OCR Interpretation

St. Paul daily globe. [volume] (Saint Paul, Minn.) 1884-1896, January 24, 1893, Image 5

Image and text provided by Minnesota Historical Society; Saint Paul, MN

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn90059522/1893-01-24/ed-1/seq-5/

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Daily (Not Including Sunday..)
1 vr in advance.SS 00 1 3 in in advauco.s2.oo
ii in in advauce. 400 | 0 weeks in adv. 1 0.)
One mouth 70c.
J vr In nil vfliicc.SlO OO I 3 mos. in adv..s2 50
Uiu in advance. 500 I 5 weeks In adv. lOU
One month 'SC.
1 vr hi advance.. S'-'OO I 3 mos. in adv.. . .50c
Gin in advance.. 1 00 1 Im. in advance.JOc
Tr.i-WEEKLY— (Daily— Monday, Wednesday
and Friday.) ».-,,„,
Iyr iv Advance. .SH 00 | 6 mos. in adv..?-
11 months in advance — $100.
One year Sl I Six mo., 65c | Three mo., 35c
Rejected communications cannot be pre
ferred. Addicts all letters and telegrams to
THE GLOBE. St. Paul, Minn.
Eastern Advertising Oifice- Room 41,
lini as Building, New York.
Complete files of the Globe ahvayskenton
hand lor reference. Patrons and friends are
cordinllv invited to visit and avail themselves
of the facilities of our Eastern Office while
in New York. •
Washington*, Jan. 23.— For Minnesota and
Iowa: Snow; colder; southerly, shifting to
northwesterly, winds. For Wisconsin: - Snow
in southern portion; warmer during Tues
day, colder Tuesday night; winds shifting
to southeasterly. For North and South Da
kota: Snow; cold wave; winds shifting to
northwesterly. For Montana: Suow in
eastern portion; cold wave; northwesterly
United States Department op Ar.uieni.T
WRE, Weather Bureau. Washington. Jan.
B'i, 0:1* p. m. Local Time, 5- p. m. 7th Merid
ian Time.- -Observations takeu at thesame
moment of time at all stations.
* ir F" c 5
5* 25 S£ go
rißce of o- 3 g Place of S «- - %
Observation. So £a- Observation, g £ s°
g • b- S • c
p • re ; ;<t
St. Paul. .30.16 14 I Havre: 20.80 40
Duluth 30.C8 Hi Wiles City... 29.82 50
La Crosse... 31.16 Helena 3 i.OO 48
Huron 2192 32 ] Calgary... .130.28 18
Pierre 20.^4 44 Minnedosa . 29.86 4
Moorbeod... 30.04 0 ;Mcd'e Hat... 30.02 28
St. Vincent. 30.04 16 Qu'Appelle. 29.92 16
Bismarck. 29.78 34 Cur'ent 30.06 20
Ft. Bnford . . 29.50 38||\V innipeg .. 30.02 6
E. C. Thompson,
Observer Weather Bureau.
Cine ago people incline to the belief
that Fii.vxk Lawleii will be their next
Tin: Panama canal had a Herz, after
all; it was supposed to have only a maw
and a gizzard.
The report went out from Washing
ton that the tax on whisky would not he
increased this session, and forthwith
whisky stocks fell off live points.
Gkx. Bali.ixotox Bourn is engaged
In an effort to erect a headquarters in
Chicago, where poor people who visit
the Columbian exhibition can obtain
food and lodging at a nominal cest.
It was the recreancy of friends on
whom he leaned, says Senator Davis,
that hurt him, but. for the scheming
politicians he has nothing but laughter
and scorn. Bui whom does he mean?
Tin: English people assert thatthe
Americans are 100 driving, and do not
take rest enough. Here is a proof that
the English people are leisurely enough.
England lias just published its report of
vital statistics for 1891.
Chicago is probably the most cosmo
politan city in America. A large number
of the European languages are taught
regularly in the public schools. The
American parents complain that their
children are taught nothing but Ger
man, French. Latin, Spanish, Italian
and Slang.
Sexatois Washbukn says that, if his
anti-option bill runs afoul of a presi
dential veto, it will be because
ho opposed Harhisox's nomina
tion. The senator evidently believes
that the nation revolves about him, a
Wash trie theory ol things. Re
publican senators are supplying the
president with excellent groundwork
for a veto.
The New York Press lets slip a truth
in its eagerness to catch a lie. lt says
that "an expert computation, lately
made, shows that the labor cost of con
verting a ton 'of pig iron into refined
.bars is J0.65 a ton more here than in Eng
land." The tariff on the refined bars is
$13.40 ii ton, laid merely "to cover the
difference in the labor cost here and
abroad," as the Minneapolis platform
declared. What is the other $0.75 for,
and who gets it.
