OCR Interpretation

St. Paul daily globe. [volume] (Saint Paul, Minn.) 1884-1896, April 30, 1893, Image 1

Image and text provided by Minnesota Historical Society; Saint Paul, MN

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn90059522/1893-04-30/ed-1/seq-1/

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Cisco, Tex., Devastated by a
Most Terrific Demon of
the Air.
Every Building in the Track
of the Storm Laid in
Upward of a Score of Per
sons Now Cold in
Conservative Estimates Give
the Number of Injured
at 250.
Cisco, Tex., April 29.— The most ter
rific cyclone that ever visited Texas dev
astated Cisco and Eastland county last
night at 9:40 o'clock, laying waste
everything in its path, which was about
throe-fourths of a mile wide. The storm
destroyed all but about fifty houses In
Cisco. Not a church or school
house is standing, and but one
business house is intact — that
of C. 11. Fee. At present the
amount of damage to property and life
cannot bo estimated. There are sev
eral killed, and a great number were
more or less injured. The list of dead,
as near as can be obtained, is as fol
Mrs. Jones and baby: Dave Cameron,
a braseman; Capt Whitesides, a mer
chant; five children of W. A. Hiekman:
one child of >L 15. Owens; — Bledsoe,
brakenian; Mrs. J. D. Thomas, Mrs.
Uorton, William Sims, Mrs. Knight.
Conservative estimates place the
number of wounded at about 150. The
Head and injured are being cared for as
best they can under such extreme cir
sumstances. A number more are
injured, names of whom cannot now be
>btained,as everything is in such a state
it confusion. The cyclone traveled
northeast, knocking down houses
uul laying waste farms. The
louses blown down are too
numerous to mention. Mrs. «L. D.
Ladd. four miles northeast of Eastland,
was billed, and Mr. Ladd severely In
jured. Others were
More or Less Hurt.
Mr. Furgeson, four miles northeast of
Cisco, was killed and his house burned.
The windstorm lasted not more than a
few minutes. It was followed by a
heavy rain. Telegraphic communica
tion is practically cut off.
The business portion of the town is
totally destroyed. Out of forty-five
business bouses forty were blown to
fragments, and four of the others so
damaged as to be useless. Twenty-live
residences were wiped out of existence,
and there is scarcely a honse in town
that escaped serious damasre. Besides
the fifteen known to be dend there are
several who have not yet been accounted
for and these are undoubtedly buried
sonip where in the debris of ruined
buildings, it is thought tonight that
the number of injured will reach 150, of
whom a dozen or more are thought to
tie fatally hurt. Communication with
Ihe outside world is extremely difficult,
there being but one telegraph wire
Working into the place. The mayor of
Forth Worth, Tex., has sent tSOO by
wire tonight, and stated that badly
limied supplies were on the way here.
An Avalanche Crushes a Pitts-
burg Tenement House.
riTT>r,r!:r.. April 29.— At S:3O o'clock
tliis evening a large quantity of earth
and stone became loosened from the
bluff Known as Bird's hill, which towers
125 ieet above Second avenue, and
crashed down and upon two tenement
houses in the rear of 201 and 2<>3 Sec
ond avenue. Solomon Keiiy, a colored
coal hauler, his wife and four children,
ranging in ages from three months to
fifteen years, had just finished their
Bupper. Without an instant's warning
the roof and rear walls of the kitchen
fell upon them, burying them com
pletely. The Bremen and a large detail
Df policemen were quickly at the scene.
Sirs. Kelly, with her baby in her arms.
was found standing upright ana un
conscious. The babe is slightly in
jured. The mother was literally dug
out of the debris and sent to the hos
pital, where she lies in a critical condi
lion. Sol Kelly and the two boys were
next removed", and although badly
bruised may possibly recover. Fan
nie, a fourteen-year-old girl, was
pinned to the floor by the
hot stove and horribly crushed.
The hospital physicians made every
effort to resuscitate her, but without
avail. The recent heavy rains had
loosened the stones on the sides of the
bluff. A similar accident occurred at
the same place a few years ago. The
police will compel residents of houses
under the bluil to vacate. The hospital
Burgeons say that James Kelly, aged
fifteen, cannot recover.
Family of a Pittsbarjg Dairyman
l.ats StJi'e Delicacies.
PITTSBUKG, April 28.— A family
named Sauler, residing at West Liberty,
Pa,, a few miles out of Pittsburg, were
poisoned yesterday by eating sweet
cake. One boy is dead, another child
cannot recover, while the remaining
inetnbers of the family, seven in num
ber, are in a critical condition. Sauler
keeps a dairy, and raises pigs and poul
try for market. On Thursday he gath
ered a large load of slops and refuse
fioin stores and houses on the south side
of the city with which to teed his stock.
Among the stuff were found several stale
spongecakes. Part of the cakes were
given to his family to eat, and the rest
were fed to the chickens. Soon after all
Df his chickens were dead. This,
however, did not warn him that
the cakes contained poison, and his
five children ate the remainder. The
children were seized with convulsions.
A doctor was summoned, but a tive
year-old boy was dead before he ar
rived. The life of a three-year-old girl
is despaired of. The phjsician thinks
that the other members of the family
will recover, although they art very ill.
The coroner is conducting an investiga
Six Killed by a Cyclone.
