OCR Interpretation

St. Paul daily globe. [volume] (Saint Paul, Minn.) 1884-1896, October 31, 1894, Image 1

Image and text provided by Minnesota Historical Society; Saint Paul, MN

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn90059522/1894-10-31/ed-1/seq-1/

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The Last Chance
Every Good Citizen Wants to Vote.
.•vol. XVII.—PKICE TWO CENTS— { &F£sk}
Republican Managers Para
lyzed, and the Party Fall
ing- to Pieces.
Republican Papers Discour
aged, and Ready to Desert
Their Fallen Chief.
Pioneer Press Has Another
Kind of a "Defense" to
Make for Itself.
No siusle occurrence in tha history of
Minnesota lias affected the political sit
uation so seriously or resulted in such
wide-spread ana intense feeling as the
episode of the Great Northern land
erant and its final filling by the eov
ernor upon the compulsion of the
auditor. The signing of the deed came
as a surprise to everybody, for it was
understood on the part of the Repub
lican managers that Attorney Gen
eral Cliilils would withhold his
opinion until after the election,
thus relieving the governor of the re
sponsibility of action. The pressure
upon the attorney general, however,
was greater than he could bear, and
when the governor returned from his
last electioneering cruise he found the
ouinion on his desk. The story of its
execution has already been told, and it
need only be added that as soon as the
governor had signed the deed he im
mediately left the city, and avoided all
Among politicians of all parties the
opinion is unanimous that the govern
or's humiliating lack-down from his
original position places him in fully as
bad a plight as his refusal to sign the
deed would have done. Discussing the
matter last night, a prominent Repub-
Enn politician said:
Goes Back on Hill.
'Gov. 'Nelson has done an ungrateful
and ungraceful thing. 1 thought he had
more nerve than to be forced into such
a course. J. J. Hill lias been his most
useful friend, has stood by him in poli
tics ana business, and if any man had a
claim on Nelson, it was Hill. For the
governor to .go back on Hill at this time
was worse even thau to have lost a few
votes by refusing to sign the deed. By
doing this he simply admits that he
wanted to favor Hill, and dared not do
it: and at the same time he lowers his
arms to Biermann in a most abject and
humiliating manner. He will be blamed
just as much for favoring the Great
Northern as though lie had held out,
while he will gr.in no credit from the
people by signing the deed, since he
did it under compulsion. On the whole,
it is a wretched, abominable piece of
This seems to be the view generally
taken of it. and while Auditor Bier
matiu is being congratulated and com
mended on all hands the governor has
lost ground at a costly rate. The state
central committee has been compelled
to take to the woods and adopt entire'
change of its-plan of campaign. It had
confidently counted on the silence of tha
attorney general, aud, failing of that,
on the
Obstinacy of flic Governor
to prevent meeting the issue of the Great
Northern deed, and now tne work which
has been dime must all be undone and
an entirely new line of defense set up.
When Auditor Biermann instructed tha
governor to sign the deed of convey
ance to the Great Northern the governor
and his managers laughed very
heartily at what they were pleased
to term the brazen assumption of an in
ferior officer of the state issuing orders
to a superior; but they have learned a
very costly and disagreeable lesson,
which is that the stato auditor, under
certain conditions, is a bigger man than
the governor. Frantic appeals are be
ing made to publicans to stand in
line for the head of the ticket, come
what may, while from every point of
tin* compass come the reports of party
defections and bolts iv solid phalanx.
One of the organs has had a special can
vasser out for several weeks looking
up the situation, and wired him
yesterday to come in. He did
so. and. " before writing the state
ment which is to appear, showing
conclusively that Nelson has a cinch, he
admitted to a friend that Owen would
cut Into the Kepublican vote from 10 to
80 per cent in every county he had
visited. In the general scramble to
save Nelson nearly all other candidates
are left to shuffle for themselves, Bob
Dunn being the only exception. The
managers fully realize that Knnte with
out Bob would be the equivalent of a
Whisky sour without the '-sour," and
they are making
A Grand Hustle
for the man with the hectic flush. It is
estimated by those who are near the
committee ihat of every $1,000 spent
fully $800 are blown in the express in
terests of Knute and Bob. These two
Dromlos liave been starring together a
good deal during the season, the gov
ernor explaining to the farmers the best
methods to be employed in raising and
curing pork, while Bob is used as a
kind of object lesson.
To add to the confusion aud dismay
ol the committee Xorden, one of the
Chicago papers which the committee
has been using in this state to leach the
young Scandinavian idea how to vote,
has given Knute the cold shake and
come out in support of Owen.
But Skafraren is still in live.
