OCR Interpretation

St. Paul daily globe. [volume] (Saint Paul, Minn.) 1884-1896, June 17, 1893, Image 1

Image and text provided by Minnesota Historical Society; Saint Paul, MN

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Hon. Charles E. Flandrau Out
lines the Policy of the
As Ever, It Will Be True to
Democratic Principles •
and Men.
The Establishment Perfectly
Solvent and Splendidly
Becent Legal Proceedings
Only a Difference Among 1
fo tlic Patrons of the St. Paul Globe:
The St. Paul Gi.obk has for many
years been the leading Democratic
organ of the state of Minnesota, and. 1
may say, of the great Northwest. Its
fidelity to Democratic principles, the
Democratic party and Democratic men
lias never been questioned. Its ability
In the advocacy of everything that per
tained to good government from a Demo
cratic standpoint stands equally un
Unfortunate misunderstandings and
difficulties have arisen among its own
ers and proprietors, not of a financial
character, nor with reference to its
political conduct, but more with refer
ence to its business management. These
difficulties culminated iv a suit by a
stockholder which was instituted to
contest certain steps which had been
taken in its conduct. It is not finan
cially nor in any sense of
the word insolvent. On the contrary,
It possesses a magnificent plant and the
thorough equipment in every par
ticular of a first-class daily newspaper.
The contesting parties were unanimous
upon one point, and that was the
preservation of the paper with its com
mercial and political influence unim
paired. To promote this end, all parties
Interested atrreed that the paper should
be- temporarily placed in the hands of a
receiver, wlioshoalu conduct the same
uutil such time as an harmonious
reorganization might bo consummated;
and all interested parties airreed upon
luyself as such receiver, presumptively
because it is generally accepted through
out the Northwest that my fidelity to
Democratic principles would in the con
duct of the paper be satisfactory to its
former patrons and to Democrats gen
I accepted the appointment, and can
safely promise to the Democracy of the
Northwest that, while I shall in no
sense become the editor of the paper, I
shall, as long as 1 occupy this position,
be its guide and conductor. It will
be my purpose, as long as I con
trol the publication of the Globk, to
make it, if possibles better and a strong
er advocateof Democratic principles, in
regard to the finances of the country
and in every other respect, than it has
heretofore been. And 1 ask
my comrades of the Demo
cratic party all over the North
west to aid and assist in the mainte
nance and advanccmentof what ought to
be. and can be, if it is within my power
to make it, the great central organ of
the party throughout this vast region,
which has recently shown such promis
ing symptoms ot wheeling into the
Democratic lines.
Under my administration there will
fij^iO material change in the personnel
oi the paper, and no change whatever,
except in the line of substantial Im
provement. Respectfully,
Ciiaki.es E. Flandrau,
Chauncey Depew Says the Rail
roads Will Soon Be Knurling
Cheap Excursions.
lie Believes I hat the Financial
Scare and Stringency Are
About Over.
CHICAGO, June 10.— Hon. Chauncey
Al. Depew, of New York, looking as
rosy aud as fresh as a schoolboy, and
wearing a jaunty straw hat, stood in
the corridor of the Auditorium hotel
this noon, awaiting on the coach to take
him to the exposition. lie said:
"My primary object in coming to Chi
cago is to attend the meeting of the
Sons of the American Revolution, and
only incidentally to see the exposition,
which I hope to have the opportunity of
looking over this afternoon and tomor
row, for I shall be compelled to return
home on Monday. I have been invited
to deliver an address in connection with
the Bunker llil^ celebration tomorrow,
and, if 1 am able to get my brains to
gether tonight, I shall do so."
i '"What do your road and other East
ern roads propose doing in the direction
of popular excursion rates to the world's
fair?" Mr. Dupew was asked.
"We shall make an excursion rate
that will be satisfactory to everybody,
and 1 belive that all the other Eastern
railroads will do the same when the
propper time arrives. We shall run
weekly and semi-weekly excursions to
Chicago, which will not in any wise in
terfere with our regular service, and
the rates will be placed within the
reacii of all. Up to this time any at
tempt on the part ot the railroads to
run such excursion trains would have
been at a loss, and no railroad will en
ter into aii}' business which does not
promise to make an adequate return.
Now that the exposition is completed.
Chicago can look forward to a tremen
dous lnpouring of the people from all
parts of the country, and you can feel
assured that the railroad compauies
will do their duty to bring the people
here as cheeply aud comfortably as is
in their power."
fcpi'aking of the finaucial condition,
Hi. De-pew said:
"It i 6 largely a matter of sentiment.
y ~*' . *mm^.^ '
If the people believe there is money
enough in the country to do business oil
—there is enough; but if ou the other
hand they have an impression that there
is not sufficient money, then they with
draw their ravines from the bank, lose
their interest, which the banker gains,
and the next day, when they discover
that the bank is perfectly safe and that
the business world has not "collapsed,
they carry their savings back to the
bank again. I believe that the financial
stringency and scare are about over.
Among the moneyed men in the.East
there is a unanimous feeling and desire
for a special session of congress, and
that just as quickly a<? possible. Na
tional relief is needed to re-establish a
feeling of security. As to the Sherman
bill, there is a demand for its repeal.
Though the desire for this repeal is a
matter of sentiment, and not based on
any appaient necessity— at least, that
is the way 1 look at it."
Important Archaeological Find in
a Mexican State.