Po»< a A.GKNCT, 1.T., April 29.—Yes
terday afternoon at 5 o'clock a cyclone
visited this vicin ty and six people were
killed. They were: Jack Keithley.wifc
ami two children, and Charles JaSkson,
of Kansas, who was visiting the Keith
leys. There were two other of KeKh-
Wj's children injured. Keithley lived
■ . /
Weather— Fair; stationary temperature.
Many people killed by Texas cyclone-
Death in falling Pittsburg building.
Chicago has more gold than Gotham.
Very high water at Emerson^
South Pembina is afloat.
Bank at Salem, S. D., closes, its doors.
Cleveland arrives at Chicago.
Likewise the Duke of Veragua.
Mrs- Potter Palmer drives a nail-
Results of base ball contests.
Three spring meetings open.
A scoundrel steals Columbus' ashes.
Street railway ordinance agreed upon.
The sensational Livingstone case.
Congressman Boen's drainage scheme-
The Eussian wheat crop destroyed.
The war vessel Monterey disabled-
Spirited contest for Albany Argus.
Republican league convention plans-
St. Paul gets more letter carriers.
Movements of Steamships.
LizAi:i> — Passed: La Champagne, from
Sew York.
Southampton— Arrived, New York, from
New \orK.
Bkowhead— Passed: Aurania, from New
Gibraltar— Arrived: Kron Prinz tried
rich Wilheltu. New York.
New York— Arrived: Paris. Southamp
ton^ __
in a house on Nevins' ranch, eleven
miles southeast of Ponca. The house
was completely demolished. In a shanty
opposite Keithley's were eight Osago
Indians. The shanty was blown down,
but the Indians escaped injury.
Four Persons Bitten.
Chicago, April 29.— A dog supposed
to be suffering from rabies ran wild in
Lake view this morning;, causing a panic
among pedestrians and biting four per
sons. It was not until after a long
chase that the animal was killed. Those
bitten were: George Kramer, thirteen
years of age, bitten in left groin; C. If.
Dustan, right hand bitten; Bertha
Wanke, eleven years old. bitten on right
arm; Willie C Blake, seven years old,
bitten on right wrist. Several physi
cians were summoned and all the
wounds were cauterized.
Three Asphyxiated.
Chicago. April 29.— Henry Dowling,
and his wife and child, were asphyx
iated by gas jet accidentally left open
last night in their apartments in the
Delaware building. Grand Boulevard
and Vincennes avenue. All three were
dead when found this morning.
Mrs. Potter Palmer Completes the
Women's Buildings.
Chicago, April 29.— The world's fair
women turned out in force at Jackson
park this afternoon to witness the cere
mony of driving the golden nail that
makes the completion of the woman's
building. The exercises were simple,
but impressive. They were inaugurated
with the presentation to Mrs. Potter
Palmer of a handsome silk flag, a gift
to the building from the women of
Florida. After this came the formal
presentation to the board of
ady managers of the various
rooms of the building which have
been furnished and decorated by
the different states. That of Connecti
cut, which is to be used as a reception
room for foreign committeesjieadedthe
list. Kentucky's room, decorated by the
Columbia clubs of the Blue Grass state,
came next. California presented a
richly furnished room, with panels of
polished redwood, and the participants
then filed through the main parlor,
richly furnished and decorated by the
ladies of Cincinnati. The last room to
be presented was the liurarv, the
finishings of which were donated by
the ladies oi New York. As a finale
Mrs. Potter Palmer lifted the lid of a
handsome casket that rested on the
table in the rotunda, brought forth a
silver hammer, then a golden nail, and
amid the dapping of hands and flutter
ing of handkerchiefs drove the nail
with gentle tans into the proscuenium
arch of tiie building until it was buried
to its head. Then the ladies shook hands
with Mrs. Palmer and with each other
as a congratulation of the tact that their
work was at last accomplished, and sang
the Doxology. The building was form
ally dedicated Monday afternoon.
Entire Family of an Insane Sui
cide Missing.
St Louis, April 29.— John Dalian was
found dead in his house, eleven miles
from town, having been shot to death.
His wife and seven children are miss
ing, lie has been insane for a number
i of years and it is supposed he murdered
the«who!e secreting their bodies,
and tlieu committed suicide.
Perpetrators Unknown.
CET>Ai:Dn:<;,Wis..April 29.— The jury
in the Schlax murder trial completed
its labors without charging any one.
Suspicion has been pointed very
strongly toward a neighboring farmer
and very conflicting evidence was
taken, but the jury, after long delibera
tion, concluded that the evidence taken
was insufficient to make any iudict
ments, and rendered a verdict declaring
that John P. Schlax met his death from
blows from an instrument, and that the
perpetrators of the deed are unknown
to the jury.
This Is Pleasant.
Special to the Globe.
Laurel, Dei., April 29.— The heaviest
peach yield in the history of Delaware
is predicted.
Half a Town on the Interna
tional Boundary Under
The Sudden Overflow of the
Red Caused by an Ice
South Pembina Deluged and
People Forced to Leave
Their Homes.
Th% Bank of Salem, S. D-,
Closes Its Doors—lts Con
Special to the Globe.
Wixmi-kg, Man., April 29. -Half the
town of Emerson, just this side of the
international boundary, is under water.
The principal business block in town is
surrounded by two feet of water. The
overflow was caused by an ice jam.
