthusiasm, but no signilice'nt speechmaking on the part of the honored guest. The vice presi dent-elect and party arrived at Annis ton" at uoon on a special train ami will remain in the city until 8 o'clock tomorrow, when they leave for - Atlanta. The city was gaily decorated. Excursion trains brought in large crowds. After luncu- I eon an informal reception was iield at the opera bouse, which was crowded to its full capacity, hundreds being turned away. Col. McElroy introduced Gen. Sleveiibon. who made a brief address, thanking the people of Anniston and of Alabama for the cordial welcome. Fol lowing this was the hand shakinsr. The party is composed of A. E. Stevenson, wife and three daughters; Mrs. Scoti and two daughters, J. S. Stevenson, T. Lillilard and wife, Col. Burnett and \V. T. Ewing. TELEGRAPHIC TICKS. Heavy snow tell iv Northern Texas y I ■ day. There is a grain blockade In st. Louis, tlio low stage of the river being partly responsi ble. Dr. Lemiß! began the argument for the prosecution in tbe Brings casu yesterday. Ho will tiuish it today. Hon. Patrick Bgan sailed from New York yesterday for Aspiiiwall ou his way tmek to his post in Chili 'l'ne French government lms sent tele grauliic orders to Gen. Dodds to raise the blockade on tbe coast of Dahomey. John Stokes, a Kansas City (Kau.) con tractor, was thrown from a buggy. over Ins horse's head by the animal slipping, break ing his ueclc and killing him Distantly. It is said that several Brooklyn aldermen will be indicted for misappropriating funds appropriated for the celebration of Columbus day. Another body lias been taken out of (lie debris of tbe fire at Albany, N. V., hut has not yet been identified. This makes live victims. The Kothschilds are the leaders in a trigtui tic beer trust, with proposed headquarters in New York, and branch offices m tno leading cities ot the country. Tbe rumors of Dr. Kiniiis death are er roneous. l>r. Bmin Is now following Stan ley's route through the Congo state, and but for an affection of the eyes, is la exception ally Kood health. The Louisiana supreme court yesterday de clared constitutional tlio law passed two years ago, ant known as the "Jim Crow" law, mating il compulsory on railroad* to provide separate cara for negroes. Orlando Me It, a promineul capitalist of Colorado Springs, Col., iia^ assigned for ihe benefit of his creditor*. Il is stated that Mr. Meicairs assets are worth £>;>W,tAW, ami liv liabilities are §I(K>,OOJ. Tne catalogue of Yale university for '08 '08, tbe i'Md issue, has appeared, ftiid exbibtM mtirked growth in general In the university. There are I,!)iW students this year, at com pared with 1.754 in IS'JI. A LBSSOX FOR HUSBANDS. They Should Continue to Be Ijov ers il' They Wish to Retain a Wife's liove. You may consider you rself a very in dependent young person with the ability to take care of yourself, a strong, ko abead business sense, and a self-reliance that makes you lose all fear of everything. Vet you are a woman notwithstanding all that, anil, ac cording to tite Philadelphia limes, your nature is just the same, even though you are perhaps a little stronger than your sisters. There will be a time when the day has been I. aid, the burden heavy and tilings all at sixes and sevens generally, when you will lay down your air of independence ana be glad to be petted and tossed over as much as the weakest member of your sex. It is born in us. — this desire to be loved and cared tor. The folding of a wrap around shoulders that begin to be cliilly when limbs are too tired to go after a shawl conveys more meaning than the mere action shows to the onlooker. It gives the weary mortal a sense of protecting, watcuful care that is more sooth ing than words when heart and brain are too exhausted for active dem onstrations. A gentle touch, a caress at an unlooked-for moment, the thou sand and one little attentions that a woman revels in. are so much more valuable to her ti;;:-. to the giver that, if her heart could De read, surely there would be more of tins kind of gentle care shown after the lime for such dem onstrations is supposed to have gone by. Married men forget that the wife's heart yearns for those little atten tions lavished upon her ;vo a lover, but thought unnecessary when set tled down to the .matter-of-fact business of everyday married life. .Such little touches are the glimpses ol sunshine amid the trials and storm. They keep the heart young and the spirit buoyant, and the older a woman »;ets the more she lonus for the pro tecting love shown in the little quiet attentions that prove to her she is an object of care and unremitting thought. These Are Traveling. Special to the Globe. Nkw York, Dec. -'j.