The Republican papers which have
been greedily devouring the bait
thrown out by crafty politicians and
which rushed to the defense of Gov.
Kelson when his duty was pointed out
to him are now having a real nice lime.
Constant relays of small boys are en
gaged in kicking the editors at a fair
rate of compensation, and the commit
tee was fcusy all day yesterday prepar
ing editorial matter in an entirely dif
ttavii ?*d« from that which has been
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Judge "Willis withstands the assaults of his enemies.
used for the past week. Of all the Re
publican papers the Dispatch was the
only one which had the sagacity to see
where the governor was taking them,
and it wisely forbore to comment on the
situation. The Pioneer Press, as usual,
A Spectacle of Itself,
and placed the governor in a worse
position than ever, if such a thing wire
possible. The Minneapolis papers, with
the exception of the Penny Press, j
"helped the governor out" after the
design of the Pioneer Press, and they
haven't got their breath since the gov
ernor signed the deed.
The state central committee has called
in all the plate matter ordered on the
theory that the governor would not sign :
the deed, and is working a night shift
preparing matter for distribution which
will prove conclusively that Gov. Nelson
was the first to suggest the selections '<
of the Great Northern grant by the
auditor, and that be submitted the mat
ter to the attorney general merely as a
matter of form. The campaign wind
jammers have been instructed to holler
for Dunn aud Nelson, and work
the pine land ring fake for
all there Is in it. That and the
calamity howl are all there is left for
them. All engagements of Gov. Nelson
have. been canceled for the latter part
of tne week, and he will be billed for
four speeches in Minneapolis and two
or three in St. Paul. The light made
by the governor nnd understudy, Bob
Dunn, on the state university is having
a tremendous and deadly effect in the
city up the creek, and neither of them
will poll 60 per cent of the Republican
vote of that burg. Gov. Nelson's con-** i
nections with the
Hauihoy- Connty Fee Bill
and Bob Dunn's open hostility to St.
Paul in the last legislatur« will render
the passage of this precious pair over
Ramsey couuty soil an extremely rocky
one, and Dar Reese has been instructed
to file his voice for the last few day 3of
the campaign in St. Paul. Throughout
the entire state the Republicans are j
"falling into line for Nelson"— each
man with a knife.
All the Scandinavian papers of Min
neapolis and the entire state— Skaffaren
alone excepted— are doing yeoman :
service iv wiping out the last vestige of
the Republican ring rule which has
made it possible for a railroad company
to secure a title to over 200,000 acres of
the best lands of the state, in the face
of the statute to the contrary, and the
result is in little doubt. "Zeke" Ken
dall, of Duluth, yesterday made an even
bet of {150 that Owen would receive
more votes than Nelson, and a gentle
man in the Ryan hotel Monday night
made a $1,500 cash proposition to the
same effect. Within forty-eight hours
odds of 2 to 1 can easily be had that Nel
son is defeated. : :'■ -;~
Auditor Biermann Serves Prelim
inary Papers for a Libel Suit
Against the Pioneer Press.
Among the other pleasant things over
which the Pioneer Press is cogitating
as a net result of its wonderfully con
structed defense is the prospect of a
robust libel suit. In its editorial com
ment upon the governor's Humiliating
defeat at the hands of Auditor Bier
maun, the thirteen-story organ yester
day flagellated the auditor in such a
vindictive and personal manner that
Mr. Biermann at once served on the
company a formal notice and demand
for a retraction of certain false and
libelous statements and insinuations.
The charges are so gtossly and palpably
false aud malicious that, the auditor felt
that he could not allow the matter to
pass unchallenged. Ho accordingly
served upon Mr. Driscoll, for the com
pany, the following notice, the Dapers
being served about 4 o'clock in the
St. Paul, Minn., Oct. 30, 1804.— T0
the Pioneer Press Company (a corpora
tion), of St. Paul, Ramsey County,
Minn.— Gentlemen: You will please
take notice that in the issue of the Dally
Pioneer Press, a daily newspaper print
ed and publibhod by you at the city of
St. Paul, in the county of Ramsey, in
the state of Minnesota, of Tuesday
morning, tne 30th day of October, 1894,
there was printed and published and
extensively and generally circulated
throughout said county and state, on
the fourth page of said newspaper, the
Daily Pioneer Press, of and concerning
the undersigned, Adolph Biermann. the
following editorial and printed matter,
constituting and being a part of said
issue of said newspaper, in the words
and figures following, to wit: [The
libelous article is here made a part of
(lie demand for a relracti6n.] -
You will further ; take notice that
said Adolph Bierman n Is now, and
ever since th? month of "Jan
nary, 1891, continuously has been
the state auditor and dJt-offieio 66m
missioiier of the land office or the state
of Miunesota; and that said Biermann,
for more than one months continuously
I last past, has been, and now is, a can-
I didate for re-election to said office of
j state auditor, by the people, at the gen
eral state election appointed to be held
in said state on the Oth day of Novem
ber, 1894.