Across the river, at West Lynn, the
Northern Pacific station is completely
separated from the village by the flood.
In this city the water is steadily rising,
but will have to come up about seven
feet before a flood is possible at tho low
est point of the banks.
South Pembina Floodtul and Her
Residents Move.
Pembina, N. D., April 29. -South
Fenibino is flooded and citizens have
abandoned their houses. The river is
rising two inches an hour.
Money Did Not Como in From a
Chicago Draft.
Special to the Globe.
Sioux Falls, S. D., April 29.— The
Bank of Salem, at Salem, this state,
closed its doors this morning. The as
signment was made to George \V. Col
laut for the benefit of creditors. J. H.
Brown is president and Peckering
Brown, his brother, re cashier. Atfj
o'clock experts cave out the liabilities
at 175,000, and the assets at ?55,0u0. The
announcement was made that the cred
itors would be paid in full. A complete
statement will be made Monday. Mc-
Cook county had 313.000 on deposit. The
bondsmen of County Treasurer Webber
tried yesterday to be released from their
bonds, and the matter was to have been
decided today. The crash came from
the failure of money to arrive fioni
Chicago on a draft for $50,000. Loose
business management in the way of
miscellaneous loans on poor security
and slow collections are reported to
have caused the failure.
Charges of Malfeasance to Be
Made Against Him.
Sioux Falls, S. D., April 29.— 1t was
claimed this morning that Joe Kirby, a
well known attorney, would in a short
time go before the grand jury and make
a charge of malfeasance in office against
Mayor Porter P. Peck, and attempt to
secure an accusation under which the
mayor could be tried and removed from
oflice. About two weeks ago the mayor
succeeded In persuading the city coun
cil to vote him 8550 extra salary under a
claim which he made two years ago, but
which the council in power at that time
refused to grant. Au ordinance was in
effect making the mayor's salary $2, and
the general law forbids him to receive
any extra money for any purpose. It is
understood that the council, being In
the nature of a legislative body,
are not liable unless corruption can
be shown, which is doubtful, but
the mayor, who drew the warrant,
and the city auditor, who indorsed it,
are amenable. The statute does not
make this an indictable offense, and the
only province of the errand jury in the
matter Is to make a formal accusation.
In that case the culprit will be called
upon to plead, and will be put through
a regulation jury trial, and if found
guilty will be removed from office. An
other charge will be the issue of illegal
warrants to cover the expense of a $1,000
supper, which the city council ana offi
cers gave to the oflicials of several sur
rounding towns last fall.
They Inform on a Saloonkeeper
and Then Regret It.
Siorx Falls, S. D., April 29.— The
little town of East Sioux Falls, a suburb
of this place, has been getting stirred
uu over the enforcement of the prohib
itory law. Eight women signed a state
ment alleging that the law was being
violated and praying the court for an
injunction. Three women came to
Sioux Falls and secured injunctions
from Judge Aikeus. Two deputies were
dispatched at once to serve the writs.
When they arrived they found the
places closed as tight as a drum, aud,
entering, discovered nothing but empty
bottles and a strong smell of stale beer.
It was then learned that the women
who remained had repented of their
action, and had posted the saloon men
that an injunction would soon be issued.
Armed With Credentials That lie
Has Won the Prize.
Noktiifikld, April 20.- F. M. Ilub
bell, Minnesota's representative at the
interstate oratorical contest, left for
Columbus today, accompanied by F. E.
Lurton, representative of the Adelphij
Literary society, of which Ilubbell is a
member, and A- L. Sperry. president
of the Carleton College Oratorical asso
ciation. Mr. Ilubbell is confident that
he will be recognized by the interstate
executive committee, as he has an offi
cial notification signed uy Hartley, sec
retary of the state association, and the
affidavits of President Mailer and Vice
President Wallace, that the original de
cision giving Ilubbell the prize is the
only legal one.
Boy Murderers Confess.
Oregon City, Or., April 29.— Therpn
Mack aud James Burns, two lads under
arrest charged with the murder of
Chinaman Chin Li, at Muline, about
three weeks ago, have confessed their
crime. The boys had discussed the
worthlessness of the Chinese, and had
concluded to terrify them go they would
leave the country. They went to the
Chinaman's cabin in the uight for the
purpose of robbery, also designing to
cut off the cues of the Chinese and
frighten them so they would iuu away.
They battered down the cabin door with
a rail, and found but one Chinaman,
who had just risen from bed. He made
a great outcry, and in attempting to
escape was shot dead by the boys.
Will Sue Auditor Ilioriuan.
lli:i) Wind. April 29.— State Auditor
Bierman will have a law suit on his
hands for trying to adjust Red Wing
taxes. The Charles Botcher Lumber
company bong lit several lots recently
from ihi" Minneapolis ft St. Louis Rail
way company. It was discovered that
taxes on the lots were delinquent! and
being railway land State Auditor Hier- .
man abated the taxes. The amount was*
171, and the city is just that much out*
on the bargain. The city council, on,
advice of the city attorney, Hon. P. M.
Wilson, has decided to sue the state
auditor for this amount.
Parents Are Warned.