It seems, that the comet Biela, which
alarmed the people of this sphere some
months ago by its apparent intention of
striking the earth, collided with an as
teroid soon alter it passed us and got
the worst of the encounter. ' lt was so
badly damaged that it disappeared from
view. It has been sighted again by the
astronomers, and is making away from
our aggregation of worlds at the rate of
a million miles a day. That it collided
with an asteroid is the theory, of Prof
Hexiiy M. Paiikhuust, an Eastern as
The senatorial contest at Bismarck
ls still unsettled, and Casey may yet
be defeated. The friends of Smith, cf
Cass county, are standing out against a
caucus. Casey's friends yesterday of
fered to abide by a two-thirds caucus
rule. Afterward lhey went further and
offered that the nomination should be
made by a vote of forty-eight Repub
licans. This, the report published in
this issue Mays, staggered the Cass
county contin^ent.and there is a chance
that it may fall into line. Four or five
Republicans, however, declare that
they will vote for a Democrat rather
than for Casey.
Tin: New York Times, which is try
ing now to put on the brakes and slow
down the motion of the Democratic
train towards freer trade, says due re
gard will be t,iven to those industries
whicii have adapted themselves to pro
tection and learned to lean on it for sup
port. Wiil the Times kindly name one
such industry in this country? In its
search for it, it might find information
of interest to it in the quarterly reports
of the treasury department, showing the
exports of manufactures from this coun
try. What it will find there might sug
gest to it the palpable truth that indus
tries which can export and compete can
compete at home.
A Chicago workingman says that
labor- wants the government to gather
all the statistics needed to determine
the actual cost of production of every
thing, "and then to see that labor gets
Its share in the distribution of the
wealth It creates." For general infor
mation, merely, the government should
gather these data, but not at all for the
purpose "I seeing that labor should got
the share indicated by the statistics.
The government will serve labor best if
it leavo labor unhindered and unaided
to see that it gets its share of the wealth
it creates. The notion that govern
ment should see to everybody is one of
the symptoms of decrepitude which
were developing at an alarming rate
until the reaction of last fall set in.
Gov. Nelson recommends to the leg
islature that it pass laws obliging the
railroads to permit the erection' by
farmers of elevators and warehouses at
all stations and sidings, with neces
sary sidetracks and .switching, accom
modations. Citing one of the many
instances in which a road had refused
to put in a sidetrack to a" farmer ele
vator, he says: "The railroad company
in thus obstructing and defying this
righteous claim of the association.; ob
structs and defies the whole dignity and
power of the state. It is not for a rail
road company to say who ought or
ought not to have warehouse and side
track facilities."
There is a carelessness about.this lat
ter statement that discredits the legal
knowledge of the governor, and sug
gests that he was indulging his desire
to tally the farmer vote, rather than
attempting to state a legal proposition.
There can be no defiance of, either the
dignity or the power of a state unless
the opposition is made to a positive
constitutional enactment of the state, or
to its common law.instead of the wishes
of an association, even if it be of farm
Waiving the questionable constitution
ality of a law which would oblige a rail
road to devote its property, to purely a
private purpose, as would be the con
struction of sidetracks and switches for
elevators and warehouses owned by
individuals or companies, '- and ad
mitting that such a law would be a con
stitutional use of the state's power, the
question remains: Why should the
farmers of the state be compelled, to
build their own elevators ©r warehouses
to escape from a combination of cor
porations which the governor now
tacitly admits the existence of, however
dubious he may have been during the
campaign? Are they now so well sup
plied with houses and bams and the
thousand and one other appliances of
farm life and work, that they have the
■surplus to invest in these structures'.'
Have they 110 other and better use for
that money? If there exist a means of
supplying the need which will require
of them" uo expenditure whatever,
would that not be better? is money
invested in a warehouse for the ship
ment of his grain a productive invest
ment? Could lie not make better use
of the money?
And again, does the governor think
that the farmers tributary to any sta
tion are able or willing to build elevators
or houses, even should several join? And
what relief is there for the others who
cannot build? Is the governor's plan
capable of relieving all of the farmers of
the state? If it is not, then it is class
legislation for the benefit of those who
are able to avail themselves of it. The
fact is that the great bulk of the farmers
have not the means to build or share in
building these elevators aud ware
houses. They are obliged to market
and sell to meet debts, and when these
are paid and provision made for the
coining year there is no margin left for
such investments. -It is giving to such
a stone in response to the request for
bread to tell them that they can escape
the combine by building elevators of
their own.
Sundry Democratic papers, located
for the most part in the Eastern states,
influenced, no doubt, by their environ
ment, have very materially changed their
tone in their discussion of the tariff
question, since the campaign. During
the struggle they were as strenuous in
their support of the tariff plank in the
Chicago platform as were the most
ultra Democratic papers In the
country. They joined them in de
nouncing protection as "a fraud and a
robbery of the masses tor the benefit of
the few." They are now counseling
delay, and insisting that the protected
industries shall be tenderly treated in
the revision of the tariff. They would
even have "the tariff adjusted so as to
extend some aid to those industries
which are yet in their infancy."
It is also evident from their reported
interviews that there is a section in
congress entertaining the same views.
The protectionist wing ot the Demo
cratic party did not die with Sam Ban
dall, more is the pity. Fortunately
for the party, this element is not strong
enough to control the action of the
party, and can only impede aud delay
its action.