You will further take notice that the
said Adolph Biermann claims and al
leges that the following portions of the
aforesaid editorial and printed matter
are each and all of them false and de
famatory, to wit:
"ln view of the fact that the state
auditor, in his administration of his
office, had, on several occasions, shown
himself strangely regardless of the law
and of the interests of the state, it wad
especially incumbent on the governor
to guard the state against the possibility
of further mistakes or irregularities ou
| the part of that official."
! Also the following portion ot said ed
itorial and printed matter, to wit:
| [Here follows another extract from the
libelous article.]
And the said Adolph Biermann hereby
I demands, that within three days after
the service of this notice upon you, you •
publish a retraction of the aforesaid
portions of said editorial and printed
matter hereinbefore alleged to be false
aud defamatory, in said newspaper, in
as conspicuous a place and tyoe in said
newspaper as was the aforesaid editorial
and printed matter comolaiued of as
false, defamatory and libelous. Very
respectfully. Adolpii Bieemann.
Managers of the Nelson-Chapel
Campaign Uniting Him.
Ed Rogers, the Republican candidate
for clerk of the court, is not in as ami
able a frame of mind as he would be if
he had the certificate of election in ills
i pocket. It has been apparent for sev
eral days that the combination of polit
ical talent having charge of the joint
campaign of Gov. Nelson and Sheriff
Chapel, the originators and guardian
angels of the Ramsey county fee bill,
was making a flank movement on the
Rogers forces and piling up quite a
number of votes at the expense of the
"imperial" Ed. This came to the ears
i of the Rogers managers, and, after de
ploying a number ot scouts to ascertain
the truth of the rumor.a move was made
"accoidiuV The Nelson and Chapel
men were promptly notified that
it • they didn't call off their
scalpers there would be a shindy
j that would result in some blighted
hopes. The Chapel end of the combi
nation immediately set to work to prove
an alibi, and, with the experience of
expert witnesses, at immediate com
mand, they made a fairly good defense;
but the Nelson subdivision were so busy
preparing "copy" for the Pioneer Press
that they didn't have time to make out
a case, and the result is that Ed aud his
friends are preparing for a grand right
and-left promenade all around the col
lar of his unfortunate Knutelets which
will just about take up what little there
is iett of the Nelson movement lv this
couuty, '
Georgetown, D. C, Democrats
Hold a Monster Mass Meetiug.
Georgetown, D. C, Oct.3o.—Ambas
sador Thomas F. Bayard made his third
political speech since his return from
Europe at a Democratic mass meeting
held in the court house here tonight
upon national issues. Mr. Bayard's
speech was largely uoon the lines laid
down in his address iv Wilmington last
: week. He dwelt forcibly upon the use
of money in elections, holding that men
elected by corruption ot suffrage could
not enjoy the confidence of the
public; that a purchased legislature
would result in purchased legis
lation, and the result could not
help to be an undermining of public
coufideuce, and a succession of evils
that would prove fatal to the interests
of the people. The balance of the ad
dress was devoted to state issues and
to an earnest indorsement of the
Democratic congressional, state and
county nominees. There was au
out-door Democratic meeting during
the afternoon with an address by ex-
Congressman Mauiur, of Missouri. This
meeting was preceded by a parade over
a mile in length. Over 5,000 people were
present during the day, and the demon
stration was the greatest of a political
character ever seen in Sussex county.
Campbell Answers Mok in loy. -
Indianapolis, md., Oct. 30. _ Ex-
Oov. James E. Campbell, of Ohio, spoke
to .4,000 people in this city tonight.
His speech was an answer to Gov.
MeKiniey, who spoke here a few
weeks ago. *. He confined himself
entirely to the discussion of the tariff.
He laid to McKiuleyism all the blame
for the recent financial depression and
hard times, and said that the Wilson
bill was the cause of the revival in busi
ness. He left here tonight for Peoria,
111., where he speaks tomorrow.
Cash in Treasury.
Washington, Oct. 30.— The cash bal
ance in the treasury today iras $118,
--309,193; gold reserve, 501,152,184.
* T '*\'l
His Vigorous Fight Is Gain- I
ing Him Many Support- pi
ers in New York.