NoiniiKir.i.D, Minn., April 29. —Re
cently a man claiming to como from
Minneapolii has been riding through
the country surrounding North field
seeking to engage young ladies to go to
the city and do office work, lit- prom
ised young misses who had no training
for the position good wages, lie gave
no references and did not explain fully
the business in which he was engaged.
lio left saying he would send when
ready, and within a month, for them,
giving them full directions for finding
him. Some say he is an agent for Chi
cago places of ill-repute.
Heath Wants a Receiver.
Special to the Globe.
Sioux Falls, S. D., April 29.— Perrie
S. Ueath, of Indianapolis, the cor
respondent, today filed an application
here for a receiver for the Western
Land company, of Watertown, S. 1). He
charges that Charles Joselyn, president,
and W. 11. Bradbury, secretary, have
improperly disposed or $12,000 worth of
land, and prays that the court intervene
to prevent them from further sales.
Heath claims that the company's prop
erty is worth several hundred thousand
Texans Prohibited.
Special to the Globe.
Sioux Falls, S. D., April 29.— 1n
view of the fact of the existence of con
tagious disease among the cattle of cer
tain portions of Texas.Gov. Sheldon ha?
issued a proclamation prohibiting the
importation of Texas cattle into South
pakofi. except .under the roost strict
inspection; then only from those coun
ties which are distant from the counties
directly infected.
The Mill htrike Knded.
Nkw Richmond, Wis., April 29.— The
saw mill meu's strike is over. The men
went back to work eleven hours a day
with last year's pay, but if they remaiu
the entire season in the employ of the
company they will receive 10 per cent
additional, which is practically last sea
son's pay for a ten-hour day, with extra
pay for the extra hour.
A New Superintendent.
Wkst Supekiok, Wis.,Auril 2!).— Dow
Smith, for four years superintendent of
construction for the West Superior Iron
and Steel company, will become super
intendent of the Minneapolis end of the
Twin City Street railway May 1. He
will leave for Minneapolis tomorrow
He May Xot AAvake.
Red Lake Falls, Minn., April 29.—
Tellesfore Robiilard for the pa9t ten
years has annually taken a sleeping
spell, when he would sleep a week at a
time, all efforts to arouse him being in
vain. He fell asleep last night, and
great fears are entertained that he may
die, as he is Buffering much pain.
Was It Accidental ?
Brookings, S. D.. April 29.— Otis
Alton, a boy seven years of age, was
killed early this morning by Alfred
Weig, aged fourteen, in the livery barn
of Woodward & Gray. The instrument
used was a 32-caliber rifle, taken from
the livery office. Whether accidental
or intended is not determined. Weig is
under arres-t
Todd Case Postponed.
Special to the Globe.
Sioux Falls, S. D., April 20.— The
hearing in the case of Todd vs. Todd
was set for this aftern oon, but an ad
journment was taken until Saturday,
May 0. Postponement was made In
order to give defense time to procure
additional evidence. "
Two Sticks in Bad Shape.
Special to the Globe.
ad wood, S. D., April 29.— Two
Sticks, murderer of the whites near
Pine Ridge agency, was brought here
today. The old chief was helpless, and
was carried to jail. He has been shot in
several places in the body, andgaugreue
has set in.
Snowed Steadily.
Special to the Globe.
Deadwood, S. D., April 29.— The past
seven days it has snowed steadily. Ail
out-door work Is at a standstill. The
thermometer averaged three above
freezing. All roads are impassable and
farmers a month behind in their work.
Bridge Washed Away.
Special to the Globe.
Thief River Falls, Minn., April
29.— Kretzschman's large wagon bridge
across the lied Lake river was carried
away by water and ice this afternoon.
The water is rising rapidly.
Telegraph Operators Indicted.
lowa City. 10., April 29.— Alfred
Boone and C. W. Wards have been in
dicted by the grand jury. They are
members of the Order of Railway Tfleic
raphers. The crime alleged is the cut
ting of wires, and it is said to have oc
curred during the strike on the Rock
Island system last winter.
McAllister in Luck.
Aberdeen, S. D., April 29.— A. C.
McAllister, who filed a pre-emption oil
the famous Dayton quarter, lying inside
the corporate limits of Aberdeen, has
been notified by his attorney at Wash
ington that his rights had been recog
nized and a rehearing of the cast) or
. •
Misplaced a Switch.
Montevideo, Minn., April 29.— A
freight train, owing to a misplaced
switch, crashed into freight cars in the
Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul railway
yard, wrecking three and badly damag
ing the engine.
Disappointed in Love.
Renville. Minn., April. 29. — Hans
Evjen, a clerk at Sacred Heart, shot and
killed himself at 9 o'clock this morning
because of disappointment in love. He
was highly respected. .j
Died in an Outhouse."
CAXTON'.Minn., April Uncle Billy
Bursell, aged about eighty, died iv an
outhouse here this morning.