(liADA.n-.uiA, June 10.— An impor
tant discovery of ruins has been made
near Ixtolan. in the state of Tepic. A
party of American and English archae
ologists, whiie exploring that remote
section, came upon an old building al
most buried in the earth. It is located
in a dense forest and had apparently
been undisturbed for several hundred
years. The htructure is uuilt of stone
and is of large dimensions. A large
number of pottery and weapons made
of stoiie were found in the building.
In one corner of a room was round a
pile of human bones. It is believed
that the building was used as a temple
of worship by the Indians, or a pre
historic race, centuries ago.
Lively Incident at the Annual
Sleeting of the National Sont
of the Revolution.
The Members Conclude That They
Will Not Try to Put Down
Chicago, June ie— A lively Incident
today marked the annual meeting of the
National Society of the Sons of the
American Revolution. An amendment
proposed by the Oregon- Washington so
ciety defining the objects of the natioual
organization came up for discussion.
Bishop Cheney, of Chicago, expressed a
wish that the phrase, "To oppose by
moral means the spread of anarchical
ideas and lawlessness," be incorporated
in the constitution. He raid that the
Western states realized what anarchy
means more fully than the Atlantic sea
board states. Mr. Hall said the commit
tee on organization was willing to have
that clause admitted. In a second Gen.
J. C. Breekenridge, of Washington, was
on his feet, hotly opposing Bishop
Cheney's proposition.
"This society has no more business
trying to put down anarchy than it has
to put down hell," said he.
The general ripped out the exclama
tion with a force that made the good
bishop start. Delegate Blister, of Ohio,
also opposed the amendment, and it was
voted down. The convention then
adopted a committee amendment, which
declared the objects of the society to be
to perpetuate the memory of Revolu
tionary heroes, to unite and promote
friendship atflffiig their descendants, to
encourage historical research, to foster
true patriotism, "and to carry out the
purposes expressed in the preamble to
the constitution of our country and the
injunctions of Washington in his fare
well address to the American people."
Among these present were Chauncey
M. Dcpew, Gen. Horace Porter and
other distinguished members. Tonight
the delegates were banqueted at the
Union League club. The following of
ficers were elected: President, Gen.
Horace Porter: vice presidents general,
Cnauncey M. Depew, Henry M. Shep
ard. Col. Thomas M. Anderson, (Jen.
J. C. Breckimidge and Henry C. Rob
inson: secretary general. Franklin
Murphy, Newark, N. J.; registrar gen
eral, A. Howard Clark, of the Smith
sonian institution; historian general,
Henry Hall; chaplain general, Bishop
Charles E. Cheney.
President Cleveland Having; a
Slight Seige of This Painful
He Is Only Taking Two Meals a
Day, in Order to Reduce
His Weight.
Washington, June 16.— The presi
dent, though still suffering from rheum
atism, came to the White house today
at nis usual time. The cabinet meeting
was attended by all thcmeinbers,except
Secretary Herbert, who is out of the
city. It impossible to ascertain def
initely at the executive mansion wheth
er the president will accompany Mrs.
ClevelandJo Gray Gables cottage, Buz
zards' Bay, Mass., next week. The
president has not yet himself decided.
Mrs. Bissell, wife of the postmaster gen
eral, will, it is understood, make the
journey with Mrs. Cleveland. It is
j ust possible that the president may
make the trip all the way, or only xo as
far as New York city. In either event
tie will remain only long enough to see
Mrs. Cleveland safely on the boat or
snugly ensconced in her seashore home.
The "president does not expect to join
her at Gray Gables for any leuglhy stay
until the middle of July.
The Tost says: "In defiance of hard
worK and the heavy responsibility rest
ing upon him, the president is steadily
gaining in avoirdupois. His increased
weight has begun to be inconvenient.
Already the ellurt of walking has be
come a burden, and Mr. Cleveland finds
himself forced to forego much of his
customary exercise. I his is a source of
keen regret to him, and in order to re
duce his size, the chief executive is
quietly pursuing the Banting system.
Two meals a day is now all
that he allows himself— a light
breakfast and dinner with sim
ple meats and spring vegetables.
Siuce taking possession of his couutry
home, the customary midday luncheon
has been religiously omitted, and in this
way the president linds additional time
for work, to which he devotes himself
conscientiously from the time he reaches
the White house in the morning until
close onto 5 o'clock, at which hour Mrs.
Cleveland drives in and spirits her hus
baud away from all worries, out into the
fresh green fields and daisy-spangled
meadows. In the peaceful retreat on
Woody Lane their evenings are spent in
undisturbed enjoyment, save for occa
sional visits from members of the cabi
net and other personal friends."
Returns in the German Elec
tions Look Better for the
The Emperor Certainly Has
Not Lost From the Dis
Reballots Will Be Necessary
in More Than Half the
Several Small Election Riots
Reported From the
Behux, June 16.— The most con
spicuous two featured of today's elec
toral returns have been the continued
reports of Social Democratic gains and
Richtenst losses. Early this morning
most of the news still came from the
city constituencies, and the list of op
position deputies grew rapidly. This
afternoon, however, dispatches from
the agricultural districts revealed
the other side of the page.
From all that can n#w be as
certained it is reasonably safe to con
clude that the government certainly has
lost nothing by the dissolution and prob
ably has won a little. At 10 o'clock this
evening the returns may be summarized
thus: In the 180 districts from which
reports had been received eighty-five
deputies had been elected. In the
remaining ninety-five new ballots will
be necessary. Of the eighty-five depu
ties elected, thirty-six will vote with
the government, forty-nine against it.