Received With Incredulity
by a Few of the Most Rabid ]
Hill Makes a Vigorous Tariff
Speech at Amster- T s}
New York, Oct. 30.— declara
tion of William R. Grace today ' that,
the State Democratic organization is
supporting David Hill, and is. not
responsible for any Wheeler posters, is
received with incredulity by many who 7
still insist that that faction is in favor!
of Hill's defeat aud rolling up as
large a vote as possible for Wheeler.
The adherents today expressed
much gratification at the number and
character of the Cooper Union meeting
last night, and are confident that tne
Democratic reform ticket will make a
good showing on election day. Many
anti-Hill Democrats, it is generally be
lieved, will vote straight for Morton,
taking the ground, as one of them
remarked today, that a vote for
Wheeler will be only half a vote
against Hill and that the Wheeler votes •
are intended to help Morton anyway.
The Hill men are as confident as ever,
referring with especial satisfaction to
the personal fight their candidate is
making and to the enthusiasm with"
which he is being received by his sup
porters. Most of them, however,
do not seek to conceal . their
disappointment or anger that his
candidacy has not received open
and active encouragement . front'
the national administration. The Re
publicans abate none of their claims,
and insist that, with the general Re
publican tendency this year aud the.
Democratic defection from Hill, . the
latter will be snowed under. There has
been but little betting so far in the
campaign, but the reports of. wagers
at the stock exchange and elsewhere
show odds on Morton, not infrequently:
at 2to 1. Smaller odds are given en ',
Strong against Grant, the perfection of
the Tammany organization throughout ,
the city making the supporters .of the
Committee of Seventy rather cautious
about risking their money, how
ever much they anticipate a great -
anti-Tammany . uprising. The Hill
Democrats were pleased tonight by the
announcement that Speaker Crisp, of
the house of representatives, had can
celed engagements in order to speak in
this city or Brooklyn. They were also
much pleased by a letter for Hill from
Chauncey F. Black, . chairman '. of
the National League of Democratic
Clubs. The fact that Col. Strong
made _ brief speeches at a number- of
meetings this evening in the down
town East side districts Is regarded with
much favor by the piactical politicians,
who are allied with the Committee of
Seventy, as they think it will have a
good effect on a class of voters who wish
to see their candidate and know some
thing of his personality. Senator Mur
phy passed much of the day at the
: Democratic state headquarters in coin
ference with Chairman Hinckley and
others. Richard Croker was another
No True Business Prosperity
Under Protection.
Amsterdam, Oct. 30.— Senator Hill
spoke before an immense number of
people in this city tonight. Enthusiasm
was remarkable for this place and his
remarks were received with vociferous
applause. He spoke about on the lines
he has taken since he began his cam
paign, but Da id especial attention to the
tariff. He said in part:
"This city is largely dependent upon
Its industries aud its prosperity. Your
true interest lies not in the temporary
or fictitious prosperity, but iv perma
nent and especial prosperity; you de
sire conditions which are natural rather
than those which are forced; your
workingmeu prefer steady work and
reasonable wages rather than high
wages followed by periods of business
depression and no wages at all. : Do not
be deceived by those who ostentatiously
profess to be your friends, but are vir
tually wolves in sheep's clothing. A
high protective tariff is not for your
interest, because it is not for the inter
est of the whole country. A reasona
ble, fair aud moderate . tariff, one im
posed for revenue and not lor prohibi
tion, one which will not stimulate over
production, is what will subserve the
best interests of everybody. Much . de
pends on business conditions, on the
laws of trade and on the questions of
supply and demand. The whole ques
tion of wages is this: When six men
are looking for work from one
boss wages are low, but when
six bosses are looking for one
workman, wages are high, and
the situation largely comprehends and
explains the labor problem. You must
recollect the commercial panic of
1573, when wages disappeared, indus
tries suspended and fortunes were sunk,
and yet all the while the country was
enjoying the alleged blessings of
an exorbitant tariff auder a Re
publican administration. The . great
Carnegie labor strike at Pittsburg oc
curred in the very heart of Republican
Pennsylvania and the industry which
was the most largely protected. In the
summer of 1892, while Mr. Harrison
was president, the great C. B. «fe Q.
strike occurred under a high protective
tariff, and yet the high wages which
workingmen demanded were not forth
coming. Good wages do not follow the!;
workiugnian simply because there are*
high tariffs imposed. - "iM
"The present Democratic tariff law'
will produce the needed resources for*
the support of the government; it will
not necessitate .. the issue of;* aim
further government bonds with L which
to supply the needs of "the treasury-/
it wijl not destroy ' any industry;,
it. will not require the reduction',
ot the wages of a single working-**.
man, because its provisions are so mod
erate, reasonable and fair: its siugle
direct purpose is revenue, and the col
; lection of such revenue.
Bishop Marty, of South Da
kota, Writes Favoring
the Senator, .