It will be well if congressmen bear in
mind the fact that the Democratic party
was put into power as sinners are taken
into the Methodist church— on nroba
tion. A sufficient number of Repub
licans, repelled by the ultra position of
their party, were induced by the prom
ises made in the platform and other
wise, that protection as an end would be
abandoned, to give tlie party another
triai. Judge Gkesham is a fair type of
this class of men, ami, as they gave and
can take away again the control of our
party, it is well to heed their statement
of what they expect the Democratic
congress to do. In a recent interview,
the judge said: "I consider the tariff
as the only great question dividing the
two parties." "Should the Democrats
fail to keep their pledges, not one of
these men (independents) will be found
voting a Democratic ticket in 1896."
A number of the leading Democratic
papers of the country have criticised
Mr. Cleveand because he attended
the funeral of ex-President Hayes;
but, greatly to tbeir credit, a majority
of the great Democratic dailies commend
his course. A pathetic side to the affair
is now revealed, which may cause these
ungenerous dailies to relent. It trans
pires that Gen. Hayes, shortly after
Mr. Cleveland was elected, wrote him
a letter of congratulation and promised
to be present at his inauguration. Mr.
Cleveland, when he heard of the
death of the ex-president, was deeply
moved, and abandoned all his affairs to
attend the obsequies at Fremont. A re
port, said to be based on excellent au
thority, has it that Gen. Hayes voted
for Mr. Cleveland. But whether or
not the report be true, certain it is that
the course of Mr. Cleveland meets
the approval of a great majority of his
party. _
It has been the boast of the Republi
can press that the Democrats. would not
dare to repeal the McKixley bill, and,
strange as it may seem, some of the
Democratic papers have had "- their
doubts as to whether it.would "be done.
The latter were not at sea as to what
should be done, but they feared the
step would not be taken. Mr. Cleve
land, in the recent interview held
upon a train, evaded all questions put
to him except the one, "Will the Mc-
Kinley bill be repealed?" That query
opened his mouth, and he very promptly
replied, "I'd like to know what else we
are in power for." He is in position
— X7T— p.p.- i
where he must be very guarded _as to'
what he says', for nearly every utterance
is sure to be garbled. But there was
one subject upon which he was willing
to be quoted. The McKinley bill was
the paramount issue of the campaign.
Upon it Mr. Cleveland received the
greatest popular and the greatest elect
oral majority in the history of the coun
try. . The people spoke their minds \ on
the McKinley bill, and their wish shall
be carried out. "• .
Already the agitation for good wagon
roads is bearing fruit. Missouri and
lowa have captured the honor of being
the first to move in . tlie matter. Both
stales have set on foot measures for
macadamizing the highways leading to
market towns with stone or gravel.
Minnesota has before it au admirable
example of enterprise, and the coming
state convention has within its reach
data upon which to base ideas. The
snowfall of this winter will make muddy
and many impassable roads in the prai
rie districts. With immediate measures
many of these highways may be con
verted into excellent roads for spring
service. The good roads which our
neighbor state at the south will have
very soon will tend to increase its pop
ulation, and Minnesota must not be be
hind the times.
In preparing the table of figures giv
ing the real estate valuation in the
article on the income tax bill, in yester
day's Globe, the value of city and
town lots only in the several counties
was inadvertently given. Including
all the real estate in these counties, the
total rear values ofthe seven agricult
ural counties is $23,045,206, and in the
seven counties containing large cities
it is $298,305,502.
Thus corrected, the inequality, while
not so glaring, is sufficiently striking
to enforce the point made in that
article. The ratio of personal to real
property in the country is as one to over
three, while in the seven containing the
cities it is one to six.
The frequent mention of Hon. Will
iam li. Morrison, of Illinois, in connec
tion with a portfolio in Mr. Cleveland's
cabinet is indicative of a very general
impression throughout the country that
Col. Morrison's appointment is looked
upon as not improbable, and that it
would be eminently acceptable—Wash
ington Post.
The Post doesn't seem to know that
the Illinois gang will never permit "our
William" to be appointed to a place in
the cabinet.— Chicago Inter Ocean.
The selection of Mr. Carlisle for sec
retary of the treasury meets with some
thing more than approval in Washing
ton. Democrats like it because they
regard Mr. Carlisle as the Democrat best
litted to represent the convictions of the
party and to guide it safely in the work
of fiscal reform. Republicans like it
because they regard it as a pledge of
safe conservatism. Sound-money men
like it because Mr. Carlisle has never
been bitten by any heresy of cheap
money, while the free coinage men re
gard his selection as Indicating on the
part of the president-elect a purpose to
deal fairly and conservatively with sil
ver.—New York World.
The resignation of Senator Carlisle
confirms the report that he is to .enter
the cabinet as secretary of the treasury.
Probably no former secretary ever had
so great opportunities for effective and
radical work as will be Mr. Carlisle's.
The shaping of revenue legislation will
be largely in his hands, and the tariff
policy'of the Democratic party will be
outlined by him. If he succeeds he
will occupy a place among the greatest
of American statesmen. — Post-Dispatch.
Col. Dan Lamont is now booked for
the portfolio of secretary of war. As a
successor to Mr. Elkins * his appoint
ment wiil recall the words of the Tilden
platform demanding "a change in
methods aud in men."— St. Louis Re
The Wheaton Gazette-Reporter does
not like the present system of electing
United States senators. It says:
The United States house of repre
sentatives this week passed a resolution
favoring the election of United States
senators by a direct vote of the people.