The parties siding with the government
had lost three seats to the opposition;
the parties working against the govern
ment had evened matters by losing the
same number of seats to the
I- ri.iKlH of (he Army Bill.
The Conservatives had elected 17
deputies; the Social Democrats, 23;
the Clericals, 20; Radical Unionists, 11;
Free Conservatives, 4; Poles, 8; Demo
crats, 5; anti-Semites, 2; Independents,
2, both favorable to the bill; Govern
iufctit Clericals, 1; National Liberals, 2.
Not one immediate supporter of
Eugene Richter, the anti-Gov
ernment Radical, has been elected.
The Conservatives had won two seats
formerly held by Free Conservatives.
The Social Democrats had gained three
seats from llichterists and one from
Free Conservatives. The Lieber Cleri
cals had gained one from the Govern
ment Clericals and had lost one
to them. The Radical Unionists
had elected one deputy who voted
against the army bill, but will vote for
it in the next reichstag. The Free Con
servatives had gained two seats and
lost three. The Democrats had gained
one seat from the National Liberals.
The National Liberals had lost three
seats and gained two. The most in
teresting feature in the new ballots re
ported until now will be probably the
gains of the Social Democrats and' Ra
dical Unionists.
Several small election riots are re
ported today from the provinces. In
Strassburg "last evening, shortly after
the poll was announced, about 2,000
socialists began
Parading: the Streets
and shouting for their candidate, Au
gust Bebel. They refused to disperse
when the police attacked them
and many cheered for France.
The military eventually broke
up the procession and arrested
eight men. Nobody was injured. In
Reutlingen, Wurte.'nburg, tne police
arrested many Social Democrats, who
attacked the police station, lv Gruen
berg, Silesia, the socialists rioted
through the streets. The police dis
persed them with drawn swords and ar
rested the leaders. In this city the
police arrested Heir Landauer, an an
archist editor, on the charge of inciting
to riot.
The revised lists of the Berlin polls
show that the Radical vote fell froi'.i
75,000 to 52,085, while the Social Demo
cratic vote increased from 12(5,017 to
150,877. The vote of the Conservatives
and Anti-Semite Cartel increased from
34,048 to 48,135. Complete returus
from the second division of
Munich show that George yon
Vollmar, the victorious leader of tho
Germau Democrats, polled 15,219 vote 3.
In Strassburg, August Bebel, Social
Democrat, polled 0,200 votes, against
6,'J'Jl for Dr. Petri, his National Liberal
opponent. In Glauchau, lecaz Aver,
Social Democrat, polled 14,970 votes.
"Cannon King" Krupp, in Essen, who
will no through a new ballot with Herr
Stott/el, his Clerical opponent, received
I'J,4S7 votes. StoeUel received 19,447.
Government Gain.
Beiu/ix, June 17.— At 2 o'clock this
morning returns have been received
from 220 out of 3!)7 electoral districts.
In all ninety-eight candiates have been
elected. In 122, second ballots will be
necessary. The National Liberals,
Conservatives and Clericals are
holding their own. The Hichter
Radicals remain very far behind.
Of this 98 deputies already elected. 42
are counted lor the bill and 56 against
it. Since the reports received up to lo
o'clock were sent out the dispatches
have shown that the government has
gained two more new seats and has lost
one more old one.
In Geestemuende a new ballot will
necessary between Dr. Hahn, National
Liberal, and Herr Schmaifeld, Social
Democrat. There are six candidates in
this district, four of them National Lib
eral. Undoubtedly the National Lib
erals will unite aud elect llalin on the
second ballot. This will be a gain for
the government.as Prince Bismarck, the
district's last representative, was absent
from the final reading of the army bill.
Hahu calls himself a Bisuiarckian
National Liberal.
In Jerichow a new ballot is necessary
between Count Herbert Bismarck,
Agrarian, who received 9.650 votes, and
Feridin and Woelmer, Socialists, who
received 4,564. Herr Gloeke, Social
Democrat, received t2.'.)Sl votes.
Socialists Exult.
The Socialist organ Vorawertz exults
over the result of the elections, which it
.says will form "a glorious title puge to
the radiant records of the future The
aggregate Socialists' vote bids fair to ex
ceed 2,000,000. The Vorawertz predicted
that tha National Liberal success would
be chiefly in the rich manufacturing
towns of West Germany. It is likely,
says, the • Vora\verts,'that many anti-
Semitiea will be successful at the ex
pense of Conservatives, who dry-nursed
them. A conspicuous feature of the
election is the overthrow of the Radi
cals. ' '
Late returns from Arnswalde show
that Rector Ahlwardt. the Jew baiter,
now in prison because he libeled the
Loewes, makers of small arms, has a
clear majority over all, and is therefore
British House of Commons In
Favor of Peaceful Settlements.
London, June 16.— 1n the house of
commons today \V. R. Cremer, member
for Shoreditch, moved that the house,
having learned that the United States
congress had authorized the president
to conclude treaties of arbitration, ex
pressed the hope that tho government
would open negotiations with the view
to refer all differences to arbi
trators. Mr. Gladstone suggest
ed a modification of the reso
lution by the substitution of the words
"that the house of commons, cordially
sympathizing with the purpose in view,
hopes that her majesty's government
will lend a hearty co-operation to tne
covernment of the United States." Mr.