The Populist Will Not Leave
the Field to the Dem
Quite a Snow Storm in Min
nesota and South Dakota
Special to the Globe.
Sioux Falls, S. D., Oct. 86.— A great
sensation was produced here today by
the publication that Bishop Marty, of
the Catholic church, was doing all in
his power to assist in the re-election of
Senator Pettigrew. He sent out the
following letter, at the head of which
was written the Republican legislative
• Please use your influence for the election
of the above candidates, to the end that
Pettigrew may be sent back to the senate.
M. Marty.
In an interview Bishop Marty ac
knowledged sending tho letter, and
that he did so because he thought that
Pettigrew deserved it.
The Latter Indites a Letter to the
The controversy between Gen. J. H.
Baker and L. C. Long resulted yester
day in an open letter from the latter,
in which he scores the venerable gen
eral. Mr. Long says:
Gen. J. H. Baker— My Dear Sir: My
attention has been called to yoiir open
letter to me in the Daily Review. In re
ply will say: I consider your proposi
tion an insult, not only to me, but to
every true Populist in the district. The
egotism displayed in your letter would
be laughable if it were not so sad to
note how the mighty have fallen. You
say you are fighting McKinleyism, and
were lirst to advocate Populism In thi
district, lv this you claim too much.
Long years ago, when you were hold
ing a fat office under a Republican ad
ministration, preaching McKinleyism
and abusing the Democrats on a good
salary, I was advocating the one 'great
fundamental principle of the Populist
party, viz: The abolition of national
bank curiency and the substitution of
United States legal tender greenbacks.
My dear general, let me call your at
tention to a few facts in regard to our
past political relations. . Nearly thirty
years ago, in the city of St. Louis, you
nearly caused my death by compelling
me, one bleak, cold night, to tramp my
beat in front of your headquarters at a
leading hotel, and threatened to send
me to the guard house when 1 stepped
in the hall a moment to ; keep irom
freezing. Four years ago, when you
were nominated by the Alliance (and at
your own request.] as we can prove), re
ceived .the indorsement of the Demo
cratic machine, I, believing you to be
true to the principles which "l had so
long cherished, forgot my resentment
towards you, and did all within my
power for your election.
During that campaign you made a
speech in Adrian, in which you said:
"I made you a speech here two years
ago In favor of the MeKiniey bill. 1
was paid for that speech. Now lam
going to tell you what 1 actually be
lieve in regard to the tariff." You then
proceeded to show up the fallacies of
jour former speech, and, although you
stood there a confessed hireling of plut
ocracy, I, to my shame aud disgrace be
it said, stood by you.
Two years ago, when, against my
wishes and protestations, 1 was 1101111
--nated, you could have laid the founda
tion for future fame and power for your
self by supporting me (fur 1 would have
been defeated, and in '94 you would
have received the nomination and elec
tion). But instead, yoa denounced the
convention, and though the daily papers
informed the people that my 'nomina
tion was a calamity, and that the Dem
ocrats were highly indignant, you were
then nominated by a few men in St.
Paul for governor, which nomination
you threw up and ran for the legisla
ture on the Democratic ticket.
Aud now you ask me to turn over the
patriotic vote of the People's party to
your plutocratic, mugwumpian machine.
No, sir. The universal opinion among
Populists is that you are running in the
interest of McCleary; that your ex
penses are paid by the Republicans.and
your open letter is the last card in the
game. The impudence of your request
equals the cowardice of Mr. McCleary
in "refusing to meet me 111 public dis
cussion, as per agreement signed by the
chairman of the Republican and Peo
ple's party committees. '
General, thirty years ago you rode at
the head of the procession, while I
trudged in the rear guard. Conditions
have changed. Now the "little school
' master" and the "old farmer" are neck
and neck in the lead, while the "gen
eral" is not even in the rear guard, but
a mere straggler In the rear of the
mighty forces which are struggling for
No, general. I cannot entertain your
proposals. 1 want my monument to be
in the memory of my countrymen, that
1 never strayed near the dismal swamp
of political corruption and pollution
where plutocracy hatches and breeds
traders, tricksters, fusionists and
schemers; where chicanery and devil
try are born and liberty slaughtered;
where, plutocratic tyrants train hire
lings to block the wheels of progress on
the great highway of political destiny.
Yours respectfully, but not obediently,
'-.- . - .L. C. LotcS,
BORST GETS $2,100.
End of a Suit Which Has Torn
■ff'-tfy ■ •;;■: Fulda Socially. '■• ■
Special to tbe Globe.
Slayton, Minn., Oct. 30.— The cele
brated Borst case, which was tried in
the district' court here the past week,
was terminated yesterday, . the jury
rendering a verdict for Borst for .12,100.