If the people could once get a chance
at an amendment of this kind it would
be carried by an overwhelming vote.
The Stillwater Messenger opposes the
bill to abolish the prison contract sys
tem, in this wise:
The bill introduced into the lower
branch of the legislature by Represent
ative Langum, providing for the aboli
tion of the contract system of labor,
comes up for a hearing next Tuesday.
We have no doubt but that the bill will
meet with the fate it merits, for it cer
tainly aims at a petty revenge on the
part of the one who introduces it, and
is antagonistic to the best interests of
Stillwater and of Minuesota.
The following item from the Glencoe
Register indicates that the farmers are
short on hogs: UJK
Hogs are still advancing and are said
not to have reached the top notch yet.
Every farmer is wishing he had a few
just at the present time. They have
probably all resolved to go into the bus
iness somewhat extensively another
season. There is nothing that will pay
better at the present prices, and it looks
as if they might keep up.
The coming good roads convention js
attracting the attention of the country
press. The following is from the Brai
nerd Tribune:
The good roads convention to be held
on Wednesday next in St. Paul will be
one of the most important gatherings
ever held in the state". Mo subject is of
so great an interest to the farmer aa
good roads.
What with market variations, uncer
tainty as to congressional tariff and sil—
ver action, rumors of wars abroad, a
possible cholera visitation, insecurity as
to another season's crop returns, and
thirty or more state legislatures in ses
sion, the investor of today will be par
doned if he is more cautious than usual
in making up his mind as to where he
can advantageously put his money. A
man may reasonably hesitate to invest
these days in almost anything, except,
perhaps, government bonds and lite in
surance policies. He who has small or
large sums to piaee in almost anything
else may well sing:
When the legislative grinder i.n't grinding,
Isn't grinding;
When the member isn't hatching out his bills,
Out his bills;
He loves to set his scanty wits a finding,
Wits a-findiiig;
Some other way of adding to our ills.
To our ills.
Then's the time he cooks up buncombe reso
Eesol'i tions.
Squelching every corporation 'neath the sun,
'Neath the sun;
Ah! take one consideration with another,
- , With another;
An investor's lot is not a happy one,
Happy one.
Deny the Revolution.
Paris, Jan. 23.— The Haytien lega
tion has issued a denial of the cable
dispatches from New York stating that
there was a revolution m Ilayti. The
officials, of the legation declare that
tranquillity prevails everywhere in
Senators Take a Lengthy
Whirl at the Income Tax
ix Measure. ;_
Leavitt, of Meeker, Makes a
Hard Fight, Losing a
Two Amendments Tacked on,
and the End Is Not in
Senator Crandall Gets a Clerk
—Several Important
New Bills.
Senator Leavitt. of Meeker, is a hard
fighter, and when he champions or op
poses a measure he does so with a vim
and a degree of earnestness that wins
him .the admiration of even his op
ponents. For nearly two hours yester
day afternoon he fought against the
amendment of his ' bill, and, while he
lost, -the victory was far from satis
factory to the opponents ot the measure.
He claimed that the amendment would
simply give future legislatures the
power to lay -the tax, and for this rea
son they should not be limited by re
strictions imbedded in the constitution.
The bill was amended in two points, as
First— Authorizing the taxation of the
"net" income. ,y.
Second— Exempting 81,500 from taxa
Under the bill introduced by Senator
Leavitt future legislatures would have
had the power to regulate both these
matters, and for this reason it seemed
to the senator from Meeker to be wholly
unnecessary to place them in the con
stitution. The absence of a number of
the friends of the bill, and the fact that
Senators Donnelly, Probstfield and oth
ers of its friends took the position that
it was necessary and best for the pro
tection of the men with the smallest in
comes to make these changes, enabled
the opponents of the measure to carry
the amendments.
Certain to Pass.
That the bill will pass there is now no
doubt, as a large number of those who
voted for the amendments yesterday,
will hereafter vote against the amend
ments that will be introduced for the
purpose of killing it.
lhe session opened with the passage
of a resolution, offered by Senator Cran
dall, of Steele, giving the finance com
mittee a clerk, and iii a few moments
the introduction of bills was reached.
Several novel and highly important
measures were read and referred, among
which was one by Senator Wood, pro
viding for the submission of an amend
ment to the constitution that will
cud the railroad land grant
nuisance and force the railroad com
panies with land grants to dispose of
their lands or else give them to the
state. Senator Dean is the author of
another bill providing for the regula
tion of primary elections, and Senator
Crandall advanced the proposition that
railway companies be forced to place
blackboards at all stations, upon which
shall be placed -information regarding
the arrival of passenger trains.
From the introduction of bills to gen
eral orders took out a fpw moments,
and, ou motion of Senator Hompe, the
body went into committee of the whole.
Senator Hompe was called to the, chair
by Senator John Day Smith, who pre
sided in the absence of the lieutenant
governor.- The first bill to be consid
ered was Senator Dedoivs measure pro
viding for a tax sale similar to that held
in ISSI. Senator Loin men made some
objection and the bill was passed, and
the income-tax measure came next.
The debate at once commenced
Over the Amendment
making the "net"' : income taxable and
not the income, as provided in the bill.