Gladstone congratulated Mr. Creoier
upou his finding a chance to strike in
behalf of humanity, lie reviewed the
history of the arbitration movement,
and reminded the house of President
Harrison's address to the Methodist
council, in which the president
spoke of the limitations of in
ternational arbitration and the
impossibility of applying it to the feuas
of aggrandizement. * The Behriug sea
tribunal bore testimony, he said, to the
earnest atte ntion given to the question
in America. Atter touching upon his
owu idea of a central tribunal with
great powers, Mr. Gladstone concluded
with an eloquent appeal for a modera
tion of claims as the most effective
means of preserving peace. The resolu
tion, as amended by Mr. Gladstone, was
unanimously adopted.
French Meet With a Reverse in
Paris, Juno 16. — The under secre
tary for the colonies received a tele
eram this evening, dated Vo-Son, June
15, snying: "The Siamese man
darin, occupying the post of
Garuouu, has betrayed us. The
French resident had abandoned
his guns and returned to Mekong
escorted by Inspector /hogurin. On
arriving at Keugvvhien, Inspector Gro
gurin became sick. The mandarin sur
rounded the inspector's house with a
gang of Siamese, who murdered four
teen native soldiers. The mandarin
himself bhot Groguriu, who lay helpless
in bed."
Fatal Explosion of a Grecian Pow
der Magazine.
Athens, June lti, — A government
powder magazine a few miles from this
city exploded today. Twenty persons,
including officers and soldiers, were
killed, and great damage was done 10
surrounding property. The crown
prince has cone to the scene to aid thu
sufferers. The loss is estimated at 3.000.
--000 francs. The magazine was located
at Scarainanga.
Alleged to Have Taken Place Be-
tween the Kaiser and Caprivi.
New York, June 10.— The Herald's
Berlin correspondent cables as follows:
"I hear that there has been an inter
view between the kaiser and Chancel
lor yon Caprivi, and that it has been by
no means a pleasant one. We may ex
pect a strong expression of imperial
opinion ere long. The results of the
elections so far received have filled
official and court circles with consterna
Liberal* Lose a Seat.
Loxdon, June 16.— The seat for Lin
lithgowshire in the house of commons,
previously held by Peter McLagan,
having become vacant, a new eleetio»
has been held. The Conservatives nom
inated Capt. Thomas Hope, who was
defeated at the election by a majority
of 161 votes. s The Gladstoniaus nom
inated Alexander Ure. The result of
the balloting was a majority of 16'J for
the Conservative candidate. The victory
of Capt. Hope reduces the government's
majority in the house of commons.
Castilho Is Cruel.
Valpakaiso, June 16. — Frightful
atrocities are being practiced by the
Castilhistas in Rio Grande. Gov. Cas
tilho ordered a man's throat cut because
he was suspected of aiding the revolu
tionists. This murder was committed
in the presence of the wife of the vic
tim. The barbaripus punishments are
inflicted on mere suspicion.
Will Not Be a Holiday.
Loxdox. June 10.— In the house of
commons tonight Mr. Gladstone, in re
ply to a question, intimated that there
would be no public holiday on the occa
sion of the marriage of the Duke of
York with the Princess May.
Charles He Lesseps Free.
Paws, June 10.— Charles De Lesseps
has been granted a ticket of leave in
accordance of the decision of the court
in his case. He will quit the hospital
and prison forthwith.
Carnot Has a Kelapse.
Paris. June 16.— The condition of
President Carnot is believed to be seri
ous. He suffered a relapse today, and
much anxiety is felt as to his recovery.
Gibbons' Silver Jubilee.
Baltimore, June 10.— Twenty-five
years ago this summer Cardinal Gib
bons was consecrated bishop, and the
silver anniversary of his elevation to
that important office in the church will
fall on Aug. 16. As the cardinal will be
away from the city from time to time
during the summer, it has been decided
to celebrate the anniversary, on Oct. 1
next, when the anniversary of his con
secration as archbishop of Baltimore
will also be close at hand. _
Masons Get a Ducking.
Special to tbe Globe.
F.vrgo, N. D., June 16.— The Masons
of Fargo and visiting delegates held a
meeting in Island park tonight to see
what could be done in the line of re
building their temple a;id rendering aid
to lire sufferers but before the meeting
had gotten under way a heavy rain set
in and stopped the proceedings. They
will meet again Monday, antt an ex
tremely large attendance is looked for.
Got a FrauUuient Note.
Special to ihe Gio'-e.
Caxdo, N. D., June 10.— Stephen
Weitcott, cuargsd witli seUine a stallion
aad obtaining a fraudulent note there
for, was today in justice's couit held ta
answer io district court under bond ojt
(1,000. This is a similar suit to one in
Cuis county, N. D., a few weeks since.
All the Testimony in Favor
of Lizzie Borden Now
Her Sister Emma Appears in
Behalf of the Accused
Breach Between Lizzie and
Her Stepmother Had Been
Only One Witness, a Boy, Now
Remains to Be Exam
Nptw Bedfokd. Mass-, June 16.—
There was less of a crowd at the court
house this morning at the resumption of
the Borden trial than at any time since
the beginning of the trial. The decision
relative to the admission of the evidence
of the Portuguese who saw the man
with the bloody hatchet was in order
the first thing this morning, and after
the jury had been polled counsel en
tered into a consultation with the jus
tices upon some points which the latter
desired to hear. Following this
the court said it was clear that tha evi
dence offered on the head above referred
to could not be admitted. Mrs. Mary R.