The President Welcomed With
the Shouts of a Multi
He Is Escorted to the Lexing
ton Hotel by Illinois Sol
In the Afternoon He Quietly
Visits the Exposition
After Dinner He Occupies a
Box at the Auditorium
Chicago, April 20.— Fresh from the
splendors of the naval display. Presi
dent' Cleveland was welcomed to Chica
go todiv with the shouts of a multitude,
the boou...ig of cannon and the hearty
greetin - of the official representatives
of the otate of Illinois and the city of
Chicagc T ho welcome was inaugurated
away d>|| i in the sister state of In
diana, re the special train was
boarded a composite delegation, coin-
•*- GfM- : ;'- : \ CLEVELAND-/^-,
prising Go Ugeldt and the members
of his staff •or Harrison and his cab
inet, Direc 'aneral Davis. Collector
of the Poi jin M. Clark. The presi
dent, who i personally acquainted
with a inaj v of his visitors, received
thorn cord . First Gov. Altgeldt,
* tor the state, <tnd then Carter Harrison,
for the city, told him how much they
appreciated his presence, and how the
entire commonwealth was at his com
mand, while Mr. Cleveland in response
remarked that he had a lively remem
brance of Chicago's hospitality, and ex
tending back some years. The scenes
enacted at the union depot upon the
arrival of the president' party were, in
the main, a repetition of those that
greeted the Duke of Veragua and his
suite, only that
Tile Throng in Waiting
was larger, and infinitely more exuber
ant. It packed the public portion of the
big slied from one end to the other,
massed itself solidly on the steps, while
outside there was a sea of heads for a
couple of blocks in either direction.
President Palmer and Vice President
Peck were in waiting at the depot to ex
press a word of greeting in behalf of
the exposition, and this done the serv
ices of the escorting police were called
again into requisition, and a path
way was found for the visit
ors from the depot to the street.
The crowd had commenced to
let itself loose when the first rumble of
the train wa* heard, and they kept up
the cheering almost incessantly until
tho president had entered his carriage.
When one knot of enthusiasts com
menced to get hoarsn another crowd re
lieved them, and in this way the roar of
welcome was pretty well continuous.
Mr. Cleveland looked none the worse
for his head-bumpiiig of yesterday, and
the only evidences of the fact was a small
bit of court plaster on the fore
head above the right ear and
which so well matched tho tingre of
his flesh that it was scarcely discernable
except on close inspection. He pleas
antly responded to the cheering by re
peated doftings of his hat. It was
notable also that Secretary Gresham
came in tor a general recognition, so
much so, in fact, tint Secretary Car
lisle was prompted to laughingly sug
gest that he evidently was not one of
tlie individuals who have no honor iv
their own country.
The Presidential Procession
was nearly three times as long as that
which had escorted the duke, and it
stretched out over several squares.
This was the order in which it mowd:
A detachment of twenty-seven mouißed
police led the way. Then came com
pany B, of the United States cavalry,
commanded by Capt. E. A. Yarn u in.
The Illinois national guard was repre
sented by its First and Second regi
ments, commanded by Cols. Koch
and Judd, as well as by the
cavalry troop A. Light battery
E, of the United States artil
lery, brought up the rear of the military
contingent and cleared the way for a
string of forty carriages. Four of these
were occupied by national commission
ers and members of the local directory.
President Cleveland was seated in the
fifth carriage, a handsome vehicle
drawn by two white horses. Gov.
Altgeldt sat on his right and Mayor
Harrison on the opposite seat, lv the
sixth vehicle Vice President Stevenson
had Ferd W. Peck for company, while
Secretary Gresham had Director
General Davis all to himself.
Secretary Carlisle rode with Collector
Clarke and Director Lawrence, Secre
tary Morton with Director Kerfoot, and
Ambassador Bayard with Commissioner
Bradley B. Smalley. Postmaster Gen
eral Bissell rode with Adlai T. Ewing.
Carriages were provided for Maj. Gen.
Miles and his staff, as well as for the
mayor's cabinet and the members of the
city council. The procession followed
the same route as that of the ducal
part}-, except that it continued on
Michigan avenua
A .Vile to the Southward
and came to a full stop at the Lexing
ton hotel. As the president's carriage
passed the harbor a presidential salute
was fired from the Andrew Johnson.
Ten times as many spectators had
turned out as when the ducal contin
gent passed the same way, aim the en
luusiasm was, if anything, twenty
times as spontaneous and general. It
was a strong reminder of tho popular
welcome that was accorded to Mr.
Cleveland when he visited the city dur
ing his first administration, a reception
which, as he remarked to Mayor Harri
son this morning,!. e never could forget if
be wanted to. A still greater surprise
'iwaited him when he reached the Lex
ington hotel. The hothouses of the
world's fair had been next door to
emptied, so that his pathway might be
lined with flowers. He passed into the
hotel between r ws of shrubs with un
pronounceable names, the elevator that
carried him to the second floor was
literally embowered with cut flowers
and ferns, the wainscoting of the corri
dor into which he stepped was banked
with the gems of the conservatory,
while the suite of rooms into which he
was escorted were filled with a fra
grance that was overpowering. There
were flowers from the world's fair
grounds, Mowers from the White house
conservatory, these latter having Mrs.