Senator Leavitt, in a clear and convinc
ing manner, took the ground that this
should be left for future legislatures to
consider.. He held that the numerous
amendments that were being offered
were for the purpose of killing the bill
by so loading it down that the people
would repudiate it. Passing on to a
discussion of the amendment, Senator
Leavitt created a ripple of excitement
by declaring that he was suspicious of
tlie source of the amendment.
"The gentleman from Ramsey repre
sents a class of people who do not pay
their taxes," he said, "and we propose
they shall pay their share toward the
support of the government."
"1 wish the gentleman from Meeker
to understand that I do not represent
any such class of people." said Senator
Stevens calmly and coolly. "I repre
sent hard-working 'mechanics, clerks
and artisans."
Senator Leavitt disclaimed any Inten
tion of reflecting upon Senator Steveus,
but insisted that he had the statistics to
prove that the citizensof the large cities
do not pay their proper share of taxes.
Senator Stevens, in reply to the re
marks of Senator Leavitt, stated that
there are times of great popular excite
ment when great injustice is likely to
be dove unless there is some solid rock
behind which lie may take refuge.
"And this is exactly what we" propose
to make by placing the word. 'net' in
the amendment," lie said. "If this is
not done a way will be found for the
working of. great injustice at some
Uncover Secreted. Wealth.
Senator Donnelly was the next speak
er and began by making a strong argu
ment in favor of the bill.
"I find in the Globe this morning,"
he said, "a paper with whose politics I
do not always" agree." he added face
tiously, "an array of figures that are
After reading the figures from the
Globe of yesterday in the editorial re
garding the non-assessment of personal
property in the large cities, Mr. Don
nelly said:
"These figures _ are a terrible com
mentary on the manner in which the
burdens of taxation are placed upon the
backs of those least able to pay."
Senator Stevens called attention to
the law regarding the assessment of
property in the state ot Vermont, where,
in case a man does not return his prop
erty, he is taxed for three times the
amount. Under this law. he stated that
there is scarcely any evasion of taxes.
The assessors were largely to blame in
this state, he thought.
Senator Davis made several pertinent
inquiries to show the absurdity of the
"I would state," said Senator Keller,
"that every assessor in this state swears
to a lie." . ~~
"Possibly," said Senator Stevens,
"but elect them on that issue."
Senator Dean called the attention of
the senate to the fact that in the figures
quoted by the Globe editorial only a
part of the assessed valuation of real
property in the outside counties had
been given. This was also the case
in the figures given for the large cities.
This explanation gave the Sage of Nin
inger a chance to inject some humor
into the debate, and he did it.
"1 said that I took the figures from
the Globe, without vouching for them,"
said Senator Donnelly.. "The Globe
in the last campaign opposed one of the
best men in the state for governor, and
1 naturally lost some confidence in the
paper." ; „'. (it."
This sally provoked . considerable
laughter. Senator _. Dean . next took up
the matter of tax evacioii iv the large
cities, and declared that the state board
of equalization at the -meeting had in
creased but one item in Kamsey county,
while a great mauy had beeu increased
in the list brought in from Meeker
county. ' ri jjs •
'"- Leveled at Senator Deaii.
Senator Leavitt presented some fig-,
ures regarding the relative proportion
of personal and reaLproperty in the va
rious counties. In Hennepin the pro
portion is 87 per cent real and 13 per
sonal; Carlton, personal 30, real 70
per cent; Ramsey, personal 13, real
property 87; Houston, personal
28, real 72 per cent; St. Louis, personal
ll'j and real 88)^; Nicollet, personal 21
. per cent and real 79.
"If Nicollet county is assessed on her
personal property at the " same rate of
; valuation, the amount would be $27,626,
--002, an increase of $7,808,070," continued
Senator Leavitt. "But if Nicollet has
21 per cent, Hennepin should have at
least 42. per cent, which would .bring
Hennepin county up with a round turn
with $55,253,324 and real estate $186,
--805.858, producing a revenue of $5,137,
--243, an increase of $074,615.
"If St. Louis county was assessed on
her personal property at the same rate
of valuation as Carlton county her per
sonal tax would be upon a valuation of
$11,501,460, an increase of $0,001,047.
But If Carlton county has 30 percent,
St. Louis should be 00 per cent, which
would cause the "unsalted city of the
Zenith sea" to come down with a per
sonal property valuation of $23,182,020,
and real estate $61,821,120, producing a
revenue of $1,483,700.88, an increase of
Ramsey county per50na1...... ....13 cent
Houston county per50na1. ...... ...28 per cent
"If Ramsey county was assessed on
her personal property at the same rate
her peisonal tax would be upon a valu
ation of $31,454,925, an increase of $14,
"But no one will dispute my proposi
tion when I say if Houston county's per
sonal valuation is 28 per centof her total
valuation Ramsey county's should be
double that amount, or 56 per cent,
which would make Ramsey county come
down with a personal property valua
tion of $02,909,850 and real estate $175,
--248,808. producing a revenue of $3,557.
--552, an increase of $937,795; in round
numbers, $1,000,000; total increase in
three cities, $2,328,005."
One more Amendment.
Senator Donnelly offered an amend
ment to the amendment providing that
personal and living expenses shall not
be deducted. This was adopted, and
the senator from Meeker entered an
emphatic objection, declaring that if the
original amendment is adopted it will
effectually neutralize the whole law.