Last spring* Mr. Borst, who is a promi
nent attorney of Fulda, was accused of
sending an obscene letter, through the
mails to Mrs. John Hyslop, of the same
town. On the alleged charge Mr. Borst
was tried in the United Slates circuit
court at Minneapolis last June and ac
quitted, He then brought suit against
I John Hyslop, J. M. Dickson, D. Revalt,
H^J^S^^ Mf||y- ~
Auditor Biermann forcibly administers an unpleasant
dose to a very sick patient.
George B. Stills and j. A. Maxwell for
$48,000. charging them with conspiring
to injure his character and to drive him
out of Fulda. During the progress of
the trial the charges against Maxwell
and Hyslop were withdrawn. The suit
was hotly contested. Over this scandal
cliurch, school and society generally
have been torn up in Fulda' the past
year. -
Probably to Be Removed to Red
Wing Friday.
Special to the Globe.
Hastings, Oct. 30. — Congressman
Hall Is still confined to his bed at the
Gardner bouse, and all hopes of bis be
ing able to fill his engagements this
week havo about been abandoned. Mrs.
Hall, who has been constantly with him
since Monday, expects that it will be
possible to remove Mr. Hall Friday to
his home at Red Wing. The injury to
his hip is the most serious, aud seems
to nave affected tbe nerves, and up to
the present he has been unable to stand
up.much less walk. The other scratches
and bruises, while painful, now give
Mr. Hall little trouble. During this
week Mr. Hall intended to make I three
speeches a day, or eighteen in ail, and
the fact that this accident will
probably prevent any of them
is a cause of anxiety to him. Although
slight In frame, as his friends and ad-.
miters all know, Mr. Hall is "game,"
and today expressed a determination to
fill his dates for Friday and Saturday;
but his physician as much as announced
that it will not be possible. •-.
Hon. R. C. Libby's injuries are rather
more serious than those of Mr. Hall.
Being much heavier, the fall left hiiu
with more bruises and an injury to his
back which it will require time to over- j
come. The people of Hastings show . '
their sympathy and regard for both
gentlemen by the frequent calls they
have made at the hotel to see Mr. Hall,
and at Mr. Libby's residence. On Suit
day afternoon the crowd „ was so large
the physician refused to' allow but the
first few callers to see his patients. To
day, although both Mr. Libby and Mr.
Hall are still unable to leave their beds,
they have been ' able to see and chat
with all who called.
Young Democrats of That Town
Are for Hall.
Special to the Globe.
- Le Sueur, Minn., Oct. 30. — The
Young Men's Democratic Club of Le
Sueur was organized this evening with
a membership of 100, with John Me
' Kasy as president. The utmost har
mony and enthusiasm prevailed, the
members not only pledging themselves
to support the straight Democratic
ticket, but to vote for and use their ut- i
most efforts to secure the election' of !
Hon. O. M. Hall to congress. The boys j
mean business, and all good Democrats |
are falling into line. What little feel- j
Ing existed here against Mr. Hall was |
purely personal, and will soon' melt j
away before the sterling Democratic
spirit which actuates the young Dem
ocracy of Le Sueur. . ,
* Snow Strikes Portions of Minne
sota and the Dakotas.
Duluth, Minn.— Snow has fallen all
the morning, melting as it fell. There
has been no snow until now.
Virginia, Minn.— lt has turned cold
and snow is falling. SH*aP
Tower, Minn.— There is an inch of
snow here today.
Sauk Rapids, Mini}.— ono
inch of snow fell in the night, and it is
still coming down, It is the first.
Little Falls, Minn.— Two inches
of snow fell last night.
Magnolia. Minn.— Snow fell here
last night; cold northwest wind today.
-Hurley, S. D.— The first snow of
the season fell today.
Gary, S. D.— Two inches of snow.
Sioux Falls, S. D.— lt has been
snowing here siuce midnight r with a
strong wind from the north.
Judge Searle Rofusos to Remand
Him to State Prison.
St. Cloud, Minn., Oct. 30.— Judge
Searle, of the district court, has just
passed upon a most peculiar case. It is
not probable that like proceedings were
ever instituted before. It Is in the case
of the State of Minnesota vs. Murdosk
Campbell, in which J. A. Ross, county
attorney of Mille Lacs county, asks lor
.an order to show cause ' why an execu
tion should not . be' issued "against the
defeudant on his original sentence, and
why he should not be imprisoned in the
state's prison during the remainder of
his natural life. ...