Holmes, a neighbor and member of the
church which Miss Borden attended,
was then called to the stand. Witness
was asked whether Lizzie went down
to look at her father's body before the
funeral, was objected to, but the
court, assuming the question to be
preliminary, allowed it to be answered,
witness answering in tho affirmative.
Witness was asked what Lizzie did
when she went down into the room, and
this was objected to; thereupon the
chief just ice called counsel to the desk
for consultation, the result of which
was thai the question was changed
to "At this time when she was viewing
her father did she shed tears?" The
answer was yea. Miss Emma Borden
was called. Sue 'estitied as follows:
Einma'H Testimony.
"We have lived in the house we now
live in for twenty-one years last May.
At the time of the murder. Lizzie was
possessed of property as follows: $170
in the B. M. C. Safe Deposit and Trust
company, $2,000 in the Massasoit Na
tional bank, $500 in the Union Savings
bank, 8141 in the Fail River Five Cents
Savings bank, two shares of
the Fall River National bank
btock. four shares of the Mer
chants' Manufacturing company stock,
five shares of the same another date.
My father wore a ring on his finger.
It was given him by Lizzie. She had
worn it herself before, and he constant
ly won; It after, and it was buried with
him, I have made an inventory of the
clothes in the closet on the afternoon it
was searched. I was there when the
seatoh was goiug on." .
Witness was asked what Dr. Dolan
said in regard to a thorough search.
"The doctor said the search had been
as thorough as it could be unless the
paper was torn from the walls or the
carpet taken up. The Bedford cord
dress was made the first week in May at
our homo; it was a very cheap
dress, 12ja or 15 cents a yard, and about
eight or nine yards in it, ulainly
trimmed; not more than two days were
used in making tho dress; Lizzie and I
assisted, as we always did. The paint
ers began work after the dress was
made. Lizzie got some
Paint on This Drese
within two weeks after It was made.
She got the paint on the front breadth
and on the side. The dress was hanging
in the front closet on the day 1 came
home. 1 know, because I went in to
hang up a dress and found there was no
Q; Did you say anything to Lizzie
about that dress because tnere was no
nail there?
A- ldid; I said "You haven't de
stroyed that old dress yet; why don't
you do so?" It was very dirty, badly
faded, and I don't remember having
seen her use it for some time. It
couldn't have been made over be
cause, besides being badly soiled,
the material and color was
such as to render it impossible.
The next 1 saw of the Bedford dress I
was in the kitchen Saturday when 1
heard my sister's voice; 1 looked around
and saw her with the dress on her arm.
She said, "I'm going to burn this old
dress;" and 1 said: "I would," or
"Why don't you?" and turned ajvay.
I did not see her bum the
dress. Miss Uussell was there at
the time she told Mr. llanscom a false
hood, atid I asked her what that was
for. She said he asked her if all the
dresses were in the house that were
there at the time of the murder, and
she had said yes. Then it was decided
between us all that she go and tell Mr.
lianscom she
Had Told a Falsehood.
My sister said at the time: "Why
didn't you tell him about it? Why did
you let me do it?" 1 remember the
story about the quarrel between my
sister and I. I never had any such
conversation with my sister as was
reported; there was never any
trouble or quarrel in the matron's
nufitQ between us while she was
tl:ere, or anything that could be con
strued into a quarrel: Lizzie never did
put up her hngcr and say anything
about giving in. Witness contended
that the relations between Lizzie and
Mrs. Borden were entirely cordial.
Witness said that the breach caused by
the giving of the property to her mother
was never healed, so far as she was
concerned, although it was on Lizzie's
part. She knew of no enemy her step
mother had in the world.
The dressmaker who made the famous
paint stained dress next swore that
Lizzie could not have worn the pink
wrapper over it to conceal blood spots,
had tiiere been any. Said the witness,
"The skirt was longer by half a linirer
tl^ui she had been in the habit of wear
ing. It was a cheap cotton dress. The
painters were painting the house
when Lizzie was wearing the dress ;
she put it on as soon as it was done, i
sr,\v the dress after it was painted. The
!';iiu: Was in Front and Back.
She Jiad on an old wrapper whicli
this was to take the place of; she cut
some pieces wit of the old wrapper
while I was" tuere and touk it down
Phoebe B. M. Bowen, wife of Dr.
Bowen, was the next witness. She was
■ cailed f into the house right sifter the
Storm was given, and found Mrs.
■ Churchill was " fanning -Lizzie. She
thought Lizzie had tainted. Her lips
: a.id eliin , were quivering. She was
flaked about the blue "that had
been in evidence all aicrj*-.'. "1 should
say it was the waist," she said. She
was not sure about the skirt. District
Attorney Knowlton wanted to know
how Lizzie's hands were. They were
white and perfectly clean.
Mrs. Hinguatn was recalled. She was
asked if she had made any experiment
to learn If a person on the floor of the
room in which Mrs. Borden was found
could be seen from the hallway. Johu
V. Morse lay on the floor, between the
bed and the dressing case. The bed was
three feet from the bureau. Could you
see him ou the floor?
"I stood in the hall and a person of
my height could not see him ou the
Mrs. Bingahm is about as tall as
Lizzie. Miss Annie M. White, the of
ficial stenographer in the court at Fall
River, testified that certain tilings had
been testiiied to at the first hearing. It
was just 3:15 when ex.Gov. Kobinson
"The Defense Rest*."