"The members remember the figure the
word railroads cut in a measure that
passed two years ago. Tnat one word
came near causing the state a great deal
of harm."
This brought Senator Donnelly to his
feet with an explanation of the manner
in which the word "railroads" crept
into the sleeping car amendment two
years ago.
"I offered an amendment," he said,
"inserting the word railroad before the
word sleeping cars, intending it as an
adjective explaining the other word.
In transcribing Miss Ellfi Matthews
changed "railroad" to "railroads" and
inserted a comma."
"I charged no bad faith in the mat
ter," declared Senator Leavitt.
The amendment inserting the word
"net" before income was adopted by 18
yeas to 9 nays, and the amendment of
Senator Stevens exempting §2,500 came
up. Senator Stevens thought that 12.000
ought at least to be the figure. An
amendment to this fixing the sum ex
empt at 81,200 was voted down, but the
amount was finally fixed at §1,500.
The committee then rose and a com
munication from Gov. Nelson, appoint
ing Berndt Anderson, dairy commis
sioner, S. S. Brown surveyor general
of ", logs and lumber at Minneapolis,
Judge Ira B. Mills railroad commis
sioner,and several minor appointments,
all, of which have been already an
nounced in the papers, was, on motion
of Gen. Sanborn, laid on the table. The
senate adjourned. ,;:lv_~
Senators Handed in a Number of
;' Bills Yesterday.
Mr. Stevens. S. F. 122— Provides that
sheriffs ■• and .deputies complete fore
closure sales after expiration of terms
of office.
Mr. Phillips, S. F. ; 123 -Amends sec
tion 3, article 9 of state constitution.
Mr. Keller, S. F. Appropriating
528.600 for St. Cloud normal school.
Smith., E. R.. S. F. 125— Legalizing
the filing of plats in certain contigen
Mr. Dean, S. F. 120 — Regulating
primary elections.
Mr. Crandall, S. F. 127— Requiring
railroad companies to put up black
boards, upon which statements regard
ing the arrival of trains shall be given.
Mr. Dean, S. F. 128— Classification of
steam boilers.
Mr. Keller, S. F. Amending the
law relating to the state reformatory.re
garding biennial reports.
Peterson, S. D., S. F. 130— Provides
that hereafter incorporated villages
must elect not less than two justices of
the peace, and allows the village coun
cils to appoint one additional in cases
where there is at present but one just
Mr. Wood, S. F. 131— Amends section
32, article 4 of the state constitution,
regarding the forfeiture of railroad
Senator Wood Proposes a Solution
of the Land Grant Problem.
Senator Wood introduced a bill pro
posing an amendment to the constitu
tion that will, if adopted, dispose of the
large railway grants that are so detri
mental to certain counties in tho state.
The maiu provision follows:
That section 32 of article 4 of the con
stitution of the state of Minnesota be,
and the same is hereby, amended by
adding thereto the following:
Provided, that all real estate belong
ing to railroad corpoiations, or to which
any railroad corporation may have be
come entitled through any grain of
lands to said corporation, and not held
or used iv or about the construction,
equipment, renewal, repairing, main
taining or operating the roads of such
corporations, and which shall remain
undisposed of by the same for the term
of two years from and after the adop
tion of this amendment, then and in that
case said real estate, so remaining un
disposed of or still held by said corpora
tions, shall be forfeited to the state.
Of More or Less Interest Presented
in the House.
There was barely a quorum present
when the roll of the house was called
yesterday afternoon. The grinding out
of bills began almost immediately, and
| was continued for over an. hour, despite
many efforts to adjourn. Mr. Winston's
bill Was the only notable measure of
'general importance to be introduced.
| Its reading threatened to hold the ses
sion long after supper time, so when
j some one again moved to adjourn, the
i motion prevailed unanimously. Only a
few sections of the measure had. been
read. A synopsis of its provisions, of
'which change the present election law
in many respects and modify it in others,
can hardly do justice to its scope.
Following is a synopsis ot bills intro
duced, with their reference:
• H. F. 133, a substitute for House Files
33 and GO, is a bill prepared and intro
duced by the committee on grain and
Warehouse. It relates to the establish
ment on the lines of railway companies
of public grain elevators and ware
houses, and provides for condemnation
proceedings in cases where applications
to establish such elevators and ware
houses are denied by railroad compan
ies. The bill also provides for" the fur
nishing of adequate sidetrack facilities.
Keport adopted, bill ordered printed and
placed on general orders.
H. F. 134, by Mr. Hopkins— To change
the boundaries of Independent School'
District , No. 1, in Watonwan county:
Committee on judiciary., .
;H. F. 135, by Mr. Kailsoa— To change
ting rate of interest on lands heretofore
purchased from 7to 5 per ceut. Com
mittee on judiciary.
11. F. 130, by EL F. Comstock— To re
peal chapter 132, Special Laws of ISSO,
relating lo the board of court house and
city hall commissioners of Hennepin
county. Referred to Hennepin delega
H. F. 137, by E. F. Comstock— To pro
vide additional funds to the amount of
?2,0:H),000, by the issuance of bonds, for
the completion and furnishing of the
public building now under construction
in Minneapolis for use as a court house
and city hall. Hennepin delegation.