— At New York Hotels: Minneapolis — J. B. Williams. {Jnionßqaare: C. Ouilford, !•'. \V. Trione, Grand Union; K. J. Lee, Marlborough ; W. 11. \'aiiderburgh, Gilsey: G. Harrison, Savoy; Miss 11. Good rich, Miss N. Lovvry. Fifth Avenue. St. I'aul — C. E. Kllis, Imperial; 5. Fisner. Gedney; C. D. Ilean.", Metropolitan; C. Hamliii, B. Haupt, St. Denis; J. c. Meyers. Sinclair. THIO UOLOEN SIDE. There is many a rest on the road of lite. If we only \ t- nuld stop to take it; And many a tone from the better land. It the querulous heart would wnke it. To the sunny soul that is full of hope. And whose beauiiful trust ne'er failetb, The grass is green and the (lowers are bright, Though the wiutry storm Drevailetb. Better to hope, thoush the Honda hang low, And to keeD the eyes stiil lifted; For the sweet blue sky will soon peep through. When the ominous clouds are drifted. There was never a night without a day, Nor an evening without a morning; And in the darkest hour, trie proverb goes. Is the hotrr before the dawning. There is many a gem in the with of life, Which we pass in our idle pleasure. That is richer far than the Jeweled crown. Or the miser's hoarded treasure. It may bp the love of a little child. Or a mother's prayer to heaven. Or only a beggar's grateful thanks For a cup o* water given. Better to weave in the web of life A bright and golden filling. And to do God's work with a ready heart. And hands thttare swift und willing. Than to snap the delicate silver threads Of our curious lives asunder. And then heaven blame for the tangled ends. And sit to grieve and wonder. RANSOM & NORTON, 99 and *P1 E. Thi-d St. FREE!" FURS Monday morning, and for the balance of the week till Xmas Eve, we will give FUR MUFFS FREE— that is, to the purchaser <>l" a Seal (i;tr ment (and our prices on these goods are the lowest <>l ativ re liable house in the country) will give the choice of a Seal, Mink or Marten Muff free with garment; value, $12 to $18. We will give a Muff to match also with every Mink, Astra khan or other fur garment for ladies, excepting, only, Otter Garments, and, as we have but a few Otter Muffs, should the supply give out, we will allow price of Muff off sale price of garment. This is an offer well worth taking advantage of, and is made to stimulate garment trade for this week and encourage the buying >i Fur Garments for Christmas Gifts than which none could he better. flMi We will give A SEAL CAP FREE with each Fur-Lined Mink, Otter or Heaver r<>.tt sold. With any other kind ol Fur Coat we will give youi choice of either Beaver, Otter or Natural Seal Gauntlet Gloves. Our Men's Coals are fine and marked close. Janu ary, February and March are the months hire When one needs a heavy coat, and tin above offer ought to lie in ducement enough to keep us very busy in this department. It means fully a lo per cent reduction from a line of goods of first- class qualities already marked at our dose price.. Discount on Fur Muffs And Boas. We offer our whole stock of elegant Fur Muffs and Uoas at above discount for this week, which will enable you to get from us first-class, well-made articles, properly made, at less prices than the trashy stuff you will find in this line in dry goods stores, which goods are client) in name only, as they are, with few exceptions, goods that no furrier would buy or sell at any price. We have the finest lot of Choice Bear and IJlack Marten Sets we ever showed, and taking advantage of this offer you can get ele gant Xmas presents at \ :ry low prices. AT COST. We offer our whole stm'k <•!' Goat, Dog, fVar, Coon and other tine Robes at EXACT COST. We have no room to properly display this line stock, and you can own one as cheap as we bought made by the do/en Any one wanting a Robe van find good ones with us from $7.00 to $75.00. This is a buna fide offer, and a chance not often had. RANSOM HORTON, 99 enj 10! E Third t.. St. Faui,