Mr. Moody asked for fifteen minutes
in which to prepace the rebuttal, which
the court eranted. At 3:45 the jury re
turned to the court room. Marshall
Billiard was the first witness called in
rebuttal. He wa3 asked as to the quar
rel in the matron's room. He said:
"I saw Mrs. Reatran about it. Mrs.
Reagan and Rev. Buck entered the of
fice. She handed me the paper and said
she was willing to sign it. 1 said to her:
'If you do so, do so in direct violation of
my orders.' 1 told her if she had any
thing to say she had better say it in
That was Ml, and then Policeman
Mullaly, the one who testified that the
missing handle of the hatchet had been
found, was asked if he had received
any information from Hyrnan Rubruski.
He said he had. That ended'the defense
for today, and all of it. In fact, except
that of a boy in Fall River who on Mon
day morning will testify regarding the
two boys, Brown and Barlow, who were
on the stand yesterday.
The court and couusel held a consul
tation. At iiSNConclusion Justice Mason
addressed the jury, telling them not to
form an opinion until they had heard
the whole ease. Then au adjournment
was had until Monday.
The boys Brown and Barlow were
outside the court house this afternoon
complaining bitterly of thu treatment
that Barlow was subjected to last night
by members of the Fall River police
force. When the boys had testified yes
terday, so they say, they were locked in
a room in the court house, and there
Detective Shaw tried to find out how
they came to appear as wituesses, and
then, as they allege, he tried to intimi
date them.
A Popular Washingtonian Leaves
Creditors in the Lurch.
Washington, June 16.— Frauk Aid
rich, until recently sealer of weights
and measures for the District of Co
lumbia, has gone from VVaehisgton,
leaving debts behind amounting to
nearly ?20,000. A considerable portion
of his indebtedness is covered by prop
erty which he left behind, but a heavy
loss will be sustained by some of those
who have indorsed his paper, ills
present whereabouts are unknown, but
on the tith inst. he was in Chicago, and
from there wrote to Gen. Albert Ord
way and to Judge C. C. Cole. To the
former he tendered, among other
things, his resignation as quartermaster
general of ihe district national guard.
Of the latter, who ts a somewhat heavy
loser by his peculations, lie begged for
giveness. Frank Aldrich is one of the
best known citizens of Washington.
During the last four years he has held
the office of sealer of weights and meas
ures for tho district. He was also on
the staff of the district national guards
as quartermaster general, proving him
self to be a very capable, efficient and
popular officer. His downfall is due to
the fact that he thought he saw millions
in a power company which he estab
lished, and borrowed money recklesely
to keep it afloat.
An Alleged Agent of the "West
Publishing Company Secures
Keakxev, Neb.. June 16. — About
three weekg ago a young fellow came
here who pretended to be an ajjent for
the West Publishing company, St.
Paul, and commenced studying law
In the office of John E. Decker.
Ten days ago he drew thre*e drafts on
his house, forged Mr. Decker's siguai
ture on the back of eich and got one
for $150 cashed at the Kearney Natioual
Bank, one for the same amount on the
City National, and one for #100 on the
First National. The drafts were re
turned today protested, and Decker
denies all knowledge of the affair. The
forgery was very cleverly worked, and
it is almost impossible, even on close
comparison, to detect the difference
between thu genuine and forged signa
Five-Handed Shooting Match.
CinrAoo, June 10.— Five men met in
an encounter with revolvers on Halsted
street last night. Shots followed each
other in quick succession, and the attray
sounded like a real battle. When the
smoke had cleared away the police
found three wounded men and took one
prisoner. Tna wounded are Trixey
Kane, shot through the neck; will die;
William Christiansen, shot through the
groin; Joseph Wilson, shot through the
left leg. The other men that took part
in the shooting are Jake Skinner and
Jamps Houlihan. Skinner is locked up,
but Houlihan escaped.
Train Kobbers Captured.
Topkka, June 10.— Telegrams were
received here today stating that officers
had captured the three robbers who
held up the Santa Fe train at Cinna
inaion a few days ago. One of the men
is recognized as Bob White, a notorious
train robber, who has terrorized the
people along the frontier for years. He
was formerly a member ot theDaltou
Moaner Will Plead Gulljy.
Omaha, Neb., June 10.— It is prac
tically certain that tomorrow morning
Charles W. Mosher, the wrecking pres
ident of the Capitol National Bank of
Lincoln, will stand up before a jury in
the federal district court and plead
guilty to several of the charges in the
indictments against him in considera
tion of certain others being dismissed,
and will then receive the sentence of
the court.
Let the Train Get Away.
Council Bluffs. 10., June 10.—Des
peradoes tried to rob the outgoing
Kansas City train here tonight just
before midnight, when a few miles out
of this city. There were liwof them,
and they tired a yolley at the engineer
and fireman, without effect. Officers are
in pursuit of the daring men.
Starr Reported Killed.
Little Rock, Ark.. June — It was
reported hera today that Henry Starr,'
the famous bank robber and leader of
the Start gang, bad been shot in the
'Indian': territory, but the report 13 not
Booze-Befuddled Reds Threat
en the Life of Dr. Walker
The Disciple of /Esculapius
Appears and Dares Them
to Shoot.
Company D Understood Now
to Be at the Scene of the
Fatal Accident on the Mil
waukee—Other News ot
the Northwest.
Special to the Globe.
'Park Rapids, Minn., June 16.- The
company of United Mates regulars sent
out from Fort Snelling is supposed to
have arrived at Leech Lake agency late
this afternoon, though no direct word
to that effect has come from that point.