11. F. "138, by F. M. Wilson— Relating to
change of boundaries of independent
school districts. Committee on educa-
H. F. 130. by Mr. French- To author
ize and provide for direct stipervisibn
of public highways, providing for the
annual election of a township commis
sioner of highways. Committee on
towns and counties.
11. F. 140,bv Mr. Skinner— Relating to
bridges in Brown county, and appro
priating $2,000 therefor. Committee on
roads and bridges.
H. F. 141, by Mr. Craig— To amend the
laws relating to the management al tho
Minnesota state reformatory, providing
for detailed reports to the governor by
the board of managers; also to fix
salaries of officers of the reformatory, as
follows: Principal keeper, $2,000; clerk.
$1,500; chaplain, $1,000, he to act as
teacher; hall keeper, $000; yard keeper,
$000; keepers, $500 each; guaras. $40
each per month; sergeant ot guards.
$000 ; teachers, $300 each; all to be
boarded and lodged at the expanse of
the state. Committee on state prison
and reformotory.
11. F. 142, by Mr. Cairns— Relating to
inchoate interests in real estate by
virtue of marriage. Committee on ju
11. F. 143, by H. M. Richardson— To
amend section 181 of the penal code, re
lating to malicious mischief. Committee
on judiciary. Ml
H. F. 144. by Mr. Holmberg— Relating
to the employment of laborers and other
workers for hire, prohibiting collection
of fees for securing laborers or other
workers employment with third parties.
Committee on labor and labor legisla
11. F. 145, by Mr. Maguire— Providing
for a tax on incomes, and for the sub
mission of an amendment to section 7,
article 9, of the state constitution at
the next election. Committee on ju
11. F. 140, by Mr. Smith— To appro
priate $45,000 for the erection of a dor
mitory at the state normal school at
Moorhead. Committee on normal
H.F. 147, by Mr. Baston-To amend
laws relating to weights and measures.
Committee on agriculture.
11. F. 148, by Mr. Smith— To appro
priate ?2,000t0 reimburse Becker county
for certain expenses. Committee on ap
H. F. 149, by Mr. French— author
ize reimbursement of purchasers of
township bonds. Committee, on judi
11. F. 150, by Mr.Jlorton— To ame nd
general statutes relating to corpora
tions, providing that full-paid shares of
stock shall not be assessable. Commit
tee on incorporations other than munici
H. F. 151. by Mr. Horton -To limit the
time in which to commence legal actions
to recover on stocks and bonds hereto
fore issued by corporations within the
state of Minnesota. Same reference.
11. F. 152, by Mr. Horton— To enable
corporations in Minnesota to limit or
increase issue of stock or bonds, and
establish the value thereof, etc. Same.
H.F. 153, by Mr. Wallblom— To amend
chapter 10 of the act to establish a pro
bate code, making it the duty of pro
bate judges to examine bonds on file in
their ollice at least once a year. Com
mittee on judiciary.
11. F. 154, by Mr. Wallblom— To pro
vide for an annual- accounting by ad
ministrators and executors of esiates.
Committee on judiciary.
H. F. 155, by Mr. Fleming— To appro
priate £2,000 for completion of a wagon
road in Crow Wing county. Committee
on appropriations.
H.F. 150, by Mr. Bleecker— To amend
statutes of 1891 relating to loan and
building associations. Committee on
11. F. 157, by Mr. allblom— To in
demnify for damages occasioned by a
mob or riot, making cities and counties
liable for damages incurred in such
manner. Committee on judiciary.
11. F. 158, by Mr. Howard— To amend
laws relating to giving security for costs
in court actions. Committee on judi
11. F. 159, by Mr. Boggs— To legalize
special assessments heretofore made by
cities or villages to pay for local im
provements. Committee on judiciary.
11. F. 160, by Mr. Cotton— To empower
county commissioners or township
supervisors to grant the right to build
electric or other streot railways. Com
mittee on municipal legislation.
11. F. 161, by Mr. Cotton— Relating to
establishment of municipal courts in
villages of over 1,000 population. Com
mittee ou municipal legislation.
H. F. 162. by Mr. Winston— To regu
late elections. Committee on elections.
Will Be Presented for H. F. 60,
With a Minority Report.
At the meeting of the house commit
tee on railroads last evening, to further
consider Mr. Vausant's bill, known as
House File 00, to abolish ticket scalp
ing. Mr. Boggs offered a substitute
measure which differs from the original
in that it provides the license lee shall
be $3; removes limitations on tickets to
be redeemed, and provides that unused
portions of tickets are to be redeemed
by the railroad companies themselves,
at the difference between the fare for
the distance actually used and the
amount paid.
Mr. Howard said he could see no dif
ference between Mr. Boggs' bill and the
original, except in tho provision to
abolish limited tickets. He called at
tention to the fact that the redemption
clause was exactly as in the original,
and really provided no remedy for ticket
holders. The bill, he held, was also un
constitutional, in that it prohibited the
transfer by one man to another of prop
erty he had bought and paid for, as, for
instance, if he purchased a ticket and
for any reason could not use it, or any
part of it, be would be liable, under the
proposed law, to line and imprisonment
if he sold it to a neighbor who wanted
to travel on it.