Cleveland's card and a wifely inscrip
tion in her own dainty handwriting,
flowers from Detroit, from Cleveland,
from Buffalo, from Albany, and from
New York city. There were white
tulips in the sleeping room, American
Ito*eH by the Hundred
in the parlor, in the library half a dozen
azaea trees in full bloom, yellow tulips
in the dining room. It was flowers,
flowers, and nothing but flowers. And
yet, even without them, the apartments
would have been regarded as sumptuous
in the extreme. Curtains of finest lace
and richest silk adorn the windows,
lending splendor to the richness of
the furnishings within. The parlor
is dona in light blue shading, and
lonsr banners of heavy tapestry coyer the
walls. Tte balcony in the bay window,
which corners on Michigan avenue ?!nd
Twenty-second street, is filled with
jardinieres of roses, and bright llower
ing peas, flanked by palms. Adjoining
the parlor is a rarely old rose over its
mantel, inclosed in a massive frame, a
steel engraving of Columbus at
Salamanca. This opens out into
a dainty little dining room, shining
with dainty French china, silver,
cut glass and wonders in table linen,
doilies and napkins. The sleeping
apartment is in white and gold. The
entire suite, which is, in fact, the bridal
chamber of the hotel, and has "ver
hitherto been occupied, is inclo c ) a
separate hallway with priva iti
bules. The cabinet officers accoi.. ly
iug \.\\i president wereassigned to r^AX
ters on the same floor almost as luxuri
ous, but lacking
The Floral Display.
Shortly after his arrival, President
Cleveland received the cards of an un
expected delegation. It was composed
of six young girls, representing a so
ciety known as the girls' badgemakers'
protective union, and they were anx
ious to present to the chief executive a
badge that had been made with the ar
tistic fingers of two of their num ber. It
was ot roan velvet, ornamented with
cold bullion work. On the top was a gold
bullion star in a red, white and blue ro
sette,and below it the inscription in gilt
letters "Welcome, Grover Cleveland,
President of the United States, World's
Fair City, May, 1893." The president
was nonplused for a second when a card
came up bearing the names Ida Markey,
Mollie Markey, Clara Yack, Ida Morris
Lizzie Tilton and Lv Morris, and for a
moment racked his brains in the vain
effort to recall when and where, and
under what circumstances he had made
the acquaintance of half a dozen mem
bers of the feminine sex with these
particular cognomens. He might have
been wondering yet had not Secretary
Gresham come to the rescue, and the
president suggested that he would just
as soon receive a delegation in the par
lor as where else. Up the steps the
maidens tripped, but they kind of fal
tered when they reached the door of the
parlor, and, if the door of the private
vestibule had not in the meantime
closed behind them, they would proba
bly have
Scurried Down Stairs
again as fast as their limbs could take
them. They were trim maidens, decid
edly attractive and pleasing of form.
When they entered the parlor and had
been introduced singly to the president,
Clara Yaek looked at Mollie Markey.
and Ida Morris at her sister, and all of
them wished that the other would say
something. Finally Miss Ida Markey,
who had originally been selected by com
mon consent as the spokeswoman, sum
moned up courage to tell the president
that the badge was the work of herself,
Mollie Markey and Lizzie Tiltoii, and
that the union, which was composed
exclusively of girls, would feel honored,
if he would accept the badge and wear
it at the dedication ceremonies, and
afterwards take it back to the White
house as a souvenir of the occasion, and
also as a memento of the working girls
of the world's fair city. The presi
dent gallantly accepted the gift in
a few well chosen sentences,
and then the trim little blonde,
her face suffused with blushes, stepped
forward and pinned it on the breast of
his coat. Then they all shook hands
with the president again and backed
out to the elevator. During his stay in
Chicago Mr. Cleveland and the mem
bers of the cabinet will be attended by
A Special Committee,
composed of Perry 11. Smith, Jr.,
Frank B. Iloyne, Fred Kimball and 11.
E. L. Doggett. These will see to it
that no would-be officeholders get close
enough to the presidential presence to
have an opportunity of pressing their
Leaving the ladies immediately after
lunch, the president and those of his
colleagues named donned their wraps,
and, led "by Mr. Higinbotham, of the
world's fair officials, they descended by
a private stairway and entered carriages
so quickly that not fifty persons saw
them or knew of their going. The
drivers hurried their teams away,
turning down Michigan avenue to
ward the fair grounds, which was their
destination. The president desired to
go about the fair grounds and see the
fair buildings quietly and only as an
individual so far as that might be pos
sible. He would not do soon Sunday,
and on Monday or thereafter he would
be quito unable to go about without an
embarrassingly large attendance. Hence
it was that those in the Liberty bell pro
cession were disappointed in their ex
pectation of a review by the president.
The President and Party Witness
Klralfy's "America."
Chicago, April 29.— After the presi
dent had returned to the Lexington
from his private informal reception he
sat down to dinner with members ot his
cabinet, their wives and daughters and
a few world's fair officials who are
members of the presidential com
mittee. During dinner Mr. Cleve
land conceived the idea of . see
ing the much-talked-of Auditorium
theater, which his predecessor, Benja
min Ilarrisou, had dedicated. ,So it
happened that, without giving the the
ater management any advance notice,
the president caused a telephone mes
sage to be sent to the Auditorium box
office, saying that he would like to en
gage a box for this evening. Two more
boxes were needed for the other mem
bers of his party, and after considerable
difficulty they were secured, the holders
Continual ou $«vcutli JPnjje,
Chicag-o, Despite the Bleak
Wind, Warmly Welcomes
Her Guests.
Thousands of Men Employed
in Preparing 1 for the
Which Will Compare Favor
ably With That of Other
Only Fair Weather Needed to
Make Monday's Ceremo
nies Historic.