Mrs. Mart Vranchaud has arrived from
the reservation. Her husband was pres
ent when Dr. Walker shot tho young
Indian. After the fracas Mr. Vran
chaud left the reservation, as tho Indi
ans desired to secure him. Ho held the
Indian's horse while Dr. Walker took
the sack containing the six bottles of
whisky fiom tho young buck. When
the Indians heard the troops were
coming they sent for their com
rades north of them to come
to their assistance, as tho latter are
good fighters. Yesterday about fifty
mounted braves rode around the doc
tor's house saying: "We have got you
now." They were all loaded with
whisky, and but tor Mr. Fairbanks, a
merchant, who has great influence with
the Indians, Dr. Walker would not be
alive now. . Walker has not shown tho
white feather, as when Indians threat
ened to shoot him he caino to the door
and dared them to do so.
Brakeman Dave Kinney tho Only
Person Killed.
Summit, S. D., June 10.— One of tho
worst wrecks known on the Hastings A.-
Dakota division of tho Milwaukee oc
curred this morning nine miles west of
here shortly after 4 o'c'ock. " The west
bound freight broke in . two, three or
four cars back from the engine. These
cars were equipped with airbrakes, and
hence were stopped almost Instantly,
but the rear.' end section crashed tuto
them with frightful force, piling cars of
lumber, ■ machinery aud merchandise 1 .
into one great mass. : ■■•'•• '-■.'..->;-.- ■.; ~ f .
Dave Kiuuey. the -brakeman on the
head end, was killed, the balance of. the
crew escaping without injury. Kinney
was found In the midst of the front
portion of the wreck, lying across a
broken car wheel, his head under a set
of car trucks and his feet under a pile
of. ties. The back of his head was
crushed and or.c thigh was broken. : lie
was a young man, unmarried. _
Badger Young Man Going at the
Pace That Kills.
Riciiland Ckntkk, Wis., June 10.—
W. E. McKinney, a well known youne
man living in the town of Richwood, is
In jail here on a charge of forgery.
The forgeries, have been going on for
years, and were only brought to light by
the maturing of certain notes which
supposed signers were called upon to
pay! It is alleged by the authorities
that lie forged his parents' names to a
deed to a valuable farm owned by
Elder McKinney, and then mortgaged
the place tor $750 to Mclntyre & Elston,
of Muscoda. The Kichland County
bank holds a note tor $021,- purporting
to bear tho names of J. a. McKinney,
the young man's father, and W. R.
Coombs as signers. The Stale Bank of
Boscobel had a note for 1800 purporting
to be signed by W. E. McKinney and
indorsed by J. 6. McKinney, which was
' a forgery like the rest, but was settled,
as was a note for &:.iu on the State bank
ot this city. Other smaller, notes are
coming to light, and the total amount
of the forgeries now foots up to nearly
12,500. McKinney's trial will take place '
at the September term ot the circuit
court. .c. .
He Believes in a Repeal of the
Sherman Law.
West Superior, Wls., Juno 16.—
letter trom Congressman N. C. Haugen
was received today by a prominent citi
zen, in which the congressman defines
his position on the silver question very
clearly. In the course of the letter he
says :
"From my standpoint, I believe that
there is no other n.easure which would
so clear the financial sky. so lighten
the burden of doubt now oppressing
the minds of many a3 the repeal of the
Sherman law, but If it should be
brought up In the same shape as it was
last winter 1 shall be compelled to again
vote against it, as I cannot fully indorse
the Democratic programme by so do
The Whalcn Case to Be Decided
Special to the Globe
Jaxesvilj.e, Wis., June 16.— Two
physicians today swore that Charles
Whalcn was insane when he battered
Gerald Spaulding'3 brains out with a
coupling pin near Portage, April 1,
1892. One physician and seveu non
professionals swore they did not think
him insane. That was the substance or
today's proceedings. The testimony on
the insanity plea was finished this after
noon. The defense examined Dr. W.
A. McCorn, surgeon of the state peni
tentiary, at Waupuii, and Dr. F. B.
1 Sen ton, of Portage. Dr. McCorn Is the
doctor whose. testimony saved nine of
the Darlington Iynchers from state's
prison for hanging Sicboldt last fall, and
put them in the asylum for two months.
The state examined C. W. 1-oote, F. F.
Goss. William Meacher, J. E. Jones.
George. Schnltz and W. C. Jens, of
Portage, and John Zirkelbach ami Hugh
Spaulding, of St. Paul. The case will
go to the jury tomorrow.
Broke Into Roller Mills.
Special to the Globe.
-Rush City, Minn., June 16.— Burglars
broke into the- Cnisaeo Roller Flour
mills at this place last night and blew
NO. 16S. r
Weather— Fair; cooler.
Statement of Receiver Flandrau.
Troop 3 arrive at Leech Lake.
State convention of Epworth league.
Northern Pacific meets Great Norn cut
Gold-blooded murder in Minneapolis.
An officer wing 3 John Delokoki.
Wreck on the Milwaukee road.
Whalen case to go to jury today.'
The defense closes in Borden case.
Social Democrats gain in Germany*
Some riots follow th 9 polling-
Action of New York clearing bouse.
Ohauncey Dapaw favors cheap rate*
Wisconsin man charged with forgery.
Congressman Haugen on silver.
Eulalia is back in New York-
Alleged agent work 3 Nebraska bank?.