Mr. Boggs read the law of Pennsyl
vania touching the same subject, claim
ing it had been held constitutional. He
further claimed that there are no scalp
ers in Pennsylvania at present, outside
of Pittsburg. He read largely signed
petitions from citizens of Duluth, stat
ing at the same time that he differed
from the petitioners on every point
made against the bill. At the same time
he admitted he had never seen pe
titions signed by a better class of
people. After reading the petition. Mr. "
Boggs opined that if the petitioners
knew as much cf the merits of the bill
as himself they would be as strongly in
its favor. Then he went on to make an
extended analysis of and argument for
the bill, "on behalf of the conductors."
lie claimed that in the case of round
trip tickets sold at one fare or one fare
and a third, it would not be
fail to the railroad companies
to ask them to return any
money beyond the difference be
tween the regular rate for the distance -
actually traveled and the price paid for
the ticket originally. "I submit, gen
tlemen. said Mr. Boggs, "that even the
railroad companies have some rights."
The gentleman had with him a satchel
containing evidence to sustain his ar
gument, in the shape of books from the
offices of railroad companies, relating-lo
refunding of money, etc. it is only fair
to say, however, that he disclaimed any
connection with or interest in the bill
except from the standpoint that ho be
lieved the bill to be a step toward lower
rates for travelers. •
Mr. Comstock presented a substitute
for section 5 of Mr. Boggs' bill, which
would give the bona fide ticket holder
a specified return for any whole or parr
tial ticket on a specified scale of price.
• Mr. Boggs objected to. the .substitute
as not calculated to be as effective as
the section drawn by himself, He said
Mr. Comstock's was the Indiana pro
viso, while his own was the Pennsyl
vania proviso, which had practically
abolished scalpers.
Mr. Howard argued that the bill was
drawn primarily tor the benefit of the
railroads, and incidentally, perhaps, to
protect conductors. From his reading
of the bill he could not see how it would
prevent criminal manipulation of tick
ets, but it would most certainly deprive
the public of advantages at present pos
sessed. In [conclusion, he moved in
definite postponement of the bill and
the substitutes.
Mr. Kelly seconded the motion, and
Mr. Dunn asserted his belief that rail
road companies should be compelled
to redeem all transportation not used.
He held it to be no moral wrong to sell
such transportation to any person.
"Well, it is a legal wrong," retorted
Mr. Boggs.
On a vote the motion to indefinitely
postpone was lost.
Finally, alter many motions and
counter motions, looking -to action fa
vorable and unfavorable, postponement
change, etc., it was voted, '.) to 4. to re
port the substitute bill back with the
recommendation that it do pass. Mr.
Howard, Mr. Comstock and possibly
one or two others of the committee, of
whom the chairman is not unlikely to
be one, will' present a minority report.
On this measure, there is fun ahead.
Only the railroad side had an inning
last night.
The committee on rules reported in
favor of increasing the committee on
municipal legislation to nineteen mem
bers. The house adopted the recom
mendation. A report from the same
committee in favor of the establishment
of a standing committee on heaith, to
be composed of one member from each
congressional district, was also adopted.
The committee on grain and ware
house, reported in favor of indefinitely
postponing House Files 3:; and 66; also
submitting a substitute bill and recom
mending us passage.
Mr. Wyman, of Hennepin, was in the
speaker's chair, in the absence of
Speaker Lee.
It is evident that the free silver men
are organized in the senate, and have
determined to fight to the death any
measure which menaces the interests
they represent. Like some men nearer
home than Washington, they consider
their own local Interests of more im
portance than the welfare of the coun
try at large.— Omaha Herald.
Gold has begun to flow out to Europe
again, It is expected that tomorrow's
exports may aggregate $3,000,000. Over
and above the legal tender reserve fund
there is only about seventeen millions
of free gold in the treasury.* If Europe
continues to draw on us it is clear that
the reserve must soon be impaired, and
we may expect a revival of tho futile
schemes for replenishing lt by issuing
new bonds. There is only one way to
check this menacing efflux, and that is
to immediately repeal the compulsory
silver purchase law.— New York Her
The Iron Brigade.
La Crosse Chronicle.
Gen. Bragg's supporters at Madison
are well characterized as the Iron
Brigade, and it is more glory to the gal
lant soldier that the name should sug
gest itself spontaneously than either of
his opponents could gather to them
selves if they might both attain the high
ollice to which they aspire and hold it
for life. The Iron Brigade never knew
there were any such words as surrender
or defeat. Gen. Bragg's friends need
not be cast down. Every day's delay is
in his favor, for the people of Wiscon
sin are getting wide awake and a little
bit ufly. The men they have trusted
to represent them will hear some plain
talk between now and next Monday
night, and if they do that which they
were chosen to do, the people's will, the
Iron Brigade may look for recruits.
That Divorce Law.
Sioux Falls Press.
The Tress is .pleased over the fact
that the house has acted favorably on
the divorce bill making six mouths as
the time necessary for residence previ
ous to application for a separation. It
could not very well make the time
longer than necessary to secure citizen
shin, as has been said, as that would
recognize the right of persons to come
here for divorce only, and thus practic
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