Chicago, April 29.— The day has
been cniil and dreary in the world's
lair city, but it lias not been bleak
enough to chill the generous welcome
that the people of Chicago extended to
President Cleveland and the Duke de
Veragua, the lineal descendant of the
great Columbus. Despite the north
west winds that swept through the
streets, laden at times with a blinding
rain, thousands of people assembled at
the various points ot interest to do hom
age to the distinguished arrivals of the
day. But an hour or two separated
the time of reception of the Duke
and President Cleveland and each was
given a series of ovations at every point
he visited throughout the day. The
president sought all the seclusion possi
ble, and departed somewhat from the
programme by taking a hurried visit
with his cabinet to the world's fair
grounds, instead of viewing the parade
that had been arranged in honor of the
distinguished visitors of the day. The
duke, from the time of his arrival,
placed himself entirely at the disposal
of his hosts, and was the recipient of
Great Attention All Day,
responding Invariably with the uniform
courtesy and ineffable grace that dis
tinguish the nobles of the Castilian
race. The president and his cabinet
seemed inclined to reserve their forces
for the ordeal which Monday must iu
evitably bring, while the duke seemed
anxious to repay the hospitality of his
hosts by responding to every suggestion
made for his entertainment. When the
day closed the visitors, as well as the
reception committees, must have been
heavy with fatigue, but Sunday will
give all an opportunity to to recuperate
for the opening exercises of the Ist of
Equally impressive among the events
of the day were the ceremonies attend
ing the installation of the historic old
Liberty bell, of Phiiadelphia.in the tower
of the Pennsylvania building at the
world's fair. Thousands of people wit
nessed the ceremonies as the huge bell
was placed in the rotunda under the big
tower, which is an exact reproduction
of that historical old tower of Independ
ence hall at Philadelphia, where the
bell tolled out the declaration of free
dom and defiance 117 years ago. To
morrow will be marked by no significant
events. The president and his cabinet
Will Kest Burins the Day,
and will drive throughout the parks in
the afternoon. Tlio Duke de Veragua
and his party will attend mass at the
Holy Family church. May and West
Twelfth streets, at 10:30 o'clock tomor
row forenoon. Hgr. Satolli is expected
to be here and celebrate pontifical mass.
Elaborate preparations have been made
by the priests of the parish for the re
ception of the distinguished worship
ers. The interior of the edifice about
the altar has been festooned with sweet
smellinir tlowers, and tho whole will
be brilliantly illuminated. The Jucal
party will occupy a space reserved for
them immediately in front of the altar
railing. Many clergymen from the other
parishes in the city will be present and
participate in the services if Mgr. Sa
tolli consents to officiate.
A neneral review of the existing con
dition of affairs at the world's fair thir
ty-six liouis before it shall have been
declared to the public, warrants tho as
sertion that by the hour of noon Mon
day the exposition will compare very
favorably with the centennial and the
Paris exposition on their opening days,
when the magnitude of this enterprise
is considered. The snow, rain, and
Cyclonic Wind*
of the Dast two weeks have greatly re
tarded outside work of all kinds. The
landscape gardeners, painters and those
employed in the development of the
grounds have worked fora day no»v
and have, accomplished wonders. Their
efforts have been directed mainly to
wards the Improvement of the plaza
surrounding the administration build
in^. The lawns have been planted,
potted plants have been placed on ped
estals, and the flower gardens have
been improved in many ways. The
fountains, bndjrcs anil fences along the
walks have been painted while. Over
10,000 men were employed in the im
provements of roads. Hundreds of
teams were spreading crashed stone or
carrying away debris, with another
force of men with rakes and hoes level
ing and smoothing the roads.
For the proper Betting forth of the
exhibits much remains to be done. Of
all the bii^ buildings it can be said,
however, that tho deficiencies will not
be sufficiently great or serious to de
tract from the general appearance of
the displays. The work of preparation
went forward today with a rush. Hun
dreds of car loads and wagon loads ar
rived at the different buildings and
were disposed of in a surprisingly rapid
manner. The only building to be vis
ited by President Cleveland on Monday
is manufacturer's hall, and as the
officials are desirous of putting it in
The Best Possible Shape,
they cave it entire attention during the
day. Tomorrow evening the work of
installation will be discontinued until
after the opening exercises, and the ex
hibitors will devote their time to clear
ing up. All exhibits not ready for in
spection will be covered. With few ex
ceptions Columbia aisle, the main pass
sage of the great building, will be ready
for show. Order has come out of the
chaos which existed in the building ten
days ago, and the elaborate pavilions
over the forms of ponderous mechanism
arejin proper condition for Monday. The
mine and transportation buildings will
be in better condition to receive visitors
Monday than any others on the proud.
The government building is in excellent
shape. The painting on the exterior
lias been completed, and the scaffolding
was taken down today. The installa
tion of exhibits will be completed to
morrow. The last nail was driven, iv tlio
NO. 12O;^
women's building this afternoon, but
much remains to be done in the way of
interior decoration and the installation
of exhibits.