Doings International Typography union.
Movements of Steamships. ,
Hambukg— Arrived: Kugio, New Yorkj
Columbia, New YuiK.
Si ill y— Massed: Westornland, from Nevr
BnowiiEAD— Passed: I'uibria, . from New
Sew York— Arrived: (iollert. Hamburg;
Normunnia, Hamburg; Ton mi lie. Havre.
the safe open. They gave up the job
and tied on finding n burglar-proof steel
chest inside. Nothing was taken. The
discovery was not made till this morn
ing when the proprietors came into the
office. Iso clue. It is supposed to ba
the work of raw hands, as a couple of
seedy-looking Individuals were, seen
here yesterday.
Want the Law Enforced.
Pokti.anp, Or., June 10.— About 500
people, mostly laborers, met this even
ing in response ton call issued by the
organization known as the Law and
Order League. A resolution was passed
declaring it to be the sense ot the meet
ing that the president be called upon to
enforce the Geary Chinese exclusion
act, nud that bending the enforcement
no Chinese should be allowed to land in
this country.
Think He Was Poisoned.
Wa'upaca, Wls., June 10.— The body
of Fred Hrown, a saloonkeeper of this
city, who died very suddenly last week,
was exhumed today under the super
vision of the slieritf and Dr. L. Rouus
ville, of Chicago. The stomach was re
moved from the body and will be taken
to Chicago by Dr. Houuaville, where it
will be examined by chemists for poison;
The exhuming was at the instance of
his brother*, who think their brother
was poisoned. - >;..■
Yard masters Adjourn.
Dim th, June 10.— The National As
sociation of Railway Yardmasters ad«
journed today, after a four days' ses
sion. V Peoria. , Itl., was chosen ■ as ' th©
next place of meeting. The- following
officers were elected: President. J. W.
Coneys, of • Cincinnati; vice - president,
J. McNaught, of West Superior; . secre
tary and- treasurer.- 0. O. Winter, of
Minneapolis: sergeunt-at-arms, . Jerry
Daly, of Toledo*. • • ...
Indorsed Prohibition. ' )
Dcs Moines, 10., June 10. -At to*
day's session of - the grand . lodge of <
Good Templars the report of committee
on prohibition was presented and un
animously adopted. It holds that while
not in any matter dictating to members
ns to their party affiliations, the duty. of
Good Templars is to unite their suffrage
with those who are lighting the foes of.'
prohibition and prohibition enforce^'
inent wherever and whenever found.
Boston was selected for the next place,
of meeting.
Workmen Injured. — t
Special to the Globe.
Cmi'iT.wA Falls, \Yi9., June 16.-.
Seven carpenters who were employed
building a large shed at the C. L. & I).
company's lumber yard were thrown to
the ground, a distance of fourteen feet,
by tho breaking of a scaffold. C. A.
Campbell was badly injured in the
back. Henry Gill had his right arm
dislocated, and Joseph Laucor had sev
eral ribs broken.
Ik. Henry Gill had his right arm
ocateJ, and Joseph Lancer hud sev
rius broken.
Fastest Boat on tho Lakes.
Dulutii, June 10.— A message re*
celved today by Capt. Macdnugall an
nounces that Christopher Columbus, the
fir.it of the passenger whalebacks, is the
fastest boat on the lakes. .She made the
run from Milwaukee to Chicago, ninety
seven miles, in four hours ami fifteen
minutes, nearly twenty mile-* an hour.
The trip makes a new record for speed
on the great lakes.
Cyclone in Miniature.
Forest RiveiV, S. D., June 10.— A cy
clone in miniature passed over this
town yesterday about 4 o'clock. A milo
east of us the groves of Thomas Scott
and Henry Warren were badly torn up,
and several panes of gl.ni broken in
both bouses. A quantity of hail fell and
flattened the growing grain. One young
man was bloWn from a wagon, and sev
eral others had narrow escapes. None
are seriously injured.
Skipped blown from a wagon, and sev
othera had narrow escapes. Nona
eriously injured.
iped With His Stepdaughter.
Special to the Globe.
Ukan'tsbuico, Wi3., June If,.— Jens
Johnson Sag mo, the man,thut skipped
with his stepdaughter some three weeks
ago, was arrested on a warrant sworn
out by his wife, and brought to this
place to lay. lie is now lodged in tho
county jail awaiting trial.
Sent a Defamatory Letter.
Elbow Lake, Minn., June 10.— O. O
Ostrom, of this place, was arrested
today by Deputy United States Marshal
Gardner on a charge of sending a de
famatory letter through the mails to a
Miss Paulson, He was taken to Fergus
Falls for a hearing before United States
Commissioner Corliss. .
Dragged by a lluriow.
Special to tho Globe.
- . Guan't-ucko, Wis., June Jonas
Patherns was thrown under a diamond
tooth harrow yesterday, drawn by :i
runaway team, and was dragged for ten
rods.' His head was bruised and several
ribs broken.
Storm Damnxe. ',
Aberdeen, S. D., June Wednes
day night's storm did considerable dam
age at Gettysburg. Two building! were
blown down, several unroofed, and
quite an amount of destruction in a
general way isrepurtu d.
Sues for 350,000.
Ottumwa, 10., June 16.— George S.
Good, a subcontractor, this morning
commenced suit before Judge Sloan to
recover 359,000 of Herman Clark, tho
railroad contractor who built the Mil
waukee road in tail couutiy.

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