"One of the reasons stated for grant
ing the original pardon was the ad
vanced age of the prisoner," says Judge
Searle in his decision, and 1 know of
my own knowledge that the prisoner is I
a very aged man, and that his term of
life cannot be extended much longer. I
1 feel that if I must go to an extreme ln
PRICE. TWO CENTS— -{,_s£&&! }— NO. 304.
either direction, I would rather exer
cise my discretion upon the side of
"Should the offense be repeated and
the matter brought before me again 1
would not consider tins decision final,
but I desire if possible to let the old
man die at home among his friends in
stead of submitting him and his friends
to the ignominy and dishonor that
would attach should the application be
Nelson Is a Tool.
Special to the Globe.
St. Vincent, Oct. 30.— In corrobora
tion of the theory that Gov. Nelson has
been the aoject tool of J. J. Hill, the
appointment of drainage commissioner
for this, Kittson county, is cited. The
chairman of the board of county com
missioners is empowered under the law
to appoint one drainage commissioner
from his county. James Ford, chair
man of the county board, was not noti
fied of this fact in time to notify the
governor of his appointment, and' the
governor promptly apuointed Mr. Dou
aldson, Mr. Hill's foreman. The ap
pointment is the occasion of great dis
satisfaction here, as it gives'the Great
■Northern undue advantage.., . ...-._-
PP : Owen. in Todd County.
Special to the Globe <4'Ppf.'- VL. . :-;
Long Prairie, Minn., Oct. 30. -Hon.
8. M. Owen addressed the people of
Todd county at the court house here at
1 o'clock today, speaking two hours,
and making a very good impression.
There was no abuse and no time wasted
in senseless generalities. The seats in
the large court loom were filled and all
standing room taken. Mr. Owen will
get much more than the Populist vote
j in Todd county.
Two Sticks Must Swing.
Dkadwood, S. D., Oct. 30.— The jury
in the Two Slicks case came in this
morning about 10 o'clock with a verdict
of guilty. Two Sticks is the Sioux In
dian supposed to have been the insti
gator, as well as one of the perpetra
tors, of the murder of the four cowboys
at Humphrey & Sturgis' ranch on Feb.
3, IS'.):J. Of the other four Indians im
plicated in the murder.one is dead; one.
named Too 100, is in the penitentiary,
and the other two have pleaded guilty
to manslaughter
Officers Must &Land Trial.
Special to the Globe.
Fai- Claire, Wis., Oct. 30. -For the
killing of Abijali Moon, the housebreak
er they were trying to capture. Under
sheriff John Lapage and Deputy Russell
Whipple must stand trial. The affair
happened two months ago, when a
! coroner's jury said the killing was
| justifiable. Some of Moon's friends,
! however, have taken up the matter.
Horseman Killed.
; Chippewa Falls, Wis.. Oct. 30.—
! Christ Ertz, a horseman, was killed in
the Wisconsin Central yards in this city
late last night. lie came here from
Morris yesterday, and was on his way
to Minneapolis with a car of horses for
J. W. Morris, who resides at that place.
Ertz was a single man, about thirty-five
years of age, a German, and had uo rel
atives in this country.
Becker Abused Nobody.
Special to the Globe.
Rochester, Minn., Oct. 30. The
Democrats held the fort in this city last
night. Gen. George L. Becker, candi
date for governor, spoke at the opera
house to a large audience, and he won
many votes by is plain and modest
manner of stating facts. One of the
most noteworthy foot ures of his i.d
dress was that he abused no one.
Nobles County Warms Up.
Special to tbe Globe.
Adrian, Minn., Oct. 30.—Consider
ing the inclement weather, a fair audi
ence assembled last night at Kinbrae,
Nobles couuty, to listen to some good
Democratic speakers. Prof. George
Hagen. J. J. Ryder, John E. King and
couuty candidates were among them."
Judge Bartlett Dead.
Special to the Globe.
Eau Claire, Wis., Oct. 30.— Judge
M. D. Bartlett, of this city, died at
Rochester, N. V.. yesierday. He was
one of the city's pioneers, and oue of
the most fluent orators iv the state iv
years gone by.
L'K ; Sold Lumpy-Jawed Cattle.
Parkston, S. D., Oct. 30. — John
West, living near Tripp, was given a
year in the penitentiary for butchering
and selling lumpy-jawed cattle to his
neighbor*. - -
Elevator 'Burned.
Red Wing, Minn., Oct 80. — The
large elevator at Hager City, owned by
P. Helfler, together with about 20,000
bushels of giain, was entirely destroyed
by lire.

Ex-Chairman of the Demo
cratic State Committee
Is Bede's Successor.
The Appointment One That
Wili Give Very General
Rumors of Differences Over
State Questions Denied—
News From Capital.