The grand stand on the east front of
the administration building, from which
President Cleveland will deliver his ad
dress at the opening ceremonies, was
finished this morning, /uul the seats
Placed in Position
during the day. This stand will accom
modate about 2.200 people. All arrange
ments have been made for the open-air
exercises, but, should Monday's weather
prove unfavorable, the ceremonies will
be held in Music hall, at the north end
of the peristyle. It has been arranged
that a salute of twenty-one guns will be
hied from the revenue cutter Andrew
Johnson at the moment when Pres
ident Cleveland touches the elec
tric key which will start the
machinery, unfurl the flags and
give life to the mammoth electric fount
ains in Administration plaza. Tonight
the last plank was torn from the casing
which surrounds the statue of the Ke
public,and the great gilded figure shines
in aii the splendor of a 80.000 coat of.
gold leaf. Then the last figure wa3
placed on the peristyle and the last
piece of scaffolding came down from the
Columbus Quadriga. With the Mac
nionies fountain completed and ready
to spout water, the statuary around the
grand basin will be perfect on Monday.
The rain which has brought grief to
most departments has been a welcome
guest to the men who are preparing the
gardens about the grand basin. The
srrass is as green as possible, and plants
in vases and along the walls of lagoons
and fountains are bursting with new
life. Everything
Will Look Its Best
on Monday, if only the sun will shine.
All of the electric fountains, which were
tested today as to their capacity, vomited
sprays of water perfectly satisfactory.
With the flags floating from tall poles,
and the stand stand and every available
spot black with people, the scene will
be a grand one. When the president
touches the button 300 flag? and banners
on the main building will be broken into
graceful folds. Jinunie Hunt, an
old sailor, will have his eye
on the president and his hand
on the lanyard of the center
staff in front of the administration
building, and when the executive finger
touches the button, Jimrnie will give
the halyard a quick pull. Then the
"Old Flae" will burst out at the top of
the pole, and the stars and stripes will
wave over the open fair. The flags on
the other buildings will be unfurled
simultaneously. About 700 men will be
necessary toicairy out the desigus of
the decoration department. There will
be a man for each flag staff on the main
buildings and grounds. The method of
unfurling will be the same as employed
on boarda mauof war. The flairs will be
tied in a small compact bundle with a
peculiar knot which will loosen with a
quick pull and spread the bunting to tne
Great Activity.
Tonight and for the few remaining
hours such struggling in order to be
ready at the opening as tbe world's fair
before this has never seen. In the great
manufactures hall, particularly, every
possible effort is being made to get mat
ters in shape lor the reception of the
presidential party Monday. Chief Alli
son has put up signs at all conspicuous
points about the place which read like
"Vim, vigor, victory. Rush your ex
hibits into place. Hush the work of in
stallation. This house must be in order
May 1 for the grand opening. 2so such
word as fail."
Every one who can be found that is
able to push a box or lift an exhibit has
been pressed into service. Everywhere
the construction department is round
inir up its work, not merely cleaning
up, as it did last October, but putting
finishing touches to permanent work.
The landscape department is bending
its whole energies to the work of
putting the roads in good condition.
Hundreds of men and teams are making
eood roads out of bad. dumping loads of
white Macadam in soft places and cov
ering the whole with a dressing of
brown gravel. Second in itnnortance
to the roads is the clearing away of all
temporary structures, and the leaving
of green grass on bare places, which
has proceeded with excellent results as
iar as the general effect is concerned.
Scaffolding, always a blot on the laud
scape, lias fallen like magic.
An Important Clearance
today was the removal of all overhead
electric wires and the poles supporting
them. The handsome metal standards
for the permanent electric lighting of
the erounds are now all erected; the
grounds were lignted by them. The
painting department is working a force
of GOO men, finishing the exterior of the
woman's building and the mining build
ing, and touching up the interior of tha
administration building. Every build
ing on the ground cannot be painted
that soft marble white, which is the ad
miration of all who have watched the
men applying it. but there will be no dis
colored surfaces, and if the sun consents
to shine, all the staff, painted and un
painted, will be white as purest marble.
There will be no choral music at the
opening Monday, either on account of
an oversight on the part of the con
struction department or because of the
limited spaed of the plattorm. Secre
tary George 11. Wilson said this after
noon :
"The music will consist of orchestral
pieces only. Until the last minute we
intended to have :i grand chorus on the
platform, but for some reason no pro
vision has been made for it. Under the
circumstances, there was but one thing
to do, and we decided to eliminate the
choral music from the programme. We
arrived at the decision as soon as we
discovered that it would be impossible
to seat the singers on the platform a3
A Stockholder of the 8., C. ii. &
X. Wants the Court's Aid.
Cedab Rapids, 10., April 20.— E. S.
Ellsworth, a stockholder of the Burling
ton, Cedar Rapids & Northern railway,
filed in the district court of Linn county
today a petition for a writ of mandamus
to compel C. J. Ives, president of the
above-named railroad company, to pro
duce the books containing its accounts
fora proper inspection. Ellsworth as
serts that some time ago he applied
to Secretary Dorwart and was allowed
to see the books for a few minutes, but
was not allowed to make such inspec
tion as was necessary to a proper ex
amination of the books.
"Will Work Kloven Hours.
New Richmond, Wis., April 20. —
The strike of the saw mill men here is
over. The men went back to work at
eleven hours a day at last year's pay,
but if they remain the entire season in
the employ of the company they will
receive 10 per cent additional, which is
practically last season's pay for a ten
hour day/with extra pay tor the extra
Minnesota Horseman Sold.
Mankato, April 29.— The Minnesota
Horseman, started three years ago by
Dr. J. C. Curtyer, of this county, and
edited and published since by him, has
been sold by Minneapolis parties, who
will licifcitftii; i&sue it Iroiu that city.

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