Washington, Oct.3o.— The president
bas appointed William H. Campbell, of
St. Paul, United States marrhal for
Minnesota in place of J. A. Bede, re
The appointment of Mr. Campbell
came as pleasant surprise to his friends
last evening. At the time the marshal
ship hung fire so long just previous to
Mr. Bede's appointment, the name of
Mr. Campbell was sent in, but was not
pressed. Finding Mr. Campbell's name
in the list still on file, and knowing his
record lobe such an excellent one, Attor
ney General Olney was not slow to
lecomraeud him, and the president
promptly made the appointment.
Shells for the Bis Battleships Be
ing Tested.
Washington-, Oct. 30.— A series of
interesting tests of shells that will
penetrate ships having thin armcur and
then burst inside was begun at the
Indian Head proving ground today.
The navy department contemplates pur*
chasing several hundred of these shells
for the big battleships, and for this
purpose invited five firms making
shells to submit samples. Two of thes*,
one made by the Wheeler-Sterling com
pany and the other by the Mldvale Steel
company, were tried today. Both were
fired with a velocity of 11175 feet against
a seven-inch nickel steel plate, and
both went through the plate and back
ing and into the earth. They were re
covered comparatively uninjured. Com
modore Sampson, chief of the ordnance
bureau, says that the tests showed that
both were ■ excellent projectiles. - The
tests.will.be continued Thursday. ...
Another charge was fired today from
the Hurst gun. Today's powder charge,
IS4 pounds, was the largest yet, and the
velocity the projectile attained was
2,452 feet, and a maximum pressure of
15 S-10 tons. This -is about 300 feet
greater than the velocity obtained
from an ordinary gun of similar
caliber, although part of tho
Increased velocity. Commodore Samp
son says, may have been due to the fact
that the tail of the projectile, which
weighs about 100 pounds, was broken
off". This was the case with the two
urojecliles tired from this gun last
week, and" the department will make
some steel projectiles before further
tests are conducted.
Rewards Offered for Arrests and
Conviction.*! of Offender*.
Washington. Oct. 30. — The postmas
ter general today issued the following
awards for the detection, arrest and
conviction of highway mail robbers and
postoffice burglars during the fiscal year
ending June 30. ISUS: The awards
range from 81,000 for the arrest and
conviction of mail train robbers down
to $luo for the arrest and' conviction of
burglars who rob postoffkes.
No Discord in the Cabnet.
Washington, Oct. 30. —Reports have
been circulated that the cabinet meet
ing resulted in the manifestation of a
difference of opinion between Secretary
Carlisle and Attorney General ' Olney.
It can bo stated with emphasis that
there is no truth or foundatiou in fact
for the report.)
Decision In the Minta Fe Case
Virtually Sustains Injunction.
Topeka, Kan.. Oct. 30.— 1n the Unit
ed Stales court this morning Judge Fos
ter decided that the injunction proceed
ings brought against the Santa Fe
stockholders to prevent them from hold
ing an election except by a cumulative
ballot must be dismissed as to the non
resident defeudants. but that the in
junction must hold as to the Kansas de
fendants. The case Is now being ar
gued on its merits in reference to tha
cumulative ulan of voting.
Disastrous Firo at Davenport-
Loss $10,000.
Davenport, 10.. Oct. 30.— The Bet*
tendorf wheel works were almost
totally destroyed by lire tonight. Eosi
$40,000, insurance (13,000. The estab
lishment is owned and operated by the
Eagle Iron works, of this city. A boy
was killed by a hose cart going to tin
(ire, the wheels passing over his neck.
\ — '
Fought Ten Rounds to a Draw.
Tkento\-, N. J., Oct. 30.— "Harry"
Dailey, the champion bantamweight ol
Australia, aud Ed Vaugh.in, champion
bantamweight of Newberry, fought ten
rounds last night under the auspices of
the Magowan Athletic association. The
fight was called a draw by - Referee
Chambers, of Philadelphia. The men
agreed to fight live more rounds, but
the police interfered. Vaughau put up
a good fight for the first five rounds.and
had a good chance of winning. Dailey
then warmed up, and clipped Vaugh&n
over the eye and brought blood. In the
ninth round he knocked Vaugluin
down. The decision gave much dissat
Nebraska Fight Grows Bitter.
Omaha, Neb., Oct. 30. — Chairman
Stnythe, ot the Democratic state com
mittee, today issued au address to the
party declaring the element known at
the ad mis tra tion wing, which bolted the
state - convention. Is using every effort
to elect the Republican state ticket. He
oalls upou all luyal Democrats, repudiate .
the bolters. The bolters declare they
are the straight Democrats and they did
not quit the party convention until I
fused with the Populists.

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